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My mum's wedding night [long story]

LoraleiG on Incest Stories

My mum had me when she was 16, she told me that my dad was a random guy that left as soon as he heard that she was pregnant. Mum was my best friend growing up, but once I hit my teenage years we soon began to argue and we both decided it was best that I went to bording school from the age of 13. I'm 19 now, and I'm currently in University.

 Me and mum get on alot better now as I only really come home for holidays as I have alot of friends at Uni, and I do some modelling work for the photography department, so I only really come home for my family. I haven't been home for about a year because of exams and modelling as I've needed the money to help me save up for a deposit on a house for when I finally go home, so I have missed alot since I was last home.

 Me and mu

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m keep in touch by regular heart to heart emails, she has told me all about her fiancee, Luke, and his son Thomas, who is 2 years older than me. Mum and Luke have only known eachother a year and a half but have decided that they are ready to tie the knot. I have not yet met Luke, as mum has only just moved in with him and we have always had a pact to never meet the guys mum dates till she knows that they're serious.. All I knew was that he was a well paid architect and part-time wedding photographer. This interested me as I am currently in my second year of my honours degree in digital photography. His son Thomas is doing a Law degree near where they live, so he currently lives with mum and Luke, in the extension over the garage.

 Reading the messages my mum sent me made me feel as though I was missing out on 'family life' and I was getting more and more excited about going to the wedding and then spending a long summer with them once Mum and Luke got back from their honeymoon. Mum was coming up to see me on the weekend so we could go dress shopping for my bridesmaid's dress as I was the eldest bridesmaid, I was allowed to have a dress that was a bit more mature and sexy. 

Seeing mum again for the first time in around 9 months was absolutely amazing, we laughed and chatted non-stop as we shopped, I had never seen mum so happy in my life. She had a gorgeous glow about her, and looked younger than ever. Although my mum was only 35 she looked even younger, she had a gorgeous body, she had an hour glass figure and really flaunted it with tight dresses that showed off her bum and gorgeous long legs. She had shoulder length hair which was jet black with bright green eyes, which always shone brighter when she was happy.

I looked just like my mum, I too had the jet black hair which was much longer, reaching right down my back. I have huge green eyes which I always showed off with dark eyeliner and flaunted my long eyelashes with my delicately placed mascara.  My skin had always looked good so I never needed to use foundation or skin products. I too had a curvy figure, but unlike mum mine was alot more toned. I often worked out and had a nice firm stomach and a bum you would die for. It was round and plump but in perfect proportion to my body, and made underwear shopping an absolute joy. I have DD sized boobs, unlike mum who was only a C. But she was still absolutely gorgeous. 

 After looking around we finally found a gorgeous little shop which sold wedding outfits, dresses, suits, hats and shoes, if it was for a wedding, they had it! Mum's theme for the wedding was red and cream, she had all of her young bridesmaids in cream dresses with red satin sashes, and her dress was cream with red ribbon down the back holding the corset part tight to her lushious curves. I almost cried when I saw her in it, she looked so stunning.

We finallly decided on the dress I was going to wear, and god was it sexy. I was so suprised mum agreed to it. It was a deep red, strapless dress, corset at the top with a ribbon fastening at the back, which reminded me of the corset I had at home that I often wore when I used to tease my now ex boyfriend, before a night of sex. the bottom of the dress was tight on my perfect ass and followed the curves of my body perfectly, making me look so hot. I then finished the outfit off with the most gorgeous shoes I had ever worn in my life; because I'm only 5'4 I got away with wearing 4 inch black stilettos which wrapped around my ankles and made my toned legs look twice as long and even more sexy.

I stood there, staring at myself in the mirror, hand on my waste flaunting my body at myself slightly with a cheeky grin on my face as I knew there willbe alot of my mum's family friends there. Their sons will also be there, and they haven't seen me since i lost 6 stone and finally look as fantastic as I do now. 

 The day finally came, I was going home! well, I was going to mum and Luke's house, where I had never been before. I was really excited but also nervous about meeting my mum's fiancee, what if he didn't like me? what if we didn't get on and me and mum would end up arguing and she didn't want me at the wedding? I tried not to think about it as I pulled into the drive of a huge house that was completely alone surrounded by trees and fields. I felt very small as I got out the car and walked up the drive, i rang the doorbell and started playing with my hair and tweaking at my clothes as I heard footsteps come toward the door.

 'Lora! Darling! come in come in, oh you look beautiful! did you find the place ok? was the traffic bad? did you get lost? are you thirsty?'

I wasn't really listening to what mum was saying, I just kept smiling and looking around the huge reception hall which was so brilliantly decorated and felt my stomach lurch as I heard a man's voice calling to my mum.

'Who is at the door Lucie?'

'Its my daughter Tom! Come down and meet my baby Lora!'

I could hear footsteps on the stairs as Thomas came stomping down the stairs. He stood on the bottom step and stared down at me, as he was about 6'4 and I am rather short. He smiled shyly and stood awkwardly for a moment

'Hey Lora...'

'Hi Thomas.. or is it Tom?'

'Which ever, I usually go by Tom by my friends, so feel free to call me that... Want me to put your bag in your room?'

'Umm cheers. That'd be good thanks, I'll follow you as I reckon i'd get lost if left to find my own room'

Mum smiled and walked into the kitchen, she started shouting about going to make tea or something like that, I followed Tom up the stairs, and along a corridor and into another room which was absolutely huge. He put the case down on a huge king sized bed and pointed out the en suite and also a cool secret compartment for storage. We spoke for a little while about University and student life.

Tom was very easy on the eye, with chocolate brown hair and blue eyes. He was very built up, looked as though he was very athletic and with perfect white glossy teeth. He had a very calm soothing voice and I felt as though I could listen to it for absolutely ages. Until we were interupted by Luke.

'Hi, sorry to interupt, I thought i'd introduce myself! I'm Luke, i've heard so much about you - its really nice to finally meet the famous Lora!' 

I turned around and smiled at him and said hello quite shyly. Luke was younger was 38, he is also a young father as he became a father at 18 but was left to bring up Thomas on his own after his gf had a break down and said she couldn't deal with being a mother. Luke and Thomas looked very alike like me and mum. He also had the chocolate hair and blue eyes, the big muscley build and also very tall. But he had a very kind face, with a cheeky smile that you would usually see on boys my age. I watched his eyes scan my body slowly as he talked to me, instinctively I put my hand on my hip and leant to one side, pushing my chest out a little... I can tease can't I? 

Thomas told Luke what we were talking about and then offered to take me on a tour of the rest of the house, so we left Luke in my room and I was shown the games room, a quick glance past tom's half of the house, stuck my head in my mum's room and also the upstairs snug and the huge family bathroom. The next floor had two spare bedrooms and another bathroom, mum said a few relatives were staying the night before the wedding as they were making a 5 hour journey to get here.  We then went to the ground floor where I was overwhelmed by the HUGE living room, followed by the kitchen which was as big as my flat, the study, another games room, downstairs bathroom and the conservatory. Thomas chatted away the whole time about how he would like to have a house like this by the time he finally finishes law school. I felt his eyes on my body as i brushed past him to go back into the kitchen to see my mum, and I felt a small flash of excitement shoot through my body as we touched for a split second.

after dinner mum and Luke kissed goodbye to eachother as they said goodbye as they wouldnt now see eachother till the wedding, I waved Luke and thomas off in the drive way, Luke winked at me and smiled and Thomas grinned and gave me a wave. 

That night me, mum, my aunts got drunk and had a laugh for mums hen night, we gossiped all night and perved over men in different films. deciding on who we'd sleep with given the chance. I finally crawled into bed and masterbated clumsilly as I was so drunk, for some reason the whole time I had a gorgeous 6'4 muscley body in my mind, but I wasn't sure whether or not it was Luke or Thomas - all I did know was that I had not cummed so hard in ages... my hands felt all over my body and the feel of my hands over my nipples turned me on immensly... I was very rough with myself and found I was using three fingers on my clit and furiously rubbed so I could hear the juices of my cunt sliding against my fingers. I soon cummed and licked my fingers very seductively as if someone was watching.

I was awoken the next morning by my mum beaming at me telling me that the hair stylist and the make up artist had just arrived. I had a long shower and found myself horny again thinking about my orgasm last night. i started to move the soap around my body slowly whilst feeling the hot water run down my lushious curves. i slid my hands down my body and found my hands were back on my clit. I let one of my fingers play there for a moment, letting the water from the shower lubricate my cunt as i then pushed my fingers right inside of them as i leant against the wall of the shower. I cupped my large juicy tit and sucked slowly on my nipple as I pushed my fingers in my cunt faster and faster. I could feel the pleasure pulsating through my body and moved my thumb towards my clit and let it lightly hit against my clit as I finger fucked myself under the hot steamy water on my naked body. I came so hard and squealed with delight as I finally felt awake. pleasure was streaming through my body and my clit pulsated as it wanted more but I had to say no as my mum started shouting my name as the hair stylist was ready for me.

Looking in the mirror after just slipping into my dress and heels, I stood there checking myself out, my hair was in loose curls casading down the front of my chest, my eyes were done up with smokey eye make up making me look very sexy and provocative. I pouted slightly and grabbed my boobs and squeezed them together hard as I was still horny from my steamy masterbation in the shower. I sighed and smiled as I reapplied my lip gloss and went downstairs for photos. 

The day was lovely, we got to the church and I saw Thomas standing there in his suit, he looked very sexy. He wore a white shirt with a red tie which matched my dress, he smiled at me cheekily as he turned to enter the church to tell the vicar mum had arrived. mum looked stunning, but I felt as though I was the sexiest girl there. I walked down the isle confidently, smiling innocently and looking at my relatives and mum's family friends, I then looked towards the front where Luke was standing, he winked at me and I could of sworn he licked his lips as he looked me up and down. Thomas had his mouth slightly open and kept his eyes on me the whole time the ceremony was going on. 

After mum and Luke exchanged vows and signed the papers we all had photos taken. I stood infront of Tom and Luke for a photo and I felt a hand lightly caress my ass, which made me jump but turn around and stick my tongue out at Tom. He looked at me innocently and smiled back.

We all then went to the 5* hotel Luke had booked for the party, and where we would all be staying that night as a wedding treat from Luke. Mum and Luke weren't due to go on their honeymoon for 2 more days so they were well up for a good party that night. Mum and I went to our rooms which were just down the corridor from eachother to change into our party dresses, I wore a short cocktail dress which was very tight around my boobs and flowed out about half way down my thigh. It was gorgeous, black with deep red ribbon at the back which made the dress tighter against my gorgeous perky DD boobs. I kept my black stillettos on to finish the outfit off and touched up my make up and redid my lip gloss. I then walked down the corridor and went into mums room, where she was sitting on the bed curling her eyelashes.

 'oi up sexy' she said as I walked in and mocklingly wolf whistled me as i gave her a twirl and a wink. we both laughed and I asked mum to get a move on as I was in a partying mood, I was expecting mum to wear a dress simular to mine as she always wore clothes like mine as she looked so young. Shockingly she appeared from her en suite in a suit dress, I stood there for a moment and she could tell by my facial expression I was confused. 

'I'm married now - I can't go on wearing skimpy clothes and getting the wrong attention - I have my man now so I don't have to look as though I am still looking!'

I smiled and hugged my mum who was beaming still. Although she still looked gorgeous - the suit was very sensible, and made her look more her age. We both left the room and went down to the wedding party holding hands and were greeted by a round of applause as Luke introduced his bride on the microphone. I couldn't help but notice Luke's expression when he saw mum's outfit.. He seemed rather dissapointed.

I joint the head table and sat next to Tom while mum and Luke made their rounds before the music came on. He looked blown away when he saw me, he introduced me to his friends who were also hanging around there as they were waiting for the music to start so they could go out back for a fag. His friends looked gob smacked as they looked at me, and all had their go at flirting with me. They invited me out back for a fag but i declined as I didn't want to smell of smoke for the rest of the night. Tom followed them out so I thought it was best I congratulated the happy couple. I walked over the Luke who was standing next to mum who was hugging her friends, his eyes were on mum's outfit still, but not how I would want my new husband to be looking at me.

I poked Luke on the back and he turned around and smiled as he saw me, I congratulated him and gave him a hug,which seemed to be held for unusually long as he squeezed his body against mine, my boobs rubbed against his six pack as we pulled away and I was sure that I saw a bulge starting to appear in his suit trousers, this made me smile as I looked back up at him and twiddled with my hair as we talked. Mum had gone off with her friends and started dancing but for some reason Luke didnt seem in the mood for partying anymore, which concerned me. 

'Is everything ok Luke?'

'Oh yeh, I'm just tired.. its been a long day I guess.'

'Oh come on! you've still got the wedding night yet!' I stuck my tongue out and winked. then giggled.

'Haha! I doubt we'll get that far, have you seen how quick your mum is knocking those gin and tonics back?!' he laughed and smiled widely which showed off his gorgeous school boy smile with cheeky dimples on each cheek. 

I laughed too and said 'well it is her wedding day!'

we stood there looking at eachother and smiling for a little while, we then quickly realised how awkward it was and Luke offered to get me a drink, I asked for a vodka and coke and said I just wanted to fix my hair and that i'd be back in a minute. I went out of the large party room and into the toilet where I could still hear the thudding of the bass of the music. I stood infront of the mirror and sighed deeply and played around with my hair. I again gave myself a quick look up and down and then got my phone out and started texting. I heard the door open behind me and I didn't bother to look up as I was about to leave. All of a sudden I felt a pair of hands around my hips. 

I looked up into the mirror to see luke's arms wrapping around my body and looking at me also in the mirror. 

'what are you doing?'

'I don't know... but for some reason I don't feel as though it's wrong' 

'you just married my mother.. you're my step-dad now' 

'funnily enough though Lora, that just seems to turn me on even more'

he slowly kissed my neck, and rubbed my hips slowly and delicately as if I was a rare diamond he was polishing. I felt as though electric was running through my body as I stood there, I closed my eyes and let out a soft groan as he kissed my neck so passionately, I felt pussy getting so wet as i started to push my bum into his bulging crotch, and rub myself against his gorgeous muscley body. Luke could feel the outline of my thong through my dress and pulled my thong up slowly so it rubbed against my clits slightly as I thrusted my bum deeper into his crotch. I turned around and looked at him seductively and leant against the sink.

'do you want me?'

'I have done since i first laid eyes on you... Lora you're so sexy its unbelievable... The first thing I did after I met you was masterbate in the bathroom whilst thinking about you fucking me in that kingsize bed in your room. I want you so bad' 

I quivered at this as I was so horny. I tried to stay cool and play hard to get as I wanted to turn him on as much as possible. he ran his hands up the front of my body and squeezed my boobs gently and let out a soft moan of delight

'they're huge.. no wonder you're a model, you have the most perfect body Lora.. but I would like to see it without that sexy dress on' 

I realised where we were and decided i had to decide If i was going to fuck my step-dad on his wedding night. when he started to squeeze my juicy hot tits again I soon made my mind up and took him by the hand and lead him out of the bathroom. I told him I was going to check what mum was doing so she didn't wonder where we were. I walked into the party room where I saw mum with all her friends, by now it was only 11pm but mum was already off her face drunk and so were most of the guests, including Tom and his friends who were at the back of hall, roling more cigarettes. I gave him a cheeky smile as he caught my eye and blew him a kiss before turning and leaving the room. 

Me and luke casually walked into the elevator up to the hotel rooms, as soon as the door closed I turned and gave him the most passionate kiss I have ever given. Our tongues massaged eachother and i playfully bit his which made him smile as he rubbed my hips and traced the outline of my thong. we pulled away from eachother as the door of the elevator opened and walked calmly up to my bedroom door where i unlocked it and let him in. locking it behind me we turned into wild animals. 

Luke unzipped my dress as I took the key out of the lock and i let it drop to the floor as I turned around to face him. He picked me up  with ease and took me to the bed, the whole time we kissed deeply and i ran my fingers through his hair. he softly dropped me onto the bed where infront of me he unbottoned his shirt. I had a sudden thirst for cock so I unzipped his flies and unbottoned his trousers letting them fall to his ankles as he kicked them away to reveal a 8 inch cock which was standing up on end and slightly pulsating.. I was in absolute ore of his sexy penis and undid my bra and gripped his cock between my tits and wanked him off fast whilst licking the end with my tongue. I looked up at him whilst I did it and could see he was loving it. He groaned loudly and ran his fingers through my hair. He started speaking dirty to me, telling me that I was a naughty girl who he was going to fuck till I respected him. He told me he was going to be my daddy now and that I had to listen to everything he said because he knew what had to be done with dirty slutty daughters like me. I let my boobs go and continued to deep throat his cock as far as I could go. my saliva ran down his cock lubing it up so it was sliding in and out fast and more and more deeply as I got used to the side and thickness of his juicy cock... I used my newly manicured nails to lightly run against his balls and I could feel his body tensing up as he started breathing much more deeply. He soon whispered that he was about to cum and I soon started to drink his salty warm cream as he gasped and pushed my head slightly more onto it as the last of his cock released his spunk. I let the last bit of juice seductively dribble down my chin, which I wiped off whilst staring at him and rubbing it against my nipple. I then laid down and started to feel my boobs with my fingers. I pinched my nipples and they were quickly erect.

