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Ace70 Member Since February 12, 2010

High School Girls at a College Party

oldbondsie on Teen Stories

Life can be pretty boring in a small town in the rural Midwest. A lot of kids start to realize this in the later years of their high school careers. They are so excited to get out on their own, whether it be to go to college or to just get away from their parents, that sometimes they don't realize that they may not be ready for what awaits them. It has to be admired the way they show their han


waynearfdl on Incest Stories


“Family reunion? You gotta be kidding me!” was my outburst. The thought of a four day weekend wasted with my family was not my idea of a fun time. My family was a feud from the inside out. That’s why I moved away, far away. “But you have been away for ten years and I think that Thanksgiving weekend would be a great opportunity for you to see everyone and by the way, m

Aspiring Actress

Duffman33 on Forced Stories

Hi, my name is Ashley.  I guess you could say I've always known what I wanted to do with my life, but it has never worked out.  When I was young, my parents didn't really have time for me, so they stuck me in front of a television and let me be.  I grew up with the classics.  When VHS came out, I watched all the great movies.  Basically, my parents were the great actors and actresses of tinsel town.  Despite these ambitions to follow in their footsteps, I was kind of shy.  I could act like no other, but to get the part was a goal too far over my head.  When I was awarded a small role in a high school play, everyone raved at how well I did.  But the next audition I skipped out of shyness.  It wasn't looks, or anything like that.  I
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mean, I was voted most likely to be a porn star by an informal poll the seniors secretly held.  And while I may have had the looks, and the tits, and the ass, I surely did not have the experience.  Habitually shy, I didn't even lose my cherry until I got married to my current husband Sam.  No, I was more shy because I was attractive.  I always felt like guys were staring right through me clothes and that that's all they wanted.  I guess as I never felt like my parents loved me, and my dad was always bringing back younger and younger girls to the house, in front of me and my mom, I always just felt like a sex object, and therefore had no confidence.

I always had naturally tan skin, long legs, tight, round ass, and DD cup boobs, even though I never worked out.  Sam was such a sweetheart, I knew right away he wasn't just trying to fuck me.  He even waited until our wedding night before we went any further than kissing.  I love him with all my heart and we had 2 beautiful children who got my looks but Sam's great, outgoing personality.  Sean and Brittany were 12 and 14, respectively, and I love them so much.  Anyway, Sam and I got married, and because of my shyness, I never got roles and had all but given up on the idea.  An actress who didn't act.  That was me to a tee.  I became the world's best housemom and wife.  Well, maybe not best wife as I was still sexually inhibited from lack of experience and shyness.  But outside of the bedroom, I took care of every need of my family.

One day, I was grocery shopping in an old white t-shirt and tight jeans when a man said, "Excuse me.  You look familiar.  Do I know you"  "No, I don't think so."  "Are you an actress," he asked.  "I think I've seen your picture in the books."  The books were a collection of headshots and short bios agents put together to help struggling clients, a description that fit Ashley very well.  "Oh, maybe.  I used to audition but haven't recently."  "Why not," he asked.  "Oh, it just didn't work out and I started a family and they needed me more than I needed to act."  "Well, I have a lead in an upcoming movie I'm doing, and you would be perfect.  Its funny, because I was envisioning the part, and I thought of your picture.  And now you're here!  Its fate!"  "Oh, really?  I don't know if I can do that.  I mean, I said I have a family..."  "Oh nonsense, live a little.  I'm sorry, where are my manners.  I'm Fred Malone.  Have you heard of me"  The name sounded extremely familiar but I could not place it.  "The name sounds familiar but I don't know why."  "Well, I run a small, full-service shop about a mile east of here.  Not only do we direct and cast, but if you sign with me, I will be your agent and take care of you.  It's like the old days of tinsel town; you act in my films and I make you a star."

This was all sounding too good to be true, but I suddenly found myself with feelings I hadn't had for a while, with dreams of fame and adoring fans running through my head.  "...OK?" Fred asked.  "Huh, what?"  I realized I had been daydreaming the entire time he was speaking to me.  "Haha, it's ok.  Just come see us this Friday at noon, and we'll speak specifics, ok?"  I agreed and took his card, practically skipping the whole way home.  I couldn't wait to tell everyone, but as soon as I walked in the door, I was practically assaulted.  "Where have you been"  "We're all hungry"  "Mom, Brittany hit me"  "Mom, Sean stole my cell phone"  "Honey, when will dinner be ready.  Honestly, what do you do all day"

Dejected, I began dinner but decided not to tell them until I had signed the papers and was on the road to stardom.  Friday finally rolled around, and I was so anxious all day.  I drove to the building and it looked really nice, though if it was actually nice or if it looked nice in comparison to everything around it, I wasn't so sure.  I walked in and noticed a gorgeous blonde with big breasts sitting behind the desk.  I walked up and she greeted me with a hug and a kiss and asked me for my name.  I told her and then watched her walk into the office.  Wow, what tight shorts and shirts these girls wear, I thought.  They look like porn stars.  Fred finally came out and welcomed me.  We went in and began to talk details.  Basically, the way I understood it, I would have to do one of his projects a year and then the rest of the year I could do whatever I wanted, and he would even help get me roles.  He shrugged over money and seeing as how I didn't really care about money, didn't think anything of it.  Finally, he took out a standard contract, told me where to sign and congratulated me.  As he walked me out he told me that my first project would be simple:  A bikini ad.  It was just a photoshoot to get my feet wet and then we would hit the ground running.

Again, I was greeted at home by messes and complaining.  Feeling under -appreciated, I started dinner and decided not to tell them again.  Besides, nothing had really happened yet.  The next week came and I drove to work.  I walked in and saw the secretary sitting there, but she had something in her hair.  I mentioned it and she laughed.  She ran her fingers through her hair and licked them clean.  I thought it weird but continued on to the dressing rooms.  I found 3 bikinis hanging there, each skimpier than the last.  Wow, I thought, I'll really be getting some exposure here.  I changed anyway and put on my robe and walked out.  They were already set up and waiting for me.  I saw a big black guy, with giant muscles also in a robe like me.  The photographer came over and told me where he wanted me.  Basically, it was an ad where I looked good, but the black guy was selling the bikini to horny women who thought they could get him if they wore this bikini.  Terrel, the black guy, came up behind me and was told to put his hands on my hips and look over my right shoulder.

I was immediately uncomfortable, but decided that if I wanted to be an actress, I had to deal with it.  The photographer took some shots, giving us little instructions to move this way or that way, and then finally stopped.  He then told Terrel to lose his swimsuit, since he said it didn't really work with the shot.  Again, I was super uncomfortable but once more bit my lip and continued.  One time, I leaned back a little and felt something on my butt.  I glanced down and was shocked at the size of Terrel's penis as he was still soft.  My husband was half the size hard as Terrel was soft.  Terrel saw me looking so I apologized and turned around.  Finally, the photog told us it was all wrong.  We needed to be sexier, more erotic to really sell the suit.  I thought this was already too sexy for me but waited to hear what he said.  He continued, "Terrel, you got a great body but you look like this is your sister.  We need some touching, some flame between you too.  I really think we need you to lose the top Ashley."  I was speechless but then told him no.  "I am here for a bikini ad, to become an actress.  I am wearing the bikini and not showing my parts."  The photog laughed and turned bright red in embarrassment.  "No, sweetie.  You will do what I say or you are fired.  And as far as your "parts", if I want to show them I will.  In this case though, you are so lucky as to have Terrel to cover you up.  Let's go, I will not ask again."  Embarrassed I almost got fired over something I'm sure every actress has done, I stood up and walked slowly over to the set.

I slowly unhooked the top and while still red and looking at the ground, dropped in on the floor.  Terrel picked it up and tossed it off set.  Finally, he stood behind me, reached around and grabbed my chest.  His large, firm hands felt surprisingly good on my sensitive nipples and I felt a little stirring in my loins.  I told myself to knock it off and we continued.  I felt Terrel poking me in the butt and I asked him what his problem was.  He whispered in my ear, "Sorry babe, but holding your tits like that has got my cock all worked up."  I was shocked at the kind of language he used, but also really turned on not only by the language but that he was turned on by me.  Finally, the photog stopped us again and said that it was really not working.  I started crying cause I was fired already and I asked him if there was anything I could do.  He told me that there was but he knew I wouldn't do it so to just leave.  I told him I would do anything, just name it.  He smiled, and said, "OK, loose the bottoms.  We have trees and stuff to cover you up, and not only does only bottoms look weird in the shot, you two are standing too far apart."  Not really sure what he meant by that last part, I quickly stripped out of my panties and walked back over to Terrel.  I figured, why not.  I was already mostly naked and they never showed nudity in bikini ads anyway.

I was so naive though.  As soon as Terrel and I were in position, the photog told us to move closer together, like we were in love.  I thought we were standing close but then realized with his penis being so large, we had to stand about a foot apart.  I wasn't sure what to do, and the photog was clearly getting angry and about to fire me for the third time, so I asked Terrel what to do.  He whispered, "Baby girl, you need to unclench your legs and let me handle this."  Something about his tone made me relax a little so I spread my legs a little.  I felt something large moving between my legs and hit my clitoris suddenly.  I lost my balance and collapsed.  Luckily, Terrel caught me as I nearly blacked out.  "What happened," I asked.  "Oh, you just had an orgasm.  A pretty good one too."  I was still so horny now, I was nervous things would get out of hand.  I mean, we were both completely naked and he just made me cum.  "Can we please finish here?"  The photog asked.  I told him yes and that I was sorry and again we took our positions and I felt Terrel's cock slide between my legs and touch my vagina.  I was so wet at this time, his cock was wet too.  As we were posing, I felt the head of his dick slide into me a little.  I was certain he felt it too but didn't know what to do, out of fear of being fired another, and possibly final time.

I was so turned on though, I was unconsciously rubbing back and forth on his cock.  The photog looked oblivious and kept snapping away, but we began to rock back and forth harder and harder until we were literally fucking.  I was fucking another man, unprotected, while it was being filmed!  I felt like such a slut, I came again, squirting this time and moaning loudly.  Terrel also moaned and coated my insides with his baby cream.  I was so embarrassed and mortified at what just happened I ran to my dressing room and shut the door.  About 30 minutes later, there was a knock at my door and Fred just walked in without waiting for a reply.  "What the fuck do you think you're doing," he raged.  "That was completely inappropriate out there!"  "I know, I'm so sorry.  I don't know what happened, I just lost control.  I've never cheated on my husband before and I promise, if you give me a chance it will never happen again."  "Oh yes it fucking will, you cunt.  I'm not talking about the fucking, that was planned.  I'm talking about the walking off of a live set, nearly ruining a great shot.  Do not do that again!"  I was shocked, and then became mad.  "Fuck you, Fred.  I'm not some slut you can just film fucking people."  "Oh yes, you fucking are.  Too bad you're a dumb cunt and didn't read the contract.  It clearly states I own your ass and you will do whatever the fuck I say.  And even if you want to fight the contract, how do you think your precious wittle famiwwy will feel when I show them you fucking a giant black cock"  I began to cry because I realized I had no way out.

"Stop crying, bitch.  We had a long day ahead of us, but because I'm kind, I'll give you the night off.  If... you blow me first."  I was shocked but realized I could not fuck anyone else that night.  Maybe I could even find a way out of this. I slowly pulled his cock out and having never given a blow job before, wasn't sure where to begin.  I was slapped so hard I saw stars.  "Fucking suck it, slut!  And if I feel even the hint of teeth I'll knock out every single one you have and we'll photoshop in pearly whites."  I began to blow Fred, gagging on the foul smell and large size.  Finally, he told me I had to swallow and then kiss my husband on the lips when I got home.  Resigned to my fate, for now at least, I swallowed every drop and got dressed as he watched.  He told me to be there bright and early the next day, ready to be used like a blow-up doll.  I cried the whole way home and, even though he couldn't have known, kissed my husband on the lips when I got back.


notaboy on Forced Stories

No one felt good about giving jobs to Deacon even if he was an effective
bounty hunter. He was built for the job and he possessed intellect and skill
which easily surpassed others in his profession, but he had an alarming lack
of ethics which made everyone uncomfortable. Of course, bounty hunters are
hardly known for their ethics and clean living, but Deacon stood out as a
particularly deviant individual. His vices ran much darker than booze, cards
and loose women.

Deacon pushed limits other bail agents never neared for fear of legal
action. He was however unscathed by his reckless disregard for restraint.
Despite three fugitives dying in his custody, consistent moonlighting as a
mob goon and multiple previous injuries inflicted up

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on persons in his
custody, he was still consistently legally hired and maintained a spotless
record. On paper he appeared to be the most ideal bail agent. Even all civil
action against him seemed to mysteriously evaporate. Whether through design
or fortune, Deacon pretty much did as he liked and literally got away with

His current employer, Arnie, strongly suspected Deacon's darker nature and
consistently assigned him only the badest of the bad. Rapists, murderers,
and violent offenders were recaptured with impressive speed and turned in
bruised and broken by Deacon's skilled hand. Maria, however, hardly
qualified as a hardened criminal, and it was with much reluctance that Arnie
handed over Maria's file to Deacon.

Maria was trouble, for sure --- she had eluded two other bounty hunters, and
escaped a third. Time was running out, which is why Arnie had to turn to
Deacon, but Maria was barely a violent offender. Her whole mess had
apparently started with some overdue tickets, but it had quickly escalated
to a slew of charges including assault and resisting arrest when a small
town cop had pulled her over for reckless driving. Somehow the cop had been
shot in the foot, so a charge of attempted murder was added to the list, but
Arnie's read on it was the cop had discharged his weapon accidently and
blamed it on Maria to save face. The judge must have read it the same way or
Maria would have never made bail. Still, the bail was set relatively high
making Maria a lucrative target when she skipped.

"Don't get excessive with this, ok?" Arnie had pleaded as he handed over the
file. He might as well have said "The average yearly rainfall in LA is 15
inches." Deacon could have cared less.

Deacon gently ran his fingers over a black and white mugshot of Maria,
tracing her defiant pout. He sat no more than four feet away from her, a
thin cheap motel wall separating them. It was a small roadside stop off on
Interstate 8. None too far from Calexico, and more specifically damn near
the Mexican boarder. She was serious about running.

It was a done deal. She was not going to make it anywhere without Deacon
right behind her. In the morning he just had to literally toss her into the
back of the SUV and drive her less than 50 miles. Pretty simple task for
some $40k.

Deacon was restless. Horny. He had been looking at Maria's mugshot so
frequently that he could close his eyes and see her face. He was mesmerized,
enticed. Something about the look in her eyes --- fierce and angry, yet
eager for something. It was as though she was reaching through the picture,
begging him to come tame her --- daring him to --- and she was right next

He heard her get up and turn on the shower. Instantly he envisioned Maria
wet and naked --- streams of soap suds across her tits and running down her
ass, almost like cum covering her tanned body. Her nipples stiff and perky
as she moved the water over them. He could almost feel her soft, slippery
flesh in his hands and he knew right then what he was going to do.

Deacon broke into her room with such ease anyone watching him enter would
have assumed he had a key. He made himself comfortable in the corner chair
next to the bed. He reached over and flicked off the bed side light.
Propping his feet on the bed, he pulled out a cigarette and idly rolled it
between his fingers... waiting.

She twisted the water off, and stepped out of the tub. She stubbed her toe,
sucked in her breath and let out a moan in pain. The sound was sensual, and
he felt his dick stiffen in anticipation. She cursed, and then went about
brushing her teeth. Finally she opened the door and froze. Maria knew she had
left the light on.

Her eyes had not fully adjusted to the dark room, and Maria clearly was
unaware of his presence. She had put on underwear --- a black lace bra and a
strappy little thong. She was still toweling off her damp hair as she
cautiously made her way across the room toward the table lamp. Deacon let
her get within arms' reach, and then flicked his lighter. She froze,

He took a drag on his cigarette, inhaling till it was lit. "Hello, Maria,"
he said, exhaling smoke and putting his lighter away.

She instinctively backed up, hunched over and modestly used the towel to hide
herself. She looked ready to scream.

In a fluid motion Deacon pushed himself up from the chair, dropping his
cigarette in the ash tray and advanced quickly towards her. He grabbed her,
then spun her around so she was facing away from him. He pulled her back
against him, covering her mouth tightly with his hand and burying his face
against her neck. She smelled sweet, floral. He breathed her in.

"Shhhh, you wouldn't want to get the cops involved, would you?" he whispered
soothingly. He gently kissed her neck. "This can't be too much of a
surprise, Maria. You knew someone was coming for you. Just your luck it was
me. Here's the deal, " he paused, and dragged her backwards so he could
reach his cigarette. With only one arm to control her, he released his grip
on her mouth and slipped his arm around her neck, keeping her in a loose
head-lock. Her hands wrapped around his forearm, but her effort to pry his
arm away was half hearted. She apparently wanted to hear the deal. He bided
his time, and smoked slowly.

"I can arrest you, bring you in and you'll have to face whatever it is you
think you can run from. Or, " he paused and leaned over to ash his
cigarette, arching her backwards as he did so. He held her that way a brief
moment since he enjoyed seeing her breasts from that angle, her nipples
poking at the lace material. "you can suck my cock and I'll get you to

"What?!" she shrieked outraged as she wriggled free and spun to face him
with an angry glare. Her arms were raised slightly, her hands were balled
into fists and she looked ready to throw a punch. He smirked back at her. He
already could tell she was the type of girl he needed to get his rocks off.

"What do you think you're you gonna do, sweetheart?" He pulled himself up to
his full height and flexed his muscles slightly. He knew how to look
intimidating. "I suggest you relax and get on your knees."

"Fuck you," she shot back.

He would have loved to see her pouty red lips stretched around his thick
cock as saliva and precum leaked out the corners of her mouth with each
thrust. He was patient though, and secretly thrilled that she was not
interested in submitting. "Tell you what. You make it through that door", he
gestured to the exit behind him, "in three minutes and you're free to go.
I'll give you a sporting 24 hours head start. That's plenty of time to
disappear south of the boarder."

She stood, dumbfounded, unsure what to do. It was an entirely bizarre
proposal, more nonsensical than his last offer. Finally she spoke, "And what
happens if I don't reach the door?"

He thought about it while he smoked. "Well, I'm not sure. But I'm betting
it'll make you wish you had just sucked my dick. Really that was the only
easy out for you."

She remained motionless, stunned.

"I suggest you get moving," he put his cigarette out and casually glanced at
his watch. "You've got two minutes and ten seconds left."

This spurred her into action. She swung her fists, throwing two quick
punches, both of which he evaded easily. She stumbled forward caught off
balance. He put an arm out and steadied her. "Come on, sweetheart. You'll
need to do better than that."

She jerked away from his touch. Her eyes were wide, panicked, as they darted
about. She dove to the left of him, back to the corner chair and snuck into
the small space between the wall and the chair. Picking up the old wooden
chair, she charged at him with it. He caught the legs before they drove
into his chest and wrenched the chair away from her. He put it down
softly, shaking his head mockingly. She glowered at him.

And then, her fist flew. It connected with his jaw, and it was immediately
apparent to him she had focused every ounce of strength into that one punch.
He blocked the second one, and then kicked her. Not a hard kick, just enough
to knock her off her feet. She landed on her ass, the wind knocked out of
her and sat there stunned.

Deacon wiped his mouth to check if his lip was bleeding, and smirked when he saw
glissening red streaks. Then his eyes focused on her and the sheer menacing
intent in his gaze prompted her to scramble to her feet as she backed up.
"Time's up, princess." He got to her before she had fully gained her
footing, and lifting her into the air he tossed her on the bed.

She attempted to roll off the bed onto her feet, but he was on top of her
before she could. He gripped her upper arms and held himself above her as he
pushed between her legs and ground his pelvis into her. Maria froze, "Don't.
Please don't."

He wrapped his hand around her throat. With her free hand Maria grasped his
wrist and tried to pry his hand away. "Don't!" she growled.

He lowered himself and pushed his face into her neck. "Shhh." he said
soothingly as he softly kissed her neck. He kissed down her neck, her chest
and then bit her nipple gently through the lace. She inhailed and moaned. He
moved to her other breast. He felt her hips move, subtly, lifting up into

"Don't," Maria repeated, but this time she whispered it softly. Almost like a

"Don't?" Deacon questioned tautingly, as he kissed back up her neck. He
kissed her mouth softly. "Don't?" He kissed her again, gently caressing her
lips with his tounge. Slowly, gingerly, she kissed him back. As her kisses
became more passionate, his grip on her relaxed.

He felt her slowly trying to move out from under him, somehow thinking her
kisses were enough to distract him from noticing. Deacon suddenly tightened
his hold and pressed his lips hard against hers. He forced his tounge deep
into her mouth.

His hand on her neck was warning enough to keep Maria from biting down, but
she squirmed and wimpered trying to adjust to the sudden invasion. Deacon
pushed even harder into the kiss forcing her to open wider for him. Her hand
moved from his wrist to his chest, where she attempted to push him back, but
he was unmovable.

He took a moment to focus on taking things slowly. She was going to take
more than just his toungue for him, but he wanted this to last. He pulled
back slightly, to ease her discomfort, but continued to probe her mouth with
his tounge. Eventually she returned his kiss.

He had slowed it down enough.

Deacon released her neck and pressed his forearm across her chest. With just
his arm pinning her, he removed a knife with his free hand and deftly
slipped the blade between her breasts and under her bra. With a flick of the
blade, her bra sprung open, exposing her plump breasts. He lifted his body
off her enough to access her underwear. He wrapped her thong around the
blade and in a swift movement, he had cut her free of it as well.

Maria was thrashing and attempting to roll away from him, so he placed the
blade against her neck. Immediately she settled down. "That's it,
sweetheart. Just take it easy." He withdrew the knife from her neck sat up
and settled back on his knees. "Behave," he warned her, but the look on her
face told him she was not going to sit still for long.

He pushed his hand between her legs and cupped her pubic mound in his palm.
He ran his finger along her opening from ass to clit, pleased with how warm
and wet she was. He unzipped his pants and pulled his dick out. Her eyes
widened in fear and she quickly sat up and moved to get off the bed.

Springing forward Deacon knocked her back, still maintaining his place
between her legs. He caught her flailing arms and held both her wrists in
one hand. He locked her arms above her head. In a last attempt to keep him
out, Maria clenched her thighs together but his weight forced her legs to

He reached down and adjusted his position, placing the his dick inline with
her. Deacon was ready to split her pussy wide, but he resisted ramming himself
in. He settled himself on top of Maria and gently brushed her hair from her
face. Slow he began to ease in. She moaned loud and arched her back. Unsure
how loud she would be, he clamped his hand down over her mouth. "Just
relax", he instructed her, "and take it. All of it."

He continued to ease himself in. Her eyes grew wide and she began to squirm
upwards to avoid being penetrated by the full length of his shaft. He
released her wrists and grabbed her shoulder to prevent her from inching
away. She pushed against his chest with her newly freed hands, but only
lightly, resigned to her fate, and no doubt looking forward to it as well.

Using his grip Deacon pushed her down onto his dick, "I said all of it." He
felt her open up slightly and it became easier to push into her. "That's a
good girl," he encouraged her. "Just open for me, and you'll enjoy this
too." Maria thought she had taken all that she could, but he suddenly rammed
even further into her. She screamed against his hand.

Deacon paused, now fully in, his balls flush against her ass. She began rocking
her hips, rythmically and gently --- moving herself ever so slightly up and
down his cock. He remained motionless, enjoying the sensation. Suddenly he
felt her pussy muscles spasm. Sporatically at first, but then her muscles
clenched his dick multiple times in rapid succession. Her body was already
preparing to orgasm for him.

He could not hold back any longer. He pulled himself nearly out and then
thrust into her, hard. He began pumping into her roughly and without mercy,
rocking the bed. Maria's muffled cries indicated he was hurting her, but he
was not persuaded to slow his onslaught. He uncovered her mouth, not caring
about the concequences. He wanted to hear her scream for him.

Maria's cries became more urgent, but increasingly they ended in sensual
moans. She was again building towards her climax. She stiffened and sucked
in air, her legs clamping against his side and she remained still for
several moments as he continued ramming into her. She suddenly bucked and
let out an explosive cry as she came with insane force. Her pussy clenched
down tightly and he paused, waiting for her muscles to relax.

After several moments, Maria went limp, moaning softly. Deacon resumed
thrusting into her, but she barely reacted as she lay there enjoying the
tail end of her orgasm. Annoyed with her new found passiveness, Deacon
pulled out. He grabbed a pillow and placed it by her hips and then roughly
flipped her over onto it.  The pillow proped her ass in the air, just enough
to give him perfect access. He threw himself onto her, sinking his dick
completely into her wet, swollen pussy. Surprised, Maria yelped.

"That's right, sweetheart, it's not over yet." Grabbing a fistfull of her
hair, he continued fucking her in earnest, drawing cries and moans out of
her. He lifted himself up enough so he could watch himself repeatedly
entering her. Her ass and back muscles tense as she struggled to endure his

His breath was coming hard and fast as he neared orgasm. He pulled out last
minute and blew his load all over her back and hair. Deacon stood, and
zipped up his pants, leaving her sprawled across the bed, naked and covered
in his cum. He enjoyed the sight of her ravaged body.

She took a few moments and then got up slowly as though she could not trust
her legs to hold her weight. She staggered to the bathroom, grabbing a
handful of clothes as she went and he heard the shower running again. He
also heard her messing around with the bathroom window.

When she struggled and worked her way through the bathroom window, he was
there, outside, waiting for her in the alley behind the hotel.

He stood between her and the only exit to the alley.  "Going somewhere?" He
moved in quickly to grab her, locking her tightly against him. "I'm far from
being done with you," he hissed in her ear.

                                *       *       *

Golden Opportunity

nolife123 on Anal Stories

Golden Opportunity

Sitting in his apartment on a Friday night, Mike stared at the one on the cable sports channels. He felt bored and considered going out to a nearby bar. He knew it was karaoke night at the place. Although not a big fan of karaoke, he remembered from previous visits that

My Partner's daughters

phang on Taboo Stories

My partner and I own a security company. We furnish physical, industrial, and electronic security services. Paul is the electronic genius and has a system that the U S Secret Service tried to hack into without success. Their experts tried to extract data from our terminals but also failed. We now have several government contracts for high security data.


I furnish the physical security for individuals (body guards). Paul and I both oversee the alarm systems and th

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e industrial monitoring systems.


I am single, 32 years old with an advanced degree in criminal justice. Paul is married and has 3 lovely teenage daughters. He holds 2 doctorates in computer sciences and many patents. As I said, he is a genius. Paul’s wife, Maria is from Spain and is knockdown gorgeous. She is thin without much of a figure, but absolutely beautiful. Paul is a third generation American whose family came from Mexico, so he has a dark complexion. He daughters are also beautiful. Marla is almost 16. Tall and slender, she participates in sports and has a very nice figure. Her hair hangs down to the middle of her back and she walks erect with her shoulders back. Christina just turned 15. Not as tall as Marla but has a very cute figure. She is a tomboy and loves riding her trail bike in the hills behind her house. She is usually dirty from working in the garden and yard, but when she is cleaned up is just as pretty as her older sister. Then there is June. She is 13 years old going on 15. She can’t wait to grow up. She is the opposite of Christina and can’t stand being dirty. She wants to cook and bake and look her best at all times. She is just starting to fill out and is very pretty, but not much of a figure yet.


I have spent a lot of time with Paul and his family and had noticed they are very affectionate to each other and also with me. I must admit that the girls have given me an erection on more than one occasion coming through the room in bikini swim suits on the way to the pool in the back of their house. Marla wears this one suit that almost turns transparent when it is wet, but Paul and Maria don’t seem to mind, and of course, I don’t.


Paul asked me if I could house sit for him for a week while he took his wife to New York City. He had a meeting to attend and she wanted to go along to do some shopping. The girls want to stay here and hang around the house, but Paul felt they needed an adult to stay with them, especially at night. Since I can work from home I agreed to bring my computer over and stay at their house for a week and plans were made.


I arrived on Sunday afternoon and we all took Paul and Maria to the airport. As we were unloading the luggage at the curbside check in, Paul said, “Bill, just remember this week that it’s okay. We know and approve.”


“What do you mean, Paul?”


“After the girls show you the video today, you’ll understand. Both Maria and I approve.” With that they walked away waving to the girls and yelled for them to have fun and to go slow. I thought that was a strange thing to say, but we headed back to their house in the foothills.


June wanted to fix turkey fajitas for dinner and both the other girls agreed to help. The meal was excellent and I helped clear the dishes putting everything in the dishwasher.


Marla asked me to come into the den, saying there was something they wanted to show me and their mom and dad agreed I should see it. I was curious and followed them into the huge den. Paul’s den is an engineering marvel. A 102-inch high definition monitor on the wall, surround sound, and things I didn’t even recognize. Marla turned on the TV and one of the boxes set into the wall and told me to relax and enjoy the movie. She said she would be right back. The lights dimmed a little automatically and the screen came on. Paul was sitting on the couch looking at the camera.


“Hello, Bill. We have made this film just for you so you will be more comfortable with our lifestyle. You are the only person outside of we five to see and hear what is to come and we want you to feel like one of the family. So, sit back and enjoy the video. This is what I meant when I told you that we approve.”


The camera panned back and Paul was naked, sitting next to Maria and the two older girls. They were all naked. Paul put his arms around his wife and started kissing her while putting his left hand on Maria’s right breast. As he started seducing his wife, Marla stood, moving to the other side of her father. Her breasts were the size of grapefruit and her pubic mound was totally hairless, as were all of them, including Paul. Marla kneeled in front of her father and took him into her mouth as he leaned back, still caressing his wife’s breasts. Christina sat next to her mother and started running her fingers up and down her mother’s leg eventually caressing her labia. Maria also leaned back spreading her legs to give her daughter better access to her.


I could not believe what I was watching. My partner was making love to his wife while two of his daughters were participating. No, make that all three daughters as June came into the picture and started running her fingers up and down Marla’s ass reaching between her legs and fingering her pussy. As she was doing this, Paul pulled her around to put his hand between her legs. This mini-orgy was in full swing when the picture faded and I noticed for the first time that all three of the girls were standing next to me – naked.


“Uncle Bill, we wanted you to know what we do because we want to include you in our family sport. Daddy can’t keep up with all four of us and he needs your help. We felt this was the best way to tell you.”


I could not believe my ears or my eyes. My partner practiced incest? I also realized that I had a hard on that was making a tent of my shorts. Christina stepped up and put her hand directly on my tent pole. “I think he wants to play.”


“Whoa. I don’t believe I can do this, girls. All of you are under age. Do you realize what could happen if this were to become known? Your mother and father could go to prison and you would become wards of the state.”


“Who is going to tell? We certainly won’t, because we know the consequences. We also know we enjoy each other and want to enjoy you, too.”


As Marla was speaking, I realized that Christina had reached up the leg of my shorts and now had my dick in her hand. I also knew that this was going to happen and I was enjoying the moment more than I ever dreamed. I was sitting here arguing with three naked teenaged girls while one of them was playing with my extremely hard dick.


Christina stepped up and started removing my t-shirt while the other girls started pulling down my shorts and underwear. I did not protest as I lifted my hips to help them remove my shorts. I was now on the couch, naked with three beautiful girls.


Marla stepped up and placed her breast in my face. I looked at this lovely girl and the nipples protruding like pencil erasers and immediately started licking and sucking since all my resistance was gone. Christina was now sucking my dick into her mouth while June was holding my balls in her small hand. We all lay back onto the couch and Marla straddled my chest moving up so I could reach her shaved pussy. Her labia were swollen with desire and the aroma was intoxicating. She moved up over my shoulders and I spread her labia licking from her very wet hole to her clitoris. It was swollen and protruding as if waiting for my touch. When I liked upward against her clit she let out a loud moan and pushed toward me. I sucked her clit into my mouth spreading the skin tightly with my lips while I started flipping her clit with my tongue. She was starting to move involuntarily and I realized I was also humping into Christina’s mouth.


I reached down and felt a bare ass next to me and I put my hand between her legs and found her pussy dripping. I started fingering her and working her clit. She yelled that she was going to come and I realized that it was June I had my finger in. I could feel my own orgasm building when Marla climaxed. She yelled and stiffened leaning back but still pushing her pussy into my face. Just as I was about to cum Christina took her mouth off and started pumping my dick with her hand. I shot my load as Christina continued to stroke me saying, “Wow.”


I thought that the only person who did not reach an orgasm was Christina. We were all lying there on the couch holding each other when I saw that June had been working on Christina while I was fingering her and Christina was working on my dick. We had all cum at about the same time.


Marla moved off my shoulders and got up. I looked down and Christina was still holding my dick, cum dripping down over her hand. She was smiling.


“I love doing that to Daddy and seeing him squirt like that. He doesn’t let me do it too often, though, because we all want him to cum inside us.” I still could not believe what I was hearing.


Marla came over with some tissues and they cleaned up the mess on the leather couch and wiped me off, also. “Uncle Bill, we love you and want you to help Daddy with this. He wants it, Mother wants it, and we want it. I can see you enjoyed it, so please say you will help. All three of us want to share you over the next week. We all like variety in the way we make love, so you will be tired by the time mom and dad get back. He is going to spend a lot of time with mom in New York so he won’t get a lot of rest, but he will get more since we are here. Please help us out.”


What could I say but okay. I knew it was wrong, but I also knew that I had just spent the best half hour of my life.


“Do you want to see the video?” Christina asked.


“Sure.” I was expecting to see the same video again, but when it started it was a video of what we had just done. The den was wired for video and sound and there were three angles from the opposite wall as well as an overhead view. All four pictures were displayed on the screen. As I watched the video Marla used the remote control to select one of the images and it zoomed to full screen. She would move from one picture to the next. I soon had another boner and Christina noticed it. She came over and sat next to me placing my hand between her legs. As I moved my fingers against her she turned and gave me a deep kiss that made my head swim. I had never had a full-grown woman kiss me that passionately and it was wonderful. I reached for her orange-sized breasts and started to caress them. She lay back and I leaned over slowly pushing her down on her back. I was lost in the moment and started kissing my way down to her Venus mound. She pulled up her knees spreading herself wide for me. I licked and kissed her flipping her clit with my tongue. I inserted a finger into her small hole and started working her into frenzy. Marla leaned over next to me and said, “Fuck her, Uncle Bill. She is ready.”


I rose up and placed the head of my dick at her hole. As I slowly pushed into her I felt someone’s hands on my ass moving down to my balls. I entered Christina and kept pushing until I was all the way into her feeling my balls touch her ass. Her legs wrapped around me and her heels crossed as she pulled me tighter against her. I started stroking in small strokes but was soon pulling almost all the way out and going down hard. Each time she moaned and yelled, “Harder, harder!” She stiffened and pulled her legs down pulling me against her, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me and she climaxed. I kept stroking in and out, slowing down a little. After a minute or two she had another orgasm and this brought on that deep-down feeling and I could feel my own orgasm building� I tried to pull out but she would not release me.


“I’m going to cum,” I said.


“I know, but we’re all on the pill. Don’t stop, because I’m going to cum again, too.”


I plunged down as hard as I could getting in as deep as possible as I came  It was an orgasm as deep from my body as I had ever experienced. She came before I was finished. I collapsed on top of her panting and sweating. Slowly she released me and I rolled off her onto the floor. Marla and June were watching, smiling.


June said, “I can hardly wait until it’s my turn.” I knew it would be a while before I had any energy left to do anything like that again. “Maybe tomorrow. I’m totally spent tonight.”


“We’ll see about that, she said.”

Friends and Neighbors - Chapters 1 - 8

tj68 on Taboo Stories

2 Families, 1 Vacation



CHAPTER 1      Sarah Surprise


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dent: 0.5in">Dan surprises me when he comes bursting through the front door at 4:30 on a Monday afternoon.  He generally doesn’t get home any earlier than 5:30, and usually it’s closer to 6:00.  He is very excited; and collapses onto the couch with a weird grin on his face.

“Sarah, how was your day?” he opens, with the big grin still plastered to his face.

“Fine…and how was yours?” I reply, curious what was on his mind, as he obviously wasn’t interested in my day in the least.  I know that look.  Dan is getting ready to unload his latest big (and usually crazy) idea on me.

“So what’s on your mind, Dan?” I ask, cutting to the chase.  I give him my best quizzically doubtful look and braced for what might be coming.

“I had lunch with Bill today.  He asked me what our plans are for our family vacation.  I told him we were heading up to your parents’ cabin, as usual.  He asked if we would like to join them on their family vacation, since we’re both taking off this Friday for the same 2 weeks.  I asked him where he and Diane were taking the kids.  You aren’t gonna believe it!”

I sit there, not saying a word, waiting patiently.  It doesn’t pay to encourage Dan by playing into his buildup.  Besides, Bill and Diane’s kids aren’t kids; they’re teenagers, like ours.  Jessica is 15 and Nick is 17, so just the fact that they were able to get the kids to come along on one more family vacation was impressive enough.

Bill and Diane Larsen live next door to us.  Bill has worked with Dan for 10 years; and they are the best of friends.  Our families spend a lot of time together.  When the house next door went on the market six years ago, the Larsen’s made an offer the first day.  Their kids and ours have been close friends since.  Our daughter Dawn is also 15.  Jessica and she are best friends.  Our other daughter, June, is 18, and has been dating Nick for several months.  (Being friends for so long, the dating was weird at first for both families; but we’ve all adjusted.)

“Well, don’t you want to know what their plans are?” Dan asked, or more like implored.  He really wants me to play along.

“OK.  Where-oh-where are they going?  Where do you want to drag us off to?  I’m absolutely on pins and needles.” I reply, with an absolutely straight face.

“Now you’re mocking me,” he pouts, putting on his best emotionally injured look.  “OK.  I’ll tell you anyway.”

There is a long pause.  I suppose for effect.  Dan is so theatrical when he feels like it.

“Bill is planning on taking his family to a nudist camp!” he blurts out.

Well I didn’t see that one coming.

“Are you serious?” I ask.

Now I’m actually getting very interested in the conversation, and trying to envision myself at a nudist camp with my own kids.  Now, Dan & I are no prudes.  I get my pussy waxed once a month & am totally bald.  Dan keeps his bush neatly trimmed.  Being naked in front of my own girls would be no big deal.  It happens all the time.  But I wasn’t sure how I would feel walking around nude in front of Bill & Nick.  For that matter, how would June feel about her sister & I nude around Nick?  June is a very attractive brunette at 5’ 4” & 120 lbs.  She has a very nice 34C chest & very perky ½” long nipples that are almost constantly hard.  Her pussy is also bald, as she comes with me every month to my waxing appointments.  It’s turned into a girls’ day out we do every month, along with lunch and a swim in our backyard pool afterwards. (Yes, Dawn comes along also.)  Dawn is also a brunette, 5’ 2”, 140 lbs., with a 36DD chest (with huge ؽ” nipples that grow to ¾” inch when she gets cold or aroused), 25” waist, and 35” hips.  She started developing rather early, at 11.  Due to her fully developed hourglass figure, she looks much older than she is.  I, on the other hand, am a 39 year old natural blonde, 5’ 5”, 130# with a very tight body and a 34D chest that doesn’t sag much, and ½” nipples with small, quarter size areolas.  We all work out at least 3 times a week.  I work out in a leotard, and when I’m working out, I sweat ALOT, so it gets soaked & my tits show through.  It’s a women only club, so it doesn’t bother me; but I’ve caught several of the other members staring at my body.  Some with envy, and some with lust.  I take both as a compliment.

