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F6FHellcat Member Since October 19, 2009

Boarding House

F6FHellcat on Celebrity Stories

Sabrina sat at the kitchen table reading the paper as she ate her breakfast. Her aunt's had moved out the year before and had left her their house. After she and her housemates had been kicked out of their own home on campus, Sabrina had moved back into the house she'd spent her high school years in along with Roxi and Morgan. Yet her aunts had failed to tell her about the property taxes on the house. Nor had they told her about her distant cousin Opus.

Opus was a warlock who made Salem Saberhagen, the warlock sentenced to time as a cat in the care of first Hilda and now Sabrina, look like a positive saint. Where as Salem had planned to conquer the mortal world through military might, Opus planned to conquer it through the use of deadly viruses that would wipe out the entire morta

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l population. He just needed some space in the mortal world for his lab and that space was now occupied by the Spellman house. Fortunately Hilda and Zelda had cast a spell long ago which prevented Opus from entering the mortal realm. There was only one catch, either a Spellman or a witch or warlock descended from the Spellmans had to be living in and own the place. Though there were certainly other ways into the mortal realm from the other realm, an ancient curse placed on Opus restricted him to entering the mortal realm only through the portal in the Spellman house.

Sabrina learned about Opus on the same day she learned about the property tax. Naturally she didn't tell Roxi and Morgan about Opus as they didn't know she was a witch, but she did tell them that they didn't have the money between the three of them to pay for all of the property taxes. The three decided to open the place as a boarding house, transforming some of the extra, unused rooms into bedrooms for the boarders. They'd then put an ad in the paper advertising that they had rooms for rent.

Sabrina and Roxi had figured they'd interview potential boarders before they let anyone move in. But Morgan, being her irresponsible self, had already agreed to allow the first three people who called about the rooms to move in without interviewing them to make sure they weren't serial killers or rapists first. Sabrina had been furious with her, but as usual there was no making her see that what she had done was wrong. It had been the same when she'd told Sabrina that there were plenty of rooms at the dorm house she'd been running. Sabrina had arrived expecting to find a room for her, but Morgan had already given rooms to Miles and Roxi. Sabrina and Roxi had been forced to share a small room that had been meant for one. At least things had eventually worked out and the two had become friends.

But that had been when only Morgan had been in charge and the house didn't have a portal to the other realm or other magical secrets to hide. Now the three would be in charge together and Morgan should have consulted the other two before doing something so impulsive. Yet she'd already rented out three of the rooms and there was no going back on it now. Nor was there a chance that Sabrina could get Morgan or Roxi to wait around for their new boarders on this day as both had appointments they had to make. So it had been up to her to meet the boarders.

As she sat at the table, her mind began to drift back to the night before and the dreams she'd had. She'd dreamed over and over that she been fucked hard by some unseen lover and had awoken that morning to find herself sleeping in a puddle of her own juices. The mere thought of it had her nipples harden and her pussy getting wet. She was just starting to fiddle with her clit when the door bell rang, announcing the arrival of their first boarder. Cursing their timing, she let her nightshirt fall down over her bare pussy and went to answer the door, not bothering to zap herself into something a little more practical. After all, whoever was there would end up seeing her in her nightshirt at some point, why not make it sooner rather than later. She forgot the fact that they'd also see her hard nipples poking into her nightshirt and making it obvious that she was aroused.

Sabrina opened the door to find a raven haired young woman about her age standing on the other side. But she's more surprised to see just who it was.

"Libby!" Sabrina said, shocked.

"Well, well, if it isn't the queen of the freaks. I knew that the address I was given sounded familiar, but I guess I'd been in such a hurry to forget about freaks like you that I totally forgot."

"Right," Sabrina said, wishing it had been someone else. "Don't tell me, you're one of those Morgan has already given a room to."

"Oh, is that the name of the woman I talked to? If I'd known I'd be living in a house with Sabrina Freakman, I'd never have agreed to take a room here."

"You can always leave, get a room somewhere else," Sabrina told her, not wanting to share her house with the girl who had been one of her biggest enemies for most of her years in high school. "After all, it's not like you've already paid your first month’s rent or anything."

"No, it isn't," Libby agreed, though Sabrina noticed that she seemed a little nervous about the idea of having to look elsewhere for someplace to live. "But then perhaps I can survive living here with you. After all, I survived three years of school with you."

Sabrina smiled to herself as she realized that Libby Chessler, the girl who had gone out of her way to make her life miserable and who would never have shared anything with her unless absolutely forced to, actually had no choice and needed her. "Can't find an apartment elsewhere, I take it? Or maybe you can't afford one?"

"I..." Libby stammered. "That's none of your business, freak."

"Careful what you say Libby. I just might have to evict you if you upset me," Sabrina warned with a nasty smile as she let her in. She knew she now had the edge over Libby and planned to let her know it.

It was at this point that Libby finally noticed Sabrina's nipples poking into her nightshirt. Being Libby, and having just been treated the same way she used to treat Sabrina, she decided it was time to put Sabrina in her place. "My, my, in your pjs and showing me your hard nipples. If I didn't know better, I'd say Sabrina the freak is turned on by the sight of a beautiful woman like me. Or maybe you were playing with yourself before I got here. Either way, ewww."

Sabrina didn't stop to think about what she was doing. Years of hatred towards the girl had finally come to a boil with those remarks and she zapped Libby without thinking, causing her shirt and bra to rip open. Libby, too shocked by Sabrina's sudden rage, failed to realize that Sabrina never touched her clothes as she looked down at her now exposed breasts.

"You ripped them!" Libby shouted.

Sabrina didn't care as she was staring at Libby's rather large breasts. In fact they appeared to be much larger than when she'd last seen them and looked as if Libby had them surgically enlarged. She hadn't noticed their size before and assumed the bra and shirt had acted like an ace bandage in order to flatten them a bit. But she also watched in amazement as Libby's own nipples began to harden.

"My, my, look at who’s excited now," Sabrina smirked, making it clear that she was once again in charge. "Maybe we shouldn't call you Libby Chessler anymore. Maybe we should start calling you Libby Chestler."

"I...I.... p...p...prefer L...L...Libby," Libby stuttered as she crossed her arms over her exposed breasts. It was clear from the tone of her voice that she was more than a little frightened by the way Sabrina was looking at her.

"Of course you do," Sabrina said, moving closer to her. She slowly removed her nightshirt revealing her own body to Libby.

"I thought you were straight," Libby said horrified.

"Afraid not."

"Ohmygod, you're a lesbian!"

"Wrong again," Sabrina chuckled as she carefully removed Libby's arms. "You see, after having spent as much time as I have with Roxi and Morgan, I've discovered a whole new side of me I never knew existed. Sure, I'm into boys and love sucking on some guys cock until he blows in my mouth and then having him shove his meat into my pussy and ride me like a fucking pony. But I also love the feel of another girl’s body. So you see, I'm bi."

