Story Details

My Snowmobile Trip

phang on Taboo Stories

I don’t think I had been so cold.  I had been skiing for almost 12 hours now and still had not seen a road or any indication of life.  The aurora borealis was out and bright.  Green ribbons and blue ribbons dancing in the sky.  A cloudless night and the moon had not come up yet but with the northern lights it was bright enough to read by.  I stopped on top of the saddle coming through the mountains to rest.  Suddenly there was a rectangle of light in the valley below!  I took bearings on the mountains and stars and started out for that beacon of life.  It took me almost three hours to find the cabin.  The windows were covered with material so little light shown through them, but it was the smell of wood smoke that led me to the cabin.  I was exhausted and don’t think I could have lasted much longer.  The temperature was well below zero.  The only reason I was still alive was there was no wind.


I skied to the porch and took my skis off leaning them on the wall under the overhang. Â I knocked and heard the bark of a large dog inside. Â After a couple of minutes I knocked again, thinking how silly it was to knock with the racket the dog was making. Â The door opened a crack and the barrels of a double-barreled shotgun pocked out.


“Who is it?” a female voice demanded.  The door was open just enough for the shotgun but not enough for the dog to get out, although he was trying.


“My name is John Kelly.  I need help.  My snowmobile broke down yesterday afternoon and I have been skiing constantly looking for help.  I’m almost done in.  I mean you no harm.”


The shotgun was withdrawn and she told the dog to shut up in a stern voice.  The dog instantly obeyed.  She opened the door and told me to come in and go over by the fireplace.  She told me to put another log on the fire as she closed the door.  I only got a glimpse of her silhouette as I shuffled to the life-giving warmth.  I put on another log and pulled off my coat, gloves, and scarves.  As I kneeled in front of the fireplace holding out my hands the feeling started coming back – pins and needles to the extreme.  I moaned but kept my hands in the warmth without getting too close.  She came back into the room handing me a hot cup of coffee. Â

“It’s left over, but still hot.”


“Thanks.”  It tasted like the best drink I ever had: hot and strong without being bitter.


She stepped into the light of the fireplace and I saw her. Â She had a dark complexion and sharp features indicating no fat on her face at all. Â Her eyes were dark brown and flashing, missing nothing. Â When she smiled her teeth were snow white and except for an eyetooth that had a little crook in it, perfect.


She put some blankets on the couch and told me to sleep on the couch.  “Take off those wet clothes and put them around the fireplace to dry.  Don’t put your boots too close or they will get hard.  I’ll see you in a few hours.  Oh, by the way, don’t try to pet the dog.  He will bite.  If he wants you to pet him, he’ll put his nose in your hand, otherwise just leave him be.”


I striped down to my long johns and laid all my clothes around the fireplace watching the steam rise from them. Â I found the pillow she had placed under the blankets and stretched out on the couch covering myself with the hand-made blankets. Â I was asleep instantly. Â I awoke looking into the eyes of the largest dog I had ever seen. Â He was sitting looking at me from about 2 feet and it was a little unnerving, considering the warning I had received earlier. Â There was a smell of coffee coming from somewhere along with a smell of baking bread. Â Slowly, minding the dog, I sat up and stretched.


“What’s your dog’s name?” I hollered.


From a room behind me came the reply.  “Brutus.”

“Do you have an outhouse?”

“Of course.  Out the door to your right.  Mind the storm.  It’s about 40 below right now and the wind is blowing at about 70 miles an hour.� A real blizzard.”

I got dressed, pulled on my coat and gloves and opened the door.  Brutus brushed by me and ran to the right.  Fortunately the door was on the leeward side of the storm so no wind came into the cabin.  I headed toward the outhouse and saw the horizontal snow going past the cabin.  It was screaming.  I don’t know how I slept with the noise.  I spotted the outhouse and stepped inside.  When I dropped my pants and flap exposing my bare flesh to the cold it really woke me up.  I was glad when I finished so I could cover up again.  Brutus was waiting for me at the door wanting in.  I noticed that the snow on his back had not even started to melt.  Good insulation.  After washing up I went to the kitchen and she was just pouring the coffee.