My husband Dan also works out regularly.  He is a broad guy, with big shoulders and a tight midsection.  He’s 5’ 11” and 180 lbs.  He has very hairy legs and torso, which is why he only trims his bush.  We both think it would be silly for him to try to shave his entire body just to match a bald pubic area.  And he’d look stupid if he just waxed that area and left everything else natural.  Anyway, enough musings.

“Hell, yea.  I’m serious.  The camp is up on a private lake near Bemidji.  Bill heard about it from his brother-in-law.”

“Wow.  That’s a new one, I must admit.  I never would have thought Diane would be OK with being naked around her kids.  Bill’s always been a bit of an exhibitionist; and Jessica and Nick are teenagers, so I’m sure their hormones agreed in a second.”

“Actually, you’re right about Diane.  While she agreed to go, Bill said she’s been uncomfortable about the whole idea ever since.  But it’s not her kids that concern her so much; it’s the people at the camp.  She doesn’t want to be on public display,” Dan explained.

“I’m not sure I do either,” I responded.

“That’s why Bill decided to ask if we would be interested in joining them.  He knows that we go up to your parent’s cabin, and that it’s the only one on the lake.  .He wants to turn it into our own private nudist camp.  That way we can all try out the natural thing & not have to deal with being around strangers!” Dan exclaimed, evidently enthused by the idea.  (With the exception of my parents’ property, the lake is surrounded by state forest land, with no public access, so we have it to ourselves.)

My mind was starting to drift.  I thought about seeing Bill & Nick naked.   I found myself wondering how well endowed they were.  I’d seen Nick in our pool in his wet swim trunks; and he looked….promising.  Diane had told me on several occasions that Bill had an incredibly thick cock.  My own Dan had a very respectable 7” member; but wasn’t particularly thick, just average.

“We’ll have to ask the girls what they think about this. I’m game; but if either of them are uncomfortable with the idea, we can’t,” I say.

“Where are the girls?” Dan asks.

“They’re out back by the pool.  I’ll get them in for an early dinner; and we can talk about it then.”

“I’ll go say hi and send them in myself,” Dan replies.

“Bad idea,” I stop him.  “We weren’t expecting you for another hour or so.  It’s been a beautiful sunny day out, and I think they’re out there sunbathing nude.  Sit back and catch the local news while I get them in.  They were asking for a snack, so I threw a pizza in the oven.  It will be ready in a few minutes.  That can be dinner.”

I walk out the patio door to call the girls in for dinner.  They’re both laying out nude on lounge chairs, soaking up the late afternoon sun.  We have a privacy fence around the entire backyard, with no gate.  You have to go through the house to get into the yard.  As they get up off of their chairs, I wonder what Bill & Nick would think of my 2 gorgeous daughters in their birthday suits.  My daughters and I have a very open relationship, as you can imagine given that we get our pussies waxed together, and June has kept me informed on the progress of her relationship with Nick.  He has yet to see the goodies.  Still, I’ve got both girls on the pill, as you never know when a teenager is going decide to become sexually active.  Even at 18, June hasn’t had sex yet.  She hasn’t dated anyone long enough, she’s told me, though her boyfriend before Nick did eat her pussy once.  Apparently he wasn’t very good at it, though.  “Too rough” was June’s summation of the boy’s technique.

“Girls, you’re father’s home early, so cover up,” I request.  “We’re having an early dinner today.”

“Mom, we’re sweaty from the heat.   Do we have time to shower before dinner?” Dawn asks.

I am about to tell them to go ahead and get in a quick shower, when I get an idea.  After thinking about it for a few seconds, I reply, “You do have time to shower if you want; but, given what your father and I would like to discuss with you over dinner, it may be appropriate that you don’t get dressed and just sit down for dinner as you are.”

They look at me like I’m speaking some foreign language.

“What!?” June cries out.  “What could we possibly talk about that would make being naked in front of Dad appropriate?”

“It’s up to you, and I’m sure it will catch your father by surprise also; but let’s just say we have a very interesting proposition for you.”  I reply.  “It has to do with the Larsen’s.  I’ll tell you what. If you come to dinner naked, I’ll join you.”

This peaks the girls’ interest, particularly June’s, who immediately links Nick and nudity in her mind, and wonders where this could lead.  Dawn also gets a mental flash of one of the Larsen males.  It isn’t of Nick, but Bill, who has always fascinated Dawn ever since she was 12.  One Saturday morning, Jessica and Dawn were up early, playing in the Larsen’s backyard, while Bill & Diane slept in. The girls heard pounding on the back wall of the house.  They peaked into Bill & Diane’s bedroom window and caught Bill fucking Diane for all he was worth.  Their headboard is against the back wall of the house, which caused all of the noise.  Both girls were in awe of the size of Bill’s cock.  Not that they had anything to compare it to, but it was clearly huge.  Diane had her ankles up behind her head, and Bill’s dick looked to be the size of a soda can, ramming in & out of her.  It was a sight Dawn would never forget.  Ever since Dawn told me that story, I’ve been curious how big Bill really is.

They hurry into the dining room to take their seats, leaving their clothes behind.  My girls aren’t shy, & their bodies, while kept hidden from their father as a matter of modesty, are on display within our house and to their girlfriends when they come over to swim.  So nudity doesn’t really bother them…  Though I am curious how they will react the first time Dan lays eyes on them, and how he will react to them.  He hasn’t seen them naked since they were little girls.

“Dan, the girls are in for dinner.  I’m serving now.” I call into the living room.

Dan comes into the room and stops short.  His eyes get huge, and his dick starts to tent his pants.  There are his girls, sitting naked at our round dinner table, Dawn to the left of Dan’s seat, & June across from his seat.  He quickly sits down.  I don’t think the girls notice; but I notice that Dawn’s nipples are getting hard.  June’s, of course, already are.  I notice Dan staring at June’s large, erect nipples, and giggle to myself.

“Dan, don’t stare,” I tease.  “Just wait till you see how big Dawn’s nipples get!” I exclaim, giggling loudly.

Without thinking, Dan immediately turns his head to his left, checking out Dawn’s visibly hardening nipples.  Dawn blushes and Dan swallows hard, quickly looking down at his plate.

June reminds me that I said I would join them, so I quickly strip & toss my clothes into the laundry room down the hall.  I take my seat to Dan’s right, across from Dawn.  Dan looks at me, and swallows hard again.  He’s not sure what to say.  After a few uncomfortably quiet seconds, Dan works up his courage and begins the conversation.

“Hi, girls.  How was the pool?  You both look hot…overly warm, too.” He says with a weak grin, trying to break the tension.

The girls giggle at Dan’s bad joke.  The timer goes off; and everyone’s quiet again.  I get up to get the pizza, cut it up; and set it in the middle of the table.  Everyone grabs a slice.  Dan tries to hide his erection when he leans forward to get his slice; but it’s obvious to all of us that he must be incredibly uncomfortable as his meat strains against his pants.

As we eat, we make small talk for a few minutes, while Dan continues squirming, trying to get comfortable.

“So what’s going on?” June asks.

Dan begins “We have been asked to share our family vacation with the Larsen’s.  They are taking off the same time we are, and were planning on going to a nudist camp.  Diane is getting cold feet from the idea of having total strangers seeing her naked.  Bill thought that we could all do a nudist vacation together up at your grandparents’ cabin, so Diane could be more comfortable.  You’re all women, & Bill says she’s OK with me seeing her body.”

June & Dawn have their mouths hanging open in disbelief.  They look at me, and I nod my head.

“This is only going to happen if you both are OK with it.  I know it will be a little awkward at first; but we’ve always taught you girls that your bodies are nothing to be ashamed of or hide.” I say.

“I’m cool with it,” says June.

“Me too,” chimes in Dawn.  “Will I get to see Mr. Larsen’s thing?”

“Mr. Larsen’s name is Bill; and while we’ve raised you girls to use last names when addressing adults, if we decide to share this vacation, we will all most definitely be on a first name basis,” I reply.  “Now as to Bill’s ‘thing’.  Bill’s ‘thing’ is a penis, dick, cock, whatever.  Let’s not be coy about this.  You will be seeing not only Bill’s cock, but also your father’s and Nick’s.  Is that going to be problem?”

“Not for me!” they both say in unison.

“Hey, Dad,” Dawn interjects. “This doesn’t really seem fair.  We’re all naked and you’re still dressed for work.  It’s time to take it off and join the family!”

June & I nod our head in agreement.  Dan is a little hesitant, as his dick is rock hard & pushing into his pants uncomfortably.  He has been squirming through this entire conversion.

“OK girls.  Your father is sitting here very uncomfortably, with a raging hard-on, and I’m sure he would like nothing better than to release it.  Just understand that even though he’s your dad, he’s still a male; and males get hard-ons when they see hot naked women,” I state matter-of-factly.  “Even not-so-hot naked women, for that matter.” I give Dan a wicked little smile.

Dan stands up, kicks off his shoes, and pulls off his socks.  He then removes his shirt & tie.  He pulls his pants off, and his cock springs out through the slit in his boxers.  My husband’s dick is cut, and the head of his cock was as purple as I’d ever seen it.  He was REALLY aroused.  He quickly slides his boxers off & sits back down.  The side of his dick is up against the edge of the table with the head peaking up over the side, so Dan pushes his chair away from the table.  This only gives everyone a better view of more of his raging hard-on, especially Dawn and I.  Dawn & June keep staring the whole time.  It is pretty impressive, when I think about it.  I start to catch the scent of pussy juice over the smell of the pizza.

“Well, your father isn’t the only one excited by this situation.  I smell wet pussy.  Who is it?  Dawn, I noticed your nipples standing strait out.  Pretty impressive, huh Dan?  Is seeing your father’s dick making you wet?” I ask.

Dawn nods and murmurs “Yes.”

“It’s OK.  Again, it’s a natural reaction.  This whole thing has got my pussy juices flowing like crazy,” I giggle.  “My juice is dripping off of my legs and onto the floor.  I’m going to have to clean up after dinner.”

This bit of information sends Dan over the edge; and his cock erupts, sending a stream of cum up and across the table, landing on June’s chest and face.  While caught off guard and slightly shocked, I start laughing hysterically at the looks on everyone’s faces.

I choke out, “That’s mine, I believe.”  I get up, step over to June, who’s sitting to my right, & lick Dan’s cum off of her face & chest.  Her nipples are hard & the left one is covered in cum.  I lick them off as well, swirling my tongue around June’s nipple as I clean it.  I again catch the strong smell of pussy juice; and put my left hand on June’s hot cunt.  Her legs are already spread slightly, and my middle finger inadvertently slides right into her steaming snatch.  I give her a quick kiss on the lips, then pull away and sit back down.

“Dawn, we’re not the only ones turned on by your father’s dick.  June is absolutely drenched.  My finger just slid right into her pussy like it was being sucked in.”

I hold up my middle finger for all to see.  It is shiny & wet with June’s juices.  I then pop it in my mouth and suck it clean.  Everyone is stunned.

“I haven’t tasted pussy this good since college.  Nick is going to be a very lucky guy,” I say while winking at June.  “Have you ever tasted your own juices, June?  What about you, Dawn?  I assume you both masturbate.  You father & I do quite often, usually together when it’s my fertile time & fucking is too risky.”

Dawn & June both nod their heads in the affirmative.

“Do you ever masturbate together?  I’ve always wanted to masturbate with you girls out on the patio by the pool on a nice sunny day.  I thought it would be a nice addition to one of our girls’ days out, especially after just having our pussies waxed.  I personally get really turned by the waxing, and fuck your father like a crazy person every evening afterwards.  But I never suggested it because I wasn’t sure how you two would react.”

At this point, the girls & Dan were just listening, and I couldn’t seem to shut up.  I was extremely turned on by the entire situation; and all of these thoughts just kept coming out of my mouth.  I guess after licking cum off of your daughter’s tits and tasting her juice, unloading your kinkiest thoughts & fantasies was not much of a stretch.  Dan, whose dick had relaxed a bit after blowing his load, was now at full staff again, though without the purple helmet.  I get back out of my seat and start stroking my pussy, watching them watch me.

“Wow, is this making my horny!” I’m very wet; and everyone’s staring at my cunt.  I walk around the table to Dawn, who is sitting across from me.  I stand next to her chair & reach to massage her totally erect nipples.  I roll one & then the other between my fingers while she moans softly.  And I continue talking…

“So Dawn, have you ever tasted your sister’s juices?  They’re very sweet, kind of like peach juice & honey.  I wonder what you taste like,” I ponder aloud.

In response, Dawn pushes her chair back about a foot & spreads her legs as far as they’ll go.  Her pussy lips are inflamed & parted.

“Holy shit,” I exclaim.  “June, Dan, take a look at Dawn’s pussy.  It’s on fire!”

Both Dan & June literally spring out of their seats to take a look.  They both stare down into Dawn’s lap, seeing a small puddle of her juices on the chair, then look back to me to see what I’ll do next.  I step behind Dawn’s chair to give them a better view, proceeding to roll & pull on both of Dawn’s nipples.  I then reach down with both hands; part Dawn’s engorged pussy lips & dip a finger into her drooling box.  I remove my finger from her pussy, hold it up for inspection by everyone, & then suck it clean.

“Dawn tastes different,” I state in an interested but unimportant tone of voice.  “Very smooth, like butterscotch.  Yummy!”

Dan & June just stand there silently; though I see that their hands have moved down to their sexes, and they are both stroking themselves slowly.  Dawn is massaging her own tits, and moaning softly again.  I reach back down to Dawn’s pussy, and stick two fingers from my left hand, & then my right, into her dripping box.  I then offer my pussy juice soaked fingers to June & Dan for a taste.  They both immediately suck my fingers into their mouths & lick them clean.  Dawn quickly inserts her own fingers into her cunt, finger fucking herself furiously.  She pulls out for a moment to taste her own juice; and then proceeds with her masturbating.

“What do you think?” I ask.

They both just smile & increase the pace of their masturbating.

I turn to June.  “June, it’s your turn to share.  Please sit down.”

June takes her seat & spreads her legs, knowing what’s coming.  She rubs her pussy vigorously one more time & dips her own fingers into her box.  She pulls her fingers out & starts to suck on them.  I dip two fingers from each hand,  alternately, into her pussy & get them soaked in her juices.  My dripping fingers are then offered to Dan & Dawn for sampling.  Dan greedily sucks the fingers on my right hand into his mouth, while Dawn pulls my left hand down to taste her sister’s juices for the first time.  They both have big smiles on their faces.  June is busily finger fucking herself while Dan & Dawn finish with my fingers.

“Well, I guess I’m the only one left.”

With that, I boost myself up onto the table & place my ass right in the center of the pizza.  As I spread my legs for my family to see my cunt in all of its excited glory, my juices continue to drip all over the pizza.

“That’s going to be an interesting pizza topping,” I laugh.  “Obviously, Dad has already tasted this pussy.  Would you like him to collect your sample, or would you like to collect your own…or maybe both?”

“Both!” they both yell.

Dan comes forward & reaches for my pussy.

“Nu-uh,” I shake my head.  “Climb up here & dip your cock into my hole.  The girls can sample that.”  I look at the girls.  “It that OK with you?”

They both nod vigorously.

Dan climbs up between my legs & positions his dick at the entrance to my lovebox.  He slides it in slowly, as I purr like a cat.  After a few strokes, he pulls it out, his pole glistening with my juices.  Dan scoots off of the table & offers his dick to June first.  June, still seated & masturbating furiously, turns her head & sucks Dan’s cock into her mouth.  She doesn’t just taste my juice, she takes in a full 5 inches of Dan’s dick, sucking off most of what was there.  She then pulls Dan’s dick out of her mouth, playing with his balls while doing it.

“Dan, you’re going to have to take another dip.  What’s left on your shaft just wouldn’t be fair to Dawn.” I prompt.

Dan gets back on the table & shoves his dick back in me.  This time he keeps stroking until I’ve taken in all 9 inches, stroking slowly so he doesn’t cum.  After several strokes, Dan pulls out & gets off the table.  He offers his cock to Dawn, who is slouched down on her chair, and fucking herself with the neck of the salad dressing bottle.  She gets up off of her chair, and squats in front of Dan, trying to keep the bottle neck up in her pussy.  June sees her struggling with the bottle, jumps out of her own chair, sits on the floor next to Dawn; and takes over for Dawn, pumping the bottle in and out of Dawn’s dripping snatch.  The sight of June masturbating her sister sends me over the edge; and I cum all over the pizza.  Seeing my orgasm sends Dawn into her own orgasmic release, & her juices gush out over June’s hand.  June switches hands & licks the soaked one clean.  Dan then places his dick in front of Dawn’s mouth, & she sucks it in.  She is a little weak from the orgasm she is still recovering from; but she manages to suck in 3 or 4 inches, and gets a good taste of my juice.  She continues to suck Dan’s cock for several minutes.

When Dawn is done, I ask “Well, what did you think?”

“Smooth,” says June.  “Except it was a bit salty.”

“Like butterscotch, like me!” says Dawn.  “But I agree that it was a bit salty.”

“Your father must have been leaking the remains of his jism into your mouths.  I hadn’t thought of that.  Of course, I was thinking you two would just lick his shaft, not suck him off.  I’m surprised he didn’t unload on you.  Why don’t you try it directly from the source?”

Dawn & June both get off the floor & reach towards me with a hand each.  Dan sits down in June’s chair & goes back to stroking his meat.

“Whoa, there” I stop them (the girls).  You just both had your Dad’s cock in your mouths.  You can’t suck on Mommy’s pussy?  When I say go to the source, I mean just that.  Come on Dawn, stick your tongue in my honeyhole &  please, play with my clit.  I already feel the need to come again.”

Dawn leans over the table, parts my lips with her hands, & takes a tentative lick up my pussy. As she reaches the top of my slit, she catches my clit, and I go into orbit.   I start to come all over her face; and she immediately shoves her face right into my pussy & starts lapping up my juices.  June steps up next to Dawn, pushes my legs as far apart as they will go, & joins her sister, cheek-to-cheek, in lapping up my juices, their tongues dancing inside my pussy & across my clit at the same time.  I would come again right now; but I’m drained, & have already come hard twice, besides all of the general dripping of pussy juice from my cunt.

“I need you two to back off. I need a breather,” I gasp.

Dawn & June retreat from my snatch, but not each other.  They start kissing passionately, swirling their tongues in one another’s mouths, tasting my juice from each other.  Their hands wander to each other’s snatches & they finger each other slowly.  I get off of the table & go to sit in Dan’s lap.  Dan holds his cock out for me to impale myself on; and I lower my ass, still covered in pizza sauce, into his lap, my pussy enveloping his dick.  The girls stop what they’re doing to watch Dan fuck me.  I slowly raise & lower myself on Dan’s shaft, taking in another inch on each down stroke.  Finally, I have all 9 inches inside of me, and I start a quicker rhythm while I play with my clit.  Dawn pushes the table out of the way and sits down in front of me.  I remove my hand from my clit & bring Dawn’s head into my pussy.  She starts to slowly lick up Dan’s shaft, onto my pussy, & then my clit.  I rest there for a while, fully impaled on Dan’s dick, while Dawn licks up & down our combined sexes.  Dan & I both start moaning loudly.  June, feeling left out, pulls a chair up behind the chair Dan is sitting on; and steps up onto it.

“Mom, can you lean forward?” she asks.

I do as she requests.  She turns her back towards us, bends over, reaches between her legs to brace herself on Dan’s shoulders, & lowers her pussy in front of Dan’s face.

“Eat my pussy, Daddy!  Make me cum!” June demands.

Dan starts plunging his tongue into June, licking up & down her entire slit, and sucking on her clit.  I can tell that Dan is getting ready to cum again, & so is June.  So I start riding his dick slowly, as I shove my big toe into Dawn’s pussy.  She backs up for a second, spreads her legs out on either side of the chair legs, & scoots her butt back towards me.  I push my big toe back into her pussy; and her box seems to open up like a flower.  I turn my foot sideways & proceed to push more of my foot into her, until my entire foot is 4 inches into her snatch.  I start pumping in & out slowly, and Dawn starts moaning into my pussy.

“I’m cuming!” yells June.

“I’m cuming!” yells Dawn.

“I’m gonna blow!” grunts Dan.

“OH MY GOD!” I whisper, as we all reach orgasm together.

After a few minutes of just being still and basking in the warmth of one another, we disengage & all go back to our seats.  Dan had been sitting in June’s seat, which is now covered in pussy juice & jism; but she doesn’t seem to mind.  She just sits down, wiggles her ass into the puddle, and smiles.  As I step back to my seat, Dan’s load drips out of my pussy and down my leg.  Before sitting down, I put my left foot up on the table to give everyone a good look at my current situation.

“Anyone want to clean this up for me?” I suggest.

“That’s mine, I believe,” Dan speaks up, parroting my earlier comment.

Dan comes over and licks his load off of my legs, and then proceeds to suck what  he can out of my dripping cunt.  He then returns to his seat, licking his lips.

 “Anyone hungry?” I ask.  “The pizza is kind of cold; but it should have an interesting flavor.  Would anyone like a slice?”

Everyone takes a slice, and then another, finishing off the pizza.

“That was actually quite tasty,” I remark.  Did you all enjoy it?  You seemed to inhale it.”

They all nod & smile hugely.

“I think I’ll call that particular topping ‘Sarah Surprise’.  If you want it in the future, you’ll have to help me ‘collect’ it for the pizza,” I say with a grin.  “Maybe we’ll have to share this special pizza combo with the Larsen’s during our vacation.  I can assume that we’re going to accept their invitation with enthusiasm?”

Everyone shakes their heads yes and grins broadly.


CHAPTER 2      A New Dynamic


I get up from the table and say “We should all clean up.  I’ll clean up from dinner while you all go shower off.  If you want to shower together, that’s fine, use the big walk-in in our bedroom.  But noooo fucking.  That is something we can share together, and besides, I want to be there the first time you girls fuck your father, if you choose to.  Do you girls want to have your father’s cock up inside you?”

They both shake their heads vigorously, and Dan gets a huge grin on his face.

“Well, for now, you can blow him and eat each other’s pussies if you’d like.”

Dan’s cock starts getting hard again hearing this.  They all nod in agreement & head up the stairs.  The entire room smells of sex.  I clean up the dinner table and mop the floor.  After I’m finished, I head upstairs to join the family in the shower.

As I enter the master bedroom, the site before me hits me like sledgehammer.

The master bath is more like an additional space in the master bedroom than a separate room.  When you walk into the bedroom, which is 15’ deep x 25’ wide with a 12’ ceiling, the king size bed is on your left, with night stands on both sides, and an armoire in the far left corner. To the right of the door is the raised hot-tub.  The hot-tub is between the bedroom area and the walk-in shower. The shower is raised to the same level as the hot-tub surround, so you have to walk up 4 steps to get into it.  The shower area is 6’ deep by 10’ long, with clear Plexiglas walls.  When you walk into it, you are facing the right wall 6’ away from you, away from the bedroom.  You turn to your right to actually enter the shower area.  There is a tiled-in bench 30” deep x 18” high that runs the length of the shower along the right wall. There are multiple shower heads along the right & front walls.  The hot-tub holds 8 people tops.  So if you’re in the hot tub, you’re looking at the feet of anyone in the shower, through the Plexiglas wall between you. There is no wall between the bedroom area and the raised tub, so you can be in the bed and see what’s going on in the bath area.  The entire room floor is covered in stone tile, simply transitioning from one color to another as you move from the bed to the bath area.

What I see before me gets me immediately wet.  June is lying on the shower floor on her back.  Dawn is squatting over her, getting her pussy eaten thoroughly.  In front of Dawn stands Dan, getting the blowjob of his life.

I casually walk in and turn on the water for the hot tub.  Dan gives me a lascivious smile, and gestures for me to join them.  I shake my head no, and proceed to add bubble bath & seltzers to the tub.  After the tub is full, I turn on the massage jets and climb in.  I like my baths hot, and it takes me a minute to settle into the very warm water.  As I settle in, I get comfortable in one of the molded-in seats with the jets built into the bottom.  My back is to the bedroom, so I’m facing the shower and catching the full show.  I adjust one of the jets between my legs so it shoots right onto my pussy and clit.  I start to masturbate while continuing to watch my family pleasure each other.

After a good 10 minutes of Dawn’s slow ministrations, Dan starts to clench his jaw; and I know he’s about to cum.  I increase the rhythm on my own efforts, hoping to cum with Dan.  He tries to pull back; but Dawn pulls him in deeper, driving the head of his cock way past her throat.  Dan blows his load, and Dawn doesn’t even have to swallow.  I climax right after, ramming as much of my hand as I can into my pussy, riding it for all it’s worth.  At the same time, Dawn has a crashing orgasm; and gushes her juices all over June’s face.  After she calms down, Dawn stands up, so June can get off of the floor.  They all take a minute to relax sitting on the bench.

“June, dear, would you mind tearing yourself away and joining me in the tub?  It seems like you got the short end of the stick in that situation; and I’d like to take care of that,” I say.

June gives me a smirk & steps out of the shower.  She starts to get into the tub; but pulls her foot back out, surprised.

“Wow, that’s hot.”

“Oh, sorry.  I like my baths very warm.  It’s more relaxing that way.  The last time you girls and I shared a bath you were very young; and I didn’t make your bathwater nearly this warm.  Now that you know what to expect, why don’t you try again, but go slowly.  Your body will adjust.”

June starts to put her left foot back into the water.  She just holds it a few inches under water until she gets used to it.  She gradually puts her entire left leg into the tub, stopping to let it adjust to the temperature.  Her pussy is only an inch above the water, spread open because one leg is in and one is out.  I playfully bring my foot up from under her & wiggle my big toe between her pussy lips.  She squeals in surprise; but then grabs my foot and drives it deeper into her pussy, as she continues to stand there.

“It’s been long enough,” I say.  “You should start working on getting the rest of you into the tub.”

I pull my foot out of her pussy as I talk.  She gives me a disappointed look, but swings her right leg over and puts her foot into the tub.  After another minute, both legs are fully in the tub, and June starts to settle herself down into the water.  I reinsert my foot into her lovebox, while she continues to settle deeper into the water.  As she gets deeper into the tub, she is able to spread her legs further apart and still support herself.  Removing my foot from her pussy, I move off of my seat into a squatting position in front of June.  I start finger fucking her with one hand, while I play with her asshole with my other.  June gasps.

“Mom, what are you doing?”

“What does it feel like I’m doing?  I’m fingering your asshole.  Don’t you like it?”

“Well, I’m not sure. It feels good, but weird.”

“There are a lot of nerves around the anus.  It’s very sensitive.  I personally love it when your father plays with my ass.  It sends me into orbit.  Just relax and enjoy.”

This whole time, Dawn & Dan are just sitting on the bench watching & listening, stroking each others sexes slowly and tenderly.

As I continue to play with June’s holes, she settles the rest of her body into the water, though I’ve pretty much been holding her lower half just below the surface, so now she’s basically floating below the surface, with her tits sticking out above the water.  She starts to moan as I continue my ministrations.  I move both hands to her ass cheeks, raise her pussy out of the water; and bury my face in her snatch.  As I eat her pussy and suck on her clit, I slide my left hand over towards her ass crack, and slide my middle finger up into her ass.  She lets out a squeak as her eyes open wide; and then relaxes with a contented smile on her face.  I work my finger further in, and rub on the back wall of her pussy from inside her ass. She starts to buck; and I quicken the pace of my sucking and licking.  After less than a minute of this sexual barrage her pussy convulses and sprays me with her juices.  I lap them up like a thirsty puppy.  Once she comes down, I remove my finger from her ass & lower her body back into the water.

“How was that?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“That was amazing!” she gushes.  I don’t think I’ve ever had such an intense orgasm in my life!”

“Never overlook the pleasures available to you through the back door,” I respond.  “And I’m not talking about our pool.”

Everyone laughs, and I gesture to Dan and Dawn to join us in the hot tub.  Dan gets in fairly quickly, as he is used to sharing my baths with me on occasion, though he prefers the water a little more tepid.  Dawn takes a while getting in, going through the same motions as June to get used to the water.  June plays with Dawn’s pussy while she’s getting in, but just enough to tease, not crank her up.  Once we’re all settled, the conversation turns back to the upcoming vacation with the Larsen’s.

“So, are there any questions or concerns anyone has about our vacation?” Dan opens.

“I’m just glad I’ll get a better look at Mr. Larsen’s, I mean Bill’s, cock,” Dawn offers.

“A better look?” Dan asks.

“I’ll fill you in later, honey,” I interject.  “Nothing major.  Dawn told me about it years ago.”

We’re all silent for a few moments, when June speaks up.

“What about Diane seeing us naked?” June asks.  “She doesn’t do anything with her bush, & might be put off by our bare pussies…and her daughter’s.”

Diane’s daughter, Jessica, is 5’2”, 110#, and kind of skinny.  She has a 32B chest with dark brown cone shaped nipples.  She has 30” hips and a 26” waist.  She is very cute and has her mother’s darker complexion.

“Jessica’s pussy is bald too?” Dan asks, lust behind the question.

“Like the day she was born,” Dawn interjects.  “June and I have had Jessie over lots of times for naked swimming.  The first time she was over a few years ago, she saw that June was bald, and asked about it.  She just assumed that I hadn’t gotten my bush in yet.  We told her that we got our pussies waxed once a month; but we didn’t tell her about Mom.  We weren’t sure Mom would be OK with Jessie knowing she waxed her pussy.  She asked if Mom was cool with it; and we just told her that she was.  Anyway, she seemed to accept it as just the way things were; but she wasn’t interested in removing the hair from her own pussy.”

June picked up the story.

“So, about a year ago, Dawn, Jessie, and I are out by the pool getting some sun in the buff.  Out comes Mom in her birthday suit to join us, not knowing Jessie had come over.  I think she was out running errands or something.  Anyway, Mom sees Jessie and stops short of her lounge chair.  She says ‘Oh, hi Jessica.  I didn’t realize you were over.’  Jessie immediately notices that Mom’s pussy is bare.  She stares right at it!  Mom didn’t seem to know what to say, so she just sat down on her chair & grabbed some baby oil.  While Mom was applying the baby oil, Jessie is looking at us like ‘why didn’t you tell me your mom is bald?’  It was kinda funny. 

So Jessie gets up out of her seat and actually goes over to talk to Mom.  Mom’s still rubbing the oil into her skin, and had just gotten down to her pussy.  She stopped rubbing it in and asked Jessie if she had a question about the fact that her ‘pubic mound’ was bare.  Both Dawn and I cracked up!  We told Mom that no one calls it their pubic mound; we all call it a pussy.  ‘I didn’t know what Jessie called it, and didn’t want to offend,’ Mom said.  Mom gave us an angry glance and turned her attention back to Jessie.  ‘So, Jessie, what can I tell you about my bald pussy?’ she asked.  ‘Why do you wax it?’ Jessie wanted to know.  Mom went back to rubbing the baby oil into her skin, starting to work on her pussy.  ‘Well, for one thing, it feels better and cleaner when I can rub the baby oil directly into the skin instead of through pubic hair.  I also find that it improves sex with Dan, as it makes my skin more sensitive.  Does that answer your question?’  ‘Yea…thanks Mrs. Anderson.’ Was all Jessie could say.  Dawn and I started laughing again.  Jessie came back over and sat down.  Later, after Mom went back inside, she told us she thought it was really cool that Mom had been so honest with her, and that after seeing a bald pussy on an adult, she had decided she’d like to try it after all.  I asked her what she thought her Mom would think.  She told us that her Mom never saw her naked, because of the common bathroom between her and Nick’s room that she uses.  The next day Dawn took her down to see Georgette at the salon and had it all removed.  She goes once a month now, just like us.  Diane still doesn’t know about it.”

“I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this before, but why don’t you ask Jessie to start coming with us on our girls’ days out?  She can get her wax done with the rest of us & hang out at the pool afterward,” I suggest.

“But Mom,” Dawn whines, “After today, I was looking forward to eating your freshly waxed pussy out by the pool after our next waxing.  I can’t do that with Jessie there.”

“Why not?  You don’t know that.  Jessie may not mind at all.  As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she wanted a little taste of my juices herself.  I catch her quite often staring at my pussy when I’m rubbing baby oil into it.”

“No shit!?” June exclaims.  “Wow. I never noticed.”

“Observation skills are not either of you girls’ strong suits.  You get that from your father.”

Dan splashes some water at me and everyone relaxes further into the warm water.  We spend the next half hour just soaking in the heat & enjoying each other’s company in silence, totally spent physically and sexually.

“Let’s get out of the tub before we all stew,” I suggest.

As we’re getting out, Dawn asks a question.

“Can we sleep with you and Dad tonight?”

“No, I don’t think so.  We all know where that will lead; and I for one need a good night’s sleep.  You all have exhausted my poor pussy.  It needs a rest.” I say with a smile.  “But let’s try to be naked at much as possible around the house and backyard for the rest of the week. I also want us to start using the master bath exclusively for everything but using the toilet.  The other bathrooms are fine for that.  The closer proximity while doing mundane tasks like brushing teeth, shaving, applying make-up, etc., should help us acclimate to each others bodies without being in a constant state of sexual arousal.  I think it will help everyone get comfortable being naked around each other at the cabin quicker if our family already is.  Also, unless there are any objections, sex between family members can be instigated by any one, at any time, anywhere in the house for the rest of this week, as long as it doesn’t interfere with getting our house jobs done.  Sharing one bathroom should help facilitate some of that also, since we’ll be sharing the walk-in shower.”  There are big grins and giggles by everyone.

“But again, if you either of you want to fuck Dad, you need to make sure I’m around, so I can watch, at least the first time.  After that, fuck him at will.”

Dawn & June get huge grins on their faces, and Dan looks like his dick is going to explode…again.  I don’t really think he has anything left to blow, though.  He looks like he needs a recharge even more than I do.

As the girls leave to go watch some TV before bed, Dan asks me what I think we  should do about Diane and the 4 bald pussies she is about to meet.

“Hmm…Maybe I should have a talk with Diane before this weekend,” is my only response.


CHAPTER 3      Breakfast Snacks


Tuesday morning, it’s 8:30.  I’m getting up late.  Dan is already up and gone to work.  I get out of bed and reach for my bathrobe hanging on the bedroom door.  As I bring it down off of the hook, I remember our family agreement, and throw it into the bottom of the closet.  I don’t think I’ll be needing it for a long time.  Thinking about all that has changed in the last 16 hours, I look at the bedroom door and decide it’s become an unnecessary encumbrance to our new family dynamic.  Down the hall, next to our room and across from the girls’ rooms, is the family study, where we keep our computer & personal library, which is fairly small.  I’m the only big reader in the family.  Dan restricts his reading to the local paper & news magazines.  The girls pretty much only read magazines, school books, and the occasional novel.

I rummage around in the desk until a find a screwdriver.  Taking it back to our room, I use it to remove the pins from the door hinges.  Pulling the door off the hinges, I store it in the back of our closet.  I then go down the hall & take the doors off both of the girls’ rooms, and store them in their own closets.  By the time I’ve finished, I’m sweaty again and ready for a shower.  This naked in the house thing is going to work out well, I think to myself.  It’s already saved me one change of clothes.

I take a quick shower, dry off, and head downstairs to see what Dawn & June are up to.  As I get halfway down the stairs, the sounds of sex reach my ears.  I get down the stairs and turn towards the kitchen to find Dawn lying on the kitchen island with June between her legs, eating her pussy.  Dawn has one foot on each side of June resting on the bar chairs, with June’s arms wrapped around Dawn’s thighs to keep her pussy tight to June’s face.  I walk over & see that there is a bottle of chocolate syrup sitting on the counter next to Dawn.  I peek over June’s head to see how it’s going.

“Very creative,” I say.  “You nasty little minxes.”

As I’m standing between Dawn’s left leg and June, I reach up with my right hand to play with Dawn’s left nipple, while my left hand drifts down to June's ass.  I reach between her legs and start to rub her pussy from behind.  June pushes her ass back into my hand, pulling my other hand away from Dawn’s left tit.  Dawn immediately moves her own hands up to work on her sensitive mounds.  I step behind June and start to really rub her pussy hard.  June starts to moan.

“Put your finger up my ass. PLEASE,” June pants.  She pushes her ass back even further to give me better access.

“Actually, I’ve got something else in mind,” I say softly.

I get down on my knees behind June, place both hands on her ass cheeks, and spread them apart, exposing her rosebud.  It’s already wet with pussy juice that is running back from her dripping twat.  I blow warm air on her ass, causing goose bumps all over her legs.  I then move in with my tongue and start licking her rosebud softly.

“Oh my god!  That feels awesome!” June cries out.  “What are you doing to me?”

I pull back for a moment.

“It’s called analingus.  I’m tonguing our asshole.  Feels great, doesn’t it?  Your father loves to do this to me.”

I then go right back to licking her ass, and shoving my tongue into her back door.

“Dawn, I am so licking your ass tonight.  You’re gonna go nuts!” June announces in response.

“Whatever,” Dawn replies, as she shoves June’s head back into her pussy.  “Less talking & more sucking please…..Unghhhhhh”

After a few minutes, I slide my index finger into her ass, and she grunts her approval.  After stroking my finger in and out of her ass a few times, I pull back and, when I push forward this time, my middle finger goes into June’s pussy.  After getting it nice and wet again, I pull back and insert both fingers into June’s asshole.  She moans into Dawn’s cunt, and starts humping my fingers.  I turn my hand palm down so I’m now massaging the back of her pussy from inside her ass again.  My other hand reaches under, palm down, and into her pussy to finger her g-spot.  June starts humping my fingers vigorously; and comes soon after.  After she’s done riding my fingers, I pull them out and go over to the sink to wash my hands.  I then walk back over to the girls.  June is back to concentrating on Dawn’s pussy.

June, give your Mom a kiss & let me taste your chocolate pussy cocktail.”

June stands up from Dawn’s dripping pussy, juices dripping down her chin.  I lick the pussy juice-chocolate mixture off of her chin and then give her a passionate kiss, swirling my tongue in her mouth.  At the same time, I reach down and finger her cunt, rubbing her own juices all over her hips and upper thighs.  After about thirty seconds, I break away.