Luke slowly started to pull my thong down my legs, and revealed my hairless cunt.

'fucking hell Lora you sexy slut, you're fully waxed for your daddy... look at this amazing body. I'm going to make you cum so hard so you'll always come back to fuck me all summer' 

I giggled seductively and licked my lips as I watched him move his face towards my beautiful pussy. he parted the lips and very gently ran his tongue accross my clit and heard me moan loudly, he then dug deep and let his tongue rub against my clit madly, like a dog lapping up water. He was wild and kept me on the edge of climax for as long as he could. whilst licking my clit he slowly slid two of his fingers up into my vag and started finger fucking me hard and fast. I moaned so loudly I was sure someone would hear us but I didnt care. Luke sucked my clit and I pushed his head right down into it soI felt his nose against my clit too which is rubbed for a while making me go crazy. I orgasmed twice before he came up for air, which I saw all my pussy juice around his mouth which turned me on even more. 

I pulled him ontop of me where I kissed him deeply and then pushed him onto the bed roughly, i turned around so my bum was facing his face and decided to go reverse cow girl as I knew he hadnt had a good look at my ass yet. As I lowered myself down on his juicey meat stick I let out a girlie moan of delight. Still with my stilletos on - and only my stillettos, I balanced myself on the bed and started to push his whole cock in and out of my gorgeous little pussy. Luke had his hands on my hips and guided my body down whilst slapping my ass from time to time and pulling my cheeks appart and fingering it a little to tease me more, I was in fuck heaven with his massive chunky dick inside of me and couldnt take it anymore as I cummed and rammed it harder in me

I bent myself over the side of the bedside table as Luke entered me from behind in doggy style, he kept ramming me hard and then pulling his giant cock out again so i had the full length of it entering me and then pulling out fast. it felt devine and I could feel my pussy juices dripping down my leg. He then inserted himself fully and held me by my tits as he fucked me hard and fast. I told him to be rough with me so he pulled my hair slightly and gave me hikkis on my neck where my hair usually would be.  I screamed with delight and felt an orgasm coming again, we came together, as he rammed me particularly hard and pulled out so he came right up my back which felt fucking immense. we stood there panting, but I wasn't finished and neither was he.

He again started to lick me out wildly and play my boobs while i lay there in absolute heaven. I then sat on his face and rode his tongue as he took my clit and sucked on it as I rode his face hard and fast screaming with delight and shouting his name out which made him go faster. He was soon hard again, so i thought I would suck him off again whilst he fingered my perfect peach ass, we were both groaning so loudly as the juices of our naked hot sexy bodies ran down us along with the sweat of such a steamy sex scene. He thought I was finally ready, he bent me over the bed and carefully pushed his cock into my virgin ass and then fucked me hard, he could tell it hurt me as i  screamed out a bit and tensed up but it just turned him on and encouraged him even more. Soon we were fucking like rabbits and I didnt realise how much  iwas missing being fucked up my ass till now. Luke was in extasy as my bum was so tight it hugged his dick and made every movement extra pleasurable for him, he could hear the squealching of my juices as I was getting ready to climax which spurred him on to fuck me extra hard till he came in my ass and I screamed out as it hit me at the exact moment I came everywhere.

We both laid back panting and kissing shortly between breaths. 

After about an hour of laying there, touching eachother, kissing and me sucking him off again he finally got dressed and decided to find mum. I went and had a bath..We promised this wouldn't be the end.. After all, after him and mum got back from their honeymooon we had a long summer together. And anyway, I had Tom to entertain me while they were gone. We had the house to ourselves after all. 


[To be continued]

House of Incest

Alexxx1 on Incest Stories

We always were a beautiful family.
 Before he died, my father was a part time male model. He even was on the cover of Vogue once when he was in his early twenties. He was 6 feet tall, with silky brown hair, and a 12 pack. My mother on the other hand was a full time supermodel, making millions a month.  She started modeling when she was 10, and she never looked back. She literally looked like a goddess to me; she has beautiful blond hair down to her tight ass. Her fully tan legs seemed to go on forever. Her pussy was usually shaved, but sometimes she trimmed it as a heart.  But her tits were the best part: her tits literally stopped traffic. They were 42 DD, and they stood high and firm on her magnificent chest. Her face was adorned with bee stung lips Angelina Jolie wou
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ld be envious of and bright blue baby eyes.
They got married when they were both 25, and a year later they gave birth to both me and my sister (I am older by 20 minutes).
By the time we were both 5, everyone knew we were going to look just like our parents. By 6 we were both doing kids clothes modeling.
That year disaster struck; our father was killed in a car crash.  My mom was devastated. We had a very small very private funeral for close family and friends.
However, by the time a year was up since my father’s death, my mom was back in the busy world of supermodels. We rarely saw her for a couple years. However, mom trusted us with being responsible and getting to school on time, thus we didn’t have a babysitter for too much of the time.
When we turned nine, both I and Abby (my sister) were changing. Since we were left alone in a big, nice house for a lot of the time, we usually could go anywhere we wanted on the internet. Because of this, I quickly learned all about sex. I learned that my five inch cock was abnormally large for someone 9 years old. I looked at a lot of photos of semi-naked women, always comparing them to my mom, since I thought my mom was really beautiful
However, I was careful about this stuff around Abby, even though I suspect that she already knows a lot of it, either by going through my history, or talking to mom.
Anyway, when my mom came home for Venice, and her latest modeling show, I was even more curious. I had to see my mom naked. She quickly kissed Abby and I, and went up to shower and change, I knew I had my chance. I quietly snuck up stairs, and tiptoed to mom’s room.
There she was. My mother, my goddess. She looked at herself in the mirror, sighed, and dropped her halter neck top and spandex mini skirt. I was literally in heaven as my cock sprang to life. Her boobs were really something, and her tits were erect and the size of half dollar coins.
Suddenly, her face changed in to a sexy pout, and I heard her say “Do you like that? I thought that you did.” Her hand was drifting down to her cunt, as she kept on saying “Do you like when mummy does that? Do you like how she takes her hand, and slowly puts it into her horny clit? Oh yeahhh” She did as she said, slowly pushing her hand in and out of her clit, moaning and moaning. “Do you like that Brett? OHHHHH”
I was shocked when she said my name, thinking that she knew that I was spying on her, but then I realized that she was really getting horny for ME. That turned me on even more and my cock got even harder.
She was totally in it now, rubbing her hand furiously in her clit, and as she climaxed, her squirt started coming out of her pussy. It was hands down the most erotic sight I have ever seen.
I couldn’t contain myself; I rushed into the room, threw off my pants and cummed.  Oh my god, it was the best feeling I have ever felt as milky sperm shot through my cock. Wave after wave after wave came out as I leaned my head back in bliss. My mother was still yelling, even though she saw me.
After I stopped, I looked at mom, naked on the floor with her legs open wide showing me my first real pussy. She looked at me, seductively and told me to come over to her. I obliged and walked over to her, facing her with my now deflated dick pointing at her clit. She asked me “You liked what you saw??” I laughed at her and said “You are so hot mom, I couldn’t help it. You make everyone else in the world shameful.” She laughed gently at what I said, though I saw love in her eyes when she did it. I moved forward suddenly and put one of her tities in my mouth, just like when I was a baby.
She moaned slightly, and said you aren’t done I take it?” I looked her in the eyes, and stuck my dick up her pussy. Now she was really moaning, moving up and down on my now hard dick. I was still sucking on her god-given tits, as her cunny muscle started to tighten around my dick, I gently popped my mouth off her tit and said  “ Lets cum together” She responded by moaning even louder, and bouncing up and down ever harder on my cock. She then moved down at like a crazed animal kissed me. This was heaven’s heaven as we French kissed, at the same time that I put my hands on her tits and slightly pinched her nipples.
This was too much for her, and I could feel her muscles tighten even more as she cummed. Right at that moment, I cummed along with her. Another huge wave shot deep into her womb as her squirt went all over our legs.
We sat there dazed for a moment, than she kissed me swiftly, but passionately again.
“We need to add you sister” was the last thing she said, as I fell asleep, the smell of pussy in my mouth.
To be continued….

Family Traditions Prt 1

azrael07 on Incest Stories

      16 year old Haley had been hearing the strange noises coming from her parents bedroom for a few weeks. She finally had enough. She gently tiptoed towards the door to their bedroom. She heard the moans and grunts. Haley slowly opened the door and peered inside. She was shocked to say the least at what she saw. She saw her 17 year old brother,Johnathan's naked back, his body thrusting inward, a pair of legs wrapped around him, she looked onward and saw that the legs belonged to her mother, and she saw her mother's face burried in her father's naked crotch. She wasn't sure what to make of it, she stared on in horror and disbelief.


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ana','sans-serif'; font-size: 6.5pt">       Haley's father, Kennith looked up as his wife's mouth enveloped his shaft and saw a face staring at their incestuos orgy. He smiled, "Looks like we have an audience. Hang on guys."  Kennith pulled out of his wife's mouth, with a pop. He walked over to the door and opened it, revealing to his wife Amy their littl girl standing in the door. He led Haley to the bed and set her down. She was still in a silent awe. "Now honey, I'm sure this all seems a little more than strange, and probably a little scary. But don't worry. What we're doing is natural, it's what people do when they love eachother. You're mother caught Johnathan masturbating the other day, and after some talking we decided that we would introduce him to sex, rather then have him have sex with some random girl he doesn't know and catch some filthy disease all because he wasn't prepared." Haley nodded, trying to be understanding of her parents point of view. "Now incest in this family is a little bit of a tradition. Your mother's side of the family has been enjoying it for years, and in fact it was her mother and father that showed her how to have sex when she was about 15 or 16. On my side, my sister and I were always very close, despite what our parents thought they knew, we were constantly going at it when we were in our mid teens."


      "So does this mea-" Haley began to ask but was interrupted by her father.


      "We aren't going to ask you to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing. That wouldn't be right. But we do ask that if you choose to participate that you keep this a secret from most people. There's a small group of friends of ours around town that also partake of incest, but only a select few. Outside that group you can't tell anyone. Otherwise we could all be in real big trouble. We were planning on introducing you to this when you were a little older, but it seems that we might not have to wait now. So what do you say, princess?" Haley looked at her father and looked down at his now limp cock. She didn't answer, she slowly started rubbing his leg. "Good. Tonight I'll just start you on some basics, and maybe tomorrow we'll move on from there. Now just take my dick in your hands, and start-Yeah. Just like that. Up and down. Ucgh." Before she knew it Hayley was laying beside her father, jerking him off.


      "Thatta girl!" Amy cheered on her daughter, as her son began fucking her again. "I can't-OH yeah-Wait for tomorrow. I'll take you shopp-Just like that Johnny. Fuck your mother good-ping.Get you some really sexy outfits." Hayley was really excited as she felt a strange tingling sensation in her panties that she'd never felt before. She looked down at her father's throbbing dick and heard him grunt really hard, as fluid spilled from the tip.


      "What's that, daddy?" Hayley asked, the urge to learn gleamed in her eye.


      "That, baby girl is semen. It's a fluid that helps make babies. Guys shoot it out of their penises when they have an orgasm, which is the peak of a sexual feeling. Most people just call it Cum." Hayley felt the cum in her hand, she moved it around with her fingers and brought it to her nose to smell it. "Go on babygirl, taste it. You might like it." She did as her father told her, and put her cum covered fingers in her mouth. She did like it. She licked the rest of her fingers. "That's my girl. Now, why don't you go back to bed. Tomorrow night we'll move on." Hayley laid down in her own bed, but had a tough time sleeping, because she was so excited.




To Be Continued...



My sexy sister

sean1511 on Incest Stories

I have always found my older sister attractive. She hasnt got the best body or the biggest boobs.

This happened on my 14th birthday. The best birthday present i ever got.

I had just woken up, it was 7.30. Yeah i had to go to school on my birthday. Which sucked. I got had a shower, while i was in the shower i was a note on the wall. When i got out of the shower, i read the note. it said "Theres a suprise for you on your bed. Open it when NO one is around to see." I quickly dryed myself and went to my room and saw a square box wrapped in wrapping paper covered in ballons. I looked to see if anyone was around, there wasnt anyone to be seen. I opened it. There was a photo frame with a note covering the picture. The note said "This is only part of your suprise. Wa

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it till tonight." I then looked at the picture. My jaw dropped at what i saw. It was a picture of my sister naked but with one hand she was covering her boobs and with the other she was covering her pussy. I lifted the picture out of the box and saw another note. It said "DONT SHOW OR TELL ANYONE!" My cock was rock hard now. Then i heard my mum calling me for breakfast.

I walked down to the kitchen and my mum had made me pancakes and then i looked at the table and saw all my presants. Then i saw my sister and i just winked. She winked back. While i ate brekky i opened all my presents, i loved them all but none of them were as good as the one i got from my sister earlier.

I went to finish getting ready for school. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and my sister walked in and gave me a hug from behind and grabed my cock through my shorts and gave me a little kiss on the cheek and said happy birthday. I said thanks.

The day at school went pretty quick. When i got home my sister was already there. She was sitting on my bed with her legs wide open so i could see straight up her dress. She had taken her panties off, her pussy was clean shaved. She chucked them at me. I caught them and tooka big sniff of them. They smelt Awesome. I walked over to her. She grabed me and threw me onto my bed, she got on top of me, grinding her pussy into my now hard cock. She lent in and stuck her tounge straight into my mouth. I thought she had never kissed anyone before but the way she was kissing, she was kissing like a pro. Then she got off me and walked out like nothing had happened. I looked down at my cock there was a massive wet patch from where my sisters pussy was. So i got up and quickly changed my shorts so no one would no.

Later on the rest of the family came over to have dinner. Once they left it was getting late, luckily tomorrow was saturday and i could sleep in. It was about 11 when my parents said they were going to bed. There room was down stairs and mine and my sisters were up stairs. We had our own tv up there so i told her i was going up there to watch one of the dvds i got for my brithday. She was like ok, ill be up there soon and ill watch it with you. I went up stairs and got changed into my pjs (my pjs consist of satin boxers). Then i put in euro trip. After about 5 mins in my sister came up. I was lying on the couch on my tummy. She walked up and grabed my ass. then said she was going to get changed and she'll be back in a minute i said ok. When she came out she was wearing her bra and boxers (no panties as i soon found out).

As the movie went on, a sex scene came on as any 14 year old boy would i got turned on by it. The head of my cock was hanging out, my sister saw it. Why dont you let him out? After you take your bra and boxers off, after all it is my birthday. She said ok. She unclipped her bra and let her A cup boobs free, then she pulled her boxers off so i got a good veiw of her hairless pussy. I then stood up and pulled my boxers down to let my 7 inch cock free. We walked over to each other and started kissing. She grabed me cock and started stroking it. She then got on her knees and started sucking my cock, then she sucked my balls an then she licked my ass which sent a shiver up my spine. She went back to sucking my cock and deep throating me. IM CUMMING! as i said that i shot my load straight into my sisters mouth, but she couldnt swallow it all and a bit came out and went down her chin. I dont no what made me do this but i licked my cum off my sisters face and then hooked up with her.

While we were kissing my fingers found there way to her soaking wet pussy, i inserted one finger then two and start raming her pussy. Then i moved down and sucked on her nipples until they were hard in my mouth. I slowly kissed down her tummy until i got to her pussy. Then i would just light lick her clit, teasing her. Then i went all out and started sucking and nibbling on her clit this sent her threw the roof. She had to orgasams almost similtaniously.

I stood up and said i've always wanted to do this. She said so have i. NOW FUCK ME!

