Story Details
Friends father and i
writtentherapywtf 1071 days ago on Teen Stories
Forth of July
We went to my friend’s lake house one forth of July. Sandy was a friend that I made at school. The very first thing she said to me was “you speak really good English for being Mexican, I would think you’re American.” And I slapped her and walked away. She came running up and apologized saying she meant it as a compliment and that she was sorry if it sounded racist. I told her to get the fuck away from me but she just kept apologizing and smiling and I realized she was just ignorant and forgave her. From then on, she kept finding me and talking to me. Against my better judgement, we became quick friends. She had less sexual experiences than me and was shocked by the stories I would tell her. She was pretty and had a very cute body, perky B cups, though her ass was a little flat. I had tried a few times to see if she was interested in women, but she kept saying no. She invited me to spend the night at her place a few months later and her father, the first time I met him that night, pretty much said the same thing to me.
“You speak really well for a Mexican. I don’t hear an accent.” I shrugged and explained how I never noticed. Later, when we went back to her room, I asked.
“Is everyone in your family racist?”
“My father is, but I’m not. My mom may be a little too.” She admitted.
“Against all other races or just Latinas?”
“Mostly just Mexicans.”
“Great!” I said, pretending to leave. “Just what I need.”
“No, stay. I swear, it’s not that bad.” We discussed some of the things he says and says about Mexicans. The things you hear said out loud often.
“Maybe you can change his opinion.” She said. I thought about it and really didn’t need to change anyone’s racist opinions but I agreed, thinking I’ll have some fun. We went down to dinner after a while and I put on the charm. Her mom liked me and her father I couldn’t really tell. Around midnight, we went down to get a drink and Sandy’s father surprised us by being up. He told us to stay and talk to him for a bit. He talked mostly to his daughter but he kept looking over at me as we sat on the couch and he sat in his recliner. It was when I saw a little bulge in his pants that I realized that we were in just tees and our underwear. I got up when there was a lull in the conversation, turned around and leaned over to pull Sandy off the couch. I pushed out my ass, giving him a clear view and we went to her room. We jumped in bed.
“That was weird.” I said and we laid there in silence for a moment.
“I think my dad likes you.” Sandy finally said.
“Do you think he likes likes me?” I teased and turned towards her.
“Yeah, did you notice what I noticed?” She asked, turning red.
“Hard to miss. I’m going to be your new mom.” I giggled. She pushed me.
“Don’t fuck my father.” She said straight forward. “Not only is it wrong, but even if he wasn’t my dad, it’s gross.”
I laughed. “Ok, either you fuck me or he does.” And she pushed me off the bed.
“You’re fucking nasty.” She said and I was genuinely shocked as she rarely swore.
“Had to take that shot.” I smiled as I got up on my knees and leaned against the bed. “Do I have to sleep on the floor? I swear, I won’t touch you.” I winked.
“Fine.” And I jumped in the bed and we got under the covers.
“Can we cuddle? Can I touch your breasts? Can I touch your ass?” I teased her and she pushed me again.
“Oooooh Sandy, I love it when you’re rough.” I laughed and we tried to sleep. After a few minutes of silence, she spoke.
“I’m serious, don’t fuck my dad.”
“Ok, promise.” I said seriously.
Over the course of the next few months, I spent the night at Sandy’s house often and her father seemed to really like me, her entire family did. Then one night Sandy went to bed early and I went into the family room where her father was watching TV. I sat next to him and he asked me what I was up to. I explained how Sandy was asleep and I was bored, so we chatted for a while. I laid down on the couch, after a while, and pushed my feet against his thighs and he soon grabbed them and put them over his lap. Instinctively he started to massage my feet. We just talked, nothing sexual, and I found that I really enjoyed his company. I’d tease him more and we’d have conversations often. Sandy reminded me of my promise not to seduce her dad and I swore to her that it was just friendly conversation and it really was. A couple of sleepovers later, we found ourselves on the couch again. Sandy’s mom was there and we all talked and Sandy came in and joined the conversation but after a little while they both went to bed, so I went with Sandy. I told her how I was bored and we should do something but she just wanted to tell me about the latest guy she hooked up with, so we exchanged stories. We fell asleep mid conversation.
I woke up and went to the bathroom and saw the light of the TV so I went to go check it out and David was sipping on a glass of whiskey and watching a recorded baseball game.
“What are you doing up?” I asked as he asked me the same thing.
I sat down next to him and took his cup and took a sip of his whiskey.
“Hey…” He reached out, trying to take the cup from me.
“Is it wise to be up late by yourself and drinking?” I smiled.
“Well, I see you drink as well.” He said as he looked at me blankly. “What other secrets does the little Mexican girl keep?”
“Promise not to tell?” I asked, taking another sip.
“As long as you don’t tell your mom, I mean Sandy’s mom, that I let you drink.”
“Are you drunk?” I asked. “You’re slurring your words a little and you didn’t know who I was.” I laughed.
“Maybe buzzed. I’m tired, that’s probably why my words are a little slurred.”
I was a little annoyed with the Mexican comment but I thought quickly about what to tell him. Do I tell him the truth? Do I tell him about the time I slept with a teacher? Do I tell him about some of my sexual stories that I knew would turn him on? I remembered my promise to Sandy and decided that I was going to play innocent.
“Never mind,” I said, finishing the whiskey and handing him the cup. “It’s not really appropriate to say.”
“Let me guess, you’re a party girl and from the way you finished my whiskey, you’re probably trouble.” He smiled, getting up and pouring himself another drink. He sat back on the couch and I put my legs over his lap and laid back.