“I need food,” I declare.  Unlike you two tireless teens, us older folks need to replace our energy stores once in a while.  Have you two eaten anything since dinner yesterday?”

Dawn tries to answer, since June’s face is buried back in her pussy.

“We…unngh…already……uhhhhhh…..had some eggs….ahhhhhhhh….”

Dawn starts cuming all over June’s face, who laps it up greedily.

“…earlier.” Dawn finishes, after calming down.

“Well, please clean up when you’re done.  I’ve come up with a plan to deal with the Diane-bald pussy situation.  I’d like you to call next door and invite Jessie over for a swim this morning, and tell her to make sure her Mom doesn’t know she’s coming over here.  Also, let her know about the no-clothing rule.  Don’t tell her all of the reasons, just that we’re working on our comfort level for the vacation.  Once you three are out back, I’m going to have Diane come over for a talk.  Please be sure you stay out of the house until after I bring her out to the backyard.”

“What’s your plan, Mom?” June asks.

“Never mind.  You’ll find out when it’s time.  Now can someone please make me some toast while I get a bowl of cereal?”

I sit down at the table to eat my cereal while June makes my toast.  I get down about 3 spoonfuls when Dawn comes over, picks up my bowl, and hands it to me.  I take it from her in my left hand, keeping my spoon in my right.  While holding the bowl, I continue to eat my cereal.  Dawn pushes the table out of the way, and sits down on the floor in front of me, one leg on each side of my chair.  She dives right into my pussy, sucking and slurping like a hungry child.

“I’m guessing from the way you’re sitting, that you really enjoyed having my foot up your cunt at dinner yesterday.”

Dawn only nods her head and sucks harder on my clit.  I have to put the bowl down, or I’m going to drop it.  Turning my left foot on its side, I move it forward until I find Dawn’s wet twat.  I wriggle my foot around a little, making sure I get my toes properly lubricated before pushing into her waiting pussy.  In a few seconds, my toes are totally soaked in pussy juice; and I push my foot into her pussy.  Dawn tries to open her legs even further than they already are, encouraging me to push further in.  My foot disappears into her pussy, almost up to my ankle, over 6 inches.  I’m basically fisting my daughter with my foot.  I start to stroke my foot in and out of Dawn’s pussy.  Dawn is moaning into my cunt loudly.  June comes over with the toast and drops it on the table. She can see that I’m a little busy to bother with it.

June grabs another chair and puts it behind mine, and steps up onto it.  She then performs the same gymnastics that she did at dinner with her father, lowering her pussy in front of my face. 

“This is quickly becoming a favorite with you, isn’t it, dear?” I remark.

June just smiles.  Once she is sitting reasonably comfortably on my shoulders, she slides her wet honeypot towards my waiting tongue.  I start to eat her with abandon, grabbing her ass and pulling her in tight.  All the while, I’m continuing to stroke my foot in and out of Dawn’s cunt, while she starts to concentrate on my clit.  I put two fingers into June’s pussy as I continue to suck on her clit.  Her juices run down my hand and arm.  I take my soaked fingers and shove them rather roughly up June’s ass.  She yelps in surprise and discomfort for a second, and then starts grinding her pussy into my face as she humps my fingers with her ass.

“You are quickly turning into a total ass slut, honey!” I exclaim. “I didn’t think anyone could like ass fucking as much as me; but you just might.  If you don’t mind sharing your boyfriend, I just might try to get both of my holes filled at once, with your father taking up the rear.”

As I say this, my pussy spasms in orgasm, flooding Dawn in my juices.  My suggestion has the appropriate effect on June, and she starts bucking madly as an orgasmic wave washes over her.  I push my foot deeper into Dawn’s lovebox, while pushing her upper body down onto the floor with my other foot.  This allows me to rub the side of the ball of my foot on Dawn’s g-spot, sending her over the edge.  After June calms down, she gets up off of my shoulders, steps off the chair, and pulls it up to the table to have a seat.  I give Dawn a hand off of the floor, and she too takes a seat.  I pull the table back in front of me.

“You know what, June.  I’ve got a dildo upstairs that is the perfect size for your ass.  It’s the one I use up my own backdoor on occasion.”

“You’ve got sex toys!?” both girls cry out together.

“Oh…sure.  A few dildos and massaging oils.  I suppose I’ll have to start thinking about my sex toys as the family sex toys now, won’t I?  They’re upstairs in my nightstand.  You can help yourself tonight, if you wish.  June, if you want to try a dildo up your ass, stick to the thin black one.  That’s what it’s for.  Dawn, if you’re interested you can try it also.  Given your wider hips, you may be able to take a regular dildo up your butt; but I’d definitely start with the small one.  I’d like to finish my breakfast now, if you don’t mind.  Would you girls please clean up the mess we’ve made?  Don’t forget to call Jessie right after, before she makes other plans for the day.  And please let me know when Jessie is going to be here, so I can call her mother.  Oh, and for God’s sake, both of you shower thoroughly before Jessie gets here.  You both smell like sex and chocolate.”

As they clean up, I finish my cereal.  The toast is cold, so I just toss it.  When I’m done, I head up to get a shower in before the girls finished cleaning.  I want to actually get a shower in, and know that if I’m not out before they get there, there’ll be another round of pussy munching and I’ll never get anything done.

“Remember to use the walk-in shower, please,” I call out behind me as I walk up the stairs.

I get out of the shower just as the girls are walking into the room.  As I’m drying off, June asks what happened to the bedroom doors.

“I took them off and put them in the closets,” I answer.  “We don’t really need privacy if we’re all walking around naked, fucking each other at random.”

The girls nod their heads and start walking towards me with lustful looks in their eyes.

“Now hold it right there, both of you.  I said that the sex couldn’t interfere with household duties.  I have things to do, and so do you.  Have you called Jessica yet?”

“Yea. I called her.  She’ll be over around 10:30,” Dawn answers.

“Was she OK with the no clothing rule?”

“Sure.  Since it’s just us girls home, she doesn’t see how it’s any different than any other time she’s over for a swim.”

“Well then, it’s already almost 10 a.m., so you two need to shower and clean up your rooms.  By the way, where did you two sleep last night?”

“My bed,” June answers.

“I should have known you’d share.  Did you two get any sleep!?”

“We watched TV until 10, and then went up.  We ate each other’s pussies for about an hour, and then just got too tired to continue.  I think we fell asleep pretty fast after that,” Dawn says.

“So June’s sheets are covered in your juices.  Please strip the bed; and bring the sheets down into the laundry room before you shower.  I’ll get a load going.  Oh, and there’s no time for you two to maul each other during this shower either.  So let’s get going.”

Hanging my towel up to dry, I leave my bedroom and go downstairs to call Diane.


CHAPTER 4      Girls Just Wanna Have Fun



I dial the phone while sorting through the laundry.  I want to get a load of Dan’s work clothes done before I have to deal with June’s sheets.  Diane picks up the phone on the second ring.

“Hi, Diane. It’s Sarah next door.”

“Oh, hi Sarah.  How are you doing?”

“Great thanks.  And you?”

“Much better since Bill called to tell me your family agreed to share your cabin with us.  I can’t tell you what a relief that is to me.  I was getting really tense about the whole thing…..Doesn’t nudity bother you at all?”

“It never really has, though showing my goodies to your husband and son will definitely be a new experience.”

“Yea, I’m still a little uptight about being naked in front of both Nick and Dan; but it still beats total strangers.  All of this really doesn’t faze you in the least, does it?  What do the girls think?”

Diane is a cute little thing, and really has nothing to be shy about.  She’s 38, 3rd generation Greek, 5’ 7”, 125 lbs., with a 32C chest, very small but perky nipples; and she has a beautiful olive complexion, with a very hairy bush, according to Jessica.  She is definitely going to feel like the odd (wo)man out around four women with bald pussies.

“Are you kidding me?  June is beside herself at the chance to show off her body to Nick, and get a look at his dick.  Dawn, on the other hand, is actually more interested in checking out your husband, if you can believe that.”

“What?  Bill?  Why?”

“A few years ago, Dawn & Jessica saw Bill fucking you in your bed.  They were outside the backyard window.  They were very impressed with Bill’s girth.  I believe Dawn compared it to a soda can,” I chuckled into the phone.  “Is she exaggerating?”

“A little, but not much.  It certainly feels like a soda can when Bill’s pushing it into me….But oh, my God; I can’t believe they saw us!  I’m glad you can be so calm about this.  I’m freaking out.  I hope I don’t blow this whole vacation for everyone by getting nuts about it all.”  Diane is talking very fast, sounding out of breath.

“Now just calm down, Diane.  That actually is what I called about.  I‘d like to get together with you, this morning if possible, to talk this out with you, and see if we can’t make you more comfortable with the whole naked idea.  I also need to fill you in on a particular situation ahead of time, so you don’t get blindsided this weekend.”

“What situation?” Diane asks, sounding alarmed.

“Nothing earth shattering, just potentially awkward.  Can you come over around 11?”

“Yea, sure. Can I just come over now?  I’d really like to know what’s going on.”

“No, I’m sorry; but I have to pick something up before we get together.  OK?”

“OK.  I’ll just keep myself busy for a while.”

“Oh…One more thing.  After we decided last night to accept your family’s invitation, we decided to declare our home a no-clothes zone for the rest of the week.  It’s an attempt to get us used to being around each other naked, so the beginning of the vacation won’t be so awkward.  Besides, with just us girls here, you’ll get a chance to try out the nude thing yourself for a while without any men around.  We can even go swimming if you like.”

“Wow.  Already?  I was planning on having the rest of the week to really get my head around the idea; but I do see your point.  OK.  I’ll be over at 11, wearing nothing but a trench coat.”  Diane giggles nervously as she says this.

“OK.  See you then.  And don’t be nervous.  You’ll be fine.  Bye.”

I hang up the phone and look out the window, realizing that while this window looks out on the backyard, there are several that overlook the street and houses on either side of us.  We live on a large cul-de-sac with five homes, our house being the second from the right side.  Of course, on one side are the Larsen’s, who wouldn’t have an issue with seeing any of us walking by nude, or at least won’t pretty soon, I imagine.  On the other side of our home, however, lives a 28 year old divorced Japanese woman, Wendy Takahashi.  While I wouldn’t mind at all letting her in on our little party, she’s always struck me as very conservative and very quiet.  She would be worth some effort though, as she has a VERY hot body.  I’ve seen her around the locker room at the gym.  I am pretty confident that I’m the only woman over 30 at our gym with a bare beaver, so I don’t advertise.  The mothers of my girl’s friends might be uncomfortable with idea; and I don’t want to be a problem for them.  So, while I stick to the private shower/changing rooms, Wendy uses the large shower room containing around 20 shower heads along opposite walls.  I’ve seen her walk through the locker room on the way to the shower, and she is definitely a tight little number.  Wendy is 4’ 11”, maybe 100 lbs., with almost washboard abs and B-cup tits with small, dark brown nipples.  She keeps her bush trimmed very neatly in a thin strip, as she wears a high-cut leotard for working out….And sometimes the quiet ones surprise you.  Hmm….I’ll have to give this one some thought.  Bringing my mind back to the here-and-now; I grab a towel to cover up, and walk around the first floor, shutting drapes and shades.  Luckily, we have those shades that mount to the bottom of the window and pull up, allowing you some privacy without keeping all of the natural light out and making you feel cut off from the outside world.  I need to get them up before the girls started wandering the entire house, flashing the neighborhood.  I yell up to them to pull up the shades in their rooms before coming downstairs.  One of them yells down that it’s already done.

I head towards the stairs as the doorbell rings.  The girls pass me on the stairs to get the door, June’s sheets in Dawn’s arms.

“Whoa,” I say.  “How do you know that’s Jessica?  It could just as easily be a solicitor or some other neighbor.  Someone throw a coat or something on & answer the door, please.”

June proceeds to the front door and grabs a coat out of the front closet, puts it on, and opens the door.  We don’t have a window in our front door, so the only way to see who’s there is to look out the living room window.  It is Jessie at the door; and June invites her in.  As Jessie steps into the hallway, June closes the door, removes her coat; and hangs it back up in the closet.

“Can I take our coat?” June asks Jessie.

“Oh, yea.  Here you go,” she says as she shrugs her coat off.

Beneath she is naked.

“Come on out to the pool.”

Jessie follows June through the house.  While I’m getting dressed for my errand, I call down from upstairs for one of the girls to switch loads and put June’s sheets into the washer.  Jessie sees Dawn with the bundle of sheets, and offers to help.

“Thanks, Jessie,” Dawn replies.  “I need to pee quick.  You know were the laundry room is.”

“Sure,” she says, taking the sheets from Dawn.

As Jessie gathers up the sheets in her arms, she gets her first whiff of the pussy juice dried into them.

“Wow.  What was June up to last night?  Nick was home all night.  Did they break up and I missed it?”

“Umm…no.”  Maybe June can explain later,” Dawn says as she stifles a giggle.

I come bounding down the stairs in a hurry.  Time is getting tight.  Jessie is still standing in the kitchen sniffing June’s sheets, trying to figure out what happened.  She sees me and gets a surprised look on her face.

“Sarah, you’re dressed,” she says questioningly.

I’m annoyed to see her holding June’s sheets, but figure they’ll have to deal with that one themselves.  Not my problem.

“I have to run a quick errand.  I’ll be back in 20 minutes. Have fun in the pool.  Bye.” I say as I rush past her to the garage.

I’m at the drugstore 8 minutes after leaving the driveway.  I run in and grab a home waxing kit and bottle of aloe gel.  The first time you get waxed, the exposed area burns for a while.  The aloe will sooth the skin quite nicely.  I’m out of the store and back home quickly.  Total trip time 25 minutes.  I get back in the house and bring my purchases up into the master bath, shedding my clothes on the way up the stairs.  I’ve come to feel very comfortable in just my own skin already; and the clothing seems like a shroud over my spirit.  I couldn’t wait to get out of them as fast as possible.  Getting back downstairs, I notice the girls out by the pool as I walk by.  Diane should be here within 5 minutes, so I open the front door, leaving it slightly ajar.  I then go back into the laundry room to check on June’s sheets.  They’re clean, but the dryer is still running, so I leave them in the washer.  I hear a knock on the door.  Looks like Diane’s a little early.  I walk down the hall, but stop behind the staircase wall, so anyone walking in the front door can’t see me.

“Diane, is that you?” I call out.

“Yes, it is.  Can I come in?  Your door’s open,” she calls back into the house.

I pause, take a deep breath, and think out loud:  “Here we go…”

“Come on in.  I’ll be right with you.  You can hang your coat in the front closet.”

Diane comes in and closes the door behind her.  She looks around the living room and into the kitchen, wondering where everyone is.  She shrugs off her coat, puts it in the closet, and walks into the hallway.

“Sarah, where are you?  Where are the girls?” Diane asks, kind of quietly.

I lean around the corner, letting her see my upper body, but not my bald snatch.  She’s naked except for her very hairy bush, which is so thick it looks like a fuzzy cover.  To me, she really didn’t look naked.  I’m planning on fixing that. 

“Hi, Diane.  I’m right here.  The girls are out back by the pool.”

Seeing me, she relaxes, and starts to walk towards me.

“I’m glad to see you, Sarah.  And relieved to find you naked.  I got this weird idea in my head that I’d show up naked; and the 3 of you would be sitting in the dining room fully dressed.”

“Hah.  That would have been embarrassing.  But before coming any closer, we need to talk.”

“About what?  What’s going on?” Diane starts tensing up again.

Whatever I planned on saying just left my brain.  I’m blank.  Not knowing how to start or what to say, I take another deep breath and step out into the hallway.  Diane’s eyes get wide as she quickly notices the lack of hair on my pussy.  After about 20 seconds of silence, she speaks.

“Wow…I never knew.  How long have you shaved your pubic area?”

I respond as I walk towards her.

“Actually, it isn’t shaved.  It’s waxed.  My pussy is totally bald.  I’ve been waxing since I was in college.  My roommate turned me on to it.”

As I step up to Diane, I take her left hand and place it just above my slit.

“See how smooth it feels?  It really makes the skin more sensitive, and Dan loves eating my snatch without having to pick hair out of his teeth.  So…what are you thinking?”

Even though I‘ve released Diane’s hand, she hasn’t removed it from my pussy.  She just stares at it, and moves her hand down and lightly across my outer lips.

“It’s really soft and smooth, like tummy skin.  What did your girls think when they saw you last night?  Were they surprised?”

“No, not really,” I laugh.  “Dawn & June have bald pussies also.  We actually go together once a month to Georgette’s salon to get waxed.”

Diane bends down to get a better look.

“How far back do they remove the hair?” she wonders aloud.

“All the way back.  Waxing removes all of the hair off your pussy and back around your butt hole.  Let me turn around and give you a better view.”

I pivot around so my back is to Diane, spread my legs, and lower my upper body until my hair is lying on the hallway floor.  I look back up at her from between my legs.

“See what I mean?  Nothing there.  Feel how smooth the areas around my asshole and between my ass and pussy are. Unlike this jungle you’ve got going on here,” I say as I reach up and run my fingers through her bush.

I brush against her clit & she jumps, but doesn’t say anything.

Diane cups my pussy and lets her hand roam over my smooth skin.  She continues this for a good five minutes.  I’m getting very wet.  As she moves her fingers lightly around my asshole, her fingernail brushes over my rosebud, causing me to involuntarily moan.  Diane quickly pulls her hand back, and sees that my pussy isn’t just smooth, but also very wet.  Her fingers are slick with my juices.

“Sorry about that.  When someone plays with my pussy, I tend to get wet.  Looks like you’re getting a little wet yourself,” I point out, as I continue to run my fingers through her bush, purposely brushing my fingernails across her lips.  I think they are starting to swell; but it’s hard to tell through all of that hair.

“Feel free to continue to explore.  I’d like you to get comfortable with bald cunts, since you will be seeing more of them.”

Diane cups my pussy again, this time a little firmer.  She moves her hand around my pussy and ass, starting to actually rub my pussy.  She also spreads her legs about six inches, allowing me better access to her own sex.  I start working my way towards the back of her pussy, using my fingernails to tickle the sensitive flesh.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she breathes out.  “But it feels so nice….What if the girls come in the house?”

“Mmmm….They’ve been told to stay out there until I get them.  Oh, that feels great.  They now I’m in here talking to you about bald pussies, though of course they don’t know we’re playing with each other’s while we talk.”

During this conversation, I have been teasing the opening to Diane’s cunt with my index finger, and the lips are slowly separating.  Dawn spreads her legs another 6 inches or so.  I’m getting a little light headed maintaining this position.  As I finish telling her that the girls are aware of our conversation, I push my index & middle fingers up into Diane’s by now very wet snatch.

“Ahhhh!” Diane gasps.  “Mmmmmm…Ohhhh, that’s feels nice.  I never though I’d be doing anything like this with you.  Rub my clit, pleeeease.”

“Honestly, I’m not sure I can find it,” I reply, as I start to slowly move my fingers in and out of her now dripping cunt.  “This is actually the point of asking you over.  I was hoping you would allow me to remove your bush for you.”

Diane reaches under me to the top of my pussy and draws her hand bank slowly, separating my engorged lips as she does.  As she gets to my honeyhole, she changes direction and pushes all four of her fingers into my cunt.  Since my legs are so spread out and I’m dripping like a leaking faucet, they slide in easily.  Diane starts to pump them in and out.  I put another finger into her pussy and start finger fucking her vigorously.  With my other hand I start playing with my nipples.  I start humping Diane’s hand and clenching my jaw to keep from screaming out in ecstasy.  Diane is rocking her hips forward & back trying to drive my fingers deeper into her lovebox.  They’re already in as far as they can go, being stopped by my curled up pinky finger.  I pull out my fingers and reinsert all four.  Diane’s pussy opens up willingly and my hand disappears up to my thumb.  Diane starts bucking wildly.

“Oh my god….I’m going to cum!” she says, rather loudly.

I ride her hand harder, determined not to be left behind.  I feel my own orgasm building; and I increase my pace in Diane’s pussy.  We both scream out & my hand falls out of her pussy.  As her hand leaves mine, I collapse on the floor.  Diane leans against the stair rail to keep from falling over.  We are both sweaty and breathing hard.

“That was mind blowing!” Diane says.

“That is was,” I agree.  “So, what do you think about having me wax your pussy?”

“You can do that here?”

“Sure, I picked up a home kit this morning.  It’s up in the master bath.”

“But what about Jessica?  What will she think when she sees me naked?  She constantly walks in on me in the shower.  She has her own bathroom, so there’s no reason to be intruding on mine; but she does I all the time!.”

“Maybe she likes to see you naked.  Did you ever think of that? Anyway, I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.  I’ve got a surprise for you.  Let’s go out to the pool…..You know, I can’t believe the girls didn’t hear us.  We were pretty loud.”

“No kidding.  What the heck are your girls doing that they didn’t hear that racket?”

“Guess we’ll find out.”

As we get out on the patio, an unexpected scene greets us.  Dawn is on a lounge chair with Jessie’s face buried in her pussy.  June is straddling Dawn’s face while tugging on her own nipples.  Dawn and June are moaning.

“Well, that explains why they didn’t hear us,” I say.

“Oh, we heard you all right.  At least Dawn & I did.  Jessie hasn’t come up for air for 40 minutes! Dawn’s already cum twice.  Besides, Dawn put her feet up on the end of the lounge chair and covered Jessie’s ears with her thighs as soon as we heard Diane calling you through the front door.  I’m not sure she can hear anything with her head stuffed between Dawn’s legs.  Did you enjoy yourself Diane?” June replies.

Dian nods her head slowly, as she continues to absorb the sight of her daughter’s face in Dawn’s cunt.  Dawn raises a hand to wave hello, as she continues to eat June’s pussy.

“I was wondering how you were going to handle Jessie and the sheets.  What did you tell her?”

“I told her the truth.  I told her that the pussy smell was mine and Dawn’s, and that we had been eating each other’s pussies last night in my bed.”

Diane zones into the conversation, shocked, but seemingly unable to speak.

June continued.  “She got a weird look on her face, and started to protest, asking how we could even think of having sex with each other.  ‘You’re sisters, for God’s sake!’ was her exact comment, I believe.  At that point I figured I had nothing to lose, so I told her the reason we did it was because we were still horny from eating you out earlier.”

The “You” being me, Diane snaps her head to look at me, and her eyes get huge.  She stills says nothing.

“Jeees, Diane, you look like your head’s going to explode,” June laughs.  “Unngghh…yea that’s the spot Dawn, tongue my ass.  Anyway, that seemed to really have an affect on Jessie.  She got this wide eyed look on her face, and her cunt started dripping.  I think she may have had a mini orgasm right there.  I think Jessie has a thing for older women.  She didn’t say another word.  She just walked up to Dawn, pushed her back onto the chair, and buried her face in Dawn’s twat.  She hasn’t said a word since.”

Diane comes out of her trance and walks up to her daughter.  She places a hand on her shoulder, not wanting to startle her.

“Jessie, honey, can you stop for a minute?”

“Upon hearing her Mom’s voice, Jessie’s head snaps up out of Dawn’s snatch.”

She looks up at her Mom with a look of horror on he face, and Dawn’s juices dripping off her chin.  Dawn pushes June off her face, to see what happens.

“Oh God, Mom. I’m so sorry.  I can’t believe you’re here.  I’ve never done anything like this. Are you really pissed?” Jessie blurts out as if it were one sentence.

She is breathing heavily from her work on Dawn’s sex and her fast talking.

“It’s OK, honey.  I’m fine with it,” Diane consoles her as she helps Jessie stand up.

Diane sees that Jessie’s pussy is bald also.  After all that she’s seen and done in the last ½ hour, it doesn’t seem to faze her at all.

“How long have you been waxing your cunt, honey?”

Jessie is a little taken aback by her Mom’s course language.

“Uh, a year or so, I guess.  I found out that the Anderson’s all waxed their pussies, and decided to try it myself.  I really like the way it feels.”

“Hah!” Dawn teases.  “You new about June and I for years.“  Turning to Diane, “Jessie had no interest in bald beaver until she saw Mom’s bald puss.”

“Is that true, dear?” Diane asks her.  “Does Sarah turn you on?”

Jessie nodded yes.

“Do older women turn you on, or is it just Sarah?”

“Not all older women, just some of my friends’ mothers.”

“And why might that be?  Maybe because you’re attracted to your own mother?”

“Maybe,” Jessie says with her head down, embarrassed.

“Do you want to eat mommy’s pussy?” Diane asks her as she reaches up and starts playing with Jessie’s tits.

“Jessie raises her face, beaming.

“Oh, yes!  I’d love to eat your pussy, Mom!”

“And I’d love to have you eat it….But first I need to have Sarah help me with this disgusting bush of mine,” she states, running her fingers through her bush.  “After seeing your four beautiful bald pussies, I can’t imagine being any other way.  I’m going to go upstairs with Sarah and let her wax my pussy bare.  I promise that when I get back, you can be the first to sample my newborn poon.  Unless, of course, Sarah beats you to it,” Diane says as she gives me a sly wink.

I laugh.

“Jessie, I promise to try my best to return your mother to you with a virgin bare pussy….But don’t hate me if fail you,” I say with a smile on my face.  “If I do take her first, I offer my own pussy to you in consolation.  How’s that?”

Jessie smile broadly.

“I can’t lose!”

“While you two are upstairs baring Diane’s twat, we’ll keep Jessie busy.  She hasn’t had her own pussy administered to yet, and I’m sure Dawn is just chomping at the bit to take care that,” June says.

“Absolutely!” Dawn exclaims.

I take Diane’s hand, and we walk back into the house, continuing to hold hands in that comfortable familiar way, like longtime lovers.




Diane and I walk through the kitchen; and I lead her up the stairs.  She pulls her hand from my grasp, dropping back a couple of steps, as she moves her hand back to my pussy, caressing it slowly as we continue up the stairs.

“I love how smooth your pussy is.  I can’t wait to feel the skin of my own pussy, free of all that hair.”

“Do you have any concerns about how Bill will react?” I ask.

“Are you kidding me?  Bill’s going to blow a load in his pants as soon he gets his first look.”

As we walk into the bedroom, Diane notices that the door is missing.

“Where’s your door?”

“I took the bedroom doors off this morning.  Given my family’s new situation, they seemed unnecessary.”

“What about Dan, though?  He might see you having sex with one of the girls….He knows, doesn’t he?  Did he actually watch?”

I nod my head and smirk.

“Oh my God!  How did he react?  What did he say?  He’s not fucking them, is he?  He is, isn’t he?”

“No, Dan hasn’t fucked them…yet.  I expect they’ll take care of that this evening.  He has eaten June’s pussy, and both girls have sucked his cock, though.  I’m not sure if he’s eaten Dawn’s pussy yet.”

“You guys had a busy evening!  You’re really going to let Dan fuck them?”

“You wouldn’t believe everything that happened last night. And, yes, I told them they could fuck their father if they wanted to; but that I wanted to be there to watch the first time.  After that they can fuck him whenever they want, unless of course I’m fucking him.”

“Holy shit!  You are one nasty woman!”

We sit down on the edge of the hot-tub, facing each other, each with one leg lying bent at the knee up on the tile and one on the floor.  This allows us to play with each other’s snatches while we talk.

“Aren’t you worried about the girls getting pregnant?”

“No, they’re on the pill.  Isn’t Jessie?”

“Not to my knowledge; but she could have gotten a prescription on her own.  You don’t think she’s been sexually active…before today, anyway?”

“No.  According to Dawn, Jessie is still a virgin.  That’s what makes her ‘attack’ on Dawn’s poon so interesting to me.  Your daughter has got a lot of repressed sexual desire.  Today’s the first day she’s been able to vent any of it….That girl seriously wants to eat your pussy.”

“Well, I am ‘seriously’ looking forward to just that,” Diane giggles.  “My mind is actually starting to look beyond that upcoming treat to what I might be able to do with Nick.  Do you think he would be interested in fucking his mom?”

“Are you kidding me?  Every boy wants to fuck his mom, even if they’re hideous looking.  It’s hardwired into the male brain.  And you are certainly not hideous, you’re gorgeous….Now that you bring up Nick, I’ve been thinking I might want to borrow him for a sandwich I want to make.”

“Sandwich?  What do you mean?”

“Yea, Sandwich. Dan & Nick as the bread, and myself as the filling.” I explain with a grin.

“You mean you’d have one of them up your ass?  Which?”

“Probably Dan, since I already know he fits. I have no idea how big Nick is.”

“You’ve already had your ass fucked!” she exclaimed in an accusatory, naughty girl way.

“Oh, I love getting my ass fucked, sucked, tongued, and generally played with.  I get very horny when I’m fertile.  We’re done having kids, so Dan fucks my ass for those few days every month.”

“You are a baaaaad girl.  I need to hang out with you more often,” she says with a smile. “Do you think June will mind you fucking her boyfriend?”

“Hah.  When I suggested it to her, she had an orgasm,” I state smugly.

“Wheww….OK. Before this conversation overheats my pussy; and I drip even more juice on your bathroom floor than I already have, why don’t we start on my wax job?” Diane suggests.

“Great idea. Let’s get going.  First I’ll need to trim your bush down to about ¼” long.  Dan has a beard trimmer he uses to trim his own pubes that will work perfectly.”

“ Dan too, huh?  You think you know a family, and one day reality slaps you in the face.”

I start laughing so hard my tits are shaking.  This gets Diane laughing also, calming us both down further from our sexually aroused state.

I get up off the edge of the tub and walk over to the vanity.  Rummaging around in Dan’s drawer, I find his beard trimmer.  It already has the proper height trim guard attached, so I turn to Diane and give her a wicked smile.

“So…are you ready for this?” I ask.

“Let’s do it.,” she responds enthusiastically.

As I look around the bath area, I realize that there isn’t a large enough surface for Diane to lay down on, so I can gain open access to the entire area I want to wax, other than the floor.

“We have two options, Diane.  You can lay out on the tile floor, or on the bed with a towel under you.  The floor would be easier for me, but I’m not sure how comfortable you’d be.  What do you think?”

“The floor’s fine.  Let’s just get going.  My daughter’s waiting,” she says with a sly grin.

“Now who’s the naughty girl?” I laugh.

Diane lies down on the floor and spreads her legs.  I sit down in between her legs and start to trim her bush, starting at the top and drawing the trimmer toward me.  Diane jumps as I make my first pass, the vibration of the trimmer tickling her skin.

“Oh!” she blurts out, and giggles.

“Just hold still.  I don’t want to poke you with the trimmer.”  I say as I manipulate her outer lips to make sure I trim all of it.

Diane moans a bit as I handle her sex; and starts to play with her own tits.  I continue to trim her bush until it’s all been reduced to ¼” stubble.  There is now a significant pile of hair in front of her pussy; and I push her legs further back to rotate her ass into the air.  After a quick evaluation of her backdoor, I conclude that the hair back there is fairly short and fine.  The wax should have no problem removing it.  I lower her ass back to the floor.

“Get your ass up off the floor . I need to sweep this hair up,” I say.

While I get a little sweep-up broom and dustpan out of the linen closet, Diane moves her hands down to her freshly trimmed bush to check out the change.

“Wow! That already feels so different,” Diane breathes.  “My skin seems so much more sensitive to my touch.”

“It’s the increased contact between your fingers and your pussy,” I explain as I clean up the pile.  “Your thick bush really tended to keep your fingers away.  But this is nothing compared to what you’ll feel once it’s all gone.  Let me get the wax.”

I get the wax kit and lotion off of the bed, and sit back down in front of Diane.  Taking the wax kit out of the bag, I open the box and lay out the wax, applicator, and removal strips.  Opening the wax tub, I scoop some of the wax up with the applicator and spread it onto Diane’s shortened pubes.  I then apply some applicator strips onto the wax, allowing it to harden.  We wait in silence for several minutes.

“OK.  The first strips are ready.” I announce.  “Are you ready?  The first one will be the worst, as you don’t know what to expect.  It gets a little easier from there, though anyone’s first waxing is going to be painful.  But let me assure you that subsequent waxings are much easier….Definitely.”

As I finish my little pep talk, I quickly yank the first strip from Diane’s pussy.

“Shit!” Diane screams.  “Son of a bitch!  That fucking hurts!”

Her eyes tear up.

“I told you the first one catches you off guard.  Can I continue?”

“Yea…Let’s get this over with.  Damn,” Diane signs.

I continue, pulling the remaining strips off.  By the fourth strip, Diane is no longer vocalizing her discomfort, though I know it still hurts.”

There, that’s the first round.  How’re you doing, Diane?” I ask.

“Damn, the price of vanity.  I’m going to be raw down there for a week!” she replies.

“That’s what the aloe is for.  It will cool your pussy very nicely, once we’re done,” I offer, as I begin to apply more wax.  “It will be sensitive for several days; but the pain will diminish very quickly.  I’m guessing less than an hour.“

I continue the rounds of applying wax and removing hair until Diane’s pussy is a bald as the day she was born, if significantly more inflamed.  The hair on her ass comes off with barely a flinch.

“OK, we’re done.  You’re bush has gone bye-bye,” I say with a smile.

Diane reaches down to check it out, running her fingers lightly over her lips.

“Mmmmm, nice,” she purrs.  “Hurts like hell, though.”

“Let me rub in some aloe.  That should help tons,” I say as I get the bottle of lotion out.

I squirt the lotion into my left hand and put the bottle aside.  I slowly start to rub it into Diane’s pussy.  Diane jumps again.

“It’s cold,” she squeaks.

It’s actually not; but it does feel that way, which is why it’s so soothing.  Haven’t you ever used aloe on a sunburn?”

“With my complexion?  I’ve never been burned.  Jessie’s gotten sunburned before, but not badly.  I’m not sure what she put on it.”

As I rub the aloe into Diane’s pussy, she starts to moan.  I continue rubbing the lotion in, swirling my lubricated fingers around Diane’s clit up front, and her rosebud as I work my way back.  Diane goes back to massaging her tits, starting to hump my hands as she does.

“Wait,” I say.  “Not so fast.  Let me finish this and then we can have a soak in the hot-tub.  The heat will help relax you and your tender pussy.”

This entire experience has been a real turn-on, and my own pussy is dripping.  As I get up to draw a bath, Diane notices my juices running down my legs; and reaches to cup my sopping puss.  I spread my legs a bit while I lean over to get the water going, allowing Diane’s fingers access to my cunt.  She pushes two fingers into me & starts slowly stroking the roof of my pussy.  I throw my head back in ecstatic pleasure.

“Uhhh!  Let’s take our time.  We’ve got at least another hour before the girls start to wonder what’s taking so long.,” I say.

Once the tub is full, I turn off the water and step in.  I’ve run the water even warmer than I’m used to, making me feel like I’m slipping into a hot spring as I lower myself into the bath.  My skin starts to tingle immediately from the hot water.  It feels wonderful, and I purr my contentment.

“Mmmmmm.  This feels wonderful.  Please, Diane, join me,” I invite her with a lascivious smile.  “The water’s very warm,” I warm her as she starts to step in.

“Ohhh!” she gasps as she pulls her left foot back out. “That’s hot!”

“I warned you,” I chuckle.  “Try again; and take your time.”

As she begins again, left foot working its way into the water, right foot still on the floor, her freshly bald beaver is now displayed before me, just like June last night.  This hot bath thing is really working for me, I’m thinking.

“Let’s see if I can’t help you relax a bit more, to take your mind off the heat,” I say as I start to run my fingernails lightly over her exposed sex.

Diane closes her eyes and moans softly.  I begin to explore her tender sex with my fingertips, as Diane’s leg slips further into the water.  After only a minute, she has her left foot on the bottom of the tub, ready to start working on the other leg.  But she stops, enjoying my hand sliding over her swollen lips.

“Come on, keep going,” I encourage her.  “You’ll get a lot more than this once you’re all the way in.”

I pull my hand away; and Diane starts working on getting her right leg into the bath.  I start the water jets up and settle back into my favorite seat, the lower jet streaming pulses of warm water onto my pussy.  I close my eyes and massage my tits as I enjoy the relaxing yet arousing sensation.

After about 5 minutes have passed, Diane strokes my left tit to get my attention.  She is now fully submerged in the tub, up to her neck, her dark brown hair floating out behind her.

“Mmmm, you’re in,” I respond in a breathy voice.  “Turn around and sit in my lap.  The seat jet can massage both of our pussies.”

Diane pivots and sits in my lap.  I reach around her and begin to knead her tits, hefting them up out of the water, pulling on her nipples occasionally.  The contrast between the warm water she is immersed in, and the cool air of the room, causes Diane’s nipples to become rock hard.  I tweak them, eliciting a giggle from her.  She tilts her head back, resting her head on my shoulder, purring her contentment.  Reaching her arms back and around my head, she turns her face to me.  We engage in a passionate kiss, our tongues dueling and twisting, one around the other.  My hands begin to drift down her tummy to her newly exposed pussy.  As my hands begin to caress and explore her sex, Diane’s purrs turn into moans of building sexual excitement.

“Put your fingers in me,” she urges.  “Finger fuck me until I cum!

I pull her legs further apart and start slowly pistoning my fingers in and out of her, probing deeper on each stroke.  Diane is writhing in my lap, shouting out her pleasure.  I pull my fingers out and push her up out of my lap.  She leans forward, and I reinsert my fingers from behind her, allowing me deeper access into her dripping cunt.  She loses all thought of me as she immerses herself in the sensations emanating from her lovebox.  Within a minute, I sense her pussy spasm around my fingers, as Diane has a mind-blowing orgasm.  She collapses back into my lap, splashing water out into the bedroom.  I give her a minute to recover; and then I start to move her off of me.

“I’m glad you got off, Diane; but my poor puss is crying for some attention of its own,” I grouse jokingly.  “Let me out for a minute.  I’ve got an idea that should be a real treat for both of us.”

I get out of the tub; and walk around the bed to my nightstand, dripping water along the way.  I fish around in my drawer for a few seconds, find what I’m after; and hold it up for Diane to see.  It’s a thick, purple, two-headed dildo.  Diane’s eyes get huge.

“Dan gave this to me as a birthday gift last year.  I told him that it looked more like a gift for him; and asked if he had anyone in mind for me to share this monster with.  He told me that it was just a gag,” I laughed.  “ ‘That’s bullshit; and you know it’, I said to him.  He got a kind of sheepish grin on his face and came clean, but assured me that he had no one particular in mind. We talked about it for a while, but couldn’t really come up with anyone.  It wasn’t a total loss, though.  The conversation got both our engines revved; and we had animalistic sex that night.  It was wild!”

“You should have asked me,” Diane pouted.

“Yea, right,” I laughed.  “Before today, you were a pretty conservative woman, sexually, Diane.  We actually did discuss you, but thought you’d never go for it.  By the way, my husband has wanted to fuck you badly since we first met you and Bill,” I add as an afterthought, as if it means nothing, and then give her a sly smile.

“You’d let me fuck your husband!?” Diane asks, anticipation in her voice.

