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FilthyDirtyOne Member Since October 19, 2009

A Hot Spring Day

FilthyDirtyOne on Incest Stories

A Hot Spring Day by FilthyDirtyOne

Chapter 1 – A Steamy April Shower

To a 15 year old boy, today was one of the best days of the year. The air had smelled crisper when he awoke this morning, practically leaping out of bed. The boy's name was Steve and today was the last day of school. Since it was the last day, they had only half of a day and he would be free by lunchtime. He passed the day at school talking excitedly with friends about their plans for the summer, where they were going, who they wanted to fuck, etc. Steve was still a virgin, as were most of his friends and he desperately hoped to change that this summer. Before he knew it the final bell had rang and the school emptied its students to awaiting buses and cars.

Steve's mother was waiting in front of th
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e school in her new SUV her husband had bought her. She had always driven a piece of crap, and since her husband was making a lot more money she begged him for a new vehicle. He surprised her the previous year with a black Yukon, fully loaded and included tinted windows. She was thrilled with her gift, and repaid her husband well that night for his thoughtfulness. They were the perfect family, wife Mary just turned 37, and husband Bob was 40. Steve was their only child, the family struggled financially at first but after a series of promotions Bob was making a comfortable living.

“Hi Mom”, Steve said as he stepped into the idling truck. Steve looked over his mother, who he recently started fantasizing about. She was still young, and in excellent shape from working out several times a week. It made him smile seeing such a tiny woman behind the wheel of this large vehicle, as she was only 5'3. Mary was wearing a part of short, white spandex shorts, and a tight blue halter top which squeezed her breasts. Her long dirty blond hair was pulled back in a pony tail, and if she didn't look closely you might mistake her as a teenage girl.

“Hi sweety, how was your last day?”, his mother asked as she pulled out of the parking lot.

“Great Mom, I'm so glad to be done.”

“I packed some lunch and I figured we would go over to the park for a little since it's so nice outside”, Mary said.

“Sounds great to me, anywhere but school”, Steve said enthusiastically.

They arrived a few minutes later at a state park near their house. The park was large and both Mary and her son were quite familiar with it. She drove directly to their favorite spot, a very secluded area of the park down a road that you would miss if you didn't know it was there. Very rarely did they see any people there, aside from the occasional hiker. She parked next to the small pavilion that lay in the center of a clearing in the middle of the dense forest. They quickly ate their lunch, and after cleaning up Mary laid out on a towel she had brought with them. As Mary read a romance novel, Steve went on a hike through the woods enjoying the beautiful spring day. Steve took a short path that circled around and brought him back to the clearing. On his return to the pavilion he was surprised to see two men ahead of him on the same path, they looked to be around 20 – 25. The two men didn't notice Steve as they were talking to each other. Steve heard them discussing a sexy woman they had just seen laying out, and all the dirty things they wanted to do to her. After hearing their description of the woman he realized that they were talking about his mother. The men finally spotted Steve and halted their sexual banter, and all three were silent as they passed one another. Steve noticed the men where kind of scruffy and shady looking, but he paid little attention to them at the time and continued down the trail.

When Steve got back to the clearing, he couldn't help but notice how hot his mom looked. She was laying flat on her belly reading a book. As he approached her from the front he could see down her shirt, and the sight of her perfect cleavage and the top of her breasts made him immediately hard. He could see no tan lines so he assumed that she tanned in the nude. He could see the outline of a thong through her tight spandex shorts which clung to her tight ass.

“You ready to leave honey?”, my mother said as she sat up cross-legged, stretching the already tight material of her shorts.

“Sure mom”, Steve said as he helped his mother gather her things and pack them in the car. They drove home making small talk about his plans for the summer. That night was like any other in their household. Mary made dinner for the three of them which they ate while talking. They all got along well and conversation flowed easily. Bob was leaving early the next morning on business, so as Steve went to bed he bid his son farewell. That night as Steve lay in bed he heard the springs of his parents mattress creaking fast and loud. It turned him on and made him jealous at the same time to think of his father pounding away at his mother's pussy.

The next morning Steve woke up early while his mother was still at the airport with his father. He went into his parent bedroom, and then into their private bathroom. On the floor he found a red silky bra and a tiny red silk thong (probably the one she had been wearing at the park). His dick got hard as he imagined his mother in her thong, and rubbing her pussy through the scant material. He brought the panties to his nose and smelled the scent of cum (which he knew from jerking off) and the soon to be identified scent of pussy. The front of the panties were crusted with his fathers semen from the previous night. Steve returned to his room and jerked off thinking of his mother and her Victoria's Secret panties. He cleaned up after he was finished and went back to sleep. Several hours later he was awakened by his mother knocking on his door.

“Time to wake up sleepyhead, its almost 11:00. I made you some breakfast.”, his mother said at his door.

“OK, I'll be right down mom”, he sleepily said.

After eating the pancakes his mother made for him, they both decided to exercise. They had just gotten digital cable so they had several workout programs to chose from on-demand. They selected a yoga type workout that incorporated a lot of stretching and some aerobic activity. They went off to their separate rooms to change into workout clothing. When Steve returned to the living room he noticed his mother was wearing tight spandex pants that came down just below her knee. Somehow these pants seemed even tighter than her spandex shorts of the previous day. She had on a tight white sports bra which held her large tits in place.

The workout started with very basic stretching and it felt great to both of them. Steve would occasionally steal glances at his beautiful mother, bending over in her impossibly tight outfit. He could tell that she wasn't wearing any panties today, and he could see the outline of her perfect ass. After the program was over, his mother turned off the TV and lay down on the floor.

“Help me stretch my legs honey, lay down on my leg for me.”

My mother raised one of her legs in the air and had me press it towards her head against her body. She breathed in and out heavily as she got deeper into the stretch, and Steve's chest was now close to his mother's. His crotch was now pressed against the tight fabric of her pants. Steve was worried his mother might feel his cock getting harder. She then switched legs and his crotch was once again pressed against his mothers. This time he applied more pressure, and slowly moved his now rigid dick against her spandex covered pussy. Mary inhaled deeply as she felt his cock press against her, and she couldn't help the fact that it felt good. As she exhaled she softly moaned as her son continued to apply pressure to her crotch. Mary knew she had to stop this or she was going to get wet, and from her own son. She told him to get up and they ended their workout, Mary headed off to her room to shower and cool down.

Steve was so horny right now, his mind started scheming. He had heard his mothers soft moan and knew she had felt his dick. He followed silently behind her, watching as she entered her bedroom and then their private bathroom. She only partially closed the door to her bathroom so the steam from her shower could escape. Steve crept into their bedroom and had a perfect view of his mother through the slightly open bathroom door. First he watched her peel off the tight sports bra, revealing her large tits, which were tanned like the rest of her body. Even though her breasts were large, they were still quite firm looking. His mother, oblivions to his presence leaned over the sink and began washing her face. He could see the cheeks of her ass through her tight, white spandex pants. His mother finished washing her face and walked over to the shower, which was directly in Steve's line of sight. She turned on the shower, which had a clear glass sliding door. Mary then pulled down her spandex pants, revealing her perfectly shaped ass to her horny teenage son. In the brief moment she stood outside the shower naked, Steve marveled at her amazing body. She was a tiny woman without any extra fat, slightly tanned, and glistening with sweat.

Mary was now satisfied that the shower would be warm enough, but just enough to take the chill away. When she stepped in the shower, Steve saw her visibly shudder from the coldness of the water. He watched as she lathered up her body, when she bent over to soap up her legs she gave him a great view of her ass and pussy lips from behind. He slowly rubbed his cock as she soaped up her tits and pussy. He decided no matter what he must touch her now, the whole scene was just too enticing after rubbing his large cock against her while they exercised. Steve had made up his mind to fuck his mother, he was so horny he felt as if he were under a spell that drew him to her.

Steve shed his clothes and entered the bathroom silently while his mother's back was turned towards him. She didn't hear him slide open the shower door because of the noise of the water. He entered the shower and touched her backing, making her jump and drop the soap on the floor of the shower.

“What the hell are you doing Steve?”, his mother demanded.

“My shower is broken and I needed to shower after that workout.”

“I don't want you seeing me like this, I'm your mother”, she pleaded with him.

“I'm sorry mom, please don't be mad at me. I just couldn't take sitting around all sweaty like that in the heat”, he knew it sounded like a stupid excuse.

“Well just move out of the way so I can grab the soap”, she said as she bent over in front of him. This was the closest he had seen a naked woman, and there was no way possible he could hide his erection from her.

“Here let me was your hair for you mom, I remember doing that when I was a little boy and we took showers at the gym. You would kneel down so I could wash your hair for you.”

“Well OK, I guess it was sweet when you did it when you were younger.”

Since I had gotten in the shower my mother had remained facing away from me, with her hands covering her breasts. I grabbed the bottle of shampoo and squeezed a little dab on my hand, which I began working into her scalp. As he rubbed the shampoo into her hair, he massaged her head and temples. As he shampooed her head he moved closer behind her, the head of his cock rubbing against the crack of her ass. Mary felt so guilty for enjoying the feeling, and she knew she shouldn't be in the shower naked with the teenage son. She was able to justify it by saying it was just a harmless shower, and besides they were family. She resisted the urge to moan during his shampooing, and kept both hands over each of her breasts. She could feel his cock brushing against her ass, but she tried not to pay attention to it.

He told her to turn around and wash it out so he could use the conditioner. She did as she was told, forgetting about covering her breasts she removed her hands and started rinsing out her hair. Her large naked breasts were less than a foot away from him, her nipples rock hard from the coldness of the water. Steve reached out and began to gently massage her nipple.

“Stop it, I'm your mother. Your going to condition my hair and then I am getting out, no more touching”, Mary chastised him.

“OK mom, sorry about that”

She turned back around and put her hands over her breasts again. He repeated the same process of lathering and massaging with the conditioner. She quickly rinsed out her hair, and stepped out of the shower. Mary grabbed a towel to wrap around her body, but it only just covered her tits and the top of her ass. Steve watched his mother try to conceal her body as she walked into her room. Steve shut off the shower, got out and dried off quickly. He walked into his parents room where his mother had just picked out a pair of panties and matching bra to change into. When Mary saw Steve walk in the room she tried futilely to hide her lacy purple underwear from him. She started going through her dresser looking for a pair of pants. Steve walked up behind his mother and wrapped his arms around her in a gentle, but firm embrace.

“I love you mom”, he said as he hugged her towel-clad still wet body.

“I love you too, sweetie”, Mary said caught off-guard by her son's expression of emotion. She then felt his hands moving up towards her breasts, kneading at the skin beneath the towel. His hands groped at her tits, gently rubbing her still hard nipples.

“Steve, what the hell has gotten into you today? Stop right now or I'm calling your father” she snapped at him. She struggled to free herself from her sons grip but he was much bigger than her. He didn't hold her tightly, just firmly enough so she couldn't get free. He struggling actually pushed her tits harder into her sons horny hands. Once again she could feel her son's hard cock pressing into her ass crack. He wrapped one arm around her and with the other hand he picked up the sexy purple panties she had picked out.

“I'm sure these look amazing on you mom. You are the most beautiful women I have ever seen.”, said Steve while rubbing her panties across her cleavage, enjoying the feel of the silky material against his skin. He then tried rubbing the panties lower, towards her nipples. As he pushed down the towel her mind raced as she tried to hold it up. He was able to overpower her and work the towel down so one of her hard nipples was exposed. He rubbed and pinched her nipples through the pair of lacy purple panties in his hand.

“Please stop, you can't do this to me. I'm your mother, please Steve”, his mother pleaded with him.

“I can't help myself mom, you are too good looking to resist. I love you so much, and I want you to be my first.”

“Nooo, please no.” said Mary with tears in her eyes.

Steve disregarded her protests as he dropped the panties back onto the dresser. He then grabbed each of her arms, turned her around and pushed her onto the bed. Mary tried desperately to keep the towel covering as much of herself as possible as she fell back onto the bed. Steve got on top of her and pinned her arms and legs down. As he climbed onto her he let his towel fall off to reveal his completely naked body and erect cock. His mother struggled with him, but she was no match for his size and strength. Steve was able to move the towel to the side, exposing both of her tits and a small part of her pussy. While still holding her hands down and straddling her, he begin sucking on her erect nipples. Mary kept trying to push him off but it was useless. His hands roamed all over her body, squeezing and pinching as they went along. She could feel her son's large erection pressed against her belly. It scared her to think what he was going to do to her, he wasn't going to actually fuck his mother was he?

“Please don't do this baby, this is incest. Your father will kill us both.”, she sobbed, pleading her son to stop molesting her naked body. Steve then tried kissing his mother on the lips, but she held them shut tight. He licked hear ears and down her neck, then to her nipples and back again. She then felt him slide down her body as she sobbed “No,no,no, please no”. Steve grabbed his hard cock and began rubbing it up and down her cunt, which was cleanly shaved. As he felt the wetness of her pussy he smiled, she may not be into it yet but her body seemed to be. He rubbed his cock against her clit, being lubricated by her own pussy juices. He could hear her breath quicken as he increased the speed of his dick against her. She was so wet he heard a soft slurping sound as his dick ran across her pussy.

His mother continued her protest in vain, and her pleas were growing weaker and weaker. The motion of his throbbing cock against her pussy was getting her worked up, the head of his dick was wet with her juices. Steve slowly inserted his cock into his mothers wet pussy, despite her crying and begging for him to stop. At first he only stuck the head of his cock in, and then pulled it back out. He repeated this motion rhythmically, her pussy was so warm and moist. Steve then slid the entire 8” of his cock inside his mother, and now instead of a “no” she let out a soft moan. He sat for a few seconds with his cock buried up to his balls inside his mother. He couldn't believe how tight her pussy was, it felt like it was pulsing and squeezing his cock. Steve leaned forward and started sucking on his mother's ear and neck. Then he went back to her mouth, at first softly kissing her lips. He slowly rocked his cock in and out of her wet cunt. Steve then tried sticking his tongue into his mother's mouth, this time she just let out a sigh and opened her mouth. Their tongues met in a passionate and forbidden kiss between son and mother. The passionate kiss lasted for several minutes while they explored each other's mouths. His mother was now breathing rapidly, and occasionally little moans or squeals would escape her mouth muffled by their kiss.

Mary couldn't believe what was going on. She was getting raped by her son in her own home, in her very own bed. The worst part was she knew she was enjoying it. The kiss with Steven had been hotter than any her and her husband had shared for years. She knew her pussy was soaking wet, and that probably only encouraged her son. He was now fucking her quickly and roughly, with an enthusiasm her husband never had. He could hear his balls slapping against his mothers ass as he thrust into her rapidly. Mary was about to cum, and she started bucking her hips up to meet the thrust of her son.

“Oh God Steve, I'm going to cum. Keep fucking mommy, I want to cum on your dick” his mother yelled in between moans.

“Your pussy is so tight mom, I want to feel you cum all over my cock”, he shouted back as he was impaling his sexy mother repeatedly. Suddenly she grabbed tightly onto him, and her pussy locked around his dick in a series of spasms. She started screaming and bucking her hips wildly. Steve felt the rush of liquid fill his mothers cunt, it was warm and had the consistency of water. Mary's orgasm lasted for almost a minute, the entire time her pussy gushed her sweet cum. Steve kept pumping away at her and was amazed at the amount of liquid coming out of her. He looked down and saw that the sheet beneath her was soaked with her fluid. Mary started relaxing as the climax subsided, and started to lick her son's ear. While Steve continued fucking her, he could hear the liquid sloshing around inside her pussy and it became very noisy. Steve felt his balls tighten as he fucked his mother's tight, drenched pussy. He pounded her furiously, her cum oozing out of her slit and onto the bed.

“Pull out before you cum, baby. I'm not on the pill.”, Mary told her son.

But Steve seemed not to hear her at all and just kept fucking her sloppy, wet pussy. He then let out a load groan as he shot wad after wad of his semen deep into his mothers pussy. He kept thrusting in and out of her, and on each forward thrust he came more inside of her.