“No, I like to drink sometimes but I’m not a party girl. You know me, you tell me, do I seem like I’m a bad influence on Sandy?”
“Not at all, but there is something about you that screams trouble.” He smiled. Was he flirting with me? I wondered. I couldn’t tell. “So tell me the secret that popped in your head.”
“I can’t, I don’t want you to look at me funny from now on, or get banned from coming over. I also don’t want to get Sandy in trouble.”
“Oh now you really have to tell me.” He smiled while he rubbed my legs a little. “I swear, anything you tell me tonight, I’ll forget immediately.”
“Ok, I guess, so it’s not really a secret like you think but it’s not something I’ve told anyone, but Sandy knows. She rescued me.”
I told him the story about how Sandy came and got me from a party I was at. I had gotten a little too drunk and this guy and I were talking and he suggested we go into a room where it was quieter. I thought he was really cute and went with him. He spilled his drink on me and I told him it was ok. I didn’t tell him how I just took off my clothes and the guy and I had sex. I told him a story about something that happened when I was younger, mixing the two stories. The guy convinced me to take off my top and he’d run it under water to clean it. He did and when he came back, he said I’d be ok but that I should let the shirt dry. He then started rubbing my legs and then lifted off my bra. Then stood up and took out his cock and told me to touch it. I lied to Sandy’s dad and told him that I was scared and that I had never seen a penis before, let alone touched it.
“You touched it?” he asked, his hands gripping my calf tightly.
“Yeah, I kind of wanted to, is that bad?” I asked innocently.
Her dad went on about how that guy was terrible and I shouldn’t hang out with those people anymore and what their names were. I told him I didn’t know. I continued telling him how the guy wanted for me to do more but I got nervous because being a virgin, I didn’t want to have him laugh because I didn’t know what to do.
“You’re a virgin?” He laughed.
“What?!” I pretended to get upset.
“I don’t know. No offense but the way you dress and act, I would have bet a lot of money that you’ve had sex before.”
“What does that mean?” I asked. “The way I act?”
“You just seem to make everything sexual.” He laughed. “A virgin, no shit.”
I pretended to get upset and move my legs away from him and he grabbed them and pulled them back on his lap.
“Don’t get upset.” He smiled at me. “That’s nice that you have values. I assumed wrong, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t get me wrong,” I shifted my legs back and forth, seeing if he was erect or not, which he wasn’t. “I really want to have sex, I just want someone that will, and god I can’t believe I’m telling you this, I just want a guy that will have sex with me and kind of teach me.” I covered my face with my hands.
“Just tell that to your boyfriend. I’m sure he’d be happy to help.” He smiled.
“I guess, if I get a boyfriend, I will. It’s just embarrassing.”
“No it’s not. Don’t be embarrassed.”
He grabbed his drink and took a sip and then leaned back and continued to rub my calves. We talked a little while longer about how Sandy ended up coming in and yelling at the guy. We talked about some guys I was interested in but I lied again and said there weren’t really too many. Then when I said I was going to bed, he assured me that my secret was safe with him. I was a little disappointed that he made no moves or even acted like he was interested in me. A few days later, Sandy grilled me about that night and what her dad and I talked about. She laughed when she said that her father thought I was this innocent girl and told her that I was a good influence.
A few weeks later, Sandy asked if I wanted to go to their lake house for the fourth.
“There will be a lot of people there, mostly the people that live around the lake and the younger adults go off and drink, while the parents hang out in one of the houses.” She didn’t need to convince me any more than that.
When we got to the house, it was really pretty and nothing that I was used to. We changed into our swim suits and jumped in the lake and floated in innertubes. More and more people started coming over and the adults started gathering at the neighbor’s house. The smell of BBQ filled the air and I quickly found a hot guy to hang around. We chatted for most of the day and smoked a few bowls with some of the other people. We started drinking and as night came, I was pretty wasted. When the fireworks were about to start, the guy I was talking with finally kissed me and we started making out under the exploding fireworks. I grabbed his cock under his swim trunks and told him we should find a place more private. We went back to Sandy’s house and sat on the lawn chair on the deck. I pulled down his short a little and took out his cock and he got really nervous, saying that someone was going to see. I was about to suck on his cock when we heard laughter and I turned to see Sandy talking to a guy, walking towards us. The guy I was with pulled up his shorts and we sat there.
“What were you two doing?” Sandy laughed, giving me a look. She sat next to me and was clearly as drunk as I was. The four of us talked for a while and then Sandy exclaimed, “And this girl is always trying to get me to have sex with her.”
“Yeah, because you’re hot.” I smiled at her.
“You like these?” She said and grabbed her tits and gave them a shake. “Or this?” and she stood up, turned around and stuck her ass out towards me and spanked it hard. The boys both said “ooooooo” as she turned around and flopped down next to me again.
“Yes, yes I do.” I said confidently.
She leaned forward and I kissed her. She kissed me back and my hands went to her breasts and her hands went to mine. We kissed for a while and then she pulled back. “Is that what you wanted?” she said drunkedly. I looked at the guys and they were both just staring.
“No, I want this.” I said and leaned forward and kissed her again and ran my hand to her crotch and cupped it over her bathing suit. She let me feel her for a minute and pushed me away a little.
“Ahhh, but I like guys. Sorry hon. Like this guy.” And she pointed at the guy I was with. “No, this guy.” And her finger swung around violently to the guy she was with.
“We can have a foursome.” He said as she got up and sat in his lap.
“Nah, but do you have a condom?” She managed to get out while finding a cup and taking a sip, almost falling over.
