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Fly4aWhiteGuy Member Since October 19, 2009

Icy Hot Part 2

Fly4aWhiteGuy on Incest Stories

Through the next week and a half, Sandy and I had sex 3 to 4 times a day "to keep warm." We loved eachother and nothing would change that. When my parents came home from their vacation, they quickly had a man come out to replace the old AC unit. My mother was a Nurse and my father ran a successful restaurant chain as a supervisor. My mother only worked about 30 hours a week, but my father was almost never home. Our family wasn't rich, but we were fairly well off. We got everything we needed, and I loved my parents for all of the things they gave me. Sandy and I decided to tone down our activities when our parents were home because the fear of getting caught was just too much. But being away from Sandy was going to take its toll on me. We also decided to stop masturbating to make
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the sex that much better. Over the next 6 months Sandy and I would fuck like rabbits whenever we could find the opportunity. But it wasn't enough. The most we could have sex was once a day. I needed her more, and she needed me more. We were going crazy. Some chances came by when we could fuck like monkeys. Other days we couldn't do it all. Then one day everything changed. I came home one afternoon. "Mom I'm home" I shouted. "I'm in the kitchen" my mom replied. I ran up to my room to change and I heard my mom shout "John I need to talk to you, so when you're done come to the dining room." I really didn't know what she wanted to talk to me about. I passed by and saw that my sister wasn't home yet. After changing I went to the dining room and saw my mother. My mother was a beautiful woman. She was very petite and because she was home so often, I would often find her working out with one of those aerobic videos. We also had a "workout" station that both of us used often. Up until now I didn't realize how hot my own mother was. I never was attracted to older women, but I found myself getting aroused looking at her body. She was around 5'4 and 110lbs, 36cbreasts and a very pretty face. Maybe it was the fact that I was already committing incest with my sister that I could finally see how hot my own mom was. "Sit down, I want to talk with you" My mom said in a loving voice. I go to sit down, but not without noticing how hot she looked in her tight spandex top and bottom. "Yea mom, what is it?" I asked. "I know you may be embarrassed by this but we need to talk about it, i've put it off for far to long" She said nervously. I got quite nervous and told her "Well, spit it out." "I know you...mastur....bate, all kids your age do" she said. I just stood stiff as a board, shocked. I didn't think I could be more shocked, then she pulls out something from her side. "I found these while cleaning your room. Are you having sex?" she said. OH SHIT!! Those were Sandy's panties! The very very hot ones she wore 3 days ago. I didn't know what to say. I just stood there. "Well?" She asked. "Well what?" I said, acting like I didn't hear her question. "Are you having sex?" she asked more sternly. If I told her yes, she is going to want to know who it was. So I said the first thing I could. "No." "Well then what are these doing in your room?" "It was a couple days ago when you and Dad were at work. We just fooled around" I said. My mother knew I already knew about sex and the "birds and bees" but she didn't know If I was actually having sex or not. "With who?" she said. "I can't say mom, she will get in trouble" I said nervously. I continued "I'm 18 now and i'm sorry mom, but it's my privacy." "I know sweetheart, but for the last 6 months or so, you haven't been very open around me anymore" she said. "Why do you say that mom?" I asked. "Well you seem to spend more time at home, you rarely bring friends over anymore. You and Sandy just sit at home together all the time" she replied. To which she continued "And i'm going to have to talk to Sandy about this too, she seems to be sitting around at home as much as you." "You know Sandy and I hang out alot, most of our friends are gone for summer vacation." I said. But I began to think. If Sandy and I weren't best friends, my mother and I would have been. I was always open with her, and used to talk to her about my girlfriends alot. Never about sex though. "I know sweetie, but it just seems different ever since your father and I got back from vacation" My mother said. She was right. Sandy and I didn't hang out much with our friends anymore. We couldn't keep our hands off eachother and were too afraid that our lust would overcome our common sense and get caught. We actually had sex in my friends bathroom only a week ago and almost got caught. I was fucking her