View Full Version : It's strange where incidents lead 02 (CHPTR 3)

01-25-2016, 05:56 AM
Chapter 3. The fun really begins.

Alice arrived at the clinic just five minutes before her appointment time and barely had time to sit down before her name was called and she approached the reception area. Dr Klamour is running a little late today, the smartly dressed receptionist said, he will see you but it is likely to be around 7 pm and not as arranged 6.30pm, is that all right? She enquired. Alice found herself nodding and a little confused when the same receptionist handed her a form to fill in. “Oh I did that last time I was here”; she found herself childishly responding.

Almost indignantly the receptionist responded, “Yes but this is for the time between appointments, or are you telling me you are refusing to give the required information!” Alice suddenly became aware of the other five people in the waiting area all seemingly staring at her as if to find out who dare challenge the wisdom of a Consultant physiatrist. Meekly now she took the clipboard and turned to walk back to her seat, aware of the others watching her every step; half to her seat she stopped and turned round and almost scurried back to the reception desk. The Receptionist glared at her; until she explained she needed a pen to fill in the form.

Now the receptionist seemed to mellow as she smiled an almost brilliant white smile before handing Alice a pen. Alice almost found herself asking how she managed to get her teeth so white and gleaming but thought she had made a fool of herself enough for one day. Quickly taking her seat she began to read the form, it was pretty routine to start with.

The first question after requesting her full name was; how have your moods been; since your last visit? She read. Quickly she answered that it had been hit and miss. Next question read, have you experienced any longing or desires which have not been fulfilled? Alice thought for a while! Should she really write down that she had not been able to climax despite old man Jenkin’s finest attempts? She hesitated before reasoning that lack of disclosure may affect her successful treatment. She chose not to fully disclose all the details but did write down that she found it much harder to climax with her sexual partner. She thought it better than trying to explain how she had lured an old peeping tom to her bedroom and allowed him to use her like a whore!

Continuing, the next question increased the level of personalisation and probed further her sex life; how many times have you and your partner indulged in Full sexual intercourse? She almost blushed at this question but fearing a false answer could affect her treatment she answered. I am current without a partner; however only today I had sex three times in the afternoon with a close friend. Glancing at the next question again she blushed took a deep breath and pressed forward with an honest answer. How many times since becoming sexually active; have you indulged in anal sex, Less than ten times, more than ten but less than twenty or more than twenty times? Next question was, if your answer was a positive number please answer honestly as to what you felt like whilst having your sphincter muscle stretched?

Taking another deep breath she answered; More than ten but less than twenty! She then continued I felt initial pain but soon that was replaced with an overall feeling of disgust, although I did manage to orgasm in all those times except the last one; this very afternoon.

The final question was again very personal as it asked if there was any form of sexual act which you found disgusting and therefore refused to participate. Alice began to feel a mixture hot and sexy as she felt her face flush and a warm tingling glow seeming to be bouncing about in her womb. She found her hand begin to shake almost uncontrollably as she struggled now to write legibly; Anal to mouth always made me gag and feel dirty and sick. She wrote.

The next line of the form required her to sign and agree to this information being used in her treatment and also absolving the company of any liability if things did not go as expected. Now having completed the form; Alice began to worry about the depth of her answers, did she have to include the part about her last anal fun begin this very afternoon. Mentally she made a sarcastic note; ‘I may as well told them I am a complete slut!’

Nervously now Alice signed the form and ticked the appropriate boxes; before taking the form back to the receptionist. She carefully watched her as she took the form and simply added the form to her case file. It was clear from the woman’s actions that she had trained herself not to read much more than the person’s name on top of the form so Alice relaxed slightly and just about got to her seat when her name was called and she was directed to take a door marked with the number 4 on it. Then she was to proceed to the end of the corridor and take the last door on the right.

