View Full Version : Knob Alley (fs ms F Boarding School)

09-01-2019, 09:26 AM
I had been a Director of a Boarding School and teaching for thirty years. In that time, I had learned early on that the students will find ways to do whatever they put their minds to. Case in point, a mother brought in her daughter before Enrollment Day to meet with me, and complained that she had gotten pregnant.

"I can see that, but see to it that it isn't a distraction for the other girls, and."

"She says that she had gotten pregnant here. Go on?" She pushed her forward, but the youth balked. "Tell her?"

I have to say, without revealing her identity, that the daughter had spent some time on the East End, and her language had suffered.

"Oi, you needn't hit me, mum?"

"Tell her!"

She rubbed her arm, and rolled her eyes. "This isn't a reformatory,"

"She's already enrolled in a bleeding," the apple hadn't fallen far from the tree, "Reform school, I'll have you know that where it not for your dereliction of duty, she would be attending here again, and I am friends with the other parents, who would be interested to know how."

I tapped the ruler on the desk top until she finished. She controlled herself, and straightened up. Breathing harshly through her nose, but the redness ran out of her face, presently.

"You're not in trouble then." I swallowed the threat. The reputation of this academy could be compromised, and she knows it. "So, it would behoove you."

"Behoove, it isn't the middle ages!" Another cuff to the back of the head, and she smoothed back her hair, without so much as a grunt, or wince of surprise, but she couldn't hold a straight face.

Ah, one of those rebellious girls, it starts at home, and she'd obviously been pressing her mother's buttons long enough to know the exact sequence, to play a song on her, like a flute.

"Well, I'll tell you gov." I'll take that, patiently as short for governess, "Thing is that last semester, I 'eard about this, from a friend." She winked.

Charming. "And who would this friend be?"

"Well, it isn't your concern any longer, eh? She graduated last year, so she's out of your hands,"

"Answer her?"

"Bloody hell, mum? Me memory's not coming back with you beating it out of me ead, init?"

"It might be better if you wait outside. I doubt you want to hear this anyway, and I cannot tolerate this violence against children."

"Oi!" She acted offended at the implication that she was indeed a child? If one expecting another, soon by the look of it.

"You can drop the cockney act as well. I've been to the east end, since before you've been born, and after this, you can go back there. To work on your act, but if you believe for a moment that you're impressing me, then you may as well be taking a piss?"

She giggled, and sat down. Carefully, for she was indeed, quite pregnant, and slight. Short, and not at all fact, which only exaggerated her condition.

"Well, my friend." She looked up, and I nodded, "Was a senior, so she graduated."

"I understand that, but she told you where you could have sex, on campus?"

"Well, not as such, no. Y'see, she asked me first if I had ever seen a penis? Then if it were erect, or." She covered the mouth, and her face was flushed, but I sincerely doubted that there was any shame behind it. She cleared her throat. "Hm, excuse me, but I don't know the proper way to say if he." She stuck out her thumb, "Finished?" Then, she let it down slowly, as if wilting, and going limp over her knuckle.

"Look, you're not longer a student here, and you seem to get more than enough discipline at home, but if you're asking if you can swear, then I can assure you that I've heard much worse."

"Popped his corn?" She giggled, but I suppose that the childish rhymes of the east end would appeal to some. Little more than a child herself, but this one's lost.

"So, had you?"

"Of course not. I was only first year, and me bleeding mum practically has me locked away at home in a tower. You wouldn't happen to know where she could get a Dragon to keep the knights at bay? 'Twould save her ever so much trouble!" She put on airs, swinging her hair back to brush it vainly with the back of her fingers, and I couldn't hold back the smile.

"Go on, then. Get on with it." Honestly, I'm of 2 minds about corporal punishment, I received the occasional swat as a girl, but on the rump, but only when I believe that I had earned it, and that's no where near beating a child about the head and shoulders, expecting anything but worse behavior to come of it, and she'd obviously endured it for quite some time, to build up such a tolerance. Still, I hesitate to call Social Services, with the threat of, well little less than blackmail. She as much as threatened to expose the school, and ruin our reputation as well.

I stopped tapping the ruler, out of force of habit, I suppose. It's is an empty threat, and I wouldn't hit a child with anything stiffer than my own hand, were it allowed in the current political climate. The Lib-dems had been at it, at the time.