“Steve if you get me pregnant, your dead. I can't believe you just did that.”, his mother screamed at him as she pushed him off of her. She quickly ran to the bathroom and he watched her use toilet paper to try and get the globs of his cum out of her cunt. Steve left the room and went to his bed and took a well deserved nap.

Chapter 2 – Dirty Dinner

After that steamy shower that April afternoon Steve and his mother didn't discuss it at all. The week before his father came back was pretty normal, but the conversation between mother and son was somewhat strained. The two of them talked, but kept it to small talk and didn't joke with each other which was unusual. They both felt a little awkward around each other, but both new the secret must remain hidden.

Bob returned home from his business trip on a Friday evening. Both Steve and Mary hopped into the SUV and met him at the airport. Then they went to a local Italian restaurant, which was his father's favorite. The had gotten a booth in the back corner of the restaurant, which was only dimly lit by candles on each of the tables. Steve and his mother sat on one side of the booth as was normal because his father was a bigger guy.

“You look amazing tonight hun”, Bob said as he sat down across the table from the two of us. I had to agree with my dad, my mom looked pretty amazing. She had on black high heels, a short black skirt, and a tight white halter top that showed off her tits. We ordered our food and ate, which we all agreed was excellent. Steve's father got up to use the restroom after the waiter collected our plates and returned with our change. When Bob said he was going to the bathroom two things were known: he would be gone for at least ten minutes and you should avoid going in there after him at all cost. When his father left Steve decided this was the perfect opportunity to touch his mother again, she couldn't raise too much of a fuss with his father only a room away. The place was perfect setting, the candles barely lit up the large room, especially the back corner they were in. There were also long table clothes that fell down over your lap, which were excellent to obscure his dirty actions. As they waited for Bob to return they sat in silence, each occasionally sipping their drink.

Steve put his plan into action by putting his hands on his lap underneath the table cloth. His mother took no notice to this but she did look up with wide eyes when he places a hand on her thigh.

“What are you doing, your father is going to kill you when he comes back to the table” his mother warned him. He knew her warning was fake because if she told him they both would be in trouble. Steve slipped his hand lower and put slid it up her short black skirt. Her legs were so warm and soft due to the lotion she rubbed on after her showers. Steve could see sheer terror in his mother's eyes as she wondered what he was going to do. He caressed her thigh up towards her panties which felt soft and lacy, but very tiny. He started rubbing her pussy through the thin material of the panties. She tried to slide away from him but she was on the inside of the booth and had no where to go.

Steve shifted his mother's panties aside and found her clit. He was pleased to find that her pussy was already a little wet. He inserted one finger into her and she let out a soft gasp. He started fingering her pussy as everyone in the restaurant went about their business oblivious to the incestuous affair occurring in the dark corner. Steve now inserted two fingers and he saw his mother's eyes close as she released a low moan. He began vigorously finger fucking his mother in a crowded restaurant with his father in the bathroom, the whole thing made him hard as a rock. Steve heard his mother cooing under hear breath as her pussy reacted to his fingering. This continued for several minutes until his father returned. Steve did not remove his fingers as his mother thought he would, instead he increased the speed of his finger fucking. He was feeling his mother's wet pussy right across the table from his father. As they got up to leave the table Steve reluctantly removed his fingers from her pussy. They drove home and Steve jerked off once again thinking about his mother's hot pussy.

Chapter 3 – A Quiet Day at the Beach

A couple of days after the restaurant incident Steve and his mother decided to take a trip to the beach. They drove to a small public beach that was about half an hour away. When they arrived they setup blankets and the both of them laid out in the sun. Mary was absorbed in the book she was reading and Steve had a chance to stare at her body. She looked perfect in the sun wearing her small red thong bikini. Laying on her stomach with her elbows propped up and reading her book, giving Steve an excellent view of his mother's ass. They sun bathed for a couple hours and then packed up their stuff and returned to the car. On the way back to the car Steve walked behind his mother and admired the way her ass looked in her thong when she walked.

They got into her SUV and at the moment the doors were closed Steve decided this was the perfect place to fuck his mother again. The parking lot had several cars, and there was people coming and going but the dark tint of the window should provide enough privacy.

Steve leaned over and started playing with his mother's tits through the silky fabric of the bikini. He felt her nipples harden almost immediately. This time she gave him no resistance as he knelt next to her, moved her bikini top to the side and started licking her nipples. Mary softly moaned as she gave in to her son's lust. He completely removed her top, exposing her luscious breasts. He alternated between the two nipples, sucking hard on them both. His mother moaned and writhed as his hands searched the soft flesh of her body.

Mary's son grabbed her bikini thong and she lifted her hips up so he could pull them off. Mary now sat in her Yukon completely naked next to her teenage son who was now stripping also. Mary moved to the bench seat behind the front seats and spread her legs willingly for her son. Steve was pleased how quickly his mother turned into a little slut for him.

“Come fuck me Steve, I need your cock in me” his mother moaned to him. Steve quickly stripped off his bathing suit and joined his mother on the middle seat. They started kissing passionately while he massaged her breasts and she grabbed his dick. She began jerking her son off while he sucked on her erect nipples, causing her to sigh. Steve then moved on top of his mother and positioned his dick over her awaiting pussy. He quickly thrust into her, causing her to deeply inhale and moan at the same time. Steve was now fucking the shit out of his mother in the back of her SUV in a parking lot. They were both kissing, moaning, and grabbing each other in lust.

Steve felt his balls tighten again, this time he pulled out his cock. His mother immediately leaned forward and began hungrily sucking it, licking off her own sweet pussy juices.

“I want to taste your cum baby, fill up momma's mouth” his mother said in between gulps of his cock. Suddenly Steve's cock began erupting into his mother's mouth, almost instantly filling it with his hot spunk. She did a great job of swallowing as much of it as possible, but there was just too much too quickly, so some of it dribbled down her chin and onto her tits. His mother kept milking his cock for what felt like minutes while stream after stream of hot cum squirted into her mouth. After she was done she used her fingers to wipe up the cum on her chest and licked it off them.

“Thanks mom, that felt incredible”, Steve said as he leaned down and kissed his mother again. The two of them road home silently listening to the radio, both exhausted from their public fuck. Mary couldn't believe she had just fucked her son for the second time, and this time she almost wanted it.

Chapter 4 – A Picnic That Left Everyone Full

It was another perfect spring day when Mary woke up, she decided while still in bed to go the park with her son. She had wanted to get some reading done and Steve always enjoyed hiking through the large park. At breakfast the two of them discussed the trip to the park, which Steve was enthusiastic about. Mary cleaned up after breakfast and packed a light picnic for them. An hour later they arrived at the park ready to enjoy the day. His mother laid out reading his book on her towel as Steve took off down one of his usual paths. As he was walking he passed one of the twenty-something year olds he had seen a couple of weeks ago. This time he was alone, but it was definitely one of the guys talking about fucking his mother. They nodded to each other as they walked by each other on the path. Steve continued his walk for a little, but had an odd feeling about the guy. Something just seemed strange about him. He decided to walk back on another trail that would bring him to the same clearing and pavilion area where his mother was.

When he got close to the clearing he ducked behind some foliage and looked around. He saw the man he had just passed standing by the entrance to the other path. The man was looking at his mother laying on her towel and was oblivious to Steve. He saw the man rubbing his crotch as he watched his sexy mother. Today she was wearing tiny little blue denim shorts and a tight white shirt that revealed a thin strip of her belly. She lay on her belly as usual and gave both men a great view of her tits.

Steve watched as his mother got up and went into the bathroom next to the small pavilion. He then saw the other man leave the woods and walk swiftly towards the bathroom. When the man had entered the bathroom Steve ran towards it and stood on a trash can so he could see through the high windows. Steve had a perfect view of the entire bathroom. He saw his mother in one of the stalls with her denim shorts around her ankles, peeing. The man now silently locked the bathroom door behind him so no one else could enter. He then walked over the the second stall where my mother was. The locks in the door were old and barely worked so he just pushed the door of the stall open.

“What are you doing in here!” my mother screamed in terror at the intruder. The man said nothing to her as he lifted her off the toilet by both arms and set her on the back part of the toilet. She was still urinating so pee ran down her thighs and onto the toilet seat below her. The man laughed at this as he dropped his pants. My dick was hard as I watched my mother sitting on the back of a toilet, naked from the waist down with only a tiny shirt covering her tits, and piss running down her finely tanned legs.

The man approached his mother with this throbbing cock standing out in front of him. Holding back my mother's legs, he inserted his cock into her pussy. My mother began screaming “no” and “please don't” repeatedly. She struggled and pushed against the stranger but it was no use. He began violently fucking her as he pulled up her shirt and grabbed her tits roughly. Steve could hear the sound of his mother's ass hitting the back of the wall as the man plowed into her. She continued her screaming and struggling against this violent attack. The man kept fucking her as he mauled her tits and tried kissing her. The man suddenly grabbed tightly on to her ass as he came inside her pussy. The man grunted for several minutes and then withdrew his now limp dick from her. Steve watched as the man pulled up his pants and left the bathroom. Steve watched as his mother wiped up and pulled up her panties and shorts, wiping away tears from her eyes.

Steve walked back down the path he had came from and finished his hike. He returned to the pavilion and they ate their picnic lunch. Both said nothing about the incident in the bathroom, his mother not even knowing her son had watched the assault. The day at the park ended without any further incident.

Chapter 5 – Boys Night In

A couple of days after the bathroom incident Steve's father left town again on some business. Steve decided to take his fun with his mother to another level. He called up a friend of his named Mike and delicately explained the story of what had been going on with him and his mother. Steve was surprised to hear that Mike had also fucked his own mother on a trip to Washington. The two boys decided they would gang bang Steve's mother this night. The two boys decided to do it after dinner. The day passed slowly for Steve as he was anxious for the night to get started. He had told his mother that a friend was going to spend the night. Mary thought nothing of this and had no idea what her son had planned.

Mike arrived at six as planned, and Mary decided to order pizza for the three of them. After dinner the boys went into the living room to watch TV. After cleaning up the dishes, Mary went to her bedroom and showered. After her shower she rubbed her fruity smelling lotion all over her naked body. She rubbed it into her tits and nipples, down her soft thighs. Her fingers lingered around her pussy as she thought of the two time she had fucked her son. She figured none of that would be going on this evening as he had a friend over. It was probably a good thing too, she had been reconsidering the affair with her teenage son. She knew it was incest, and she felt so guilty for what they had done. Although she did enjoy it, they couldn't let it happen again. If Bob (husband) ever found out he would kill the both of them and probably divorce her, or worse. Mary decided just to avoid talking about it with her son, and if he tried anything again threaten to tell her husband.

Mary pulled on a pair of black thongs and a lacy Victoria's secret bra. Over top of that she put on her summer pajamas, which consisted of a small pair of red silk shorts and a silk red button up shirt. She combed her hair and admired her beautiful body in the mirror. She hadn't wanted to have sex with her husband before he left because the trauma of the bathroom rape was so fresh in her mind. She lied to her husband and said she had her period. She hadn't had sex for over a week and she was feeling a little horny. Her vibrator would be good company for her tonight, and she was determined to think only of her husband when using it. Mary walked downstairs and joined the boys on the couch. They were sitting on either end of the couch so she sat right in the middle of both of them.

Both boys watched greedily as Mary entered the living room and sat down. The shiny smoothness of her pajamas would make anyone want to touch her body. Both boys watched her cute ass as she sat down on the couch between them. It was dark in the room as the only light was the flicker of the television. Both boys were even more turned on by the sweet smell of the freshly cleaned woman beside them. While Mary was showering Steve had turned the air conditioning way down, and it was now a little chilly in the room. Both boys noticed her nipples harden through the silky material.

“Its kinda chilly in here” Mary said to her son while shivering. Steve agreed and got up and grabbed a blanket which he draped over the both of them. As Steve sat down he gently laid his hand in his mother's lap. Panic went through her mind, he wouldn't do anything with Mike here would he? Steve began massaging her thighs, and she pushed him off of her. He put his hand back on her and moved it further up her thigh. Mary was glad the blanket was giving them privacy, and Mike seemed to take no notice of what was going on. Steve moved his hand inside the loose leg of her pajama shorts, quickly finding her soft panties. He rubbed up and down the thin strip of black panties his mother wore. Steve then inserted one finger in her pussy and began slowly pushing it in and out of her. As he massaged her clit Mary stifled a moan. She tried once again to push his hand away, but he only put it right back. She didn't want struggle too much or Mike might look over. Steve intensified the finger fucking of his mother sitting on the couch in between him and his friend. He used his thumb to rub her clit, and Mary felt her legs unconsciously open wider. Mary couldn't help it but she was getting into this and a soft moan escaped her mouth.

Mary was so engrossed in the fingering she was receiving she didn't notice that Mike was watching her. Mike decided the time was right and reached over to caress his friend's mother's erect nipple and succulent breast.

“What the hell are you doing?” she yelled at Mike, looking back and forth between her son and his friend with a look of shock and disgust. With one hand she pushed Mike's hand off of her breast and with the other pushed her son away. Both boys put their hands back on her body and the blanket covering her legs fell to the ground. Mary yelled in terror as the two boys put their hands back where they had been. Mike was gently caressing her breast and nipple through the silky fabric of the nightgown. Steve's hand had moved aside her panties and shorts and was again playing with his mother's pussy. She looked down and with a shock saw that her silky black thong and part of her pussy was exposed clearly to both of the teenagers. Mike then began unbuttoning her thin pajama top, exposing her lacy black bra. She tried grabbing at the material of the shirt while trying to push Mike away, but it was useless. She couldn't defend herself against one horny male, let alone two. Her shirt was now completely unbuttoned revealing her luscious bra covered tits to both boys. Mike reached around behind her and unhooked her bra, it had no shoulder straps so it fell aside. Mike got down and began hungrily sucking on her nipple, alternating back and forth between the two of them while he rubbed each breast.

“Please boys, you have to stop this. I'm going to tell your father Steve and he will kill you when he gets home. And Mike, your mother and father won't be happy when they hear you tried to rape me” she yelled at the two boys. Mary's mind raced with the thought of what these two boys had planned. No matter how much she yelled or struggled both boys continued the violation of her body. Steve pulled down her the silky shorts and threw them on the floor, leaving her dressed only in a thin red pajama top which was wide open and a small pair of black thongs. Steve knelt down between his mother's legs and began licking her pussy, sucking her clit into his mouth and rubbing it lightly with his teeth. Between the tongue on her pussy and the one on her nipple Mary found herself getting excited. She was still horrified of the thought of these two boys ravaging her naked body. If anyone in the neighborhood found out her family would be ruined.

Mary continued to contest what the two boys were doing to her. She yelled at them, threatened them, pushed them away but nothing worked. What her son was doing to her pussy was making her legs weak and she felt unable to struggle any longer. Steve stopped licking her pussy long enough to pull her panties off, and Mary helped by lifting both legs in the air. She moaned when he resumed the licking of her cunt, and she pulled Mike's head closer into her breast as he sucked. Steve now had two fingers fucking in and out of her tight little pussy, which was totally shaved. He continued to use his tongue to rub and suck on his mother's swollen clit. His fingers slid easily in and out of her now that she was well lubricated. The boys switched positions now, and Mike begin eagerly lapping away at her wet pussy. Steve pulled the pajama top off, leaving her completely naked. Her son's hands squeezed her tits and rubbed her sensitive nipples. Steve and his mother locked in a passionate kiss, their tongues probing each other's mouths. As Mike licked her pussy he lubricated one of his fingers with her fluid and started rubbing it around her anus. Mary was surprised that she enjoyed the feeling of the outside of her ass being rubbed by his wet fingers. As Mike licked her pussy he slowly inserted his slick finger into her asshole, causing Mary to moan loudly in shock.

