View Full Version : The Young Home For Wayward Girls

09-15-2019, 03:01 AM
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I don’t have anything to do with the movie The Professional. Comments are always welcome and appreciated and you should feel free to share.

Story Code: M/f

The Young Home For Wayward Girls Chap. 01 Mathilda

Opening his front door, Mr. Young held his arms open wide to the nervous, beautiful, young girl. "Ta daa! Welcome to your new home, Mathilda."

The small, skinny girl looked around the modestly sized... House?... Cottage? It certainly wasn't what she had been expecting. She stepped back onto the dirty sidewalk to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. On the outside it looked like an abandoned old building but when she stepped back through the doorway the inside was a cottage exactly like she had always seen in picture books. The living room and kitchen were one large space with a dining room table separating them on hardwood floors. The kitchen looked like it could hold at least two people cooking and the table looked large enough to hold six. The living room had a large sofa, a recliner, and a rocking chair to sit in and a sturdy looking coffee table. It had a large bookcase, an entertainment center and even a fireplace.

Stepping the rest of the way in, Mathilda jumped a little bit when Mr. Young closed the door and then strolled past her. He had her suitcase and duffle bag slung over his shoulder, everything she owned in the world except for the plant she was carrying, and set them down next to the sofa. "So what do you think?" he asked expectantly while smiling warmly.

Staring around in wonder Mathilda's dark brown eyes finally landed on Mr. Young. He was maybe 5ft 8, not exactly muscular but not fat, with plain brown hair cut simply and he couldn't stand out less from a crowd if he tried. "You turned an apartment building into cottage?" she asked skeptically.

Mr. Young looked at his new charge in confusion for a moment before smiling again and chuckling. "An apartment building? No, no, that was just the front door. This really is a cottage, take a look outside," he said gesturing to the window above the kitchen sink. He watched Mathilda walk over to the sink, her dark hair cut into a bob, her eyes wide in fascination, wearing a simple, white tank-top and short shorts covering her teenage body.

"Oh fuck..." Mathilda blurted out as she looked out the window then ran to the two windows in the living room and then ran to the large picture window next to the fireplace. "Is that...?"

"That's Perdidit Glen'," Mr. Young said, "It's where we live. Where the cottage is."

Mathilda stared at Mr. Young in disbelief. "But we were..." she started before running to the door and throwing it open. Instead of a dirty city street the outside was now a wide open area filled with thick green grass, a bubbling stream that spilled into a brook just possibly big enough to swim in and above that was a blue sky broken by mountains off in the distance.

"How... how are you... What the fuck?" Mathilda stammered.

Mr. Young walked up behind the young girl and patted her affectionately on her head before resting his hand on her shoulder. "The front door leads out to many different places but it always leads back here. It helps me in my work."

"Your work? Helping girls like me?" Mathilda asked in a reverent whisper.

"Not quite like you," Mr. Young said. "But, yep. It helps me find troubled girls or let's them find their way here."

"Why not like me?" Mathilda asked nervously.

Mr. Young smiled down warmly at his new charge. "The girls will come and go as they need to but you live here now, it's your home and I'm your guardian. I've even got that funny paper work you people are so fond of that says so. You'll live here with me, assist me helping the girls and if you want, sharing my bed."

Mathilda looked up at Mr. Young and tried not to let the fear she was feeling show. "Your... your bed?"

Mr. Young chuckled warmly. "Don't worry, darling. Nothing is going to happen that you don't want to happen. Now go throw your stuff in the large bedroom and I'll get us a late supper going," he said as he gave Mathilda a loving swat in her cute, little rear-end and she ran to put her stuff up.

It had already been late when they had arrived home so their supper was a simple sandwich, soup, and a salad which Mathilda devoured in short form. With her plate and bowls empty she looked up and smiled sheepishly when she saw that Mr. Young was barely half-way through his meal. "Sorry," she blushed.

"Not a problem," Mr. Young chuckled. "It's probably been a while since you've had a home... well, not cooked in this case but a home fixed meal at any rate."

"Yeah," Mathilda agreed with a blush.

"Why don't you get yourself cleaned up for bed and I'll get all this put away," Mr. Young said as he began picking up.

"OK," Mathilda said happily as she rushed off to the shower. She was halfway undressed in the restroom before she started to think of everything that "bed" could mean. She slowly finished removing her clothes and started the shower noticing that like most of the house it was a functioning antique with two chains to control the water temperature rather than knobs. She got in and began washing her dark hair and then her slender body and found it strange that the sudsy soap really didn't smell like anything at all. "Maybe, like, distant flowers," she thought.

As she slowly lathered her young, teenage body, Mathilda ran through a quick pro and con list in her mind and quickly decided that anything was better than the Foster system she had just come from. After her friend Leon's death she had bounced from house to house and family to family and while most we're at least OK she had met more than a few perverts. Mr. Young didn't seem like that really. She knew he was probably going to want sex with her but for some reason she believed him when he said that nothing was going to happen that she didn't want to so the question was, did she want to?

Mathilda finished washing and rinsed off, staying underneath the warm water as she thought her situation through. Would Mr. Young send her back if she didn't have sex with him? She was pretty sure that her wouldn't force himself on her but she couldn't say why she was certain, she just felt safe with him and his house. Oh, his house! It was... it was magic! There was no other way she could explain it. Deciding that even if he wanted to have sex with her it would be worth it just to be safe in his magic house and her decision was made.

As she ran her hands up her slick sides to her small chest, Mathilda tried to think of the sexiest things she could. Most of her fantasies involved super-model looking men taking her to romantic restaurants or holding hands on the beach at sunset and she cooed to herself a little as she pinched her little pink nipples to hardness. Her small breasts heaved on her chest as she concentrated on her little girl fantasies of romance while she slid her hands down her wet body. Her hands flowed over her soft stomach with the water until they breached the juncture of her coltish legs. Her fantasies turned to concentrating on turning herself on as she started strumming her little clit with one hand and slowly trying to insert her middle finger into her tiny, hairless little pussy.

"Gah!” Mathilda grunted in frustration. It wasn't working! She was just to nervous. With nothing else to do, nothing to lose, and no where to go, she shut off the water. She dried herself off and dressed in a over sized T-shirt and panties before making her way to Mr. Young's bedroom.

Mr. Young wasn't in the dimly lit bedroom yet so Mathilda sat on the edge of his bed and waited patiently, alone with her thoughts. She didn't have to wait long and in her nervousness laughed when she saw the way he was dressed.

"What?" Mr. Young asked. "Men used to wear dressing gowns all the time," he said defensively before lighting a old fashioned oil lamp at the bedside table. He sat down next to Mathilda, as close as he could without actually touching her. "Now, you remember when I said nothing was going to happen that you didn't want?" he asked and she nodded yes without looking at him. "There's one stipulation 'tho."

"Here it comes," Mathilda thought.

"I want to kiss you, and after that, if you don't want to do anything else then you don't have to. I stop right then and there. Agreed?" Mr. Young asked.

"That's it?" Mathilda asked in disbelief. "You just want a kiss?"

Mr. Young's warm smile appeared on his face. "No, I want you. All of you. You're a beautiful girl, Mathilda, and I would be a lucky man indeed if you we're to share your body with me. I've never forced myself on a girl before in all of my long life and I won't start tonight but I would very much like a kiss."

Mathilda cocked an inquisitive eyebrow. "How old are you anyway?"

"Oh, well there's a quite long and boring story," he chuckled. "How old do you think I am?"

Mathilda chewed her bottom lip as she thought it.over. "Um, forty three?"

"Ha! A good answer. We'll go with forty three then," he laughed as he patted the top of Mathilda's damp head. "Yes, I think I'll like being forty three."

Mathilda cocked her eyebrow at Mr. Young. "That doesn't sound like much of an answer."

"I suppose we're both like that with answers," Mr. Young said with a twinkle in his eye. "Me about my age and you about our kiss."

Mathilda looked sheepishly at her knobby knees as she shrugged her shoulders. "I guess."

"You guess what, my dear," Mr. Young said with a patient voice.

Mathilda shrugged her boney shoulders again, "I guess a kiss wouldn't be so bad. I guess, if you want, we can kiss," she said meekly.

"Excellent!" Mr. Young said before bending down and giving Mathilda a quick peck on her cheek.

Mathilda looked up at Mr. Young in astonishment. "That's it?"

"Well, yes," Mr. Young said in confusion. "What were you thinking?"

Mathilda shrugged her shoulders again as she said, "I thought you meant, like, with lips and tongues and stuff."

Mr. Young looked as if he were thinking it over. "Hmmm, well, that does sound pleasant. Let's try your idea then," he said before bending down over the small girl.

Without even thinking about it, Mathilda leaned up, Mr. Young's strong hand cupping her face as their lips met. The kiss was soft and warm and she felt herself relaxing into it as he held her. His warm, wet tongue caressed her lips and she opened her mouth to let him in. The kiss turned slowly more passionate as his tongue explored her inviting mouth, her pink tongue peeking out to meet his with no hesitation.

Mr. Young broke the kiss and released Mathilda as he sat back up. "Oh my. Your way was indeed much better."

Mathilda blushed and looked at her feet as they dangled off the bed. "Thanks," she giggled meekly.

"Hmmm, I wonder..." Mr. Young began.

"Yes?" Mathilda asked expectantly as she looked up at him with wide, hopeful eyes.

"Well, we had our kiss, and it was an excellent kiss, so I was wondering..." he began as he looked down at Mathilda and slid a hand through her damp hair, "I know we've already had the agreed upon kiss and I'd hate to seem forward or bold..."

"Yes?" Mathilda asked again, her feet swinging back and forth excitedly.

"Might we have another?"

"Yes please," Mathilda said hopefully as she bent her head up expectantly.

Once again Mr. Young cupped Mathilda's sweet face and bent down until his lips met her. Their tongues met tentatively and he waited for her to begin caressing his tongue with her's before placing his hand on her soft tummy. He left his hand there as they continued their kiss and then began moving it back and forth softly. When she didn't object he slid his hand slowly up, almost to her chest, resting there as they kissed deeply, When the young girl didn't move or shy away from him his hand crept slowly up to her small chest and he rested his palm on one of her tender tits and she finally broke the kiss.

"Are you going to fuck me?" Matilda asked worriedly.

Mr. Young once again smiled warmly down at the scared girl. "I would very much like for you to share your beautiful body with me, Mathilda, but I told you, I won't do anything you don't want me to do. You are free to stop me anytime you want," he said, never removing his hand from over her budding breast.

Mathilda thought it over for a moment, asking him to remove his hand never occurring to her. "And you'll stop?"

"Of course," Mr. Young reassured her, "Anytime you want. Do you want me to continue? I promise I won't do anything you won't enjoy."

Mathilda chewed her lip thoughtfully before nodding her head and leaning up to kiss Mr. Young again. She'd already decided to do whatever was necessary to stay in this wonderful house and everything he had done she really had enjoyed so far. He bent down and she opened her mouth poking out her tongue to meet his.