I picked her up and put her on the couch and got on top of her and instered my cock into her pussy. She tensed up. Then i asked her if i was hurting her, she said no it was just she was a virgin. Then i was thought to my self oh shit im about to take my sisters virginity. I then slowly pussed my cock in until i felt her hymen. I then pulled back and ramed my cock into her, ripping through her hymen. She let out a little scream. I then kept on pumping her no non virgin pussy. Then we changed positions, she got on top of me and started riding my cock. After a few minutes of this we changed positions again. I bent her over the couch and started doing her doggy style. While i was pounding her from behind, i spat on her asshole and started fingering her ass. Then she turned around and looked at me and said put your dick in there. So i pulled my cock out of her pussy and stuck it in her ass, her pussy was so wet my cock just slid into her ass with ease. I started pounding her ass. IM CUMMING! Cum in my mouth she said. So i pulled out of her ass and then she turned around and sucked my cock until i came in her mouth. She swallowed it all this time.

Happy birthday baby brother, i hope you liked your suprise. she said.

Thanks sis, and i loved it.

From then on we would do something together eveynight. and we slept each others beds because we both new our parents dont ever come up here. So we would never get caught.


Hope you liked it :D

Mom's new life

hossBme on Incest Stories

Title:     MOM’S NEW LIFE

Author:  HossBme

Date:     7-16-2008


This story is fiction.  But I want to make incest movies for a living, so I try out my material here.




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: 11pt">Mom wasn’t particularly sexy.  I didn’t really notice how good looking she was.  Her name is Kate.  She is about 5’5” tall and probably around 125lbs.  She has black hair that is a little on the wavy side, but not really curly.  Her breasts are defiantly a D cup.  But I hadn’t seen them since I was a baby so I couldn’t give a more accurate figure before everything happened.


I’m thirty years old now, but this story happened when I was sixteen.  I was always in really good shape.  I was 6’4” tall with a well cut physique.  Always had a great tan and a little on the shy side.  Fact of the matter was that I wasn’t particularly popular at school because I was really quiet.  Nobody bothered or picked on me but nobody really hung out with me either.  I kept to myself and only had a couple of friends.  I really preferred it that way.  I didn’t like a lot of attention being drawn to me.


Dad left when I was pretty young.  He was an asshole to my mother and I so it didn’t bother me when he left.  He wasn’t a drinker or anything like that, but he just wasn’t a very nice guy.  He had quite a few affairs and mom was pretty tired of it anyway, so I think we were both relieved when he left.  Even more so when he admitted that he didn’t want custody of me.  Visitation had to be court ordered because my dad didn’t care to see me, but my mother fought him on it, saying the every boy needs a father figure.  I was ordered to my dads’ home every month for three days.


It really sucked being at my dads place.  There was nothing to do except hang around and watch television.  Dad usually made himself pretty scarce while I was there.  He didn’t know what to say, neither did I, so it was pretty uncomfortable.  But I also knew that mom needed some alone time so that she could move on with her life as well.


Mom went on a few dates, here and there.  But she would normally just end up being friends with the guys she went out with.  She loved to dance and laugh.  I would really enjoy when she came home from a date that she had a great time with.  But she always came home alone.


That changed when I was fifteen.  She brought home a guy named Dan.  She seemed to be really happy.  While she was dating him, she was always really happy and smiling He started coming over to the house more and I though he was a really great guy.  We went out to baseball games and all sorts of things.  He was a lot of fun and really easy to talk to.  It wasn’t too long before I told my mom that I didn’t want to go to my dads place anymore because Dan was taking more of a fatherly role in my life than my real father was.  She hesitated at first, but after a few long discussions with Dan and me, she finally agreed and petitioned the court to let my father out of the custody agreement.  Well, needless to say that my father jumped at the chance to get rid of me and carry on with his own life.  So it was ordered that I didn’t have to go there anymore.  I was really happy, as was my mom, and we celebrated for an entire weekend.


Mom and Dan had to make some decisions though.  They wanted to move in together but mom and Dan both owned their own homes.  Dan decided that he would rent his place out and move in with us.  Mom had a lot of stuff and didn’t want to move anywhere.  I was really happy having Dan living with us.  It was finally starting to feel like I was part of a family again.

Things got better and better for me.  I had a father figure that was a great guy and mom had a man that treated her like royalty.  They both decided they didn’t want to get married. They didn’t think they needed to, because marriage was just another rule to them.  They were both very earthy people.  Of course, when asked whether or not I cared about whether they were married, I replied with a very simple answer.  Nope, as long as you are both happy, I don’t care.


Now that everyone was settled in a feeling comfortable with each other, I began to notice some changes in mom.  She was dressing more liberally than before.  She stopped wearing bras around the house, and the colors got much brighter.  Not only that, but at night, she used to wear really thick flannel pajamas while we watched television or a movie, now she would were only her, somewhat sheer, robe.  This made me take notice.  I know she wasn’t doing it for me.  It turned on Dan to, which was for certain.  We could see every curve of my beautiful mother through the robe.  Although the view was a little blurry through the material, it was really an awakening for me.  She was, not only beautiful, but pretty sexy.


It wasn’t long after I went to bed each night that I could hear them having sex.  Mom was very vocal and Dan was a dirty talking son of a bitch.  I used to get such a boner while listening to them through the wall that separated our rooms.  We lived in a very large, but very old house with pretty thin walls, so I was able to here everything as if they were in my room with me.


I never made a mention of them keeping me up for hours on end with the noise they made from having sex.  I didn’t want my mother to know.  If she did, she would certainly have found a way to quell it.  That was the last thing I wanted.  Between listening to the have sex and seeing how sexy she was had me jacking off every night, trying to picture in my mind what they were doing.  It lit a burning desire in me to see them having sex.  I wanted to see what my mother looked like nude, and being fucked.  Wild thoughts raced through my imagination as I listened intently to them.  Dan was a pretty smart guy though.  If I was going to make a peep hole in the wall, he would certainly find out.  The last thing I wanted was to screw this up for mom so I just kept jacking off every night.


As I stated before, mom and Dan were both really vocal and I could hear what they were saying very clearly.  Over the course of a few weeks, Dan started getting really dirty.


He said “You fucking love that big cock in you, don’t you.”


:”Yes”, I could hear my mother respond while she panted.


“You love cock, you love cock so much you want it in every hole, you want to feel a cock in your ass and pussy at the same time….”


“YES!!!” She exclaimed


“I’m a dirty little cock whore… You want to watch me fuck another cock… Don’t you.”


“Yes… You are gonna fuck a lot of cocks when ever I tell you to, aren’t you…. You gonna be a good little slut for me?  Yes… You are gonna fuck every guy that I bring over to fuck you and you are gonna love it….”


“OH.. Fuck YESS!!!” she would reply as I could almost hear the sound of her pussy juice cumming all over his cock.


Right about then I shot my load all over my stomach and chest, wishing that I was one of those cocks that got to fuck her.  Not only was turned on by her getting fucked like that, but I also love thinking about what a cock looks like while plunging into her and shooting that heavy load of cum into her.  What does her pussy look like with a man’s cum running out of it?  Oh, fuck, I wanted to be one of those guys.


I overheard them talking about taking a long weekend and staying home for a couple of extra days.  They didn’t ask me to stay home from school, so I pretty much figured that some serious fucking was about to happen.  I had to figure out a way to watch or at least hear what was going on.  I did a little browsing on the web and saw an ad on a free swinger’s site that Dan had posted.  It didn’t have their names but it did have a picture of my mom in her robe, so I knew it was them.  The ad was asking for one to two males with more than 8 inches to come over for daytime play with a hot woman.  It also said that they should be bi.  I didn’t even know what that meant at the time.  But I would find out soon enough.


Wednesday night, I told mom that I would be leaving for school a little earlier the next day so don’t worry about making me breakfast.  I told her that I was working on some extra credit and had arranged with my teacher to meet me there early.  She said that was fine.  She didn’t mention that she, or Dan, was staying home the next couple of days though.  I had always had perfect attendance at school, except for a couple of times when I was really sick.  Because of that and the fact that is was a very small school, if I called the front desk and acted like I was Dan, they wouldn’t ask any questions about me being absent.


I barely slept that night.  Dan fucked mom for half the night, but never mentioned anyone coming over to fuck her the next day.  I wondered if she knew what was going on.  When morning came, I hid in my closet, which was even closer to their room, and made sure that I had something to wipe up with so I didn’t have to leave the closet.  I didn’t want to get caught.  Mom was up and about, as was Dan, around 9am.  By 11am nothing was happening and I was wondering if anything was going to happen.


Next thing I know, I hear mom giggling up the steps and Dan closely behind.  I heard the bed springs and knew they were going to fuck.  Then I heard mom ask why she was being blindfolded.  Dan told her that it was so she didn’t know where she was gonna get some cock until she felt it and that she was gonna be a good little cock whore for him.  That really got her turned on and she submitted herself to him.  The next thing I know, I heard the front door open and close and footsteps coming up the steps.  Not sneaking, just walking up the steps.  I could see two men come into my room through the crack in my closet door.  They were both about my size and blonde hair, and well built.  Older than me though, probably the same age as mom and Dan.  The next thing I know, they signaled each other to be quiet and started removing their clothes.  They were totally naked within seconds.  At the same time, I could still hear Dan fucking the hell out of mom, telling her that she is gonna fuck every guy that he wants her to fuck and I could hear her begging for more cock.


The two men left my room and proceeded into mom and Dan’s room.  They still didn’t make any noise.  The next thing I know, I heard Dan tell mom to sit on his cock.  Then, I heard mom say “OH FUCK YES!!!”  Then quickly being mumbled.  I could hear Dan say, “That’s it babe, suck his fucking cock until you feel his cum down your throat….  Yeah that’s it … Go ahead, stick that cock in her ass while I fuck that pussy….”  Mom was going crazy at this point.  I had to see what was going on.  I couldn’t just sit there and wack off anymore.  I snuck into the hallway, hoping that they didn’t close the door.  Sure enough, the door was wide open.  I saw my mom on top of Dan, with another man behind her fucking her asshole, while Dan’s cock went in an out of her pussy.  The other man’s cock was being sucked on by my mom, but Dan was also sharing it as well.


What I was witnessing absolutely blew my mind.  My cock was hard as a rock as I watched them all fucking and sucking like professionals that I had only seen on porn tapes.  But just then, the man fucking my mom’s ass pulled out and switched positions with the cock that was in her mouth.  She immediately started to suck him and the other guy positioned his cock at mom’s sexy asshole.  Just then, Dan told him that her pussy was big enough for the both of them.  Mom let out a huge moan of lust when he slid the cock into her pussy along with Dan’s.  They worked their cocks in and out of her pussy like pistons, back and fourth, one in, one out.  Their cocks were soaked by mom’s pussy juice as she came repeatedly.


By this time, I must have shot three loads onto my towel that I brought with me.  But I couldn’t help but to keep stroking.  Just when I thought I couldn’t get turned on more, the guy that was fucking mom’s pussy with Dan said he was gonna cum.  I didn’t see anybody wearing rubbers, so I was amazed when Dan told him to “shoot that hot load into her cunt while I keep fucking her.”  HOLY SHIT!  Dan was gonna let this guy shoot his load into my mom, at the same time, all over his cock.  Next thing I know, mom starts bucking and moaning while the guy shot his load into my mom.  I watched as the hot cum started to flow out of her pussy and down onto Dan’s cock and balls.  This was fucking amazing.  The other guy started cumming too, while mom was sucking him.  Dan told her to “be a good little whore and swallow it all down”.  Ah, man.  He came so much that she couldn’t catch it all and some of it started to escape her mouth.  Dan reached up and started rubbing it all over her face.  I couldn’t believe it.  I blew another load, almost missing my towel altogether.


The two men, as if on cue, got off the bed and I scrambled back to my closet, unseen.  But I could still hear mom and Dan.  Mom was whimpering about how much she loved him for doing that for her.  Hell, I loved him for doing that to her too.  The two guys came into my room, put on their clothes and left down the steps without saying a word.  Almost as if they knew their purpose.  They came in, fucked my mom, came in her pussy and mouth, and left.  I was amazed, but still intently listening to what was going on in the other room.


I figured mom and Dan were pretty well occupied, so I got myself together and snuck out of the house.  Went down to the bookstore and milled about for a while.  Pretending to care about books that I had no intention of ever reading.  My mind was swirling with lust for my mother.  The look of her sweet pussy with cum flowing from it while she gobbled up another man’s cum was stuck in my mind.  I had enough ammunition to jack off for a lifetime.


I came home around the time that I normally would have from school.  Mom and Dan were both there, so I pretended to be surprised because they normally got home from work about an hour after I arrived from school.  Mom seemed as if she was glowing as she told me that Dan and she decided to take a long weekend to get some things done around the house.  I tried really hard to hide my lust for my mother while she spoke to me, but I couldn’t help but stare at her breasts the entire time she spoke.  I wanted to reach out and rip her shirt open, take one of those sweet nipples into my mouth and suck it like any boy with his first fuck.  Mom noticed me staring and said “Uh, son, my eyes are up here”.  I blushed quickly, and mom giggled as she turned to walk away.


That night, I was back in the closet listening intently for the sounds of sex from my mother and Dan’s nightly sexcapades.  This night was different though.  All I could hear was mom moaning lowly while Dan was whispering something to her.  This was driving me up the fucking wall.  Then, the moans from my mother started growing louder, I could hear them both very clearly now as they started to move toward the full fuck session that I was accustomed to enjoying.


“Yes… Stick that big fucking cock in me baby, make my pussy suck your cum out of your balls.  I wanna feel that hot load shoot into my cunt…”


“That’s a good girl, bend over while I fuck that sweet pussy from behind… You love it…. Don’t you”


“Awww… Yes!  I want to feel that big fucking cock.”


“Yeah, you love cock, my little cum slut.  I fucking love watching you take all that cock and cum.  You wish you had more now… Don’t you?  DON’T YOU?”


“YES!!!  I want more cock… I want to feel two big cocks filling my pussy again… I wanna feel that hot cum shooting into my cunt again!!!”


“There’s only one other cock in this house right now babe… And I want to watch him fuck your pussy… I wanna share your tight little cunt with him while he shoots that hot young load of cum in your cunt…”

“HOLY FUCK… YES!!!  I wanna fuck him so badly...”


“Yah?  You wanna fuck your baby boy and let him shoot that cum in your cunt don’t you!!!”


“OH... Hell… Shit… Fuck YES!!!!  Get that fucking cock in here and let me suck on it”


I didn’t hesitate.  I was totally naked in their room in seconds.  Mom was bent over in front of Dan with her blindfold on.  Dan reached down with both hands and grabbed mom’s tits and pulled her up to him.  I don’t even remember how I got into the bed so fast, but the next thing I knew, I was laying with my face directly under mom’s pussy with Dan’s cock firmly implanted in it.


Dan let mom back down gently on top of me.  She took my cock into her mouth and started to suck me very slowly.  Relishing the time she was taking with her son’s cock for the first time.  She wasn’t about to let me cum yet.  Fuck, I love my mom, was all I could think about.  The view from where I was almost made me blow my load by itself.  I had a close up of mom’s pussy with Dan’s cock in it.  I didn’t even have to raise my head up to get my tongue to mom’s clit.  I turned my head just a little so that I could get my tongue into position to lick mom’s pussy and Dan’s cock at the same time.  It was almost as if I was licking mom’s juice every time he pulled back.  Then he would pull out completely and for an instant, I would take mom’s whole pussy into my mouth.  Then he would bury that cock back into her.  I couldn’t resist the moment, and reached my hands around to mom’s ass and stuck a finger in her asshole and wrapped my fingers around her clit so that I could feel Dan’s cock as it slid in and out of her slippery hole.  This sent mom over the edge.  She was cumming like there was no tomorrow and I had the immense pleasure of being the one that got to drink up the juices.


All of the sudden, Dan let out a deep grown as he shoved that mighty cock so deep into her that his balls sat on my face.  He stayed there for just a couple of seconds then pulled out completely.  I took the opportunity to get another mouthful of mom’s sweet pussy.  What I surprise when along with that sweet pussy, I got a mouth full of his cum.  Well, not full.  But amazingly, this got me even more excited.  I was so turned on that I loved it.  The taste of her pussy and his cum mixed together was more than I could take.  Mom realized this and started squeezing and stroking my cock as she sucked it.  She had a way of sucking my cock and spitting on it at the same time.  I don’t know how, but she had my cock wet with her saliva as she worked it with her hands and mouth.  I couldn’t help it.  I blew.  She pulled her lips up to the tip of my cock as she drank down every drop of my cum.  It was a moment of total bliss.


