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019ve Member Since October 19, 2009

Brother and Sister

019ve on Incest Stories

I have always fantasized about my sister Chris since the first day I saw her naked.  Back then I was 15 and she was 18 and attending a modeling school.  One day she asked me to help her practice for her upcoming fashion show.  She was scheduled to model 3 different outfits and had very little time to change clothes back stage.  When she stripped from the first outfit she could see I was standing in shock seeing her naked.  Chris told me “don’t worry – she’s gotten use to others seeing her naked during the 1st two fashion shows she had done”.  I figured that if it didn’t bother her it wasn’t going to bot

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her me.  Ever since then I’ve fantasized about my sister.  Chris has long Brunette hair, very long legs and a PERFECT ass.  That day she had her pussy shaved into a little racing stripe.  Her tits were a full B cup at the time but now they have grown to a full C.  My dick gets hard every time I think about that day.  Time went on an I didn’t see my sister naked again until one night at a hotel while we were traveling.


Seven years after I first saw my sister naked I found myself working as a customer service manager for a national Airline.  My Father had called and asked me to do a favor for him.  My sister was going to move from Dallas to New York and he wanted me to drive with her.  Because I could fly for free on the Airline I was working for I told him I would do it.  I flew into Dallas one day and Chris picked me up at the airport and we started out on our road trip to NYC.  We drove most of the day and decided to stop for the night at a hotel in Nashville, TN.  Because I drove 90% of the trip all I was looking forward to that night was some dinner and getting to sleep.  When we went to check in they said they were out of double beds and only had King bed rooms left.  Chris said jokingly “think you can keep your hands to yourself tonight?” and checked us into the hotel.  Right away visions of that day seven years earlier flashed into my head and I pictured Chris naked.  I got very nervous because I my cock started to get hard just standing at the front desk of the hotel and I thought others could notice.  I excused myself to go and unpack the bags we needed for the night.  Chris came out and we both took our luggage to the room.  Chris said she was hungry and wanted to get something for dinner.  I said I needed to take a quick shower before we headed out.  I went into the bathroom closed the door and started to jack off just thinking about our situation.  I pictured Chris naked on the bed, legs spread apart while I licked her pussy over and over.  I could see myself fucking her from behind while she moaned for more.  Before I knew it I had cumed all over the bathroom counter.  After I got myself together we went down to the hotel restaurant for dinner.  When they were seating us at our table I then just realized it was February 14th – Valentines Day.          My  sister must have been thinking the same thing because she said “I guess you’re my Valentines date this year”.


After dinner Chris said she wasn’t tired yet and wanted to buy me a beer for doing most of the driving that day.  We left the restaurant and went to a bar / nightclub that was attached to the hotel.  When we entered the nightclub it was obvious they were having some sort of Valentines special that night.  The girl behind the counter asked if we were a couple or not.  We asked why?  She said that because of Valentines Day any couple got in free without paying the $10 cover.  Also if we weren’t a couple our names would go onto a list with all the other singles and during the night the club would set other singles up during various activities.  Right away without missing a heartbeat Chris said we were dating.  The girl stamped our hands and we went to the bar for our drinks.  I asked why she told her we were a couple.  Chris said “For one we didn’t have to pay the cover and two she didn’t feel like participating in the singles activities the nightclub had planed”.  “Besides” she said “this will stop others from hitting on me while I spend the night with my favorite brother”.  Right away my cock started to get hard.  I had to concentrate extremely had to prevent my dick from bulging from my pants.  As the night went on the nightclub had some stupid Valentines activities: couples only dance, singles dance, hug the person you’re with, ect…  After a hand full of beers I started to get sleepy again and just wanted to go to sleep.  Just then the DJ came on in between songs and said everyone must kiss who they are with.  My sister turned to me and said “I guess rules are rules”.  I was shocked because I was expecting a peck on the cheek when Chris grabbed my face and kissed me straight on the lips.  All of a sudden I wasn’t tired anymore.  We had a few more drinks, and danced a few dances together.  Both of us were starting to get a little tipsy.  Again the DJ came on and told everyone to kiss whoever they were with again.  This time I was drunk enough and horney enough that if Chris was going to kiss me on the lips I was going to take it one step further.  Sure enough Chris started to kiss me on the lips again so I ran my tongue inside her mouth.  I fully expected Chris to pull away from me but instead she ran her tongue inside my mouth.  We were still kissing well after everyone had stopped.  Chris grabbed my hand and said “well that’s something I’ve always wanted to do”.  She then said “I’m gona go get us two more drinks” and off she went.  I stood there in shock wondering if that really did happen.  I leaned back against the wall to catch my breath.  Before I knew it Chris was back with the drinks.  She set them down on the table and came over to me.  Looking right into my eyes she kissed me again, more passionately this time.  After she finished she grabbed her drink and leaned against me, listing to the music and watching the others dance.  Her perfect ass was now rubbing up against my crotch.  Instantaneously my cock got hard.  We sat there for what seemed hours, my dick hard as a rock and Chris rubbing her ass against it.  Suddenly the lights came on and the DJ said that it was time to shut down.  Chris went to pay our tab and we then headed back to the room.  Neither one of us spoke a word the way back.  I started to think that she was regretful for doing what she had done.