The guy pulls a condom out of his pocket and the guy I was with muttered “Shit. Dude, do you have an extra?”
“Sorry bro.” the guy said as he led Sandy into the house.
I stumbled over to the guy I was with, “That’s ok. It’s why we have mouths.” And we kissed. He started to finger me and I was tugging on his cock. I got down on my knees and sucked on his cock a little when he told me to stop. I looked up, still pumping his cock with my hand when he groaned and came on my chest. Cum got all over my swimsuit top.
“Fuck” he moaned and I thought he was going to continue but he pulled up his shorts. “I got some on my shorts. Great, now I have to clean it up. Thanks babe.”
“Wait,” I said. “Aren’t we going to continue?”
“I have to clean this up.” And he started to get up and walked away.
“Fucking asshole” I said, frustrated.
“Whatever bitch.” And he walked away. “With that mouth, you’re probably a whore. Thank god I didn’t fuck you, probably get a disease.”
“Least the guys I fuck last longer than 20 seconds!” I yelled. I got up and went into the house. I walked by the bathroom and checked in on Sandy and peaked in the door. The guy was on top of her and fucking away and her knees were up but her arms were at her side. I was afraid she was passed out.
“Hey!” I said as I stumbled in. “Sandy you ok?” and she didn’t respond. I walked over as the guy turned.
“Get out” he said.
“I’m just making sure my friend is ok. You can hold on” I said and walked to her as he got off her and quickly put on his shorts. I kneeled by the bed. “Sand, you ok?” I asked and she moaned. “Are you awake?” and she tried to feel my face and open her eyes but she failed.
“yes” she managed to kind of say. “I’m fucking. What are YOU doing here?”
I laughed and said to her quietly, “We’re fucking, don’t you remember?” and she just kind of laid there.
I got up and turned to the guy, pissed off from my experience already. “Dude, she’s passed out. Uncool.”
“Well… she was awake before you came in. Do you want to fool around instead?” He suggested.
“Get the fuck out” I yelled and he just turned around and walked out the door.
“You have cum on your tit” he laughed as he left.
I turned to Sandy and looked over her body. It was the first time I’d seen her fully naked.
“Yup, still want to get that.” I smiled as I covered her with the blanket. I kissed her forehead and left the room but left the lamp light on, incase she needed it, and shut the door.
I walked to the bathroom and removed my bathing suit top and started to scrub the cum off my top. I figured I’d change into a tee and just go to sleep. Suddenly I heard a voice.
Pissed off that the guy came back, I turned towards the door and threw my arms up in the air. “Take a good look you fucking perv.” I yelled and then saw the shocked look on Sandy’s father’s face. I quickly covered up. “Sorry.” I said and stumbled backwards. He lunged forward and grabbed me, making me peddle backwards a bit, as I felt his hand grab my arm and pull me towards him.
“Careful.” He smiled as he stopped me from falling. “First of all, not bad reflexes for being so drunk. Second of all, looks like I scared you, I’m sorry.”
I relaxed, my drunk mind slowly understanding the situation. “No, it’s good. Thanks. Sorry, I got something on my top and didn’t know you were here.”
“I wasn’t but what a surprise for both of us.” He looked me up and down. “I have to say, and I apologize now, but seeing you in your bathing suit was the highlight of my day and now, I think that seeing you topless was much better.”
“Mr. Stevenson!” I smiled.
“Ray, how many times have I told you, Ray. I think now that I’ve seen you topless, you can call me Ray.”
I hit him with my free hand.
“Can I do something real quick?” He asked, moving forward and grabbing my hand covering my breasts. He pulled my arm away and I didn’t resist. “Just as I thought.” He smiled.
“What?” I asked, standing there topless.
“Can I do one more thing?” and he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back as he moved to the side and pushed me against the bathroom counter. His hand immediately went to my crotch and he pushed two fingers against my swimsuit bottom and rubbed it up and down. He moved his hands up to my breasts and squeezed them and then stopped kissing me and moved back to take a look.
“For months, I feel like you’ve been flirting with me. Our late-night conversations, your legs in my lap. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.” He lifted me on the counter and I sat there as he put his hand back on my crotch and past the fabric, shoving two fingers into me. “You’re so wet. You want this too I see.”
I thought about stopping him. I really wasn’t attracted to him but my wetness from the cute guy, and getting to kiss Sandy, betrayed me. He continued to finger me as I thought of what I’d do. He stopped and pulled me off the counter and quickly led me by the hand towards my bedroom.
“I should go to bed.” I said, deciding I didn’t want to have sex and risk pissing off Sandy and ruining the progress we had tonight.
“Fuck that.” He said and pulled me into the bedroom and shut the door.
“Seriously, we can’t do this. You’re married and I didn’t mean to give you…” and he tossed me on the bed and pulled off my bikini bottoms. Immediately his head was between my legs and he was licking and fingering my pussy. It wasn’t the most exciting thing but my pussy cried out for the attention. My sexual frustration took over as my legs spread. He fingered me deep as he sloppily licked at my clit. My body tensed as I felt an orgasm building. I moaned and then thought of Sandy.
“Stop, please.” I said and moaned again. “stop” I moaned and felt the familiar trembles. I bit my lip as I had an orgasm as he licked up my juices. He got up and took off his pants and climbed on top of me.
“Was that the first orgasm a guy gave you?” he asked. I almost said fuck no, then remembered my lie. “I can’t stop thinking about what you told me, that you just want someone to take your virginity. I’m going to, ok?” he asked but wasn’t asking.
“I don’t know.” I said, the orgasm high wearing off and the frustrations fading. “Can we just do that?”
