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12-12-2019, 03:07 PM
All In Their Family

Part One

I knew the small house next to mine had been sold, but had no idea who the new owners were or
when they were moving in. I had been mowing their lawn when I did mine for the month of May,
and had just finished the mowing on Saturday, this first weekend of June, when the moving van
pulled up in front and a car pulled into the driveway.

I shut the mower down and walked over to give the first neighborly 'hello.' Beach Road, or our
one-block stretch of it, was a very friendly community where we all knew each other's business.
During the summer families would be out and around, kids playing in the street, neighbors
conversing. I was the only single on the block-- everyone else was married, most with kids not
yet in high school. Because I'm single, I suppose, I was considered a little odd for not dating very
much, not at all in the last five or six years. At 42, having been divorced and burned in the few
relationships I had since, I was willing enough to live a monk's life punctuated with a few affairs
along the way. Since most of those affairs had been with neighbors' wives, each very much a
secret unto itself, the notion of my monkly life prevailed.

As four women-- obviously a mother and her three daughters-- got out of the car, I held out my
hand and introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Bob, " I said, "your next-door neighbor."

The mother, who I later learned was 38, looked at me and smiled while shaking my hand. "Well,
hello back to you," she said, "I'm Anna." Then, looking to what was surely her middle daughter,
Anna said, "Peggy, here, take the front door keys and let the movers in. They're getting paid by
the hour, so we don't want them dawdling for no good reason." Turning back to me, she added,
"We're not rich, so we watch pennies when we can and dollars all the time."

I laughed. "I know that feeling, Anna, I'm an English teacher here in town. The summer vacation
is great if you don't have to find a second job to keep the cash ooze going." Anna was a good
looking woman in a plain sort of way. She wore no make-up, her dark hair was cut short, barely
covering her ears. What lit up her face was her beautiful smile and white, even teeth. What lit up
her slim, spare frame were her breasts. I guessed they were c-cup (which they were-- ahem!), and
her bra held them high and out, sort of in-your-face if she had been taller. I guess she stood about
five and a half feet. I guess all of 'em did.

By the time Peggy was back from her mission, Anna proudly turned to her girls. I shook hands
with each as her mother introduced us, suddenly wishing I had done some serious analysis of
window alignment when remodeling my house a few years before. They were an eyeful.

"This is Gail. She's eighteen and will be finishing high school this year." Gail was a little taller
than her mother, and it looked like her round ass would split her tight jeans if she bent over. With
her dark brown hair and shining brown eyes, Gail looked as if she had some Irish blood in her. I
tried not to stare at her breasts as I said hello, quietly hoping she would be in my senior English

"And this is Peggy, who just turned sixteen and who will be a sophomore this September." Peggy
was a live one. She just seemed to revel in being a teenager and having the ability to turn a man's
head simply by walking by. Where Gail had worn a pressed Oxford shirt, Peggy had on a halter
top that just molded her apple-sized breasts, and her shorts showed an ass smaller than Gail's, but
one which fit her body perfectly. If I could realign windows, the first would be to get a good look
at Peggy. She looked pure Sicilian.

"Michelle here-- our Mickie-- just turned fourteen and will be finishing middle school."

"Hi, Mickie," I said, taking in her tiny frame. Her breasts were just budding, not even the size of
limes yet, and more swollen nipple than flesh from what I could make out through her sleeveless
T-shirt. It was interesting how the girls seemed to have different ethnicities-- Mickey, with a
darker complexion and almost black eyes, seemed more Mediterranean, almost Egyptian, if that
were possible.

"And I want to thank you for mowing our lawn, such as it is, " Anna said. "We used to live in a
condo in Chicago, so I hadn't given the lawn any thought at all. Once my divorce was settled, we
decided to come here to Connecticut to start over in a new place. Fortunately my company has a
branch here, so I could transfer and keep my pay and seniority."

The five of us had walked into their backyard, and all of them reacted noticeably when they
looked over to mine. If you like gardening, having the summer off is a key ingredient to success.
If I say so myself, my yard is spectacular, with separate gardens and bushy cul-de-sacs. Though
the yard's not huge, it's almost big enough to get lost in as you walk through the paths that were
all that was left of my lawn. What blew them away was the three koi ponds and their fountains.

Until they saw my garden, Anna had been friendly, but reserved, Gail had been actively
disinterested in everything, as only an eighteen-year-old could, Peggy seemed reined in by the
lack of stimuli, and Mickie had just been shy. The flowers melted any reserve, as it usually does.

Mickie made a bee-line to the fish ponds and was delighted when I showed her how to move the
garden mulch to find worms to feed to the fish. As she dug with her fingers and cast the poor
worms to a watery fate, I could see her small tits through the armholes of her blouse. Until then, I
had never paid a fourteen-year-old any mind at all, but her tight little butt and those titties made
Mr. Stiffy worthy of his name.

Gail and Anna walked together and looked at the individual flowers, bending to sniff their aroma
and giving me perfect views of their bra-encased breasts. Getting that downblouse view of Anna
revealed an almost cone-shaped bra that held her tits together. I dreamed of cumming in her
cleavage. Gail had an underwire rig on, pure white and very lacy, making my prick swing back
and forth between mother and daughter like a confused divining rod.

Peggy was overwhelmed by it all. She ran down one path, then another, often out of sight
because of tall decorative grasses that surrounded the ponds.

I love showing off my garden work, so I was in heaven because of the compliments and all the
breasts and asses that hadn't graced my yard in a long while. I thought they might stay all day
until reality broke in the form of a "Yo, hey, lady," from one of the movers.

After an acknowledging wave to the man, Anna marshaled her troops into a huddle. Anna was
going to supervise the unloading of boxes and furniture, Gail was taking Mickie down to the
beach and for a walk through the neighborhood, and Peggy pleaded with her mother to let her
stay in my yard.

"I think that's more up to Bob than me, Peg," Anna said, "and I think he's pretty busy."

"Not at all, " I replied. "The maintenance around here is lonely work, ma'am, and I could use a
gardening buddy. Should Peggy become bored or a problem to me, why, I'll just send her back to

"If you can stand it," she said, laughing, "it's okay by me."

"Hey, before you go, why don't you and the girls join me for dinner here in the garden? I'll get the
grill out and see what we can put together, maybe steak and lobster?"

Anna paused and thought for a moment. "Okay, I think I'd like that. Keep in mind, though, we
were on the road for six hours just to get here, so we may just eat and go to sleep. And just do
something simple-- remember to watch those pennies and dollars." With that, she went over to
the fidgeting trucker and I was left alone with Peggy.

"Well, Pegs, what's your poison?"

"Pegs-- are there two of me?" She started laughing. "Okay, you and only you can call me Pegs,
Bobs. What do you mean, what's my poison?"

"Well, what do you want to do? I mean, I could put you to work if that's really what you want to
do, or you can loaf by the pond, or whatever you want."

"Um, I think I'm going to change and come back and I'll do whatever you're doing!" When I
nodded that I didn't care, she smiled and hopped back to her new house. And I went back to
weeding, that nasty chore of pulling unwanted plants out by the roots and covering the weeded
area with freshly cut grass.

An afternoon with Peggy-- how to describe it? She had changed into shorts cut from sweat pants,
revealing flawless legs and thighs, and a sweatshirt cut off across her flat belly, with no sleeves
and the neck seam also cut off. In short, I had as much of a view of her in her bra as if she had
worn nothing at all. I knew she was giving me every chance to look down her blouse, but I tried
to be a little reserved. But when our eyes met and we'd both smile, it was hard to ignore her firm

At about three o'clock, Peggy said she was going to shower and then help me get dinner together,
and I watched her walk across the short path separating our yards. Looking at her ass, all I could
think of was two football helmets chewing gum.

A moment later she was back. "I think I have about five minutes more to help you weed, Bobs,

Without looking up I said, "Great, Pegs," and asked her to weed next to me near the roses. "And
watch the thorns, too," I cautioned.

And then I felt her next to me, her butt against mine, side to side, without question intentionally.
I looked over to her, then down her sweatshirt. She had left her bra at home. Beside me were
hanging the two most beautiful pieces of woman-flesh imaginable. "Shouldn't you be watching
the thorns, Bobs?" she asked. Then she got up and ran to take her shower and I forgot about
realigning windows.

I took a shower, too, and, freshly scrubbed, Peggy and I went grocery shopping. She didn't flirt at
all, and it was as if I was shopping with my own daughter. She was a fun companion and
reminded me of all the things I would have forgotten to make the dinner complete.

At about seven that evening the grill was cooling, light was fading, the girls were falling asleep,
and Anna just looked relaxed and contented. She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt that hugged her
conical breasts.

"A great meal," she said. Looking at the garden around her, she added, "In a perfect setting."

I brought out two bottles of champagne left over from a party in January. "Here, let's toast your
settling in."

At first she waved away the idea. "I won't be settled in until tomorrow, Bob," Anna said. "Today
was unloading, tomorrow's unpacking and putting things away. Champagne would just knock me

Her daughters overrode her objections, holding her and their fluted plastic goblets for some of
the bubbly. I toasted their arrival, refilled the glasses, and then they toasted me for being a nice
neighbor. In my mind I was toasting the eight best breasts and four greatest asses ever to have
been at 45 Beach Drive. As I started to refill the glasses a third time, Anna said, "Let me get my
girls to bed, Bob, and if I have the strength I'll be back for one more toast."

I had to let her go, of course, but made her promise to come back. Peggy and her sisters all said
goodnight, with Peggy adding, "Bobs."

After two more glasses of champagne, I took Anna by the hand for a twilight garden tour. She
didn't mind holding my hand-- in fact, she squeezed it often as I maneuvered her to the area
behind the decorative grasses where we couldn't be seen. The only sound was the earliest of
summer insects and the splashing from the pond fountains. I snaked my arm around her waist and
pulled her to me as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"You wouldn't want to take advantage of an inebriated woman, would you?" she murmured.

I held her close and felt her breasts poking my chest as my hands traced the bra strap across her
back. "Yeah, I would, but you're not, um, inebriated." I kissed her on the lips. She didn't move
away or reject the kiss, but she didn't actively return it. I broke away from her lips and just held

Then she held me close, too, and whispered that she had a lot of issues to sort out before she
could even think of, well, anything. I said that I understood, but I was disappointed, and she
sensed it. I eased up with my arms, still tracing her bra strap, and she adroitly spun around so my
hands were on her breasts. She stood still as I let my hands take in the sensation of her firm tits
held up and out by her bra. Then she kissed me, with just a slip of her tongue pressing against my
lips. Before I could respond, she skipped away. "Just let me get settled," was all she said.