Mom removed her blindfold and we all laid down on the bed in various positions.  Of course, I made sure that I was as close to my mom as possible.  I couldn’t help but to keep running a finger up and down her cum soaked clit.  This just made her close her eyes, smile and moan very lowly.  She told me that I was such a good boy and that she was happy that I waited until the right time to join in.  Dan was pretty relieved as well.  He wasn’t sure how mom would take the though of her 16 year old son fucking her.  She quickly responded that her sweet 16 year old son hasn’t fucked her… YET.  We laid there for a little while talking about all the things that had transpired, and naturally, that nobody could know about this.  No shit, was my reply.  Mom told me to watch my language.  “Sure mom, I can suck your clit and lick your boyfriends cock as he pumps you full of cum, but I can’t say shit?!  What’s up with that?”  Her reply was quite motherly.  “When you are not fucking me, sucking my pussy, cumming in my mouth or pussy, you will speak to me as Dan does when he’s not doing the same thing.  Like a lady.”  Then it dawned on me.  She was right.  This is a beautiful woman that is very much a lady in every respect and she deserves to be treated as such.  I apologized and agreed.  I rolled over onto my side and started to lick the sweat off of mom’s incredible body.  She tasted so good.  She was soaked with all of the fucking that she was getting and to be able to lick every part of her was a pleasure that was certainly reserved for only those that would love her as much as Dan and I did.


She slowly reached up and stroked my hair as I licked my way from her nipples to her navel.  Then as she started pushing me down to clit, I turned my body so that my cock was next to her mouth.  She rolled over onto her side toward me and lifted her leg enough so that I could cover her entire clit with my mouth.  She commented on how happy she was that Dan and I had such beautiful cocks.  We weren’t the biggest, him being around 9 inches or so and mine at a little over 8 inches, but she said that they were perfect.  Not too big, they didn’t hurt her, but made her know she had a good size cock filling her.  She also said that I had the best cum she had ever tasted.  Nothing against Dan, but he loved cumming in her pussy so much that she never tasted his cum.  That was going to have to change though.  I wanted to watch her gobble another man’s cum as she had done mine.


Dan wiggled his way back behind mom and his cock was inching up to her pussy from behind as I licked her cum filled pussy.  The scent of her was driving me crazy.  I noticed that Dan’s cock was still wet from his, and moms cum.  So I reached over and grabbed his hard cock, and rubbed it back and forth on mom’s pussy.  My tongue out the entire time, licking her pussy and the tip of his cock at the same time.  Mom couldn’t take it anymore.  She pulled my hard cock from her lips and demanded cock in her pussy.  She rolled up onto Dan’s stomach as he lay on his back.  I reached down, grabbed his cock and guided it into mom’s soaking wet hole.  I couldn’t resist as I got another close up view of his cock burrowing into moms cunt.  I put my tongue half on mom’s clit and half on his cock.  They both started to moan as I was massaging his balls with one hand, mom’s clit with the other and licking the sweet juice from mom’s soaking wet cunt off of his cock.


Just when I thought life couldn’t get any better, mom told me to put my cock into her pussy with Dan’s.  Since I was new to this, it took me a couple of tries to get into a good position, but when I did, it was like… WOW!  How could I be so lucky?  It was so tight at first; mom was trying to stay still as I was trying to fill in whatever gap I could find.  Dan stayed buried in her at full depth so he wouldn’t get pulled out and have to try to find his way back in from the position he was in.  All the sudden, I felt it, the warm wet sensation of my mother’s pussy juice, welcoming me home.  I slowly slid my cock all the way into her.  I was balls deep before I knew it.  What an experience.  Dan told me to wiggle around slowly for a little bit so that our cocks could find a good place for each other to move around in.  I didn’t really know what he meant, but as I did, I felt my cock gradually work its way under his.  We were crisscross inside my mom’s pussy.


That was when I realized that I hadn’t gotten to give mom’s breasts the full attention they deserved.  So I bent down to her very slowly and gave her a very deep and wet kiss.  Our tongues met and swirled around each others mouths for what seemed like 10 minutes.  She grabbed my hair and started to guide me down to her soft and succulent breasts very slowly so that I could lick and kiss her neck down to her nipples.  I found her right nipple first and sucked it ever so gently as she pulled me tighter to it.  Dan was massaging her other breast while I was busy with the right.  We switched sides about a dozen times before I started to feel the cum wanting to escape my shaft that was sliding in and out of mom’s wet cunt.  Dan and I had perfect timing together.  Almost as if we knew what each other were thinking while our cocks rubbed together back and forth within my mothers’ wetness.  Dan knew I was about to cum and he told me that it was ok.  He was going to cum too and mom was going crazy by this point.  She wanted us to both fill her pussy at the same time.  That was all I needed.  I arched my back and dove all the way to the hilt.  Dan also went in full as mom grabbed the sheets and pulled herself even harder down onto us.  She started screaming as the first load of my cum shot into her.  I was gushing load after load for what seemed to be an eternity into her.  Dan said he could feel my cum flooding her pussy and soaking his cock just as I could feel the ridges of our two cock heads passing back and fourth across each other.  Just then I could feel his cock shooting loads of cum into my mother as well.  It seemed like he was cumming as much as I was.  Mom was going nuts.  Her pussy was being filled with cum from her boyfriend and her son.  She was gushing juice and cum from her wet hole.  Somehow I couldn’t resist.  Dan knew what I was thinking too, because he was right there with me.  We both pulled from mom’s pussy and immediately laid her on her back with her legs wide open.  Mom was spent and wasn’t about to ask us what we were up to.  I planted my mouth onto her soaked cunt and got a mouthful of juice and cum.  Dan followed and did exactly as I did.  Then, we laid down next to mom, and one after the other, Dan went first, we kissed mom and gave her the cum that we had sucked from her pussy.  She gobbled it down like a sex starved nymphet.  She took extra time with me though.  Her tongue was scanning the inside of my mouth for more.  Trying to find any leftover morsel she could taste.


By this time, we had been in the act of hardcore fucking for about an hour and a half.  We were exhausted and decided we needed some sleep.  Mom told me not to worry about going to school the next day though.  It was already pretty late and she knew I would oversleep after a workout like that.  She also told me that they had planned on some company coming over the next day.  This news really bothered me.  I told her that I had hidden in my closet and saw everything that had transpired earlier that day.  Initially, she was a little peeved that I was eavesdropping on them.  I also told her that I didn’t mind sharing her… In fact, it turned me on as well.  But at least let me watch if I can’t take part in it.  Dan decided that he should chime in and told mom and I that, after tonight, he really preferred that it be just us doing the fucking.  He only go the other guys because he didn’t know that I was up for the fun.  Mom started beaming.  She was so happy to hear Dan say that.  She loved us as much as we loved her and thought she loves to be fucked by a lot of cocks at the same time, she really prefers that it be with the ones that she loves.


That was how everything happened.  I don’t live at home anymore and mom and Dan still have a wonderful sex life.  As for me, well, I found a girl that loves me and I love her.  Her name is Traci.  Traci didn’t know about my family sex life until right before we got engaged.  I couldn’t marry her without her knowing the truth.  And besides that, what would happen when we visit for the holidays and she finds me in bed with mom and Dan.  Fortunately by the time I explained everything to her, she too, fell in love with the two of them.  Mom is teaching her a lot and Dan and I are the happiest men in the world.


The End



Thank you for reading my story.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Please comment and let me know how I can improve my writing.

Vacation Fun pt. 1

DshBrdConfssnl15 on Incest Stories

First let me describe the characters...


Diane-Mother-5\'6", 140lbs, 44D breasts, slight sag, phenominal ass

Brian-Son-6\'3", 215lbs, 8inch long cock, 5.5 inches around, college football player


Diane and Brian were packing for their annual trip to Florida to visit with Diane\'s parents, Brian\'s grandparents, over spring break.  Brian and Diane had lived alone together for 4 yrs now since Brian\'s dad passed away, so they were very comfortable around one another, which included partial nudity in the house, frequent conversations about sex, etc.  Brian was in his room loading up his beach clothes into his suitcase when Diane came bursting through the door, very excited.


"Brian, i just bought this

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new bikini and i want you to tell me how it looks."


"Ok mom, if u want i guess i could check it out."


Now Brian had been secretly having somewhat incestous feelings about Diane for awhile now, and secretly watched her as she got out of the shower or changed clothes.  Little did he know that Diane did the exact same thing when he showered, although unfortunately she had never caught a glimpse of his cock.  She hoped that parading around scantily clad in front of him might arouse him and she hoped that he would act on his sexual impulse.

So diane walked into the bathroom, stripped off her tanktop, black bra, shorts and matching thong and slipped on her new G-string bikini.  She walked back into Brians room, did a twirl, and asked Brian what he felt.  


Brians eyes nearly popped out of his skull as he wayched his moms massive tits jiggle as she danced around and almost blew his load when he saw that the bikini was in fact a G string.  He was wearing only a pair of tight fitting underwear and a t shirt, and his big cock stiffened and was not at all contained by his skimpy breifs, a feat not unnoticed by Diane.  


"WOW MOM" he exclaimed, "you look fucking hotttt!!!!"  Diane was shcoked at his reaction, but nevertheless pleased by the healthy erection she saw growing in her 18 year old sons pants.  "well thank you son, im glad your impressed, but my the looks of things down there, so am i"


Brian blushed as he noticed his mothers stare, but rather than backing away, he grew bolder.  "well, how bout we find some way to impress each other a little more.  have you ever played beer pong??"  Diane was taken aback, but quickly recovered, and said "of course i have, why, what do u have in mind?"  "well", brian began, " i was thinking maybe we could play some, and loser loses more than pride, they lose some clothing too..."


"sounds good to me" said diane with a smile, "lets set up the cups."  So Brian and his mom set up the cups for 10cup beer pong, and established the rules. 1-traditonal beer pong rules  2-loser of each game must take off article of clothing of winners choice.  3-if loser has no clothing left, loser must preform dare of winners choice


Diane, in her bikini, and brian, in his boxers and t shirt, began to play.  Brian won the first game 10-3, so he had diane lose her top.  Doane reached behind her back and unclasped her baby blue bikini top, letting it fall away as her mammoth titties hung free, with hardly a sag, with dark brown aeroules and nipples the size of half dollars.  Brian almost knocked over the cups as he beagn the second game, he was so excited.  Diane came back strong and won the second game 10-8, and had brian lose his shirt too.  So now both mom and son stood topless as the rubber match began.  Brian started strong, going up 5-1, before daine sank 6 in a row, to lead 7-5.  Brian drained a duece to tie it, and then sank 3 straight to win the 3rd match.  Diane sighed but looped her thumbs in her G string and pulled off the bottoms, revealing a shaved pussy that was soppping wet.  Brian became so overwhelmed that he said "fuck this" and pulled off his shorts revealing a massive 8 inch boner, one that dwarfed his fathers measly 5 incher.


Diane licked her lips, and shoved Brian againt the table and hit her knees.  She began to suck gently on brians egg-like cock head as he moaned in absolute exctasy.  She slowly increases her pace and was soon deepthroating him, as he absolutely fucked her face as she chocked and moaned at the same time.  after 10 mins of violent cocksucking, brian blew his load deep into dianes throat.  She chokedm but managed to swallow most of it but some dripped onto her tits.  She scooped up the remaining cumw ith her finger and sucked it clean.  She then stood up, and brian bent her over across the pooltable and put his cock right to the entrance of her pussy.....



Part 2 to come depending on feedback

Dancing With Mom

demy03055 on Incest Stories

My Mother and I became lovers years ago, just before my 17th birthday. To

this day, we continue to love each other and satisfy each other's sexual

needs. I have a mild panty fetish, which is really the catalyst that brought

my Mother and I together in the first place.

First...let me describe the most beautiful, sensual, and sexual woman I

know... Mom. She has shoulder length, chestnut brown hair. Her dark brown

eyes are large and warm, and she still has the face of woman many years

younger than she actually is. Her breasts are not large, but jut out from

her chest with just a hint of sag. They bounce quite provocatively when she

is bra-less. She has a nice trim waist, and nice flaring hips, commonly

referred to a

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s "baby-making-hips". My Mother's most alluring attribute... is

her beautiful behind. Before Mom and I "consummated" our present

relationship, I would fantasize each night before falling asleep about what

my Mom's ass looked like. It was not too large, but it definitely was round

and gave Mom an overall voluptuous figure. Her tummy has just the right

amount of bulge to it that let you know she was all woman.

I used to sneak into my Mother's room when she was not home, and look for

her soiled panties. The essence of her womanhood always lingered in the

crotch of her panties, and occasionally, I would find a stray pubic hair. My

mind would be ablaze with lust at moments like this. To find something that

had actually been a part of my Mom's vagina. Before Mom and I became lovers,

I would take the panties to my room and get totally naked and pleasure

myself, as I sniffed the crotch of her panties. The odor was intoxicating to

me, and I would be delirious with desire. I would be close to orgasm, and

then just before squirting my seed, I'd aim my penis right at the crotch of

her soiled panties and imagine that I was actually ejaculating deep inside

my Mother. There would be copious amounts of semen spilling out of the head

of my penis, and my glazed eyes watched as my ejaculate slowly absorbed into

the cotton fabric.

Mom knows of my panty fetish now and even encourages it. After she had

caught me spying on her and took me as her lover, I told her how horny she

makes me and that I love her used panties. She replied that that she was

glad, and that from now on she was going to keep me supplied with all the

panties I wanted.

One day after Mom and I had awaken, I was feeling particularly horny and

wanted to make love. Mom said that she had a million things to do that

morning but would be happy to oblige later in the afternoon. I said okay

(reluctantly), and got up to make breakfast. I put on a tee-shirt and a pair

of boxers that Mom particularly liked and walked around the kitchen with my

erection poking out, in the hopes Mom might take pity on me and maybe have a

"quicky" before doing her business. No such luck...she did notice though,

and said to stay nice and ready for her when she returned. She told me she

had a very nice place to hold my erection, until it softened (smile).

After Mom departed, I cleaned up the kitchen, and then thought I'd take the

edge off my horniness, by masturbating with Mom's panties. I went into our

room (Mom and I share her bed now), and found a sexy pair that were light

blue satin, and had a slight yellow stain, where I imagined she had, had to

pee, and maybe squirted some out before she got to the toilet. I brought

these to my nose and inhaled deeply of full feminine aroma. It was heavenly,

and extremely erotic. I didn't want to rush it, but I didn't want to empty

everything I had stored in my testicles either. I needed to save some for

Mom when she returned. I was enjoying the feeling of touching myself, and

rubbing the crotch of Mom's panties against my face, when I heard...

"Why don't you smell the crotch of these panties?"

I jumped, and saw Mom standing in the doorway, holding the hem of her skirt

up to her waist with one hand, and massaging her crotch with the other. She

was pushing the panties into the cleft of her vagina, and the scene was as

erotic as any I could have imagined.

"Mom! I didn't know you were here!"

"I know baby, I wanted to surprise you. I knew what you would be doing. I

see you found the pair that I peed into, my but you are a nasty boy aren't


"Mom, you look so hot doing that". She continued to rub her mound as she

spoke to me, which was paramount to throwing gasoline onto burning charcoal.

"Come smell my panties honey, it doesn't get any fresher than this." She

coaxed me toward her and pulled the waist of her panties out, and down so

that I could see her luxuriant growth of pubic hair and the white cotton

crotch of her white lace panties. I gingerly moved toward her and

anticipated the wonderful assault on my olfactory senses.

I hungrily buried my face into her mound, and she spoke so wantonly.

"Oh yes my son, smell Mommy's hot pussy. Does it smell good baby? Does it

make my baby boy want to come in Mommy's panties?"

"Oh yes Mom, I do!.. I do want to come in your panties!"

"Good honey, cause I want you to come in these, the ones I'm wearing right

now. Come stroke your cock for me baby... aim it right at Mommy's pussy."

I stood up, and my penis was as hard and bloated as ever. I had difficulty

in aiming, so mom said, "wait a second sweetie, let me get the step-stool."

She got the little stool and stood up on it and brought her crotch right in

line with my penis. She held onto my shoulder for support and kept her

panties open for my cock and I started stroking.

"Oh Eddie, this makes Mommy so horny, come in my panties and all over my

hairy pussy.. Yesss that's it baby, it looks so hot and red...does it feel

hot honey? Can you smell how wet my pussy is?"

"Oh God... Mom I'm going to squirt... huh... huh... huh..." I watched as the

first rope of sperm jetted out of my penis and splashed against Mom's hairy

mound, the next 4 or 5 contractions were aimed directly into the crotch of

Mom's open panties. She encouraged me to milk it all out and pulled me

closer so that my penis was actually rubbing the lips of her vagina. My cock

was super sensitive right at that moment and I couldn't stand the intense

sensation of it touching anything.