“Oh got that feels good Mike” Mary groaned as Mike pushed his finger farther into her asshole. He then slowly started finger fucking her asshole while eating her pussy. She had never had someone stick anything in her ass before and she was surprised she liked the sensation. Her husband had tried a couple of times but she quickly refused him. Mary scooted her ass down the couch a little and lifted her feet onto the couch, both spreading her pussy more and giving Mike better access to her asshole at the same time. Steve and his mother resumed their kiss, loudly sucking on each others mouths. Steve was so turned on watching his friend suck his mom's cunt and finger her ass, he pulled down his pants and stood up on the couch. Mary instantly grabbed her sons cock in her hand, gently stroking the shaft and working her way down to his balls. She delicately kissed the head of her sons cock, kissed it several times. Then she slowly began licking just the head, and opened her mouth and sucked it in. Using her hand she jerked him off and sucked and licked his head. She then took his large cock all the way in her mouth and started sucking him off like her life depended on it. Steve heard muffled sighs coming from his mother's mother as she sucked him off.

Mike stood up and removed his clothes, leaving all three completely naked. Mike then started rubbing his hard cock up and down her wet slit. Mike pushed his dick inside her pussy while Mary swallowed her sons cock, pausing only briefly to lick his balls. Mary furiously sucked her sons cock, almost gagging on it while Mike pounded away at her pussy.

“Your mom's pussy is so tight and wet Steve” Mike told his buddy while fucking his mom.

“Please don't cum inside he boys”, Mary said in between thrusts of her sons cock into her mouth.

“No problem mom”, Steve assured his mother, “Mike, I wast some of that pussy now”

Steve stood up and Mike slowly removed his dick from her sweet pussy. Mike sat down on the couch and Steve knelt between his legs. Steve had never done anything with another guy, but the site of his friends 8” cock glistening with his mom's cum made him horny. Steve took Mike's cock in his mouth and started to lick off his mothers sweet liquid. He then started blowing his friend while Mike and Mary made out. Steve took the cock out of his mouth and sat down next to his mother. Mary turned to her son and sat down on his dick, impaling herself on his long shaft. Steve took one of her tits and started sucking and biting her nipple. Mike was playing with his cock watching his friend fuck his mother, she was riding up and down on his cock fast. Sitting next to the fucking pair, Mike grabbed her ass and started kneading the tight flesh. He then licked his finger and stuck it into her ass again, causing her to gasp in pleasure. Mike knelt on the ground in between his friends legs. He starting licking Mary's asshole, darting his tongue in and out of her. Mary loved the feeling of his tongue in her while she fucked her son.

Mike stopped licking her ass and stood up, spit on his hand and lubricated his cock with it. He then rubbed it on Mary's anus, and slowly inserted his cock into her tight ass. Mary screamed loudly as he entered her from behind, and she sand down on her son's cock to get farther from the dick probing her ass.

“No, please don't fuck my asshole, your too big and its too tight” Mary yelled breathlessly. Mike didn't pay any attention to her and slowly fucked in and out of her butt, he reached around her and grabbed her tits roughly. Mary was moaning loudly, in a slight bit of pain as a cock stretched her virgin asshole. She couldn't believe her son's teenage friend was now fucking her asshole, a place she had even refused to let her husband fuck her. Up until a month ago she had never even cheated on her husband, now she was getting double teamed by her own son and his teenage friend. She was so turned on the pain in her ass was slowly turning into pleasure and she squeezed her nipples and moaned as she was fucked by two large cocks.

Both boys were groaning along with Mary, and Mike was the first to cum. Her ass was so tight it squeezed the cum out of his cock, filling her asshole with his sticky fluid. Mary moaned loudly as she felt the wonderful sensation of her ass being filled with hot cum. As Mike with drew his cock some of his cum dribbled down her ass. Mary was now frantically fucking her young son as she began to cum herself. As Mary's climax subsided Steve begin to shoot his load inside her.

“No Steve, not in my pussy, your gonna get me pregnant.” She yelled at him, but he ignored her and kept filling her with his spunk. After he finished Steve released his grip on his mother and she ran to the bathroom to wipe his cum out of her so she wouldn't get knocked up. The boys were exhausted and went to bed shortly after, dreaming of the wild night they had.

Mary sat in her bathroom and tried to get all of her son's cum out of her pussy. She couldn't get pregnant with his child. She began to cry as she thought of the events of the past month. First fucking her son, then getting raped by a stranger. She not only fucked her son once but several times. Tears flowed down her face as she thought of what a whore she was. She thought back in horror at how she had just fucked her son and his friend, and had been fucked up her ass also. Mary went to bed quietly sobbing from the thoughts of sin and guilt in her mind.

Chapter 6 – Mom's Revenge

The next morning Mary woke up late and had a quick breakfast. Steve was already up and mowing the lawn, Mike had gone home early that morning. Mary felt a little better than she did last night, although her ass was kind of sore. She was now kind of pissed that her son had brought a friend over and forced her to have sex with both of them. Mary decided it was time to take a little revenge on her son. She showered quickly and went out to the store to get some supplies for her plan. She picked up a set of handcuffs, a set of bra and panties that were larger than she would need, a short plaid skirt of the same size, a long blond wig, a dildo, and some KY jelly.

When Mary got home Steve was showering after mowing the lawn. She carried her stuff inside unnoticed and put them away for later. Her and her son at dinner as usual, making the normal small talk but nothing sexual. After the two of them finished the dishes Mary opened a bottle of wine. His mother was ordinarily strict about letting him have any alcohol, but tonight she poured each of them a glass. She filled Steve's twice as much as hers, she wanted him to be somewhat drunk for tonight. They sat on the sofa talking about movies and watching TV while they drank. In a little over an hour the bottle of wine was finished, the majority being consumed by Steve. Mary gave her son a devilish look and invited her son up to her bedroom. Steve readily followed her upstairs to her room. She was wearing her same red silk pajamas as last night, and as he walked behind her he marveled at her perfect ass.

They entered the room and Mary shut the light off and told her son to strip naked and lay down on the bed. Steve complied and was very excited about his mother taking charge. He felt pretty buzzed since he had little experience with alcohol, and this increased his lust for her. He heard his mother grabbing a plastic bag from one of her drawers, but due to the darkness couldn't see what she was doing. She came back over to the bed and before he knew it she had handcuffed his hands, and then raised them over his head and attached them to the bed post. His arms were now secured to the bedpost and he was a little curious what his mother was going to do. His now rubbed shaving cream over his chest, legs, and crotch. She slowly and meticulously shaved all the hair from his body. She made sure to get his ass and made it nice and smooth. She washed the cream off him with a washcloth.

She then took the clothes out of the bag. First she put the red lacy bra on him and clasped it behind his back. It was one of those bras with a very lifelike feeling padding in each breast, making it look like her son had a pair of nice breasts. She then pulled on the silky red panties she had bought for him. It was weird but Steve actually enjoyed the feel of the smooth material against his crotch. She then started licking his cock through the silk panties, running her tongue slowly up and down his shaft. It felt amazing to Steve, her warm tongue against the thin fabric. She then pulled the plaid skirt onto him, and it fit perfectly falling midway between his crotch and knees.

“I'm going to un-cuff you and take you out for a little bit, I want you to be treated like a slut, just like you treated me.” Mary sweetly said to him while freeing his arms. She helped him stand up and pulled the tight white shirt over his head. It was low cut and you could see the bra sticking out from under the shirt, as well as his fake but convincing cleavage. She then placed a pair of flip flops on her sons feet. She then secured the blond wig to his head and fixed the hair a little bit. She had to admit her son was kind of hot looking as a girl, and as she looked him up and down they kissed. His mother felt his fake tits, enjoying the feeling of soft flesh encased in a silk bra. He looked very convincing as a woman: his smoothly shaved body, nice tits, and sexy outfit completed the picture. Steve still had a baby face so he didn't appear very masculine, in fact his face was kind of pretty. He had skinny legs and they looked great freshly shaved.

The two of them left the house and got into her SUV. Steve asked where they were headed as they pulled away from the house, but Mary said it was a surprise. She was taking him to a local club / bar called Lucky's. It attracted some rough people sometimes but things there were usually pretty peaceful. People were too busy getting drunk, high, stoned, or fucking to start a fight at this particular bar. The booths had high walls giving people a small bit of privacy to do what they wanted. People would fuck on the dance floor, the booths, back hallways, and the bathrooms. The place had been around forever and one night when Mary was 22 she had went there. She ended up fucking a big black guy in one of the booths while his friends sat on the other side of the booth and watched.

When she and her son walked into the bar it wasn't crowded because it was a week night. There were a few guys sitting at the bar, several people dancing on the floor, and two couples occupying the booths. A couple of guys turned to look at the two women enter the bar, most of the ones that looked thought they were sisters. Mary led her son over to a sofa near the dance floor and both of them took a seat. They ordered drinks and a waitress returned with them shortly. No one questioned the age of Steve, assuming they were sisters separated by a few years, but both of them most certainly of legal age to drink.

Mother and son sat for awhile nursing their drinks and watching the dancers. About ten minutes after they received their drinks two attractive looking me approached them and asked if they would like to dance. The men were of average height and in good shape. Mary did all the speaking and said they would join them on the dance floor. The music playing was techno type dance music, and the two pairs danced closely. Each of the men were grinding their hips against Mary and her son. The man Mary was dancing with grabbed her ass, and sensing no resistance kept kneading it. The other man seeing this did the same to Steve, cupping his tight young ass in both hands. Mary watched the other man fondle her son in drag as the man she was dancing with did likewise. The man started licking Steve's neck and then kissed him on the lips, using his tongue to search the boys mouth. The couples danced close together, and to excite the two strangers Mary and her son kissed each other deeply. The men loved this because they thought they had found two bisexual girls. Mary leaned over to the man that was dancing with her son and handed him the small bottle of KY she had bought. “Melanie here likes it up the ass” she whispered into the mans ear, sticking her tongue in his ear as she did.

Steve was led to a back hallway by the strange man. There was a single stool in the empty and not well lit hallway that the man took him to. Steve and the man began making out, sucking each others ears and neck, and then back to a tight lip lock. The man reached under Steve's short skirt and begin rubbing his ass. The panties had a thong in the back and the man's hands caressed Steve's almost bare ass. The front of the panties were lacy and large enough to cover his cock, plus the man was pretty drunk and horny and wouldn't notice anything. The man grabbed at Steve's fake tits, and pinched the nipples through the tight top. Steve and the man were still kissing and fondling each other when the man turned Steve around and bent him over the stool that was left in this deserted hallway. Steve was still pretty tipsy so he allowed the man to position his body any way he liked.

The stranger lifted Steve's short plaid dress revealing the string of the thong running between his teenage ass cheeks. The man pulled his dick out and lubed it up with the KY that Mary had provided him. Steve was afraid of what was about to happen, this man was going to fuck his asshole. The buzz gave Steve the courage to stand there with his ass in the air facing this stranger's lubricated dick. The man pulled aside the the red thong string and started rubbing his lotion covered cock in Steve's ass crack. The drunk man slowly inserted his cock into Steve's incredibly tight asshole. The man continued to stretch his virgin asshole while Steve squirmed in his grasp. After awhile it started actually feeling good to Steve, and he started rocking back and forth on the man's cock. The man started fucking Steve faster, and then Steve felt the warm rush of cum into his asshole. A few minutes later the man withdrew his flaccid penis, causing cum to run down Steve's legs.

As Steve and the man walked back to the bar area he noticed his mother. She was on the dance floor, between two guys getting fucked right there. The man fucking her asshole was grabbing her exposed tits and the other man was kissing her passionately. Steve knew this was going to be a great night.

Thanks to all the people that emailed me or reviewed my story. Please keep the comments coming, I only write for you guys so if I don't here anything I dont write. Please email you suggestions and comments to

A Hot Spring Day - REPOST

FilthyDirtyOne on Incest Stories

A Hot Spring Day by FilthyDirtyOne (

Chapter 1 – A Steamy April Shower

To a 15 year old boy, today was one of the best days of the year. The air had smelled crisper when he awoke this morning, practically leaping out of bed. The boy's name was Steve and today was the last day of school. Since it was the last day, they had only half of a day and he would be free by lunchtime. He passed the day at school talking excitedly with friends about their plans for the summer, where they were going, who they wanted to fuck, etc. Steve was still a virgin, as were most of his friends and he desperately hoped to change that this summer. Before he knew it the final bell had rang and the school emptied its students to awaitin

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g buses and cars.

Steve's mother was waiting in front of the school in her new SUV her husband had bought her. She had always driven a piece of crap, and since her husband was making a lot more money she begged him for a new vehicle. He surprised her the previous year with a black Yukon, fully loaded and included tinted windows. She was thrilled with her gift, and repaid her husband well that night for his thoughtfulness. They were the perfect family, wife Mary just turned 37, and husband Bob was 40. Steve was their only child, the family struggled financially at first but after a series of promotions Bob was making a comfortable living.

“Hi Mom”, Steve said as he stepped into the idling truck. Steve looked over his mother, who he recently started fantasizing about. She was still young, and in excellent shape from working out several times a week. It made him smile seeing such a tiny woman behind the wheel of this large vehicle, as she was only 5'3. Mary was wearing a part of short, white spandex shorts, and a tight blue halter top which squeezed her breasts. Her long dirty blond hair was pulled back in a pony tail, and if she didn't look closely you might mistake her as a teenage girl.

“Hi sweety, how was your last day?”, his mother asked as she pulled out of the parking lot.

“Great Mom, I'm so glad to be done.”

“I packed some lunch and I figured we would go over to the park for a little since it's so nice outside”, Mary said.

“Sounds great to me, anywhere but school”, Steve said enthusiastically.

They arrived a few minutes later at a state park near their house. The park was large and both Mary and her son were quite familiar with it. She drove directly to their favorite spot, a very secluded area of the park down a road that you would miss if you didn't know it was there. Very rarely did they see any people there, aside from the occasional hiker. She parked next to the small pavilion that lay in the center of a clearing in the middle of the dense forest. They quickly ate their lunch, and after cleaning up Mary laid out on a towel she had brought with them. As Mary read a romance novel, Steve went on a hike through the woods enjoying the beautiful spring day. Steve took a short path that circled around and brought him back to the clearing. On his return to the pavilion he was surprised to see two men ahead of him on the same path, they looked to be around 20 – 25. The two men didn't notice Steve as they were talking to each other. Steve heard them discussing a sexy woman they had just seen laying out, and all the dirty things they wanted to do to her. After hearing their description of the woman he realized that they were talking about his mother. The men finally spotted Steve and halted their sexual banter, and all three were silent as they passed one another. Steve noticed the men where kind of scruffy and shady looking, but he paid little attention to them at the time and continued down the trail.

When Steve got back to the clearing, he couldn't help but notice how hot his mom looked. She was laying flat on her belly reading a book. As he approached her from the front he could see down her shirt, and the sight of her perfect cleavage and the top of her breasts made him immediately hard. He could see no tan lines so he assumed that she tanned in the nude. He could see the outline of a thong through her tight spandex shorts which clung to her tight ass.

“You ready to leave honey?”, my mother said as she sat up cross-legged, stretching the already tight material of her shorts.

“Sure mom”, Steve said as he helped his mother gather her things and pack them in the car. They drove home making small talk about his plans for the summer. That night was like any other in their household. Mary made dinner for the three of them which they ate while talking. They all got along well and conversation flowed easily. Bob was leaving early the next morning on business, so as Steve went to bed he bid his son farewell. That night as Steve lay in bed he heard the springs of his parents mattress creaking fast and loud. It turned him on and made him jealous at the same time to think of his father pounding away at his mother's pussy.

The next morning Steve woke up early while his mother was still at the airport with his father. He went into his parent bedroom, and then into their private bathroom. On the floor he found a red silky bra and a tiny red silk thong (probably the one she had been wearing at the park). His dick got hard as he imagined his mother in her thong, and rubbing her pussy through the scant material. He brought the panties to his nose and smelled the scent of cum (which he knew from jerking off) and the soon to be identified scent of pussy. The front of the panties were crusted with his fathers semen from the previous night. Steve returned to his room and jerked off thinking of his mother and her Victoria's Secret panties. He cleaned up after he was finished and went back to sleep. Several hours later he was awakened by his mother knocking on his door.