Part Two

It was another two weeks before Anna and I got down to the critical point, and I was becoming
increasingly disappointed as we moved along. We had dated a few times (the talk of Beach
Road!), just out to dinner and a movie, maybe a few drinks afterward. One of the problems of
living next door to each other was where we ended the date. Ordinarily I'd have taken her home,
but our neighbors would be all too well aware of the significance of that and I'm not sure Anna
would have gone along with it, at least insofar as any significant event occurring. But, after a
time, she relaxed with me and seemed to acknowledge that having sex was on the agenda.

After our fourth date, we stopped at her house for a nightcap. The girls were asleep, and my mind
was very much on Anna. She had worn a Danskin dress that clung to her every curve.
Fashionably short, the dress accentuated her slim, firm legs. The top rose along her flat belly and
then flared out to accommodate her jutting breasts.

Drinks in hand, we sat on her sofa, my arm around her. "I enjoyed tonight," I said, after sipping
my drink. "A lot." I let my right hand move from her arm to her breast. My cock immediately
went from its usual state or readiness to red alert. When she didn't object, I let my hand slide over
her breast, pausing to lightly pinch her nipple, then sliding again to feel how hard that nipple
became. I kissed her and it was her tongue that made the first penetration.

We disengaged to awkwardly put our drinks on the coffee table, then clutched each other again,
tongues entwined, as I ran one hand up her long legs to gently rub her pussy through her
pantyhose while my other hand squeezed her breasts. She was pumping her hips slightly as I
played gently with her cunt, her tongue all over mine.

"Stop, please."

I couldn't believe my ears. Stop?

"Let's go to my bedroom, Bob. Be very quiet so we don't wake the girls."

"Why don't we go out the backdoor and go to my place?" I asked in barely more than a whisper.

"I can't wait. Come with me." She took my hand and led me down the short hall to her small
bedroom. She had a single bed, and that was fine with me. Besides, even a full-size bed would
have almost filled the room.

I held her and kissed her as she rubbed my stiff cock through my pants. Reaching behind her, I
unhooked the top of her dress and slowly pulled the zipper down. I pulled away and looked at

"Anna, I have to tell you, I've wanted to see your breasts since the time I first saw you getting out
of the car. Please take your dress off for me."

She smiled shyly, then shrugged the dress off her shoulders, letting it fall slowly over her tits,
past her slim waist, and down to the floor. I couldn't believe what I saw. Her black satin bra held
her breasts high and together, two black cones filled with her soft, white breast-flesh. Holding
her index finger to her lips for silence, she turned, rifled her nightstand drawer, and then lit two
candles, placing one on each of the stands flanking the head of her bed. I was spellbound. I
couldn't take my eyes off her. She walked like a feline in her pantyhose.

I beckoned Anna to come back to me, but she stopped at the foot of the bed and slid her
pantyhose slowly off, leaving her in just her black satin bra and panties. My cock was standing
straight up. I had let my pants and underwear fall to the floor and was unbuttoning my shirt as
she first sat on the foot of the bed with her back to me. Then she lay back on the bed, her tits still
riding high in the uplift bra, and scooted herself so that my cock was hovering over her breasts.
She folded her arms over her chest protectively.

And, basically, that's how sex with Anna was at that point. I had sort of hoped she might play
with my rigid cock as an inducement to hurry into bed, maybe even that she might sit up and
slide my boner into her mouth. Or, at the least, say something like, "Hurry up, lover," or even
just, "Hurry." Instead she just lay there, her breasts covered, her legs together, simply watching
me finally get naked.

I lay down beside her, turned her toward me and kissed her, and ran my free hand all over her
body as my other hand reached around to unhook her bra. Suddenly Anna froze, arching her



"What's the matter, Anna? Tell me."

"I want to leave my bra on, Bob. My breasts aren't what they were before I had three babies. Do
you mind?"

"I don't mind," I whispered, trying not to laugh and further upset her. "But I will tell you I had
looked forward to sucking your tits." I really didn't mind her leaving her sexy bra on. Feeling her
up in satin was just fine with me. On a more practical side, though, I had seen Anna only once
without a bra, when I had stopped by one early evening unannounced to drop off a bouquet. Anna
was in her robe, obviously just out of the shower, and she looked flat chested. But when she
shoved that tit-flesh into one of her cone-bras, well, that made all the difference.

"You can suck them through my bra," she answered. "And they're breasts, not tits."

However you want it, I thought, as I kissed her again, reveling in the feeling of my hands on her
satiny breasts-- tits, whatever. I let my hand slide down her belly to the top of her panties and
again felt her go rigid, although she didn't say anything as my hand slid down through her
trimmed pubic hair and onto her cunt. I sucked the thin satin bra into my mouth and felt her
nipples swell against my tongue. I would rather have had her naked nipple in my mouth, but
sucking through her bra was a turn-on of its own. Her cunt was moist, then wet, as my fingers
slid over her clit and up into her cunt-hole, then back out again and over her now lubricated clit
once again. I took her hand and placed it on my cock, absent-mindedly wondering why I had to
lead her each logical step of the way.

"Do you want me to rub your penis?" she asked in a whisper.

"Yeah, jerk me off slowly, I--"

Anna sat up. "Look," she said, "I like sex, it's fun, but it doesn't have to be dirty to be fun. I'll rub
your penis if that makes you hot, but I don't like gutter talk."

What was I going to say? I mean, she had just eliminated most of my sexual vocabulary. Would
it turn her on if I said, "Darling, I want very much to insert my erect penis into your
well-lubricated vagina so that we can make love as the earth moves." Christ, a line like that
would kill the mood.

Then what happened? I fucked her but kept my mouth shut. I had wanted to kiss her pussy and
taste her cum, but once I started kissing down past her breasts, she pulled me back up to her.
Somehow I didn't think a blow job was in the offing. She did let me pull her panties down, get on
top of her, and slide my cock into her. And, yes, it was great and it felt good and I came in quarts
and then I slid off. I think she came-- she did at one point seem to go rigid-- but there was
nothing else, not even the slightest indication that she had cum or, indeed, that she had enjoyed it
at all. And this wasn't the basic wham, bam, thank you ma'am variety of fuck, either. I fucked
hard, slow, and sideways for forty minutes. She wouldn't be turned or moved from the missionary
position, so I arched my back and swiveled my hips in every different way to try to find what
would stimulate a visible or audible indication of her pleasure. Nothing.

Was it bad sex? Nah, so long as I come it's at least okay sex. Can't say I've ever had bad sex.

And I did come heavily, though not in quarts (there's an image to dwell on). When I shot my load
into her slippery pussy I supported myself with one arm so that my other hand was free to feel her
up as much as I could, what with her arms crossed. And, yes, I did so enjoy coming in her, not
that she even so much as twitched an eyebrow.

When I was through she kissed me and thanked me. "It was the first time in a long time, Bob, and
it was wonderful." She kissed me again. "Let's have a drink before you leave."

So, here we were, back out on the sofa once more, with me back in my clothes and she in her
robe, sipping the drinks we had left there. "I think once we can both relax more with each other, "
I ventured, "it'll be better yet," and I kissed her.

Anna seemed surprised. "I was perfectly relaxed, Bob. You made me cum (come, if she had
written it out). I couldn't ask for more." And then she kissed me.

I smiled, and held her right breast as I said, "I can't wait to go down on you, I--"

There she was again, all rigid with indignation. "Bob, you seem determined to ruin a wonderful
experience. I loved having sex with you and I want to do it again-- and again. You're a wonderful
lover. But-- but, I don't need to have my sex dirty to enjoy it. What we did is what we'll do."

Oh, man, I was getting her drift. "So, you mean you wouldn't, um--"

"Take your penis in my mouth? Let me spell it out, Bob, I don't do, even think about, the dirty
things that seem to be on your mind." She sat there hugging herself, now very much withdrawn,
but still beautiful. Just your everyday enigma.

I held her again and kissed her neck. But she didn't put her arms around me again until I said,
"Anna, I would never ask you to do anything you didn't want to do. Never," I lied.

"It's late," she said, and it was. We kissed again and she walked me to the sliding door that led to
the deck in her backyard. "I hate to have you leave by the back door," she laughed.

I laughed, too. "Well, it makes sense," I said, stealing a kiss before I turned to leave. I heard the
door slide shut behind me as I made my way through her yard to the path to mine. I heard a
rustling in the driveway between our houses, Anna's driveway, but saw nothing and assumed it
was a neighbor's dog staking out some new territory.

Part Three

Anna and I continued to see each other over the next week. I was home all day, of course, one of
the major joys of being a teacher, and I'd still be in bed when I'd hear her leaving for work at 7:30
each morning. We didn't go out so much anymore. We didn't need to use going out on a date as a
pretext for fucking when it was just easier to wait until the girls were asleep before getting into
bed. And once-- just once-- I was able to talk Anna into coming to my house to get laid. I tried to
use the time before we actually got into bed to get my jollies because I knew once we were in bed
all that would happen is straight missionary pussy fucking. So I spent a lot of time undressing
her, feeling her up, once even stripping her in the garden.

Even though she had clearly stated her ground rules on sex, I had a lingering suspicion that, given
the right circumstances, her wall against 'dirty' sex would crumble and release a woman who
really wanted to find her sexual identity.

Just a suspicion, but something I wanted to follow up on.

I didn't see much of Gail or Mickie, except on weekends. Gail already had a part-time job as a
cashier at the local supermarket, and Mickie spent her days at a friend's house under the
supervision of the friend's mother. That left Peggy, who would alternate her time between
strutting her fine, young body down at the beach and helping me maintain my garden.

Despite her being a sexual show-off, I liked Pegs. She was (really) a very sweet and sometimes
innocent girl. So, even while I'd gaze down into her blouse while we weeded or spread mulch,
she and I became very intimate in our discussions. For example, I don't think I had ever really
looked back at my marriage with any sort of introspection until Pegs asked me about it. Without
being at all obnoxious, her questions led me to explore just what had gone on during my wedded
days. Sure, Pegs liked to ask how my wife had been in bed and what she did that I liked best, but
she picked up on my nuances of married life with startling clarity of understanding.

All of which I used as justification to get as good a look at her body as I could without actually
asking her to pose. Lord knows I knew her collection of bras as well as she did, and I would have
loved to have had some sort of code through which I could tell her whether it was a red or black
or white or beige day. Her tits appeared to be just a bit smaller than her mom's, and I loved to see
how different bras molded her soft flesh into different sculptures.

Lingerie has always turned me on, which is why I tolerated Anna's insistence to wear her bra
during sex, but Peggy had me walking around all day with a hard cock. Whenever I'd excuse
myself for a call of nature, she'd look at me out of the corner of her eye as if she knew I was
going in to jerk off while thinking of cumming on her tits and face.