We got back to the room and Chris opened the door with the key.  When we entered the room and the door closed she turned and kissed me again.  There I stood, kissing my sister Chris with her tongue in my mouth.  I stopped and asked “are we still pretending were a couple?”.  Chris asked why?  I said “because if we were a couple then I would do this-“.  I then pinned Chris up against the wall and started kissing her neck.  Not fighting it she started rubbing the back of my head moaning and whispering “oh-yes”.  I ran my hands up the side of her perfect body while kissing her chest and her cleavage sticking out from her shirt.   I went to run my hands up her shirt when suddenly she reached down and pulled off her entire shirt.  I stood there for a moment in shock seeing her perfect tits in her pushup bra.  Chris then reached down and started unbuttoning my shirt.  While she concentrated on the buttons on my shirt she said “I’ve got a confession to tell you”.  She asked “do you remember the day I asked you to help me practice for a show and I stripped three times in front of you?”  I said of course I did.  She said “I only did that because I wanted for you to see me naked.”  I started to smile and she asked what was so funny.  I then told her that I couldn’t have counted the times I’ve jacked off thinking of just that time.  I told her of how I’ve constantly thought of her perfect ass, that shaved pussy and her great tits.  I told her how I’ve snuck peeks of her C cup tits every chance I’ve gotten over the past seven years.  Chris said “what makes you think they are C cups?”  I told her that I’ve looked at her bras and panties every time I’ve washed my clothes.  She smiled and said “well I only wear a C cup bra because I like the way my tits look in them – my tits are actually D cups”.  With that Chris stopped unbuttoning my shirt and slipped out of her bra.  There she stood with the most amazing tits I had ever seen.  Full D cup tits that stood perky and firm.  Her nipples were hard and swollen.  Chris constantly tans herself for her model shoots and I noticed that she didn’t have any tan lines.  I started to lick her nipples lightly at first then started to suck on as much of her tit I could fit into my mouth.  She ran her hands through my hair pressing me harder into her tits, moaning for more.  Suddenly I felt it – her hand rubbing my crotch.  She was stroking my cock on the outside of my jeans.  Chris then said “you’ve got a much bigger dick then I thought you would”.

Brother and Sister pt2.

019ve on Incest Stories

Part 2:


Chris rubbed my dick on the outside of my jeans and said “you’ve got a bigger cock than I thought you did”.


I almost came right there.  My fantasies about my sister were coming true.  Here we stood in the hotel room, me with one of my sister’s tits in my mouth and my sister rubbing my cock.  Chris then pushed off me and slid down to her knees.  Slowly she undid my jeans, my cock so hard it was trying to jump out.  She slid my pants and bo

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xers down to my ankles and I stepped out of them.  She took my cock in both hands and started to stroke it slowly up and down.  Chris then kneeled up slightly so my cock slid in the cleavage of her perfect tits.  She pressed her breasts slightly together and stared to bob up and down, sliding my cock in and out stopping every once in a while to kiss the head of my dick.  Finally when I couldn’t take it anymore she took my cock into her mouth.  This is exactly one of the things I had fantasized about over the past seven years.  Chris bobbed her head up and down taking my full 9 inches into her mouth.  She would lick the side of my cock with her tongue while jacking me off with both hands.  I could of have had her suck my cock for the entire night.  Right before I couldn’t take it anymore and was going to cum in her mouth she stopped and stood in front of me.


Chris took a second to look at my rock hard cock then started to kiss me again.  After making out with her for a few minutes it was my turn down on my knees.  I slid down pausing at her perfect tits again, planting my face in her cleavage and pressing her tits together.  I slid down and started to slide off her skirt.  I was pleasantly surprised to find her not wearing any panties and this time she had shaved herself bald.  She turned and faced the wall while stepping out of her skirt – her ass completely in my face.  I started to rub and kiss both cheeks of her ass.  Chris jumped when I spread her ass apart and licked her crack.  She said “well no ones done that to me before – do it again”.  I could feel her shake when I licked her again.  I turned her around and lifted one leg over my shoulder.  I just stared at her awesome pussy for a moment before I start to lick it.  Chris moaned with approval “O-God yes!”  Her pussy tasted awesome; with her lips spread apart I could see her juices starting to drip down her leg.  I licked, and licked and licked her pussy, occasionally running my fingers in and out of her.  At one point while I was licking I started to rub her ass hole.   After a few minutes I decided to press my luck and I slowly pushed my finger into her ass.  Chris let out a moan that everyone in the hotel must have heard.  I was astonished when Chris instead of pulling my hand away she pushed it deeper into her.  So here I was on my knees licking the pussy of my sister that I’ve thought of constantly for the past seven years at the same time I was finger fucking her ass.  I was in heaven.


