View Full Version : Millie Bobby Brown Meets Her Dream Idol

09-22-2019, 03:04 AM
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I do not know Millie Bobby Brown or Emma Watson and have nothing to do with them. Comments are always welcome and appreciated so you should feel free to share.
I tried really hard to try and make this story not just girl/girl porn for a straight guy but rather something a guy or a girl could enjoy. If that makes sense.

Story Code: F/f, Teen, Virgin

Millie Bobby Brown Meets Her Dream Idol
By Muhabba

As the fourteen year old teenage girl snuggled into her bed she counted all the ways her life had changed since getting the part of 11 on the show Stranger Things. Her pillow was cool and comfortable and her blanket was warm and fuzzy. She counted all the places she had been and all the fashion shoots that had taken her to those places. She counted all the things she had seen and all the people she had met. And as the young girl drifted off to sleep she remembered the time she had met…

Millie Bobby Brown looked at her reflection in the mirror and tried not to giggle like the young girl that she was but she was just so excited. She had actually met Emma Watson! How many people actually got to meet Emma Watson? She had seen all of the Harry Potter movies not to mention all the movies that Emma had made after the Harry Potter movies. Well, all the ones her family would let her watch. She'd even seen The Circle and didn't know why nobody liked it. It wasn't really that bad of a movie except for the bit where the drone out races the truck. And the end wasn't really that good. But other wise it wasn't half-bad.

She tried to shake the tangential thoughts out of her head and concentrated on her clothes. Millie had seen awards shows before and had loved the different dresses and outfits the stars wore but she'd never imagined how many different dresses and outfits the stars changed in and out of. Boys were lucky she decided, they just had to wear a tux but the girls had to wear outfits to sit in the audience and then a different outfit to present an award and then a whole other outfit to accept an award. All girls' clothes should be made with Velcro she decided before giggling again. She had met Emma Watson!

Shaking the silly, star-struck thoughts out of her head she once again tried to concentrate on her latest outfit. The awards show was over, the one she had met Emma Watson on, and it was time for the after party. Millie's mother was letting her skip her curfew tonight in order to go to the after party, well, for a hour at least, as long as she didn't drink any alcohol. Her mother was waiting for her downstairs and promised to just find a nice, warm corner of the party and let Millie walk around on her own, her first real Hollywood party.

Millie's dark hair was nearly to her shoulders now after having shaved her head for her Netflix show's first season. She had to keep it short for the second season but the producers were letting her grow it out again before they started shooting the third season. She had changed out of the outfit she had worn for the awards show, the outfit Emma Watson had seen her in, and was dressed a bit more casually now. She was now wearing a simple pair of beat-up sneakers and a pair of denim jeans with rolled cuffs. Her top was just as casual with a black T-shirt and a white jacket with rolled sleeves. It was kind of a 80's look but it went along with her show and she actually kind of liked the look all on it's own, very retro-chic. Her hair was slicked back in the front letting the back flare out behind her head. Yeah, very retro-chic she decided.

"I can't believe I met Emma Watson!" she squealed in glee in her English accent like the young girl she was. She bounced up and down on her feet and clapped her hands excitedly, her slender body practically vibrating.

Millie nearly skipped down the hall but stopped herself. If she acted too immature her mother might try to keep an extra watchful eye on her during the party and she so very much wanted people to see her as a mature actress. The elevator opened for her and she stepped in and hit the button for the bottom floor. It was actually pretty lucky that the after party was being held in the same hotel she was staying at letting her mother loosen her leash a little bit.

When the elevator opened, Millie saw her mother standing in front of the door. “I thought you might had gotten lost,” her mother joked.

“Moooom,” Millie whined, “I was just getting dressed.”

“I was just kidding,” her mother said as she held her hand out to her daughter.

Millie stared at her mother's hand and tried not to die of embarrassment. “You can’t be serious?” she said with dread.

Millie’s mother just stared at her daughter. “What's the matter, dear?” she asked.

“I am not holding my ‘mommy’s’ hand at a Hollywood party,” she said.

“Oh for…” her mother muttered as she dropped her hand, “Let’s just go.”

Millie tried to walk in front of her mother so maybe people wouldn't think they were together and her mother struggled not to smile at how hard her daughter was trying to be an adult. When they reached the back patio they found a nice, quiet table and her mother made Millie sit down with her.

“Let’s go over the rules again,” Millie’s mother said.