One sunny morning I just relaxed in my lawn chair with a cup of coffee. Pegs came over and
plopped into the chair next to mine. I saw she was wearing her revealing cut-off sweats, and my
cock stiffened immediately at the thought of what she wore under it. She glanced at my crotch
and I knew she knew I was hard as a rock. Then she stretched, her arms over her head and the
cut-off sweatshirt rising high enough for me to see a hint of her red brassiere. It was as though
she could read my mind.

She sat back and looked at me and said, "Are you screwing my mom?"

I'm always prepared for that sort of question and gave my standard denial. "No, I'm not, which is
not to say that I wouldn't love to, but your mom's not knocking on my door every night begging
me to take her to bed." Well, the knocking thing was true. "And why do you ask?"

"Gail said a couple of times when you brought Mom home you didn't leave until long after."

"That's because we often had a nightcap and talked for a while. Dating isn't always doing
something, like going to a movie or eating out. It has a lot to do with getting to know each other."
I couldn't help but notice Peg's smirk when I used the phrase 'eating out'.

Peggy pondered that and then replied, "Well, Gail suspects that you're doing Mom, just so you
know to be careful. On the other hand, Bobs, I know that you're fucking Mom."

I laughed. "And how do you know that?" I laughed again at such an absurdity.

"Because I watched you in her bedroom last week. I saw you fuck her, Bobs. Don't be mad,
please. I watched through her bedroom window. I sneaked out after I heard you two go back to
her room."

Ah, I thought, the rustle in the driveway. Peggy escaping to the front of the house while I made
my way home out the back door. Or was she bluffing?

"Sorry, Pegs, I don't buy that one."

"How about if I told you Mom wore her black bra the whole time and that she doesn't like some
of the things you'd like to do?"

I was quiet, not sure how to handle this. I mean, where was Peggy going with this? What did she
want to accomplish?

Again, she could read my mind. Leaning close to me, she said, "I'd do those things for you, Bobs.
You don't have to ask me, just tell me when you'll let me do them..."

"Pegs, you're much too young to even bring that up with me.."

"I'm not so young that I can't be in love with you, Bobs. Why do you think I let you look at me?"

Oh, man, this was all wrong, not that I didn't have a list of masturbatory fantasies to last the rest
of my life. I tried changing the subject. "Hey, would you like some iced tea?"

As though we hadn't just been talking about having sex with each other, she sprung up and said,
"Sure! Come on, I'll help you!"

Now, that was Pegs my gardening buddy back in charge. Suggest something that needed doing,
and she was off like a flash. We raced to the back door of my house.

Once inside, I busied myself with getting glasses from the cabinet and ice from the freezer.
Setting the filled glasses on a tray, I turned and dropped it all. The mess of tea, broken glass, and
ice cubes had no effect on me. All I could look at was Pegs sitting at the table with her top off.
Facing me, she smiled as she caressed her breasts in her red bra.

I went over to her and handed her the sweatshirt.

"I don't want to wear it, it's too hot outside," she said.

All I could do was utter, "Christ, Pegs."

There was still three feet between us, or there was until she slid off the chair and onto her knees,
crawling forward until her face was in my crotch and her hands fumbled with the fly on my

Push had come to shove, fantasy had come to life. With all the willpower I could muster, I pulled
her up until she was standing. I mean, Christ, she was only just sixteen years old. But impossibly sexual and just beautiful to look at. And look I did. My cock strained to get out of my pants and into her mouth or cunt.

Pegs started crying, her head on my shoulder as she hugged me tight. "I'm sorry," she said,
gasping, "I didn't mean to make you mad, I meant it when I said I loved you. I'm sorry."

I patted her back and said, "Look, it's all right, I understand. I'm not mad. This whole thing is just
so difficult to deal with, you know?"

"I know, I'm sorry," she said. She was rubbing my cock and working her hand into my shorts,
pulling my cock free and then bringing it against her panties, right at the lips of her covered
pussy. And she started stroking me, gently at first, then insistently, until with a small cry I came
on her hand and panty-covered young cunt. By then she had her tongue in my mouth, deep in my
throat, grinding those young breasts against my chest.

I nearly fell to the floor my knees were so weak. I grabbed at the back of a chair to steady myself.
I looked at Pegs and saw that she had her shorts pulled down to her knees so that my cock would
be directly on her brief panties, which now had stringy white lines of cum all over the front. She
stepped out of her shorts and licked her hand clean. Then she started to slip her panties down.

"They're all messy," she said, "I'll have to clean them."

I stared at her young, trimmed bush and felt my dick taking charge again. Then she put the
crotch of her panties in her mouth and sucked my cum off. Next went her bra. She put both on a
chair and put her shorts and sweatshirt back on.

"I'd better get that cleaned up," she said, looking at the mess I had dropped when first seeing her.

I was still holding the chair when she had finished and was about to leave. With a sly smile, she said, "Why don't you keep those," indicating her undies, " for when Mom's not around. Remember, you don't have to ask me to do anything for you, you just have to tell me. And if you don't get around to telling me, I may just have to take things into my own hands."

I held the chair for dear life.

Part Four

Not just another Saturday night with Anna, no way. She had sent her three daughters off to visit a relative for the night. As much as I couldn't get Peggy off my mind, her mother was no slouch when it came to physical appearance. During the day we had a great time together. Anna has a terrific sense of humor and we just did everything as though we were one. Now, back at my place after dinner out at the area's finest seafood restaurant, I was exploring her sexuality more aggressively than I might have had Pegs not made her intentions known a few days before. After all, if I couldn't get the particular satisfaction I wanted so much from Anna, her daughter was ready to provide.

And my aggressiveness was paying off in small ways. Even within her rules there were ways to get her much more aroused than I had before. No, I couldn't talk dirty, but I did make it a point to tell her just how much I liked to play with her breasts, how beautiful she was, how her hard nipples drove me crazy. No, she didn't want me to suck her pussy-- excuse me, vagina-- but she nearly lost control when I gently bit her nipples, even going so far as to lower her shoulder strap so her bra cup revealed more of her firm flesh. She didn't mind jerking me off -- that is, rubbing my penis to make me feel good-- at all, and she liked to watch my cock shoot its cum, although she carefully angled herself to be sure that none of the white goo would land near her. And, finally, the two times we had fucked so far that evening I had gotten her to at least keep her arms at her sides when I slid my cock in and out of that slippery cunt of hers. It was a new high to squeeze those globes while her cunt pleasured my stiff boner.

But now I was about to play my hand and I was nervous about it. First, of course, I wanted to get off again, even if it was just from cunt fucking. Second, I wanted to keep on fucking Anna-- I just wanted to expand the related activities, so to speak.

We were cuddling on my sofa. I was naked. Anna was in her bra, of course, but also was wearing a very sexy pair of white lace panties, the kind that rode high on her hips, yielding a long 'V' pointing down to her pussy.

I kissed her and told how her breasts were about the sexiest I had ever touched, and her blue bra made my boner-- um, penis-- harder than it had ever been before. And then I dropped the bomb.

"I want you to suck my cock, Anna. It's time to get past this hang-up of yours."

Oh, she stiffened right up, reaching for an afghan and covering herself defensively. Once she was all arranged, she said indignantly, "I told you I don't want to hear your dirty mouth. And I won't do dirty things."

She sat back, secure in the fact that this was as far as we had ever gotten in this sort of conversation. I had never pressed any further. Clearly, though, she was offended that I brought it up again, and so soon.

I put my arm around her shoulders and tried to hug her resisting body. I kissed her unresponsive lips. "Listen," I said, "I know I promised never to ask you to do something you don't want to do. I'm not bringing it up to be mean or to torment you. It's only fair to let you know that I like that sort of thing and that, well, if you don't want to give me some relief, then I have someone else who will."

Anna started to cry. "I thought you loved me," she said. Tears ran down her cheeks.

I had never told her that I loved her, but I did. But I also liked getting my cock sucked, and there was no reason I could think of that Anna's pert mouth wouldn't do the job wonderfully.

"Who is she?" Anna asked.

Yeah, right. "Who she is isn't important. What's important to me is that even though we've had no relationship, there's no commitment, she's willing to do something to make me feel good. It's not
personal." Not personal!

While Anna sobbed, I started rubbing her breasts through her bra, pinching her nipples and feeling them harden like never before. "You have beautiful breasts, Anna. I'd like to lay you down and fuck your sweet tits, even if you want to keep your bra on."

"I guess she'll do that, too," Anna gasped between sobs.

I kept at it. "Feeling you up like this makes me want to shoot my cum all over you-- in your
mouth and on your face and tits. You have great tits, Anna, I want them naked and in your hands
when I jerk off all over you."


All the while I massaged one breast, then the other, with one hand, while my other hand was cupping and squeezing her cunt. "You're so wet, Anna, your cunt is on fire. I want you to tell me how good your hot cunt feels when I squeeze it. Tell me."


"You don't know how much I want you to blow me, Anna. I can just see my cock in your mouth while you slide your wet lips down the shaft. I can see my cum filling your mouth until you gag and let it drip down your chest and onto your magnificent. . . tits."

"You're lying," she said between sobs. "You don't know anyone who would just suck your cock." She spat the last three words.

"I wish I could say I'm sorry, but I'm not." I kissed her again. "Believe me, I'd rather cum on your face and on your tits than hers."

"You're lying," she repeated.

I got up, went to my dresser, pulled out Peggy's undies, and came back. Pushing the crotch of the panties on Anna's lips, I said, "Can you smell my cum and her pussy, Anna? Do you want to taste me on another woman's panties?" The panties slid into her mouth when she started sobbing harder. I let go and she made no move to remove them. "All I did was feel her up while she jerked me off on her hot cunt, Anna. If I have to see her again, I'll let her suck my cock and wear my cum like it was the crown jewels."

I was ready to explode, my cock was harder than it had ever been. The sight of Anna sitting there, her face all wet, her daughter's panties in her mouth, was almost too much to bear.

"We'll take it one step at a time, Anna," I said, tugging the panties away and sliding its wetness on my boner. Wetness from Peggy's cum, my cum, and Anna's saliva. I bent over and kissed her. Even though she was unresponsive, I kept at it until my tongue was in her mouth and she slid hers in mine.

I reached to my side and picked up Peggy's red bra, putting its cups over Anna's own cups, feeling her up through her daughter's bra. When we broke from the kiss to get some air, she turned beet red as I caressed her with another woman's bra. "I want you to put this on," I breathed into her ear. "Wear this bra for me, Anna, let me suck your beautiful breasts through it."