As I was weak kneed and attempting to catch my breath, mom did one of the

most erotic things I ever seen her do. With my come pooled in the crotch of

her panty, she pulled them up, and began mashing the crotch up into her


"Ooh my baby... this feels so good, I love having a sopping wet pussy,

especially when my son's sperm is what's making it nice and wet. When do you

think you'll be ready to squirt some more right into my hole baby? Soon I

hope, I'm all hot and horny now too, and I need your nice strong cock inside

me to take away the ache."

I took my Mother into my arms and began holding her tight and kissing her

lips. I held her close and massaged the small of her back, right where the

crack of her behind began. The beauty of older woman/younger man

relationships, is that both are perfect for each other sexually. Hearing my

Mother speak to me in that manner quickly aroused me. She turned and shut

the door and locked it, which in itself is turn-on for me, and began to

undress me. Not that I had a lot to remove, but it made me feel wanted. She

lifted my tee-shirt over my head, and then took off her blouse, and then her

bra. She slid her fingers into the waist band of my boxers and slowly

stripped them off from me. She then buried her face into my groin and

massaged the cheeks of my ass, pulling me closer. She grasped my cock and

lightly kissed it. Then taking just the head into her mouth and lightly

bathing it with her tongue.

"Oh Mom... (sigh)... that feels so good... (moan)...." I quickly hardened,

and Mom began licking my entire shaft, mumbling something about the smell of

my cock, and how horny it made her. Soon she opened her mouth wide and

engulfed my entire shaft, burying her nose deep into my pubic hair. The

sensation was ecstatic, I knew that if she didn't stop immediately, I would

be pounding my seed into her mouth.

"Mom... I'm.... gonna... cum.... if.... you.... don't... stop." She slowly

let my penis slip out of her mouth, and there was a string of saliva

connecting my cock and her lips. She gazed hotly into my eyes, and slowly

got to her feet. She gently pushed me onto the bed, and stepped back. She

reached behind her and unzipped her skirt, and shimmied out of it, and let

it drop to the floor. Stepping out of it, she then hooked her fingers into

the waist band of her wet panties and began to pull them down. They were

still stuck up into the cleft of her vagina, and had to be slowly peeled

out. Her eyes were glued to mine, and in a moment she was as naked as I.

"It's time to fuck Mommy now baby, I hope you're ready. My pussy is really

hungry, see? See how my pussy's mouth is watering?" She stood in front of

me, and held the lips of her vagina wide open. Her whole vulval area was wet

and slick with my cum and the lubrication from her arousal. She crawled onto

the bed with me and laid down on her back, with her knees bent. Coaxing me

between her thighs, she grasped my penis and then swished her fingers in her


"Momma's gonna make your cock nice and slippery, so you slide into my pussy

nice and easy." With that she pulled on my cock to move it closer to her

opening and then with the hand that she had been massaging her pussy with,

she began wiping the mixture of fluids from her cunt up and down my shaft.

Her pussy smelled so hot and musky and I knew that I needed to mate with her


"Oh Eddie..your cock feels so nice and hot. I can't wait to feel you inside

me. Are you ready to fuck me baby?"

"Ohhh Mom....You know I am, I want to bury my penis deep inside you and let

it soak inside you"

"Okay baby, then do it...push your penis inside me and keep it there for the

rest of the day." With that, Mom released her grasp on my cock, and brought

her knees up to her chest, then reached underneath her thighs and opened her

vagina, exposing her hot, wet hole. I aimed my cock with one hand, and

braced myself with the other. As I entered her vagina, the sensation of

smooth, slippery heat overwhelmed my senses. I slid into her with one

thrust, and buried my cock up to my balls inside my Mother's clutching

vagina. I didn't want to move yet, as the feeling was what could only be

described as 'delicious'

"Oh Eddie... keep your cock deep inside me okay?" She held me tight and

began kissing my cheek and lips, and shoulders. She undulated ever so

slightly beneath me, and begged me to smother her with my body. I reached

under her and held the smooth supple globes of her ass, and attempted to

pull myself even deeper inside. She began contracting her vaginal muscles,

and said that it was so comforting to have a live, hot cock to squeeze

inside of her instead of the fake, rubber one that I had seen her using. We

gazed into each others eyes, as we each flexed our sex muscles. We began

kissing, lightly at first, and then gradually hotter, and hotter. I started

grinding my pelvis against her as she pushed up at me. I withdrew my shaft,

and looked at the point we were connected, and it appeared to be dripping

with her lubricant.

Mom then reached between her legs and played with her pussy, and then pulled

me back down on top of her. She rubbed her fingers in my face, and said it

was time to really fuck her.

"Here baby, smell what you've done to my pussy. I need to come now honey...

make Mommy's pussy come all over her baby boy's cock." When she started

talking like that, I began fucking her harder. Since I had already come

once, I knew I could last long enough to make her come.

"Oh yeah baby... that's it!... fuck me.... harder.... harder. Wait for me to

come before you feed my hungry pussy okay baby?"

"Oh yes Mom, I'm gonna make you come on my hard cock before I empty my balls

inside you."

"Yesss Eddie...I love when you talk to me about emptying your balls inside

me...and that's just what I want you to do, cream my pussy...ohhh yesss....

fuck... me... fuck... me.... fuck... me... I'm.... gon... na... come...

all... ov... er... your... cock... AIIEEEEEEEE.... ooohhhh!!" I felt her

starting to come and then I pushed my cock into her as deep as I could and

just held it there for her pussy to spasm around. I held her close, and

touched her asshole with the tip of my finger, and felt the spasms she was

having. I could feel her heart pounding against my chest as she pressed her

bosom against me. She purred and cooed about how happy I was making her.

"Oh my darling son, I love you so very much. feel so good in

my pussy. Now, do you have a nice creamy present for my pussy? I think it's

time you fed my hungry pussy,...don't you?"

Mom looked deep into my eyes when she asked me that, and my balls were drawn

up tight against me, all ready to release their potent load. Her eyes

shimmered in the late morning light. She then pulled the covers up over us

with her feet, and finished pulling them around our coupled bodies with her

hands. We were in our own little cocoon, and she kissed me gently on the

lips and said,

"The door is locked and it's just you and me sharing our bodies, now my

darling son please fuck me with all that is left inside you. I want every

ounce of your come squirted deep into my hungry pussy. Look into my eyes

when you come baby, I want to see the pleasure I'm giving you."

"Mom you are driving me out of my mind talking like that, I'm going to give

you every drop of come that's in my balls. She then pulled the covers even

closer around us and started kissing my lips and sucking on my tongue as my

cock began to drive in and out of her sopping pussy. I knew it wouldn't take

long and she kept panting, "look at me when you come baby, look at me when

you come!"

"Mom... I'm going crazy... I love you Mom."

"Yes my baby, go crazy, feed my hungry pussy baby... mmmmm. give it to me."

"I'm coming Mommy... I'm coming inside your pussy Mommy... OOOOHHHH GOD!...

At that very moment, I gazed steadily into my Mother's big, brown eyes as I

emptied my balls deep into her clutching vagina. Her pussy spasmed once

again as she came with me, her pussy muscles sucking and contracting around

my shaft, milking every last drop of semen deep into her hole. She held me

tight and then our lips met, in what had to be the most soulful kiss that a

man and a woman can share. I can honestly say that I couldn't love anyone,

more than I love my Mother.

Sharing MOMS

Dirtyboy127 on Incest Stories

Russel and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We are actually more like brothers than friends. Neither of us have siblings, so we probably subconsciously rely on each other to fill that gap in our lives. When we graduated from high school, we joined the Navy together. After we finished our schooling, we were assigned to different ships and went our separate ways it is our heart breaking separation but we accept the situations because it is our future.

Russel and I wrote to each other for a jiffy but the letters eventually stopped coming. A few days before my enlistment ended, I bumped into him in the Enlisted Men"s Club at the Norfolk Navy Base. If not for that fortuitous turn of events, I probably would not have a story to tell. Because we had enlisted
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at the same time, our enlistments ended at the same time. Russel was as eager to get out of the Navy as I was. We celebrated a little too hard that night.

Russel bought an old jalopy for the drive home and invited me to ride along. By sharing expenses and driving, we both saved money. After an uneventful trip, Russel and I pulled up in front of my house. I insisted that he come inside to get reacquainted with my mother.

I wasn"t prepared for what I saw when Mom opened the door. She had always been very attractive, but while she was married to my father she didn"t pay much attention to her appearance. But after the divorce, she reinvented herself. She trimmed off a few pounds, bought some stylish clothes, and had her hair done in a trendy style. Standing in the doorway was one of the sexiest, most beautiful women I had ever seen I know this is not fair to a son like this nasty thoughts.

Mom and I held our embrace a little longer than is proper for a mother and son. She wasn"t wearing a bra and I could feel the warmth of her big soft tits through the thin material of her blouse. She gave Russel a friendly hug and invited him in. She ushered us into the kitchen and served us frosty bottles of beer. Russel could hardly take his eyes off of her. I should have been pissed at the way my buddy was ogling my mother’s super cleavage and the terrific man killer ass, but I only felt a growing sense of excitement. Russel declined Mom"s invitation to stay for dinner. The first thing she said after he left was, "Your friend is certainly handsome now that his skin has cleared up."

Over dinner, Mom told me all about what she called her "brand-new life". She had gone into real estate sales and had become very successful. That explained the designer clothes and the expensive new furniture throughout the house. She insisted that I live with her for as long as I liked, and that I take my time in finding a job.

Mom and I chatted as we watched TV together. Her perfume was very distracting and so was everything else about her. I got a hard-on whenever she crossed the room. She had learned how to do a "model"s walk" and it really was hot. That night in bed I had to Russel off twice before I could get to sleep.

Russel called the next day and asked me to meet him for a few beers at Clancy"s Tavern. We shot some pool, watched some baseball, and put away a few drafts. I could tell that my friend was eager to change subjects, and he did as soon as we settled down in a booth for some serious drinking.

"Damn, Norman, your mother is drop-dead gorgeous sorry for tell directly to you," he said. "I remember that she was a babe when we were in high school, but she is really something now. My Mom looks a lot hotter now, too, since she got rid of Dad."

He pulled a picture out of his shirt pocket and handed it to me. I immediately recognized Russel’s mother Reeba, even though there had been many changes in her appearance since I had last seen her. She was at the beach clad in a modest two-piece bathing suit that showed off her curves to perfection. She had struck a sexy calendar-girl pose for the camera.

"Damn, Russel, I"m getting a hard-on," I confessed sorry for that telling you about your mom!!!.

"That"s okay, buddy. I got more than one while I was checking out your Mom. I had to Russel off before I could get to sleep last night."

"Yeah, me, too. Can I keep this picture to Russel off with?"

"Sure, keep it. Look, buddy, I have a great idea," he said. "Mom"s birthday is tomorrow and I"m taking her out to a nice restaurant for a fancy dinner. Why don"t you guys come along?"

I accepted his invitation and the four of us met at the best restaurant in town. I struggled not to ogle the blonde bombshell sitting across the table from me. The picture Russel had shown me didn"t do her justice. Damn, was she hot! Mom (her name is Pamela) and Reeba had been casual friends for years, but that night they really bonded. By the time we finished our coffee and went to the bar for drinks, they were like best friends. As we wound our way through the tables, every head turned in our direction. I thought my chest would burst with pride.

Mom invited Russel and Reeba back to our place for drinks. When Mom found out that Reeba was a Bridge player, she insisted on a game. Bridge was one of Mom"s favorites, too. Those two certainly had a lot in common. If Mom and Reeba had any faults it was that they were a little too free with the bottle. Both of them got a little tipsy, and Russel and I swapped winks when Reeba asked us if we had visited any whorehouses while we were in the Navy. It just kept getting better and better.

Our Bridge games became a regular weekly occurrence. Russel and I hated the game but we played because it gave us an opportunity to ogle our mothers. As soon as the girls had a few drinks in them, they began to flirt with us. Reeba was fond of using not-so-subtle double-entendres to tease me. I had to struggle to concentrate on the game and to keep my dick from rising.

Russel and I were at Clancy"s one evening having a few pints and shooting the breeze. "The next time we play cards I"m going to make a run on your Mom," he said. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"Hell, no, as long as you don"t mind me making a run on yours."

We came up with a devious plan. Our Bridge games always stopped promptly at ten so Mom and Reeba could watch their favorite nighttime soap. I always taped the program in case Mom missed any of it because of a phone call or other interruption. I loaded a porno tape into the VCR beforehand, and when I pretended to start recording Mom"s program, I hit the play button instead. The soap opera disappeared and was replaced with a raunchy orgy scene.

"Oh, my God, I"m so sorry," I said. "I was watching that this afternoon and forgot to take it out. I"ll turn it off."

But before I could hit the stop button, Reeba said something that Russel and I had been hoping to hear.

"Oh, no, leave it on. I"ve heard about these but I"ve never had an opportunity to watch one. Let me satisfy my curiosity."

Sitting beside my mother watching porno was the wildest thing I had done in my life until then. The tape was really hot, and I wished that I had chosen something a little less raunchy. But it worked just the way Russel and I had hoped. Mom and Reeba began exchanging comments about what was happening on the screen.

"Wow, what a mess," Mom said, after a very sloppy cum-shot.

"Yeah, that thing was like a firehose," Reeba said with a giggle.

We watched the entire tape, and Mom and Reeba loved it. Russel looked over at me and winked. I could see that he was terrified. I wondered if he could overcome his fear enough to make his move. He rose to his feet and stumbled toward Mom. His dick was so hard that he couldn"t walk upright.

"C..c..c..come on, C..C..Hamela," he stammered. Mom"s jaw dropped and she looked over at me. I didn"t see anger or shock on her pretty face, only the same look she gets when someone pays her a compliment.

"Don"t look at me, Mom," I said.

Mom got to her feet and led my best friend to her bedroom. Reeba and I sat quietly for a few minutes, and then she began to giggle.

"Well, wasn"t that special?" she said. "Well, it"s just you and me, Norman. I don"t suppose you would be interested in screwing an old hag like me, would you?"

"You"re one of the most beautiful women I"ve ever seen, Reeba," I said. Then I took her by the hand and led her to my bedroom. She let me undress her, and I felt her up at the same time. Her tits weren"t especially big, but they were just the right shape and had the right amount of sag. I finally had her down to her panties. I knelt in front of her and yanked them down. My cock nearly ripped through my zipper when I saw the full bush on her pussy. She grabbed me by the ears and pulled my face right into her sweet-smelling snatch. I ran my tongue up and down the slot and swirled it around the nubbin at the top. I hoped that my enthusiasm would make up for my lack of experience.

"Oh, yes, baby," she said. "I love that long, silky tongue. I really look forward to teaching you how to eat pussy with finesse."

She flopped down on the bed and spread her legs. I nearly broke one of mine getting out of my pants. I tried to mount her but she pushed me away.

"You wouldn"t last a minute, baby, and I need a lot more fucking than that. I"ll suck the first one out of you. Once we get that one out of the way, I"m sure you"ll last longer."

Reeba"s mouth was warm and very wet. I had had my cock sucked by a few whores while I was in the Navy and a couple of sluts in high school, but none of them had been as good as Reeba.

"Grab me by the hair and push my head up and down," she demanded. "I like my sex a little rough."

If I hadn"t done as she asked, I probably would have lasted a little longer. I grabbed a handful of her hair and pushed her pretty head down on my cock until it hit her throat. That sent me over the edge.

"Oh, fuck, Reeba, here it comes. If you don"t want my load, you had better get off of me now."

I came so hard I saw stars and heard ringing in my ears. It just went on and on, and the entire time, I was pushing and pulling that slut"s head up and down on my cock. She finally lifted her head and smiled at me as she swallowed my load.

"Damn, you really needed that, didn"t you, hon? You should masturbate more often. It"s not healthy to let your balls fill up like that. Now get over here and fuck me before your dick goes soft."

I mounted that beauty and shoved my cock into her hot, wet snatch. She immediately planted her feet for leverage and bucked up against me. She was much tighter than I expected and she had excellent muscle control. Each time I pulled back, her cunt tightened down on me as though trying to keep me inside. I was so naïve that I didn"t even know that women can, with proper exercise, control their cuntal muscles.