Mr. Young slid his thumb over Mathilda's hard nipple through her T-shirt. The little girl moaned with pleasure into his mouth as he slid his hand back down and slipped it inside of her shirt. His hand flowed up her silky soft skin until her reached her tender tits again and softly caressed and stroked her sensitive flesh and toyed with her nipples until she was panting with need and desire, making him smile through their kiss.

"Let's get rid of this," Mr. Young said as he broke the kiss and grasped the hem of Mathilda's T-shirt. She nodded numbly and helped him remove her top, leaving they young girl in only her panties. "You have lovely breasts," he told her as he ruffled her hair playfully.

Mathilda rolled her eyes in condescension at Mr. Young. "They're too small," she said.

"Small, yes," Mr. Young said in all seriousness as he bent down, "But lovely nonetheless." He kissed one of Mathilda's small, firm breasts as he lovingly stroked the other bringing a surprised squeak to her lips. "Did you enjoy that?" he asked, looking up at her from the odd angle.

"I... I don't know," Mathilda said, "It happened really quick."

"I'll just have to go slower," Mr. Young said before giving Mathilda's hard little nipple a long, drawn out lick that had her moaning in desire. Her nipples were a strange mix of light pink and brown, hard with desire and as her voice rose as he continued licking at her tender tit until it was covered in his saliva before switching to the other. He sucked the second nipple into his mouth and slowly lashed it with his tongue until the young girl was gasping in desire and need.

Mr. Young went to suck at Mathilda's other breast as his fingertips played with her now free nipple. She moaned louder and louder as she leaned back on the bed until she was laying flat, her delicate hands gripping his hair to hold him at her chest. He switched back to the second tit and began slowly tracing his fingers down off of her chest, lower onto her abdomen, down her soft, fluttering stomach to the top of her little panties.

Mr. Young didn't ask permission as he slid his middle finger down the outside of Mathilda's dampening panties, he could hear, see and smell how turned on she was, trusting him to take care of her needs. He traced his finger up and down the outside of her wet slit and she responded by raising her hips up to meet his exploring finger. He slid his digit up and down more firmly until she was gasping for air before sliding his finger up farther, dipping into her wet panties and sliding his finger delicately between her moist pussy-lips.

Mathilda's eyes were screwed tightly shut as she enjoyed everything Mr. Young was doing to her. She'd had men touch her where he was touching her, their mouths where his was, doing the things he was doing, but none of them felt like Mr. Young. She felt oddly ashamed of herself for not trusting him sooner, trusting him more. Of course all he wanted to do was take care of her, make her feel good, she was pretty sure that it was what he was made for. And he was sooo good at it she could tell that she was already about to have her first orgasm caused by somebody besides herself and she knew without a shadow of a doubt it would be better than anything she had accomplished on her own.

Swiftly but softly, Mr. Young slid down the bed, kneeling between Mathilda's outstretched, coltish legs and slightly startling her. "It's o.k., sweetie," he said warmly as he stared up her slender body while she peered down at him with wide, brown eyes, "Just trust me. If you've liked anything I've done so far then you're going to love this." After a few moments she nodded her head before laying it back down as he reached up and grasped her damp panties.

Mr. Young pulled Mathilda's panties down slowly, wanting to savor the sight as they slid down her slender hips and thighs to reveal her bald, sweet, wet pussy. Her hairless, dewy little slit looked delicious and his mouth watered as she held her skinny legs up so he could slide the last bit of material covering her body. He hoisted her legs over his shoulders as he bent down and leaned forward, holding her hips as he extended his tongue.

Sliding his tongue lightly over her wet slit, Mr. Young could feel her body shudder. He dipped his tongue just barely past her labia to just inside of her wet hole and heard her gasp as a shiver ran through her slender body. He circled her small, hard clit and heard her groan as her body began shaking. He slid his tongue down and dabbled it against her small, puckered little ass and heard her moan deep in her chest as her hips jerked up. And then he slid his tongue into her gushing cunt as far as he could and heard her yell out as she came, her young body thrashing around on the bed.

Nuzzling against the young girl's drooling cunt, Mr. Young lapped lightly at Mathilda's tangy juices as she came down from her sexual high, her back arched and her tiny breasts pushed out.

Mathilda's gripped the sheets as her body spammed and twitched and fireworks exploded behind her eyes. Her breath came in jagged gasps as she slowly started to relax, her slender body feeling like it was melting into the bed. She had never felt anything like what Mr. Young had done to her and as far as she was concerned it, like the house, was pure magic. Her wide eyes slowly began to refocus as she looked down her slender body to Mr. Young peering up at her from between her legs. "That... That was... That was amazing!" she said before breaking out into a fit of giggles.

"That's because that's what happens when two people care about each other and want to make each other feel good," Mr. Young explained. "Would you like to try it on me?"

"And it will feel that good for you?" Mathilda asked with a bit of trepidation.

"Oh yes," Mr. Young reassured her from between her coltish legs, "If, and only if, you want too."

Mathilda thought it over for a moment before eagerly nodding her head. After everything he had done for her, and was doing to her, she wanted him to feel as good as she did. He stood up from between her legs, somehow completely naked even through she hadn't seen him take his dressing gown off and his erect penis seemed to point straight at her. The downside of living in the foster system since Leon died was that she had seen far more dicks than a girl her age should have but for the first time she was actually glad for the experience the Foster Care system had given her.

Reaching out without hesitation, Mathilda grabbed the base of Mr. Young's cock, squeezing it firmly in her dainty hand for a moment before slowly tugging on it. It was the first uncircumcised penis she had ever seen and she giggled as she thought that it looked like a snake coming out of it's hole to wink at her. Pulling the skin back until the tip was fully exposed, she bent forward and licked the sensitive tip, tasting the salty pre-cum already there. Taking the tip into her mouth, her lips stretched tight around his girth as she sucked him in, caressing his thick shaft with her warm, wet, pink tongue.

Mr. Young groaned in pleasure as Mathilda took his prick into her talented mouth. He stroked her hair lovingly, the thought to just grab the sides of her head a fucking her face never occurring to him. This was all about two people caring for each other and he wanted her to enjoy giving a blow-job just as much as he had enjoyed going down on her tender, teenage pussy. He groaned again as she began bobbing her head and felt a bit sad that she had been forced to become so experienced beyond her years.

Bracing her hands against Mr. Young’s hips, Mathilda began bobbing her head up and down, sucking hard on his shaft, her cheeks hollowing as she pulled her head back. She licked the tip of him again, swirling her tongue around his sensitive head before sucking him back into her talented mouth. She looked up and felt a large swell of pride in her slender chest at the look of pure bliss on Mr. Young’s face. To know that she was the reason he looked and felt like he did was doing things to her low in her abdomen, her stomach tightening and fluttering at the same time. She had never felt anything like it before in her young life. She had lost track of the number of times she been forced to do this since Leon had died but this was the first time she had enjoyed the act of it.

His hips rocking back and forth on their own, Mr. Young kept a light hold of Mathilda’s head, helping her slide his aching cock in and out of her mouth. She could only fit the first few inches of him into her extremely talented mouth but he was so sure that it couldn’t feel better if she had been able to swallow him whole. Besides, he was sure that as she got older she’d eventually be able to take him to the root. He smiled down at her, his balls practically boiling with the need to cum but he wasn’t ready to finish just yet. He patted her affectionately on her head to get her attention and she looked up at him with her wide, dark eyes and he nearly came right there.

“Ma... Mathilda... I, I think we should... should take a break,” Mr. Young panted.

“Why?” Mathilda asked with a knowing smirk as she took the much older man’s prick out of her mouth and licked down the shaft slowly and then back up to the tip, “Aren’t you enjoying yourself?”

Mr. Young tried to fight off a fit of giggles. “You are a precious little skamp, aren’t you?” he said warmly as he moved her away from his throbbing prick. “In point of fact, you are a particular delight but I was hoping to move things on a bit if it’s all the same to you,” he said with a grin.

Mathilda pretended to think over Mr. Young’s offer before nodding her head enthusiastically and scooting up on the bed. There was no longer any nervousness inside of her. Mr. Young had more than proved that he would take care of her and as far as she was concerned she would never second think anything he wanted to do.

Scooting up on the bed towards the headboard while playfully chewing on her lip, Mathilda leaned back, her head on the board and her knees together as she watched Mr. Young crawl up on the bed. A coy smile played on her lips as he knelt on his feet and gripped her knobby knees in his hands and she kept eye contact with him. He applied a bit of pressure and she let him slowly part her knees and watched him as his eyes slid from her face, down her naked body, and do the pink, wet juncture of her slender thighs and she kept staring at his face the whole time. She could see the emotions crossing his face as he... appreciated, her naked body. Appreciated her like no one had ever done before. No man, no adult, nobody at all. He stared at her like she was some sort of wonderful prize and her whole body tingled at the look on his face.

Bending down, Mr. Young kissed Mathilda passionately before straightening back up. “You are such a wonder to behold,” he whispered breathlessly as he lowered himself down. Due to their size difference, the young girl wasn’t able to wrap her slender legs around his waist and they just stuck out in the air around the sides of his hips as he placed the tip of his cock at the entrance to her wet, little, hairless pussy. He slid just the tip of his soft cock-head inside of her and she grunted a little, mostly out of fear that he knew was well earned in her lifetime so he stopped there.

Unable to wrap her legs around Mr. Young, Mathilda instead wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to pull him down and into her. “It’s okay, I want you to do this,” she pleaded.

Giving Mathilda a quick kiss on the top of her head, Mr. Young peered down into her wide eyes and smiled. “You are such a loving child,” he said sweetly, “But you’re still a growing girl and I’m a full grown man so if it’s all the same to you, I figured I’d go slow and give you time to get used to me. I don’t want to hurt you, sweetie.”

Mathilda smiled wider and a single tear of joy trailed down her face at Mr. Young. She had given him her body and most men would have taken that whether she wanted them to or not but Mr. Young was still taking care of her. So careful not to hurt her. “I love you,” she blurted out without thinking about it.

“I love you too,” Mr. Young responded, his own eyes misting over. Pushing himself inside of Mathilda’s tight, little body, he made sure not to hurt her, giving her small pussy time to slowly part around him, her hot, velvet walls squeezing down on him like a wet vice. She moaned and writhed underneath him as he slowly filled her, groaning and sweating with the pressure of his cock. She kept a firm hold of his neck, her fingers digging into his flesh as he continued sliding into her and he used them to gauge her response, the tighter she gripped the slower he went until, finally, after twenty minutes he was buried inside of her completely, his bloated balls resting on her pale, compacted ass.

Sweat dripped down from Mr. Young’s fore head as he panted above the young girl, their eyes locked together. “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked the small girl.

Mathilda tried to smile between gasps of breath as her fingers dug into his shoulder. “It... (pant) so... so... (pant) so good Mr... (pant) Mr. Young...” she gasped out, “So... so... good.”