“I don’t think I ever would have agreed to it before yesterday; but now, sure, knock yourself out…As long as your willing to share your men with me, that is,” I respond with a wink.

We’re both laughing as I walk back to the tub.  Diane is eyeing the purple monster and licking her lips.  I get back in with the big double dildo, and gesture for Diane to turn around so her back is towards me.

“Lean over and hold onto the side of the tub,” I instruct her.

I take the dildo and rub one of the heads up and down Diane’s pussy, which is now several inches above the water’s surface, dripping water and her own juices.  She spreads her legs a bit more; and I start to push it up into her twat.  Once it’s in about six inches, I turn around, grab my side of the tub with one hand, and start working the other end into my own well lubricated box.  Once my end is in a good ways, I hold the dildo in the middle and start to push back onto it.

“OK, Diane,” I say.  “Push yourself back towards me.  Let’s try to get a rhythm going.”

We both start pushing back, but our timing is wrong; and we are going back and forth in unison, instead of into one another.

“Stop,” I giggle.  “This is harder than it looks.  No pun intended.”  Diane laughs.

“Let’s try again.  When I say go, let’s both push back at the same time….1,2,3, go!”

We both push back in unison, plunging the dildo deep into our waiting pussies.

“Ohhh!!” we both sigh together.

We get a rhythm going, slowly stroking the dildo in and out of our hungry cunts.  As we begin to increase our speed, our tits splash on the surface of the warm water, stimulating our erect nipples.  Our moans and cries of mutual pleasure continue to increase in volume.  After several minutes of manic pounding of our pussies into my hand, still holding the dildo centered between us, I begin to climax.  I cry out and Diane is right there with me.  I remove my hand from the dildo and we both push back just a little bit more, bottoming out the dildo deep in our pussies.  We both scream in ecstasy, bracing ourselves against the tub.  Neither of us move, our asses pushing into each other; and ride our subsiding waves of pleasure for another couple of minutes, the dildo still buried deep inside us.  As I come down from my sexual high, I sense that we are no longer alone.  Raising my head, I look towards the bed.  There on the bed sit June, Dawn, & Jessica, grinning devilishly from ear to ear, just watching us.




All three have their hands on their pussies, masturbating slowly.

“Diane,” I say.  “We have company.”

Diane opens her eyes and looks towards the bed, right into the lustful eyes of her own daughter, who begins to slowly spread her legs while parting her pussy lips for her Mom’s review.  Diane gives her a lascivious look of her own, as she stands up and steps away from me, pulling the dildo out of her cunt.  I pull the other end out of my own poon; and put Diane’s end into my mouth to suck off her juices.  June jumps off the bed, grabs the other end of the dildo, and starts sucking it clean of my own juices.

Hello, honey,” Diane says in a husky voice.  “I’m glad you came up.  Even though Sarah and I couldn’t wait to put my new poon through its paces, I’ve still saved the first meal for you, if you want it.”

Jessie gets up off the bed slowly; and walks toward her mother in that highly sexual way teenage girls just naturally seem to know.  She offers her mother a hand out of the tub, which Diane takes and steps out into the bedroom area.  They embrace and begin kissing passionately, their tongues crashing into and around one another at an urgent pace.  As they back up as one towards the bed, Dawn gets up to get out of the way, continuing to masturbate as she watches the action.  Diane breaks off the kiss and lays down in the middle of the bed with her head up on the pillows.  Jessie crawls up on top of her, their breasts pushing together, their pussies grinding one into the other.  Jessie begins to kiss her mother’s neck and shoulders, working her way down to her tits, which she alternately sucks in to her mouth, suckling like a baby.

“Ohhh, yes,” Diane begins to purr.  “Suck Mommy’s tits, honey.  Milk me!”

Jessie suck on one nipple while pulling, pinching, and twisting the other.  She alternates back and forth until both of Diane’s nipples are erect and sore.  Diane seems to love it.

“Rougher!” she yells.  “Twist Mommy’s titties!”

While this is going on, June helps me out of the tub.  We drop the dildo and I get on the bed next to Diane, so June can eat my pussy.  Dawn stops masturbating and climbs up onto the bed.  She grabs the headboard, straddles Diane’s head, and lowers her dripping twat onto Diane’s eager mouth.  Diane immediately starts plunging her tongue into Dawn’s pussy, grabbing her ass and pulling Dawn tighter to her face.  Dawn drops from a squat  onto her knees, and starts humping Diane’s face.  Jessie starts working her way down Diane’s body, kissing her tummy along the way.

“Come on , Mom!” Jessie encourages.  “Eat Dawn’s juicy pussy!  “Doesn’t she taste great!?”

Diane can only grunt her agreement.  She takes hold of Jessie’s head with both hands, and pushes her face into her waiting snatch.  Jessie starts to lick and slurp up her Mom’s juices with gusto.  Diane pushes Dawn up a bit so she can speak.

“Suck my clit, baby.  Make Mommy cum!”

Dawn drops back down, leaning forward a bit more; and Diane goes back to work on Dawn’s clit.  As June continues to eat my pussy, I see that Dawn’s new position exposes her ass to my currently unoccupied hands.  I reach over and begin to rub her juices over and around her rosebud.  She pushes back onto my hand in response.

“Do you want my fingers up your ass, Dawn,” I ask.

“Oh, yea, Mom, fuck my ass with your fingers!”

I start to concentrate my rubbing right over her asshole, pushing a little harder on each circle.  Her ass seems to pucker open like a flower, and two fingers slip in easily.

“Ahhh!” Dawn yelps.  “Mmmmmm, that feels great.”

I push my fingers in a couple of inches and start to spin them slowly, reaming her asshole.  As I do this, her rosebud opens further, like a pussy in the rear.  I start to slowly finger fuck her as I tap on June’s head to get her attention.

June pulls her face out of my snatch and looks up to see what I want.  I gesture to the nightstand and then point at my fingers up Dawn’s ass.  June gets the message and get up off the bed.  She goes over to the nightstand and gets out the thin black Dildo, the one I told her to use for fucking her ass.  I shake my head no, as I add a third finger to Dawn’s ass.

“Oh, my God!” Dawn cries.  And then, after a few seconds to adjust, “Mmmmmm, that feels….delicious.”

June looks at me quizzically for a second; and then her eyes open wide in understanding.  She gets an evil grin on her face and puts the black dildo back in the nightstand.  She pulls out a pink one, which looks like an average size dick with balls attached.  I smile and she hands it to me.  I take it from her and June goes back by the tub to get the purple dildo.  She comes back over between my legs; and squats down to shove the purple monster up her snatch.  Once she has it in about 8 inches, she leans back in and goes back to eating my pussy, but keeps her head up so she can watch me fuck her sister’s ass.

I give Dawn’s ass one more ream job; and pull my hand out.

Don’t stop!” Dawn protests.  “I’m getting close to cuming!”

“Don’t worry,” I say.  “I’m just…repositioning.”

I give June a wink; and Jessie looks up to see what’s going on.  She sees the dildo and Dawn’s puckering asshole; and her eyes go wide.  She replaces her tongue in her Mom’s pussy with her fingers, so she too can watch me fuck Dawn’s ass.  I place the dildo at the entrance to Dawn’s back tunnel, and rub it around to lubricate the tip.  Dawn’s starts to immediately push back onto it.  I push back, and the tip disappears into Dawn’s ass.

“Ohh!  Fuck!!  What’s that!?” Dawn yelps, realizing that whatever just invaded her butt, it wasn’t my fingers.

“Just relax,” I say.  “You’re gonna love this.”

I give the dildo a little twist and push it in a little further.  Dawn grunts and pushes back, driving it in even further.  The dildo is now over 4 inches into Dawn’s ass.  Jessie gets excited by what she is witnessing and starts to finger fuck her mom faster.  Diane’s cunt seems to suck her fingers in greedily, so Jessie puts all four in.  Diane’s pussy, being used to Bill’s thick cock, just sucks them all in.  I’ve now got 6 inches of dildo up Dawn’s ass and she’s screaming for more.

“Shove it in!  Fill my ass with that dildo!” Dawn yells.

Jessie responds to this outburst, a bit too eagerly, by pulling her fingers out of Diane’s pussy and, making a fist, pushes her entire hand back into her mother’s cunt.

“OH MY GOD!!!” Diane screams.  “What are you doing?!”

Jessie is totally cranked up by now, and keeps pushing forward.  Luckily she has what I would call dainty hands; and once she gets her knuckles past the entrance to her mother’s honeypot, her entire hand disappears into Diane’s hungry cunt.

“Ohhhh…..that’s fucking awesome…I feel so full!” Diane murmurs in ecstasy.

At this point Dawn is off Diane’s face, riding the dildo up her ass, June is pumping the purple dildo in and out of her own cunt vigorously while continuing to suck on my pussy, and Jessie is fisting her mom for all she’s worth, while her free hand rubs her own clit furiously.  We all start to buck like mad as we begin to climax.  The sound in the room is deafening, as five women express their impending release.  Dawn slams her ass down the rest of the way, the dildo’s balls slapping against her ass cheeks.  Jessie pushes her fist up into Diane until she hits bottom.  We all begin to cum within several seconds of one another, juices gushing from Diane and Dawn, and to a lesser extent the rest of us.

We all take several minutes to come down off our personal highs.  I begin to pull the dildo out of Dawn’s ass, but she reaches back and stops me.

“No.  Leave it in,” She says.

I push June out from my crotch and get off the bed.  June lays down where I had been, slowly stroking the purple dildo in and out of her cunt.  I go back into the bath area and get back into the tub.  The water has cooled somewhat, so I get in rather quickly.

Ladies, when you feel like it, why don’t you join me back in the tub?” I announce.

Jessie pulls her hand out of her mom, and heads right for the tub, licking her fingers as she walks.  Diane pushes Dawn up and, sliding out from underneath her, also comes over to the tub.  Dawn steps off the bed with the dildo still buried in her ass.

“Jessie, are there any of my juices left on your hand?” Diane asks.

Jessie nods yes and offers her hand to her mother, who licks the back of her hand as she gives Jessie a  lascivious smile.

“Can I get in with this still in my ass?” Dawn asks.

“Certainly,” I respond.  “Come on in.   June, come join us.  I think Jessie would like to share your toy with you.”

Jessie’s face brightens as she climbs into the tub.

I’m in my usual spot facing the shower.  Diane has taken the opposite seat, facing the bed.  We can know use our feet to play with each other’s pussies.  June and Jessica sit next to each other on the side towards the closet, while Dawn settles in next to Diane, the dildo totally bottoming out up her ass when she sits.

“Mmmmm,” that feels so good,” Dawn purrs.  “I would never have thought that having something up my butt could feel this great.”

“Why don’t I get you another for dildo for your pussy, and you can fuck yourself slowly for a while?” I suggest.

“Sounds great.  Thanks, Mom,” Dawn sighs.

I pull my foot away from Diane’s pussy and hop out of the back of the tub.   Quickly retrieving my last dildo from the nightstand, this one bright blue, I get back in the water and hand the pussy probe to Dawn.  She takes it, leans back, and slides it up into her waiting snatch, slowly stroking in and out.

“Ahhhhhhh.  That’s the stuff,” she moans.

By this time June and Jessie have settled in and, after bending the purple double into an upside down U, insert both ends into their respective poons, slowly stroking in and out.  I go back to playing with Diane’s pussy with my foot, which she reciprocates.

“Dawn, honey, relax and let me help you with that,” Diane offers as she moves Dawn’s hand off the blue dildo and takes over for her, pushing the dildo in and out while slowly twisting it back and forth.

Dawn settles back, totally content with the sensations coursing through her body, massaging her tits as she soaks in the warm water.  Everyone is still spent from our mutual orgasms on the bed, so this latest round of assaulting our sexes is only eliciting sexual contentment and satisfaction, which is exactly what we all want right now.

“So how is this working for everyone/” I ask.  “Is everyone enjoying themselves?  Are we all now comfortable with nudity?”

They all laugh at the idea that any of us were ever uncomfortable with being naked around each other, given how far beyond that hurdle we have gone.  We were now all sisters as well as lovers, and there will never be anything we can’t talk about with or say to each other.

“June, I was talking to Diane earlier about fucking Nick while your father fucked my ass.  She thought that you might object.  You don’t have a problem with that, do you?” I ask.

“No, Mom.  Go ahead.  But you’re not on the pill, are you?  Is this a safe time of the month for you?” June asks.

“Yes.  I’m good for another 10 days at least.  And Diane, you’re OK with it, right?”

“Sure….  If Nick’s interested,” she says, smiling.

We all laugh.

“As if there’s a chance in hell that any of the guys wouldn’t want to fuck any of us,” Diane continues, laughing.  “So, do you think we should do the naked-around-the-house thing too?”

“Unless you want to wait until the vacation to fuck your son, I’d say absolutely,” I reply.  “He sees you parading around doing housework in the buff, especially with your newly bald beav; and he’ll probably attack you!  You know…you could have some fun with him by playing hard to get but teasing him mercilessly.  As a matter of fact, we can all help crank him up.  And once he’s ready to explode, you can move in and have him all to yourself, at least at first.  We’re all going to want our time with him afterwards….even Jessica, I bet.” Turning to Jessie,  “What about it, Jessie?  Do you want to fuck your brother?”

“Sure!  Sounds like fun!  Maybe I can surprise him when he’s fucking mom.”

We all start laughing again.

“Oh, we are an evil bunch, aren’t we?” I choke out between fits of laughter.

We all settle back down, and just enjoy the warmth of the water, and the various items up our pussies for the next 30 minutes or so.  Eventually, Dawn starts getting restless, the dildo in her ass beginning to bother her.  She stands up in the tub.

“Diane, can you pull that out for me, please?” she asks.

“Sure,” Diane answers, grabbing the dildo by the balls.

“Slowly,” I interject.  “She’s going to be a little sore.  I can’t believe how long you had that up there, Dawn.  Your rosebud is going to be a bit tender for awhile.”

Diane pulls the dildo out slowly, twisting it a little as she goes to make it easier.  Dawn moans as it slides out.

“Ohhhh, even this feels wonderful,” Dawn remarks.

I get up myself and take the dildo from Diane once she has it out.  Stepping out of the tub, I go over to the sink to rinse the toy.  It’s amazingly clean looking, with no visible trace of you-know-what on it.  Meanwhile, Dawn is complaining that her rosebud is pretty sore.

“Here, maybe I can help,” Diane offers.

She pushes Dawn over at her waist and then, getting on her knees, starts to lick around Dawn’s asshole, soothing the tender area.

“Ahhhh…that’s great, Diane,” Dawn says gratefully as she pushes her ass back into Diane’s face.

This gets June and Jessica’s motors running again; and they both sit up on the edge of the tub.  They start pumping their respective ends of the purple monster in and out of their glistening cunts, reaching over to rub one another’s clits as they increase their urgency.  Diane shoves a few fingers into Dawn’s drooling box, massaging her g-spot as she pushes her tongue into Dawns rosebud.

“OH MY GOD, I’m cuming again!” Dawn cries, as she bucks against Diane’s face.

Jessie is enthralled with the site of her mom eating her best friend’s ass, and quickens her own pace as she frigs June’s clit wildly.  They both begin to climax as Dawn rides her own back down.  After Diane has disengaged from my youngest daughter’s holes, and the girls have all calmed down, I step up to the tub.

“So, are you all satisfied, at least for now?” I ask.  “It’s getting late, and I still want to get a workout in today.  Would any of you like to join me, or are you too tired out?”

They all nod their agreement to me and each other that a workout sounds great.  They get out of the tub and help each other dry off.  Diane and Dawn leave to go home and get dressed for the gym.  Dawn and June go to their rooms to get dressed and grab their workout bags.  I put on my leotard, throwing on some shorts and a tank top over it, and grab my own bag.  I get downstairs and see that Diane and Jessie are still getting their coats on.  I yell back up the stairs to my girls.

“Bring the toys downstairs and put them in the dishwasher, please,” I request.  “We’re going to have to get a few more, I think.  Not enough toys, too many twats!”




June and Dawn come bounding down the stairs a few minutes later, June carrying the toys and Dawn handling the gym bags.  They are both dressed in their workout clothes, and it is obvious they aren’t wearing any underwear.  While there’s nothing unusual with that, the fact that neither has showered since our last sexual romp means both their pussies are still a bit wet, and their shorts are clinging to their pussy lips.  I’ve already adjusted my own leotard several times.

“Girls, please pull your shorts out of your pussies,” I request.  “We don’t need to show up at the gym looking like a pack of whores.”

“Sorry, Mom,” the girls giggle, as June loads the toys into the dishwasher.

“Let’s get going. We’ll take the Mercedes, so Diane and Jessie can ride with us.”  (My car is an ’06 Mercedes R350 that seats six.)

We get into the car, and I pull out into the driveway.  Diane and Jessie are just coming out their front door.  I wave them over and gesture for them to ride with us.  I see that they too are going commando in their workout clothes.  While normal for Jessie, I’ve never seen Diane go anywhere without underwear on.  Her tits are bouncing wildly as she jogs over to the car, and she pulls her panties out of her pussy before getting into the car.

“Diane!” I say as she gets her seatbelt on.  “This is almost more surprising to than seeing Jessie fist your cunt.  I never thought I’d see you out in public without underwear.”

“Well, I saw Jessie get dressed without it, and figured what-the-hell.  Besides, my tits feel so free, and the loose cotton on my pussy feels fantastic!” Diane responds.

“Your tits look great.  Very firm,” I compliment her.  “Don’t you think so girls?”

The girls nod their agreement.

“You look really hot, Diane,” June offers.  “I’d love to suck on those babies sometime soon.”

“Anytime, honey,” Diane gives her a smile.

As I pull out of the driveway, I inform them that we’re going to stop at Fantasy House on the way to the gym.

“We need more toys, and I’d rather get in and out of there before any of our neighbors start heading home from work.  I don’t feel like explaining to anyone we know what the five of us are doing buying sex toys together.

“Depends on which neighbor,” Dawn says.  “There are a few I wouldn’t mind ‘sharing’ with…like Wendy.”

“Mmmm, yea,” June agrees.  “She’s got a real tight bod.”

“Let’s just get the toys, and not start plotting another conquest, shall we?” I cut off the conversation.

Fantasy House is only a couple of miles from home, in a little strip mall.  Once we’re parked, we all pile out and go inside.  Fantasy House is a nice clean place, with a decent selection of toys, videos, and adult greeting cards. Instead of blacked-out windows like at a dive sex shop, the lower 2/3rds of the glass is frosted.  It’s definitely several steps up from the Sex World downtown, with its peep shows and video booths.  Yuck!  The store is currently empty, with the exception of the cashier.  He looks to be 19 or 20.  He’s a scrawny, dorky looking kid, about 5’ 10”, but with cute, vibrant eyes and a mop of thick brown hair.  A diamond in the rough if I ever saw one.  He eyes us walking in the door with lust and pent up sexual frustration.

“Can I help you ladies?” he asks as he steps from behind the counter.

I immediately notice the bulge growing in his shorts, which he tries to push down with his hands in his pockets.  It’s bulging out an inch above the hem of  the left leg of his shorts.  This skinny guy’s really packin!

“We’re fine for now, thank you,” I reply.  “Besides, it looks like you’re the one in need of a little help,” as I point out his condition to the ladies.

The girls start giggling and Diane looks to see what I’m talking about.  She sees his growing erection and her eyes get wide, as it catches her by surprise.

“Wow, it’s warm in here,” I comment, as I hook my thumb in my leotard to pull it out of my pussy.

I pull the leotard down and to the side with my left hand, exposing my bald cunt to the cashier’s bulging eyes.

“My pussy’s sweating, it’s so warm in here,” I announce as I stroke my sex with my other hand, teasing the kid further.  “Oh, well.  We’ll let you know if we need anything, thanks,” I say as I release my leotard and it snaps back against my twat.

I walk further into the store, knowing all eyes are on me.  I turn around and gesture for the girls to follow.

“Come on.  We don’t have all day.  Let’s shop!” I encourage.

June, Dawn, and Jessie follow me into the aisles, while Diane continues to just stand near the counter, staring at the cashier’s tented pants.  She looks at his name tag and then up at him.

“What’s the matter, Brian? Cat got your tongue?” Diane asks, and then starts laughing.  “Or should I say pussy got your tongue?”

The rest of us start laughing, enjoying Brian’s discomfiture.

“Wow, it really is warm in here.  I’m getting all sweaty myself,” Diane says dramatically as she lifts her shirt up to wipe the imaginary sweat off her face, exposing her perky tits and very erect nipples to Brian’s view.

Brian swallows hard and I start giggling as I gesture for Diane to come join us.  She drops her shirt back down and walks toward us, swaying her hips as she does.

“You are a new woman!” I tease her in a quiet voice.  “I can’t believe this is the same sexually timid women I’ve known for all these years.  You have obviously had some serious pent up sexual energy, that Bill just wasn’t tapping into.”

“This is a lot more fun, that’s for sure,” Diane laughs.

We browse the aisles for a while; and Dawn picks up another large double dildo, this one neon green.  June finds a vibrator with an extra, anal appendage.  Diane and Jessie are trying to figure out how to use a 2-headed strap-on.  The dildo for the wearer is smaller and curved upwards, like a partial “C”, to push against the g-spot when fucking someone with the business end, which is about 8” long and a little thicker than the average cock.  I look through the vibrators until I find what I’m looking for:  remote control personal vibrators.

“Aha!” I exclaim.  “There you are.”

The group comes over to see what I’ve got.  Brian is staining his body over the counter to see what we’re up to.  I pick up one of the little vibrators for them to see.

“It’s a remote control vibrator,” I explain.   “It’s small enough to go totally into your pussy.  The remote control turns it on and controls how strong the vibration is.  I though we could all get one and play musical remotes.  What do you all think?”

Everyone nods their head enthusiastically.  I pass one to each of them.

“I think we have enough toys for now.  Let’s go check out,” I suggest.

We walk back up to the counter to pay for our purchases.  Brian quickly pulls his hands out of his pockets as we approach.

“Playing a little pocket pool there, Brian?” I ask as I set the vibrators down on the counter.  “Do these already have batteries in them?”

“Yea…they sure do,” Brian swallows hard as he responds.

“Mom, can we try them out?” Dawn asks.  “I’d like to use mine while we’re working out!”

“Sure, if it’s OK with Brian….Does the store have a policy on wearing purchases on the way out?  I know some shoe stores frown on that.” I say matter-of-factly.

No…No problem,” Brian answers.

“Great, why don’t we all give them a try, then,” I suggest.  “We can swap remotes and have some fun.”

As I say this, I pass out the little vibrators and unwrap one for myself.  I put my left leg up on the counter, right in front of Brian, and pull the crotch of my leotard aside to insert the vibrator.  Brian is staring directly into my cunt, which is starting to get wet from the attention.  I place the vibrator against my sex and start to rub it into my pussy, getting it wet.

“Man, this is making even hotter,” I exclaim.  “Brian, do you mind giving us a little privacy?”

“Uh….sure. I’ll go back to the stockroom and check on some inventory,” he says, sounding very disappointed.

“No, silly,” I chuckle.  “I’d just like you to lock the door for a few minutes.  Your job is to man the counter and ‘service’ your customers, is it not?  I wouldn’t want you to not fulfill your employment obligations!”

Everyone’s snickering except for Brian, who steps quickly to the door to lock it, trying to hide his erection.  After locking the door, he turns around to find Diane and the girls pulling off their shorts, exposing their bald twats.  I finish pushing the vibrator into my pussy, and put my leg back down to wait for everyone else to get theirs inserted.  While I’m waiting, I decide to shed my leotard, giving Brian an eyeful of my now nude body.  They all lie down on the floor and lift their asses into the air with their legs spread, to make it easier to insert the vibrators.  This also gives Brian an excellent view of their wet cunts.  As they start rubbing the vibrators over their pussies to lubricate them, Brian stands like a statue, staring, his hands hanging loosely at his side.  This allows his cock to try to free itself, and the leg of his shorts starts to rise.  As his shorts leg continues to rise, the head of his dick peeks out and continues to reach out from underneath his shorts.  I was not wrong.  This kid IS packin’!  He seems oblivious to his own condition as his erection continues to grow, pre-cum dripping back down his shaft.  Everyone else has noticed his big cock; and they all give him a lustful grin as they push the vibrators up into their no drooling boxes.  I walk over to Brian and hand him the remote to my vibrator.

“Here, Brian. Hold this for me, will you?” I request.  “Let me help you with this,” I say as I unbutton his shorts and pull them forward to clear his erection without bending it.  I drop his shorts and take his hand to get him to step out of them.

Brian still doesn’t move an inch.  I think he’s in shock, not able to process what’s going on.  Diane turns on her own vibrator, gives a little “Ohh!”, and, after removing her top, comes over to help me with Brian.  She kneels down in front of Brain and pulls down his boxers.  He continues to stand there, his shorts and underwear down around his ankles.

“My, this IS impressive,” Diane coos, as she grabs his cock in her left hand and pulls it into her mouth, while she fondles his nuts in her right hand.

As she begins to suck his cock, Brian snaps back to reality and looks down on the top of Diane’s head.  He looks back up and sees the girls playing with their remotes and frigging their clits, still lying on the floor.  He looks back down to Diane, and makes a decision.  He grabs Diane’s head and pushes her head down over his cock, driving it past her throat.  Diane gags as the head of his big meat passes her tonsils; but then she settles into it as Brian pushes her head all the way down on his 8” dick, fucking her mouth for all he was worth.  Within a minute, I see his balls tense up.  He’s going to come, and I think it’s going to be huge.  I step in behind him and shove my middle finger up his ass, pushing down on his prostate gland.  That does the trick, and Brian shoots his load deep down Diane’s throat, yelling in ecstasy .  She doesn’t even have to swallow.

Right at the moment Brian let’s go, there is a knock on the door.

“Hello!  Why is the door locked?  Aren’t you open?  I can hear someone in there.” We all hear coming through the door.  Diane doesn’t seem to care, as she pulls Brian’s cock out of her throat and starts sucking the last of his cum out of the head.  The girls start to get up; but I gesture for them to continue enjoying themselves.

“I’ll take care of this,” I say, as I grab a wipe out of my purse and clean my finger off.

I recognize the voice.  It’s Mrs. Windom from down our block.  She lives across the street and 4 houses down.  She is a bitch and, I thought, a total prude.  She sits on several committees at our church, and is always complaining about the loose morals of kids in general and mine in particular.  I’m pretty sure she just turned 45…It was in the church bulletin.  She’s married with no kids.  A few months back, she had come over to talk to me about an upcoming church picnic.  When I didn’t answer the door, she just strolled right in, looking for me.  What she found were the girls out back by the pool, tanning nude, their bald beavers in plain site for Mrs. Windom’s critical view.  I was just coming out of the laundry room and saw her out by the pool, staring silently at my girls, who were unaware of her presence, as their eyes were shut to the sun.  She came back into the house, stared at me with a look of disgust (probably in my parenting skills), and stomped out of the house. I haven’t talked to her since.  But here she is, at a sex toy shop.  My, my, my, how the mighty have fallen.

I go up to the door and look out over the frosted portion, which cuts off any sight of me below my chin.

“Well hello, Mrs. Windom,” I start in an overly friendly voice.  “Fancy running into you here!”

Mrs. Windom is wearing a rather snug sundress, and nothing else.  Her nipples are showing through the sheer material, and a few of her pussy hairs are sticking through the dress around her crotch.  She is fidgeting and looking around her, checking for other activity in the parking lot.  There currently isn’t any.  I am truly astounded to see her dressed like this, not that she looks bad.  I had no idea how attractive she actually is.  The dress hugs her curves very well, curves I didn’t know she possessed.  She always wears very conservative clothes everywhere I’d ever seen her.  Mrs. Windom looks younger than she is, more like 35 than 45.  She is about 5’ 4” and 140#, with a firm tummy and tits that only sag a little.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“What are YOU doing here?” she retorts, obviously flustered.

“Oh, you know Diane and Jessica who live next door to us?  My girls and I are on our way with them to the gym; and we just stopped on our way to pick up a few toys. But I never though I’d see you here, and definitely not dressed like that.  Nice dress, by the way, it shows off your tits quite nicely…though you may want to trim that bush down a bit.  Some of it is poking through.”

Mrs. Windom doesn’t know what to say.   She is totally flustered, so she tries to go on the attack.

“Why is this door locked?  The store is obviously open.  Let me in!”

I consider her demand; and turn back to see what everyone thinks, as they have all heard the conversation.  Diane is working on getting Brian hard again by licking the head of his cock while she plays with his balls.  The girls are squirming on the floor, their shirts removed, sucking on their own tits, building towards orgasm.  I can hear all of the vibrators going full tilt.  They all just kind of grin at me, open to whatever I decide.  I turn back to the glass, as I remove the vibrator from my sopping puss.  It’s become too much of a distraction.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Windom, but this establishment is currently closed for a private gathering.  Perhaps I can ask an employee what the policy is regarding servicing walk-in customers during a private event,” I tell her with an innocent smile.

“Private event!?  Since when does this place do private events?  What kind of private event can you hold in a…” she lowers the pitch of her voice, but must increase the volume so I can still hear her through the glass…”sex toy store?”

I laugh and gesture for Brian to join me.  He pulls away from Diane and comes toward me, Diane giving me a poutty look.  I toss her my wet vibrator, which she catches with a smile on her face and begins to lick clean.  I turn my attention back to Mrs. Windom, as Brian steps up right behind me and wraps his arms around my tummy, his hard cock resting in the crack of my ass.  He’s really gotten comfortable with us!  I bet this boy will never be a wall flower again.

“What’s up, mam?” He asks.

I smirk and turn my head to the side and lean back to whisper in his ear.

My name is Sarah, Brian, and the lovely lady who, I suspect, gave you the first blowjob of your life is Diane.  I think it’s appropriate that people having sex with one another know each other’s names; and I plan on getting fucked by you thoroughly at some point before we leave here today.”

Brian’s cock gets even harder and he pulls me in a bit tighter as he gets a big grin on his face.  Turning back to the door, I indicate Mrs. Windom outside.

“Do you know this woman,” I ask Brian.

            Brian zones in to the woman outside the door.

“Oh, she’s back again,” he chuckles.  “I don’t know her name; but she’s in here about once a week.  She only ever buys a greeting card; but she flirts like crazy with whoever is working.  I think that’s the real reason she comes in, actually.”

Brian notices her outfit and leans over my shoulder to get a better view over the frosted glass.  Mrs. Windom sees that he’s checking her out, and squirms a little, but doesn’t walk away.

“Wow.  Her outfits started getting skimpier and skimpier every time she showed up about a month ago; but this takes the cake!  I can totally see her tits and bush!” Brian exclaims.

A couple of cars pull into the parking lot; and Mrs. Windom gets panicky. She knocks on the door, loudly.

“Please, let me in!” she almost shrieks, as several people get out of their cars a few doors down and look to see what the ruckus is all about.

Ignoring her pleas, I reach around behind me and grab Brian’s cock.  Pushing him back a little, I bend his dick down between my legs and pull his meat forward.  As I let go, Brian steps back up snuggly against me, his thick cock now nestled in the crack of my wet cunt.  I push the head of his dick down, and guide it into my pussy as I allow it rise back up.

Mrs. Windom knocks on the door again, seeing a weird look on Brian’s face as, unknown to her, my pussy engulfs his young cock.  Her panic has not subsided, as the other people in the lot were still standing by their cars, watching Mrs. Windom carrying on.

“Please let me in!” she cried in a more subdued voice.  “Someone I know might come along.”

I have no idea why she didn’t just get back in her car and leave; but she’s a busybody, and probably has a pathological need to know what’s going wherever she is.  Besides, she obviously came here for some sort of voyeuristic sexual gratification, and her body is cranked up in anticipation.  I can see her nipples poking out at me.

“I’ll let you in, but remember, this is a private party, and you weren’t invited.  So mind your manners,” I announce sternly, as I slowly stroke the base of Brian’s dick and balls.  He is just enjoying the sensation of having his cock in its first pussy, not trying to hump me at all.  He reaches up and begins to kneed my tits and gently twist my nipples.

I open the door just enough to let Mrs. Windom squeeze through, her erect and sensitive nipples brushing over the door frame as she passes through, eliciting an “Oh!” from her.

Once she is in, I close the door behind her and relock it.  I then take a half-step back, pushing Brian back with me.  Mrs. Windom stares at my naked form for a few seconds, her mouth agape.  She then notices Brian directly behind me, and her eyes begin to slowly drift down, to the view of my fingers lightly stroking the rigid cock in my pussy.

“What can we do for you, Mrs. Windom?” I ask in a calm, friendly voice.

Mrs. Windom doesn’t answer.  She moves her gaze from my full pussy over to Diane and the girls.  The girls have pulled the vibrators out of their pussies, and are just sitting on the floor next to each other, playing with each others clits.  Diane is leaning her ass against the counter, kneading her tits and giving Mrs. Windom a lustful gaze, looking her up and down.  A wet spot begins to grow on Mrs. Windom’s dress in front of her pussy.

“What the hell is going on here!?” Mrs. Windom demands.  “You filthy whores!”

Ignoring her protestations, Diane says, with mock surprise in her voice, as she steps towards her, “Why…Mrs. Windom, I don’t think we can believe your indignation.  Your pussy’s getting wet.  We wouldn’t want you to stain your beautiful dress with pussy juice now, would we?”

Diane steps behind Mrs. Windom and reaches around to massage her tits through the thin fabric, humping her pussy into Mrs. Windom’s ass, getting her own juices all over the back of the dress.

“What’s your first name, honey?” Diane asks as she continues to massage and pull on Mrs. Windom’s pronounced nipples with one hand, while the other wanders south to lightly brush over the pubic hairs poking through the thin material.  Mrs. Windom doesn’t move, and doesn’t protest.  She has become very quiet, her body shivering slightly.

“Donna,” Mrs. Windom croaks out in a voice barely above a whisper.

“Well, Donna, it’s nice to meet you,” Diane replies seductively, as she begins to stroke Donna’s pussy lightly.  “I’m glad you could join our party…Now, we simply must get you out of this dress before our juices ruin it forever.”

With that, Diane reaches down, grabs the hem of Donna’s dress, and pulls it up and off, Donna acquiesces by raising her arms to allow the dress to be removed.  Diane throws the dress towards the girls.  June picks it up and sniffs the crotch.

“She’s good to go!” June declares.  “Hot pussy juices are flowing!”  The other girls giggle at June’s dorky choice of words.

Diane goes back to playing with Donna’s tits with one hand, while the other begins working its way through her considerable bush, to find the sensitive flesh beneath.  She finds the door to Donna’s honeypot, and slides a finger in to get a little lubrication.  She then pulls it out; and proceeds to circle her wet finger around Donna’s engorged clit.  June gets off the floor, comes over, and begins sucking on Donna’s free tit, holding it with one hand, while her other joins Diane’s in exploring Donna’s sex.

Donna throws her head back and moans. I decide that Donna isn’t going to be a problem; and I bend over so Brian can start plowing me like I’ve been waiting for.

“Dawn, honey, bring me a chair, will you?” I request.

Dawn pops up and grabs a chair that was sitting across from the counter.  She spins it around so I can support myself by holding onto the back.  Figuring that Brian is going to be eager and overly aggressive with his first fuck, I brace myself for some anticipated teenage vigor.  Dawn goes back to Jessie, joining her on the floor again.  They get into a 69 position, and start eating each other’s pussies noisily, as they are already very wet from the vibrators.

“OK, Brian.  Fuck me now.  And fuck me hard!” I demand.

Brian pulls back several inches and rams his dick back home.  He starts pumping his cock in and out of my drooling box, going faster as my juices lubricate his shaft.  He pulls too far back; and his cock comes out of my pussy.  I reach up from below, and guide it back into my hungry snatch.  He goes back to pumping, his balls swinging forward on each stroke as he slams his body into my ass.  I reach under and play with his balls whenever I can get a hold of them.  He’s pumping very fast, but slows down after a minute, getting into a nice rhythm.  After about 5 minutes of this, I feel his balls tense up.  He’s about to cum.

“Really slow down, now,” I encourage him.  “Enjoy the feeling of emptying your load into my hot pussy.”

Donna is watching Brian fuck me, as June and Diane continue to service her obvious sexual needs.  Donna has her head turned back towards Diane, who is massaging Donna’s tits with both hands from behind, and kissing her passionately, introducing her to French kissing, for the first time, I think.  Donna is a quick learner, and duels with Diane tongue, as she bucks her pussy into June’s face, which is buried in her muff, tonguing her cunt deeply.

After a few more strokes, Brian pulls back one more time, pauses for a moment, and rams his cock home, filling my pussy with his hot jism.  I can feel spurt after spurt hitting the back wall of my pussy.  The feeling sends me over the edge, and I climax hard, my pussy clenching tightly, and milking the remaining cum from his dick.

“OHH……FUCKKKKKK……YESSSSSSSSSSS,” I scream in ecstasy as I look back at him, his cock still buried in my poon, my orgasm still carrying me.  ““Oh my god, Brian!  That was awesome!  I thought you were a virgin!”

“I was,” Brian gasps, visibly spent.  Getting a wicked smile on his face, he says “But not anymore.”

“That was your first time?  My god, you’re a natural.  It took months for me to train Dan to be that good.  My first impression of you was correct…You ARE a diamond in the rough,” giving him a satisfied grin.

Donna starts moaning louder and begins to climax, having what I’m guessing is her first orgasm in quite a while, at least one not self-administered.  June grabs Donna’s ass tighter and keeps her face buried in Donna’s cunt.  Diane reaches down from behind and insert a couple of fingers into Donna’s pussy, past June’s chin, pumping them in and out.  This sends Donna over the edge, and she screams in pure bliss.

“AHHHHHH!  SHITTTTTTTTT!!!!” she cries.

Diane and June disengage from her, allowing her to ride her personal high without further sensory stimulation.  She collapses on the floor, reclining back against the counter.  She begins to slowly run her fingers through her bush and playing with her tits, enjoying the light sensations as her orgasm subsides.  I pull my self off of Brian’s softening dick, and take a seat in the chair I had been holding onto.  I am also spent; and I slouch down in the chair.  June, seeing me “open”, comes over and sits down in front of me.  She starts to suck Brian’s cum out of my pussy.

“Is that your daughter, Diane” Donna asks quizzically, indicating June.

“No, she mine,” I respond for Diane, as I massage my tits.  “Hey, Dawn, Jessie, can you two finish up?  We need to get going pretty soon.”

They break apart and sit up.  Apparently they were just enjoying each other’s pussies, not trying to get one another off.  I close my eyes, enjoying the feeling between my legs, but not particularly aroused by it.  I’m just too spent.  I’ll say it again:  Brian is a GREAT fuck.

“You let your daughters eat your pussy?...Huh,” Donna says in an interested but not shocked voice.