from behind over the counter and she was moaning so damn loud. When she came she nearly screamed (which is why we couldn't fuck when anyone was around, she got to be so loud) and my friend knocked on the door just as I was filling her pussy with my cum. We quickly got our clothes on and opened the door like we were play fighting. He asked what was that scream and my sister cleverly replied "He pinched me real hard the little fucker." Thankfully he believed her. He thought I just chased her into there and locked the door so she couldn't get out. "Sandy and I just like to hang out alot mom, i'm sorry we haven't got to talk much" I said, not realizing I was staring at her breasts. I think she saw me but didn't say anything. "Ok well I want to talk more tonight when I get back from Jessica's (a coworker's she sometimes visited)." She kept on "Do you, or rather, have you drank alcohol John?" She asked. "I had beer before but I never liked the taste, but I drank some mixed drinks at a couple parties that I liked, why?" I asked in surprise. "Well since your birthday I felt you are old enough and responsible enough to have a drink every now and again while your at home. But I couldn't give it to you at your birthday because I'm not sure it would have been appropriate then" she said. She seemed to have a strange expression on her face. "What kind of drink was it"? She asked me. "Rum and coke" I answered. "Ok when I come home, I will pick you up some and you can have a few drinks with mom and catch me up on things ok"? She said smiling at me. "Sure mom that sounds great" I said smiling back. "Great honey. But I don't like the idea of you drinking out at parties. Since your not 21 yet. So whenever you want to have a drink or two, you can here and only here. And I don't want you becoming an alcoholic, so only once a week tops ok?" She said, trying to set some ground rules. "That's fine mom, I rarely ever drink when I go to parties anyway because I always had to drive home, and never really cared for getting plastered like the rest of those guys." I said. I realized then how cool my mom was. She was always there for me and if Sandy wasn't around to help me with a problem, she was. At that, my mom got dressed and left around 4pm to go to her friends house. At around 6pm and the phone rang. I just let the answering machine get it because I was watching TV. Sandy's voice came on "HI mom, i'm going to sleep over Diana's house tonight, i'll be home tomorrow around 11am, love ya." Sandy always slept over Diana's every Friday. Around 8pm I was still sitting on the couch watching TV when I heard the door open. "Sweetie im home, so who wants a drink?" She yelled out. "You know I do mom, I'm in the living room" I shouted. About a minute later I hear her fumbling around in the kitchen and she comes out with 2 drinks of rum and coke. "Thanks mom" I say. "Your welcome honey, but don't drink too fast, just pace yourself, we've got all night free" she said smiling. She sat next to me on the couch and handed me my drink. We flipped through the channels looking for something to watch while we were sipping on our drinks. Finally we both saw a movie we could enjoy. It was an action flick but had lots of drama/sexual content. Which I didn't mind, I watched a few sex scenes in a movie with my mother before. We watched it for like 30 minutes when we finished our first drinks just about the same time (they were tall glasses). "Let me get us a refill, be right back" she said. Another minute later and she was back with another drink. Since I don't drink often, I was already feeling a good buzz. She was the first one to speak up. We talked about the basic stuff. School, sports, girls etc.. At about our 4th drink we started talking about sex. She was lying on me now. Her head was against my left shoulder. "So none of the neighborhood girls put out for you yet? I figured they would have been all over you by now." I was pretty drunk, as was she, so we were freely talking about it without much embarrassment. "Not yet mom" I said, trying to dance away from the fact that Sandy and I have been fucking for the last 6 months. She started getting more into the conversation like I wasn't her son. And I didn't mind. Her words were giving me a hardon. "So, how often do you masturbate?" She asked. "Oh I don't know, once, twice a day sometimes" I answered. "Sounds about right" she says. "What about you mom? Or does dad give you all you need?". She didn't say anything for like 5-10 seconds and I got worried. Then I heard her sniff so I looked down and saw her crying. "I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean to intrude. Please don't cry" I said. "Oh sweetie, its not your fault" she sobs. "Remember when your father owned that construction business when you were just a little kid?" She