"Well, I'm not,” Libby squeaked. “I don’t even let other girls see me naked.”

“What about when you were a cheerleader at our high school? You changed in the locker room with all the other girls. Plenty of times other girls saw you in your birthday suit.”

“They never did, I always changed in one of the toilet stalls whenever another girl was around. And I took my shower after all the others had left. The last time another girl saw me naked was when I was six and my mother gave me a bath because I was too tired to give myself one.”

“Then I’m honored to be the first to see you since you became a woman.” Sabrina then proceeded to rub Libby’s breasts.

“I told you I’m not like you,” Libby said as she tried to swat Sabrina’s hands.

“So why did you nipples get hard after they were exposed?”

“You’re dreaming, freak!” Libby yelled as she slapped Sabrina’s face.

“I told you once already that if you upset me you’ll regret it!” Sabrina snarled. She then proceeded to pinch Libby’s erect nipple’s, letting her nails dig in a little, before she jerked them toward herself and twisted.

Libby screamed in pain as her nipples were tortured. She tried to pull away from the angry witch, but found the more she tried the more Sabrina twisted and pinched her nipples.

“I’m sorry, Sabrina,” Libby sobbed, tears starting to run down her cheeks. “I’ll never do it again. I’ll do whatever you say, just please don’t do that again.”

“Take you clothes off,” Sabrina said, still upset and still holding Libby’s nipples.

“What? You can’t be serious!”

“Do it or I make you nipples bleed.”

Libby looked into Sabrina’s eyes, searching for a sign that she was bluffing. But instead she saw that Sabrina was deadly serious. Resignedly she unbuttoned the last few buttons of her ruined shirt and removed it, followed by her bra. Next she removed her shoes and socks, followed by her jeans. She then hesitatingly reached for her panties. At the affirming nod, she removed them, more than a little embarrassed.

Sabrina released Libby’s nipples and stood back to get a good look at her. Indeed her breast looked too unnatural for her body, yet they really drew attention to the naked girl. Especially when she moved to cover herself again. Sabrina chuckled at Libby’s obvious embarrassment before giving her a slightly upset look and tapping her foot. Taking the hint, Libby hung her head in shame as she let her arms fall to her sides so Sabrina could get a better look. Perhaps she was more ashamed to let Sabrina see her bald little pussy with it’s plump, puffy lips than anything else.

“Turn around and show me your ass.” Libby did as ordered, giving the witch a spectacular view of her heart shaped ass. “My, my, Libby, you really are a beautiful, sexy woman.”

“You think so,” Libby said spinning around and causing her breasts to jiggle. All traces of her vanity over her looks had returned.

“Yeah, I do,” Sabrina told her, though her mind was trying to deal with the jiggling she’d just seen. She’d never seen fake boobs jiggle like that, only real ones. Had she maybe cast an enlargement spell on Libby’s breasts and they’d been why her shirt and bra had ripped? But if that was the case, why hadn’t Libby been shocked by the sudden enlargement of her breasts? She decided she’d find out later.

Reaching out, Sabrina began fondling Libby’s breasts again.

“Please don’t,” Libby pleaded.

Ignoring her pleas, Sabrina continued fondling the other girl’s breast as she leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Libby was too surprised to resist. Sabrina’s kiss reminded her too much of an old boyfriend and she failed to realize that she was returning the kiss out of instinct. When she did realize what she was doing, she immediately pulled away.

“Ohmygod, what did I do?”

“I’d say you were returning my kiss, “ Sabrina told her with a mischievous smile.

“No, I couldn’t have. I was kissing Richie and then I was kissing you,” Libby explained.

“I see. Pretty much the same thing that happened to me when I kissed my first girl. Of course if you’re anything like me...”

“I’m nothing like you,” Libby interrupted. It was clear from her attitude that she was starting to get back some of the old Libby.

“Don’t interrupt,” Sabrina ordered as she squeezed Libby’s left breast all too hard. “As I was saying, if you’re anything like me, then you’ll need some stimulus to make you remember who you’re with.” With that Sabrina put Libby’s hand on her own breast and gently used it to fondle herself.

“What are you doing?” Libby asked, shocked by where her hand had been placed.

“Teaching you about loving women.”

“Excuse me,” Libby heatedly replied, “but I’m not interested in loving women.”

“Either fondle my breasts and accept this lesson or you can find your ass out on the street looking for somewhere else to live,” snapped Sabrina. She could feel herself starting to get wet from using Libby to play with her breasts and she wasn’t about to let the former cheerleader deny her an orgasm.

Slowly, reluctantly Libby began to obey. She let her hands travel over Sabrina’s breasts, feeling how soft and smooth they were. Yet her movements remained tentative, almost as if she were unsure how she should proceed.

“Come on, Libby, play with ‘em. Pretend their yours.”

“I...I...I can’t,” Libby softly stuttered

“What do you mean you can’t?” Sabrina asked, becoming a bit annoyed with Libby. Then she noticed the look in the other girl’s eyes. “Are you telling me you’ve never played with your own breasts?”

“No,” she barely whispered.

Sabrina released Libby’s breasts and looked at her in shock. “Not once? What about your little pussy? You must have played with it.”

Too embarrassed to respond, Libby just looked down at the floor, trying hard not to stare at the young witch’s breasts, and shook her head in the negative.

“Come on, Libby, you’ve got a bald pussy. I can’t even trim my bikini line without getting horny and playing with myself. If I shaved off all my curls like you do I’d have to fuck the handle of my razor. Well, maybe the handle of a brush.”

“I’ve never once shaved myself down there,” Libby said, her voice barely audible.

“Yeah, right,” Sabrina snorted. “And I suppose all your pussy hair just magically disappeared.”

“Well if you have to know,” Libby raged, “that’s exactly what happened! I got home from a date with Richie Dalman and took a shower. Then I went straight to bed. When I awoke I found that my breasts had become these freakish things and that all my pubic hair was gone!”

“So,” Sabrina thought to herself, “Libby is the victim of magic. Just not my magic. I’ll have to figure it out later.”

“Well, aren’t you going to call me a freak?” Libby arrogantly asked. “After all, there’s no such thing as magic And yet I can’t explain how I got these freak breasts and lost all my pubic hair in one night except to claim it was magic.”

“Yeah, right, no such thing as magic. If you only knew,” Sabrina said under her breath.

“What was that?”

“Uh, nothing.” Now it was Sabrina’s turn to look embarrassed at being caught. “Listen, let’s forget about the magic thing. Have you ever played with yourself?”

“No. My mother always taught me that was disgusting and that only freaks who couldn’t get a boyfriend did that.” Then she thought about it for a minute. “But maybe she was wrong about the no boyfriend thing. After all, you managed to get Harvey and it sounds like you still played with yourself. Maybe it was just a freak thing.”