Cautiously Alice knocked on the closed door and waited for a response, having heard a voice tell her to come in she opened the door and walked inside. In the centre of the room was the same sort of Dentist’s chair she had sat on during her first visit to Dr Klamour’s Clinic. A swivel chair sat beside it and in the chair sat Dr Klamour himself; he motioned for Alice to come forward as he examined the form and her case notes. She was just about to sit in the empty chair; when Dr Klamour instructed her that today he wanted her to remove her clothes before sitting down. Alice was shocked and stunned for a moment but her hands seemed to work with a mind of their own as they instinctively went to her blouse buttons.

Five minutes later she stood naked apart from her pale peach panties; which the doctor informed her would need to be on top of her pile of clothes. An embarrassed Alice slid them down her shapely legs and coyly over her dainty ankles; now totally naked she slid into the chair and crossed her legs. Soon she was following the green light once more just as she had previously, now in stage 1 level 1 of hypnosis; she was calm and controlled.

Five minutes later she had reached level three of hypnosis and was open to subconscious programming. Dr Klamour rubbed his hands before whispering into Alice’s right ear; open your legs and shuffle your horny arse to the front edge of the seat. As if by remote control she obeyed, Dr Klamour now told her that as she felt his fingers slid up into her cunt she would feel that a very thick large cock was penetrating her. To Alice she was once more abandoned to pure lust as the fingers in her cunt seemed to be a large cock; her imagination allowed free reign had her seeing a 12 inch thick cock partially buried into her stretched cunt. Soon her breathing became rapid and shallow as she neared the magical level of orgasm but she just could not break through that level.

Anyone observing the action in the examination room would swear blind that the seat of the chair occupied by Alice was either red hot or electrified; for now with wild abandon Alice thrust her hips upward and forward as she tried to get more of this imaginary cock into her orgasm denied cunt. Suddenly the fingers were gone and Alice returned to a static doll sitting in a pool of her own cunt juice. For one minute Dr Klamour contemplated bring Alice out of hypnosis just to see her reaction to all her own cunt juice laying pooling around her butt cheeks. He recalled having made that mistake once before and he almost broke out in a sweat as he recalled the hassle he had avoiding medical misdemeanour charges. He then ordered her to clean up the mess of the leather seat with her tongue and instantly Alice began to act like a lapping dog; on all fours without a shred of dignity she lapped up the delicious cream as if it was pure nectar.

Only when Dr Klamour was satisfied that no trace of her cunt juice could be seen did he tell her to sit back down. Leaning close to Alice’s right ear he said calmly, “Whenever you see the Word ‘Gleeful’ your horny cunt will instantly awake and require immediate attention!” The he sat back and simply said, “Anti-polarisation!”

Suddenly Alice was wide awake and casually looked down at her naked body; instantly her dignity kicked in and she sprang her legs together and clamped one leg over the other, hiding her cunt from view. She blushed a deep shade of pink when she thought about how she must have looked to this man with her legs wide apart as they had been. She found a little solace in the fact that the man was a doctor and therefore would gaze upon her body in a medical way and not in a sexual way.

How wrong she was; for the Doctor was already planning his next trance empowered session. On his clipboard pad he quickly printed a word and as if testing Alice’s ESP he asked her if she could think of the word he had just written down. She thought for a while and asked, “is the Word ‘pet’. The Dr smiled and then turned the clipboard around and revealed the word he had written was Gleeful.

Suddenly Alice became aware of this raging fire of desire springing from the very centre of her cunt and she moved as if stretching but making her thighs rub together as she tried discreetly to ease the extreme burning desire to finger her cunt. Dr Klamour now asked Alice what was wrong as she seemed unable to sit still. Quite unexpectedly she announced to him that she had this overwhelming desire to shove her hand up her cunt. The Dr was shocked firstly by her use of the words she used and secondly he never expected such an honest answer from such a young prim looking woman all be it in her naked state.

The doctor recovered enough to say; that is quite a natural reaction and if you desire it so much please be my guest and do whatever you feel the need to do. From somewhere inside Alice a new boldness erupted as she opened her legs and brazenly began to massage her clit first with her right hand and then as she felt the need for her fingers to enter her cunt she switched to stroking her clit with her left hand and three fingers began to widen her cunt opening as she searched to get as much of her hand inside her cunt.

