View Full Version : A Weekend's Confusion, Pt. 2

09-28-2014, 01:40 AM
By the time Jenna awoke it was already 9 a.m. She was groggy, had a slight headache, and was still quite tense. Even after she did finally fall asleep she was plagued throughout the night with dreams of her loving uncle. Vivid, hot, and painfully erotic dreams. Unfortunately her subconscious couldn’t focus on what it wanted. Some of the dreams were sweet and tender, James softly caressing her all over her body. The others were much rougher, being teased and dominated, him forcing her to do what he wanted or just doing whatever he wanted to her in general. She found it slightly unnerving that she thought more about the latter than the former, but both types had the maddening tendency of ending before he ever actually started fucking her.

With a pout and a groan she rolled out of bed and searched for the spandex bike shorts she had worn the night before. Eventually she found them, cast aside with her lacy tank top but decided against wearing them again. There was a light stain at the crotch and considering what she’d done last night she didn’t want to stand out any more than she had to. Fortunately they weren’t her only pair, she thought, figuring it would be difficult at best to try and explain why she was wearing something different in the morning. She sighed and rubbed her eyes, considering going back to bed, that was until a heavenly aroma hit her nose.

After all the ‘exercise’ she’d gotten last night it was no wonder she was hungry. In the back of her mind she remember her uncle being a proficient cook and wondered what he made for breakfast. But as she started for the door a wave of embarrassment washed over her. She knew exactly what she’d done last night while her uncle was asleep on the couch. Now the question was did he remember anything.

James had been up for hours. He’d always been a morning person so it was nothing new for him but now he had a house guest to attend to as well. Part of him was still ashamed of himself, not only for spying on her last night but for having recorded her session and watching it twice more since then. There was something about her moaning his name that had gotten to him, but he’d worry about it later. Right now he needed to finish breakfast, knowing the girl would be extra hungry. He could hear Jenna walking down the stairs and moved quickly to put the finishing touches on her glass of orange juice.

When she walked into the kitchen James couldn’t help but laugh. Apparently she’d missed every possible mirror between her room and the kitchen because her hair was a disheveled mess. Her eyes were still squinted and she almost looked as if she had to drag herself there in the first place.

“Morning kiddo.” James greeted with a chipper voice and a smile.

Their eyes locked for a moment and the teen went red in embarrassment. Memories of everything she’d done, thought, and dreamed the night before came flooding back to her in a rush of blood. Quickly deciding speaking would be a bad thing she settled on waving.

James eyed her suspiciously, she was playing it rather well but there was a surefire way to figure out just how hungover she was. “What a morning, will ya look at that sunrise.” He spoke, gesturing towards the window.

Jenna turned slowly to look outside, the sun was beaming in the clear skies. Without warning she turned away and hissed as if she were a vampire. “Ugh… too bright… MY EYES!”

“Uh huh.” James chuckled to himself as she set her juice down on the table.

Jenna took a seat and stared at the large glass of orange juice. “That’s right, you don’t drink coffee…”

“Sure don’t, but that will perk you right up.” James smiled. He knew she would be hungover and prepared that particular glass of orange juice with a shot of what he was drinking last night and a Tylenol. She was small but he figured it would be enough to stabilize her. As Jenna started drinking she noticed an odd taste, not bad but slightly off. “You prefer sausage or bacon?”

“Um… either is fine… sausage I guess.” She tried to say in her normal tone, her mind was running rampant with innuendos. Her mouth began to water when he set the food down before her. Pancakes, sausage, and an omelet so large it needed its own plate. “Thank you, looks and smells amazing.”

“Let’s just hope it taste good too.” James replied as he started eating. The teen didn’t say much, her mouth being full of food, but nodded enthusiastically. “You look like you had quite the night’s sleep.”

Jenna nearly choked and took a big gulp of her juice. “Yeah, I guess, why?”

“Oh, I guess you haven’t seen your hair.” James laughed.

The teen gave him a questioning look then got up from the table and walked into the bathroom. There was a momentary pause between her entering and the short high pitched scream that followed. Seconds later she exited the room with her head held low and hands covering her face. “I look like a monster.”

“Not that bad, besides there are few things in the world as cute as the look of a well-rested girl in the morning. Bed head and all.” She lowered her hands and looked to him to find the same smile he always had for her. “That’s better.”

Near catastrophe averted the two of them went back to eating in silence. Jenna had finished her first glass of juice and suddenly noticed she was feeling a lot better. Beforehand she was considering just crawling back into bed but her head ache was gone and her belly was full. Now she felt like doing something. But first she was going to need another shower.

“So what did you want to do today kiddo? Left to my own devices I can be rather boring to be around, so if there’s something you wanted to do just let me know.”

James’s offer had just opened a whole locked room of opportunity for the teen and she willed herself not to blush. Besides, she knew her godfather was a good man and a good person. He’d never go for any of the things that had passed through her mind. Still, she wanted to be closer to him, even if they didn’t do the things she thought about.

“Actually I have a pretty good idea. Go get changed, we’re heading out.” James spoke abruptly.

“Where we going?”

“It’s a secret, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”

It had taken the teen over an hour to get her shower and get dressed. Once again James was left wondering what exactly she was going for in her choice of attire. The male in him definitely appreciated the length of the skirt she was wearing, hitting just an inch or two above her knees. To go along with that she wore pantyhose a shade darker than her regular skin tone and a tank top with another button down shirt over it. The guardian in James on the other hand, the part of him that saw the teen as someone that needed to be protected wasn’t quite as thrilled. It wouldn’t be a big deal for what they were doing though.

Jenna held a confused expression as she looked around the opened parking lot of the sports arena. It was still the off season and the team wouldn’t be around for weeks so she was confused as to why he would bring her to such a place. James casually turned off the car, pulling the keys from the ignition and glanced over at her.


That same look of confusion Jenna wore before only deepened as she got out of the car. “Ooookay. What now?”


“You want me in the back seat?” She asked again, still confused.

