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12-11-2013, 05:55 AM
Long winded ways of folk.

Copyright ©2013 niteowluk2003.

Chapter 1.

Paul was a friend, this must be clearly understood if any sense is to be made of the tale I am about to relate.

I had known Paul since the mid nineties; when as a male nurse who was assigned to look after me during my initial diagnosis and treatments for a heart condition during my hospital stay. It was fair to say we seemed to click straight away both seeming to have the same weird sense of humour.

At that time I also met a young female nurse called Suzy; who being at the very beginning of her career could not have got off to a worse start than she did her very first day. It was also rather dramatic for me in a sort of scary way.

I was in the middle bed of three in a bay of six beds and when the window side bed beside mine became vacant I asked if I could be moved over as it afforded me more fresh air than the other bed. With little fuss Paul agreed and asked Suzy to transfer me and my belongings over.

Two hours after my move the next patient came into the bay and was allocated the bed position I had vacated. Everything seemed fine until about an hour later; when the man asked if he could use a commode. Suzy drew the curtains around his bed and fetched the portable toilet; sitting him on it she only turned her back for a second when he had a heart attack and passed away; he never even made a sound or even moved. Suddenly the blue bay light was flashing and all hell broke loose but to no avail.

I made a rather weak and probably rude joke about if I had not moved beds that could have been me, but poor Suzy had just lost her first real patient she had been assigned to look after. I mention Suzy only as it become self evident as to why later.

Later I was discharged home and having become a good friend of Paul’s, my wife Karen invited him over for a main by way of saying thank you. I remember thinking what had Paul done that was so terrible to warrant such punishment.

Anyway on the day he was to arrive; Karen had gone out to do some last minute shopping and had actually met up with Paul and his new girlfriend. I meanwhile had been pottering around in my bedroom when I suddenly passed out and only came too after Paul and Suzy (his new girlfriend) were attending me and I must confess to coming too and seeing a really beautiful sight. I was looking straight at a nice wet open shaved cunt from my position on the bedroom floor. Suzy in her haste to try to help me had knelt without considering that she had chosen not to wear panties and I assume Paul had been exciting her about it on the way to our house.

Paul tried to insist that I went to hospital but I was adamant that I had spent enough time in those places and was staying home; besides I argued that it would ruin the planned evening. I did however manage to tell Suzy privately that I really enjoyed the full view of me coming round; she looked confused until I asked the name of her special pussy; then her face turned a deep shade of pink.

Sadly Paul and Suzy split up with some bad feeling shortly afterwards and as a result I lost contact with Suzy and it was the last time that Paul ever came to my home to visit to my knowledge.

I did not lose contact with Paul though and often visited his home where he suddenly installed a new woman in his life; a robust Irish woman called Anita. She went on to marry Paul and gave him three children and me a few free sightings.

Some two years later I was asked by Paul to go to his house and have a look at his computer as it was playing up. I took his address and made my own way there. Upon ringing the bell I was greeted by Anita who invited me in and told me that Paul was going to be a little late but the computer was in the spare bedroom and he had left me a note as to what was going wrong.

With that she offered me a coffee and after delivering it she told me she was going to take a bath and if I needed anything I was to give her a shout. I began to look at the computer and started to run some scan tests; which left me staring at the screen waiting for results to appear. I casually glanced around the shelves in the room and almost blushed myself as there was a naked photo of Anita trussed up like a turkey and by the look of it a coloured woman had a large object stuck in Anita’s cunt.

Just then out of the corner of my eye a saw a movement and as I turned to look I saw Anita stood by the bathroom door naked and stroking her cunt. Now the image I was looking at was a reflection in a large standing mirror fastened beside the spare bedroom door and if as I could see her I assumed that she could also see me by the reverse angles of the reflections.

I was tempted to walk into the hallway and approach her to ask about the photo but she suddenly disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door. I thought Ok so you like to tease by exhibiting yourself but run off when things could develop. Besides it is not the done thing; to hit on the girlfriend of your friend whilst he is not home and maybe it was a test anyway.