“Hardly,” Sabrina told her. “Kinda a prudish thing not to play with yourself. After all, we all get horny. Why sit around denying yourself a little pleasure if you don’t have someone to help you get off when you’re horny. Come on, I’ll teach you. First, let’s rub your breast.”

Sabrina then placed Libby’s hands on her breasts as she had placed them on her own. “Now gently rub ‘em. Let your fingers do the walking.”

Libby did as Sabrina told her, looking even more disgusted at playing with her own breasts than she had at playing with Sabrina’s. But as she continued to caress them, her expression changed to one of surprise and longing as she began to feel things her prude of a mother would never have approved of. Sabrina wondered if Libby’s dad hadn’t had to get the woman so fucking drunk as to be able to even get her knocked up. Soon she released Libby’s hands, confident the girl wouldn’t stop. She began rubbing her own breast as she let her other hand drop so as to rub her erect clit.

“That’s it Libby, rub your breast. Don’t forget your delicious little nipples. And tell me, what else do we call breast?”

“What?” Libby breathed. Under normal circumstances, she probably could have answered the question. But having just been introduced to a new world of pleasure, Libby found that her brain wasn’t functioning as it should.

“Tits, titties, boobs, boobies, floppies, jugs, melons, fun pillows, mountains, headlights, udders, the girls” Sabrina rattled off all the names she could think of that she’d heard folks refer to breasts as. “And your pussy is also a snatch, kitty, clam, quim, cunt, vagina, fuckhole, fuckchute, mound, mound of venus, the bun a guy sticks his hot dog in, and box.”

“Right,” Libby breathlessly agreed. “Oh this feels good.”

“Now, rub a finger along your lips.” When Libby did as she was told, Sabrina chuckled at her ignorance. “Not those lips, silly, you pussy lips. Here, let me show you.”

Sabrina guide Libby’s hand down to her pussy and began tracing her pussy lips with one of Libby’s fingers. Libby let out a gasp but soon abandoned her breasts for her pussy. Sabrina didn’t even have to instruct her to play with her clit or stick a finger up her pussy. When she found something that brought her more pleasure, she went after it.

Watching Libby fuck herself made Sabrina even more horny than she already was. She began thrusting fingers into her own sopping pussy. But she wasn’t interested in simple masturbation anymore, not when she now had a horny female before her. Leaning forward, she took one of Libby’s nipples in her mouth and began to suck.

The feeling have having her breast suckled was too much for her. Libby let out a high pitched scream and held the witch to her breast as she began to cum. Sabrina, not wanting to be left out, picked up her own pace and soon found herself cumming too. After a few minutes, the two girls separated from each other. Sabrina sucked her juices off her own fingers before sticking them into Libby’s pussy and trying the other girl.

“Mmmm, nice and sweet,” Sabrina giggled. “Consider that lesson one. We’ll handle lesson two at some other time. Right now I think it’s time to show you to your room and to someplace where you can get washed up.”

Libby just nodded her head in agreement. Following the blonde, and watching her cute little ass sway seductively as she walked ahead of her, she wondered how it was that she could have ever called her a freak. She also found herself wondering what else was in store for her when she met this Morgan and Roxi.

Boarding House Chapter 2

F6FHellcat on Celebrity Stories

As soon as Sabrina got Libby settled in, she returned to her own room to consult her magic book in order to find out if there was any way she could confirm what had happened to her. Magic had to be the reason for Libby’s huge tits and bald cunt, but whose magic. After all her years since learning she was a witch, she’d come to learn that witches and warlocks weren’t the only magical people, nor the only ones who could cast magic. It was just as possible that Libby could have been under the enchantment of a fairy as it was that she was under one of a witch or warlock.

It was even possible that she’d cast a spell on herself. Despite not being a witch, Sabrina knew that she couldn’t rule Libby out as a suspect. Too many witches and warlocks had left behi

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nd their various spells, books, and other magical items over the centuries, some on purpose and some by mistake. Most of these were items mortals never could use as they needed someone born to magic to be able to use them. But a few had been designed to still be used in the event their owner lost, either permanently or temporarily, their magic. Some witches and warlocks had even purposefully left spells and other items that mortals could use and get into trouble with just for the sheer joy of it. Or, as in cases like Opus, to cause harm to innocent mortals who had no clue that what they thought was harmless was actually far more dangerous.

Nor could she rule herself out as she had thought when Libby explained how she had come by her current physical attributes. As she had been helping Libby lug her suitcases to her new room, Sabrina had realized that there was an outside possibility that the various spells Libby had been a victim of over their three years together in high school could have had unforeseen long term effects. Was it possible that it had taken years for all that magic to manifest itself in this way?

“Was that Libby Chessler I saw you with downstairs?”

“Yes, Salem,” Sabrina said as she glanced over at the black cat entering her room before turning back to the book.

“And did you happen to ask where she got her ta tas done?”

“She said she went to bed one night and the next morning not only were they that big but her pussy was suddenly completely bald. And they’ve been that way ever since.”

“Ahhh yes, magic of a most interesting kind,” Salem said, a slight chuckle in his voice.

“Yeah, now the question is, whose magic?”

“Well, you could always cast a discovery spell.”

“Salem, how stupid do you think I am? I’ve been trying to find one, but there doesn’t seem to be a spell about discovering who used magic to enlarge tits and nixed pussy hair anywhere in here.”

“Well duh, your not going to find one in there. You need to look in the appendix book under sex magic.”

“The what?” Sabrina’s head jerked up in utter surprise at what Salem had just said. “Did you just say there is a separate book with an appendix to this one with a section called sex magic? I don’t remember my aunts ever mentioning such a thing.”

“What, you expect they’d tell their niece, a teenage witch who might be driven by her hormones and whom her parent’s had put in their care to watch over, about something like that. Of course not, they’d hide it away where she’d never find it.”

“Well I’m a young woman now who is no longer in their care so tell me where the book is.”

“I could, or maybe I could let you find it another way. Maybe Roland could help.”

“Salem, either you tell me where the book is right now or I spike your supper with castor oil! Again.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

Sabrina zapped in a bottle and picked it up, holding it so the cat could see. “Oh look, they’ve improved their product. Extra strength to handle the really tough cases.”

“It’s in the northeast corner of the attic! Under a loose floorboard under the sea trunk with the moose head on top of it that smells like mothballs, hairballs, and three day old garbage!” Salem quickly said, a terrified look on his face.

The young witch was quickly out the door and on her way to the attic, the cat and the bottle of castor oil already forgotten.