Looking around the room, Donna notices that everyone in the room, with the exception of Brian and herself, have totally bald sexes.

“Do you ladies wax yourselves, or is there someplace you can have that done?”

“Sarah waxed me earlier today,” Diane answers, “but they all go to Georgette’s Salon for a monthly waxing.”

“Ladies, we have to get going.  Let’s get dressed,” I prompt.  “Donna why don’t you go see Georgette this afternoon; and get that bush removed.  Brian, when is your shift over?”

“In about an hour,” he replies.

“Donna why don’t you keep Brian here company for the rest of his shift; and take him with you to get his own bush waxed.  You can pay for the waxing, and Brian can pay you back by fucking the shit out of you….after we leave or after the waxing, whichever.  Does that sound like a plan to you, Brian?”

“Fuck, yea!” Brian exclaims.  His dick begins to rise again.  Ahhh, the energy of youth.

Donna begins to blush and gets a huge smile on her face, thinking about this kid, less than half her age, plowing her puss.

After we’re dressed, we collect the toys from the floor and pay for our toys.  Brian goes behind the counter to ring us up, still naked, his dick at full staff again and oozing pre-cum or remaining jism, I can’t tell.  I reach over the counter and wipe off the head of his dick with my finger.

“I take it you want to fuck Donna before your waxing,” I comment nonchalantly, as I lick his cream from my finger.

Brian just smiles and looks at Donna, who removes the dress she had just put back on.

Well, we’re outta here,” I state.  “Donna, I believe you have my number from the church directory.  Give me a call later and we’ll set up a “play date” with you and Brian.  Brian, can Donna have your number?


“You know Brian,” Donna says in a lilting voice as she walks around the counter and starts to stroke his cock.  “My husband and I have an extra room we’ve been talking about renting out…Any interest?  The rent would be reasonable; and the fringe benefits, like fucking the landlord, are great!”

“Why don’t you two come over tomorrow for a pool party?” I suggest, the idea just popping into my mind.

They nod their agreement as Donna grabs the edge of the counter and shoves her ass towards Brian’s waiting cock.  He grabs his dick with one hand; and guides it into Donna’s dripping lovebox, slamming it all the way home with one thrust.  Donna gasps as her eyes open wide, and her smile gets even wider.

With that, we leave, laughing.

“Lock up behind us,” I call back.  “And have fun!  See you soon.”

“We’re having a pool party?” Dawn asks.

“We are now.” I reply.  “You’re all going to want to sample that cock.  That geek has a gift, a gift for fucking.”




Once everyone is back in the car and the doors are shut, I immediately note the strong smell of sex.  Starting the car, I head over to the gym, about 3 miles away.

“We’re going to have to shower BEFORE we work out, girls,” I say.  “We all reek of sex.”

“Well, I think it smells nice in here,” Diane opines.  “Very fragrant….But I ‘m starving.  You have anything to eat in here?”

“Sure.  There should be a box of energy bars in the center console back there.  Pass one up, will you?” I answer.  “All this sex, and no fuel to run on.  My motor’s running on empty!”

The girls chuckle; and we ride the rest of the way in silence, munching on energy bars.  Once we’re there, we pile out of the car and head inside.  Approaching the front counter, we get our membership cards out to get checked in.  The girl behind the desk, a cute redhead named Willow who’s a friend of June’s, starts taking our cards and swiping them into the system.  She notices the smell we brought in with us, and gives June a quizzical look.

“It’s really hot outside, and the AC in Mom’s car is on the fritz,” June explains.

I don’t think Willow is buying her story.  She gives June a “Yea, whatever” look and continues swiping our cards.  When I give her mine, I purposely make light contact with my fingertips on the back of her hand, causing a slight shiver in her.

“Hi, Willow.  I’m not sure we’ve ever met.  I’m June’s mother, Sarah,” I introduce myself.  “We’re having a pool party tomorrow afternoon.  Pretty much just our neighbors, the Larsen’s, me, and the girls.  Why don’t you come over and join us?”

“Uh, sure, Mrs. Anderson.  Thanks,” she says as she hands my card back to me.

“Since you’ve never been over to swim before, I’m not sure if you know our poolside dress code…Swimming suits are optional,” I inform her, giving her an innocent smile.

“I’ve heard.  But I think I’ll wear a suit.”

“No problem.  It’s totally up to you,” I assure her.

After we’re all checked in, we head to the locker room.  The room is fairly empty, with another 10 or so women walking about in various states of undress.  We all grab lockers and unpack our bags.  The girls all just strip, as  there are many girls their age with bald pussies, so it’s no big deal among their peers.  While I’m fishing in my bag for  a towel to bring with me to the private showers, I look up to see Diane stripping of her clothes.  It’s obvious that she plans to use the communal shower, apparently forgetting about her morning waxing.  She grabs a towel and looks around, waiting for me to strip and join her.  I look around to see many of the older women staring at Diane’s bald poon.  They all recognize Diane, as she’s here several times a week, and know her to be a woman with a particularly thick bush.  Now, here she stands looking like an older version of Jessie standing next to her.  She looks at me, sees the smirk I’m giving her, and then notices the other women openly staring at her.  It dawns on her what they’re staring at.

“oops…..Well, fuck it.  What’s done is done,” Diane declares.  She heads towards the showers, head held high,  staring the other women down as she passes them.  Some of the other shaved & waxed teens giggle, never having seen an adult in this locker room with a bald puss.  June, Dawn, & Jessie follow Diane to the showers.

“Well, I guess that barrier’s been breached,” I say under my breath, as I take off my leotard and throw it onto the bench.

As I take my first nude walk through the locker room, I can feel the eyes on my bald pussy.  My attention is caught by one the ladies I constantly catch checking me out with lust; and I give her a wink.  She’s sitting on a bench in front of her locker.  Her name is Paula.  She’s 32, brunette, with a very curvy figure and a large chest.  She’s happily married with a couple of young kids, one of which is still nursing.  She always uses the private showers, though I’m not sure why.  While voluptuous, she is definitely not, what I would consider to be, overweight.  She gives me an embarrassed smile and quickly turns away.  I stop, turn around, and approach her, towel at my side, my twat in the open.

“Hi, Paula!” I begin.  “I haven’t seen you in a while.  How are you doing?”

“Oh, uh…hi, Sarah.  I’m good.  My 18 month old, Mary, has been teething like crazy, so I’m not getting a lot of sleep.  My workout time has turned into sleep catch-up time,” she explains, as she glances back down at my poon, which is at approximately her eye level.

Following her eyes down to my sex, I laugh.

“Wondering about my bald beav, are you?  “I’ve actually been waxing it completely for years; but I felt that it might make people uncomfortable, since it isn’t very common in our age group.  We’re not in our 20’s anymore, are we?  But since Diane kind of slipped up, and let the cat out of the bag, I figure I may as well drop the pretense.  Besides, I hate the private showers.  The air gets way too hot in there.”

“I always wondered why you used them.  You’ve got an awesome body, and you don’t seem to mind showing it off.  Your leotards are pretty minimalistic,” Paula responds.

“Yes, well, I don’t have to worry about it anymore, which will be nice.  Are you going or coming?”

“I just got off the floor, heading for a shower,” she answers.

“you know, Paula, I never understood why you used the private showers either.  Do you mind me asking?”

Paula doesn’t say anything.  She looks around at the other ladies, a few of whom are still staring at me.  She stands up, pulls off her sports bra, and then pulls down her shorts and panties, stepping out of them.  Before me is another beautiful, bald pussy, with particularly puffy outer lips.  I lick my lips with sexual hunger.

“Wow!  I guess I’m not the only one who’s been hiding their bald beav.  I never would have guessed.  Where do you get it done?”

“At Georgette’s Salon,” she answers, as she steps out of her shorts and panties, picking them up.

“Really?  So do the girls and I.  I wonder how many other women in here actually have bald poons.  Well, grab a towel and let’s hit the showers!”

As Paula follows me to the showers, I make a point of keeping my towel clear of my poon, so everyone can get a look.  At this point, I figure “in for a penny, in for a pound.”  As we hang up our towels and enter the shower area, I see that Diane has selected the very center shower head on the opposite wall, so everyone entering the shower is sure to notice her bare sex.  In less than 8 hours, she’s turned into an exhibitionistic, sex-crazed slut.  I love it.  I have come to the conclusion that basically everyone is just the right opportunity away from becoming a sexual animal.

The girls are using the showerheads on either side of Diane, with June and Dawn sharing one.  Diane is really taking her time soaping up, lingering around her sex.  June is standing behind Dawn, soaping up her sister, running her soapy hands over Dawn’ ass cheeks and between her legs.  Dawn is facing into the room, so everyone can see June’s hand on her sex.  I quickly walk up to Diane.  The other women in the shower are watching the show intently, some looking disgusted, and some getting visibly aroused.

“Easy, ladies,” I caution.  “We don’t want to get kicked out of here.  Anyway, look who I ran into?”

I indicate Paula, who’s already distracted, watching June soap up Dawn’s pussy from between her legs.

“Paula?  Honey?  Can you please stop staring at my daughter’s cunt?  I’d like you to meet someone,” I say with a chuckle.

Paula’s head snaps up, embarrassed, her face turning red.

“Oh, what?  I…I wasn’t staring.  I was just…thinking about something else,” Paula stammers.

Diane and I laugh, as I take Paula’s hand.

“It’s OK, honey.  I’m not offended or anything, and neither is Dawn.   She has a very beautiful pussy; and her curves only serve to highlight it.  Paula, this is Diane Larsen, my next door neighbor.  Diane, this is Paula…what’s your last name, Paula?”

“Benton” she responds.  “My husband’s name is Tom.”

“Well, Paula, it’s great to meet you,” Diane responds enthusiastically.  “So how long have you been waxing your pussy?”

“Oh…umm, since college.”

“It looks very nice,“ Diane gushes.  “It really shows off your large outer lips.”

“Uh…thanks,” Paula manages to say.

“I just got mine waxed for the first time this morning.  Sarah did it for me.  It was very erotic!”

Not knowing how to respond to THAT, Paula says “I’d better get showered.  I’ve got to get the kids home for a nap.  Nice to meet you,” she says as she walks down to an open showerhead, next to Jessie.

“Don’t scare her off, silly,” I chide Diane as I slide in behind her and start rubbing soap on her ass cheeks.  “She’s very cute, and lactating.  I want to sample that milk and that pussy,” I conclude, as I slide a soapy finger up into Diane’s asshole, eliciting a slight jump from Diane.

“Hey, didn’t you just lecture us on not getting kicked out of here?” she replies in a mock complaining voice.

I pull my finger out of her ass and start circling her rosebud with that hand, while kneading her ass cheek with the other.  Diane starts soaping up her tits and pulling on her nipples with her slippery fingers, leaning forward and sticking her chest out, so the bottom of her pussy is hidden from public view.  I move my finger forward and insert it into her dripping twat, realizing immediately that not all the liquid dripping onto my hand is water.  Since I’m behind her, the other women in the shower can’t actually see what I’m doing….But they soon realize what we’re trying to hide.  The disgusted ones stomp off; and the remaining three, with lust in their eyes, start playing with themselves, running their fingers lightly over their own sexes.  Jessie notices this, and starts to finger herself, as June gets more aggressive rubbing Dawn’s pussy, still from behind, for the other three ladies enjoyment.  We’re lucky no one else walks in on us; but it’s well after lunch; and most people are at work or heading back.  I catch Paula leaning her head towards the wall to peek behind Jessie.  From her view, she can see that my hand is cupping Diane’s honeypot from behind.  Keeping my hand on Diane’s sex, I smile at Paula, and purposely extract my middle finger from Diane’s pussy, extending it down away from her sex.  I then curl it up, so it’s pointing right into Diane’s cunt, and slowly plunge it back in.  There is no way Paula doesn’t realize what I’m doing. I continue to give her a lascivious smile as I move my middle finger in and out of Diane’s pussy, making sure the second knuckle is visible to Paula, going up and down.  Diane leans even further over, and I add the rest of my fingers, fucking her cunt vigorously, my hand sliding back and forth over her ass and into her pussy rapidly, my tits bouncing with the rhythm.  Paula looks up at me and back down to my hand, back and forth, her eyes getting winder by the second.  After only a couple of minutes of this, Diane’s pussy clenches around my hand, and she drops her hands to the shower floor to support herself, caught up in an intense orgasm.  As she drops, I get a better view of the three other women in the shower, all of whom are frigging their clits mercilessly, one of them having even reached around behind herself and inserted a finger into her ass.  I pull my hand out of Diane’s pussy, still staring directly at Paula; and, bringing my hand up to my face, I proceed to lick it clean of Diane’s juices.  On seeing this, Paula’s eyes kind of roll up into her head, her hands shoot up to support herself against the wall, and her entire body begins to convulse in an earth shattering orgasm.  Her tits begin to squirt milk against the wall, as she continues to buck in ecstasy.  I laugh in spite of myself.

“Girls!” I say somewhat sharply to get my daughters attention.  “Check out Paula.  You two thirsty?”

Jessie is watching Paula ride her  orgasm down, and moves to intercede.  She steps over to Paula and spins her around.  She grabs Paula’s wrists and pins her against the wall, pressing her body up against Paula’s.  Jessie begins to kiss Paula passionately, Paula opening her mouth to allow Jessie tongue access.  I slide down the wall until I’m sitting on the shower floor, and start frigging my clit with abandon, as I watch Jessie and Paula kiss, Jessie’s hands roaming over Paula’s breasts, spreading the still leaking milk all over her tits.  The lady across the shower who had been masturbating with a finger up her ass, comes over to me, drops to the floor on her stomach, and buries her face in my pussy.  I grab the back of her head and run my pussy juice soaked fingers through her very curly sandy brown hair.  Diane, by now recovered from her own orgasm, gets down on her back, slides underneath this lady neither of us know, and starts to eat her pussy, replacing the missing finger from the woman’s ass with one of her own.  By this time, Jessie is kneeling in front of Paula, eating her pussy.  MY daughters move in on either side of Paula, and begin to suckle on her tits.

“Mmmmm….ahhhhh,” escapes Paula’s lips.  “This feels soooo good. I haven’t had my pussy eaten by a girl since college…Unghhh…yea…suck my clit!”

The other two ladies on the other side have hit the floor; and are eating each other’s cunts in a hot 69.  We are making quite a racket; but no one comes into or past the shower.  I’m guessing everyone left.  I relax a bit and close my eyes as this stranger continues to administer to my hungry pussy.

“What the HELL is going on!?” assaults my ears not 5 seconds later.

My eyes snap open. There stands Willow, her hands on her hips.  She has a high voice when she yells; but not a lot of volume.  Everyone buried in some else’s lovebox doesn’t hear it or ignores it, I can’t tell for sure.  My girls just ignore it, enjoying their liquid meal too much.  I can’t bring myself to disengage from the woman in front of me; so I just remain where I am and answer her calmly.

“Sorry, Willow, I guess we got a little carried away.”

“I’ll say,” she replies harshly.  Some old lady came running to the front desk, looking like she was going to have a stroke, screaming that there were a bunch of whores having an orgy in the shower!”

“Oops,” is all I say.

“Can you all please stop!?” Willow pleads.  “I don’t want to have to kick you out.”

“Girls, please stop.  Get Jessie up,” I request as I gently pull the woman’s head away from my pussy.

She looks up at me, smiling.  I smile back.

“Hi, I’m Sarah.  And you are?”

“Lisa,” she answers, as she picks herself up off of Diane’s face.  Lisa is about 5’ 6”, 130#, with nice, firm b-cup tits.  Her nipples are small and tan.

“Well, Lisa,” while I very much appreciate your efforts on my pussy, we have to stop.  We’ve been caught,” I say with raised eyebrows, gesturing towards Willow.

Lisa looks up at Willow, and stands up.

“Woops,” she says, giggling.  “Hey, Marie, Ann, get up!  Funs over.”

Marie and Ann look up, see Willow in her company shirt, and quickly scramble off the floor.  Marie is a brunette, about 5’ 3” and probably 140#.  She is even more voluptuous than Paula, her weight being in all the right places, including her 40DD tits.  Her skin is tight and tan.  Ann is a waif.  She’s blonde, very pale, about 5’ 7” and only 105#, though very fit looking, with small breasts and pink, cone shaped nipples.

“Wow, I haven’t done that since high school,” Lisa comments.  “That was great!  But sorry, miss,” looking towards Willow.

“Please clean yourselves up and leave the shower area,” Willow requests sternly, and then turns away.

We hear the locker room door shut loudly, so we all relax a little and shower off.

“Ladies,” I call out to our three new friends and Paula.  “First, it’s nice to meet you all,” looking towards Lisa and her friends, “if a bit unorthodox of an introduction.  We’re having a clothing optional pool party at my house tomorrow.  You’re all invited.”

They all nod their eager acceptance.

“My address is 1256 Maple Street.  Just walk on in, as we may not hear you out back.  Just drop your clothes in the living room.  Oh, one thing,” I add, looking around at my little group of sex fiends.  “This party is to be the first official social gathering of the B.B.C.  The Bald Beaver’s Club,  If you would like to join, all you need to do is stop by Georgette’s Salon this afternoon and ‘join the club’,” I finish with a big grin.  “And tell her Sarah Anderson sent you.  I expect a big discount next time I’m in.”

Diane and the girls start laughing, and Paula gets an almost prideful look on her face, as she is already “eligible for membership.”

“We’ll be there, ‘in uniform’,” Marie pipes up, the other two nodding their agreement.

“Well, we have to go work out still, so we’ll see you tomorrow…Oh, if you see an older woman in a stained sheer dress and a teenage boy at the salon, tell them Sarah and the girls say ‘hi’,” I request, giving Diane a mischievous smile.

We leave the shower area, grab our towels, and go back to our lockers to get dressed.  As we’re getting dressed, women start to filter back into the locker area from the private shower area and sauna.  They didn’t leave, I realize, they just stayed out of sight to listen in…Voyeurs,  I think to myself, chuckling.  After we’re dressed, we head out to the workout floor.  We get plenty of quick looks and long stares.  Ignoring them, I climb up onto a stair climber, and punch in 30 minutes.  We all spend the next half our quietly working out, as the women around us whisper and gossip to each other, mostly, I assume, about us.

After working out, we hit the showers again; but I caution the girls to get in and out, no screwing around.  I don’t want to push our luck.  I notice our new friends in the sauna as we walk by, wondering what they’ve been up too since leaving the showers.  I can guess.  We get showered and dressed; and head out to the lobby.  I stop by the front desk on the way out.

“Hello again, Willow,” I begin.  “I’m very sorry about earlier.  It wasn’t planned.  It just happened.  I hope we’re not going to lose our memberships here.  We really love coming here…and I don’t mean it that way.” I say with a sly smile, trying to ease the tension.

“It’ll be  OK,” Willow replies.  “I got Mrs. Jacobs calmed down.  And no one else came up to complain.  But next time you want to have a little fun here, please use the private showers.”

I’m so shocked by hearing the name Mrs. Jacobs, I don’t immediately register the rest of what Willow says.

“Betty Jacobs?” I ask.

“Yea, why?”

“Can you tell me her address?”

“No, that isn’t be allowed.”

“Well, can you tell me if she lives near me?”

“Sure.  Let’s see….Oh,  I see….Shit.  Yup, she would be your neighbor.”


“What’s up?” Diane steps up and asks.

“The lady who squealed on us is Mrs. Jacobs from across the street,” I inform her.

“Bummer.  That should be an interesting conversation,” Diane opines.  “You know she’ll confront you on it.”

“I don’t actually think she recognized us.  She was too distracted by all the bare flesh.”

“She may not have just then; but given a bit to calm down and reflect, that old hag will realize it was us.  She doesn’t miss anything.”

“Shit!  Oh well, nothing I can do about it….Hold up.  Willow, did I hear you suggest we use the private showers in the future?”

Willow’s face starts to turn a little red.

“Well, in there we have no control of what happens,” she says sheepishly.

“Are you still coming to the pool party tomorrow?” I ask her quizzically.

“Absolutely!  After that little show, I can only imagine what one of your parties will be like!”

“Hmmm…OK, then!” I perk up.  “Do you know Lisa, Marie, and Ann?  I think they’re all friends”

“Sure, I know them.  They’re regulars.”

“Oh.  I never noticed.  Anyway, catch them on the way out and let them know your coming to the party tomorrow.  Tell them I said they should fill you in on the party prep.”

Willow gives me a confused look.

“Can I assume your planning on being ‘optional’ tomorrow?” I ask.

“Definitely!” she smiles.

“Great.  Just drop your clothes in the living room.  We’ll see you tomorrow.”

We walk out of the gym and to the car.

“The B.B.C.?” Diane asks, suppressing a giggle.

I bend over laughing uncontrollably, and they all follow suit.

2 Families, 1 Vacation Chapters 1 - 4

tj68 on Taboo Stories

2 Families, 1 Vacation



CHAPTER 1      Sarah Surprise


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dent: 0.5in">Dan surprises me when he comes bursting through the front door at 4:30 on a Monday afternoon.  He generally doesn’t get home any earlier than 5:30, and usually it’s closer to 6:00.  He is very excited; and collapses onto the couch with a weird grin on his face.

“Sarah, how was your day?” he opens, with the big grin still plastered to his face.

“Fine…and how was yours?” I reply, curious what was on his mind, as he obviously wasn’t interested in my day in the least.  I know that look.  Dan is getting ready to unload his latest big (and usually crazy) idea on me.

“So what’s on your mind, Dan?” I ask, cutting to the chase.  I give him my best quizzically doubtful look and braced for what might be coming.

“I had lunch with Bill today.  He asked me what our plans are for our family vacation.  I told him we were heading up to your parents’ cabin, as usual.  He asked if we would like to join them on their family vacation, since we’re both taking off this Friday for the same 2 weeks.  I asked him where he and Diane were taking the kids.  You aren’t gonna believe it!”

I sit there, not saying a word, waiting patiently.  It doesn’t pay to encourage Dan by playing into his buildup.  Besides, Bill and Diane’s kids aren’t kids; they’re teenagers, like ours.  Jessica is 15 and Nick is 17, so just the fact that they were able to get the kids to come along on one more family vacation was impressive enough.

Bill and Diane Larsen live next door to us.  Bill has worked with Dan for 10 years; and they are the best of friends.  Our families spend a lot of time together.  When the house next door went on the market six years ago, the Larsen’s made an offer the first day.  Their kids and ours have been close friends since.  Our daughter Dawn is also 15.  Jessica and she are best friends.  Our other daughter, June, is 18, and has been dating Nick for several months.  (Being friends for so long, the dating was weird at first for both families; but we’ve all adjusted.)

“Well, don’t you want to know what their plans are?” Dan asked, or more like implored.  He really wants me to play along.

“OK.  Where-oh-where are they going?  Where do you want to drag us off to?  I’m absolutely on pins and needles.” I reply, with an absolutely straight face.

“Now you’re mocking me,” he pouts, putting on his best emotionally injured look.  “OK.  I’ll tell you anyway.”

There is a long pause.  I suppose for effect.  Dan is so theatrical when he feels like it.

“Bill is planning on taking his family to a nudist camp!” he blurts out.

Well I didn’t see that one coming.

“Are you serious?” I ask.

Now I’m actually getting very interested in the conversation, and trying to envision myself at a nudist camp with my own kids.  Now, Dan & I are no prudes.  I get my pussy waxed once a month & am totally bald.  Dan keeps his bush neatly trimmed.  Being naked in front of my own girls would be no big deal.  It happens all the time.  But I wasn’t sure how I would feel walking around nude in front of Bill & Nick.  For that matter, how would June feel about her sister & I nude around Nick?  June is a very attractive brunette at 5’ 4” & 120 lbs.  She has a very nice 34C chest & very perky ½” long nipples that are almost constantly hard.  Her pussy is also bald, as she comes with me every month to my waxing appointments.  It’s turned into a girls’ day out we do every month, along with lunch and a swim in our backyard pool afterwards. (Yes, Dawn comes along also.)  Dawn is also a brunette, 5’ 2”, 140 lbs., with a 36DD chest (with huge ؽ” nipples that grow to ¾” inch when she gets cold or aroused), 25” waist, and 35” hips.  She started developing rather early, at 11.  Due to her fully developed hourglass figure, she looks much older than she is.  I, on the other hand, am a 39 year old natural blonde, 5’ 5”, 130# with a very tight body and a 34D chest that doesn’t sag much, and ½” nipples with small, quarter size areolas.  We all work out at least 3 times a week.  I work out in a leotard, and when I’m working out, I sweat ALOT, so it gets soaked & my tits show through.  It’s a women only club, so it doesn’t bother me; but I’ve caught several of the other members staring at my body.  Some with envy, and some with lust.  I take both as a compliment.

My husband Dan also works out regularly.  He is a broad guy, with big shoulders and a tight midsection.  He’s 5’ 11” and 180 lbs.  He has very hairy legs and torso, which is why he only trims his bush.  We both think it would be silly for him to try to shave his entire body just to match a bald pubic area.  And he’d look stupid if he just waxed that area and left everything else natural.  Anyway, enough musings.

“Hell, yea.  I’m serious.  The camp is up on a private lake near Bemidji.  Bill heard about it from his brother-in-law.”

“Wow.  That’s a new one, I must admit.  I never would have thought Diane would be OK with being naked around her kids.  Bill’s always been a bit of an exhibitionist; and Jessica and Nick are teenagers, so I’m sure their hormones agreed in a second.”

“Actually, you’re right about Diane.  While she agreed to go, Bill said she’s been uncomfortable about the whole idea ever since.  But it’s not her kids that concern her so much; it’s the people at the camp.  She doesn’t want to be on public display,” Dan explained.

“I’m not sure I do either,” I responded.

“That’s why Bill decided to ask if we would be interested in joining them.  He knows that we go up to your parent’s cabin, and that it’s the only one on the lake.  .He wants to turn it into our own private nudist camp.  That way we can all try out the natural thing & not have to deal with being around strangers!” Dan exclaimed, evidently enthused by the idea.  (With the exception of my parents’ property, the lake is surrounded by state forest land, with no public access, so we have it to ourselves.)

My mind was starting to drift.  I thought about seeing Bill & Nick naked.   I found myself wondering how well endowed they were.  I’d seen Nick in our pool in his wet swim trunks; and he looked….promising.  Diane had told me on several occasions that Bill had an incredibly thick cock.  My own Dan had a respectable 9” member; but wasn’t particularly thick, just average.

“We’ll have to ask the girls what they think about this. I’m game; but if either of them are uncomfortable with the idea, we can’t,” I say.

“Where are the girls?” Dan asks.

“They’re out back by the pool.  I’ll get them in for an early dinner; and we can talk about it then.”

“I’ll go say hi and send them in myself,” Dan replies.

“Bad idea,” I stop him.  “We weren’t expecting you for another hour or so.  It’s been a beautiful sunny day out, and I think they’re out there sunbathing nude.  Sit back and catch the local news while I get them in.  They were asking for a snack, so I threw a pizza in the oven.  It will be ready in a few minutes.  That can be dinner.”

I walk out the patio door to call the girls in for dinner.  They’re both laying out nude on lounge chairs, soaking up the late afternoon sun.  We have a privacy fence around the entire backyard, with no gate.  You have to go through the house to get into the yard.  As they get up off of their chairs, I wonder what Bill & Nick would think of my 2 gorgeous daughters in their birthday suits.  My daughters and I have a very open relationship, as you can imagine given that we get our pussies waxed together, and June has kept me informed on the progress of her relationship with Nick.  He has yet to see the goodies.  Still, I’ve got both girls on the pill, as you never know when a teenager is going decide to become sexually active.  Even at 18, June hasn’t had sex yet.  She hasn’t dated anyone long enough, she’s told me, though her boyfriend before Nick did eat her pussy once.  Apparently he wasn’t very good at it, though.  “Too rough” was June’s summation of the boy’s technique.

“Girls, you’re father’s home early, so cover up,” I request.  “We’re having an early dinner today.”

“Mom, we’re sweaty from the heat.   Do we have time to shower before dinner?” Dawn asks.

I am about to tell them to go ahead and get in a quick shower, when I get an idea.  After thinking about it for a few seconds, I reply, “You do have time to shower if you want; but, given what your father and I would like to discuss with you over dinner, it may be appropriate that you don’t get dressed and just sit down for dinner as you are.”

They look at me like I’m speaking some foreign language.

“What!?” June cries out.  “What could we possibly talk about that would make being naked in front of Dad appropriate?”

“It’s up to you, and I’m sure it will catch your father by surprise also; but let’s just say we have a very interesting proposition for you.”  I reply.  “It has to do with the Larsen’s.  I’ll tell you what. If you come to dinner naked, I’ll join you.”

This peaks the girls’ interest, particularly June’s, who immediately links Nick and nudity in her mind, and wonders where this could lead.  Dawn also gets a mental flash of one of the Larsen males.  It isn’t of Nick, but Bill, who has always fascinated Dawn ever since she was 12.  One Saturday morning, Jessica and Dawn were up early, playing in the Larsen’s backyard, while Bill & Diane slept in. The girls heard pounding on the back wall of the house.  They peaked into Bill & Diane’s bedroom window and caught Bill fucking Diane for all he was worth.  Their headboard is against the back wall of the house, which caused all of the noise.  Both girls were in awe of the size of Bill’s cock.  Not that they had anything to compare it to, but it was clearly huge.  Diane had her ankles up behind her head, and Bill’s dick looked to be the size of a soda can, ramming in & out of her.  It was a sight Dawn would never forget.  Ever since Dawn told me that story, I’ve been curious how big Bill really is.

They hurry into the dining room to take their seats, leaving their clothes behind.  My girls aren’t shy, & their bodies, while kept hidden from their father as a matter of modesty, are on display within our house and to their girlfriends when they come over to swim.  So nudity doesn’t really bother them…  Though I am curious how they will react the first time Dan lays eyes on them, and how he will react to them.  He hasn’t seen them naked since they were little girls.

“Dan, the girls are in for dinner.  I’m serving now.” I call into the living room.

Dan comes into the room and stops short.  His eyes get huge, and his dick starts to tent his pants.  There are his girls, sitting naked at our round dinner table, Dawn to the left of Dan’s seat, & June across from his seat.  He quickly sits down.  I don’t think the girls notice; but I notice that Dawn’s nipples are getting hard.  June’s, of course, already are.  I notice Dan staring at June’s large, erect nipples, and giggle to myself.

“Dan, don’t stare,” I tease.  “Just wait till you see how big Dawn’s nipples get!” I exclaim, giggling loudly.

Without thinking, Dan immediately turns his head to his left, checking out Dawn’s visibly hardening nipples.  Dawn blushes and Dan swallows hard, quickly looking down at his plate.

June reminds me that I said I would join them, so I quickly strip & toss my clothes into the laundry room down the hall.  I take my seat to Dan’s right, across from Dawn.  Dan looks at me, and swallows hard again.  He’s not sure what to say.  After a few uncomfortably quiet seconds, Dan works up his courage and begins the conversation.

“Hi, girls.  How was the pool?  You both look hot…overly warm, too.” He says with a weak grin, trying to break the tension.

The girls giggle at Dan’s bad joke.  The timer goes off; and everyone’s quiet again.  I get up to get the pizza, cut it up; and set it in the middle of the table.  Everyone grabs a slice.  Dan tries to hide his erection when he leans forward to get his slice; but it’s obvious to all of us that he must be incredibly uncomfortable as his meat strains against his pants.

As we eat, we make small talk for a few minutes, while Dan continues squirming, trying to get comfortable.

“So what’s going on?” June asks.

Dan begins “We have been asked to share our family vacation with the Larsen’s.  They are taking off the same time we are, and were planning on going to a nudist camp.  Diane is getting cold feet from the idea of having total strangers seeing her naked.  Bill thought that we could all do a nudist vacation together up at your grandparents’ cabin, so Diane could be more comfortable.  You’re all women, & Bill says she’s OK with me seeing her body.”

June & Dawn have their mouths hanging open in disbelief.  They look at me, and I nod my head.

“This is only going to happen if you both are OK with it.  I know it will be a little awkward at first; but we’ve always taught you girls that your bodies are nothing to be ashamed of or hide.” I say.

“I’m cool with it,” says June.

“Me too,” chimes in Dawn.  “Will I get to see Mr. Larsen’s thing?”

“Mr. Larsen’s name is Bill; and while we’ve raised you girls to use last names when addressing adults, if we decide to share this vacation, we will all most definitely be on a first name basis,” I reply.  “Now as to Bill’s ‘thing’.  Bill’s ‘thing’ is a penis, dick, cock, whatever.  Let’s not be coy about this.  You will be seeing not only Bill’s cock, but also your father’s and Nick’s.  Is that going to be problem?”

“Not for me!” they both say in unison.

“Hey, Dad,” Dawn interjects. “This doesn’t really seem fair.  We’re all naked and you’re still dressed for work.  It’s time to take it off and join the family!”

June & I nod our head in agreement.  Dan is a little hesitant, as his dick is rock hard & pushing into his pants uncomfortably.  He has been squirming through this entire conversion.

“OK girls.  Your father is sitting here very uncomfortably, with a raging hard-on, and I’m sure he would like nothing better than to release it.  Just understand that even though he’s your dad, he’s still a male; and males get hard-ons when they see hot naked women,” I state matter-of-factly.  “Even not-so-hot naked women, for that matter.” I give Dan a wicked little smile.

Dan stands up, kicks off his shoes, and pulls off his socks.  He then removes his shirt & tie.  He pulls his pants off, and his cock springs out through the slit in his boxers.  My husband’s dick is cut, and the head of his cock was as purple as I’d ever seen it.  He was REALLY aroused.  He quickly slides his boxers off & sits back down.  The side of his dick is up against the edge of the table with the head peaking up over the side, so Dan pushes his chair away from the table.  This only gives everyone a better view of more of his raging hard-on, especially Dawn and I.  Dawn & June keep staring the whole time.  It is pretty impressive, when I think about it.  I start to catch the scent of pussy juice over the smell of the pizza.

“Well, your father isn’t the only one excited by this situation.  I smell wet pussy.  Who is it?  Dawn, I noticed your nipples standing strait out.  Pretty impressive, huh Dan?  Is seeing your father’s dick making you wet?” I ask.

Dawn nods and murmurs “Yes.”

“It’s OK.  Again, it’s a natural reaction.  This whole thing has got my pussy juices flowing like crazy,” I giggle.  “My juice is dripping off of my legs and onto the floor.  I’m going to have to clean up after dinner.”

This bit of information sends Dan over the edge; and his cock erupts, sending a stream of cum up and across the table, landing on June’s chest and face.  While caught off guard and slightly shocked, I start laughing hysterically at the looks on everyone’s faces.

I choke out, “That’s mine, I believe.”  I get up, step over to June, who’s sitting to my right, & lick Dan’s cum off of her face & chest.  Her nipples are hard & the left one is covered in cum.  I lick them off as well, swirling my tongue around June’s nipple as I clean it.  I again catch the strong smell of pussy juice; and put my left hand on June’s hot cunt.  Her legs are already spread slightly, and my middle finger inadvertently slides right into her steaming snatch.  I give her a quick kiss on the lips, then pull away and sit back down.

“Dawn, we’re not the only ones turned on by your father’s dick.  June is absolutely drenched.  My finger just slid right into her pussy like it was being sucked in.”

I hold up my middle finger for all to see.  It is shiny & wet with June’s juices.  I then pop it in my mouth and suck it clean.  Everyone is stunned.

“I haven’t tasted pussy this good since college.  Nick is going to be a very lucky guy,” I say while winking at June.  “Have you ever tasted your own juices, June?  What about you, Dawn?  I assume you both masturbate.  You father & I do quite often, usually together when it’s my fertile time & fucking is too risky.”

Dawn & June both nod their heads in the affirmative.

“Do you ever masturbate together?  I’ve always wanted to masturbate with you girls out on the patio by the pool on a nice sunny day.  I thought it would be a nice addition to one of our girls’ days out, especially after just having our pussies waxed.  I personally get really turned by the waxing, and fuck your father like a crazy person every evening afterwards.  But I never suggested it because I wasn’t sure how you two would react.”

At this point, the girls & Dan were just listening, and I couldn’t seem to shut up.  I was extremely turned on by the entire situation; and all of these thoughts just kept coming out of my mouth.  I guess after licking cum off of your daughter’s tits and tasting her juice, unloading your kinkiest thoughts & fantasies was not much of a stretch.  Dan, whose dick had relaxed a bit after blowing his load, was now at full staff again, though without the purple helmet.  I get back out of my seat and start stroking my pussy, watching them watch me.

“Wow, is this making my horny!” I’m very wet; and everyone’s staring at my cunt.  I walk around the table to Dawn, who is sitting across from me.  I stand next to her chair & reach to massage her totally erect nipples.  I roll one & then the other between my fingers while she moans softly.  And I continue talking…

“So Dawn, have you ever tasted your sister’s juices?  They’re very sweet, kind of like peach juice & honey.  I wonder what you taste like,” I ponder aloud.

In response, Dawn pushes her chair back about a foot & spreads her legs as far as they’ll go.  Her pussy lips are inflamed & parted.

“Holy shit,” I exclaim.  “June, Dan, take a look at Dawn’s pussy.  It’s on fire!”

Both Dan & June literally spring out of their seats to take a look.  They both stare down into Dawn’s lap, seeing a small puddle of her juices on the chair, then look back to me to see what I’ll do next.  I step behind Dawn’s chair to give them a better view, proceeding to roll & pull on both of Dawn’s nipples.  I then reach down with both hands; part Dawn’s engorged pussy lips & dip a finger into her drooling box.  I remove my finger from her pussy, hold it up for inspection by everyone, & then suck it clean.

“Dawn tastes different,” I state in an interested but unimportant tone of voice.  “Very smooth, like butterscotch.  Yummy!”

Dan & June just stand there silently; though I see that their hands have moved down to their sexes, and they are both stroking themselves slowly.  Dawn is massaging her own tits, and moaning softly again.  I reach back down to Dawn’s pussy, and stick two fingers from my left hand, & then my right, into her dripping box.  I then offer my pussy juice soaked fingers to June & Dan for a taste.  They both immediately suck my fingers into their mouths & lick them clean.  Dawn quickly inserts her own fingers into her cunt, finger fucking herself furiously.  She pulls out for a moment to taste her own juice; and then proceeds with her masturbating.

“What do you think?” I ask.

They both just smile & increase the pace of their masturbating.

I turn to June.  “June, it’s your turn to share.  Please sit down.”

June takes her seat & spreads her legs, knowing what’s coming.  She rubs her pussy vigorously one more time & dips her own fingers into her box.  She pulls her fingers out & starts to suck on them.  I dip two fingers from each hand,  alternately, into her pussy & get them soaked in her juices.  My dripping fingers are then offered to Dan & Dawn for sampling.  Dan greedily sucks the fingers on my right hand into his mouth, while Dawn pulls my left hand down to taste her sister’s juices for the first time.  They both have big smiles on their faces.  June is busily finger fucking herself while Dan & Dawn finish with my fingers.