Another one of Anna's silences, but a short one, ended, I suppose, by her abruptly standing and then striding to the bathroom. She shut the door and in a few moments emerged with her breasts encased in Peggy's red bra.

I think at that point my cock had never been harder. Not only was the red bra sexy-- it cradled her breasts in a more natural look than the cone bra-- but it was her daughter's bra, something Peggy had left for me to play with in her absence. And I had, of course. What else Anna didn't know was that I had cum into the cups of that red bra at least six times without ever washing it. So, yeah, the cum was dry, but still it was on Anna's tits, and that just brought me even closer to shooting my cum. But where? How far could I push this with Anna?

I sat her down next to me on the sofa and started feeling her breasts with both hands, telling Anna how sexy she was and how hard she made me (using acceptable language, naturally). I made her cry again as I pinched her already swollen nipples and said, "This bra makes you look younger, like the girl who gave it to me, Anna. My cock gets really hard when I feel your breasts in another woman's bra."

New tears flowed, but I held her breasts in my hand and squeezed gently. As Anna sobbed, I could feel her breasts jiggle, something that the armor-like cone bra didn't allow. I started to suck her breasts though her daughter's bra, wetting the lace to nibble her nipples. Even as the tears poured out and her slender body was wracked by sobs, I sucked her breasts and fingered her cunt. But I hadn't lost sight of my primary objective. Still, maybe it was a little too much a little too soon. Time for a compromise.

Taking my chances, I reminded her, "The last time I felt a woman up in this bra, she was willing to do anything-- anything-- I wanted."

There wasn't silence, but she didn't say anything, instead sitting there with her eyes scrunched
shut and tears running down her cheeks.

"Do you want to drink my cum, Anna, Swallow it all down?"

She shook her head violently from side to side.

"Okay, I'm still going to fuck your mouth, Anna, but I want to cum all over your breasts in that
sexy red bra."

This was the make it or break it moment. Anna's tears increased and she looked up at me in anger. Anna sat up on the sofa facing me, my cock now inches from her face. I pulled her closer, sliding my cock on her cheeks to wipe her tears away. That made the shaft slippery and I rubbed her tears and my pre-cum all over her face before pushing the tip between her lips.

She tried to pull away, and as she leaned back, I pushed forward, placing my shaft right between her tits and Peggy's bra cups. The bra was cut low along the inside, and my cock, wet from tears and pre-cum, slid nicely between them. "Your tits are so nice, Anna, so soft and slippery. Look at me, Anna, and take my cock in your mouth."

Her eyes locked on mine as she brought her pressed lips to my cock.

"Get your mouth wet like your cunt, Anna, loosen up, take it in and slide your wet lips on it. It
won't take long, baby, I'm ready to shoot my cum on those big sexy tits of yours."

She held the shaft in her hand and said, "Just on my breasts, right? Promise?"

"Promise. Now suck my cock, little girl."

And she did, and it was better than anything I had ever experienced. I looked at how her breasts
swelled in the confinement of her daughter's brassiere and held her head still while I fucked her
lips. I resisted jamming it down her throat because I wanted her to enjoy what may well have
been her first blow job.

And it didn't take long, not long at all. After about a minute of alternating between fucking
Anna's mouth and wiping her saliva into her tears and all over her face, I was ready to cum. She
sensed it in my groans and tried to pull back, but I held her head and shot the first splash of hot,
white semen into her mouth and the second two loads onto her face as she pushed the first load
out of her mouth with her tongue. Perfect! My last two explosions of cum landed on Peggy's bra
cups while my first loads were dripping down her cheeks and chin onto her chest. I pulled her
close and used my softening cock to wipe the cum on her nose and eyelids, pushing more onto
her cheeks so it would drip on her cum-soaked breasts.

Fresh tears made little rivulets through my cum.

I still held her by her ears and kept my cock right in front of her cum-dripping face.

"Lick it clean, Anna, suck the cum off my cock."

"You said you would only come on my breasts, Bob, you lied to me," she pouted.

"Just suck it clean, Anna."

She didn't say anything at all after she licked my cock clean, not even after I wiped my cock
along her cum-soaked face and made her lick it clean again. She was shell shocked by it all, I
guess. She didn't seem angry, but, then again, she didn't seem to be feeling anything at all.

Anna started to dress, and as she started to put her blouse on, I stopped her. "Give me back the
brassiere, Anna, it's not yours." A little sullenly she turned her back and unhooked the bra,
throwing it on the sofa where her own blue bra was.

"They're both mine," I said.

All I could think when she left was how sleepy I was and how I wished I had been able to catch
all the action on videotape.

Part Five

I didn't see much of Anna on Sunday. Well, I did see her in her yard, but when I came out she
disappeared quickly into her house without making eye contact with me. Was she angry?
Embarrassed? Hurt? Elated? I didn't know.

The end of the weekend marked the return of the girls from wherever they had been sent so Anna
and I could be alone. It wasn't until the next day, Monday, that I began to get a sense that I still
had no idea of what Anna might be thinking.

Anna, of course, went off to work, Gail went to her job, Mickie went to her friend's house, and
that left me with Peggy on a sunny morning. Pegs was in a bikini sunning herself, and I was
staring at her perfect form while thinking of how much I enjoyed her making me cum on her
panties and her willingness to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted her to do it. My cock was
at half mast as I gazed at her, thinking, so pretty, so well put together.

"I like it when you stare at me, Bobs," she said without looking at me.

"It's hard not to, Peggy."

"Is there anything else that's hard, Bobs, now that you have Mom all worked up?" she asked.

"I think," I started to reply, "that this isn't best discussed outside."

Peggy was on her feet and heading toward my house. "Let's talk about it, Bobs."

And talk about it we did. This was the odd thing about Pegs. At times she was like my best
friend, an ageless confidant in whom I could confide my innermost thoughts, while at those same
times she still was this sixteen-year-old nymph who not only sympathized with me, but who also
was quite prepared to help me relieve any related stress.

From her I learned how she and her sisters perceived Anna's Saturday night date with me. When
asked by Gail how the date had been, Pegs told me, Anna had answered evasively, her voice
artificially high and her tone breezy, something to the effect that it had been 'a nice time.'

"Gail's always said that Mom looks like she had the shit fucked out of her after a date with you,"
Peggy said. "We all could see that. Well, maybe not Mickie, but even she knows there was a
difference in Mom yesterday. What Gail and I can't figure out is, is whether you truly fucked her
brains out or is there something else. It's like looking at a book written in a foreign language. You
know there's something to be read, but you just can't read it."

I should tell you that by that time Peg was sitting directly in front of me on the sofa, my legs
splayed around her. I played with her firm breasts and totally erect nipples. And she was
responding as only a highly sexed teen could. What had my rapt attention was her left hand inside
her bikini bottoms. I could see the outline of her finger as it probed the inside of her slippery

And so we were as I told her not only what had happened two nights before, but all that had
transpired since we had first met when they pulled into the driveway barely a month before.

Well, there was more to it than just the narrative. It was when I reached the part about Anna's
reluctance to remove her bra that first night she and I fucked that Peggy reached behind her neck
to untie the strings that held her cups over her breasts. One thing was for sure, Pegs was making
statements as I told her about me and her mother, and those statements led me to believe that this
young kid was determined to outdo her mother in every respect. I had no doubt that Pegs would
do exactly that, although in one very big respect Anna was still very much a turn-on herself. It
wasn't difficult to have Anna and Peggy in the same thought.

I pushed my hard cock against Peggy's firm little butt as she wiggled in rhythm with her middle
finger as she slid it over her clit, down deep into her hot little cunt, then back up and over her
swollen clit. I stroked her teen-age breasts and pulled her protruding nipples as I went on with the
story of Anna. It was obvious that the morning was going to end with more than a handjob onto
her panties.

We crossed the Rubicon, so to speak, when I told Peggy how I had made Anna switch bras.

"You made my mother wear the red bra I left here with you? Had you come in it already? And
you kept her bra, too?" Peggy asked.

I answered yes, yes, and yes.

Quick as a gymnast, Peggy lifted and swiveled astride my lap. Her firm, young breasts jiggled
inches from my face, and she had pinned my hands so I couldn't reach up to fondle her.

Arching her back so her full breasts hung down from her in curvaceous glory (but not touching
me), she put her face in mine and hissed her question. "Where is it?"

"Where is what?" I was so wrapped up in the image of her swaying breasts and my cock straining
at my shorts that I completely lost all train of any thought other than coming on her.

Pegs looked me hard in the eyes. "Where?" she hissed again, sliding forward so that one nipple,
then the other, slid across my cheek, over my lips, and down the other cheek.

I told her, of course.

Pegs leaped off me, her breasts bouncing as she ran in her bikini bottoms to get her mother's
powder-blue bra out of my dresser. When she came back, her bikini panties gone and the
cone-shaped bra on, she strutted across the room, showing off her ass and the high bra straps
across her back. Then, feeling her own breasts in her mother's bra, Peg's eyes closed as she turned
to face me. She went rigid as she pinched her nipples, her back arching. She shuddered and a wet
stain appeared around her cunt and upper thighs.

She was getting off just feeling herself in the cone-bra! It seemed to me that her concentration
was more on feeling new and strange breasts, not her own. I slipped my shorts off and, naked,
started to stroke my cock, my eyes fixed on hers.

One hand caressing her cone-shaped breasts, the other between her legs, her longest three fingers
working in her cunt, Pegs slowly went to her knees and then on all fours. "You came all over my
bra, Bobs, all over my mother. Now it's time for you cum all over Mom's bra and all over me.
Just like you did to her."

She was right. It was time. But it wasn't just like it was with Anna. Anna was shamed into
allowing me to do something to her, Peggy couldn't wait. And with Anna, it was something I did
to her-- I held her head and fucked her mouth like it was a cunt. The difference with Peggy was,
Pegs was going to fuck my cock with her mouth. This time, it was being done to me.

Pegs crawled across the room, swaying her shoulders so that just her protruding nipples rubbed
across the carpet as she advanced. When she reached me, she raised onto all fours and rubbed my
pulsing boner across her mother's satin bra. My cock was twitching as she pressed her breasts
around my cock and started jerking me off. And she kept telling me how much she wanted me to
let her do one thing or another, that all I had to do was tell her because there was no point in
asking her do what she already wanted to do. I was fighting my need to cum and it wasn't easy.

As she stroked my hard cock with her warm, sweaty tits, Peggy kept her eyes fixed on mine.
"How many spurts did you put on Mom?'' she asked. "And where?"

I told her.

She bent over and licked the head of my cock-- so warm, wet, slippery. "And Mom didn't like it
when you came in her mouth?"