Half an hour later Sabrina was back in her room looking through the appendix book at various spells her aunts had never mentioned. And in most cases she wished Salem had never told her the book even existed as the spells scared the shit out of her. But these were unimportant at the moment and could hold off for another time when she didn’t have more pressing matters. Right now she needed to look into the section on sex magic and find a discovery spell.

Sabrina quickly turned to the sex magic section and began to read the various spells, her mind racing with the possibilities. When Salem had said a spell for discovering who had used magic to enlarge a woman’s breasts and caused her pubic region to go completely bald and stay that way was under the heading of sex magic, Sabrina couldn’t believe her ears. Surely such things would be under spells concerning a persons anatomy as she expected sex magic to concern spells used during sex for things like continuous orgasms and such. But the sex magic seemed to be a catch all section for anything that might have something to do with sex.

There were spells concerning fetishes. Spells concerning both men’s and women’s orgasms, their durations, and their strengths. Spells concerning erogenous zones. Sex change spells that made the man brew she’d been introduced to back in high school look like something you’d buy in a joke shop. Spells for whipping up phantom lovers for when you couldn’t get someone in bed with you. A spell to turn women into nymphomaniacs. Spells for various sex toys. And so on.

“Hey, did you know there’s a spell in here for an ejaculating vibrator?” Sabrina asked, already feeling aroused again at looking at all these sex spells.

“Yes,” Salem replied, “and believe me, it’s a pretty useful spell. My youngest cousin on my mom’s side used it cause she was too ugly to ever get a date, much less a husband, and beauty spells had no effect on her. That’s how she ended up having kids. Of course you have to be careful if you use it. Best side effect to hope for is that your kid looks to be made out of plastic. But you could end up being turned into a pocket pussy if your not careful. My cousin ended up being a living inflatible sex doll, with about eighty kids.”

“Eighty kids? Salem, tell me you’re joking.”

“I would not joke about such things where the ejaculating vibrator is concerned,” Salem said in a haughty voice. “Having an extremely large family is one of the possible side effects. Other realm doctors have learned that it sometimes takes total control of a woman so she can’t stop herself from using it, even while pregnant. As soon as she gives birth to one she is often pregnant again the following day. And this pregnancy only last three weeks instead of nine months. You rapidly go through the full nine months in a short time and are already fertile again as soon as you give birth.”

“Okay, that’s one spell I’ll never try using.” Sabrina flipped through a few more spells until she finally found the one she was looking for. “Salem, I don’t think this spell is going to work.”

“Why not?”

“Because it calls for breast milk from every woman in the house in which it is cast as well as from the victim. Along with the victim’s own cum. Now I can probably get Libby to cum for me and get her juices for the spell. But she certainly isn’t lactating at the moment and neither am I. And unless Roxi and Morgan have been hiding something from me, I don’t think they are either.”

“So you just cast a lactation spell out of that book.”

Sabrina smacked her forehead with her palm for being such an idiot. She’d already seen the lactation spell under fetishes, so why had Salem had to tell her to use it? Yet before she could turn back to the spell, the front door rang. With a groan, she got up to see who it was, making sure this time she was fully clothed.


“And this is the kitchen,” Sabrina said to Carol, their second boarder to arrive that day. “Anything in the fridge, freezer, or cabinets without someone’s name on it is free for anyone to have. Pretty much we all chip in and buy the groceries for the household rather than merely for ourselves. But of course there is the odd occasion where we have to have something and don’t want to share. Or can’t share because of food allergies.”

“So I should pretty much be willing to buy for the household most of the time,” Carol replied. A mousy woman, she had extremely blond hair, that almost looked to be platinum blond, which she wore in a ponytail that hung down just past her shoulders. She was very petite, looking more like she should be sixteen rather than twenty-five as her driver’s license indicated. Though her glasses and the way she carried herself somehow managed to suggest her license was right.

“Pretty much,” Sabrina agreed, though her mind was elsewhere. After seeing the discovery spell, Sabrina had been wondering why it required the breast milk of every woman in the house in addition to Libby’s. But she’d at first been gratified that she only had to worry about four women. Now after meeting Carol, she wished Morgan had told her who their boarders were going to be so she could begin to figure out how many women she’d have to cast the lactation spell on. “So that’s pretty much the basics of the house. Anything else you’ll come to know in time, but please ask Roxi, Morgan, or myself about them before you explore them. Are there any questions you’d like to ask me?”

Carol timidly shook her head, blushing at the very idea of bothering one of her new landladies already. It was obvious she just wanted to get settled into her new room and adjust to this place before saying or doing anything that would involve people she didn’t well know as yet. But Sabrina wasn’t yet ready to let her go without first learning a little more about her.

“So, if you don’t mind my asking, what do you do for a living?”

“I make hardcore sex movies,” Carol replied.

Sabrina’s jaw dropped from this unexpected response. Carol certainly didn’t look or seem like the type to her, especially not with her small breasts. “You’re a porn star?”

“Yes. Oh, I know what you’re thinking, I don’t look it. But I’ll tell you something, the industry loves women like me who look much younger than they really are.”

“But you look sixteen! You’re telling me that the industry is a bunch of.....”

“Gotcha,” Carol laughed. “Actually I work for the science museum in Boston as a curator. Besides, I doubt the porn industry would actually want someone who looks as young as I do since everyone would say they were making those types of films you were thinking about. And those are against the law, you know.”

“Oh, right.” Sabrina tried to recover from her shock, but she couldn’t quite shake the thought that maybe some of what Carol had said had not been a joke at all.

Boarding House Chapter 3

F6FHellcat on Celebrity Stories

It was three in the afternoon before Sabrina finally was able to get back to her room. The last person Morgan had rented a room to had taken his own sweet time arriving at the house, and Sabrina felt like strangling the guy by the time he finally did arrive. If he’d been another woman, she probably would have done so. Or at least she’d have been less than professional when giving the tour of the house.

Before Carol had arrived, Sabrina only had to worry about casting the lactation spell on four women. Carol had caused the number to increase, thus making things a little more difficult since the spell had to be cast once for each individual rather than just once for everyone in the household. Not that it couldn’t be done that way, of course. The problem with casti

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ng it on the household, as the book had warned, was that houses typically didn’t lactate themselves. But if cast on a house it would do so for a week, which would be hard to explain and even more difficult to hide from everyone else inside. Then there was the other problem of the spell’s duration. Normally only about four hours to a day, though the book said sometimes it would last for upwards of four days, when cast on an individual. But while the house itself would only produce milk for a week, any woman who walked into the house over the next year would start lactating and wouldn’t stop for a month or two. Had their last tenant been female, Sabrina would have snapped just from having to find a way to cast the spell on six women. Worse, they had to be awake when she cast it and know she was in the room.

“Do you know whose down in the kitchen at this very moment?” Salem asked as he hopped up on the bed.

