View Full Version : The Dresden Files: The Japanese Invasion

09-14-2019, 04:14 PM
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share
it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know
what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All
characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I do not own The
Dresden Files or the characters from it. Comments are always welcome and appreciated so
you should feel free to share.

Story Code: Magic, MC, Incest, Mast, Multiple Pairings

The Dresden Files: The Japanese Invasion
By Muhabba


She was the Leanansidhe, second only in power to the Fae Queen Mab. She was one
of the most beautiful creatures in all of Fairy with long, silky red hair, pointed ears, and
mischievous cats eyes. She was beautiful with large, firm breasts, a sexily curved body,
long legs and all wrapped in a shimmering green gown that flowed around her in the winter

She was Molly Carpenter, called the Ragged Lady by both who feared her and loved
her. She was born a wizard and had came into her power only a few years before, trained
by her father’s best friend, Harry Dresden, until his death only a few months before. A
death she was partially responsible for to save his soul from Leanansidhe’s mad queen Mab.
She had spent the time since on the streets, trying to continue her mentor’s work while
being trained by Harry’s Fairy Godmother, Leanansidhe.

“Oh, oh God,” Molly gasped out as Lea kissed down from her pink lips to her neck.
“I... I don’t think... What... What kind of lesson is this,” she groaned as her teacher ran her
knowledgeably hands up her sides. She shivered, either from the cold of the alleyway or
from what Lea was doing to her, she didn’t know.

“The most important lesson of all, ‘Hana’,” Leanansidhe said as she slid her hands
through the layers of Molly’s clothes to open up her top, “The lesson of survival.” She
parted her young student’s clothes revealing her large breasts, firm and silky the way only
young girls can have. She kissed down to Molly’s chest as she raised her hands up, cupping
both breasts, holding them up to her mouth and caressing the warm flesh with her wet
tongue. She could feel her student shiver in appreciation rather than cold as she slid her
tongue from one large tit to the other drawing moans from the young girl’s mouth.

“I don’t see... see how this will... will help me survive,” Molly groaned. Lea’s sudden
kiss had taken her off guard, Lea pushing her against the wall had mentally disarmed her,
and when Lea had pressed her voluptuous body against her own she had surrendered. She
was helpless against the Fey on every level but this was something she would never had
expected. The Fey were known for the sexual prowess and she had been completely lost to
lust the moment the immortal creature had decided to act.

Leanansidhe gave a toothy smile around her fate full of Molly’s chest before capturing
a ripe, erect nipple between her teeth and lashing it with her tongue. Releasing the hard
nub she licked over to the other rosy pink nipple and toyed with it with her lips, nuzzling it
playfully. “I have taken over Harry’s role as your magical guardian and teacher and as such
I decide the best way to teach you what you need to know,” she said before beginning to lick
down her student’s amazing chest.

Molly’s hands hung limply at her sides, unsure on what to do, never having imagined
anything like this happening to her in any way much less by a Fae of the High Sidhe court.
She began panting as Lea lovingly stroked her sensitive breasts, toying lightly with her pale,
pink nipples, her body feeling flush in the cold winter air. “Oh God,” she choked out as the
beautiful Fae began unfastening her ill-fitting pants.

Lea licked up her student’s body until they were kissing deeply again as she tugged
down Molly’s pants to reveal her pale, pink pussy. “I’m afraid time and the weather are
against us child,” she whispered into the young girl’s ear, “Turn thee around. Present thine
treasure to me.”

“Oh God,” Molly choked again as he automatically turned herself around with no
thought at all. She braced her arms against the cold wall, thrusting her ass out to the air,
her large tits dangling below her. The Leanansidhe's hands slid over her up-raised rear-end
delicately, gliding over her taunt cheeks like ice, sending shivers through her body. She
squeaked out as she felt Lea’s wet, pink, cold tongue slide over her ass, she gripped the dirty
brick wall and shuddered in pleasure as it wiggled between her pale cheeks.

Lea knelt behind her shivering student. As a Fay of the high court she only bowed
before her queen, except for special situations. Using her fingers she pried Molly’s thick,
round cheeks apart, slipping her tongue between them and down to the young girl’s pretty,
pink pussy. Her student’s pussy was wet, practically dripping and she could hear Molly
moan in desire above her as she slowly penetrated her with her tongue. She slid her
tongue around Molly’s hot hole, teasing the young girl before sliding herself inside and
tasting the young wizard’s sweet juices. She smiled to herself as Molly began grinding back
against her, sexually desperate to get Lea’s tongue as deep inside of herself as possible.

Suddenly the Leanansidhe inhaled deeply.

Molly began shivering violently as the winter cold overtook her partially dressed body.
Since Lea’s first kiss her body had been flush with desire to the point she had felt sweat
dripping under her layers of dingy clothes. But suddenly, for no reason she could think of,
she was freezing.

As Lea stood up the snow fell from her dress. “Get dressed, Hana,” she said sweetly,
“Before you catch your death.”

Blinking the confusion and lust from her eyes, Molly began hurriedly getting her
shabby clothes back on, concealing her mostly naked body. Something in Lea’s silky voice
was making her nervous, almost like the High Sidhe was hesitant about something. She
had never seen the Leanansidhe nervous about anything. “What’s going on?” she asked

Lea turned to look at her student from over her shoulder. “Nothing you should
concern yourself with, child,” she said sweetly, “Now you should use one of those veils you
are so good at and scamper along. Don’t make Auntie Lea tell you twice.”

Molly stared at the strange expression on Lea’s face before nodding her head quickly.
She threw her arms up and disappeared completely, even the fog of her breath hidden
behind her veil. She ran as quick as she could out of the alley. She may not have been
one of the most powerful wizards alive but she was one of the most clever, clever enough to
realize that if there was something coming that could make a Fairy as powerful as the
Leanansidhe nervous than she wouldn’t stand a chance.

Lea turned to the opposite end of the alley that her young charge had taken and
waited patiently. She didn’t have to wait long. After only a few minutes a silhouette of a
man walked into the end of the alley, his features obscured by the light, the only thing
visible was the outline of his long jacket billowing in the breeze.

“I’m afraid, creature, that the young one you were stalking has already fluttered away,”
Lea said with a smirk, “You’ll just have to make do with me.” She waited patiently,
smirking at the dark figure, it’s jacket billowing in the breeze. And then suddenly the jacket
spread wide unleashing a half dozen objects from it’s depth.

An oily, black tentacle wrapped it’s self around Lea’s slender throat and she simply
stood impassively in the middle of the alley, not even trying to defend herself. Four more
tentacles wrapped themselves around her wrists and ankles, lifting her off of the ground and
spreading her arms and legs. A sixth tentacle wavered in front of her face before flashing
out and tearing her dress in two. Her large, firm, pale breasts swayed lightly on her chest
as she was stripped naked, her stomach perfectly flat, her hips flaring out, her pink pussy
completely bald except for a small red tuft of soft pubic hair. The sixth tentacle ripped her
dress apart, leaving the most beautiful woman currently on the plant completely naked.
And she just continued smirking.

The first tentacle around her neck extended itself up, sliding it’s tip past her scarlet lips.
She opened her mouth to welcome it, massaging it with her tongue as she sucked it into her
throat. She swallowed around it, her throat rippling along it’s length as she continued
caressing it with her moist tongue. It began thrusting itself in and out of her face, fucking
her talented mouth as she continued trying to smirk around it’s girth plunging in and out of

The tentacles around Lea’s wrists crawled up her arms to her chest, each tentacle
circling one of her large, firm breasts. They squeezed them lovingly, the tips circling her
hard nipples and pulling them hard on top of her tits. And still she continued to smirk

The sixth tentacle slid over the Leanansidhe’s flat stomach, slipping down to her pubic
mound, teasing the small, tight entrance to her pussy. It toyed with her clit, raising it out
of it’s sheath, making her wet until it could slip past her plump vaginal lips into her tight cunt.
It began sliding in and out of her body, fucking her other worldly form, pushing itself in and
out deep inside of her. And still she only continued to smirk.

As the Leanansidhe was fucked in the middle of the dirty alley she continued smirking
in satisfaction. Everything was going according to plan.

To be continued…

09-14-2019, 04:15 PM
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share
it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know
what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All
characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I do not own The
Dresden Files or the characters from it. Comments are always welcome and appreciated so
you should feel free to share.

Story Code: Magic, MC, Incest, Mast, Multiple Pairings

The Dresden Files: The Japanese Invasion
By Muhabba

Chapter 1.

Karrin Murphy, formerly of the Chicago Police Department, stood hesitantly in her
hallway for a moment before coming to a decision. "Shower first," she muttered. She
shrunk away from the early morning light wafting through her grandmother's lace curtains,
once again swearing to herself to redecorate the house into something more modern but
knowing that she was lying to herself. This was her home but it had belonged to her
grandmother first and leaving the house decorated the way it was was a constant reminder
of family. Her family. No matter how much they argued.

Stepping into her bathroom she threw off her plain robe and turned the hot water on,
waiting for the temperature to rise. As lovely as her old house was it was still a old house
an the pipes could take several minutes to heat the water. While Murphy waited for the
water to get hot enough to be tolerable she looked at her body in the mirror. She ran her
hand through her new, short hair just barely long enough not to be called stubble. After
losing her job, fighting a war with vampires and then losing her best friend, shaving her head
had seen like the thing to do. A new beginning to follow the bad ending to the life she had
known. She had kept her body fit, her small breasts still firm and high on her chest, her
stomach flat with just a hint of the muscle underneath, her thighs thick but muscular
without being a parody. And she allowed herself a vain look at her thick, muscular ass.
Still fit despite her growing age, a gymnast's body, every muscle having a purpose.

The water from the shower grew hot enough to steam the mirror and she quickly
added a dash of cold to go with it before stepping in. The hot water flowed over her naked
body, relaxing muscles she hadn't even realized were tense. It had been like that since
Harry had died. Murphy knew she was having dreams about him and nightmares about
what they had done in South America even if she couldn't always remember them in the
mornings. It was bad enough remembering them during the day.

Murphy began washing her hair, once again adding to much soap, forgetting how
short her hair was now. She rinsed the soap out of her eyes and tried to get Harry out of
her mind but failed as she tried harder and harder. Perhaps it wouldn't have been as bad if
they hadn't been planning to... get together afterwards, after the war. He had wanted a
relationship, she didn't. It had been that simple and they respected each other's
boundaries, for years remaining best friends. But on the eve of their battle with the Red
Vampire Court he had made deals for power, power enough to rescue his daughter, power
that came with a price. After the battle Harry would become a servant to the Far Queen,
Mab, her knight, her assassin. Being sure they would never see each other again they had
decided, just that once, to be with each other in the way they both had wanted. But when
she had showed up all she had found was blood.

Shivering at the memory, Murphy tried to shove it out of her mind as she grabbed a
wash cloth and added her favorite body wash. She began washing her shoulders and arms
as she tried to find a happy memory to concentrate on. The cloth slid up and down her
arms and as it reached her chest she allowed a little smirk to play at the corners of her pink
lips. Kincaid was always good for a laugh. Harry swore that the hit-man wasn't human
but he had treated her like any other guy she had gone out with. She and Harry had had
their friend-talk before she had accepted a date with Kincaid and she had be weary of him.
How could she not, she had been a cop and he had possibly been a supernatural hit-man.
They had laid each other's rules down at a light dinner and then later cemented them at his
hotel room. She had meant for it to be a quick one night stand, just something to get her
through a bit of a slump but it had actually gone on for weeks.