I shook my head 'no.'

Pegs grinned, then took my cock in her hand and stroked me. "I want you to cum in my mouth.
Please, Bobs, please?"

Mentally numb, my eyes wide, I nodded insistently.

She lay across me on the sofa, facing me, her head in my lap and my cock an inch from her
young, wet lips. She lay on her side and I started feeling her up in her mother's satin bra as her
wet lips slipped over my knob, taking its full length until I could feel the back of her throat. Ever
so slowly she slid back up, backing off my cockhead with an audible pop.

"I want to do it a little different from Mom, okay, Bobs? May I?" My cock twitched in her face
and she took its nod as my yes. "I'm going to suck your cock all the way down, and up, and I'll
lick it all the while it's in my mouth. Please put all your cum in my mouth, Bobs. Show me you
love me like I love you."

With that her head descended again and she pumped her wet, slippery lips up and down my shaft.
With my right hand I cupped her breasts and stroked them in her mother's bra, with my left I
traced her wet lips that wrapped so tightly around my boner. I started to pump my hips, thrusting
my cock in and out of her teen age mouth. At my first groan, she slid her lips up my cock until
only the tip was in her mouth. She stroked my cock quickly with one hand while she gently
squeezed my balls with the other.

That was it, an orgasm that started in my balls and swelled throughout me until my cum started to spurt
into her young mouth. Pegs looked at me with loving eyes as I pumped load after load of my cum. When I finished, my cock quivering in her mouth, she proceeded to suck my deflating and cum-soaked cock until it was only semi-hard. Sucking all the wet sperm off my cock, Peggy smiled at me, and the sight of my cum across her teeth made my cock try (unsuccessfully) to stand up again. She opened her mouth a little wider to let me see that she hadn't swallowed a bit of my load, then she let some juice slide out of her mouth and onto her cheek, using my cock as an applicator as she wiped it across her face.

Still holding the better part of my load in her mouth, Pegs leaned forward slightly and spit about
half the remaining cum on her mother's bra cup, then pulled the left cup completely down to
reveal her naked tit and spit some cum there, too. She used her tongue to coat her lips with white
cum, then gulped and swallowed what was left.

Reaching behind her, Pegs unhooked the bra and wiped her face on the cup she hadn't spit cum
on. Her young breasts jiggled nicely, which caused the cum to zig-zag down her left tit. She
spread the bra on the table, then sat on my lap, both of us naked.

Peggy kissed me deeply, and I could taste my cum as our tongues twirled. She whispered in my
ear, "I love you, Bobs. My only goal is to make you happy." Then she kissed me again.

As I regained my strength and composure, my cock slowly came back to life, as if it had suddenly
become aware of this teen's tight buns pressing on it.

"Where did you learn to suck cock like that?" I asked.

"One night last year, back in Chicago, Gail and I watched dirty videos. I guess I learned from
that. I've never really sucked a cock before. You're my first because I love you, Bobs."

I held this naked teen and wondered if I loved her, too, just as I wondered if I loved her mother.
Well, like the old song goes, love the one you're with. That's when the question occurred to me.
"Pegs, are you a virgin?"

She buried her face on my neck and said, "Yes."

I could feel her tight, young butt squirming on my hardening cock. She didn't say anything (and
didn't have to) as she once again sat astride my lap, this time holding my cock upright.

"Pegs, I want to be gentle--"

"Don't worry," she said, cutting me off. "I broke my hymen with a candle when Gail and I
watched that movie. And my period is due like any minute, so it's a safe time." She kissed me.
"Tomorrow I'll make an appointment with Dr. Wentworth to get birth control pills."

She kissed me again, this time letting my tongue slide along hers as she squatted lower and lower
until my cock touched her cunt lips. Pegs used my cock to stimulate and lubricate her clit, then
let the head slide into her cunt. With her mouth planted on mine, she took more and more cock
into her fuckhole until she had her groin pressed hard against mine. I started to pump, but she
went "uh-uh" as she fucked my tongue with hers, and somehow, intuitively, I knew that she
wanted to fuck me.

I would have agreed to anything to keep that virgin cunt stuck firmly on my pole. Pegs
experimented with flexing her cunt-muscles and I felt spasms of pleasure spread through my

Once again, it didn't take long. As she increased her pace, rising and falling along the length of
my cock, I felt my balls starting to boil again.

I held her young and firm breasts and squeezed her swollen nipples as she started moaning
loudly, telling me she loved me more than anything, and as my boner lost its load into her wet
tightness, she just exhaled in a long, almost shrill sigh. She arched her back, her arms raised,
pulling her tight little tits even higher and tighter, and I pulled her to me so I could suck her
swollen nipples. Finally we fell into a sweaty tangle of arms and legs, her cunt still milking me
for any semen that hadn't made it out.

And we kissed and kissed. And said how much we loved each other.

Still, there was at least one sane neuron left in my brain, and that little neuron was thinking how
complicated things had become with Anna. Not to mention Peggy.

And my cock started to throb at the prospect.

Another neuron awoke and focused on something Peggy had said. Something about she and Gail
watching a dirty video together.

That made my cock rock-hard again.

Part Six

Peggy and I fucked all that morning and afternoon, exploring (for her) new things. She loved to
have me straddle her and fuck her tits and she loved to talk dirty. Once when I was pumping my
boner between her oiled boobs, my cock thrusting toward her mouth, then receding, then forward
again, she watched the head of my dick race toward her face and said, "This is like watching you
fuck me from inside my cunt." Not exactly the passioned cry I might have expected, but it turned
me the hell on anyway.

I probably shouldn't have been fucking a sixteen-year-old girl, but she was irresistible.
I didn't feel guilty about it-- I was still too overwhelmed at all the sex I'd been having.
Remember when I said I had a monkly life? Well, not anymore.

At about three that afternoon we both seemed to understand that we had to go back to our regular
lives. We showered together and came together yet again-- me with my cock between her ass
cheeks and she when I washed her clit with a bar of soap.

I was almost glad when she left, just so I could get some basic things done around the house. I
mean, more than half the day was gone because I fucked a virgin all day. And yes, I think she
was telling the truth about being a virgin. Sure, she wanted to try everything, but each time we
tried something new or different she was never so slightly hesitant. I don't know how to put it--
she was a nymphomaniac, she wasn't hesitant at all, but you could just tell it was the first time
she did one thing or another, maybe it was the obvious delight she showed after she tried
something. In any event, there was a difference before and after she did something different.

But life was intruding on the little relationship we were building, and happily it occurred right
away so there was time to think some things through.

The reality check came later when my next-door neighbor's wife, Renee, commented to me,
"Well, you seem to be getting comfortable with everyone next door on the other side, aren't you."
Typical of Renee, it was a statement rather than a question.

I like Renee, but she's always in everybody's business and spreading the news. I wanted to handle
this right from the get-go. "You mean my dating Anna for a while?"

"It was more than a while," Renee said, then asked, "Why, is it all over so soon?"

"Hey, Renee, they're nice people and I've helped them settle in. I assume that they'll be next door
for a long while, so I'm being a nice neighbor. I helped Mark move your furniture in when you
first got here, remember?"

Renee smiled, and she had a beautiful smile. Not long after they moved in, when I was in her
garage allegedly to help her find something, I asked her to smile when I was ready to cum on her
face. We had fucked and sucked in the garage a few times after that, but I couldn't stand it after a
while. She simply talked too much.

But the encounter with Renee was just a little thing that made me think about being a little more
careful in the future. I had no idea if anyone noticed Peggy entering or leaving my house or how
long she'd been inside. Anna was one thing, Peggy at sixteen was quite another.

I wasn't worried about Renee-- there was no reason to be concerned because she knew nothing
and wouldn't about what had already happened. But it did make me give more than a little
consideration to orchestrating any future encounters, especially with Pegs.

That evening I was out in my yard reading by the fish ponds and saw Mark about to start his
lawnmower. Mark's no rocket scientist, but he is a good neighbor in the sense we felt free to
borrow each other's power tools without asking, each of us knowing the other would return it
promptly and in good condition. He had no idea I had fucked his wife, but that was five years ago
anyway. He waved when he saw me looking toward the fence that divided our properties and
motioned for me to come to the fence.

"Hey, Bob, you have some load of pussy next door." That's Mark-- right to the point.

"Yeah," I agreed, "I wouldn't want to live there. It must be constant PMS."

"So, how's the mother?" He wasn't asking about her health.

"She's a nice lady, good looking and all, but I don't think she's interested in me as anything but
the nice guy next door who mows her lawn."

"She any good in bed?" Good old Mark, right back to the point.

"Beats me," I laughed. "When I find out, I'll let you know!" If I have one rule in life, it's never,
ever to brag about an affair, not even mention it. It keeps me safe from jealous husbands, for one
thing. But it's also a self-serving rule. Women talk to each other in ways men don't, and I knew
for a fact that once other women knew I would never mention anything, it made them more
aggressive about getting some sex outside the home.

"Get a load of that." Mark gestured for me to look behind me.

There was Gail out on the deck in cut-off shorts and a bikini top. Stunning, just stunning.
Although I know Gail, Anna, and Peggy shared wardrobes, it didn't mean they were cut from the
same cookie cutter just because everything fit pretty well. Gail's thighs were more muscular than
her mother or sister, and her breasts were fuller and sat a little higher on her chest than Peg's.

"She is something," I said, agreeing with Mark's unspoken evaluation.

"All four of them seem to be nice pieces of ass, " he said, "even the little one, what's her name,
Michelle. My daughter plays with her a lot. Nice kid. But you can see that she's going to have a
killer ass even now." He was right, too.

Well, I went back to my book all the more resolved to be very careful. I waved 'hello' to Gail as
the light faded.

"Want a beer?" she asked, holding up her own.

"Sure," I answered.

Gail came over to my yard, handed me a cold brew, and plopped in the chair next to mine. "Great
day, today," she said

"Yeah, lots of sun, not too hot, no humidity." It had been a fine day, I thought, even if I had spent
so much of it inside.

"Not just the weather, you know?" Gail said.

I had no clue. "How do you mean?"

Gail smiled lewdly. "Well, for one thing, both Peggy and I got laid twice. Well, we both fucked
two different people."

I didn't like where this was going. "Oh?" was all I could say.

"Yeah, like this afternoon I fucked Tracey, another checkout girl at the supermarket," Gail said
casually. "Did you know I like girls better than guys? I think I'm a lesbian."

I had to laugh. "Well, thanks for sharing that with me, Gail" I said. "Maybe you just haven't
found the right guy yet."

"Maybe, but I'm not looking for a guy. I just like other girls. Aren't you going to ask who the
other one was? I told you that both me and Peggy had sex with two people yesterday."