“I’m so, so happy,” Mr. Young said through his wide smile. “I just want to make you feel so happy and so good,” he said as he rolled his hips slightly, rubbing up against Mathilda’s hard little clit.

“Ahhh!” Mathilda yelled out suddenly, her entire body seizing, her toes curling, her eyes rolling back in her head as her slender body arched and her tight, tiny little pussy clamped down while her warm, wet juices gushed out of her and soaked into the mattress.

Mr. Young watched as Mathilda, perhaps for the only the second time in her young life, a warm smile on his lips as he watched her writhing around beneath him, proud to have been the one to give her such pleasure.

Panting in pleasure as she came down from her sexual high, Mathilda felt like she was melting into the mattress. “That... that was... Awesome!” she gasped as she looked up in awe at Mr. Smith above her.

“I’m glad,” he responded as he gave Mathilda a quick kiss on the top of her head. He slowly pulled his hard cock out of her drenched pussy with a wet slurping sound and then laid down next to her. She immediately curled up next to him and placed her head on his chest.

“Did you... y’know, cum?” she asked as she looked up at him.

“Not yet, sweetie,” he said with a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her small body, one hand on her bony hip and the other toying with her small breasts, “but we have all night long.”

“But I wanna make you... You know...” Mathilda said, her slight chest still heaving as little drops of sweat trickled down her breasts.

“Cum?” Mr. Young said with a smile of approval. He pretended to think for a moment before giving her small breast a small squeeze. “Answer me this first. You feeling up for another go around?” he asked.

Mathilda took a deep breath before flexing her skinny arms trying to make her muscles bulge. “You betcha’,” she said with a enthusiastic smile.

Mr. Young slid his hand down the young girl’s side to her bony hip and then slapped her playfully on her little ass. “That’s good,” he said in a voice full of warmth, “Get on your hands and knees.”

Mathilda eagerly complied, wiggling her tight, little ass at Mr. Young as he scooted behind her, smiling at him from over her slender shoulders. “I’m ready when you are,” she said.

Groaning with age, Mr. Young got down behind Mathilda’s upthrust rear-end and slid his hands over her soft, smooth skin. He parted her tight cheeks and licked his lips hungrily at her pink, puckered asshole. He slid his tongue across her tight hole causing her to squeal in surprise as he licked at her delicately. He circled his moist tongue around her tight ring of muscle, gently probing her hole with just the tip of himself.

Screwing her face up at the strange sensation of Mr. Young licking her butt, Mathilda tried to make herself relax. He was being gentle with her, even more gentle than before, and she found herself slowly responding. It felt strange, unlike anything she had ever felt before and she wasn’t sure that she would ever get used to it, but for him she would try.

Rolling his tongue up into a tube, Mr. Young began probing deeper into Mathilda’s ass using his tongue like a tiny cock to fuck her with. He raised one of his hands up, his fingertips darting around her still gooey pussy, gathering her slick juices. With every push of his tongue, as he pulled out, he used his finger to smear the young girl’s warm juices around her asshole, getting her ready for him. As his tongue probed her deeper he began wiggling it around slightly, opening her up more and allowing his tongue to go even deeper inside of her hot, little body.

As his new, young charge began moaning out slightly Mr. Young smiled to himself at a job well done. Not everybody responded to anal as positively at Mathilda was doing and his cock throbbed at the idea of him slipping it inside of her. He coated his middle finger with her slick juices before sliding the tip of is finger under his tongue, slipping it into her up to just his first knuckle. Never stopping from using his tongue, he began pushing his finger in and out of her, finger-fucking the young girl, dipping his finger a little bit farther with every small thrust.

As Mr. Young started probing her ass, Mathilda’s eyes shot open in surprise. She had never felt anything like this before, it was completely different than anything that had happened to her in the foster system. Her body started moving on it’s own even before she realized what she was doing, arching her back, pushing her rear-end back, her small, dangling breasts too small and firm to move much as she began thrusting her body back. Suddenly she moaned out in pleasure as she realized that she liked what was happening to her, that she liked what Mr. Young was doing to her butt. “Oh yessss...” she hissed through gritted teeth, her eyes rolling back in her head.

Smiling in pride, Mr. Young pulled his tongue out of Mathilda’s tightly clutching ass and replaced it with a second finger. His fingers were pressed tightly together as he slid them in and out of the young girl’s ass. He was now in to the second knuckle, thrusting in and out causing her to gasp with every thrust. As he slowly delved deeper inside of her he finally reached the last knuckle, burying his fingers inside of her completely. He began licking her pussy beneath his hand to give her time to get used to his fingers inside of her, his mouth watering at the taste of her tangy juices.

“Yes, yes, yes...” Mathilda started chanting as Mr. Young began licking her pussy again. His fingers were resting inside of her butt but she didn’t want him to stop using them so she began rocking her body back and forth, fucking her out-thrust rear against his fingers as a small string of drool escaped from the corner of her mouth.

When Mr. Young realized that Mathilda was fucking herself with his fingers he knew that the time was perfect. He left his fingers inside of her ass as he straightened up while using his fingers to stretched her out slightly. He placed the tip of his cock at the entrance to the young girl’s puckered hole just below his fingers and as he withdrew them he slid the tip of his cock in just past the tight ring of muscle.

Suddenly Mathilda’s small body seized as she came unexpectedly, her small pussy gushing, coating Mr. Young’s dangling balls. She gasped out as her tiny fists gripped the sheets and her toes curled as every muscle wound tight as a spring. Her arms and thighs twitched and jerked as she gasped out in pleasure, electricity coursing through her trembling body.

Mr. Young waited patiently as Mathilda rode out her orgasm with the tip of his prick inside of her ass. She was squeezing his cock-head almost to the point of pain and he could only imagine what it would have felt like with him buried completely inside of her. As her young, slim, teenage body began to relax she became listless, swaying from side to side as her arms began to buckle. He quickly grabbed her slender waist, lowering her down gently until her head and shoulders were on the pillow and her ass was high in the air.

Mathilda groaned out in contentment in front of him as Mr. Young pushed himself inside of her little body before sliding himself back out again. He pushed in slowly and as he felt the young girl begin to tighten up he pulled out again, working himself shallowly inside of her ripe body. It felt like hours working himself in and out of his young charge’s ass, ignoring his pleasure at filling her to make sure she enjoyed every inch of what he was doing to her, wanting her to enjoy this as much as he would.

The young girl drooled into her pillow as Mr. Young slowly slid his cock in and out of her upthrust rear-end. Her eyes were glazed over, her breathing ragged as her breathe escaped from past her gasping mouth. Her hands began clenching the sheets tighter and tighter as he slid himself in deeper and deeper, her tight hole slowly opening and parting around his shaft gripping him tighter than a fist. She moaned out in delicious, delirious pleasure and contentment as he fucked her teenage ass.

After finally getting the last inch of his prick inside of Mathilda, Mr. Young held himself still, gripping her slender thighs, holding her possessively against his hips. The young girl’s moans and gasps of pleasure rang like music in his ears as he relished at the feel of her young ass clenching around him. He slid himself out barely an inch before sliding back in, fucking her slow and deep, sweat pouring off of their bodies. As he fucked her ass he began increasing the pace, building their pleasure up, his balls slapping wetly against her drooling cunt, her ass rippling with every thrust. His moans began to join her’s, their cries of passion echoing off of the walls as their mutual desires began boiling in their bodies.

Suddenly Mr. Young came, slamming his cock deeply inside of Mathilda’s twitching body, holding her to him as he filled her tight ass with his thick, hot cum, triggering her own orgasm. She came with such force that her entire body began thrashing below him as if she was in the throws of some sort of fit. His hands held her still, supporting her to keep her from falling off of the bed until her heated, sweat slick body began to calm. His softening cock slipped out of her with a wet, lewd pop as she relaxed flat on the mattress. He leaned down next to her, holding her tightly against his chest, his soft, sticky cock pressed against her taunt, sticky ass. He quickly fell asleep then, holding his new charge protectively and lovingly.

Mathilda listened as Mr. Young started to snore and giggled as his nose made a little squeaking noise while he breathed. She snuggled her cute, well-fucked, little butt up against him and let him hold her against him. She felt safe. Safe and content. Not just happy but complete contentment. As she pulled the covers up over them and closed her eyes she felt like she had found some place that she truly belonged.

To be continued...

09-15-2019, 03:02 AM
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share
it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know
what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All
characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I do not own The
Professional or Harry Potter or the characters from them. Comments are always welcome
and appreciated so you should feel free to share.

Story Codes: Fantasy, M/f

The Young Home For Wayward Girls Chap. 02 Hermione Granger
By: Muhabba

When Hermione ducked into the first tent she could find she wasn't surprised at all to
find the inside as large as a house or that there were two people inside already. What did
surprise her was when the front door shut behind her. Enchanted tent or not, there still
should have been a flap instead of a door there.

"Can I help you?" the grown man asked, splitting Hermione's attention. She turned
back around towards him, her bushy brown hair flaring around her.

"There are Deatheaters storming through the camp," she said through startled pants
of breath, her magic wand held defensively in her trembling hand, "We have to get out of

"I don't think your 'Deatheaters' will make it in here," the man said with a note of

"But they could set your tent on fire!" Hermione said worriedly.

"'Fraid I don't own a tent for them to set fire to," the man said calmly as he set down
his stirring spoon. He adjusted the flame to the burners on the stove and rinsed his hands
off before turning back to the frightened, young stranger. She was wearing a simple outfit
of comfortable jeans, a sweat shirt, and a worn pair of sneakers. The jeans weren't
particularly tight but showed off her little heart-shaped ass and her sweat shirt was
stretched tightly over her slender chest.

Hermione was in a panic. Even among wizarding folks this man was acting strange.
He looked completely calm in his simple button-up shirt and wear-worn slacks and his feet
were completely bare as he stared at her. Usually the mere mention of a Deatheater was
enough to send a wizard off into a fit of fright but this strange man and young girl just
continued to stare at her. "But the Deatheaters..." she continued.

Mr. Young patted Mathilda on her shoulder to get her attention. "If it'll make her feel
safer could you go lock the door?" he asked her.

Mathilda nodded her head and quickly scurried over behind their new guest and
locked the door. She wasn't sure but she was pretty certain that the door hadn't had a lock
yesterday. She grabbed the newly appeared girl by the elbow and began leading her to the
kitchen area. "Feel better?" she asked as she pulled a chair out.

"But I have to get back to the Quidditch World Cup," Hermione mumbled as she took
the offered chair.

"I'm sure it'll be there when you get back," Mr. Young said reassuringly as he turned
back to the stove, "There isn't a person or thing in all the worlds that can find my door if I
don't want them to." He handed Mathilda the stirring spoon and let her get back to the
soup as he turned his attention back to the frightened young visitor. "This is Mathilda and
you can call me Mr. Young. What's your name, dear?" he asked by way of introduction.

"I'm... I'm... I'm Hermione Granger," the young girl was finally able to blurt out as she
looked around the small cottage in bewilderment.