Chris then pulled me to my feet.  She grabbed my head and started to kiss me shoving her tongue to the back of my mouth.  It was clear that this now had turned from a sweet sexual encounter into raw sexual desire.  Chris took my cock and stroked it feverishly.  I couldn’t take it anymore.  I took my sisters hand and moved to the edge of the bed.  I sat down with my feet still on the floor.  I turned Chris around and guided her to sit on my lap.  She did and started to rub her pussy over my cock while I reached around and rubbed her tits.  Just then we noticed we could see our reflection in the full length mirror in front of us.  It just turned us on even more.  Chris then stood slightly grabbed my cock then guided it into her.  Slowly at first Chris lowered herself down onto my rock hard dick.  She paused after she had taken the entire shaft of my cock into her and paused to look into the mirror.  I looked also.  Here was my beautiful sister- tan skin, long straight hair, awesome D cup tits – smiling at me.  God her pussy was tight.  I slid my hands down to her waist and slowly lifted her up then down, riding my cock.  The look of pleasure on Chris’s face almost made me cum right there.  She would arch her back so her hair would fall in my face and over my chest.  Starting to pick up the pace Chris started to bob up and down, rubbing her tits in the mirror for show.  Occasionally Chris would reach down and rub her clit while my cock slid in and out.


Getting close to cumming again I stopped Chris and lifted her off my dick.  I stood and asked Chris to get on all fours on the bed.  She did without question and I had to take a moment and take in what I saw.  My sisters’ perfect ass was positioned perfectly in the air for me to see.  She looked behind me and started to smile.  She asked “Like the view from back there?”  I couldn’t say a word I just started to stroke my cock.  Chris saw this and started to rub her pussy while staying on all fours.  It was awesome.  I was so turned on at this point I couldn’t take it anymore.  I came up behind Chris and drove my cock into her wet pussy.  I started off at a quick pace – slamming my cock in as far as it would go.  “Oh-yes, Oh-yes” Chris said over and over.  You could hear the sound of her ass cheeks slapping against me as we fucked over and over.  I couldn’t get enough, I went faster and faster.  For some reason I was in complete control of myself at this point and never got to the point of cumming.  I love that.  It wasn’t the same for my sister.  At one point she grabbed the bed sheets and started to scream “Fuck me, Fuck me, Fuck me” as loud as she could.  Neither one of us cared if anyone could hear us at this point.  “Ohhhhh God I’m cumming!” Chris said.  Her body quivered and she moaned in delight.  Out of breath I slowed and decided it was time for another position change.  Chris turned and kissed me again – this time out of lust not passion.  She then said “I want you in my ass”.  Shocked I said “absolutely!”.


I hadn’t had much experience by this point fucking women in the ass but apparently my sister had.  She got back down on all fours and started to lick her hand.  After she had her hand all wet she rubbed it over her ass.  When she was done she said “Just take it slowly at first, after that fuck me as hard as you want”.  I rubbed the head of my cock around the rim of her ass.  It was beautiful.  I started to apply some pressure and Chris moaned.  I was amazed with the amount of force it took me to initially penetrate her.  I was about to loose the control of myself I had earlier.  Her ass was so tight.  Like instructed I slowly moved my cock in and out of her ass – each time Chris moaning more and more “yes!”  It didn’t take me long to pick up the pace and my sister never objected.  In and out of her ass, almost to the same pace that we were fucking before.  Again her ass cheeks would slap against me each time I slammed my cock into her ass.  What I didn’t notice until I was almost done was Chris reaching between her legs rubbing her pussy the whole time. I couldn’t take it anymore and said I was gona cum.  Chris said “take it out and cum on my ass”.  I pulled out my cock and stated to stroke it.  I had only stroked it twice when I came the most I had ever came all over Chris’s ass.  Although I was done Chris wasn’t.  I sat their looking at her, my cum running down her waist, and she continued to rub her pussy.  A few minutes later she came again and screamed loud enough for everyone else to hear.


We laid in bed together staring at the ceiling for almost 10 minutes – not saying a word.  Chris then asked “why haven’t we done that before?”  I told her I couldn’t count the times I’ve don’t that with her – only it’s always been just in my head!  We both crashed on the bed naked and slept the rest of the night.  We slept in the next morning.  I was relieved that neither myself nor Chris was regretful for what we had done.  In fact we had slept in so long we decided to stay in Nashville another night before driving the rest the next day.


I’ll write what happened the next night before we left for NYC in a new story.