James did his best not to say anything about what she’d just suggested. She was obviously still confused as to why they were there and given their age gap there was a chance she wasn’t aware of what she’d just suggested. Pinching the bridge of his nose to get himself under control he looked at her with pleading eyes and shook his head. “No dear, the driver’s seat.”

“Ohhh.” She finally understood why he would take her to a massive empty parking lot. “You’re going to let me drive your car?”

“Yes I will, nothing quite as exciting as ones first driving experience.” He said with an arrogant aristocratic tone he generally used for being funny. “We’re going to work on parking.”

The teen raced around the car and threw her arms around him in a tight hug. “Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou. I promise I won’t hit anything Uncle Jay.”

“You’re thanking me like I’m going to go let you roll off on your own. I’ll be in the passenger’s seat. But you’re welcome none the less. Now, in the car with you.”

Jenna practically jumped into the driver’s seat and began looking around. She’d sat in the driver’s seat of cars before but never with the intention of actually driving one, the experience was exciting to her. It was a luxury sedan so there was plenty of space to move around and the steering wheel cover had little bumps going around it. Without warning she attempted to put the key in the ignition and received a stern flick to her forehead.

“Owww… what was that for?” She whined, rubbing her head.

“Two things. First you always buckle up before you start the car. If you do it before you start the car then you won’t be tempted to drive without your seatbelt on. What’s the first thing I always tell you and your mom when you ride with me?”


“Very good. Second, press the button marked four on the console to the left of the steering wheel.” She pressed the button and jumped when the seat, steering wheel, and mirrors started moving on their own. “If you get into a car that isn’t yours you always adjust the seat, steering wheel, and mirrors for your preference. Make sure your side mirrors are angled to see the side of the car, your feet should always be able to reach the peddles without a strain, and it’s the same with the steering wheel. Now go ahead and adjust them for you.”

The teen sat back in the seat and pressed the button to lean forward until she was comfortable then raised her height slightly. Adjusting the mirror was a bit trickier, having never driven a car she wasn’t exactly certain what she would be looking for but after slightly more explanation she had her side mirrors adjusted. The review mirror was simplest of all since she figured she just needed to see out the back.

“Very good, now you can start the car.” He watched her stick the key in the ignition and try to turn it but for some she couldn’t turn it over. After a moment he thought about it and looked at the position of the wheel. “You’re going to want to turn the wheel slightly to disengage the key lock.” She did as instructed and the car turned right over. “You’ll want to get in the habit of always putting your foot on the break when you start the car. But it’s not a flickable offense.”

“Thank god.” She said sarcastically, rubbing her head one more time for good measure. “Ok, what do I do now?”

“Well you could try to put the car in gear. Just make sure you keep your foot on the break… that’s the one on your left if you didn’t already know.” There was a short pause and then a slight chuckle when he heard the loud clicking when she stepped down. “That was the emergency break, press it down again then push the one in the center.” Jenna did as instructed again then grabbed the shifter and push the car into gear. “Ease off the break and just let the car roll on its own.”

The car slowly began to roll forward and she squealed in delight. Little by little she turned the wheel to get a feel for how it controlled. Not thinking she put her foot on the gas and shot forward. She began to panic until she heard a click and the engine rev get higher but her speed not increase. James had slid the shifter into neutral to cut her power and now they were just coasting. Her foot found the break and they came to a short screeching stop.

“Sorry Uncle Jay.”

“It’s ok. This car has a lot of power so a little bit goes a long way. Go ahead and put it back in gear, then gently place your foot on the gas, don’t press too hard.” Once again the car started to roll forward. “Now I want you to try and park in the last spot closest to the entrance.”

She came in too shallow and ended up clipping two other spaces and rolling through the space he pointed out and into the next one. “How was that?”

“Yeah… try it again. This time take it at a wider angle… as a matter of fact, pretend every space except the one you’re aiming for has a car in it. You’d be in a lot of trouble if you hit one, right?” She nodded slowly. “Well there’s your motivation. Now start parking.”

They had been at the parking lot for an hour and aside from a few closed calls with light poles she was actually getting pretty good at it. She learned how to park, back in and park, and even parallel park. The parallel parking was especially stressful for Jenna. There were no other cars and nothing to use as a marker so James used himself, standing several feet away from one of the polls and letting her go solo. Her choices were either park correctly, hit the poll, or run him over. Slow going would be a massive understatement, but James preferred that to her crashing his car or running over him.

After they were finished she wanted to drive them home but James had to decline. He let her park one last time then they switched places again. “Ok, have you figured out what you wanted to do yet?”

“Um… would it be ok if I invited my friend over?”

“Which friend…”

“Beth…” She could already see the disapproval in his eyes. “Please Uncle Jay, I promise we won’t be any trouble.”

“Shouldn’t she be grounded?”

Jenna blanked out for a moment. It was entirely possible that Beth would still be in trouble. But it had been two weeks since the incident and things may have cooled off for her by then. “She might still be grounded but can I ask at least.”

James thought for a handful of seconds, trying his best to figure out how to handle the situation. Looking down at the soulful eyes of the teen he relented. “Ok, stage one is you actually asking her parents if she can hang out with you today. If they say yes then I get to meet these people so they know exactly who I am. On top of that they are getting my phone number since I’ll be the one looking after you two.”

“Think she’ll be able to spend the night?”

“Don’t push it kiddo. Besides we have another stop to make before we do all of that.”

The pair got back in the car and drove for a half an hour before coming across a rather large innocuous building. Jenna got out of the car first and looked around while James opened up his trunk. She walked around just in time to see him pull a small black case from underneath the trunk lid. He also picked up one of his wind breaker jackets and motioned for her to come closer. Before she could voice a complaint he had the jacket tied around her waist.

“What’s the deal with that?”

“There’s a guy who works here, he’s nice enough but has a bit of a wandering eye. I’m not sure if he’s working today or not but considering where we are its better if he’s not looking at your butt.”