asked wiping tears from her face. "Yea mom, why?" I answered. "Well one day, there was an accident. You may not remember because since it wasn't life threatening, I didn't want you guys to worry." She continued with her story "But he was seriously hurt. And as a result, he lost all feeling in know" "His penis you mean?" I asked, hoping not to offend her. "Yes, Although he can use viagra, he has no sexual drive anymore. He will use it for my sake maybe once a month at most, but for me, it's just not enough. I love him so much though" she began to cry again. "I'm so sorry mom. Someone as beautiful as you deserves to have her every need tended to" I said. I grabbed her and pulled her back to my chest and placed her bottom on my lap hoping she wouldn't feel my hardon from our conversation before she started crying, holding her head against my upper chest under my chin. I hugged her tight so she knew I loved her and would be there for her. "He told me he still loved me with all his heart, and that if I wanted a divorce, he would understand. But I couldn't. I still loved him so much, and still do. But sometimes I am so tempted." She said crying some more into my chest. "I understand mom" I said. I couldn't believe it. Finally after a few minutes she stops crying and says "Im sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to upset you." I still had one question. "How long has it been since you guys were" I asked not trying to be intrusive. "Must be..10 years now" she answered. WOAH! I said to myself. Sandy and I haven't had sex in 3 days now, and im going fucking nuts. 10 years and I would have to shoot myself. "And to your other question, 2 to 3 times a day" she says, no longer crying. "Two to three times a day?" I asked confused. "How often I masturbate silly" she laughs. "Oh, wow that's alot. I would have thought at most maybe once or twice a week" I reply. Me and my mom were still very drunk and I could feel her ass pressing against my cock. I was wearing my usual pj sweat pants and my mom was wearing an "all purpose" dress. Just a simple dress that came to the knees. "Are you kidding me. A woman doesn't hit her sexual peak until her late 30's or early 40's." She said with a grin on her face. My mother had me when she was 17, and Sandy when she was 18 so she wasn't much older. But they managed well with us even that young. Her parents took care of us mostly for a few years until they both graduated college and got career jobs. Being 35 she looked only in her late 20's. "Oh I didn't know that" I said with my learning face. "Yeap, so its my turn to ask a question" She said with a drunken smile taking a sip from her drink. I could tell she was thinking. As she does, she sits up higher and puts her cheek almost right next to mine and her right arm over the back of my neck. I could tell our conversation mixed with the liquor was arousing her, as it was for me. " big has my boy grown" she says smiling at me. Just as she says this, she moves her right hand behind her and reaches down and slips her right hand under my pj's and touches my dick with the tip of her fingers. "Mmm I see he's grown up, and very happy with our conversation" She says giggling. "Uhh sure you should be doing this" I say with a moment of guilt. "Oh shush sweetie, ive seen and touched it plenty of times when you were younger and had to give you a bath." She says as she pulls her hand back out. By now, i'm about to go fucking ballistic. My mom just touched my cock, I haven't fucked Sandy in 3 days, and my cock is rock hard being crushed under the crack of my mothers ass. I was drunk, and hornier then ever. She nonchalantly pulls her hand out and places it over my rigid boner on the outside of my pj's acting as though she doesn't notice. Now all I want to do is fuck my mom so I decide to see how far I can take this. "Ok now its my turn. Is our conversation making you wet?" I asked. "Well......" was as far as she got as I grab the end of her dress and slowly ride up her right leg with my hand, slowly tracing my hand up to her thigh. She did not object, she just pushed her head against my cheek, closed her eyes and slightly parted her mouth. I knew then my mother would not object to anything I did to her. I finally reached her thigh, and quickly placed 2 fingers on the outside of her panties. "Mmmmmmmm" was all she said. She wasn't wet. She was DRENCHED. Not even Sandy got nearly that wet. Not without any sexual contact. She was literally dripping through her panties. I began slowly rubbing her wet pussy through her panties. Making her moan. Harder and faster she just moaned. Then all of a sudden she grabbed my hand. I began to pull away because I thought she wanted me to stop. But she guided my hand to the top of her panties and pushed my fingers down to her bare cunt. She only