Reeba began raking her fingernails very lightly up over my back and ass. Then she wrestled me onto my back and impaled herself on my cock. I was amazed that such a petite woman could be so strong. I had never been in the woman-on-top position. I immediately saw its advantages. Reeba"s tits were swinging to and fro in front of my eyes. She grabbed one and stuffed the nipple into my mouth.

"Oh, you sweet son-of-a-bitch. You have a humdinger of a cock. It"s been ages since I"ve had one as big and hard as yours is. I am going to wear you out tonight, boy."

After that outburst, Reeba had her first of many orgasms. I was a little disappointed that she didn"t make more noise. I wanted my buddy to hear what a good job I was doing on his mother. She screwed her eyes shut, nibbled incessantly on her lower lip, and tossed her head from side-to-side.

"Oh, fuck, Reeba, I have to cum. What should I do?"

"Shoot every drop of that hot jizz into me."

I continued pounding my cock into her as my load shot out. Her slick cunt got even slicker as my juices mingled with hers. She was in the middle of a strong orgasm and was clamping down on me. She finally went limp on top of me.

"Keep it in me for as long as you can," she whispered. I managed to stay plugged in for five minutes or so, and then a strong contraction pushed me out. When Reeba had said that she was going to wear me out, she hadn"t been kidding. We must have fucked in twenty different positions. I didn"t know there were so many different ways to fuck. The bitch made me cum six times before she rolled over and went to sleep. Reeba was gone when I awoke the next morning, so my morning wood was wasted on Russeling off.

Russel called me the next day. He was so excited that his tongue was tripping over his words. We agreed to meet at Clancy"s after work. His eyes were glassy and he was grinning like a Cheshire cat. We grabbed a couple of mugs of beer and took a table in a far corner where we could talk.

"Man, is your mother a hot piece of ass," he gushed. "You won"t believe some of the things we did to each other."

"Okay, calm down. I want to hear everything you did to my mother, starting at the beginning. Don"t leave anything out."

"Well, she started sucking my dick as soon as we were in bed and she did it so good that I shot my load in about fifteen seconds."

Russel went on to tell me in graphic detail about every act he and Mom had performed. I sat there with an aching hard-on and took it all in. His story ended with a shocker.

"I fucked your Mom in the ass. Hell, she liked it just as much there as in her pussy. I didn"t even ask her if I could do it. My cock slipped out of her pussy and when I tried to get it back in the tip got lodged in her ass-hole. I figured I might as well go for it so I pushed it in. Man, she went nuts."

I almost creamed my jeans when he told me about that. I vowed that the next time I got Reeba in bed I would go for her ass. Then it occurred to me that the women might feel guilty about what they had done and not let us fuck them again. I needn"t have worried.

We had our next Bridge game at Reeba"s house. When it was over, she took me by the hand and led me to her bedroom. Russel took Mom to his room. The second time was even better than the first.

"I suppose you and Russel have told each other all the juicy details," she said. He and I had agreed not to tell them about that. "No, I would be too embarrassed to do anything like that." A little while later I got my first piece of ass. A thousand fantasies had not prepared me for the feel of it. I did her doggy-style so I could watch my cock going into that beautiful, round ass. Each time I pulled back she clamped down on me. I didn"t even last a minute.

"Don"t feel bad, hon. All guys come too quick when they get their first piece of ass. You"ll do better next time."

Reeba gave me a fine education in sex that night. After hours of sucking and fucking in a variety of ways, she ordered me to Russel off for her amusement. I had always wanted to Russel off in front of a woman. I decorated her nipples with the small quantity of jizz that I managed to Russel out.

Our sexual relationships with each other"s mothers continued for several months. One evening Russel and I were at Clancy"s filling each other in on the things we had done to our mothers the previous night. Right out of the blue, Russel made a shocking proposal.

"I think we should fuck our own mothers."

"No way, man," I said. "We"ve got a great thing going. Why should we do anything that might screw it up."

"Well, I"m going to go for mine. If you don"t want to go for yours that"s your problem."

Russel had already come up with a plan. I decided that the least I could do was hear him out. I had almost a full week before the next card game to consider his proposal.

The big night finally arrived. As soon as the card game ended, Reeba and I went to my room to get it on. She liked to start things off with a blow job, but I told her I wanted to practice cunnilingus. I worked on her tits for fifteen minutes. By the time I headed South, her nipples were as big and hard as bullets. I buried my face in her muff and took a deep breath. She smelled like honeysuckle, one of my favorite scents. As I worked my tongue around in her pussy, I tried to remember all the little tricks she had taught me. I knew they were working when she began to moan and squirm around on the bed. Everything was going according to plan. Russel was also practicing his foreplay on Mom.

Russel and I had decided that thirty minutes of foreplay would be enough. Exactly thirty minutes after I took one of Reeba"s nipples in my mouth, I excused myself to go to the bathroom. Russel was already waiting in the hallway. I hadn"t seen him naked since we went through Navy boot camp together, and I had never seen him with a hard-on. His cock was so hard it pointed at the ceiling. The lower half of his face glistened with my Mom"s sex juice.

"I got her ready for you, buddy," he said. "You shouldn"t have to work too hard to make her cum. Good luck."

We shook hands and then I headed for Mom"s room with my rock-hard cock pointing the way. I pushed open the door and peeked inside. Mom was on the bed rubbing her pussy. My heart raced as I walked toward her with my cock bobbing in front of me now I am try to fucking my own mother just after minutes I called as motherfucker.

"Reeba and I figured it was just a matter of time before this happened," she said. "Well, come and do it while we"re both in the mood."

I mounted her and speared her pussy with one perfect thrust. Russel had done a good job on her. She responded immediately and bucked up against me. I forgot everything Reeba had taught me about fucking with finesse and gave Mom the ramrod treatment. She began gasping and wheezing as my cock did its job.

"Oh, yes, that"s so good," she whispered. "I like it hard and fast sometimes. Yes, that"s it, give me more like that. YOU"RE MAKING ME COME! UHU..UHU..UHU..I"M COMING!"

Mom dug her fingernails into my ass as mini-convulsions rippled through her beautiful body. She wrapped her long legs around mine and crushed me in an embrace. Hoping to get her multi-orgasmic, I continued fucking her with short strokes. Feeling her shaking beneath me was the best feeling I had ever had. She was enjoying her fourth orgasm when I shot my load into her. I felt like a king! Yes a real motherfucker born here.

Mom was just as insatiable as her girlfriend and we stayed at it until I couldn"t get it up. The next morning the four of us had breakfast together, something we had never done before. Reeba had that glow that some women get after they"ve had an especially good fucking. I could see that Russel was quite pleased with himself. No doubt my pride was showing, too.

"Well, I guess there isn"t any reason we can"t have a foursome now," Reeba said.

We had our first foursome the following week. Russel and I had the pleasure of watching our mothers go the lesbian route. They had gotten to each other before we got to them. I"ll tell you about it some other time

Siblings With Privileges on Incest Stories



Tamara:  age 16, 5'3, 115 ibs.

Long light brown hair past her shoulders, light brown eyes, light tanned skin, tight firm ass trimmed cunt, pink asshole, small breasts with little pink nipples


Jake:  age 14 5'5, 120 ibs

Short light brown hair, light brown eyes (identical to his sisters), light tan, skinny adolescent body, 5 inch cock.


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Tamara’s car was making a funny noise as she and her friends drove back to school after lunch break.  When she arrived at school she called her Dad and told him about it.  He told her that once she got out of school to take it to a car garage that was owned by one of his friends at work.  She called the movie theatre that she works at and told them that she wouldn’t be able to make it to work tonight. 


She dropped her car off at the garage and started walking home.  As she walked home she was thinking about the boy that just dumped her a week ago.  When she started dating him, she was high on life, thinking that she had met the boy she was going to marry someday. What she didn’t know about him was that he was like most boys, and his whole goal in life was to fuck as many girls as possible.  When they started dating he treated her like a princess, and after a few weeks she let him take her virginity.


He got her to suck his cock, and let him lick her cunt, and then he fucked her a few more times. Then he broke up with her and started working on another girl.  She wasn’t too sad about loosing him, but she was really enjoying having sex. 


She got to her house and walked in.  She heard the shower running, and she knew it was her brother Jake.  She went to her room to change and she saw that her underwear drawer, and her dirty clothes hamper were open. 


Jake didn’t know that his big sister’s car had broken down and that she had called off work today.  Their parents were both at work and didn’t get home till evening, and Jake was used to having the house to himself on most nights. 


Tamara heard the water turn off and she walked quietly into the living room.  A moment later she saw Jake walk past the living room door wearing shorts and a t-shirt.  He didn’t see Tamara sitting on the couch and he continued down the hall to Tamara’s room. 


She got up and walked quietly down to her room and peeked in the door. She saw her brother lying on her bed rubbing himself through his shorts, with her panties up to his nose.  Tamara’s pussy got wet as she watched her little brother.  She walked in.


“What are you doing?” she said


Jake threw the panties on the bed and quickly sat up.  Tamara glared at him as he sat there speechless and humiliated.  She walked over and sat on the bed.


“So is this what you do when you’re alone every evening, you little pervert.” she said


“I’m sorry I’ll leave now.” he said as he jumped off the bed and sprinted down to his room and slammed the door. 


Tamara felt bad, she didn’t mean to embarrass him even though he deserved it for snooping around in her room.  She got up and walked down the hall, and knocked on the door.


“Jake!!” she yelled, “Can I come in?”


There was no answer and she opened the door and walked in and saw him lying face down on his bed with his head buried in his pillow.


“Jake cheer up I’m not really mad at you.” she said


He sat up and wiped tears from his eyes.


“Please don’t tell anyone about this.” he said

“It’s our little secret ok.” she said as she leaned over and hugged him. 

“So tell me something, I won’t get mad.” she said, “Have you been in my room a lot?”

“A few times but I promise I won’t go in there anymore ok.” he said

“I don’t mind if you go in there Jake, as long as Mom and Dad don’t find out.” she said

“I can?” he said surprised.

Tamara nodded.


“Do you like smelling my underwear you dirty boy?” she said smiling at him


Jake smiled back at her and hesitated for a moment.


“Yea especially your dirty ones.” he said

“I bet you jack off while you do it don’t you?” she said


Jake blushed and he looked down and nodded his head smiling.  Tamara looked down as well and she could see that he was trying to hide his boner. 


“You don’t have to hide that from me.” she said “I want to see it.”

“Really?” he said, still flustered.


She leaned closer to him.

“You want to go back to my room and jack off together?” she said


Jack smiled at her and fidgeted.


“Come on, lets go.” she said, as she got up and waited for him.


He got up slowly and he was still shy about his pecker sticking out in his shorts.  He walked ahead of Tamara so she wouldn’t see it.  They got to her room and Jake shyly sat on her bed.  Tamara walked up to him and grabbed his shorts and tried to work them down.  Jake wrestled away from her.


“Let me see it Jake, I want to see it.” she said as they struggled

“No!!!” he cried “I’m embarrassed”

“Jake if you don’t show me, I’m going to tell Mom and Dad what you were doing.”


Jake sighed and he got on his feet with his back to her.  He pulled down his shorts and underwear slowly and Tamara watched his dick pop out of his pants like a spring. 


“That’s so cute Jake.” she said

Jake giggled and put it back in his shorts.

“Don’t put it away, I want to see it some more.” she said

“If Mom and Dad found out about this, they would kill us.” he said


She walked in front of him and undid her jeans and pulled them down slightly and pulled her panties aside.  Jake stared at his big sister’s pink mound.  He let his dick come out of his shorts again and he started playing with himself as he looked at his sister’s cunt.  Tamara put a finger on her pussy and rubbed between the folds as she watched her brother.


“I love watching you rub yourself.” he said

“You want to finger me?” she asked


Jake moved his hand up and down his young dick and it almost exploded hearing his sister say that.  Tamara sat on the bed and pulled off her jeans and panties.  She spread her legs and grabbed her brothers hand and brought if over to her vagina.  He stuck his middle finger in her pussy, and Tamara reached over and grabbed her brother’s cock. 


“It feels so soft and warm.” he said

“You feel good too Jake.” she said. “This is so much fun.”

“Can we do this whenever Mom and Dad aren’t home Tamara?” he asked

“Yea I don’t work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Mom and Dad are gone all evening, let’s fool around every time they are gone.” she said

“Tamara I’m about to spluge.” he said as her hand worked up and down his cock, and his fingers were still in her twat.


She took her hand off his dick, and got on her knees in front of him.  His shorts were down to his knees and she pulled them all the way off.  She grabbed his hard dick and looked up at him. 


“You ever had a blow job before.” she asked

“I’ve never done anything before.” he said


She smiled as she leaned closer and pulled his dick toward her, bringing him into her mouth.  She pumped her head up and down a few times then she sucked as hard as she could as she pulled her head up until his cock popped out of her mouth.  She licked his balls and ran her tongue all the way up his dick to the tip.


“Does that feel good?” she asked

“That feels really good.” he said

“Want to cum in my mouth?” she said


Jake nodded his head and closed his eyes.  Tamara took his teenage cock back in her mouth and jacked him off as she moved her head up and down.  Jake moaned as his dick pumped semen down his big sisters throat.  She sucked his cock till his dick was dry heaving.


Tamara opened her mouth to show her little brother all the semen she just sucked out of his cock. She looked at him and swallowed it down, and wiped her mouth with Jake's underwear.


They both jumped up after hearing the sound of an engine pulling in the driveway.  They quickly put their clothes on and Jake ran into the living room and flopped on the couch. Tamara stayed in her room and heard her Dad walk in the front door.  A moment passed and she walked down the hall and saw Jake and her Dad getting ready to go out.


“Where are you guys going?” she asked

“We are going to pick up your car, your Mom will be home in a few minutes, see you in a bit.” her Dad said


Tamara sat at the kitchen table.  She couldn’t believe she had just sucked her little brother’s cock.  She put her hand down her pants and was rubbing her cunt, when her Mom walked in the door.  She quickly pulled her hand up, and wiped her pussy juice on her jeans. 

Tamara helped her Mom cook dinner, and an hour later they were putting the food on the table, when Jake and her Dad walked in.  Tamara was sitting at the table and Jake walked by her. They glanced at each other for a moment and exchanged smiles.  Their parents kept up the conversation while they all ate.  Jake tried not to stare at his sister.  His dick was hard under the table thinking about his fingers in her wet cunt, and shooting his cum in her warm mouth.


Dinner ended and Jake and his Mom washed the dishes.  Later Mom and Dad were on the couch and Jake was sitting on the other couch across from them.  Tamara was down in her room.  Jakes parents started falling asleep on the couch and Jake walked down the hall to Tamara’s room and quietly knocked on her door. 


“Hey Jake” she said

“Just wanted to tell you that I’m going to bed.” he said

“Goodnight” she said, hugging him like she did every night.


Jake turned around and headed for his bedroom.


“Hey.” she said.  “I had fun with you today.”


Jake turned and walked back to his sister.


“Oh my God, I did too.” he said, “You don’t work tomorrow do you?”


Tamara smiled and shook her head


“Will you give me another blow job tomorrow?” he asked

“Yea…..will you eat me out tomorrow?” she said


Jake smiled and nodded his head.  He turned around and headed for his room and   then looked back and waved at his sister. 


It was 11:00pm and Jake still could not get to sleep.  The only thing he could think about was his big sister.  He had never been so sexually exited in his whole life.  His young dick would not get soft, and he felt like there were butterflies in it, like you feel in your stomach when you’re exited about something.


He grabbed his dick and pumped it, thinking how he’s going to eat Tamara’s cunt out tomorrow.  He felt cum stirring in his balls and had to slow his pace.  He rubbed and stroked his dick for an hour and his thoughts grew dirtier and dirtier about his big sister.  He started fantasizing that he was in her room and they were both lying on their sides, and he was licking her pussy while she sucked his cock.  He imagined himself climbing on top of his sister and entering her wet vagina. He lay there and jacked off faster and faster, pretending he was inside of his sister as cum erupted out his dick.


Jake pulled his underwear up, not bothering to clean himself up.  He turned around on his side and drifted off to sleep.  It was three hours later when he woke up again. He looked at the clock and it said 2:00 in the morning.  He tried to block his sister out of his mind so he could go back to sleep but it was no use.  He was on his stomach and his dick quickly got hard again. 


He got up and walked to his door and slowly opened it.  He looked down the hall and tiptoed down to his parent’s room.  He looked in the door and saw them cuddled up together sound asleep.  He continued down the hall, and walked as quietly as he could into his sister’s room.  His dick was so hard it was aching as he looked at his sexy sleeping sister. 


“Tamara.” he whispered


Her eyes slowly opened, her vision blurred as she looked at her brother.