Jenna blushed and nodded before readjusting the jacket a little. “Ok, so what are we doing here?”

“This is something else special I thought you’d enjoy.”

The first thing Jenna noticed when they walked inside was that the second door looked very heavy duty. From visual inspection the glass was about two inches thick and mirrored. James took out his wallet and pressed it up against a small panel on the side, a loud click was heard and he stepped back to pull the door opened for her. She walked in and was stunned to see guns on the walls, lots of different guns.

“What is this place?” She asked nervously, clinging to his arm again.

“Isn’t it obvious… it’s a gun store and range. Hey Brad!” James waved to a man standing behind the counter.

Bradly was a fairly young man, in his mid-20s. With his cheerful attitude and smooth talk he made an excellent sales rep and had a knack for bringing in new business. “James, what’s happening? Who’s the little lady?”

“This is my goddaughter Jenna. Her mom had to go out of town so I’m taking care of her over the weekend… is Paul here today?”

“Naw, he’s on vacation, he’ll be in Florida for the next two weeks. So what can I do for you two today?”

“Just a little range time, so we’ll both need ear protection and she needs safety glasses. As well as a box of my standard… and a rental .22 with a half box if it’s convenient.”

“Shouldn’t be a problem buddy. I’ll get a holster for the .22 as well, since I’m pretty sure you won’t be shooting it.”

Bradley disappeared into a storage room in the back leaving James standing there and Jenna looking around. She was slowly making her way around the store, marveling at the various weapons displayed on the walls. “This looks like the one Meryl had on Trigun.” She said, pointing to the tiny gun in the display case.

“That would be a derringer, so I guess it would resemble the one she was using.”

Jenna nodded then looked back up to him. “What did he mean by you won’t shoot the 22?”

“I’m renting the .22 for you. I carry a .45 but I figured that might be a bit much for you to handle in the beginning. So I’ll start you out with a .22 and see how you handle that.”

The eyes of the teen lit up like she was four and it was Christmas morning. “You’re going to let me shoot it?”

“Well it would be rude to drag you here just so you could watch me shoot. We’ll be going over proper gun safety first and then I’ll let you fire a couple of rounds.”

Brad came back quickly with the gun and the ammo that was requested as well as some spare magazines. James paid the service and rental fees then showed Jenna to the range. While he was going over the safety protocols they started filling the magazines. Jenna was a natural when it came to loading and listened intently to her uncle’s instructions. Finally it was time to shoot, she stepped up to the line and aimed the .22 at the target, she’d remembered to breathe like he told her to then pulled the trigger.

She felt an intense tingling sensation after she fired the first shot then fired two more like he told her to. James had been watching her closely as she fired, the way her chest fell and rose, her well-toned tan arms flexing slightly, her slim waist and hips curving to her covered but still well rounded ass. Finally he shook his head clear and pressed the recall button on the paper target. He was proud to see that she managed to hit the target despite her poor stance, two of the rounds hit low in the six ring while one hit in the eight ring.

“Not bad kiddo, not bad at all. Your stance still needs a little improvement. Get in position.”

Jenna nodded and moved back into her stance. She was expecting verbal instructions but shuddered when she felt his hands on her hips. His grip was firm as he took control of her body, turning her hips ever so slightly then running his hands up her back to her shoulders. Jenna swallowed hard and tried to control her breathing when she felt his chest press against her back, his arms around her arms and his hands covering hers as she gripped the gun. She thought it was over until she felt his foot move against hers on the inside of her legs, moving them apart and the one foot slightly forward. And just when the feeling was getting to its most intense, when she could feel her whole body vibrate with the rise and fall of his chest, when she could feel the buildup in her groin… he moved away.

“There, give that a try and remember squeeze the trigger, don’t jerk it.” James said cheerfully.

Once again Jenna didn’t dare speak, just nodded slowly and tried her best to concentrate as the target moved back down range. James continued to watch her, he knew exactly what he’d done, he could tell by how her body trembled slightly and her breathing picked up, she was definitely turned on. Never the less she was trying her best to concentrate. Finally she felt she was ready and fired another three shots from the .22.

The first shot looked wild, striking the target in the left shoulder but the second two were closer to the center. She glanced back to receive his approval then fired another three shots, scoring much better than the first three, far from perfect but a good shot for her age and no training.

“Keep going.” James urged, waiting to see what she’d do when she ran out of rounds in the magazine. Sure enough, four rounds later she was empty, but surprisingly she released the magazine and inserted a new one. “That was all in one fluid motion, very nice.”

“Thank you Uncle Jay.”

“Nope problem kiddo, finish off the ammo for the .22 then I’ll let you give my .45 a whirl. “

‘I’d like to give something else a whirl.’ Jenna thought hungrily to herself, firing round after round of the .22 ammo. By the time she was finished she was getting pretty accurate and hitting near the center of the target consistently. One last shot and she dropped the magazine then cleared the chamber and put the safety on. “Finished!” She yelled out, overcompensating for her ears being muffled. She retracted the target to take a look at her handy work. It was starting to get warm to the teen and she removed her button down shirt and the jacket tied around her waist to get more comfortable.

James stepped up with his Smith and Wesson .45 and clipped the holster onto her belt, grazing her taut stomach as he did so then placed a fresh target up. “Now this one is going to have a bit more kick to it. Make sure you have a firm grip before you fire.”

She did as instructed and tightened her grip as she squeezed the trigger. The kick was much more than she’d expected but she kept control of the gun. Once again there was a rush going through her system that made her body feel tingly all over. She fired two more shots into the fresh target then relaxed as James retracted it. The shots were spread more than with the .22, with one very high striking around the throat and the other two down near the abdomen and groin.

James shrugged before sending the target back down range. “Those aren’t bad shots if the person is wearing body armor. Otherwise I think you’re overcompensating for the kick by aiming lower… or the guns two heavy. But give it three more and let’s see how you do.”