"Huh, well I suppose I should show you." She got up, "Come along then."

"Where are you going?" Her mother looked worried for her?

"Sit, there, and we'll be back shortly, she's just going to show me something."

Of course, her mother didn't listen, either. So, she followed along too. The daughter tried pressing against the doors to the yard, locked of course. "I swear, she gets this from her father."

"Of course." She didn't learn any of this behaviour from her mother's violent temperment. Must be the other parent's fault.

School wasn't in session, but I tuned it out, and found the key to let her out. Followed her around the dining hall, also empty. Honestly, the grounds seemed rather odd, as I'm not used to walking them, let alone in broad daylight when it was so eerily quiet. It wasn't crawling with day students, and even at night, if I hadn't gone home, then there would be lights up in the windows of the dormitories. "Ere, there should be a spanner under there." She put her arm up on a ledge, around the building, and straightened up. Holding her back, and rubbing it, she had to catch her breath. "Well, last spring there was, someone must've nicked it, but see the bolts here?" She pointed, "You'll 'ave to 'ave," the pseudo-cockney returned to annoy her mum. "The goundskeeper or someone take it down, but you can see it there?" She pointed down the alley. "The windows flip out on the bottom, like casements."

"They are casement windows," then I realized, and must have gasped.


"Those must be the windows to the boys, and girl's water closets." Why there's chain link between the buildings, and the casemates are set only to prop out so much. Enough that you can get some air in there, it's a WC, or 2. So of course the air can be foul, but we can't have boys getting in to peek on the girls. Even though, if I remember, the window opens next to the stalls, honestly I don't remember, for how little I use the student's downstairs lavatories, nor do I eat in the dining hall with the children. I have an office, and the faculty cell we can use to spend the night, if it's late, and a waste of time to drive home, and back.

"Exactly, so after class, if you waited long enough, then the boarders were upstairs, and a boy would come to use the loo."

"When was this, in the day?" She must have been a day student, I deduced, then confirmed when I had the leisure of pulling her records from the year before.

"I told you, after school. I said I had to stay after for detention, because there were always boys after every day, who wanted to see a little Bits, and Drum?"

"Bits, and drum, what are you on about?"

"It's rhyming slang. 2 words you wouldn't say in front of your mum, that rhyme with Bits, and Drum?"

The daughter nodded. "So, then they'd get up in the window, to show you their knob, and if you're in for a tosser, or rather they might reach out for a bit of a handful, eh." She winked, and just to make it obvious, shook her milk bags in her hands.

"Who was this boy?"

"I don't know, mom."

"Unhand her, she's pregnant, don't have me call a man to have you forcibly ejected from the property. I you mean to discredit our good name, than at least don't be witnessed beating your pregnant child out here where anyone can see you!"

She got control of herself, so the poor girl could answer. "I don't know, mum. That's the point, init? I couldn't see his face, and even if I could, I probably would've been too intent on his knob in mine."

"Well," Her mother swallowed, and turned her tie back and forth. "We didn't have such things here, and I." She shook her head, but honestly, I had gotten so used to the uniform, that I missed it, when they came in. For one thing, the sight of the pregnant 15 year old was a bit of a distraction in, and of it'self, but now that I saw her literally hot under the collar, I realized that she wasn't quite in uniform.

However, she wore an Oxford tie, button up cardigan, blouse, and skirt, then I saw her sock. Plain white tube socks, without the stripes in the school colours, but pulled up almost to her knees, below the regulation length of her pleated skirt. Either she had intentionally dressed up, as she had when she went here, or she subconsciously got dressed for school. As she had, when she wore the uniform.

"Well, honestly I went to public school, and it was co-ed, so we didn't have to go to such lengths to talk to boys." I shook my head, "But you have to admit, had someone been so clever, when you were enrolled here." I pointed out the fence.

Her face changed, back to anger, but I was already between her, and the pregnant youth. "Of course not." she lied to herself, as much to my face. "I would have reported it, immediately!" She has to keep up her appearances in front of her daughter, and grandchild to be, though she hadn't bothered to show her the same courtesy. I'm a woman, and I was a school girl at some point, hard as it may be for her to believe. I know what one looks like, as we got hot under the collar. It's honestly reasonably natural, given the circumstances. Building, water closets, chain like fences, and modest school uniforms didn't just sprout from the ground, naturally. Before all this was here, we were animals, who squatted where we stood, and a male could just walk around the corner with his tail wagging up front, as they do when not excited by the sight of a naked female, squatting behind a bush..