He positioned the tip of his cock with his hand and slowly slid in the tip.
“No, please, what if your wife or Sandy finds out.” And he pushed his cock all the way in. He was on the smaller side but I tightened my pussy.
“Tell me to stop, and I will.” He said as he slowly moved his cock out until just the head was in. I thought about the conversation. I thought about the awkwardness. I thought about how he would still want it. “You feel so good.” And he pushed in me again. He started to move faster. “Shit, condom.” He said, not stopping.
“I’m on birth control.” I confessed as he started to fuck me harder.
“Does that feel good? Does it hurt? Do you like it?” he kept asking and my mind was screaming for him to shut up and just fuck me. After a few minutes he came in me with a grunt and his hairy chest tickled as he leaned forward and kissed me as his cum filled me. He rolled off me.
“Was that ok?” he asked.
“Yeah.” I said. “Won’t your wife be wondering where you are?” I asked, my sexual frustration returning.
“No, she is having fun, she probably doesn’t even know I’m gone.” He panted. “oh shit, what did I do?” he asked himself as the realization must have sunk in.
“I’m sorry Jane, I just.. it was the alcohol. I didn’t mean for it to go that far.” And he turned to face me. “It won’t happen again. I am really sorry.”
I smiled. It was sincere. “No, it was fine.” I smiled and put my hand on his head, running it through his hair. I played into the lie. “It was great for my first time, I’m glad it was you.”
“Really?” he asked.
“yeah, I’ve wanted that for a while.” And I pushed against him until he rolled on his back and I put my head on his chest. “I’m glad I’m not a virgin anymore.” And I moved my hand to his cock and played with his little, limp dick. “was I ok?”
“Oh my god Jane, you were amazing. Too good I’d say. Your body is so hot, I just couldn’t control myself.” His cock started to grow a little. “I never imagined we’d do that. I thought about it a lot but never thought we’d…”
“You thought about me?” I asked innocently.
“God yes.” He said and turned and flipped me on my back. “I’ve thought about doing this for so long” and he started to kiss and suck on my nipples. “You are so sexy.” He moved his hand to my pussy and started rubbing my clit and fingering me while sucking on my tits. He moved up and kissed me again and moved his hand to my tits again, smearing my juices all over them. “I’d leave my wife for you.” He confessed.
“In a moment.”
“don’t do that.” I said. “But if you keep this secret, we can do this any time you want.”
That was all he needed to hear. He got up and off the bed and dragged the lower part of me with him.
“Turn over.” He said and then started fucking me from behind. His cock was fully hard again and being lost in the fantasy, it felt so much better. His stamina was much better as he moved from behind and got back on the bed and kissed me and played with my tits then started to go down on me. The fantasy left my brain as my desire to have sex took over. I told him no, that I wanted to suck on his cock while he licked me and I sucked him as he buried his face in my hot pussy, moaning most of the time and not really being able to concentrate. I moved from under him, not wanting him to cum, and told him to get on his back as I got on top. I rode him as he massaged my breasts and just stared at my body. I rode him fast, edging my own orgasm, and then I started to cum again and he did too. I collapsed on him and we breathed heavily as our sweat mixed. I rolled off him but as soon as he caught his breath, he was in me again, fucking me from behind on our side. He fucked in a few more positions for a while until he gave me another orgasm. He pushed in and groaned like he came again, his cock twitching inside of me and pulsing, but nothing really came out. The bed was covered in wet spots, from me and from our sweat. I couldn’t move. He got up and put on his shorts and gave me a kiss. He apologized that he had to go and I just lifted my hand and it fell back down. He left and I fell asleep. I woke up a little while later and peed and wiped my body down with walked to Sandy’s room. I climbed into bed with her and put my leg over hers and put my arm over her. I played with her breasts for a while until I fell asleep.
I woke up to Sandy shoving me awake. “We’re naked, did we fuck?” she asked bluntly as I tried to figure out where I was.
“You wish” I said as I rolled over and tried to go to sleep.
“I remember you kissing me and now we’re naked in bed together… we didn’t did we?” she shoved my shoulder.
“Yes, we fucked, I was amazing. You came and said you’d never want a man again. Now go to sleep.”
“Seriously?” she asked, concerned.
“No. Now go to sleep.” And she laid down and I fell asleep again. I woke up later that afternoon and she was in bed still but had her underwear, bra and t-shirt on.
“We didn’t really have sex, did we?” she asked when she saw I was awake.
“Would it be that bad?” I laughed.
“No.” she admitted. “But I want to know.”
“No.” I smiled. “I don’t take advantage of drunk girls, though I did play with your tits a bit.” She covered up her chest with her arms and we laughed. We stayed in bed for a while, me naked and her dressed. I finally got up and grabbed one of her sleeping shirts and put it on and walked to the bathroom to shower. We spent the rest of the day with her parents, just lounging around. Her mom asked us about our night and we lied. She talked about how much fun they had and how drunk she got. Ray was right, she didn’t even have seemed to notice he was gone for over an hour. He acted like nothing happened. Not a look, not a sexy understanding glance. He just was his same old self. Late that night though, he woke me up by pulling down my underwear and eating me out until I came.
“Fucking wanted to do that all day.” He smiled after. “You know, I was thinking about last night, you were amazing for your first time. Hard to believe you are, I mean were, a virgin.” And he slid his cock into me.
“Ray, your wife and daughter are in the other room.” I kissed him.
“You’ll have to be quiet.” And he fucked me for a while but I started to moan too loudly, partially on purpose. I rolled him over and sucked his cock until he came and I swallowed his load. When we returned to the world, things went back to normal, except our late night conversations turned into late night sex.
