View Full Version : Foolish Words belie truth, Dear friend (complete story in three parts.)Foolish Words

08-10-2016, 06:29 AM
Foolish Words, belie true actions; Dear Friend!
Copyright©2016 – Niteowluk2003.

Synopsis. It is strange how a few words can change a relationship forever; take Peter, Angela and myself. We were coasting along with a real close friendship when one night a few words change everything forever.

Here is the story.

Please note, There is no sex in chapter one, but you may find somethings in later chapters hard to understand without the background knowledge.

Chapter 1.

I had known Peter for about five years and we had become the best of friends; this continued even after he met Angela and married her within two years. Now I became good friends with the pair of them; often treating Angela like a sister; I was their best man at their wedding and even godfather to their first born son, Charlie. Peter was sixteen the same as me when we first met and both being blest or cursed, depending on your view point, with the same weird sense of humour and this is how we met.

One night as we both attended the same youth club; peter challenged me, out of the blue, to a game of Spoof. For those who do not know the game it is similar to snooker except it is played for cash and can involve anything up to ten players. It goes like this, the table set up at the start is different to snooker in as much that the six colours are placed inside a triangle of made up of the red balls. The object of the game is to pot a red ball, draw a number secretly from 2 to 7 and then pot a colour to continue your play. You only get to pick one secret number which corresponds to the value of a coloured ball so 2 is the yellow and seven the black ball. However if you pot a red and then pot your chosen ball the you win the pot of money consisting of the agreed entry fee and any foul shot penalties normally charged at 20 pence. Therefore if you agree an entry fee of £1.00 and there are ten players you are playing for at least £10.00 prize money.

If you should pot a red and pot another ball other than your secretly selected number ball then you continue to try to pot another red ball to continue your break. If your chosen ball is legally potted and therefore off the table then you have to try to pot everyone else’s chosen ball in order to make the game a draw in which case the entry fees are charged again and these are added to the drawn game cash pot.

Enough of this for I digress from the story, Peter and I played for four frames before I finally won the pot of just under £28.00 that was made up of four sets of entry fees at £1.00 each times the five players playing and about £7.60 worth of foul shot penalties at 20p a time. So the banter was that I must have been part Jewish to have won such a great amount. Anyway as the youth club closed at 9.30pm we hung around for a while and then I invited Peter to help me spend my winnings down at the local pub.

By the time we both staggered home after too much alcohol, remember we were only sixteen, although both of us being fairly tall passed as older, and therefore not used to drinking, we were the best of mates. Over the next five years we became like blood brothers and hardly ever out of each-other’s company. Even when another friend arranged a blind date for Peter he had to make it a three way date and this was the day when Peter met Angela. Within two years they were married and once more they paid me a great compliment by having me be best man.

When their first born came along after three years of marriage, I was asked to be the child’s godfather, another great honour for me. Young Charlie was about two when Peter told me that Angela was pregnant again and this is where the story really begins. It started one evening when Peter told me he had a problem on his computer and could I fix it for him. Well, being fairly computer literate I said I would try and went over to their house to see what I could do. As I began to examine his computer it started by him telling me he had some naughty pictures on the hard disk that he would like to keep if it was possible and as I explored the hard disk I told him it would be no problem because if I had to format the hard drive I could save them on to a disk or spare hard drive before doing so.

At first he directed me to directories which clearly had generic sexual images obtained from the internet and once these had been moved and I had not blushed he then directed me to another directory which at first glance appeared empty, that is until he showed me how he viewed one of the images. He had change the attribute to being hidden and therefore the pictures only showed up as junk files. I think I scared him a little by simply pressing control ‘A’ to select all images in that group and changing the attributes to visible and added an A for the picture start names. Suddenly all 100 pictures became visible and although some were not to my taste I must state quite clearly here that non contained images of children but some did show k9 sex.

When I did not flinch from that directory he showed me another directory which showed bi sexual images and were mainly about men in sexual acts with other men but with a female present. Again I ventured no comment or disgust; that was when he told me that he had a friend who kept asking him to sleep with his nephew and show him the delights of real sex. Instantly I registered a new fact about my old mate; he was bisexual. Again I never hinted one wat or the other about disgust or approval. That was when he told me to save the images in a fourth directory and he made an excuse and left the room.

