View Full Version : (future kinks) The Competition

08-02-2022, 06:50 AM
My wife Jennifer and I graduated from the same school a decade ago. I wish I could say we were high school sweethearts, but I was an egotistical jock and I wasn’t exactly attractive to her back then. She was the gifted theatre girl who excelled in all her classes and didn’t play into the stupid popularity games. I was the all-conference linebacker for the football team who spent way more time chasing skirts than studying.

It wasn’t until years later that we would reconnect and fall head over heels in love. We’d both returned to our little hometown again to visit family over the holidays, and we happened to run into one another at a friend’s Christmas party. We’d both changed a lot … I was no longer a conceited fuckboy, and Jen experienced a glow-up that made it impossible to take my eyes off her.

Let me be clear: My wife wasn’t unattractive when we were in school. Jen always had striking features--beautiful green eyes, bright red hair, and stunning cheekbones with a spattering of freckles. It’s just that she had more important priorities than perfecting her makeup, wearing the “in” clothing brands, or swapping her bookish glasses for contacts. You know, all the things dumb young guys find appealing.

Today, she is waaaay out of my league. I’m not the star athlete who “let himself go” in his late twenties … I still exercise and eat well. It’s just that Jen is basically a supermodel. She had a late growth spurt and she ended up an inch or two taller than me. (I’m totally here for it.) She has long, toned legs and a firm, perky ass from her cardio kickboxing class. Her B-cup breasts perfectly fill her tops in a way that catches my eye every time, and they give me something soft to grasp when we’re fucking like animals. Which is basically every day.

We may have been very different back in the day, but there’s one thing we are on the same exact page about now: We love sex. Jen and I are constantly trying new positions, hooking up in new locations, and occasionally even involving other people. Some days I feel like I am just trying to keep up … my wife’s sex drive is almost insatiable.

Which brings us to yesterday, our first high school reunion. We were in the car, making our multiple-hour pilgrimage back to the place where we grew up. Please don’t think that I am complaining about the drive through.

30 minutes into our trip, Jen’s hand made its way over from the passenger seat to my lap. 45 minutes in, she was giving me road head, loudly sucking my cock while rubbing her pussy. Around the 60-minute mark, I came in her mouth. We both love car blowjobs because it’s one of the few public hookups where I can moan as loud as I want and nobody else will hear.

Jen washed my cum down her throat with a sip of coffee we’d picked up along the way and smiled at me. “I needed that,” she said with a satisfied tone in her voice. “I also wanted to remind you how good I am so you won’t leave me the moment you see your old girlfriends at the reunion.”

I let out a big laugh. “Babe, you have absolutely nothing to worry about there. If anything, I am worried about the guys from our class trying to steal you away from me … and come to think of it, maybe a few of the girls.”

I was only half kidding. Jen’s outfit was jaw-dropping. She was wearing a fiery red wrap dress—one of my favorites because it gave me easy access to all my favorite parts of her body. Her tits were almost popping out of the low neckline … in fact, she had a nip slip while she had been sucking my dick, something that made her giggle while she had my cock in her mouth. Her tall black heels made her legs look delicious. I planned to lick my way up from her ankle to her clit after checking into our hotel later.

A devious grin came across my wife’s face. “Do you know what could be fun? A fucking contest.” Like I said earlier, some days I feel like I am just trying to keep up with her. She knows me so well, too … as a former high school athlete, I am wired to love competition. Especially if it involves physical endurance. “Okay, what are the rules?” I said.

“Simple,” she said. “Whoever makes the most classmates cum tonight wins.” I looked at her with an air of skepticism. “Are you saying tonight as in ‘in our hotel room after the reunion’ or tonight as in ‘at the school’?” I was a little worried about her response … getting kicked out of our alma mater for fucking on campus sounded a little embarrassing.

Jen bit her lip. “At the school.” She said it in a way that made me think she was already envisioning some shadowy corner of the school where she was going to fuck some guy’s brain out. Dammit. I felt like I was already falling behind in the contest. My eyes narrowed and a mischievous smirk came across my face. “You’re on,” I said.


