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AASD22 Member Since October 19, 2009

Daddy and Mummy educate me.

Meggsy on Incest Stories

One night I was in my room and I got the urge to masturbate. I was supposed to be doing home work but I got onto the internet and had a look at a couple of sites that had people having sex on them.
I watched for a while and then fingered myself off. It was quite good watching a girl get fucked by a guy and masturbating at the same time and when she started to cum I got excited and I came at the same time as her. It was really good, and I spent a bit more time afterwards surfing the sex sites and saw a lot of girls cock sucking and I watched them doing it so I would know what to do when the time came for me to do it to a boy. Some of the girls at school have already sucked
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boys off and talked about having cum in their mouths and it always made me wet when they told me about what they did. They also told me what they let the boys do to them.
I was dieing for a boy to ask me out and want to do things like that with me. I had let a couple of boys fuck me at a party almost a year ago. I was with a few other girls and we all did it with them. It was my first time but they had done it before. I didn’t want to be a party pooper so I agreed I would let them. I liked it, but I didn’t get to cum because they all came before me.  The problem was one of the girls who did it with us got pregnant and everybody knew about it. Fortunately nobody talked about the rest of us doing it too. I was safe as my period arrived a few days after we did it. I was shit scarred it could have happened to me so I have not had sex since with a boy.

I began to spend more time looking at sex sites and masturbating a lot and imagining myself getting fucked and sucking boys cocks– it was cool and I fingered myself a lot.

One afternoon I came home and my mother and father were there and apparently waiting for me.

I could tell something was wrong and they told me they had found I had been looking at sex sites – evidently my father looked up what I had been doing each night on the computer and showed my mother. I imagined I was in deep shit.

They started to ask me about what I looked at and what I saw and if it made me get excited. I said it was obvious that they had seen what I was doing and yes it did make me excited and yes I did masturbate. There was no way I could say it didn't, seeing that I had spent so much time looking at so many different sites.

My mother then began to ask me about boys. She knew I had been out with a few. She asked what they did and what they tried to do with me, and if I had any sexual relationships with them.

I only referred to the boys she knew about and not the night I had done it with the others, and told them they had tried to touch me and feel me through my clothes as some had done but I had never let them touch me under my clothes.

My dad started to ask me if I like what they did and I said I did but I didn't go any further. He asked if other girls had let boys go further. I said I wasn’t sure but some of the boys said told me some of the other girls had let them touch them, and why wouldnt I let them feel me.

He began telling me it was ok to let them go so far but no further, and had I ever seen a boys penis. I said I had but it was at a party when they skinny dipped one night. Mum asked me had I ever touched a boy there I said no, but I had played with the boys cocks who fucked us. 

I must have blushed because I had and she noticed me blushing and said I must have for me to react like that.

The two of them then started to talk to me as if I had had sex and they had obviously not believed me.

My father asked me if they were circumcised. I said what is that.

My mother then said – show her - and my father began to take his pants off. I was shocked.

I said what are you doing?  She said we know you have been telling us lies – we know you have been with boys. There is nothing wrong with that, it is we both want you to understand what having sex is all about. I said I am not old enough yet, I was so embarrassed.

By now my dad had his pants down and I could see his cock in his underpants and was fairly firm.

Now he said have a good look at me. I am circumcised and he took his shirt off and then his underpants and he was there naked in front of me with a hard-on sticking up.

I said this is so crude – cover it up.

My mom said no – we want you to understand what boys are like and what they are all trying to do to girls. We don't want you getting pregnant like that friend of yours – you must have known what she did to get pregnant.

I knew and she knew it - I said well I have heard she had sex with a boy and that makes you pregnant.

She said not every time, you were lucky.

I said what do you mean – and she said we know three boys have had sex with you.

My father was now standing there holding his cock and he had pulled the skin back to cover the top of his cock, now that's what a boy who is not circumcised looks like.

Then he released the skin and the top popped out again. He said see how there is no skin over the top of my cock now, well an uncircumcised boy has skin over it when its soft and some do even when its hard. I knew what he meant all the boys who fucked us had skin over the top when they were soft but it stuck out when they were hard.

He came to me and said - Here feel it and see what it feels like – I said no- this is revolting.

My mother came to me and held me and said look its for you we are doing this we want you to know and understand about boys and how to handle them when they ask for sex. We have decide you are old enough to be sex educated and we would prefer you to find out from us and not just let boys tell you.

Now she said I am going to undress myself and we will both show you what you need to know – we know you know about masturbating and we know you have had sex but we don't think you know enough to be safe We want you to be able to handle boys who get a bit heavy with you and try and talk you into having sex.

I stood there in disbelief as my mother undressed herself and stood there stark naked. I had never seen her completely naked before and she had no hair around her vagina. She saw me looking at her bare skin and said – I think you might like being like me – you look so much nicer with out any hair there. Dad and I will shave it off for you so you can be like most other girls. I said I have no idea what other girls do – but I did, a lot of girls at school had shaved their hair off or had cut it back to look different. I had occasionally wondered what I would look like if I cut mine but my mother often saw me naked when I was having a shower or getting changed. I never knew she was planning for me to look like her.

I said nothing.

Now she said seeing we are both like this I think it would be a good idea if you too  undressed and we can all be open and have nothing to hide.