Millie rolled her eyes at her mother. “I know the rules, mum,” she groaned and hoped nobody was watching her.

“Good. Then this shouldn't take very long.”

“Fine,” Millie grumbled, “Rule number one: We’re staying for one hour. Rule number two: No alcohol. Rule number three: Anytime someone hands me a drink I’m to ask if it has alcohol in it. Rule number four: Millie is to have no fun and keep her back to a wall at all times…”

“Very funny,” her mother interrupted, “Get going now. And be back in an hour.”

“I will,” Millie assured her mother before practically jumping out of her chair and scurrying away. She bet that Emma Watson's mother hadn’t treated her like this when she was her age but completely forgot about her embarrassing mother as she entered the actual party.

Millie was almost star-struck at all of the celebrities standing around talking like they weren't famous or anything. Hugh Jackman was there and she apologized for maybe ignoring him when she had seen Emma earlier in the audience. She saw someone named Kanye and judging by how much make-up his wife was wearing she guessed that he must be famous or something. She just couldn't believe how many actors there were here. And then she forgot about all of the actors when she saw Emma Watson sitting down at a table. And the table was just like the one she had left her mother in too. The older British actress had changed into a simple black cocktail dress with a pair of shiny pumps. Emma’s make-up was minimum and her chestnut colored hair flowed down around her bare shoulders. Millie didn't even realize she was walking towards Emma until she was standing in front of her.

“I’m… I’m… I’m Mil… Millie,” she finally managed to blurt out. She tried a small, not awkward kind of smooth, suave, confident smile and guessed she had failed because Emma looked up at her and she could tell that her idol was trying not to laugh at her.

Emma saw the look of sudden concern in the small teenager’s face and quickly fixed her smile and tried for a warm, thoughtful laugh to try and take some of the nervousness off the obviously frightened girl. “Of course you are. I certainly wouldn't forget you,” she said with an affectionate pat on the girl’s arm, “I haven't gotten that old yet.”

Millie’s mind raced as she tried to decide if Emma was making fun of her, if Emma was being nice out of pity for her nervousness, if anyone around them had noticed her babbling her own name, why she was even here with an actress like Emma, and if she should just run away and give up acting altogether now that she had embarrassed herself in front of Emma.

Noticing Millie’s bottom lip starting to tremble Emma quickly stood up and graciously pulled out a chair for the teenage girl. “Won’t you join me?” she quickly asked and then helped Millie into her seat, “I want to hear how it felt up on the stage.” Without really thinking about it she handed the girl a glass of champagne.

Also without thinking about it, Millie took a sip of the champagne and didn't even notice the strange taste or the simple fact she was holding a champagne glass. She took a deeper drink and immediately noticed her nerves beginning to calm as she sat the glass down. Emma was sitting next to her, smiling at her, with her hand on her knee, being polite to her and she had nearly broken out into tears. And after trying to act so grown up with her mother. Suddenly she gasped. “Did that have alcohol in it?”

Emma looked from the young girl to the glass and back again. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” she gasped, “I’ve only just met you and I’m already contributing to your delinquency.” She looked deep into Millie’s eyes with mock concern while asking, “Will you ever forgive me?”

It slowly dawned on Millie that Emma was joking about their little accident and giggled very much like the young girl that she was. “I think so.”

“Thank God,” Emma gasped with comedic relief before taking the glass she had accidentally given Millie and drank all of it in a single swallow. “How ‘bout I get us another round?” she asked with a wink that made Millie giggle again and then motioned for the server.

The rest of Millie's drinks were non-alcoholic as she visited with Emma. Several other people came to say hello to Emma, and even a few to Millie, but all of the young star’s attention was for Emma. The older actress was simply the most gracious person that she had ever met. And so funny. There were times that the youngest actress’s sides were hurting from laughing despite how low-key a joke might be. Millie found herself staring wistfully into Emma's eyes as the former Harry Potter star was taking another accidental drink of Emma's champagne.

Emma snorted a bit when she noticed how hard Millie was staring at her which of course drew the teen star’s attention to how hard she was staring. Not wanting to make the girl nervous again she tried to make a joke of it. “Were you wanting some of my champagne?” she asked.

Millie immediately blurted, “Yes,” without even realizing what she was agreeing too but if Emma had offered her a vile of arsenic she would have agreed to it.

“Are you sure your mother would be okay with it?” Emma asked, trying to give the girl a way out from her not really thought over response.