The thought of dating a supernatural hitman for weeks on end just because he was
good in bed caused Murphy to blush in embarrassment. And then when she admitted to
herself that he wasn't just good in bed, he was friggin' great, caused her to blush deeper.
She didn't notice as she slid the rough washcloth over her tender breasts, her pink nipples
growing tighter, she just tried to remember her time with Kincaid. It wasn't just that he
had a prick that a porn star would envy, it was that he knew how to use it. So thick and
long, so hard but he could slip it deep inside of her effortlessly, reaching parts inside of her
that she had forgotten were there.

Kincaid had a way of aiming that he was as deadly with his cock that he had been with
a rifle. Murphy chewed her bottom lip as she slid the washcloth purposefully over her hard
nipples, remembering as she lay under the hit-man, her legs spread, gripping his muscular
forearms as he worked himself deep inside of her gushing pussy. Her hand released the
soapy cloth, her fingers tugging at her sizzling nipples as memories of riding his spectacular
dick washed through he mind like the water flowing over her naked body. She could
remember every inch of his cock as she palmed one of her small tits and the other hand slid
down her wet flesh.

Murphy groaned lustfully as her hand slid between her muscular thighs, teasing her
wet pussy as she remembered Kincaid doing the same. His fingers had been deadly,
slipping and sliding inside of her expertly, constantly questing for new ways to make her cum.
She threw her head back and groaned in pleasure as she slid a finger inside of her throbbing
cunt, pushing it in as far as she could the way Kincaid had. Her toes curled with pleasure as
a shot of water hit her eye causing her to stumble out of fantasy.

"Dammit!" Murphy cursed herself. What the hell was she doing. First she had been
depressed by her memories of Harry, the first, only, and last openly practicing wizard in
Chicago, her best friend, and now she was friggin' herself over a fling with a practicing
murderer. "What the hell is wrong with me?" she grumbled before realizing that she was
still sliding her finger in and out of her pussy, her slick juices joining the hot water coursing
down the insides of her muscular thighs.

"Fuck it," she grunted to herself. She needed this. Just a bit of release.
Something to unwind to. Just not Kincaid. Harry and Kincaid hated each other even if
they respected each other. Besides, personally, Kincaid was her number one suspect in
Harry's shooting and despite their fling she'd come down on him like an avalanche if she
could prove it. Refusing to let her bad mood bring her down she placed a foot on the rim
of the shower and slid a second finger into her heated pussy. "Just a quick one," she
mumbled to herself as she slid her fingers in and out of her tight pussy, "Just no Kincaid."

Murphy rolled her eyes in frustration at arguing with herself over whether to give
herself an orgasm or not and who it should be about. She growled before closing her eyes
and concentrating on the pleasure she was feeling, trying to ignore the emotions it was
bringing up. Various men's faces danced behind her eyes as she struggled to concentrate
on only her fingers but unfortunately it didn't work that way for her. She couldn't just have
pleasure for pleasure's sake, there had to be something, someone behind it and she
struggled to find that person or that fantasy. Harry's roguish face swam across her brain
before she pushed it aside followed by Kincaid. "Karrin Murphy, you're the only person
that can screw up an orgasm," she growled at herself.

She almost decided to give up and get dressed but she felt like she needed this right
now. Just a quick bit of relaxation and then on with the day but, of course, she was being
to hard at herself. He used her two fingers to glide over her G-spot as she strummed her
clit with her thumb but she still couldn't find a good fantasy to fix on. "Jesus! When was
the last time I had a good orgasm?" she asked herself just as a memory seized her and
caused her pussy to gush. A sudden wave of lust surged through her an she groaned out
loud, gurgling around the shower filling her mouth with water. She spit the water out and
moaned as the memory of Butters' thick, hard, log of a cock filling her and caused her cunt
to flutter.

Waldo Butters was a ME for the Chicago Police and was, by every definition, a nerd.
Skinny and awkward he had also proved to be every inch the hero but there was no way
anybody would guess it by looking at him. Or meeting him. Or getting to know him.
Thanks to a mis-fired spell, Murphy had walked into a small orgy with Butters and 3 young
girls revealing his massive prick to her. She had taken control of the small group, making
sure everyone fully explored everybody else's bodies, especially the skinny ME's prick. His
cock had filled her to the breaking point again and again, stretching her every hungry hole.

"Oh God!" Murphy gasped as the memory of Butters fucking her blotted out
everything else in her mind. She braced one hand against the shower wall, her ass
clenching and relaxing as she drove her fingers as deeply inside of her needy pussy as she
could. She had threatened Butters and the three girls with every form of punishment
known to man, and a few she had made up, to remain silent about the incident. Normally
it was a sort of embarrassment like getting drunk at a party and then waking up somewhere
strange the next morning after losing control. And Karrin Murphy was all about control but
right now, with her fingers a blur between her legs and her chest heaving with desire, she
needed a bit of embarrassment. And nothing caused her to blush deeper or hotter, than
the memory of Butters managing to work his giant cock into her tightly clenching ass.

Murphy rolled her eyes about what she decided to do next. Her night with Butters
and the girls wasn't her proudest memory but it somehow seemed appropriate right now.
Pushing her two fingers as deep into her horny pussy as she could she slipped the middle
finger of her free hand between her taunt ass-cheeks. She shoved her finger into her tight
ass, burrowing in deeply and gasping out in pleasure. She slid the fingers in her cunt out
before reversing them and pulling the finger in her ass out slightly and then reversing.

Setting up a steady rhythm, Murphy moved her fingers in and out of her body like tiny
pistons, filling one hole while sliding out of the other. Her eyes fluttered as she threw her
head back, groaning out as the muscles in her body tensed, the leg set on the edge of the
tub shaking slightly as her orgasm began to rise up quickly. She gasped out, her slender
chest heaving as she finger-fucked herself, her voice echoing through her bathroom, steam
flowing through the air as she started to cum. Her entire body shivered as she panted out
in lust, every muscle in her body quivering as her slick juices joined the water flowing down
the drain.

Gasping out, the former police officer rode out her orgasm, her body shivering in
pleasure, her eyes closed tight, fireworks exploding behind her eyes. Murphy slumped
against the tiled wall as her body began to relax, her foot sliding off the side of the tub.
She placed her hands on her knees and struggled to get her breath back as the hot water
began to cool and she reached up to turn the shower off before it could freeze her. A
dopey smile spread across her lips before she shook her head. "Stupid magic," she
mumbled to herself as she once again pushed the memory of fucking Butters and the girls
deep down in her memories and stepped out of the shower.

Stepping out of the shower she started drying off just as the phone in her kitchen
started to ring. "Dammit," Karrin mumbled as she threw the towel down and reached for
her robe. As the phone rang for the third time she cursed again as she threw the robe
down and ran out of the steamy bathroom completely naked. She quickly trotted through
her house, the cool air keeping her nipples hard, and reached her phone just as it started to
ring for the fourth time. When she had been younger, before the invention of voice-mail,
she had been taught to let the phone ring seven times before hanging up or before the
answering machine clicked on but now, with everybody in a hurry, the standard was letting
the phone ring only four times. "It's funny the things you think of when your naked in you
kitchen," she thought as she held the phone to her ear.

"This is Murphy," she said, really noticing how she still had a land line for her phone
rather than using her cell phone all the time. Then she noticed how her house and yard
still looked like they were decorated by a eighty year old woman and she shrugged in defeat.
When had she gotten so old?

"Hey, Murphy, this is Tucker. Carl Tucker from Special Investigations," the voice on
the other end of the phone said.

Karrin had to think over who he was for a moment before remembering. As the
detective in charge of Special Investigation she had been Tucker’s supervisor and when she
had been demoted he'd given her absolutely no grief. Special Investigations was where the
Chicago PD sent all the strange, unexplainable case and expected it to explain them. It
usually involved a great deal of creative writing and Tucker had been the one who usually
filled out the reports. He had originally been assigned to Petty Thief and one day answered
a call about several small thefts at an apartment building. His grandmother had been old
country German so when he had found the basement filled with Kobalds he had written
exactly that. Which left him getting transferred to Special Investigations when he refused
to change his official report. He was a good guy and a good cop and Karrin had relied on
him when she had been running the division.

"Hey, Tucker, how's it going?" Murphy asked, a smile creeping onto her face. She
missed the comradery on being a cop and just hearing another officer's voice began to cheer
her up.

"Just work and more work," Tucker chuckled, "How's civilian life?"

Karrin rolled her eyes at the older cop's playful jab. "Less work and more boredom,"
she admitted, "What merits a phone call at this time in the morning?" She didn't mind a bit
of verbal sparring from Tucker. When she had disappeared to help Harry fight his war
against the vampires and save his daughter it had been at a really bad time in her career and
she'd been fired but Tucker and a few others had stood by her despite her not being able to
actually say what had happened.

"Well, after you went MIA and got canned I got transferred back to Small Crimes,"
Tucker said.

Murphy shivered in the cold, water still dripping off of her naked body as she stood in
the kitchen. She tried to reach the afghan on the couch but the cord wouldn't let her reach.
"Good for you," she said as she extended as far at her short frame would let her, water
dripping off of her body as goosebumps covered her wet skin.

"Thanks. It ain't civilian life but it'll do," Tucker chuckled again, "Anyways I heard
about a case and I thought it might be up your alley."

Standing on her tip-toes on one foot, her other leg stretched out behind her, her small
breasts dangling, Murphy continued to try and reach for her afghan. "'Fraid I don't head
down that alley anymore, Tucker," she said.

"Officially, sure," Tucker said, his tone changing, becoming a bit darker, "But you and I
both know there's more than one way to be a cop."

The change in tone caught Murphy's attention and she stopped trying to reach for the
afghan. "So what's up?"

"Been some attacks," Tucker started, "Women. Homeless and prostitutes mostly so
you know how much of a priority that makes it."

"And by 'attacks' I suppose that means no deaths," Murphy added.

"Not yet but it's early. It's what happens to the victims afterwards that's the

And then Tucker told her and Murphy nearly dropped the phone. "Can... can you
repeat that Tucker?"

"The women become uncontrollably, sexually active, forcing themselves on anybody
they can get their hands on."

Murphy had to have Tucker repeat his statement twice more before it finally sank in
and she thanked him. They spent a couple of minutes afterwards catching up on precinct
gossip before hanging up and she spent a moment staring at the phone, forgetting the
temperature and her nudity. Next she made a phone call.


The house phone for the Carpenter family was located in the large, warmly decorated
kitchen and rang four times before Charity could answer it. "Carpenter house, this is
Charity," she said offhandedly as she tried to grab her youngest son as he giggled and ran
past her in only his underwear.

