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OPBONE Member Since October 19, 2009

Rebuilding Mom (part 2)

OPBONE on Incest Stories

Chapter 2




I awoke again to the horrible sounds of agony, once again finding mom naked draped over the toilet. I sat again rubbing her back and telling her how beautiful she was and that I’d help her get better. She continued dry heaving for a very long time, which worried me immensely figuring I may have to get her to a doctor. In the process of her being sick she had several accidents in the form of … well, she passed urine and had some bowel movement
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that embarrassed her greatly.




“Mom, its ok … I’ll clean it up like you did for me when I was younger … your just … well your turn to be sick, I’ll take care of you … ok”, I pleaded repeatedly and firmly.




I was getting through to her, she nodded ok repeatedly and I went about quite comfortably cleaning her. I wiped her magical triangle and cleaned her incredible bum with tissue. I lingered sufficiently to show my incompetence about a woman and finally drawing a hot bath assisting her into the tub and lie down while I washed her from head to toe. “SSSee mom…” I stuttered, “I’m grown up and can help you now when you need me…”




“Yes, my boy…however you should not be seeing and doing this for mommy… or seeing these terrible scars…” she cried as large tears slipped unheeded down her cheeks.




I cut her off while I continued to press the fact she was ill, that it was just between us and I was grown up repeatedly stopping her insistence that she could manage. I defended my position strongly that she was weak, that she needed rest and most of all that we needed no one else that I could do everything for her. All the while I continued running hot water in when the water cooled down and plied the face cloth across her skin even taking her hand away when I came to the scarred skin areas. My persistence was rewarded as she passively opened her legs to allow me to wash her beautiful mound. This passivity continued as she allowed me to dry her off even in her intimate parts. With my arm around her naked body I guided her back to the bedroom, sitting her naked in her chair while I changed the bed linen.




“You really have grown up sweetie … I am very proud of you …”, she whispered as if she was either very tired, weak or both.




I finished my task of bed making and coming over gave her a very tight physical hug and kiss on her burnt scarred shoulder that made her quiver yet want to pull away to hide as I simply said, “I love you mom, I’ll be the man around the house for you.” With that I firmly helped her up and placed her in bed naked covering her with the blankets. “You rest now, I’ll go get you some hot soup and then when your finished rub the cream onto your … well … your scars mom.” And before she could refuse slipped out of the room.




My lust driven motives and pampering increased almost hourly as I did everything I could possibly think of to be constantly near my naked mother increasing her dependency. The compromise I had to presently live with was keeping her slightly supplied with her alcohol, just enough at times to keep her happy.




I would read to her, massaged her, and did a rough form of physiotherapy to her injured part to keep the muscles strong but my best lust capped endeavours was to keep her naked, accompany her to the bathroom to the point when she was tipsy wipe her and make her walk about our tiny house with my assistance thus enabling my hands to touch her naked butt or have her breast rest against my supporting arm. Within a week my lovely mother had become dependant on me and did not resist in any way to all my lust or pampering.




At the end of the week, after she had indulged a little too much in the alcohol I played my thrump card; after returning her from the bathroom and another stimulating hot bath, I slipped her into bed and told her I’d sleep with her since she had accidentally had one too many so I could be handy.




With bleary unfocused eyes, very slurred words and a devious smile, “ookk … welllll … slip in” she cooed. To which I nodded and showing much bashfulness and embarrassment started to undress while she watched occasionally licking her lips. I attempted to slip into bed with my shorts. “No way mister, I’m nekkkked … youuu (hiccup) have to too”. To which I shyly did and slipped beneath the sheets.




Some long moments later she snuggled up towards me begging me to hold her to which I readily did.


“Nooo … sweetie, lay on mommy so I can hold you (hiccup) like when you were young …” I slowly lay on top of my mother, head on her chest as her arms enveloped me whispering incoherent words of endearment all the while rubbing my nakedness.




Needless to say it was mere moments before I had a very large erection that occasionally thumped against her scarred tummy. She shifted occasionally till my erection was firmly wedged under her beautiful bottom and felt her hair mound caressing my tummy and thus she fell asleep.




I do not know how long I lay there on her nakedness before I slipped to her side in her restless sleep. My deviant behaviour crept forward boldly and thus began to suckle my mother’s breast hungrily which much to my delight I received encouragement by the size of her nipple, her hand holding me in place and her whimpering moans of pleasure. I feasted hungrily all the while my hand felt up mom’s other breast and eventually began caressing her body.




Somewhere lost in time, mom came awake whispering fairly coherently, “That’s my little man … your really pampering mommy now … keep that up and neither of us may be able to stop this sweetie!”




Oh no … I FROZE (my hand cupping her lovely hairy triangle) … what should I do … pretend I’m asleep !!! Slowly I summed up my courage driven on by my now very swollen penis thumping quite happily against her side. I snorted as if asleep shifted slightly snuggling more into her breast and resumed a slow suckling of that incredible nipple while my hand returned to sliding up and down her wet slit while my heel of my hand swivelled on her now swollen love bud.




Ever so slightly my mother’s legs slipped wider apart, my hand could feel the difference immediately as her vagina lips swelling, her wetness now slipping freely into my cupped hand and her “Ummm’s and Ahhhh’s” increased. My lust increased as my fingers now explored her creamy tunnel from wince I came and hungered to return. Driven on by her barely audible whispers of “more” and her now pumping hips I eagerly slipped more fingers into her so that eventually my entire hand was working its way into her and matching her thrusting hips and her now very widely spread thighs with both feet firmly on the bed. Her panting breaths were intermingled with cries of passion directing my hand efforts to the point where I was now slipping part of my forearm into her quivering body.




“Oh yes sweetie … slowly … slip more in … Ummmmm …. Ahhhhh … Oh Yes Oh Yes … ummmmm … I’m cummmmmmming … oh you sweet child … your making mommy cum so hard …” time stood still I was pleasing my mother as I had never intended to do … I was now lost as to what next to do but was very aware of my now thrusting hips dry humping her side and the presence of a stickiness making my swollen penis slide across her skin.




“I’m cumming again …” appeared to be mom’s favourite quote having now lost count after 6 screams of the same. “Oh sweetie … you have to take it out … mommy can’t take anymore … please sweetie …”


I felt this incredible hot flow running over my arm that was exposed from her incredible thrusting tunnel and this weird feeling in the pit of my belly moving rapidly to the head of my painful penis … and the unbelievable flood of lights flashing through my brain …




Rebuilding Mom (part 3)

OPBONE on Incest Stories

Chapter 3
I awoke suddenly having this incredible urge to pee; my eyes flipped open and I was laying in mother’s bed alone … laying in a warm wet yet very sticky mess. I hopped out of bed to run to the bathroom where I spent some long relief filled minutes happily cascading a full bladder. With a very content and comfortable bladder I suddenly remembered the events of last night. Oh No and mom was not in bed; I became concerned and naked I set off exploring the house, I found the back door open, peeking around the door jam there was mom sitting on a chair naked soaking up the warm sun.
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“Good morning sweetie … I thought you’d never wake up (sipping a cup of hot coffee) … did you slip well…” she asked with a voice of honey that made me shiver as she shifted in her chair thus exposing her spread thighs, her hair mound as she crossed her legs looking at me.
I nodded yes still peeking out from behind the door jam, suddenly very aware that I was naked as well.
“Come out here sweetie, sit with mommy and enjoy the beautiful morning” she encouraged, “Its ok, mommy’s naked too. To which I hesitantly stepped out lead by my now rapidly growing penis.
“Come give mommy a big hug my boy” she waved her open arms to me.
As I leaned down hugging her nakedness she whispered, “Thank you for saving me from myself”
I was startled, confused and most of all over-whelmed by a very guilty feeling of what I could remember of taking advantage of mom. My mouth had dropped open and I was starring at her.
I got light-headed and mom pulled me into a chair beside her.
“We need to talk son or rather I need to talk … I don’t know where to begin …” she cried as tears welled up in her pleading eyes.
“What is it mom … are you sick … do you need help?” the words tumbled from my confused mind.
“Oh sweetie, mommy is ok and you have helped me beyond words already without you even realizing it …” she leaned forward her hand resting on my naked knee as she winked at me, “Be a dear and get mommy another hot cup of coffee … then we will talk, ok”
I returned very carefully with that hot cup more aware then ever of my exposed private parts being so vulnerable. Mom sat quite comfortably, her legs together with just a hint of her triangle hair showing.
I sat down and waited patiently as well as very scared that I had been caught and was going to get one hell of a lecture.
“Paul, I am struggling with the words …” she exclaimed frustrated.
“I’m sorry mom, you were so soft and sexy … I couldn’t help myself …”, I blurted out guiltily.
“Oh no sweetie, Paul - you did magnificent … honestly … beyond belief … please, just let me get my feeling out sweetie, your not in any trouble.” She pleaded.
We sat for some long moments, my attention focused not on her naked body but her face and eyes.
“Paul, thank you beyond words for last night and most of all for the incredible loving care you have given me for so many months after … well the accident … I need not tell you what it was like living with your father … you suffered as much as I did.” She took several big breaths composing her self.
“I remember a small frightened boy already abused give me comfort, love and compassion so many times when I was hurting … then I thought I lost you in the hospital but you again were there for me … and now the last couple of weeks I have been a childish burden to you and extremely proud that you were the loving young man who took charge … you see … well I … I …” mom struggled with suppressed emotion. Having shed a few tears she refocused to her task at hand. “I thought I was damaged goods … a scarred up ugly woman … I turned to drinking … but I remember that night at the tree … my brave young son became a man … who through all the unpleasant dirty crap (sniffing and tears slipping down her cheek) … spoke very softly on leaving a depressed sorry for herself woman throwing a tantrum his very loving words … do you remember those words Paul?”
I thought back through time while nodding my head in the affirmative, ““Your not ugly mom, your beautiful and sexy”
My mother leaned forward touching my knee, “you did say that – word for word but I remember what you said afterwards (sniffling), “... and you need me …and that you wanted me”
I sat there with a stunned look of awe, while mom sat back in her chair taking a sip of her coffee.
“I think we should talk sweetie, lets go inside.” She said as she stood and I followed like a beaten puppy still remorseless guilty of my earlier actions and thoughts.
I sat on the couch in our small living room while mom sat in the slightly battered armchair, I felt small and insecure sitting there naked. Mom just looked intently at me for an indefinite period of time.
“Paul … I want to know what you meant by YOU need and want me … a need the truth sweetie”, mom questioned in a very neutral voice.
My heart stopped! My mouth became the desert in a hot wind. I cast my head down shyly managing to utter far to fast the typical response of security, “…ah, I’d be sent back to the home away from you”
“Paul … you are my son who I love and cherish … do not offend me with such a response … I understand that reason … but I can tell even now that is not what you really meant … the truth please sweetie!”
I shifted very restlessly not knowing what to do with my hands as my brain raced in many directions, till finally with tears cascading down my cheeks I sat upright and the truth slipped out as I looked her straight in the eye, “I love you mom, more than you realize … I have for a very long time … I … I  … have certain … well thoughts …”
Mom sat there with huge crocodile tears splashing on her naked breast. “Sweetie (sniffling) … those thoughts … like last night … ME … your mother … how did this come about?”
The floodgates of truth were open. “…cause we were helpless, we took care of each other … our tears of pain … the touching … we always helped each other … (sniffling and tears) … then that night at the tree …  helping you, washing you suddenly I wanted more without realizing it … I touched you … lots … you had passed out and you liked it … I know… I’m a terrible son to take advantage … ”
She slipped out of her chair to come and sit beside me holding my shoulders as her hand slowly lifted my chin to look at me. I felt lower than a snake’s belly.
“Paul, you mean the world to me and what your feel is quite normal, young boys often think of their mothers that way … understand (I nod yes) … you and I have shared hardship beyond belief together
so I understand the innocent inquisitive attraction that has formed those thoughts … I also know that you are a very loving, compassionate young man with no friends or social life …”, she leaned forward and kissed my cheek very tenderly. Withdrawing only slightly whispers, “Thank you for making me feel so beautiful and loved.”
She sat back into the couch with a deep sigh then began to giggle that roared into laughter, struggling to catch her breath she said with a twinkle in her eyes, “Well son, looking at the two of us (giggling) there appears to be no secrets hidden anywhere…” she burst out laughing again as I realized she was referring to our nakedness.
The tension disappeared as her mirth became infectious and we roared with laughter. We hugged on –off as we sat facing each other grinning. Mom sat back finally and becoming quiet.
Time stood still.
Long minutes passed when mom in great seriousness stated, “Paul, I cannot in truth say I will not drink again … I’m coming to terms with … the accident, what it means to me … but I know my body and heart enjoyed your lavished affections last night … (she held up her hand to silence me) … and I feel special sitting naked with you … you know the scars … we both need to think … sweetie, do you know what incest means?”
“I think I do … it means love with family members …I think it means private or special …” my mouth speaking as the thoughts slipped through my mind.
“Yes, I’m sure that is part of it … I also know it is against the law and religion … do you understand sweetie my appreciation for the pleasure you gave me, my state of mind … we need to think about this … how it will affect us, you … me …oh yes son we have to (she stands caressing my cheek) … need to think …” and walked away to her room.

Rebuilding Mom (part 4)

OPBONE on Incest Stories

Chapter 4




Many days slipped by, we were together as a family yet very distant; mom had on and off bouts of minor drinking but she slowly slipped back into a motherly role; cooking, dishes, laundry and she sat outside in the sun frequently but she slept with her door closed, always fully dressed and often appeared far away in thought.




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style="font-weight: normal">Me! Well I applied myself to home study; frequently caught myself remembering the exploration of mom and infrequently cursed myself when I awoke with my penis erect but most of all I was concerned for mom doing everything I could to lighten her burden at the same time reduce my guilt.




About 2-weeks later mom awoke early, called me as I needed to attend a field trip of area home study kids to visit a museum for history. As I said good-bye to mom I noticed she did not have her usual cup of coffee on the table but a full tumbler of hard liquor. I was speechless as I touched her shoulder, our eyes met, she shook her head side to side repeatedly with a sad face saying off-handily, “go”.




I had difficulty concentrating being concerned about mom and late that afternoon arrived home to find the kitchen partially thrashed, chairs upset and a lone full glass of liquor still sitting in the same spot. I slowly went in search of mom, she was nowhere in the house or yard, I did not know where to look next and wondered aimlessly about the house straightening up. No note could be found. It was now after 8 PM and starting to get dark with a slight rain beginning. I thought I heard the gate but could not see anyone and sat patiently looking out the front room window. It was now after 11 PM and raining hard when I got up to look about again when I noticed out the kitchen window something by our tree.


I rushed outside to find mom hugging the tree crying her heart out.




“Mom … Mom … What is it … why are you outside, please come in out of the rain … I been so worried about you …” I had to stop questioning as I ran out of breath to suddenly realize she was whispering something. I leaned down to listen.




Faintly through her tears at barely a whisper, “tell me you want me … tell me you want me … tell me you want me …”




Rain and tears ran unheeded from my face as I cupped her face in my hands, “I want you mom … I need you more than ever … please come with me into the house … please I want you …” as I slowly assisted her up to a standing position and guided her into the house.


We entered the house, she clung to me for support as I locked the door and turned out the lights. We made out way to her bedroom where I turned on just the table light. All the time mom keep barely whispering “…he wants me … me … he wants me …”




“Lets get you out of these soaking muddy clothes mom…” as I undressed her, “we need to get you into a hot bath mom or you’ll get sick…ok”, mom let me do all the undressing at this point I had her down to her bare breasts and her panties. She clung to me resting her head on my shoulder so I slowly moved to the bathroom bring her with me. I started the water running adding lots of bubble bath beads; soon I had sufficient water of just the right temperature and turned to mom saying, “I’m here mom, just you and me. Lets slip you out of these wet panties and get you into this hot bath … ok” and she willingly let me and I noticed her muff needed trimming, so before getting her into the tub I reached across to the cabinet pulling out the scissors and trimmed her up some. While I guided her into the tub and got her sitting down I started to slip of my wet shirt, pants and socks.




While I knelt on the floor I bathed her clean, leaning her forward to wash her back and spent long minutes washing her breasts because her nipples were so excited. “Just you and me mom, I’ll take care of you now…” as she just nodded following direction and willing opened her thighs for my washing.




“Are you feeling better mom? … Where were you? … I was so worried …” I asked. “You warming up mom, the goose bumps are gone now…”




Mom leaned forward reaching around my neck pulling me towards her, “Kiss me sweetie … I love it when you touch me … please!” she begged as I had drawn away slightly.




I willingly kissed her forehead, cheeks, neck and her shoulders as she purred “Ummmm yes, mommy likes that…”




“Time to slip you out of the bath mom” as she stood naked again before me, I helped her out and began to dry her off. Then I guided her to her bed. “Ok mom … slip into bed, we have to keep you warm now, I’ll go get you something hot to drink … be right back.”




On returning with hot coffee fixed the way she like it, she sat up with my support and seeped contently.


Soon she was starring intently at me then softly asked me, “Is that all my little boy has been doing to mommy when you took care of me?” I looked down guiltily shaking my head no. “Tell mommy what you do and why you do it to … please sweetie.”




“I been … well … the first time I had to clean you … well all over and I liked it mom!” I confessed honestly, “…and you seemed to like it when I touched you … well I … I just keep doing it…ok.”




Mom nodded her head yes, “Did you put that (pointing to my groin) in mommy?” she barely whispered again.




“Oh no mom, I never did anything like that to you … it grew … but no I never did anything like that”


I whined.




“Did you want to Paul?” mom asked looking me straight in the eye.




I simply nodded my head yes and hung my head




“I am very proud of you son!” she smiled and hugged me.




We sat there for a while as mom sipped her coffee, then she suddenly asked, “Why didn’t you son?”




“Oh that’s simple mom … I had no idea what to do … I was happy just touching you all over and then … well, my hand discovered your (I point between her legs) and it pleased you … so I did that a lot.”




“You didn’t know what to do?” asked mom in an amazed tone.




I shook my head no again.




“Well that was part of the reason I went for a walk Paul; I was sorting things out in my mind …” she stated. “It also dawned on me out walking that you young man repeatedly said you wanted me … so I believed or understood you meant it as a woman … and I know its against the law … but its just you and me … then, well … (very long pause) … I want you too.”




I hugged her tightly and smiled, “Ahhh mom, I still know nothing more than I did before…” I moaned.




“Then son, we will learn together … ok?” mom smiled and pointed to my crotch, “Seems your body knows more than you think…”




I started to shake and mom shooed me off with a kiss to my lips to have a hot shower.








Mom lifted the covers and patted the bed. “You belong beside me son.”




I lay down and mom slowly started kissing my shoulders and face, “Ummmmm you smell so good, mommy won’t break, do what you always do to me son.” She said with a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face of great warmth.




“Well I usually … hmm … “ I stammered.




“What sweetie? Just do as you did all the times before and we’ll see what happens…” mom coaxed.




I pushed her back; slowly I kissed her face, her neck and her shoulders while my hand caressed her arms and breast. “Ummmmm ohhhhh yes, so nice,” mom whispered. I continued really kissing her soft warm skin, inhaling her smell. Soon mom had trapped my face in her hands and we kissed passionately, initially mouth closed but she slowly forced my mouth apart chasing my tongue as her breathing increased. My hands were never still, caressing her breasts, tummy and legs all leading to her magical triangle and her creamy tunnel of my lust.




