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Agent_RayBans Member Since October 19, 2009

Adventures in Babysitting

Agent_RayBans on Teen Stories

Her name was Angel and she lived down the road from my family’s rural home. She was 17 (the year I was 14) and to all appearances, she was pretty much a typical California high school girl of the mid 1970s. All the neighborhood parents liked and trusted Angel who, unlike the average teenager, behaved pol

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itely and responsibly. My mother would occasionally pay Angel to babysit me and my younger brother and sister on nights she worked late.


What was amusing to me was that so many parents would trust a 17 year old high school girl to babysit a 14 year old boy. But those same parents would never trust a 17 year old boy to babysit a 14 year old girl. Reality was a bit different from expectations, though. Angel appeared to be reserved and modest but she was actually far bolder than anyone guessed.


I always enjoyed it whenever Angel babysat for our family. In keeping with 1970s California fashion, she often wore tight fitting shorts or a denim miniskirt of the type that was so popular back then. Because of this, I always looked forward to observing her pretty legs and I was always alert for the brief times when she accidentally exposed her crotch and revealed a quick glimpse of her panties. Panty flashes were rare but the anticipation of getting such a thrill always kept my interest whenever she was around. I even began to suspect she subtly encouraged my voyeurism by arranging for “accidental” teasing panty flashes to occasionally occur.


During her visits, after she’d put my younger brother and sister to bed, she’d study her schoolwork while I watched TV. I was usually splitting my attention between watching the TV and trying to catch a glimpse up her skirt. I often noticed that she was heavily involved in reading a thick textbook called “Human Sexuality” for a physiology college prep class. I couldn’t help but notice that the part of the textbook that kept her most interested was the section that included drawings of the male reproductive anatomy.  She occasionally cracked jokes about it and I sometimes joked back but that was usually all our conversations amounted to.  I was usually more interested in looking at her legs than talking.


Over the course of several babysitting visits, I noticed her making more and more comments about the information she was reading. I was puzzled that the otherwise modest babysitter was becoming so forward as she rambled on about the sexual material she was studying. She started commenting about penis size, sperm content, ejaculation duration, etc. What was going on with her? I was puzzled about her behavior but I sure wasn’t complaining because I was already enjoying sexual thrills just from hearing her comments and jokes.  


I usually did much more listening than talking as she spoke. Even though she was 3 years older than me, I gathered from her comments that she had never seen a real live erection before. She seemed unusually interested in them but the tone of her comments told me she was frustrated because she’d never had the chance to see a real boner for herself. Yet Angel kept covering her comments with jokes so I never was completely clear whether she was just chatting or hinting something more. 


One night after a few of her usual jokes she held up her textbook for me to see. I was shocked to see a detailed drawing of a splendid erection. She grinned at me and then half-jokingly suggested that she needed a volunteer whose erection she could inspect so she could verify the accuracy of page’s drawing. I laughed because I was quite sure her class assignment didn’t actually require her to see a real penis to fulfill her project. Still, I didn’t mind where she was going with this topic because it was setting off all kinds of fantasies in my imagination. So, I decided to tease her back a bit by hinting that I might be interested in posing for her project. I was savoring the thrill of this flirting with her but I didn't really expect anything to come of it.


The conversation rambled on but then she suddenly returned to the original topic and she asked me again whether I wanted to pose for her. As usual, she tried to frame the inquiry as something of a joke but this time I didn’t think it was.  Intrigued, I decided to call her bluff and so I told her I’d do it for her. She got a big smile on her face, put her book down, and then said in an eager voice: “OK. Show me!”


My heart was fluttering and my face turned red as I asked her “Are you serious? Do you really want to see it?”


She nodded and grinned as she sat down on the couch to watch. Her miniskirt rode up as she sat back and crossed her pretty legs. The panty flash I was got was only adding to the heat building in the room. We were both a bit giddy from the anticipation of what might happen next. 