"Yeah, Charity, this is Karrin. Karrin Murphy," the voice on the phone said, "Harry's

"Of course I remember you, Karrin," Charity said as she threw her slightly damp hand
towel at her oldest son. He scowled at her for a moment before noticing her scowl and
following her eye line to his brother running around in his underwear. With one son
chasing the other, Charity turned her full attention to voice on the phone. She didn't really
remember the last time she had talked to the former police officer Karrin had helped rescue
her daughter from the heart of Winter in Fairy and it was not something that you could

With one small, pre-school emergency handled she could turn her full attention to the
phone and her voice grew more pleasant. "What can I do for you, Karrin?" she asked.
Immediately her mind went to her missing daughter, Molly, and all the terrible reasons
Karrin could be calling. Despite being a plain, mundane mortal, the former officer still
battled the dark forces of the supernatural and despite how much worse it had gotten since
Harry's death, Karrin was still battling on the front lines. "Do... do you have any... any
information about Molly?" she asked worriedly.

"No, no. Nothing like that," Karrin reassured her, "In fact I was wondering how you
were doing. Y'know, if you'd heard anything from her old friends."

Charity released a sigh of relief that Karrin wasn't giving her any bad news about Molly.
At least worse news than that nobody had found her yet. "No. None of her friends have
heard from her. Why? Have you heard something?" she asked trying to keep the fear out
of her voice.

"Nothing, new," Karrin said, "But I heard that you've been heading out at night looking
for her."

"Of course," Charity said with a bit of steel in her voice. She'd had lecture after
lecture from her husband on the dangers of prowling around at night, searching the
supernatural communities for their daughter but with him still recovering from his injuries
she was the only one that could do it.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to try and warn you off or anything," Karrin reassured her,
"Well, not really."

"And what's that mean?" Charity asked. Just in self-defense she unconsciously stood
up straighter and held her shoulders apart, prepared to argue for her right to make sure all
of her babies were all right. Even in a thread bare and comfortably worn robe she made an
imposing figure. She stood nearly six feet tall and most of that was leg. She kept herself
in excellent shape with wide hips, a flat stomach and broad shoulders. Her large,
unencumbered breasts pressed against her flannel pajama top and her blue eyes flashed as
she prepared to ignore another lecture on the dangers lurking in the night. She pulled her
long, blonde hair back as she waited for the former police officer to answer her question,
prepared to fight for her right to look for her own daughter despite everyone trying to warn
her away.

"Easy there, Charity," Karrin told her, "I was just calling with a warning if you were
going out tonight."

Charity released a breath she hadn't realized that she'd been holding. "I'm sorry,"
she said as her shoulders began to relax, "It's just... she's my baby, Karrin."

"I know, I know," the former officer reassured her, "And you and your family have had
it rough over the last year with your husband and then Molly running away."

Her head slumped a bit at the mention of her husband. Michael Carpenter was a
wonderful man, husband, and father. The owner of his own general contracting business,
devout Catholic, and Knight of the Sword, a Christian Avenger referred to by the demons he
had hunted as The Fist of God. He had carried a sword with one of nails used to crucify
Jesus worked into the hilt and used he faith to help who he could. And it had nearly killed
him. He was still recovering from the injuries he had received helping his friend, and
Karrin's, the wizard known as Harry Dresden. In her darkest moments she blamed Harry
for nearly getting Michael killed but she knew it wasn't true. What Harry and her husband
had done had saved lives and at the end of the day that was the most important thing and
she knew that The Fist of God would have easily given his life to help save Harry or a
complete stranger.

Charity sigh and stared up as if she were trying to see through the ceiling to the
second floor of her house to her former craft room and the small treasure contained inside.
Harry had been Michael’s best friend and despite everything that her family had to contend
they had no qualms opening up their home or her to losing her craft room to honor the
fallen wizard. "I didn't mean to jump down your throat," she apologized to Karrin.

"You didn't," Karrin said plainly and Charity could hear her trying to choose her words
carefully, "I'm just giving you a shout out if you do head out tonight."

Feeling slight embarrassed by her attitude towards Karrin tried not to let her frazzled
nerves strain out through her voice. "No, I'm sorry, Karrin, you've been nothing but
supportive since Molly ran off and I was being unreasonable towards you. Thank you for all
your help," she said. When her daughter had first disappeared, Karrin had used her
contacts in the police department to move things along and get Molly's disappearance taken
more seriously than just Teen-Runaway.

"It's no problem," Karrin said and Charity could hear the relief in the former
detective's voice, "But I did want to give you a call about going out tonight. There have
been some odd attacks lightly but I don't have all the details yet so I want you to try to stick
to brightly lit, populated areas."

"I don't really think Molly would be sticking to brightly lit, populated areas what with
her whole 'Ragged Lady' motif," Charity told her.

"Probably not but..." Karrin began, trying to get her point across before Charity could
snap at her again, "...it's better than something happening to you. Your whole family
needs you as well as Molly. And just long enough for me to get more details. Is that good
with you?"

Charity took a deep breath before answering. There was nothing that was going to
stop her from finding her daughter. "I understand," was the best response she could give.


The next person to call on her list was the last person that Karrin wanted to call. It
wasn't that she didn't like Butters, she considered him a dear friend, it was just that talking
to him always brought up the same memories. She had tried to come to grips with magic
since Harry had finally come clean with her about it and, up until a small accident involving
Butters, had done a pretty good job. But one night, while at Harry's place, a small spell had
been unleashed involving her, Butters, Molly, and two werewolves. A very embarrassing,
very intimate spell that had left her unable to sit comfortably for two days afterwards and
always caused her to blush. (*) She rang Butters' apartment.

After two rings the young medical examiner answered cheerfully, "Waldo Butters."

"Hey, Butters, it's Murphy," she said trying to keep a even tone in her voice but she
was sure that he could somehow hear her blushing.

"Hey, Murphy, how's it going?" he asked. She tried to listen hard to hear if there was
any kind of tone to his voice that said, "I know what you look like naked and in the throes of
orgasm," but Butters was one of the most gile-less people she knew and all she heard was
the sound of a friend.

"Just doing a bit of a check-in," Karrin said. Butters was dating the werewolf Andi,
one of the wolves that she had... well, that had been there the night that Molly's spell had
went haywire, and the former police officer wanted to know which of the wolves was on
patrol that night. Her heart sank a little when Butters had told her that the other werewolf
on patrol was Georgia. It wasn't that Georgia was a incapable wolf, it was that she had
been the fourth person under the influence of Molly’s errant spell.

"Want me to have them call you with a Sit-Rep?" Butters asked helpfully.

"No, no. That's alright," Karrin told him, "But if you hear from them tell them to keep
their ears to the ground, I just got a tip there might be magic afoot tonight. Well, more
than usual."

"Will do," Butters said cheerfully before Karrin told him to have a good night and hung

It hadn't been the most embarrassing talk she'd had with Butters since "The Night
That No One Dare Speak Of Under Threat Of Pain" but she could still feel a burning blush
creeping across her face. She wasn't expecting her next call to be nearly as difficult as the
call with Butters but Harry's brother had his own peculiarities.

(*) See my other Dresden Files story: What The Cat Saw.


Thomas Raith, Harry Dresden's half-brother, was a vampire of the White Court
meaning that he lived off of, not blood, but sex. As she began dialing Thomas' number,
Karrin promised herself to start making more mundane and less sexually adventurous

Thomas picked up on the third ring and Murphy couldn't help but hear the slut of his
words. He was taking the death of Harry hard and it was nearly impossible for him to talk
about it without revealing that Harry Dresden, scourge of the supernatural underworld, was
his half-brother. All the vampire had were Harry’s own friends he wasn't even sure were in
on the secret, and his human girlfriend. Karrin wasn't even sure of the girl’s name but she
knew that the human was working undercover with Thomas's sister, Lara Raith the secret
leader of the White Court vampires. Lara led through their father after having beat him in
a battle of wills. What a sex-vampire had to do to dominate her father Karrin didn't want
to think about.

“Thomas, it's Karrin. Karrin Murphy, Harry’s friend,” she said as plainly as possible.
She had of course met Thomas, fought and bled beside him but she wasn't quite sure how
sober he was right now.

“Karrin. Yeah. Hi,” Thomas slurred, “How goes the day, soldier?”

Karrin heard him snicker which pretty much answered her question about his sobriety.
“I was wanting a bit of information of it wasn't a problem,” she asked.

“Don't know if I’m the person to ask,” Thomas said, “I haven't gotten out much lately.”

Murphy's heart went out to Thomas and was now wishing she had never called.
There just wasn't anything she could think of to say to make the obviously suffering vampire
feel better. She slid her hand through her short hair and thought that she wasn't handling
Harry’s death much better. “I was just wondering if you'd heard anything about a new
player in town. I got a tip there might be a new but of magic in town,” she said. When
Thomas didn't answer and tried to listen harder thinking maybe he was asleep or dropped
his phone. “Thomas?”

“Huh?” Thomas snorted, “Yeah, yeah, no. Haven't heard anything. Course, I
haven't see or talked to Lara lately so there's that.”

“Nothing sneaky in the vampire courts?”

“Nothing that I’ve heard,” Thomas admitted, “But like I said, Lara’s been busy opening
a new club and Justine’s been helping.”

It took Karrin a moment to pin Justine’s name. She was Thomas's girlfriend working
as Lara’s assistant. She was a petite blonde with a sec drive on overdrive and not to
mention some mental problems. Thomas and she were really the perfect couple for each
other. He fed off of her abundant libido and his feeding actually kept her psychology stable.
“Well thanks anyway,” she said before adding, “If you hear anything will you give me a call?”
She doubted he’d even remember the phone call in twenty minutes but she could hope.

“No problem,” Thomas slurred even worse than before.

“And, Thomas, “ Murphy decided to add, “If you need to talk, I’m here.”

“No problem,” he repeated before hanging up. Jarring looked at her phone a
moment before hanging up. Calling Thomas had been a mistake. Not just because he
sounded bombed out of his mind. It had stirred up the emotions she was going through
dealing with Harry’s death and what he’d think of the way she wasn't really caring for the
people he had left behind.


The next person Karrin was going to call was literally the last person on the face of the
Earth that she’d ever want to talk to but he was literally the last person on the face of the
Earth that she could call.

“Gentleman” John Marcone was every stereotype when someone thought of a
Chicago mob boss. He was also everything anyone had been taught about Robber Barons
and it was all wrapped up in a powerful CEO with Senate connections. And because living
every stereotype for a white, affluent business man wasn't enough he was also the only
human to be a part of the Unseely Accords. She wasn't quite sure what the Accords
actually were, only that they laid down some ground rules for the supernatural community
that used Chicago as a way station on their travels back and forth across the continent.

And because Marcone was such a good business man his current office was seated
above his exclusive private gym/brothel because the key to business was to diversify.

Karrin had never actually talked to Marcone over the phone unless he was the one
that called first. It was a petty little power play but she tolerated it due to the mob boss’s
help in fighting the more monstrous elements in the city. It was hard to run a business if
your clientele was always being eaten. She dialed the number and waited for three rings
before Gentleman John’s personal assistant picked up. At least he had given Murphy the
direct number to his office. She didn't even wait for the perky, no doubt buxom, young
assistant to say anything. “It’s me. John needs to call me about a out of town visitor,”
she said sternly. She could hear the assistant gasp at the terse message over the line
before deciding that her foul mood wasn't the girl’s fault. “Have a nice day,” she added
before hanging up. And people told her that she couldn't be diplomatic.

To be continued…

09-14-2019, 04:16 PM
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I do not own The Dresden Files or the characters from it. Comments are always welcome and appreciated so you should feel free to share.