I said no way - but my mom came to me and cuddled me and began to coerce me into it by saying there is nothing wrong with being naked particularly with us – it may be different with boys but we are not like boys. She was so reassuring and wanted me to undress and be with them naked. It was just the three of us – family and we have nothing to hide from each other.

I don't know why I did it but I felt so embarrassed as I removed my top and dress and stood there with my bra and pants on.

Then my dad said ok now the bra and I reluctantly undid my clip and exposed my breasts but as he looked I put my arm over them.

My mom said there I told you she had beautiful breasts, I just wish mine had the firmness and uplift she has. She said take your arm down and show us how beautiful you look. I did but felt so embarrassed.

Then my mom came over and said now lets slip these off and began to pull my pants down. I tried to stop her but it was to no avail, she had them down to my ankles in a moment and I stepped out of them and covered my hairy patch with my hand again.

My dad said you really are beautiful – I can see why boys want to fuck you. I was shocked – he said fuck, I had never heard him say that before.

Before I knew it he had one arm around me holding me captive and his other hand went to my breast and fondled one then the other. They are beautiful he said – feel your mothers they are not as firm as yours. My mother took my hand as I was not going to do it voluntarily and she put it onto her breast and said see how much nicer yours are and she then played with one nipple while my father played with the other.

My brain was saying this is ‘wrong’ but my body was saying ‘I like it’. I stood there and didnt make a move while the two of them fondled me and my father put his hand down to my vagina and rubbed his fingers through my hair. He said – this will have to go – you will feel much better with out it – like our mother does.

He then let his finger slip into my crack and said see you are enjoying this - you are nice and wet already. Show me that beautiful vagina. I didn't move and he knelt in front of me and more or less pushed my legs open and looked at my cunt. I couldn’t believe it when he put his head forward and kissed me there. I pulled back as he did it, and he said that's the girl play a bit hard to get, men love that. The two of them were holding and cuddling me and I could feel my fathers hard cock against me a few times. He kissed me gently a few times but never tried to kiss me on the lips.

Then he said now – we will show you just how to make love - and he took my hand and led me out of the room and to their bedroom. My mother followed and said this is the for you to watch – we wont involve you just yet. You can see how we do this and later on you can try it.

My father shut and locked the door – there was no way out and as he did that my mother positioned herself on the bed and it was obvious they were going to have sex together and I was going to be made watch them.

My father then joined my mother on the bed and he said how are you wet enough? or do you want some jelly.

She said no I am fine – come on I can hardly wait – I have been aching for this for about half and hour.

My father then positioned his cock at the lips of my mother and began to insert his cock into her. They had forgotten me it seemed but it was not so.,

Now he said watch as your mother and I make love together – it is love and nothing else.

He had his cock deep inside her now and he began to fuck her. I had seen it before on the internet but I had never seen two people actually having sex. He turned to me and said you can finger yourself if you wish, it is ok with us.

I said I just want to be sick, I cant believe this is happening. My mom laughed and she said I can and it feels wonderful. Wait until it is happening to you.

I said never.

My dad said I think we should both show her now what being made love to is like and he withdrew his cock and said now this is going to make you as happy as your mom.

I said no way – This is wrong – this is incest and that's wrong.

My mom was off the bed and I was heading for the locked door and she grabbed me from behind and wrapped her arm around me and held my breasts.

Now then she said it wont be that bad, your father is kind and gentle when he makes love and  it wont be like those boys who did it to you before.

I said he will kill me with that, referring to his cock.

Then she said come here and just look at it and feel it. It isn’t that hard and it doesn't hurt at all she said. If you have already had sex you will know. Then my Dad said when they did it the first time did you bleed and I said a little- then my mom said did you climax.

I said no, they came before I got that far.

Did you take any precautions with them she said – I said I had no idea what was happening so I didn't. Pity your friend didn't – she got pregnant – and so could you had it been the right time of the month.

I said I learned that later.

My mom said - now tell me truthfully - do you masturbate three or four times a week. I said at least twice and sometimes three times. 

How often do you have an orgasm – I said every time – that's why I do it.

By now I was slightly more relaxed, in my mothers arms and I was talking about myself, somehow I seemed not to be so embarrassed. I was naked with my parents and I had seen my father and mother having sex. They were talking to me about my earlier experiences and I gather that's what they wanted to know.

Then my dad said I think we had better get started I am losing this erection.

I looked at my mom and said – what does he mean –

She said the three of us are going to have sex together – as a family.

I said I don't believe this – don't I have any say.

My father said actually NO.

Your mother and I have discussed it and we have decided that we are going to be a family in every sense of the word.

I said you cant – its illegal.

He said I can and I will and you will not say a word about it outside this house.

Now come here and let me show me how much better having sex with me is than with those boys of yours.

My mom who was still holding me directed me toward the bed and said just do as we say and you will actually enjoy it after a minute, I can assure you that you won’t want anybody else after you two have made love together.  

My mother lay me on the bed and when I looked down my father was there at the end of the bed but his cock was hanging down.

Shit he said I have lost it. You will have to help me out.

My mother went to him and she bent down in front of him and took his cock in her mouth and sucked on him for a minute and she said there you are – its all ready for her.

He had his erection back and I knew he was going to use it in me. I shuddered not realizing it was nerves.

My mom came to the side of the bed and held my hand – it will be fine she said you will enjoy it – he is a very good lover.

He got between my legs and I  opened them and lifted my legs back to give him access to me.