We went to my friend’s lake house one forth of July. Sandy was a friend that I made at school. The very first thing she said to me was “you speak really good English for being Mexican, I would think you’re American.” And I slapped her and walked away. She came running up and apologized saying she meant it as a compliment and that she was sorry if it sounded racist. I told her to get the fuck away from me but she just kept apologizing and smiling and I realized she was just ignorant and forgave her. From then on, she kept finding me and talking to me. Against my better judgement, we became quick friends. She had less sexual experiences than me and was shocked by the stories I would tell her. She was pretty and had a very cute body, perky B cups, though her ass was a little flat. I had tried a few times to see if she was interested in women, but she kept saying no. She invited me to spend the night at her place a few months later and her father, the first time I met him that night, pretty much said the same thing to me.
“You speak really well for a Mexican. I don’t hear an accent.” I shrugged and explained how I never noticed. Later, when we went back to her room, I asked.
“Is everyone in your family racist?”
“My father is, but I’m not. My mom may be a little too.” She admitted.
“Against all other races or just Latinas?”
“Mostly just Mexicans.”
“Great!” I said, pretending to leave. “Just what I need.”
“No, stay. I swear, it’s not that bad.” We discussed some of the things he says and says about Mexicans. The things you hear said out loud often.
“Maybe you can change his opinion.” She said. I thought about it and really didn’t need to change anyone’s racist opinions but I agreed, thinking I’ll have some fun. We went down to dinner after a while and I put on the charm. Her mom liked me and her father I couldn’t really tell. Around midnight, we went down to get a drink and Sandy’s father surprised us by being up. He told us to stay and talk to him for a bit. He talked mostly to his daughter but he kept looking over at me as we sat on the couch and he sat in his recliner. It was when I saw a little bulge in his pants that I realized that we were in just tees and our underwear. I got up when there was a lull in the conversation, turned around and leaned over to pull Sandy off the couch. I pushed out my ass, giving him a clear view and we went to her room. We jumped in bed.
“That was weird.” I said and we laid there in silence for a moment.
“I think my dad likes you.” Sandy finally said.
“Do you think he likes likes me?” I teased and turned towards her.
“Yeah, did you notice what I noticed?” She asked, turning red.
“Hard to miss. I’m going to be your new mom.” I giggled. She pushed me.
“Don’t fuck my father.” She said straight forward. “Not only is it wrong, but even if he wasn’t my dad, it’s gross.”
I laughed. “Ok, either you fuck me or he does.” And she pushed me off the bed.
“You’re fucking nasty.” She said and I was genuinely shocked as she rarely swore.
“Had to take that shot.” I smiled as I got up on my knees and leaned against the bed. “Do I have to sleep on the floor? I swear, I won’t touch you.” I winked.
“Fine.” And I jumped in the bed and we got under the covers.
“Can we cuddle? Can I touch your breasts? Can I touch your ass?” I teased her and she pushed me again.
“Oooooh Sandy, I love it when you’re rough.” I laughed and we tried to sleep. After a few minutes of silence, she spoke.
“I’m serious, don’t fuck my dad.”
“Ok, promise.” I said seriously.
Over the course of the next few months, I spent the night at Sandy’s house often and her father seemed to really like me, her entire family did. Then one night Sandy went to bed early and I went into the family room where her father was watching TV. I sat next to him and he asked me what I was up to. I explained how Sandy was asleep and I was bored, so we chatted for a while. I laid down on the couch, after a while, and pushed my feet against his thighs and he soon grabbed them and put them over his lap. Instinctively he started to massage my feet. We just talked, nothing sexual, and I found that I really enjoyed his company. I’d tease him more and we’d have conversations often. Sandy reminded me of my promise not to seduce her dad and I swore to her that it was just friendly conversation and it really was. A couple of sleepovers later, we found ourselves on the couch again. Sandy’s mom was there and we all talked and Sandy came in and joined the conversation but after a little while they both went to bed, so I went with Sandy. I told her how I was bored and we should do something but she just wanted to tell me about the latest guy she hooked up with, so we exchanged stories. We fell asleep mid conversation.
I woke up and went to the bathroom and saw the light of the TV so I went to go check it out and David was sipping on a glass of whiskey and watching a recorded baseball game.
“What are you doing up?” I asked as he asked me the same thing.
I sat down next to him and took his cup and took a sip of his whiskey.
“Hey…” He reached out, trying to take the cup from me.
“Is it wise to be up late by yourself and drinking?” I smiled.
“Well, I see you drink as well.” He said as he looked at me blankly. “What other secrets does the little Mexican girl keep?”
“Promise not to tell?” I asked, taking another sip.
“As long as you don’t tell your mom, I mean Sandy’s mom, that I let you drink.”
“Are you drunk?” I asked. “You’re slurring your words a little and you didn’t know who I was.” I laughed.
“Maybe buzzed. I’m tired, that’s probably why my words are a little slurred.”
I was a little annoyed with the Mexican comment but I thought quickly about what to tell him. Do I tell him the truth? Do I tell him about the time I slept with a teacher? Do I tell him about some of my sexual stories that I knew would turn him on? I remembered my promise to Sandy and decided that I was going to play innocent.
“Never mind,” I said, finishing the whiskey and handing him the cup. “It’s not really appropriate to say.”
“Let me guess, you’re a party girl and from the way you finished my whiskey, you’re probably trouble.” He smiled, getting up and pouring himself another drink. He sat back on the couch and I put my legs over his lap and laid back.