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Granger," Mr. Young said as he began setting the kitchen
table for three, "Why don't you join us for dinner. I'm teaching Mathilda here how to cook
and the soup smells delicious."

With no real options, Hermione joined the strange man and young girl at the table. It
turned out the girl was her age and had been adopted by Mr. Young which made Hermione
feel just a bit safer. Well, certainly safer than she had been outside. The girl, Mathilda,
was wearing a tight pair of cut-off shorts and a simple white T-shirt and she was pretty sure
the dark-haired girl wasn't wearing a bra due to the twin points poking through the shirt.
As a witch she had become used to strange people and places and the old man and his home
certainly qualified as those. As she ate her fill of the rather bland soup she told her two
hosts about what had led her to their home. While attending a sporting event with her
friends the entire camp had been attacked by villains calling themselves The Deatheaters.
She and her friends had tried to flee into the woods but became separated. With
Deatheaters fast approaching she had ducked into a near-by tent and found herself in Mr.
Young's house.

"So, you see, it was quite by accident that I barged into your house," Hermione said,
finishing her story.

"Where my house is concerned there are no accidents," Mr. Young said with a smirk
that Mathilda recognized to mean he wasn't planning on answering any questions about
himself or the house, "But none the less you're here, you're safe, and you're well-fed," he
finished with a proud pat on Mathilda's slender shoulders.

"But my friends..." Hermione started.

"I have no doubt your friends will be fine," Mr. Young said cheerfully as he stood up,
"And I wouldn't at all be surprised if you joined them again in the morning. And in the
meantime, allow Mathilda to show you where you can get cleaned up and sleep for the

Since finding out she was a witch and attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry, Hermione had thought she had gotten used to the strange and peculiar but Mr.
Young and his house were something new. She wasn't aware of any type of spell that could
transport someone without them even being aware of it but she had, in two steps, ran into a
tent and been transported to this house. She had no idea if her friends Harry and Ron were
safe but for some reason she was sure that if she just stayed here and relaxed that
everything would turn out alright.

"Just follow me," Mathilda said cheerfully before walking towards the back of the
house. "The house is pretty small most of the time so feel free to roam around," she said
as she showed Hermione the only three doors in the short hallway.

"Most of the time?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. On the left are the bathroom and mine and Mr. Young's room
and on the right is the spare room," Mathilda told the other girl.

"You and, uh... Mr. Young share a room?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"Yep," Mathilda said proudly, "So you can get cleaned up and I'll get you something to
sleep in."

Hermione poked her head into the bathroom and clicked on the light. Hogwarts had
been built centuries ago and Mr. Young's bathroom looked only a few centuries newer than
that. She stepped in and closed the door behind her and began getting undressed.
Normally she was one of the more analytical children anyone had ever met but for some
reason she just seemed to take everything that was happening to her as a given without
giving the strangeness of it much of a second thought. She turned the water in the shower
on and stepped in, looking forward to washing the day's events off of her skin.

Rolling her hair back under the warm water, Hermione moaned as her tense muscles
began to relax. Her bushy, chestnut colored hair hung limply under the water, trailing down
her back as she stepped back and forth beneath the stream. There was a clear bottle of
shampoo with a fragrance she couldn't place and she used a liberal amount to get her hair
clean. She used what was perhaps the softest washcloth she had ever felt to soap up her
body before being startled by the sound of a sudden squeak.

Mathilda hadn't meant to walk in on Hermione naked in the shower, she just thought
the young girl would have waited for her to get back with a change of clothes first. With
the girl's hair wet it trailed most of the way to her pert backside and she felt her eyes being
drawn to Hermione's ass. The young witch's breasts were about the same size as her own
but her nipples were darker and a bit asymmetrical. Her legs were nicely rounded and she
had a tight looking, hairless little slit nestled between her thighs.

Both girls stood staring at each other in shock for a moment before Mathilda broke the
silence. "I, uh... I brought you some... some night clothes and, uh... and some towels," she
said, her eyes never leaving Hermione's naked, sudsy body. Finally she walked backwards
into the hall and closed the door behind her and decided that it would probably have been
better for everybody if the young witch just spent the rest of her time naked, she was

Hermione finished rinsing off and stepped out of the shower, the water dripping off of
her ripe, naked body and soaked into the bathmat. She grabbed a towel that was even
softer than the wash cloth and began to dry off, amazed at the feel of the material as it
trailed over her skin. She dried her hair first before dragging the towel down her arms and
back up again. She then spent several minutes running the soft towel over her chest, her
small breasts, and her hard nipples. She found herself moaning in pleasure, cooing as her
eyes fluttered. The towel trailed down her soft abdomen to her waist and she began using
it to dry her legs but as she reached to the wet juncture of her slender thighs she cooed out
again with pleasure. The soft material crawled across her suddenly warm pussy, teasing her,
causing her to moan with her eyes closed in concentration of the sensations she was feeling.

Suddenly the young, horny witch's concentration was broken when she heard Mr.
Young and Mathilda in the hall passing the door. A sudden fantasy of Mathilda walking
back into the bathroom to find her nude and masturbating flashed through her mind and she
shook it free. She finished drying off and got her nightclothes on, wadding the clothes she
had been wearing under her arm before stepping out of the bathroom. Mr. Young and
Mathilda were in the guest room making the bed up with clean linen and the older man
turned to her with a warm smile.

"Let me get those for you," Mr. Young said before grabbing Hermione's dirty clothes,
"I'll wash them and they'll be all ready for you in the morning."

Handing over her clothes without a second thought, Hermione kept her magic wand
just in case the Deatheaters did find her. The strangeness of handing over nearly all of her
worldly possessions never even crossed her mind as Mr. Young took her clothes and left her
in only a old, comfortable night gown. She took a moment to really look at the strange
couple who were both wearing sleeping gowns rather than pajamas, much like her.
Mathilda was finishing up the bed while her adoptive father held a candle in his free hand
which he sat down on the table beside her. She had seen the television in the living room
and the lights had been electric but the oddness of using candle light rather than electric
lights in the bedroom never occurred to Hermione. Staring at the bed the young witch
yawned loudly before realizing how tired she was.

Mr. Young patted Hermione affectionately on the head before stepping out of the
room. "You must be exhausted," he said as he motioned for Mathilda to follow him, "So
we'll let you get some rest. The house is yours for anything you need so you just help
yourself to whatever and have a good night."

"Nite," Mathilda said as she followed Mr. Young, waving good-bye to their young guest
before shutting the door behind her.

Hermione looked from the door back to the bed and yawned again, stretching her
arms and back. She didn't think she had ever felt this tired before. She crawled into bed,
slipping between the sheets and snuggled into her pillow. She placed her wand on the
table as close to the bed as possible before blowing the candle out. Even as tired as she
was she couldn't stop from repeating the days events in her mind. The World Cup had been
exciting, her first visit, and she had never seen so many wizards and witches in her entire life.
The game itself had been beyond her wildest imagination despite having watched school
Quidditch matches before. And the night camping after the match had been something she
could barely describe. And then the Deatheaters had arrived.

A girlish giggle brought Hermione's attention back to the present. It appeared that
Mathilda and Mr. Young were heading to bed. She wondered about their strange
relationship, such a older man adopting and sleeping with such a young girl. There were
many different types of relationships in the Wizarding World so she supposed that it really
wasn't that strange and it didn't appear that either one was taking advantage of the other so
what could it hurt really? Another girlish giggle sounded out on the other side of the door
and she found herself smiling.

A manly chuckle came through the door next and Hermione found herself smiling even
wider. Despite the severe age difference they certainly appeared to be a loving couple.
Next she heard Mathilda moan slightly followed by another chuckle from Mr. Young.
Another moan followed and she found herself listening intently as both Mr. Young and
Mathilda moaned together and she found herself wondering if the couple was planning on
having sex. Her question was answered when she heard wet smacking sounds as well as
the passionate sound of kissing coming through her door.

As the sounds began to intensify, Hermione found herself wondering how so much
sound could possibly pass through such a thick door. Her breathing became more ragged as
Mr. Young and Mathilda moaned out again, their bed creaking. She chewed on her lower
lip as she heard the young girl gasp out and more wet smacking noises echoed across the hall.
Her fingers balled into little fists, gripping the sheets tightly as she listened to the couple, the
dark haired girl's moans becoming louder and louder. Suddenly she was far to hot beneath
her covers and kicked them off, her nightgown up around her slender thighs and her ragged
breath becoming quick, light pants.

The wet sounds changed in a way that Hermione couldn't describe but caused her to
respond none the less as Mathilda moaned out more, longer and louder. Her entire body
felt hot as she gasped, her small chest pushing up against her now stifling gown, her nipples
becoming twin points through the thin material. Her hands slowly released her sheets,
crawling up her supple thighs as she listened to the heated pants, moans, and groans. Her
hands slowly drug her gown up, exposing her young, heated body gleaming in the moonlight
spilling through her window. Pulling the material up to her shoulders, her hands slid to her
chest, holding her small breasts, her hard nipples slipping across her palms as Mathilda cried
out in pleasure from across the hall.

Hermione lightly toyed with her nipples for the first time as the dark haired girl's cries
of pleasure slowly quieted down. She gasped out as she softly pinched her pink nipples,
licking her lips before chewing on her bottom lip. She heard Mr. Young groan out from
across the hall. She began panting in lust as she heard a wet, slurping sound, unsure as to
what it was but enjoying it anyway. One of her hands slid down her body as the older man
groaned out even louder, the slurping sounds intensifying, repeating over and over again.
Her hand slid over her soft stomach to the now burning juncture between her thighs. She
spread her coltish legs wide, giving her hand room to work, cupping her virgin sex and
moaning out as she squeezed her bald pussy. She could feel her juices slipping out
between her fingers as she squeezed herself over and over again, touching herself sexually
for the first time.

The bed across the hall began squeaking again, over and over and Hermione could
hear Mathilda gasping and moaning with it. She could imagine what the couple having sex
across the hall looked like, sometimes imagining herself in Mathilda's place with Mr. Young's
hard penis inside of her and sometimes she imagined herself in Mr. Young's place having sex
with Mathilda. Her hand kept squeezing her young sex, her pants and moans joining with
Mathilda's as her young body built towards her first ever orgasm. She held off as long as
she could wanting to cum at the same time as Mathilda, somehow joining in with them as
they orgasmed together. She panted and moaned even louder wanting Mathilda and Mr.
Young to hear her and then lovingly inviting her to join them.

As Mathilda and Mr. Young's moans of pleasure rose higher so did Hermione's as the
young witch squeezed her small pussy over and over again. Her palm slid wetly across her
hard, little clit triggering her orgasm, her teenage body shuddering in desire as the breath
caught in her throat. As her graceful back bowed she could hear the two across the hall cry
out as they joined her in ecstasy. Her body collapsed into the bed, her breath ragged and
course as she came down from her first orgasmic high, her eyelids fluttering as a silly grin
crossed her face. A small sense of pride filled her slender chest at making herself cum for
the first time as if she had just reached a milestone in her life. She slowly passed into
slumber, forgetting to pull her dressing gown down, her sweat slick body fully exposed in the
dark, comforting room.