“Time to wake up sleepyhead, its almost 11:00. I made you some breakfast.”, his mother said at his door.

“OK, I'll be right down mom”, he sleepily said.

After eating the pancakes his mother made for him, they both decided to exercise. They had just gotten digital cable so they had several workout programs to chose from on-demand. They selected a yoga type workout that incorporated a lot of stretching and some aerobic activity. They went off to their separate rooms to change into workout clothing. When Steve returned to the living room he noticed his mother was wearing tight spandex pants that came down just below her knee. Somehow these pants seemed even tighter than her spandex shorts of the previous day. She had on a tight white sports bra which held her large tits in place.

The workout started with very basic stretching and it felt great to both of them. Steve would occasionally steal glances at his beautiful mother, bending over in her impossibly tight outfit. He could tell that she wasn't wearing any panties today, and he could see the outline of her perfect ass. After the program was over, his mother turned off the TV and lay down on the floor.

“Help me stretch my legs honey, lay down on my leg for me.”

My mother raised one of her legs in the air and had me press it towards her head against her body. She breathed in and out heavily as she got deeper into the stretch, and Steve's chest was now close to his mother's. His crotch was now pressed against the tight fabric of her pants. Steve was worried his mother might feel his cock getting harder. She then switched legs and his crotch was once again pressed against his mothers. This time he applied more pressure, and slowly moved his now rigid dick against her spandex covered pussy. Mary inhaled deeply as she felt his cock press against her, and she couldn't help the fact that it felt good. As she exhaled she softly moaned as her son continued to apply pressure to her crotch. Mary knew she had to stop this or she was going to get wet, and from her own son. She told him to get up and they ended their workout, Mary headed off to her room to shower and cool down.

Steve was so horny right now, his mind started scheming. He had heard his mothers soft moan and knew she had felt his dick. He followed silently behind her, watching as she entered her bedroom and then their private bathroom. She only partially closed the door to her bathroom so the steam from her shower could escape. Steve crept into their bedroom and had a perfect view of his mother through the slightly open bathroom door. First he watched her peel off the tight sports bra, revealing her large tits, which were tanned like the rest of her body. Even though her breasts were large, they were still quite firm looking. His mother, oblivions to his presence leaned over the sink and began washing her face. He could see the cheeks of her ass through her tight, white spandex pants. His mother finished washing her face and walked over to the shower, which was directly in Steve's line of sight. She turned on the shower, which had a clear glass sliding door. Mary then pulled down her spandex pants, revealing her perfectly shaped ass to her horny teenage son. In the brief moment she stood outside the shower naked, Steve marveled at her amazing body. She was a tiny woman without any extra fat, slightly tanned, and glistening with sweat.

Mary was now satisfied that the shower would be warm enough, but just enough to take the chill away. When she stepped in the shower, Steve saw her visibly shudder from the coldness of the water. He watched as she lathered up her body, when she bent over to soap up her legs she gave him a great view of her ass and pussy lips from behind. He slowly rubbed his cock as she soaped up her tits and pussy. He decided no matter what he must touch her now, the whole scene was just too enticing after rubbing his large cock against her while they exercised. Steve had made up his mind to fuck his mother, he was so horny he felt as if he were under a spell that drew him to her.

Steve shed his clothes and entered the bathroom silently while his mother's back was turned towards him. She didn't hear him slide open the shower door because of the noise of the water. He entered the shower and touched her backing, making her jump and drop the soap on the floor of the shower.

“What the hell are you doing Steve?”, his mother demanded.

“My shower is broken and I needed to shower after that workout.”

“I don't want you seeing me like this, I'm your mother”, she pleaded with him.

“I'm sorry mom, please don't be mad at me. I just couldn't take sitting around all sweaty like that in the heat”, he knew it sounded like a stupid excuse.

“Well just move out of the way so I can grab the soap”, she said as she bent over in front of him. This was the closest he had seen a naked woman, and there was no way possible he could hide his erection from her.

“Here let me was your hair for you mom, I remember doing that when I was a little boy and we took showers at the gym. You would kneel down so I could wash your hair for you.”

“Well OK, I guess it was sweet when you did it when you were younger.”

Since I had gotten in the shower my mother had remained facing away from me, with her hands covering her breasts. I grabbed the bottle of shampoo and squeezed a little dab on my hand, which I began working into her scalp. As he rubbed the shampoo into her hair, he massaged her head and temples. As he shampooed her head he moved closer behind her, the head of his cock rubbing against the crack of her ass. Mary felt so guilty for enjoying the feeling, and she knew she shouldn't be in the shower naked with the teenage son. She was able to justify it by saying it was just a harmless shower, and besides they were family. She resisted the urge to moan during his shampooing, and kept both hands over each of her breasts. She could feel his cock brushing against her ass, but she tried not to pay attention to it.

He told her to turn around and wash it out so he could use the conditioner. She did as she was told, forgetting about covering her breasts she removed her hands and started rinsing out her hair. Her large naked breasts were less than a foot away from him, her nipples rock hard from the coldness of the water. Steve reached out and began to gently massage her nipple.

“Stop it, I'm your mother. Your going to condition my hair and then I am getting out, no more touching”, Mary chastised him.

“OK mom, sorry about that”

She turned back around and put her hands over her breasts again. He repeated the same process of lathering and massaging with the conditioner. She quickly rinsed out her hair, and stepped out of the shower. Mary grabbed a towel to wrap around her body, but it only just covered her tits and the top of her ass. Steve watched his mother try to conceal her body as she walked into her room. Steve shut off the shower, got out and dried off quickly. He walked into his parents room where his mother had just picked out a pair of panties and matching bra to change into. When Mary saw Steve walk in the room she tried futilely to hide her lacy purple underwear from him. She started going through her dresser looking for a pair of pants. Steve walked up behind his mother and wrapped his arms around her in a gentle, but firm embrace.

“I love you mom”, he said as he hugged her towel-clad still wet body.

“I love you too, sweetie”, Mary said caught off-guard by her son's expression of emotion. She then felt his hands moving up towards her breasts, kneading at the skin beneath the towel. His hands groped at her tits, gently rubbing her still hard nipples.

“Steve, what the hell has gotten into you today? Stop right now or I'm calling your father” she snapped at him. She struggled to free herself from her sons grip but he was much bigger than her. He didn't hold her tightly, just firmly enough so she couldn't get free. He struggling actually pushed her tits harder into her sons horny hands. Once again she could feel her son's hard cock pressing into her ass crack. He wrapped one arm around her and with the other hand he picked up the sexy purple panties she had picked out.

“I'm sure these look amazing on you mom. You are the most beautiful women I have ever seen.”, said Steve while rubbing her panties across her cleavage, enjoying the feel of the silky material against his skin. He then tried rubbing the panties lower, towards her nipples. As he pushed down the towel her mind raced as she tried to hold it up. He was able to overpower her and work the towel down so one of her hard nipples was exposed. He rubbed and pinched her nipples through the pair of lacy purple panties in his hand.

“Please stop, you can't do this to me. I'm your mother, please Steve”, his mother pleaded with him.

“I can't help myself mom, you are too good looking to resist. I love you so much, and I want you to be my first.”

“Nooo, please no.” said Mary with tears in her eyes.

Steve disregarded her protests as he dropped the panties back onto the dresser. He then grabbed each of her arms, turned her around and pushed her onto the bed. Mary tried desperately to keep the towel covering as much of herself as possible as she fell back onto the bed. Steve got on top of her and pinned her arms and legs down. As he climbed onto her he let his towel fall off to reveal his completely naked body and erect cock. His mother struggled with him, but she was no match for his size and strength. Steve was able to move the towel to the side, exposing both of her tits and a small part of her pussy. While still holding her hands down and straddling her, he begin sucking on her erect nipples. Mary kept trying to push him off but it was useless. His hands roamed all over her body, squeezing and pinching as they went along. She could feel her son's large erection pressed against her belly. It scared her to think what he was going to do to her, he wasn't going to actually fuck his mother was he?

“Please don't do this baby, this is incest. Your father will kill us both.”, she sobbed, pleading her son to stop molesting her naked body. Steve then tried kissing his mother on the lips, but she held them shut tight. He licked hear ears and down her neck, then to her nipples and back again. She then felt him slide down her body as she sobbed “No,no,no, please no”. Steve grabbed his hard cock and began rubbing it up and down her cunt, which was cleanly shaved. As he felt the wetness of her pussy he smiled, she may not be into it yet but her body seemed to be. He rubbed his cock against her clit, being lubricated by her own pussy juices. He could hear her breath quicken as he increased the speed of his dick against her. She was so wet he heard a soft slurping sound as his dick ran across her pussy.

His mother continued her protest in vain, and her pleas were growing weaker and weaker. The motion of his throbbing cock against her pussy was getting her worked up, the head of his dick was wet with her juices. Steve slowly inserted his cock into his mothers wet pussy, despite her crying and begging for him to stop. At first he only stuck the head of his cock in, and then pulled it back out. He repeated this motion rhythmically, her pussy was so warm and moist. Steve then slid the entire 8” of his cock inside his mother, and now instead of a “no” she let out a soft moan. He sat for a few seconds with his cock buried up to his balls inside his mother. He couldn't believe how tight her pussy was, it felt like it was pulsing and squeezing his cock. Steve leaned forward and started sucking on his mother's ear and neck. Then he went back to her mouth, at first softly kissing her lips. He slowly rocked his cock in and out of her wet cunt. Steve then tried sticking his tongue into his mother's mouth, this time she just let out a sigh and opened her mouth. Their tongues met in a passionate and forbidden kiss between son and mother. The passionate kiss lasted for several minutes while they explored each other's mouths. His mother was now breathing rapidly, and occasionally little moans or squeals would escape her mouth muffled by their kiss.

Mary couldn't believe what was going on. She was getting raped by her son in her own home, in her very own bed. The worst part was she knew she was enjoying it. The kiss with Steven had been hotter than any her and her husband had shared for years. She knew her pussy was soaking wet, and that probably only encouraged her son. He was now fucking her quickly and roughly, with an enthusiasm her husband never had. He could hear his balls slapping against his mothers ass as he thrust into her rapidly. Mary was about to cum, and she started bucking her hips up to meet the thrust of her son.

“Oh God Steve, I'm going to cum. Keep fucking mommy, I want to cum on your dick” his mother yelled in between moans.

“Your pussy is so tight mom, I want to feel you cum all over my cock”, he shouted back as he was impaling his sexy mother repeatedly. Suddenly she grabbed tightly onto him, and her pussy locked around his dick in a series of spasms. She started screaming and bucking her hips wildly. Steve felt the rush of liquid fill his mothers cunt, it was warm and had the consistency of water. Mary's orgasm lasted for almost a minute, the entire time her pussy gushed her sweet cum. Steve kept pumping away at her and was amazed at the amount of liquid coming out of her. He looked down and saw that the sheet beneath her was soaked with her fluid. Mary started relaxing as the climax subsided, and started to lick her son's ear. While Steve continued fucking her, he could hear the liquid sloshing around inside her pussy and it became very noisy. Steve felt his balls tighten as he fucked his mother's tight, drenched pussy. He pounded her furiously, her cum oozing out of her slit and onto the bed.

“Pull out before you cum, baby. I'm not on the pill.”, Mary told her son.

But Steve seemed not to hear her at all and just kept fucking her sloppy, wet pussy. He then let out a load groan as he shot wad after wad of his semen deep into his mothers pussy. He kept thrusting in and out of her, and on each forward thrust he came more inside of her.

“Steve if you get me pregnant, your dead. I can't believe you just did that.”, his mother screamed at him as she pushed him off of her. She quickly ran to the bathroom and he watched her use toilet paper to try and get the globs of his cum out of her cunt. Steve left the room and went to his bed and took a well deserved nap.

Chapter 2 – Dirty Dinner

After that steamy shower that April afternoon Steve and his mother didn't discuss it at all. The week before his father came back was pretty normal, but the conversation between mother and son was somewhat strained. The two of them talked, but kept it to small talk and didn't joke with each other which was unusual. They both felt a little awkward around each other, but both new the secret must remain hidden.

Bob returned home from his business trip on a Friday evening. Both Steve and Mary hopped into the SUV and met him at the airport. Then they went to a local Italian restaurant, which was his father's favorite. The had gotten a booth in the back corner of the restaurant, which was only dimly lit by candles on each of the tables. Steve and his mother sat on one side of the booth as was normal because his father was a bigger guy.

“You look amazing tonight hun”, Bob said as he sat down across the table from the two of us. I had to agree with my dad, my mom looked pretty amazing. She had on black high heels, a short black skirt, and a tight white halter top that showed off her tits. We ordered our food and ate, which we all agreed was excellent. Steve's father got up to use the restroom after the waiter collected our plates and returned with our change. When Bob said he was going to the bathroom two things were known: he would be gone for at least ten minutes and you should avoid going in there after him at all cost. When his father left Steve decided this was the perfect opportunity to touch his mother again, she couldn't raise too much of a fuss with his father only a room away. The place was perfect setting, the candles barely lit up the large room, especially the back corner they were in. There were also long table clothes that fell down over your lap, which were excellent to obscure his dirty actions. As they waited for Bob to return they sat in silence, each occasionally sipping their drink.

Steve put his plan into action by putting his hands on his lap underneath the table cloth. His mother took no notice to this but she did look up with wide eyes when he places a hand on her thigh.

“What are you doing, your father is going to kill you when he comes back to the table” his mother warned him. He knew her warning was fake because if she told him they both would be in trouble. Steve slipped his hand lower and put slid it up her short black skirt. Her legs were so warm and soft due to the lotion she rubbed on after her showers. Steve could see sheer terror in his mother's eyes as she wondered what he was going to do. He caressed her thigh up towards her panties which felt soft and lacy, but very tiny. He started rubbing her pussy through the thin material of the panties. She tried to slide away from him but she was on the inside of the booth and had no where to go.

Steve shifted his mother's panties aside and found her clit. He was pleased to find that her pussy was already a little wet. He inserted one finger into her and she let out a soft gasp. He started fingering her pussy as everyone in the restaurant went about their business oblivious to the incestuous affair occurring in the dark corner. Steve now inserted two fingers and he saw his mother's eyes close as she released a low moan. He began vigorously finger fucking his mother in a crowded restaurant with his father in the bathroom, the whole thing made him hard as a rock. Steve heard his mother cooing under hear breath as her pussy reacted to his fingering. This continued for several minutes until his father returned. Steve did not remove his fingers as his mother thought he would, instead he increased the speed of his finger fucking. He was feeling his mother's wet pussy right across the table from his father. As they got up to leave the table Steve reluctantly removed his fingers from her pussy. They drove home and Steve jerked off once again thinking about his mother's hot pussy.

Chapter 3 – A Quiet Day at the Beach

A couple of days after the restaurant incident Steve and his mother decided to take a trip to the beach. They drove to a small public beach that was about half an hour away. When they arrived they setup blankets and the both of them laid out in the sun. Mary was absorbed in the book she was reading and Steve had a chance to stare at her body. She looked perfect in the sun wearing her small red thong bikini. Laying on her stomach with her elbows propped up and reading her book, giving Steve an excellent view of his mother's ass. They sun bathed for a couple hours and then packed up their stuff and returned to the car. On the way back to the car Steve walked behind his mother and admired the way her ass looked in her thong when she walked.

They got into her SUV and at the moment the doors were closed Steve decided this was the perfect place to fuck his mother again. The parking lot had several cars, and there was people coming and going but the dark tint of the window should provide enough privacy.

Steve leaned over and started playing with his mother's tits through the silky fabric of the bikini. He felt her nipples harden almost immediately. This time she gave him no resistance as he knelt next to her, moved her bikini top to the side and started licking her nipples. Mary softly moaned as she gave in to her son's lust. He completely removed her top, exposing her luscious breasts. He alternated between the two nipples, sucking hard on them both. His mother moaned and writhed as his hands searched the soft flesh of her body.