“No, I like to drink sometimes but I’m not a party girl. You know me, you tell me, do I seem like I’m a bad influence on Sandy?”
“Not at all, but there is something about you that screams trouble.” He smiled. Was he flirting with me? I wondered. I couldn’t tell. “So tell me the secret that popped in your head.”
“I can’t, I don’t want you to look at me funny from now on, or get banned from coming over. I also don’t want to get Sandy in trouble.”
“Oh now you really have to tell me.” He smiled while he rubbed my legs a little. “I swear, anything you tell me tonight, I’ll forget immediately.”
“Ok, I guess, so it’s not really a secret like you think but it’s not something I’ve told anyone, but Sandy knows. She rescued me.”
I told him the story about how Sandy came and got me from a party I was at. I had gotten a little too drunk and this guy and I were talking and he suggested we go into a room where it was quieter. I thought he was really cute and went with him. He spilled his drink on me and I told him it was ok. I didn’t tell him how I just took off my clothes and the guy and I had sex. I told him a story about something that happened when I was younger, mixing the two stories. The guy convinced me to take off my top and he’d run it under water to clean it. He did and when he came back, he said I’d be ok but that I should let the shirt dry. He then started rubbing my legs and then lifted off my bra. Then stood up and took out his cock and told me to touch it. I lied to Sandy’s dad and told him that I was scared and that I had never seen a penis before, let alone touched it.
“You touched it?” he asked, his hands gripping my calf tightly.
“Yeah, I kind of wanted to, is that bad?” I asked innocently.
Her dad went on about how that guy was terrible and I shouldn’t hang out with those people anymore and what their names were. I told him I didn’t know. I continued telling him how the guy wanted for me to do more but I got nervous because being a virgin, I didn’t want to have him laugh because I didn’t know what to do.
“You’re a virgin?” He laughed.
“What?!” I pretended to get upset.
“I don’t know. No offense but the way you dress and act, I would have bet a lot of money that you’ve had sex before.”
“What does that mean?” I asked. “The way I act?”
“You just seem to make everything sexual.” He laughed. “A virgin, no shit.”
I pretended to get upset and move my legs away from him and he grabbed them and pulled them back on his lap.
“Don’t get upset.” He smiled at me. “That’s nice that you have values. I assumed wrong, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t get me wrong,” I shifted my legs back and forth, seeing if he was erect or not, which he wasn’t. “I really want to have sex, I just want someone that will, and god I can’t believe I’m telling you this, I just want a guy that will have sex with me and kind of teach me.” I covered my face with my hands.
“Just tell that to your boyfriend. I’m sure he’d be happy to help.” He smiled.
“I guess, if I get a boyfriend, I will. It’s just embarrassing.”
“No it’s not. Don’t be embarrassed.”
He grabbed his drink and took a sip and then leaned back and continued to rub my calves. We talked a little while longer about how Sandy ended up coming in and yelling at the guy. We talked about some guys I was interested in but I lied again and said there weren’t really too many. Then when I said I was going to bed, he assured me that my secret was safe with him. I was a little disappointed that he made no moves or even acted like he was interested in me. A few days later, Sandy grilled me about that night and what her dad and I talked about. She laughed when she said that her father thought I was this innocent girl and told her that I was a good influence.
A few weeks later, Sandy asked if I wanted to go to their lake house for the fourth.
“There will be a lot of people there, mostly the people that live around the lake and the younger adults go off and drink, while the parents hang out in one of the houses.” She didn’t need to convince me any more than that.
When we got to the house, it was really pretty and nothing that I was used to. We changed into our swim suits and jumped in the lake and floated in innertubes. More and more people started coming over and the adults started gathering at the neighbor’s house. The smell of BBQ filled the air and I quickly found a hot guy to hang around. We chatted for most of the day and smoked a few bowls with some of the other people. We started drinking and as night came, I was pretty wasted. When the fireworks were about to start, the guy I was talking with finally kissed me and we started making out under the exploding fireworks. I grabbed his cock under his swim trunks and told him we should find a place more private. We went back to Sandy’s house and sat on the lawn chair on the deck. I pulled down his short a little and took out his cock and he got really nervous, saying that someone was going to see. I was about to suck on his cock when we heard laughter and I turned to see Sandy talking to a guy, walking towards us. The guy I was with pulled up his shorts and we sat there.
“What were you two doing?” Sandy laughed, giving me a look. She sat next to me and was clearly as drunk as I was. The four of us talked for a while and then Sandy exclaimed, “And this girl is always trying to get me to have sex with her.”
“Yeah, because you’re hot.” I smiled at her.
“You like these?” She said and grabbed her tits and gave them a shake. “Or this?” and she stood up, turned around and stuck her ass out towards me and spanked it hard. The boys both said “ooooooo” as she turned around and flopped down next to me again.
“Yes, yes I do.” I said confidently.
She leaned forward and I kissed her. She kissed me back and my hands went to her breasts and her hands went to mine. We kissed for a while and then she pulled back. “Is that what you wanted?” she said drunkedly. I looked at the guys and they were both just staring.
“No, I want this.” I said and leaned forward and kissed her again and ran my hand to her crotch and cupped it over her bathing suit. She let me feel her for a minute and pushed me away a little.
“Ahhh, but I like guys. Sorry hon. Like this guy.” And she pointed at the guy I was with. “No, this guy.” And her finger swung around violently to the guy she was with.
“We can have a foursome.” He said as she got up and sat in his lap.
“Nah, but do you have a condom?” She managed to get out while finding a cup and taking a sip, almost falling over.
The guy pulls a condom out of his pocket and the guy I was with muttered “Shit. Dude, do you have an extra?”