Now my bluff had been called. Would I muster the courage to bare my dong? My heart was pounding and I was getting really excited but I still wasn’t completely sure if she was joking or not. She might at any moment stop the whole episode by laughing at me and proclaiming what a sucker I was. But she seemed eager to do this and I was enjoying this game so had to do something quick before she lost interest.


What to do? Thinking it over quickly, I decided to bargain with her. I told Angel I’d pose for her only if she’d join me by dropping her skirt first. I thought for sure she’d refuse my demand, but, to my complete surprise she nodded in agreement. True to her word, she leaned back on the couch and unbuttoned her miniskirt while tugging it downward. She wriggled her waist and in a few seconds it dropped to her ankles revealing her narrow panties and those very pretty legs.


I could hardly believe what was happening here. Angel’s panties were made of nylon mesh so transparent she might as well have been wearing nothing. Obviously, she’d planned ahead for tonight’s activities because I could easily see her trimmed bush and pussy cleft as she reclined on the coach waiting for me to strip. The sight was intoxicating.


My heart was pounding as I decided to go for broke. With nervous fingers, I fumbled with my belt and zipper and began pulling down my shorts. Wasting no time, I dropped my briefs and stepped out of my pants while turning to face her with my cock hanging semi-hard right in front of her. This got her attention and she sat there on the couch watching what I had to show her. I couldn’t believe I was standing there with my growing cock practically right in Angel’s face but I was sure enjoying it.


My heart was pounding with pleasure and excitement as she stood up and stepped close in front of me. I loved staring at the beautiful curve of her waist and ass as she moved.  We both looked down and watched my boner growing longer and harder by the second. Soon it was fully extended and throbbing excitedly. It was pointing directly at her pussy, as if it knew exactly where it wanted to go from some kind of magnetic attraction. I could hardly believe this was happening to me but here it was. She was grinning from ear to ear as she moved as close in front of me as my extended boner would allow. She lightly touched my cock head with her fingers sending an electric thrill jolting through my body from the incredible pleasure of her unexpected touch. 


She was standing so close my throbbing cock head was brushing her belly button as she reached out to grasp me gently with both hands.  I was in absolute heaven as she gripped my shaft and her fingers carefully explored its length.  My breathing grew heavier and my heart pounded violently as her grip tightened around me. She squeezed it a bit, testing its firmness, and her face assumed a dreamy expression I had never before seen on a woman. Yet as we stood there together, she didn’t realize how excited I was getting as her knuckles nudged my swollen balls while the tip of my cock head rubbed the slick nylon of her panties.


It proved to be too much for me. Her scent, her breath, her closeness and the touch of her hands proved to be just too much. With her palms wrapped around me and her eyes closed in dreamy fantasy, I lost control and began squirting powerful jets of semen like a fire hose. Colorful lights exploded in my head from the intense pleasure of the ejaculation and I groaned in pleasure. It all came out in a veritable rush as streamers of semen flooded onto her belly, splattering her panties. When she felt the wetness spreading she giggled and squealed as she realized what was happening. Then her eyes grew wide with astonishment and wonder as she viewed the enormity of my explosion.  


Chuckling at my groans and convulsions, she finally had the presence of mind to point my boner away as I gradually finished squirting. She was as surprised as she was amused by how easily I’d been coaxed to ejaculation. When she began to realize how thoroughly she’d been soaked she looked at me, and then downwards at the mess, and then back at me with a look of wonder at the flood dripping down her torso. Tugging her sweater downwards, she attempted to wipe away the river of semen that was dripping down her belly and soaking right through her racy, transparent panties. The unabsorbant wool of her sweater only served to smear the globs of semen even more thoroughly onto her panties.


I watched her going through these futile efforts as I gradually regained my breath. I felt a wonderful sense of relief from the ejaculation but there was little else I could think to do as I stood there with my boner still sticking straight out and dripping the last of my load onto the floor. She failed in her attempts to wipe herself dry because her soaked panties were now clinging even closely to her crotch. Through the wetness I could even more clearly see her bush and the fold of her pussy.