This fourth directory entitled private, showed images of Peter on his own, or Angela on her own, or Peter and Angela together, I must point out that these were naked sexual photographs, some with Peter displaying an erection, some with Angela with a large vibrator, I assume buzzing away, half in and half out of her cunt, there were some with Peter licking Angela’s cunt and some with Angela sucking on Peter’s cock.

Well by the time I had saved all the pictures to a new hard drive, I walked out of the master bedroom and found Angela and Peter rather nervously looking at each other and then at me like a rabbit in a car headlights. I jokingly said I have seen worse but I would like to know if Angela’s breasts were still so soft and comfortable as they appeared in the pictures. Both burst into laughter and I quietly said I was only joking about finding out if the message on one of the pictures was meant for Peter or for me.

Peter asked which photograph and I told him the one which showed Angela laid on her back with legs open and the caption saying come and get all you can take! Angela blushed and hurried away into the kitchen to make a round of drinks and while she was gone Peter remarked I will have to look for that one I don’t remember ever seeing it. I never mentioned I had picked up on Peter’s bisexuality nor the fact that it implied he liked men slightly more than women. We had a cup of Coffee I finished the computer repairs and left.

One week later I was asked by Peter to help him sort out capturing video to his computer because since my repairs last week he had tried twice and each time the computer had frozen on him. I again turned up at their house and again was led to the master bedroom and once more set about making alterations to the computer settings. When I was ready I asked Peter to set up the camera as he had tried during the week and let me see what he was doing so as to correct any thing which was not correct.

Well he coupled the camera to the AVI cable and then to the USB dongle and plugged the dongle into the computer; this is where I took over and instructed him to open the required program to which he replied that’s not the program I use and I simply said “well that is where the problem lies!” he now start the program as I said and soon new images of around the room were showing up on the computer screen. How do I capture the movie to hard drive though? He asked.

“Choose something to film as a test piece!” I said and he called Angela into the bedroom. She stopped in the door way and because of the light coming from the room opposite on the landing her skirt suddenly became see through; I could clearly see the panty line or rather the lack of it. Paul pressed the record key as shown on the screen and panned slowly up to Angela’s face. As the camera reached the level to show Angela’s breasts Peter paused his panning and turned to me and said, “isn’t she beautiful and I don’t mind admitting she can get real horny too!”

I quickly chastened him for this comment adding that it was no way to talk about your wife and mother of your child and especially in front of the poor woman! Almost as one Peter and Angela corrected my statement saying children instead of child. It was then that Peter told me that Angela was three months pregnant and they had the scans to prove it. I congratulated them both and completed the tuition on capturing AVI files to the computer. Again sat in the living room Peter brought up the subject of Angela’s sex drive by saying I knew she was pregnant two weeks before the test proved it. Like a fool I asked how come?

Peter told me in no uncertain terms that a pregnant Angela was a horny fuck-slut when it came to bed times, he hinted that no one man could possibly satisfy her. Again I made a mental note but said nothing and after a cup of coffee I returned home. Now you may be thinking that I was being slow or stupid but in my defence I had secrets of my own and always said sexually I would never get it together with a good friend or their partners.

For those who have read my earlier true stories; then you know I am a sexual dominant male and expect fully obedience with my subjects and when it becomes mixed with good close friends it always sours one way or another. Either they start to take liberties which they expect as friends not to be punished for or they suddenly break off all contact with you; either the way friendship suffers.

08-10-2016, 06:30 AM
Chapter 2.

About three months after finding out about Angela expecting their second child and it was about the six month stage of the pregnancy; a heart broken Angela called me saying Peter does not love me anymore. Of course I told her how wrong she was but she shocked me by saying if you come over I will prove he doesn’t love me.