“Our new tenants,” came the huffy reply. Sabrina didn’t really need Salem’s stupid guessing games at the moment. “I left Libby and Carol with what’s his name so they could get to know each other. And Libby didn’t look thrilled with the idea of sharing the house with a geek.”

“Geek, yes. But a famous geek. Sabrina, that’s Greg Flengen!”


“Yeah, I believe that’s what he said his name was,” the young witch replied, paying the cat very little attention.

“Mortal realm to Sabrina, you’re new tenant is host of ‘Ghosts Today!’ You know, one of those shows where their out to either find ghosts or prove a place isn’t haunted.”

Sabrina’s head snapped around, her eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets. It had been bad enough in high school to hide the fact that she was a witch, especially in her senior year when Brad had first returned to West Bridge and still had his witch hunting gene. But then when she’d gone of to college and had been roommates with Miles things had become worse since he was trying to prove the existence of UFOs and such. But Greg Flengen was renowned as a local ghost hunter, and he’d probably be able to find witches as well. Now she wished she had throttled him when he arrived.

“Salem, this is just great! How am I going to cast the lactation spell on five women with a ghost hunter in the house. And for that matter, what do you think he’s going to do at the end of this month?”

“Yeah, he’s going to think he found the other end of the rainbow with all the ghosts and goblins that are bound to come through the portal,” Salem chuckled, putting on a really bad Irish accent.

“This is serious, cat!” Sabrina retorted, flicking her finger in his general direction and sending him flying off the bed. She then proceeded to conjure a breast pump. “It’s easy to cast this spell on myself in here because I’ve got my door closed and am by myself. But I’m sure he’ll get a little suspicious if I call all the women in this house into my room. Not to mention having us running around producing breast milk when none of us are pregnant or have babies.”


“He’s not here all the time, Sabrina, so just cast the spell when he’s gone. Plus he’s never seen Roxie and Morgan, so he has no clue whether or not their already lactating. Besides, I heard him telling Libby and Carol he’d be leaving tomorrow and would be gone for a week.

Sabrina smiled as she turned back to her spell book. Having Greg in the house would make things a little more difficult, but at least she knew she could cast the spell on the others once he left. Nodding to herself as she began thinking of ways to cast the spell on the others, she stepped back from the book and pointed her finger at herself, reciting the words in the book.

“I know these breasts would like to rest, but I need milk so make it quick.”

Sparkles shot from the end of her finger, striking her in the chest. She felt her breast tingle for a moment then the tingling subsided. Looking down, she expected to find a wet spot on her blouse, but there was nothing. Five minutes ticked by and still nothing was happening. Had she cast the spell right? Was she supposed to have taken off her shirt and bra?

She started back towards the book when she began to feel her breast begin to swell. By the time she looked down it was clear they were already a size or two too big for the bra she wearing and still growing. She had to get out of the bra before it became any more uncomfortable. She tore at the buttons on her blouse so she could get it off, not able to think clear enough to even come up with the thought of zapping both it and the bra away. As she did so, she could feel pressure building up inside her chest, feel her nipples becoming rock hard and sore from rubbing against the increasingly too small bra.

Finally getting the blouse off herself, she ripped at the clasp of her front hooking bra, tearing the damn thing right off herself. And just in time too for as soon as it fell away her nipples began squirting out milk.

“Thar she blows!” Salem cheered, having jumped up onto her desk to see if she had indeed cast the spell right. He was right in the way of the stream of breast milk and quickly found himself covered.

Without the constraint of her bra and with the pressure having backed off a bit from what it was originally, Sabrina’s breasts stopped squirting like crazy. But her breast still felt awfully full, as if they needed someone to suckle them to ease the pain their fullness was causing her. Sabrina reached up and squeezed both her nipples, causing a second wave to spray over the black cat. And also causing her loins to begin stirring. Picking up the pump, she stuck it over her nipples and began pumping out breast milk, which caused her pussy to start getting nice and wet.

“Salem, this is incredible. I’m getting so fucking horny just from having my tits pumped.” This time she had the presence of mind to actually zap away her clothing rather than struggle with it. With the rest of it gone, she dipped a couple fingers into her snatch and brought them out for the cat to see just how wet she was. She sucked them clean before returning to playing with herself. “Wow, if I’d known lactating makes a girl this fucking horny, I’d have had Harvey knock me up years ago.”


“Well young lady,” Salem said in his best professor like voice, once he’d cleaned himself up, “it says right here that the only known side effect of this spell when cast on an individual is that it makes her extremely horny until she stops lactating. While lactating might make some women horny naturally, what’s happening to you is a magical side effect.”

Sabrina didn’t care at the moment, all she knew was that she needed some relief and she needed it fast. She quickly zapped open her bottom dresser drawer and summoned her chrome vibrator. It zipped across the room, landing in her free hand. Normally Sabrina would have started by rubbing it across her nipples, but as they were already occupied by the breast pump she decided it was time to go straight for her pussy.

Flicking it on, she ran the vibrator along her pussy lips, moaning as the vibrations sent tingles up her spine. She kept running it along her slit, teasing herself to increase the pleasure she was feeling. As she ran it up to her clit, Sabrina gasped in surprise. Normally it would take several long minutes before she was aroused enough for her little clit to come out of it’s hood. But already it was out, and even more sensitive than she was used to. At the very moment the vibrator touched her button she had a mini orgasm, something she had never experienced this soon before.

Somewhat lost in the moment, she held the sex toy to her clit, the vibrations causing her to pass through a steady stream of mini orgasms. They were like a string of firecrackers, as one began dieing away she was hit by another. The feeling was incredible, almost as good as what she’d felt giving Libby her first orgasm. She wanted to scream, but nothing would come out of her mouth.


Finally after a few minutes of this she slipped the vibrator back down and began pushing it past her lips. Sabrina was so wet by this time that it was like sliding a hot knife through butter. Before she knew it, her fingers were resting against her lips, the thumb brushing across her clit. Grunting, she pulled it out until the tip just barely parted her lips then pushed it back in. Out, in, in, out, getting a nice rhythm going as she fucked herself. Each time she pushed the vibrator in, she made certain to rub her clit with the pad of her thumb at the end of the each stroke before pulling back out.

“That’s it girl, work that thing!” Salem cheered. For the millionth time he wished the council hadn’t turned him into a cat. At least when he was human he could have jerked off to the show the young witch was giving him, and maybe screwed her senseless if she’d let him.

Panting, Sabrina started shoving the sex toy in harder, feeling her orgasm welling up inside. Her body was slick with perspiration, but she wanted more. She started angling the little chrome shaft around until she had it rubbing against her g-spot. That was all it took for the wave to slam into her. Sabrina screamed out in primal lust as her orgasms took control of her. She shook uncontrollably, feeling as if she’d never stop cumming. Her pussy walls were contracting around the vibrator, trying to milk it as if it were a real cock. She could feel her juices escaping around the battery operated invader, flow down her thighs and puddling on the floor under her ass. But she was too far gone to care, she just let go of the vibrator and started squeezing her tits.