Three more shots fired and she had improved slightly. The shots were pulling slightly to the left but were much closer to center mass, kill shots for sure if medical attention wasn’t already there. James nodded for her to continue as he refilled the magazines, really he was just watching her. From the back her skirt was even shorter than he initially thought and he could make out the nice curve of her ass. On top of that her tank top was tight and hugged her body perfectly to show off her still developing breast.

James pulled out two more targets and set one up on the line next to hers then waited for her to finish and put one on her line as well. He had two more magazines left and figured they could make a game out of it. “So these are the last two. You think you can out shoot your dear old uncle?”

“Depends, what do I get if I win?”

James laughed and ruffled her hair. “It’s not what you get if you win. It’s what happens when you lose that’s important.”

Jenna swallowed nervously. “What happens if I lose?”

“I don’t know, I’ll have to figure that out.”

Two minutes later James and Jenna emerged from the range, the teen looking quite dejected. She’d tried her hardest to out shoot her uncle but he had years more experience and it was his gun. Bradly was just finishing with a customer when the pair walked up. “So how’d you do little lady?” Jenna held up two of the paper targets and received a proud whistle from the clerk. “Pretty good, nice tight groupings. He remarked before seeing the hole in the shoulder. “We call that one a warning shot.”

Jenna laughed and stepped to the side so James could return the .22. “Yeah, she’s a natural.”

“And a cutie at that, I can see why you asked if Paul was around. Dirty old man.”

“You’re telling me, having an argument in a gun store because he’s leering at my 14 year old goddaughter… it just sounds like a bad idea.”

“I feel ya.” Bradly replied as he checked the gun to make sure it was empty then placed a trigger guard on it. “And how will you two be enjoying the rest of the weekend?”

“She has a friend she wants to come over so that should keep her entertained for a while. Me, I’ll be cooking… you wouldn’t believe how much she can eat.”

“Uncle Jay!” She pouted and nudged him in the side. “That’s not funny.”

“Yeah it is, let’s get going Kiddo. Have a good one Brad.” They made it back to the car and James popped the trunk to push his gun back where he kept it hidden. “Did you have a good time?”

“That was awesome Uncle Jay. It was so exciting to shoot an actual gun, and it smells funny but good, and the kick wasn’t that bad, and…” Jenna rambled on for another minute while James just smiled and watched her. Finally she began to calm down and threw her arms around him. “It’s been the best day ever.”

James leaned down and gave her a light kiss on the forehead. “I’m glad you’re having a good time. Now call your friends parents, not your friend, her parents and ask if she can hang out with you.”

By mid afternoon both girls where at James’s house splashing around in the pool. Beth’s parents were initially wary of letting her go but after James introduced himself and they had a chance to talk things got better. Beth was exactly what James had expected the girl to be like given the stories he’d heard. She was cute enough but had an air of promiscuity about her. Both teens had roughly the same body type, thought Beth was slightly more developed with blond hair. Her breast were that of a C-cup and her butt was just a bit shapelier. James had no idea what their parents were thinking when the girls got their two piece bathing suits or if they even knew about them at all but he wasn’t complaining. While doing his best not to lust after them he could still appreciate their individual beauty.

James himself was busy at the grill. He’d left the girls by themselves just long enough to go out and buy some ribs and burgers to cook. Beth didn’t have to be home until 8 since her parents knew where she was, and James had offered to drive her back so they wouldn’t have to go out of their way to get her. When he looked up again the two girls were laying down in the lounge chairs tanning themselves. He took a moment to shake his head clear then went back in the house to get more barbeque sauce.

“So your godfather really took you to the shooting range?” Beth asked in a whisper.

“Yeah, I did most of the shooting. The clerk said I was pretty good when he saw my targets. But that was after he let me drive his car.”

“That is soooo cool! Ya know…” She whispered, looking around to see where James was. “He’s kinda hot. I would totally screw him.”

“Isn’t that what got us both into trouble a few weeks back?”

Beth gave her friend a pouty look and frowned. “You just had to bring that up didn’t you? I didn’t think they would be home so early.”

“I know you didn’t, but I was lucky my mom didn’t beat my ass when she found out.” Jenna got really quiet then looked around herself to see where James was. “What did it feel like… to... you know?” Jenna tried to explain while keeping her face from combusting from embarrassment.

Even for one as opened about her sex life as Beth she was taken aback by the question. “Um… you’ve tried using your fingers before right?” Jenna nodded. “Imagine something ten times as big, filling you up and stretching you out. It’s big and warm and… once it’s in… just wow. After the initial pain of course.”

The cool blue eyes of the teen got as big as saucers. “Pain… what pain?”

“Oh… um… yeah… that first time, there may be some pain… and blood… but it gets better. Trust me.”

“Pain and blood… why in the hell would anyone want that?”

“I said the first time dummy.” Beth laughed. “But it doesn’t compare at all to the sensation when you’re with someone like that. And I hear older guys that have experience and can do like amazing things with their hands… and tongues.”

“Tongues? What about their tongues?”

“It’s sort of it like our version of a blowjob. Matt’s been trying it on me and if feels heavenly, I can’t imagine what a man with more experience can do.”

“HEY!” James yelled from his spot on the porch. “What are you two whispering about?” Both girls blushed beet red when they looked up at him and started giggling. “You know what, I’m better off not knowing. Food is almost done, go wash your hands so you can eat.”

“Yes sir!” Both girls called out, jumping to their feet and rushing past him to the bathroom.

After they got cleaned up they moved to the living room to watch movies. James had decided to let them do their own thing and went upstairs to watch a show of his own. It took some convincing but after Beth saw her uncle’s movie collection she talked Jenna into horror movies. A few of them were classics like Friday the 13th and Halloween, while some were completely random and even scarier.

7:30 just seemed to appear out of nowhere for the girls and it was time for Beth to go home. James had already packed up half of the remaining ribs for the blond to take to her parents and crept quietly down the stairs then got low and snuck his way to the edge of the couch. The girls were in the middle of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and nearly jumped to the ceiling when James popped up next to them, he’d had his laugh at their expense for the night.