Story Codes: Multiple Pairings, Supernatural, Magic, Mind Control, M/F, F/F, Tentacles, Non-Con, Incest

The Dresden Files: The Japanese Invasion
By Muhabba

Chapter 2.

The air had a frigid sting to it that made Charity’s face hurt. The sun was already going down even though it felt to her that she had barely started looking again. The church's contacts had given her a story about a homeless woman that had saved a couple of school kids that had been sneaking around looking for mischief from a large, hulking individual. She had no doubt that it had been Molly.

At home her husband, Michael Carpenter, was watching their children even though the cold weather was making his hip burn. Which he would never admit to but she noticed how much his limp had worsened since the onset of the early winter. She felt a pang of guilt over leaving him alone with the kids but she was the only one who could look for Molly at the present and she couldn't give up. She had promised to be at home before sunset but she wanted to try one last alley before admitting defeat.

She didn't notice the stranger until she was halfway up the alley. It was dark enough that he was mostly a blurred shape but she did notice that he was wearing a over-coat that fell to just past his knees. Beneath her own jacket she carried her own war-hammer. When her husband had been healthy he had been a Knight of the Cross, one of three people blessed with holy swords to fight on the side of God and hopefully redeem those that had fallen into the side of darkness. She had made all of Michael's armor and a few of his other weapons and had also been his sparring partner so she knew how to fight and how to use the heavy hammer. The stranger moved slightly neither forward or back and she decided that he was waiting for her.

The stranger’s overcoat fluttered slightly but it was enough warning for Charity to bring her hammer out from under her jacket. Four inky black tendrils flew towards her but she was already swinging and twisting her body slightly. The hammer caught two of the tendrils while a third flew past her but the forth clipped her shoulder sending her a footstep farther than she had meant to spin. She slid into the spin, dropping to one knee as one of the tendrils flew where her head had been a moment before. She felt a cold stab at her shoulder and realized they her jacket and clothes had been ripped to the skin.

Charity didn't consider herself a fighter despite training with her husband before his injury. She used her moment to slide back, regaining her feet in the snow and gaining a few more feet away from the darkly dressed man. If there hadn’t been a foot of snow on the ground she would have just ran for it and hoped to get to the brightly lit street, monsters tended to avoid getting noticed. And with her assailant nearly twenty feet away she was sure she could have made it but with the snow and ice she also had no doubt that if she tried it she quickly find herself on her ass. She had no choice but to go slow.

The dark man took a few steps forward while the black tendrils whipped around the alley causing Charity to duck and weave between them and her clothes were starting to pay the price. The tendrils tore at her clothes with every quick snap, moving at the speed of a bull whip. They never snapped at her skin as they tore at her clothes, one sleeve sliding off her shoulder leaving her bare to the winter cold. One pant leg slid down to her ankle over her boot and she struggled not to trip. When one tendril split open her jacket and shirt to reveal her large breasts contained in a sports-bra she realized that the strange monster in a overcoat wasn't attacking her, it was attacking her clothes.

Charity allowed one tendril to take her sleeve off completely as she lined up her shot. She tracked one flaying tendril and swung her hammer, catching it in mid-air and smashing it against the dirty brick wall. The dark man yelled out in pain, the sound a strange mix of a cat that had just had it’s tail stepped on and the beeping a truck makes when it backs up. The strange sound confused her for a moment. It was far stranger than anything she had ever heard and was nothing like what she would have expected.

Quickly regaining her wits, Charity turned tail and ran. She nearly made it to the mouth of the alley before tripping and falling face first. She kept a hold of her hammer and flipped over into her back and saw one of the tendrils wrapped around her ankle. She brought the hammer down, pinning the disgusting looking thing and causing it to release her. It's owner cried out in pain again but before she could take advantage of it and the other three tendrils attacked.

Charity yelled out in shock as her jacket and shirt were ripped away leaving her impressive chest exposed in her sports bra. She had chosen the sports bra for the extra warmth in the cold Chicago winter but with her arms and most of her torso exposed her skin pricked and her nipples pulled up hard and tight. Two of the black tendrils began ripping away her pants while the third grabbed the handle of her hammer and yanked it away. She cried out in anger as she reached for it but the three whipping arms quickly did away with it and her pants. Wearing only her boots, sports bra and matching underwear she tried to scramble back and out of the alley but two of the tendrils grabbed her by the a ankles and dragged her back in.

The two free tendrils wrapped themselves around her wrists and dragged her up off the cold, snow packed ground and held her in the air as the stranger walked slowly towards her. The bitter Chicago air was nearly unbearable but Charity felt a strange warmth coming from where she was gripped by the four arms. They held her arms and legs open wide and she tried to struggle but they were far stronger then her. And then the dark man stopped barely a foot in front of her.

Even with the man standing in front of her, Charity could barely make out his features. The shadows in the alley just seemed to cover him all on their own. What she could see was that he was apparently male wearing a nondescript shirt and pants underneath his bland, tan overcoat. The tendrils holding her up were coming from inside the coat, swaying in an invisible breeze. The warmth of the strange arms was slipping through her body keeping her safe from the cold winter temperatures. She had listened to the weather before leaving the house and it had to be below 20 degrees out but she no longer felt it and the dark stranger didn't appear to be fazed by it either.

Despite not being able to see his face she could feel his eyes crawling over her nearly naked body. She kept herself in shape with a small exercise routine every morning after getting the kids off to school and she knew she was fit. Her legs were long and toned and she had wide hips with a small waist that hadn’t been affected too much by her pregnancies. Her stomach was flat and smooth and her breasts were still large and firm despite breast feeding. Her arms were every bit as toned as her legs and strained against the monstrous arms holding her. Her husband often commented on her maintaining her youthful appearance and that she and their oldest daughter could easily pass as sisters. Despite the support of the sports bra her large breasts swayed as she continued to struggle, her hands balled into fists and her jaw clenched. “Let me go,” she growled through gritted teeth.

The stranger paid no attention as he raised one hand up. He was wearing a glove the same oily black as his tentacles and it slid warmly over her stomach. She struggled even more, barely noticing as the strange warmth permeating her body intensified. His other hand joined the first as he placed both of them against her large breasts, squeezing them tentatively as if he were appraising them. She growled and then cried out as he light toyed with her hard nipples through her sports bra until they were achingly hard. He squeezed her more firmly as his thumbs rolled her nipples causing her to cry out and it was then that she realized that she was sweating.

Wherever Charity was touched by the man’s hands or the man’s tentacles felt like it was flowing with warmth. While he was toying with her tits the warmth throbbed inside of her until she was gasping. Her eyelids fluttered as his hand squeezed and caressed her, her impressive chest heaving as a strange, liquid pleasure flowed through her. Her back arched in effort to push her chest more firmly into his hands as the inky black tendrils began flowing over her body.

Her mind spun at how quickly things had gone. It barely seemed that any time had passed since she had talked to former officer Murphy this morning and now she was suspended in midair like a puppet. And the heat. How could she be sweating in the middle of a Chicago winter?

A cry of panic escaped past her lips as her bra was ripped from her body. The man’s hands groped her large breasts mercilessly, the palms of his gloves sliding wickedly across her sensitive nipples. The heat he was generating was burning through her like liquid fire causing her to moan and pant in unexpected and unwanted desire. Her barely covered body shivered in lust as pleasure throbbed in her chest. Unwillingly she pushed her chest forward into her attacker’s hands, desperate for him to touch her more. She clenched her jaw to keep from crying out but he had her groaning out in need and animalistic desire. And when he ripped her panties away in one swift motion she actually cried out in relief.

The man used one hand to continue assaulting Charity’s swaying tits while his other hand delved between her obscenely spread legs. She strained to open her thighs wider for him, all thoughts of escape gone as he cupped and palmed her burning pussy. She ground her teeth together and hissed in pleasure as she began grinding her burning sex against his hand, humping up against him as she enjoyed her assault. He bent forward and trapped a hard nipple between his lips and when he began sucking at it she cried out again as a small orgasm quickly exploded inside of her.

As lights of pleasure exploded behind Charity’s eyes actual lights exploded around her.

“Let my mother go!” Molly shouted as she dropped her magical veil. Appearing out of nothing behind her mother’s assailant her lights blinded him and her mother as she leveled a small spell. Pure force sent the dark man reeling towards the mouth of the alley, his strange tentacles dropping her mother into the snow. Molly may not have been the strongest wizard but she was sneaky and had no problem attacking a monster from behind.

As the attacker skidded to a stop in his stomach, his tendrils shot out towards Molly who quickly disappeared behind another veil and stepped out of the way. The magic covered her mother as well and as the inky black arms waved frantically in the air she pulled her mother to her feet. “Come on, mom, we have to go,” she said quietly. As the dark attacker began to regain his feet she shot another wave of force at him to knock him back down right before her mother kissed her.

Molly’s eyes shot wide open in shock as Charity wrapped her arms around her daughter and shoved her tongue into her mouth. She moaned lustfully as she pressed her naked body against the younger girl and began to rub herself against her firm body.

Wrapped in several layers of cast-off clothing, Molly could still feel the heat that her mother was putting off. “Mom, stop that!” she cried out as she tried to push her mother away. Understandably distracted, the young wizard lost control of her veil so that she and her mother slowly appeared. Charity held her tightly as she shoved her tongue back into her mouth and Molly continued struggling against her.

Neither Molly or Charity noticed the attacker rise to his feet and despite standing in the brightly lit sidewalk they didn't notice that he was still mostly hidden by shadows. He stepped back into the alley as his tentacles slowly circled the two women as the younger one slowly began kissing the older one back.

When Molly felt her mother slip her hands inside of her jacket it shocked her back to what was going on. “Wait! Stop that!” she shouted. She had forgotten all about they dark attacker due to the more immediate problem her mother presented. She tried to stop her mother from taking her jacket off but her mother was far stronger than she had realized.

Charity shoved Molly against the wall of the alley, stunning the young girl long enough to get her daughter's ragged jacket off. She pawed at Molly's large, firm tits beneath her layered clothing before yanking the younger girl’s hips forward. Her daughter cried out as Charity grinded her groin against her daughter's and pressed the stunned girl’s shoulders against the wall. The strange, dark tendrils slowly encircled them both, penetrating them with their soothing warmth.

Molly barely paid attention to the tendrils as they slowly wrapped themselves around her and her mother. She kissed the older woman back just as passionately as she was being kissed while still struggling weakly to push her mother away and not doing anything to stop the stronger woman from grinding against her groin. Her mother held her hips firmly as they kissed, Molly’s hands fluttering weakly against her mother's chest until, almost in their own, they were cupping Charity’s sizable tits. She groaned lustfully into the older woman's mouth as her thumbs rolled her mother's nipples and she began humping up against Charity’s heated pussy.

Charity slid one hand thought her daughter's layers of tops until she reached Molly's own, firm tits while she slid her other hand down the front of the younger girl’s pants. The warm tendrils wrapped themselves around their bodies as she lovingly massaged her daughter's abundant breasts and slipped a finger into Molly's dripping cunt. The younger girl began rocking her hips back and forth, fucking her finger as she used her thumb to circle her hard little clit. She felt a strange warmth pressed against her back and knew that her attacker was there and eagerly pressed herself back against him.