By the time my hand was petting her bush mom had laid back and left me to play while she encouraged me, “Mmmmm sweetie, mommy likes that … Ohhhhh ummmmm” as my finger slipped along her tunnel lips, “I’m all yours, explore me …”, to which I now half lay on her suckling her breasts as my hand cupped, fingered and played with her now swollen bud. It was not long at all before mom was panting, “Oh My God … I’m cummmmmming … my son is making me cummmmm …”






I do not know how to explain what she said next as I started to slip my hand in her very wet tunnel. Needless to say her hips were humping up and down, legs opening and closing and her words what I could make of them surprised me, “Ohhhh FUCKKK … Ohhhh you loving boy … Ohhh mommy’s cunt is so tight. …Ohhhhhh … your hand in me … ” To which she began to shake and scream as she had before which only urged me to suck her breasts more as I slid my hand and part of my lower arm in and out faster. Mom was getting it good and it excited me, I was peeking down at her thrusting open and closed legs (the sheets had flown off some time ago) to my surprise I seen her tummy one second swell and another shrink down.




After the 3rd massive shaking cum my hips began to dry hump her thigh, my penis was swollen. Mom urged me more onto her as I continued to suckle her breasts and mostly due to my position I had to slide my hand from her magical tunnel. Mom was finally able to catch her breath, “Ohhhhh you dirty little boy, you been doing mommy good all those times you played with me…are you trying to make me your slut … tell me what you want me to be and you’ll have it sweetie … make mommy your slut.”




I stopped and looked at mom, she was all dreamy like, her hips still thrusting at times, “Mommy? What is a slut?” I asked.




“What I want to be for you … I’ll do anything for you … a slut can’t get enough of what your doing to mommy … ” mom panted.




“I just want you happy mom … if what I’ve been doing will make you a slut, that’s good isn’t it mom?” I asked in all innocence.




“Mmmmmm you got mommy very excited Paul … come fuck mommy” breathing rapidly, “put your hard cock into mommy … do it for me sweetie, turn mommy into just your slut!”




And with that she urged me in to the right position on top of her, reaching her hand down she took my very swollen penis guiding it into her HOT CREAMY … what did she call it … a cunt. I was home it was beyond words as she withered and squirmed under me, it wasn’t long before I was driving into her slowly as I continued to suckle her breast.




“OH GOD … OH Lord … my son’s cock is in my cunt … do anything you want to mommy …” she screamed, “Show mommy how much you want her … show her you want her as your fuck slut …”




I was in heaven … mom was so hot and creamy and soon I had that strange feeling in my stomach again and building like before; I think it was getting worse, the more mom moved under me the more the feeling was moving towards my penis. “Mom, I think I’m sick, its hurting … burning towards my penis …” I told mom between gasps of breath.




“Oh sweetie … no … no … mommy’s not protected … pull out … fast …” she screamed.




I pulled out of that magnificent place and as I did great gobs of sticky white stuff splashed all over mom’s tummy, thighs and the bed. “Ugghhh Uggghh Ohhhhhh Ugggggh ummmmm” I screamed.




“Oh Sweetie … mommy’s sorry, I forgot.” She cooed as I collapse onto of her. “That was close, you could have made mommy pregnant … we’ll have to take care of that … mommy wants you so bad … I want to feel your cum splashing inside me … I want you to be able to lie there and pump your cum into me … ” she cried with real tears rolling down her cheeks.


We cuddled for a long time, my hands never still as I caressed and teased mom. Before long I had her panting again. When she noticed I was getting big again she told me she knew how to let me cum in her for as long as I wanted to. “Let mommy roll on her tummy, now put it in mommy’s other hole sweetie … it will be a lot tighter but you can do it as often as you like in there till mommy gets some protection.”




I had only played with her ass once and I was determined to please her. She urged me on as she guided my virgin attempt of my once again swollen penis. “That’s it sweetie, stick your big cock into me … OH MY … Ummmm … Ohhhhh …”she screamed as I sunk slowly in her tight opening. My eagerness was too much and I thrust like I was in her … cunt. “Oh Paul, slow down … Ohhhhh …” I was putting it to her tight ass good, soon mom quietened down and met my thrusts and we were off and doing good.




“That’s it … fuck mommy’s ass … seed her ass with your seed … yes FUCK ME .. F U C K K K K me” mom was never ending, her words increasing my desire. “Mommy’s your fuck slut … give it to mommy … make me your S L U T …”




I stuck it in her slow, I did it fast … mom passed out twice as I fucked her for close to 45 minutes before I again felt that incredible feeling that made my thrusts more furious. Till nothing would stop it I let go spilling my seed deep into mom’s lovely tight ass.




I awoke sometime later, with my once again growing cock still buried in mom’s ass and I feasted again, this time going slow while my hands felt her swollen breasts; I was sunk in good and mom let me go as she continued to urge me to turn her into a fuck slut and I’m not sure what that was exactly but I was feeling very good fucking her in her bed. Her alarm clock showed 2:40 AM and I was once again spilling cum (as mom calls it) into her again, this time I slipped out of her. As I lay there beside mom, she was complimenting me on my magnificent cock. “You sure are big sweetie … you have to be at least 10-inches and very thick … mommy will have to measure you.”




Mom’s clock read 4:55 and my hand once again buried in mom’s hair cunt and she was screaming, shivering and panting as her hips went wild. I had been working on her for some time as I once again snuggled in tight to her chest and suckled her nipples harder as I shoved my hand in and out of her (I now know as fisting) as she swore I was out to make her a fuck slave all in one night. At 5:35 I was again on top of my mom, this time between her thighs as I fucked her cunt. I knew now what mom didn’t want splashed inside her and I was determined to fuck her cunt good and hard pulling out when I needed. Mom whispered into my ear in the darkness as I fucked her that if I kept going she’d be a whore within the week. I’m not sure what a whore was, but I did know now what mom wanted as she urged me to make her a fuck slut and I was going to make her one. The sensation was just starting and I pulled out and rolled mom, and thus slipped my raging swollen cock covered in her creamy goo and slipped into her ass very deeply and easily to finish cumming. I fell asleep right there snuggled deep in mom’s tight ass.




When I awoke mom was trying to slip out from under me and I held her in place as I began growing still in her ass and even though the clock read 9:35, I held her there and fucked her all the while she keep say, “Oh yes … Mommy’s your fuck slut now … you made me your slut last night … you can do anything to me now … ” And shortly after she uttered those words I spilled my seed deep into her again and rolled off … I watched her walk with difficulty to the bathroom and smiled, I had finally had mom as a woman and she was magnificent and contently fell back asleep …






“How is Thumper this beautiful day?” asked mom as I slowly walked from the bathroom to the kitchen.


She was sitting at the table naked, looking very radiant and content.




“Thumper?” I asked looking bewildered at mom.




“You know, Bambi’s little rabbit friend … I call you that after the work out you gave me last night, oh lord son I could barely walk, your cock is so big …” mom beamed with immense please. ““Mommy cooked for you, figured you be hungry this morning”




I leaned down and kissed her passionately as my hands felt her swollen breasts, my tongue was invading her mouth yet again as I slipped my hands to her groin where she automatically opened wide to allow me access to her still very stick wet tunnel of pleasure. I was fingering her good when she whispered into my ear as I leaned onto her shoulder while I played, “Do you like son, you made me a slut last night … I’ll do anything you wish.”




I stood her up and leaned her over the table and slipped my now hardened cock into her slippery triangle of pleasure and proceeded to fuck her cunt till I had her panting and screaming with pleasure, my thrusts were getting furious as I neared the point of needing to withdraw but it felt so good and way she was standing leaned over I was not quite fast enough as I grunted while thrusting spilled cum into her cunt.




“Ummmmmmm Ohhhhhhhhhh seed my unprotected cunt, I’m your fuck slut … I’ll have your baby … take me to bed and fill me with your seed!” mom begged passionately in great gasps of catching her breath.




I did just that, her bedroom clock said 11:15 and I fucked her and fucked her. By 4:55 I had cum 5 more times into my mother driven on by her sensual words to get her pregnant. I left her lying in a very sticky pool of cum in bed to go to the bathroom. “I’ll be right here Thumper, hurry … come fill mommy with your baby seed … your slut needs you…!”




Looking up into mom’s beautiful eyes as she looks over my shoulder as I write this letter. She definitely became my very pregnant slut; I have pumped allot of cum into her and she has rewarded me with 2 beautiful children in those 4-years. I fuck her 5 – 6 times a day and fist her twice a day. Each time is as good as the first time I slipped into her HOT cunt. She proudly walks into public places on my arm often wearing short skirts without the anxiety of someone seeing her burns. Right now I will end this letter and take my mother to our bed, I have this urge to fuck my slut and in doing so seed her belly again with another child. (If not she just said, “you’ll put your cock where it belongs, back where you first slipped out of your mother.)


Rebuilding Mom

OPBONE on Incest Stories

Good day, it is my first ever attempt to put down on paper the nightmare we lived. I say (we) because it involves my incredible mother and I. Backing up a step, may I introduce ourselves and set the scene. My Name is Paul; my mother calls me sweetie and lately Thumper (after Bambi’s rabbit friend). I just turned 18 last week. My mother is Pauline (whom I was really named after) is 38.



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It is a story of my mother’s incredible comeback after a horrific accident and her loving encouragement that fostered the anger inside me, which is why I write our story; the event took place over 4-years ago.




June 3rd, I was awoken to yelling and screaming again; my drunken father had come home after being away for an extended weekend of god knows what and was apparently upset about something to do with mom being a cold woman and where was that brat that you trapped me with … the door to my bedroom thumped as my eyes glued to the turning door knob, I shrank in terror of another brutal beating. I could hear my mother’s voice pleading and then the ugly sounds of fist smashing into flesh and repeated hits, scuffling and muffled voices as the sounds withdrew further into the house. I crept from my bed to listen at the door and slowly opening to peek out; the scuffling was in the kitchen as the door to the attached garage was wrenched open violently with my father dragging mom’s limp body through the doorway yelling, “…you’ll burn in hell this time you cold bitch!”




Suddenly sirens and flashing lights filled the windows as yet again the neighbours had enough; the police PA system was calling to my father to put down the object in his hand and lay down on the ground. Hell had invaded our turmoil existence again. I had by now reached the kitchen, peeking into the dark abbess of the garage with its big door open, whirling flashing lights, spot lights flickering and to my horror a flash that ignited the garage. In the back blast that concussed this feeble child I had seen my father flinging a liquid onto the unconscious form of mom while yelling at the police as he walked out of the garage he struck a highway flare and then oblivion.








It was weeks later before I could function mentally again; physically I was relatively lucky to come away with as the doctor had said, “miscellaneous contusions”. Mom on the other hand was finally in stable condition with a severe head concussion, wicked body contusions and multiple burns still lying in the intensive care bed. I was a temporary ward of the court since Grandma (on father’s side) was in a nursing home and he had driven all other family from both sides away along time ago.




I was allowed to sit alone with mom in her glass room. Her eyes tearing unchecked as she attempted to lift a hand to beckon me to her side as I reluctantly walked towards the tubes, bandages and machines that represented my mother. Her only concern trembling from her feeble voice was, “… if I was ok and that she was sorry for what happened.”




I was taken back; this object laying there represented the individual that had saved me from a horrendous beating at the cost of her own safety, the result now before me. I was speechless, but felt the compassion to hold her hand tightly for I knew not how long and had to be pried away with force from my mother. As I was dragged out into the hall I remember the medical staff voices saying, “…far to traumatic for a young boy … no more till she’s stronger…”




So began the forced separation from my mother for the next 5 weeks.




I was finally allowed to visit mom, she was in a small room shared with another. Her tears and whoop of joy as I knocked sticking my head in through the door was real. “…Oh Sweetie … I missed you …”


We hugged cautiously and held hands for along time just chatting, never once discussing the incident that placed her here. When an individual in uniform clashed into the room with a wheelchair demanding that it was physio time. Having been away from mom for so long I was not about to be abandoned again and begged fiercely to accompany her, when all agreed I watched in stunned horror as mom slowly slipped out of bed, some dressing still encased her legs, yet other terrible wicked looking bruises covered other parts of her but it was the sight of raw inflamed twisted flesh of the burns that stood out the most. Her once vibrant walk was now a shuffle accompanied by grimacing pain all over her face.




I watched intently as her physiotherapy was started and at times held her hand to give her strength but looking back now it was to gather strength from her to remain with her through the ordeal. I witnessed her legs being moved, therapy baths, massages and so many countless treatments that my mind swirled to her pain and yet remember only her soft words of encouragement and talking about things that I was doing. And so for months whenever I was allowed we’d face these encounters together and gradually I came to accept the disfigurement of mom.




Till finally the happy day when mom could come home months after the incident. Mom had at times taken passes from the hospital to tend to home matters and each time seemed more withdrawn to where she barely talked with me anymore.




Mom picked me up from the house where I had been staying, talking through the window to the woman that had cared for me; as I climbed into the taxi I noticed mom was covered in a hooded long garment; we rode in a taxi to a out-of-the-way area pulling into a treed yard and finally to a small house and so began a new life. All was not happiness!!!








Mom showed me the house for what there was of it, then my room telling me to get settled in and check out the yard. Having explored all that was our domain I returned to find mom huddled on the couch crying still wearing her cloak, a bottle of alcohol on the table beside her. I came to sit with her and was told to sit away across the couch, held back from sharing the bond I thought we had developed in the early days of physiotherapy, worse mom was drinking.




This cold rejection increased as mom never went anywhere; all groceries were sent in and like mom I became semi-recluse to being by myself. It heightened when I had seen an old newspaper article about the incident; that was how I discovered my drunken father had burnt to death at the time and we had been rescued.




Now after weeks and weeks of drinking my mother was slowly developing the same traits and in one of her physical moments I cried out that she was no better than he was, after she had hit me across the face she struggled away crying. I eventually found her outside hugging a tree crying.




I sat down on the ground beside her speaking softly, “this can not go on mom, your turning into the thing that you protected me from, it’s destroying you …”




“Who gives a damn, no one cares … I’m ugly all scarred up … no one wants me now …”, she hissed in slurred speech




I care Mom, without you I would not be here and if you go on like this I’ll be all alone again…” I tearfully cried my heart out. “Only you and I can stop this …”




Within her drunken foggy mind I apparently touched an animalistic primal urge of motherhood; she attempted to focus on my face while concentrating on my voice and finally she nodded her head in resignation of acceptance, then passed out onto her face.




In the twilight of dusk I bodily dragged my mother into the house, closing the door I wondered what to do next, whom could I turn too … there was only … me! And, finally I dragged her to her room.


I struggled to get her feet under her enough and while lifting and pulling managed to roll my drunken mother on the bed and walked away.




It was all of an hour later having cleaned myself up, hid the liquor bottles and tidied up the house that I walked back into mom’s room to sit on the bed wondering what to do next. I struggled to remove her cloak, then her urine covered pants and soiled shirt before I realized it I was looking at the semi-nude image of my mother. I sat there staring at her as a woman, her breasts dishevelled in her bra and panties soiled and drawn into parts of her anatomy. I was amazed that I was aroused!




I was acutely aware of the budge in my pants and that in the past troubled years I had grown up: I had stayed close to mom during the physical abuse, I fought to be with mom when she was in hospital; I fought to stay with her in physiotherapy; I fought to stay with her when she was released from hospital and most of all I was now fighting to keep her as my loving protecting mother. I did not want to be alone! I do not know how long I sat there gawking at my mother; I just knew I had to do for her as she always done for me, protect her from herself.




I shakily reached forward and rolled mom so I could slip off her dirty bra and then slipping my hands into her panties my hands came into full contact with her soft skin and I swear there was an electrical charge exchanged between us. There before me was my disfigured naked mother and she never looked more beautiful, but how do I, a 14-year-old kid convince her of that?




Many thoughts came into my juvenile mind, some very lustful while others were compassionate. To my embarrassment before my mother (who is looking over my shoulder as I type this), I submitted to my lustful inquisitive thoughts; I leaned forward and kissed my mother on her cheek, her lips, her shoulders and her lovely breasts of which I felt up with abandon, amazed that her nipples harden to over an inch while I suckled till mom groaned and mumbled in her drunken sleep. To which I explored my mother’s body; kissing her scars on burnt shrivelled skin, her arms legs and finally the forbidden region from whence I was conceived, carried and born. It was magical – a healthy patch of pubic hair, the aroma of stale urine! Yet, as mother tossed in her sleep her folds opened and before my virgin eyes lay a pink wonderland of an unknown tunnel that led into her soul; I felt and cupped that triangle of pinkness; exploring the folds with a ghostly touch so as not to awaken her, my fingers slipped up and down with her increasing wetness that dribbled from her wondrous tunnel; with my body shaking uncontrollably I slipped a finger within my mother and thrust, exploring. Then I slipped in another as mom’s unconscious form quivered as she danced to my touch and before my eyes I watched a bud at the top of this magical tunnel grow into what looked like a small penis. I touched and explored that bud till mom began convulsing uncontrollably on the bed gushing forth-creamy slippery wetness that covered my fingers and hand as I continued to explore her private canal. Mom’s body continued to shake, her hips thrusting up into my hand and her triangle of hair matted with her wetness. I damn near peed my pants as her voice screamed, “Ummmmmm – Ooohhhhh – Oh yes, EEEEeeeee … ” finally lay slumped open legged on the bed. And I stood beside the bed trembling in fear of what I had done.




I left the room and wondered about the house in fear of what I had done; I molested my own mother, I evilly and willing played with her and most of all ENJOYED it immensely. What I needed to do now was clean mom all up and explaining when she awoke that she had dirtied herself and I had cleaned her up and tucked her into bed as she had done me so often.




I crept back to mom’s room and sat staring at her lovely delights till I finally got down to actually cleaning mom up; a large bowl from the kitchen, hot water, towel and face cloth; I set forth and starting at her face with the greatest compassion driven by lust washed every square inch of her lovely body while at times lingering to explore her hidden recesses and once again contriving to illicit a response from my lustful administrations as thus succeeding in making my mother dance and scream repeatedly to my fingers of which a good portion of my hand was inserted inside of her creamy tunnel and thus wet her blanket below her thrusting quivering hips as her legs spread widely for my exploration that I am sure carried on far too long as the water was cold when I finally returned to cleaning up the gooey mess that I had to go refill the bowl with hot water.




When I had completed satisfying my exploration of lust, I rolled mom below the blankets to leave her sleep and returned to my room to reflect on my evil deeds glancing at my wrist watch I discovered that I had played with mother for nearly 7 hours, it being now shortly after 2 AM slipping contently into sleep.




I awoke leaping from my bed to a horrible sound of agony following the sounds to find my naked mother bent over the toilet casting the ruminants of alcohol and diet neglect repeatedly into oblivion of the toilet bowl. Her nakedness aroused me again and I sat on the tub encouraging her to get rid of that terrible stuff in her tummy (as she had often told me when I was sick) while slowly caressing her naked soft skin on her back and shoulders. When she had finally appeared to stop I cleaned her face up with a hot facecloth and assisted her back to bed. Running quickly to the kitchen I returned with a jug of cold juice and a glass and while supporting mom helped her drink some.




“You’re a Sweetie, can you bring mommy the aspirin bottle … mommy has a headache,” she requested softly. On return, mom cast down 5 or so of the pills and rolling onto her tummy slipped back asleep. I sat with her; rubbing her shoulders softly till faint soft snores immolated from mom and thus encouraging my wondering hands to caress her breasts along the sides and down her back to caress her naked ass and before long mom was restless in bed, her legs opening to which my fingers slipped to that magical tunnel area and very gently traced the folds of the pinkness till I found her opening and thus slipped inside her creamy warmth as my fingers thrust in and out making her moan and pant. I continued as mom’s hips firmly pumped against my hand and the bed that increased dramatically as my finger stroked her enlarged bud and she screamed into her pillow, “Ohhh god … Mmmm …” and so many other cooing noises till she screamed “Oh yes, EEEE eeeeee …” and thus lay still and panting.




