Member Since November 16, 2011
Babysitter's discovery part 5
Great story, looking forward to more fun with that sexy babysitter!
Wife takes a walk on the wild side part 02
Oh yeah, what a hot, slutty wife! Can't waif for part 3!
Rob and Tracy part 5
Looks like Tracy had to pay a big price for her promise!
Auntie Babs farm part 3
Interesting developments, looking forward to how you spin this out. Morgen, however it goes, I'm sure it will be totally hot and very satifying! Keep up the great work!
My sexy new neighbor part 2
Loving this storline, can't wait to see what Laura has in store for Delores next!
Morgen, you are a very gifted writer, all your stories really draw me in.
Morgen, you are a very gifted writer, all your stories really draw me in.
A close shave
Oh yeah, great stuff morgen, love the lesbian bare pussy band, and the hot, vivid discription of Ashley joining the group.
Sarah and Daddy part 4
Very hot, hope there's more!
Vacation with a difference part 1
Yeah, looking forward to what the next part will be.
The Night Audit: My Last Night
Is that you in your avatar sweet stuff?
Love the location, "under you," yeah, I'd love you to be there!
Love the location, "under you," yeah, I'd love you to be there!
The Night Audit: Fifth Night
Stroking my dick to your stories has given me massive explosions of cum, thanks for such hot stoke off stories. Fucking amazing!
Sarah and Daddy part 3
Can't wait for part 4, this is another awesome series from you, Morgen! Good work!
Sex With Neighbors
Paragraphs, paragraphs, writing is more than just some unbroken block of words! I don't even waste my time, when you can't follow even basic rules of writing stories.
a virgin named trish
Paragraphs, paragraphs, follow the basic rules of writing, I don't even bother wasting my time on this.
A very special lady
Oh yeah, kinky and fun. I'd love to ask a lady Friend to give me an ass reaming with a strap on.
Storm Child part 7
Great series,and a great ending chapter. One of the best series I have read, thanks Morgen.
Exploring Heavenly bodies part 4
Very nice, the blending of science fiction and hot sex works very well. Keep it going!
A visit to the Doctor
Neither will I.ai
Storm Child part 5
Oh yeah, another winner Morgen, your writing is hot and satisfying, can't wait for the next part!
Storm Child part 4
Oh yeah, superb. Great storyline Morgen, keep it going!
Parents teach their daughter 17
Eagerly looking forward to the next chapter.
Demon Surrogates
Good story, wouldn't mind another part!
Molly gets her cherry plucked part 4
Lucky guy, getting the two hot sisters. Any possibility of pulling the youngest sister into the mix?
Home Fron the Business Trip part 6
Damn, that was hot. Love your stories Morgen, they always get me rolling.
Parents teach their daughter part 15
Nice, eager for the next chapter.
Molly gets her cherry plucked part 2
Oh yeah, another great story, more please!
Molly gets her cherry plucked part 1
Very hot, and very enjoyable, great story Morgen.
Parents teach their daughter part 4
Great stories Morgan, keep them going!
Parents teach their daughter part 1
Love it, fuck was that hot!
Home from the business trip part 1
What a great way to get home!
Keep it going Morgen!