So what was I supposed to do; naturally I agreed to come over but to prove her wrong and not confirm her idea. When I arrived a considerably pregnant Angela let me in and immediately upon entering the living room, she burst into a fresh bout of tears and thrust a photograph in my direction. I took the evidence and looked at it before bursting out laughing; it was a picture of Peter on his knees with another man’s cock in his mouth. I instantly regretted laughing as I knew the hurt Angela was feeling right now.

I sat her down and put my arm around her shoulder and made a big thing about her bump getting in the way. Calming Angela I suggested that the proof of Peter’s love for her was getting between us right now as we were talking. She looked astounded until I pointed out that she must have been aware that Peter liked cock as well as cunt but he only made his wife pregnant and not anyone else, therefore she must be the object he held most dear, as her pregnancy elevated her above any other of his sexual friends.

After explaining that I had known for some time that Peter was not only bisexual but also hedonistic and therefore I suggested that as none of the other women he had dallied with had got pregnant he had chosen Angela to be the most sacred of things in his life… A Mother to his children. Suddenly the sense of my comments must have hit home for Angela stopped crying and leaned forward to hug me.

It was then that her breast must have leaked as a wet patch firstly appeared on her tight blouse and then on my tee shirt. She looked down and almost went beetroot red as she apologised; I waved away her apologies by saying it was a shame it was my tee shirt and not my tongue which had gotten so wet. She suddenly asked if I meant that and when I said I certainly did she gave me a coy look.

Then Angela told me that Peter used to like sucking the excess milk from her breasts after their son had been born but had insisted that she deal with the problem herself prior to his birth. So she gently suggested that she slip off the blouse and whilst my tee shirt was washing I indulge myself on a free feast of fresh baby milk direct from its source.

After the failed attempts by Peter to get something to happen between the three of us I thought why not; had he not caused Angela and I to come together to night because of his picture. Trying not to sound too eager I said I accept your offer and slipped off my tee shirt and handed it to Angela. With a sudden flounce of energy I had not seen when I first arrived, Angela took my shirt and almost slipped into the kitchen to put the tee shirt in the washing machine. She called out from the kitchen asking if I wanted a coffee; I called back saying I would rather have what was offered just now.

When Angela returned to the living room she had removed her blouse but left on her quarter cup bra which supported her enlarged breasts but did not restrict them. I quickly took a double look at her breasts, her nipples were thick and stubbly about a quarter of an inch or 7 mm in length and protruded like organ stops. Now sitting in the middle of the settee she patted the space beside her and invited me to sit down beside her. No sooner had I sat down than she took my head in her hands and guided it towards her left breast. Her nipple hit my cheek just above the level of my lips and felt both hard and soft at the same time but it felt almost intensely hot. My lips found her nipple and sucked it in forming a perfect seal around it. Flicking its end with my tongue soon had Angela gasping and the constant pressure of my sucking was rewarded with a warm sensual flood of breast milk.

It seemed the harder I sucked the more Angela enjoyed the sensations and the more it turned her on. Suddenly she took hold of my hand a pressed it tight against the material of her panties. I felt the clear traces of cunt juice now leaking from her cunt and soaking into her panties. I slowly moved the back of my hand against her cunt lips and contacting her clitoris, making her jump each time.

I knew where this was likely to end up but felt unsure if I wanted to go that far without Peter’s knowledge. Although this proved to be a pointless thought as almost on cue Peter entered the living room; I would have expected him to be furious but he was as calm as a cucumber. He just smiled and said “Hi Roy, enjoying yourself?”

I was just about to apologise when he simply sat down on the other side of Angela and lowered his mouth on to her other nipple; this seemed to be the invitation I needed to continue so I too returned to sucking Angela’s delightful breasts. It only just struck me that ever since Peter entered the room, my hand had remained pressed tightly to Angela’s now bubbling cunt. It was not long before Angela leaned her head back and began a gurgling sound; one of intense sexual pleasure, for she even opened her legs wider to now allow two hands between her upper thighs.