She was stuck. How could she say “no” to Emma now since the more mature actress had brought up her mother. “Phttt… yeah, she's fine with it,” she said as off handedly as possible and failing in the attempt, “She knows how mature I am.”

Emma smirked. She knew what it was like to be that age, surrounded by older performers. And besides, how could one little glass hurt, she thought. And then she had found out how much it could hurt. In little over an hour Millie had consumed 4 sodas, 2 waters, and a glass and a half of top shelf champagne. And in the hours leading up to the awards show the slender built actress had been too nervous to eat leaving her stomach empty except for the alcohol.

“So the last thing you had to eat was a salad at lunch?” Emma gasped in shock.

“And some soup,” Millie slightly slurred back.

“I really have contributed to the delinquency of a minor,” Emma mumbled to herself as she held her head in her hands.

“This is good,” Millie said happily as she nonchalantly reached for Emma's glass of champagne, “Does it have flavors?”

Emma pulled her head out of her hands. “Does what have…” she started before seeing Millie drain the last of her glass. “Stop that,” she gasped as she took the now empty glass out off Millie’s dainty hand.

“Sorry,” Millie giggled.

As she stared defeated at her empty glass, Emma heard a strange buzzing with a odd whistling sound. “What was that?” she asked as she looked around.

Millie pulled her multi-decorated phone out of her pocket and answered it. “Hellooooo, Mum!” she answered loudly before breaking out into fits of laughter.

“”Gimmie that!” Emma hissed as she snatched the brightly colored phone from the teenager’s hand which caused Millie to laugh even harder. She could hear the young girl’s mother already talking and saying that it was time to go to bed but there was no way Emma could turn Millie over like this. So with no other option she raised the phone up and lied.

“Ms. Brown, this is Emma. Emma Watson,” she said cheerfully. And of course Millie’s mother knew who she was and gushed about how big of a fan Millie was. “That's very sweet, ma’am,” she said in her most pleasant voice.

“Is Millie there? I’m afraid it's time for bed,” Miss Brown said, “I hate to break the two of you up but…”

“I completely understand,” Emma told her, “We were just visiting and lost track of the time. It's been a bit since either one of us had heard someone speak with a proper accent.” Miss Brown laughed at her joke and Emma took that as a good sign as she continued, “I was wondering if you would mind if Millie and I finished our conversation first?”

Miss Brown thought it over for a moment before speaking. “Well, it is getting late and I don't really want Millie staying up in a bar…” she started before Emma rushed in.

“Of course, of course. We were actually planning on heading up to my room before we lost track of time,” Emma said. Time was exactly what she needed. Time to get some caffeine into Millie and time to get the teenage girl sobered up.

Once again Miss Brown thought it over. It wasn't as if Emma Watson was some stranger and Millie really did think the world of her. “I suppose it would be okay. Our flight isn't until tomorrow afternoon,” she said, “But I still wouldn't want Millie staying up to late.”

“Of course, of course,” Emma agreed, “Not too much longer at all.” Miss Brown asked to talk to her daughter one last time and Emma handed the phone over to the drunk teenager, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice of the girl was about to give away her inebriated state.

“Mummy!” Millie squealed in glee, “I’m talking to Emma. She’s soooo nice.”

Emma relaxed a little while Millie talked without slurring too badly. When her mother hung up the young girl had trouble turning her brightly colored phone off so Emma took it and did it for her. “Let’s get you upstairs and sobered up,” she said and began leading her up to the suite.

As the two English actresses stood up, Emma swayed in her feet a bit before righting herself. “I suppose I had a bit to much to drink as well,” she chuckled.

“Oh my,” Millie gasped, “I better get you to your room.” She began tugging on Emma's arm but Emma just tugged her back.

“How ‘bout I lead the way,” she giggled.

“Good idea,” Millie agreed, “But be careful. The floor’s all bendy.”

Emma laughed at the drink girl which caused Millie to laugh at the older woman and they made their way upstairs. When they made it to Emma's room, the older of the two girls had trouble getting her key card to work which the younger girl found hilarious. Millie’s infectious laughed caused Emma to start to laugh again but she finally got the door unlocked.

Letting Millie collapse into the couch, Emma collapsed next to her as their fits of laughter slowly quieted down. “I’m so glad I met you, Emma,” Millie gushed.