"Hm, of course you would have, but now that I do know about the possible breach, I can have the groundskeeper have a look at it, and see what may be done about it." To be fair, it wasn't particularly difficult to see now, in hindsight. There were merely straps holding the chain-link to the poles, on either side, and all one would need to release them was a spanner, which was easily hidden underneath the ledge underneath the windows. "Perhaps it would be as simple as extending the ledge, between the buildings, but we can't exactly have another dining hall built, specifically to keep the children separate, and a fence across the yard between them?"

The mother, and daughter wandered off, peacefully enough. She never followed through with the threat, after she learned that there is little to no way to determine which boy had been the father, but I hadn't thought to ask how that had resulted in pregnancy until they called back.

The mother, to make sure that something had been done to increase the security? "Yes, of course. It was simply a matter of securing a sturdier fence, with bars bent out the tops so that they can't climb over it."

"Well, hopefully that will prevent anything scandalous from happening again."

"Now, you wouldn't mind if I talked to her again? I have a few further questions to clear up." She called for her.

"All right, mum! I've got it, and don't be listening in on the other line, then?"

"Yes, hello? I'm just confused with something you said. Well, everything you said doesn't add up. If you merely." I swallowed, and closed my eyes. Shook the image out of my head, "Tossed him off through the window, than how could you have possibly gotten pregnant from that?"

"Well, obviously I didn't clean the custard off of my fingers, and I must have gotten some of it in me granny."

Rhymes with Fanny.


"You taking a piss?"

"No, I just. I'm on holiday, in the alps, and it's a bit chilly." I shivered, and hung up, before I got any dirtier, but it was running. Clean, but I felt even dirtier, and to hear the words come out of her filthy mouth. "Hhuh!"

I had just gone through a divorce, as well. After looking through her records, I was able to determine that her grades had started taking a downward turn when her father had moved to Asbury Park, and what I had seen from American programming, the denizens of the Jersey Sure were the Yank's equivalent of TOWIEs. Only more brutish, and swollen men, with muscle shirts, and distended veins on their arms like the shaft of some cokney knob off the street, and.

"HUH! AHN Hm."

I had learned, to linger in my Manny all over again, since my husband had turned to follow other girls. Younger girls, not school age, but I had lost some of that innocence, of course, and missed things in public school, due to that same innocence. Then, the school year started up again, and I saw the students.

Boys, and girls I never went to school with, nor a school with such a uniform. A dress code-of course, and I had friends who were day students, not here, but back home in Leicester. They just didn't have anything to compare with some of the stories I had heard from the tarts at public school. They hadn't found their way into the boy's side, or an opportunity for boys to hang out, as it were. After classes, of course the dining hall is open, for dinner.

God, it would have been so easy for them to loiter, after boy's supper, or merely bring their dishes down from the dorms, and meet up in one of the water closets or the other. Instead, they had gotten a spanner, or brought one from home to practice their dirty yet innocent games. If only one had't gotten her fingers inside her, wet, and spermy, to plunge it in and out of her toilet like a plumber.

"Nah ha hah hanm! Mgh! Snh!" I don't have to keep quiet, but when I'm that loud it only reminds me of how close, and bare the walls are, that I'm in bed instead of in the alley, or the lavatory waiting for a boy.

I can't help feeling that i missed out, is all. When I was young, and the boys look so sharp in their ties, and cardigans. So young, too young to be thinking about them developing a stiffness in their trousers, and rushing off to the water closet, to relieve it, and open the window for some fresh air only to hear giggling, and coming to investigate. To see, now how did she put it?

Oh yes. bits, and drum. Tits and bum, shaking and teasing, with only a few inches to reach through. Only for them to jump back laughing, and teasing them. So tantalizingly close, but then her minge stained by the boy that had cum before him. Literally, and her fingers sticky with it, pulled out, and some demand, I'm sure. The boy obediently stepping up to the sill, no doubt slimy with it, and his hairy balls rolling in the disgusting mess. Her fingers feeling it, gripping, and pumping then catching his sperm to sick down between her legs, then up in her hungry young hole, and the sound of one hand clapping.