This heady pleasure went on for about five minutes or so when suddenly Peter stopped pulled his head away from her wet nipple, he held his suction until her stretched nipple suddenly almost twanged back into its natural place. He then said, why don’t we all get naked and more comfortable. Without being told twice Angela rose and struggled a little to get her leggings off over the lump that was to be their child and soon displayed her shaven cunt to our gazes. Peter too quickly undressed and displayed his six inch thin rigid cock. I was a little more cautious before displaying my seven and a half inch thicker also rock hard cock.

Sitting back down we were soon engaged where we had left off temporarily and once in rhythm, we had Angela right where we wanted her; just on the edge of an orgasm. Thinking back though, I seriously think Peter had me where he wanted me too. For suddenly a hand closed around my cock and I instinctively knew it was not Angela’s. It started to slowly wank my cock and almost in tune with it I began applying a little more suction to Angela’s tit and also moving the back of my hand quicker and harder against her cunt.

Now with caution thrown to the wind; Angela became much more vocal begging both of us to suck this bitches tits dry. I now start to turn my hand into a fist and began screwing it into Angela’s soaking wet cunt. Peter seemed more intent on my cock than his wife’s cunt but we were all having a good time; when I suddenly demanded they stop. Taken aback by my sudden outburst; Angela and Peter stopped and stared at me. I asked them if they were sure this was what they wanted and as both of them agreed I reminded them of two things; 1 I was a dominant male and therefore demanded obedience from both of them and 2 that things could never return to what they once was.

Both of them said they understood both my points but wanted more of what was happening right now. I ordered Peter to lie face up on the floor and Angela to kneel between Peter’s legs and begin giving him head. As she began I knelt behind her and eased my cock into her soaking wet red hot cunt. It literally took seven strokes of my cock before Angela’s reservoir of lust broke. I had heard that pregnant women could squirt with more force than non-pregnant Squirters but I did not expect the amount that Angela now squirted back between my legs. A pool of golden liquid soon developed and even Peter looked back at me and asked what was happening. I told him in no uncertain terms that his fuck slut of a wife was cumming like a good old whore and was squirting her juices everywhere.

Angela during this conversation was still bucking against me and tossing her head back, her eyes half rolled back into her head as she gurgled her desire to take my spunk. Suddenly Peter said, “Angela has always wanted to try a cock in both her arse and cunt at the same time! She has had a dildo up her arse and my cock inside her cunt but that’s not the same.”

Immediately Angela turned her head towards me and almost hissed, “Please double fuck me! Put your cock in my cunt and Peter’s up my arse!” I toyed with them both as I teased, maybe as mine is the larger cock it should go up your arse and Peter’s poor effort of a cock should go in your cunt! Or even my cock should go up Peter’s arse and then his could choose your fuck hole!”

Angela begged to have both cocks fuck her in any order but she needed both cocks to set her climax free. So Angela moved up Peter’s body til her cunt was poised over his cock and then she waited. I instinctively knew she wanted her new master to guide his cock into her hole. I grasped Peter’s cock a little bit too tight for Peter’s liking and told him if he dared to cum before I did then he would be made to regret it dearly.

Then I pulled and pushed his cock up to the entrance to Angela’s cunt, deliberately missing the hole and pressing my flesh plaything against her clitoris on several occasions. Finally I allowed his cock to be positioned to enter her cunt and repositioned myself until my own cock was at the entrance to her arse. Then I told Peter to push his cock into her cunt and hold it there. Then I pressed home my own cock against her tight anal ring. I know it must have been unpleasant to start with because Angela suddenly tensed up. But once my cock head had pushed past her sphincter muscle she relaxed a little and I remember feeling almost every vein of Peter’s cock as my own cock pressed home into her anus. With both holes full of cock Angela turned her head and with glassy eyes she thanked me saying it was out of this world to feel both her holes stuff full of human cock. This worried me slightly as I suddenly remembered the K9 pictures on Peter’s computer; was she trying to tell me in a disguised way that they had experimented with k9 sex. I would have some urgent questions for the pair of them later.