“And I’m so very glad to have met you, Millie,” Emma said, “It's nice to hear someone that can speak proper English again.”

“I know what you mean,” Millie agreed as she snuggled into the back of the extremely comfortable couch, “I like filming with the boys and Sadie but…”

“Culture shock.”

Millie nodded her head which caused the room to sway. “Ohhhh… did you pay extra for a revolving room?” she asked.

Emma giggled again and took Millie into her arms. “Maybe you should lay down for a spell,” she offered and the young girl let herself be moved around until she was on her back with her head in Emma's lap starting up at the beautiful woman. “Is that better?” Emma asked as she ran her fingers through the young, drunk girl’s dark hair.

“Yes,” Millie answered in a daze. Her eyes were slightly glazed as she looked up at Emma's face and let the older woman run her fingers through her hair and take care of her. “You’re so nice,” she murmured sweetly.

“Thank you,” Emma said with a warm smile, “You’re nice too.”

“And so pretty,” the younger actress said breathlessly.

“And you are such a pretty, pretty girl too,” Emma whispered quietly back.

Not knowing what had overcome her and completely inexplicably, Emma bent down and kissed Millie on her pink, moist lips. Millie automatically kissed the older actress back and raised her hand up to run her fingers through Emma's silky smooth hair.

Slightly breathless, Emma broke the kiss and leaned up a bit, surprised by what she had just done. “Oh my,” she gasped with her fingers still entwined in Millie’s hair and Millie’s fingers entwined in her own hair. She didn't know which was more surprising: her kissing the young girl or how not surprising that kissing the young girl felt. For some reason, in her champagne addled mind, it seemed like she was supposed to kiss the young girl.

Millie circled Emma's hair between her fingers, her eyes wide and expectant as she stated up at the older actress’s beautiful face. “Your lips taste like strawberries ,” she said breathlessly. She used her hold on Emma's hair to pull the actress down closer to her while she leaned up.

“Yours taste like cherries,” Emma whispered back in wonder as she let herself be pulled back down. She didn't resist. It felt completely natural for her to kiss Millie as their lips met again. She kissed the girl more firmly, moaning slightly as she gripped Millie’s hair lightly in her hand and placed her other hand on the girl’s hip. She didn't care that the girl was only 13, she only cared about kissing her.

Lost in a warm, fuzzy, drunken haze, Millie moaned passionately against her idol’s lips. She ran her fingers through Emma's hair, stroking her lovingly, her eyes half closed as she enjoyed the feeling of having the older actress pressed against her, above her, holding her in her lap. She had never kissed anyone like this before but for some reason she felt absolutely sure that the other English actress would know what to do. She opened her mouth to Emma's tongue.

Emma tentatively caressed Millie’s lips with her tongue, hesitating slightly, completely unsure of what she was doing but going forward with it nonetheless. Her mind felt like it was in a slowly moving stream, always moving forward but she was unsure where it would end and as the newly minted teenager opened her mouth to her, Emma began caring less about where they would end up. It was the journey that was important.

The older English woman slipped her tongue just past the younger English girl’s lips and gently touched Millie warm tongue. Emma heard and felt the girl squeak in pleasant surprise before returning to her passionate moans. Emma probed deeper, caressing the other girl’s tongue, lightly exploring the intimate inside of the teen’s mouth.

Unconsciously Emma began stroking the other girl’s hip, her hand moving slowly just to the side of her stomach to the top of her thigh. Millie held the back of her idol’s head as her other hand raised up and held into her shoulder, pressing herself even closer to the older actress’s body. Emma's voice joined the teenage girl’s, moaning in pleasant passion as their nimble tongue’s entwined and stroked one another.

Emma's hand wandered up from Millie’s hip to her soft torso just above the denim of her jeans and began softly circling around her tummy. Her thumb slowly twirled around the girl’s belly button through her shirt as the younger girl began kissing her back more firmly. The older woman's fingers slid their way under the younger girl’s shirt and began caressing the soft skin there. Her thumb toyed with the button on her pants causing Millie to groan out.

As Emma's finger began slipping beneath her jeans, Millie groaned out even louder. She broke the kiss and began nuzzling her nose and tongue down the other girl’s jaw to her neck. The younger girl’s tongue quickly found the older woman's pulse in her neck and she kissed hard there, her lips sealing around the pounding throb. She licked and nibbled up Emma’s throat to where the jaw met just below the ear and began kissing and nuzzling there as her idol moaned out in passion.