He said now look at that she know exactly what to do – are you sure you have only done this once.

I said yes, it’s the way I have seen girls on the internet do it.

He said this will be better than any of the girls you watched there he said. Now are you ready and my mom said she looks radiant, she is beautiful, this will make her a real woman.

It was then I realized he had no condom on – I said stop, you haven't got a condom on I don't want to get pregnant.

He laughed and said its ok I have had an operation to stop me getting your mother pregnant again – I cant get anybody pregnant now.

My mom said its true – he had an operation to stop it and we have been having sex for 18 years now and I have never been pregnant since you, and we have sex about 4 times week,

I said four times a week – that's gross. She said no I would have it every day some times. I think you will too after this.

He was now ready to penetrate me – my own father was ready to fuck me and my mother was a party to the incestuous relationship we were to participate in. My own father fucking me.

He put his cock head against the lips of my vagina and said are you ready and I nodded, if it hurts tell me and I will stop until you get accustomed to me being inside you.

He pushed further and I could feel his cock – much bigger than anything I had ever put into myself before - going into me.  It wasn’t hurting and it was actually feeling quite nice – a strange feeling but I was actually enjoying the sensation of the feeling that his cock was giving me as it went slowly deeper and deeper into me. I had been biting my lip in anticipation of pain but it never eventuated.

My mother said you are doing well, look at it – it’s almost right into you. How do you feel.

I said it feels good, just like you said, it isn’t hurting but it I think it is pretty tight I can feel my vagina stretching around it.

As soon as my father had penetrated me as far as he could he stopped and asked me again if it was hurting.

I said no, it felt tight but it wasn’t hurting.

My mom said does it feel good.

I said I shouldn’t say this because what we are doing is wrong but yes it feels nice.

Ok she said I think you can start on her now – I never realized it was going to be his easy. She seems like she is made for fucking – we are now a real family.

Lets see how she cums.

I could not believe this - my parents had decided to conduct an incestuous relationship with me – little did I realize where this would lead.

My dad began to fuck me – steady strokes at first slow and gentle then he went a bit faster and asked me a couple of times – are you ok – and I said yes. I was really enjoying this but I didn't want to tell him – we doing something terribly wrong but I was enjoying it.

After a few minutes I had relaxed and had begun to enjoy being fucked by a real cock, the boys had fucked me but their cocks had been small compared to my dads and didn't give me the same sensation as he was giving me – I was really enjoying it. When I looked up at the man above me fucking me steadily and with a great rhythm I didn't see my dad but a man I didn't know and I he was amazing me with his cock deep inside me and rising and falling steadily giving me an increasing degree of arousal. This was far better than masturbating, I was laying here enjoying having somebody fuck my cunt and give me sensations I could never give myself. He had been fucking me for at least 7 or 8 minutes and my mom said she is pretty good isn’t she – my dad said she is fantastic, just wait until she performs with you.

I sort of heard them talking but I was beginning to realize that I was getting further and further aroused and I knew what the feelings were – it wouldn’t be long and I would be cumming.

I said – I think we should stop – my mom said why?

I said I am going to cum and I don't think its right to be doing this.

My mom said – listen honey you have come this far and you are doing fine – go the whole way and enjoy the best orgasm you have ever had – this is special – let him bring you off – I think you said it has not happened to you before with those boys so enjoy your first big orgasm with a wonderful lover and my guess is he will not be long behind you.

By now I gone beyond the point of no return – I couldn’t stop myself now if I wanted to – I could feel the sensation in my cunt, he had worked me up to the sensation I love – cumming.

My clit was ready to explode and my stomach muscles were contracting in a spasm sensation and I could feel me tightening my cunt harder and harder as he continued to fuck me even harder now – I hadn’t noticed but he was going harder and faster and he was beginning to grunt a little and then I released the tension inside me and my cunt exploded into a spasm of wonderful sensational feeling which went right through my body and I jumped about as his cock hit my nerves time and time again – it was almost hurting it was feeling so good.

Oh shhhh……..iiii………..tttt I said as I came – Fucking hell this is soooooooo good I said aloud.

My mother was holding my hand again as I squeezed it with the last remaining spasms of my climax.

Sweetheart I could not believe that this was going o be as easy and as wonderful as it has been. She and I were talking and I hadn’t realized my father was now fully engaged in fucking me hard and I heard a grunt and then another and I could feel him, he was cumming and his cum was going into me, The same cum that made me was now filling my cunt. I could feel the difference in the way his cock was moving, it was wetter than before and much looser. The tightness had gone and although I could tell he was still inside me the tight sensation was gone. I had been fucked well and truly and I had enjoyed my own father fucking me with my mother watching him and holding my hand.

He pulled his now half limp cock out of me and as I looked down I could see the smile on his face and as he got up to get off the bed – he looked at my mother and said that has to be one of the best fucks I have ever had.

My mom looked at me and said now that's a compliment I have never had – you will have to tell me how to do it and she laughed.

He stood up and his cock was hanging down limply and it was covered in the mess he had made inside me and mixed with his cum was the juice I had been making as he fucked me. It dripped a few drops off the end of it and my mom said come here – don't waste it that's special.

She got down and kneeled before him and once more took his cock in her mouth and sucked him clean. That was sensational – I have never tasted anything so good she said as she licked the remaining juices off her lips and chin. She had sucked the cum off him and he was as clean as a whistle now.

