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The Kingdom of Fuck 2

glitter_fantastic on Forced Stories

It had been two weeks since I had taken over the village and its peaceful inhabitants, turning the disgustingly puritan village women into true whores. Not all had been particularly content with the changes and they had been sectioned off in the prison tower for further instruction. I could not have intolerance on their part, they would take their cock and since they had chosen to do so unwillingly they would have to be punished. I needed particular men for this job, ones that would not hold back and possessed a distinct unquenchable lust for pussy and pain. So I gathered Will, Harry and John, three beefy bordering on fat men that had not taken a bath in what smelt like weeks; which was of course the way I wanted it. I would not be disciplining the whores, I had brought my own treat along and she marched in front of me, complacent as ever. Once in the towers we came to the room housing the disobedient bitches where the three women were shackled naked, face forward and arms up on the wall, only allowing them to touch the floor with their toes; not a comfortable position but comfort was not my concern for them. They had already received 20 whips on the ass each, and their skin lay in dried bloody shreds, not a turn on to me, but apparently my companions found the picture quite enticing by their engorged cocks already sticking out of their breeches. Will, a massive man by my standards came up to the first, a black haired raven beauty with decent sized tits and mouth on her the size on a fat women’s pussy. Yanking her into the air by her hair he grabbed one large tit, viciously twisting it and said, “Do I have your attention now fuck face or will I have to whip you some more?” She should not have done it, be she did and she spit into poor Will’s face. Within seconds he had unshackled her and was dragging her across the rough stone floor by the hair on her scalp, her screeches of protest echoing after him. Picking her up he threw her into a wall, roaring angrily, a bit of a savage the man. Picking her back up by the neck the three men latched her into a binding swing that painfully laced her legs together like a turkey and then attached her arms and her legs to the swing. This left her body upwards and suspended helplessly from the ceiling, open to the mercy or lack of from my men. Their dumb grinning faces spoke of their intelligence, but their cruel tiny eyes spoke of the evil in their hearts, good men indeed. Soon they wrapped her plump breasts up in thin metal wire that started to cut into the tender flesh, attaching weighted clamps onto her nipples. Already the whore was gritting her teeth together, and I got my little treat to start sucking my throbbing cock. Each woman was then in turn hung in the same position and identical treatments would be delivered. Their shaved white pussies hung in the air, the soft flesh ready for the hot cattle prod treatment that was to come. They were left without a gag so that their screams could serve as warnings to other uncooperative women. The cattle prod formed the word Whore and was to be branded across their breast, and as the air filled with the smell of burning flesh I got my own whore to straddle my cock in the folds of her tiny pussy, her juices running from just sucking my cock. As she fervently impaled herself onto my hard lance I watched as the men whipped the women’s pussies repeatedly until blood ran to the floor. The treatment stopped and greyhounds were made to enter and the three large beasts took their long tongues and begun to eat the bitche’s cunts, humiliating each of them as the bogs drove them to climax through the pain of having a rough tongue lick their shredded cunts. Soon my men had their dirty cock pummelling deep inside three soaked pussies, and their grunts of pleasures were matched my pleading cries to stop, the last ignored. Their asses received similar treatments and once my men were satisfied they took down the broken broads and attached them back to the shackles on the wall as man upon man took his turn using their cunts. In all each woman received the pleasure of hosting 20 men between their legs, not a bad day of work at all. My own whore came repeatedly and even now she begs for more, perhaps I shall introduce her to Spike?



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