As the morning sun rose up over the horizon, Hermione woke up with a wide yawn
and stretched, her dressing gown still pulled up under her arm pits. She pulled her gown
down her youthful body and sat up on the edge of the bed. She knew that she had to get
back to her friends at the Quidditch World Cup and find out if they were okay but she was in
such a good mood she couldn't bring herself to worry to much about it. She had been
really lucky to have found Mr. Young and Mathilda and she had no doubts that Ron and Harry
would be fine. She didn't really know how her luck in finding this house could reach out to
her two classmates but she was somehow sure that it did. She slid out of bed and then
went to see how her two new friends were doing.

Hermione found Mr. Young sitting on the couch staring into a roaring fire, the air filled
with the smell of wood smoke and the living room warm and toasty. The older man smiled
warmly at her and patted the couch next to where he was sitting.

"Come have a seat," Mr. Young said to the young girl, "I'll make breakfast here in a bit."
Hermione smiled back at him before scurrying up into the old, comfortable couch next to
him before she looked around the living room and kitchen. "Mathilda appears to be
sleeping late," he said with a nod back towards the bedrooms, "She.. ah, she had a busy

Hermione stifled a giggle as she blushed deeply. "I know. I, ah... I heard," she

Mr. Young chuckled a bit, "Yeah, she's... she's an enthusiastic girl."

"Sounded like it," Hermione giggled.

"I thought I heard you hearing us," Mr. Young chuckled again.

Blushing deeper, Hermione suddenly found her little feet dangling off of the couch
very interesting, her hands clasped demurely in her lap. Images of what Mr. Young and
Mathilda had been doing together swam through her teenage imagination as she tried not to
smile and blush. Her worries of Deatheaters were completely forgotten as the fire and Mr.
Young’s presence made her feel warm and safe. Staring peacefully into the fire she found
herself snuggling against the strange, older man that she had met less than twenty-four
hours ago.

When Mr. Young placed his arm around her shoulders, Hermione snuggled against his
chest. She ran her cheek against the fluffy material of his robe and didn't think anything of
placing her hand on his abdomen. She began sliding her hand up and down the soft
material, petting it as she stared into the fire. She looked up momentarily and found him
staring down at her with a warm smile on his face that made her smile back. When she
went back to looking into the warm fire she barely noticed as her hand began moving lower
on his robe.

Hermione’s dainty little hand slowly followed the hem of Mr. Young’s robe until she
reached his lap. His legs were open and she could feel the heat coming from between his
thighs and even that made her feel warm and safe. He softly stroked her hair and it just
added to her sense of contentment as she slid her hand into his robe. Her fingers trailed
through his pubic hair and she felt him take a deep breath as she softly grabbed his slightly
hard penis. The strange organ quickly grew in her grip and she began to automatically pull
on it, the heated flesh of his hardening shaft moving down and up in her soft hand.

The young witch felt her body respond to the feel of Mr. Young responding to her
touch. Her small nipples grew hard and the juncture of her thighs turned wet and hot as
the kindly man grew fully hard in her hand. Being an intellectual child, Hermione had seen
pictures of human sexual organs in biology and science journals but the size and shape of the
older man’s fully erect organ felt nothing like what the pictures had looked like. She looked
into his lap at his robe bulging up and down with her hand and licked her lips while he
moaned in pleasure above her and with a small flick of her wrist she parted his robe and
uncovered his hard, throbbing prick.

The young girl looked in wide eyed amazement at the first erect penis she had ever
seen. It was larger than any of the pictures she had ever seen and much thicker. Her
fingers could just reach around his girth and the spongy tip throbbed in time with his rapid
pulse and also with her hand massaging him. She used the bit of lubricant that she knew
men produced to help ease her soft hand up and down his shaft as he groaned in pleasure.
She felt a strange sense of pride and accomplishment at being able to make him feel so good
as he lovingly stroked her hair and wondered what else she could do to make him feel good.
And maybe even better than good.

Being a teenage girl, Hermione had of course heard about the things that boys and
girls could do together, a hand-job just being the first. With Mr. Young’s cock in her fist she
looked up at him and gave him a smile that she hoped was full of passion and confidence.
It wasn't. It was mostly awkward and silly but the older man thought it looked so cute with
her trying her hardest to act more knowledgeable than she was that it just turned him on all
the more. He stroked her hair, pulling it up into a ponytail in his fist as she opened her
mouth and moved her face down into his lap.

When she felt Mr. Young’s bulbous head slid against her warm, moist tongue,
Hermione closed her pink lips around it, sealing it in her mouth. Despite it being called a
“Blow-job”, Hermione sucked as hard as possible on the strange bit of hot flesh. She
wiggled her tongue around his pulsing head as she began bobbing her head up and down in
his lap.

The flavor of a man's penis in her mouth was strange to Hermione and she thoroughly
explored it with her tongue. He was warm to the touch and oddly salty but not too much
so and the different textures of him on her tongue was very interesting to her. The top of
his dick was extremely soft but his shaft was nearly as hard as metal. She could feel the
veins running up and down his length throbbing in time with his cock-head and she felt a low,
deep throb echoing through her lower body every time he pulsed in her mouth. Mr. Young
was rocking his hips up in time with her, fucking her mouth while she swallowed his meat
and her virgin pussy ached in newly discovered teenage desire.

One of Hermione’s small hands remained wrapped around Mr. Young’s cock but her
other hand was trapped under her body as she sucked his prick leaving him to hold her hair
out of her face with one hand and pull up her robe with his other. Inch after inch of smooth,
teenage thigh was revealed until she was bare up to the hip and he placed his hand on her
hip bone. As she continued enthusiastically sucking him he slid his hand down her back
side, cupping her plump little ass and giving it a small squeeze before slipping his fingers
between her cheeks questing for the hot, slick entrance to her horny body.

As Mr. Young’s fingers slid over the schoolgirl’s slick pussy she moaned lustfully around
his cock in her mouth. With every slurp and suck she became more confident, taking more
and more of him into her mouth as his fingers split her wet lips apart. He teased the
burning entrance to her pussy with his middle finger, probing her slightly up to his first
knuckle. She readjusted herself some to give him more access to her and also managed to
free her trapped hand. She wrapped both of her fists around the base of his shaft, her
head bobbing wetly in his lap, her tongue wiggling frantically against his shaft as he began
working his finger in and out of her tight, virgin hole.

As Mr. Young slipped his finger in and out of her, Hermione swallowed more and more
of his dick. His sensitive tip began bumping against the back of her mouth with every suck
as his finger delved as deep inside of her as it could. Her entire young body began to shake
and shiver as a orgasm rolled through her. She cried out on pleasure around the cock in her
mouth, nearly choking on the thick prick as her body twitched with electric pleasure.

As her body twitched with the force of her orgasm, Mr. Young pulled the young witch
off of his prick so she could breathe. He kept his finger buried deep inside of her spasming
pussy as she came, her muscles clamping down on him as she groaned in pleasure. Her
body suddenly went limp and he pulled his finger out of her as she laid bonelessly on the
couch, her head in his lap and her nose tickling his up thrust cock.

Hermione snuggled up against Mr. Young and she could feel him stroking her bushy
hair and cooing what a good girl she was. It was a strange sensation but it made her feel all
warm and fuzzy inside as well as safe and protected. There were no Deatheaters here to
ruin such a happy moment for her.

As the young witch got her strength back, Mr. Young began lifting her off of his lap.
He open his robe the rest of the way and swung her over his lap until she was on her knees
above his throbbing prick. It was his ardent belief that all beautiful young girls should be
naked so he slid her robe off of her until she was completely exposed for him. She wrapped
her slender arms around his neck as he held her hips and they kissed, his tongue exploring
her moist, pink mouth nearly as thoroughly as his cock had.

The much older man kissed and licked his way down the horny young girl’s neck to her
under developed chest. He sucked in one small nipple and massaged it with his tongue
causing the small witch to moan in pleasure before licking over to the other hard nipple.
She groaned out above him and held him tightly to her chest as he moved back from one
sensitive breast to the other. She began grinding herself against his lower abdomen and he
could feel her slick juices trickling down his stomach to his pubic hair.

Gravity began pulling Hermione down as Mr. Young began relaxing his grip on her
slender hips and she let it. She groaned lustfully when she felt the soft tip of his penis
touch her plump, pink pussy-lips and she readjusted herself to let it split her dewy labia.
She reached down and grabbed his shaft, holding him still as she squeezed him inside of her.
She moaned in desire at the feel of him inside of her, her eyes fluttering and her mouth
gapping open. It was pure desire that she wanted him inside of her, the warm, fuzzy feeling
of contentment giving way to simple adolescent lust.

Letting gravity and Hermione decide how fast she wanted to take him, Mr. Young slid
his hands around to grab into the young witch’s taunt little ass. He squeezed her cheeks in
his hands, his thumbs splitting the cleft of her cheeks and probing the right little entrance to
her ass. She took inch after inch of him slowly, her eyes closed as she concentrated on the
pleasure she was receiving. He rippled his fingers against the soft flesh of her heart shaped
rear end, denying the need to thrust up inside of her wanton little body.

“Oh God,” Hermione groaned as she took more and more of the older man’s dick
inside of her. Her tiny little pussy stretched as far as it could around him, parting around
him as she groaned and painted in pleasure. Her smooth, pink body flowed with the effort
of what she was doing but she refused to stop, she wanted all of him inside of her. And
with the last inch she held herself still, relishing the feel of him as she got used to his cock
buried inside of her.

As she rested on top of him, Hermione opened her eyes and stared at Mr. Young. She
smiled at him and he could see pride and the feeling of accomplishment in her eyes. She
was so proud of herself at taking all of his cock inside of her formally virgin body. “Such a
good little witch,” he told her before kissing the young girl. She squeezed his head in her
arms even tighter as they kissed and he used his hold on her ass to begin rocking up inside of
her, fucking the young girl.

“Yes, yes, yes…” Hermione chanted as she was fucked for the first time. The older
man’s cock pumped up inside of her, lifting her horny body up before he reversed course and
she slid back down his pole. Her barely developed tits jiggled slightly on her slender chest
as she was rocked up and down, Mr. Young’s hands squeezing her rear-end and his mouth
sucking on her small tits.

Mr. Young kept a casual pace, not wanting to buck to hard or to fast, just letting
Hermione enjoy the ride. Her tight, little cunt squeezed down hard on him and he could
feel the tip of his cock bumping against something deep inside of her. He licked and sucked
hungrily at her tiny tits as she rode him, rubbing his face and beard stubble against her
sensitive flesh. She moved her slender hips around, always questing for a new position to
slid him inside of her and grind her clit against his abdomen.