I was in heaven myself. I was touching my cunt which was still tingling from being fucked by a real cock, the boys were no where near as big as my dad and it felt great inside me. What they were doing was disgusting really – but it was erotic, and my mom was doing it like the women on the net and my dad was really enjoying himself. I thought one day I might try it.

My mom worked on him with her hand and mouth and even after he had cum in me he managed to cum again and he still spurted cum, he must have a lot. She drank it and told him how good it tasted. I had cum again masturbating but it was pretty mild and I hardly felt it after the great one I had with my dad.

After he had cum in her mouth, we all stopped and my mom said she was going to have a shower and my dad said I will come with you. The two of them left me naked in my room while they went to the bathroom to shower. My mom said you were wonderful honey.

I could hear them and I was pretty sure they were doing something under the shower again. When I heard them leave I went and had a shower too. Then I got dressed. It was over for that day and I realized it was not going to be my first and last with them.

The rest of the day my mom wouldn’t let me out of her sight.  Every time she got close to me she hugged me. She kept telling me how wonderful I was and how happy I had made daddy. If she asked me once she asked me about 10 times if I really liked it and I always said it was wonderful. She only asked me once if it was better than those 3 boys and I said yes. She said it’s a pity daddy didn't have your virginity with you – but never mind we will make that up for you, you wont need them to do that again. We can keep it all in the family now – and we did. Later on she said oh don't forget daddy wants you to shave your hair off, I can help you if you wish. I said can I leave a little bit – I have seen some girls on the net with just a little bit and it looks nice. My mom said that would be fine – I will give you the clippers and razor and you can have some fun with yourself. Later on we will get some wax for you to keep it smooth – that hurts a bit though so we will leave it for a couple of weeks for you to get used to being like that.

I left a small triangle well above my slit and I thought it looked nice. Mom said so too and said she might copy me – lets see what daddy says when he sees it. He liked it as my mom told him I had done it when he came home and he asked to see it, and said wow I like that when I showed him.

Daddy and I had sex often after that sometimes we did it all together, I got to like being naked with them and after a few more times I asked him if he could teach me to suck his cock as mom always enjoyed it when she did it to him. He was a good teacher and I soon learned how to do it perfectly for him.  One day I would surprise a boy when I did it to him perfectly as well.

Another thing we ended up doing was having oral sex - that took a while before we did that. My dad often did it to my mom I learned but only when they were alone. One day we were all together having sex and my dad began to give oral to my mom, in front of me – he said come on you can join in. I sucked his cock while he sucked her cunt.

The next day mom and I were alone at home and she asked me if I felt like a bit of sex and I said but dad is not home. She said let me show you something else, we can keep it a secret from him for a while and next time we are doing it together you can show him that we have gone to the next level.

She took me upstairs to her bedroom and said undress and shower first. When we had both showered she told me what she had planned and I was a bit apprehensive but wanted to try. She was going to have oral sex with me and show me how to do it.

I have never enjoyed anything like it ever before – it was awesome – I had become an addict after one experience. My orgasm with her was the most amazing sensation I have ever had.

I will write a story about that later it was that good.

After I had cum and settled down afterwards – she told me she wanted me to show her if I had learned anything. One thing was she was wet after doing it to me. She had the scent around her cunt and I recognized it as it was like me sometimes.  She talked to me about how to do it and I could relate to her doing it to me - so when I said I was ready we did it. It felt strange at first, one thing that flashed through my mind when I was licking her lips was that I had come out of the same place I was licking. I hadn’t realized either that when I drank my daddys cum it was the same stuff that made me – but he had done something to stop it making babies. I wondered what it would be like if he hadn’t had that done. I learned much later there was no difference.  While I felt strange and what I was doing was wrong,  I soon realized I was actually enjoying it and I listened to her as she guided me through the process and after about 10 minutes she had an orgasm as well. It was awesome as she said keep it going keep it going as she came and she kept it going for just over a minute. I had never had an orgasm last that long and when I told her she said when you have had more experience I will teach you how to handle it – it takes practice. I was going to enjoy the practice I was sure.         

