he has red-goldish hair all the way down here shoulders, which danced playfully as she walked or moved here head. Here figurine was that of a slender teen, she works out a lot and it shows because she\'s a size 34 (which is thin model size, its european) ans a tight little wiggling ass you would die for. here tits are DD or C, but i believe its more like D.
the most amazing thing about them is that they are very firm and smooth/soft with a beatiful round shape with large round nipples.
besides this she had a cute face (even for here age) and very nice lips.
Besides all this which is very attractive i might add, she has those Amazing eyes, there green/blue and very clear. When she looks at you with here eyes, you can really feel here looking to you in the deepest imaginable way. At times just seeing her looking at me turned me on, it was almost as if here eyes radiated sex, and begged for it in a sensual secret kind of way.
Lately i haven\'t been around there house so often, so my visits were down to like once a month or so. This particular hot summer day in June was when it all started, i decided to pay David a visit (he was at home with his girlfriend). When i walked to the door (which is in the garden).
I Noticed Astrid laying there sunbathing, in a orange nice bikini, because of here slim body, i particularly noticed here firm nice breasts and not to mention the rest of here figure. This is when i realised i was just staring at here amazing body, unable to look anywhere else, thank god she was sleeping!
But she wasnt. As i was looking at here she suddenly asked if i would wan\'t a cold drink. Flabbergasted i said yes, as she smiled in a kind of vicious/naughty way, she walked before me towards te house. It looked as if she wiggled here tight ass in that sexy bikini to tease me, but that was my imagination or so i guess.
As we both went into the house, we started talking about regular boring stuff, and then i asked where David was. She replied: he\'s fucking his girlfriend again, its what they do all day. Then she gave a little giggle and looked with here penetrating eyes deeply in mine.
What do you think about her she asked. i replied she\'s a nice girl, a little bit horny all the time that\'s all, and i laughed it off.
And what about you? she asked.
Im fine i replied, and told here i just quit my job.
She looks at me hot as hell and says, that\'s not what i mean, i was asking you if you get horny all the time, after asking me, she kept looking at me with those georgious eyes.