“Well, I guess I’m the only one left.”

With that, I boost myself up onto the table & place my ass right in the center of the pizza.  As I spread my legs for my family to see my cunt in all of its excited glory, my juices continue to drip all over the pizza.

“That’s going to be an interesting pizza topping,” I laugh.  “Obviously, Dad has already tasted this pussy.  Would you like him to collect your sample, or would you like to collect your own…or maybe both?”

“Both!” they both yell.

Dan comes forward & reaches for my pussy.

“Nu-uh,” I shake my head.  “Climb up here & dip your cock into my hole.  The girls can sample that.”  I look at the girls.  “It that OK with you?”

They both nod vigorously.

Dan climbs up between my legs & positions his dick at the entrance to my lovebox.  He slides it in slowly, as I purr like a cat.  After a few strokes, he pulls it out, his pole glistening with my juices.  Dan scoots off of the table & offers his dick to June first.  June, still seated & masturbating furiously, turns her head & sucks Dan’s cock into her mouth.  She doesn’t just taste my juice, she takes in a full 5 inches of Dan’s dick, sucking off most of what was there.  She then pulls Dan’s dick out of her mouth, playing with his balls while doing it.

“Dan, you’re going to have to take another dip.  What’s left on your shaft just wouldn’t be fair to Dawn.” I prompt.

Dan gets back on the table & shoves his dick back in me.  This time he keeps stroking until I’ve taken in all 9 inches, stroking slowly so he doesn’t cum.  After several strokes, Dan pulls out & gets off the table.  He offers his cock to Dawn, who is slouched down on her chair, and fucking herself with the neck of the salad dressing bottle.  She gets up off of her chair, and squats in front of Dan, trying to keep the bottle neck up in her pussy.  June sees her struggling with the bottle, jumps out of her own chair, sits on the floor next to Dawn; and takes over for Dawn, pumping the bottle in and out of Dawn’s dripping snatch.  The sight of June masturbating her sister sends me over the edge; and I cum all over the pizza.  Seeing my orgasm sends Dawn into her own orgasmic release, & her juices gush out over June’s hand.  June switches hands & licks the soaked one clean.  Dan then places his dick in front of Dawn’s mouth, & she sucks it in.  She is a little weak from the orgasm she is still recovering from; but she manages to suck in 3 or 4 inches, and gets a good taste of my juice.  She continues to suck Dan’s cock for several minutes.

When Dawn is done, I ask “Well, what did you think?”

“Smooth,” says June.  “Except it was a bit salty.”

“Like butterscotch, like me!” says Dawn.  “But I agree that it was a bit salty.”

“Your father must have been leaking the remains of his jism into your mouths.  I hadn’t thought of that.  Of course, I was thinking you two would just lick his shaft, not suck him off.  I’m surprised he didn’t unload on you.  Why don’t you try it directly from the source?”

Dawn & June both get off the floor & reach towards me with a hand each.  Dan sits down in June’s chair & goes back to stroking his meat.

“Whoa, there” I stop them (the girls).  You just both had your Dad’s cock in your mouths.  You can’t suck on Mommy’s pussy?  When I say go to the source, I mean just that.  Come on Dawn, stick your tongue in my honeyhole &  please, play with my clit.  I already feel the need to come again.”

Dawn leans over the table, parts my lips with her hands, & takes a tentative lick up my pussy. As she reaches the top of my slit, she catches my clit, and I go into orbit.   I start to come all over her face; and she immediately shoves her face right into my pussy & starts lapping up my juices.  June steps up next to Dawn, pushes my legs as far apart as they will go, & joins her sister, cheek-to-cheek, in lapping up my juices, their tongues dancing inside my pussy & across my clit at the same time.  I would come again right now; but I’m drained, & have already come hard twice, besides all of the general dripping of pussy juice from my cunt.

“I need you two to back off. I need a breather,” I gasp.

Dawn & June retreat from my snatch, but not each other.  They start kissing passionately, swirling their tongues in one another’s mouths, tasting my juice from each other.  Their hands wander to each other’s snatches & they finger each other slowly.  I get off of the table & go to sit in Dan’s lap.  Dan holds his cock out for me to impale myself on; and I lower my ass, still covered in pizza sauce, into his lap, my pussy enveloping his dick.  The girls stop what they’re doing to watch Dan fuck me.  I slowly raise & lower myself on Dan’s shaft, taking in another inch on each down stroke.  Finally, I have all 9 inches inside of me, and I start a quicker rhythm while I play with my clit.  Dawn pushes the table out of the way and sits down in front of me.  I remove my hand from my clit & bring Dawn’s head into my pussy.  She starts to slowly lick up Dan’s shaft, onto my pussy, & then my clit.  I rest there for a while, fully impaled on Dan’s dick, while Dawn licks up & down our combined sexes.  Dan & I both start moaning loudly.  June, feeling left out, pulls a chair up behind the chair Dan is sitting on; and steps up onto it.

“Mom, can you lean forward?” she asks.

I do as she requests.  She turns her back towards us, bends over, reaches between her legs to brace herself on Dan’s shoulders, & lowers her pussy in front of Dan’s face.

“Eat my pussy, Daddy!  Make me cum!” June demands.

Dan starts plunging his tongue into June, licking up & down her entire slit, and sucking on her clit.  I can tell that Dan is getting ready to cum again, & so is June.  So I start riding his dick slowly, as I shove my big toe into Dawn’s pussy.  She backs up for a second, spreads her legs out on either side of the chair legs, & scoots her butt back towards me.  I push my big toe back into her pussy; and her box seems to open up like a flower.  I turn my foot sideways & proceed to push more of my foot into her, until my entire foot is 4 inches into her snatch.  I start pumping in & out slowly, and Dawn starts moaning into my pussy.

“I’m cuming!” yells June.

“I’m cuming!” yells Dawn.

“I’m gonna blow!” grunts Dan.

“OH MY GOD!” I whisper, as we all reach orgasm together.

After a few minutes of just being still and basking in the warmth of one another, we disengage & all go back to our seats.  Dan had been sitting in June’s seat, which is now covered in pussy juice & jism; but she doesn’t seem to mind.  She just sits down, wiggles her ass into the puddle, and smiles.  As I step back to my seat, Dan’s load drips out of my pussy and down my leg.  Before sitting down, I put my left foot up on the table to give everyone a good look at my current situation.

“Anyone want to clean this up for me?” I suggest.

“That’s mine, I believe,” Dan speaks up, parroting my earlier comment.

Dan comes over and licks his load off of my legs, and then proceeds to suck what  he can out of my dripping cunt.  He then returns to his seat, licking his lips.

 “Anyone hungry?” I ask.  “The pizza is kind of cold; but it should have an interesting flavor.  Would anyone like a slice?”

Everyone takes a slice, and then another, finishing off the pizza.

“That was actually quite tasty,” I remark.  Did you all enjoy it?  You seemed to inhale it.”

They all nod & smile hugely.

“I think I’ll call that particular topping ‘Sarah Surprise’.  If you want it in the future, you’ll have to help me ‘collect’ it for the pizza,” I say with a grin.  “Maybe we’ll have to share this special pizza combo with the Larsen’s during our vacation.  I can assume that we’re going to accept their invitation with enthusiasm?”

Everyone shakes their heads yes and grins broadly.


CHAPTER 2      A New Dynamic


I get up from the table and say “We should all clean up.  I’ll clean up from dinner while you all go shower off.  If you want to shower together, that’s fine, use the big walk-in in our bedroom.  But noooo fucking.  That is something we can share together, and besides, I want to be there the first time you girls fuck your father, if you choose to.  Do you girls want to have your father’s cock up inside you?”

They both shake their heads vigorously, and Dan gets a huge grin on his face.

“Well, for now, you can blow him and eat each other’s pussies if you’d like.”

Dan’s cock starts getting hard again hearing this.  They all nod in agreement & head up the stairs.  The entire room smells of sex.  I clean up the dinner table and mop the floor.  After I’m finished, I head upstairs to join the family in the shower.

As I enter the master bedroom, the site before me hits me like sledgehammer.

The master bath is more like an additional space in the master bedroom than a separate room.  When you walk into the bedroom, which is 15’ deep x 25’ wide with a 12’ ceiling, the king size bed is on your left, with night stands on both sides, and an armoire in the far left corner.  We have a 50” plasma TV in there.  My dresser is on the left wall, its left side up against the interior wall the headboard is against.  It’s one of those long one’s with a full length mirror attached to it.  There is a large window between my dresser & the armoire.  To the right of the armoire, on the back wall, is a 6’ wide picture window that looks out on the backyard & pool.  To the right of the window is Dan’s dresser.  To the right of Dan’s dresser is a wall, which extends from the back wall 6’ towards the room entrance wall.  This wall is the left wall of the walk-in closet, which is 8’ wide.  To the right of the right-side closet wall is the toilet.  A few feet to the right of that, in the right outside corner of the room, is a linen closet.  The walls in the bath area are stone tile.  Right of the linen closet, coming back towards the front of the room, is a double vanity on the right room wall.  Right of the vanity is the walk-in shower. The shower is raised, so you have to walk up 4 steps to get into it.  It has a floor that is at the same level as the vanity surface.  The shower area is 6’ deep by 10’ long, with clear Plexiglas walls.  When you walk into it, you are facing the right wall 6’ away from you.  You turn to your right to actually enter the shower area.  There is a tiled-in bench 30” deep x 18” high that runs the length of the shower along the right wall. There are multiple shower heads along the right & front walls.  Next to the shower is a large tiled-in hot tub that sits at the same level as the shower floor.  So if you’re in the hot tub, you’re looking at the feet of anyone in the shower, through the Plexiglas wall between you. There is no wall between the bedroom area and the raised tub, so you can be in the bed and see what’s going on in the bath area.  The entire room floor is covered in stone tile, simply transitioning from one color to another as you move from the bed to the bath area.

What I see before me gets me immediately wet.  June is lying on the shower floor on her back.  Dawn is squatting over her, getting her pussy eaten thoroughly.  In front of Dawn stands Dan, getting the blowjob of his life.

I casually walk in and turn on the water for the hot tub.  Dan gives me a lascivious smile, and gestures for me to join them.  I shake my head no, and proceed to add bubble bath & seltzers to the tub.  After the tub is full, I turn on the massage jets and climb in.  I like my baths hot, and it takes me a minute to settle into the very warm water.  As I settle in, I get comfortable in one of the molded-in seats with the jets built into the bottom.  My back is to the bedroom, so I’m facing the shower and catching the full show.  I adjust one of the jets between my legs so it shoots right onto my pussy and clit.  I start to masturbate while continuing to watch my family pleasure each other.

After a good 10 minutes of Dawn’s slow ministrations, Dan starts to clench his jaw; and I know he’s about to cum.  I increase the rhythm on my own efforts, hoping to cum with Dan.  He tries to pull back; but Dawn pulls him in deeper, driving the head of his cock way past her throat.  Dan blows his load, and Dawn doesn’t even have to swallow.  I climax right after, ramming as much of my hand as I can into my pussy, riding it for all it’s worth.  At the same time, Dawn has a crashing orgasm; and gushes her juices all over June’s face.  After she calms down, Dawn stands up, so June can get off of the floor.  They all take a minute to relax sitting on the bench.

“June, dear, would you mind tearing yourself away and joining me in the tub?  It seems like you got the short end of the stick in that situation; and I’d like to take care of that,” I say.

June gives me a smirk & steps out of the shower.  She starts to get into the tub; but pulls her foot back out, surprised.

“Wow, that’s hot.”

“Oh, sorry.  I like my baths very warm.  It’s more relaxing that way.  The last time you girls and I shared a bath you were very young; and I didn’t make your bathwater nearly this warm.  Now that you know what to expect, why don’t you try again, but go slowly.  Your body will adjust.”

June starts to put her left foot back into the water.  She just holds it a few inches under water until she gets used to it.  She gradually puts her entire left leg into the tub, stopping to let it adjust to the temperature.  Her pussy is only an inch above the water, spread open because one leg is in and one is out.  I playfully bring my foot up from under her & wiggle my big toe between her pussy lips.  She squeals in surprise; but then grabs my foot and drives it deeper into her pussy, as she continues to stand there.

“It’s been long enough,” I say.  “You should start working on getting the rest of you into the tub.”

I pull my foot out of her pussy as I talk.  She gives me a disappointed look, but swings her right leg over and puts her foot into the tub.  After another minute, both legs are fully in the tub, and June starts to settle herself down into the water.  I reinsert my foot into her lovebox, while she continues to settle deeper into the water.  As she gets deeper into the tub, she is able to spread her legs further apart and still support herself.  Removing my foot from her pussy, I move off of my seat into a squatting position in front of June.  I start finger fucking her with one hand, while I play with her asshole with my other.  June gasps.

“Mom, what are you doing?”

“What does it feel like I’m doing?  I’m fingering your asshole.  Don’t you like it?”

“Well, I’m not sure. It feels good, but weird.”

“There are a lot of nerves around the anus.  It’s very sensitive.  I personally love it when your father plays with my ass.  It sends me into orbit.  Just relax and enjoy.”

This whole time, Dawn & Dan are just sitting on the bench watching & listening, stroking each others sexes slowly and tenderly.

As I continue to play with June’s holes, she settles the rest of her body into the water, though I’ve pretty much been holding her lower half just below the surface, so now she’s basically floating below the surface, with her tits sticking out above the water.  She starts to moan as I continue my ministrations.  I move both hands to her ass cheeks, raise her pussy out of the water; and bury my face in her snatch.  As I eat her pussy and suck on her clit, I slide my left hand over towards her ass crack, and slide my middle finger up into her ass.  She lets out a squeak as her eyes open wide; and then relaxes with a contented smile on her face.  I work my finger further in, and rub on the back wall of her pussy from inside her ass. She starts to buck; and I quicken the pace of my sucking and licking.  After less than a minute of this sexual barrage her pussy convulses and sprays me with her juices.  I lap them up like a thirsty puppy.  Once she comes down, I remove my finger from her ass & lower her body back into the water.

“How was that?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“That was amazing!” she gushes.  I don’t think I’ve ever had such an intense orgasm in my life!”

“Never overlook the pleasures available to you through the back door,” I respond.  “And I’m not talking about our pool.”

Everyone laughs, and I gesture to Dan and Dawn to join us in the hot tub.  Dan gets in fairly quickly, as he is used to sharing my baths with me on occasion, though he prefers the water a little more tepid.  Dawn takes a while getting in, going through the same motions as June to get used to the water.  June plays with Dawn’s pussy while she’s getting in, but just enough to tease, not crank her up.  Once we’re all settled, the conversation turns back to the upcoming vacation with the Larsen’s.

“So, are there any questions or concerns anyone has about our vacation?” Dan opens.

“I’m just glad I’ll get a better look at Mr. Larsen’s, I mean Bill’s, cock,” Dawn offers.

“A better look?” Dan asks.

“I’ll fill you in later, honey,” I interject.  “Nothing major.  Dawn told me about it years ago.”

We’re all silent for a few moments, when June speaks up.

“What about Diane seeing us naked?” June asks.  “She doesn’t do anything with her bush, & might be put off by our bare pussies…and her daughter’s.”

Diane’s daughter, Jessica, is 5’2”, 110#, and kind of skinny.  She has a 32B chest with dark brown cone shaped nipples.  She has 30” hips and a 26” waist.  She is very cute and has her mother’s darker complexion.

“Jessica’s pussy is bald too?” Dan asks, lust behind the question.

“Like the day she was born,” Dawn interjects.  “June and I have had Jessie over lots of times for naked swimming.  The first time she was over a few years ago, she saw that June was bald, and asked about it.  She just assumed that I hadn’t gotten my bush in yet.  We told her that we got our pussies waxed once a month; but we didn’t tell her about Mom.  We weren’t sure Mom would be OK with Jessie knowing she waxed her pussy.  She asked if Mom was cool with it; and we just told her that she was.  Anyway, she seemed to accept it as just the way things were; but she wasn’t interested in removing the hair from her own pussy.”

June picked up the story.

“So, about a year ago, Dawn, Jessie, and I are out by the pool getting some sun in the buff.  Out comes Mom in her birthday suit to join us, not knowing Jessie had come over.  I think she was out running errands or something.  Anyway, Mom sees Jessie and stops short of her lounge chair.  She says ‘Oh, hi Jessica.  I didn’t realize you were over.’  Jessie immediately notices that Mom’s pussy is bare.  She stares right at it!  Mom didn’t seem to know what to say, so she just sat down on her chair & grabbed some baby oil.  While Mom was applying the baby oil, Jessie is looking at us like ‘why didn’t you tell me your mom is bald?’  It was kinda funny. 

So Jessie gets up out of her seat and actually goes over to talk to Mom.  Mom’s still rubbing the oil into her skin, and had just gotten down to her pussy.  She stopped rubbing it in and asked Jessie if she had a question about the fact that her ‘pubic mound’ was bare.  Both Dawn and I cracked up!  We told Mom that no one calls it their pubic mound; we all call it a pussy.  ‘I didn’t know what Jessie called it, and didn’t want to offend,’ Mom said.  Mom gave us an angry glance and turned her attention back to Jessie.  ‘So, Jessie, what can I tell you about my bald pussy?’ she asked.  ‘Why do you wax it?’ Jessie wanted to know.  Mom went back to rubbing the baby oil into her skin, starting to work on her pussy.  ‘Well, for one thing, it feels better and cleaner when I can rub the baby oil directly into the skin instead of through pubic hair.  I also find that it improves sex with Dan, as it makes my skin more sensitive.  Does that answer your question?’  ‘Yea…thanks Mrs. Anderson.’ Was all Jessie could say.  Dawn and I started laughing again.  Jessie came back over and sat down.  Later, after Mom went back inside, she told us she thought it was really cool that Mom had been so honest with her, and that after seeing a bald pussy on an adult, she had decided she’d like to try it after all.  I asked her what she thought her Mom would think.  She told us that her Mom never saw her naked, because of the common bathroom between her and Nick’s room that she uses.  The next day Dawn took her down to see Georgette at the salon and had it all removed.  She goes once a month now, just like us.  Diane still doesn’t know about it.”

“I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this before, but why don’t you ask Jessie to start coming with us on our girls’ days out?  She can get her wax done with the rest of us & hang out at the pool afterward,” I suggest.

“But Mom,” Dawn whines, “After today, I was looking forward to eating your freshly waxed pussy out by the pool after our next waxing.  I can’t do that with Jessie there.”

“Why not?  You don’t know that.  Jessie may not mind at all.  As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she wanted a little taste of my juices herself.  I catch her quite often staring at my pussy when I’m rubbing baby oil into it.”

“No shit!?” June exclaims.  “Wow. I never noticed.”

“Observation skills are not either of you girls’ strong suits.  You get that from your father.”

Dan splashes some water at me and everyone relaxes further into the warm water.  We spend the next half hour just soaking in the heat & enjoying each other’s company in silence, totally spent physically and sexually.

“Let’s get out of the tub before we all stew,” I suggest.

As we’re getting out, Dawn asks a question.

“Can we sleep with you and Dad tonight?”

“No, I don’t think so.  We all know where that will lead; and I for one need a good night’s sleep.  You all have exhausted my poor pussy.  It needs a rest.” I say with a smile.  “But let’s try to be naked at much as possible around the house and backyard for the rest of the week. I also want us to start using the master bath exclusively for everything but using the toilet.  The other bathrooms are fine for that.  The closer proximity while doing mundane tasks like brushing teeth, shaving, applying make-up, etc., should help us acclimate to each others bodies without being in a constant state of sexual arousal.  I think it will help everyone get comfortable being naked around each other at the cabin quicker if our family already is.  Also, unless there are any objections, sex between family members can be instigated by any one, at any time, anywhere in the house for the rest of this week, as long as it doesn’t interfere with getting our house jobs done.  Sharing one bathroom should help facilitate some of that also, since we’ll be sharing the walk-in shower.”  There are big grins and giggles by everyone.

“But again, if you either of you want to fuck Dad, you need to make sure I’m around, so I can watch, at least the first time.  After that, fuck him at will.”

Dawn & June get huge grins on their faces, and Dan looks like his dick is going to explode…again.  I don’t really think he has anything left to blow, though.  He looks like he needs a recharge even more than I do.

As the girls leave to go watch some TV before bed, Dan asks me what I think we  should do about Diane and the 4 bald pussies she is about to meet.

“Hmm…Maybe I should have a talk with Diane before this weekend,” is my only response.


CHAPTER 3      Breakfast Snacks


Tuesday morning, it’s 8:30.  I’m getting up late.  Dan is already up and gone to work.  I get out of bed and reach for my bathrobe hanging on the bedroom door.  As I bring it down off of the hook, I remember our family agreement, and throw it into the bottom of the closet.  I don’t think I’ll be needing it for a long time.  Thinking about all that has changed in the last 16 hours, I look at the bedroom door and decide it’s become an unnecessary encumbrance to our new family dynamic.  Down the hall, next to our room and across from the girls’ rooms, is the family study, where we keep our computer & personal library, which is fairly small.  I’m the only big reader in the family.  Dan restricts his reading to the local paper & news magazines.  The girls pretty much only read magazines, school books, and the occasional novel.

I rummage around in the desk until a find a screwdriver.  Taking it back to our room, I use it to remove the pins from the door hinges.  Pulling the door off the hinges, I store it in the back of our closet.  I then go down the hall & take the doors off both of the girls’ rooms, and store them in their own closets.  By the time I’ve finished, I’m sweaty again and ready for a shower.  This naked in the house thing is going to work out well, I think to myself.  It’s already saved me one change of clothes.

I take a quick shower, dry off, and head downstairs to see what Dawn & June are up to.  As I get halfway down the stairs, the sounds of sex reach my ears.  I get down the stairs and turn towards the kitchen to find Dawn lying on the kitchen island with June between her legs, eating her pussy.  Dawn has one foot on each side of June resting on the bar chairs, with June’s arms wrapped around Dawn’s thighs to keep her pussy tight to June’s face.  I walk over & see that there is a bottle of chocolate syrup sitting on the counter next to Dawn.  I peek over June’s head to see how it’s going.

“Very creative,” I say.  “You nasty little minxes.”

As I’m standing between Dawn’s left leg and June, I reach up with my right hand to play with Dawn’s left nipple, while my left hand drifts down to June's ass.  I reach between her legs and start to rub her pussy from behind.  June pushes her ass back into my hand, pulling my other hand away from Dawn’s left tit.  Dawn immediately moves her own hands up to work on her sensitive mounds.  I step behind June and start to really rub her pussy hard.  June starts to moan.

“Put your finger up my ass. PLEASE,” June pants.  She pushes her ass back even further to give me better access.

“Actually, I’ve got something else in mind,” I say softly.

I get down on my knees behind June, place both hands on her ass cheeks, and spread them apart, exposing her rosebud.  It’s already wet with pussy juice that is running back from her dripping twat.  I blow warm air on her ass, causing goose bumps all over her legs.  I then move in with my tongue and start licking her rosebud softly.

“Oh my god!  That feels awesome!” June cries out.  “What are you doing to me?”

I pull back for a moment.

“It’s called analingus.  I’m tonguing our asshole.  Feels great, doesn’t it?  Your father loves to do this to me.”

I then go right back to licking her ass, and shoving my tongue into her back door.

“Dawn, I am so licking your ass tonight.  You’re gonna go nuts!” June announces in response.

“Whatever,” Dawn replies, as she shoves June’s head back into her pussy.  “Less talking & more sucking please…..Unghhhhhh”

After a few minutes, I slide my index finger into her ass, and she grunts her approval.  After stroking my finger in and out of her ass a few times, I pull back and, when I push forward this time, my middle finger goes into June’s pussy.  After getting it nice and wet again, I pull back and insert both fingers into June’s asshole.  She moans into Dawn’s cunt, and starts humping my fingers.  I turn my hand palm down so I’m now massaging the back of her pussy from inside her ass again.  My other hand reaches under, palm down, and into her pussy to finger her g-spot.  June starts humping my fingers vigorously; and comes soon after.  After she’s done riding my fingers, I pull them out and go over to the sink to wash my hands.  I then walk back over to the girls.  June is back to concentrating on Dawn’s pussy.

June, give your Mom a kiss & let me taste your chocolate pussy cocktail.”

June stands up from Dawn’s dripping pussy, juices dripping down her chin.  I lick the pussy juice-chocolate mixture off of her chin and then give her a passionate kiss, swirling my tongue in her mouth.  At the same time, I reach down and finger her cunt, rubbing her own juices all over her hips and upper thighs.  After about thirty seconds, I break away.

“I need food,” I declare.  Unlike you two tireless teens, us older folks need to replace our energy stores once in a while.  Have you two eaten anything since dinner yesterday?”

Dawn tries to answer, since June’s face is buried back in her pussy.

“We…unngh…already……uhhhhhh…..had some eggs….ahhhhhhhh….”

Dawn starts cuming all over June’s face, who laps it up greedily.

“…earlier.” Dawn finishes, after calming down.

“Well, please clean up when you’re done.  I’ve come up with a plan to deal with the Diane-bald pussy situation.  I’d like you to call next door and invite Jessie over for a swim this morning, and tell her to make sure her Mom doesn’t know she’s coming over here.  Also, let her know about the no-clothing rule.  Don’t tell her all of the reasons, just that we’re working on our comfort level for the vacation.  Once you three are out back, I’m going to have Diane come over for a talk.  Please be sure you stay out of the house until after I bring her out to the backyard.”

“What’s your plan, Mom?” June asks.

“Never mind.  You’ll find out when it’s time.  Now can someone please make me some toast while I get a bowl of cereal?”

I sit down at the table to eat my cereal while June makes my toast.  I get down about 3 spoonfuls when Dawn comes over, picks up my bowl, and hands it to me.  I take it from her in my left hand, keeping my spoon in my right.  While holding the bowl, I continue to eat my cereal.  Dawn pushes the table out of the way, and sits down on the floor in front of me, one leg on each side of my chair.  She dives right into my pussy, sucking and slurping like a hungry child.

“I’m guessing from the way you’re sitting, that you really enjoyed having my foot up your cunt at dinner yesterday.”

Dawn only nods her head and sucks harder on my clit.  I have to put the bowl down, or I’m going to drop it.  Turning my left foot on its side, I move it forward until I find Dawn’s wet twat.  I wriggle my foot around a little, making sure I get my toes properly lubricated before pushing into her waiting pussy.  In a few seconds, my toes are totally soaked in pussy juice; and I push my foot into her pussy.  Dawn tries to open her legs even further than they already are, encouraging me to push further in.  My foot disappears into her pussy, almost up to my ankle, over 6 inches.  I’m basically fisting my daughter with my foot.  I start to stroke my foot in and out of Dawn’s pussy.  Dawn is moaning into my cunt loudly.  June comes over with the toast and drops it on the table. She can see that I’m a little busy to bother with it.

June grabs another chair and puts it behind mine, and steps up onto it.  She then performs the same gymnastics that she did at dinner with her father, lowering her pussy in front of my face. 

“This is quickly becoming a favorite with you, isn’t it, dear?” I remark.

June just smiles.  Once she is sitting reasonably comfortably on my shoulders, she slides her wet honeypot towards my waiting tongue.  I start to eat her with abandon, grabbing her ass and pulling her in tight.  All the while, I’m continuing to stroke my foot in and out of Dawn’s cunt, while she starts to concentrate on my clit.  I put two fingers into June’s pussy as I continue to suck on her clit.  Her juices run down my hand and arm.  I take my soaked fingers and shove them rather roughly up June’s ass.  She yelps in surprise and discomfort for a second, and then starts grinding her pussy into my face as she humps my fingers with her ass.

“You are quickly turning into a total ass slut, honey!” I exclaim. “I didn’t think anyone could like ass fucking as much as me; but you just might.  If you don’t mind sharing your boyfriend, I just might try to get both of my holes filled at once, with your father taking up the rear.”

As I say this, my pussy spasms in orgasm, flooding Dawn in my juices.  My suggestion has the appropriate effect on June, and she starts bucking madly as an orgasmic wave washes over her.  I push my foot deeper into Dawn’s lovebox, while pushing her upper body down onto the floor with my other foot.  This allows me to rub the side of the ball of my foot on Dawn’s g-spot, sending her over the edge.  After June calms down, she gets up off of my shoulders, steps off the chair, and pulls it up to the table to have a seat.  I give Dawn a hand off of the floor, and she too takes a seat.  I pull the table back in front of me.

“You know what, June.  I’ve got a dildo upstairs that is the perfect size for your ass.  It’s the one I use up my own backdoor on occasion.”

“You’ve got sex toys!?” both girls cry out together.

“Oh…sure.  A few dildos and massaging oils.  I suppose I’ll have to start thinking about my sex toys as the family sex toys now, won’t I?  They’re upstairs in my nightstand.  You can help yourself tonight, if you wish.  June, if you want to try a dildo up your ass, stick to the thin black one.  That’s what it’s for.  Dawn, if you’re interested you can try it also.  Given your wider hips, you may be able to take a regular dildo up your butt; but I’d definitely start with the small one.  I’d like to finish my breakfast now, if you don’t mind.  Would you girls please clean up the mess we’ve made?  Don’t forget to call Jessie right after, before she makes other plans for the day.  And please let me know when Jessie is going to be here, so I can call her mother.  Oh, and for God’s sake, both of you shower thoroughly before Jessie gets here.  You both smell like sex and chocolate.”

As they clean up, I finish my cereal.  The toast is cold, so I just toss it.  When I’m done, I head up to get a shower in before the girls finished cleaning.  I want to actually get a shower in, and know that if I’m not out before they get there, there’ll be another round of pussy munching and I’ll never get anything done.

“Remember to use the walk-in shower, please,” I call out behind me as I walk up the stairs.

I get out of the shower just as the girls are walking into the room.  As I’m drying off, June asks what happened to the bedroom doors.

“I took them off and put them in the closets,” I answer.  “We don’t really need privacy if we’re all walking around naked, fucking each other at random.”

The girls nod their heads and start walking towards me with lustful looks in their eyes.

“Now hold it right there, both of you.  I said that the sex couldn’t interfere with household duties.  I have things to do, and so do you.  Have you called Jessica yet?”

“Yea. I called her.  She’ll be over around 10:30,” Dawn answers.

“Was she OK with the no clothing rule?”

“Sure.  Since it’s just us girls home, she doesn’t see how it’s any different than any other time she’s over for a swim.”

“Well then, it’s already almost 10 a.m., so you two need to shower and clean up your rooms.  By the way, where did you two sleep last night?”

“My bed,” June answers.

“I should have known you’d share.  Did you two get any sleep!?”

“We watched TV until 10, and then went up.  We ate each other’s pussies for about an hour, and then just got too tired to continue.  I think we fell asleep pretty fast after that,” Dawn says.

“So June’s sheets are covered in your juices.  Please strip the bed; and bring the sheets down into the laundry room before you shower.  I’ll get a load going.  Oh, and there’s no time for you two to maul each other during this shower either.  So let’s get going.”

Hanging my towel up to dry, I leave my bedroom and go downstairs to call Diane.


CHAPTER 4      Girls Just Wanna Have Fun



I dial the phone while sorting through the laundry.  I want to get a load of Dan’s work clothes done before I have to deal with June’s sheets.  Diane picks up the phone on the second ring.

“Hi, Diane. It’s Sarah next door.”

“Oh, hi Sarah.  How are you doing?”

“Great thanks.  And you?”

“Much better since Bill called to tell me your family agreed to share your cabin with us.  I can’t tell you what a relief that is to me.  I was getting really tense about the whole thing…..Doesn’t nudity bother you at all?”

“It never really has, though showing my goodies to your husband and son will definitely be a new experience.”

“Yea, I’m still a little uptight about being naked in front of both Nick and Dan; but it still beats total strangers.  All of this really doesn’t faze you in the least, does it?  What do the girls think?”

Diane is a cute little thing, and really has nothing to be shy about.  She’s 38, 3rd generation Greek, 5’ 7”, 125 lbs., with a 32C chest, very small but perky nipples; and she has a beautiful olive complexion, with a very hairy bush, according to Jessica.  She is definitely going to feel like the odd (wo)man out around four women with bald pussies.

“Are you kidding me?  June is beside herself at the chance to show off her body to Nick, and get a look at his dick.  Dawn, on the other hand, is actually more interested in checking out your husband, if you can believe that.”

“What?  Bill?  Why?”

“A few years ago, Dawn & Jessica saw Bill fucking you in your bed.  They were outside the backyard window.  They were very impressed with Bill’s girth.  I believe Dwan compared it to a soda can,” I chuckled into the phone.  “Is she exaggerating?”

“A little, but not much.  It certainly feels like a soda can when Bill’s pushing it into me….But oh, my God; I can’t believe they saw us!  I’m glad you can be so calm about this.  I’m freaking out.  I hope I don’t blow this whole vacation for everyone by getting nuts about it all.”  Diane is talking very fast, sounding out of breath.

“Now just calm down, Diane.  That actually is what I called about.  I‘d like to get together with you, this morning if possible, to talk this out with you, and see if we can’t make you more comfortable with the whole naked idea.  I also need to fill you in on a particular situation ahead of time, so you don’t get blindsided this weekend.”

“What situation?” Diane asks, sounding alarmed.

“Nothing earth shattering, just potentially awkward.  Can you come over around 11?”

“Yea, sure. Can I just come over now?  I’d really like to know what’s going on.”

“No, I’m sorry; but I have to pick something up before we get together.  OK?”

“OK.  I’ll just keep myself busy for a while.”

“Oh…One more thing.  After we decided last night to accept your family’s invitation, we decided to declare our home a no-clothes zone for the rest of the week.  It’s an attempt to get us used to being around each other naked, so the beginning of the vacation won’t be so awkward.  Besides, with just us girls here, you’ll get a chance to try out the nude thing yourself for a while without any men around.  We can even go swimming if you like.”

“Wow.  Already?  I was planning on having the rest of the week to really get my head around the idea; but I do see your point.  OK.  I’ll be over at 11, wearing nothing but a trench coat.”  Diane giggles nervously as she says this.

“OK.  See you then.  And don’t be nervous.  You’ll be fine.  Bye.”

I hang up the phone and look out the window, realizing that while this window looks out on the backyard, there are several that overlook the street and houses on either side of us.  Of course, on one side are the Larsen’s, who wouldn’t have an issue with seeing any of us walking by nude, or at least won’t pretty soon, I imagine.  On the other side of our home, however, lives a 28 year old divorced Japanese woman, Wendy Takahashi.  While I wouldn’t mind at all letting her in on our little party, she’s always struck me as very conservative and very quiet.  She would be worth some effort though, as she has a VERY hot body.  I’ve seen her around the locker room at the gym.  I am pretty confident that I’m the only woman over 30 at our gym with a bare beaver, so I don’t advertise.  The mothers of my girl’s friends might be uncomfortable with idea; and I don’t want to be a problem for them.  So, while I stick to the private shower/changing rooms, Wendy uses the large shower room containing around 20 shower heads along opposite walls.  I’ve seen her walk through the locker room on the way to the shower, and she is definitely a tight little number.  Wendy is 4’ 11”, maybe 100 lbs., with almost washboard abs and B-cup tits with small, dark brown nipples.  She keeps her bush trimmed very neatly in a thin strip, as she wears a high-cut leotard for working out….And sometimes the quiet ones surprise you.  Hmm….I’ll have to give this one some thought.  Bringing my mind back to the here-and-now; I grab a towel to cover up, and walk around the first floor, shutting drapes and shades.  Luckily, we have those shades that mount to the bottom of the window and pull up, allowing you some privacy without keeping all of the natural light out and making you feel cut off from the outside world.  I need to get them up before the girls started wandering the entire house, flashing the neighborhood.  I yell up to them to pull up the shades in their rooms before coming downstairs.  One of them yells down that it’s already done.

I head towards the stairs as the doorbell rings.  The girls pass me on the stairs to get the door, June’s sheets in Dawn’s arms.

“Whoa,” I say.  “How do you know that’s Jessica?  It could just as easily be a solicitor or some other neighbor.  Someone throw a coat or something on & answer the door, please.”

June proceeds to the front door and grabs a coat out of the front closet, puts it on, and opens the door.  We don’t have a window in our front door, so the only way to see who’s there is to look out the living room window.  It is Jessie at the door; and June invites her in.  As Jessie steps into the hallway, June closes the door, removes her coat; and hangs it back up in the closet.

“Can I take our coat?” June asks Jessie.

“Oh, yea.  Here you go,” she says as she shrugs her coat off.

Beneath she is naked.

“Come on out to the pool.”

Jessie follows June through the house.  While I’m getting dressed for my errand, I call down from upstairs for one of the girls to switch loads and put June’s sheets into the washer.  Jessie sees Dawn with the bundle of sheets, and offers to help.

“Thanks, Jessie,” Dawn replies.  “I need to pee quick.  You know were the laundry room is.”

“Sure,” she says, taking the sheets from Dawn.

As Jessie gathers up the sheets in her arms, she gets her first whiff of the pussy juice dried into them.

“Wow.  What was June up to last night?  Nick was home all night.  Did they break up and I missed it?”

“Umm…no.”  Maybe June can explain later,” Dawn says as she stifles a giggle.

I come bounding down the stairs in a hurry.  Time is getting tight.  Jessie is still standing in the kitchen sniffing June’s sheets, trying to figure out what happened.  She sees me and gets a surprised look on her face.

“Sarah, you’re dressed,” she says questioningly.

I’m annoyed to see her holding June’s sheets, but figure they’ll have to deal with that one themselves.  Not my problem.

“I have to run a quick errand.  I’ll be back in 20 minutes. Have fun in the pool.  Bye.” I say as I rush past her to the garage.

I’m at the drugstore 8 minutes after leaving the driveway.  I run in and grab a home waxing kit and bottle of aloe gel.  The first time you get waxed, the exposed area burns for a while.  The aloe will sooth the skin quite nicely.  I’m out of the store and back home quickly.  Total trip time 25 minutes.  I get back in the house and bring my purchases up into the master bath, shedding my clothes on the way up the stairs.  I’ve come to feel very comfortable in just my own skin already; and the clothing seems like a shroud over my spirit.  I couldn’t wait to get out of them as fast as possible.  Getting back downstairs, I notice the girls out by the pool as I walk by.  Diane should be here within 5 minutes, so I open the front door, leaving it slightly ajar.  I then go back into the laundry room to check on June’s sheets.  They’re clean, but the dryer is still running, so I leave them in the washer.  I hear a knock on the door.  Looks like Diane’s a little early.  I walk down the hall, but stop behind the staircase wall, so anyone walking in the front door can’t see me.

“Diane, is that you?” I call out.

“Yes, it is.  Can I come in?  Your door’s open,” she calls back into the house.