Mary's son grabbed her bikini thong and she lifted her hips up so he could pull them off. Mary now sat in her Yukon completely naked next to her teenage son who was now stripping also. Mary moved to the bench seat behind the front seats and spread her legs willingly for her son. Steve was pleased how quickly his mother turned into a little slut for him.

“Come fuck me Steve, I need your cock in me” his mother moaned to him. Steve quickly stripped off his bathing suit and joined his mother on the middle seat. They started kissing passionately while he massaged her breasts and she grabbed his dick. She began jerking her son off while he sucked on her erect nipples, causing her to sigh. Steve then moved on top of his mother and positioned his dick over her awaiting pussy. He quickly thrust into her, causing her to deeply inhale and moan at the same time. Steve was now fucking the shit out of his mother in the back of her SUV in a parking lot. They were both kissing, moaning, and grabbing each other in lust.

Steve felt his balls tighten again, this time he pulled out his cock. His mother immediately leaned forward and began hungrily sucking it, licking off her own sweet pussy juices.

“I want to taste your cum baby, fill up momma's mouth” his mother said in between gulps of his cock. Suddenly Steve's cock began erupting into his mother's mouth, almost instantly filling it with his hot spunk. She did a great job of swallowing as much of it as possible, but there was just too much too quickly, so some of it dribbled down her chin and onto her tits. His mother kept milking his cock for what felt like minutes while stream after stream of hot cum squirted into her mouth. After she was done she used her fingers to wipe up the cum on her chest and licked it off them.

“Thanks mom, that felt incredible”, Steve said as he leaned down and kissed his mother again. The two of them road home silently listening to the radio, both exhausted from their public fuck. Mary couldn't believe she had just fucked her son for the second time, and this time she almost wanted it.

Chapter 4 – A Picnic That Left Everyone Full

It was another perfect spring day when Mary woke up, she decided while still in bed to go the park with her son. She had wanted to get some reading done and Steve always enjoyed hiking through the large park. At breakfast the two of them discussed the trip to the park, which Steve was enthusiastic about. Mary cleaned up after breakfast and packed a light picnic for them. An hour later they arrived at the park ready to enjoy the day. His mother laid out reading his book on her towel as Steve took off down one of his usual paths. As he was walking he passed one of the twenty-something year olds he had seen a couple of weeks ago. This time he was alone, but it was definitely one of the guys talking about fucking his mother. They nodded to each other as they walked by each other on the path. Steve continued his walk for a little, but had an odd feeling about the guy. Something just seemed strange about him. He decided to walk back on another trail that would bring him to the same clearing and pavilion area where his mother was.

When he got close to the clearing he ducked behind some foliage and looked around. He saw the man he had just passed standing by the entrance to the other path. The man was looking at his mother laying on her towel and was oblivious to Steve. He saw the man rubbing his crotch as he watched his sexy mother. Today she was wearing tiny little blue denim shorts and a tight white shirt that revealed a thin strip of her belly. She lay on her belly as usual and gave both men a great view of her tits.

Steve watched as his mother got up and went into the bathroom next to the small pavilion. He then saw the other man leave the woods and walk swiftly towards the bathroom. When the man had entered the bathroom Steve ran towards it and stood on a trash can so he could see through the high windows. Steve had a perfect view of the entire bathroom. He saw his mother in one of the stalls with her denim shorts around her ankles, peeing. The man now silently locked the bathroom door behind him so no one else could enter. He then walked over the the second stall where my mother was. The locks in the door were old and barely worked so he just pushed the door of the stall open.

“What are you doing in here!” my mother screamed in terror at the intruder. The man said nothing to her as he lifted her off the toilet by both arms and set her on the back part of the toilet. She was still urinating so pee ran down her thighs and onto the toilet seat below her. The man laughed at this as he dropped his pants. My dick was hard as I watched my mother sitting on the back of a toilet, naked from the waist down with only a tiny shirt covering her tits, and piss running down her finely tanned legs.

The man approached his mother with this throbbing cock standing out in front of him. Holding back my mother's legs, he inserted his cock into her pussy. My mother began screaming “no” and “please don't” repeatedly. She struggled and pushed against the stranger but it was no use. He began violently fucking her as he pulled up her shirt and grabbed her tits roughly. Steve could hear the sound of his mother's ass hitting the back of the wall as the man plowed into her. She continued her screaming and struggling against this violent attack. The man kept fucking her as he mauled her tits and tried kissing her. The man suddenly grabbed tightly on to her ass as he came inside her pussy. The man grunted for several minutes and then withdrew his now limp dick from her. Steve watched as the man pulled up his pants and left the bathroom. Steve watched as his mother wiped up and pulled up her panties and shorts, wiping away tears from her eyes.

Steve walked back down the path he had came from and finished his hike. He returned to the pavilion and they ate their picnic lunch. Both said nothing about the incident in the bathroom, his mother not even knowing her son had watched the assault. The day at the park ended without any further incident.

Chapter 5 – Boys Night In

A couple of days after the bathroom incident Steve's father left town again on some business. Steve decided to take his fun with his mother to another level. He called up a friend of his named Mike and delicately explained the story of what had been going on with him and his mother. Steve was surprised to hear that Mike had also fucked his own mother on a trip to Washington. The two boys decided they would gang bang Steve's mother this night. The two boys decided to do it after dinner. The day passed slowly for Steve as he was anxious for the night to get started. He had told his mother that a friend was going to spend the night. Mary thought nothing of this and had no idea what her son had planned.

Mike arrived at six as planned, and Mary decided to order pizza for the three of them. After dinner the boys went into the living room to watch TV. After cleaning up the dishes, Mary went to her bedroom and showered. After her shower she rubbed her fruity smelling lotion all over her naked body. She rubbed it into her tits and nipples, down her soft thighs. Her fingers lingered around her pussy as she thought of the two time she had fucked her son. She figured none of that would be going on this evening as he had a friend over. It was probably a good thing too, she had been reconsidering the affair with her teenage son. She knew it was incest, and she felt so guilty for what they had done. Although she did enjoy it, they couldn't let it happen again. If Bob (husband) ever found out he would kill the both of them and probably divorce her, or worse. Mary decided just to avoid talking about it with her son, and if he tried anything again threaten to tell her husband.

Mary pulled on a pair of black thongs and a lacy Victoria's secret bra. Over top of that she put on her summer pajamas, which consisted of a small pair of red silk shorts and a silk red button up shirt. She combed her hair and admired her beautiful body in the mirror. She hadn't wanted to have sex with her husband before he left because the trauma of the bathroom rape was so fresh in her mind. She lied to her husband and said she had her period. She hadn't had sex for over a week and she was feeling a little horny. Her vibrator would be good company for her tonight, and she was determined to think only of her husband when using it. Mary walked downstairs and joined the boys on the couch. They were sitting on either end of the couch so she sat right in the middle of both of them.

Both boys watched greedily as Mary entered the living room and sat down. The shiny smoothness of her pajamas would make anyone want to touch her body. Both boys watched her cute ass as she sat down on the couch between them. It was dark in the room as the only light was the flicker of the television. Both boys were even more turned on by the sweet smell of the freshly cleaned woman beside them. While Mary was showering Steve had turned the air conditioning way down, and it was now a little chilly in the room. Both boys noticed her nipples harden through the silky material.

“Its kinda chilly in here” Mary said to her son while shivering. Steve agreed and got up and grabbed a blanket which he draped over the both of them. As Steve sat down he gently laid his hand in his mother's lap. Panic went through her mind, he wouldn't do anything with Mike here would he? Steve began massaging her thighs, and she pushed him off of her. He put his hand back on her and moved it further up her thigh. Mary was glad the blanket was giving them privacy, and Mike seemed to take no notice of what was going on. Steve moved his hand inside the loose leg of her pajama shorts, quickly finding her soft panties. He rubbed up and down the thin strip of black panties his mother wore. Steve then inserted one finger in her pussy and began slowly pushing it in and out of her. As he massaged her clit Mary stifled a moan. She tried once again to push his hand away, but he only put it right back. She didn't want struggle too much or Mike might look over. Steve intensified the finger fucking of his mother sitting on the couch in between him and his friend. He used his thumb to rub her clit, and Mary felt her legs unconsciously open wider. Mary couldn't help it but she was getting into this and a soft moan escaped her mouth.

Mary was so engrossed in the fingering she was receiving she didn't notice that Mike was watching her. Mike decided the time was right and reached over to caress his friend's mother's erect nipple and succulent breast.

“What the hell are you doing?” she yelled at Mike, looking back and forth between her son and his friend with a look of shock and disgust. With one hand she pushed Mike's hand off of her breast and with the other pushed her son away. Both boys put their hands back on her body and the blanket covering her legs fell to the ground. Mary yelled in terror as the two boys put their hands back where they had been. Mike was gently caressing her breast and nipple through the silky fabric of the nightgown. Steve's hand had moved aside her panties and shorts and was again playing with his mother's pussy. She looked down and with a shock saw that her silky black thong and part of her pussy was exposed clearly to both of the teenagers. Mike then began unbuttoning her thin pajama top, exposing her lacy black bra. She tried grabbing at the material of the shirt while trying to push Mike away, but it was useless. She couldn't defend herself against one horny male, let alone two. Her shirt was now completely unbuttoned revealing her luscious bra covered tits to both boys. Mike reached around behind her and unhooked her bra, it had no shoulder straps so it fell aside. Mike got down and began hungrily sucking on her nipple, alternating back and forth between the two of them while he rubbed each breast.

“Please boys, you have to stop this. I'm going to tell your father Steve and he will kill you when he gets home. And Mike, your mother and father won't be happy when they hear you tried to rape me” she yelled at the two boys. Mary's mind raced with the thought of what these two boys had planned. No matter how much she yelled or struggled both boys continued the violation of her body. Steve pulled down her the silky shorts and threw them on the floor, leaving her dressed only in a thin red pajama top which was wide open and a small pair of black thongs. Steve knelt down between his mother's legs and began licking her pussy, sucking her clit into his mouth and rubbing it lightly with his teeth. Between the tongue on her pussy and the one on her nipple Mary found herself getting excited. She was still horrified of the thought of these two boys ravaging her naked body. If anyone in the neighborhood found out her family would be ruined.

Mary continued to contest what the two boys were doing to her. She yelled at them, threatened them, pushed them away but nothing worked. What her son was doing to her pussy was making her legs weak and she felt unable to struggle any longer. Steve stopped licking her pussy long enough to pull her panties off, and Mary helped by lifting both legs in the air. She moaned when he resumed the licking of her cunt, and she pulled Mike's head closer into her breast as he sucked. Steve now had two fingers fucking in and out of her tight little pussy, which was totally shaved. He continued to use his tongue to rub and suck on his mother's swollen clit. His fingers slid easily in and out of her now that she was well lubricated. The boys switched positions now, and Mike begin eagerly lapping away at her wet pussy. Steve pulled the pajama top off, leaving her completely naked. Her son's hands squeezed her tits and rubbed her sensitive nipples. Steve and his mother locked in a passionate kiss, their tongues probing each other's mouths. As Mike licked her pussy he lubricated one of his fingers with her fluid and started rubbing it around her anus. Mary was surprised that she enjoyed the feeling of the outside of her ass being rubbed by his wet fingers. As Mike licked her pussy he slowly inserted his slick finger into her asshole, causing Mary to moan loudly in shock.

“Oh got that feels good Mike” Mary groaned as Mike pushed his finger farther into her asshole. He then slowly started finger fucking her asshole while eating her pussy. She had never had someone stick anything in her ass before and she was surprised she liked the sensation. Her husband had tried a couple of times but she quickly refused him. Mary scooted her ass down the couch a little and lifted her feet onto the couch, both spreading her pussy more and giving Mike better access to her asshole at the same time. Steve and his mother resumed their kiss, loudly sucking on each others mouths. Steve was so turned on watching his friend suck his mom's cunt and finger her ass, he pulled down his pants and stood up on the couch. Mary instantly grabbed her sons cock in her hand, gently stroking the shaft and working her way down to his balls. She delicately kissed the head of her sons cock, kissed it several times. Then she slowly began licking just the head, and opened her mouth and sucked it in. Using her hand she jerked him off and sucked and licked his head. She then took his large cock all the way in her mouth and started sucking him off like her life depended on it. Steve heard muffled sighs coming from his mother's mother as she sucked him off.

Mike stood up and removed his clothes, leaving all three completely naked. Mike then started rubbing his hard cock up and down her wet slit. Mike pushed his dick inside her pussy while Mary swallowed her sons cock, pausing only briefly to lick his balls. Mary furiously sucked her sons cock, almost gagging on it while Mike pounded away at her pussy.

“Your mom's pussy is so tight and wet Steve” Mike told his buddy while fucking his mom.

“Please don't cum inside he boys”, Mary said in between thrusts of her sons cock into her mouth.

“No problem mom”, Steve assured his mother, “Mike, I wast some of that pussy now”

Steve stood up and Mike slowly removed his dick from her sweet pussy. Mike sat down on the couch and Steve knelt between his legs. Steve had never done anything with another guy, but the site of his friends 8” cock glistening with his mom's cum made him horny. Steve took Mike's cock in his mouth and started to lick off his mothers sweet liquid. He then started blowing his friend while Mike and Mary made out. Steve took the cock out of his mouth and sat down next to his mother. Mary turned to her son and sat down on his dick, impaling herself on his long shaft. Steve took one of her tits and started sucking and biting her nipple. Mike was playing with his cock watching his friend fuck his mother, she was riding up and down on his cock fast. Sitting next to the fucking pair, Mike grabbed her ass and started kneading the tight flesh. He then licked his finger and stuck it into her ass again, causing her to gasp in pleasure. Mike knelt on the ground in between his friends legs. He starting licking Mary's asshole, darting his tongue in and out of her. Mary loved the feeling of his tongue in her while she fucked her son.

Mike stopped licking her ass and stood up, spit on his hand and lubricated his cock with it. He then rubbed it on Mary's anus, and slowly inserted his cock into her tight ass. Mary screamed loudly as he entered her from behind, and she sand down on her son's cock to get farther from the dick probing her ass.

“No, please don't fuck my asshole, your too big and its too tight” Mary yelled breathlessly. Mike didn't pay any attention to her and slowly fucked in and out of her butt, he reached around her and grabbed her tits roughly. Mary was moaning loudly, in a slight bit of pain as a cock stretched her virgin asshole. She couldn't believe her son's teenage friend was now fucking her asshole, a place she had even refused to let her husband fuck her. Up until a month ago she had never even cheated on her husband, now she was getting double teamed by her own son and his teenage friend. She was so turned on the pain in her ass was slowly turning into pleasure and she squeezed her nipples and moaned as she was fucked by two large cocks.

Both boys were groaning along with Mary, and Mike was the first to cum. Her ass was so tight it squeezed the cum out of his cock, filling her asshole with his sticky fluid. Mary moaned loudly as she felt the wonderful sensation of her ass being filled with hot cum. As Mike with drew his cock some of his cum dribbled down her ass. Mary was now frantically fucking her young son as she began to cum herself. As Mary's climax subsided Steve begin to shoot his load inside her.

“No Steve, not in my pussy, your gonna get me pregnant.” She yelled at him, but he ignored her and kept filling her with his spunk. After he finished Steve released his grip on his mother and she ran to the bathroom to wipe his cum out of her so she wouldn't get knocked up. The boys were exhausted and went to bed shortly after, dreaming of the wild night they had.

Mary sat in her bathroom and tried to get all of her son's cum out of her pussy. She couldn't get pregnant with his child. She began to cry as she thought of the events of the past month. First fucking her son, then getting raped by a stranger. She not only fucked her son once but several times. Tears flowed down her face as she thought of what a whore she was. She thought back in horror at how she had just fucked her son and his friend, and had been fucked up her ass also. Mary went to bed quietly sobbing from the thoughts of sin and guilt in her mind.