Having quietly and somewhat guiltily slipped away, I prepared lunch in the form of soup and sandwiches to start nutrition back into mom and repent for my evil playing that I had been doing and just before noon, slipped into her room and gently shaking her shoulders awoke her urging her to take some food.




On rolling over she started to sit up suddenly realizing she was naked began a angry tantrum using some nasty language and with horror realized what she had said reached out to drew me nearer; she caressed my face saying, “I’m so sorry sweetie … I … well last I remember we were outside … how did I get here and … how’d I get undressed?”




“We talked outside mom … I helped you get here and then … well you had been sick several times that I couldn’t leave you like that … so I … well I …”, I stumbled to a halt while my face reddened with embarrassment I asked, “How do you feel this afternoon?”




“I feel better than I have in along time … thanks to you, I remember some of your speech young man…” she said as she tried some soup, “I’m sorry you had to see your ugly mother and sick on top of it…”




“Your not ugly mom, your beautiful and sexy”, I blurted out wildly.




“I think not sweetie, I seen myself in a mirror, I’m all scarred and disfigured … I’m ugly and no one will want me ever again…” she began to softly cry, “Please leave me, get out …” she suddenly snapped, throwing the food to the floor.




I slowly walked towards the door, turning said with all the passion I could muster, “Your still very beautiful and sexy … and … and I need you …” and as I closed the door slightly, said almost inaudibly, “and I want you mom” walking away with tears flowing in my eyes.




Hours later, I peeked into mom’s room and saw she was asleep again; I watched her from the door for awhile then quietly slipped in and picked up the dishes from the floor and soaked up some of the mess.

 If you enjoyed email me opbone11@yahoo.ca

OPBONE on Incest Stories

Weenie Measure

A true story from the 70’s …

The weekend before summer starts, only two more days of school and yes I know already that I have failed. I have not applied myself in any way other than sports. Why have I not applied myself? Boredom with school subjects as my mind was always on the opposite sex, I swear I could smell their hot bodies anytime I was 3 feet to them. Oh well, enough o

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f the past, I’m slipping down to my friends’ to see if he wants to play, its drizzling and not much fun sitting looking out the window.


Doorbell rings and I stand in the rain. Ring the doorbell again and knock, yes the door is opening and his mom ushers me in while closing the door again. “Can Steven play?” I ask his mom.


“Steven and his dad when to the farm last night, they won’t be back till late Sunday night.” She replied.


My face fell saying something really downtrodden like, “Guess I’ll just go sit at home in this rain…”

“Well if you are in no rush, I’m baking cookies … would you like some?” she asked. To which I readily agreed and she helped me off with my rain jacket and boots, leading us off to the kitchen.


I sat at the side of the table, my eyes watching my best friends mother in her mini-skirt as she bent at the waist to peek into the oven, my eyes were glued to her pink panties cupping her beautiful bum.

She peeked over at me say, “Not quite ready yet, a little longer.” As she smiled and sat in a chair facing me, her skirt hiked up just enough on her thighs and her knees just that much apart to tease me with a full view of her panty mound. We small talked about school all the while I was looking between her legs and only once in awhile looking at her face. She got up once more in a slow wide open leg movement allowing me a great view and once again bent to peek at the oven. “Almost ready, I’ll just stay here they be ready that fast, did you want to peek at the cookies too?”


I got up a little awkward having began to sprout an erection and kind of squatted down in front of the oven at the same time noticing my head was lower than her short skirt and looked up sideways to her ever so slightly parted legs and those beautiful panties. “I don’t think the cookies are where your looking but then you never know!” she was still smiling as she had caught me fair peeking under her dress. I blushed and slowly was going to get up. “You don’t have to move, if you like that oven view better.” She slowly opened her legs a little more giving me an unrestricted view of her panty-clad muff. “Bet that is more pleasing … oh, the cookies are ready.” She gave me a wink.


I stood beside her as she set the cookies on a towel, “These be too hot for a bit, got to let them cool.”

She looked into my big brown eyes smiling said, “Guess we’ll have to go take the clothes out of the washer and place them in the dryer, then the cookies should be ready.” And off I follow her down the stairs; I hand the wet ones from the washer to her as she loads to the dryer. White shirt, white slip, white panty, another white panty, a bra (holding it by the straps so its open, another bra, another panty, blouses and so forth and I kept looking at her body bending to place them in the dryer. “Well, you definitely seen all my undies now haven’t you?” I blushed again.


She walked slowly up those old stairs and my eyes feasted on her swaying bottom and her V between her legs as she would often glance down to check if I was watching, then she’d smile and wink.


As we sat at the table eating cookies and drinking milk she accidentally spilled her full glass all down the front of her clothes and being a fast kid I grabbed the tea towel and began dabbing at her tummy and the puddle of milk pooled between her legs. “Ohhh darn, I better get these off and soaked right away before they stain, are you going to help or eat more cookies?” And off we go again, me following those sash-swaying hips into her bedroom.


I stood just inside the door as she stood facing me slowly undoing her blouse, which she took off dropping it to the floor, and then undid her skirt that slipped from her hips to pool at the base of her feet. My eyes were bulging out as she beckoned me over, “Come unhook my bra please” she said with some huskiness in her voice. My hands were trembling as I struggled with the clasp and once free stepped back.


Her eyes were fastened to my crotch. I glanced down and to my amazement I was sporting my typical aroused penis having been so close to a full-grown woman who now stood naked before me except her pink panties that well displayed her mound. “Well, you certainly do compliment a lady now don’t you. I forgotten, how old are you now?” she said licking her lips.


“Almost 14 ½ …” I replied when I finally got some moisture to my mouth.


"No really? Am I the first woman you have ever seen then?” she purred. “By the budge in your pants I’d have sworn you were much, much older.”


"No, I’m just 14 ½ honestly.” I croaked and blushed even harder.


"Well, we’ll just have to have a weenie measure to see if you measure up to what my eyes see…” and with that she slipped past me out the door still naked but her panties. In a minute she was back with a cloth measuring tape, “Ok my boy, drop my pants so we can see if I was right or wrong!” 


I stood there with my swollen penis pushing my pants taunt being somewhat hesitant to do what she asked. “Fair is fair, you seen more then just my washed undies, now we have to have an official measure.” She said as she slowly leaned down to undo my blue jeans. She tugged them down over the budge and I stepped out of them. Then her warm hand was in my shorts waistband and I could feel them slipping down till they slipped down to pool at my ankles leaving my swollen hard boner pointing straight out. “HOLY … you are bigger than my husband…hop up on my bed and lay down for the official weenie measure.” She cooed as she sat on the bed and wiggled closer.


“Now, are you ready or do you think it may grow more if its touched?” she asked licking her lips.


“Maybe, I don’t know … its pretty big now.” I said kind of quietly.


"Well let mommy measure it right now and then we’ll see if it grows more.” She purred softly.



She stretched the tape at the head of my penis then while holding my penis and the tape in her fingers she pulled the tape back to the base, “Oh My God, you are … 10 ¼ long … lets see how thick you are … ” now wrapping the tape around the circumference, “OHH jezzzz your 5 ½ …” She was wetting her lips constantly now. “Now mommy will play with it for a few minutes and see if it grows bigger” and her hand went to work slowly pumping up and down, fingernails dancing across the skin and cupping my balls till me hips started pumping slightly.

“Ummm such a beautiful cock you have … (my face registered a surprise look) … yes my lovely big boy, your penis is called a cock, spelled C-O-C-K … and mommy is going to measure it again.” And she repeated the process. “Ohhhhh your 11 inches long and just a touch under 7 inches around.”



“Now for being a good sport about measuring your weenie, you get to see me now.” And with that she slipped off those pink panties holding them towards me as she slowly knelt on the bed one leg on each side of my legs. Her fuzzy muff looked incredible as she moved up closer to my head, slowly drawing her panties across my nose she said, “Smell … do you like? Holding the crotch of her panties towards my mouth, would you like to taste it now … ummm, you like? Now taste the place that it came from, you been peeking at it all day so far.” With that she drew my head up into her crotch telling me to lick it and when I was doing that good, she rolled off to the side pulling me with her. Slip down and lick all you want now, play with your fingers …” and I did as I was told.

Mere minutes she was moaning and groaning, urging me to suck and lick her clit, then her fingers were there showing me where to lick and I did, I was enthralled by that hooded little (well it looked like a penis) but tasted like sticky honey as did that opening in her muff of hair. I found a wondrous small opening that just sucked my finger in and was amazed at how much she thrashed around the bed. Her voice increasing to a deep throated cry of “I’M CUMMING … oh gezzzz … OHHHH … EEEEEaaaa” Which she did many times, then suddenly she was fighting to get on top of me and I lay back.

Her legs on each side of me, she took hold of my very swollen large penis and guided me to her hair muff, as she slowly sat down my penis slipped into her and I was enveloped in a very hot wet place.

“Now mommy is going to fuck her lovely big boy” and she rocked her hips back and forth all the while swearing that I was many inches bigger than her husband, soon I felt her vagina ease and then she went wild. I was thrusting into her as she set the pace. “Good boy … Fuck mommy … fuck her tight cunt … spread me wide … Fuck me good …” and I was in heaven.


“OHHhhhh ohhhh I’m cummmmming … uummmmm ooohhhhh yessssss mmmmmmmmmummm”

She did this many times as her hand play in her muff, “Such a big cock for mommy … ummm so big”



I knew I was getting close; my breath was getting ragged as when I masturbated at night and I no longer had control on my hips that thrust up into the creamy hot cunt, then to her surprise she was being coated with fiery hot splashes deep against the walls of her cunt and then she let go with more hot creamy cum…” She lay down panting on me, before rolling to her back. “Ohhhh, you put so much cum in me, I’ve never had so much even when my husband does it twice in a row”



Some time later, she was tracing circles on my belly with her fingertips asking me, “Did my boy enjoy it? Would you like to learn some more about a woman, I have some time to show you.”



I eagerly nodded in agreement and she urged me to kneel between her legs; she pointed out her thighs, her pussy as she held it apart showing me those beautiful large lips and her clit and of course her vagina that she said I knew very well already. She had me kiss her inner thighs working my way towards her lovely pussy instructing me on what to do all the while she moaned and ohm’s constantly especially when I licked and sucked on her lips till she was begging me to use my finger in her as I licked or suckled her now swollen sensitive clit. Her silky creamy juices flowed as I lapped up that savoury honey till she begged me to again fuck her.



And fuck we did! Over the rest of the morning and into the late afternoon my cock was pounding into her as she slowed or speeded my efforts. I learnt that she loved to be in control and refer to herself as mommy (which drove me wild) as I did everything I could to improve my efforts to please her.



Almost every time I splashed cum into her she would say, “Ohhh, you naughty boy, you just put more baby juice into mommy, do you want me to be pregnant? What would I say to my husband? You better move it around inside mommy (as I kept pumping into her).” She was amazed at how long and hard I remained through our fun times.



When it was time for me to go home, she washed me up so no one would know we had been doing “bad things” together and then she held me tight to her as she repeated said, “You can never tell no one what we been doing, if you keep quiet about it we can keep having fun together.”



Well, I kept my promise for 40 years (till now) and we did have much more fun together but that’s for a different story.



If you want to hear more please email me at opbone11@yahoo.ca, I love to know your experiences as well.



A Son's Touch (part 3)

OPBONE on Incest Stories

A Son’s Touch (Part 3)

I couldn’t help but think to my self that I was one horny slut; I took my teenage son’s cherry and now literally letting my barely teenaged daughter please me. Her fingers and hand played with my cunt like a pro lesbian. Again she leaned in to my ear as I was just entering a tingling orgasm, “So – was Ritchie any good, can he please a woman or do you need my help too …” OMG – my eyes flicked open looking at my daughter just as an orgasmic wave struck me she inserted her middle finger in my cunt.

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“OOOOhh UUMM … Monica sweetheart (I panted, entering a very stimulating orgasm) … Why would you think Ritchie was … Ohhhhh ahhhh … doing anything with me … oooooohhhhhh … I’m his mother …” words failed me as Monica slipped in a second finger to rapidly throw me into hips thrusting against my teenage daughters hand.


“Mom I’m almost fifteen … (she leaned in closer to my ear) … your room smells like when daddy is home, the bed sheets are in messed up and I tasted the wet spots before I came in here …” she slipped in a third finger increasing her thrust into my cunt while whispering, “…do you like Mom, I can do much more – I just want in on the action…” my daughter smiled as I bite my lower lip shuddering to her hand job.


“Let me think about it sweetie… We’ll talk when I’m less … ohhh ummm umm … defenceless!” I smiled and winked at her.


Monica helped me from the tub, spending a long time patting and rubbing me dry. As she knelt before me her head was right at my crotch, her hand dried my lower legs but her tongue flicked magically across my muff, lingering ever so nicely along my slit. “Monica … your teasing mommy … don’t start something you’re not willing to complete…” I hinted somewhat suggestively.


She smiled up into my eyes from her submissive position, “Any time Mom – I wasn’t kidding” she whispered through my muff hair.


“What are you willing to do child … or maybe I should say what do you want …?” I left that fairly open as I replied quite seductively.


“I want to do everything and anything that your doing mom, I really do …!” she said again through my muff hair as her arms hugged my legs.


I walked slowly from the room very naked saying to Monica, “Go sit on my bed!” as I hollered “RICHARD … come in here!“ going to my love seat in the corner of the bedroom, sitting with a hint of spread legs.


I looked at my two – not so innocent teenagers sitting together on the bed facing me … long minutes passed before I could find my voice and figure the direction this was all heading.


“Richard, it would appear that your sister has put one plus one together to come up with that you are getting some good tail from me … (he turned shyly towards his sister then hung his head, Monica on the other hand was all smiles) … What my intelligent daughter does not know is that all this has happened just today! (OMG I felt myself blushing) What she also does not know is that her brother most definitely has filled my womb with his baby and if he hasn’t fully seceded … will definite have done it by the weekend. (Oh jeez she is still smiling) Your father is unaware of the fall or that your brother is doing an incredible job of  … (I struggled for the appropriate words) … fucking … your mother.  And your brother is unaware of the sensual advances you dear girl just made on me!”

There the cards were on the table so to speak (I opened my legs a little wider) “what do we do now?”

I sat in all my 35-year-old exposed glory (smiling to myself with both arms cast helplessly), very happily content in my seduction (somewhat by accident) of my shy virgin son knowing he only wants to think with the head of that magnificent horse-cock in his animal need to drive it into my very tight cunt as he envisioned raping me. Now, (switching my gaze at Monica) what does this horny young lady want other than a little girl-on-girl action – what ultimately does she want?


Monica surprised me as she bolted off the bed to sit beside me giving me a hug across the chest quickly followed by her hands lightly rubbing then softly kissed my belly, “I very much want one in me, mom!” she replied with such seductive suggestion as she raised her eyes to my face then gave me a simple kiss on the lips.


“Ritchie can put it in me tonight, can’t he mom?” she cried elaborately.


“Well – he probably could but I think we are going to have to really hear from all parties to know for sure … (we both looked at Richard) … ” I said quite honestly.


“I guess so … but she’s just a kid … where as you’re a woman … I would definitely hurt you Sis … and … and … mom hasn’t said yes …” he fumbled with words but I was taken with his concern for his sister and the fact he recognized me as the control.


“Please … oh please Mommy, make him put a baby in me too…” she begged as she stared me right in the eye then leaned forward hugging my neck.

“Well I certainly can’t stop you … but Monica, sweetie, Ritchie was telling you the truth … it will take sometime … at least till after I get use of my arms back before I can prepare you …” I replied, “It would be wonderful for both of us to have swollen bellies together, don’t you think?”

“Then make him do it mom … let him have me as you watch!” Monica whined.


“Monica – Listen to mommy … I said you could but I need to prepare you … Ritchie’s penis is very large …” I spoke firmly as I watched my young teenage daughter begin to squirm from a throbbing virgin twat. “Richard, would you be kind enough to slip your pants down …”


Richard stood slipping down his pants exposing a partially limp penis. Monica’s eyes literally popped out of her head as she stared. “Richard, come over here. Monica I want you to hold it in your hand.”

I squeezed my tingling cunt muscles together as I was getting excited from this discussion.

Monica attempted to put her hand around her brother’s cock as she looked to me for advice; “Sweetie, mommy has had a lot more experience than you and if you’d care to examine my vagina you will probably see its pretty tender, trust me your brother is very big.”

Monica released her brothers horse-cock and knelt before my slightly spread legs, I shifted down to open them wider. “That looks pretty red mom … did it hurt?” she cried with her eyes lighting up.


“Yes it did … it took some work to accommodate your brother…” (I winked at my teenage lover)


“Mom – I need to do some school work if I want to see you later …” Richard moaned pathetically.


“If you’d like … Mommy did promise you I’d teach him how to please a woman” I gave him a wink as he left the room.


“Mom … can I take my clothes off too … would it be ok …” Monica whispered into my ear.


“You certainly can …” I responded eagerly.

“Down to just us girls…” I smiled as I watched my daughter somewhat eagerly undressed, eyeing for the first time since her first bra fitting and tampon lesson. Before me stood a beautiful young woman with jutting perky breasts of at least a 34 – lovely pointy nipples, a flat athletic tummy and a beautiful triangle of pubic hair. My somewhat excited daughter stood before her mother (reclined back on the love seat) biting her lower lip in anticipation of her readiness of womanhood.


“Monica, sweetheart … you are a magnificent beautiful specimen of womanhood … do a slow turn around for me …” I breathed with motherly pride.


“Do I pass mom? Can I … ahh … do it with Ritchie…?” she pranced in nervous anticipation.


“Oh Sweetie, you definitely pass as a woman … come sit with mommy … (she does, adjusting herself so her legs are spread as mine are) … lets find out how much you know …” I was curious and prepared for her to tell me she has been sexually active already.


“So honestly, just us girls talking ok … (she nodded affirmative) … how many boys have been sampling the fruit of my lovely daughter?” I asked shifting on the love seat to face her with one knee propped on the couch.


“That’s simple mom, one!” she openly stated which took me back even though I thought I’d been ready.


“Oh – would you like to share your conquest of lust with your mother (she looked down embarrassed and blushing) … details girl, details!” I thought I used the correct teenage pyjama voice and tone.


“Ok, I understand – the Monday after you got me my training bra, Erik – you remember Erik, always coming over here on weekends before they moved away; well he overheard us girls talking, so after school he pulled me into those bushes in the park and checked out my chest … he bite it … (I nodded I understood) … then he lifted my skirt grabbing me between the legs and pulled down my panties … then he laughed telling me to see him when I had a lot of fuzz …” she whispered slightly below a regular tone of speech.


“And … what lately … have you …” I started off carefully not even getting finished with my question.


“Checked out some Internet sites … and … well, watched you and dad every chance I get … and what I just did to you (nodding towards the bathroom) … I figured I’d ask you when I should but …” speech failed Monica but she kept her eyes directly on me as I breathed a silent sigh of relief.


“My … my – you have been busy!  And what type of girl do you want to become …” I queried.

“Just like you mom … except I’m curious about another girl … I tasted myself and really like it, so I been really checking out sites and well I really want a baby real bad, even though I’m very young…” she replied so self-confidently.