Molly bit the knuckle on her middle finger as she moaned out lustfully, humping herself up against her mother's hand. She kept one hand inside of her mother's shirt, caressing one large, firm fit and then the other, enjoying the way the older woman's silly smooth skin felt. She slipped her other hand down her body to her chest, ripping open her ratty shirts to expose her own large tits to her mother's hungry gaze. She could see the dark stranger press up against Charity from behind, his face still somehow concealed in shadow, and began tugging her pants down. It was tricky using only one hand with how tightly pressed together they were but she succeeded in revealing her bald little pussy to her mother.

“Oh, Molly, it feels so good,” Charity cried out as the dark man pressed his hard erection into her tight, wet pussy. She couldn't see it but judging by how warm it was and how smooth it felt sliding inside of her she guessed that it was the same as his hands and tentacles. It was smooth as glass, almost frictionless as it slowly parted her slick walls and filled her hungry cunt. With him pressed against her she pressed against her daughter and wiggled her way in making Molly spread her thighs farther apart. As she was penetrated she ground herself against her daughter and as the man pulled out she pulled away. She slipped a second finger into the younger girl and speared her as their attacker speared her, him fucking her and her fucking her daughter.

Both women cried out in pleasure as the were fucked in the cold, dark, dirty alley. When people walked past the alleyway they neither heard or saw anything as the mother and daughter were violated by the strange, dark man. They were wrapped in his black tendrils, the wiggling arms playing against their flesh as the man penetrated the mother and the mother penetrated the daughter. One tentacle made it’s way into both women’s mouths, plunging in and then back out, their tongues massaging the strange flesh as they sucked hard on them, streams of drool slipping from the corners of their mouths. Molly’s head bobbed back and forth to the left as her beautiful face was fucked while Charity’s head bobbed back and forth to the right.

Charity moved her naked body in time to man thrusting into her pussy and his tendril into her mouth, undulating against her daughter. She groaned lustfully around the bizarre organ penetrating her mouth, her saliva dripping down onto her and Molly's chests. She could feel her hot juices dripping down the insides of her thighs, her legs shivering in pleasure rather than the cold.

Molly cried out in pleasure at the work her mother's hands were doing. Her own hands were fluttering wildly against her mother, lost in pleasure. She gasped out with a shill cry as her orgasm rolled over her, her spasming pussy clutching at her mother's magic fingers.

“Oh...” Charity groaned out around the tentacle in her mouth as her own body began to clench. She could feel her daughter's juices gushing against her hand as she joined Molly in orgasm. The strange cock inside of her buried itself deeply and held itself still as she rode out her orgasm.

As Molly and Charity blissfully enjoyed their mutual orgasms their bodies were suddenly surrounded by bright, fluttering lights. “Release the Za Lord’s allies, fiend!” one of the lights commanded.

As the dark man began swatting at the lights he stumbled back, losing his grip on the two women. They slumped bonelessly to the ground, cooing to one another as he was circled relentlessly and a shrill noise echoed through the dark. One of the strange lights threw a black hat at him with a small, gold shield attached to the front. It fell to his feet and he instantly recognized it for what was.

A policeman’s hat had fallen at his feet which meant the rising cry was no doubt a police siren. He looked at the mouth of the alley and could tell that his own veil was failing and filled with shimmering holes that any passing human could see through. A shining ball of light, larger than the others suddenly appeared in front of his face and yelled at him, “Have at thee!” before throwing a metal nail at him.

With the first toss the air was suddenly filled with nails and slivers of wood and metal flying towards the dark man’s face. The largest flowing ball dimmed slightly and allowed him to see a small, male figure with fluttering wings hovering in the air. It's high-pitched voice shouted out orders that the others immediately followed. Dark tendrils flailed about missing most of the darting balls of light. He struggled to defend himself and repair his veil but noticed that the wildly flickering lights had already drawn attention from the street. He gave one last growl before retreating back down the alley leaving his food on the cold, dirty ground.

Major-General Toot-Toot, commanding the Za-Lord's Elite, fluttered and settled down on top of a garbage can to watch the two women at their sport. The older of the two females was kissing and nuzzling the neck of the younger one while the younger one had her hands between the older one’s legs.

A buzzing red ball of light settled next to Toot and revealed itself to be another small fairy. Both had pointed ears and dragonfly wings but the second was shorter than it's eighteen inch commander. “The evil demon beast of no good is gone, my Major-General,” he reported.

“Very good,” Toot-toot said as he took his small, blue, cocktail sword and held it high. “Victory!” he shouted causing the remaining dew-drop fairies to buzz with excitement before turning back to the red lit member of the Za-Lord’s Elite. “Any injuries?” he asked.

The smaller fae pointed to a small gathering of their fellows nearing the two sporting humans. “Just them, Major-General,” he reported solemnly, “They began sport the moment they were touched by the vile beast’s tentacles.”

Toot looked from the humans to his troops and back before pointing his finger at the younger of the two women who had her head buried between the breasts of the older woman. “That is the apprentice to the Za-Lord himself,” he said, “And we must protect her until she comes to her senses.” The buzzing lights all eagerly agreed by bobbing up and down.

“And how do we do that, my Major-General?” the smaller fairy asked hopefully.

“We must watch over them until they are all sported out,” Toot said before pointing at the pile of clothes and giving his next command, “We must check those clothes for ‘My Knee’. After all, driving off terrible, awful monsters and then watching humans sport each other is hungry work and we must have Pizza!”

The buzzing, bobbing lights all cheered and buzzed happily in agreement.


Before the sun started to come up, the Alphas decided it was time to head back to campus. Animals don't talk to one another the same way that humans do. Where as a human will just state what they want, a wolf interprets a dozen different motions from another wolf. A flicked ear, a wag of a tail, a bristle of fur, can all mean nothing to a human but to a werewolf it means, “Let's head back home. I’m tired.”

Two wolves entered the alley a few blocks from the college campus and strolled halfway up. There was a large, green dumpster there and they both sat down next to it. With a small shiver of moment the two wolves were quickly replaced by two naked co-eds standing in their place.

“Oh God! Why can't I have fur as a human,” Andi said as she reached behind the dumpster.

“Because it would be hell to wash and dry,” Georgia giggled. Andi pulled their bags out from behind the dumpster and handed Andi’s to her before opening her own. “Did you study for that test?” she asked her friend.

“Uh huh. Waldo helped me,” Andi said as she yanked her under clothes out of her bag. The red head couldn't help but notice her friend's slender body and felt a little twinge of jealousy. Where she was full figured with a dramatic hourglass figure, her brunette friend was slender and more athletic looking. With so much nudity in their small clan of werewolves they had all gotten over their self-consciousness. And Georgia had even told her that she envied her endowments but Andi had grown up with her over developed body and had always wondered what being a slimmer girl would have felt like.

Andi giggled at her friend. “You and Butters have been spending a lot of time together,” she said with a knowing smirk.

Still naked, Andi gave a embarrassed smile and a small shrug that sent a ripple through her thick, round body. “He’s smart and he helps me study,” she said defensively.

“I’m sure that's not the only reason you’ve been spending all your time with him,” Georgia laughed causing her friend to blush, “What else have you two been up to?”

“Nothing…” Andi whined as she tried to hide her blushing face by turning her back to her friend. “And stop staring at me,” she giggled.

“I’m not,” Georgia giggled back, “You’re the one staring at me out of the corner of your eye. Wolf senses don’t lie.”

Laughing, Andi twirled back around, here large breasts swaying like ballasts. “Well, I can feel you doing it so just stop,” she giggled.

“And I can feel you doing it,” Georgia said with her own giggle before suddenly going silent.

Andi immediately felt the same sense of being watched as Georgia and immediately went silent. They peered around looking for whoever was spying on them when she felt something new. “Is it getting warmer?” she started to ask before the snow all around them exploded with movement.

Andi dived in one direction while Georgia dived in the other to make two smaller targets rather than one large one. Which was what their attacker had planned on.

On one side of the alley, Georgia somersaulted into one snow drift while Andi twirled and crouched down across from her. Suddenly a black strip erupted in front of each naked young woman and wrapped itself around their wrists. The strip tucked and then effortlessly lifted the two women up off of the snow packed ground by their arms, their feet dangling a foot in the air. They struggled around the grip the tendrils had on them, the naked bodies shaking and twisting as they kicked out and strained against their bonds.

Two more tendrils slithered up from the ground between their legs and wrapped itself around one of their thighs each as they continued their journeys up their wildly struggling bodies. Each oily tentacle split their buttocks apart, sliding over the tight, puckered entrances to their asses before wrapping around their waists. The black arms continued their way up, wrapping around the women’s breasts and squeezing them together giving even the small breasted Georgia a deep valley of cleavage. The dark, inky tendrils continued up through the valleys of the co-eds’ cleavage and the tips swayed rhythmically in front of the faces.

The dark tendrils rubbed back and forth across the two young women’s naked, helpless bodies. The two coeds wiggled and twisted trying to escape as they were molested. A liquid warmth began to spread throughout their writhing bodies causing sweat to roll down their vulnerable flesh. They fought with their teeth clenched, the muscles in their jaws straining as the tried to escape. The tentacles continued moving and rubbing against the young college students, squeezing their breasts, rubbing across their now hard nipples, and thrusting between the clutching asses.

Andi was the first to cry out, unable to deny the strange heat the strange tentacles were causing her over developed body. The moment her mouth opened the tendril swaying in front of her plunged in past her lips and began thrusting itself in and out, fucking her face. Her lips snapped shut around it and she found herself unable to stop herself from sucking in the monstrous thing, massaging it with her tongue.

“Andi!” Georgia tried to cry out but was quickly silenced by her own tentacle thrusting itself inside of her and starting to fuck her mouth. Like her friend, she found herself responding to the strange, boneless arm, sucking it into her mouth like a large, black cock.

The two college students began undulating their nude bodies against the tentacles binding them. The rubbed their heated groins against the dark arms between their legs and thrusting their chests out to give them more room the massage their breasts. Their slick, heated juices dripped out between their legs as they moaned in lust around the tendrils thrusting in and out of their mouths.

Neither young woman noticed the dark figure that appeared at the mouth of the alley. He walked slowly towards them, his overcoat flowing in the wind as his tendrils lifted up out of the snow to reveal them flowing from him. The shadows hid his body against the slowly rising sun and his steps were nearly silent.

Georgia looked down at the strange man as he rested his hand on her leg. The tendrils held her several inches above the ground and she could now see that he was the source of them. His hand slid up her leg to her leg, his fingers outstretched and his thumb caressing the inside of her trembling thigh. She shivered in lust as this thumb rubbed against her wet, dewy pussy lips and then circled around her clit. His hand then crawled up her torso to her chest and she cried out in pleasure as he squeezed one of her small, firm tits.

As the tentacles lowered her down, Georgia saw the dark figure bend over her wiggling body. Even though she couldn't see his features she knew he had a mouth since he used it to suck in one of her hard, sizzling nipples. His hand palmed and squeezed her free tit as he licked and sucked the other causing her to groan in pleasure around the tentacle still thrusting itself in and out of her mouth. He switched tits, biting the hard little nub while pinching the other causing the helpless college student to orgasm. Her thighs clamped together as her eyes rolled up in her head, her slick juices gushing out of her cunt to fall on the ground, melting the snow beneath her.