Flash forward and we’re an hour into the reunion. Our former class president had finished his sappy speech, and everyone had just refilled their punch glasses. The game was afoot. Jen had been making the rounds this entire time, being extra friendly to the guys who couldn’t take their eyes off her. Which—let’s be honest—was most of them. She kept laughing, leaning in, and putting her hands on their arms. I think I even saw her whisper to a few of my old football teammates.

“Snap out of it,” I told myself. I don't have time to get jealous! I surveyed the room. And that’s when I saw Gabby. We’d hooked up at a few parties in high school, and even now, 10 years later, I could see why. She was shorter than Jen, much shorter in fact. But she had insane curves that hadn’t changed a bit since she was the leader of the school dance team. Tonight her tan double-D tits were fully on display in a white blouse with a deep “V,” and her thick ass looked tantalizing in her black skirt.

As I strolled across the room toward Gabby, I glanced around for my wife. Jen was nowhere to be seen. What was she doing right now? Who was she doing right now? I tried to see who else had disappeared from the reunion, but everyone bunched into tight circles to chat and reminisce, so there was no way of telling.

Gabby’s eyes lit up when she saw me, which was a good sign. She also didn’t have an engagement or wedding ring, which was another point in my favor. (Jen and I had agreed to put our own rings in her purse for the duration of the challenge.)

In a few minutes, it felt like Gabby and I were almost transported back in time. Holding our glasses around the keg in someone’s house while their parents were out of town. The music in the cafeteria was a bit too loud, and I was intentionally talking softer so Gabby would need to stand closer to me. A few inches apart now, I could remember all the little details of her body that I had seen when we were carefree 18-year-olds. The dimples in her lower back. The little birthmark on her left breast that looked like a cloud.

“Didn’t you and Jen get married a few years ago?” Gabby asked me, bringing me back to the moment. It was almost as if she was concerned about the level of attention I was giving her. She was noticing my eyes drifting up and down her body, something she had been doing to me as well.

I chose my words carefully. “Yes, and I still have no idea how I ended up so lucky,” I said. I was telling the absolute truth. I always felt honesty was the best policy, and it paid off. Gabby smiled warmly. “Jen and I have a lot in common,” I explained, leaning in close enough so she could feel my breath on her neck. “And one of those things is that we trust each other completely. We allow each other to have a certain amount of … freedom … with other people.” Gabby’s eyes got wide when I said that last part, and I noticed a subtle red tint appear on her face.

“And tonight is no exception,” I said softly in her ear.

She looked up at me and I once again had that funny feeling of deja vu. Of her looking up at me in the low light of a living room that was filled with dancing bodies that were all gyrating to “Party Rock Anthem.” I remembered the intoxicating look in Gabby’s eyes right before she took my hand to find an empty room. Kind of like how she was taking my hand and leading me now.

We slipped away from the cafeteria, through a maze of empty hallways. Do all women know exactly where they want to be fucked during their class reunion? Gabby sure did. We walked briskly, wordlessly until we arrived at her destination: the locker room where the dance team got changed before and after every one of my football games. My dick had been getting harder due to my flashbacks, but now I was straining against the front of my pants. Gabby was fully aware.

The moment we entered the empty locker room, I reached to turn on the light. Gabby caught my hand before it reached the switch. “Not the big light,” she whispered, “Someone might see it under the door from the hallway.” But I wanted to see. I wanted to watch while I made her cum and claimed my first point in the contest. Then a small beam of light pierced the darkness. Gabby had turned on the flashlight on her phone. And she was on her knees in front of me.

She looked up at me breathlessly as she unzipped the front of my pants. “I’ve wanted to see this for years,” she said quietly. “I wanted to see your cock again.” She pulled down my boxers and my thick shaft sprung up toward her. Gabby grinned in delight. She wrapped her fingers around my girth. “Just like I remembered,” she said. And then she licked the tip.

“You’re just as sweet as you were back then.” I knew she must have been talking about my precum, because I was not sweet back in school. I was bullheaded. Conceited. Selfish. I hadn’t learned how to show a woman she mattered. That I appreciated the things she did for me, reciprocating in return. My years with Jen had changed all that. Damn, I love that woman.