I continued to work on the PC and about half an hour later Paul arrived home; he went to see his girlfriend before coming into the spare room to see me. He asked how things were going and I told him that apart from the odd embarrassing item it was pretty much as I suspected; he had not been closing down the computer correctly and it had eventually corrupted some main programs. I thought that if I mentioned some embarrassing items it would give him a chance to excuse Anita’s naked sexy actions and apparent routine. He simply said that you know what we men are like we love to sneak peeks at porn and sometimes at the most inopportune moments.

Strange thing was that I had not even checked his personal directories for causes of the corrupted files. Just then Anita walked into the room with two cups of coffee and she never even blushed; had she failed to see me watching her reflection or was this one of her guilty secrets of flashing to Paul’s friends as if to tease them without enticing them to go further.

As I finished off the final few checks on his computer; I informed him I had not actually checked his private directories but everything seemed to be working perfectly well now. Paul made small talk as a final few program check routines ran and to be honest I really did not pay too much attention to what he was saying. That is until later as I sat at home; He had mention a mate’s wife and how she had come on to him which he had found hard to resist; that and the fact as he put it he was a horny fucker; the wife had tried to engineer a situation between her husband; him and his girlfriend in a foursome but health scares had botched the scheme. I suddenly realised he meant my Karen, Suzy, Paul and I.

Was it by way of revenge that Anita had shown herself naked hoping I would have took it further or was the idea that Paul having received a signal would have come home earlier and actually caught us in action. My mind worked overtime now as I racked my brain about what else he had said as small talk.

Another Friend had asked him to show his nephew how to enjoy all types of sex; so clearly Paul was Bi-sexual, he always had to have the last say so he thought himself to be top dog although he had let slip he had been ordered to do something sexual for this guy who’s nephew needed a tutor, so clearly he was not as dominant as he thought. I began to see Paul in a new light and it proved the point that you never really know someone; you only know what they want you to know.

I could not help but wonder though; knowing Paul liked threesomes with two women if anything had happened between Karen and them and was that why Suzy had no panties on that day. As it happened by now Karen and I had called it a day on our 19 years of marriage and she had gone her separate way; so any anger about that day had long since been lost. But that puzzle stayed with me for a good few months but without proof I would have been just guessing.

About three Months later Paul told me that Anita was pregnant and they were hoping for a boy. I almost let slip a question that shot to the forefront of my mind and I nearly asked him if it was his child. Over the next six months Paul began to gripe about getting less and less sex at home and often blushed when I suggested that he was making up for it elsewhere and not always with other women.

Then late one evening he phoned me to let me know that he had a son; and mother and baby were doing fine; by the way could I come over soon to look at the computer again as it was playing up. I said I would as soon as their home life returned to some sort of norm.

Six weeks after the birth of their son, Colin, I went to Paul’s home and once more began trawling through his computer problems. When I arrived this time Paul was already home and he proudly showed off Colin; Anita made some drinks and then announced she was going to go feed the baby. Once more during lulls in computer activity Paul made small talk and again he let slip about a guy that had been phoning the house and he had gone to meet him alone and then after that he had tried to get invited to their home to meet Anita but he sounded creepy in what he kept saying he wanted to do to her and Paul asked if I knew of a way of being able to filter out calls without calling the telephone company to block numbers.

I explained I had come across a shop not far away that advertised itself as the spy shop and if anyone could tell him a way of doing what he wanted then they would be the ones. Other things he seemed to let slip said to me that the guy in question had been Paul’s lover and now he wanted to stretch it to threesomes with Anita as well but Anita had shied away from the idea. I explained to Paul that the computer was a bigger problem than I could fix in one night and it would be best if I could take it away and return it completed; he agreed but asked me to wait till Anita came back in case she needed the computer in the next day or so.