Andi’s eyes were glued to her friend's twitching body as the tendrils holding her up pulled her closer to Georgia and the dark man. She nearly squealed in glee when he turned his head towards her, knowing that he would make her cum just like he had made the other captured coed cum.

The red haired werewolf’s eyes went wide with surprise when a massive, inky slick cock grew out from somewhere beneath his overcoat. The two tentacles holding her shifted around her, releasing her massive tits as they moved her around in front of her attacker. The warm, dark tendril holding her up lengthened while the one in her mouth slid out. The second tendril wrapped itself more firmly around her waist, releasing her leg and moving out from between her thighs. The man reached under her legs, spreading them wide as he moved up between them. He rubbed his massive cock against the slick, hot entrance to her cunt and she groaned out loud in pleasure.

The tentacles holding Georgia also shifted around as she excitedly watched her friend about to be violated. One arm lengthened down her back as the arm rubbing against her little rosebud of an asshole bent back, it's tip tickling her gooey, needy pussy.

The tentacles holding her laid Andi back horizontally, parallel to the ground and even with the giant prick jutting out of the strange man’s groin. She looked down the length of her naked body, over the shelf of her fleshy breasts, to the juncture of her lewdly spread thighs. The pitch black cock was larger than any prick she had ever seen, even larger than Waldo’s and she shuddered with anticipation as the man rubbed his soft head against the wet, puffy entrance to her fiery cunt.

Georgia keened out like a wolf caught in a trap as one tentacle slowly penetrated her cunt, one tentacle penetrated her ass, and her friend was penetrated by the largest prick that she could imagine. Her juices dripped out of her cunt as she was fucked in mid-air and Andi was fucked in her every hole. The red haired werewolf took the man’s dick between her legs while the two tendrils holding her up violated her thick ass and gasping mouth. Both of their naked, vulnerable bodies were rocked and pistoned back and forth and up and down while their cries of lust echoed through the alley.

As the two captured werewolves were brought to orgasm, the wizard at the mouth of the alley cursed herself. She had been on the run tracking the strange, shadowed creature but even then she was too late. She had landed in Chicago only an hour ago and nearly started a fight with the TSA over her sword and staff. The sword had ironically been the easiest to stow. She had just checked it with her luggage. But explaining a carved, six foot tall staff had proved more difficult.

As a wizard, Anastasia Luccio wielded and could move massive amounts of power and energy. That ability tended to disrupt mortal electronics including airplanes and normally her people used more mystical means of travelling known as “Ways”. The Ways opened to a mystical land where time and distance were nebulous at best. The only problem was that opening a Way meant that it would open in a place close to the nature of where and what it was attached to. And since she was chasing a creature that had been raping across the continent her Ways had opened into some very not safe places. She shuddered as she suddenly remembered what a goblin orgy looked like thanks to the last Way she had opened. She was still sore from making her escape.

The warden of the White Council of wizards took a deep breath to steady her nerves. As she drew power into her small, petite body she couldn't stop herself from thinking how she missed her original body. Trapped in this form she barely had a fraction of the power she had once possessed. Her new body had a slight build, long curly brown hair and, worse of all, dimples. She looked no older than the girls being attacked. But despite her losses she still had her sword, her staff, and her will.

Gathering her will, the diminutive wizard leapt into the dark alley and unleashed her abilities as a wizard. A column of flame no bigger around than a pencil shot forth from her fingers while she waved her staff in front of her, all before she had even landed. The fire sliced through the tendrils holding the nude, violated coeds up as the wind she had called with her staff blew the girls back out of the field of battle.

By the time Luccio landed, the dark beast shaped like a man began to scream like a klaxon. She dove forward, her sword before her, it's magical blade gleaming as the fiend turned towards her. The four tentacles lashed out blindly as she slashed with her magical sword towards the main body of the man shaped creature. Due to the strange shadows wrapped around him, her slash was perhaps and inch from actually reaching him instead slashing his jacket. With her sword arm fully extended out from her side, she used her other arm to swing her wizard’s staff up, bringing her sword arm back in for defense as the tip of her staff cracked against the underside of the beast’s chin.

The hit with her staff was clumsy due to the shadows swarming the beast’s body, landing more in the soft flesh rather than the hard bone. But with the near miss of her sword and the sloppy contact of her staff she had the creature’s distance despite not being able to see it clearly.

Luccio aimed another, larger column of fire to the left of the creature forcing it to the right while she swung her sword. Her aim was true and the creature would have been ended right there had the slender, brown haired victim not tackled her.

“Dark Night!” Anastasia cried out.

“Please…” Georgia gasped out as she began rubbing her nubile young body against the other woman's.

Luccio forced the young woman off of her and tried to stand before her prey attacked. The other young woman was rushing towards her but from between the girl’s legs she could see the fiend rush out of the other end of the alley with shadows trailing off of him.

“We need you,” Andi said as she knelt in the snow next to the struggling woman.

“What you need are some clothes,” Anastasia grumbled under her breath as the two naked coeds began trying to grope her. She didn't exactly know who or what her adversary was but she had her strong suspicions. “Bloody White Court vampires,” she spat as she struggled against the two victims.


Waldo Butters worked night’s at the Chicago morgue so when the was a knock on the front door he had only been home for about twenty minutes. He tucked his head in on his roommate and the lights were off in the eyes off the skull and it's computer was turned off. Sure that the skull’s inhabitant was sleeping he then went to open the door. Even though he knew everybody outside the door to his apartment he was still shocked at the state they were in as he peered through the spy hole.

Butters knew Anastasia Luccio as a Warden of the White Council from when she had been dating his dearly departed friend, Harry Dresden. And he certainly knew Georgia and Andi since he was currently dating the red haired werewolf. The warden was dripping wet and nearly shivering while the two other young women were barely dressed in only shirts and equally wet.

Knowing the rules of magic, when Waldo opened the door and stepped out he quickly told the warden currently helping the other two to stand to come in. He quickly grabbed Andi and wrapped her arm around his shoulders, taking some of the weight off of Warden Luccio. With one arm around his dazed girlfriend, he reached his free hand into his shirt and pulled out a small enchanted amulet and used it to take down the magical ward protecting his apartment door so that they could all safely enter.

“You should be more careful, Mr. Butters,” Anastasia said as she dragged the slender, groggy young woman into the apartment. All magical brings had to be properly invited into someone home or else risk leaving a great deal of their power behind them at the threshold. When the human medical examiner had invited her in he had guaranteed that she had kept her full, magical ability.

“But I know you all,” Butters said defensively as he placed the barely clothed Andi down and then returned to his front door. He used his pendant to raise the wards again before closing and locking the door.

“And if I had used an illusion or coerced the girls? Perhaps I am under some enchantment,” she said as she placed her rescuee down next to the other rescuee.

“The girls would have warned me,” Butters said as he grabbed a blanket and covered the two girls. “And if not,” he continued as he pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at the warden, “There's always this,” and pulled the trigger.

“No!” Luccio cried before being shot between the eyes by a warm, slightly sweet smelling stream of water. “The hell…?”

“Technically it's running water,” Butters said as he studied the small wizard, “Well, enough to throw a dent in any magic being used on you for other wards in the apartment to kick in. There's also a small amount of iron in case of fairy magics. And a few herbs and spices to identify magical creatures.”

Anastasia stared in unapologetic shock at the small medical examiner. “That… that is extremely clever…” she gasped.

Butters shrugged his shoulders before putting his water pistol back in his pocket. “My friend was a wizard and my girlfriend's a werewolf, I’ve been studying.”

Anastasia let a rare smile cross her lips. “I can see why Harry trusted you,” she said.

Butters just shrugged at the complement. “He was a good guy,” he said. The two let a small moment of silence pass for their dead friend before he went to see to the two women. “What happened here and what happened to their clothes?” he asked worriedly. Normally he was more professional and would have seen to the possibly wounded first but the warden mentioning his lost friend had thrown him off.

“They were… attacked…” Anastasia said as she tried to delicately choose her words, “Ah, sexually.”

“They were raped?!” Butters gasped as he checked the werewolves’ vital signs with his fingers.

“A spell. Attacked and forced by magic to… reciprocate,” the shivering warden said.

“Like a White Court vampire?” the skinny medical examiner asked as he hurriedly got up and went to grab his medical bag from beside the front door. It said a lot about his life that he kept a fully stocked emergency medical bag in arms length of his door. He started back over to Andi and Georgia before stopping in front of Luccio. “Oh! And… and… ah, you?” he asked.

“Merely wet and cold,” Anastasia said with a small, reassuring smile, “If I could…”

“Of course, of course,” Butters said before showing her towards his bathroom. When the warden finally returned her clothes and hair were mostly dry and he had stripped Andi and Georgia naked. He had removed their cold, wet clothes and had decided that they wouldn't need much more than just natural body heat to recover. Possibly some soup.

“Are they going to be…” Anastasia started to ask.

“No signs of hypothermia,” Butters said as he finished tucking his friends under one big blanket, “It’s a miracle actually.”

“Not really,” Anastasia said, “While they were be-spelled they attacked me. Even buried in the snow as we were I could feel the heat coming off of their bodies. It was odd.”

Nodding his head, Butters agreed with her. “I’m not aware of White Court vampires really doing that to their victims. I thought they just… ah… turned a person… you know, and then sucked the life out of them.”

“They do feed on lust but the manner in which your friends were attacked was unusual,” the warden agreed, “Luckily your friend had her ID close at hand. I was unable to look for and collect all of their personal items.”

“I imagine you had your hands full. Literally and metaphorically,” he said before turning worried eyes to Warden Luccio. “Are you sure you're alright? For a medical examiner I’m passable at triage,” he offered.

“I remember,” Anastasia said with a smile, “There wasn't even much of a scar after the gunshot wound healed.”

The slender medical examiner sighed and Anastasia could hear the weariness in it. “You seem tired, Mr. Butters. If you don't mind me saying.”

Butters massaged the bridge of his not inconsiderable nose beneath his glasses. “Long night,” he said with a meager smile, “And it looks to be getting longer.”

Anastasia was not the most open person and knew it but she tried to reassure the normally more jovial man by placing an awkward hand on his shoulder. “I understand there's been a increase of… activity in Chicago after Harry passed,” she said.

Nodding, Butters tried not to let his weariness show in his voice. “It's like they heard that Harry was dead and they all started moving in,” he said. Suddenly her popped his head up, “Not that the Wardens haven't been helpful when…”

“When we can get here,” Anastasia finished. “Our numbers have been so low since the war with the Red Court vampires it hasn't been easy…” she started.

“No, no. You’ve been great,” Butters tried to reassure the warden, “Sorry. I don't mean to be such a downer but…”

“…it's been a long night.”

Butters smiled and nodded his head, “For both of us I guess. And I guess it's going to be longer for us.”

Anastasia nodded her head as well, “I need to get back out there and track this beast down.”

“You go get ‘em,” Butters said trying to sound more upbeat than he felt, “I’ll look after Andi and Georgia until they wake up and we’ll decide if they need more medical attention then.”

“They’re lucky to have you,” Anastasia said, her own weariness seeping into her voice, “It would be hard to explain their… condition to a hospital.”

Butters cocked an eyebrow at the warden. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“There have been reports from survivors about… after effects,” she said as delicately as possible, “Increased arousal has been noticed more than once.”

“Oh,” Butters said, “Well, that wouldn't be the first time I guess.”