had a small "strip" of hair down the center. My fingers were instantly soaked with her juices. "Rub me John..please, I need this, even if it's just this once. I need it so bad" She whispered into my ear. I knew she did too. This woman, my mother, was so horny she could put out a small fire. I began slowly rubbing my fingers along her pussy. Moaning and rubbing her hips into my fingers, she gets up and sits in my lap facing me, hugs me tight, and lays her head on my shoulder. In this position I shoved 2 fingers into her cunt. "OhhhH John, I haven't been touched this way in so long, don't ever stop" She moaned as she gyrated her hips into my fingers. As I finger fucked her I extended my thumb and began to rub her clit, which made her go on a rampage. She began violently fucking my hand almost knocking me over the couch. "Yes, yes yes yes yes yes, Ooooooohhhhh", was all she said as she tensed up and gushed time and time again, soaking straight through her panties and onto me, making loud squishing noises as she shuttered, and spasmed like she was having a seizure. Well it's no mystery now where Sandy gets it from. She and I just lied there for a couple minutes, trying to figure out what just happened. I still had 2 fingers buried in her cunt, and it took her a couple minutes to stop having her spasms. "Thank you John, I hope you don't feel bad for what you did for me, I just needed it so bad" She said kissing me on the cheek. "Mom, you have no idea how hot that was for me" I said with a very large smile. As I said that I pulled my fingers out of her soaking pussy making her gasp. I brought them up to my mouth and had a taste. Yup. Just like Sandy. A slightly bit on the musky side, but the second best taste I ever had. "Oh my boy, you definitely have a lot of my genes for sex I see" she said taking a finger into her mouth. I decided it would be best now to tell her while she's in her drunken incestuous mood. But I was so scared of what she may do. It was one thing to finger, but fucking your sister was another story. My dick was in such agony, I just needed to get some relief. Either she was going to go with the flow, or she would leave and let me masturbate. "Mom, I lied when I said I wasn't having sex" I said nervously. "I know honey, it's obvious you are, I figured you would tell me when you were ready." "So who's the lucky girl who took my big boys virginity" she asked. "Sandy...." I said closing my eyes "Sandy who?" She asked completely oblivious to the obvious answer. "Sandy Sandy mom" I said. "You mean....." She asked with a wide open mouth. "Yea mom" I replied. She just stood there with her mouth wide open. She would stare for about 5 seconds, look in another direction and stare again. She kept doing this for about 30 seconds of silence. Finally she says "I have to know how this happened John, and I want every detail" She said in an angry voice. Yet she was still sitting in my lap with her juices soaking into us. "Every detail mom?" I asked. "Yes!" She said very sternly. Well I start telling her about everything leading up to when she got into bed with me. how the AC broke etc.. "Well when she got into bed with me, a sex movie came on. And she started stroking my chest, and then she put her hand in my pants. I was stunned and didn't know what to do. Then sh....." I stopped. I suddenly realized my mom was rubbing my throbbing cock through my pants. I only stopped for a second to realize this and continued with my story "She told me she had kept a secret from me, and the she wanted me to be her first." "So what next" My mom said. "What do you mean? That's how it happened" I replied. "I said every detail didn't I?" She responded with a strict tone. "Well, in the past, I used to masturbate thinking about her for over a year. But stopped myself because it was considered morally wrong and I loved Sandy as a sister and a best friend. So when she said this to me, it was like music to my ears." I continued telling her how we had sex and exactly what she did. Then when I was almost done with the story, she removed her hand and slipped it under my pj bottoms and grabbed my painful hardon. "Tell me more" She whispered in my ear as she sat on my lap. She moved her hips back to make room, and began slowly jacking me off under my pants. I told her how we fucked 3 or 4 times a day until they got home, and would have sex whenever we could since then. My mom leans over and licks my earlobe and says seductively "Would you be willing to show your mom how"? "I thought you would never ask" I said. With that remark, my mom slid my pants down. She fumbled under her dress and moved her panties to the side and placed the tip of my cock at the entrance to her pussy. "Mom i'm not going to last long. I haven't had any sex or masturbated in 3 days and ive been hard since