She took of the breast pump so as to get a better grip on her nipples. Tugging at them, she squirted milk across the room as the vibrator slowly worked it’s way out of her tender pussy. She then bent her head forward, holding the left tit up so she could lick the nipple. Before that could happen, her fingers squeezed the nipple, shooting her in the face with her own milk.

Licking her lips, Sabrina decided she liked the taste and proceed to try and inhale her own nipple. But her breast wasn’t big enough to allow her to do more than lick it, so she settled for the next best thing. Squeezing out a little milk, just enough so that it didn’t squirt but merely covered the nipple, and then lapping it clean. It was only after a few minutes of this that she finally realized her orgasm had stopped and she was feeling a cool breeze on her slit.

Getting unsteadily to her feet, Sabrina looked around at the mess she made. Her breast still felt full of milk, but at least she wasn’t as horny anymore and she didn’t feel like she needed to be milked. Her mind was clear enough that she could think up a spell to clean up first the room then herself. Once that was done she cast another spell so as to clothe herself, this time wearing a bra for women who were lactating.

“Wow, that spell’s really something else,” she announced, feeling a little flushed and sore from fucking herself so hard.

“I’ll say,” Salem panted, clearly worked up by what he’d just seen.

“Ah, poor kitty have blue balls?” Sabrina teased.

“Not for much longer,” Salem said, an idea coming to mind. He hopped from Sabrina’s desk to the open window, heading for the oak tree outside it. “Mrs. Arnold, you’re little Fluffy is going to have a good time tonight.”

“Salem, you stay away from Fluffy, she’s a prize winning Persian!” But it was too late, the black cat was already on his way down the tree.


Libby prattled on and on about her life since leaving West Bridge as she moved about her new room. Occasionally she’d stop after saying something that she now realized might offended Sabrina and cast a nervous glance at the young witch before offering a quick apology. Then she’d rush headlong into what she’d been saying again as if nothing had happened.

Although Libby had already put her clothes and valuables away earlier in the day, there was still things she had to do to the room to make it feel like home to her. When Sabrina had arrived in the kitchen shortly after her masturbation session, Libby had announced she needed to return to her room to finish unpacking and had given Sabrina an almost unnoticeable nod of the head as she left, blushing ever so slightly. Sabrina had given her fifteen minutes head start before following. Even with Greg still in the house, she couldn’t contain her desire to see Libby’s tits dripping milk. Maybe it was a sense of revenge for all those years of torment, or maybe she was still horny. It didn’t really matter to her. And besides, Gregg had made the very subtle comment just after Libby left that he figured she had given birth recently and given the baby up for adoption.

Carol had tried pointing out to him that Libby might either be really well endowed through genetics or had had a little surgery done to enhance her bust line. But the geek countered with the argument that he was getting a certain kind of vide of her, a kind he caught only off someone who was possessed or a woman who had given birth. He claimed that only the best ghost hunters could detect items of a supernatural nature without any equipment. Although there was something about women who had just given birth that felt almost like they were possessed when they weren’t.

Sabrina did have to laugh to herself about what he said, though at the same time it frightened her a little. Although he clearly had no clue what he was talking about, she did have to wonder if he could detect magic in some way and that, coupled with his own preconceived ideas, was why he thought Libby had given birth. If so, it could make him very dangerous to have around. But at least it made him seem less likely to become suspicious of Libby if she suddenly started lactating.

Boarding House Chapter 4

F6FHellcat on Celebrity Stories

Sabrina opened the door to Libby’s room and let herself in. The brunette was too busy to turn around and see who was entering, but she could certainly hear them.

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to enter someone’s room without knocking?” She asked, disapproval in her voice. Still she didn’t turn around, she was far too busy arranging things. “What if I had been undressing? Do you really think I’d want you to see my boobs, geek?”

“Funny, I thought I saw you in all your glory already,” Sabrina said, smiling broadly at seeing Libby jump.

“Sabrina!” Libby turned to face her intruder, a mixture of shock and relief on her face. “I thought you were that geek, Greg Flengen. The way

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he was looking at me before you came into the kitchen it’s pretty clear he’s not only a geek but a perv. Why’d you even rent a room to someone like him?”

“Believe me, I didn’t have a choice in the matter,” Sabrina replied, taking a seat at the foot of Libby’s bed. She looked at the poster Libby had been putting up before going on. “Roxie and I wanted to interview folks. You know, decide if they were the kind of folks we wanted to rent rooms to. Morgan just rented to the first three people to call. I’m sure he’s pretty harmless though.”

“That is unless you’re a witch or some other Other Realm being,” she thought to herself, though she kept an unconcerned look on her face. It wouldn’t do for Libby to know he worried her too.

“Harmless!” Libby raised her voice in disgust. “He wasn’t checking you out with that lecherous stare. He knows I’ve got huge boobs and wants to see them. It’s always been the curse of the beautiful to have geeks, nerds, really old guys, and fatsos staring at us and undressing us with their eyes. But I’ve found an even worse curse. To be beautiful and have these freakishly huge boobs. Now their not only undressing me with their eyes, the pervs are imagining putting their dicks between my boobs and having me suck them off.

“You’re lucky they don’t look at you the same way they used to look at me. Cute girls like you are just there for them to look at and not undress with their eyes.”

“Cute, huh?” Sabrina asked, smiling to herself at Libby’s choice of words. She could remember a time when Libby wouldn’t have called her cute. Plain, certainly since cute would have been a compliment. Certainly she had been cute, pretty even. She’d dare to have said she was beautiful in her own way. But Libby would never have willingly admitted to any of those about her. At least not during high school.

“I’m sorry, I meant sexy.”

Sabrina lifted an eyebrow at that comment, causing Libby to blush. Perhaps she had been right about her after all. Perhaps Libby was bi. Although one encounter with another woman didn’t make one bi, did it? She’d heard plenty of straight women experimented with lesbian sex once or twice in their lives and were never actually attracted to women. It was just experimentation, that’s all. She’d experimented with Morgan and Roxie after all, though she did find she was attracted to women as much as men because of it.

She stared at Libby with the same kind of lust Libby found so disgusting in geeks, nerds, old geezers, and fat guys. Although she certainly didn’t have a cock with which to titty fuck Libby with. But Libby could suck on her clit for her. She smiled inwardly at the thought of Libby sucking her clit before lapping her pussy to orgasm for her. Then she shook her head to clear it of those thoughts. Libby might or might not be bi, she didn’t know for sure yet. But after introducing her to her first masturbation session, not to mention the first time she’d been with another woman in any way, Sabrina wasn’t too sure how she’d respond if she sat on her face right then.