I was holding my breath. How much did she know? Where was this going? Who else had Peggy
fucked today, and when and where? Gail said that she had been fucked by another girl, Tracey,
that afternoon. I knew who she meant. Tracey was about eighteen and built like a brick shithouse,
with huge boobs that just grabbed a guy's eyes and made them lock on. Tracey was on the heavy
side, but right now she looked as good as she ever would look.

Well, better to deal with all this up front, I thought. "Okay, so who was the other lucky person?"

Seemingly absentmindedly, Gail scratched her breast, leaving her hand to rest along the top of it.
"I know Peggy's first fuck was you, Bob, she told me all about it." Before I could utter a word of
denial, she cut me off. "Don't worry, Peggy and I always tell each other everything. Always have.
She showed me your dried cum on her tits and I sucked it off. That's what got us started. We
finished the day with each other."

Wow. Oh, man. What the fuck was I supposed to say? So I said nothing. Not that my silence
slowed Gail down.

"So now Peggy's scared you won't fuck her again because she's a lez like me, but I think she's
really just bi because she sure liked both experiences, you know? She said she'd like to have both
of us fuck you, but I told her I'd much rather have her and me watch you fucking Mom. That way
I could get off with Peggy real hard."

Oh, sure, just drop that bomb on me. All I did was raise an eyebrow.

"Would that turn you on, Bob?" Gail smiled again, looking at my crotch. "I guess it would,
because it is."

I was hard as a rock.

"Now don't you be mad at my little sis, hear? And why don't you patch things up with Mom so
we can get this show on the road?" With that, she finished her beer and went back to her deck.

There was so little light left that I started to go inside to finish my book.


It was Anna. Here in the garden, standing at my end of the short path between our yards, looking
so plaintively beautiful. I suddenly realized that I really hadn't expected to see her again. No
explanation for why I felt that way. After all, she did live next door and I had seen her since our
last encounter. But I guess I had thought I wouldn't actually be able to talk with her. She was not
a happy cowgirl when she left my house the other night.

"Hi, Anna," I said. "How are you?"

She sat in the chair that Gail had vacated moments before. "I saw Gail was here. I'm glad my kids
get along with you, Bob. Peggy adores you for letting her be a part of your garden. I think she has
a crush on you," she added.

"Peggy? A crush on me?" I laughed. "She can do a whole lot better than me, Anna."

Anna reached for my hand and held it. "She could do a whole lot worse, too."

"She's a good kid, Anna. You seem to have three good kids. How are they adapting to the new

"Oh, jeez, I had to drag Mickie all the way here. She was hysterical about leaving her friends.
Now she doesn't even want to keep in touch with her friends in Chicago. Gail's a little
apprehensive about starting all over again at a new high school, but that's more than two months
away, and she's already got a lot of new girlfriends." Anna chewed her lower lip, adding, "And
for Peggy, you are the neighborhood."

I tugged on Anna's hand and she rose from the chair, letting me lead her to sit on my lap. The
short twilight was over, and we sat in the dark. She was such a tiny lady, petite, a light package,
and I enjoyed how she ground her breasts into my chest as we kissed.

"I missed you, Anna," I said. "I'm genuinely sorry that I, um, well, acted as I did."

"No, no," she murmured as she nuzzled my neck, "no, you woke me up." She drew away from
me and sat straight up on my lap.

"Bob," she said, "when I left here I felt humiliated, degraded. I cried myself to sleep over it, but
the more I thought about it, the more I let my body respond to the images of that night, well, the
more I felt okay about it."

She started nuzzling me again, taking my hand and putting them on her breasts. I started
unbuttoning her blouse as she licked my earlobes.

"All I want is to make you happy, Bob," she said. "Your cum makes me happy. I want to be your

"My cunt," I blurted.

"Your cunt, lover, your slut-cunt." Anna slid from my lap and knelt between my legs. Her hand
slid up my leg and into my shorts, her hand grasping my throbbing cock. She started to gently
jerk me off as she unbuttoned her blouse. And she kept talking, using the words and situations
she had condemned as dirty not long ago.

"I love to suck your cock, baby," she said. "I'm your dirty cocksucker, your whore. I liked sucking
those panties, Bob, I liked wearing that other woman's bra when your cum shot in my mouth.
Your cum gave me the biggest orgasm I've ever had." By then Anna had pulled my shorts down
to my ankles, and as she started to suck me she pulled the shorts free and tossed them aside.

I held her head, my fingers caressing her ears as her wet lips and tongue made love to my
blood-filled boner. I arched my back from the pleasure of it and looked straight up at the starlit
sky. As the spasm subsided, I reached down to caress her stretched lips, enjoying the feel of my
fingertips tracing the path her mouth was making.

And that's when I saw a flash of movement by the side of my shed. It was Gail. I could see her
clearly in the moonlight as surely as she could clearly see her mother giving me a blowjob. As I
watched, Peggy came up behind her and untied Gail's bikini top, cupping her breasts and looking
at me and Anna. Gail turned to face Peggy, who was already topless, and I watched their breasts
flatten against each other as they started to kiss and to undo each other's shorts. In a moment they
were naked and grinding against each other.

Anna's lips were insistent. She alternated between sucking the entire length of my rock-hard
cock, then holding it against her lips as she kissed and licked my shaft from top to bottom and
back up again. I watched Peggy's and Gail's hands caress their cunts, and I started to pump my
hips, driving my cock hard into Anna's mouth.

The two girls riveted their attention on me, maneuvering to find a better vantage point so they
could see more clearly.

"Anna, I'm going to cum," I panted. I guess I wanted to be fair so she could decide where to take
my load.

She leaned back, her breasts thrust forward by her arched back and uplift, white brassiere, her
hand still stroking my boner, back and forth, back and forth.

"Shoot your cum on me, Bob," she gasped, "I want to see it shoot out of your cock, I want to
wear it, I want to sleep with your nasty squirt-juice on my skin, on my bra, on my face, in my
mouth. Give it to me!" She spit on her hand to make it all the more slippery and jerked me off,
my cockhead about a foot from her face and breasts. "I want it nasty! Nasty!"

The single sane neuron worried that neighbors might hear this woman. The rest of me loved to
hear it and was glad that Peggy and Gail could hear, too.

I looked down at Anna. Despite the dark, the stars and the moon gave some resolution to her
crouched figure.

She sucked me again, just twice up and down, and I looked over to see Peggy and Gail bent over
at the waist watching. Their young and full breasts hung straight down, swaying gently as they
squirmed on their own fingers in their wet cunts.

Knowing that her daughters were watching, I pulled back slightly and let my load shoot a thick,
white gob of cum directly onto Anna's nose, splitting and flowing down either side. The second
load flew into her mouth and on her chin, and the next three peppered her chest and white-clad

I could see Peggy's smile from her exposed white teeth. Gail watched fixedly, unable to stop
staring at her mother. As Anna used my boner as an applicator to wipe my sperm all over her, the
girls gathered their clothes and disappeared silently into the house.

"Tell me I'm your slut-cunt, Bob," Anna demanded.

"Anna, you are my cheap little whore," I said as she smiled at the recognition. She kissed, then
gently sucked my balls as I continued on. "Your slutty mouth is better than any cunt, except yours
and you-know-whose." She shuddered in orgasm at my reference to the 'other woman'. "I had her
wear your bra when I fucked her again, Anna. It was like fucking you, but in another cunt."

"Who is she?" Anna asked, her hand down her jeans and her fingers furiously working on her
sopping-wet clit.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I taunted.

"I do want to know, Bob," she said. "Just thinking about you with another woman makes me
hot." She looked down so I couldn't look into her eyes. I could see she was embarrassed, but
wasn't sure by what. It seemed that she was horrified by what we had just done and what she had
just said. But I was wrong.

"I get dripping wet thinking about being with you and her, Bob. If I'm sharing you with her, then I
want you to share her with me. It's only fair."

Part Seven

Like peas in a pod, they were. Peggy, Gail, and Anna, despite their ability to be brazen, were all
basically good girls still guiltily exploring a newly released sexuality. I mean, Peggy had watched
her mother blow me, had cum when I came on her mother's face, but now she was the very
embarrassed sixteen-year-old she in actuality always was.

When I first saw Peggy the day after the garden event with Anna, she looked away. I called to
her, and she joined me, sitting on my front steps. "Hey, you," I breathed, wanting to cuddle her
right in view of everyone on Beach Road. I spoke softly because the short street was active
enough for an audience to happen by on short notice.

She still wouldn't look at me, instead staring across the street without expression. after a moment
she whispered, "I didn't think you'd want to be with a lesbian."

"Do you want to be with me?" I asked.

I could see the relief spread her face with a smile. "You know I want to be with you again." At
that she finally looked at me and at that moment I knew I was in love with her-- genuinely,

"Then, my love, you are no lesbian. Bi-sexual maybe, and I hope you are. Seeing you with Gail
was very exciting."

The happy Peggy was back. She could hardly contain her enthusiasm. "You sure you're not going
to like Gail better than me?" she asked, obviously comfortable with her supremacy.

"It's not Gail who I have in mind, Pegs," I said, "although Gail's a very close second."

"Who, then?"

"You wore her bra, Pegs."

Peggy was shocked. "My mother?"

"Ssssshhhhh," I hushed her, looking around to see if anyone was nearby. "Come on, keep it
down. If you don't like the idea, I'll drop it right now and forever."

In the time that it took me to say that, Peggy, the deep-down slut part of her now in dominance,
said, "You can't know how wet I am, Bobs. I didn't know what to think or feel when I watched
your stiff cock pump Mom's mouth."

"I liked having you watch," I said, wanting to pull Peg's top down and fuck her mouth in front of
the neighborhood.

"Gail and I licked each other off when we went home. I sneaked into her room and we
sixty-nined. I was sooo hot, Bobs. Not just because I was licking my sister's wet pussy, but
because I was thinking about you and Mom. You, your cock spurting onto her. Mom, with her
face dripping in your slippery cum. I wanted to suck your cock and lick your cum off Mom."
Peggy was turned on.

So was I.

"Care for an iced tea?" I asked loudly.

"Sure!" It was Renee's voice, Renee the busybody. She walked into view and said, "Only kidding.
It is a humid day, though. Well, don't let the girl die of thirst because I can't keep my mouth
shut!" With a wave Renee went back to talking to another neighbor.

My trail covered nicely, I grabbed Peg's hand and drew her inside.

I swung the door shut and pressed her against it. I pushed my right hand under her short skirt and
onto her panty-covered crotch. The material was already wet and getting wetter as I pushed my
middle finger against her clit.