you got home" I said warning her of my pending orgasm. "Don't worry sweetie, we have all night remember." With that, she shoved my manhood to the hilt filling her up. "Ohh god...John your so big, I forgot what it feels like to have a man" She growled loudly. I couldn't say anything. She was so tight and wet. I swear she was almost as tight as Sandy. I had to put all my concentration into not coming right there. She starts riding me like a bronco lost in her own pleasure. Right now, all she wanted was my dick, and I didn't mind. Within 2 minutes I felt my balls tighten and my muscles tense up. "Oh gunnna cummm!" I screamed loudly. She never slowed her pace, she just kept fucking me faster and faster. She began mercilessly rubbing her clit to get herself off with me. "Cum in me baby, it's ok" "Cum in Mommy" she screamed as she had another powerful orgasm. I just couldn't take it anymore and unleashed the sperm gates as I unloaded an unimaginable amount of cum into my mother. I have no idea how much, but it just kept coming out and it wouldn't stop. My orgasm must have lasted 20 or 30 seconds as I rammed my throbbing dick up her pussy as hard as I could. Just as I shot my last spurt into her she screamed out music to my ears "YEAAAAAAAA BABY! YOU FUCK MOMMY SO GOOD!" She yelled out extremely loud as she gushed again and again onto me. Our entire couch was covered in semen that was forced out as she came into my cock, and her fluids squirting everywhere. We were both soaked from our stomachs to our knees in her juice. We just sat there holding eachother in the same position we were when I fingered her to climax earlier. Then I hear my mom speak "SANDY!" She screamed out. I looked over in the direction she was facing and saw Sandy in her nightie shorts and top with one hand inside her panties and another under her shirt rubbing herself. To be continued

Icy Hot

Fly4aWhiteGuy on Incest Stories

 I suppose this all started at 15 when I began to browse the internet. I began watching porn and looking at sex pictures on websites. Before this, all of my masturbation was based around fantasizing only. Over the course of a year I learned just about everything there is to know about sex and almost every fetish you can think of. At 16, something intrigued me though. I found myself enthralled at a website with pictures of brothers and sisters having sex. Although I knew they were fake, the idea kinda stuck with me because up until then I only thought of Sandy as a best friend and sister, not as a woman. A beautiful one at that. Sandy was a how shall I put it, "stage worthy." By that I mean, she was as hot as those famous teen singe
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rs like Brittany spears, Christina aguilera etc. Sandy hit puberty young so she was practically fully filled out by 15. She was 5'6" around 115lbs, B cup breasts, blond shoulder length hair and just the most athletic perfect body. I was just as hot (almost). I don't wish to brag, but I was a very handsome good-looking kid. I was almost 6 feet tall, around 160lbs and very fit from playing sports. I never had many girlfriends. I cant say why exactly, i'm not sure myself. I was confident and never really insecure, my manhood was of a decent size (slightly over 7in). My sister however, never had any boyfriends. She was to busy hanging with me or her friends and she never really got close to any one. She never seemed to care to start a relationship with a guy.
 For the next year, Sandy had a star role in many of my masturbation fantasies. Everytime I finished, I would feel guilty. Because we were best friends and I felt as though I was betraying her trust yet I could not help myself. I would make it a point to try and "accidentally" go into her room hoping to catch her changing. The door knobs in our house were opened easily with something thin. So I would act surprised and say the door wasn't locked when I barged in and caught her undressing. Unfortunately I never did catch her in the act. After several months of these acts, I gave up. I finally told myself it would never happen and that I need to stop it. It's wrong and all your going to do is hurt her trust in you. That is, until 3 months later.
 Three months had passed since I made my oath never to pursue this fantasy again. And everything beginning to get back to normal. Me and Sandy were hanging out a lot more often and would often hang out just the two of us together. This was a bit different because when we would go out together, we would always be accompanied by at least 1 friend. On many occasions someone would comment about us being boyfriend and girlfriend. We would just laugh and suck it up. But deep in the back of my mind, it felt erotic to think about it. Then one day, something happened that will live forever in my mind.