The ride to Beth’s house was quiet with both girls whispering back and forth to each other in the back seat. They were just low enough for James not to hear them but judging by the intense whispering and giggling fits whatever it was was probably inappropriate for them to be talking about. When they finally pulled up outside Beth’s home James and Jenna exited the car as well and walked her to the door. Neither girl felt like parting ways but Beth’s grounding wasn’t let up enough for her to stay the night. The blond teens parents greeted the trio and gladly accepted the container of ribs James had brought for them before bidding them a good night and safe drive home.

When they returned home James and Jenna settled down on the couch together the older man looking over the teen. “So what would you like to watch now?”

“You pick, I… I think I’ve had enough scary movies for a while.”

“Alright then, how about another classic?”

“That sound’s good, but I think I need another shower first. Starting to smell like chlorine over here.”

“That’s fine, I’ll find something good for us to watch when you get back… and probably have more of those ribs.” James laughed.

While James was busy cycling through his movies he heard Jenna call his name from upstairs and moved to the banister. “What’s up Kiddo?”

The still wet head of the teen poked its way out from behind the bathroom door. “Do you have any lotion, I ran out.”

James just shook his head in disbelief and started up the stairs. “Sure thing, just stay in there.” Once in his bedroom he picked up the half full bottle of lotion, shaking it to make sure there was plenty inside then started back for the bathroom when a thought struck him. He opened the drawer to his nightstand and pulled out a bottle of KY warming gel. He’d planned to stimulate the girl throughout the day and this opportunity seemed like a grand shortcut if there was one, then squirted half the bottle of warming gel into the bottle of lotion and shook it up as he went to the bathroom, knocking lightly on the door. Jenna cracked it opened and he could see her reflection in the long bathroom mirror. She held a towel to her chest to cover her from leaving her back and ass exposed. James quickly averted his eyes and stuck the arm holding the lotion partway through the door for her to take the bottle. “There you go.”

“Thanks Uncle Jay, I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

Once back in the living room James began to tense, he couldn’t believe what he’d just done. In the back of his mind he knew it was very wrong and to clear his mind he needed a drink. He went to the kitchen and started mixing a new recipe he’d found online, all the while contemplating the actions that were to follow. ‘There’s going to be a few minutes before that gel actually takes effect… maybe longer since it’s been diluted. On the other hand it’s hard to take into the account the hyper sensitivity of women, especially young women, it may be just enough to drive her towards the edge. But she’ll probably just try and hold it in if I’m too close to her… what the hell did she do with my hand last night?’

He took a sip of the drink and even he was surprised by the taste. “Saying something is supposed to taste like s’mores is one thing but actually having it taste like s’mores, person deserves a damn medal.” James muttered to himself.

“You say something Uncle Jay?”

James whipped around to see Jenna standing there. Her nighttime attire this time seemed more reasonable for a girl her age, long grey pajama pants and a lacy black tank top. Like last time her hair was still wet and fell down in front of her as it dangled loosely. “I was just commenting on this mixed drink actually tasting like it said it would… would you like to try some?” He asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

‘… FUCK! What do I do what do I do? I mean yeah, I obviously want to try it, but I’m too young to drink, but that didn’t stop you from taking his drink last night, shut up no one asked you, I’m just saying you may as well go with it besides he probably knows you were drunk last night, but how would he know, you saw the look he gave you… he knows, so I take the drink? Well don’t make it obvious stupid.’ All ran through her head in the time it took her to blink. “Sure, I guess I’ll try it.”

James reached into the cupboard and pulled down an extra-large glass and filled it with water then pulled a shot glass from the same place. “Drink the water first, can’t have you stumbling around drunk.”

It actually took Jenna a moment to down the whole glass of water then she slammed back the shot like a pro. There was a slight burning but the taste quickly had it overshadowed. “Taste like… s’mores?”

“Yep, that’s what it’s supposed to taste like.”

“Can I have another one?”

James cringed for a moment then poured her a second shot. “Last one.”

She didn’t throw this one back like the first, instead taking a moment to savor the taste of the alcohol. “Yeah, just like s’smores.”

“I bet it does!” James yelled, grabbing the girl and tickling her without mercy. All the while letting his hands and arms graze against the most sensitive parts of her body.

“I give, I give.” She laughed as she climbed up off the floor. “Not cool man.”

“Yeah yeah.”

James made himself another drink and they moved to the living room to start watching moves. Jenna got seated on the couch and expected James to sit next to her again but he threw a blanket on top of her and took a seat in his recliner. He picked up his tablet and pressed a few buttons to start the movie. The teen didn’t recognize it but was mildly intrigued by the ticking clocks all over the house.

“What movie is this?”

“Back to the Future, I’m pretty sure it’s actually older than I am.”

“Oh, I always wanted to see this.” Jenna mused as she settled down and covered up with the blanket.

As the movie progressed James’s attention was divided between the movie and the teen on the couch. Every so often he would look over the see how she was doing, wondering just how diluted the gel had become in the lotion. Jenna on the other hand was trying not to squirm around too much. She couldn’t understand why but her body was feeling warm in certain places. She knew it wasn’t the alcohol, she’d had way more the night before and it didn’t make her respond the way she was now. Her nipples were tingling slightly and she could feel the area around her groin getting hotter. For a moment she thought it was something James had done but quickly dismissed it, she would have remembered his hands going between her legs.

As much as she tried to lay still her hand eventually found its way under her tank top to scratch at her breast. But this had the strange effect of actually making the sensation intensify. Desperately she kept her movements short; a rub here, a pinch there, all the while trying not to draw attention to herself. But the longer this went on the more maddening it was becoming. James had taken notice too, watching her shift under the blankets every so often.

The movie finished and he put on part two of the trilogy. In the interim Jenna had gone back up stairs and put on more lotion, thinking that her skin had managed to get dry somehow, then came back down and covered up on the couch. But first stopping in the kitchen to sneak another drink of the alcohol. The initial effects of the lotion had cooled her skin considerably but half way through the movie the warming returned with a whole new intensity. This time she hardly even tried to hide her fumbling under the blankets.