“What are you doing Jake?” she said

“I can’t sleep, I keep thinking about what we did today.” he said


He climbed into bed with her and got under the sheets facing her. 

“Can I eat you out?” he asked.


Tamara rubbed her eyes and looked at him, and nodded her head.  Jake got under the covers and worked his way down to his sister’s crotch.  She was wearing a long white t-shirt, with yellow silk panties.  Tamara’s pussy moistened and starting soaking through the fabric on her panties.  Jake put his finger on the wet spot, and stuck his tongue out and licked his sister’s pussy through her panties. 


Tamara stared at the ceiling fan feeling her brother’s tongue move up and down her panties.  She pulled the covers off and Jake looked up at her.  She reached down with both hands and grabbed her panty waistline, and lifted her lower back.  Jake stood up on his knees, and looked between his sister’s legs as she pulled her panties off.  She looked at him and she gave him her panties, and he stared at her while he put his nose up to them. 


Tamara spread her legs and he gently stuck his tongue in his sister’s twat.  She closed her eyes and reached down and rubbed her clit as her brother tongued her cunt.  Jake kept on licking her and Tamara’s eyes opened in surprise as she felt her brother’s warm tongue cross her asshole. 


Jake continued running his tongue up and down both of his sister’s holes, till his jaw became tired.  Then he slowly ran his tongue up Tamara’s stomach and sucked on her tits.  Tamara grabbed the back of her little brother’s head and brought his face up to hers.  She could taste her own pussy on his tongue as she made out with her brother.  Jake reached down and moved his dick on her pussy. 


“Jake we shouldn’t do that.” she said

“Come on Tamara I want to see what it feels like.” he said

“What if Mom and Dad come in and catch us.” she said

“I’ll be really quite and we will just do it for a minute, then I’ll go back to my room.” he said


Tamara nodded her head and continued kissing her brother, as Jake slowly pushed his teenage cock into his sister. 


“Oh that feels so good.” he said


Jake began moving in his sister, and Tamara grabbed her brothers ass with both hands, helping him fuck her as she moved her pelvis in circles with each trust.  Jake’s pace grew faster and faster and Tamara moaned as the bed started banging against the wall.  Jake covered his sister’s mouth.


“Shhh, you have to be quite.” he said


He kept his hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t scream as he fucked her more and more.  Jake’s eyes rolled back in head, as he felt his cum work its way up his dick, until it exploded inside his big sister.  He milked all his cum with her cunt.  He quietly got up, and she covered herself.  He gave her a soft kiss on the lips.


“I’ll see you tomorrow after school.” he said as he put his underwear and shorts back on, and tiptoed back to his room. Luckily his parents were still sound asleep.


The next day Jake sat in class, having a hard time keeping his dick down.  Tamara also watched the clock all day, she couldn’t wait till school was over so she could get to go play with her little brother again. 


School finally ended and she got in her car and quickly drove home.  When she pulled up to the house she saw the bus pull over, and Jake was getting off.   Jake smiled at his sister as he walked in and met her at the door. 


“I’ve been excited all day waiting to see you.” she said

“Me too, I had a boner all day thinking about last night.  I had to keep seated to hide it.” he said

“You don’t have to hide that boner anymore.” she said as she unlocked the door and they both stepped in.

“You want to see it again?” he said


Tamara nodded and Jake unzipped his pants and his dick sprang out.  Tamara grabbed it and stroked it.  Jake worked his hand down his sister’s pants.  Tamara unbuttoned her jeans and pulled down her pants taking her panties with them.  Jake got on his knees and pulled his sisters pussy lips apart with both thumbs, and ran his tongue in her slit. 


“That feels so good when you do that Jake.” she said as she stepped back and laid on her back on the floor spreading her legs.  Jake laid on his stomach between her legs and continued licking her. 


“Did you like that last night, when I licked your butt hole?” he asked

“Yes… that felt really nice.” she said

“I’m going to do it again ok?” he said

“I don’t think its ok down there now, maybe we should go take a shower together first.” she said

“I don’t mind, I liked it when I smelled your dirty underwear.” he said

“Your are such a dirty boy, I love it.” she said

“So can I smell your butt hole?” he asked


Tamara smiled and she lifted her lower back and spread her legs over her head.  Jake spread her cheeks and looked at her as he put his nose on her asshole. 


“I love the way it smells.” he said as he moved his tongue on his sister’s ass.


“Whenever mom and dad are not looking you can sniff and lick my butt ok.” she said


Jake smiled at her as he tried to push his tongue into Tamara’s asshole.


“Let’s go take a shower together and we can clean each other up, then I’ll lick yours if you want me to.” she said


“But I like it when it’s not clean.” he said

“Yea but yours has to be clean cause I’m not going to lick it if it’s not.” she said


They got up and Jake’s dick poked out as he walked behind his naked sister watching her sexy ass move as she walked.  They got in the bathroom and Tamara turned on the water.

“I have to pee.” she said

“Pee in the shower, I want to watch.” he said


They got in the shower and Tamara grabbed the liquid soap and rubbed it on her hands and then rubbed it on Jake’s hard dick.  She got behind him and stuck her hand between his butt cheeks and worked her finger in his asshole using the soap with one hand and continuing to wash his dick and balls with the other.


“Want to watch me pee now.” she said


She looked down at her pussy, and opened her lips with both hands.  Jake watched and jacked off as the stream started flowing out of his sister’s cunt.  She looked at him jerking himself, and she aimed the stream at him.  Jake loved the feeling of his sisters warm piss splashing off his dick and balls.  Tamara's eyes opened in surprise as her little brother quickly got on his knees and took her pee into his mouth.   Her piss splashed in his mouth until the flow stopped, and he looked up at her and swallowed.


"You are such a dirty little boy." she said "I love playing these games with you."

“I have to go pee too.” he said


Tamara thought about it for a minute.


“You want to pee all over me?” she said


Jake’s face lit up and he smiled and nodded.


Tamara turned off the shower, layed on her back, and put her legs over the side of the tub.  She repositioned herself, to where she was upside down on her shoulders with her legs spread up in the air.  Jake stepped out of the tub, and his dick got a little softer as he aimed it at his big sisters asshole. 


Piss began flowing out of his cock and splashed off her asshole and pussy.  He aimed it down her stomach and down to her face.  Tamara opened her mouth and her little brother’s piss splashed in her mouth and off her forehead. 


The pee stopped flowing and Tamara got to her feet.  Jake looked at his big sister. She smiled at him and her hair was soaked with his piss and dripping off her face down her body. Jake grabbed his sister and they made out as they rubbed their piss soaked body's on each other. Then she turned the water back on and Jake rubbed soap all over his sisters body, and washed her. They got out of the shower and dried each other.  


They walked naked into the living room and Tamara was holding on to her brother’s hard cock like a leash.  When they got there Jake sat on the couch, and Tamara got on her knees in front of him.  Jake spread his legs and Tamara jacked him off, and put her nose down to his asshole.


“It smells so nice and clean now.” she said, as she stuck her tongue out and tongue fucked her brother’s asshole while stroking his cock up and down. 


“Lets sixty nine Tamara, that way we can both lick each other at the same time.” he said


They laid on their sides, and for the next hour the two licked, and fingered each other’s assholes, while Tamara sucked his cock and Jake ate his sister’s pussy out.  Tamara finally got to her feet and lowered herself on her little brother's cock. She bounced on him and screamed at the top of her lungs till she came all over her little brother’s dick.  She climbed off of him and lay next to him breathing hard.


“Will you let me butt fuck you?” he asked         

“I don’t mind but Mom and Dad will be home soon.” she said

“We could get our clothes and you can look out the window and watch for them as we do it.” he said


They grabbed their clothes and Jake walked her over to the window with his finger up her asshole.  Tamara got on her hands and knees and peeked out the window.  Jake got on his knees behind her and licked her asshole and spit on it. Then he put his dick on her asshole and pushed. He looked down as her hole slowly opened up and squeezed his dick into her. Tamara reached back and rubbed her clit, as her little brother’s cock began pumping up her asshole.  Her eyes were rolling back in her head but she caught a glimpse of her Dad pulling into the driveway.


“Dad’s home!!” she yelled.

“Just one more minute.” Jake cried as he rammed his dick up her ass faster and harder. 


Tamara watched her Dad step out of the car but she didn’t stir until she felt her brother’s warm semen pumping up her ass.  Jake held his cock in her and she could feel him pulsate until his balls were drained.  Tamara then jumped up and grabbed her clothes and ran naked down the hall to her room.  Jake quickly put on his clothes, turned on the TV and sat on the couch as his Dad walked in the door. 


“Hey boy, what are you doing?” he said

“Just watching T.V. Dad.” Jake said

“You need to get you a girlfriend one of these days and get your butt off that couch.” his Dad said

“I will Dad.” he said


Tamara walked down the hall in her white sweat shorts and her cute pink shirt.


“Hi Daddy.” she said, kissing him on the cheek.


Tamara could feel her brothers cum leaking out of her asshole as she hugged her dad.  A few hours went buy and Tamara helped her mom cook dinner again. After supper they all sat in the living room and watched a movie.  Their parents both fell asleep again.  It was time for bed and Jake walked down to his sister’s room.


“I’m off to bed Tamara, I had fun again today.” he said

“Me too Jake” she said as she gave him her usual nightly hug.  Their hug broke and then they stuck their tongues in each other’s mouths


“You want me to pay you another visit later?” he asked

“Yea if you come down later I’ll let you smell my ass, and butt fuck me.” she said smiling.

“I will for sure Tamara.” he said “You know when a guy and girl are not boyfriend and girlfriend but they just have sex with each other, and they call it friends with privileges. That’s kind of what we are except you are my sister.”


“Yea I guess we are siblings with privileges.” she said.

“Goodnight Tamara.” he said

“Goodnight little brother." Tamara said as she blew him a kiss and closed her door.










Slutty Sis-Part 1

storm5 on Incest Stories



Hi I am Ashley im 15 years old,I am 5 feet 3 inches tall,my measurements are 33-24-30,I have shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes,I am a cheerleader at school,And also I am a nymphomaniac or so my boyfriends have told me!!


I have to get laid atleast once in 2 days or I go mad,It has been my only sin since, I discovered to the pleasures of sex at 14,Sex is my catalyst,I must have it if I am to function,I credit my perfect physical shape to the near constant sex I have,My family thinks im off to cheerleading practice everyday,But I actually go to get laid well and proper(Shhhh!this is a secret!).


Last evening when I came home I heard my brother Mark in his room upstairs listening to music,”Mark turn it down” I yell

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ed,It immediately turned down,Mark is my 16 year old brother,He is on his schools Under 16 football team,He is slightly taller than me,and  has a well sculpted figure.Both my parents run a business that keeps them occupied well into the night.


I went to my room and called my boyfriend to arrange my “cheerleading session” for today,As it turns out,He was very busy that day and couldn’t make it,I was anguished.

I felt very horny,I needed to do it,I didn’t care with who,I hadn’t had sex in two days!I couldntgo for another.


With these thoughts in mind I lay on my bed,The music from marks room………..MARK!!,Yes him, Maybe he could help me out,But was it right, Isn’t Incest wrong?,The groaning of my loins answered that,I must seduce my brother into sleeping with me,Just once!,A one night stand,No harm done!!!!He might still be a virgin!


These thoughts excited me as I set about devising a plan…..


I stripped of my clothes, first,I put on my black silk panties.


I rummaged through my clothes and selected a denim miniskirt that I put on.Then I put on my make up.


I went through my bras and picked up a slightly  older  one that didn’t fit anymore and put it on without clasping the bra.


I looked at myself in my mirror,I looked very nice in my miniskirt and bra, But will it be enough to entice my brother?


I  made my bed and tidied my room.


I added a final touch of make-up and steeled myself.I took a big breath and yelled “MARK!!”


“YEAH?” came his voice from across the hall.








I heard him shuffle across the hall,He opened the door to my room,What he saw made his mouth drop all the way to the floor.


I smiled at him in a sexy way.


“Mark” I said


“Yeah” he blurted out in a sleepy kind of way.


I turned around as if to show my unclasped bra,I did so slowly such that he can see me fully.


“Can you hook this up for me please? “ I asked


“Yeah” he said dreamily


He came up and tried to clasp my bra,When his hands touched my back spikes of sensations began to go through my body.


He kept trying but the bra wouldn’t go on.


“Ash,I don’t think you can wear this,They are too tight” he said


I feigned surprise and said “Oh my,looks like ive outgrown 32!!looks like I have to buy 34!”


“Wow!” he said,”You are a 34!! At 15!I don’t think any of the girls in my class are that well developed”


It was working!


I slowly turned around and slid the bra of myself


He watched me open mouthed,There was a bulge like a tent in his trousers!!and I thought he might cover his eyes!


“You look surprised!”,”Havent you ever seen a girl like this before?”


“No,I haven’t” he said


Ah he was a virgin!!!That was about to change.


“Would you like to feel them?” I asked


“What?” he  asked


“The breasts..Would you like to feel them?” I told him


“Well…um..O..kay” he blurted out


His hand came out uncertainly, But I grabbed it and paced it on my breast.


I sat down on the bed and told him to do so too.


He sat down and began to feel my breasts,His warm sensual hands caressing them made me even more horny.


“Would you like to lick them” I asked


This time I had barely fineshed speaking when his head buried itself in my chest ,His tongue was licking me all over,I could feel him inhaling my scent as his tounge traced around my breast.


The smell of his hair hade me feel ver very wet.


He moved lower kissing my navel and stomach.


“Oooooooh” I moaned


He came back up and said “Thanks Ash!”


Before he could continue I asked” Can I do something now?”


“Ya sure what?” he replied


I just unzipped his trousers and ran my hand into his crotch, I grabbed his penis,It was massive!, I began to massage it, “Oh yes,sis,do that again” he said, Soon his moans began to fill the room.


I moved closer to his face as I massaged his penis,I kissed him in the mouth.


He began to passionately return my kisses.


His hands were all over me,His hands reached my thighs sending shockwaves of pleasure to my vagina,I could feel the liquids oozing from there!


“Lie down” I said,He obeyed it like a little puppy.


I pulled of his trousers and boxers and took his penis and inserted it into my mouth,and began to give him one of my special blowjobsI kept sucking and licking it,.He kept grunting and moaning until I felt his cum enter my mouth.


“Sorry, Couldn’t help it” he said, ”I’d better go” he said in an embarrassed way.


He began to get up to leave, But I pushed him back onto the bed.


“That’s all right, its your first time, Little sister will teach you everything abo

Fun Night with Sis

Jolly1 on Incest Stories

   My name is Gordon and about two nights ago I had an interesting night with my sister. Normaly the idea of something as we did would never have reached my mind. But I wont say I didn't enjoy it, and it happened and theres nothing I can do now but move on.

   It was a simple friday night, the greatest nights of the week. At least for me. My only day off from work, and this week my parents were going down to visit the grandmother who just had surgery. My sister and I were home alone, which is not something unexpected since we are 17 (me) and 19 (sis) years old. I have the largest collection of movie anyone has ever seen. I even have more  than the local blockbuster and movie gallery stores contain. So every Friday I enjoy watching a movie and showing

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it to my sister. Theres nothing more fun then watching another persons reactions or learning their thoughts on a new movie.... or at least I thought. We were sitting on the couch watching Equilibrium which is basicly a movie that is about haveing no emotions. I won't go into detail about the  movie because that's not what this story is about. But my sister and I were sitting in our night clothes. I had on only my boxers and she was wearing a bathrobe over her bra and undies. I lay at one end of the couch while she lay at the other end.