My parents had been gone for 3 days so far, and would be gone for another week and a half. They took a 2 week vacation for just the two of them. It wasn't uncommon for them to leave us home alone. For the most part we were pretty responsible. They stocked up on food for us and left $100 for emergencies. But because of there work schedules, the only time they could get vacation was for the winter time. So me and my sister were stuck inside a lot together during this time. Which I didn't mind. We would always find something to do. Then all of a sudden, the AC broke. I couldn't believe it. What shitty timing.
 In no time at all, the house was freezing. I took charge and called out an AC guy to see what was wrong. He told me that we needed a new unit. "FUCK!" I exclaimed to myself in my head. The $100 my parents left us would not buy a whole new unit. I grabbed the piece of paper off the fridge with my mothers cell phone number on it and called her.
"Hello?" My mother answered.
"Mom the AC is broken! Me and Sandy are freezing!" I said. "Yea mom, my nipples are getting hard!" Sandy shouted in the background trying to be humorous like she always does.
"Oh honey, i'm so sorry, but there is nothing I can do until I get back" she replied which sunk my heart.
She continued "Try and stay at friends during the night so you don't freeze to death, your going to have to tough it out before we get home."
"Sigh, alright mom, have fun" I said with regret because I wish they were as fucking cold as I was!
"Bye sweetie" she said as she hung up the phone.
 Sandy looked at me and with an obvious expression of anger on my face I told her they can't do anything until they get home so we are stuck. "Oh that sucks" she says in an aggravated voice.
  I figured it was too late tonight to sleep at a friends, so I grabbed a couple blankets from the closet and brought them to my room to watch some TV. I had a fairly decent TV in my room with cable and it was upstairs so it was slightly warmer. Sandy went to her room, I figured she was going to sleep. I began flipping through the channels for something to watch and ended up on some low budget action movie. The acting was horrible but I didn't really care. All I cared about was trying to keep warm and had wrapped myself like a cocoon. Towards the end of the movie Sandy walked into my room and jumped on the bed. She began tugging at the blankets I was thoroughly wrapped in saying "Let me in, i'm fucking freezing my ass off." It must have been around 50-60 degrees in the house by now. "Alright, give me a second" I said as I was trying to untangle myself. Finally free she jumped under the covers and squeezed against me as close as she could without actually merging into me. I started getting those feelings again. Her touch was so warm and felt so good. I hadn't been touched by another girl for awhile now and I could barely keep myself from getting a hard-on right then.
 She just lied there with her head against my chest as I was propped up against the backboard. Her arms were wrapped around my waist trying to get away from the cold and her body was pressed against my side. I could practically feel her nipples poking me. She was wearing sweatpants with a halter top. No wonder she was cold. Although I wasn't any better off. I was wearing a simple T-shirt and pajama pants. I got accustomed to wearing these because some nights I would have an urge to sleep in the nude and it was easy to slip off under the covers and back on if someone came in the room. By now, the movie was done rolling the credits and a new movie was about to come on. When I saw the title I almost freaked. It was a Skin-A-Max movie. A very erotic one at that. One of the few I would actually watch and masturbate to. This was not good. So I looked around for the remote.
 I didn't realize I left the remote on the TV stand. As I attempted to move to get it, Sandy pulls me back and grips hard around my waist. "Don't go" she says. "But you don't want to watch this do you?" I asked her. "I don't care, if you don't. Besides your keeping me warm" She said with a smile on her face. Although I wasn't surprised that she would watch a sexy movie like this with me, I was a bit confused. It would have only taken me a second to get the remote.
 The movie started off with a couple having sex. They didn't waste any time with the sex in this movie. Every 5 minutes someone was fucking someone else. About 20 minutes in I couldn't contain it anymore and started to become erect. I was scared my sis would see and freak out. But what could she say? She made me watch it! In my own nervous composure I didn't realize, Sandy was stroking my chest very slowly and very gently rubbing my right thigh with her other arm that was wrapped around my back. She was actually getting off on this, and much to my own pleasure, she was performing very sensual teases on me and she didn't even seem to realize it.  After 10 minutes of this, she totally shocked me.