Far to distracted by Millie’s lips and tongue, Emma didn't notice her own hand slipping over the front of the girl’s jeans. The button seemed to release on it’s own, the denim parting beneath her fingers, the zipper felt as if it opened by itself.

“Ah- h- h-…” Millie stuttered as the other woman's hand came to rest on the front of her panties. Her teeth scrapped down the skin of Emma's neck before she raised her beautiful face up and kissed the older actress some more. Always more. She wiggled her hips to encourage what the other woman was doing as she slipped her tongue back into Emma's mouth.

With no thought whatsoever about what she was doing to the young girl, Emma slipped her fingertips just below the elastic of Millie’s panties. She could feel the girl’s stomach flutter as she slid her fingers back and forth below the girl’s underwear while her hand continued creeping downwards, inwards. The teenage girl stuttered into her mouth as she slipped over the girl’s pubic mound to Millie’s delicate, little, hairless, pristine pussy.

Millie whimpered in need into Emma's mouth as the older woman touched her. She had never been touched there before. She had never even touched herself like that before. She didn't feel scared or nervous. She felt safe and warm on Emma's lap and knew that nothing bad could happen.

Emma stared down at Millie’s beautiful face as the girl laid her head down on her lap. As the older actress’s fingers parted around the younger actress’s puffy pussy lips, Millie stared up at her with a look of love, trust, and reverence. And maybe teenage lust but certainly passion. Emma felt her heart swell in her chest at the realization that she had put that look into the young girl’s eyes and she wanted to be worthy of it.

The older English actress split her fingers along the sides of the teenage girl’s dewy pussy lips. She kept her thumb and pointer finger on one side of her mound and her ring and pinky finger on the other. She rested her middle finger over the top of her slit and the pads of her palms against the girl’s hard little clit. Millie whimpered at the contact and Emma cooed soothing words at her that she was fine and lovely and beautiful and that everything was okay as she stroked the girl’s hair with her free hand.

As Millie writhed in her lap, Emma stroked her hand up and down inside of the teen girl’s panties. The young girl cried out before biting her trembling lower lip and raising her hips up to meet the older girl’s touch. Emma stroked the girl lightly, letting her get used to the new sensations coursing through her young body before pressing her hand down with a bit more force. Millie opened her legs wider and groaned out in lust as Emma fingered her, bending her middle finger in to split her wet slit open slightly.

Gasping as Emma probed the slick, wet entrance to her flushed, heated body, Millie never broke eye contact with her beautiful idol. The older girl’s finger slid inside of her slightly and probed her fragile hymen as her hand slipped up and down against her pubic mound. Millie groaned out, her fingers twitching in Emma's hair and the material of her dress as she rocked her hips up to meet the older girl’s hand.

“I… I… I…” Millie gasped, unsure of what to say or even if she was capable of saying anything at all as a roaring, wet fire blossomed in her body. Liquid heat rolled through her veins and her heart jumped up into her throat as her body trembled and her muscles twitched. Her entire teenage body felt like it was being wound up like a spring or a muscle cramp except there was no pain. Pure bliss and pleasure tore through her and she knew that she had just had the first orgasm of her life and she couldn't be happier that it was Emma Watson that had made her feel this way.

As the young girl groaned with passion and lust, Emma kept her hand possessively between Millie’s twitching thighs. And as the young girl began to relax in her lap, Emma slowly realized that she had just molested a teenage girl.

Slowly, Emma's eyes grew wide and her mouth gapped open at realizing everything that she had just done. She had just gotten a young girl drunk and then brought her back to her hotel room and then molested her. She was now a sex predator. Basically a pedophile. She had just taken advantage of a young girl and it didn't matter that Millie had obviously enjoyed herself. Emma was the adult and, despite being drunk herself, was solely responsible for everything that had just happened.

Emma was completely shook by what she had done, her mind a whirlwind of shame regret and fear. She never even noticed that she kept her hand cupped around Millie’s wet, tender, formally virgin pussy.

Everywhere that Millie looked was a blur, her eyes were glazed as she gasped like a fish struggling for breath. As she began to relax back into Emma's lap her breathing slowed and her vision began to clear. Her hands were slack against her chest as her vision cleared to show her Emma's beautiful face. The older star’s chestnut colored hair framed a halo around her head and Millie didn't even notice the look of horror in the other girl’s face. All she was aware of was that she was safe and secure in Emma's arms and that her idol had made her feel so indescribably good.

