View Full Version : The theory of sexual tastes.

10-05-2015, 12:09 AM
The Theory of sexual tastes.
This first chapter contains no or very little sex; it concentrates on my own theory of how people come to be defined as gay; bisexual; heterosexual and about the strength of those traits. Leading on to dominance and submissive states and then in chapter two I will begin by explaining from my own experiences as a dominant male of forty years standing; how I came to this theory.
I expect the story to run for approx. four chapters but could be more depending on how it goes and is received.

Chapter One… The Theory.
Firstly I must stress that I have no medical training and in my day at school Science was merely physics or chemistry and nowhere near as complicated as DNA helixes. However I do consider myself to be of average intelligence and often use my brain to solve puzzles without the aid of a computer.
My theory is this: We all know about the X and Y genes which depict whether a baby is born Male or Female; but imagine if this was only the first layer of things these two genes change. WE know that if the male parent generates an X Gene and the Female always produces X genes then the baby is born female; conversely if the male donates a Y gene and the female her x Gene then the baby will be male.
Now what if below the x and Y genes there is a layer of atoms which affect the sexuality of the baby; For example if one atom has less than 50 neutrons or protons then the baby will grow up to become a lover of the same gender as their own (Gay or Lesbian); Likewise if one atom has between 51 and 100 neutrons or protons then the baby grows to be heterosexual and the nearer to each end of those spectrums depicts the more likely they are to be cast in that dye.
Additionally then those neutron and proton quantities could exact an effect on sexual preferences by their sheer numbers. Just imagine out of every 100 neutrons and every 100 protons the balances could be as such.
More than 90 neutrons and less than 10 protons, the baby grows up with the submissive trait being the strongest.
Less than 89 Neutrons but more than 40 Neutrons and more than 11 Protons but less than 60 the sexual trait would be what is commonly called normal well balanced healthy sexual preferences. (Not that there is anything unhealthy about the other preferences).
Less than 39 Neutrons and more than sixty Protons and the dominant side of the sexual preferences would be foremost.
If you think this through whilst it would be almost impossible to prove it makes logical sense as often the same traits are found in ancestral relatives, By that I mean it can be passed down the Genetic line and I can almost hear you saying but it becomes impossible when one parent is dominant and the other submissive; well my answer would be that the child has a fifty-fifty chance of following either one unless the genetic dominant atoms are so strong in that parent to override the dominant submissive tendencies of the other parent. It’s a bit like mixing paint you know that if blue and yellow paint are mixed a green colour ensues; but that green colour changes if more than equal parts of a base colour is added, I.E. More blue is added to the existing mix and the outcome colour becomes blue oriented towards colours like turquoise. More yell than blue results in a colour edging towards the lemon – green colour.
Much the same in my theory the more dominant Neutrons the more likely you will edge towards being a dominant person and the more Submissive Neutron count then the more likely it is to be the outcome of the baby being submissive in later life.
Now you may say but why don’t these tendencies show before puberty; well in minor ways they probably do only we see them as something different. For example would a bit of bullying at school not indicate a tendency to try to be dominant; and likewise being bullied at school could be a sign of submissiveness. (I would like to point out here that I do not condone bullying, nor have I ever tried to bully someone, that is without their express consent by dead or word).
So, often as children grow up they make basic errors as they try to test out their sexuality; like the first kiss can often informally tell a child that they are not heterosexual because the kiss was not out of this world; I believe this is simply misreading the signs.
This theory and I stress once again that it is only my theory; can also answer the questions about why certain people are prone to be unhappy in love as they try to conform to what they perceive as peer conformability, Many Gay males and Lesbian females have said that they found it difficult to “Come out” simply because they perceive society expects everyone to be heterosexual.

06-04-2016, 09:46 PM