I pause, take a deep breath, and think out loud:  “Here we go…”

“Come on in.  I’ll be right with you.  You can hang your coat in the front closet.”

Diane comes in and closes the door behind her.  She looks around the living room and into the kitchen, wondering where everyone is.  She shrugs off her coat, puts it in the closet, and walks into the hallway.

“Sarah, where are you?  Where are the girls?” Diane asks, kind of quietly.

I lean around the corner, letting her see my upper body, but not my bald snatch.  She’s naked except for her very hairy bush, which is so thick it looks like a fuzzy cover.  To me, she really didn’t look naked.  I’m planning on fixing that. 

“Hi, Diane.  I’m right here.  The girls are out back by the pool.”

Seeing me, she relaxes, and starts to walk towards me.

“I’m glad to see you, Sarah.  And relieved to find you naked.  I got this weird idea in my head that I’d show up naked; and the 3 of you would be sitting in the dining room fully dressed.”

“Hah.  That would have been embarrassing.  But before coming any closer, we need to talk.”

“About what?  What’s going on?” Diane starts tensing up again.

Whatever I planned on saying just left my brain.  I’m blank.  Not knowing how to start or what to say, I take another deep breath and step out into the hallway.  Diane’s eyes get wide as she quickly notices the lack of hair on my pussy.  After about 20 seconds of silence, she speaks.

“Wow…I never knew.  How long have you shaved your pubic area?”

I respond as I walk towards her.

“Actually, it isn’t shaved.  It’s waxed.  My pussy is totally bald.  I’ve been waxing since I was in college.  My roommate turned me on to it.”

As I step up to Diane, I take her left hand and place it just above my slit.

“See how smooth it feels?  It really makes the skin more sensitive, and Dan loves eating my snatch without having to pick hair out of his teeth.  So…what are you thinking?”

Even though I‘ve released Diane’s hand, she hasn’t removed it from my pussy.  She just stares at it, and moves her hand down and lightly across my outer lips.

“It’s really soft and smooth, like tummy skin.  What did your girls think when they saw you last night?  Were they surprised?”

“No, not really,” I laugh.  “Dawn & June have bald pussies also.  We actually go together once a month to Georgette’s salon to get waxed.”

Diane bends down to get a better look.

“How far back do they remove the hair?” she wonders aloud.

“All the way back.  Waxing removes all of the hair off your pussy and back around your butt hole.  Let me turn around and give you a better view.”

I pivot around so my back is to Diane, spread my legs, and lower my upper body until my hair is lying on the hallway floor.  I look back up at her from between my legs.

“See what I mean?  Nothing there.  Feel how smooth the areas around my asshole and between my ass and pussy are. Unlike this jungle you’ve got going on here,” I say as I reach up and run my fingers through her bush.

I brush against her clit & she jumps, but doesn’t say anything.

Diane cups my pussy and lets her hand roam over my smooth skin.  She continues this for a good five minutes.  I’m getting very wet.  As she moves her fingers lightly around my asshole, her fingernail brushes over my rosebud, causing me to involuntarily moan.  Diane quickly pulls her hand back, and sees that my pussy isn’t just smooth, but also very wet.  Her fingers are slick with my juices.

“Sorry about that.  When someone plays with my pussy, I tend to get wet.  Looks like you’re getting a little wet yourself,” I point out, as I continue to run my fingers through her bush, purposely brushing my fingernails across her lips.  I think they are starting to swell; but it’s hard to tell through all of that hair.

“Feel free to continue to explore.  I’d like you to get comfortable with bald cunts, since you will be seeing more of them.”

Diane cups my pussy again, this time a little firmer.  She moves her hand around my pussy and ass, starting to actually rub my pussy.  She also spreads her legs about six inches, allowing me better access to her own sex.  I start working my way towards the back of her pussy, using my fingernails to tickle the sensitive flesh.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she breathes out.  “But it feels so nice….What if the girls come in the house?”

“Mmmm….They’ve been told to stay out there until I get them.  Oh, that feels great.  They now I’m in here talking to you about bald pussies, though of course they don’t know we’re playing with each other’s while we talk.”

During this conversation, I have been teasing the opening to Diane’s cunt with my index finger, and the lips are slowly separating.  Dawn spreads her legs another 6 inches or so.  I’m getting a little light headed maintaining this position.  As I finish telling her that the girls are aware of our conversation, I push my index & middle fingers up into Diane’s by now very wet snatch.

“Ahhhh!” Diane gasps.  “Mmmmmm…Ohhhh, that’s feels nice.  I never though I’d be doing anything like this with you.  Rub my clit, pleeeease.”

“Honestly, I’m not sure I can find it,” I reply, as I start to slowly move my fingers in and out of her now dripping cunt.  “This is actually the point of asking you over.  I was hoping you would allow me to remove your bush for you.”

Diane reaches under me to the top of my pussy and draws her hand bank slowly, separating my engorged lips as she does.  As she gets to my honeyhole, she changes direction and pushes all four of her fingers into my cunt.  Since my legs are so spread out and I’m dripping like a leaking faucet, they slide in easily.  Diane starts to pump them in and out.  I put another finger into her pussy and start finger fucking her vigorously.  With my other hand I start playing with my nipples.  I start humping Diane’s hand and clenching my jaw to keep from screaming out in ecstasy.  Diane is rocking her hips forward & back trying to drive my fingers deeper into her lovebox.  They’re already in as far as they can go, being stopped by my curled up pinky finger.  I pull out my fingers and reinsert all four.  Diane’s pussy opens up willingly and my hand disappears up to my thumb.  Diane starts bucking wildly.

“Oh my god….I’m going to cum!” she says, rather loudly.

I ride her hand harder, determined not to be left behind.  I feel my own orgasm building; and I increase my pace in Diane’s pussy.  We both scream out & my hand falls out of her pussy.  As her hand leaves mine, I collapse on the floor.  Diane leans against the stair rail to keep from falling over.  We are both sweaty and breathing hard.

“That was mind blowing!” Diane says.

“That is was,” I agree.  “So, what do you think about having me wax your pussy?”

“You can do that here?”

“Sure, I picked up a home kit this morning.  It’s up in the master bath.”

“But what about Jessica?  What will she think when she sees me naked?  She constantly walks in on me in the shower.  She has her own bathroom, so there’s no reason to be intruding on mine; but she does I all the time!.”

“Maybe she likes to see you naked.  Did you ever think of that? Anyway, I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.  I’ve got a surprise for you.  Let’s go out to the pool…..You know, I can’t believe the girls didn’t hear us.  We were pretty loud.”

“No kidding.  What the heck are your girls doing that they didn’t hear that racket?”

“Guess we’ll find out.”

As we get out on the patio, an unexpected scene greets us.  Dawn is on a lounge chair with Jessie’s face buried in her pussy.  June is straddling Dawn’s face while tugging on her own nipples.  Dawn and June are moaning.

“Well, that explains why they didn’t hear us,” I say.

“Oh, we heard you all right.  At least Dawn & I did.  Jessie hasn’t come up for air for 40 minutes! Dawn’s already cum twice.  Besides, Dawn put her feet up on the end of the lounge chair and covered Jessie’s ears with her thighs as soon as we heard Diane calling you through the front door.  I’m not sure she can hear anything with her head stuffed between Dawn’s legs.  Did you enjoy yourself Diane?” June replies.

Dian nods her head slowly, as she continues to absorb the sight of her daughter’s face in Dawn’s cunt.  Dawn raises a hand to wave hello, as she continues to eat June’s pussy.

“I was wondering how you were going to handle Jessie and the sheets.  What did you tell her?”

“I told her the truth.  I told her that the pussy smell was mine and Dawn’s, and that we had been eating each other’s pussies last night in my bed.”

Diane zones into the conversation, shocked, but seemingly unable to speak.

June continued.  “She got a weird look on her face, and started to protest, asking how we could even think of having sex with each other.  ‘You’re sisters, for God’s sake!’ was her exact comment, I believe.  At that point I figured I had nothing to lose, so I told her the reason we did it was because we were still horny from eating you out earlier.”

The “You” being me, Diane snaps her head to look at me, and her eyes get huge.  She stills says nothing.

“Jeees, Diane, you look like your head’s going to explode,” June laughs.  “Unngghh…yea that’s the spot Dawn, tongue my ass.  Anyway, that seemed to really have an affect on Jessie.  She got this wide eyed look on her face, and her cunt started dripping.  I think she may have had a mini orgasm right there.  I think Jessie has a thing for older women.  She didn’t say another word.  She just walked up to Dawn, pushed her back onto the chair, and buried her face in Dawn’s twat.  She hasn’t said a word since.”

Diane comes out of her trance and walks up to her daughter.  She places a hand on her shoulder, not wanting to startle her.

“Jessie, honey, can you stop for a minute?”

“Upon hearing her Mom’s voice, Jessie’s head snaps up out of Dawn’s snatch.”

She looks up at her Mom with a look of horror on he face, and Dawn’s juices dripping off her chin.  Dawn pushes June off her face, to see what happens.

“Oh God, Mom. I’m so sorry.  I can’t believe you’re here.  I’ve never done anything like this. Are you really pissed?” Jessie blurts out as if it were one sentence.

She is breathing heavily from her work on Dawn’s sex and her fast talking.

“It’s OK, honey.  I’m fine with it,” Diane consoles her as she helps Jessie stand up.

Diane sees that Jessie’s pussy is bald also.  After all that she’s seen and done in the last ½ hour, it doesn’t seem to faze her at all.

“How long have you been waxing your cunt, honey?”

Jessie is a little taken aback by her Mom’s course language.

“Uh, a year or so, I guess.  I found out that the Anderson’s all waxed their pussies, and decided to try it myself.  I really like the way it feels.”

“Hah!” Dawn teases.  “You new about June and I for years.“  Turning to Diane, “Jessie had no interest in bald beaver until she saw Mom’s bald puss.”

“Is that true, dear?” Diane asks her.  “Does Sarah turn you on?”

Jessie nodded yes.

“Do older women turn you on, or is it just Sarah?”

“Not all older women, just some of my friends’ mothers.”

“And why might that be?  Maybe because you’re attracted to your own mother?”

“Maybe,” Jessie says with her head down, embarrassed.

“Do you want to eat mommy’s pussy?” Diane asks her as she reaches up and starts playing with Jessie’s tits.

“Jessie raises her face, beaming.

“Oh, yes!  I’d love to eat your pussy, Mom!”

“And I’d love to have you eat it….But first I need to have Sarah help me with this disgusting bush of mine,” she states, running her fingers through her bush.  “After seeing your four beautiful bald pussies, I can’t imagine being any other way.  I’m going to go upstairs with Sarah and let her wax my pussy bare.  I promise that when I get back, you can be the first to sample my newborn poon.  Unless, of course, Sarah beats you to it,” Diane says as she gives me a sly wink.

I laugh.

“Jessie, I promise to try my best to return your mother to you with a virgin bare pussy….But don’t hate me if fail you,” I say with a smile on my face.  “If I do take her first, I offer my own pussy to you in consolation.  How’s that?”

Jessie smile broadly.

“I can’t lose!”

“While you two are upstairs baring Diane’s twat, we’ll keep Jessie busy.  She hasn’t had her own pussy administered to yet, and I’m sure Dawn is just chomping at the bit to take care that,” June says.

“Absolutely!” Dawn exclaims.

I take Diane’s hand, and we walk back into the house, continuing to hold hands in that comfortable familiar way, like longtime lovers.

Gang Rave

SunsetBarM on Forced Stories

Danielle's skin glowed an eerie blue-white, the natural
appearance of her pale, almost-white complexion under
black light. She intentionally heightened the effect
with white-ish makeup and powders that would look pretty
garish in the light of day.

Her "New Wave" style eye shadow swept back from her eyes
and glowed bright blue with her similarly colored lips
below the brilliant yellow-gold of fluorescing platinum
blond hair. The look was almost two decades retro, but
on her it worked. To complement the overall effect, this
evening she wore the zebra-striped leather halter-top
that exposed her trim midriff - no bra - and a tight
matching mini that came down to her upper thigh.

A lucky guy might
Read More
occasionally catch a glimpse of the
white lace panties barely hidden by the skirt. Black and
white lace up sandal-pumps covered her feet - the criss-
crossing leather bands winding up her calves -
continuing the zebra-stripe look down to her toes. The
smooth, cool leather of her skimpy outfit felt great
against her skin as she and her friends wound their way
across the crowded floor to the center of the main dance

Danielle's group was familiar with the local rave scene
and geography. They'd been to more than they could
remember, but this was definitely a new place for them,
recommended by a friend of a friend. This party moved
from week to week between buildings in the old warehouse
district, a dead part of the port city near the defunct

The place was hard to find; the sounds and lights were
muted and well contained until you were almost upon it.
You either needed to hit it by accident, be directly
involved, or be invited. Danielle's friend Riku had
secured such an invitation for herself and her
girlfriends, but was close-lipped about from where or
whom it came.

No rave series was ever overly publicized or long-lived,
but each "production company" has its own mythology.
This particular one had a reputation for safety,
recreational drugs, and other decadences. Events
generally cost dearly to get in, but ran almost until
dawn, when Danielle and her friends would drive blearily
home. Occasionally they'd lose one or two members of
their group along the way, only to encounter them at
school the next Monday to be regaled with a sometimes-
explicit tale of adventure, usually with some hunk-of-

Tonight was Julia's night to drive so as per usual she
promised to stop drinking by midnight. When the four
girls arrived, paid (30 bucks!), got stamped, and
entered the unseeming warehouse, a wall of sound and
light greeted the little group. The cavernous interior
was decked out in lights and speakers, which would be
removed quickly in the morning leaving little trace of
party. Lots of production companies were rumored to have
"agreements" with members of local law enforcement,
allowing greater freedoms than otherwise might be

A makeshift cash bar lined one wall, with all manners of
potables available. Off to the side, another, smaller
"bar" offered some of the more controlled substances -
Ecstasy, pot, poppers, strange designer drugs - though
none of the heavy stuff, which supposedly said something
reassuring about both the organizers and the clientele.

This area had a number of heavyset bouncer-types,
probably moonlighting dockworkers from the surviving
parts of the port. They looked like they would take
poorly to belligerence or other acting up on the part of
the patrons. More of the big fellows guarded a couple
doors off the main dance floor. People going that way
had to present some kind of card or ID to get past them.

Danielle and her friends had anticipated the
availability of some substances at the rave, but not the
veritable apothecary they were presented with. Emma
always believed in playing it safe, however, and had
procured some Ecstasy for them from her older brother's
buddies before they left. By the way the lights jumped
about as they started dancing, Danielle suspected that
their Ex must have had an extra kicker of something in
it, but she didn't worry too much - she felt happy and
reasonably in control. Emma's brother was wild (and kind
of cute), but not crazy.

Danielle danced with her friends and with strangers. The
warehouse was big, loud, and crowded with several
hundred bodies, so it did not take long for the little
group to disband and lose track of one another. This
usually happened - they would eventually find each other
again. Danielle paid little attention. She changed
partners often, checking out the guys as unabashedly as
they stared at her. Some she danced with, some she
teased a little. Some she talked to, or rather yelled
over the music to, and let buy her drinks. Danielle
avoided the alcohol, but did need the occasional liquid
refreshment, and, eventually a trip to the restroom.

The restrooms were a series of porta-johns hidden from
the main dance area by a partially retracted floor-to-
ceiling partition. A bare sink stood against the
warehouse's cinderblock wall for washing, with a once-
polished steel plate above it for a mirror. As Danielle
cleaned up she noticed a door off to the side, facing
away from the main dancing area. It was slightly ajar
and she could see pulsing light, coming though it.

She went over to investigate and found, after passing
down a short darkened corridor there was indeed another
dance floor. Danielle realized it must be one of the
'restricted' areas, and decided to return to the main
part of the warehouse, lest she get into trouble.
Doubling back, she found that the door she had come
through had fallen closed and locked. Probably supposed
to have been shut the whole time, she thought.

Cursing to herself, Danielle resolved to make the best
of it. She could probably get away with just acting like
she belonged there. Stepping boldly out from the
hallway, she was again enveloped by sound and light.
This music had a grinding techno-industrial sound with
base boosted so high she could feel the reverberations
in her chest and abdomen. The music seemed to physically
grab her, and Danielle almost couldn't help but get
caught in the beat and start dancing.

Though slightly smaller in area, the floor of this
section of the warehouse was just as crowded with
gyrating bodies as the main section. The mix here was
different, however - most in the room were male. The
women scattered throughout were generally the centers of
attention and dancing activity, switching partners
often, or dancing in close groups. Danielle herself
quickly attracted a small band of partners, and soon
forgot about everything for a while as she danced among
them. Their attention pleased her, and she found herself
putting on a bit of a show, flirting with several guys
at once.

The lighting here showed off Danielle's body and outfit
perfectly. The primary illumination was black light and
garishly reflecting fluorescent paint. Bright strobes
would flash at odd times with the booming music,
changing the fluid motion of the dancing mob into jerky,
unreal movie motion.

Danielle moved to the evolving beats further into the
area, carried by the current of weaving bodies. She
returned quite a few appreciative stares with looks of
her own. She added more sway to her hips and adopted
more sultry stylings to her movements as she brushed
into another circle ogling young men.

After some time circulating, she caught the glance of an
attractive guy maybe a few years older than herself.
They kept eye contact as they maneuvered toward one
another, magnetically drawn by well-matched rhythms and
styles. His flaring Day-Glo tie-dye shirt and shorts
showed a stark contrast in dress to her sleek, animal
theme, but that seemed appropriate to her.

They converged and started dancing close. Danielle felt
a warm congeniality to the fellows around her, but a
special connection to this new partner. She lost her
sense of time as the music flowed through a number of
well-blended tracks. She and her starburst-dressed
partner moved closer, gyrating, touching, twirling,
holding and releasing. Danielle felt herself getting
quite turned on.

This turn of events was not too out of the ordinary for
her, she'd left her share of raves early on the arm of a
new guy (and would never forget the time in that barn
hayloft), but this felt a bit different, a little more
primitive or base. Perhaps it was the guy - his strong
hands often 'accidentally' brushed her breasts or
thighs. Perhaps it is the small crowd of guys dancing
around them, watching them. Perhaps it was something

After not too much thought, Danielle decided she didn't
care, and went with it. She moved in to her partner and
snaked her arms around his waist and back. He
reciprocated; one arm coming around her shoulders, the
other cupping and rubbing her ass through her skirt. She
sighed and pressed into his hard body, peeking out over
his shoulder as they turned and moved.

Across the floor Danielle's gaze passed over several
other girls, each the center of attention of their own
groups. First she saw a brunette in black leather halter
and hotpants bumped and ground with two or three guys in
the center of a larger circle. But then different and
strange scenes caught her eyes...

Beyond the brunette, she made out a blazing redhead
undulating in front of one partner - her back to his
chest, and her butt pushed back and rubbing against his
hips. As Danielle watched, the guy behind the redhead
brought his hands up from her waist, raised her tight
white T-shirt, and exposed her bra-less tits, which he
immediately cupped and started fondling. As Danielle
stared, a hand emerged from the surrounding bodies and
traced up her right leg, disappearing under her glowing
plaid miniskirt --

Bodies blocked the scene, and after trying to peer
through them, Danielle' gaze moved on to a thin Asian
girl with short, razor straight jet-black hair. She was
in a kind of line dance with two guys. Her hands were
low, her partners' high. It seemed like she was groping
or fondling the crotches of the partners in front and
back. Danielle couldn't be sure, but she though that one
of them actually had his dick exposed, and the girl was
gripping and pulling it with one of her hands while
rubbing the other guy through his pants --

Danielle's partner whirled her around almost 180 degrees
and after a dizzy second or two her eyes settled on yet
another curvy girl, barely visible through a mass of
bodies. Danielle caught the glint of sweat off her dark
skin. The girl seemed nude, on hands and knees on some
kind of elevated platform. More people drifted out of
the way and Danielle gasped as she made out the rest -
The girl _was_ naked! And she was giving a blowjob to a
skinny white guy in front of her while a broad-
shouldered black man was clearly screwing her from

Danielle's eyes widened in shock at each progressive
scene, but then she was distracted by a strange touch on
her thigh. She had not noticed it with all the bumping
and holding, but now she realized her skirt had been
gradually raised, exposing her panties, which glowed
bright in the black light.

With a flush of embarrassment she pulled her skirt hem
down and straightened herself out. As she moved someone
from behind grabbed her panties and easily popped the
thin string that held them to her hips, quickly ripping
them off as she drew her skirt back down. The snap of
the panty strings went unnoticed, lost in her other
movements and the general distraction of the musical

Danielle's slightly misfiring senses failed to warn of
her missing protective layer. Though she didn't
particularly sense the absence of the flimsy cloth, she
did suddenly feel oddly more exposed - despite the fact
she'd just covered herself up. Perhaps it was a reaction
to the boldness exhibited by a stranger exposing her
like that. It was a little disconcerting, but, mixed
with what she'd just seen, also had the effect of
turning her on still more.

Her tie-dye partner still held her waist, dancing as if
nothing at all had happened. Danielle began to feel a
little overwhelmed, even for her. The driving music and
lights played with her buzzed senses, starting to
confuse her. She needed to pause, collect herself, and
regain control that might be slipping.

Reluctantly, she pulled away from her partner, who had
begun brushing his hands up her sides and breasts in a
most delicious way, and began to weave her way toward
the one visible exit. On her way, though, she tripped
over a loose sneaker on the floor and almost stumbled
into another guy. He was tall and muscular, wearing
tight white biker shorts and no shirt. He spun inward,
grabbed Danielle by the waist, whirled them both around,
and then began to dance.

Danielle, momentarily overcome by dizziness, held onto
his taught body for support. Soon though, the feel of
him and the ever-present, penetrating music distracted
her once again and she grooved.

They danced dirty, grinding up against each other, and
Danielle smiled as the bulge in her partner's tight
shorts grew noticeably larger. Her own inner heat was
increasing as well, though she paid it little mind. The
tingles she felt as her skin rubbed against its leather
confines blended with the vibrating air. When his leg
ground between hers, it almost felt as if the Lycra
shorts rubbed right up against her pussy...

Danielle let her gaze drift again, scanning over the
crowd seeking the sights she had seen before. She
couldn't find that first brunette, but she did see the
redhead. A nude man now held her upside-down, her hair
trailing almost to the floor. Her shirt was off and her
plaid skirt was bundled around her waist.

The pair stood locked in a sort of standing 69; her
dangling head bobbed back and forth, sucking on the cock
the owner of which held her exposed muff to his mouth.
Her arms wrapped around his waist as she repeatedly
swallowed his tool. His arms held her middle as he plied
her slit with his tongue. He still danced, thrusting
into her mouth as he moved, her legs flailing and
kicking around his head.

Danielle almost couldn't take her eyes off the scene,
and when she finally looked away, her gaze immediately
found a tall black girl she hadn't seen before. The dark
beauty leaned against a wall of the room, silhouetted
against a glowing graffiti design, doing a standing
split. Her left leg stretched straight up and back
against the wall as a beefy jock fucked her standing up.

Danielle found the platform she'd seen before. The Asian
waif - and the brunette she had first seen were now both
unclothed, kissing and fondling each other's breasts on
the raised platform - really a table with a heap of
packing blankets on top.

The brunette was on her back, being fucked by a guy
missionary style, the Asian was on all fours over her,
being poled from behind doggy-style by a mustachioed man
wearing the top half of a tuxedo, complete with top-hat,
but without pants. When her head came up, eyes clenched
shut and mouth open in unmistakable passion, Danielle
realized with a shock that it was her friend Riku!

Danielle didn't know what was going on, or what to think
or do at this point. And she didn't get much further
chance to think about anything, either. Her dance
partner, who had let her go for a moment while she
stared at her friend's orgiastic scene, now firmly
grabbed her waist again.

She turned to look back at him and gasped. His tight
pants were now off. He moved toward her with the music,
nude but for his shoes, sporting a large, upward curving
erection. Before she could protest, He lifted her easily
from the floor, pulling her up and over to him.
Momentarily shocked into immobility, she could only
stare wide-eyed at him as he lowered her, sliding her
bare stomach down his smooth, sweaty chest. She felt the
hard cock brush against her inner thighs, under her
mini. The hot meat slid up between her legs... just into
her wet slit.

Danielle startled and blinked as she felt the heat and
smoothness at her pussy entrance, realizing finally that
somehow her panties were gone. She grabbed and pushed at
the shoulders of her partner and started kicking her
legs, but he wasn't paying attention. Fraction by
fraction, in time to the beat of the music, he slowly
lowered her on to him. His cock rose centimeter by
centimeter into her tight, ready cunt.

Alarm fighting arousal, Danielle's rational mind warred
with the natural and artificial stimulants in her
system. It shouldn't be happening, but... it felt sooo
good! Her eyes lost focus and her attention turned
inward as she felt herself flower open and sink down
around the hard pole. Her mind churned in turmoil and
her head shook in refusal, but her body reacted on its
own. Her legs gradually spread apart. As her feet
touched the ground again, she found herself dancing to
the rhythm, humping against the fully embedded cock.

Her anxiety faded or rather was drowned out, as Danielle
lost herself in sensation. Her miniskirt hid her
privates, if just barely, and one would have to look
from the right angle to see that the guy in front of her
had his cock buried in her to the balls. The fact he
stood there, naked with bent knees in front of her was
pretty much a giveaway, though. Danielle surprised
herself with how little she seemed to care now.

The throbbing of the cock inside her seemed like a
natural extension of the music, penetrating her just as
deeply and insistently. Her partner's thick pubic hair
tickled her clit as they ground together, exciting her
even more. Danielle knew she was the center of some
considerable attention, but nevertheless felt strangely

The crowd around her didn't see her; they saw a glowing
zebra-girl straddling a nearly naked hunk. She couldn't
help but giggle at the thought, then gasped as the cock
twitched and bored into her again. She looked into her
sudden-lover's eyes, and the unbridled lust in them
melted her. Her moan was swallowed by the waves of sound
crashing around them and she writhed against and around
him, her inner muscles clutching his member in a spine-
tingling rush. The strobes flashed and she closed her

Some immeasurable time later, Danielle felt herself
nearing climax. By now she was holding tight to her
partner, and whatever dancing they were doing took
second seat to out-and-out stand-up fucking. Taking
deeper and deeper breaths, she opened her eyes and
looked, dazed, over her partner's shoulder, catching
sight of the black girl, still in the splits, being
fucked earnestly. Two new guys had appeared and were
each devouring a dark breast.

Then, Danielle she felt her partner lifting her skirt,
uncovering her behind while still dancing and rocking
his cock into her. She dug her nails into his shoulders.
She was on the edge, small mewing sounds escaping her
throat with every breath, the telltale lightness in her
belly presaging her most intense of orgasms. She felt
him grasp and spread her asscheeks, and then gasped as a
wet finger poked into her rear end.

Danielle jumped and cried out, but had nowhere to go as
the finger slid slowly in, past her squeezing anal
muscles. The finger worked her as she squirmed and
whined in the grip of her partner. The new, unwelcome
touch staved off her approaching climax, though the
churning in her belly only increased with this dirtiest
of erotic sensations. After a probing that pulled at and
stretched her resisting sphincter, the finger departed.
A second later, however, a thin, long, wet cock replaced
it. It prodded her asshole once, then pushed, beat by
beat into her spread rear.

Danielle had had her share of sex in her young life, but
she'd never taken anything up the ass. She screamed. The
breaking glass, car wreck music completely drowned her
out, however. Slowly, agonizingly, the cock stuffed her
rear passage full. Her flailing arms couldn't find
purchase on her partners' sweaty skin; her legs and
knees were forced to bend with the dancing beat as the
two cocks burrowed deeper into her. Hands snaked around
from behind to grab her tits and pinch her hard nipples
through her leather top.

Then, the hot stomach of the unseen guy behind her
pressed into her ass and lower back, sandwiching her
body tight between the two males. Two hard cocks
throbbed and twitched in her body, one deep in her
pussy, one just as far in her virgin ass. She realized
had taken all of both of them inside her. With her
nerves too overtaxed to distinguish between pain and
pleasure, her inner muscles spasmed erratically. Finally
the delayed explosion took her and she came.

The orgasm that shook her was like nothing she had ever
experienced. It was wracking, almost violent. She felt
simultaneously invincible and helpless. She recoiled at
being taken so completely against her will, at the same
time utterly surrendering to the feelings of the moment.
She quaked in fear, and flowed with languid sensuality.
She felt full. So full!

Her inner muscles contracted frantically around the two
cocks over and over again as she cried out into the
noise of the dance floor. Each convulsion drew her
deeper into a fugue of total climax, lifting her and
drawing her down until she could no longer distinguish
herself from the sound from the sensations...

Danielle slowly floated down from her ecstatic fog. Her
ears buzzed with more than the blaring music around her.
In the afterglow, her head cleared somewhat, and her
senses returning to her bit by bit. Her earlier buried
anxieties flooded back with a vengeance. She felt
movement around her - and inside her! - and a new wave
of fear hit her. She started protesting and pushing
against the guys pressed in against her.

Pushing away from the one in front meant pressing back
onto the guy now fucking quickly in and out of her ass,
and attempts to escape the rear assault only ground her
against the cock sawing in and out of her pussy. Neither
of them was going to be stopped now. As high as she'd
been only moments before, now a wave of lust- and drug-
magnified horror now threatened to consume her.

Suddenly, the guy in front of her tensed and with a hard
jerk shoved deeply into her pussy and came. For a second
she stared wildly into his animal-slitted eyes, then
Danielle howled despondently as she felt the cock throb
and pump its hot flood of semen into her. Thoughts shot
through her mind in time to jetting cock: The unusual
aftertaste of the Ecstasy pill...

The look in his eyes as he had lowered her onto his
cock... The "emergency condoms" in Julia's glove
compartment... The orgiastic scenes starring other
girls, one of them a friend of hers... The feeling of
her ass being entered for the first time... Her cycle
calendar... When was she due next?

She felt him relax, finally allowing Danielle to weakly
shove him away. He slid wetly out of her - the reaction
pushing her back into the guy doing her rear. The unseen
man behind her had her top pushed up over her breasts
now and was squeezing and pinching them, using them for
leverage as he drove relentlessly up her butt while he
nuzzled her neck with his mouth and nose. She thought
her ass should be screaming in pain, but it wasn't. It
was uncomfortable... No, that wasn't it either. It was
very strange though. She couldn't think that it actually
felt good, could she?

Danielle tried to pull away, but then felt new, strong
hands on her thighs pulling them further open from
below. They forced her to bow her legs, simultaneously
making her ass more accessible and spreading open her
cum-dripping pussy.

A male face appeared below her between her legs as the
hands pushed the rest of her skirt above her waist,
exposing her glowing blonde pubic hair and creamy cunt.
His grip changed, allowing him to hang from her now
widely spread thighs. The new weight pulled her down and
opened her up still more as he raised his face up to her
pussy and started madly licking and slurping away at
her. The guy in her rear picked up his pace, thrusting
harder and faster, forcing grunts from her each time his
body slapped up against her buttocks.

Danielle grabbed and pulled the hair of her fellatist,
but he didn't budge. Despite everything, it felt
incredible. The guy below her had a very talented
tongue, and the shaft pounding in and out of her ass
_had_ at some uncertain point begun to feel good, then
very good, even if disgustingly perverse. The palpable
force of the music drove the little knot of three bodies

The guy eating Danielle didn't seem to care one bit
about the copious spunk leaking out of her. And his
agile tongue felt a kilometer long inside her. Her hips
started swaying and grinding again as he alternately
teased her clit and fucked her pussy with his prehensile
tongue. She moaned and felt herself falling into the sex
again, despite a now deep-seated sense that something
was very wrong.

Without warning, the guy in her ass plowed all the way
into her and came, shoving her suddenly forward onto
that long tongue. Danielle climaxed again almost in
surprise as she felt hot spunk shoot up into her guts.
Her second cum was milder than the first fireworks, but
she still throbbed and shivered as it took her.

Almost as soon as he was finished, her ass-deflowerer
popped is deflating cock out of her and disappeared.
She'd never know who it was who took her anal cherry.
She didn't have time to dwell on that or take any other
stock, though since with his sudden departure, she lost
her balance and staggered backwards, half tripping over
the guy tonguing her as she slipped from the grip of his
hands and lips.

A devastatingly handsome black man caught her fall.
Without preamble, he kissed her deeply while gently
lowering her to a sitting position on an old padded
office divider or room partition, which was propped up
at an angle to the floor.

Still locked with her lips, he moved around and over
her, sliding his hands down her breasts, sides and legs.
He wrapped his large hands around her ankles and spread
her legs apart, bending her knees, then moved towards
her and sank his ebony shaft slowly and completely into
her without once breaking the kiss. As his cock filled
her and his hands bent and parted her legs, he pressed
his kiss forward, forcing her to lie back on the
reclined partition. Danielle's eyes flashed open and
then dimmed.

A blur of confused thoughts raced through her mind: a
faint, earnest inner voice telling her to run...pajama
party stories about black boys...where were her friends?
...the girl in her class that had a baby last year... Oh
God! ... the big dick moving into and into and into

The urge to struggle free died as the fat cock slid
fully home in her pussy. She flexed her hips and spread
herself wider for him. Her new dark lover began to fuck
her, sliding his tool almost completely out with one
beat, and all the way in with the next. The dance rhythm
was now loud and deep - like thunder, or a giant
heartbeat. The sound and the fucking were both slow and

After a while, he broke their kiss and looked down at
her. Close-cropped hair glowed green from a dye job over
a face so black she could see it only by the background
it blocked out. The glowing whites of his eyes and
Cheshire-cat-grinning teeth filled the dark shape of his
head. Then that disappeared too as he lowered his face
to suck and tease her nipples, first one, then the
other, then back to the first.

Danielle arched her back and let her head sink as her
hips moved by themselves to meet his pumping cock. He
was uncircumcised, she realized. His foreskin moved with
a different sliding sensation inside her. The strange
new sensation made her shiver. She no longer cared where
she was, as long as whatever was happening to her didn't

A fleshy shaft brushed her cheek from above and behind.
The partition she was lying on ended at her neck, and
her head had been dangling over the edge, lolling back
and forth to her lover's rhythm. Bent back as she was,
she was at the perfect height and angle.

Danielle shook her head and turned away wanting to stay
focused on the feelings in her breasts and pussy, but
the cock's owner grabbed her hair and yanked, filling
her mouth with more hard meat as she opened it in
protest. Her hands moved to his abdomen to push him
away, but he just grabbed her wrists and held them to
his hips.

The two men screwed Danielle from both ends. The cock in
her pussy was fat and long, stretching and rubbing her
sensitive flesh into yet another frenzy of lust. The guy
in her mouth was not too large, and she decided that
getting him off quickly might be the best thing, so she
began to suck him with some enthusiasm as the attention
being paid her pussy and tits forced muffled moans from

From her inverted position, she could watch a pair of
hairy balls approaching and receding in time to the
sliding of the penis in her mouth. Beyond them, through
his legs, she spied a heavy-breasted blond taking five
guys at once - one in each of her openings and one in
each hand. Two more guys sucked at her tits like
starving babies.

Danielle stared at the sight as the gentle breast
licking of her dark lover was joined by coarser gropes,
pinches, and caresses from the guy in her mouth. Finally
she felt but could not see the black stiffen, swell
inside her and cum. She shuddered as she felt more jism
shoot deep into her. For a few seconds, as she felt his
sperm shoot into her, she felt as utterly defenseless
and vulnerable as she truly was.

The pulsing heat filling her snatch triggered her third
orgasm. A sharp twinge of barely suppressed fear rode
hot just underneath her climax as her body milked the
surging cock of its last drops. Her body shook and
jerked as she crossed her own peak, and she sucked hard
on the cock in her mouth, willing it to come, too.

Her black lover withdrew, unseen, from her still-
clutching pussy only to be replaced immediately by
another. This prick was fat but short, dragging and
rasping her clit with each thrust. Four hands now
manipulated her breasts, the rougher handling eliciting
gasps and grunts from her stuffed mouth. The guy fucking
her face finally couldn't hold it anymore and spurted,
shoving fully down her throat as he did.

This took Danielle by surprise, and she swallowed out of
survival instinct, gagging and coughing as he pulled out
and vanished into the crowd. Danielle snapped her head
up to see who was inside her now. It was a chubby jock
she actually recognized from school, though she couldn't
remember his name. His eyes were closed, concentrating
on his fucking. The big lug rutted for a minute with
Danielle passive under him. He quickly came inside her
and left, never once looking her in the face.

In a momentary lull, Danielle sat up and looked around,
trying to clear the cobwebs from her mind. Everyone in
the room was now either naked or nearly so, and
everywhere she turned, she witnessed new orgiastic
scenes of debauchery. She caught a glimpse of the first
girl she had seen - the brunette. The garish lighting
reflected wetly off her sweat- and cum-covered body as
she straddled an unseen guy.

The girl had a vacant look in her eyes, mouth open,
crying out, body shaking in orgasm, stomach muscles
tightening with each spasm. Danielle's own hand drifted
unconsciously to her soaked bush, gently massaging her
puffy, almost-sore labia. She marveled with strange
detachment at the quantity of spunk slowly trickling out
of her. Her stomach fluttered and she shook her head.
She didn't want to think about that right now. It was
time to leave, clear her head, and figure out what had

Hands grabbed her waist from behind and pulled her up
the partition till her ass hung over the edge. A cock
pushed up into her pussy from behind - thin but very
long. This one touched and tickled the very end of her
passage as it pushed all the way in. A hand snaked
around her waist and hip to quickly frig her slit and
clit, ignoring her own hands as they tried to pull it
away from her. The abrupt actions tore her from her
quiet musings.

The sensations were sharp, mechanical, impersonal, and
almost too rough, but they were at the same time
insistent, expert, and in the end, utterly effective.
Danielle's resolve to leave weakened as her hips began
to buck, and her trepidation rose again and then faded
as the overpowering sexual buzz returned to claim her.
In a few short minutes, Danielle came abruptly from the
manipulation, whining and gulping air as her hands
gripped the edge of the partition.

She then felt herself pulled further back so that only
her calves rested on the partition, the long cock still
buried in her shuddering pussy. Hands reached up from
under her and parted her legs as a studly, gorgeous guy
stood up in between them. She recognized him. It was her
tie-dye partner! - The one she had seemed to connect
with earlier. He was nearly naked now, clad only in
sneakers and tight underwear - also blazingly tie-dyed.

His balls and fully erect cock poked through the
underwear's crotch-hole, pointing at her, a bright
yellow and green explosion pattern framing the turgid
shaft. The two guys took hold of her by her waist and
under her arms. The unseen one behind her pulled out of
her cunt and sat down on something behind him - some
ledge or high chair.