Gabby was feverishly sucking me now, trying desperately to work her lips all the way to the base of my cock. This was no small feat. Jen often struggled to take all nine inches of me in her throat, and that was with years of practice. I looked down at Gabby and listened to her sputtering softly every time the head of my dick reached the back of her tongue. She was trying.

I thought about thrusting into her mouth. About using my hands on the back of her head to push myself in deeper, like I used to when Jen wanted to learn how to deepthroat. I pictured myself positioning Gabby’s back against the wall of lockers, holding her hands above her head and roughly fucking her face. She’d have spit all over her white blouse, and her makeup would run down her beautiful cheeks. I’d cum in her throat and then finger her quickly so I could claim my first orgasm of the night.

These are the things I would have done a decade ago. But that’s not what I did tonight.

I took Gabby’s hand and gently lifted her up. My dick popped out of her mouth with an audible sound that showed just how hard she had been sucking. Her expression was one of surprise. “Is … everything okay?” she asked with concern in her voice. “Didn’t that feel good?”

“It felt amazing,” I said. “But I want to make you feel good tonight.” With her hand in mine, I gently led her to the lockers behind us. Gabby still looked perplexed, like she didn’t recognize this version of me. I put my hands on her waist and leaned her against the wall. And then I got down on my knees.

I kissed the front of her thigh, just below where her skirt ended. My fingers traced the inside of her knee. “Can I go down on you, Gabby?” I looked up at her and she nodded breathlessly. She pulled the front of her skirt up, and in the dim white light of her phone’s flashlight, I saw a glistening bead of cum running down the inside of her leg. It trailed down from a small patch of jet-black hair that concealed her pussy. “You look amazing,” I said. “Just like I remembered.”

I licked up the drop of her juice to keep it from running down to her knee. I followed its sweet trail up her inner thigh, right to where it met the rest of her body. I gripped her hips firmly. “Can you spread yourself?” I asked. I wanted to go right for her clit. I wanted it to be the first part of her pussy that my tongue touched. Gabby grinned and nodded. Her fingers parted her lips.

A bigger trickle of juices streamed down her open pussy. I caught it on my tongue again and then I admired her. Her pink inner lips were glistening and her clit was bright and swollen. She had clearly enjoyed my dick in her mouth. I looked up at Gabby and locked eyes with her while I leaned forward. I watched her eyelids flutter as I flicked the tip of my tongue over her.

In a minute, she was breathing heavily. Her soft moans were echoing through the locker room. Her sounds made me hungrier. I was pressing my face against her pussy now, buried in her soft hair. My tongue was rhythmically running along her slit and she was grinding against my mouth.

Between gasps, Gabby made a request: “Will you ... finger me … please?” Without taking my tongue off her clit, I nodded. I think she could see me grin beneath her. I hope she could see how much I was enjoying making her feel good. I slowly brought my fingers up her leg, tracing from her calf, above her knee. She was covered in goosebumps and beginning to shiver. The room was warm, and so were we.

I pushed a finger inside her. Then two. I felt her center tighten around my knuckles. I sucked her pussy harder and began pushing myself inside her with more force. More focus. Her cum ran down my palm. My wrist. I used my free hand to roll up my sleeve.

“I’m … so … so fucking close,” she said. I could tell. I prepared myself for the crescendo. I pushed my fingers as deep inside Gabby as possible and twitched the tips toward me in a rapid motion. I kissed her a few inches below her belly button and lightly—almost imperceptibly—bit the skin just above her pubic hair.

This combination of playful pain and the pressure was something I’d learned from fucking Jen. It drove her crazy. And it drove Gabby crazy too.

Her body began to shudder uncontrollably. It felt like she might have collapsed if I hadn’t been holding her in place with my hand inside her and my head against her belly. Her cries of ecstasy filled the empty room around us. It was like we were surrounded by her orgasm on all sides.