I sat there for a few minutes wondering to myself, “Monica, have you inserted anything into yourself at any time?


“Other than my fingers – No, I’m still a full virgin Mom.” Again replying truthfully.


I nodded my understanding then asked, “And why do you want to be like mommy?”


“Because I think your incredible, the guys at school rated you a MILF and daddy calls you an wild slut and now Ritchie is walking around with a hard on and (her eyes lowered shyly) … you taste good and I want to be just like you!” she slipped from her corner to mine giving me a hug.

“Well – Oh My …” helpless without my arms to hug her and overwhelmed by her description of me.

“Will you teach me to be a wild slut and …and … can I watch Ritchie do you all the time?” She begged. “I really want to see Ritchie put a baby in you and I’m willing to wait till you say I can have one … if you teach me to be with a woman…”
With tears of mixed happiness and concern I nodded my head yes saying, “Sweetie, with my arms … I can’t hug or really please you in that way, it will be weeks yet …”
“Then let me please you from what I know and PLEASEEEE, let me watch you and Ritchie…” she countered throwing in, “I can start right away, I have no homework…”

Was I in over my head, my pussy was tingling from thinking of exploring my daughter, my mind stuck on my young son’s horse cock and desire for me to be pregnant; what in the world was my husband going to think when he walked back into all this and how my children both chose me to be their teacher of sex. I winked at my daughter, “So – you like watching mom getting laid … (she nodded eagerly) and you want to sample mom’s womanly nectar (again she nodded even more enthusiastically) … can you kiss my girl?” I lost – a battle waged inside my burning mind with a direct circuit to my groin.


My eager daughter straddled my open legs thrusting her silky smooth skin against my bare chest, her erect nipples occasionally flitting across my sensitive breasts while her triangle of hair brushed my belly where her brothers seed lay in my batter uterus, cupping both her hands around my neck giving me a passionate moist kiss which she hungrily fought her way into my slowly opening mouth to play tonsil tag for endless minutes while her weight pinned me in the corner of the love seat. I don’t know where she learnt to kiss but she was incredible. She bathed my cheeks, eyes and neck in a fiery torrent of very tender kisses before once again hungrily devouring her mother’s tongue slowly edging deeper to tongue fuck my throat all the while seductively grinding her virgin twat against me (God I was going to need lessons from her) on exciting a partner.


My breath was ragged (jeez I was struggling for breath) as my daughter’s hands slowly opened my mouth as she applied her weight fully on me while blowing her hot breath over my ears then proceeded to hold my mouth open so she could get deeper as she relentlessly tongue fucked my throat (OMG now my daughter was taking me by force) as her legs tightened around my sides, she pumped, slid and ground her hot (OMG its slick) gash against my belly as she moaned her way through a early cum. She left me gasping for air as she worked her way lower to my chest sucking on skin (OMG she’ll leave a hickey) as her hands followed suit massaging and mashing my teats; ever so tenderly she drew my erect nipple into her mouth and went to work on them (My cunt was a tingling mass of burning lava waiting to explode) I moaned hotly for release and just as I was to scream she let my nipple go slipping upwards to once again smother me in kisses and tongue fuck my throat (OMG she’s deeper than before) only to repeat the whole process to my other teat.


“OOOOhhhhh Jjeeezz …don’t … please don’t …your father!” I begged as my lustful teenage daughter branded me with a hickey on my left breast that was incredible painful (and itchy) before she again nibbled, bite and suckled my nipple. The Coe little vixen had her mother simmering.


Once again she slipped up to passionately kiss me (leaving me nearly blacking out from excitement and lack of air) as she tenderly kissed her way over my belly lingering at the edges of my pubic hair; a wet trail marked her way over my skin from her oozing twat to come to rest on my lower leg. She firmly forced my one leg off the love seat as she winked at me burying her head between my spread. The first touch of her lips and tongue on my molten beaver cascaded me in a gut wrenching orgasm. “OHHH ahhhhhh ummmmm” (biting my lip to stop my wave of orgasm welling from within my sluttish soul) as my daughter planted a new hickey on my inner thigh again branding me as hers.

“Now mother … may I watch Ritchie plant his baby in you … hmmm (her tongue slid up and down my seeping slit lingering just at the edge of my now engorged clit) … you want me to watch don’t you … (again tormenting me as I tried squeezing my thighs together to encourage her to give me release) … he’s going to do you as I hold your hand watching you (she inserted her tongue into my quivering fuck hole) …as you tease him to make babies in your belly … (now giving my enlarged clit a slow lick to its hood as it dug in underneath) …so I can spend all night licking you afterwards (I screamed with an incredible pent-up sexual release as her attention stayed centred on my throbbing clit) … do you want your son on you now … (digging her tongue deep into my gushing pussy)”


“Oh yes – yes please … I need him now …” I begged my daughter “Mommy needs it bad – ” as she slipped away from my gushing cunt, then helping me to the bed she hollered for my son.

Ritchie came into the room wondering what was up, “Mom needs you now Ritchie (she slowly pulled back the sheets revealing my opening and closing legs) … undress … hurry … Mom wants it rough and hard, don’t you mom…?”

“Oh yes children … mommy’s bad – mommy needs you in her now …” I begged between biting my lip as my hips thrust up in invitation. I watched as my son pulled off his clothes his horse cock already swollen he climbed up on the bed.


Kneeling on the bed Monica orchestrated my breeding, as Richard closed in to my weeping cunt my daughter took his swollen cock in her hand setting right at my hole as her other hand grasped my shoulder, “Do her Ritchie … make a baby in mom!”

As Monica held his cock my son rammed his horse cock in my gushing cunt and without waiting began to viciously pounding me; It felt great and my belly ached from his insistent hammering ( I was right – all my son wanted was to fuck my cunt) as he mauled my tits with his mouth all the while see-sawing into me. As promised my daughter held my shoulder changing views to watch her brothers cock slide in/out of my thrusting burning cunt till she came up whispering in my ear, “Its so big … are you getting it good … how will I know when he puts his seed in you?”

Needless to say I had my (can’t say hands) my cunt full of raging thrusting animal boy who kept muttering below his breath “Raping you mom … your so tight …my baby…” and as a shameless slut I encouraged all of it with bucking hips helpless to defend myself thus surrendering to my increasing orgasms that escalated into mind boggling delirium as my son’s horse cock retched its way forcefully into my helpless uterus. His staying power was increasing – I was out of my mind (Richard pawed me, his wondering hands feeling between my legs where his cock rode in and out of his helpless mothers’ very swollen gushing twat) as his sister breathed through another orgasm herself.

Between moans of  her infant passionate Cums, she harassed her brother, “Rape mom, fill her belly (ohhhh Eeiiiooooooo) … Rape her, take her good … Rape her … (barely audible) … then you can have me …”

That did it, he blew an animal load into me coating my walls with multiple blasts of burning cum,

Between my own mind-bending orgasm I called to him repeatedly, “… Richard, NO doing anything to Monica at any time unless you check with me first … Understood!” I spoke very firmly. He finally looked into my eyes and nodded yes as he continued to thrust into me occasional.


If you’d like another part email me at opbone11@yahoo.com 

Weenie Measure

OPBONE on Incest Stories

A true story from the 70’s …


The weekend before summer starts, only two more days of school and yes I know already that I have failed. I have not applied myself in any way other than sports. Why have I not applied myself? Boredom with school subjects as my mind was always on the opposite sex, I swear I could smell their hot bodies anytime I was 3 feet to them. Oh well, enough of the past, I’m slipping down to my friends’ to see if he wants to play, its drizzling and not much fun sitting looking out the window.


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imes New Roman" size="3">Doorbell rings and I stand in the rain. Ring the doorbell again and knock, yes the door is opening and his mom ushers me in while closing the door again. “Can Steven play?” I ask his mom.


“Steven and his dad when to the farm last night, they won’t be back till late Sunday night.” She replied.


My face fell saying something really downtrodden like, “Guess I’ll just go sit at home in this rain…”


“Well if you are in no rush, I’m baking cookies … would you like some?” she asked. To which I readily agreed and she helped me off with my rain jacket and boots, leading us off to the kitchen.


I sat at the side of the table, my eyes watching my best friends mother in her mini-skirt as she bent at the waist to peek into the oven, my eyes were glued to her pink panties cupping her beautiful bum.

She peeked over at me say, “Not quite ready yet, a little longer.” As she smiled and sat in a chair facing me, her skirt hiked up just enough on her thighs and her knees just that much apart to tease me with a full view of her panty mound. We small talked about school all the while I was looking between her legs and only once in awhile looking at her face. She got up once more in a slow wide open leg movement allowing me a great view and once again bent to peek at the oven. “Almost ready, I’ll just stay here they be ready that fast, did you want to peek at the cookies too?”


I got up a little awkward having began to sprout an erection and kind of squatted down in front of the oven at the same time noticing my head was lower than her short skirt and looked up sideways to her ever so slightly parted legs and those beautiful panties. “I don’t think the cookies are where your looking but then you never know!” she was still smiling as she had caught me fair peeking under her dress. I blushed and slowly was going to get up. “You don’t have to move, if you like that oven view better.” She slowly opened her legs a little more giving me an unrestricted view of her panty-clad muff.

“Bet that is more pleasing … oh, the cookies are ready.” She gave me a wink.


I stood beside her as she set the cookies on a towel, “These be too hot for a bit, got to let them cool.”

She looked into my big brown eyes smiling said, “Guess we’ll have to go take the clothes out of the washer and place them in the dryer, then the cookies should be ready.” And off I follow her down the stairs; I hand the wet ones from the washer to her as she loads to the dryer. White shirt, white slip, white panty, another white panty, a bra (holding it by the straps so its open, another bra, another panty, blouses and so forth and I kept looking at her body bending to place them in the dryer. “Well, you definitely seen all my undies now haven’t you?” I blushed again.


She walked slowly up those old stairs and my eyes feasted on her swaying bottom and her V between her legs as she would often glance down to check if I was watching, then she’d smile and wink.


As we sat at the table eating cookies and drinking milk she accidentally spilled her full glass all down the front of her clothes and being a fast kid I grabbed the tea towel and began dabbing at her tummy and the puddle of milk pooled between her legs. “Ohhh darn, I better get these off and soaked right away before they stain, are you going to help or eat more cookies?” And off we go again, me following those sash-swaying hips into her bedroom.


I stood just inside the door as she stood facing me slowly undoing her blouse, which she took off dropping it to the floor, and then undid her skirt that slipped from her hips to pool at the base of her feet. My eyes were bulging out as she beckoned me over, “Come unhook my bra please” she said with some huskiness in her voice. My hands were trembling as I struggled with the clasp and once free stepped back.


Her eyes were fastened to my crotch. I glanced down and to my amazement I was sporting my typical aroused penis having been so close to a full-grown woman who now stood naked before me except her pink panties that well displayed her mound. “Well, you certainly do compliment a lady now don’t you. I forgotten, how old are you now?” she said licking her lips.


“Almost 14 ½ …” I replied when I finally got some moisture to my mouth.


“No really? Am I the first woman you have ever seen then?” she purred. “By the budge in your pants I’d have sworn you were much, much older.”


“No, I’m just 14 ½ honestly.” I croaked and blushed even harder.


“Well, we’ll just have to have a weenie measure to see if you measure up to what my eyes see…” and with that she slipped past me out the door still naked but her panties. In a minute she was back with a cloth measuring tape, “Ok my boy, drop my pants so we can see if I was right or wrong!”


I stood there with my swollen penis pushing my pants taunt being somewhat hesitant to do what she asked. “Fair is fair, you seen more then just my washed undies, now we have to have an official measure.” She said as she slowly leaned down to undo my blue jeans. She tugged them down over the budge and I stepped out of them. Then her warm hand was in my shorts waistband and I could feel them slipping down till they slipped down to pool at my ankles leaving my swollen hard boner pointing straight out. “HOLY … you are bigger than my husband…hop up on my bed and lay down for the official weenie measure.” She cooed as she sat on the bed and wiggled closer.


 “Now, are you ready or do you think it may grow more if its touched?” she asked licking her lips.


“Maybe, I don’t know … its pretty big now.” I said kind of quietly.


“Well let mommy measure it right now and then we’ll see if it grows more.” She purred softly.


She stretched the tape at the head of my penis then while holding my penis and the tape in her fingers she pulled the tape back to the base, “Oh My God, you are … 10 ¼ long … lets see how thick you are … ” now wrapping the tape around the circumference, “OHH jezzzz your 5 ½ …” She was wetting her lips constantly now. “Now mommy will play with it for a few minutes and see if it grows bigger” and her hand went to work slowly pumping up and down, fingernails dancing across the skin and cupping my balls till me hips started pumping slightly.


“Ummm such a beautiful cock you have … (my face registered a surprise look) … yes my lovely big boy, your penis is called a cock, spelled C-O-C-K … and mommy is going to measure it again.” And she repeated the process. “Ohhhhh your 11 inches long and just a touch under 7 inches around.”


“Now for being a good sport about measuring your weenie, you get to see me now.” And with that she slipped off those pink panties holding them towards me as she slowly knelt on the bed one leg on each side of my legs. Her fuzzy muff looked incredible as she moved up closer to my head, slowly drawing her panties across my nose she said, “Smell … do you like? Holding the crotch of her panties towards my mouth, would you like to taste it now … ummm, you like? Now taste the place that it came from, you been peeking at it all day so far.” With that she drew my head up into her crotch telling me to lick it and when I was doing that good, she rolled off to the side pulling me with her. Slip down and lick all you want now, play with your fingers …” and I did as I was told.


Mere minutes she was moaning and groaning, urging me to suck and lick her clit, then her fingers were there showing me where to lick and I did, I was enthralled by that hooded little (well it looked like a penis) but tasted like sticky honey as did that opening in her muff of hair. I found a wondrous small opening that just sucked my finger in and was amazed at how much she thrashed around the bed. Her voice increasing to a deep throated cry of “I’M CUMMING … oh gezzzz … OHHHH … EEEEEaaaa”

Which she did many times, then suddenly she was fighting to get on top of me and I lay back.


Her legs on each side of me, she took hold of my very swollen large penis and guided me to her hair muff, as she slowly sat down my penis slipped into her and I was enveloped in a very hot wet place.

“Now mommy is going to fuck her lovely big boy” and she rocked her hips back and forth all the while swearing that I was many inches bigger than her husband, soon I felt her vagina ease and then she went wild. I was thrusting into her as she set the pace. “Good boy … Fuck mommy … fuck her tight cunt … spread me wide … Fuck me good …” and I was in heaven.


“OHHhhhh ohhhh I’m cummmmming … uummmmm ooohhhhh yessssss mmmmmmmmmummm”

She did this many times as her hand play in her muff, “Such a big cock for mommy … ummm so big”


I knew I was getting close; my breath was getting ragged as when I masturbated at night and I no longer had control on my hips that thrust up into the creamy hot cunt, then to her surprise she was being coated with fiery hot splashes deep against the walls of her cunt and then she let go with more hot creamy cum…” She lay down panting on me, before rolling to her back. “Ohhhh, you put so much cum in me, I’ve never had so much even when my husband does it twice in a row”


Some time later, she was tracing circles on my belly with her fingertips asking me, “Did my boy enjoy it? Would you like to learn some more about a woman, I have some time to show you.”


I eagerly nodded in agreement and she urged me to kneel between her legs; she pointed out her thighs, her pussy as she held it apart showing me those beautiful large lips and her clit and of course her vagina that she said I knew very well already. She had me kiss her inner thighs working my way towards her lovely pussy instructing me on what to do all the while she moaned and ohm’s constantly especially when I licked and sucked on her lips till she was begging me to use my finger in her as I licked or suckled her now swollen sensitive clit. Her silky creamy juices flowed as I lapped up that savoury honey till she begged me to again fuck her.


And fuck we did! Over the rest of the morning and into the late afternoon my cock was pounding into her as she slowed or speeded my efforts. I learnt that she loved to be in control and refer to herself as mommy (which drove me wild) as I did everything I could to improve my efforts to please her.


Almost every time I splashed cum into her she would say, “Ohhh, you naughty boy, you just put more baby juice into mommy, do you want me to be pregnant? What would I say to my husband? You better move it around inside mommy (as I kept pumping into her).” She was amazed at how long and hard I remained through our fun times.


When it was time for me to go home, she washed me up so no one would know we had been doing “bad things” together and then she held me tight to her as she repeated said, “You can never tell no one what we been doing, if you keep quiet about it we can keep having fun together.”


Well, I kept my promise for 40 years (till now) and we did have much more fun together but that’s for a different story.


If you want to hear more please email me opbone11@yahoo.ca, I love to know your experiences as well.


A Son's Touch (part 2)

OPBONE on Incest Stories

A Son’s Touch (Part 2)

We lay panting in my matrimonial bed; the sheets saturated in sweat and my teenage son’s first vaginal cum still oozing from my sluttish beaver with his gigantic horse cock still buried. I had never felt so satisfied from any sexual escapade. I smiled, snuggling my legs firmer about his young waist ensuring he stayed deeply buried, wishing I could hold him in my arms.


“OOOOOhhh – Mom, geez that was incredible …” he exhaled in rapid bre

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“MMMmmm child, do you still love your mother?” I hotly whispered into his ear.


“Oh definitely – I LOVE YOU Mom … I’ve always loved you … more than you could possibly know!” he lifted slightly off of my chest to look me right in the eye as he almost silent mouthed the words.


As he slowly settled his weight back onto me, a tear of extreme pleasure rolled down my cheek as I felt his monster cock stir once again in my womb. His words touched deeply in my soul as he began to thrust ever so slowly into my incredible slick very tight cunt. His father generally worked me over quite feverishly with his 7 ½ -inch cock ever week he was home but as always I never quite felt the magic.


“MMMmmmm – ohhhhhh Mom, your so tight … are all girls this tight?” he kind of mumbled almost a growl between increasingly harder thrusts that made the old matrimonial head board thump against the wall.

“Ugg … Uggg … uugg…” I gasped at each of his increasingly powerful thrust, “Mommy … eeeugg … is tight …. Uffff … cause I … (my breathing getting ragged) … had c-sections … UMMM … FUCK … OH GOD … Ummmggg … Ohh, Oohh … geez child (I spread my thighs apart farther as I tightened my legs around his waist tighter and thrust up into him to meet his eager but urgent jabs) … you making sure you   … Ohhhh AAAHhhhhhh … (felt his cock head slip into my traumatized uterus) … your mother … (I began to orgasm splashing my teenage son’s horse cock with creamy cum) … EEEougggg Ohh eeeeeeeee (I screamed into his ear as I thrashed beneath his now furious hammering wishing I could lock my arms around his neck) … pregnant … (his fingers sought out my vulnerable ass madly pulling my ass cheeks apart and inserting 3-fingers into my slippery asshole) … OoHH UGG OHHHH EEEEEiiiouuu oh oh oh … that’s my boy … OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH … FUCK  ME … (I convulsed in multiple orgasms beneath my son as he now manipulated me into his fuck-toy)  UUUmmm you have me good … go to it … FUCK YOUR MOTHER …”

“OOOOOHHH uuuuuuuuumm Ggggggggrrr – OHHHH” his sizzling hot cum splashed against the walls of my uterus (one – two – four – seven – nine streams OMG he wants his off-spring in my belly really bad) 

“There – there … ssssssshh … seed Mommy good … make your baby in me … you can have me when ever you want … always!” I whispered soothingly to him as his impassioned grunts of lust grew feeble and I could feel his massive horse cock begin to soften, “You have mommy right here … you rest …” while he gave an occasional thrust into my swollen slick cunt, “You made me your slut … sleep inside me …”

I started awake! I was alone. I lay there wondering … was it a pain killer induced dream?