Millie had barely started viewing other people as attractive or desirable and had never even thought about Emma that way before. She knew the older actress was attractive, beautiful even, but she had never desired her in any sort of sexual way. But now…

With her hand still unconsciously stroking Millie’s wet sex, Emma looked down at her sexual assault victim. “I am so, so sor…” she began, intending to somehow apologize to the young teen girl before the young teen, now technically a victim of her sexual assault, girl interrupted her.

Millie sprung out of Emma's lap, nearly leaping into the air. When she landed she was straddling Emma's thighs, the other girl squealing in shock. The teenage girl’s pants had slid halfway down her pale ass, partially exposing herself to the empty room. She pressed her groin down against Emma's lower abdomen, trapping the other actress’s hand between her spread legs.

Fear erupted inside of Emma. The girl was bolting, about to run from her. Run back to her own room to confess what Emma had done to her. To cry for help to her mother. To call the authorities who would rightfully come and arrest her for sexually assaulting her. To cry and plead. Emma waited for Millie to cry rape and run. To damn her for what she had done. Emma waited for what would undoubtedly be Millie’s tear filled accusation. Instead the young girl shed her jacket.

“Thank you,” Millie whispered in wonder before leaning down and kissing Emma again. She didn't notice the older woman's wide eyes surprised or the look of slack-jawed shock in her eyes. She simply used the opportunity to slip her tongue back into Emma's gaping mouth.

Emma's fear and self-accusations were washed away by Millie’s loving “thank you” and nimble tongue. She barely noticed as the young girl rocked herself against her hand now trapped in the teen’s pants or the way the younger girl rubbed herself chest to chest against her. At first, Emma’s free hand laid limply at her side but as the criminal fear gave way to shock and then the pleasant surprise of Millie’s reaction, the older actress’s hand wandered to just above the visible cleft of the teenager's exposed rear-end.

Holding the girl’s body to her hand, her pinky slipped between Millie’s right little ass-cheeks as she used her other hand to cup the girl’s wet, heated sex. The younger actress moaned into Emma's mouth as their tongues dueled and they groaned into one another's gasping mouths. Their passions intensified as they kissed and Millie’s hands slid from Emma’s shoulders to the sides of her chest.

Millie slid her thumbs over Emma's aching nipples through her dress as they began grinding their bodies together more forcibly. The younger girl kissed and nuzzled down the other woman's graceful neck to the hollow of her neck. Emma copied Millie, kissing down to the top of her shirt and then back up to her lips.

Lost in lust and acting on instinct, Millie used her hands to slid the tops of Emma's dress down her shoulders to her biceps, revealing the tops of her breast and the top of her strapless bra. She kissed down the older woman's neck to her shoulder, giving each one a quick lick before nuzzling back to the hollow of her neck again and then down the front of her slender chest.

Emma would be shocked if she could see what she was doing with the young girl, letting the young girl disrobe her, even pushing her chest out for the young girl. She wanted Millie to see her chest, wanted Millie to want to see her chest, wanting Millie’s approval of her chest. She wanted to be desired by the young girl and her entire body throbbed at the thought of Millie desiring her.

They younger English girl licked and nuzzled the heated flesh of the older English woman's slight cleavage created by her bra, her tongue and lips dancing wildly across her heated skin. The teenage girl’s hands slid up the older woman's sides barely touching her breasts, the tips of her thumbs toying across the material of the bra, her areolas barely visible over the top of the thin material.

Emma ran her hands up Millie’s back, bunching her top just below her breasts as the young girl toyed at her chest. She ran her hands around the teenager's sides and slipped her thumbs across her nipples. The darker haired girl hissed in pleasure and bent up to kiss her as Emma circled Millie’s hard nipples and Millie did the same to her. The younger English girl wasn't wearing a bra and her budding breasts were barely even big enough for a training bra. And for some reason that turned the older British woman on even more.

Fast enough to barely break the kiss, Emma whipped Millie’s top off leaving her completely nude from halfway down her plump little and up. Emma had never been turned on more and she wanted to show Millie that.

While the younger actress was fine with teasing her, the older actress wanted to devour the younger one. Emma licked down to Millie’s slight chest where there was barely enough breasts to differentiate the girl from a boy but it was enough for Emma. The older woman slipped her hands down the back of the girl’s pants, cupping her butt as she took one sweet, under-ripe nipple into her mouth.