“Really?” Anastasia said with a small smirk, “You’ll have to tell me about it.”

“I’d rather not,” Butters said with a deep blush.

Anastasia allowed a wide smile to cross her lips. It wouldn't be the first time she had heard of magic being used for recreational purposes. “Then I’ll leave you to it,” she told the embarrassed medical examiner as she turned towards the door.

“Thanks for everything,” Butters said as he walked the warden out, lowering and raising the wards to let her out. “And good hunting,” he told her.

“And good luck with your friends,” Anastasia told Butters as he closed the door behind her. She tugged at the gray wardens clock around her neck and wondered why he kept the temperature so high in his apartment. She just hoped the two girls would be okay as she walked down the stairs intent on tracking down whatever beast the White Court had unleashed.

To be continued…

09-22-2019, 03:09 AM
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I do not own The Dresden Files or the characters from it. Comments are always welcome and appreciated so you should feel free to share.

Story Codes: Multiple Pairings, Supernatural, Magic, Mind Control, M/F, F/F, Tentacles, Non-Con, Incest

The Dresden Files: The Japanese Invasion
By Muhabba

Chapter 3

Butters closed the door behind the warden and then let out a sigh of relief. Unlike nearly everybody he knew, he had no magical abilities and Anastasia was a glowing reminder of that since he had been there the night she had been trapped in her current body. There had also been a giant zombie dinosaur but that was neither here nor there.

The petit warden had told him she had some leads to track down and Butters had admitted that there were people in Chicago he could call to do the same. It was then that it occurred to him he would probably wind up being the liaison between the two. With so many different groups, with so many secrets each, it was hard to keep track of who knew what. Luckily, his roommate kept track of the details for him.

The entity known as Bob was a spirit of intellect that lived inside a specially designed skull. Bob had access to centuries of information about magic and magic creatures and that knowledge made the spirit a tempting target for the magical community. Harry had been Bob’s last guardian and had protected him from being taken and used for dark purposes and after his death, Butters took care of him.

Actually, taking care of Bob was pretty simple since the spirit was obsessed with women and sex. Since acquiring the skull, Butters had noticed that the magical being was becoming a bit more academic and the medical examiner wondered if Bob somehow responded unconsciously to his caretakers, mirroring them. He and Bob had spent literally hours talking about magical formulas and the instances of the spirit’s perverted behavior seemed to happen less and less frequently. Of course, Butters had set up a computer for the spirit to use and was sure at least 90% of Bob’s time was spent surfing for porn. It appeared even magical creatures could have trouble breaking bad habits.

Butters wanted nothing more than to fall into bed and sleep but unfortunately there were two naked werewolves on his couch to take care of first. He shrugged his shoulders and then went into his bedroom to get it ready for Andi and Georgia. It looked like he’d be sleeping in the couch tonight.

With the bed turned down, the slender medical examiner went back to the living room to retrieve his naked girlfriend. She was with it enough to help him stand her up before she threw her arm around his shoulders and shuffled next to him as she murmured sleepily to him.

“You’re so nice,” Andi said before nuzzling her face against her boyfriend's next.

Butters felt Andi tighten her arm around his shoulders and grip his hip with her other hand. She was like a little kid that had fallen asleep playing. “Let’s just get you in bed,” he said as he sat her down on the edge of the mattress.

“That's good,” Georgia said as she shuffled her way behind Butters, “It’ll be easier to fuck you.”

“Wait! What!” Butters squeaked in shock.

“Good idea,” Andi slurred as she reached up and ran her palms across the front of her boyfriend's pants.

“No! Wait! You’ve both been bespelled!” he pleaded as Andi began tugging down his pants and Georgia began tugging off his shirt.

“Not the first time,” Georgia said matter of factly as she yanked off Butters shirt leaving him in just his tank-top under-shirt.

“Stop that!” Butters ordered as he tried to get his shirt back from Georgia. It appeared to him that the girls’ lethargic state had been only temporary as evidenced by Andi getting his pants down and reaching into his boxers. “Andi, no!” he cried as his girlfriend pulled his slowly hardening cock out of the front flap of his boxers.

“I’ve missed that,” Georgia growled as she looked over the medical examiner's skinny shoulder down at her friend.

“Soooo good,” Andi moaned as she pulled Butters’ half-hard cock into her warm mouth. She eagerly wrapped her moist lips around his thick girth as his cock-head began expanding in her mouth. She circled his tip with her tongue as she began slowly bobbing her head back and forth and sucking him hard enough for her cheeks to hollow.

“Wha… wha… wha…” Butters blurted out as a sheen of sweat broke out across his body, “…warm.”

“And wet too, I bet,” Georgia said with a smirk as she reached around Butters’ slender body. She wrapped both of her soft hands around the base of his cock, amazed that they barely reached, and began jacking him off into Andi’s sucking mouth.

With one hand, Andi clutched Butters’ balls as her face bobbed back and forth over him while her other hand reached around his body and found Georgia’s silky smooth thigh. She juggled his balls as she took him deep into her mouth, her lips meeting Georgia’s hands, before sliding back up his shaft. She let him fall out of her mouth and then kissed his throbbing tip before licking down the side of his length. She held his balls up to her mouth and then wetly kissed one cum filled ball and then the other. She licked his balls until his sack was covered in her warm saliva before sucking the firm orbs into her moist mouth.

“Such a good girl,” Georgia growled as she softly stroked Andi’s hair with one hand and continued jacking Butters off with the other.

“Oh geez,” Butters agreed.

Andi smiled up at Georgia and Butters from around his massive pole before taking him back into her mouth. As she slid her lips along his thick shaft she reached both hands behind his hips and grabbed her friend by her waist, yanking her forward a step. She started using her hands to guide Georgia until her friend figured out what she wanted the other werewolf to do.

With her body pressed tightly against Butters and her hands gripping he is cock, Georgia thrust herself forward, rocking the medical examiner forward, thrusting his giant cock into her friend's mouth. The horny, slender werewolf began rocking herself back and forth using her hands to tug Butters along with her, fucking Andi’s mouth with his pulsating prick. “This is great,” she growled with a wide, wolfish smile.

“This is so surreal,” Butters groaned as Georgia fucked his girlfriend's mouth his dick. His hands dangled limply at his side’s as he was used as a proxy penis between the two naked college girls.

Georgia groaned lustfully while she thrust and ground herself against Butters’ skinny ass as she used him. She softly stroked Andi’s red haired with one hand as she fucked her mouth and peered hungrily down from over Butters’ shoulder. “Raise your tits up,” she ordered her friend.

Andi happily raised her large, firm tits up and wrapped them around her boyfriend's thick, throbbing pole. She worked her breasts up and down in tempo with Georgia’s thrust, licking the pulsing tip when it would poke up from her jiggling cleavage. “This is so much fun,” she giggled.

Butters groaned out as the strange, wet heat coursed through his skinny body. He had felt a similar effect at Harry’s old place when Molly had accidentally unleashed a badly cast spell. He had always meant to look into it but Murphy hadn’t wanted to talk about it again. Actually she had threatened them against anyone talking about it again and they had all been too scared to disobey her.

Losing his will to this new spell, Butters’ hands slipped back and caressed Georgia’s smooth thighs as he rocked his hips back and forth and fucked his girlfriend's tits. Both of the girls groaned out as he slowly began to participate more, thrusting his prick between Andi’s large tits and squeezing Georgia’s tight ass.

“Lay down,” Georgia said as she released Butters’ hips and gave him a playful slap on his tight little ass.

Georgia and Wil were the alphas for their werewolf pack and she spoke with authority when she told Butters to lay down. Not that he would have argued with her about it. By now the heat had spread through his entire body and he eagerly pulled his cock from out of Andi’s large expanse of cleavage and laid down on the bed. Andi laid down next to him and they kissed as Georgia got down on her knees at the foot of they bed. He and his girlfriend opened their legs for their friend and Georgia eagerly got down on her hands and knees.

Georgia grabbed Butters’ massive cock by the base and opened her mouth wide as she leaned forward. She took the tip of him into her mouth and groaned in lust as she circled him with her moist, pink tongue. With one hand around the medical examiner thick prick, she slid her other hand up the inside of Andi’s fleshy thigh.

Bobbing slowly up and down Butters’ prick, her lips stretched tight, Georgia stoked Andi’s dripping pussy with her fingertips. While she massaged the medical examiner's cock with her tongue, she slipped two of her fingers into her friend's slick, hot cunt. As the slender alpha werewolf fucked Butters with her mouth she fucked the other werewolf with her fingers, expertly keeping a satisfying rhythm between the two as they lovingly kissed one another above her.

Releasing Butters’ prick from her mouth, Georgia leaned over and kissed Andi’s gooey pussy causing her the red-head to groan into her boyfriend's mouth. She jerked on the medical examiner's cock with a slow, tight grip while she continued fingering her friend’s cunt. She swirled her tongue around the other girl’s hard little clit before removing her fingers and sliding her tongue inside.

While Georgia tugged his prick, Butters leaned down and took one of Andi’s erect little nipples between his lips and sucked it in. He caressed the sensitive nub with his tongue before licking over to the other tit as his girlfriend arched her back to push more of her chest into his face.

While pushing her tits into Butters’ cute little face, Andi reached down and grabbed on to his cock and began jerking him off with Georgia. With her free hand she reached down and began strumming her clit while the other girl continued fucking her with her tongue. She moaned above Butters as Georgia used her fingers to probe her ass, gasping in lust as her boyfriend switched from one tit back to the other.

Georgia pulled her fingers and tongue out of her friend as she released her hold on her other friend’s dick and sat up on her knees. “Andi, you get behind me,” she ordered with a crooked grin, “Butters, you just stay still.

With Andi laying flat on her stomach between Butters’ knobby knees, Georgia straddled his narrow hips. “I’ve missed this,” she groaned again as she gripped the base of his meaty shaft and pointed him up between her slender thighs. Her red haired friend already had a hold of her hips as she lowered herself down and rubbed the tip of Andi’s boyfriend's cock against her dripping cunt. The medical examiner held hands with his girlfriend on her hips as she slipped his throbbing cock head into her hungry pussy and growled out in lust.

“And I’ve missed sharing that with you,” Andi confessed as she leaned forward and slid her tongue into Georgia’s tightly puckered ass. It had been a secret wish of her’s to get another chance with Georgia and Molly after their magically induced escapade but she could never get herself to admit it to Butters. She also wished for another shot with former Detective Murphy but she really doubted that the normally stern woman would go for it. So every since that night she simply had to settle for the hot memory of her hot, magical 5-way. But as she lustfully ate her friend's taunt ass she was more than happy to settle for a 3-way. “I love magic,” she happily mumbled around Georgia’s tight, firm rear-end.

Butters watched Georgia groan and her eyes flutter as she slowly slid down his erect penis. He and Andi kept a firm hold of her hips as they guided her down slowly, letting her open and part around him. His girlfriend saw to Georgia from behind while he saw to her from the front, both of them enjoying being a good host to their guest. He gave control to Georgia’s hips to Andi as he slid his hands up her torso to her chest, squeezing her small, firm tits and letting her hard nipples slide across his palms.

While tongue fucking Georgia’s ass, Andi heard her moan out above and in front of her as her friend slowly took the last few inches of Butters’ cock inside of her naked, sweat slick body. She gripped her friend's cheeks and spread them apart to give herself more room to spear Georgia’s ass as the other woman got used to having a cock the size of Butters’ inside of her.