She sighed and gave up her vain attempts to wipe her panties clean. Instead, she simply pulled her panties off to remove the sticky semen before it soaked further into her pussy crack. What a bonus thrill for me. The babysitter was baring her pussy now! She stepped out of the soaked panties, leaving them on the floor, and strode bottomless to the nearest bathroom where she retrieved some tissue paper to mop herself dry. It felt very odd to be watching the babysitter striding around our house wearing only a sweater as she attempted to clean my semen off her pussy.


After drying herself, she returned to the couch where I waited with a deflating boner that was sagging sadly downward. She stood there, nude from waist down, with a slightly annoyed look on her face for having had her evening suddenly spoiled in such a messy way. She wasn’t really mad, though, just surprised by what had happened. We’d both gotten to see what we wanted to see (and more) but it was clear she had explored enough of my penis tonight.


Still, I enjoyed the view as she bent over to retrieve her clothing from the floor. It wasn’t often that I got to view Angel nude and bending over in our living room. She  shoved the soiled panties deep into her purse where no one could see them. Then she stepped back into her skirt and hiked it up around her waist. It was clear she’d have to spend the rest of the evening pantyless and I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of her accepting the babysitting pay from my mother while wearing no panties under her skirt.


The thought of my mother arriving home reminded me to get redressed myself. Angel handed me a tissue and I cleaned the semen off myself before I replaced my briefs and shorts. In a few moments we were back in our original condition, or nearly so, except for the soiled panties in her purse. It had been a surprisingly satisfying evening that we managed to keep a secret between us.


Music Lessons

Agent_RayBans on Teen Stories


Beginning around age 14 I began taking weekly guitar lessons from a local high school girl who lived a few miles away from my home. Each Tuesday afternoon my mother would drop me off at the guitar teacher’s rural house then return to pick me up several hours later when my lesson was finished. It was a weekly routine that seemed rather dull at first but quickly became more interesting as I got to know Alicia, my teacher, better.

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Alicia was a slightly heavyset 16 year old girl whose parents were known to be very religious and uptight. Despite her parents’ beliefs, Alicia had something of a seductive and sensual manner about her that I immediately sensed and liked. During my guitar lessons I was pleased to find that she didn't mind sitting close to me and sometimes her leg rubbed mine. When she leaned forward to demonstrate a playing technique I could often see down her blouse and get a good view of her unusually large boobs. Entranced by sight of her boobs and the lacy bras she wore, I soon developed a crush on her that I had trouble hiding.


Alicia’s home basement had been outfitted with guestroom so that’s where we spent our lesson time together. The guestroom was isolated and quiet so the music disturbed no one in the house above. Even so, we were often completely alone down there for hours because her mother was usually away from home in the afternoons. I always felt a secret thrill at being alone with an older girl in a quiet room equipped with a bed and I sometimes fantasized about her on it.  The views of Alicia’s boobs and the touch of her leg during my lessons only added to my secret thrills and fantasies.


We often chatted alone together after my lessons. Since I was a few years younger than her I never imagined that Alicia would be sexually interested in me or shared any of my fantasies, but, to my complete surprise, on some of our afternoons alone together she gradually began to steer our chats toward sex. It began one day with a few gentle jokes or innuendos but it wasn’t long before we found ourselves indulging in a detailed discussions about sexually related topics. She sometimes talked about the size of her ample boobs and how difficult it was for her to purchase bras. Other times she’d complain about how teenage boys looked at her chest and only thought about one thing (the same thing I often thought about).


I thoroughly enjoyed secret chats because I had such a crush on her and being alone with her always made me feel horny. I eagerly looked forward to our afternoons in the basement together although I never dreamed that our chats would ever amount to anything more than talk. All I knew was that I always became very hard but I really didn't care when Alicia could see the obvious bulge in my pants. In fact, I wanted her to see it to show her my reaction to her sex chats. To my delight, she sometimes glanced at my waist and then smiled at me when I caught where her eyes had been roaming.