Chapter 6 – Mom's Revenge

The next morning Mary woke up late and had a quick breakfast. Steve was already up and mowing the lawn, Mike had gone home early that morning. Mary felt a little better than she did last night, although her ass was kind of sore. She was now kind of pissed that her son had brought a friend over and forced her to have sex with both of them. Mary decided it was time to take a little revenge on her son. She showered quickly and went out to the store to get some supplies for her plan. She picked up a set of handcuffs, a set of bra and panties that were larger than she would need, a short plaid skirt of the same size, a long blond wig, a dildo, and some KY jelly.

When Mary got home Steve was showering after mowing the lawn. She carried her stuff inside unnoticed and put them away for later. Her and her son at dinner as usual, making the normal small talk but nothing sexual. After the two of them finished the dishes Mary opened a bottle of wine. His mother was ordinarily strict about letting him have any alcohol, but tonight she poured each of them a glass. She filled Steve's twice as much as hers, she wanted him to be somewhat drunk for tonight. They sat on the sofa talking about movies and watching TV while they drank. In a little over an hour the bottle of wine was finished, the majority being consumed by Steve. Mary gave her son a devilish look and invited her son up to her bedroom. Steve readily followed her upstairs to her room. She was wearing her same red silk pajamas as last night, and as he walked behind her he marveled at her perfect ass.

They entered the room and Mary shut the light off and told her son to strip naked and lay down on the bed. Steve complied and was very excited about his mother taking charge. He felt pretty buzzed since he had little experience with alcohol, and this increased his lust for her. He heard his mother grabbing a plastic bag from one of her drawers, but due to the darkness couldn't see what she was doing. She came back over to the bed and before he knew it she had handcuffed his hands, and then raised them over his head and attached them to the bed post. His arms were now secured to the bedpost and he was a little curious what his mother was going to do. His now rubbed shaving cream over his chest, legs, and crotch. She slowly and meticulously shaved all the hair from his body. She made sure to get his ass and made it nice and smooth. She washed the cream off him with a washcloth.

She then took the clothes out of the bag. First she put the red lacy bra on him and clasped it behind his back. It was one of those bras with a very lifelike feeling padding in each breast, making it look like her son had a pair of nice breasts. She then pulled on the silky red panties she had bought for him. It was weird but Steve actually enjoyed the feel of the smooth material against his crotch. She then started licking his cock through the silk panties, running her tongue slowly up and down his shaft. It felt amazing to Steve, her warm tongue against the thin fabric. She then pulled the plaid skirt onto him, and it fit perfectly falling midway between his crotch and knees.

“I'm going to un-cuff you and take you out for a little bit, I want you to be treated like a slut, just like you treated me.” Mary sweetly said to him while freeing his arms. She helped him stand up and pulled the tight white shirt over his head. It was low cut and you could see the bra sticking out from under the shirt, as well as his fake but convincing cleavage. She then placed a pair of flip flops on her sons feet. She then secured the blond wig to his head and fixed the hair a little bit. She had to admit her son was kind of hot looking as a girl, and as she looked him up and down they kissed. His mother felt his fake tits, enjoying the feeling of soft flesh encased in a silk bra. He looked very convincing as a woman: his smoothly shaved body, nice tits, and sexy outfit completed the picture. Steve still had a baby face so he didn't appear very masculine, in fact his face was kind of pretty. He had skinny legs and they looked great freshly shaved.

The two of them left the house and got into her SUV. Steve asked where they were headed as they pulled away from the house, but Mary said it was a surprise. She was taking him to a local club / bar called Lucky's. It attracted some rough people sometimes but things there were usually pretty peaceful. People were too busy getting drunk, high, stoned, or fucking to start a fight at this particular bar. The booths had high walls giving people a small bit of privacy to do what they wanted. People would fuck on the dance floor, the booths, back hallways, and the bathrooms. The place had been around forever and one night when Mary was 22 she had went there. She ended up fucking a big black guy in one of the booths while his friends sat on the other side of the booth and watched.

When she and her son walked into the bar it wasn't crowded because it was a week night. There were a few guys sitting at the bar, several people dancing on the floor, and two couples occupying the booths. A couple of guys turned to look at the two women enter the bar, most of the ones that looked thought they were sisters. Mary led her son over to a sofa near the dance floor and both of them took a seat. They ordered drinks and a waitress returned with them shortly. No one questioned the age of Steve, assuming they were sisters separated by a few years, but both of them most certainly of legal age to drink.

Mother and son sat for awhile nursing their drinks and watching the dancers. About ten minutes after they received their drinks two attractive looking me approached them and asked if they would like to dance. The men were of average height and in good shape. Mary did all the speaking and said they would join them on the dance floor. The music playing was techno type dance music, and the two pairs danced closely. Each of the men were grinding their hips against Mary and her son. The man Mary was dancing with grabbed her ass, and sensing no resistance kept kneading it. The other man seeing this did the same to Steve, cupping his tight young ass in both hands. Mary watched the other man fondle her son in drag as the man she was dancing with did likewise. The man started licking Steve's neck and then kissed him on the lips, using his tongue to search the boys mouth. The couples danced close together, and to excite the two strangers Mary and her son kissed each other deeply. The men loved this because they thought they had found two bisexual girls. Mary leaned over to the man that was dancing with her son and handed him the small bottle of KY she had bought. “Melanie here likes it up the ass” she whispered into the mans ear, sticking her tongue in his ear as she did.

Steve was led to a back hallway by the strange man. There was a single stool in the empty and not well lit hallway that the man took him to. Steve and the man began making out, sucking each others ears and neck, and then back to a tight lip lock. The man reached under Steve's short skirt and begin rubbing his ass. The panties had a thong in the back and the man's hands caressed Steve's almost bare ass. The front of the panties were lacy and large enough to cover his cock, plus the man was pretty drunk and horny and wouldn't notice anything. The man grabbed at Steve's fake tits, and pinched the nipples through the tight top. Steve and the man were still kissing and fondling each other when the man turned Steve around and bent him over the stool that was left in this deserted hallway. Steve was still pretty tipsy so he allowed the man to position his body any way he liked.

The stranger lifted Steve's short plaid dress revealing the string of the thong running between his teenage ass cheeks. The man pulled his dick out and lubed it up with the KY that Mary had provided him. Steve was afraid of what was about to happen, this man was going to fuck his asshole. The buzz gave Steve the courage to stand there with his ass in the air facing this stranger's lubricated dick. The man pulled aside the the red thong string and started rubbing his lotion covered cock in Steve's ass crack. The drunk man slowly inserted his cock into Steve's incredibly tight asshole. The man continued to stretch his virgin asshole while Steve squirmed in his grasp. After awhile it started actually feeling good to Steve, and he started rocking back and forth on the man's cock. The man started fucking Steve faster, and then Steve felt the warm rush of cum into his asshole. A few minutes later the man withdrew his flaccid penis, causing cum to run down Steve's legs.

As Steve and the man walked back to the bar area he noticed his mother. She was on the dance floor, between two guys getting fucked right there. The man fucking her asshole was grabbing her exposed tits and the other man was kissing her passionately. Steve knew this was going to be a great night.

Thanks to all the people that emailed me or reviewed my story. Please keep the comments coming, I only write for you guys so if I don't here anything I dont write. Please email you suggestions and comments to

Mike and his mother visit DC

FilthyDirtyOne on Incest Stories

A mother and son find forbidden love on a trip to Washington Dc.
Some non-consenual, watersports, incest

   This is my first story so please be patient with me and I would love to hear your comments / criticism. This is a story of fantasy that I wish had happened. It begins when I was 13 or 14 and reached puberty, arousing my interest in the opposite sex. We were your typical family, my mother Jenna was 32 and my father was 2 years older than her. My name is Mike, and I had a sister Megan who is two years younger than myself. My mother was about 5'5, blond hair, with a beautiful body and large breats. She regularly went to the gym to keep in shape, and it showed.

   When I was 14 I discovered a pair of my moms panties in the
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clothes basket. This pair of lacy red thongs was clean, but just touching them made me hard. I went to my room that night and jerked off while looking at a Victoria's Secret catalog, picturing my mother in all the different types of panties.

   A week later I was lucky enough to find bra and panties that she had taken off before a shower and forgot to remove from the bathroom. These were black and silky matching bra and panties. I felt the smoothness of the panties and smelled them, the smell was something like sweat and sex. My dick became hard as I smelled her freshly used panties, and i lowered my pants and began to rub them against my rigid cock. The silky panties felt so good against my dick, and I could feel a trickle of pre-cum that I rubbed into her underwear. I once again returned to my room and jerked off thinking of my sexy, young mother.

   My growing lust for my mother led me to hanging around outside the bathroom while she was showering. I hoped to catch a glimpse of anything as she left the bathroom to get dressed in my their room. I was only able to see her clad in a towel wrapped tightly around her body, so I could only make out the bottoms of her legs dripping with water. These brief sights only caused my want for her to grow.

   My mother worked in the jewelry industry, so occasionally she went to conferences to buy new merchandise. A convention was coming up in Washington DC so she asked if I would like to come and see the city while she was doing business. I quickly agreed as I had never been there and thought it could be a fun trip, little did I know how fun.

   We left early one Friday morning, packing light as it would only be a 2 night stay. It took us about two hours to reach the Mariott in Washington. It was a very impressive hotel, and we were both pretty excited about our stay here. We checked in and found our room had one king size bed, which my mother said would'nt be a problem since it was only two nights.

   My mother immediately changed into a nicer outfit for the conference. She wore a red skirt with a tight black top, flesh colored panty hose and red high heels. I must say when she came out of the bathroom I was floored with how good she looked. My mother had to check in and do conference stuff all day, so I was left to roam the city alone. I visited the Air & Space museum and just walked around admiring the city. I returned to the hotel around dinner time and found a note saying that my mother was going to the conference dinner and wouldn't be back till 10. I ordered some room service and laid on the bed watching television.

   I must have dosed off because I was awakened in the dark by my mother fumbling with the room key. It was one of those swipe things, but the thing was pretty picky about how you slid the card. I got out of bed and oppended the door.

   "Hi, thanks for opening the door hun, this door card always gives me trouble." my mother said as she entered the room. I could smell alcohol on her and she sligltly slurred her words so I knew she had been drinking. She rarely drinks so a few glasses of wine and she is past buzzed.

   "No problem mom, did you have a good night?"

   "I had a great time, I saw a lot of jewelry I'm really excited to get into our store. The dinner was great, I wish you could have been there. I couldn't wait to get back up here and sit down and relax. So how was your day"

   "Not bad, I went to a museum, ordered room service and then watched some tv" I said as I laid back down on the bed again. The room was dark except for the flickering light of the television. My mother laid down on the bed next to me, still wearing her outfit of a short red skirt and sexy heels. The tightness of the shirt perfectly outlined her breasts, and I could make out the bra underneath. It made me hard just wondering which of her Victoria's Secret bras she was wearing tonight.

   "My feet are killing me, these shoes are so uncomfortable but I love them. I need to wear something different tommorow since I will be on my feet all day again."

   "Do you want a foot massage?" I innocently asked her, as I had done it for her years ago. Now I had a new interest in getting close to her beautiful stockinged feet.

   "Awww, that would be great sweetheart."

   I crawled to the foot of the bed and removed my mothers red heels. Her feet felt so good through the stockings she wore. I begin to slowly rub and massage her feet, concentrating on all the areas I knew were sore. I started out softly, but increased my pressure. My mother reacted by sighing, and I could see her eyes were now closed. I worked my way up her legs slowly, stopping midway between the knee and ankle. I softly massaged her lower legs and feet, as she became more relaxed she slid down on the bed a little and her legs parted slightly. If I got down low I could almost see all the way up her skirt.

   I got braver and crawled up next to her body, still rubbing her lower legs. I slowly began moving farther up her leg till I was rubbing the middle of her thigh. I was now so close to her crotch that I could smell what I had smelled on her panties. By now my dick was rock hard as I continued to rub her inner thigh gently, as I didnt want to alarm her. Occasionally I would look up at her shapely breasts that were moving with her breathing, fighting against the tightness of her shirt. The look on my mothers face was pure relaxation, her lips slighlty parted, eyes closed.

   While rubbing her inner thigh I began to put a small amount of pressure on her inner thigh, pushing her legs a little bit more open. Her body unconsciously complied, and her skirt rode up a little bit and now I could see the tops of the panty hose and just a little bit of her panties. Her panty hose was flesh colored thigh high, connected to a garter belt. Her panties were small white and lacy. I kept rubbing her thigh gently, massaging the muscles. I ran my hand over the tops of the thigh highs, and felt the small area of skin between them and her panties. I didn't go very high right now as I was honestly scared out of my mind. I was waiting for her to any second jump up and call my father. I couldn't stop though, I had gone too far, and my cock was just too hard to quit.

   My rubbing of her inner thigh intensified, as I slid my hand higher my knuckles brushed against her panties. I kept brushing against her lacy panties, very slightly at first, then applying a little more pressure. As I rubbed the back of my hand against her panty covered pussy, I heard a soft moan escape from her mouth, and her breathing was getting faster. I then got brave and moved my one hand to her panties as my other hand continued to massage her thigh. I very delicately ran my fingers over the lacy white panties, feeling the warmth and moistness of her pussy. I ran my fingers up and down her panties, feeling her wet lips beneath the thin fabric. I heard another moan from her, and I felt her hips push back against my fingers. She was actually enjoying this. I couldn't believe it, I was rubbing my hot mothers pussy, while she laid with her legs spread. I had to look her over again, wearing her thigh high stockings and a short black skirt that was now pushed up revealing her white lace panties.

   While my one hand continued to massage her inner thigh, I pushed aside her panties revealing my mothers beautifully trimmed, wet pussy. In the dark I could barely make out the light patch of pubic hair above her pussy. I ran my finger slowly up the outside of her pussy, over her clit and then felt the softness of her pubes. This time my mother moaned loader, pushing her head back into the pillow. I moved one finger slowly up and down her wet slit, making sure to touch her clitoris. My mother's breath quickened and I heard "mmmmmm". I used my other hand to hold her panties aside, and slowly inserted a finger into her pussy. I rubbed it around the opening of her hole, making sure I was nice and lubricated. I then stuck my finger almost all the way inside her, which was quite easy because of how wet she was.

   "Oh god that feels good", my mother slurred with her eyes still shut. I then inserted two fingers into her, and slowly pushing them in and out. I could feel her hips rising to meet my fingers with each thrust. I knelt in between her legs and lowered my head down, enjoying the overpowering scent of her pussy. I kissed up her inner thigh, and then slowly started kissing her wet lips. I kissed up and down her slit, I grabbed her terrific ass and pulled her pussy closer to my face as I began to lick her. I hear more moans and sighs from her as her breathing got quicker. Her hips continued their bucking motion, pushing her moist clit closer to my tongue. I buried my tongue into her pussy, causing her to squeal as I relentlessly ate her out.
   I knew she was coming close to orgasm, so I knew this was my best chance.   I quickly removed my sweat pants and boxers and crawled over top of my mother. She opened her eyes and looked at me in horror.

   "Oh god baby, I'm so sorry. I was a little drunk and got confused and excited when I shouldn't have. I'm your mother, we can't do this"

   I said nothing to her and started kissing her neck and ears while I was rubbing my cock against her wet slit. I could feel her big tits against me, and my dick was already covered in her precum mixed with my own. I began to squeeze her tits as I ran my tongue in her ear. She began to try to push me off of her, but since she was smaller and slightly drunk she wasn't very effective. As she struggled with me I pulled up her shirt and was finally able to see her breasts in one of her sexy bras, they were as perfect as I had imagined. I rubbed her tits with one hand as I used the other hand and my body weight to hold her down.
   "No Mike, please don't do this. Your father will kill us, plus this is incest. Its so wrong, please I'm your mother." She helplessly pleaded. I then kissed her softly on the lips, she turned away so I kissed her harder this time. I tried sticking my tongue into her mouth but she kept her lips tightly closed as she whimpered. I then slowly stuck the head of my cock inside her, and begin gently rocking back and forth. The shallow thrust and the angle I was at made my head rub directly against her clit. I tried kissing her again, she kept her mouth closed but didn't turn her head this time. I increased my rhythm and kissed her again, this time she opened her mouth and our tongues met in a passionate kiss. We kissed deeply and for a long time as she wrapped her arms around me, I thrust further into her and could feel her moan into my mouth. We stopped kissing and I reached around and undid her bra and removed it, revealing her amazing tits. Her nipples were hard as a rock, and I began to lick and suck on them.