Babysitting becomes interesting

Jerimiah40 on Taboo Stories

I suppose I should start off this story with a little bit of background.  I'm 16 years old, about 6' tall, with approximately a 7" cock.  This story also mentions a good friend of mine, Jason.  He's also 16, and even taller than I am, probably around 6'2".  We have 'played around' a bit before (completely innocent, we're both straight), so I know he has about a 6" cock.
    This story, as so many do, began with a phone call.  At 1:00 on a Friday, I got a call from Jason.  Now, it started off perfectly innocently.  He had been asked to watch his 13 year old sister and her two friends who would be arriving later.  Later on that afternoon, they were to be picked up to go to a pool party, and they were all meeting there.  However, he had
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misunderstood what time they were leaving (4:00), and he had to go to work .  So, he called me to ask if I'd mind going over there to watch them for a while.
    Now, there were other things that I'd much rather do that afternoon.  However, he'd helped me out in the past, and there was no way he could miss work again (he'd been skipping out quite a bit, and his boss was starting to get pissed), so I agreed.
    I walked over to Jason's place, and arrived just as he was leaving.  I headed inside and saw that only his sister (Let's call her Katie) was there so far.  I said hi to her, then went to sit down on the couch.
    Now, although she was only 13, Katie was definitely what you could call good looking.  She was about 5'2" tall, with long-ish brown hair, and B cup breasts.  Despite the fact that I'm good friends with her brother (who she doesn't like much), I'm friends with her.  Now, I'm no pedophile, but I have occasionally thought about her in a sexual way.  However, I had never really considered actually doing anything to her.  At this time, as she was getting ready to go to a pool party, she was wearing a VERY skimpy red two-piece bathing suit, which really didn't leave much to the imagination, and didn't to much to stop my sexual feelings for her.
    She followed me into the room, and sat down on the couch beside me (rather close, I might add).  At this point, I instantly got a hard-on, which I tried to ignore.  I asked her what she wanted to do for the next couple hours before they left.  She told me that she had some ideas, but she wanted to wait for her friends to come by first before they started doing anything.
    We sat and talked for a while, and then the doorbell rang.  I got up to answer it, but she ran ahead of me.  She walked back into the room with the first of her friends, who I'll call Rachel.      Rachel was slightly shorter than Katie, at 5' tall.  She had a darker skin tone, long, dark brown (almost black) hair, and although she was also only 13 years old, she was drop-dead gorgeous, despite her complete lack of breasts.  She was also wearing a bathing suit, which was even smaller then Katie's.
    I went back and sat down on the couch, and they followed me, and sat on either side of me.  We sat there in silence for a while, and then Katie exclaimed "Oh my God Rachel, that is a beautiful bathing suit!" She reached across me, brushing my fully erect cock, and felt Rachel's bathing suit.  I thought I was imagining things, but I could have sworn Katie was rubbing Rachel's cunt through the bathing suit.  Rachel replied "I know, I got it last week just for this party.  Your's is really nice too". Katie replied, saying that it was really old and that she needed a new one, but Rachel insisted.  
    After a few moments of silence, Rachel said to Katie "So, we've got some time.  Want to try mine on?"  Katie agreed, and they both stood up.  Rachel headed towards Katie's room, but Katie went to the window and pulled the blinds shut.  She asked Rachel, "Where are you going?"  Rachel looked confused, but without replying, came back into the living room.  Katie continued "I'm sure Jay won't mind, this will just take a moment."
    And at that, without even bothering to turn away from me, Katie took off her suit.  After a little bit of hesitation, Rachel removed her suit as well.  They traded, but before they could put them back on, Rachel exclaimed "Holy shit Katie, you're beautiful!".  Then she, realized that I was still there, and began to blush.  Katie and I started laughing, as Katie said "Thanks, so are you".  
    Once Rachel realized that we were both totally cool with it, Rachel said "No way, not as beautiful as you.  I wish I had those breasts.  
    As they compared bodies, I just sat there staring at both of them.  This was almost like a dream come true.  I couldn't believe that they were both so fine with being naked in front of me.  Just as I started fantasizing about feeling them both up right there, Katie said "So Jay.  You're sitting there getting this free show," She looked down at my crotch, and continued, "and obviously enjoying it."  Her and Rachel starting laughing.  Then Katie continued, "Let's see what you're like".
    I hesitated for a moment, and then said "You want me to get naked too?"  Rachel replied, saying "Sure, why not?  Neither of us have ever seen a real cock before, and since you've already had this show, I think it's only fair."
    Now, I suppose I should probably go into a little more detail about myself.  I'm around 6' tall, as I mentioned earlier.  I've got short brown hair, and no facial hair.  I've got a fairly average build; not toothpick-skinny, but not overly large either.  I've been told before that I'm very good looking, however, I'm a nerd. In a way, I was sort of everyone's guilty pleasure.  I came from a school where status is everything.  As much as everyone stares at me, no one would ever admit it, because who would ever look at a nerd in that way?  That was the main reason that, before this day, I had never seen a real pussy before.  
    So, I decided that fighting this would be a losing battle, so I started to strip.  I took off my shirt, then my pants, then my socks.  I was sitting there in only my boxers, and Katie and Rachel were staring apprehensively. I very slowly started to pull my boxers down, and finally removed them completely.  They both stood there staring for a while, without a word.  I took the opportunity to stare at them both some more.  Katie finally broke the silence by saying: "Well Jay, I think this is your answer as to what we should do this afternoon."
    They walked towards me, and I threw my hands up.  I may be a horny teenager, but I was  a little bit hesitant here.  "Do you realize what could happen?" I asked them.  "Number one, if we do go through with this, you would never, EVER be able to tell anyone.  We could all get in a shitload of trouble.  Secondly, what if I were to get either of you pregnant?  How would you explain that?"
    Rachel replied first, saying "Look at me!  I don't even have tits yet, I haven't had my period before.  It's impossible for me to get pregnant!"  I replied, saying "Okay, but what about Katie?"  She said, "I know my dad has condoms in his bedroom.  I know it's not 100% safe, but it's better than nothing, right?"  I said fine, and then moved onto one final point.  "You two said earlier that you'd never seen a cock before, so that means you're both virgins.  Are you sure you want me to be your first time?"  They looked at each other and, without any hesitation, said "YES!".  