I wonder, if anyone is even think now, how they could continue the tradition? How many years, and how many girls discovered their first knob, and got their first face full of custard? Swallowed it like a cheap alley prostitute, within earshot of the Bells at Saint Mary-le-Bow, or a sluttery tramp under the boardwalk, stuffed full of Wog knob, held tight by arms as thick as pythons, and the filthy salty foam of the Jersey Shore.

I can't stop, until I pass out, and even then only to fitful dreams wilder than anything I'd seen on the telly. Heard about in thinly veiled euphemisms from TOWIE, or The Jersey Shore reality series. It's a terribly reality, that such low animals can survive, and breed in such places, that i had heard about, and even seen, but not so occupied at the time. Merely a friend of a friend, confiding that she'd lost her virginity behind that bush, or under that stoop, to a chav with a backwards plaid hat, and a crap economy car Zeffed out like a Ford Zephyr, only from his mother's sedan, or his father's estate, and the back seat already filthy from the drips, and leakings of a thousand elicit tryst.

Her mother had said, that they didn't have such things, or she didn't know about them. She was sheltered, but now pandora's box was open, and swimming with sperm. I'm diving in face first, and lapping at it like a god, with my tail in the air, and some geizer walking by to stop. Look over.

"Oi, was all this then?"

You takin' a piss?

"Huh!" Waking up in the middle of the night, and I'm back in the cell. The old cell, left over from when this was a convent, and wondering if it were a Nun, or a studying Vicar, because they taught Seminary here before, but of course the answer is no.

I'm not "Takin' a Piss." I'm doing what I went into the girl's room to do, earlier, but that didn't satisfy me. Of course, no one came, and even if he had, somehow climbed over the bars of the new fence, what then?

Would I have really done it? Pulled open my blouse, and unfastened my bra, to drop the girls on the sill, and give them a shake. Inviting him to get his hands in, and pulling up his cardigan. Opening his fly to get my fingers in. The zipper split wide open to feel his hardness, his minge, his breath hot and fogging the window, though it's frosted of course. We can't have them looking in on the students, but they're boys. Teenage boys, why an Erection is practically their default state unless someone takes it in hand to do something about it. Can't have them abusing themselves now can we?

It would be a waste, of custard, she called. Rhymes with mustard, and if I keep at it, I'll be off again. For the, how many times has it been, tonight?

"Huh!" But no, I went to bed alone, without my desert. Without my belly full of mustard.

"Huh!" I'm sure I can get a few more in, before I have to get up in the morning.



Of course, I had been a Governess, when I was younger. In fact, the family who's children I had taught were the ones who arranged for me to take a position here, but during the week, I was loathe to go home. It was so empty, on the weekends. When I didn't have the exuse to use the old cells, and the other faculty were taking to rumor.

I am not like a nun, let alone a Mother Superior, simply because I chose to stay in the convent during the week. To think, I feel more like a failure there, because of my husband's Henry the VIIIth disease, only he was more acute. He couldn't sire daughters either, and I suppose I could adopt, I could afford it, but lately my dreams have started to become, disturbing.

Charles, the IVth. He was born in that sort of family, who could afford nannies until his younger siblings were old enough to sit in with me, as Governess. He was eleven when I left, began sitting in classes as a student teacher, then aide, then finally secretary, and director for the freshmen classes. 2 steps away from Proctor, when I shouldn't be involved too much in the affairs of the children, which should be good, and proper.

Because of the wrong, and improper dreams I have been having at night, daydreams in my office, and frequent breaks to the lavatory. I would have been less offended, if the talk had turned to incontinence, at my age. Let me just say that I am not, that old. Not yet, the change wasn't even a shadow on the horizon, you would think that my clock would stop ticking, quite so loud, but it's alarming. Especially what I hadn't done, as a Governess.

I was expressly forbidden to punish him, after the age of ten. His father insisted that he was "A man, now." Not a young man, at ten, I don;t believe that would be a proper load to put on his little shoulders, but of course I never. "Huh!"

Found out, if he was as hairless under his arms, as he was on the chin. He was barely fourteen! If he was even sporting wood at any time, I wouldn't have had cause to notice. No one else there besides his sisters, and he was the eldest, so by process of elimination. If he were to look up at me, his cheeks dark, and biting his lip. Squeezing it between his legs, when I bent down, completely oblivious to my top being unbuttoned, when I never would have done that, either.