I think not – my belly hurt deep inside, my pussy was sore and soaking, my ass was laying in a very gooey mess. What time was it – oh god, my daughter could be home! I smiled; it was real! My son just FUCKED his mother, the slut – really well!

“Are you ok mom?” my teenage lover-son whispered into my ear, “Did I hurt you?”

My eyes flipped open as he sat beside me on the bed, “I’m FANTASTIC son and you can hurt me or do what ever you like to me anytime you want …” as his hand slowly encased my bare breast in youthful exploration.

“Gee, their really magnificent!” as he gentle cupped my booby and pinched my nipple. “How big are … (he searched for a discreet word) … your breasts?”

“38 C – son, do you really like them … would you like to suck your Slut’s tits…” I asked in a seductive tone.


“I would love to … will you teach me everything I should know … to please you?” he replied in exasperation or anticipation.


“I will, I will … but first take your slut to the bathroom …” I replied enthusiastically yet begging.


“Ok – do I get to play while you go …” he asked shyly in barely an audible voice.


“Son, I’m yours – you can do anything you want to …” I repeated in my best seductive voice.


As I sat on the toilet my thighs widened automatically so my young lover could play; his hand worked its way easily into place cupping my cunt, his thumb brushing my tingling clit. “Mom – you can go when you want to …” he whispered as he knelt beside me.


“Do you like it when Mommy goes pee …” I asked looking at him.


“Yeah – I like everything … I love the taste of you mom, ever since I been a little guy …” he shyly stated with a blushing leer.


“Richard, you just tasted mommy just this morning – bare hours ago …” I replied somewhat shocked.


“No, I’ve tasted you a few times mom – I really have …” he blushed deeply as he spoke somewhat enthusiastically. He guided his finger into my seeping gash as my urine flow splashed across his cupped hand and he began to finger-fuck his mother (god he makes me into a sex crazed bitch). I let him work my sore cunt, thinking how I could question him to learn more.


“Does mommy’s lover want to take her back to bed and play with his slut …” I batted my eyelashes as I cooed out the words. (He nodded enthusiastically)


He guided me back to bed without wiping my beaver all the while he fingered me continuously, gently sat me down on the bed and leaned me back placing a pillow behind me. I knew my son was about to eat me to his hearts content. He knelt on the floor before his spread mother and began to feast.


 “Ummm ohhhh son, my lover … do you like mommy’s unclean cunt … ummmmm ahhhhh…” I breathed feeling the surrender of my horny lust fall away with each loving lick he did to me. “Sweet child … ummmm … tell mommy all the times … ohhhh, everyone of them that you tasted mommy … pleaseeeeee … tell mommy … mommy wants to become incredibly hot for you … I need to know to teach you …” I whined passionately between the sensual ohhhs and ahhhs trembling from my loins.


As he sucked my swollen (and tender) pussy lips and feasted on my engorged (again tender) clit

and in-between several intense orgasms he told me the following. As a child I’d allow him to play hide and seek while I lay in bed (often in skimpy erotic clothes or nothing) he especially liked it when I had just been ridden hard by his father or how he crept in to our room during the night (or while we’d been occupied) to smell and taste my panties. How he often dreamt of me and most exciting was how he had stolen my panties on his fathers last visit home (apparently creamy with cum) and for the first time lay face down on his bed pretending to ride me as he smelt my panties, the result was his first masturbation (I guess) that I had been sniffing and trying to taste when I fell down the stairs.


That was enough; I was wildly stimulated (the little bugger could eat pussy much better than my husband) I needed his horse cock in me again. “Ohhh – Sweet child, climb on mommy … fuck your slut … rape your mother (I noticed he’d get rather excited with that word, his breathing caught in his throat) … RAPE me, put your baby in mommy …” I begged like a slut in a growling sensual voice.


Oh wow – he rather lunged onto me as I tried desperately to wiggle my ass back further onto the bed managing in my awkward state one leg partially dangling over the bed while the other savagely forced wider as my son pushed himself between my thighs.


“Ummmm mom – I want you so bad, the way you talk …” and with some brute force, worked his swollen almost purple horse cock against my well glistening fuck-hole.

Oh Jesus he speared me good with at least half that magnificent horse cock, “Ohhh God … That’s mommy’s lover … RAPE YOUR MOTHER … FUCK ME GOOD … use me … ohhhhhhh ugggg …

(he’d forcefully sank the rest into me – my belly hurt deep inside) … FUCK me son, fuck mommy good (I knew I had him … his 3rd vagina fuck and he was insatiable, almost savage) … Ohhh YES do your slut … take me … (I was slipping over the edge again, helpless without my arms, at his mercy) … Show mommy how bad you want to … OUUUUUeeeeeeeIIIII ouccchh ouccchhh  me …” (his monster cock again pushed itself roughly into my uterus with one knee bent foot flat on the bed he jack-hammered into me with more force than ever, I was being bounced on my own bed) “Rape me … oh Rape me please … force you seed into your mother … ouccchh ouccchhh (his cock was well within my uterus and I wanted his seed … orgasms swept me in blinding flashes of light, my son was an animal on me as he hungered for his own release)


“Take my baby mom … ” was all he said jamming deeper into my sloppy cunt. Then I felt it – his hot jism whitewashing my uterus walls as he kept pumping his seed, my belly swelled up – it now squirted out and around back past our entwined sex organs squishing out and down the crack of my ass with each of his pulsating thrusts.


Needless to say the afterglow and aroma of sex permeated the bedroom as his lay on my belly. It time he whispered, “Mom – What will dad say … especially if I made you … well have my baby …?”

“UMMMMmmm – I desperately want your baby in my belly and you did plant it good in me! As for dad – he’ll think it is his and neither, you or I will tell him different - OK!” I spoke in a dreamy state. “You will always do what you want to me – I’m yours … we’ll work it all out…”

“Mom, how long before we know if you are pregnant? And what should we do – about daily things?” he persisted.


“For sure in 6-weeks but I can try one of those early readers at 4-weeks and we will do what we want every day – what do you want son?” my heart in my throat, afraid he’d reject our situation.


“I want to … well you know … and learn how to please you … ” he mumbled into my belly button.


“Richard! What exactly do you want to do with mommy – tell me …?” I begged firmly.

He delayed answering for long minutes, “I want to do what were doing … I really get excited when you mention that R-word – something happens deep inside me … (his voice rose) and I want my baby in you and then another or so…”
“You like to RAPE your mother … mmmmmmm, I am definitely going to teach you how to (my words diminished to silence) … but first my son, my magnificent lover … better get me all cleaned up before my daughter gets home…”

As I stood in my bathroom awaiting the hot soothing bath that was running, I wondered if I could control my innocent son’s hungry need to rape me but most I was enjoying his attention kneeling between my spread legs as he sucked on my swollen (hell by the feel of it must be 2-inches and as thick as my baby finger) … ohhhh god, this little bugger can sure eat a battered pussy well!


From deeper in the house came the rough closing of the front door, “Damn … Monica’s home early!”


“I’m naked mom – the bed is messed – she’ll tell dad – ohh jeeeez mom, I want you so bad!” my innocent lover said it all in the time it takes to take a breath.


“Get me into the tub and throw on just your pants then hurry back in here and begin washing my back ...” I snapped.


He quickly got back into the bathroom kneeling beside the tub began to wash my back just as a voice called from the bedroom, “Mom, you here …?” called my daughter.


“In here Monica – your just in time to save me from the clumsy attempts of your brother …” I called cheerfully.


Monica peeked around the corner of the door jam and began laughing hysterically, “Ritchie … I think your suppose to look … your missing mom’s back … I’ll do it!” boldly walking in taking the face cloth from my shy lover who had his head lowered into his free arm to hide his eyes (supposedly from my nakedness).


“I’m sorry mom, I tried …” and slipped quietly from the bathroom.


Monica took over, doing a very good job (she’d make a great nurse) of scrubbing me all over, spending long agonizing seconds lifting my boobs as she paid close attention to my erect nipples. Her touch lightened as she washed my belly then very sullenly lifted one leg scrubbing it good then placing it in a bent knee position as she did the same to the other. Her attention to my breasts and now to my battered used twat with its engorged clit drew her gentlest touch as smiled; my breathing quickened with deep catches of rapid intake of air as she brushed my clit. She leaned close to my ear, “Does that feel good mom” she whispered. (All I could do was nod my head in the affirmative.) I could not believe my ears or the intense feeling of sensual pleasure that Monica was causing in me, I couldn’t help but think to my self that I was one horny slut; I took my teenage son’s cherry and now literally letting my barely teenaged daughter please me. Her fingers and hand played with my cunt like a pro lesbian. Again she leaned in to my ear as I was just entering a tingling orgasm, “So – was Ritchie any good, can he please a woman or do you need my help too …” OMG –  my eyes flicked open looking at my daughter just as an orgasmic wave struck me as she inserted her middle finger in my cunt.

If you liked Barbara’s story … email me at opbone11@yahoo.ca for part 3

A Son's Touch (part 1)

OPBONE on Incest Stories

A Son’s Touch (part 1)


A true story from 1992 … Barbara, thank you for picking me to write your story.


Never hurry when you are already so far behind you think you are in first place. That was what my day had started out as and while carrying an overfilled laundry basket paying more attention to my son’s underwear while going to the basement to do wash, I took a tumble down the entire flight of stairs. I awoke – dazed, in pain, my skirt flipped up, my butt in the air laying in a mass of dirty laundry with my son frantically call

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ing my name.


I’ll take a moment and back step for introductions. We live in a small northern city, my husband works the oil fields requiring him to be away from home, I have a son (Richard, age 16) and daughter (Monica, age 14) and I am Barbara, a 35-year-old with no time to have gained any weight since high school.


“I’m ok … but I hurt all over … ” I replied rather shakily.


My son somewhat reassured because I was talking began to carefully check me over; the final body check showed I had a right arm fracture and a left wrist fracture. With his assistance we walked upstairs where he carefully splinted my arms, applied ice packs and drove me to the hospital, to make a long story short, I left a few hours later sporting two casts, a mild headache and numerous bruises.


On the drive home I told Richard that the doctor was very pleased with his splinting and that I now relied on him and Monica to help a bit more around the house till I got back into functioning normally again. We picked Monica up at her friend’s house (Richard had reached her at school diverting her there). Monica was upset with a lot of melodramatics until Richard told her to get in the mini-van or get left behind. On arriving home I got Monica to start supper and Richard to get the wash going that presently lay at the bottom of the stairs and I was going to lie down.


Monica awoke me and we went to dinner where I suddenly realized I had difficulty pulling the chair

back and sat staring at my plate – I could not use eating utensils. We all laughed hysterically; Richard moved his chair over beside me and feed me slowly all the while joking if he should bring the high chair up from the basement. I survived supper and lay down on the couch apparently dozing off for several hours when my son awoke me.


“Mom – Mom, are you ok … (my eyes flutter open) … I’m off to bed and Monica’s already asleep…” with his assistance I got up from the couch and walked to my bedroom. I managed the light switch and stood in utter amazement – now what?


I walked down the hallway to my son’s room and knocked on the door, “Richard, I need a little help…”


Richard opened his door, “What is it mom?”


“Son … I … I can’t undress …” I stammered.


“Oh … ok, I’ll go wake Monica …” he said.


“Leave her sleep, can you help me?” I answered, leading the way to my bedroom. Where my son stood lost in the middle of the room with a bewildered look on his face as I said, “Ok … undress me.”


“Mom, I don’t know where to begin … are you sure you don’t want Monica?” he blurted out.


“Richard! How hard is it to undress me … surely you have taken a girls’ sweater off before …” I froze mid-sentence of my exasperated  tantrum as he turned ashen white, slowly shaking his head in the negative.


“You mean you never undid any of your girlfriend’s shirt …” again I stuck my foot in my mouth as it dawned on me that Richard had never brought home or ever said anything about a girlfriend.


“No mom, I never have … girls scare me …” he replied quietly almost in tears.


“… Sorry, I knew that – guess I’m still shaken as well.” I replied feebly. “I still need your help, please.” (He nods ok) “First things first, you better shut the door … (he does).” Now, come stand in front of me … Richard – this will be difficult for both of us so we both have to grin and bare it …”

I said in all earnestness and we both broke out laughing.


“Ok my boy, we’ll slip one arm out first, you stretch the sweater sleeve wide and I’ll slip my arm out…” we managed that and repeated the process for the next arm with a little more difficulty. “Now lift the sweater from the bottom up over my head …” which we again managed, as my head came free all I could see was my son’s eyes feasting on my bra-clad chest with the most amazed stunned look on his face. I couldn’t resist my son’s innocence. “Richard, you’ll get to see all of them in a moment as soon as you remove mommy’s bra!” He snapped back to the present with a glorious blush sweeping his handsome face. “Stand behind me and unhook the bra then come around the front of me and slip it off…ok” I felt his hands trembling as he struggled to undo the clasp and he was breathing rather quickly as he returned to the front of me where with shaking hands he slipped the bra free from my chest. “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it son …” again his eyes were fixed to my boobies; his youth, innocence and this moment behind a closed door accompanied by my helplessness served to excite my nipples which grew erect before his gaze which now alternated from my excited breasts to my eyes in an untold race of disbelief.


I let him stare! With a mischievous smile on my face I interrupted his thoughts with a pressing matter that I needed to pee. “Richard – you can see me all you want, but mommy really needs her skirt and panties off cause I need to go to the bathroom – ok.”


“Sorry mom, I was … overcome … by the moment …” he quickly but shyly said.


“Undo the button on the side of my skirt and unzip the zipper, it will fall to the floor then please pull down my panties …” (he did as he was told and keeping his eyes averted from my groin) I stepped quickly out of the pooled-on-floor clothing and hurried to my bathroom, where I called to my son “Richard, don’t go anywhere, I still need help … ”


I was sitting doing my thing wondering how I was going to get my innocent son to … well wipe me and then wash my old beaver. “Richard, come in here please (he peeked around the doorway) … you can come in. I need your help to … well wipe myself … down below …” I began, now fumbling for words.


He visibly backed up … “I’ll go get Monica …”


“Richard – son, its not hard, I really need your help …” I begged.


“Take a small amount of toilet paper, bunch it together and wipe my vagina from front to back – ok,” I instructed him. He stood still staring at me then slowly did as he was told with his eyes averted as I lifted up off the toilet with my knees apart for easy assess for him.


Like a blind man, my son attempted to maintain modesty but could not get close to between my legs and as he took hold of my lower leg attempting to run up the inside of my leg, I came somewhat agitated. “Richard! Son you have to look … your doing ok but I can’t hold this position for long.


I saw his innocence slipping away as he now (on his knees before me) starred directly at my beaver as he slipped his hand up between my legs lightly wiping the outer hair. “A little harder please…” I could not resist as the moment was becoming erotic.  “Now run some hot water and soak a face cloth, add some soap and wash me all over down below … make sure you get between the folds…”


“Mom … I can’t … what would dad say …” he hemmed-and-hawed.


“Son, I can not use my hands, your sister is asleep … as a grown woman I’m quite willing to be totally naked and exposed before you … I don’t think your father would be to upset…!” I painted the picture for him and could not resist a tag on of, “it will be a good education for you …”


He started the water running as I sat down on the toilet again; his eyes now flickering to my body constantly; when he had the face cloth all ready, I had him kneel beside me and opened my somewhat trembling legs wide for his clumsy attention making him feel and open my now tingling pussy lips and make several good passes then dry his mother’s pussy.


I thanked him as he stood up before me. I could not help but notice his penis was aroused by his mother, “There, you survived and by the look of it (glancing to his swollen groin) your mother still has the ability to excite a young man, which I will take as a very high compliment!”


My embarrassed son assisted me to bed, folding the sheets down and I could not resist the temptation to excite him more by giving him a wonderful spread of my legs placing my now somewhat swollen beaver on display for his pleasure as I eased slowly into bed and knew I had succeeded as he lingered placing the blankets over me as he gave me several pain-killers with a glass of water. “Sweet dreams son, thank you for the compliment (again glancing at his very swollen penis) and helping a helpless old woman… and if you’d lean down I’ll give you a kiss as a reward …” he blushed but leaned down for my soft sensual kiss to his cheek that was pretty close to the edge of his mouth.


He stumbled to the door slowly opening it and looking back replied somewhat hoarsely, “I’ll leave it open … in case you need help mom…” and slipped awkwardly away to his room.


I know someone beside me was going to have some trouble going to sleep (smiling to myself ruefully) I’d just thought why I fallen down the stairs, I’d been sniffing and attempting to taste his shorts, he’d definitely left a healthy cum load … probably had masturbated into them … slipping painlessly into a drugged sleep. 


I awoke suddenly with an urgent need to use the bathroom. As my senses came more awake I felt I was being watched and sure enough my son was peeking through the half-closed door. I smiled a little wickedly while I indicated with my head to come here.


He slipped through the door, “Good morning mom, how do you feel?” with a radiant smile and cheerful voice. “You’ve slept late …”


My head did a fast glance to the bedside alarm that showed 9:35 AM.


“Monica’s already gone to school and I phoned the office telling them I won’t be in for several days … thought you might want someone home with you …” he stated quite frankly.


I smiled and stretched slightly, “Good idea …”

“Well Richard (winking at him somewhat lewdly while I wiggled a shoulder seductively) … ready for round 2 … the bathroom is calling your mother.”


My son eagerly and willingly slipped the covers back and was feasting on the view. So I slowly again opened my legs now enjoying his youthful attention while saying, “A full day of special nursing … I’m depending on you … ready?” (He nodded) and assisted me to the bathroom with my naked aroused boob sitting on his arm. “I’m feeling a little woozy, must be the pain-killers last night …”


I sat on the toilet, winked at him and waited, my bladder bursting and I couldn’t go. I was getting restless. I looked up into my son’s eyes as he stood in the doorway. “Umm…I’ll wait in your room, …” he said.


“Please don’t, I still feel woozy … all my bodily functions want to work but nothing is happening …”

I said and smiled again. Time passed and nothing was happening, oh god I needed to pee and I also needed to go otherwise. “I may need some real nursing care son, …” I hinted, this time I blushed.


“Well, I’m not a real nurse but if you tell me what to do, I’ll try to do my best … if you want …”

he stammered with determination.


“Richard – umppff, ahhhh … I need your help … massage my stomach and well … between my legs to help me relax …” I stammered hesitantly. “This – we won’t tell anyone about, especially your father!”


My young teenage son shot forward like he came out of a cannon dropping to his knees before me and with much eagerness attempted to rub my belly. “Lower son – just above … well above my hair…”

His gentle touch massaged as he shyly began to insert his other hand between my legs (which I allowed to spread rather easily) and took a rather unexpected gasp as his fingers encased my quivering pussy. I closed my eyes, bite my lower lip as his fingers now slipped across my muff (I rather bluntly opened wider) thus allowing his youthful hand to slip between my now slick crack.


“I’m I doing it right mom?” a barely audible whisper broke through my now hazy erotic state.


“Umm humm … just like that …” I almost moaned.


I was AROUSED! My own son was heating his mothers kettle very nicely … “Ummmm ohhh …” as I felt his upper hand creeping down (without his realizing it) to stimulate mommy’s clit (well, at least the top of it) and it happened, I realized a slow steady steam of burning hot pee, coating my son’s hand as he continued to administer his now increased rate of movement along my slit. Seconds later in mist of my pee I began to cum ever so gently “Ohhhhhhhhh UHHHhhh ummmm  ummmm, ohh such a good boy!” and he never stopped his hands but his breathing certainly was affected.