But as these thoughts ran through her mind Sabrina began to feel herself getting wetter than she’d ever gotten just by thinking casual sexual thoughts before. No, she’d only gotten this wet from dreams or, and this was usually the case, playing with herself or having sex. And to her shock and dismay, she wasn’t only getting wet between her legs. She could feel two spots of wetness forming on her shirt. Right where her nipples were.

“Uh, Sabrina, what’s happening to you?” Libby asked, eyes glued to her breast.

“Oh no,” Sabrina thought, horrified. “The lactation spell, I completely forgot it lasts at least four hours and that it increases how horny I feel. Funny, I thought the nursing bra would help a little.”

“Gross, you’ve got something coming out of your boobs. It’s some kind of liquid.” Libby’s draw dropped when what she said finally hit home. “Wait a minute, some kind of liquid? And it’s only over your boobs. Are you....”

Libby couldn’t explain why she did it. To her surprise and Sabrina’s she crossed over to the witch and pulled her shirt up over her head, exposing her leaking breasts. Libby let out a shock at seeing Sabrina’s bare breasts, not knowing what to have expected.

Sabrina was even more shocked. She knew she’d been wearing a nursing bra when she came in. Hell, she taken off her shirt right outside Libby’s door before opening it so she could see whether the bra opened in the front or back. Just incase she ended up giving Libby lesson number two in girl-girl sex. But to have it completely gone now, that didn’t make any sense

Libby squeezed Sabrina’s nipples, causing milk to squirt out

“It’s milk,” Libby said, stunned. “You are. You’re lactating. But that’s impossible, isn’t it. I mean women only do that after they’ve had a baby, right?”

“I’m gonna have to check the book,” Sabrina thought. “I know I came in here with a bra on. So why is it....”

Sabrina’s thought’s were suddenly interrupted when she felt Libby’s lips engulf her left breast. Sabrina moaned in delight as the former cheerleader suckled at her tit, drinking deeply her rich milk. Libby pulled away, licking her lips and giving Sabrina a rather lustful look.

“Well, well, it looks as if teacher’s got a yummy reward for her little student.”

“Excuse me?”

“I must say, Sabrina, had I known how good your milk would taste I’d have ripped your nightshirt off and started nursing the minute I came in the house. I’d have let you do anything just for a sip of what you have in those titties of yours.”

The husky tone in Libby’s voice wasn’t lost on Sabrina, nor was the look in her eyes. There wasn’t any hunger there. Instead they were vacant and far away while at the same time seeming to be looking right at Sabrina with pure lust, pleading with her to screw her senseless. It was as if Libby wasn’t even home yet all too present all at once

“I really do have to check that book,” Sabrina thought, before pulling Libby to her right tit. “Suck it slut.”

There was no need really for her to be so demanding. As soon as she felt herself being pulled to Sabrina’s other boob she more than willingly leaned in to suckle her. As she sucked on Sabrina’s boob a hand slid down her pants so she could play with her own pussy. Sabrina sensed where Libby had stuck her hand and smiled proudly. She was right, she had become Libby teacher. Her sex teacher. And what teacher wouldn’t be proud when they learned their pupil was putting what they’d learned to good use?


“Hmmm?” Libby hummed around Sabrina’s breast. The vibrations nearly drove the young which wild.

“Dear sweet Libby, I need you to do something for me.


“I want you to take your hand out of your pants and slide it into mine. I need you to play with my pussy for me.”

Libby stopped sucking on Sabrina’s boob and gave her a desperate look. “But that will mean I have to stop playing with mine, mistress.”

“Mistress? Where did that come from?” Sabrina wondered. “Yes, it will, sweetie. But don’t you want to please me?”

In a flash Libby withdrew her hand from her pants. But she didn’t do as Sabrina asked. Instead, she stood Sabrina up and then took off her pants. It was something the young witch hadn’t expected, but she found it highly delightful. Libby, who earlier had to be forced into revealing her own body, was now willingly stripping Sabrina. She took a step back and got out of her shirt and pants. But when she went to remove her bra, Sabrina stopped her.

“No, not just yet. I have something in mind before you can remove those.”

The brunette nodded and turned her attention to Sabrina’s pussy. “What do I do?”

“The same thing you do to yourself,” Sabrina told her as she pulled her back to her chest.

As Libby started to suckle again she lightly ran the tip of her finger over Sabrina’s puffy outer lips. This elicited a gasp for the blonde, not having realized how sensitive she suddenly was. The ex-cheerleader slowly traced her fingers over the other girls lips as if she were trying to memorize the very feel of her. Sabrina was shocked to feel herself already working up to an orgasm just from what little Libby had done.

Unable to stand it any longer, and not really stopping to think whether it was still to soon to do it, Sabrina shoved Libby away and forced her to kneel in front of her as if in worship. She spread her legs and pulled Libby to her crotch.

“Suck my clit, slut. Make me cum.”

Libby scrunched up her face, repulsed by the idea of putting another woman’s pussy anywhere near her face. But then she saw Sabrina’s clit. It seemed abnormally large to her, almost like a little cock. She’d given a few blowjobs before, all she’d actually do with most guys really. But this wasn’t some cock. It was another woman’s clit. It was Sabrina’s clit


Sabrina’s clit. Somewhere way back in her mind was a voice screaming `No, don’t do it! You’re not some fucking lesbian!” But then it was drowned out by many other voices, all her own, telling her to go ahead. Some said it was just experimentation, other’s that Sabrina was her teacher. Others of course said that it would make Sabrina happy and if she didn’t then Sabrina would kick her out on her ass just as she’d threatened earlier. But then there was the loudest voice, the one that had suddenly appeared in her mind when her sense had first told her Sabrina was leaking from both her breasts and her pussy. `Do it, do as your mistress commands!’

Without another word, Libby wrapped her lips around Sabrina’s clit. Sabrina clamped her legs to the side of Libby’s head as she felt her first orgasm hit her. Sabrina screamed in ecstasy as waves of pleasure swept through her. But she had to keep it from over coming her completely. The moment was just right.

Before her orgasm could overtake her, she pointed to Libby’s bed and zapped in a breast pump. Then, with a shaky finger she pointed to the brunette’s chest.

““I know theeeeseeee breasts would like to reeeesssstttt, but I neeeeeed milk so make it quick!”

The very last part was screamed out as Sabrina could no longer resist her orgasm any more. She grabbed the back of Libby’s head and held her there as she came hard. Her juices dribbled down her chin and onto her freakishly huge breasts. Libby felt a strange pressure building in her breasts but ignored it so she could continue pleasuring Sabrina. She continued sucking the witches clit, oblivious to the world around her.