    So, I told Katie to go get the condoms, and told Rachel to come closer.  I asked her, "Do you know what sixty-nine means?"  She replied "Yeah, it's when a guy eats a girl's pussy and the girl sucks his cock at the same time."  Not bothering to ask how she knew that, I told her that was what we would do first.  I lay down on the couch, and she got on top of me.  She eagerly took my cock into her mouth as as I slowly started licking her tiny slit.  She struggled a little bit with my huge cock at first, but she quickly got a rhythm going, up and down on my cock.  I followed her rhythm, driving my tongue in and out of her now-wet pussy.  I could feel my balls tightening up, and yelled "SHIT, I'M GOING TO CUM!".  Rachel yelled back "ME TOO".  Just then, Katie  walked over and shoved a finger up Rachel's ass.  Rachel squealed with pleasure, and unloaded a huge amount of juice all over my face.  At the same time, I came hard in her mouth.  I started lapping up the juices off her pussy, and as I did, Katie came over and started doing the same.  Our tongues met over Rachel's pussy, and we started making out.  Rachel got up off of me, and started lapping up her juices off my face.  Katie said to her, "Shit Rachel, you taste good!".  Rachel replied, "If you like that, you should try Jay!".
    With absolutely no hesitation, Katie got up and kneeled down at my cock.  She was about to start sucking, when I said "Wait a second.  If you're sucking me off, I get to eat you too." So, she got up on top of me in the same position, and we went at it.  Katie tasted even better than Rachel had, but she wasn't as good at eating cock.  However, it wasn't long before we both came on each other.  
    We sat up, and looked over at Rachel.  She was sitting on the floor facing us with a finger in her pussy.  I whispered to Katie "Come on, let's give her something to really watch".  I drew Katie closer to me, and we started making out.  I reached down and started fingering her pussy as we made out.  She reached down and grabbed my cock, and we sat on the couch, rocking away.  We both came again, as Rachel came on the floor.  I said to Katie, "Damn, you've got a tight pussy.  Are you sure you want this thing in it?"  She said "Yes, definitely.  But first, I need a bit of a break.  Why don't you let Rachel take a turn with you.
    I agreed, and Rachel ran over and jumped on me.  She started kissing me with amazing force.  She stopped for a second, and said "Fuck me Jay, fuck me now".  She got off me, and stared at me with the cutest expression on her face I had ever seen.  There was no way I could say no to that face, and I told her so.  "But first," I said, "A few things you should know.  Firstly,  you're still a virgin, so you've still got your hymen fully intact.  You should know that it will hurt like hell when it breaks, but it will feel incredible after that.  However, you're also incredibly tight, so that will increase the pain at first, but it will make it even better for both of us  later on." After that, she looked quite a bit more nervous, so I said to her, "It's okay, it will be fine."
    With a much more confident look on her face, she said "Okay, let's go!" So, I moved to the floor and lay down.  Then, I began to instruct her.  "Okay, first of all, stand over my cock.  Now slowly, start to crouch down onto it."  She began to come down onto my cock very gently. As she came into contact with my rock hard cock, she shuddered a little bit.  Then, she started to push a little harder, groaning with a combination of pain and pleasure.  I told her, "Take it at whatever pace you feel comfortable with."  She stopped for a second as my cock slid into her pussy a little ways.  Then, with one deep breath, she plunged down hard onto my cock.  She screamed with pain as I felt her hymen break.  My 7" cock now all the way inside her pussy was all it took for her to have her 3rd orgasm in the past hour.  However, I wasn't done with her yet, so I encouraged her to keep going.  
    I reached forward to where she was still sitting on my cock, and started to tweak her tiny little nipples.  She started to bob up and down on my cock, which felt great.  I couldn't believe it, my fantasy was about to come true.  I was lying here, being fucked by my best friend's sister's 13 year old friend.  And the best part, Katie was waiting her turn to take a ride as well.
    As she was riding up and down on my cock, she started going faster and faster.  As she did, I started bucking my hips and ramming my cock up even harder.  I could tell that she was in pain, but that the extreme pleasure that she was experiencing was even greater.  She screamed, "I'M GOING TO COME".  That was all it took for me, so I unloaded a huge load into her tight pussy.  As I did, she had her 4th orgasm of the afternoon.
    She got off, and crawled over to my face.  She lay down beside me, and said "How was that?"  I replied that it was amazing, then I turned towards her and started kissing her.
    Then, Katie said "Hey, what about me?  I'm still waiting over here".  I sat up and looked at her.  She was holding a box of condoms, and looking very impatient.  I said to her, "Okay, you're next.  However, since I have to wear a condom, you're going to have to do me an extra favour.  Before I fuck you, you have to put the condom on me, using only your mouth."
    She looked a little confused, but she really wanted that fuck.  So, she unwrapped a condom and crawled towards me.  She put it on the top of my cock, and using her mouth, began to roll it down onto my cock.  I was starting to get a little tired, so my cock wasn't as hard as it was before, but it was still hard enough that Katie eventually got it on.  By the time she got it on me, I was so turned on that I could have just plowed straight into her.  However, I had to make sure she understood all the rules as well.
    "So," I said to her, "You heard everything I told Rachel, right?  About how much it will hurt at first?"  "Yeah," she replied, "But I'm ready.  I can take it."  I said to her, "Okay then, start off the same way as Rachel did".  
    But, the words fell on deaf ears; she had already began lowering herself down. However, this was no cautious start, she just rammed her pussy straight down onto my cock.  The sudden burst of pleasure of having such a tight pussy wrapped around my cock was enough that I came instantly, as did she.  I could see tears in her eyes, but she said "Always better to get it over with fast, that's what I always say!"  And, with no hesitation, she started to bounce up and down on my cock.  She was fucking me so hard, she was flying right off my cock on the upstroke, and my balls were smacking against my ass on the downstroke.  For a while, she winced every time she sank back down onto my cock, but she very quickly got used to it and started going at it HARD.  We both came 3 times during that little fuckfest.
    After the third time, she rolled off my cock and fell asleep right there on the floor.  I removed the condom, which was absolutely dripping with my cum.  I said "SHIT!".  Rachel came over and saw the condom, which was covered, inside and out, with cum.  I knew at that point that there was absolutely no way that some cum hadn't gotten inside of her.  So, I immediately whipped out my cell and called my uncle, who agreed to go pick me up some birth control pills that I could give her.  
    As I hung up, Rachel walked over to me, and told me to look at Katie.  "Isn't she hot, lying there naked?"  I agreed with her, and said, "You know what we have to do, right?"  She looked at me, confused.  So, I lay down behind her, and started licking her pussy.  Rachel came beside me and did the same.  "Wow," Rachel said, "You both taste great, but together, it's amazing!"  When Katie didn't wake up, we gave up pleasuring her and started making out.  Just then, as we were all lying naked on the floor, we heard the doorbell ring, and the door began to open.  