   "Oh honey, that feels so good. Suck mommy's tits like you used to. Oh fuck, suck on my nipples hard, mmmm" my mother moaned in ectasy. I kept licking and sucking her nipples, biting on them causing her to squeal loudly and then moan with pleasure. I kissed her again, her tongue going wild in my mouth while my hands roughly grabbed her breasts. I was now fucking my full 8" deep inside of my mothers wet pussy, as I thrusted in I could hear our skin slapping together. The smoothness of her panty hosed legs felt incredible against my naked skin. I felt my mothers pussy clench my cock, and she wrapped her smooth legs around my body pulling me closer to her. "I'm cummmming baby, oh fuck yeah, keep fucking your mommy. Oh god I'm cumming now!" My mother screamed as her whole body tightened and her pussy started convulsing on my rigid cock. I could feel wave after wave of orgasm hit her, her pussy was now drenched with her cum.
   Now I could feel my balls tightening, I grabbed my mothers tights tightly, tweaking her nipples and causing her to yell. I fucked her pussy with incredible speed, and she knew I was close to cumming. "Please baby, don't cum in me, I'm not on the pill and I can't get pregnant with your child" she pleaded with me. I ignored her request and kept fucking her, kissing her on the lips and playing with her nipples. I then came inside her, it must have been the biggest orgasm I ever had. I shot loads of cum inside my mother as she writhed under my cock. I kept fucking in and out of her while I was cuming. I finally finished filling my mother with my load and we laid there is silence for a few minutes. I then pulled my now soft cock out of her and lay down next to her. The sight of my mother laying there with her tits hanging out, legs spread and my cum leaking out of her pussy and running down her ass was incredible. My mother passed out in about 10 minutes without speaking a word to me or getting up to clean my jizz out of her. I noticed her nipples and breasts were red from where I was biting and grabbing at them. It turned me on to think of my mother sleeping with her pussy full of my cum, and with that wonderful thought I fell asleep.

   The next morning I woke up and my mother was already dressed. She had the look on her face that she wanted to talk to me about something.

   "Goodmorning Mike, before I go I just wanted to talk to you about last night. What we did was horrible and an accident, I should have never let myself get so carried away. We need to keep this between us as a one time mistake, because your father would kill both of us. I don't blame you at all and I'm not mad, but nothing like that will ever happen again." my mother said, her eyes filling with tears.

   "Ok mom, I'm sorry, I guess I just got a little carried away too."

   "Well I won't be home till dinner, so if you want we could go get something to eat together."

   "Sounds great mom, see you later" I said to my mother as she walked out the door. I felt bad for upsetting my mother, but I knew she enjoyed it just as much as I had. I spent the day laying around watching tv, but not really paying attention to it. I was mostly thinking about my mother and how I wanted to do the same things to her again. I slept on and off, showered, ate some room service and just thought.

   I decided around 5:30 to take a shower, while I was showering I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

   "Mike, it's me. I have to go pee, stay in the shower so I can come in and use the bathroom."

   "Ok, Its open mom, I'm in the shower."

   "Stay in the shower, no funny business today. I just can't hold it any longer" my mother said as she entered the bathroom. It was just my luck that there was a mirror directly accross from the toliet, in which I would be able to get a perfect view of my mother. I pretened to keep showering, and made small talk about her day. I saw in the mirror my mother enter the bathroom and lift the toliet lid. She was wearing a white mini-skirt, white blazer, and a navy blue tube top that showed off great cleavage. My mother replied to my questions and again reminded me to keep my eyes averted while she was in there.

   In the mirror I saw her take off her white high heels and then strip off her white panty hose. She then lifted her skirt and dropped her little black thong panties to the floor and sat on the toliet. I could hear the piss hit the toliet as I watched my mother urinate. I had a perfect view of her pussy and the stream of piss from it. My mother was too preoccupied with holding up her skirt to notice me. Once she was finished she wiped, pulled her panties up and flushed the toliet. I then saw her walk over to the sink. I was so turned on by watching her pee for some reason.

   As she was washing her hands I got out of the shower, leaving it on. She didn't notice me coming up behind her because of the noise of running water in the room. I grabbed her around the waist and started to squeeze her tits.

   "Please Mike, We can't do this again. This is wrong, its incest. I'm your mother and we aren't going to do this." my mother begged. I held her hands down on the counter of the bathroom sink, and then I slid her panties down her.

   "Noo, I'm going to tell your father. He is going to kill you when he finds out." my mother was screaming at me. I started to play with her pussy while she was still facing away from me. I rubbed her clit and got her wet, despite her protests. I pushed my cock into her pussy, fucking her from behind. I didn't do it gently this time either, I fucked her hard.

   "Please Mike, you have to stop this. This is wrong." My mother cried with tears running down hear cheeks. I kept fucking in and out of her and got a nice rhythm going on. I reached under her shirt and grabbed her tits roughly, making her squirm in my grasp. I undid her bra as she kept yelling for me to stop. I took off the bra and began squeezing her nipples tightly, causing her to yell out in pain. I kept my cock burried inside her, fucking in and out roughly causing her to wince.
   My mothers pussy got wetter and wetter the harder I fucked her from behind. I played with her tits as the swang freely in front of her. Her protests became weaker and I felt her body relax a little bit and start uncontrollably pushing back against my large cock. My mother then begin to moan in pleasure as she was overcome by her first orgasm. I could feel her pussy tighten against my hard cock, and felt the cum squirt out of her.

   I turned my mother around and kissed her, our tongues meeting once again in a lustful kiss. I then sat down on the counter and pulled her head towards my cock. She complained a little bit, so I tweaked her nipple till she lowered her head. I could see the dried tears on her face which was flushed from orgasm. She reluctantly kissed my cock on the tip, and then begin to lick her own cum off of it. Soon my mother began licking up and down my hard prick, getting every last drop of her own cum off of it. She then took my shaft deep into her mouth and began sucking expertly. I kept kneading her breasts and playing with her nipples as she fucked my cock with her mouth. I could hear my mother moaning as she sucked my 8" cock in and out of her mouth. She then licked my balls and took each one into her mouth, gently massaging it. I felt her tongue slide down to my asshole and dart around the outside of it. My mother then licked my taint, occasionaly licking my asshole or balls. She then went back to work on my shaft, furiously sucking it into her mouth. I had about all I could take. "I'm cumming mom!" I yelled at her.

   "Oh honey, I want your cum inside my mouth. I'm gonna swallow it all for you baby." My mother said, the sentence garbled by my cock being in her mouth. I then shot my load into my mother's mouth, and watched and she slurped it all down. I came so much she choked on it a little and some ran down her chin onto her tits. After I had finished cumming she opened her mouth to she me all of my cum in her mouth and kept kissing my cock while swallowing my wad. She then licked the cum off her tits.

   "We can't tell anyone about this Mike."


This is my first story so I would love to hear from readers. Send comments, criticism, questions to
I also don't proofread, so I apologize for any typos / grammar mistakes.
Should I write another chapter to this story?
What can I do to make it better?
Thanks for reading.

Playing House with my Cousin

FilthyDirtyOne on Incest Stories

Playing House with my Cousin

by FilthyDirtOne (

Chapter 1 – Blackmailing my Cousin

My name is Mark and at the time of this story I am 16 years old. I was living with my mom and dad in a suburb of New York city. My parents bedroom was on the first floor, so that mean I had the entire upper floor to myself. During the summer my cousin Catie would come and visit our family for a couple of weeks. She would stay in the room down the hall from my bedroom. She had just turned 14 that spring and when she first entered the house I saw something different in her.

She was a tiny girl, about 5'3 with a slim, athletic and tanned body. She had long dirty blond hair that she usually wore in a pony tail. Catie greeted myself

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and my parents with big hugs and excited talk of her school year. As she hugged me I could feel her growing breasts pushed against me. She was wearing a tight fitting pair of stylish jeans, flip flops, and a soft blue cotton t-shirt. Her body smelled of the sweetness after a woman showers, the scent of her shampoo and body wash was enticing. I couldn't believe the thoughts that were going through my mind about my young cousin.

We all ate dinner together and chatted about our plans for the summer. Catie always enjoyed coming to visit my parents because they treated her like a little angel since they had never had a daughter of their own. It kinda pissed me off how much they went out of their way to please her. My aunt and uncle were a little wealthier, and she acted somewhat snobby which also added to my dislike of her. I had to admit, she was turning out to be cute as hell though.

The next day my parents took Catie shopping, probably to buy her whatever her little heart desired. I slept in, enjoying the beginning of a long summer. I woke up and ate some toast for breakfast while I watched TV. I was pretty horny so I decided to jerk off since I had the house to myself. I went to my usual material of an old Victoria's secret magazine. The pictures of bras and panties made me want to touch one, run my cock against it I went down the hall to the guest room my bratty cousin was now inhabiting. I could smell the sweet scent of a teenage girl, a mix of perfume, body lotion, and hair spray. I opened up the first couple of drawers in the bureau next to her bed. The first two were just pants and shirts, cute little shorts and tiny t-shirts. The next drawer was filled with socks and an assortment of underwear. She had a couple of regular cotton bras that were uninteresting. There was one bra that was a little sexier, it was small, red and lacy. I pulled my cock out and ran it against the cool, soft fabric of her bra. It felt great against my sensitive member, and caused it to grow even more. I then picked up the matching pair of panties, also rubbing the lacy material against my dick. I went through the rest of her underwear but they were just normal cotton panties that a young teenage girl would wear. To my amazement hidden beneath the underwear I found a small vibrator, a pocket rocket. It smelled of pussy and made my dick even harder, I imagined her using it on her tiny pussy. I took the panties with me back to my room and used them to stroke my cock until I came. I got a little drop of cum on the crotch of her panties, which I wiped off so she wouldn't notice. It turned me on to think of my cum being so close to her little cunt. I cleaned up and replaced her underwear in her drawer.

That night after dinner I was taking a shower and I heard a frantic knock on the bathroom door. “Its me, I really have to pee” Catie squealed from behind the door. “Its open, come in” I reluctantly told her even though I wanted to make her hold it. I could see her enter the bathroom, as she sat down on the toilet I peeked through the shower curtain to get a better look. I could see her perfectly in the mirror across from the shower without her being able to see me. I watched as she pulled down her jeans and panties in one motion and sat down on the toilet. I could see her perfectly tanned and skinny legs part slightly as she began to pee. I could see her tiny white cotton panties bunched up at her ankles, but I could just barely see her hairless slit. I heard the stream of piss hitting the toilet, and a groan of relief from his cousin. She wiped herself and dressed, after she washed her hands she thanked me and left. I finished up my shower and prepared to go out for the evening.

I returned home around 2 in the morning, both my parents were sound asleep. I had never gotten in any trouble and received good grades so they trusted me to stay out late. As I walked up the stairs I noticed a light was on in the guest room where my cousin was. I looked in the door and saw that she was in bed reading a book.

“Hey Mark, did you have a good night”, Catie asked in a sweet voice.

“Yup, just hung out with some friends” I replied from the doorway. I was feeling pretty drunk and didn't feel like being bothered by this brat.

“Why don't you come in and talk, I can't sleep and my book is boring.”

I didn't have a good excuse to refuse her and I didn't want her to tell my parents I was being a dick and then they would hassle me. I took of my shoes and threw them in the hall, entering her room I sat down on the bed next to her. We talked for awhile about what my parents had bought her and how bitchy some of the girls at school were. I grew a little irritated at her meaningless rambling and her snotty attitude. She saw me shiver due to the cold air from the air conditioner and invited me under the covers to get warm. I was cold and wanted to lay back to I agreed. I laid next to her resting my head next to hers on the pillow, we were very close since it was a single bed. As I lifted the covers I noticed she was wearing a tiny pair of white shorts and a small white t-shirt that revealed a thin strip of tanned belly. I warmed up quickly being under the covers and next to her body. She turned off the light next to her bed, leaving the room dimly lit by the light in the hallway. Catie continued her monologue of whining and gossip which I barely responded to. In my drunken state I could only think of the supple teenage body that lay next to me, whether or not she was my cousin. I looked over at her incredibly cute face and soft, dirty blond hair. I began to create a plan in my mind of how to take advantage of this young girl, I would punish her for being such a little snot. My mind started to convince itself that she needed to be initiated into sex, and her possession of the vibrator proved she was horny.

“So have you kissed any boys yet Catie” I playfully asked her.

“Not yet, a few have tried but I push them away. Even if I had wanted to kiss them I'm not sure I would be any good at it.” she replied, noticeably blushing.

“I'm sure you would be good, maybe I can give you some pointers.” I couldn't believe the words were actually coming out of my mouth. In the dark I could see her hesitantly nod her head yes. I leaned close to her and softly kissed her on her lips. She giggled and turned her head away, but seconds later brought her lips back to meet mine. We kissed each other on the lips quickly a couple of times and then one longer one. I got brave and tried sticking my tongue into her mouth, once she realized what she was doing she closed her lips tightly and turned her head.

“I don't think we should be doing this Mark, we are cousins and I'm still too young” Catie said to me in her soft voice. I stopped kissing her but kept my head close to her face and my body close to hers. We lay there quietly for a few minutes as I calculated my next move. I put my arm around her waist and leaned towards her neck, where I began to lick my way up to her ear. I slowly moved my hand to slightly rub her small, perky tit.

“What are you doing Mark, stop it.” my cousin squealed as she pushed me away from her. I almost fell off the small bed but I managed to hold onto her with one arm and steady myself.

“I just want to play a little with you” I mockingly said to her. I again placed my hand on her young tit and gave a gentle squeeze, noticing she didn't have a bra on underneath. She resumed her struggle against me, and threatened to scream and tell my parents.

“If you tell my parents, I will tell everyone about your little toy” I whispered in her ear. She stopped moving and was immediately silent, I heard her catch her breath.

“Why were you going through my things? Please don't tell anyone, I'll get in so much trouble. My parents will kill me.” Catie began to plead as tears rolled down her face. I got up and shut her bedroom door, turning on a small night light so I would be able to see her better. I walked over to the bureau and retrieved the tiny dildo from the drawer. I removed my pants and shirt, leaving myself dressed in just boxer briefs which outlined my already hard prick. Even in the dim light I could see fear in her face as I crawled back under the covers. I put the toy on the nightstand next to bed, as I wouldn't be needing it yet. I looked over at my young cousin and admired her beauty.

I started to kiss and lick her neck again, nibbling her ears and thrusting my tongue inside. She didn't make any move to push me off this time, I just heard her softly crying and whispering no. I began massaging both of her small breasts through the thin fabric of her t-shirt. I could feel her nipples harden as a tweaked them, which caused her to inhale quickly. I then kissed from her ears to her lips, and began to softly kiss her. This time when I tried sticking my tongue in she briefly resisted, parting her lips with a sigh. I probed her tiny mouth with my tongue, rubbing it all over the inside of her mouth and around her tongue. She closed her eyes tightly as he assaulted her body, her sobbing becoming less frequent. She had given up but was still disgusted by what her cousin was doing to her.

I stopped kissing my cousin briefly to remove her small, white t-shirt despite her protests. Resuming our kiss, I began to fondle her now naked chest. Her tits weren't big, but they were cute and perky with hard, pink nipples. I was kissing her passionately while she lay there occasionally whimpering and not returning my kiss. I stopped kissing her and moved my mouth down to her nipples, alternating between the two of them. I sucked and gently bit her nipples, causing her to softly sigh. She lay on the bed completely still, in shock at what her older cousin was doing to her. I began to gently rub her pussy through her tiny shorts while I continued sucking her tits. Knowing she wouldn't resist at all, I removed the small pair of soft, cotton shorts. She lifted up her tight little ass so I could remove the shorts, leaving her teenage body completely naked before me. I could see that her pussy was completely hairless except for some light peach fuzz. Catie had fear in her eyes as she watched her cousin ogle her nude body. She had never been naked in front of anyone before except her parents when she was younger or a doctor. It scared her the way Mark greedily gazed at her, now staring at her exposed pussy.