Sabrina’s legs finally let out as her orgasm subsided. Letting go of the brunette’s head she collapsed into a heap onto her bed, just barely missing the breast pump. Panting she ran her hands weakly over her own breasts before squeezing them to get a little milk out. Then she remembered the spell she’d cast and looked over to see Libby clawing at her bra. She smiled proudly when Libby finally got it off and milk started squirting out.

“Here, this should take some of the pressure off,” she said, putting the pump over Libby’s tits and starting it siphoning off some of her new found breast milk.

“Where, did that come from, it wasn’t here a few minutes ago?”

“Just a little something I zapped in,” Sabrina explained. “Don’t worry, you won’t remember I even said that.”

With that Sabrina zapped Libby with a memory charm the book recommended be used on all subjects the lactation spell was used on.


Sabrina finally returned to her room after a little fuck session with Libby. As she had pumped Libby’s tits she had also worked the woman’s pussy into a lather, surprised at the copious amount of juices she got to come out of her. She’d grabbed a tea cup Libby had on the night stand beside her bed and used it to catch as much of Libby’s come as she could.

Once the cup was a quarter full and the bottles on the breast pump completely full, she set both cup and pump aside and proceeded to 69 the other girl. She managed to bring Libby to three orgasms before the brunette finally passed out. She’d used that as her chance to zap herself back to her own room. Sabrina was just finishing labeling bottles as Libby’s milk and her cum when Salem finally appeared.

“So, did you ruin Fluffy?” Sabrina asked, disapproval in her voice. “You know Mrs. Anderson was hoping to breed her.”

“Oh, she’s been bred alright,” Salem said, proudly. “I think I was raped, Sabrina. That Persian was all over me before I could even sneak in through the window. I’m tell you she’s hot for my form.”

“Salem, that’s just plain disgusting.”

“You’re telling me. She did things I thought no normal cat could do. Why she….”

“Salem!” Sabrina screamed, not wanting to her the sordid details of cat sex.

“Sorry, Sabrina, but it ain’t like you humans are the only ones who enjoy sex you know.”

“And it ain’t like you’re a mere cat,” she retorted, reminding him of what he really was. “I don’t need to hear about your little kitty sexual conquests.”

“Oh, well why didn’t you say that in the first place?” Salem asked, sounding more than a little hurt that he couldn’t share. Then he noticed Sabrina’s collection. “Hmmm, it would seem I got to miss all the fun here.”

“Yeah you did,” Sabrina said, absently, as she read the Appendix spell book. “Not that Libby and I really needed a cat voyeur.”

“So did you and her do the old horizontal mambo?”

“That’s none of your business. Hmmm, Salem do you think it was a bad idea for me to cast this lactation spell on myself first?”

“No, why?”

“Because it says here that any half witch-half mortal who uses the spell on herself also essentially gains a bit of control over any woman or girl who is currently suffering from the effects of a spell. Though the only spell they can suffer the effects from and not be affected by me is the lactation spell. It says that the smell of my pussy has subtly changed so as to cause women to become subservient to me, but only if they sallow my breast milk before I cum. But it only happens if I get sexually excited. That would explain why Libby called me mistress and got that strange look in her eyes. She was under my spell.”

“As far as I can see, that may not be a bad thing,” Salem told her. “Always nice to have a willing sex slave.”

“Hmmm, you probably should have looked more heavily for side effects, Salem.” Sabrina never even noticed he’d said anything about sex slaves. “It says right here that any bra summoned by magic will instantly vanish the moment a woman under the lactation spell starts lactating into it.”

“Oh that,” Salem chuckled. “I thought that was just a joke.”

“No you didn’t,” Sabrina said, suddenly realizing he’d deliberately left that out. “You wanted to see me braless if I zapped one in.”

“Can you blame me?” Salem asked. “Face it Sabrina, you’ve got great tits. And you’re milk tastes great.”

She wanted to give him some kind of snappy comment, but she couldn’t. He was right, after all. Even she admired her breasts, they were fantastic even without the lactation spell making them swell with milk. And she’d tasted her own breast milk, it was like an ambrosia she liked to her. There was definitely the taste of pineapple, orange, coconut, maraschino cherry, and cream all mixed together. She figured that had to be because it wasn’t natural lactation. Well, it was but it wasn’t. Her body had produced the milk, it had just been stimulated by the spell to do so.

“Salem, what did my milk taste like to you?”

“Ambrosia,” he replied dreamily. “And believe me it was way better than any I’ve ever had before.”

“You’ve tried breast milk before?” Sabrina asked, shocked.

“As you’ve pointed out, Sabrina, I wasn’t always a cat.”

“Oh right, you were probably breast feed when you were a baby. You know, Salem, I’m a little shocked you remember that.”

“I never said I remembered breast feeding when I was a child, Sabrina. I will have you know that before I was turned into a cat I had many sexual encounters. Some with pregnant women and even a few with women who had given birth. None of those who fed me their breast milk, either witch or mortal, tasted like yours. The taster was sweeter than regular milk, but nothing like yours.”

“I tried Libby’s, it tasted like fresh baked apple crisp.”

Salem looked to the bottles on the shelf. “Can I try just a little of Libby’s?”

“No, I need it for the spell.”

“Puhlease????” the cat whined, putting on his best `I’ll be good if you give me some’ voice.

Sabrina zapped in a curio cabinet with a magic lock on it and proceed to put the bottles of Libby and her milk into it along with the bottle of Libby’s cum. She then closed the cabinet and locked it, sticking her tongue out at cat.

“That’s just plain mean Sabrina,” Salem retorted, looking accusingly at the cabinet as if it was the one who’d denied him his treat and not the witch. Then he noticed Sabrina had turned back to the book.

“Sabrina, what are you doing?”

“I’m looking for another spell, something to make things a little easier. I mean, I fucked Libby so I could cast the spell on her. But I don’t want to fuck everyone just so I can cast the spell on them. Ah, here we go. Perfect, now I just have to get a few things together.”

“What are you going to do?”

Sabrina smiled impishly at the cat. She then put on her most theatrical voice.

“If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear.”

“How very Shakespearean of you,” Salem said, nodding in approval. “A dream spell, most appropriate You can cast one to last for as long as the lactation spell lasts. And if you should desire more sex slaves….”

“Who ever said I wanted to cast a sex slave spell?” Sabrina interrupted.


“Sabrina, weren’t you listening to what I said earlier. As you explained, while you’re under the effects of the lactation spell the smell of your pussy has changed to make any woman who smells it subservient to you. But only if they drink your milk before you cum and only when you’re aroused. And only if their already suffering the effects of a previous spell. In other words, if you cast any spell that lasts for a while and then have sex with another girl you could make them your willing sex slave.”

“Ok, so basically I’ve behave myself and try not to have sex with Carol, Morgan, or Roxie.”

But deep inside Sabrina had to admit the idea of at least another sex slave kinda excited her.