 By now I was almost completely erect with maybe an inch or two to spare. She suddenly places her left hand on my stomach and slips the tip of her fingers under my waistband. I just stood stiff because I know this move. This move is to test and see if they will allow you access further. Once you penetrate this point, you will be rejected or accepted. And I didn't move. I didn't know what to do. So, After about 10 seconds, I believe she got the idea that I wasn't objected to letting her go further and she moved half her hand into my pubic area and began slightly "stroking" her fingers through my neatly trimmed nether region (hey I like to keep it small and nice, so sue me). I was still frozen in place, in a deep stare at the 2 people fucking on the TV afraid to look at my sister. Finally she broke the silence.
"John" she says while still looking at the screen, "Can I tell you a secret that I have been keeping from even you for a long time now?"
"Sure Sandy, you can tell me anything" I say as brotherly as possible like she doesn't have her hand down my pants.
"You know I've never had a boyfriend right?" she says as she turns her head to look me in the eyes.
"Yes, I know, but that's no secret" I reply back with as much clarity as I could.
"Well, I haven't had a boyfriend because." She says with a look of fear on her face.
"Because of what?" I say.
"Because....I...I..wanted you to be my...first" She says with an expression of lust and regret on her face.

 After about 3 or 4 seconds, I threw all morality out the window. I looked her straight in the eye and kissed her on the lips. As I did she removed her hand from my pants and grabbed me around the neck, kissing me passionately. Our tongues twisted in eachothers mouths as if we each held the cure for a disease. She got up and sat on my groin, pushing my manhood down with the crack of her ass. We didn't break our embrace for several minutes as we marinated in a completely hot passionate makeout session. Like we were lovers who had been apart for so long and for the first time in eternity finally got to be together. Finally she broke the kiss and looked at me with such a look I will never forget. I could see it in her eyes and the expression of her face. Passion, lust, love, and most of all, a look of total relief. As if she was burdened by this without being able to act on it. Sandy snaps me out of my gaze and says "I want you to teach me everything, I love you so much John." "I love you too Sandy, I have been wanting this for so long" I reply to her lustful gaze. At that remark she kisses me again for another 5 seconds then breaks away. She removes the covers and grabs at the waistband of my pants. I stand on my knees so they would be easier to remove. As she pulls back my elastic waistband my completely rigid cock springs forth for her to see. No sooner then this she releases the waistband and it snaps me in the stomach which stung quite bad. I suck in my gut at the pain as I see her with her hand over her mouth.
"OW! What did you do that for?" I say reveling in pain.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! It's just so big it surprised me" She said in a shocked tone.
"haha" I said in a giggling voice "it's not that big Sandy, some guys are much bigger, Haven't you ever seen one?"
"No, i'm a virgin remember. I can barely fit 2 fingers inside me, how are you going to be able to fit that in me"? she says still in shock.
"Trust me it will fit, I guess i'm just going to have to eat your pussy real good to get you nice and warmed up" I said with a large grin on my face.
"Oh John, You know exactly what I want!" She said in a little girlie innocent voice like she just got the biggest bag of candy.

 At that moment she gets up and strips her top and pants. She was a beautiful site. So perfect. She was my dream woman and I had permission to teach her everything I know. She had a thin small strip of pubic hair and that was it. Her pussy was that of an untouched shrine. I grab her and playfully throw her onto her back on the bed and in no time dive into her sweet nectar of the gods. I was shocked what her pussy smelled like. It smelled exactly like peaches. I thought this was an urban legend. Although I only had sex a few times, I performed oral sex on quite a few girls. And if they didn't smell bad, they were at best musky. Nothing bad, but it wasn't good either. Sandy however, did infact smell like peaches and it wasn't a covered scent. This was her womanhood in all its natural glory.