Hermione squeezed her eyes shut as she pumped up and down on the older man’s
cock, concentrating on the pleasure she was feeling as she chanted, “Oh, oh, oh…” over and
over again. There seemed to be some much to feel and do, every time she moved her hips
his cock felt slightly different entering her and then again when he’s slide part way out. Her
sweaty little body pumped up and down faster, her chanting grew louder as she felt another,
far stronger orgasm rise up inside of her.

Feeling Hermione’s tight, wet cunt gripping down on his throbbing cock, Mr. Young
knew that the teenage girl was about to cum. He held on tightly to her plump little ass and
thrust up hard and fast inside of her, triggering the young girl’s orgasm as he came. She
cried out in joy as she came, her juices gushing out of her as he filled her spasming cunt with
his thick, hot cum. Her small body shivered and shook, her slender thighs twitching around
his hips as her shout of pleasure slowly grew quieter and her well fucked teenage body
relaxed against him. He slid his arms around her spent body, hugging her sweetly as she
nuzzled against his shoulder and slowly relaxed in his arms.

“And a good morning to you too,” a voice called out from behind Hermione. Mr.
Young looked over the young girl’s slender shoulder at Mathilda standing in the hallway
wearing her dressing gown and a robe. “Good morning, sweetheart,” he said cheerfully
and could feel the young witch look over her shoulder at the other girl, “You were asleep.”

“And you couldn't have waited?” Mathilda asked with a bit of mock anger. Well,
slightly mock but also slightly real.

“It just sort of happened,” Hermione said a bit defensively.

Mathilda peered at Mr. Young from over Hermione’s shoulder, her hand on her hip and
her hips cocked. “Funny how ‘things’ just happen around here,” she said and visibly waited
for the older man’s reply.

Mr. Young just shrugged helplessly at Mathilda. “How ‘bout I get us some breakfast
while Hermione gets cleaned up?” he offered to the obviously jealous teenager. It
appeared to him that after spending so many years on his own that he had forgotten how to

Mathilda just sighed. “How ‘bout you both get cleaned up and I’ll get breakfast
started,” she said. It wasn't really a question.

“Yes, dear,” Mr. Young said and gave Hermione an affectionate pat on her plump ass to
signal her that everything was fine. Completely naked with their cum drying on their thighs,
he and the adolescence witch walked past Mathilda, her eyes glued on him in case he dared
show anything other than admonishment at not sharing, to their separate bedrooms.

Hermione couldn't stop blushing as she got cleaned up. Her clothes were washed
and folded on the foot of her bed when she walked in despite never seeing Mr. Young or
Mathilda wash or fold them. She quickly grabbed them and her wand and scurried to the
bathroom to get cleaned up and dressed. When she exited Mr. Young was waiting his turn,
still completely naked.

“It’s fine,” he told her warmly with a pat on her bushy head, “Just go eat and I’ll be
there momentarily.

Hermione peeked into the kitchen area just to be sure and say that Mathilda wasn't
mad or holding a knife but the young girl was sitting at the table enjoying hot cereal and fruit.
She didn’t appear mad so she stepped quietly to the table and say down at the place made
for her.

Mathilda playfully didn’t make eye contact with the other girl. “Nice night?”

“Um… yeah?” Hermione said before shoving food into her mouth so she wouldn't be
expected to answer any questions with a full mouth.

By the time Mr. Young joined the girls wearing a button-up shirt and worn jeans they
were halfway done with their breakfast. He got them talking about where they were from
and Hermione became worried about missing from her friends for an entire night.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry,” Mr. Young reassured the nervous witch, “I’m sure you’ll be
deposited back where you came from, well out of danger and well before your friends can
start to worry.”

“You can really do that?” Hermione asked in astonishment. She had often heard of
wizards being able to manipulate time with some varying degrees of success but never so

“It’s the house,” Mathilda said between bites of a banana, “It’s good like that.”

After eating, Mr. Young escorted Hermione to the front door. “And just remember,”
he told her, “We’re here to help any young girl in need.”

“But how will I find you again?” Hermione asked.

Mr. Young opened the front door and despite it being midmorning it opened to a
wooded area deep into night time. “Finding us is as easy as stepping through a door.”

The End.

09-15-2019, 03:03 AM
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share
it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know
what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All
characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I do not own The
Professional or Harry Potter or the characters from them. Comments are always welcome
and appreciated so you should feel free to share.

Story Codes: Fantasy, M/f

The Young Home For Wayward Girls Chap. 02 Hermione Granger
By: Muhabba

When Hermione ducked into the first tent she could find she wasn't surprised at all to
find the inside as large as a house or that there were two people inside already. What did
surprise her was when the front door shut behind her. Enchanted tent or not, there still
should have been a flap instead of a door there.

"Can I help you?" the grown man asked, splitting Hermione's attention. She turned
back around towards him, her bushy brown hair flaring around her.

"There are Deatheaters storming through the camp," she said through startled pants
of breath, her magic wand held defensively in her trembling hand, "We have to get out of

"I don't think your 'Deatheaters' will make it in here," the man said with a note of

"But they could set your tent on fire!" Hermione said worriedly.

"'Fraid I don't own a tent for them to set fire to," the man said calmly as he set down
his stirring spoon. He adjusted the flame to the burners on the stove and rinsed his hands
off before turning back to the frightened, young stranger. She was wearing a simple outfit
of comfortable jeans, a sweat shirt, and a worn pair of sneakers. The jeans weren't
particularly tight but showed off her little heart-shaped ass and her sweat shirt was
stretched tightly over her slender chest.

Hermione was in a panic. Even among wizarding folks this man was acting strange.
He looked completely calm in his simple button-up shirt and wear-worn slacks and his feet
were completely bare as he stared at her. Usually the mere mention of a Deatheater was
enough to send a wizard off into a fit of fright but this strange man and young girl just
continued to stare at her. "But the Deatheaters..." she continued.

Mr. Young patted Mathilda on her shoulder to get her attention. "If it'll make her feel
safer could you go lock the door?" he asked her.

Mathilda nodded her head and quickly scurried over behind their new guest and
locked the door. She wasn't sure but she was pretty certain that the door hadn't had a lock
yesterday. She grabbed the newly appeared girl by the elbow and began leading her to the
kitchen area. "Feel better?" she asked as she pulled a chair out.

"But I have to get back to the Quidditch World Cup," Hermione mumbled as she took
the offered chair.

"I'm sure it'll be there when you get back," Mr. Young said reassuringly as he turned
back to the stove, "There isn't a person or thing in all the worlds that can find my door if I
don't want them to." He handed Mathilda the stirring spoon and let her get back to the
soup as he turned his attention back to the frightened young visitor. "This is Mathilda and
you can call me Mr. Young. What's your name, dear?" he asked by way of introduction.

"I'm... I'm... I'm Hermione Granger," the young girl was finally able to blurt out as she
looked around the small cottage in bewilderment.

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Granger," Mr. Young said as he began setting the kitchen
table for three, "Why don't you join us for dinner. I'm teaching Mathilda here how to cook
and the soup smells delicious."

With no real options, Hermione joined the strange man and young girl at the table. It
turned out the girl was her age and had been adopted by Mr. Young which made Hermione
feel just a bit safer. Well, certainly safer than she had been outside. The girl, Mathilda,
was wearing a tight pair of cut-off shorts and a simple white T-shirt and she was pretty sure
the dark-haired girl wasn't wearing a bra due to the twin points poking through the shirt.
As a witch she had become used to strange people and places and the old man and his home
certainly qualified as those. As she ate her fill of the rather bland soup she told her two
hosts about what had led her to their home. While attending a sporting event with her
friends the entire camp had been attacked by villains calling themselves The Deatheaters.
She and her friends had tried to flee into the woods but became separated. With
Deatheaters fast approaching she had ducked into a near-by tent and found herself in Mr.
Young's house.

"So, you see, it was quite by accident that I barged into your house," Hermione said,
finishing her story.

"Where my house is concerned there are no accidents," Mr. Young said with a smirk
that Mathilda recognized to mean he wasn't planning on answering any questions about
himself or the house, "But none the less you're here, you're safe, and you're well-fed," he
finished with a proud pat on Mathilda's slender shoulders.

"But my friends..." Hermione started.

"I have no doubt your friends will be fine," Mr. Young said cheerfully as he stood up,
"And I wouldn't at all be surprised if you joined them again in the morning. And in the
meantime, allow Mathilda to show you where you can get cleaned up and sleep for the

Since finding out she was a witch and attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry, Hermione had thought she had gotten used to the strange and peculiar but Mr.
Young and his house were something new. She wasn't aware of any type of spell that could
transport someone without them even being aware of it but she had, in two steps, ran into a
tent and been transported to this house. She had no idea if her friends Harry and Ron were
safe but for some reason she was sure that if she just stayed here and relaxed that
everything would turn out alright.

"Just follow me," Mathilda said cheerfully before walking towards the back of the
house. "The house is pretty small most of the time so feel free to roam around," she said
as she showed Hermione the only three doors in the short hallway.

"Most of the time?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. On the left are the bathroom and mine and Mr. Young's room
and on the right is the spare room," Mathilda told the other girl.

"You and, uh... Mr. Young share a room?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"Yep," Mathilda said proudly, "So you can get cleaned up and I'll get you something to
sleep in."

Hermione poked her head into the bathroom and clicked on the light. Hogwarts had
been built centuries ago and Mr. Young's bathroom looked only a few centuries newer than
that. She stepped in and closed the door behind her and began getting undressed.
Normally she was one of the more analytical children anyone had ever met but for some
reason she just seemed to take everything that was happening to her as a given without
giving the strangeness of it much of a second thought. She turned the water in the shower
on and stepped in, looking forward to washing the day's events off of her skin.

Rolling her hair back under the warm water, Hermione moaned as her tense muscles
began to relax. Her bushy, chestnut colored hair hung limply under the water, trailing down
her back as she stepped back and forth beneath the stream. There was a clear bottle of
shampoo with a fragrance she couldn't place and she used a liberal amount to get her hair
clean. She used what was perhaps the softest washcloth she had ever felt to soap up her
body before being startled by the sound of a sudden squeak.

Mathilda hadn't meant to walk in on Hermione naked in the shower, she just thought
the young girl would have waited for her to get back with a change of clothes first. With
the girl's hair wet it trailed most of the way to her pert backside and she felt her eyes being
drawn to Hermione's ass. The young witch's breasts were about the same size as her own
but her nipples were darker and a bit asymmetrical. Her legs were nicely rounded and she
had a tight looking, hairless little slit nestled between her thighs.

Both girls stood staring at each other in shock for a moment before Mathilda broke the
silence. "I, uh... I brought you some... some night clothes and, uh... and some towels," she
said, her eyes never leaving Hermione's naked, sudsy body. Finally she walked backwards
into the hall and closed the door behind her and decided that it would probably have been
better for everybody if the young witch just spent the rest of her time naked, she was

Hermione finished rinsing off and stepped out of the shower, the water dripping off of
her ripe, naked body and soaked into the bathmat. She grabbed a towel that was even
softer than the wash cloth and began to dry off, amazed at the feel of the material as it
trailed over her skin. She dried her hair first before dragging the towel down her arms and
back up again. She then spent several minutes running the soft towel over her chest, her
small breasts, and her hard nipples. She found herself moaning in pleasure, cooing as her
eyes fluttered. The towel trailed down her soft abdomen to her waist and she began using
it to dry her legs but as she reached to the wet juncture of her slender thighs she cooed out
again with pleasure. The soft material crawled across her suddenly warm pussy, teasing her,
causing her to moan with her eyes closed in concentration of the sensations she was feeling.

