View Full Version : is there a sound

chained rose
12-07-2006, 08:31 AM
is there a sound

when one mind touches another?

when the thoughts
stretch across miles
across time
across an apparently unbridgeable chasm
across unimagined obstacles

obstacles of this world
other worlds

it should be as a clap
of thunder. . .
or a bell tolling in the still air of
the first morning of time. . .

a momentous event deserves a momentous sound

the touch of two minds
two hearts
two souls

should make such
a cacophony
that Beethoven’s Ninth
would seem but a whisper in comparison.

there should be
a light so bright that
the sun would die of shame
for her pitiful display

why is there nothing
but the quiet whisper of a sigh
and the tolling of one single word


12-07-2006, 10:32 AM
Sometimes it's simply that which is unspoken
and never need be that speaks the loudest.

A divergence of heart and mind that crosses
any barrier of distance, time, culture or class.

I hear your words without them being spoken,
Feeling that presence in even the smallest of things.

No plan of one's own design, no grand scheme
in this passion play we call life but merely as you say.


Spoken from soul to touch soul.

I treasure it as a gift from the heart.

chained rose
12-07-2006, 11:58 AM
A gift that is miniscule compared to that which i have been given --
a touch that reaches an untouched place. What could be a greater gift.

Thank you for giving and receiving.

12-07-2006, 03:27 PM
Thank you for sharing! I love it.

Aloha Jack
12-28-2006, 10:14 PM
A sound/sensation
So great, It eclipses
Any other,
We hear

And, we know
We need no more!