One afternoon when the guitar lesson was finished our chat got a bit more heated than usual. Somehow she got us talking about wet dreams, sperm and ejaculation and we both became ever more excited as we chatted. The topic was interesting for both of us. She admitted she’d never actually seen a penis or an ejaculation and believed just a few tiny droplets of sperm were ejaculated during orgasm. I shook my head and tried to convince her otherwise by telling her that several large squirts came out followed by smaller ones.


She was fascinated and when she asked me if I ever had wet dreams my face turned very red. I could hardly believe what Alicia was asking me but I stuttered and admitted to her that I’d had several sexy wet dreams recently and I even made a point of telling her the result hadn’t been just a few tiny droplets. She stared at me and asked me what was the cause of wet dreams. I replied that I couldn’t control when they happened, they just happened. Sexual fantasies just jumped into my dreams and the next thing I knew there’d been an explosion of sperm big enough to require changing the sheets on my bed.


That made her giggle and blush a bit but she still managed the nerve to ask me what kind of fantasies would cause me to ejaculate. Bashfully, I told her fantasizing about naked girls would do it, among other things. She smiled at me, giggled and muttered that my fantasies could be easily arranged if I wanted.  I was so mesmerized by what she was hinting that didn't bother to try to hide the huge bulge in my jeans as we talked. Alicia’s eyes were frequently glancing toward it and lingering there. And around that time I began to detect a faint musky aroma I’d never smelled before. Believe it or not, I could actually smell the scent of her pussy getting hot and wet from beneath her skirt (although I didn't recognize it as such at the time).


She continued by asking me if I’d like to see an actual a naked girl. I was so astonished by her question I hardly knew how to respond but I managed the presence of mind to nod and croak “yes” in response. My heart was pounding and my throat was getting dry at where this conversation was going. We were alone in her basement and Alicia was strongly hinting that I was about to get to see a real naked girl.


Alicia got up and locked the basement door, sealing us even more securely from the rest of her already deserted house. When she came back to the couch she asked me if I’d promise to keep secret what was going to happen next. I nodded and then she wasted no time in beginning to remove her clothing. I could hardly believe what was happening as she stood in front of me and unbuttoned her blouse, exposing the lacy bra that restrained her ample boobs. Then she smiled at me as she unfastened her skirt and wriggled her hips, quickly dropping it to the floor. I was so entranced by the sight of her in her underthings that I could hardly breathe. She continued to shed her clothing and soon was standing totally nude in front of me. Her enormous boobs were bare for me to see along with her pussy and everything. She smiled and then strutted around in front of me with her hands on her hips as if to reveal all the details of herself for my inspection.


Then she sat on the couch next to me and told me I should show her my penis so she could play with it and see for herself how much sperm it could ejaculate. I was totally astonished by her request because I could hardly believe my 16 year old guitar teacher was asking to play with my penis. Even though we were alone in her basement guestroom I was still a bit nervous about taking my clothes off in her house. But I felt so horny I was eager to do anything she wanted and I certainly wasn't going to pass up this opportunity. We didn't have much time before my mother arrived but the risk of getting caught only added to the thrill we were both feeling. 


I was so intoxicated by the sight of her that I was as hard as I'd ever been in my life. After shucking off my shoes I unbuttoned my jeans and quickly stripped them off. She leaned forward and helped me pull my briefs down, allowing my boner to spring quickly out point straight up at the ceiling. I was still a bit red faced with embarrassment but her eagerness soon caused me to forget any modesty.


She kneeled down on the floor and touched my stiff tool while grinning seductively at me. There was an eager twinkle in her eyes as she explored my rod with her fingers and palms while complimenting me on its length and hardness. My balls were swollen and bulging and I was completely lost in the pleasure of her loving touch while she toyed with them.

She began stroking me and for the next few minutes her eyes remained locked in rapt fascination on my quivering boner. Then, to my total surprise, she leaned over and inserted my cock head in her mouth, licking it and sucking on it while continuing to grip the base with one hand. She was clearly awkward and inexperienced at giving head but I didn’t know the difference at the time. She wasted no time rolling her tongue around on it and smacking her lips and all. She turned her head to smile at me while she sucked and I could see her cheeks bulge from the cockhead inside her mouth.