But if I had, and caught him. Grabbed his arm to yank him out of his chair, and cuff his head. Spank him in front of his sisters, but the dirty erection just wouldn't go away. So, I pulled his pants down, and his sisters would snicker. Pointing, and laughing when he tried to cover his shame, which just left his reddened cheeks exposed for me to drop the ruler, and use my hand. On his red hot cheeks, and fondling them to feel the welts in between swats. then goosing between his legs, tickling his balls, and leaning over his shoulder to watch his hairless little nob bounce in front of him. The friction of his fine cotton shirt on the bell end becoming too much, until it exploded ins patters so it stuck to the shirt.

I just got up, and shook my head. Unwilling to touch myself, after imagining that. Molesting Charles, he must have been about 14 when I saw him last. "Huh!"

So, I was dismissed, he had been accepted into a secondary school, and as heir, they no longer needed me. I would have stayed on for his siblings, but no. As recompense, they gave me a recommendation, and I had gone nearly 30 years. 30 years without even considering that.

Molesting one of my students. Any of my students, honestly right in front of the rest, if I had done in the boy's class. Would the others have gotten hard too? I shuddered, and took up a towel to wrap up my shampoo, and conditioner to go take a shower.

Isn't that what you're supposed to do, when you're feeling this filthy? It's not just the sweat, and stale air from that windowless cell, but.

Thump! "Huh?" I listened at the wall, but it was dull. Too heavy to be rats in the wall, but I hadn't even started the water, to follow the pipes by the sound. It sounds like it's coming from outside, and there is a window. Of course. I have to admit that I also stayed in the cell closest to the faculty shower, because they're right over the dining hall water closets, and there is a window, just like this, directly downstairs. Frosted so that no one could see me, and I hadn't Tuned on the light either.

It was swollen into the frame, and painted shut, so it made a loud sound just getting open.

"Bugger all!" A boy slipped down, a knot in the sheet rope, and looked up. "No, bring me up. Damn you, uh!" He fell, "WUGH!" He coughed, then I heard a door slam, and boys running down the hall, but I just held my towel up over my heart, beating out of control.

"Ooh, you're so busted!" I heard girls voices next, and had to look low underneath the frosted pain to catch a glimpse of hair, and some sort of dress?

I threw on my robe, and ran down the hall, but by then the echo of his friends fleeing had long died down. I went to the phone in the hall, and hit Intercom. "Who's on Duty?"

"Hm? Oh, yearh! What time is it?"

"Never mind that, get out to the boy's hall, and do a bed-check. See who's missing, and if anyone is fully clothed under their covers. If you fall asleep again, so help me, you'll be put in stock, and spanked in the yard for lunch, so they'll have plenty of veg to throw at you for dereliction in your duty!"

I just hung up, and panted. "Hhuh!" So excited, honestly, and I found the open window immediately. The stripped beds, in adjacent rooms as well, but these were under gables, with 1 window open, to dangle a boy out of for a midnight tryst, by the fence.

I saw him, or his back, clammouring over the bars in his jacket, but not his bum, let alone anything he might have in the front of his trousers. "Oh, well." He's never going to make it round, in the locked doors, and back to bed, in his Pajamas before the bed check, so I can get his name.

So, I closed it, and waited by the phone.

"Hello, yes?"

"Bed checks out. All present and accounted for, in their jammies. Uniforms folded in their wardrobes, false alarm."

"I could have sworn that I heard something, I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Good night." I'm sure he hung up before he called me Mother Superior, or whatever else he could think of, but I went to check the girl's wing myself. It was too late, to even discover how they had gotten out, let alone into the hall over the kitchen, without being seen, nor heard.

"Of course," it could have been day students. It seems to be great lengths, to hide somewhere, and wait until after dark only to sneak out, and. "Huh!"

I didn't see her dress, and I barely saw her hair. Enough to tell that she wasn't in uniform, so she might have gotten on the grounds, even though there isn't any chain link anywhere around the perimeter. It's that same wrought iron, only with blunted spear tops instead of the bars bent outward, but it wouldn't be too difficult to climb over.

I can be fairly certain that she isn't pregnant. I would have noticed if she were, and I can't imagine her climbing in That pregnant, can she?

06-17-2020, 05:47 PM
Good Set Of Stories...Thanks for the Share