   I looked down the couch at my sister who was watching the movie and got the sudden urge to play around. So I poked my leg down towards her and started tickleing her behind her knee with my toe. She giggled and said "Don't!" while trying to move her leg away. I continued to tickle her with my toes by probing her joints until finaly she let out a loud laugh and pushed back with her foot. She stopped as soon as her foot came in contact and her face took on a look of shock. I tilted my head and frowned, then looked down to see why. My eye's went wide at the sight of my pants bulging out with her foot against my ever hardening cock which was attempting to get out. Unsure what to do I just stared. After several odd minutes of silence her foot began to move in a back and fourth motion on my lap. I couldn't believe it! Was my sister trying to rub me off with her foot? Suddenly she leaned forward and both hands settled on my lap as she tucked her feet under herself. I looked up and my eyes stopped on her breast. She had taken off her robe and was sitting in her bra and undies. Her hands entered the slit of my boxers and I felt her hands take hold of my cock. She pulled it out through the slit and began rubbing it up near the shaft. Every few seconds my cock would pulsate. She leaned forward and as if reading her  mind I leaned back. As my back settled on the arm of the couch, she took my whole 7 inches into her mouth. Here I was, balls deep in my own sisters mouth, and enjoying it! After several minutes she leaned back and began taking off her under garments. I pulled my boxers down over my shaft and straightened my feet out to slid under her. With one hand on my chest and the  other on the top of the couch, she raised herself over my stomach and after a few seconds of rubbing herself, reached down and took hold of my cock. I reached out and spread her lips with two fingers as she lowered down fully onto my hard dick. She leaned forward and paused for a minute, our lips brushing one another. Then she began her steady motion: up and down, up and down, back and fourth. Her lips pressed to mine andher tongue filled my mouth as my hand found her tit and the other her ass. I sucked as much of her spit out of her mouth as I could before needinga breath. She leaned back, arching her back, placing one hand over mine on her left tit while the other settled on my stomach. Her head rolled back and I had a perfect shot of her stomach glistening with sweet sweat. I sat up so I could like her neck and chest while she bounced on my lap. After a minute or two longer of this I couldn't hold back anymore as I lay back with the work "shit" escaping my mouth. I burst load after load deep within my own sisters cunt as my toes curled up. Moans and a few words escaped her mouth between gasps for air.

"Oh god, yes!"

I grunted as the last of my cum filled her, and expected her to settle and unmount me. Butshe simply leaned forward and kissed me before speaking.

"Mom and Dad are not gonna be back untill sunday. So I got you untill then and I expect we wont be doing anything but this untill then."

With that her lips pressed back against mine as my arms folded around her. Wihtout lifting her off my lap I stood holding her around the waist and under the ass with her legs around me, and carried her (still on my cock) into the bedroom. She pushed the door closed behind us I went in and I layed her down on the bed, her legs still around me as her hands cupped my face and kissed me again.

As for the rest of the night..... well that part of the story I will tell another time. =)


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Ashleys In Double Trouble

ANordoc on Incest Stories

Her parents were out of town. For Ashley that was one of the most important things to happen to her in her 15 years of life. Actually it was the most important thing to happen to her. Her parents Dan and Susan were out of town for two weeks, off in Cancun for an anniversary vacation, and Ashley was staying with her two older brothers: Tom, who was 17, and Mark, who had just turned 18.

There were very few rules while the parents were gone, because Mark, who was in charge, was pretty cool. He was fine with Tom doing whatever he wanted, because Mark and Tom hung out with the same people, and were usually together. Ashley’s only rules were that he wanted her in by 1:00 and she was

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n’t supposed to go to any parties with some specific people.

Ashley had told them she was hanging out with Mandy, one of her best friends, and that had gotten her brothers suspicious. Mandy hung out some guys that Tom and Mark didn’t like. The guys she hung out with were bad news. They were heavy partiers and they had a history of turning girls into heavy partiers too. So, Tom and Mark decided to keep an eye on Ashley. They called up one of their friends who frequented parties and told him to watch for Ashley and if she showed to up keep an eye on her and give them a call.

Ashley did show up at the party, but she didn’t drink. Mandy went off with some guy and Ashley felt kind of awkward. The evening picked up and she was hit on by some guys, but she kept it at flirting. According to the friend who was watching her Ashley was a pretty good girl all night.

While Ashley was at her party, Tom and Mark had a little party of their own. It wasn’t much, they had been out the last few nights and decided to just chill at home with some beers and watch TV. After a while they got bored with sitcoms and starting searching the high channels for a movie. Around channel 497 they found what looked to be a pretty interesting movie. It only to took about 5 minutes to realize it was porn, but they had had a few beers and they watched it anyway. For cable porn it was pretty heavy shit. They sat there watching it making jokes at the bad acting, until one scene started that made Mark sit up a little straighter.

“Hey, that chick looks a bit like Ashley.” he said.

“Holy shit, your right.” said Tom.

The girl in the scene didn’t look “a bit” like Ashley, she looked almost identical to her. Dark brown hair, a nice light tan, big green eyes, tiny little frame, and about a B-cup. The girl was really hot, and the guys knew it, but they also knew it was a little weird that they found the girl that looked exactly like their sister so hot. They watched the whole scene, trying to remind themselves that this was someone else, but the entire time all they could think about was their sister. After the scene was over they started talking, the conversation a little alcohol fueled.

They talked about Ashley, and they agreed that actually now that they thought about it, she was really hot. Then the conversation got a little dirtier, as they talked about whether they would fuck her if they got the chance. They both thought it was pretty wrong morally, but they decided that, yeah, if given the chance, they would.

There was a moment of silence, then Mark spoke up.

“Well, actually…” he said


“I was just thinking..”

“Well.. we could” Said Mark, and he started to explain his plan.

Ashley got home from the party at 1:06, and as she came through the door she got an apprehensive feeling.

“Your late” shouted Tom from the living room.

“Sorry, I lost track of time” she said as she walked into the living room.

There were beer bottles on the coffee table and Mark and Tom were staring at her intently.

“We got a call from one of our friends Ashley, he said you were at a party tonight.”

“What did we tell you about partying with those guys.”

“Well, Mandy wanted to go and I just….I dunno” At this point Ashley was scared, she had never seen this look in her brother’s eyes, they didn’t look angry though, they looked…..hungry.

“Did you drink?” asked Tom

“No, I didn’t have anything but water” She said telling the truth.

“Well, do you want to drink with us?”

“Um, I’m actually kind of tired.”

“Grab a beer Ashley, or Mom and Dad are going to get a call.”

Ashley didn’t know where this was going so she took the safe bet, and grabbed a beer. They sat in silence for a while and Ashley drank. After she finished one beer, she already felt tipsy, she was a tiny girl and not a drinker, but as soon as she was done Tom handed her another beer.

“No, thanks, I think I should stop”

“Drink Ashley.” Said Mark, so Ashley did.

After this beer Tom turned the TV on and flipped through the channels, until he settled on a repeat of the porn they were watching earlier.

“Wow Ashley, that girl looks like you.” he said, eyeing his sister. She was in party clothes, a tank top and a mini skirt, a she looked even hotter than the porn star to him.

“Uh, I guess.” she said look even more nervous, the beer was getting her pretty drunk, and her brothers were freaking her out.

“Let’s see how much you really have in common.” Said Mark as he leaned over towards Ashley.

“What?” said Ashley trying to scoot away. She couldn’t because she was already next to the arm of the couch.

Mark reached over and grabbed her by her waist, while Tom crossed from his chair and pulled off her shirt. Mark kissed her passionately, and Ashley unknowingly responded, allowing her tongue to play with his. She realized what she was doing and broke away.

“What are you jerks doing” shouted Ashley, but the beer in her system was making it hard to move away.

Tom next ripped off her bra and revealed her great tits, they were in fact a little bigger than the porn stars, but that certainly wasn’t a bad thing. Mark went to work sucking on her little nipples, which were getting hard from the contact.

Ashley was freaked out, but she let out a moan, because even though she knew it was wrong on many levels, her body was betraying her. She was getting turned on, her nipples were hard and she could feel heat building between her legs, she struggles to suppress these feelings. Ashley had never done anything like this with a boy, let alone two. The most she had done is masturbated, and once she used Mandy’s skinny little vibrator, that was when she took her own cherry. She was scared now because everything about her brothers was bigger, even their fingers looked big. She was still harboring some hope that they would only want to feel her tits.

This hope was soon crushed, when she felt Toms hand slide up her thigh, The fingers started to stroke her through her panties, and she felt herself getting wet. Mark stopped sucking on her nipples and flipped her on to her back. Tom ripped off her underwear and then her skirt, leaving her completely naked.

After this he pried her legs apart and kissed up her thighs, he slid his tongue over her hard little clit, and all up and down her pussy, making her quiver and shake. She had never expected it could feel like this to have a tongue invading her most private places.

Mark was getting bored so he unzipped his pants and stripped down to nothing. Ashley looked up towards him and her eyes landed on his cock. It was huge, especially to Ashley who had never seen one in real life before. It was 9 inches, which is big on any standards, but to Ashley it looked gigantic.

“Suck on it.” said Mark, but Ashley only gapped at him. He grabbed the side of her head with one hand and pinched her nose with the other. After a second she opened her mouth and he slid himself in. He was surprisingly gentle, but Ashley had to stretch her mouth to accommodate him. He made her suck for a while, then he had her lick up and down, all the while Tom was eating her out.

She felt Tom pull away from her pussy, and place a finger at the opening, it was bigger than Ashley’s but she was really wet, even though she was scared, and it slip in easily. After a while he slid in a second finger, this felt big in Ashley, but he gave her time to get used to it, so it didn’t hurt at all. As he did this with one hand he managed to pull of his pants and boxers with the other. Ashley pulled away from the cock in her mouth, and stared at Tom’s dick.

It wasn’t quite as long as Mark’s, only about 8 ½ inches, but it was still huge. It was also a little thicker than Mark’s, making up for the difference. Ashley knew now that they weren’t planning on sticking to foreplay.

“Are you still a virgin Ashley?” Asked Mark as her pulled Ashley’s head up towards him.


“I don’t know” said Tom “ I didn’t feel anything.”

“ I popped it myself” said Ashley looking embarrassed.

Mark pulled her mouth back onto his cock and nodded at Tom. Tom slid one more finger into Ashley making her tense and writhe, coming harder than she ever had by herself. After a couple seconds Tom pulled his fingers out and lined himself up with her tight little hole.

Ashley started to shake her head, and try and protest, but Mark wouldn’t let her get her mouth off of his dick.

Tom rubbed the head and down her hot pussy, then placed it at the hole and pushed. The work he had done with his fingers had loosened her up so that it didn’t hurt very bad. But he was still a huge guy, and she felt stretched and extremely full when he had slid into her. Ashley moaned onto Mark’s cock as Tom filled her up, he started to slide in and out slowly, but Ashley still was rocked to her second orgasm. Mark pulled out of her mouth and said something Ashley couldn’t quite hear to Tom. Tom then flipped her over so that she was on top of him, with her tits pressed against his chest. Mark stood up and left the room. Tom slowed his pace and Ashley got a second to collect herself.

“Tom, this was Mark’s idea wasn’t it?” she asked out of breath.

“Yeah, it was” said Tom a little confused.

“Well you can stop Tom, stand up to Mark” said Ashley with a begging look in her eyes.

“Oh Ashley, It was Mark who planned it out, but I probably wanted to as much or more than he did.” and he almost laughed at the look of disappointment in her eyes. “Just enjoy it Ashley.” and he picked up the pace again.

After a couple seconds of heavy fucking, she heard Mark enter the room. She didn’t know why he had left, until she heard Tom speak.

“You get the lube?” he asked

“Bet your ass I did, or rather, bet her ass I did” said Mark, and he laughed.

Then Ashley heard the snap of the lube bottle being opened, and felt something wet and gooey being spread on her tight little ass hole.

“NO, NO, NO. ” shouted Ashley “Please, please don’t do that Mark, I’ll do anything, just don’t do that.”

“Calm down Ashley.” said Tom as he pulled her in and pressed her lips to his, cutting off her protests.

Mark put lube around her hole, and spread in on one of his fingers.

“Tom, maybe you should pull out for now.” he said

“You’re the boss.” said Tom as he slipped slowly out of Ashley.

“Good man.” said Mark, and he pushed his finger in up to the second knuckle. Ashley screamed, more out of shock than pain, the lube helped a lot, and she was trying to relax, she knew she wasn’t getting out of this, so she was going to try and make it hurt as little as possible.

Mark shushed her and Tom kissed her, after sliding his finger in and out and letting her get used to the feeling, he lubed up another finger and poised it to joining the first. Ashley whimpered but she couldn’t get away. Mark pulled out the first finger and slipped the two in together. This time it did hurt a little, Ashley felt stretched and uncomfortable. Then after about two minutes the pain went away completely and the fingers in her ass actually started to feel good. She moaned without knowing it into Toms mouth, And his boner jumped at the sound of it.

Mark finally lubed up a third finger, and Ashley was once again scared. He pulled out and slowly slid in all three. The pleasure disappeared briefly and pain like fire shot through her ass, but that went away soon and the pleasure came back. She moaned and sighed, and then the fingers were gone. She didn’t know for a second what was happening but it didn’t take long for her to realize. Tom pulled away from her lips and moved so his cock was touching where his mouth had just been. Ashley accepted him, and he filled her mouth. Just then she felt something big pressed against her asshole, and she knew the moment hade finally come. She pulled her head back to try and protest one more time. But Tom kept her firmly in place.

Mark’s 9 incher was nice and lubed, and so was her tightest hole, but he was still so big Ashley didn’t think she could take him. He proved her wrong as the head popped in. Ashley screamed onto Tom’s dick, and tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. Mark slid in an inch, and waited until she quieted down. After she was quiet, he slid in another inch, then another until he was entirely inside her. Ashley felt almost sick. She had never in her life even considered anal sex, and now she had her brothers giant cock all the way in her ass. It hurt really bad, and he wouldn’t stop entering her. Just when she thought he was done another inch would come. After a second or two of letting her get used to it, he pulled back and then slid back in, it hurt for what seemed like an hour, but was only about 5 minutes. Then it started to feel good again, really good. She moaned and was screaming but this time it was from the pure pleasure of her brother filling up her ass.

“Ok Tom.” said Mark from behind her. “ I think she’s ready.”

“Ready for what” she asked between moans, but they only laughed.

“Ready for WHAT!?” she shouted.

“Just hold still” said Tom as he moved back down to his position beneath her.

“No, No way! I could barely take one of you at a time and now you want…AHHHHHH” she never finished what she was going say, because mid sentence Tom entered her extra tight pussy. She was surprised and him sliding in not only hurt like hell, but it also managed to send her into another of her countless orgasms. The crazy mixture of pain and pleasure was too much for her and she almost passed out. Instead she went into a daze where she lost track of time and place and only could concentrate on the pain as it melted away into unbelievable pleasure. The two giant cocks in her holes, filling her up beyond belief, sent her through at a stream of orgasms that never stopped coming. Vaguely she heard Tom and Mark talking, one of them said they were almost there and the other agreed.

She came too enough to here them say

“One….Two….THREE!!” and the both pulled out at once. The flipped her onto her back and came all over her face and chest. Getting it in her hair and on her lips, which she licked subconsciously, as it slid down her tits and over her nipples. They laughed and high-fived. Ashley was a little more awake now, she felt used and humiliated, raped in all holes and covered in her brothers come. By now it was 4 in the morning, and she was exhausted and crying on the floor of the living room. Mark grabbed her up and carried her up to her room, with Tom close behind. They laid her down in bed, and told her she was a good little slut. She passed out almost as soon as she lay down and they left the room.

The next morning when Ashley awoke, she was sore all over, and the cum had dried on her skin and in her hair. She got up and almost had to hobble over to her closet to grab her bath robe. She couldn’t believe what had happened last night, and she hoped her brothers would apologize for their drunken actions. She didn’t know what to say to them.

When Tom, who was in the kitchen with Mark, heard her get up, he yelled at her to come downstairs. She walked stiffly in her bathrobe, looking sore and disgruntled.

Mark look at her deviously.

“Well you had quite a party last night.”

“What?” she asked.

“Well, Tom and I have some video of you drinking beer, and having sex with two guys. You can’t see their faces, but you can definitely see yours.”

“But, that was you guys. You raped me, you don’t remember?”

“Oh, we remember, but mom and dad weren’t here, so if you don’t want them to see the video…”

“I can’t believe this.” Ashley said tears welling up in her eyes.

“Why don’t you go hop in the shower” said Tom “Get cleaned up, we’ll be up in a second.”

Ashley said nothing and walked out of the room in a stupor. She couldn’t see any way out of this situation. She climbed into the shower and turned on the water, feeling the hot spray caress her bruised body. She washed the dried cum from her breasts and hair. She was just getting relaxed when she heard the bathroom door open and her brothers come in. They climbed into the big shower and immediately started to grope her and poke her with their huge dicks. Ashley sighed and let them do what they wanted. Mark looked at Tom over Ashley’s head.

“I call ass this time” said Tom and Mark nodded.

Mark hoisted Ashley up and slid into her pussy, his slightly longer dick going in farther then Tom’s had last night. Tom got behind her and pushed himself into her ass, being slightly thicker he stretched her even more. The whole time they squeezed her tits and pinched her nipples, sliding in and out of her holes while she hung suspended, silent and crying.

It was going to be a long two weeks.

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