“You ok over there Kiddo?”

Jenna froze for a moment, just long enough to think of a reasonable lie. “Yes sir, my back just itches.”

James left his recliner and moved to the couch then slid his hand behind her and started scratching her back. The feel of her godfather’s hands on her back, the warming of the gel on her most private places, and the alcohol coursing through her blood was sending the teen into a tailspin of emotions. “Thaa… thanks… that’s gooood.” She eked out, just keeping herself from reaching out and grabbing his leg.

James yawned and looked at his watch. “Ok, just let me know if you need anything.” She nodded her head weakly and settled down to watch the movie. Eventually it ended and James checked the time again. “Well that’s enough for me. Same deal as last time, you can stay down here and watch what you like or go to the room and do the same.”

“Ok.” Jenna spoke quickly. “I think I’ll go to the room and finish the horror movie I was watching earlier.”

“All you Kiddo.”

James had watched Jenna from the webcam for a half an hour but decided to turn in when nothing interesting happened. Just a little past one he heard a knock at his door and pulled the other gun he kept hidden behind his head board. The soft mewing voice of the teen on the other side caused him to snap to his senses and he put the weapon in his nightstand then made his way to the door. When he opened it she jumped in shock then rushed in and threw her arms around him.

He paused for a moment to take stock of the situation then formed a general idea of what had happened. “Let me guess, fell asleep watching movie that looped on repeat because of the video player and it gave you a nightmare, then you couldn’t fall back to sleep because the house is drafty and makes strange noises…” She nodded her head while her face was buried in his chest. “And now you want to sleep in here with me… ok, hop in bed.”

The teen climbed into the bed and got comfortable. Jenna was under the blankets and curled into a little ball as James moved around to get in on the other side. It didn’t surprise him to find that she’d taken his spot and let out an internal sigh. He tried to relax but could feel her shivering next to him. Not thinking about the situation he threw his arm around her and pulled her back against his chest.

“That better?”

Jenna’s mind was racing at this point. Playing the movie to try and curb her hormones has seemed like such a good idea in the beginning but now she was in bed next to the direct cause of her being horny. In truth it actually had scared her awake but she knew her uncle to be quite the hardedge individual when it came to fear. She figured he would have just sent her back to the room. “Thank you Uncle Jay.”

“Sweet dreams.” He spoke softly, ruffling her hair then clicking his tablet to tell the room’s webcam to record.

James was quick to drift back to sleep but woke again two hours later when he felt something shifting around him. He must not have been snoring because the constant moving and low whining didn’t stop when he woke up. His hand wasn’t where he remembered leaving it when he fell asleep. Instead of being underneath the pillow on the other side of the teen it was between her legs, her hand on top of his and pushing it against her pubic area. She’d been careful not to make too much noise in the beginning but her labored breathing was finally starting to get the better of her.

Jenna was surprised by her own restraint in the beginning. The first hour was spend just relaxing and reveling in the feeling of being in her uncle’s arms. But little by little she needed more, more contact, more feeling. By an hour and a half she’d managed to shift the hand that was laying on her from beside her head to between her legs and everything after that was just a torturous bliss. She’d been more careful that when she was on the couch but she also had a lot more room to work with. Like last time she was carefully working his fingers against the folds of her pussy but without the fog of alcohol she was able to concentrate more on her pleasure.

At first the stroking was soft and gentle. But as she found more pleasure her body began to move on its own, seeking out whatever ways possible to heighten the sensations. Now she was pressing his fingers firmly against the outside of her pajama pants, moving them however she could to make herself feel better. But as she continued something was feeling off.

“Jenna…” James called smoothly into her ear. The teen froze immediately, she’d been found out. “Oh… so you are actually doing what I think you’re doing.” She still couldn’t move, she wanted to move, she needed to move, to at least take her hands off of his. But it was as if the sound of his voice and the knowledge that she’d been caught in the act had paralyzed her. “You do know that this is a felony, right? They would put me in jail for the next twenty years.”

Slowly she turned to look at him, her face still at the edge of pleasure but now with worry and doubt setting in. “But you didn’t do anything… why would they put you in jail if I was the one doing it.”

James sucked in a deep breath, drinking in the arousal of the teen next to him. “Because I’m the adult, I’m supposed to be in charge and have everything under control. So naturally the questions would be how did I let this happen and why I didn’t do anything to stop it?” Jenna nodded her head in his chest and was about to get up when she felt his fingers move against her on their own and let out a quivering breath. In that one moment everything had gone dark and then super bright in the teen’s eyes, even the pitch black room appeared to be lit up like the sun was its light source. “I’m not mad at you, I just want you to understand that that was all different kinds of wrong.”

Jenna spoke quickly and urgently, though still reeling from James’s single action. “I’m sorry Uncle Jay, I promise I won’t tell anyone what I did. I don’t want you to get into trouble.”

He leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead with a smile. She was about to get up again but he hugged her with his other arm. “Do you know what’s also very wrong?” The teen shook her head, though whether it was in reference to his question or to get rid of the stars she saw was anyone’s guess. “Well for me at least, it’s wrong to turn away a woman who hasn’t been pleasured properly.” He punctuated his statement by dragging his fingers against the outside of her pajamas again. She had to bite down on her lip to hold in the moan that tried to escape. “I can do it this one time, but you can never speak of it to anyone. Agreed?”

The teen’s head swiveled around like a bobble head for a moment then she focused. “Yesssss, I promise I’ll never tell anyone.” She almost yelled out in urgency.

James sat up against the headboard and pulled her back against his chest, his fingers moving slowly against the fabric of her pajama pants. His strokes were soft and gentle as he massaged her pubic area in small circles, the other hand massaging her breast. Finally his hand slipped up then back down underneath the hem of her pants. He could feel the down soft hair as he slid past it and into the folds of her pussy. On instinct she closed her legs around his hand, only serving to increase the pressure he was putting against her, his middle finger teasing at her opening while the others stroked around the outside.