As Georgia sat still in his lap with his pulsing penis inside of her, Butters used his fingers to toy with her nipples. She moaned out as she got used to the feel of him inside of her tight cunt with his thick girth stretching her hot walls apart. Her wet cunt gripped him tightly as he lightly squeezed her small, firm breasts and slid his thumbs over her nipples.

Leaning forward with her hands on the headboard and her chest dangling above Butters’ face, Georgia rolled her hips slightly. She gasped out at the feel of the medical examiner's large pole splitting her open and groaned again as she slid up on his shaft. She slid back down and then rolled her hips again, fucking her skinny friend while her more voluptuous friend fucked her ass with her tongue. She gasped out as Butters sat up and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth causing her on rise up and down more with a roll of her hips.

As Georgia slid up Butters’ cock her slick, tart juices slid down his shaft and Andi licked down his pole to his now sticky balls. She felt her boyfriend shudder and smiled to herself in pride as the other woman slid back down his shaft. She tongued Georgia’s ass again as the female alpha rolled her hips and when the other werewolf slid back up the medical examiner's prick, Andi would lick the juices off of his shaft and balls.

“Jeez, jeez, jeez…” Butters chanted as Georgia began to ride him faster and faster.

“Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…” Georgia panted as she began throwing herself back and down onto Butters’ nearly magical dick.

“Ow, ow, ow…” Andi groaned to herself as Georgia’s tight ass slapped wetly against her face. With her friend moving to fast for the red haired girl to get at the other girl’s wildly thrusting ass, Andi decided to change her position. After all, the were fucking her boyfriend and she was feeling a little lonely all by herself at the foot of the bed.

Since Georgia was their guest, Andi decided to leave her with Butters’ dick so she moved up to the head of the bed. She wrapped her fleshy thighs around her boyfriend's head and straddled his panting face. Across from her, Georgia squealed with glee as seeing her and Andi happily leaned forward to give her friend a proper “Hello”.

With a gleeful smile on her face, Georgia eagerly leaned forward and kissed her friend passionately. “I missed this too,” she mumbled into Andi’s mouth between deep, wet kisses.

“Me too,” Andi admitted as she palmed one of Georgia’s small, silky, flush breasts. Butters wrapped his arms around her thick thighs and drove his tongue deep into her horny body as she rode his face. She and her friend quickly found a good pace allowing them to each fuck the small medical examiner that also allowed them to kiss. With one hand, Georgia held on to her friend at her hip while using her other hand to stroke the red head’s large, wobbling breasts while Andi did the same to her.

Both young women quickly rode Butters to orgasm while he worked below them, tongue fucking Andi’s dripping cunt while he thrust up into Georgia’s tight, gripping body. He could hear both of the werewolves cry out in pleasure as the came above him, their naked, writhing bodies shuddering as they shivered and shook.

Georgia’s muscles twitched as she came down from her orgasmic high and she could see Andi starting to relax as well. She gave her friend a sloppy smile that the red haired girl returned before both of them broke out into fits of giggles. The kissed again with their arms wrapped loosely around one another's bodies before sliding off of Butters onto the well worn mattress.

Cuddling up against Andi’s abundant chest, Georgia looked over at Butters all alone on the other side of the bed. “Stand up,” she told him simply. She giggled again at the stupefied look on his face before he finally caught onto her idea.

Butters quickly scurried to his feet in the mattress and straddled Georgia and Andi’s naked, panting, glowing bodies. They laid snuggly below him looking up at his throbbing cock with wide eyed expectation. The two shape-shifting coeds laying like that with each other was one of the sexiest things the skinny medical examiner had ever seen. Their hair was mussed, their chests heaved as they panted in spent lust, their moist lips slightly parted, their naked bodies pressed together and covered with a sheen of sweat.

It only took a couple of tugs for Butters to cum. He aimed his cock down and aimed for the beautiful girls and their bare chests. His thick, white seed exploded out of the tip of his cock painting their tits, necks, and faces. They turned their heads slowly back and forth to make sure they were covered completely before he was spent and his cock slowly started to soften.

Georgia began to slowly lick the spent cum from Andi’s face, making her way down to her friend's overly endowed chest. She took her time with the other girl’s tits until they were gleaming with her saliva. She winked up at Butters before leaning up and letting Andi clean her.

When the spent, exhausted werewolves had licked themselves clean, Georgia scooted away slightly to let Butters down between them. They snuggled together with the medical examiner's arms around their shoulders and their heads against his chest. The two girls loosely held hands as the bespelled group slowly drifted off to sleep, never noticing that the decorative skull in the other room was sitting were it could see everything that they had done.


The Nevernever trails were pretty simple to trek since she was not following the demon this time and as she got closer to her destination the landscape began to change. The “weather” was bright and shiny and warm. The foliage was rich and lush looking and on closer examination two-dimensional like cardboard cut-outs. And with a wave of her arm, Warden Anastasia Luccio was in Los Angeles.

The young Warden Carlos Ramirez had sent her everything he had gathered on their new enemy and had done most of the leg work for his captain already but there was one name in his report that she wanted to check on herself.

The office building was small, only three stories tall, and when Anastasia entered she saw that each floor was broken up into four offices a piece. The one she wanted was on the second floor. Wizards were notorious about the dangers of modern technology but most could at least control themselves to be able to walk around the world without disrupting every microchip they passed. But she was much more adapt than most wizards.

Wrapping her magical aura around her as tightly as she could, the captain of the Wardens braved the elevator to take her up to the office. She had walked from Chicago to L.A. and wanted to save some strength rather than take the stairs. The second floor had only a few people walking this way and that and they paid no attention to her grey cloak as she walked down the hall. She found the office door and entered.

The wardens had already checked in on this particular magic user and reported that she was barely powerful enough to get on the White Council’s radar which would explain how the woman had gone so long without getting noticed in the first place. But by all accounts the wizard was exceedingly clever and kept her ear to ground when magic was rearing up in Los Angeles. And that was what interested Anastasia.

The office was small for occupying a quarter of the entire floor of the building and the captain assumed the rest had been converted to a living space. What little office she could see had several chairs and a small couch, a coffee table with several magazines and pamphlets on magic, and a coffee maker. There was one desk with two chairs for the prospective clients and the wizard Anastasia was looking for was seated on the other side. “Wizard Mallory,” the captain said by way of greeting.

Elaine stood up and smiled as sweetly as she could at the Captain if the Grey Cloaks. She had spent a great deal of her young life trying to avoid the Wardens and the Council and tried not to let any of her nervousness show. “Have a seat,” she offered and tried not to make it obvious that she was checking for veils of invisibility or hidden back-up.

“Thank you,” the Warden said. She shook the other woman's hand and then sat down across from her. The other woman was tall and angular with a lithe, graceful body. Anastasia didn't feel any exceptional power coming off the woman and didn't sense any other magic coming from any where inside of the office. She smiled as warmly as she could as the private investigator took her seat. The wardens were more often feared rather than respected and she could understand why. The Wardens were not just the police force of the White Council, there were also, more often then she liked, the judges and executioners as well.

“I have the information you requested,” Elaine said as she pulled out a manila file from her desk. The envelope was depressingly thin. When Elaine has set up shop in L.A. she had used her ties with the Summer Court of Fairy to get in good, and quick, to the supernatural underworld of California. It was pretty easy actually. Where else would a unnaturally beautiful fae go in the natural world than a city known for unnaturally beautiful people. “I’m afraid that it's not much,” she said with a sigh of frustration.

Sliding the envelope across her desk, Elaine tried not to make it obvious that she was desperately attempting not to make any more skin to skin contact than she had to. The charms she used to keep her natural power levels appearing far below what they actually were was extremely subtle and normally did the trick. But this was Anastasia Luccio, Captain of the Wardens of the White Council and the woman had decades of experience in seeing through subtle magics.

Anastasia looked through the small stack of papers. Police reports and witness statements. Nothing she didn't already know. She sighed in frustration before setting the stack back in the desk.

Elaine felt Anastasia’s frustration. She had spent years hiding from the White Council after what her adoptive father had done. But then, one day, thanks to a loved one that Anastasia didn't even know they shared, Elaine had decided to stop hiding and make a life for herself. Inspired by her friend and first love, Harry Dresden.

The Captain of the Wardens started telling her about the monster she was hunting but Elaine had already heard through her own channels about the type of beast that Anastasia was hunting. Channels that if the Warden knew that Elaine knew, would out her as the second child of Justin DeMonde, the man who adopted her and Harry and had tried to enthrall them. Well, tried to enthrall Harry after he had succeeded with her. But when Harry had accidentally killed Justin they had become separated and she had escaped to the Summer Court. And she had stayed hidden until she had ran back into Harry. Damnedable, goofy, noble Harry.

Elaine got to her feet and went to her window as Warden Luccio continued. As the Grey Cloak got more angry describing the beast she would slip in Italian before catching herself. She was passionate, just like Harry. She could see why Harry would have fallen for the Warden. When Anastasia finished, Elaine turned back to her. “Are you sure it’s a White Court vampire?” she asked.

Anastasia tapped the top small stack to papers angrily with her delicate finger. “All the evidence adds up,” she said through gritted teeth, “Despite the odd M.O.” She looked over at the willowy detective, admiring her slender form surrounded by the warm California sunlight coming through the window like a halo. Catching herself she looked back at the papers.

Elaine sighed. Even if he was dead she could hear Harry’s voice in her head, urging her out of the hidey-hole she had made. She said it before she could stop herself. “I’d like to help.”

The Warden looked back at the beautiful young woman. “I appreciate the offer but this is a very dangerous case,” she told Elaine.

“And I have no problem with hiding behind a stronger wizard,” Elaine said. After all, the Warden was the one with a magic sword. “But I’ve put the time in and I’d like to continue the case,” she continued. As far as power, she was nearly as strong as Harry had been, but outclassed him totally when it came to the subtler magics, “If you’d have me.”

“You’ve been to Chicago, correct?” Anastasia asked. Of course, she knew that Elaine had but didn't want to show exactly how much of an eye she had kept on the young wizard. A lot of power and power dealers made their way through Chicago and she kept a close eye on every wizard that made their way through there.

Elaine had actually been through Chicago a few more times then what the Warden might know about but she didn't want to brag about how clever she thought she was. Not to someone with a magic sword and the authority to chop her head off if she thought it was needed. “Yes. It's a pretty nice town,” she said as innocently as possible.

The Captain stood up and appraised the young woman from her long legs, small waist, slight chest, and honey gold hair. “Can you follow orders?” she asked.

“If I like them,” Elaine thought before answering, “Yes.”

“And hide if I tell you?”

“You have no idea,” Elaine thought before answering, “Yes.”

“And run if I tell you?”

Elaine actually hesitated before answering that one. Where Harry would run straight into a fight with rods blazing, she actually preferred to have a plan first. And if that plan involved running away and then sneaking up on someone, all the better. “Sure.”

Anastasia held out her hand and the slender private detective shook it. “Welcome to the Wardens,” the captain said.

To be continued…

06-15-2020, 01:03 PM
Good Story... Thanks For The Share

06-16-2020, 05:49 AM
Happy you liked it. I'm a huge Dresden Files fan.