Suddenly the young, horny witch's concentration was broken when she heard Mr.
Young and Mathilda in the hall passing the door. A sudden fantasy of Mathilda walking
back into the bathroom to find her nude and masturbating flashed through her mind and she
shook it free. She finished drying off and got her nightclothes on, wadding the clothes she
had been wearing under her arm before stepping out of the bathroom. Mr. Young and
Mathilda were in the guest room making the bed up with clean linen and the older man
turned to her with a warm smile.

"Let me get those for you," Mr. Young said before grabbing Hermione's dirty clothes,
"I'll wash them and they'll be all ready for you in the morning."

Handing over her clothes without a second thought, Hermione kept her magic wand
just in case the Deatheaters did find her. The strangeness of handing over nearly all of her
worldly possessions never even crossed her mind as Mr. Young took her clothes and left her
in only a old, comfortable night gown. She took a moment to really look at the strange
couple who were both wearing sleeping gowns rather than pajamas, much like her.
Mathilda was finishing up the bed while her adoptive father held a candle in his free hand
which he sat down on the table beside her. She had seen the television in the living room
and the lights had been electric but the oddness of using candle light rather than electric
lights in the bedroom never occurred to Hermione. Staring at the bed the young witch
yawned loudly before realizing how tired she was.

Mr. Young patted Hermione affectionately on the head before stepping out of the
room. "You must be exhausted," he said as he motioned for Mathilda to follow him, "So
we'll let you get some rest. The house is yours for anything you need so you just help
yourself to whatever and have a good night."

"Nite," Mathilda said as she followed Mr. Young, waving good-bye to their young guest
before shutting the door behind her.

Hermione looked from the door back to the bed and yawned again, stretching her
arms and back. She didn't think she had ever felt this tired before. She crawled into bed,
slipping between the sheets and snuggled into her pillow. She placed her wand on the
table as close to the bed as possible before blowing the candle out. Even as tired as she
was she couldn't stop from repeating the days events in her mind. The World Cup had been
exciting, her first visit, and she had never seen so many wizards and witches in her entire life.
The game itself had been beyond her wildest imagination despite having watched school
Quidditch matches before. And the night camping after the match had been something she
could barely describe. And then the Deatheaters had arrived.

A girlish giggle brought Hermione's attention back to the present. It appeared that
Mathilda and Mr. Young were heading to bed. She wondered about their strange
relationship, such a older man adopting and sleeping with such a young girl. There were
many different types of relationships in the Wizarding World so she supposed that it really
wasn't that strange and it didn't appear that either one was taking advantage of the other so
what could it hurt really? Another girlish giggle sounded out on the other side of the door
and she found herself smiling.

A manly chuckle came through the door next and Hermione found herself smiling even
wider. Despite the severe age difference they certainly appeared to be a loving couple.
Next she heard Mathilda moan slightly followed by another chuckle from Mr. Young.
Another moan followed and she found herself listening intently as both Mr. Young and
Mathilda moaned together and she found herself wondering if the couple was planning on
having sex. Her question was answered when she heard wet smacking sounds as well as
the passionate sound of kissing coming through her door.

As the sounds began to intensify, Hermione found herself wondering how so much
sound could possibly pass through such a thick door. Her breathing became more ragged as
Mr. Young and Mathilda moaned out again, their bed creaking. She chewed on her lower
lip as she heard the young girl gasp out and more wet smacking noises echoed across the hall.
Her fingers balled into little fists, gripping the sheets tightly as she listened to the couple, the
dark haired girl's moans becoming louder and louder. Suddenly she was far to hot beneath
her covers and kicked them off, her nightgown up around her slender thighs and her ragged
breath becoming quick, light pants.

The wet sounds changed in a way that Hermione couldn't describe but caused her to
respond none the less as Mathilda moaned out more, longer and louder. Her entire body
felt hot as she gasped, her small chest pushing up against her now stifling gown, her nipples
becoming twin points through the thin material. Her hands slowly released her sheets,
crawling up her supple thighs as she listened to the heated pants, moans, and groans. Her
hands slowly drug her gown up, exposing her young, heated body gleaming in the moonlight
spilling through her window. Pulling the material up to her shoulders, her hands slid to her
chest, holding her small breasts, her hard nipples slipping across her palms as Mathilda cried
out in pleasure from across the hall.

Hermione lightly toyed with her nipples for the first time as the dark haired girl's cries
of pleasure slowly quieted down. She gasped out as she softly pinched her pink nipples,
licking her lips before chewing on her bottom lip. She heard Mr. Young groan out from
across the hall. She began panting in lust as she heard a wet, slurping sound, unsure as to
what it was but enjoying it anyway. One of her hands slid down her body as the older man
groaned out even louder, the slurping sounds intensifying, repeating over and over again.
Her hand slid over her soft stomach to the now burning juncture between her thighs. She
spread her coltish legs wide, giving her hand room to work, cupping her virgin sex and
moaning out as she squeezed her bald pussy. She could feel her juices slipping out
between her fingers as she squeezed herself over and over again, touching herself sexually
for the first time.

The bed across the hall began squeaking again, over and over and Hermione could
hear Mathilda gasping and moaning with it. She could imagine what the couple having sex
across the hall looked like, sometimes imagining herself in Mathilda's place with Mr. Young's
hard penis inside of her and sometimes she imagined herself in Mr. Young's place having sex
with Mathilda. Her hand kept squeezing her young sex, her pants and moans joining with
Mathilda's as her young body built towards her first ever orgasm. She held off as long as
she could wanting to cum at the same time as Mathilda, somehow joining in with them as
they orgasmed together. She panted and moaned even louder wanting Mathilda and Mr.
Young to hear her and then lovingly inviting her to join them.

As Mathilda and Mr. Young's moans of pleasure rose higher so did Hermione's as the
young witch squeezed her small pussy over and over again. Her palm slid wetly across her
hard, little clit triggering her orgasm, her teenage body shuddering in desire as the breath
caught in her throat. As her graceful back bowed she could hear the two across the hall cry
out as they joined her in ecstasy. Her body collapsed into the bed, her breath ragged and
course as she came down from her first orgasmic high, her eyelids fluttering as a silly grin
crossed her face. A small sense of pride filled her slender chest at making herself cum for
the first time as if she had just reached a milestone in her life. She slowly passed into
slumber, forgetting to pull her dressing gown down, her sweat slick body fully exposed in the
dark, comforting room.

As the morning sun rose up over the horizon, Hermione woke up with a wide yawn
and stretched, her dressing gown still pulled up under her arm pits. She pulled her gown
down her youthful body and sat up on the edge of the bed. She knew that she had to get
back to her friends at the Quidditch World Cup and find out if they were okay but she was in
such a good mood she couldn't bring herself to worry to much about it. She had been
really lucky to have found Mr. Young and Mathilda and she had no doubts that Ron and Harry
would be fine. She didn't really know how her luck in finding this house could reach out to
her two classmates but she was somehow sure that it did. She slid out of bed and then
went to see how her two new friends were doing.

Hermione found Mr. Young sitting on the couch staring into a roaring fire, the air filled
with the smell of wood smoke and the living room warm and toasty. The older man smiled
warmly at her and patted the couch next to where he was sitting.

"Come have a seat," Mr. Young said to the young girl, "I'll make breakfast here in a bit."
Hermione smiled back at him before scurrying up into the old, comfortable couch next to
him before she looked around the living room and kitchen. "Mathilda appears to be
sleeping late," he said with a nod back towards the bedrooms, "She.. ah, she had a busy

Hermione stifled a giggle as she blushed deeply. "I know. I, ah... I heard," she

Mr. Young chuckled a bit, "Yeah, she's... she's an enthusiastic girl."

"Sounded like it," Hermione giggled.

"I thought I heard you hearing us," Mr. Young chuckled again.

Blushing deeper, Hermione suddenly found her little feet dangling off of the couch
very interesting, her hands clasped demurely in her lap. Images of what Mr. Young and
Mathilda had been doing together swam through her teenage imagination as she tried not to
smile and blush. Her worries of Deatheaters were completely forgotten as the fire and Mr.
Young’s presence made her feel warm and safe. Staring peacefully into the fire she found
herself snuggling against the strange, older man that she had met less than twenty-four
hours ago.

When Mr. Young placed his arm around her shoulders, Hermione snuggled against his
chest. She ran her cheek against the fluffy material of his robe and didn't think anything of
placing her hand on his abdomen. She began sliding her hand up and down the soft
material, petting it as she stared into the fire. She looked up momentarily and found him
staring down at her with a warm smile on his face that made her smile back. When she
went back to looking into the warm fire she barely noticed as her hand began moving lower
on his robe.

Hermione’s dainty little hand slowly followed the hem of Mr. Young’s robe until she
reached his lap. His legs were open and she could feel the heat coming from between his
thighs and even that made her feel warm and safe. He softly stroked her hair and it just
added to her sense of contentment as she slid her hand into his robe. Her fingers trailed
through his pubic hair and she felt him take a deep breath as she softly grabbed his slightly
hard penis. The strange organ quickly grew in her grip and she began to automatically pull
on it, the heated flesh of his hardening shaft moving down and up in her soft hand.

The young witch felt her body respond to the feel of Mr. Young responding to her
touch. Her small nipples grew hard and the juncture of her thighs turned wet and hot as
the kindly man grew fully hard in her hand. Being an intellectual child, Hermione had seen
pictures of human sexual organs in biology and science journals but the size and shape of the
older man’s fully erect organ felt nothing like what the pictures had looked like. She looked
into his lap at his robe bulging up and down with her hand and licked her lips while he
moaned in pleasure above her and with a small flick of her wrist she parted his robe and
uncovered his hard, throbbing prick.

The young girl looked in wide eyed amazement at the first erect penis she had ever
seen. It was larger than any of the pictures she had ever seen and much thicker. Her
fingers could just reach around his girth and the spongy tip throbbed in time with his rapid
pulse and also with her hand massaging him. She used the bit of lubricant that she knew
men produced to help ease her soft hand up and down his shaft as he groaned in pleasure.
She felt a strange sense of pride and accomplishment at being able to make him feel so good
as he lovingly stroked her hair and wondered what else she could do to make him feel good.
And maybe even better than good.

Being a teenage girl, Hermione had of course heard about the things that boys and
girls could do together, a hand-job just being the first. With Mr. Young’s cock in her fist she
looked up at him and gave him a smile that she hoped was full of passion and confidence.
It wasn't. It was mostly awkward and silly but the older man thought it looked so cute with
her trying her hardest to act more knowledgeable than she was that it just turned him on all
the more. He stroked her hair, pulling it up into a ponytail in his fist as she opened her
mouth and moved her face down into his lap.