But for now as Peter pulled his cock out until all but its head had escaped her cunt; I pressed home hard until my balls were trapped between Angela and I, and then as Peter pressed home I withdrew my cock until its own head was the only part still inside Angela’s anal ring. Slowly by trial and error Peter and I synchronised our thrusts and Angela gave in to her deepest animal passions. With her cries of pure lust rising almost with each thrust at one point I had to clamp a hand over Angela’s mouth as she threatened to scream loud enough for the world to hear.

Credit to Peter he just about managed to hold back his spunk until he felt the swell of my cock as it spit forth its load of baby making seed coating the walls of her anal canal and then I felt every spurt of his cock, through the thin membrane wall separating her cunt from her arse, as he coated her cunt walls with all his spunk. Now we all collapsed as a huge pile our passions spent and our bodies sweating like it was a sauna. Slowly I moved aside as a little plop told me my cock had just slipped from her arse and Angela rolled the opposite way allowing Peter to at least breathe.

Now finding himself free Peter without thinking made a beeline for my sticky cock and gladly sucked it clean of his wife’s shit juices and my semen traces. I instinctively slapped his arse quite hard and reminded him that he must wait for my permission before enjoying himself like that. Peter looked hurt and confused but saw that the natural law of things left him as the lower rung of this evolution chain.

As we recovered Angela just laid there with that pregnant woman glow which it seems that all pregnant women develop as their pregnancy goes on. Peter lay staring at my cock and almost wishing it was hard again to fuck his arse and I suppose I did not help his feelings by telling him that next time I wanted to cum all over Angela’s tits and then watch him lick it clean and also that I wanted to milk Angela like a cow collecting her breast milk in a cup into which I would add something from me before making Peter drink the entire cup.

It was forty minutes later that I finally stood up and before dressing asked Angela, “well do you still think Peter doesn’t love you anymore?”

Angela smiled and said “No I don’t think it anymore but I do know I love him just a little more than you; please do not be cross but you were a close second for my feelings!”

I replied “if you had replied anything different then I would have called you a liar and had to punish you pregnant or not!”

We now slowly dressed as the conversation seemed to dry up and I was just about to leave when with his arm around his pregnant wife, Peter asked “is there any chance we could repeat this soon and maybe even take it further?” I knew where the further fitted into his equation he wanted to feel my cock up his arse just like Angela had tonight.

“I reckon it can be arranged, I will contact you soon before the baby is born and we shall set something up!” I informed the pair and received two beaming smiles back from the pair. Who was smiling the most; well it was a close run thing but I would say Peter just about edged it.

It was incredible but I swear every woman I saw on the way home appeared to be pregnant! How strange was that.

08-10-2016, 06:31 AM
Chapter 3.

It was about a month later that I set up the return evening with Peter and Angela. As demanded of them both, they were naked before I knocked on their door. Peter nervously opened the door to me an ushered me in, but I was having none of that and took my time making sure he had to open the door fully. The fear and excitement of probably being seen by a neighbour or stranger soon had an effect on him as his cock spring up like a lever.

Entering the living room Angela also butt naked was sat in the centre of the three seater sofa, I immediately demanded she stood up and in future would always greet her master by standing with her head bowed. I looked her over and I had to swear that if anything her breasts were even larger than before and her bump was about the size of a large Watermelon. I slipped my hand between her legs and run my index finger along the lips of her cunt, slipping inside them just in time to nudge her clitoris. Angela jumped a little at this and I could see she was once more sexually excited and on the verge.

I ordered Peter to fetch me one of the glasses that I had ordered to be placed in the freezer section of the fridge, when I phoned and made the arrangements for tonight. I then asked Angela “Has Peter been sucking on your tits in the last day or so?”

She replied “No, sir, the last day he did that was the same day as you phoned us!” and then she quickly added “but I mean it was earlier in the day before your phone call!”

“Ok, you don’t have to put in so much detail!” I said laughing. Taking the ice cold glass from Peter I ordered Angela to open her legs and placed the side of the glass against her clitoris; informing her that once I let go of the glass she would be punished if she dropped it. Suddenly she closed her legs trapping not only the glass but my hand as well. Now Turning to Peter.