As you could imagine, the sensation of Alicia’s mouth was beyond belief. The warmth and wetness were far more exciting than solo masturbation and the pleasure she delivered was too great to control. I lasted only a short while before I tensed up and involuntarily quivered before getting ready to blow my load. I tried to pull out of her mouth so she could watch but she wouldn't unclamp her lips. There was no choice but to blow in her mouth and so that's what I did. Bright lights exploded in my head and spams of pleasure radiated from my groin into the whole of my body. My hips bucked and I groaned as I cut loose streams of warm cum.


Perhaps she really believed just a few small drops were going to dribble out but I proved my point by squirting my load into her mouth very quickly. I feared Alicia would screech and quit when the flood hit her but instead she tried to swallow my sperm. I could feel her gulp madly but she couldn't keep up it. She gagged and coughed, sending the rest of my squirts onto her face and chest. When I was finished pulsing she looked up at me with a puzzled grin on her face as strands of my cum hung from her lips and chin down to my cock.


We were both breathing heavily and I was in complete ecstasy from the vast pleasure of my first true blow job delivered by my horny guitar teacher. I’d loved the sensation of cutting loose into something other than a towel or wad of tissue paper. She was really quite a tiger rather than just a modest high school girl. She knelt there, nude, while trying to scrape the rest of my sperm from the inside of her mouth with her tongue. A few stray drops were dripping from her boobs onto her belly.


After a moment, she asked "Does that much always come out?" and I nodded to her wearily. She smiled back at me and squeezed my sagging boner with her right hand, giggling as more jizz spilled out. She worked it between her fingers muttering “That was so cool” as she surveyed the mess on her boobs, her hands around my deflating cock.


We got up and used the guestroom sink to clean ourselves up with warm water and paper towels. It felt odd for both of us to be standing together naked in front of the bathroom mirror like a couple who’d been married for years. We didn’t have much time for modesty, though, because my mother might arrive at any moment. She cleaned my sperm off her chin, as if such events were commonplace, before checking the mirror to make sure there were no stray strands hanging from her hair. Finally, we inspected the couch to make sure there were no stains or wetness where I’d cum. By this time my cock had completely softened and was dangling to and fro as we replaced our clothing and confirmed there was no visible evidence of our fun.



Cousin experimentation

Agent_RayBans on Incest Stories

From childhood my cousin and I always shared a bit of an attraction for each other. Linda and I were almost exactly the same age and we often  found ourselves sharing each other’s company during summer camping trips or at visits to other’s homes during the holidays. These gave us plenty of opportunities to indulge in a bit of mutual exhibitionism that started innocently enough but, over the years, gradually became more sophisticated. We

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were careful not to let anyone else see our flirting and didn’t ever give our parents any reason to believe we couldn’t be trusted to be alone with each other. Who’d suspect anything between us cousins? 


On the times when we were alone together our interaction often included the usual assortment of adolescent thrill games such as “truth or dare” or strip poker. These games were usually just silly excuses for us to get naked and observe each other’s mysterious anatomy. She’d offer to show me hers if I would show her mine. Overall, our meetings remained fairly innocent and our mutual fascination with nudity was more out of curiosity than sexuality. There were a few times, though, when we also discussed the mysterious topic of sex and the functions our different body parts apparently served in it. We had some vague ideas but no details.


The summer we were 13 I spent several weeks at Linda’s house on an extended visit that provided us many more opportunities to be alone together. Linda and I had gotten bolder with our games and we used my visit to continue our mutual nudity and sex discussions. We often dared each other to get completely naked and then we’d cavort around inside her house in the buff for several hours. We did many common adolescent activities like chatting, playing games, or listening to music but we did it while naked. We continued to enjoy our mutual interest in nudity and we somehow managed to keep it secret so no one was the wiser.