I grabbed the vibrator off the nightstand and handed it to her. I told her I wanted her to show me how she used it, seeing hesitation on her face I threatened to reveal her secret toy to everyone. Catie reluctantly grabbed the dildo and began unenthusiastically rubbing it up and down her slit. I told her to turn it on and show me how she really used it. She turned the small toy on, and left it vibrate on her hairless clit. Even though she tried to fight it, Catie started to get aroused by the vibration of the toy on her clit. I could see her close her eyes as her hips slowly rocked against the dildo. She pressed it tighter against her body softly moaning in pleasure. Catie couldn't believe she was laying next next to her cousin rubbing a vibrator on her clit and she was actually getting turned on.

I instructed her to push the vibrator inside her, causing her to open her eyes and look at me in shock. “I can't do that, I've never done that before” Catie whispered. I took her hand and guided it down and helped her slowly push the dildo inside her. At first it was hard putting it in, but she began to get wet and the toy slid into her. She moaned as feelings of pleasure went through her body. I knelt between her legs and began to lick her clit as I slowly fucked her with the toy. Her pussy smelled so sweet and clean, and I loved rubbing my tongue all over her clit. Her pussy was now getting really wet and the vibrator went in easily, I began fucking her harder and faster with it. I heard her breath start to quicken as I sucked her clit and pushed the small toy in and out of her. “Oh god” Catie said softly between rapid breaths as I felt her pussy tighten around the dildo. Catie began moaning and bucking wildly as she came for the first time in her life. She closed her eyes and pushed against the vibrator, cumming for several seconds. I continued to fuck her pussy with the toy, which was now soaked with her cum.

I pulled off my boxer briefs freeing my hard 8” cock. Catie opened her eyes and began to struggle and plead with me again, telling me she was too young to do what I intended. I ignored her pleas and pinned back her arms, positioning myself over her moist cunt. I started rubbing my cock up and down her slit, lubricating it with her cum. I then slowly inserted my dick into my young cousin, her pussy was so tight around my dick I thought I was going to cum immediately. She grabbed my arms in pain as I plunged my cock into her tight hole. I told her I needed to pop her cherry, and that it might hurt for a minute but she had to go through it. I pushed forward inside her, feeling resistance and I pushed hard forward using all my body weight. Catie screamed and I muffled it with a kiss as I pushed all the way inside her. I started fucking her slowly and as her pain subsided I felt her body relax. My cousin moaned softly as pain turned to pleasure, and her pussy expanded to meet the size of my cock. It felt so good fucking her tight pussy even though I knew it was wrong. I took the dildo and shoved it in her mouth, telling her to suck off her cum. She did willingly, licking it like a lollipop and then sucking it into her tiny mouth. I grabbed her ass and impaled her on my cock as I fucked in and out of her. I felt my balls tighten and suddenly my dick shot loads of cum deep inside her teenage cunt. Catie bucked her hips towards me as she felt the sensation of warm liquid entering her pussy. After what seemed like an hour I stopped cumming and pulled my cock out of her. I quickly put her white cotton panties back on and watched as my cum soaked through them.

“Isn't this how you get pregnant? We learned in health class that a man ejaculates inside a woman, some of the guys called it cumming. Am I going to get pregnant?” Catie asked with fearful eyes. I assured her she probably wouldn't get pregnant and she seemed to calm down. I could see that some of my cum had ran out of her pussy and down to her ass crack, wetting the outside of the panties covering that area. I gave her a kiss on the lips and told her goodnight, gathering my clothes and went to bed satisfied.

Chapter 2 – Lets Go Shopping

The week after our sexual encounter was pretty normal, Catie was the normal bratty cousin. She gloated in the attention and gifts showered on her by my parents, which pissed me off because she was already spoiled. Whenever my parents would chastise me for something in front of her she would make a smart ass comment which would cause both my parents to laugh. I wanted to slap her for humiliating me, and wanted to do the same to my parents for praising her for it. I managed to hold my temper during these times by thinking of how sweet my revenge would be. My perfect opportunity came up when my parents left for the weekend to visit some friends in the city. They told me to look after my little cousin, of course I readily obliged.

Catie wasn't worried about being alone with her cousin, she thought what happened the other night would never happen again. She had to admit it did feel good, especially the feeling of being filled up with hot spunk. Catie was showering the morning her aunt and uncle left town when Mark walked into the bathroom. At first she was startled but he told her he was going to take her shopping. He left the bathroom and Catie figured he was trying to be nice because of what happened the other night. She looked up to her older cousin and knew she couldn't stay mad at him. She also knew he was drunk and from stories knew that people do crazy things under the influence of alcohol. Catie got dressed quickly and met Mark downstairs. They had friendly conversation on the way to the mall. Mark chose the smaller of the malls near him because it was also less crowded, and today it was nearly empty. They walked around the mall together window shopping. Mark bought her lunch at the food court and Catie was surprised at his sudden kindness. Mark suggested that he wanted to buy her some new clothing, but playfully said that he wanted to pick it out for her. Catie happily agreed as she never refused new clothing.

After their meal they walked over to a large department store in the mall. First Mark got her a pair of shiny black shoes with straps over the foot so that the toes were exposed. The shoes had a small heel, which I chose to accentuate her small, firm ass. Next he picked out a very tight blue shirt, which was low cut. After Mark picked up a short plaid skirt Catie was somewhat suspicious, but nonetheless she was thrilled with his generosity and thought nothing of it. Mark then picked up a pair of white knee high stockings that had lace trim around the top. They walked by the underwear section and Mark informed her that guys like sexy underwear, and she should get a pair since to adults were there to stop her. To Catie it seemed like Mark was just including her in a little harmless rebellion against parental rules. Catie told him how all the girls at school talked about thongs, so they picked out a tiny pair of blue silk thongs. Together they chose a matching blue silk bra with lacy parts.

“This outfit is so hot, the guys at school are going to drool over me!” Catie exclaimed. Mark agreed with her and suggested that she try the outfit on before they leave to make sure it fit. Mark waited outside while Catie put on her new outfit. She loved the feel of the silky panties and bra against her private areas. She admired herself in the mirror, wearing only her bra and panties. These were the sexiest underwear she had ever seen, she would have to keep them hidden from her aunt and mother. Catie pulled on the plaid skirt, which fell midway between her hip and knee. She pulled on the t-shirt and again looked at her reflection, she had never worn something so sexy and low-cut. The bra was also small and low-cut so you could see the tops of her young, tanned breasts. Catie once again enjoyed the feel of silky fabric as she pulled on the white knee high stockings, the lace at the top was really sexy too. Finally she put the heels on, giving her an extra inch of height. Her cute, pantyhose covered toes were visible through the open front of the shoes. She looked at herself in the mirror one last time, her cousin had pretty good taste in clothes. Unfortunately if her family caught her wearing it she would be killed, this would be their little secret. Catie left the dressing room and showed Mark her new outfit, he whistled and told her how pretty she looked. Mark suggested she wear the outfit home since no one was home to catch her. Catie agreed it would be one of the rare times she would get to dress like this so she started walking back to the dressing room. Mark followed her into the small room, telling her he was going to help her cut the tags off the clothing since some where in hard to reach spots.

Catie didn't think anything of her cousin accompanying her to the dressing room, he was just there to help, besides she was already dressed. As Catie bent down to pick up her old clothing and put it into a bag Mark admired her gorgeous body, the beautiful patch of tanned skin between the end of her short skirt and the top of her lacy knee highs. Mark used a pocketknife to quickly cut all the tags off the clothing and put them in his pocket so he could present them at the counter to pay.

Mark stepped closer to Catie and hugged her, she hugged him back thinking it a normal family hug. He continued his hug and began to rub her back. He told her how pretty she looked and how much he loved her. She thanked him and told him she loved him too and that he was the best cousin for getting her some new clothes. Mark then began to kiss his young cousin, softly at first and then quite passionately. Catie couldn't believe he was behaving this way again, and in a public place. She was too scared to move or even close her mouth while his tongue probed her. Mark roughly grabbed her tits causing her to gasp. Mark continued kissing his teenage cousin, and put one hand up her skirt to touch her silky thong. Catie's mind raced as she felt her cousin touch her, she knew it was incest and disgusting, but she was also afraid someone would find them. Mark started rubbing her pussy through the thin material of her panties, concentrating on her clit. Catie felt her legs weaken as her pussy began to tingle uncontrollably, Mark held her in one arm as his fingers rubbed her pussy and his tongue ran around her mouth.

Mark walked his cousin over to the small bench in front of the dressing room mirror and sat her down. She looked at him with panic in her eyes as he knelt between her legs. Mark put his head under her skirt and with his tongue pushed aside her thong and began licking her clit. The taste of her hairless, freshly cleaned pussy was delicious and he hungrily ate her out. Catie tried pushing her cousin away but that only made him more forceful. Even though it was so wrong she couldn't deny her arousal. She began softly crying again because her cousin was assaulting her for the second time and out of fear of being discovered by someone in the store. Mark ignored her sobbing and after he felt she was sufficiently made her stand up and face the mirror. He bent her over and placed her elbows on the low bench sitting before the mirror. Her ass was sticking up in the air in front of her older cousin. Mark dropped his pants and lifted her skirt, revealing her thong covered ass. She had a perfect ass, firm and tanned, which looked great against her blue thong. Mark rubbed his hands up her leg, feeling the silkiness of the white knee highs. He pulled aside her thong and began to rub his cock against her slit for the second time. Catie couldn't believe she was going to get fucked again by her cousin.

Catie tried to stifle a moan as he pushed the entire 8” of cock into his young cousin. Mark was pleased to notice that her pussy was well lubricated and soon he is fucking her rapidly. He pushed his cousin down towards the bench giving him a better view of her luscious ass. Mark was impaling the young girl on his large cock and both were breathing rapidly. Grabbing her ass, he began to fuck her faster and harder. Each of their breaths quickened as they both neared orgasm. He felt her pussy contract around his dick which threw him over the edge and he began to cum too. Her pussy made a slurping sound as his dick moved in because of the large amounts of their cum inside her. Once they were both finished cumming, Mark removed his penis and straightened her thong. Neither said a word as they fixed their clothing and left the dressing room.

While walking through the mall Catie felt the eyes of the few men there looking her up and down. She felt really dirty walking around with a pussy full of cum in this short skirt. As Mark walked behind her and enjoyed the view of her ass, he noticed some of their cum running down her leg and getting her thigh highs wet. The two cousins returned home without talking much, but Mark wasn't finished with her yet.

Chapter 3 – A Little Help From A Friend

After arriving at his house Mark invited a friend from school over named Dan. Mark instructed Catie not to change, so she waited in her room with a mix of fear and anticipation. When Dan got there Mark briefed him on the details of the last couple of weeks. The story made his friend excited, and both couldn't wait to have some more fun.

Mark called Catie downstairs and introduced her to Dan. She didn't like the way Dan was looking at her in the short skirt. Mark led the three of them into his parents room and into the adjoining bathroom. There was a large spa bathtub big enough for several people. Mark instructed Catie to lie down in the empty tub after taking her shoes off. Both the boys stripped naked as they gazed at the timid looking young girl lying in the tub. She was still wearing her short plaid skirt, white thigh highs, and tight top. Dan stood next to Catie in the tub and put his dick next to her face, rubbing it on her lips. She screamed and tried to push him away but there was no where to escape. Dan held her nostrils shut, forcing her to open her mouth for air. Once her mouth was open he stuffed his large cock inside her, forcing her to give her first blow job. Mark watched as Dan forced her head back and forth on his cock, occasionally Catie would choke on his cock and cough. Dan began to moan as he felt her small tongue run over his prick. Mike pulled his hard cock out of his pants, and waited till it got limp. He then began to piss on his cousin, first on her chest and then down to her crotch. Catie's shirt and skirt were now wet with his hot piss, she couldn't even move because Dan had her mouth wrapped around his cock. Catie was disgusted by the feeling of the hot pissing soaking into her clothing.

Dan suddenly pulled his cock out of her mouth, giving her time to catch her breath. It was quickly replaced by her cousins equally as large prick. Catie started crying for the second time today as she realized the disgusting reality of her humiliation, being raped by her cousin and his friend after being pissed on by her cousin. As the tears fell down her cheeks Dan moved aside her wet thong and started to fuck her pussy. He wasn't as gentle as her cousin was, he roughly shoved his big cock into her tight pussy, causing her to pull the cock out of her mouth to get a large gasp of air. Suddenly Mark's cock grew harder and started shooting cum inside her mouth, he held her head in place so she was forced to swallow it all. After her cousin finished Dan began thrusting harder and faster into her, she then felt him tense up and began shooting his load into her pussy. Moaning loudly Dan finished emptying his balls deep into the young girls cunt. Mark told Catie to wash her clothes she was wearing, take a shower and put back on the panties and bra and join them downstairs. Both boys left the sobbing girl to clean up.

An hour later Catie came downstairs and sat down with the boys who were watching TV, she was freshly showered and had a robe on. The short robe showed off her sexy, skinny legs. The three of them ate a dinner of leftover pizza from the fridge. Mark cleaned up the dinner plates and returned to the room with several glasses and a bottle of liquor. The trio began drinking and in little time all three were pretty drunk from the strong alcohol. Catie was especially drunk since it was the first time she ever drank. She felt really good, all warm and fuzzy and happy. She was no longer upset about the days activities, and when she thought about what happened she was turned on. Catie sat in between the two boys and watched TV, occasionally chatting about the show they were watching.

Catie felt a little dizzy so she decided to lay down across Dan's lap and put her legs across her cousin's lap. As she lay her head on his lap she could feel his cock growing. Catie unzipped Dan's pants and pulled his cock out, holding it in her tiny hands. She then took the head of the cock and started to lick it, working her way down the shaft to his balls. The young girl then sucked his cock into her mouth and started noisily slurping it. She began vigorously sucking Dan off to the amazement of both the boys. As Catie devoured Dan's cock, her cousin took out his cock and started rubbing it against her moist pussy.

“Fuck me again Mark”, Catie said to her cousin and then went back to sucking off Dan. Mark obeyed her wish and pushed her thong string aside and started to fuck her pussy. It was already soaked from the arousal the alcohol and cock in her mouth caused. Mark fucked his cousin with long, hard thrusts. Catie's unashamed moaning was muffled by the big dick she was noisily sucking. Dan pushed her off his cock and told both of them to get up. Dan laid down on the couch and told Catie to start riding him, she readily jumped on his cock, placing it between her lips and sliding down onto it. Mark got behind her on the couch and slowly inserted his lubed up cock into her incredibly tight asshole. Both boys began vigorously double penetrating the young girl who was now screaming and moaning with delight. After fucking the teenager for several minutes, both boys emptied their load inside her. As the boys removed themselves from her, she made sure to lick the cum off of each of their dicks. After cleaning them off Catie bent over the couch and with her fingers started eating their sperm out of her. All three were exhausted and went to sleep on the floor of the living room together. The boys woke up at separate times during the night and fucked Catie again, filling her tiny hole with more sperm.

A day later Mark's parents arrived home and had no clue what had happened in their absence. In the middle of the week Mark's mother had a wedding shower to attend out of town, leaving just Catie, her cousin, and her uncle. Catie ended up getting really horny and going into her uncle's room. At first she pretended like she had a bad dream and wanted to lay next to him. Before her uncle knew what was going on she had his cock in her mouth, greedily sucking away. That night she fucked her uncle and left him cum in her mouth.

Thanks to all the people that emailed me or reviewed my story. Please keep the comments coming, I only write for you guys so if I don't here anything I don't write. Please email you suggestions and comments to