“Sorry bro.” the guy said as he led Sandy into the house.
I stumbled over to the guy I was with, “That’s ok. It’s why we have mouths.” And we kissed. He started to finger me and I was tugging on his cock. I got down on my knees and sucked on his cock a little when he told me to stop. I looked up, still pumping his cock with my hand when he groaned and came on my chest. Cum got all over my swimsuit top.
“Fuck” he moaned and I thought he was going to continue but he pulled up his shorts. “I got some on my shorts. Great, now I have to clean it up. Thanks babe.”
“Wait,” I said. “Aren’t we going to continue?”
“I have to clean this up.” And he started to get up and walked away.
“Fucking asshole” I said, frustrated.
“Whatever bitch.” And he walked away. “With that mouth, you’re probably a whore. Thank god I didn’t fuck you, probably get a disease.”
“Least the guys I fuck last longer than 20 seconds!” I yelled. I got up and went into the house. I walked by the bathroom and checked in on Sandy and peaked in the door. The guy was on top of her and fucking away and her knees were up but her arms were at her side. I was afraid she was passed out.
“Hey!” I said as I stumbled in. “Sandy you ok?” and she didn’t respond. I walked over as the guy turned.
“Get out” he said.
“I’m just making sure my friend is ok. You can hold on” I said and walked to her as he got off her and quickly put on his shorts. I kneeled by the bed. “Sand, you ok?” I asked and she moaned. “Are you awake?” and she tried to feel my face and open her eyes but she failed.
“yes” she managed to kind of say. “I’m fucking. What are YOU doing here?”
I laughed and said to her quietly, “We’re fucking, don’t you remember?” and she just kind of laid there.
I got up and turned to the guy, pissed off from my experience already. “Dude, she’s passed out. Uncool.”
“Well… she was awake before you came in. Do you want to fool around instead?” He suggested.
“Get the fuck out” I yelled and he just turned around and walked out the door.
“You have cum on your tit” he laughed as he left.
I turned to Sandy and looked over her body. It was the first time I’d seen her fully naked.
“Yup, still want to get that.” I smiled as I covered her with the blanket. I kissed her forehead and left the room but left the lamp light on, incase she needed it, and shut the door.
I walked to the bathroom and removed my bathing suit top and started to scrub the cum off my top. I figured I’d change into a tee and just go to sleep. Suddenly I heard a voice.
Pissed off that the guy came back, I turned towards the door and threw my arms up in the air. “Take a good look you fucking perv.” I yelled and then saw the shocked look on Sandy’s father’s face. I quickly covered up. “Sorry.” I said and stumbled backwards. He lunged forward and grabbed me, making me peddle backwards a bit, as I felt his hand grab my arm and pull me towards him.
“Careful.” He smiled as he stopped me from falling. “First of all, not bad reflexes for being so drunk. Second of all, looks like I scared you, I’m sorry.”
I relaxed, my drunk mind slowly understanding the situation. “No, it’s good. Thanks. Sorry, I got something on my top and didn’t know you were here.”
“I wasn’t but what a surprise for both of us.” He looked me up and down. “I have to say, and I apologize now, but seeing you in your bathing suit was the highlight of my day and now, I think that seeing you topless was much better.”
“Mr. Stevenson!” I smiled.
“Ray, how many times have I told you, Ray. I think now that I’ve seen you topless, you can call me Ray.”
I hit him with my free hand.
“Can I do something real quick?” He asked, moving forward and grabbing my hand covering my breasts. He pulled my arm away and I didn’t resist. “Just as I thought.” He smiled.
“What?” I asked, standing there topless.
“Can I do one more thing?” and he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back as he moved to the side and pushed me against the bathroom counter. His hand immediately went to my crotch and he pushed two fingers against my swimsuit bottom and rubbed it up and down. He moved his hands up to my breasts and squeezed them and then stopped kissing me and moved back to take a look.
“For months, I feel like you’ve been flirting with me. Our late-night conversations, your legs in my lap. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.” He lifted me on the counter and I sat there as he put his hand back on my crotch and past the fabric, shoving two fingers into me. “You’re so wet. You want this too I see.”
I thought about stopping him. I really wasn’t attracted to him but my wetness from the cute guy, and getting to kiss Sandy, betrayed me. He continued to finger me as I thought of what I’d do. He stopped and pulled me off the counter and quickly led me by the hand towards my bedroom.
“I should go to bed.” I said, deciding I didn’t want to have sex and risk pissing off Sandy and ruining the progress we had tonight.
“Fuck that.” He said and pulled me into the bedroom and shut the door.
“Seriously, we can’t do this. You’re married and I didn’t mean to give you…” and he tossed me on the bed and pulled off my bikini bottoms. Immediately his head was between my legs and he was licking and fingering my pussy. It wasn’t the most exciting thing but my pussy cried out for the attention. My sexual frustration took over as my legs spread. He fingered me deep as he sloppily licked at my clit. My body tensed as I felt an orgasm building. I moaned and then thought of Sandy.
“Stop, please.” I said and moaned again. “stop” I moaned and felt the familiar trembles. I bit my lip as I had an orgasm as he licked up my juices. He got up and took off his pants and climbed on top of me.
“Was that the first orgasm a guy gave you?” he asked. I almost said fuck no, then remembered my lie. “I can’t stop thinking about what you told me, that you just want someone to take your virginity. I’m going to, ok?” he asked but wasn’t asking.
“I don’t know.” I said, the orgasm high wearing off and the frustrations fading. “Can we just do that?”
He positioned the tip of his cock with his hand and slowly slid in the tip.