“For fuck sake, Wimp! Do something with that poor excuse for an erection!” I teased. “Go get another glass and bring it to me now!” I demanded. Quickly Peter raced off to the kitchen and soon returned as directed, immediately after he gave me the glass I gave it back to him and told him to wank his cock and shoot the spunk into the glass. It was fun watching his hand close around his six inch boner and then slowly at first he began to slide his hand back and forth. Steadily he picked up speed and I could see he also increase his grip. With his wife in front of him and me playing gently with her nipples he had all the visual stimulation he needed and soon gasped as the first arc of spunk shot into the waiting container. He continued to wank his cock until every spurt was delivered either into the bottom of the glass or sticking to the insides of the glass and slowly sliding down to join the small pool of thick white sticky spunk in the base of the glass.

I now took the glass from him and placed it on the coffee table; Telling Peter to now stand behind his wife and slip his index finger into her anal opening. He was to now finger fuck her anal ring whilst I undressed.
As he did so, Angela began to rock back and forth on her heals, her pace quickened in time with his probing finger. Soon I was as naked as the pair of them were and instructed Peter to come and kneel before me. Hoping to be allowed to at least touch my cock he almost jumped at the opportunity to kneel before me.

Waiting until I thought he had calmed down enough; I spoke in a slow authorative voice and told him he was going to enjoy a delicious spunk cocktail before the night was over. Just then I told Angela to fetch me a clean cup and the dildo that Peter had mentioned during my last visit. Instantly she turned and trotted off. Whilst she was gone I quizzed Peter, “Tell me truthfully, slut Peter, have you, Angela or even the pair of you ever had K9 sex?” he answered quickly and assuredly, No. “Would you or Angela like to have K9 sex?” much more hesitantly he again answered no. “Have you or Angela ever experienced Golden Showers?” I asked next. For the third time the answer was no but he added Angela has often talked about giving and receiving them. “And how do you feel about that?” I enquired. I see no harm in it was Peter’s reply.

Just then Angela appeared again and in her right hand was a dildo and a half; it was black about two inches thick and I would say easily 9 or 10 inches in length. In her left hand was a glass cup and a bottle, examining the bottle more closely it was baby oil, obviously the lubricant they use on their sex toys. I asked “why have you brought me something I never asked for?” Suddenly with a trembling voice she said “I thought you would want the oil to use with the dildo!”

I smiled and then said “But have either of you earned an easy passage to use a lubricant?” Peter suddenly shot Angela a pained look as if to say you’re going to suffer when he puts that dildo up you. I suddenly snapped at him “who said you could look at her? Did I tell you to look at the slut, I don’t think I did, see you are giving me cause to punish you even more!”

Peter suddenly snapped back to looking at me and offered a pathetic sorry sir. Angela put the baby oil down on the coffee table and then handed me the other two items. I took them and placed the cup beside the one containing Peter’s first ejaculation. Now examining the dildo in greater detail I asked if Angela had ever taken this to its hilt in her arse. They both suddenly tried to answer together and I gathered it was an emphatic no. To be fair Angela did look visibly shaken at the thought of nearly ten inches of buzzing plastic pressed deep into her anus. Again I smiled and told Peter to stand up. Pointing at the settee I instructed him to kneel on the settee and then rest his head on the back of it, arms over the back and then he was not to move. I added that this time if he disobeyed me then I would punish him by making him Angela’s toilet for a week, and stressing that would mean him eating her shit as well as drinking her piss.

Now I handed Angela the empty cup and told her to go behind the settee and stand so that Peter could see her; when she had done so I continued, “You will express the milk from your right breast into the cup and continue until either I stop you or you run out of milk in that tit, do you understand?” Angela nodded. “I can’t hear you?” I chided. Now she spoke in a louder trembling voice, yes sir was her reply.

In the meantime, Peter here will be having his anus reamed out by this little beauty, I declared holding up the dildo for them both to see. Stepping up behind Peter I pressed the dildo’s pointed nose into his anal crease and suddenly told him, “reach behind you my little cock lover and spread those arse cheeks as wide as you can!” when he had done so I commanded Angela to begin milking her right breast and I began to slowly press the bone dry plastic against Peter’s anal ring. I had only just begun and I was already feeling sorry for Peter for I could clearly see the dildo trying to drag the edges of his anal ring in as it invaded his arse.