I had gotten my first point. I had no clue how many people Jen had fucked already. But on some level, it felt like I had already won a smaller contest that was just as important on a deeper level. And the smile on Gabby’s face was my prize.


Gabby and I were walking back to the cafeteria in comfortable silence. We’d found a clean towel in the locker room and gotten both of us cleaned up and were ready to rejoin the party. We pointed out little landmarks from our time in school—our old lockers, the library, spots that were immortalized when fights broke out. It was a stroll down memory lane.

And then we heard footsteps.

We both froze for a moment. Fuck. Was it a principal? A janitor? No, I could see down the hallway that it was James, one of the former football players Jen had been whispering to. He didn’t see us—he was walking with a determined, eager look on his face. And then he ducked into the auditorium.

I nodded toward Gabby with a smile. “Go on, I’ll be back in there in a moment. She grinned back at me. “Sounds good,” she said with a wink. She took a few steps toward the cafeteria and then she spun on her heel. “Jen’s a lucky woman,” she said under her breath. I let out a little laugh. “I’m the lucky one,” I replied without a second of hesitation.

I watched Gabby disappear around a corner. And then I headed toward the auditorium. A small trail of light peeked out from the doors, which were slightly ajar. I slipped in noiselessly.

I wasn’t checking up on Jen, if that's who James was coming to meet—I was fine with whomever she was fucking. It was just that look on James’ face that had me curious. I just had this odd feeling that I was … I don’t know exactly how to put it ... missing out on something.

I stepped into the auditorium and it was silent. Or almost silent. The seats were completely empty, the large room was cloaked in shadows, and only a few small lights near the emergency exits were lit. But I heard the shuffling of feet from somewhere. I walked deeper into the room.

I looked over the rows of empty seats and remembered a fond memory of watching Jen’s first performance onstage. We were just juniors. She had a minor role that year, but she stole the show. It was the first time I noticed how pretty she was, up there in the spotlight.

There it was again. The shuffling of feet. Multiple pairs of feet, from the sound of it. The sound was coming from the stage. Behind the massive red curtain.

I walked silently toward the front of the auditorium. I had to see what James knew that I didn’t. Why he had that silly grin on his face. I tiptoed up the stairs. Into the dark wing where teachers and stagehands used to supervise school performances. I could see a soft light emanating from center stage, casting long shadows in all directions. The shadows were moving, undulating to the faint sounds of heavy breathing.

And then I saw the source of the shadows. It was an oddly familiar scene: A group of my former classmates huddled in a circle, just like in the cafeteria. They were speaking in hushed tones, as if they didn’t want anyone to discover the attraction they’d found backstage.

I took a step forward and clumsily bumped into a pulley that was as concealed as I was in the dark. I cringed at the loud squeaking sound that echoed across the stage. Toward the circle. A few of the people—guys I recognized as my former teammates and one or two women from our class—looked in my direction. Their bodies were turned sideways and I could see past them now.

I could see Jen.

She was standing in the middle of the group, smiling and laughing softly, just as charming as the moment I’d lost sight of her in the cafeteria. There was one striking difference though.

Jen was completely naked.

Her dress and heels were resting on a table behind her audience. Her body glistened in the light. It was the same glisten I’d seen on Gabby’s leg. She was covered in cum.

And unlike Gabby, it was not her own cum.

The few people who had heard the squeak of the pulley shrugged and turned their backs to me again. They were there for the show. They looked back to Jen, who was now on her knees. I could see through the small gaps in the circle.

I watched my wife unzipping a man’s pants. She was grinning, loving all the undivided attention. Jen took his cock in her hand and made an overly dramatic face like she was shocked and delighted at the six inches of stiff dick in her palm.

For the first time I was able to make out words from my hiding place on stage.

“Alright James, you’re lucky number seven,” Jen said with a ring of pride in her voice. “Like I told the others, you can cum anywhere you like.”

Hearing her say those words made my cock twitch, and I was reminded of how I was still full of cum. In that moment, I was jealous of James and the others. Not because my wife was making them feel good, but because they had been emptied. Satisfied.

And if we’re being honest, I was jealous of Jen.

She was winning the competition and loving every moment of it.