Enteme's Avatar
Enteme Member Since July 01, 2011
Milly inseminated
Enteme 3956 days ago
- 0 + Hope all the story is displayed.

Stories posting seems to be having a bad hair day.

xxx Enteme
Dog Sitter
Enteme 3956 days ago
- 0 + Very good story. I empathise with Sarah, as I lost my V to a dog, aged 13. A mongrel, about a lab's size. But no-one ever found out.

I stupidly told a Dom b/f I dated when 16. We had moved in together and he had a cross bred dobbie/Alsatian. After that, I had little choice but be "raped" by his dog and his friends. All thankfully finished when I was 21 and b/f disappeared, owing some nasty people a lot of money. Dog went with him.

Whereas, I think Sarah's very lucky and Ralph seems a nice, protective guy.

Enti xx
Barnyard Orgy Part 5
Enteme 3956 days ago
- 1 + Really good story. I've always loved the "hillbilly" theme.

A shame that one of the girls didn't have to take the boar's cock. I have worked on a pig farm and fascinated by the boar's flexible breeding hose.

They are the clumsiest lovers imaginable, as is not uncommon, their cocks fold in two and do a U turn in the sow. ~giggles~

However, the screw part at tip, is designed to PAINLESSLY slide thru' the sow's cervix.

Inspite of a boar cumming as much as a small teacup, it's divided into three different substances. 1st the watery, slippery pre-cum, followed by the thicker sperm and ends with a very thick substance that blocks her cervix to keep all in her womb. mmmmmm Hence once a boar has bred, very little seepage, so no waste.

I confess to a few wet dreams over that.

But is educational value. ~smile~

Connie's first
Enteme 4963 days ago
- 0 + Great to read it happens to other.

I was caught crawling thru a hole in a huge holly bush. Prickles nasty and even more when collie I was taking for walkies, decided to mount me - successfully. I too lost my V. I had planned on losing to a carrot, but in retrospect, Toby, the neighbours dog, was a very good choice.

Thankfully NO one caught me. Would have died from embarrassment if my uncle had seen me.

Thanks for story. It happens more than many think - I think, anyway. ... hope too.