Don't forget, these girls were getting picked up for a pool party.  As well, Katie's parents were out, who knows where?  If you want to know what happens next, leave me good feedback, and I'll get to work writing the next part.

Adventures in Babysitting

Agent_RayBans on Teen Stories

Her name was Angel and she lived down the road from my family’s rural home. She was 17 (the year I was 14) and to all appearances, she was pretty much a typical California high school girl of the mid 1970s. All the neighborhood parents liked and trusted Angel who, unlike the average teenager, behaved pol

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itely and responsibly. My mother would occasionally pay Angel to babysit me and my younger brother and sister on nights she worked late.


What was amusing to me was that so many parents would trust a 17 year old high school girl to babysit a 14 year old boy. But those same parents would never trust a 17 year old boy to babysit a 14 year old girl. Reality was a bit different from expectations, though. Angel appeared to be reserved and modest but she was actually far bolder than anyone guessed.


I always enjoyed it whenever Angel babysat for our family. In keeping with 1970s California fashion, she often wore tight fitting shorts or a denim miniskirt of the type that was so popular back then. Because of this, I always looked forward to observing her pretty legs and I was always alert for the brief times when she accidentally exposed her crotch and revealed a quick glimpse of her panties. Panty flashes were rare but the anticipation of getting such a thrill always kept my interest whenever she was around. I even began to suspect she subtly encouraged my voyeurism by arranging for “accidental” teasing panty flashes to occasionally occur.


During her visits, after she’d put my younger brother and sister to bed, she’d study her schoolwork while I watched TV. I was usually splitting my attention between watching the TV and trying to catch a glimpse up her skirt. I often noticed that she was heavily involved in reading a thick textbook called “Human Sexuality” for a physiology college prep class. I couldn’t help but notice that the part of the textbook that kept her most interested was the section that included drawings of the male reproductive anatomy.  She occasionally cracked jokes about it and I sometimes joked back but that was usually all our conversations amounted to.  I was usually more interested in looking at her legs than talking.


Over the course of several babysitting visits, I noticed her making more and more comments about the information she was reading. I was puzzled that the otherwise modest babysitter was becoming so forward as she rambled on about the sexual material she was studying. She started commenting about penis size, sperm content, ejaculation duration, etc. What was going on with her? I was puzzled about her behavior but I sure wasn’t complaining because I was already enjoying sexual thrills just from hearing her comments and jokes.  


I usually did much more listening than talking as she spoke. Even though she was 3 years older than me, I gathered from her comments that she had never seen a real live erection before. She seemed unusually interested in them but the tone of her comments told me she was frustrated because she’d never had the chance to see a real boner for herself. Yet Angel kept covering her comments with jokes so I never was completely clear whether she was just chatting or hinting something more. 


One night after a few of her usual jokes she held up her textbook for me to see. I was shocked to see a detailed drawing of a splendid erection. She grinned at me and then half-jokingly suggested that she needed a volunteer whose erection she could inspect so she could verify the accuracy of page’s drawing. I laughed because I was quite sure her class assignment didn’t actually require her to see a real penis to fulfill her project. Still, I didn’t mind where she was going with this topic because it was setting off all kinds of fantasies in my imagination. So, I decided to tease her back a bit by hinting that I might be interested in posing for her project. I was savoring the thrill of this flirting with her but I didn't really expect anything to come of it.


The conversation rambled on but then she suddenly returned to the original topic and she asked me again whether I wanted to pose for her. As usual, she tried to frame the inquiry as something of a joke but this time I didn’t think it was.  Intrigued, I decided to call her bluff and so I told her I’d do it for her. She got a big smile on her face, put her book down, and then said in an eager voice: “OK. Show me!”


My heart was fluttering and my face turned red as I asked her “Are you serious? Do you really want to see it?”


She nodded and grinned as she sat down on the couch to watch. Her miniskirt rode up as she sat back and crossed her pretty legs. The panty flash I was got was only adding to the heat building in the room. We were both a bit giddy from the anticipation of what might happen next. 


Now my bluff had been called. Would I muster the courage to bare my dong? My heart was pounding and I was getting really excited but I still wasn’t completely sure if she was joking or not. She might at any moment stop the whole episode by laughing at me and proclaiming what a sucker I was. But she seemed eager to do this and I was enjoying this game so had to do something quick before she lost interest.