The Doctor never missed a stroke but he did stand up for a better view and asked if she minded if he had a little wank as he watched her. Initially shocked that a doctor could think what she was doing was sexual she hissed through gritted teeth it was ok by her for she just had to get rid of this lusty feeling driving her mad. As soon as she saw the doctor’s six inch long but really thick cock she never took her eyes from it and indeed she begged him to let her suck it as she ploughed more fingers into her ravenous cunt.

Dr Klamour allowed Alice to kiss his cock but refused to allow her to give him a blow job after all she was not technically under hypnosis at that moment in time and therefore the spectre of another Medical misdemeanour charge flashed through his mind. Suddenly Alice bit her lip hard as her body shook like it was in an earthquake as her climax broke and she gasped her obscenities as her cunt sprayed its juices everywhere. Slumping back into her chair as the last few ripples of orgasm washed over her she the realised her situation.

She instantly tried to cover up; until that is she spotted the doctor’s hard cock poking from his trousers. Alice manage to blurt out one question, “What the fuck has just happened?” Now covering his exposed penis the Doctor smiled and replied, “You were telling me about your feelings and desires; I suppose you got wrapped up in the middle of it and began to openly masturbate in front of me. I guess it got to me too seeing a fine beautiful and sexy woman masturbating like that so I decide to wank along in time with your stroking of your cunt! I am afraid your very strong climax came before I could finish and then put away my cock without you noticing!”

Dr Klamour continued, “It is very rare for me to witness such a spontaneous act as yours and even more so to witness such a body shaking climax; if it helps I would like to thank you for making an old man very happy!” Alice now managed to smile and seeming more in control of herself she asked the doctor; “So you found my cunt so special that you wanted to wank over it, but you have not cum yet? Did you say Doctor; well it seems a shame to push that hard thing back inside your pants when I have a warm wet mouth to help you come to a pleasurable conclusion!”

Before the doctor could respond, Alice snaked out her hand and touched his cock, now embolden she wrapped her fingers around the strong solid flesh of his cock and began to move her hand up and down it. A smile spread across the doctor’s face as he stood and moved even closer to Alice. Alice responded by tightening her grip on his cock and almost pulling him by his hard cock meat towards her even further until she was within range and bobbing her head down she opened her lips. Her mouth felt hot as hell on the doctor’s cock whilst to Alice his cock was like a steel poker that had just started to warm up in a fire. A fire she was happy to stoke until his sperm flew forth and doused the flames of passion.

Now Alice slipped to her knees as she moved up a gear as she sucked so expertly on the doctor’s cock and that was the way the registered nurse found them only moments later; as she entered the room with the next patient’s records. She stood to her full majestic height of four foot ten inches; craned her neck to get a better view and instantly her hand began to stroke her own breasts through the nylon fabric of her uniform. Dr Klamour without missing a beat said “Thank you nurse Blanchard; Leave the papers on my desk please!” Placing the medical records on the doctor’s desk as instructed nurse Blanchard moved towards the pair rather than towards the door and seeing Alice’s still steaming wet cunt, she licked her lips and then bent down onto all fours and like a stray dog seeking out a ravenous scent she crawled round to Alice and her first tentative lick of Alice’s cunt sent fireworks off inside Alice’s head.

Blanchard was equally turned on by the actions she herself was committing to; she at first felt light headed as the thick cunt juice of Alice stung her tongue but tasted delightful. Soon Alice found herself struggling to concentrate on bring her doctor to climax as Blanchard’s probing tongue renewed the high passions she had felt whilst semi under hypnosis. Just then the doctor’s cock jerked and Alice struggled to contain all his spunk in her mouth and Blanchard was in a way glad she couldn’t for she quickly moved to a position where she could lap up any spillages from Alice’s mouth full of spunk.

At this session it seemed that only person not to climax was poor old nurse Blanchard; but Alice smiled at her as she said on my next appointment I want you to help me in any way you can. Knowing exactly what Alice meant, Nurse Blanchard returned her smile and said “you bet!”

06-11-2016, 09:15 PM
Wow The Fun Really started... what is Cuming Next... Thanks for the Update...