Jenna’s eyes were squeezed tight and for the first time she was able to let out an unhindered moan. That act alone was freeing for the teen, to finally be able to vocalize her pleasure. Through her earlier attempts, with and without the unknown aid of foreign hands, nothing had ever alluded to the pleasure she was feeling now. Her breathing, labored and raspy, her hands gripping the arm of her uncle and the sheets, her toes curled and flexed, all sensations she’d felt before but never with such intensity. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d opened her eyes and honestly didn’t care, all that mattered was the man teasing her with his fingers and the pressure she could feel building up inside her.

She felt the hand that once massaged her breast leave its position and encircle her waist and missed the feeling she’d lost. Then the finger entered her and she understood what that arm was doing, keeping her from jumping up and latching onto the ceiling in pleasure. Now she fought to sit still as the digit moved in and out of her, her body betraying her desire to let him do whatever he wanted. She could feel his hand constantly pushing against her pants and recovered just enough control to loop her thumbs into the hem and slide them down and over her ass.

“Thanks, they were getting in the way.”

Jenna opened her mouth to reply but the finger plunged back into her wetness and it was all she could do to not yell in pleasure. With her pants out of the way he had more than enough room to move and tease her as he saw fit. With some coaxing he got her to lift her arms and removed her tank top, letting it fall to the side of the bed. James had been with enough women to know there were certain zones he could hit that would just send then to the very edge of pleasure without pushing them over it and in a heightened state of sensitivity the earlobe was one of them.

The teen was just starting to get used to the finger going in and out of her when his hand found her breast again. On top of that he’d started at her shoulder and licked a fine line up her neck to her ear and bit down lightly. Once again she was biting her lip, her senses were being overloaded with waves of pleasure coming from too many directions at once. James could feel her body tightening like a bowstring and eased off to let her calm down. There were plenty of ways to bring her over the edge and fingers wasn’t going to be how she had her first orgasm.

There was a moan of disapproval when James took his fingers away from her now soaked pussy and his hand off her breast. Jenna wanted to give him a threatening look to keep going but in her current state she wasn’t sure how much control she still had over her limbs. Then she felt the warmth of his chest leave her back and actually felt abandoned for a moment. He’d needed both hands to arrange the pillows against the headboard and the second he was finished his arms circled around her again.

“Don’t fret, I’m not going anywhere. Lay back against the pillows and we’ll see if I can please you further.”

She did as instructed, moving back against the pillows and getting comfortable, then she felt James’s arm circle around her. Her eyes had been squeezed shut for so long and the room was so dark it was hard for her to see. Just as she was about to open her mouth she felt his lips push up against hers. Her eyes snapped open in surprise then fluttered shut as she began to drift into the feeling of being kissed by her uncle.

They stayed just like that for what seemed like forever to the teen. Tongues battling back and forth but love and tenderness at the forefront. Once again James’s hand found its way to her breast to massage and pinch at her nipples. With a little effort, and a finger, he got her to release his mouth and started making his way down her body. One hand continued to massage while his lips locked around the nipple of her other breast, licking and sucking tenderly at it then switching over and lavishing the other with the same care and attention.

‘MY GOD! This feels amazing!’ Jenna thought, gaining just enough control of her hands to run her fingers through his hair as he licked further and further down her body. He stopped for a moment at her bellybutton, tonguing it lightly then the licked across her well-toned abs. ‘What’s he doing?’ She asked herself before a memory of earlier came back.

“It’s sort of it like our version of a blowjob… I can’t imagine what a man with more experience can do.”

James knew the teen was soaking wet, even if he couldn’t see it he could smell the pleasant scent of arousal wafting off her in large doses. It was the fresh smell of a young woman about to experience her full sexual awakening. Without warning James licked her pussy from bottom to top and reveled in the loud moan that was barely audible with her thighs closing on either side of his head. His licking was focused on the outside of her lips then on the inside, every so often letting his tongue lick up against her clit and causing her to spasm for a brief moment. As always his hand found its way back up to her chest, joyfully massaging her breast and giving her pleasure from a second location. Finally he licked at her hole in earnest, thrusting his tongue in and out, literally fucking her with his mouth.

Jenna didn’t know what was happening anymore. In her short time alive nothing had ever even hinted that such feelings were possible. Her body was on fire, and her hands had a mind of their own. One clutching James’s and pushing it harder into her breast, the other raking her fingers through his hair. In the back of her mind she wondered why kissing her former boyfriend had never felt as good as what she was feeling now. But there was another feeling coming, it had been building up ever since he started touching her and now it’d built to almost painful levels.

He could feel the teen beginning to tighten and fight against the pleasure she was feeling. Her body was slick with sweat, her hair a tangled mess, and her face twisted into the most adorably confused look of anguish and euphoria. “I know it feels odd, just relax and let the feeling take over.” James coaxed between licks of her inner thighs.

Despite his urging she was still fighting her body, but James knew how to bring her over the edge. Two fingers sank into her wetness as his mouth covered her clit, sucking hungrily. His other hand continued to manipulate her breast and with expert precision he began to move the two fingers in a come hither manner, as if he were walking them out her vagina.

“Oooohhh… no wait, sttoo stoooop.” She begged uselessly.

“Let it go…”

Jenna moaned and writhed, tried to push him away. Her body and mind warring with each other over what it really wanted. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore, her back arched, pushing her pussy harder against his hand as she began to spasm uncontrollably. “Uhhhhh… nnnaaaammmm… pppppplllleeeeeaaaa… waaaaaiiii… ffffuuuuuucckkkk…” Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body, her mind going blank in the midst of her first true orgasm. Her eyes squeezed shut but still there was a blinding light and for a moment she was in heaven. She thought it was over but James kept going, continuing to bring her body back to the edge and now that she’d crossed the line once it was easy to do it again.