Breakfast was fabulous. Â There were home-made biscuits about 6 inches across and light and flaky. Â Scrambled eggs with some strange looking stuff in it but tasted delicious. Â Some unknown meat and she placed a bowl on the table saying it was for the biscuits. Â She said it was a mixture of sweet cream, butter, and apricots. Â I asked her about the meat and ingredients in the eggs. Â She said the meat was bear meat. Â It was the back strap, or the meat between the spine and ribs in the depression where the muscles lay. Â The eggs contained wild onions, wild garlic, wild mushrooms, and home made cheese.


After breakfast I started to help her clean up, but she told me to go into the next room and take a bath.  “No offense, Kelly, but you’re a little ripe.”  Since I could smell myself, I agreed and stepped into the other room.  There was a washbasin and a large kettle of hot water waiting.  “Sorry, no shower here.  You’ll have to take a standup washcloth bath.  Just put on that flannel robe and I’ll wash out your long johns and other clothes when I wash mine in a while.”


I stripped and was washing when she opened the curtain to get my clothes.  I had one foot up on a stool and was leaning back washing my ass so she had a good view.  I dropped my foot and moved my hands to cover myself saying she should have knocked.  “It’s my house – I don’t knock.  Besides, you have nothing to be ashamed of, and after a bit let’s talk about utilizing that tool.”


I could not believe what I just heard. Â I was just propositioned by this great looking girl that I just met. Â She pickup up my clothes and carried them away. Â After bathing I slipped on the robe and carried the water to the door and threw it into the snow. Â When I came back in she was pouring hot water into a large tub with a rub board. Â I asked her what her name was and she said it was Barbara. Â She told me to go sit in front of the fireplace and she would be out directly.


I sat in front of the fire listening to the wind blow when Brutus came, jumped onto the couch and put his head in my lap scooting his nose under my hand.  I started petting him and he went to sleep.  When Barbara came in and saw Brutus in my lap she laughed.  “I guess Brutus approves of you, Kelly.  I think I do, too.  Let’s go to my bedroom.  I need you to make love to me.  It’s been over two years since I had a boyfriend and seeing you in there made me so horney I can hardly stand it.  I got up and she took me by the hand leading me into her bedroom.  The bed was huge and entirely hand made.  The mattress was hand sewn and about two feet thick.  The blankets were hand made and heavily quilted.  The sheets, however, appeared to be satin.�


“Who made the bed?”


“My grandfather made the bed and my grandmother, mother, and her sisters made the mattress and quilts.  The sheets are silk and were a present to my mother by a Chinese gentleman she knew many years ago.  They are over 50 years old and just as good as new.  I love sleeping on them.”


She started striping and was nude within a minute.  I could only stand and watch, and getting this extremely hard erection.  I noticed some scars on her back and right side under her breast, but before I could ask about them she had ripped off the robe.  Looking down, she said, “Oh, yes.  I’m going to enjoy that.”  I pulled her to me and kissed her with as much tenderness as I could, but she was like an animal, throwing me to the bed and climbing onto me.  She was already wet and wanted no foreplay.  She climbed up onto me and impaled herself on my erection.  When I was all the way into her, she sat there enjoying the feel of me.  She leaned over and started humping me like a piston.  Faster and faster she went until she was rubbing her pubic bone against me so hard it was starting to hurt.  She climaxed and starting pounding me taking longer and longer strokes until I came, also.  Then she lay on me holding me inside her.

“Don’t move.  Just lay still and let me enjoy this.”