 I wasted no time lapping at her gorgeous pussy with everything I had. I made sure not to touch the clitoris at all until I wanted to make her cum and cum good. With every lick she moaned. She looked as though she was in paradise. She bucked her hips and grinned into my face. She grabbed the back of my head to prop herself against my face to make sure I didn't miss an inch of her cunt. After several minutes of lapping at her pussy and hearing her moan in pleasure, I decided to make her cum, and hard. I slowly inserted my middle finger into her pussy and just as I did, I began furiously sucking on her clit. "OH GOD!" she screamed out as I began finger fucking her and sucking her clit. I was making a "come here" motion with my finger, because I had heard this is how you stimulate the G-spot. I guess the rumors were true because in one big thrust she jammed her crotch into my face and splattered pussy juice all over my face. She was a gusher alright, and it didn't have much of any taste at all.
"OHHhhhhhhhhhhHHH" is all she said, over and over again as she spasmed like she was having a seizure. After about a minute I began to get worried because she was still having little spasms but she relieved me when she said " That..wasss...just..oh god."
"See Sandy, I told you I would get you nice and wet" I said with her pussy juice literally dripping off my face.
She looked at me, and then at the huge wet spot she made on her bed and said "Oh that...pee?"
With a little giggle I said "no, you had a G-spot orgasm, feels good doesn't it?"
Without even responding to my question she says "Fuck me"......."Now." She looks me in the eye, gets up and slips her tongue in my mouth. Lapping up every bit of juice she could. She was even twice as horny it seemed now. She seemed to know exactly what she wanted. And that was to fuck me. She positions herself right on top of me and says "do it." So I position my, according to her, big cock at her pussy hole. The moment she feels the tip of my cock at her tight wetness, she sits down, shoving almost half my cock up her pussy, and deflowering her in the process. She didn't seem to mind the pain, but I loved it. Apparently it sent a shrill through her which caused her pussy to grip my cock like a vice. Her pussy was so hot and fucking tight! I am so glad she had to stop for a few seconds because had she kept going, I would have came right then and there.
 She begins to relax and starts moving very gently up and down on my cock. She leans down and says in my ear "I'm on the pill." I knew exactly what she meant. With slow and steady strokes, she began riding my shaft to its hilt. In no time at all we were fucking in unison. I was drilling into her like a bat out of hell. "FUCK ME JOHN" "GOD YOUR SO BIG" were the words escaping her mouth. She went from my sister, my best friend, to a total sex crazed animal in bed with me. Her pussy juice was flowing steadily, making squishing sounds as I mashed my manhood up her cunt, trying to feel as much of her as I could. I made one big thrust and on the tip of my dick, felt her cervix. "Oh your so big John, its so big it almost hurts" she says in ecstasy.
 She grabs me behind the neck and starts frantically humping me. "Sandy your going to fast, your going to make me cum" I said wanting to prolong my pleasure. She didn't listen and began to move even faster. Her juice was flowing down my legs onto my bed. The smell of sex filled the entire house. We were sweaty fucking animals right now. "John i'm gunna cum, cum with me" she said as she began fervorously pounding up and down on my cock. I could feel the swell of my cum fill my balls, and knew I was going to cum. With one last massive thrust I began to cum into my sister, as she came onto my rock hard cock.
"OHHHhhh goddddd" we both said simultaneously,
"II'm cummmmming John" my sister said as she shot gush after gush onto my pulsating staff.
"Me Toooo!" I said as I began to unload my cum into my sisters tight hot dripping pussy.
 We sat there, lying in eachothers arms for minutes as my sister had spasm after spasm. I could feel her legs shaking against mine. I doubt she could walk, and neither could I. Luckily our parents wouldn't be home for a long time. After a few moments my sister broke the silence, barely able to speak over our heavy breathing.
"John" she said out of breath.
"Yea Sandy?" I replied
"I lied" she said which sent a nervous chill down my spine. Did she lie about being on the pill? Oh fuck, she will probably get pregnant!
"Lied about what? Your not on the pill"? I said with anxiety.
"No no no, I'm on the pill" she said to my relief.
"Thank god...then what is it?" I said.
"I didn't just want to lose my virginity to you, I want you to be mine, all the time." She said with a smile on her face.
I smiled back and said "Sandy, somehow I don't think that will be a problem."
She said "good, cause I want you to teach me more tomorrow, and every day after that." With that, in a sweaty sexy mess, we fell asleep in eachothers arms.
To be continued?