James had forced three more orgasms out of the girl before letting her float back down to earth. The teen had turned into an incoherent mess of spasms and babbling nonsense, so he figured he’d done the job right. With her out of it the way she was he had plenty of time to reach into the night stand for a condom and the warming gel. He was slightly above average for length and girth and would take special care not to hurt the girl. But above all else he would make sure she enjoyed her first time.

“Jenna. Jennnnnaaaa? Are you ready?” James asked the still dazed teen while rolling on the condom.

‘Jenna? What’s a Jenna? Where am I? Wait, I’m Jenna. Ready for what?’ She thought mindlessly as her body finally began to recover. Still her mouth seemed to be working better than her brain and she nodded an agreement. “Uh huh…”

James positioned himself at her entrance after applying the gel to the condom. Taking delight in moving the head against her clit and watching her spasm again he then slowly started to push in. She was tight and he was going to make sure the process of taking her virginity was as slow and smooth as possible.

Jenna didn’t know what to expect, she’d felt her uncles fingers and tongue all over her body, bringing her to unfathomed heights of pleasure and in the back of her mind she wondered how it could get better. Until then she’d never seen her uncle’s dick before, sure she’d felt it pressed against her butt, felt it against her back when he pulled her against his chest but now she had the chance to look at it. It was much bigger than the fingers that had brought her such pleasure and in her current overstimulated state it felt as if it were on fire, even from the outside. Her eyes had been half close when he first started but opened wide as she felt the walls of her vagina stretch and conform to the foreign appendage.

Inch by inch he slid deeper into the warmth of the teen’s wetness, if he’d done his job right she’d be fully capable of accepting every bit of his member. Mostly in he began to feel some resistance, the remains of the hymen of a very flexible and active girl. Leaning in he kissed her fully on the mouth, Jenna hungrily reciprocating, then pulled back to look into her eyes. She’d need reassurance at such a pivotal time. “I promise, it may only hurt for a moment at the most, then it will never hurt again.”

She was only able to nod in acknowledgment then grip the pillow next to her as he proceeded to push in further. Her hymen had been torn years ago between sports activities and martial-arts practice but there was still some mild discomfort and pain at having him so deep in her. Tears stung at the corners of her eyes and she had worked herself into a full blown panic, but it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. James had just laid there, buried in her wetness, hugging her close and kissing her for reassurance.

Jenna was fortunate James had arranged the pillows the way he did, when he pulled out then slowly thrust back into her she threw her head back in unbridled ecstasy. She was moaning and sweating and at some point and time the stars had come back in to her vision. He pulled out then slid back in again and all the pleasure she was feeling burst forth in a guttural, primal moan. His pace was slow but she didn’t care, the job was being done. Her hands had gone wild, roaming and searching for something, anything to grab hold of as he fucked her senseless.

For the next ten minutes the pair continued to go at it, James tenderly bringing the teen to the edge of her orgasm then backing off to string it out. James couldn’t help but smile at the reactions she was having, there was something about watching his partners in the throes of passion that made him put more effort into what he did. His arm slipped underneath her and in one smooth motion he picked her up and rolled them over so that she was riding on top.

In the heat of the moment Jenna didn’t know what to do. The change in position had put her in control of everything and she had no idea how to proceed. It had also changed the angle his dick was hitting her at. When she moved to try and get situated, putting her hands flat against his stomach and pushing up she slid up against him. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and all the strength left her hands, causing her to forcibly impale herself against the stiff mass.

“Ohhhooaaa, oh god…”

The feeling was so intense and new it took a moment for her body to catch up and respond. She tried to get up again but ran into the same problem, pleasure hitting her like a mac truck. James sat up and wrapped his arms around her, helping her slide up and reposition her knees on either side of his waist then laid back and moved her hands into his interlocking their fingers. Using his hands as a brace she began to move herself up and down against him. Her moves were sporadic as she tried to find her rhythm, fighting against her body again.

Feeling sorry for the teen James decided to help her along and began thrusting his hips into hers on her down strokes. On instinct she would move back up then come back down to be pounded into again. Her breathing came out in short hiccups and soft panting moans. Each time her uncle would move against her she’d edge closer and closer to the brink of another orgasm. But she wasn’t alone, despite the involuntary and amateur movements of the teen she was still tight and riding him in a way that was bringing him to the edge too.

Sitting up, he hugged her again and laid her back down. Jenna’s arms stayed wrapped around him as his pace quickened. Her legs wrapped around behind him, lifting her ass slightly and giving him deeper access. With each stroke her moans would grow louder and her body moved with more urgency. Once again she began to spasm, their climax drawing closer and closer. One particularly deep thrust had her sucking in a deep breath and in a moment of pure ecstasy the teen opened wide and bit down on the flesh between her uncle’s neck and shoulder, her sharp nails raking at his back.

That pain was just enough to throw James over the edge, thrusting harder and faster against the bucking teen’s orgasm. In an intense explosion he came, pushing hard against her and causing her to cum one last time. The nails that had dug into his back released their hold and as her beloved uncle’s movements began to slow she felt her limbs becoming heavy, then her whole body felt like one giant weight.

She shook one last time when he pulled out then had that feeling of abandonment again when the weight and heat of his body left hers. But just as quickly as he’d gone he was back, his one arm curled underneath her while the other brought the blankets up to cover them both. She was pulled in and held tightly against his body. All the energy she once had was now gone and all that was left were feelings of exhaustion, confusion, and uncertainty.

From behind she felt a pair of lips on the back of her neck and turned her head to meet them. She didn’t know what to say, or if there was anything to say, she was just so tired. Fortunately James knew what to do. “I love you Kiddo, always remember that.”

“I… loooovvee… yooooouuuu… t… ssssssssnnnngghhhhggggggg.” She snored out, sleep finally claiming her for its own.

“I know.”

Hopefully no one was waiting too long for this. I may have strung things out a bit to get to the real steamy parts but hopefully it was worth it. Let me know if you want more and I’ll see what I can do.

10-04-2019, 01:39 PM