"You liked seeing your mother sucking on my cock, didn't you?"

"God, yes, it was so hot watching you," Peggy answered, her eyes closed and hips pumping
steadily against my hand.

"Anna wants to know whose bra she was wearing, Pegs. She wants the three of us together." I
kept massaging her grinding cunt lips.

I kissed her, licking her tongue and lips.

"Yessss, yesss," she gasped.

"But Gail wants to have you while I fuck your mother. Gail wants to play with you while Anna
and I get it on."

"No, no," Peggy said. "Gail already got to watch with me."

I rubbed her sopping wet crotch, working my fingers under her panties and onto her slippery

"Pegs, maybe it should be the four of us."

Peggy was having her orgasm, shuddering as the pleasure swept over her, arching her back and
going rigid, then shuddering as I slowed my hand, leaving two fingers in her flowing hole. Had
she come just because it was time to cum, or did the prospect of sharing me with her mother and
sister push her over the edge?

I was kissing her, our tongues jousting. Pegs was stroking my cock through my pants with one
hand, while with the other she tugged at my belt and zipper.

"Fuck me," she said, first pulling my pants down and off, then her panties, finally bending over
the back of the sofa with her skirt pulled up over her waist.

Like I was going to say no? Fat chance. I stood behind her and slid into her cunt. I stroked in and
out, bending over her so I could feel her soft tits through her T-shirt and bra.

"In my ass, Bobs, fuck me up the ass."

Up until this point I sort of thought I was the master of the universe-- I was teaching them. Well,
Anna was no virgin, but I had sure introduced her to some new things. Yet this was the first time
I had ever seriously thought about fucking someone in her ass. And I liked the thought.

I pushed Peg's T-shirt up to her neck and unsnapped her bra, letting her heavy little breasts hang
free, and shoved my boner in and out of her pussy.

She reached back with both hands and said again, "In my ass."

I pulled my cock out of her cunt. It was glistening with her slippery cunt juice as I pushed it
against her tight, puckered asshole. My cock grew even harder as I pushed slowly against her.
Just as her anus dilated and allowed my cock inside her ass, I pulled out, and stuck it in her cunt
again until it glistened once more. Coated with her cunt juice, my cock slid slowly into her ass
until my balls bounced against her cunt. I don't think I've ever felt anything so uniformly tight
around my cock.

I leaned over and played with her naked nipples as I pumped her ass.

"Do you like my boner up your ass, Pegs?" I asked.

"Yes, Bobs, fuck me in my asshole, fuck my ass, fuck my ass, fuck my ass," she chanted.

"Do you want me to cum in your asshole, Peggy-girl,?"

"In my ass, in my ass," she kept saying.

Here was my very special Pegs bent over the sofa, her cute, rounded ass in the air, and my
bursting cock was in her sixteen-year-old asshole. I felt my orgasm begin and I pushed as far up
her asshole as my cock would go, then thrusted slowly and in short strokes so my cock would be
as far up her ass as possible when I squirted into her. That, combined with the rush I felt from
playing with her stiff nipples, made me blow my load, gob after gob of hot, white, cum up her
brown little asshole.

I was actually resting on her back after I came, exhausted from draining my cock.

"I like it up my ass, Bobs," Peggy whispered.

I squeezed her young breasts and said, "Your ass is made for it, babe." Even as I spoke my
softened cock was pushed out of her contracting anus. I moved back and watched the cum drip
out of her ass and down her cunt-slit. I could see Peggy was using her internal muscles to give
me a show of her pushing the cum out. I kissed her ass cheeks and wiped her clean with her

Pegs quickly pulled the rest of her clothes on, made herself presentable, poured herself a glass of
iced tea, kissed me, and pranced out the door, saying, "Gee, Bob, is it okay if I bring the glass
back later?"

That took care of Renee. "Sure, Peggy, take your time," I answered. Whenever you're ready to get
your ass drilled again, I thought as she scampered across my lawn to her front door.

As it turned out, I didn't get the glass back until that evening. Anna called when she got home
from work and invited me to dinner. As she had promised, it wasn't any special fare, just meat
loaf, baked potatoes, asparagus, and a salad. We all had wine with the meal and chatted about
nothing in particular. To an outsider, it might have been as innocent as an average family sitting
down to a Sunday meal after church. Well, it wasn't innocent and they weren't average. And,
while I never thought of myself as particularly innocent, I felt even less so after fucking young
Peggy's asshole, and that, too, made me feel decidedly more than average.

The wine flowed freely and, as the Romans say, in vino veritas-- in wine, the truth. Anna seemed
dreamily distracted, occasionally catching my eye suggestively, her blouse unbuttoned to the
point of outright seduction. Peggy seemed more vivacious than ever, as though she were the
birthday girl. Gail's smirk made it obvious to me what had delayed return of the glass. No doubt
Pegs had blabbed about getting ass-fucked the moment she saw Gail and they had spent the rest
of the day licking each other.

And Mickie. Mickie was noticeably getting sleepy. A couple of glasses of wine for a fouteen-year-old
was a bit much, and she was obviously having trouble keeping her eyes open. Not wanting to
seem the young child she was, she tried her best to stay awake before dreamy Anna saw what was happening. It was just after eight when she told Peggy and Gail to clear the table
and wash the dishes.

"I think I'd better get dear Mickie ready for bed," she said, slurring her words slightly. Anna was
just a bit uneasy on her feet, and I suggested maybe I should carry her youngest girl to her
bedroom. Mickie was out like a light.

Mickie was a mere waif in my arms, and as I held her against me I could see her lacy bra cups.
Well, hell, I was feeling the wine, too, so I let myself get hard at the thought of what was in those
little a-cups. I lay Mickie on the bed, then put an arm around Anna and said, "Well, that's taken
care of." I was hoping Pegs and Gail would also succumb to the wine.

Anna's head was on my shoulder and my boner was hard as I wondered what the night would
hold. Was I really hoping Peggy and Gail would fall asleep? What would happen if they were up
and ready?

"Bob," Anna said, "I should get Mickie ready for the night, so I'll meet you out on the deck,

I turned her to me and kissed her, feeling her breasts. Her nipples were as swollen as my cock.

"I'll stay just in case you need help, Anna" Any other time that excuse would have been as bald as
a baby's bottom, but with the two of us heady with wine and Anna slurring, it almost sounded
noble. But I'm sure Anna knew I just wanted to watch her strip her fourteen-year-old daughter.

I lifted Mickie and held her against me as Anna tugged the small T-shirt over Mickie's cute bra. I
shifted my grip on the girl so Anna could get the shirt over her head and off her arms. I let my
hands graze the young girl's tiny titties-- they were just too small to be called tits or even breasts.
I could see the slightest bulge of flesh, but the most prominent part of her budding boobs were
her puffy nipples.

"Bob!" Anna said. "You stop that!"

Did she mean it?

"Bob, I mean that. I don't want to see you getting hard because of Mickie!"

She meant it all right, and I wondered what her response would be when she found out that the
mystery bra belonged to her other daughter, Peggy.

I lay Mickie down again. "Anna, don't be angry. I was and am hard just because of you. Jeez," I
said, "She has hardly anything to get hard over. No offense, but you know what I mean. Next
year, maybe. But not yet."

Anna bought the explanation and unhooked the front clasp on Mickie's little lacy bra. She
exposed her daughters tiny breasts when she pulled the cups aside and the bra out from under her,
and they were just as I had imagined them to be. So young, so tempting. Anna then slipped
Mickie's pants down and off, leaving her young daughter with only her panties on. Anna started
to pull a sheet over Mickie, but I held her arm. In vino, veritas.

"Anna, take her panties off."


I was behind Anna and cupped her breasts. "Come on, you slut-cunt, show me your daughter's
young pussy." I massaged her nipples and pushed my hard cock against her ass. "Strip her for me,
Anna, and you'll get this cock to play with."

Without hesitation or a sound, Anna bent over her daughter and pulled the panties down to where
we could just see the start of her downy pubic hair, soft and almost filmy, just a hint of evidence
that this child was in fact a woman.

"Are you ready for the show?" Anna whispered. "Are you ready to see Mickie's baby pussy?"

All I did was squeeze her tits harder.

Anna pulled Mickie's panties down to her knees and off her completely, leaving the child's legs
spread so I could see her virtually hairless little slit. Anna pushed back against me and turned,
pushing me out the door of the bedroom. "We'll take care of that hard thing in your pants later,"
she said.

I couldn't get the image of Mickie's naked young body out of my mind. Oh, well. Three out of
four ain't bad. I guess Gail counted for something-- I mean having a girl watch her mother suck
me off wasn't the same as fucking her, but it still has to count for something.

Part Eight

It took a while to sort things out, but finally I wound up out on the deck with Anna. I knew where
Pegs and Gail were and what they were up to, but Anna didn't have a clue.

We lay back on her lounge chair, squished side-by-side in a delightfully uncomfortable position
in a lounge made for one. Anna snuggled against me and I cupped her breast.

"So," she said softly, "tell me whose bra I was wearing when you first released me from my

"You know, Anna, the old saying that you shouldn't ever ask any question you're not prepared to
hear the answer to?"

"Just tell me."

"No other questions?"

"Just tell me, dammit!" Anna was being playful, and from the way she squirmed I knew her cunt
was flowing with her slippery juice.

Pegs, who had been listening at the kitchen window, emerged onto the deck wearing a short, silk
robe. "Hi, Mom," she said.

Anna stiffened at the thought of her daughter seeing her getting felt up. "Peggy, I think you
should go inside."

"I want to show you something, Mom," Peggy said, walking closer to us and opening her robe.
"Do you like my red bra?" She leaned over us both and kissed me, her bra rubbing Anna's lips.

I kept sliding my hands over Anna's breasts while I tongued with her daughter.

"Oh, Peggy, my little girl grown so big," Anna said quietly.

I looked down and saw Anna pulling Peggy's bra aside so she could take her daughter's nipple in
her mouth. Anna gently sucked Peg's breast while I slid off the lounge, leaving mother and
daughter in each others' arms.

"I love you, Mom," Peggy said, unbuttoning Anna's blouse. "I love you and want to show you
how much."

Anna looked at me and sighed. "What about you, Bob? Are you going to watch us? Is that what
you want?"

I had already dropped my pants and my erection made a perpendicular tent out of my
undershorts. I pulled the waist band down and stroked my cock. "I love you, Anna, and Pegs
knows I love her, too. We can be together and love each other."

By then Peggy had her mother's blouse open and was sucking Anna's breast through her sheer,
white bra. Anna's hips pumped slightly at the stimulation. "Are you going to fuck my daughter in
front of me?" Anna asked.