Three increasing orgasms followed in quick secession and I knew I was slipping into a state of dangerous territory utterly helpless as my young virgin son encouragingly nursed me into untold bliss.

I needed a quick release … “Ummm oh sweetie, slip your fingers back and play with mommy’s bum” I whispered hotly (I love my ass played with). His eagerness and my dripping pussy created a sudden entry of his finger into my eager butt hole. My sudden harsh intake of breath and his rather deep penetration caused my asshole to slam shut on his finger and a cascade of sweeping orgasms left me panting for more as a whined to him “Ummmm (I growled with heightened huskiness) … make mommy cum … make me beg … you want mommy excited don’t you … you want mommy bad … you want mommy to make you a man today … DON’T YOU!” I screamed as he relentlessly worked my ass with his finger and his upper hand had now slipped onto my now engorged and badly swollen clit.


Between ragged gasping breaths I begged my son to get me to bed, my ass reluctantly let his finger slip out we got to the bed where I struggled to get into the middle of the bed, my sluttish legs spread wide and with thrusting hips I encouraged my son to slip his head between my thighs. “That’s my young lover … lick mommy’s pussy with your tongue … make me worse … show mommy how bad you want me to make you a man!” His inexperienced tongue slide up and down my weeping gash, he was feasting on my sweet nectar and did not need much direction as he eager mouth munched hungrily on my exposed swollen clit (like father, like son) and to my utter amazement his hand was thrusting under my ass which I eagerly lifted and squealed with delight as he roughly jammed in his finger again feverishly finger-fucking my ass hole. He was a fast learner! His mouth and tongue now serviced me from clit to ass as I tossed and turned humping uncontrolled.


“That’s it sweetie … you got it … Make MOMMY your SLUTTTT, your horny plaything ever second of the day … make mommy do everything you always dreamed of - CONTROL ME ”

I hissed and panted screaming with orgasmic pleasure.


As he brutally two-finger fucked my ass in and out, he began dry humping my leg like a dog in heat pushing me over that ever so fine line into rampant incest that I hungered for so badly. I (after repeated begging) finally got him to stop long enough to undress.


My eyes bulged out of their sockets, my mouth drooled … I shuddered with an explosive CUM screaming unintelligent words just from seeing my virgin son standing beside my matrimonial bed.

His cock was gigantic – OMG he was over a foot long and as thick as a small plastic pop bottle and he was very ready for his mommy.


“Oh child … mount your SLUT, control me … jam your horse cock into my tight cunt …” I breathed was unbridled desire. He wasted no time getting between my now well spread legs, his horse cock swollen and purplish doing flips in eagerness to impale his mother. I was gushing cunt juice like never before – I wanted his horse cock!


He guided his swollen gigantic member to my badly swollen pussy … feeling the head slip into me and my tightness holding him at bay (I had two children – by a bikini c-section) as I pumped upwards he drove down into me forcing me, his mother apart further to bury half of this magnificent cock as he roughly and excitedly thrust hammering at my cunt, with ever nerve ending afire I lay helplessly beneath him trying to relax as I surrendered to his now blazing incest that demanded satisfaction as he brutally assaulted my creaming cunt. Then – magically he was buried to the hilt.

I lay there begging, me a grown sensible woman; “please … please … FUCK YOUR MOTHER …”  as my teenage horse-cocked son began to punish his SLUT … I lost count of how many times I coated his vibrant swollen mother-fucking horse-cock with CUM ... when I suddenly “felt it deep in my vagina a strange tight spasmodic pain spreading my uterus apart and hearing his muffled voice against my neck huffing and puffing “…can’t hold out much longer…” I knew he was seconds from blowing his load into my unprotected uterus! I smiled happily as I locked my legs about his bucking hips holding my son in place as he released his pent up boiling incest sperm in hot splash after splash globs into me, his mother! I knew right then the little bugger had just made me pregnant  and I couldn’t get enough of him. “That’s a good boy … make mommy pregnant with your baby … UUUmmm you have me good … go to it … FUCK YOUR MOTHER …” 

I hope I wrote it good for you Barb.

If you like Barbara’s story, email me opbone11@yahoo.ca if you want part 2…

Handyman's Daughter

OPBONE on Incest Stories

Handy-Man’s Daughter


Good day to all; through this incredible writer I will tell my story that I have held so long.

My name is Stacey, nothing special to write home about … I’m 22 years old, 5 foot 8 inches, 135 pounds and a pretty 40B – 29 – 35, fairly athletic with long legs. I live at home with my father and this all took place over the last 7 years.


During my 15th year, my step-mother came down with cancer which devastated dad (he’d l

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ost his first wife to cancer when I was 4), anyway dad is a professional handyman and began to convert the master bedroom with handrails, improve space and convert bathroom to handicap accessibility. I had nothing better to do so I offered to help, all my life I seemed to be covered in sawdust. So, while my step-mom received initial chemo treatments, I became daddy’s apprentice.


I gave up my bedroom (large and had a small bathroom) for them in-between her sessions. I preferred the den couch so I could study late and not disturb them as the school year was drawing to a close. Mom was very ill, weak and remained a very elegant lady that brought us closer together. Skipping through the intense illness period dad and I renovated.


This story begins after the second round of chemo; dad had just brought mom home to her newly retrofitted room, I just started school summer break and it was dad’s busy season. I looked after mom from her nausea-vomiting, loss of hair to bathing and I learnt to run a household but most of all I grew up with her incredible guidance. It became habit every morning after her breakfast that I sponge bathed her and we yakked (girls talk).


On this particular morning I’d finish washing her face, neck (was going to skip the breasts) when she requested rather modestly if I could wash every square inch of her (not thinking much about it) I undressed her and began washing her boobies which caused her nipples to become very erect, when she quietly asked, “If I had any new boy paying attention to me … (I shrugged then shook my head no) … have your periods stabilized … (I had terrible painful periods 4 months ago and she’d taken me to a gynaecologist, she held my hand as I had my first vagina exam and placed on the pill) ... I replied they had and the last 3 had been no problem. At this point I had reached her groin noticing that dad had made a very special delivery to her pussy either last night or this morning, mom had a radiant deep blush. As I wiped up the spillage of sperm the back of my hand was covered in dad’s spunk off the bed sheets. Mom apologized profusely as she opened her legs wider to be cleaned and much more sperm oozed out (poor dad, it had been awhile) I washed her bald silky pussy and thinking I had did a pretty good job I rolled her to the side to wash her back and more cum spilled from between her ass cheeks,

Having washed her good, I spread a towel down over the enormous thick pool rolled her back just to discover again to mom’s deep embarrassment that more of dad’s sperm released from her pussy. During the second cleaning mom confessed with a shy smile, “… I think daddy left with a smile this morning (she giggled and I laughed hilariously while managing to slip in at least your looking better).

The bath finished, breakfast done and with fresh new sheets mom rested quietly in her easy chair she had me come sit on the ottoman. She praised me for helping run the house, taking care of her and then she said in a tired voice, “I won’t always have the strength, daddy going to suffer before long … I don’t know … ” she drifted off to sleep.


I went about the house chores and washing kind of lost in thought about dad and while mom slept I surfed the net coming across incest stories not sure if by accident or not and read for hours; my virgin pussy tingled and I’m almost ashamed to say I had experimentally played with myself only a few times throughout my puberty. I saved the site and guiltily went to check on mom.

Mom was awake wondering what I been up to, quite honestly I replied, “Just surfing the net…”

“Anything special?” she wondered as she caught sight of my very erect nipples through my t-shirt

(I wasn’t wearing a bra).


Rather embarrassed I hummed and hawed, “I was … ahhh … reading some romance stuff…”


“Just a site … romance stuff … I have one or two of those I always visited when daddy was out of town working… maybe we should compare sites…hmmm…” she smiled brightly, “You might like them …”


Well, I brought her laptop over to her and nearly peed my shorts. Mom opened up an incest site similar to mine asking if I wanted to read one. I shyly shook my head no but mom said she’d show me her favourite and before long I was reading a father/daughter letter that left me with a tingling muff and erratic breathing. Mom smiled asking calmly, “So, was it as good as yours?”


“Oohhh, leaves you somewhat out of breath … until today I’d never thought of anything like that…” I replied quite speechless.


“I won’t always have the strength, I love him so much and he does (tears flowed) … will need help.”


I stared at mom speechless for a long time, “Your suggesting … me … ohhhh I … I don’t … know?”


We talked. I confessed (in tears) I’d only played a few times that I didn’t know anything about sex and he was my dad. Mom held me and eventually asked me to just think about it. “I’m still capable now young lady … (kissing me on the forehead) …”


Eventually mom dozed off and I stayed with her reading many stories from the site till I found I had moistness covering my shorts and slipped off to clean up. Needless to say the next few weeks I read steadily, I dressed more provocatively and I had some pretty heated nights and through it all our girls talk during morning baths was stimulating and rewarding.


On mornings where dad had left a special delivery, mom encouraged me to rub some on my skin and several times to taste it; dads sperm was a little salty and quite sweet. I spent longer and more in-depth study of mom’s now fuzzy muff as she explained anatomy of pussy pleasure.

Mom explained that a man (or woman) should ask what feels good or what I like having done to me. That (man or woman) should listen to my breathing patterns and be aware of my body responses. She then asked me a strange question, “Do you think your vagina is ugly, dirty or smells bad?”
“I’m not sure mom, I think yours is beautiful and very sexy especially when daddy leaves his sperm … yours smells very lovely” I replied turning beet red.
“I only mentioned it Stacey because many women and young girls think their genitals are ugly or dirty because its so close to … well you know (long pause) … so remember your genitals are beautiful, unique and should always be a turn on for yourself; sex will always be pleasurable when your relaxed whether masturbating or with a man.” mom said very casually, “I remember what it was like to be young without anyone telling me nothing… You may not know this but our vagina’s is not where the action is, anatomically Stacey our clitoris is the same as a man’s penis however our clitoris has at least double the nerve endings … do you know what that means?”
Blushing I shyly whispered, “we stimulate faster with it being played with …”
“I know it seems embarrassing, but if we can’t talk as mature women about these thing, how are we ever going to tell a man what is required to please us…?” mom winked.
I went for broke I had so many hints and stories from my girl friends that I was confused, “Mom … how or what do you like … I’m rather a novice at any of this…”
“I like to start slow with a man … you know, hugs, kissing, petting, fondling and I love to be fingered … all very good for arousal.” She said, “…but when I need to masturbate I gently  touch myself all over my genitals with ghostly feather touch, caress my soft pubic hair, spread my labia … you know the lips and lightly stroke my clitoris … it becomes erect and before I know it I’m lubricating, then I stroke around the opening and ever so gently penetrate my vagina… I take it that was the part you were wondering about?”

“It was… I had no idea what to do…my friends they talk about dido’s and I had to check on line what that was…” I admitted timidly.


“Are you ready for one? … Are you still a virgin? She asked.


“Yes mom, still a total virgin … and I’m not sure I’m ready for one, having never seen one.” I blushed


“If you want to see one (she blushed) … there’s several different ones in the second drawer of my dresser … I’d recommend as a mother that you don’t deflower yourself with one.” She responded quietly.


Intrigued I got up off the ottoman, opened the drawer and picked all four up feeling them, running them along my cheek (noticing the hint of mom’s aroma) even turning on two that had batteries. “Which one is your favourite mom? Wait … let me guess?” again catching a brief smell. “This one … (a soft dildo of pink jelly-like yet flexible one of 9-inches) … and this one (not sure why it was narrower yet still about 8-inches long) and kept playing with it.


“Your right (waving me to bring them over) … this one is for Bridgett and this one is for Snookie…” she giggled then laughed at my confused look.

I hadn’t heard mom laugh in weeks, “Bridgett is what your “daddy” calls my pussy … and well … Snookie is what I call my bottom … (again my stunned questioning look) …I love anal stimulation.”

She had me sit beside her on the corner of chair, “When I was a young teenager, not too much younger than you, I too heard the girls talking (laughs again) … I confused my bum with my vagina in secrecy under my sheets and accidentally deflowered my bottom, since then I love to play with my rectum.” She admitted confidentially, “I often stimulate it when your daddy is kissing or sucking…”


“I never tried it or thought about it … mom, why shouldn’t I break myself with one?” I asked.

“Well, … I wasn’t expecting you to ask but let me try to explain Stacey…” mom seemed lost in thought for awhile, “…the hymen, indicating you’re a virgin is a mysterious sheet of fleshy membrane that partially covers the opening to our vagina’s or birth canal, generally a finger or if your careful a tampon can be introduced without tearing… only a larger object or erect penis causes it to be stretched or break which generally causes some mild bleeding and as a woman it feels much better to have it broken by an erect penis then even a warmed up one of these under the hot tap…”

Mom looked very tired and I had lots to think about so I gently kissed her cheek then at the last second threw my arms about her while I whispered, “Thank you mom, I’ll let you rest for awhile” I collected up mom’s playthings and returned them to her drawer.


I slipped into my room where I removed my shorts and panties looking at myself before the mirror, I caressed myself gently now quite proud of my body noticing that I tingled between my thighs quicker, then lay down on my bed exploring my pussy; before to long I had myself quite hot and bothered, tentatively began inserting a finger. Needless to get into all the crème details I began breathing rather strangely with intense burning quivering coming from my love tunnel. I slipped a finger lower from my other hand, I was ready – wiggling it in some (it was tight and it burned) and decided I needed something slippery I gathered my cream now oozing from my pussy onto my finger and retried wiggling it in my ass, OMG it felt better (still very tight) but soon I was pumping it in and out freely. Time stood still as I brought myself to varying degrees of orgasm as I muffled my screams into my pillow. All done I smiled wickedly to myself in the mirror as I slipped on just my shorts, ensuring that my muff was on display. I walked away – looking back at the mirror, “You got me started mom … no telling where this will go!”

If you enjoyed the start to Stacey’s story…email me at opbone11@yeahoo.com

Grandma's Rose (Part 2)

OPBONE on Incest Stories

We left off at …

“That’s good, cause it was mom’s idea; she is really taken with you … ” she said excitedly, “And now young man, we better tuck you into bed you had several long days…” she stood tugging me upright. We walked down the hallway, mom’s arm around my waist till we came to the spare bedroom, she slid her hand down taking mine leading me in and softly closing the door she whispered, “Grandma says I should be very proud of you … she also says you have some pretty unique talents for such a young man and I do owe you big time for taking care of mom &helli

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p;”, with that she clicked off the room light. 

The room is dark; mom is slowly pushing me back against the door. With unmitigated surprise my mothers lips kissed my cheeks wildly, her lips brushing mine as she flooded me with a torrent of emotional kisses, breaking infrequently to pant out endearments in my ears, “My son…”, “…Teased you for so long…”, “Mommy always wanted you so bad…”, “…I am so wanton of your love …”, “Say you want me … or should I walk out the door to my own room?”

The seething heat of her passion was over-whelming as her incredible tailored suit wrinkled against me as she pressed withering against my body – heightening my years of pent up cardinal desires for my own mother! How could I not willingly embrace this opportunity of suppressed love when but a mere half-a-day ago I was fucking my own grandmother’s boiling cunt where this wild womanly sexual spirit had been spawned? Time froze, emotion swept over me so no breath could be inhaled, my heart like a volcano ready to erupt, knees of mush as my chosen woman of desire softly kissed my cheek as she took a quick intake of breath withdrawing back as her arm moved from my cheek … (why oh why was I frozen in time when my mind screamed … react!) I could feel her hand on the door knob … “Oh mom … I do want you…” my timid whispered voice shook with suppressed desire. “so badly  do I want you … that you will be disappointed in me …” 

Those simple words choked with deep hidden emotion drew mother to me like a moth to a light. Her fingers found my lips to silence my unspoken concerns. With (sniffling) emotion she commanded, “Nod your head yes or no if you desire me?” a positive up and down nod of affirmation was given.

Thus receiving that blessing her hand led me towards the bed where she gently pushed me down.

Her arms circled my neck again smothering me with a volley of passionate kisses, the wetness of her cheek told me her fear at near rejection or the sheer happiness of sinful acceptance; my brain told me not to sway to the negative but embrace the limitless positive of this fluidic moment.

Mom slowly laid me back upon the bed as she followed me to a mutual sensual position wince she unleashed her passion in a breath-taking open mouth kiss that filled the room with a timeless array of fireworks; through it all I inhaled her perfume and erotic musky aroma that accompanied her arousal state that tormented me since I could first remember. Untold time passed as we embraced, tongues swirling or exploring each others mouth, panting breath and hands that lingered caressingly across each others willing bodies; the forbidden desires caused mother to reach an orgasmic release that shook the bed and thus stifled cries of, “Ohhhh’s and Ummm’s … ohhhh son …” as my lips covered her face, lips, hungry mouth and having just started down her neck. “Oh sweet child … ” as my hand cupped her breasts held behind the tailor suit till with trembling fingers began to unbutton her blouse, “…oh yes!”

Thus revealing those inviting mammary behind a lacy red bra that so often teased me in the open at unexpected but appreciated times throughout life, those that I suckled as a child.

My arms embraced mother as inept fingers unhooked her bra allowing my hungry mouth easier access to her womanly attributes. Was it “I or the moment of forbidden passion” that caused yet another sexual orgasmic release screech from my mother as my mouth closed over her hardened nipples? Her breasts and nipples so much supple then her mothers. With abandonment I feasted on her, like a caged animal pawing to receive nourishment withheld to a point of starvation. The power in my arms held her tightly ensuring I did not lose her as she loudly screamed in the throes of yet a series of mind-blowing inner orgasms. Her thrashing legs – hip pumping – ragged breath cascading her primal bellowing “Ohhhhh UMMM EEEE … Ohhh CHRIST (between clenched teeth)  …. JESUS … I’m Cummmming … SON … jezzzzz … EEEIiiiiiiouuuu … OH MY GOD … OhhEEEiiiioouuuu” that left her weakly panting as she begged, “ohh Patrick … just hold me for a few minutes …I’ve never …oh (raising her voice loudly) … Oh gezzz Mother, you were so right …” as I softly kissed her exposed flesh of her neck and chest with honest passion. 

“Patrick … son … if … when … when you take me … which I so want … (her voice trembling as my fingers tracing across her exposed belly each time slipping towards her wondrous groin still clad in its tailored suit) … I’m leading you into incest so willingly … do you want your mother that badly …” she shuddered as my finger slowly undid her skirt waist band. “Why (again another shudder and quick intake of breath as the last button let go) … was it my teasing …?”

As my hands slowly slipped up the outside leg gradually pushing her skirt up revealing she wore nylons and garter belt yet compassionately providing lingering ghostly kisses to her exposed skin paused long enough in the darkness enveloping this mother – son uniting to answer in a soft whisper. “Mom (kissing her hungrily on her lips once again tongues entwine sensually) … Mom …  I remember your warmth or security when I was scared, the times as a small child (another sensual kiss) …when playing hide-and-seek I’d hide under your robe or dress … (another longer sensual mouth kiss) or the times when I was sick or just wanted company (another kiss as my hands caressed her bottom) … I remember each time your aroma, your special scent and once … (another open mouth kiss)… when hiding under your robe for a long time a drop of wetness (a long tongue entwining far reaching down the throat type that left each other panting for air) … I … I … think I fell in love with the woman … (I felt her starring in the darkness) … since then I cherished those moments when you’d reveal yourself to me … (another halting pause as my fingers brushed her slit held within red clad panties feeling the wetness we had made) … wanting you so badly, ashamed that it was forbidden (another lingering … this time a dry mouth kiss on the lips) … the guilt I felt for wanting you so badly (head snuggled to her chest) … I’d willing go to jail to just once have that opportunity to fulfill that desire in me!”