“No, please, what if your wife or Sandy finds out.” And he pushed his cock all the way in. He was on the smaller side but I tightened my pussy.
“Tell me to stop, and I will.” He said as he slowly moved his cock out until just the head was in. I thought about the conversation. I thought about the awkwardness. I thought about how he would still want it. “You feel so good.” And he pushed in me again. He started to move faster. “Shit, condom.” He said, not stopping.
“I’m on birth control.” I confessed as he started to fuck me harder.
“Does that feel good? Does it hurt? Do you like it?” he kept asking and my mind was screaming for him to shut up and just fuck me. After a few minutes he came in me with a grunt and his hairy chest tickled as he leaned forward and kissed me as his cum filled me. He rolled off me.
“Was that ok?” he asked.
“Yeah.” I said. “Won’t your wife be wondering where you are?” I asked, my sexual frustration returning.
“No, she is having fun, she probably doesn’t even know I’m gone.” He panted. “oh shit, what did I do?” he asked himself as the realization must have sunk in.
“I’m sorry Jane, I just.. it was the alcohol. I didn’t mean for it to go that far.” And he turned to face me. “It won’t happen again. I am really sorry.”
I smiled. It was sincere. “No, it was fine.” I smiled and put my hand on his head, running it through his hair. I played into the lie. “It was great for my first time, I’m glad it was you.”
“Really?” he asked.
“yeah, I’ve wanted that for a while.” And I pushed against him until he rolled on his back and I put my head on his chest. “I’m glad I’m not a virgin anymore.” And I moved my hand to his cock and played with his little, limp dick. “was I ok?”
“Oh my god Jane, you were amazing. Too good I’d say. Your body is so hot, I just couldn’t control myself.” His cock started to grow a little. “I never imagined we’d do that. I thought about it a lot but never thought we’d…”
“You thought about me?” I asked innocently.
“God yes.” He said and turned and flipped me on my back. “I’ve thought about doing this for so long” and he started to kiss and suck on my nipples. “You are so sexy.” He moved his hand to my pussy and started rubbing my clit and fingering me while sucking on my tits. He moved up and kissed me again and moved his hand to my tits again, smearing my juices all over them. “I’d leave my wife for you.” He confessed.
“In a moment.”
“don’t do that.” I said. “But if you keep this secret, we can do this any time you want.”
That was all he needed to hear. He got up and off the bed and dragged the lower part of me with him.
“Turn over.” He said and then started fucking me from behind. His cock was fully hard again and being lost in the fantasy, it felt so much better. His stamina was much better as he moved from behind and got back on the bed and kissed me and played with my tits then started to go down on me. The fantasy left my brain as my desire to have sex took over. I told him no, that I wanted to suck on his cock while he licked me and I sucked him as he buried his face in my hot pussy, moaning most of the time and not really being able to concentrate. I moved from under him, not wanting him to cum, and told him to get on his back as I got on top. I rode him as he massaged my breasts and just stared at my body. I rode him fast, edging my own orgasm, and then I started to cum again and he did too. I collapsed on him and we breathed heavily as our sweat mixed. I rolled off him but as soon as he caught his breath, he was in me again, fucking me from behind on our side. He fucked in a few more positions for a while until he gave me another orgasm. He pushed in and groaned like he came again, his cock twitching inside of me and pulsing, but nothing really came out. The bed was covered in wet spots, from me and from our sweat. I couldn’t move. He got up and put on his shorts and gave me a kiss. He apologized that he had to go and I just lifted my hand and it fell back down. He left and I fell asleep. I woke up a little while later and peed and wiped my body down with walked to Sandy’s room. I climbed into bed with her and put my leg over hers and put my arm over her. I played with her breasts for a while until I fell asleep.
I woke up to Sandy shoving me awake. “We’re naked, did we fuck?” she asked bluntly as I tried to figure out where I was.
“You wish” I said as I rolled over and tried to go to sleep.
“I remember you kissing me and now we’re naked in bed together… we didn’t did we?” she shoved my shoulder.
“Yes, we fucked, I was amazing. You came and said you’d never want a man again. Now go to sleep.”
“Seriously?” she asked, concerned.
“No. Now go to sleep.” And she laid down and I fell asleep again. I woke up later that afternoon and she was in bed still but had her underwear, bra and t-shirt on.
“We didn’t really have sex, did we?” she asked when she saw I was awake.
“Would it be that bad?” I laughed.
“No.” she admitted. “But I want to know.”
“No.” I smiled. “I don’t take advantage of drunk girls, though I did play with your tits a bit.” She covered up her chest with her arms and we laughed. We stayed in bed for a while, me naked and her dressed. I finally got up and grabbed one of her sleeping shirts and put it on and walked to the bathroom to shower. We spent the rest of the day with her parents, just lounging around. Her mom asked us about our night and we lied. She talked about how much fun they had and how drunk she got. Ray was right, she didn’t even have seemed to notice he was gone for over an hour. He acted like nothing happened. Not a look, not a sexy understanding glance. He just was his same old self. Late that night though, he woke me up by pulling down my underwear and eating me out until I came.
“Fucking wanted to do that all day.” He smiled after. “You know, I was thinking about last night, you were amazing for your first time. Hard to believe you are, I mean were, a virgin.” And he slid his cock into me.
“Ray, your wife and daughter are in the other room.” I kissed him.
“You’ll have to be quiet.” And he fucked me for a while but I started to moan too loudly, partially on purpose. I rolled him over and sucked his cock until he came and I swallowed his load. When we returned to the world, things went back to normal, except our late night conversations turned into late night sex.
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