“Yessss…” Millie hissed through gritted teeth. Emma's hands on her had felt like heaven but her mouth on her felt even better than that. She pulled down Emma's top and bra revealing the other actress’s small, pointed breasts. She squeezed the firm orbs together, instinctively thumbing her hard nipples and bringing a moan from Emma's lips.

Millie excitedly bent forward and kissed her idol, pressing her chest to the older woman's now exposed chest. She rubbed her lithe body up and down the older English woman, scraping her own hard nipples against Emma's soft, silky tits. The both moaned in lust, their movements becoming more excitable, more frantic. Millie needed to have the other actress naked and needed to be naked as well. She needed to share herself completely with Emma.

Emma tugged down Millie’s pants to her slender thighs while the teenage girl tugged her dress down to her rear. Their bodies and the furniture kept the lust driven British girls from going farther so with a unspoken agreement Millie moved off of Emma’s lap. They both hurriedly removed their clothes as they sat next to one another until they were both mostly naked except for Emma's pumps and Millie’s sneakers but they were both ready.

Moving first, Emma rolled on top of Millie, pushing her down into the couch and laying on top of her, their naked flesh joining and feeling flush. Millie groaned out below her and Emma quieted her with a deep kiss, her tongue plugging the small girl. The older actress’s hands slid roughly up and down the teenager’s naked body trying to cover every inch of her. She reached blow her hips to cup her ass before moving back up Millie’s writhing young body frantically searching for some small part of her hands may have missed.

Moaning in lust into Emma's mouth, Millie’s hands slid up and down the older actress’s graceful back until they reached her taunt ass. She gripped each firm cheek, her fingertips delving into the cleft between them as she spread her legs letting Emma in between her slender thighs and rolling her skinny hips up to meet her.

As their heated groins met, both actresses gasped and moaned in desire. Emma licked down Millie’s neck to her chest, moving to one side to catch a hard nipple between her lips. As the older English woman sucked hungrily at the erect little nub, the younger English girl gasped out in pleasure. Emma licked and sucked across the teenager’s slight chest to her other tit and hard nipple.

Emma groaned out around Millie’s small, barely budding tit as the younger girl squeezed her ass and teased her between her silky thighs. The teenage girl’s fingers moved like a lost, frantic butterfly between Emma's legs as the older woman kissed back up her body.

As Emma moved back up, Millie bent her head down and managed to capture one of the older actress’s own hard nipples between her lips. Her tongue flicked around gracelessly as she sucked hungrily from one tit to the other causing her idol to gasp out in heated, needy pleasure.

“I want… I need…” Millie gasped out.

“I’ll show you,” Emma reassured her. The older actress began kissing down the young girl’s flush, glistening body. She took the time to nurse at the girl’s barely noticeable chest before licking down her torso and soft stomach. She twirled her tongue around Millie’s bellybutton before slipping down lower and lower until she was laying down on the other end of the couch, her head between the teenager’s thighs and the girl’s coltish legs over her shoulder.

Reaching up Millie’s body, one hand found one of the girl’s tiny little tits while Millie gripped her other questing hand. The teenage girl stroked Emma's hair with her free hand as she stared down the length of her naked body at her idol nearly hidden between her spread thighs. “Please…” she pleaded in desperation.

“Everything is going to be okay,” Emma reassured her with a sweet smile across her lips before dipping down to the wet, hot juncture of Millie’s lewdly spread thighs. The small girl’s entire body shivered as the older actress lightly kissed the top of her wet slit. She poked her tongue out, just barely dipping between the teenager’s dewy lips and then licked down to the bottom. She kissed the girl’s sensitive taint and then fully extended her tongue licking up Millie’s wet pussy.

Millie’s grip on the older girl’s hair tightened as Emma kissed down one lust plump lip and then the other. She nuzzled the girl’s hard little clit with her nose before kissing and licking the hollow point where the young actress’s thigh reached her hot cunt and then did the same on the other side. Millie was gasping out and rolling her hips up frantically and began pulling at Emma's hair, trying to drag her closer between her thighs.

“Please- please- please…” Millie chanted frantically. Since this was her first time having sex she didn't quite know what came next but whatever it was she wanted Emma to do it to her. She pinched her sensitive nipple between her fingertips as she pleaded with the older girl, her body rocking back and forth of it’s own volition.

