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Great8 Member Since October 19, 2009
Cousin and I discover Promised Land (Part One)
Great8 5542 days ago
- 10 + Hand Cramp, you've somehow managed to miss all of the conventions of being an author on this site. You spelled words correctly, you didn't use txt msg spch (4 instead of for, 2 instead of to or too), and you're story was somehow believable, compelling, a
Getting to know my step-bro parts two&three
Great8 5542 days ago
- 8 + Not bad, not bad. Keep up the good work.
Summer of 61 - chapter 2
Great8 5542 days ago
- 8 + Very nice story! I'll be thinking of this while I fuck my wife tonight!
Deep Thoughts of my granddad and grandma
Great8 5542 days ago
- 2 + The story may or may not wind up being any good; I'll never know because after a few "I wanted 2 get 2 know U" sentences, I gave up. This is not a chat window. If you are trying to write a story, first and foremost write properly in the language of your
Getting to know my step-bro
Great8 5542 days ago
- 0 + A little more story in part two
Getting to know my step-bro
Great8 5542 days ago
- 10 + I messed up in my review and it 0 when I meant 5
Sister and Niece
Great8 5542 days ago
- 10 + I've written and submitted part two this weekend. Hopefully it will be here soon.