The pair then lowered Danielle back onto his rod, the
blunt head nuzzling into and then penetrating her ass as
they pulled her down onto it. She gasped for breath, but
put up no resistance, staring deeply, lustily into her
reclaimed partner's eyes. She felt like part of the
music, like part of the dance floor, like part of the
two men. Like the sound, she was going to surround and
envelop them. It suddenly seemed only right.

They settled her ass fully onto the one cock, until she
was mostly sitting on the guy's lap. This one was much
deeper in her than the first cock in her rear had been.
It was momentarily uncomfortable, but she accommodated
more rapidly than she would have believed. The guy in
front took his cock in one fist, aimed it at Danielle's
spread, open pussy, and drove forward. She gasped as it
went in and in and in.

It was the biggest thing she had taken inside her so
far. It filled her completely - squeezing out her own
juices and those that had been deposited in her by
others, until it bumped into the end of her passage with
a thump she thought she could hear. Danielle's mind
finally shut down, banishing the echoes of alarm and
anxiety to a vanishing corner. Her body went completely
limp, and she gave herself totally to the sensation.

A combination of lifting, sinking, rolling movements
ensued, filling and emptying her entire body. The two
cocks plowed in and out of her - sometimes one out while
the other in, sometimes both filling her together making
her wince. Air was forced out of her lungs when both
their bodies slapped up against hers. Her rippling inner
muscles worked automatically, squeezing the intruders,
adding to her own pleasure.

The guy in her ass came in a few grinding minutes, and
Danielle moaned softly as the increasingly familiar
liquid feeling spread up her gut. After another minute,
her tie-dye stud pulled her up off that deflating cock
and more fully onto his own. Now she held onto him for
dear life. He cupped her buttocks in his strong hands
and danced away from their location, pumping her up and
down on his pole as he moved across the floor.

Danielle locked her legs around his waist and wrapped
her arms around his upper back. Sometimes he pushed
Danielle's body up and let gravity drag her hungry pussy
back down onto him, sometimes he changed his grip and
literally picked her up and shoved her down on his cock.
Each time the he bottomed out inside her, she let out a
little yelp. She nuzzled into his bare, smooth chest as
if to hide, the fucking overwhelming her once again. She
rose again and started cumming with continuous spastic
contractions - her cunt constricting around his shaft
over and over as she sank down on it again and again.

This time she couldn't seem to stop - her orgasm only
continued and intensified. Danielle sank deeper onto the
raging cock as she milked it, cumming and cumming with
the music, with the dance, with all the boys... The
penis felt like it was spearing up into her stomach, her
throat... She felt him swell and explode against the
entrance to her womb and still she came. The strobe
lights kicked on and everything dissolved into flashes.
His grip on her loosened and she fell back away from him
into a lightning storm...

Danielle's awareness surfaced sporadically from then

...Tongues licked all over her - up her twat, her ass,
on her breasts, in her mouth...

...A thin cock slid down her throat while the rigid pole
she sat on geysered up her ass...

...Fucked in front and back again, lying back on the one
in her ass (the same one?) while staring up at the
grinning Indian guy sliding in and out her pussy...

...Lying on blankets or clothes, the taste of a cum-
drenched pussy at her lips and female hands and mouth on
her pussy and clit while another rod fucked her...

...On hands and knees, two cocks slamming back and forth
in her mouth and pussy. One in, the other out, feeling
like they were connected completely through her. Back
and forth until the both shoved all the way in and
filled her belly with white froth...

...Every second was a blue-white haze, a driving beat,
and an interminable cum. Fuck by fuck, throb by throb,
the universe swirled and faded into a black-light


Danielle woke up sore and alone in a corner of the quiet
warehouse. It was a bright, late morning. An old coat
had been draped over her where she lay on the pile of
packing blankets. She looked around. There was no sign
remaining that there had ever been a rave in this place,
everything was taken down. The warehouse looked as
derelict as it ever had.

Danielle assessed her situation. Under the coat, she
found her clothing was still disheveled and pushed back
to expose everything. Her panties were missing and, she
presumed, unrecoverable. Though sweat- and cum-soaked,
her outfit was at least still in complete and reasonably
serviceable. Upon looking around, she found the place
nearly deserted. A few individuals were sacked out in
various corners, none of them the friends she came with.
She presumed they'd left without her.

Danielle collected herself, arranged her clothes as best
she could and walked gingerly, a bit bowlegged, towards
the one remaining porta-john. Her pussy and ass felt
sore, yet liquid, and she felt various fluids ooze
slowly out of her and down her thighs as she walked.
Thank goodness the lavatory was still relatively clean

It took her a while to clean up. Above the sink in the
warehouse wall, the warped mirror showed her makeup had
given up the ghost, but she did her best to remove the
worst of it. She headed for the exit, mind slowly
spinning. She wondered, among other things, how she'd
get home.

As she approached the open door, she saw a sleeping
couple off to one side, the small girl lay on top of a
massive black guy. A stained blanket had been thrown
over them, but it covered them poorly.

Danielle saw the girl's thin, shapely legs straddling
the prone man's trunk-like middle. Her pale, round rear-
end rested slightly upturned. Underneath, his cock - fat
and hard even in slumber - buried itself deep in her
stretched snatch. One of his hands rested possessively
on her blanketed back. Her head rested in the tight
curls of his chest hair, a small smile on her lips.

Danielle stopped - it was Riku. She was messy looking,
short hair matted with sweat and cum, makeup smeared.
Even so, she looked strangely pretty, sensual even,
Danielle thought. Had Riku found the room the same way
she had? Had she known about it all along and gone in
intentionally? Danielle wanted to ask her so many
things. Both Riku and her partner seemed to be in deep
sleep, and in the end Danielle couldn't bring herself to
wake her friend, much less ask her questions, just now.

She blinked in the brightness as she left the building.
She thought about how awful she must look in the light
of day. She didn't notice the bouncer-dockworker type
lounging near the entrance until he he'd walked right up
in front of her, holding out a plastic card with the
techno-symbol logo of the rave production company
printed on it.

"Free admission any time you want. Bring a friend or
three. There's a couple cabs around the corner two docks
up." He pointed it out to her. "You need fare?"

Danielle looked at him blankly for a moment before
putting meaning to the words. She remembered putting her
purse in Julia's trunk last night. She nodded. The man
handed her a folded up 20.

"Hellova show, missy. You come back, y'hear?" He smiled,
winked at her and strolled off.

Three cabs were waiting where he said they'd be.
Danielle fell into one, mumbled her address, and then
leaned back in the seat. She unfolded the 20 to pay, and
realized it was wrapped around more paper. Eyes wide,
she separated out a real one thousand-dollar bill - and
a short note on white paper.

"Great debut! We hope you will continue to party and
partner with us in the future. With your talent, the
mutual rewards will only increase." The note was signed
with a hand drawn version of the logo, below which were
a time and address in the warehouse district - next
week's rave.

Danielle headed home, still a little dazed, turning the
plastic card in her hand. She needed to talk to Riku.


Auntie and I

Jolly1 on Incest Stories

Auntie and I
By Jolly1

Chapter 1

It happened shortly after my twelfth birthday, my dad was in a car accident and mom was staying at the hospital with him. My father’s little sister was asked to stay with me until my dad got better. Dad had been in a coma since the accident and mom would not leave his side.

My aunt was just twelve years older than me and she was very sexy. She was a teacher at my school and all the boys had a crush on her. I had never been alone with her, but at all the family functions she always gave me a big hug. This was enough to give me an all day erection. She was blonde and had a nice set of tits, and curves in all the right places. She was the subject of many a wet dream and jack off sessions.

As the days went by my aunt May a

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nd I became closer and closer, she cooked for me and helped me with my homework. She became more casual around me and at night often watched TV with me in her night gown and robe. Truthfully I watched more aunt May than I did TV. To say she was a hot babe would be an understatement. When she leaned over I would catch a glimpse of her cleavage, when she crossed her legs I could see a little of her high thigh. I tried to hide the hard on she was always giving me. When she hugged and kissed me good night, I could smell her wonderful perfume.

I won’t bore you with all of the day to day details and get right to the point. One night when she went to kiss me goodnight the kiss changed form an aunt kissing her nephew to a more passionate kiss. It seem to go on for ever, and when it was over she was blushing red as a beet. Although I knew about sex, from the locker room talk, I did not understand the feelings rushing thru me at the time. I just knew I did not want it to end. It did end and aunt May went rushing to her room, as I slowly went to my room. As you can guess going to sleep was not possible, all of the new feeling and thoughts were racing thru my head. Lucky for me this was a Friday night and I had no school tomorrow morning so I could sleep in.

Sometime over in the morning as I lay staring at the bedroom ceiling the door slowly opened. Aunt May was standing at the door, guess she had trouble sleeping too. When she saw I was awake also, she came in and sat on the edge of my bed, and said she needed to talk to me. She told me that the goodnight kiss she had given me was not right. And when I asked her what was wrong with it she said it was not the kind of kiss an aunt should give her nephew. I told her that I liked it and could not see anything wrong with it, she let out a long sigh and tried to explain that it was more a kiss you would give a lover not a family member. I told her that it was ok that I did love her and thought the kiss was great. She smiled at me and told me she loved me too, but it was wrong of her to love me like that, and then she started to cry. I got out of bed and stood in front of her and hugged her to me, smoothing her hair and trying to comfort her. She wrapped her arms around me and cried against my chest for a few minutes.

When she stopped crying she looked up at me and I bent down and kissed the tears from her face. Thinking back I think that act of tenderness finally broke her resistance. She pulled me to her and gave me a tender kiss that turned into a kiss of passion. She pulled me onto the bed next to her, our bodies were against each other and it was then I realized that she had only a thin night gown on and I had on just my jockey shorts. Her body gave off incredible heat as she kissed me on the lips and all over my face. I knew she had to feel my hard on pressed against her; there was no way to hide it now.

Then I felt her hands running all over my body and stop at the tent in my jockey shorts. I almost came when I felt her hand grasp my cock and squeeze it. Her kisses became more intense and she was pushing her tongue into my mouth. She suddenly sat up and pulled her night gown over her head, god she was beautiful. She stood up and pulled off my jockey shorts and my cock stood saluting her at full attention. She got back on the bed and we started kissing again, she placed my hands on her bare breasts, this twelve year old boy was in heaven. She reached down between our bodies and began to slowly jack off my cock, and moved one of my hands down to her hot steaming pussy. She kept her hand on mine to guide it to the right places as I was quite inexperienced in the ways of pleasing a woman. After a while she pushed me onto my back and laid on top of me, kissing me all over the face an neck at first and then slowly working her way down my chest to the object of her desire. When her lips reached my cock it felt like a hot match had touched me there. She kissed it all over and worked her way down to my balls, then I felt her tongue gliding over my balls and she licked her way back up to the tip of my cock. I was trembling with the need for release and she seemed to sense this and grasped me firmly at the base of my cock. Then she slid her lips over the head of my cock and swirled her tongue around it. She then began to take more and more of my cock in her mouth until she had it all down her throat, like she was trying to swallow my dick. She slowly started bobbing her head up and down while moving her tongue around my dick; I withered on the bed in pure joy and pleasure. After a time she released the pressure on the base of my cock and I flooded her mouth with my cum and she greedily swallowed every drop.

Aunt May crawled up on the bed next to me and smiled at me, she asked me if I liked what she had done. I told her I loved it and kissed her with all of the love and affection that I felt. My hands moved to her large breasts as I kissed her lips and ears and neck. She guided me to her breasts which I started to kiss and suck like a baby that could not get enough milk. She pulled my face from her breast and asked me if I would lick her pussy, I told her I did not know how but she said she would teach me.

Aunt May spread her legs and let me get my first look at a real pussy, it was red and swollen and had just a wisp of hair above the slit. She took my hand and guided it to her protruding clit and told me to start licking her here. Her pussy had a musky smell but not bad at all so I proceeded to lick her clit. I must have been doing something right because she wrapped her legs around my head and ground her pussy into my face. My fingers started to explore my first pussy and I started moving my tongue up and down her slit. I noticed she was wet and getting wetter as I lapped up the sweet nectar she was giving me. My tongue found her hole and I pushed it in as deep as I could, aunt May was going wild and trying to squeeze my brains out with her legs. I moved my tongue back to her clit and stuck my finger into that hot hole, aunt May screamed and shuddered and then stiffened like a board, and rewarded me with a flood of new nectar.

When she released my head from the death lock she had it in with her legs, I gasps for breath as her juices ran down my face. I crawled up and lay in her arms and cuddled as close to her as I could. We lay like that for a while and she pushed me on my back again, I thought she was going to suck my cock again as it was rock hard again, but instead she straddled me, she smiled at me as she reached behind her and grasp my cock guiding it to her furness of love. I could not believe the sensation as my cock entered my first pussy. It was tight and wet and hot, as it slid down my cock. When she had it all, she stopped and smiled down at me, then gave her ass a little wiggle that sent shock waves up my spine.

As she slowly started to ride my cock she leaned down so that her breasts were brushing my lips. I took the hint and began to fondle and suck the hard nipples she had offered me. She rode me for what seemed like hours, every time I felt like I was going to cum she stopped and waited for it to pass, and then she would start again. I had never felt anything like this before as I humped back at her rising and falling pussy. Then she started to move faster and faster, my cock moving in her like a piston in a high performance engine, she was bucking and shaking her head from side to side, I grabbed her waist and tried to just hang on. I felt it coming from the soles of my feet, as she pounded me I was thrusting and shooting rope after rope of cum in her, and she was flooding my cock with her hot juices.

Aunt May collapsed on me and we rolled on our sides in a bear hug that we could not release, my hard cock still deep in her. Both our bodies wet with sweat, her hard nipples boring holes in my chest, we lay looking into each others eyes, knowing this was just the beginning.

End of Chapter 1

The snow storm

orchidspray on Incest Stories

All usual warnings apply here. This story is pure fiction, any resemblance to any persons real or otherwise is purely coincidental. If you are offended by stories involving sex, particularly incest, please hit back on your browser now.

The forecast had been right, it began to snow just in time for rush hour. Nobody was sure just how much snow was going to fall but all agreed that it would be a big storm. There was a chance of up to a foot of fresh snow on top of the four inches already on the ground.

Ruth was a nervous wreck driving home, she just absolutely hated driving in the snow. She was also worried about her son Jason. She knew he had to work at the gas station till 11:00 p.m. and she wished that somehow he could just get off work and head home. She kn

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ew his boss however, and he wouldn’t shut down the gas station for anything less than Armageddon.

Ruth is a young looking woman, easily mistaken for being in her mid thirties, ten years less than her actual age, which she wasn‘t about to reveal to anyone that didn‘t need to know. She is a natural redhead with big green eyes, has never had a problem with her weight, and her breasts which are 36C’s are still just as perky as they were when she was a teen.

Ruth has been divorced for a couple of years now. After a failed marriage and a couple of lousy relationships, she currently has resigned herself to being single and enjoying it. It’s not that she wouldn’t like to have a man n her life, but she has decided she’d rather be alone than be with the wrong guy. She could always rely on her battery operated friend to take care of her physical needs anyhow.

The drive home from work usually takes Ruth about half an hour, but the way the snow was coming down, it turned into an hour and fifteen minute drive. By the time she hit town, she was exhausted. She decided to stop by the station where Jason works to pick up bread and milk before going the rest of the way home. That way she could at least check on him and make sure everything what alright.

Jason is what you’d commonly refer to as a good kid. He goes to school full time and works part time to help his Mom pay for it. He’s a good looking young man, never overbearing, and always willing to lend a hand to someone in need. Ruth has always been very proud of him, and she’s always had every right to be.

When he saw her pull into the station he felt relief, he had been trying to call her at the house just to make sure she got home alright and was starting to get quite worried. At least now he could stop worrying and concentrate on his job. He reminded her he’d be working till 11:00 and promised to come straight home after work. You know how mothers worry, but the drive home from the station is only a couple of miles.

By the time Ruth finally made it home, there were almost six fresh inches of snow on the ground. She gave the sidewalk a quick sweeping and finally went inside. She had to call both her Mom and her sister to let them know she’d made it home in one piece and decided to take a nice long hot bath to relax.

She had a nice long soak in the tub then fixed herself some dinner making sure to fix enough for Jason to heat up when he got home. She had barely finished eating when the power went off. The house was pitch black but luckily for her, she loves candles so she was able to quickly get at least a small amount of light. She thought that perhaps she should check the breakers until she looked out the window and saw that the power was off all over the neighborhood. “Oh great!” She thought, “The snow must have knocked down some wires.

Ruth knew there wasn’t a thing she could do but wait for the power to come back on. She resigned herself to the fact that this was going to be a very boring evening. She soon nodded off and was awaked by Jason coming in the door. As she looked at her watch and saw it was only 10:00 she started to worry.

“What’s wrong Jason? Why are you home so early?” she quickly asked.

“Nothings wrong Mom” he answered, “The power is just out, can’t pump any gas without electricity.” he added.

Without any power Ruth was unaware that nearly the entire county was without electricity. The snow storm was bad, roads were being closed, power was out, there was nearly a foot of snow already, and it wasn’t showing any signs of slowing down.

Ruth got up and heated up the supper she’d left for Jason, “At least we have a gas stove.” she thought. She couldn’t help but notice that the house was already getting a little chilly. She hadn’t thought of it till then, but quickly realized it was probably going to be a very cold night. She knew there was no use in complaining, they’d just have to make the best of a bad situation.

After chatting with Jason for a few minutes Ruth decided she might as well just go to bed. She put on a nice warm sweat suit and crawled under her blankets. Despite the cold and worrying about waking up on time for work in the morning, she quickly drifted off into a nice deep sleep.

Ruth had no way of knowing what time it was, but she was awakened awhile later by Jason. He was gently shaking her shoulder and saying “Mom, wake up, it’s really cold in here! It’s so cold I think we could freeze to death in here!”

Ruth felt immediately how cold it had become. To think they’d freeze to death was probably a bit extreme, but it was very cold indeed. She knew however, there wasn’t much they could do about it. “go get the comforter off of your bed and put it on top of my blankets, then get under here with me” she said. Then adding, “The only thing I can think of is that we’ll just have to share our body heat.”

Jason wasn’t about to argue with her, he went and got the comforter, put it atop her blankets, and snuggled up to her as quickly as he could. The were both shivering at first so they snuggled up close and it worked. Sharing their body heat under the blankets made them comfortable enough to drop off into dream land. The rest of the night passed without incident.

When Ruth awoke the next morning, it was with a start. She was laying on her side and Jason was snuggled up close to her. His arm was around her and his hand was cupping her breast. She could here tell by the way he breathing that clearly he was sound asleep. So she gently took his hand and pushed it way from her boob. She then reached for her watch and got another start, it was a half an hour past her starting time at work.

She quickly jumped out of bed and the stark reality of the power still being off hit her like a slap in the face. The house was absolutely freezing and one quick look out the window told her she wasn’t going anywhere. The snow plow hadn’t come anywhere close to their street yet. She quickly grabbed her cell phone to call the office to let them know. She was relieved in a way when a security guard answered and told her that the building was shut down for at least the day. It seems the storm had dumped so much snow that there was a state of emergency and nobody was going anywhere.

It was so chilly that she felt her best option now was to heat some water on the stove for some coffee and get back in bed while she waited for it. Jason was still sound asleep laying on his back. She snuggled up close to him to warm up and put her arm around him.

Ruth felt a bit strange being snuggled that close to Jason, especially after waking to find his hand cupping her breast, but she was too cold not to. As she waited for her water to boil she thought it over and realized that in his sleep, Jason was merely looking for warmth, she assured herself it had to be something unconscious that he wasn’t even aware of.

When she heard the kettle whistle, she quickly got out of bed, fixed herself a cup of coffee, and got back into bed. A couple of minutes out of bed told her exactly where she was going to stay until the heat came back on. Right there under the covers.

“Oh God it’s still cold in here!” Jason said as he awoke making Ruth laugh.

“Just stop whining mister!” she said to him. Adding, “We’re going to be stuck in this bed till the power comes back on and I’m not sharing my bed with a crybaby!” then she told him, “If you have to pee, go, and if you want some coffee the water is still hot, I just boiled it, if you’re getting out of this bed fine, but hurry up and get your butt back into it and keep me warm!”

“Now look who’s whining.” Jason replied sarcastically and crawled out of bed to take a leak. “brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!” He too felt like the cold slapped him in the face the moment he stepped out from under the covers.

He hurried to pee, then grabbed a quick cup of coffee. He couldn’t wait to feel the warmth of the blankets again. He snuggled up close again to his Mom and she wrapped her arm around him. She had her head on his shoulder and absentmindedly put her hand under his sweatshirt and was caressing his chest. It felt warm and she saw no harm in what her hand was doing.

They weren’t saying much, just enjoying the warmth and as Ruth’s hand continued to caress Jason’s chest, he slid his hand under her shirt and caressed her lower back. This went on for quite awhile, neither saying a word.

After awhile, Jason began to become aroused and he prayed his Mom wouldn’t notice. He didn’t ant to get turned on, but he was. He didn’t help his own situation though when he slid his hand into his Mom’s sweat pants and started to caress her panty clad ass. He had done it so slowly that until his hand covered her ass she hadn’t really even noticed it.

They lay like that for a long time, neither saying a word. Ruth was lost in thoughts of how nice Jason’s hand felt upon her ass and he was thinking how nice her touch upon his chest was. As they continued to caress one another many thoughts ran through their minds. Many of them they tried to block out. There had never been ay sexual tension between the two before but there was a definite tension growing now.

Jason had an erection and it mortified him. He could only imagine how bad his mother would freak out if she knew. He tried to think of anything he could that would make it go away, but it just wouldn’t. he even removed her hand from Ruth’s bottom, but it didn’t help and his hand would absentmindedly slide back every time he removed it.

Ruth meanwhile had become aware of Jason’s arousal. As she had caressed his chest and stomach her arm had hit a certain lump a couple of times. She wasn’t sure what to think about it. She understood that a young man holding a woman would become aroused, even took it as a compliment, but was a bit embarrassed to be holding him in that state. She didn’t notice however that as if of a mind of its own, her hand kept getting closer and closer to the top of Jason’s sweat pants until it made contact with the hem line. She didn’t go beyond that, but the thought crossed her mind.

The silence between them continued for quite some time, until finally there was a noise that brought them both back to their senses. The ringing of a cell phone. Jason hopped out of bed to get it and for a moment Ruth caught a glimpse of the rather large tent in front of his sweats. She tried not to think about it, but at the time there wasn’t much else to think about.

Jason brought the phone into the room and handed it to his Mom. It was her sister Elaine calling to see if they were making out alright. She had been able to find out that there were telephone poles down all over the area and it might be a couple of more days before anyone had power. When Ruth told her that Jason her she were snuggling together to keep warm, Elaine actually told her she was jealous.

“I wish it was me that got to spend quality time in bed with that gorgeous boy!” she said.

“Stop being a sicko!” Ruth then scolded her.

“Oh you know I’m just teasing” her sister assured her, but adding, “But don’t do anything with him that I wouldn’t do.”

When Ruth hung up the phone she tried to get her mind off of such thoughts. There was no way she was sexually attracted to Jason and he certainly wasn’t attracted to her. She assured herself that his arousal was simply a guy being a guy. Rubbing against a woman’s body will do that to a guy she thought.

She told Jason that she was getting hungry and went into the kitchen. She started the stove up thinking something hot would feel good to them and it’d heat the place up a little. This a least got her mind off of sex for awhile. What she had no way of knowing of course was that Jason was trying his best to get his mind off of it too.

By the time the meal had cooked and was eaten, the kitchen began to cool off again. Ruth crawled back into bed before he chill set in but Jason stayed out in the kitchen to call a couple of friends on the cell. By the time he finally crawled back into bed he was freezing.

Ruth was laying on her side and he snuggled up to her spooning as close to her as he could get. He was so cold his entire body was shivering.

“Oh you poor boy,” Ruth said,” hold me close and I’ll warm you up.”

A few minutes of holding his Mom did the trick. He was finally getting warm again. His body responded by becoming aroused again though. He got a hard on and this time there was no hiding it. It was pressing right against Ruth’s body. He was mortified but she didn’t say a word about it.

Ruth was also mortified, but she didn’t think saying anything about it would help. She didn’t want him to think she was bothered by it. She knew he couldn’t help it. She also didn’t want him to be embarrassed. It just happened. So she said nothing all the while finding herself actually enjoying the feel of it pressing against her.

Jason found himself wanting to grind against his Mom but knew he couldn’t. he held her very close with his arm just under her breasts and wanted so badly to touch them. He didn’t dare do it though. He had tried to get his mind off of sex but just couldn’t. now it’s all he could think of.

Neither knew that the other was thinking the same thoughts. They each were just becoming growingly more frustrated by trying not to think such things. It got to a point where you could almost cut the sexual tension between them with a knife. Jason couldn’t stand it anymore and rolled over flat onto his back and let out a deep sigh.

Ruth quickly rolled over and asked, “What’s wrong Honey? Is something bothering you?” A stupid question no doubt, but it was the first thing that had popped into her mind to say.

“No, I’m ok Mom, I just needed to shift, I was getting a cramp.” Jason replied. He couldn’t’ tell her what was wrong but they both knew. He wanted to so badly, and had no idea that she had also reached a boiling point and almost wished he’d tell her.

When Jason he rolled over Ruth had turned so that she was facing him. Having felt his erection pressing into her for so long had made her so wet she couldn’t stand it. She put her hand on his chest just as she had before but this time she couldn’t seem to control herself. She looked him right in the eyes and said, “If you tell anyone about this I will kill you.” and with that she slid her hand down his belly, under his sweat pants, and grasped his hard cock.

She was trying to tell herself she’d just stroke his cock, give him the badly needed release he needed but she couldn’t stop herself. She kissed him on he lips and then started working down his chest, his stomach, and then pushing his sweats down, she began to kiss his engorged seven inch cock.

“Oh God Mom, I love you!” exclaimed Jason, “I’ve been thinking about you all day, I didn’t think you want to do this!”

With that she told him to just shut up and started licking his shaft. She licked from the head down to his balls, taking time to kiss and lick his entire ball sack. She then licked her way back up his shaft and then opened wide and swallowed his cock. She was loving every minute of this as much as he was.

After several minutes of Ruth giving him head he knew he was getting close to exploding. “Mom! Mom! You’ve got to slow down! I’m going to cum soon if you don’t!” he said with urgency.

Ruth quickly took her mouth off his hard cock and told him to help her get her sweat pants off. This took a few moments with them trying to stay under the blankets and it was just the break Jason needed. Once her bottom was off she straddled his face and lowered her pussy to his mouth and resumed sucking his cock.

They licked and sucked one another in a frenzy. Ruth came the moment Jason touched her clit with his tongue and didn’t slow down a beat. She gave him a wondrous dose of her love juices and sucked all the more so she’d get a dose of his.

Just as Ruth was about to experience her second orgasm Jason’s cock swelled in her mouth and she felt it begin to pulsate. They filled each other’s mouth’s with sweet creamy love juices. It was a moment neither ever wanted to end but like all good things it had to.

Ruth curled back into Jason’s arms and gave him a huge kiss. It was like no other kiss they’d ever shared before, but was only the first of many to come. They shared the juices that were in their respective mouths as they did.

As they kissed as lovers for the first time, suddenly the power came back on. Ruth laughed and told Jason, “Hurry up and go shut out the lights honey, then get your ass back into this bed, Momma needs fucked and she needs fucked right now!”



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Bus Trip

BlackSnake on Incest Stories

When Michael and Nancy arrive at the old High School to get on the charter bus, they found out along with the other thirty-eight people that the bus line had over book. The small crowd was furious. They had paid a lot of money for the four-day stay at the resort and their reservations were non-refundable. “We’re getting on that ga-damn bus!” one of the men in the crowd shouted at the bus driver backed up by others in the crowd. “Ok, but it’s going to be crowded with all your luggage. It’s your choice, but I don’t want to hear anyone moaning about how uncomfortable they are,” the bus driver said standing aside and letting the people file onto the bus. Michael found a seat all the way in the back, but there was no room for their luggage. Ev
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eryone was making do with what they had. Some people sat on their luggage, others jammed their luggage on the floorboard in front of their seats and sat with their knees up to their chest. Nancy looked around at the possibilities. “Michael, I think that we would be more comfortable if we stacked the luggage in one seat and I sat in your lap. That way we could at least stretch our legs.” Michael sat in the seat next to the window and stacked his suitcase and one of his mother’s in the seat next to him. Nancy stacked two of the others on top of the ones on the seat with the pillows and blankets drug the other one in front of seat as she backed in stepping on the seat between Michael’s legs pushing her ass against his face. Nancy wore a short mini-skirt and a thong, loving the attention she got from showing off her long legs. “Don’t fart, don’t fart,” Michael said finding his face smashed between his mother’s butt-cheeks. Nancy looked back and chuckled. “Sorry, honey,” she said getting the suitcases turned on their sides and boxing them in the one seat next to the window. Michael held on to his mothers hips as her butt slid down his chest to his lap. Michael had to spread his legs to allow room for his mother’s legs. Nancy pulled the pillows and blankets in front of her, so that she could lean against the back of the seat in front of them. The bus took off they were completely ready causing Michael to grunt as the bus bounced on the potholes. Everyone struggled to hold onto their luggage as the bus made its way off the gravel lot onto the street. “Are you ok?” Nancy asked her son hearing his grunts as they were tossed around by the bus. “Yeah,” Michael moaned. The bus bounced again causing Nancy to slid up on Michael’s stomach and back down as the luggage shift. Nancy felt the Velcro crotch of her thong release and the head of her son’s cock part her pussy lips. Michael wasn’t wearing underwear under his loose sweat shorts. Nancy looked back over her should quickly at her shocked wide-eyed son. Nancy tried to get up, but the bus bounced again and Michael’s hardening cock penetrated her cunt. Nancy tried again as the bus continued to bounce causing her to slid up and down on her son cock. “Mom, mom stop,” Michael whispered. “You’re making it worse.” “Michael, it’s inside of me,” she whispered back to him. “Maybe if you stop bouncing around, it will go down and slip out,” he whispered. The bus continued to bounce and Nancy put her face into the pillow. Her little outfit had finally gotten her into trouble. To make matters worse, she could feel her son’s cock continuing to grow inside of her. “It’s not going down,” she whispered back to him. “I can’t help it,” Michael responded back. The constant bouncing of the bus aid the feel of his mother’s hot pussy around his cock. Nancy moved her hips from side to side in hopes that it would slip out that way. “What are you doing,” Michael whispered trying to fight the temptation that was at hand. “I’m trying to get it out,” she whispered back to him. “You’re making me harder,” he protested. “Just try to be still.” Nancy started to tremble as she tried to fight the mounting pleasure caused by her son’s cock. She buried her face in the pillow as the bus bounced just enough to stimulate her. Nancy looked back at Michael and their eyes met. “I’m so sorry, honey,” she whispered. “These bumps aren’t helping any,” he whispered. “I’m trying to block out the feeling, but I can’t.” “I can’t either,” she said. “We might as well make the best of it,” he whispered. “What do you mean, make the best of it,” Nancy whispered harshly. “It’s not like we’re doing it on purpose.” “I know that,” she said. “…but how can we make the best of it?” “I was thinking that if I came, then it might slip out,” he said. “Michael, no,” she said trying to keep her voice down. “I’m ovulating. I’m not on the pill or anything. I could get pregnant.” “Ok, I’ll try not to cum,” Michael said. “Try hard,” she said harshly. Michael turned his head to look out the window in order to keep his mind off the feel of his mother’s pussy. Nancy wasn’t naive. She knew that men couldn’t hold out forever, and it was a four-hour straight bus trip. The bus hit a patch of choppy roadway and the bus vibrated. Nancy clinched her teeth into the pillow as her son’s cock jittered inside of her. She felt it building, she knew it was happening, she tried to fight it, but it erupted sending shivers down her spine. She wanted to cry. She knew that she should have thought better than to suggest sitting in her son’s lap in the first place, but it was to late. She didn’t think of Michael as a man, but only as her son. Michael closed his eyes tight and pressed his lips together. Sweat began to be bead on his forehead. Nancy looked back at her son as she felt his body twitching. Michael opened his eyes in desperation as to look to her for help. Nancy closed her eyes and put her face back into the pillow as she felt his cum shooting into her fertile cunt. The bus continued to bounce down the road. Nancy tried to imagine what she would do if she were to become pregnant by her son as his cock continued to move inside her pussy. She hoped that Michael was right, and his cock would shrink and slip out, but she felt no signs of it getting smaller. Instead, it felt as if his cock was actually getting larger. “It’s not working,” Nancy whispered back to her sweating son. “I know. I can’t help it,” Michael replied. The bus hit a couple of big bumps causing the head of Michael’s cock to rub against her special spot. Nancy moaned out loud. It was luck that other’s on the bus expelled their surprise to the bumps at the same time. Nancy held onto the pillow as the bus hit another rough patch in the road causing Michael’s cock to vibrate inside of her. She was loosing it fast. Her uncontrollable needs were taking over her whole body. Michael remembered the time when his mother had caught him jerking off while spying on her. She had punished him severely, and had never thought of her sexually again. Now, his cock was buried deeply inside of where he had once dreamed of being moving at the will of the bus. Nancy was lost and her pussy felt sore as more than an hour had passed, and she had cum three times on her son’s hard cock. She felt like his cock would never go down. She felt so guilty. It crossed her mind that maybe he was enjoying it. She remember seeing his reflection in her bedroom mirror stroking his cock with fury as she bent over with her naked ass to him painting her toes after her shower. She recalled how she scowled him and grounded him for months with the hardest chores she could come up with. Now, she was getting forbidden pleasure from his cock, and it was all her fault. She thought, if she was to become pregnant then that would be a just punishment for her being so reckless. Nancy whimpered into the pillow as the miles went by and one orgasm after another washed over her entire body. Michael’s cock stayed hard by the constant sensation of his mother’s cunt. Nancy had all but passed out when the bus finally turned off the highway. They jawing of the bus as it went around sharp curves made her alert to just how hard her son’s cock continued to be. “Wait until everyone get off the bus,” Nancy whispered to Michael as the bus pulled into the hotel. Michael grunted as his cock exploded inside his mother for only the second time during the entire four-hour trip. Nancy felt it and realized that he had truly been trying not to cum inside of her. His cock began to shrink and it slipped from her soaked pussy as the bus jerked to a stop. She saw that he was worn completely out. Nancy remained still until the others had exited the bus with all their luggage. She pushed their luggage off the seat into the isle. She continued pushing them until she was able to climb off her son’s lap and get to the isle. She pulled the thong off from under her skirt and tossed it under one of the seats. She quickly ruslted through her bags and pulled out a pair of jeans and slipped them on. She then took off the little mini-skirt and tossed it under the seat as well. Michael looked like he could barely move. The top of his shorts and the bottom front of his t-shirt were soaked with their sex. Nancy found another pair of shorts in his bag for him. “Com’on honey,” Nancy whispered. “We have to hurry before someone comes. Michael managed to get into the fresh pair of gym shorts before the driver re-boarded the bus. “Is everything alright?” the bus driver asked. “We’re fine, thank you,” Nancy replied fighting the pain between her thighs as she struggled with the luggage. Luckily, there was a bellhop waiting outside the bus to help them with the luggage. Nancy managed to get them checked in before Michael fell over. When they got to the room, Nancy rolled her eyes. There was one twin bed and the only privacy was the short wall that divided the toilet from the sink. Michael fell on the bed and was snoring in minutes. Nancy got in the shower and wanted to scream when she found that the only thing she had to dry off with was a hand towel. She started laughing when she looked through her bags and remembered that she had packed nothing to sleep in nor a single pair of panties. Nancy figured that it must have been karma for loose ways. She riley ever wore panties and always slept nude. She had been mainly a tease, and only on occasion actually slept with a man. Nancy sat gingerly on the bed next to her sleeping son. She recalled his face in the mirror and began to realize that she had caused him to lust after her. Her door had been open, she slept nude on top of her covers many nights, and she thought she must have exposed herself to him daily without a thought. It was karma, she thought as she lay on her side facing her son and drifted off to sleep. Nancy woke to find her Michael naked against her from the back, one of his hands cupping her tit, and his hard-on pressed between her naked butt-cheeks. She knew he also like sleeping naked. He must have taken his clothes off during the night. She raised her hand to his and he gently squeezed her tits and pressed himself tighter against her on the small bed. Nancy wished that she could have taken back all the years of her selfishness, but she knew that was the one thing that she couldn’t do. She knew how men reacted to her seductive outfits, but could only imagine how her son must have been feeling with her constant exposure. She realized that he couldn’t help himself, being inside of her. She felt so selfish knowing that she allowed herself to enjoy the feel of his cock, when she knew that he was trying desperately to control himself. He should have enjoyed himself, she thought angry. He deserved to enjoy fucking her. It was her fault, not his. She squeezed his hand on tit making up her mind that she would allow him to enjoy fucking her even if she might end up pregnant. Nancy rolled over rolling him onto his back and stretched her leg across his body as he slowly woke. She leaned down and kissed his chest and brought her knees up as she grabbed hold of his hard cock. “Ma…” Michael started to speak. “Shsss…,” she hushed him putting her hand to his lips. “You deserve this.” She guided the head of his cock into her still sore pussy as she lowered down on it. Michael looked up at his mother’s tits hanging over his face. Nancy smiled at him and lowered one of her nipples into his mouth. Michael’s hands slid up her thighs to her hips and pulled her down on his cock as he pushed up into her. “Cum in me, baby,” she whispered to him. Michael pumped his cock faster until he exploded inside of his mother’s pussy. Nancy came down on him laying her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. “I’m so sorry, baby,” Nancy whispered. “For what?” Michael asked. “For being so selfish…walking around flaunting myself in front of you and expecting you not to be turned on by that,” Nancy said. “I punished you before, for doing something you had every right to do.” She rose feeling his cock move inside of her. “Yesterday taught me a lesson, but I had no right to expect you not to enjoy it.” “I didn’t enjoy it,” Michael said. “I couldn’t help it.” “I know,” Nancy said. “…but I shouldn’t have asked you not to cum.” “Not wanting to get pregnant is a good reason,” Michael replied. “I deserve to get pregnant,” Nancy said. “I was my fault we ended up in that position.” “It was an accident,” Michael said. “A weird accident, but neither one of us planned it.” “Maybe so, but I realized something very important yesterday,” Nancy said. “I’d been wrong in the way I’ve treated you all these years and I’m going to try and make it up to you.” Michael looked at his mother’s tits. They hung down to the top of her stomach and the nipples pointed slightly outward. Nancy took his hands and placed them on her tits. “If you want to touch them, you can touch them anytime you like,” she said squeezing his fingers on her tits. “I realize now that I have been teasing you for a long time. You deserve to have sex with me anytime you want.” “Mom, we would be having sex all the time,” Michael said trying to lighten her mood. “If that’s what you want,” Nancy said moving her hips as she felt him pushing his cock into her again.