Emma released her hold on Millie’s small, little tit and then wrapped her arms around the girl’s coltish legs. She used her fingers to open the teen’s slick pussy, the pink insides glimmering beneath her. Her mouth watering, the older actress dipped her tongue into Millie’s dripping, waiting hole and unexpectedly the young girl came. Emma could taste the girl’s tart juices as her cunt churned in desire and her body seized above her.

Leaving her tongue where it was, Emma waited until the other girl started to calm down before licking up from Millie’s quivering hole to her erect clit. The younger English girl gasped out as the older English woman circled her clit and then licked back down to the little nub of flesh separating her pussy from her ass. She licked back up to the girl’s drooling hole, licking around it before sliding her wiggling tongue inside and making the girl squirm.

Using her thumbs to hold her labia open, Emma licked every tiny pink part the girl had until Millie was mewling as pitifully as a list kitten. The small girl was pulling on her handful of chestnut colored hair like the reins of a horse to the point of pain but Emma continued using her tongue to pleasure the teenage girl. The older actress slipped her tongue as deep into the other girl’s body as she could as she released her thumbs. Her hands slid up and down the teen’s quivering thighs and up her body as Emma worked her tongue in and out of Millie’s cunt like a small cock.

As Emma's knowledgeable hands slid up and down the girl’s glowing body, Millie started twitching like she had been exposed to a live electrical wire. Her nipples were sizzling and her clit was throbbing and it felt like her pussy was gushing lava. Her graceful back arched as her body rocked back and forth and her jaw ached as she groaned through her gritted teeth.

Emma could feel the changes in Millie’s naked little writhing body and knew the girl was heading towards another orgasm. She slowly slithered up the girl’s lust filled body, her breasts rubbing across the teenager’s flushed flesh. She kissed the younger girl deep and passionate as Millie wrapped her arms and legs around her neck and thighs. Emma broke the kiss and whispered into the younger English girl’s ear, “I want you to cum with me.”

Nothing that had happened had been about her Emma decided. Not the kiss, not the light fingering, and not the sex. The entire sordid affair from illicit champagne to now had been about Millie. Millie’s kiss, Millie’s winsome body, Millie’s passion and desire. And Emma wanted to give the young girl one last gift.

Millie stuttered dumbly in lust as Emma moved her around and she blindly let her idol do whatever she wanted to her. The older actress got comfortable between young girl’s pread thighs, their heated groins and their slight chests pressed together. Next Emma moved Millie’s arm between their bodies until Millie was cupping Emma’s own dripping pussy.

“Use two fingers,” Emma breathlessly told Millie and then manipulated the girl’s hand until her pointer and middle finger were resting at the entrance to her own burning cunt. She slid herself down, taking the two delicate digits into herself, fucking herself on the girl's hand. Then she flipped her own hand over and slipped her middle finger back into the teenage girl’s burning, bubbling body.

Millie cried out in pure bliss as Emma joined her, each girl rocking their naked bodies up and down on the other’s fingers. They kissed again, hungrily and in pure passion as the groaned into one another's open mouths, their tongues wrestling back and forth. Emma had her free arm wrapped possessively around Millie while Millie’s free hand gripped Emma's taunt ass as they thrust against each other.

Not having near the release that Millie had so far, Emma quickly climbed to orgasm, easily matching the younger girl as they started to cum. Their heated, needy pussies gushed in desire, coating their hands as they cried in bliss into one another's mouths. Their naked bodies twitched and shuddered together as they rode out their orgasms, their arms and legs slipping wetly up and down their bodies.

As their bodies began to relax, Emma slipped off of Millie’s body between her and the back of the couch. The girl quickly slipped on top of her idol, her head on Emma’s chest and Emma's arm lovingly wrapped around her. The older actress gave the younger actress an affectionate kiss on the top of her head and a few minutes later Emma could hear Millie snoring lightly, safe in her arms.

“Now I just have to figure out how to get her back to her room,” Emma muttered to herself with a smile as Millie drifted deeper and deeper asleep.

I’m her bed with her cool pillow and warm blanket, Millie smiled to herself as she continued to sleep and dream.

The End.

10-05-2019, 07:32 AM
dude millie bobby brown is 15 you sick fuck

06-15-2020, 11:21 AM
Hot Little Story... Thanks For The Share

06-16-2020, 05:53 AM
Yet another little fantasy I had to work out.