“I … I want you … I’ve always known from your birth … God forgive me son … I encouraged it so much … each year … if .. if … (ever so quietly whispered) … you want me as badly, take me now…”

Words were no longer needed as I slipped over mom’s willing opening legs; my head bending to inhale the power of her forbidden treasure, my tongue licking her engorged pussy lips for long minutes that felt like hours I feasted on her nectar soaked panties, almost chewing through them. My inner self, rejoicing to mom’s whining of heated desire. With shaking hands, my fingers slid what remained of her panties to the side to tongue the object of my wanton quest, my mothers’ cunt. With tenderness learned from grandma I ate my mother out with passion. Willing myself to please her beyond all doubt that I should be her man. My tongue licked softly at the folds of her pussy lips, juices flowing unheeded and much relished as my tongue flicked, flittered and dove into from wince I came. Her screams of thrashing sexual frustration mounting by the minute as I suckled her clit (at least 2 ½ inches long) into my mouth; I nibbled, sucked, tugged and thrust my tongue beneath the hood of her clit. My incestuous feeling poised my whole oral endeavours to relieve my mother of her forbidden nectar.

A continual low to high moan mounted to screaming of “Ohhhhh …UMMMEEEE … Ohhh CHRIST… JESUS … I’m Cummmming … SON … jezzzzz … EEEIiiiiiiouuuu … OH MY GOD … OhhEEEiiiioouuuu” accompanied by wildly thrashing legs. Her spread was incredibly wide as she thrust up her swollen, red engorged cunt. Unrelenting my tongue speared her vaginal opening like a jackhammer and other times reaming the cream from her silken stretched walls. As my animal lust flourished my greedy fingers pulled her lips wider to feed my hunger for mother. The sheer magnitude of her daisy-chained orgasms frequently caused her to pass out only to awaken screaming for mercy as I tongue bathed her to another.

In the process of trying to devour her hot creamy juices much of which slipped into her ass crack my tongue slipped lower to her puckered rose bud. Poor mother, her lust crazed boy just tore her panties with his teeth to access her rectum. I was the hunter seeking its pry as I thrust my tongue along her crack to force its way into her possibly virgin territory. She BEGGED loudly, “OHHH mother, MOTHER … Ohh – GOD HELP … Ohhhh EEEiiiiiiii…” as orgasmic wave upon wave crashed on her shore.

My desire for my mother was out of control, my release was calling as my swollen gorged cock begged for release from the confines of my jeans. Wildly I tore at the button and zipper shaking like a snake shedding its skin till they collected about my shaking knees and I knelt between mothers splendid thrusting mound (I knew she had a nicely trimmed mat of hair from previous viewings as well as licking her nectar from her pussy bush). I started as a hand brushed my buttocks and soon forgot as the head of my cock touched mom’s gapping sloppy tunnel. I thrust sinking in deeply – freezing to savour the incredible heat and welcoming creamy walls of mom’s cunt. The thought held me in its grips that I was indeed fucking my mother. Her thrusting hips slowly edged down further along my swollen cock dragging me deeper as I began to meet her thrusts as grandma had taught me; mom’s ragged panting cooed and crooned endlessly. Her cunt welcomed me as I thrust in and out my balls slapping against her bare ass, the head of my cock slipping into a tighter access then before, I knew not where I was but it must be heaven. I shuddered and shook withstanding the urge to spill my seed in my mother, I wanted this moment to last forever but mother nature was like a bitch-in-heat forcing mother’s cunt walls to spasm washing her own son’s cock with her creamy juices the intensity was too much and I shot my load in spurts splashing mom’s depths; her cries in a horse voice now, “Ohhh Mother, he’s just splashed his seed in me … my own son …” and proceeded to scream her maternal “JESUS … I’m Cummmming … SON … jezzzzz … EEEIiiiiiiouuuu … OH MY GOD … OhhEEEiiiioouuuu” to which in true animal lust and one swollen hard cock I again rode mother’s willing cunt; I was buried to the hilt and our combined juices made her more than accessible as I fucked her and fucked her.  

I became aware of a hand softly rubbing my back, I was startled slowing my thrusts into my mother, grandma was sitting beside us holding mom’s hand made me more delirious with lust and continued to hump mom furiously. This time I felt the urge building leaning to mom’s ear, “I need to cum …”

“Oh yes Patrick, cum … cum in mommy … fill mommies cunt with your seed … I’m yours, we promised each other … oh god … (panting) …mother he’s so big … JESUS … I’m Cummmming … … jezzzzz … EEEIiiiiiiouuuu … OH MY GOD … OhhEEEiiiioouuuu”

I exploded, cum squished out around my thrusting cock as I filled mom again and again, never before while masturbating or unloading into grandma had I ever cum this much, the sheer knowledge of doing it with my willing mother urged me to keep fucking her till what may have been mere minutes I soon the urge to again unload in her… Exhaustion and excitement hit me like a ton of bricks and I collapsed onto mom, her legs moved and circled around my waist locking me into her womb. I welcomed sleep.

I awoke much later with a smile on my face as I realized I was still locked deep in my mother. Voices clawed through the haze of sleep, “… oh mom, I never thought … your grandson I’m sure just made me pregnant …”

“Did he, such a good boy …”, grandma said with warmth in her voice.

“Oh mom … (whispers, unheard)

“Welcome it precious girl, let him put in as many as he wants into you … (again inaudible whispers) … who cares who know, do you want him to fuck you … (“oh gezz yes mom” purred mom passionately). then let him impregnate you anytime he wants, encourage it … he certainly wants you bad enough … (again inaudible whispers) … he certainly creamed my old beaver, never heard of any man who had so much seed …” 

The thought that I had could have made mom pregnant was exciting, my cock stirred and twitched excitedly as I slowly began a gentle thrusting into her now know unprotected cunt. I shift my head as a fucked in and out of her as I nuzzled to her excited breast sucking her swollen nipple into my mouth.

Mom’s legs tightened again around my waist as she met my thrusts and a good  rhythm developed. 

“He’s definitely horny mom” whispered mom with a huge smile lightening her face in the feeble light of early morning. 

“Encourage him, make him worse … welcome his seed … when your too sore, send him into me (bending down to kiss mom’s forehead) … between the two of us we should keep him quite happy…”

grandma chuckled, “… if your willing to share my daughter!” 

“Patrick, Patrick … ” mom whispered into my ear to wake me, “are you awake … mommy wants you …”, to which I slowly showed her I was awakened and murmuring (good morning mom) around her breast that I was still sucking. 

“…mmmmm … my son … did you enjoy mommy last night?” she asked passionately as she thrust up her hips more into my already deeply thrusting cock.  

“You were an angel of mercy mom, I loved every second of it … you sure can kiss…” I whispered into her ear, having relinquish my hold on her nipple…” 

“And what would my son like to put into mommy …?” she purred. 

“Honestly mom? … then I’d love to put babies in you and keep you naked all the time, so I can always eat you …” I responded with great zeal. 

“Then we better stay here at grandma’s a few more days so you can make sure I’m pregnant, would you like that?” mom whispered hotly into my ear. 

My answer was the really lay into her hot cunt, my thrust pushed deeply as I felt the bottom part slide into that tighter area again.

“That’s mommy’s big boy, your in my cervix … can you feel it … (nodding my head yes) … then fill me with your seed, make mommy pregnant … I’ll have all the babies you want …” she whispered.

I picked her legs up lick I’d seen in the magazine, drawing mom’s knees up by her shoulders, I fucked her repeatedly, I was determined to make her pregnant. The more she whispered and coaxed me to cum, the deeper I pushed until the forces of nature caused my cock to spurt boiling cum for the second straight time since grandma left the room. 

Mom welcomed my cum, “Ohhhh yes, (screaming her banshee cries of passion) …seed me with your baby juice … you have mommy so sore already that if you need to cum again you may have to use grandma…”she smiled as she kissed me, “Think you can manage her too son?” 

“With your encouragement I can do it all day long mom…” 

A footnote in time: We spent three more days at grandma’s house. Mom was definitely pregnant having missed her period after many in-depth sessions that even grandma begged for mercy. I graduated high school with mom’s belly only a month away with our child. Grandma lives with us and I continue to feast many times a day on both their nectar.

Should I continue writing? Do I have what it takes to fire your loins?

If so please email me at opbone11@yahoo.ca Ladies I welcome ideas and suggestions

Grandma's Rose (Part 1)

OPBONE on Incest Stories

Grandma’s Rose


This story is based on a true story, some divergence in time my only deviance from the truth.


It was a Thursday - I had just come home from school and headed to the kitchen for a snack. There I found Mom sitting at the kitchen table on the phone in a housecoat with obvious wet spots from a shower; She was sitting back in the chair with her legs open that revealing her lovely boobies and magnificent hairy patch. She seemed very upset and distracted as I kissed her on the cheek then sitting across from her as my

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eyes took in mom’s forbidden delights.


Mom is a very pretty lady of 42, packing only a few extra pounds. She’s 5 foot 5, somewhere around 135 lbs with a lovely 38-C bust and stunning dark brown shoulder length hair. I have often seen her in varying stages of undress that never phased her one bit. We have a great Mother/Son relationship since dad left the picture about 26-months ago having come home one Friday afternoon to pack some things and ran off to another city with an old-flame. It was mom’s obligation to tell my sister and I that night.


I had been distracted in thought while still starring at my mother and not realized she had hung up the phone and was sitting there quietly crying. I immediately went to her kneeling between her legs; “What is it mom? Why are you upset?” asking in a compassionate but slightly demanding tone. I had got more demanding just before dad had left so I could be noticed. What do you expect from a 17-year old kid.


“That was grandma’s neighbour. Grandma C. is sick, they think she had a mild stroke from not taking care of herself. I need to get down there but I can’t get away till Sunday because of business (mom was a very good real estate person), your sister has midterms and your aunt Betty is in Brazil for several weeks. I know it’s a lot of responsibility Patrick, but could you drive up and take care of my mom till I can get there mid-afternoon Sunday?” she pleaded and how could a young male teenager say no while kneeling between his own mother’s naked thighs.


“I can easily do that mom, I only have 2 classes tomorrow if you could call, I’m doing very well in those subjects.” I stated.


Standing quickly so that my face was so near her fabulous bush as I inhaled her scent. “Come along then, lets get you packed and on the way.” She blurted out as she brushed past me her robe still open.


By time I caught up with her in my room she had tied the robe belt closing off my chance of further enlightenment of her gifts. She was opening my closet and pulling from the back of it my suitcase throwing it onto the bed. As I opened the zipper, she started handing me clothes. “You’ll have to do some cooking and probably some house work … and you better phone me right after you get there and fill me in on what’s happening … and you’ll need some money …” In the process of much moving about her robe had come untied again and I was smiling while feasting on her womanly treasures.


“What are you grinning at … Ohhhh, sorry”, she said in ruffed voice while re-tying her robe. “…And you better pack several of these to keep you occupied …” she smiled as she handed me several issues of porno magazines from my bottom drawer. “Now come to my room when you get that zipped up …” and off she flew again.


I slipped in my special magazines of mature women and zipped the suitcase shut. I carried it to the hallway and knocked on mom’s open door, her back was to me as she put on a pair of panties, her bra already in place.


“Oh stop starring, you seen enough of your old mom to last you a life time.” She said with absolutely no hint of anger accompanied by a sweet smile. “Here … (reaching into her purse) is $250.00 … gas and whatever other things maybe needed till I get there … ” She stood up and looked me in the eye. “Can you handle all this Patrick … (I nodded yes) … I owe you big time! …”

As we passed through the kitchen she flipped me the keys to her car, “I’ll take the van on Sunday … drive carefully … and remember to phone me!” she insisted and then surprising me gave me a tender hug and kiss on the cheek. As I climbed into her car and just about to shut the door, mom ran up with a single rose “Give this to mom, from me…” she said with a tear flowing down her cheek, then looked wildly about her as the garage door was opening she stood still in her bra and panties and stepped back into the kitchen and blew me a kiss.


- - - - - - - - - -


It was just dusk when I arrived at Grandma C’s house; I rang the doorbell and was greeted by the lady next door. “I’m the grandson of Mrs. C., I’ve come to watch over her till mom gets here.” I announced.

She filled me in on the details she knew and gave me a phone number she’d be at explaining she too had a sick husband and was off.


Entering the house and closing the door I set down my bag going off in search of Grandma. I found her resting in her bed and had to explain who I was and why I was there. “It is nice to have some company … I guess I been sick …” and went on to explain that she hadn’t been eating or drinking much fluids, got weak and filled me in on what the doctor had told her.


I got settled in her spare bedroom and called mom, “… She has slight reduced strength on one side, something called a TIA, some form of mild brain attack affecting her movements, not much appetite and needs to rest a lot …”


Mom had filled in the blanks and stressed that I had to help grandma to the bathroom or any type of movement and not to be surprised if she forgot who I was … and many other details.


I started my rapidly thrust upon temporary career of nursing having made soup, toast and tea that I brought to Grandma, talked while she ate and later helped her to the bathroom where I had nothing but two left hands and all thumbs. I discovered she had several layers of clothing that I had to get through before I could seat her and seeing the bathtub asked her when she had a bath last.  I needed some advice … call MOM! “Mom … Grandma says she’s not had a bath … ” only to be coached by mom over certain details thus I learned ladies needed to wipe and still further how to give a bath … that she loved me and was very proud of me … call anytime if I needed advice.


“Grandma, I need to … you know … mom says I need to wipe you down there and then I’ll give you a bath …” I stammered and stumbled tongue-tied.


All the while grandma nodded and smiled, “I know … I haven’t been able to …”


So, with far too much toilet paper and a violet coloured blush I reached between grandma’s legs as she remained seated, wiped her pussy, ran bath water and slowly almost seductively undressed her while admiring that her breasts were not to her knees as friends said happened to women over 50 and that even at 66 grandma looked pretty hot even with her slightly grey but nicely trimmed beaver. 


As I assisted grandma into the tub in a sitting position, I swallowed my innocence and washed her with a soapy face cloth; I think I lingered lustfully on her breasts because her nipples grew taunt with occasional short gasps of breath, then I hesitated, how do I begin to wash her between the legs?


“Grandma, I need to wash your … well … (I pointed between her legs) …” I shyly said.


She lifted or a better description would be she slid down into the tub some and arched her pelvis “Is this better … now take your time, wash between the folds …” she said as she winked.


Scared and bewildered I looked at her attractive pussy, it had many folds so while holding each (I guess their called lips) I tentatively began to gentle wash in simple strokes. I stopped immediately as Grandma took a sudden intake of air accompanied by a suppressed “Ohh” that progressed to “Umm’s” when I came out of my “responsibility” role and looked at her as a woman who lost her husband at least 7-years or more. Looking at grandma’s face with her eyes closed she had a content smile occasionally softly biting her lower lip as I washed and played along her lips; I searched and found her partially hooded bud brushing the face cloth ever so gently across it, amazed to see that it grew to nearly 1 ½ inches accompanied by far more frequent “Ahhs”. My lingering slowly ceased as I washed her inner thighs to the soles of her feet.


Grandma was smiling at me as she, “that was nice … “


I had some difficulty helping her up safely to stand on the bath mat to towel her down, again slightly lingering in all the right places before I assisted her to sit on the bed. Grandma directed me to the bottom drawer of her dresser for a lovely mid-thigh nightgown that I managed to put on properly the first time. Once I got her laid back on her pillow I asked if she would like to talk to mom for a few minutes, which she did.


“Hi Mom, no everything is ok, someone would like to talk to you.” I handed over the phone and slipped out to go to the bathroom. When I came back several minutes later grandma gave me back the phone and I reassured mom all was ok.”


“I know you had to do some things you were not expecting Patrick, from the bottom of my heart I appreciate your efforts and embarrassments your doing on my behalf I won’t ever forget it.”


Grandma was smiling as I told her mom had sent her something special; I slipped out of the room to return with the red rose. I held it to her nose to inhale its fragrance and grandma began to cry. I sat beside her asking her, “Why the tears?”


Grandma whispered through her tears, “It would have been our 45th wedding anniversary on tomorrow and your grandfather always gave me a single red rose in the evening to tease me all night with it…”


I hugged her to me for endless moments and found myself kissing her hair as I whispered meaningless words of endearments as the compassion flowed from me. I asked very quietly for the rose which she handed to me and not knowing if I was doing it right started to lightly touch her cheeks, ears and over her lips at times slipping the rose across her eyebrows and down along her nose lingering for her to inhale the scent. It pleased grandma greatly her eyes closed a marvellous smile lit her face in afterglow.


I quietly got up and turned off the overhead light leaving just the table light to cast a soft glow.


I again sat beside grandma once again running the rose against her skin with ghostly whispery lightness. I smiled as I traced along one side of her neck to cascade in very light rolling motion to the valley of her breasts, there to trace her breast with a thorn edge across the material only to end up circling her nipple drawing it across to slip down the other side just to repeat the process on the other breast, back and forth I floated in whispery touch till grandma was panting with excitement. Now the thorn point slithered down her silken nightgown tracing patterns that ended at her belly button then widen out again slowly converging at her pubic region.


I then peeled the covers gently away from her supine body, beginning the process from her feet up, not one square inch (other than her back) was missed as I slowly alternated from thorn to ghostly feathery pedals touching her skin; My efforts were rewarded as grandma breathing became ragged, her legs opened revealing her exposed womanhood as her hand slide her gown higher.

The rose never stopped its taunting pleasure, slipping inside her thighs slowly working its way to her triangle. Her legs opened wide in a magnificent spread with her good leg bent at the knee, her foot firmly planted on the bed, hips thrusting to meet her tormentor. Her treasure was open to my devilment. Teasingly just as I reached and lightly brushed the rose up her slit she had her first orgasm that pleased and shocked me at the same time, I never dreamt that a woman of her age could have sexual feelings –

to me, I though life ended at fifty. Her pleasure now meant more to me than anything as I repeated the entire performance from head to foot again targeting her triangle.


On the third time, I worked her now seeping pussy, her juices glistening and wetting the bed below her thrusting hips as she softly begged for pleasure. With her wondrous spread I could easily assess her now swollen pussy lips, tracing each edge again with thorn and pedals – always centring on her clit well out of its hood. The soft pedals caressed one side of her clit to roll over and have the torn offer a different feeling along the other side then reverse the feelings. Her creamy nectar flowed from her now pulsating vagina opening, Her moans, ahhh’s and ohh’s followed quickly with suppressed but audible “Cumming” as her whole body shook.


After her 4th or 5th orgasm, I substituted my hot breath and tongue along her inner thighs again working towards her clit, she screamed softly with intense pleasure as I licked and suckled her pussy lips, tasting for my first time a woman’s sacred nectar. Its honey taste beckoned to me and I feasted at her offered table lay before me. Tonguing her clit and sucking it into my mouth brought forth several more body raking orgasms till I became aware of her pleading voice, “I can’t take anymore, please enter me … ohhhh please now …”


I had not even thought of “fucking” grandma but to say my swollen penis needed relief was beyond words having had several raging erections since I had got home from school seeing mom, stripping grandma and bathing not to mention the torture I had been inflicting on grandma; glancing at her bedside clock showed minutes after midnight, I hungered to slip into mom’s birth place. Slowly as not to wreck her mood I edged my clothes off while I continued suckling her triangle alternating between cold and hot breaths; I straddled grandmas open legs taking my place before her offered opening of desire.