What to do? Thinking it over quickly, I decided to bargain with her. I told Angel I’d pose for her only if she’d join me by dropping her skirt first. I thought for sure she’d refuse my demand, but, to my complete surprise she nodded in agreement. True to her word, she leaned back on the couch and unbuttoned her miniskirt while tugging it downward. She wriggled her waist and in a few seconds it dropped to her ankles revealing her narrow panties and those very pretty legs.


I could hardly believe what was happening here. Angel’s panties were made of nylon mesh so transparent she might as well have been wearing nothing. Obviously, she’d planned ahead for tonight’s activities because I could easily see her trimmed bush and pussy cleft as she reclined on the coach waiting for me to strip. The sight was intoxicating.


My heart was pounding as I decided to go for broke. With nervous fingers, I fumbled with my belt and zipper and began pulling down my shorts. Wasting no time, I dropped my briefs and stepped out of my pants while turning to face her with my cock hanging semi-hard right in front of her. This got her attention and she sat there on the couch watching what I had to show her. I couldn’t believe I was standing there with my growing cock practically right in Angel’s face but I was sure enjoying it.


My heart was pounding with pleasure and excitement as she stood up and stepped close in front of me. I loved staring at the beautiful curve of her waist and ass as she moved.  We both looked down and watched my boner growing longer and harder by the second. Soon it was fully extended and throbbing excitedly. It was pointing directly at her pussy, as if it knew exactly where it wanted to go from some kind of magnetic attraction. I could hardly believe this was happening to me but here it was. She was grinning from ear to ear as she moved as close in front of me as my extended boner would allow. She lightly touched my cock head with her fingers sending an electric thrill jolting through my body from the incredible pleasure of her unexpected touch. 


She was standing so close my throbbing cock head was brushing her belly button as she reached out to grasp me gently with both hands.  I was in absolute heaven as she gripped my shaft and her fingers carefully explored its length.  My breathing grew heavier and my heart pounded violently as her grip tightened around me. She squeezed it a bit, testing its firmness, and her face assumed a dreamy expression I had never before seen on a woman. Yet as we stood there together, she didn’t realize how excited I was getting as her knuckles nudged my swollen balls while the tip of my cock head rubbed the slick nylon of her panties.


It proved to be too much for me. Her scent, her breath, her closeness and the touch of her hands proved to be just too much. With her palms wrapped around me and her eyes closed in dreamy fantasy, I lost control and began squirting powerful jets of semen like a fire hose. Colorful lights exploded in my head from the intense pleasure of the ejaculation and I groaned in pleasure. It all came out in a veritable rush as streamers of semen flooded onto her belly, splattering her panties. When she felt the wetness spreading she giggled and squealed as she realized what was happening. Then her eyes grew wide with astonishment and wonder as she viewed the enormity of my explosion.  


Chuckling at my groans and convulsions, she finally had the presence of mind to point my boner away as I gradually finished squirting. She was as surprised as she was amused by how easily I’d been coaxed to ejaculation. When she began to realize how thoroughly she’d been soaked she looked at me, and then downwards at the mess, and then back at me with a look of wonder at the flood dripping down her torso. Tugging her sweater downwards, she attempted to wipe away the river of semen that was dripping down her belly and soaking right through her racy, transparent panties. The unabsorbant wool of her sweater only served to smear the globs of semen even more thoroughly onto her panties.


I watched her going through these futile efforts as I gradually regained my breath. I felt a wonderful sense of relief from the ejaculation but there was little else I could think to do as I stood there with my boner still sticking straight out and dripping the last of my load onto the floor. She failed in her attempts to wipe herself dry because her soaked panties were now clinging even closely to her crotch. Through the wetness I could even more clearly see her bush and the fold of her pussy.


She sighed and gave up her vain attempts to wipe her panties clean. Instead, she simply pulled her panties off to remove the sticky semen before it soaked further into her pussy crack. What a bonus thrill for me. The babysitter was baring her pussy now! She stepped out of the soaked panties, leaving them on the floor, and strode bottomless to the nearest bathroom where she retrieved some tissue paper to mop herself dry. It felt very odd to be watching the babysitter striding around our house wearing only a sweater as she attempted to clean my semen off her pussy.


After drying herself, she returned to the couch where I waited with a deflating boner that was sagging sadly downward. She stood there, nude from waist down, with a slightly annoyed look on her face for having had her evening suddenly spoiled in such a messy way. She wasn’t really mad, though, just surprised by what had happened. We’d both gotten to see what we wanted to see (and more) but it was clear she had explored enough of my penis tonight.


Still, I enjoyed the view as she bent over to retrieve her clothing from the floor. It wasn’t often that I got to view Angel nude and bending over in our living room. She  shoved the soiled panties deep into her purse where no one could see them. Then she stepped back into her skirt and hiked it up around her waist. It was clear she’d have to spend the rest of the evening pantyless and I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of her accepting the babysitting pay from my mother while wearing no panties under her skirt.


The thought of my mother arriving home reminded me to get redressed myself. Angel handed me a tissue and I cleaned the semen off myself before I replaced my briefs and shorts. In a few moments we were back in our original condition, or nearly so, except for the soiled panties in her purse. It had been a surprisingly satisfying evening that we managed to keep a secret between us.