Once I had about a third of the dildo up him I pulled it out fully and began again, now his anal juices had lubricated the dildo so it was easier going in and much less drag on his anal ring. I began fucking his arse with the dildo without turning on the vibrator side of it. Peter was watching his wife closely as squirt after squirt of her breast milk hit the sides of the cup and began forming a puddle in the bottom of the cup. I don’t know whether he was praying for her to hurry up or for her to slow down as his arse continued to get ploughed by the dildo. After about five minutes I pushed really hard on the dildo causing Peter to catch his breath and then before pulling the dildo back I flicked the switch to on and the whole dildo began to vibrate; something Peter felt the second it jumped into life.

After fifteen minutes Angela was still squeezing milk from her right breast and Peter was sweating profusely, I did not want Peter to cum just yet so I pulled the dildo completely out of his arse and slipped two fingers into the gaping hole, finding his prostate gland I began to manipulate it with my finger ends. I reached for the spunk cum just in time to get it in front of his rock hard cock and milked it until thick wads of fresh spunk joined the amount in the glass from earlier. By now Angela had about a third of a cup of milk in her hands and I ordered her to stop. Pulling my fingers from Peter’s arse I immediately stuck them into his mouth and he instinctively began licking and sucking them.

Now I moved them around until Angela was sat on the edge of the settee her cunt just hanging over the edge and Peter had just returned from the errand of fetching a clean bowl from the kitchen. I made him stand in front of Angela but just before Angela tried to prejudge what was coming I ordered her to lay back. Placing the bowl between Angela’s feet, I began to arrange things. Now Peter was told to lean forward and begin sucking Angela’s right breast, he was told to swallow all the milk he extracted and I slipped on a condom and stepped up behind Peter. I easily entered his well fucked anal ring and then reached around him and located Angela’s clitoris. Now as I fucked Peter I rubbed Angela’s clit and Peter sucked on Angela’s tit.

I knew that with her expressing milk and now with Peter sucking on that self-same tit and me playing with her clit, Angela would be able to hold out for long and sure enough she started climaxing within five minutes and as predicted her squirting had some, but unfortunately not all, of her cunt juices landing in the bowl. I continued to Fuck Peter’s arse until the tingle in my balls told me my own orgasm was about to happen. I shot my wads of spunk into the teat of the condom.

Pulling out of Peter’s arse I slipped the condom off and held the open end between thumb and forefinger; Ordering Peter to now pick up the bowl I tipped the milk from the cup into the glass that held the two loads of Peter’s spunk added the spunk from my condom and topped it all off with the mixed juices of cunt fluid and piss from the bowl.

Now taking a long handled spoon I stirred the mixture and saying Ladies first I ordered Peter to drink half the concoction before handing it to Angela, she was told to swallow all except the last bit of the remaining liquid. Then with the last bit she was told to take it into her mouth but not to swallow and then she had to French kiss Peter and transfer the fluid for him to swallow.

This completed, Peter had to now lay back and watch his wife being fucked by the better man and whilst doing so he was to fuck his own arse with the dildo. I instructed him further that he had to angle the dildo until he found the g spot near his prostate and then milk that until he came all over his own midriff.

I started to fuck Angela doggy style telling her is she was going to be a horny bitch she had to be fucked like a bitch; but I found my cock kept slipping out of her so I had her lay on her back and open her legs wide. It felt strange fucking her with this bump trapped between us but when I came I came straight into her cunt and had Peter lick her out until she climaxed for the fourth time that evening. Poor peter he was soaked and his hair plastered down with her mixture of cunt juice and urine. Now it was clear everyone including myself was fully sated and could not rise to another event that night. I left the happy couple with Peter spooning around his pregnant wife, my baby making cream still leaking out of Angela’s well fucked cunt. There were a few more days ahead but they are for another story at another time.