My swollen cock touched her slick creamy opening; I stretched her opening to allow my size to enter without hurting her. To my utter amazement several inches slipped in to be welcomed by a sizzling gush of her nectar as she exploded on my entry. Thrusting down with virgin ineptness I shoved in several more inches and held – enjoying the incredible heat of her marvellous tunnel, her one hand gripped my butt cheeks pushing me in as she thrust up thereby allowing me to sink to my total length. We lay coupled like that for a while as my cock did little flips inside her creamy depths, I peeked down between us seeing my cock buried in my grandmother and encouraged by her thrusts into me, began thrusting to meet her, before long I was fucking grandma with abandon … long slow thrusts, rapid jerking thrusts, full length insertions as my experience grew. Grandma withered and shook beneath me as she had orgasm after orgasm. I was in heaven more to the point I was where mom had come from and I long dreamt of having sex with mom.


My need to release was building as my inexperience showed; driven by grandma’s multiple orgasms, thoughts of this beautiful lady beneath me and visions of my mother pushed me over the top, I let lose with a flurry of savage thrusts that erupted my backlogged sperm with blasts into Grandma that coated her vaginal walls, who in return released her fiery gusher coating my cock as the last “Ahhhhhh” was escaping my lips. I collapsed slightly onto her and partly resting on the bed still locked in her sloppy pussy.


Many hours later, I awoke to a rhythmic pulsating on my still buried cock, grandma’s pussy muscles were tightening and loosening as my youthful horniness produced another raging woollen cock. I slowly brought myself above grandma thrusting into her with gentleness. Her bad arm slowly and awkwardly slide up my side to eventually rest on my shoulder as she brought her other good arm up to hug me. “Thank you my angel … your so gentle, loving and compassionate, your grandfather would have been proud…”, as I continued looking into her eyes I fucked her with all the compassion that was in me; she drew me down so I was resting on her breasts allowing me the freedom of my hands which cupped, squeezed and teased her nipples as I continued this slow and I might say very deep fuck into her recesses of her pussy. My reward was again multiple shuddering orgasms beneath my quivering teenage body. Being very considerate I took my weight off her from time to time just to be drawn down onto her by her weaker arm. I know we made love for over 40 minutes as my need grew and grew, only wanting to please this incredible lady beneath me. Her left leg began awkward movements to rest on the back of my leg. I looked at her smiling radiant perspiring face speaking softly down to her right ear, “Grandma, I can’t hold it any longer …”


“Let go … you can have more later …” she whispered as she hugged me tighter.


My trusts quickened driving deeply into her sloping wet hot cunt. Within a few simple strokes my release of sperm splashed in waves against the depths of her maternal pussy, the need to keep thrusting over-powered my caution as her sizzling hot cunt splashed with her own creamy release that again caused me to cum again in my own grandmother. We parted breathing heavily as her much filled pussy flowed freely with our pent-up cum.


Later I helped grandma to the bathroom, she and her gown were covered in sticky gooey cum; I resorted to a juvenile whim as she sat on the toilet – I reached between her legs to finger her well-used cunt still dripping from my efforts.


Bath, breakfast and fresh gown soon found grandma dozing in her chair in the living room. The smile pasted on her face told me she was happy and content. I fell asleep on the couch. Much later I awoke with an incredible case of “blue-balls” that I had several times before from heavy masturbation. I looked finding grandma still sleeping in her chair and devilment overcame common sense. I crept over to grandma, undid her house coat spread her legs ever so gently while slipping her down further into the chair; there to my pleasure lay mom’s birth place and I began to lick her still creamy slit.


I feasted for some time listening to grandma’s moaning and only then became aware that both her hands were holding me in place before her nectar fountain. Her encouragement released my pent up “mother fetish” and I ate her with abandonment reward by again multiple orgasms that shook her tired body. When we were done grandma using her weak arm caressed my face saying in an exhausted voice, “You sure can please a woman Patrick!” I was ecstatic, she remembered my name.


With that buzzing in my mind and a wet face I picked up the ringing phone. “Mrs. C’s residence”

I answered. “Mom … How are you? … We’re all fine!” I answered guiltily to her inquiry. “You’ll be here about 7 … what tonight … ok, can’t wait to see you, I’ll have dinner ready for you … bye.”


Grandma was looking at me with a slightly saddened face, “Not much time left Patrick (as her clock struck out 1 PM) …” I knew instinctively what she meant.


“We have the rest of our lives grandma, you rest and I’ll straighten things up.” I said compassionately leaning to kiss her cheek. Her weaker arm came up to squeeze my hand resting on her breast.


Only minutes after 3 PM, I was carrying grandma in my arms to her bedroom, she was kissing me on the cheek; after sitting her on the bed I undressed her with tenderness, kissing each part of her body then together we snuggled into bed. My loving administration of oral foreplay lasted forever as I again drank from her yielding fountain of pussy cream. Her pleasured thrashing calmed only briefly as I mounted her again; easily slipping into her welcoming burning cunt. We made love twice, each time rewarded with passion untold as she fucked into me as if it was her last time. My splashing cum hitting the extreme depths of her womanhood as I had drawn her legs in my arms bending her open. She kissed me passionately, tongue slithering in my mouth as I gave her a quick shower and dressed her in a lovely dress and following her instructions actually applied lipstick.


While I rushed feverishly about preparing dinner with frequent stops beside grandma to grope her excited breasts and soaked pussy all was ready for mom. At 6:35 PM, the doorbell range and as I went to open the door grandma smiled with a knowing wink.


“Mom … I hugged her passionately to me … I’m so happy to see you …” and meant every word as she stood before me in a short tailored grey suit, nylons and showed off all her best parts.


Mom hugged and visited her mother, complimenting her on her radiance. “I owe it all to Patrick, he feed me good and spoiled me rotten.” She gave me another smile and wink. With dinner all done,  I did the dishes and they talked leaving me to contently doze in the corner of the couch as I followed the conversation from time to time.


I awoke with a start! Mom’s voice was calling to me but I was at Grandma’s … I struggled awake as my mother sat down beside me as I threw my legs to the floor. She leaned in hugging me and showering me with kisses on the cheek, “I’m so proud of you Patrick, so responsible and mom can’t praise you enough (she started to weep happily) … she showed me she can move her arm some, saying you exercised her (sniffling) …” My head swivelled as my eyes searched wildly for grandma in her chair. “Its ok my boy, I’ve tucked her into bed some time ago.” We sat there quietly with mom still hugging me before she quietly said, “I cannot leave mom her by herself … would you object if she moved in with us?” she questioned.


“That’s good, cause it was mom’s idea; she is really taken with you … ” she said excitedly, “And now young man, we better tuck you into bed you had several long days…” she stood tugging me upright. We walked down the hallway, mom’s arm around my waist till we came to the spare bedroom, she slid her hand down taking mine leading me in and softly closing the door she whispered, “Grandma says I should be very proud of you … she also says you have some pretty unique talents for such a young man and I do owe you big time for taking care of mom …”, with that she clicked off the room light.

Would you like parting 2 of Grandma’s rose, emailing me opbone11@yahoo.com your encouragement and your stories ladies.

Grandma's Rose (Part the final chapter)

OPBONE on Incest Stories

Grandma’s Rose (The final Chapter)

A footnote in time: We spent three more days at grandma’s house. Mom was definitely pregnant having missed her period after many in-depth sessions that even grandma begged for mercy. I graduated high school with mom’s belly only a month away with our child. A few years have slipped by since Grandma moved in with us; Mom gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy (we named it after Grandma’s husband). My estranged older sister who called mom a shameless slut and me a bastard for making mom pregnant that grandma had walked up to her during that hysterical fit and SLAP

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PED her face so hard while giving sis a piece of her mind over the situation, that sis walked out of our lives and stayed away.


I lay on the Master bedroom bed while grandma lavished my cock with what she called Grandma’s gum job (she’d pull her teeth out) but she could deep throat my cock easily now. “Mmm … I love your cock!” she’d say as she lay between my legs feasting till I’d either blow my load into her throat or fuck her sweet old beaver until I creamed her good. She was trying to give mom a rest since mom was now in her 5th month of pregnancy (at age 45) with our 2nd child.


Two days ago, grandma had encouraged me after another special rose massage to fuck her ass; I was a little taken back at first (she was weeks away from her 69th birthday) but she persisted and I gave in. My god her ass was tight but after an hour of finger stimulation with plenty of lubricant I sank my cock ever so slowly into grandma’s rectal depths. My 11-inch cock felt like it was held in a vice! Time and an increasing need to pump prompted me to begin thrusting into her tight ass. Grandma’s cries of discomfort in her belly urged me to new heights but also brought mom in to see what was happening.


“Oh – mom are you ok … Patrick please be careful!” she complained with urgent concern.

Grandma’s hand grabbed mom’s hand as she grunted between my increasing deep thrusts, “I begged him too …”

Grandma’s cries of discomfort slowly became grunts of pleasure as she relaxed and my need to cum

drove me into her ass with abandon; this incredible aged woman woke me this morning with a blow job, then mounted me riding me to orgasm, cleaned my cock and now has me fucking her ass. I was certainly in heaven.


“Go to slow deep thrust Patrick … your close now, don’t hurt grandma …” I desperately tried to switch to slow powerful deep thrusts, grandma now tightening and loosening her rectum driving me insane and soon I was humping her virgin ass like a dog in heat.


“UMMMM uggggggg …AHH ummm” I growled as I exploded into grandma’s bowels to lay panting as mom complimented both grandma and me for an incredible love-making session.


Mom helped Grandma to clean up and together they walked naked into the rest of the house, I lay resting since grandma had literally “fucking” exhausted me being barely 10:30 AM. I started awake to the doorbell ringing. I got up going to the bathroom and showered.


When I finally came to the kitchen with just a pair of shorts on, I stopped dumbfounded as the ladies wearing loose partially open robes sat at the kitchen table with my sister who was crying. I listened for several minutes till mom said, “Look son – your sister is here …” (she indicated with her head that I should come over and then pantomimed a kiss while nodding towards my sister)


I did as I was told leaning down to kiss her cheek, “Hi Sis – good to see you again.” I stepped back in shock, Sis was sporting a black eye and numerous bruises to her face.

“What the hell happened to you … who did this … they had no right …” I blurted angrily, somewhat surprised as Sis quickly stood throwing her arms about me in a tight hug.


“Its ok … I deserved it, my mouth… (sniffles and sobs) … will either you or mom (as she reached her hand over to touch mom’s shoulder) ever forgive me for what I said …” she babbled.

In short, Sis has had a rough 3-years floating from job to job and boyfriend to boyfriend and with her last assault ran home to mommy. I had slipped out to do some errands while the ladies talked the rest of the day away. On coming home, I walked partway through their conversation, “…ohhhh, your brothers’ baby just kicked … (while grandma was adding her two-cents) “… he just finished giving me a hell-of-a-work out just before you came …”

“Come sit with us son…” mom said with her legs spread nicely to expose her bare cunt. I went over to sit beside mom, grandma was in the chair and sis sat on the love seat, mom’s hand caressed my inner thigh as sis watched with amazement.


“Candice, if you are going to live with us – you are going to have to accept that your brother is my lover and father of (patting her tummy) … several of my children!” mom spoke with firm authority (Candice nodded her in acceptance of the situation) “… In addition young lady, we… (indicating Grandma and herself) … are having incredible sex every single day to which YOU will willingly submit yourself continuously as we do for your brothers’ pleasure…”  again she spoke firmly with stern authority (while she stared hard at her … long intense minutes passed before Candice again nodded her acceptance) “Good – are you on birth control?”  mom demanded. Candice again nodded yes. “Open your bag and give them to me right now – you are forbidden to use birth control so your brother can impregnate you as well – is that understood as well!” Candice looked hard at mom and with tears slipping quietly down her cheeks she walked over to her suitcase, opened it – removed several packages and walked back over to mom, knelt down beside mom putting her hand on mom’s swollen belly and handed her the contraceptives.


“Good choice and welcome to the family.” Said grandma.


“Patrick – take Candice’s bags to her old room, while we have some tea …” mom patted my leg.

I had left carrying the bags, I barely heard mom’s voice, “I take it your not a virgin, so you know something of pleasing a man … when you go to your room, you sit there and think – when your ready come out here ready to become your brothers willing slut … is that understood (Candice nodded yes) … good. Tea anyone?”

When I re-entered the room all were in good spirits talking happily. Sis kept stealing glances at me often blushing as my eyes met hers as she stared at my groin. I began rubbing the inside of mom’s inner thigh and she shifted to allow for a better spread for access to her cunt. I rubbed my finger up and down her moistened slit. Candice watched openly with somewhat widened eyes as I leaned over to suckle on mom’s lovely swollen breast. As mom encouraged my groping Sis excused herself to use the lady’s room and slipped from the room.

Sometime later Candice came back into the room – naked. I had been busy between mom’s spread legs eating her pussy of its creamy nectar to stop and turn my head as mom stopped moaning to say, “There, such a beautiful young 22-year-old lady, come closer – give us a look-see with a slow turn … very nice … what are your measurements?”

“Afraid I take after you mom – 38-B – 27 – 32 … does my brother approve?” she asked in a very sensual soft voice.


“Oh yeah, very lovely Sis …” I nodded as I checked out her beautiful trimmed pussy, long legs and perky breasts with erect nipples.


“I am now your slut Patrick, use me as you want … I hope you will soon provide me with a very swollen belly like mom’s and if you are pleased  with me … to continue to pump baby juice into me till I can no longer have any children…” she intoned very seductively as she widened her stance into a lovely sensual spread.


“Can you suck cock Candice …” asked Grandma.


“Yes, not well – but I am eager to please my brother… maybe he’ll let me practice a lot.” She blushed again sweetly and seductively speaking.


“Well – lets see what you can do … give him one now so we can give pointers.” Chirped grandma.

I sat back down beside mom as Sis slid the coffee table away and knelt between my spread legs. She winked at me and lowered her head to lick me cock, then her hand took my shaft as she slowly and wetly began to bob up and down, her hand softly cupping my balls. She could get about half down her throat (as Grandma urged her to go deeper even if you have to gag); Sis continued to work my shaft, her technique was adequate but her throat was tight, she gagged repeatedly (to Grandma’s immense pleasure and encouragement while mom stood up and disappeared). Sis worked with enthusiasm with tears steaming down her cheeks as she gagged chocking down the potential emesis (mom was back touching her shoulder, Candice stopped looking up as mom whispered into her ear, “Go slowly down, time your breathing … let your throat relax as his cock enters it… use this towel if you need to vomit … your doing wonderfully my girl”

I lost count after eighteen times that Sis persisted – each one resulting in her retching into the towel but she was now ¾ of my 11-inch shaft working hard as my balls began to ache. “Feel his cock twitching … he needs to cum! Swallow his cock so he can spill his cum in your throat.” urged Grandma as she sat back fingering her cunt as the other hand played with her clit.


Candice looked up at me with tearful eyes as she moaned and worked on my cock, her hand pumping me rhythmically for she knew I was very close, she winked at me turning her attention back to what she was doing and deep throated my entire length as she squeezed the bottom of my shaft which caused my explosive cum splattering her throat which unfortunately the next blast caught her tonsils as she had pulled back, between gagging and trying to puke I covered her face, upper chest and hair with many more blasts of stringy cum.

Candice went back to trying to clean me up till mom said, “That’s very good Candice, you please your brother and me with your efforts … in a few days you’ll be very good at it.”

Candice stood with her legs slightly spread and on an impulse I reached forward to cup her cunt. I was right she was immensely slick with wetness and gave her a wink letting go of her; she sat back down on the love seat. She caught mom’s glance at her groin and quickly opened her legs into a nice spread that brought a smile to mom’s face.


Later that night mom whispered in my ear, “Take your sister to our bed – fuck her all night; we want to hear her scream in passion as you plan your seed repeatedly in her belly – do it good now son.”


Grandma brought my sister to the bedroom naked and right to the bed, folding back the sheets she patted her backside to urged her under the sheets,  “Surrender and enjoy girl” whispered Grandma.


Sis lay there like a scared virgin, I cuddled her as her arms folded around me with tenderness whispering, “I’m yours – do what you want to me … I just want to please you …”


We didn’t talk. I suckled her erect perky tits with hunger; I nibbled, bit and tongued her as I manipulated her swollen globs. She responded to my touch and was soon panting with desire. I roughly played with her furry muff waiting for her to start getting creamy, when she did I knelt between her spread legs leaning in to inhale her. I began to eat her cunt with wild passion suckling and nibbling her outer and inner lips, soon tugging as I worked my way to her clit which had now popped out from under its hood to peek at me, it was small rose bud which I intended to devour. I suckled, bite, tugged and nibbled till she was breathing heavier, her legs trembling as they flew about; one minute feet firmly planted on the sheets the next in the air … her passion was becoming intense, her moans became a whimpering cry that grew into she-ban screams. She was slick with flowing nectar her lips swelling as she entered her orgasm that shook her body and rolled into waves of orgasms as my tongue flicked in and out of my sweet sisters cunt; Mom had hinted strongly that she was not a virgin which somehow excited me. I licked and tongued her now gushing twat. My cock was throbbing uncontrollably. I needed my sister more than ever.

I teased her, nibbling her inner thighs till she begged, “I need you, mount me – mount your sister…”
I want to be your slut, take me as you take mom … oh please I can’t take any more!”

I climbed slowly between her heaving hips, looking into her eyes (she nodded as she mouthed TAKE ME … please). My hand slowly opening her engorged pussy I pressed my cock against her slick opening and sank in at least half way (she was creamy and tight) She screamed slipping into an intense orgasm “EEEEEEEE ouuuuuuu Son of a ummmmmmmm” that left me to slowly push deeper and begin to pump into my sister.


Her hips were pushing up as I drove down into her forcing her spread wider; I succeeded, my full 11-inches was buried in her pulsating twat that held me intensely tight; tighter than Mom or Grandma.

Sis between her rampant panting asked hotly, “Do I feel good … (I nodded yes and kissed her lips for she was incredible hot beneath me) … good enough to make pregnant with your baby … (again I nodded as I kissed her passionately, my tongue chasing hers and dipping into her throat)  … I haven’t taken any birth control pills in months … I’m very fertile right now!”


We fucked, her mouth spoke dirty incestuous words driving me wild. She screamed very loudly for mom and grandma as we did every position you could think of  in our attempt to make her pregnant.

Her screams intensified as my cock worked its way into her uterus – after my 5th straight full cum I collapsed in exhaustion. She whispered in my ear “I pretty sure little brother that my belly will be swollen before long…” She kissed me and we fell asleep.


I woke to a pleasing sensation of my sister socking my cock which had probably been going on for some time, she noticed I was awake, stopping long enough to whisper, “Ready …” as she crawled up shifting slightly to guide me into her soaked creamy cunt. “Ok little brother …” she rode me hard, her screams drew mom and grandma into the room as she shivered with multiple orgasms coating my cock with burning hot pussy cream.


What started with a rose massage, led me to impregnate mom 3 times and my sister is due in 2-weeks with our 3rd child and grandma can still suck cock the best of them all at age 78. We live very well in a northern mountainous state and I’m pleased to say that my sister was chosen to deflower my first son on his 12th birthday in 4 months.


If you enjoyed this real story I’d be pleased to hear it opbone11@yahoo.ca.