Yet during those naked sessions I couldn’t help but notice that I was becoming erect more and more often while with her. While erections had occasionally happened before, the frequency and intensity of my boners this summer was something new. I found it could happen at any time. While we listening to music or playing cards my penis would suddenly spring to life and stand up straight. Boners were a bit embarrassing for me and very interesting for her. She’d make some gentle jokes about it but it was clear that Linda was intrigued by my penis, even more so when it became erect. Even though our nudity had never included us touching each other I think she was pleased by the sight of my wood and she was beginning to realize she was the cause of my erections.


Our sex discussions also became more interesting. We talked and talked about what we thought sex was all about. One day we’d looked at a softcore porno magazine featuring photos of naked women in provocative poses. We both found it fascinating and I remained erect for the remainder of our afternoon together and my balls continued aching. Although we were still vague on many of the details, at that age we were both aware of how enjoyable sex was supposed to be and why people men and women humped each other. We both knew sex involved partners getting into bed together and laying on top of each other so they could rub their bodies together. I suspected that the humping act involved men ejaculating sperm, like the wet dreams I’d been having, but beyond that the details were vague.  


Linda and I both began to notice a hot and flushed sensation that overcame us during our magazine viewing and sex discussions. We noticed it got even stronger each time I became erect and it was clear the feeling was something more than the usual glow we felt we felt when we were naked together. We didn’t fully recognize that the heat building between us was strong sexual attraction and how powerful it could be.


That all changed during one hot afternoon. She’d been acting a little edgy that day and when we found ourselves alone she’d suddenly said she wanted us to get into her bed together. That gave me pause. I knew that what she was suggesting was a bit beyond our usual innocent games. It would involve kissing and touching and humping and other things we’d talked about but never tried. I felt a bit of apprehension but also overwhelming excitement. Everything I’d ever read and heard about bed play said that it was exciting. So, I agreed.


We wasted no time in stripping off our clothes. That part was routine by now. But the anticipation of being in bed together was something different. It felt more exciting now. My cock certainly had no problem responding to her suggestion. It was erect before I ever removed my jockey shorts and it remained stiffened to its maximum length while I stood there watching her remove her bra and panties. The heat and tension in my cock felt more urgent this time, like it was expecting something important to happen. Meanwhile, Linda was already climbing onto the mattress of her four poster bed and waiting there for me.


The sight of her bare ass and pussy wiggling as she worked her way across her bed on all fours stoked me even more. Somehow they both now looked much more attractive than they ever had before and I felt a burst of what I later recognized as raw lust. I was feeling flushed again and couldn’t really think clearly because the heat sensation was now much stronger. My heart was pounding and it was all I could do to think in small chunks. I was alone with her in her bedroom. Her frilly female underclothing was strewn all around me. My naked cousin wanted me to join her in her bed. I felt hot and hard.


I didn’t really know what to do next but my cock was throbbing rapidly and directing me toward her bed like a compass needle. So I followed and burrowed beneath the sheets with her and we lay side by side for a few moments, barely touching. My erection was creating a mountain in the bed covers but neither of us was quite sure about what to do next.


I asked her if she knew what to do and she replied that I was supposed to get on top of her. I knew that bed activities usually involved men getting on top of women so they could rub their bodies together, which was supposed to feel very good. That was probably the reason why dicks got hard, so they could be rubbed against girls. And rubbing it probably meant I’d ejaculate sperm, like the wonderful wet dreams I’d been having lately. I knew those felt good. If this was going to be an opportunity to ejaculate, then I was all for it.


I moved over and hoisted myself up on top of her while she scooted beneath me. I rested my weight down on her and we found ourselves face to face, the weight of the blankets smashing us closer together. I quickly found it was awkward trying to find a comfortable place for my stiff cock which was poking her.


Nevertheless, we found the closeness enjoyable and arousing rather than annoying. Gravity was actually acting to make this easier. Her boobs were pushing against me and my erection felt like it was lodged right in her crotch. I’d never touched her pussy before with my fingers but I was now doing do with my cock. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders to hold her tight. That felt good and I thought I was beginning to see why people liked this.