When she felt Mr. Young’s bulbous head slid against her warm, moist tongue,
Hermione closed her pink lips around it, sealing it in her mouth. Despite it being called a
“Blow-job”, Hermione sucked as hard as possible on the strange bit of hot flesh. She
wiggled her tongue around his pulsing head as she began bobbing her head up and down in
his lap.

The flavor of a man's penis in her mouth was strange to Hermione and she thoroughly
explored it with her tongue. He was warm to the touch and oddly salty but not too much
so and the different textures of him on her tongue was very interesting to her. The top of
his dick was extremely soft but his shaft was nearly as hard as metal. She could feel the
veins running up and down his length throbbing in time with his cock-head and she felt a low,
deep throb echoing through her lower body every time he pulsed in her mouth. Mr. Young
was rocking his hips up in time with her, fucking her mouth while she swallowed his meat
and her virgin pussy ached in newly discovered teenage desire.

One of Hermione’s small hands remained wrapped around Mr. Young’s cock but her
other hand was trapped under her body as she sucked his prick leaving him to hold her hair
out of her face with one hand and pull up her robe with his other. Inch after inch of smooth,
teenage thigh was revealed until she was bare up to the hip and he placed his hand on her
hip bone. As she continued enthusiastically sucking him he slid his hand down her back
side, cupping her plump little ass and giving it a small squeeze before slipping his fingers
between her cheeks questing for the hot, slick entrance to her horny body.

As Mr. Young’s fingers slid over the schoolgirl’s slick pussy she moaned lustfully around
his cock in her mouth. With every slurp and suck she became more confident, taking more
and more of him into her mouth as his fingers split her wet lips apart. He teased the
burning entrance to her pussy with his middle finger, probing her slightly up to his first
knuckle. She readjusted herself some to give him more access to her and also managed to
free her trapped hand. She wrapped both of her fists around the base of his shaft, her
head bobbing wetly in his lap, her tongue wiggling frantically against his shaft as he began
working his finger in and out of her tight, virgin hole.

As Mr. Young slipped his finger in and out of her, Hermione swallowed more and more
of his dick. His sensitive tip began bumping against the back of her mouth with every suck
as his finger delved as deep inside of her as it could. Her entire young body began to shake
and shiver as a orgasm rolled through her. She cried out on pleasure around the cock in her
mouth, nearly choking on the thick prick as her body twitched with electric pleasure.

As her body twitched with the force of her orgasm, Mr. Young pulled the young witch
off of his prick so she could breathe. He kept his finger buried deep inside of her spasming
pussy as she came, her muscles clamping down on him as she groaned in pleasure. Her
body suddenly went limp and he pulled his finger out of her as she laid bonelessly on the
couch, her head in his lap and her nose tickling his up thrust cock.

Hermione snuggled up against Mr. Young and she could feel him stroking her bushy
hair and cooing what a good girl she was. It was a strange sensation but it made her feel all
warm and fuzzy inside as well as safe and protected. There were no Deatheaters here to
ruin such a happy moment for her.

As the young witch got her strength back, Mr. Young began lifting her off of his lap.
He open his robe the rest of the way and swung her over his lap until she was on her knees
above his throbbing prick. It was his ardent belief that all beautiful young girls should be
naked so he slid her robe off of her until she was completely exposed for him. She wrapped
her slender arms around his neck as he held her hips and they kissed, his tongue exploring
her moist, pink mouth nearly as thoroughly as his cock had.

The much older man kissed and licked his way down the horny young girl’s neck to her
under developed chest. He sucked in one small nipple and massaged it with his tongue
causing the small witch to moan in pleasure before licking over to the other hard nipple.
She groaned out above him and held him tightly to her chest as he moved back from one
sensitive breast to the other. She began grinding herself against his lower abdomen and he
could feel her slick juices trickling down his stomach to his pubic hair.

Gravity began pulling Hermione down as Mr. Young began relaxing his grip on her
slender hips and she let it. She groaned lustfully when she felt the soft tip of his penis
touch her plump, pink pussy-lips and she readjusted herself to let it split her dewy labia.
She reached down and grabbed his shaft, holding him still as she squeezed him inside of her.
She moaned in desire at the feel of him inside of her, her eyes fluttering and her mouth
gapping open. It was pure desire that she wanted him inside of her, the warm, fuzzy feeling
of contentment giving way to simple adolescent lust.

Letting gravity and Hermione decide how fast she wanted to take him, Mr. Young slid
his hands around to grab into the young witch’s taunt little ass. He squeezed her cheeks in
his hands, his thumbs splitting the cleft of her cheeks and probing the right little entrance to
her ass. She took inch after inch of him slowly, her eyes closed as she concentrated on the
pleasure she was receiving. He rippled his fingers against the soft flesh of her heart shaped
rear end, denying the need to thrust up inside of her wanton little body.

“Oh God,” Hermione groaned as she took more and more of the older man’s dick
inside of her. Her tiny little pussy stretched as far as it could around him, parting around
him as she groaned and painted in pleasure. Her smooth, pink body flowed with the effort
of what she was doing but she refused to stop, she wanted all of him inside of her. And
with the last inch she held herself still, relishing the feel of him as she got used to his cock
buried inside of her.

As she rested on top of him, Hermione opened her eyes and stared at Mr. Young. She
smiled at him and he could see pride and the feeling of accomplishment in her eyes. She
was so proud of herself at taking all of his cock inside of her formally virgin body. “Such a
good little witch,” he told her before kissing the young girl. She squeezed his head in her
arms even tighter as they kissed and he used his hold on her ass to begin rocking up inside of
her, fucking the young girl.

“Yes, yes, yes…” Hermione chanted as she was fucked for the first time. The older
man’s cock pumped up inside of her, lifting her horny body up before he reversed course and
she slid back down his pole. Her barely developed tits jiggled slightly on her slender chest
as she was rocked up and down, Mr. Young’s hands squeezing her rear-end and his mouth
sucking on her small tits.

Mr. Young kept a casual pace, not wanting to buck to hard or to fast, just letting
Hermione enjoy the ride. Her tight, little cunt squeezed down hard on him and he could
feel the tip of his cock bumping against something deep inside of her. He licked and sucked
hungrily at her tiny tits as she rode him, rubbing his face and beard stubble against her
sensitive flesh. She moved her slender hips around, always questing for a new position to
slid him inside of her and grind her clit against his abdomen.

Hermione squeezed her eyes shut as she pumped up and down on the older man’s
cock, concentrating on the pleasure she was feeling as she chanted, “Oh, oh, oh…” over and
over again. There seemed to be some much to feel and do, every time she moved her hips
his cock felt slightly different entering her and then again when he’s slide part way out. Her
sweaty little body pumped up and down faster, her chanting grew louder as she felt another,
far stronger orgasm rise up inside of her.

Feeling Hermione’s tight, wet cunt gripping down on his throbbing cock, Mr. Young
knew that the teenage girl was about to cum. He held on tightly to her plump little ass and
thrust up hard and fast inside of her, triggering the young girl’s orgasm as he came. She
cried out in joy as she came, her juices gushing out of her as he filled her spasming cunt with
his thick, hot cum. Her small body shivered and shook, her slender thighs twitching around
his hips as her shout of pleasure slowly grew quieter and her well fucked teenage body
relaxed against him. He slid his arms around her spent body, hugging her sweetly as she
nuzzled against his shoulder and slowly relaxed in his arms.

“And a good morning to you too,” a voice called out from behind Hermione. Mr.
Young looked over the young girl’s slender shoulder at Mathilda standing in the hallway
wearing her dressing gown and a robe. “Good morning, sweetheart,” he said cheerfully
and could feel the young witch look over her shoulder at the other girl, “You were asleep.”

“And you couldn't have waited?” Mathilda asked with a bit of mock anger. Well,
slightly mock but also slightly real.

“It just sort of happened,” Hermione said a bit defensively.

Mathilda peered at Mr. Young from over Hermione’s shoulder, her hand on her hip and
her hips cocked. “Funny how ‘things’ just happen around here,” she said and visibly waited
for the older man’s reply.

Mr. Young just shrugged helplessly at Mathilda. “How ‘bout I get us some breakfast
while Hermione gets cleaned up?” he offered to the obviously jealous teenager. It
appeared to him that after spending so many years on his own that he had forgotten how to

Mathilda just sighed. “How ‘bout you both get cleaned up and I’ll get breakfast
started,” she said. It wasn't really a question.

“Yes, dear,” Mr. Young said and gave Hermione an affectionate pat on her plump ass to
signal her that everything was fine. Completely naked with their cum drying on their thighs,
he and the adolescence witch walked past Mathilda, her eyes glued on him in case he dared
show anything other than admonishment at not sharing, to their separate bedrooms.

Hermione couldn't stop blushing as she got cleaned up. Her clothes were washed
and folded on the foot of her bed when she walked in despite never seeing Mr. Young or
Mathilda wash or fold them. She quickly grabbed them and her wand and scurried to the
bathroom to get cleaned up and dressed. When she exited Mr. Young was waiting his turn,
still completely naked.

“It’s fine,” he told her warmly with a pat on her bushy head, “Just go eat and I’ll be
there momentarily.

Hermione peeked into the kitchen area just to be sure and say that Mathilda wasn't
mad or holding a knife but the young girl was sitting at the table enjoying hot cereal and fruit.
She didn’t appear mad so she stepped quietly to the table and say down at the place made
for her.

Mathilda playfully didn’t make eye contact with the other girl. “Nice night?”

“Um… yeah?” Hermione said before shoving food into her mouth so she wouldn't be
expected to answer any questions with a full mouth.

By the time Mr. Young joined the girls wearing a button-up shirt and worn jeans they
were halfway done with their breakfast. He got them talking about where they were from
and Hermione became worried about missing from her friends for an entire night.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry,” Mr. Young reassured the nervous witch, “I’m sure you’ll be
deposited back where you came from, well out of danger and well before your friends can
start to worry.”

“You can really do that?” Hermione asked in astonishment. She had often heard of
wizards being able to manipulate time with some varying degrees of success but never so

“It’s the house,” Mathilda said between bites of a banana, “It’s good like that.”

After eating, Mr. Young escorted Hermione to the front door. “And just remember,”
he told her, “We’re here to help any young girl in need.”

“But how will I find you again?” Hermione asked.

Mr. Young opened the front door and despite it being midmorning it opened to a
wooded area deep into night time. “Finding us is as easy as stepping through a door.”

The End.

06-15-2020, 10:18 AM
Very Good And Most Interesting... This Is A Good Line … Looking Forward To Seeing Where Or Who Shows Up Next At The Magic House … Keep 'em cuming

06-16-2020, 05:56 AM
I've been taking a rest on this one for a bit. Hopefully I'll get around to continuing one of these days.