I smiled. "Yes, Anna, I'm going to fuck your daughter's wet cunt." And even as I said it, Gail
came out on the deck with a video camera.

Gail was fully dressed, a halter top and very tight jeans that accented her round and protruding
ass. She set the camera on a tripod and aimed it at her mother and sister. Looking through the
viewer, she sized up the frame and moved the tripod back a few feet. Then she set the machine to
'on' and stood next to me.

"Yes, Anna, you're going to see me fuck your daughter, and so will my darling Pegs." I pulled
Gail to me and kissed her, our tongues jutting into each other's mouths, and I tugged the halter
top up over her breasts and let my hands feel them as she grinded her cunt against my stiff cock.

"Oh, my darling baby," Anna moaned as Peggy pulled her slacks and panties off, kissing down
her mother's flat belly toward her neatly clipped pussy. "Oh, baby, suck Mommy, do Mommy's
pussy and make her feel good." And Peggy obliged, licking her mother's cunt-lips, then sucking
her swollen clit.

I had Gail's jeans down to her knees and held her from behind, my boner pushed against the soft
silk of her panties. "Do you still think you're a lesbian, Peggy?"

Peggy looked up from the wet cunt in her face and turned to me. "I like doing whatever makes
you want to cum, Bobs. I'll do anything you want me to, especially when I like it." At that, she
went back to slurping her mother's cunt juices.

I whispered in Gail's ear, "And do you think you're still a lesbian, Gail?" I pinched her erect, stiff
nipples through the lace of her bra, then lowered the straps so her cups fell, leaving her
high-riding breasts bare.

She wiggled her ass against my cock. "No guy ever had me this hot before, Bob. Maybe it's just
watching Mom and Peggy doing it that's making me so horny. But I want you to fuck me now
while I watch."

I unhooked her bra and pulled her panties down, inching her closer to the lounge until she had to
lean over Peggy. Gail's face was inches from her mothers flowing cunt while her sister lapped at
the juices. Seeing Gail's big breasts pressed against Peg's back, I took my cock and slid it into

Cunt is cunt is cunt, but these three women had the most exquisite cunts in the world. Gail was
contracting around my cock as I fucked her. She wiggled forward a little more so that she and
Peggy both licked their mother's steaming pussy. I could hear the soft whir of the video camera
just to the side of us.

Anna unhooked Peggy's infamous red bra and pulled her middle-daughter up so that Peg's naked
breasts traced their way up to Anna's silk bra. Anna held one of Peggy's tits and rubbed her
distended nipple across her own. "My baby's grown so big, so soft," Anna whispered. "Let
Mommy suck your tits, darling Peggy, give Mommy your breasts." With Peggy's panties now
within her reach, Anna slid them over Peggy's ass while she sucked frantically on her girl's young

I grabbed Gail by her hair and pulled her face away from her mother's pussy. "Lick Peggy's
asshole, Gail," I said. "Lick her cunt and her ass. Peggy, get your panties off so Mom can suck
your hot little twat." I let Gail suck her sister's ass for a few minutes as I slid in and out of her
wet, young cunt, then pulled her away and back to her mother's pussy. As Gail slurped and
licked, I told Peggy to face me and put her pussy on Anna's mouth.

We weren't noisy, but we all moaned as we fucked and sucked and got fucked and sucked. I had
my thumb pressed against Gail's asshole and felt it loosen as I massaged it. She went wild once
my thumb was in her ass, her hips gyrating so wildly it was hard for me to keep my cock jammed
in her teenage cunt. I used her wet slit with my cock while I probed into her anus and watched
Anna lick Peg's young cunt until her daughter's cum ran down her face.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have three beautiful women doing whatever
you wanted, like a movie director giving instructions to the cast? Let me tell you, it's the best
thing in the world.

I was getting ready to cum and said so. Peggy told Gail to take my cock in her ass and Gail
started moaning and panting. I pulled my cock out of her sweet young cunt and told Peggy to lick
her asshole. Anna slid down so Gail could nuzzle her breasts. I went over to Anna and pushed
my cock in her mouth. Anna started her orgasm when she tasted Gail's pussy on my boner.

For the finale, I had Gail lay on her back on the lounge, her knees next to her ears and her ass
straight in the air. Peggy sucked my cock and left her spit on it as a lubricant. Gail's asshole was
gaping and my cock slid in her easily. I fucked her ass slowly as Peggy cupped my balls and
Anna kissed her other daughter fully on the mouth.

In and out of Gail's brown asshole, so hot and tight. I told Anna and Peggy to suck Gail's breasts,
and they did, their tongues laving Gail's nipples, their teeth nibbling. I started to moan myself and
pulled out of Gail's ass, arching my back and leaning forward to shoot the biggest load of my life,
huge gobs of cum that splashed Gail's heaving tits and her mother's and sister's faces. And just
when I thought it was over, my cock stiffened again as if summoning extra reserves of hot, sticky
semen, and I shot another load on my three lovely women.

And then I was done. All that was left was the beautiful image of Anna and her two daughters,
their faces and breasts slippery with man-juice.


It came from behind me. It was Mickie.

We had all assumed little fouteen-year-old Mickie would sleep through the night.

Part Nine

At the sound of Mickie's plaintive cry for her mother, my dick wilted act so fast that cum-covered Peggy and Gail started laughing. Anna's motherly instincts drove her faster than common sense as she rushed to Mickie's side to comfort her. She drew her youngest daughter to her in a hug and didn't realize that she was pressing Mickie's face into the cum on her bra.

"Mommy! What's that gooey stuff on you?" I was still looking at Gail and Peggy, who were
laughing even harder. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or call the police to surrender myself.

"It tastes good, Mommy. Did you spill some cream on you?" I turned to see young Mickie licking
my cum off her mother's brassiere.

Anna looked at me with an expression that was of horror and a hint of lust. She knelt beside
Mickie and said, "Give Mommy a kiss, baby."

Mickie kissed her cheek and found more of my cum to lick. "Is there any more of this, Mommy?"
Mickie asked. "I really like it."

I moved into the shadows and watched Anna point Mickie to her sisters. Mickie wore only a long
T-shirt as a nightie.

"Over here, Mickie," Gail said softly.

"Did you spill some of the cream on you, too?" Mickie asked.

"That's why we don't have any clothes on, Mick," Peggy said. "We spilled that wonderful cream
all over us."

"Can I have what you spilled, too, huh, Gail? Please?" Mickie sure liked to lick my cum, and my dick was reforming himself as I watched the little girl slurp my jism off her older sister's breasts and cheeks.

After Mickie cleaned Gail, Peggy welcomed her into her arms, squirming as her little sister's
tongue roamed over her face and breasts. This time, once Peggy was clean, Mickie stayed at her
nipples to suck.

"That feels good, Mickie," Peggy said. "Don't stop."

Anna was in the shadows behind me, her hand in front stroking my hard boner. "You be gentle
with my little Mickie," she said.

I turned to her so my cock pressed against her cunt lips. With a gentle push I was in Anna's cunt, her
warm cum juices flowing all over my cock. We continued to watch Mickie and her sisters in sex
play. Lord knows the child had the best teachers.

"Is there any more cream?" Mickie asked. "I really liked it. Where'd you get it?"

"Bob brought it over special for us, little sister," Gail said. "Maybe he'll make some more if
you're a good girl."

"I want to be a good girl," Mickie said as Peggy stroked her downy young slit, her finger inside
the tight cunt sliding her wetness up and onto her still developing clit.

It didn't take long for us all to go inside. There wasn't enough light to even see each other, much
less capture that Kodak moment on tape. Anna stayed on the deck for a few minutes talking
quietly with Mickie as Gail and Peggy moved the camera and tripod into Mickie's room.

"You don't know how much I want to suck your cock right now, Bobs," Pegs said. "This is so
hot. Are you going to fuck Mickie?"

"Let's see what your mother says. But I'd like to. Maybe I should just shoot my cum up your
pussy and let Mickie lick it out."

Peggy leaned heavily against a dresser while she started to rub her clit.

That's when Anna came in with little Mickie in tow. Mickie lay down on the bed, and Pegs and
Gail joined her, one on either side, both touching Mickie's swollen mound of down, their hands
tickling her young pussy while they gently sucked her puffy nipples. Anna said she wanted to talk
to me outside Mickie's room.

"Look," she said, "events here have gone way beyond anything I ever imagined. We're in it now,
I'm comfortable with this, but I still think Mickie is a little young to have your cock in her." She
held my boner while she kissed me, almost in apology.

"What now, then, Anna?" I asked.

"Let her taste your cum, Bob. I explained to Mickie what it's all about, just what sort of cream it
is and how it's made. Just don't put your cock into her pussy. That's for me and Gail and Peggy.
Not Mickie, not yet."

I wasn't sure why she had drawn the line, nor was I sure what big difference it made where she
had drawn it, but my cock was just waiting to be milked.

We went back into Mickie's room. Peggy and Gail had their sister very much worked up. "Mom,"
said Gail, "you handle the camera and Peggy and I will help Mickie."

The three of them sat on the edge of the bed and I stood in front of them. Gail leaned over and
sucked my cock for about a dozen strokes, then leaned back and held my cock so Peggy could
suck up and down as many times again.

"Got the idea, Mickie?" Gail asked.

Mickie nodded and leaned forward tentatively, her lips brushing my cock, then parting in their
sweet wetness to take the knob of my boner into her mouth. She was so young, so beautiful. I
pushed slightly and she took more and more in her mouth. At one point, though, she gagged and
coughed, leaving my boner to bounce in front of her face.

"Put your hand on it," Peggy advised. "Don't take it as far in unless you want to. You can suck up
and down on part of it and stroke the rest with your hand. It'll make him cum faster."

Mickie did what Pegs suggested, sucking and stroking my boner until I said I was going to cum.

"Cum on her titties the way you came on ours," Gail said. "We're going to share it."

I straddled their little sister and rubbed the head of my cock on the child's breasts. I started to
stroke my boner, but felt Anna's hand take my cock. "I want to make you cum on her," Anna said.
"All you have to do is give my little girl your cream to eat."

Anna spit on her hand and started to jerk me off just above Mickie's nascent breasts. I couldn't
hold back, and, with a low moan, I came, shooting my first load into Mickie's open mouth and
the rest onto her tiny boobs. Anna's hand kept stroking me until my balls were as empty as
they've ever been.

Mickie smiled, my cum on her lips and teeth, swallowing the load that had gone into her mouth.
Gail and Peggy licked the cum off her little breasts and held it in their mouths before kissing
their young sister, swapping my cum between them and all over their faces.

I slumped on the bed, exhausted, as Anna snuggled close to me and kissed me.