She suddenly started kissing me, catching me by surprise. I wasn’t really sure if I was supposed to kiss my cousin like this because we never had before. But she continued licking and sucking me and I soon caught on. We enthusiastically began mashing our mouths together and curling our tongues around each other. It was fun although our teeth sometimes clacked together and her hair tickled my face. But our eagerness to explore didn’t stop. Our breathing got heavier and I could feel her heart pounding beneath me. I found I was enjoying this immensely and hoped she was as well. She certainly showed no sign of wanting to stop.


Our bodies began writhing and soon she opened her legs wide. That proved to be an even more comfortable posture because I was able to slide more closely between her thighs. Her open legs allowed our waists together more easily and my erection began throbbing directly against her pussy lips, as if this body position was intended for just such a purpose. Then I felt her hands clutching my hips and butt and the sensation drove me to higher arousal.


I continued rubbing my waist against hers, my cock and balls sliding smoothly against her pussy lips. This must be fucking, I thought to myself. I didn’t know if what we were doing was correct but it sure felt good. I continued to pump my waist against hers as our breathing increased and the look on her face told me she was enjoying this as well.


The head of my cock soon began to feel wet but I wasn’t sure if it was from her or from me. Was she getting too excited and peeing in her bed? I didn’t know and I didn’t care because this was too much fun to stop. We were so far gone in excitement anything was possible. 


Suddenly my cock found a receptive place in the wetness. The head stopped sliding and caught in a soft spot momentarily. Halting my rhythm briefly, I re-adjusted my body angle and by pure instinct I began to push my cock forward into her. To my surprise the cock head sank into her a bit and the sensation suddenly felt much better. Bingo! This must be fucking!


I began pushing gently, shoving my hardness against her waist. Her hips writhed under me and her pussy was receiving my cock although I’d only just started to get the head into her. It felt like a challenge to see if I could gradually slide myself further and further into the wetness and warmth waiting for me.


I busied myself with my pushing but as I did so I began to feel heat and tension in my groin that was very enjoyable. And the tension grew more and more enjoyable even as it became ever more urgent.


In a flash the urge became too much to control and I gasped. Before I could push any further, a slick flood of semen surged out of my boner, squirting powerfully. Then another. Rope after rope pulsed rapidly into her half opened pussy and squirted everywhere. The pleasure was so intense my torso involuntarily thrust forward and in animal instinct I pinned Linda to the bed underneath me as I inseminated her.


When she felt the wetness she got a puzzled look on her face and struggled to move aside. The tension in my body was too strong for her, though, and I held her down. My only thought was to allow the surging to continue as long as it could. I gasped and gripped her hips tightly as the splendid feeling radiated out of my groin and into my whole body. My climax lasted less than a minute but, oh, what a minute it was. When the surging finally stopped and my breathing resumed, my body relaxed and I sank back weakly between her thighs.


We remained like that for a few moments as our hearts slowed down and I regained my breath. When I hoisted myself off her we both looked down at our waists. Semen was thoroughly smeared over her smooth pussy as well as her belly and thighs. White globs were dripping out of her pussy lips onto her sheets and a rogue strand of it still hung from my cock head down to the bed. I was amazed and puzzled because none of my wet dreams had caused this big a mess. Those had only been a few drops, easy to clean up. This was a veritable flood.


We both sat up and looked at each other, unsure what to do next. She said we ought to clean ourselves off and so we climbed out of the bed and retrieved two towels from the bathroom in the hallway. My cum continued to drip out of her as we mopped ourselves dry and she blushed a bit at the dribbling mess. I was still a bit astonished at what we'd just done.


We chatted, naked, as usual for the rest of the afternoon as we washed the sheets on her bed. It had been risky and thrilling and everything else I’d hoped but somehow our enthusiasm was tempered by the subconscious realization that we’d crossed a line this afternoon, the line that divides childhood innocence and curiosity from adult experience.