I did not move and also enjoyed the feeling of her on top of me.  As our breathing returned to normal, she rolled off me and snuggled up under my arm, pulling the covers over us.  Within a minute she was sound asleep.  I lay there for a bit and also went to sleep.  When I awoke about an hour later she had not moved.  I pulled the covers back and looked her over carefully.  She was tight, long muscled, and no fat anywhere I could see.  There was only a light fuzz where the pubic hair would have been, but she did not shave.  The same light hair was under her arms and on her legs.  It looked like she did not shave anywhere.  There were two curved scars in her right eyebrow and two ½ inch wide round scars under her breast about 4 inches apart.  They were puncture wounds of some sort.  Her breasts were just the right size for her build.  I would guess about a 34B.  Her areolas were small and only slightly darker than her skin.  Her nipples had reacted to the cool air and were standing erect.  Looking at her caused me to get another erection.  As it got hard it was rubbing against her hip.  Suddenly her hand closed over it startling me, since I thought she was still asleep.


“Hello, Kelly.  I see you are ready for some more fun.”


“Hello, Barbara.  Yes, but this time I want to make love to you.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.  I just needed some relief before.”


I started by rolling her over against me and holding her. Â She maneuvered herself so that my erection slid between her legs and between her pussy lips. Â As I held her, she slowly moved back and forth rubbing my dick with her labia. Â I kissed her and slowly kissed down the side of her neck licking at that place where her jaw joins her neck, then down to the hollow of her neck and shoulder. Â I pushed her slowly onto her back as I kissed my way down to her breasts, kissing, sucking, nipping, and rolling her nipples with my fingers. Â We were both enjoying this activity. Â Continuing to caress her breasts with my hands, I kissed my way down stopping and kissing her scars, which caused her to jump. Â I continued down to her hip and then moved over between her legs. Â She opened wide as I licked up and down her slit, pausing to spend a little time at her hole and more time at her clit. Â She was moving involuntarily and when I nipped at her clit she hit me in the mouth with her pubic bone and had an orgasm. Â I held onto her as she bucked and continued to lick and nip her clit as she soared over to insensibility. I relaxed and let her come down. Â Just as she was starting to relax I slipped up entering her with a single thrust going all the way in, my balls hitting her. Â She gasped and threw her legs around me. Â I began to thrust slowly and deliberately. Â I would pull almost all the way out and then plunge in again, harder and harder. Â She started having a non-stop orgasm, yelling and moaning while bucking against me. Â I could feel that deep-down feeling creeping up and plunged down as deep as I could get. Â I held myself there as I came, hard, deep squirts almost hurting with their intensity. Â I had never had an orgasm like this before, and it lasted longer than any previous one. Â When I finished, I lay on her gasping for air.

I ran my finger over the scars in her eyebrow.  “Rifle scope?”


“Yep,” she said, “Just like yours.”


“How did you get the other scars – the round ones?”


“When I was a small girl playing in the yard a mountain lion ran into the yard and grabbed me and started carrying me away.  That’s how I got the scars.  My 15-year old brother was chopping wood and ran over hitting the lion across the neck with the splitting mall.  He almost cut the cat’s head off with that swing, but he did sever the spine and the lion is stuffed and mounted in his house.  Daddy looked at the wounds the cat gave me, saw they weren’t very deep, so he used some bag bomb (that’s a wound cleanser for cow's udders) on the wounds, taped some gauze over them and the next day I was playing in the yard, again.”


“Didn’t I feel some scars on your back?”


“Yeah, nothing so exciting as yours, though.  Mine are from stupidity.  I was cutting down some trees with my chain saw and missed a dead stand in a tree.  When my tree fell, the dead stand came down and just about killed me.  Some dead branches punctured my lung and my dad had to cut the tree off me and take me up to the hospital in Kalispell.  It took about an hour to get there, and I almost died on the way.”


We looked at each other’s scars, touched them, then touched other places.  We made love again and drifted off to sleep.  The blizzard lasted until nightfall the next day.  The next day we closed up the cabin for the season and got into her snowmobile and headed back to her house where I contacted my family to tell them where I was and I was all right.  Since I had not told them I was going, they didn’t even know I was missing.  Oh, well.

Barbara and I are engaged to be married. Â We have been dating for two years now and plan to get married in the spring. Â We spend at least a week in her cabin every few months and relive the great times we spent there. Â We never found my broken down snowmobile, but you can rest assured that I will never go into the woods alone, again.




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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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