Suddenly Paul grabbed my arm and putting his finger up to his mouth he led me into the hallway. Opposite the door I had seen Anita naked and playing with herself; was their bedroom and he walked softly towards this door and finding it open he showed me Anita, sat on the bed with both her now swollen tits hanging out as Colin fed from one of the extended nipples. Anita seemed to be shuffling from side to side as if uncomfortable until suddenly she looked up straight at the doorway and smiled.

She made no attempt to cover her free tit and did not even interrupt her rubbing of her thighs together. Clearly the act of breast feeding Colin was turning her on and now having an audience increased her levels of arousal. Again nothing happened apart from Paul and I getting hard on’s watching; I suppose he was worried in case she was still in the over fertile zone and could become pregnant again so soon.

I eventually made my excuse and after another coffee left with the computer. At home I began to work on it seriously; I transferred all files to an external hard drive so that in the event of having to format their main drive I had saved all the files and I was amazed, over 1,500 AVI files. For those of you not aware AVI files are movie files and some had simple numerical titles whilst others clearly told of the clip contents. More than half of them were of animal/bestiality clips.

Now I considered myself to be a world wise man and very open minded; so I was not unduly concerned at this but my curiosity was aroused; knowing Paul could some of those clips be of him or Anita in action with animals. These notions were unfounded as checked a few sample files I found them mainly to be Brazilian in origin. Although the numerical titles were more revealing as they were of Paul’s sex life and frequently that was with and without Anita.

No harm there though as couples often filmed themselves in sexual acts and if those acts were to involve others in place of one of the pair then that was their business although I was annoyed when one of the last ones I opened showed Suzy; Karen and Paul having a whale of a time in some wooded area. I was not angry that it was Karen but the fact that she had always shied away from going to Epping Forest with me for some outdoor fun.

Next I transferred the photos and picture directories to the safe drive and curiosity now compelled me to check a few of these out. I was eventually drawn to a curiously named file – Open this one – now.jpeg. I double clicked the image file and the whole screen suddenly burst into full colour picture of Anita naked on her back legs slightly open and text bubbles placed on her stomach. The first one showed and arrow pointing to her tits and said give these a generous squeeze and suck anytime you want. The second bubble pointed to between her legs and simply said front and back door always open to you; your tongue or cock it does not matter just take what you want.

I closed the picture and thought what a lucky guy Paul was. She seemed to be denying him nothing. Three days it took to sort the computer out as I was made aware that some of the programs could not be reinstalled if lost; so I had to work through the hard drive rather than simply format it and start again.

Eventually I took the computer back and explained to both Paul and Anita what I had done to correct the problems; both seemed concerned that I had not lost the movie clips or the picture files and I explained that I had saved them before I had begun to work on the hard drive. Paul rather gingerly asked if I had looked at any of them and I smiled and I said I know what you got up to with Karen behind my back but as she is not part of my life anymore what the heck.

Paul shook my hand and said I was a good man. Anita then asked if I had looked at the pictures on the computer and I admitted I had but only to confirm them as being intact. She blushed and to put her at ease I said don’t worry the fact that you deny Paul nothing he wants is safe with me.

She blushed harder and excused herself to go make some drinks. Paul then asked me to reinstall the link for his camcorder and to show him the best way to transfer files. I asked if he wanted to transfer movie clips or live action; he was astounded that he could actually use the camera as a webcam and wanted very much to see how that could be done.

We set up the camera with its AVI leads directly attached to the computer and I said that is it now if you select the view live screen and turn on the camera it will show whatever the camera is pointed at. He called out to Anita and as she stood in the doorway; for the first time I really looked at what she was wearing. The three quarter length skirt had now become transparent with the light from downstairs behind it and I could clearly see her legs framing her knickerless cunt.

Paul turned to me and said isn’t she lovely? I responded by telling him to stop embarrassing his girlfriend. Pushing the point he said loud enough for Anita to hear that she was even better now her tits were milk laden and flowing. I surprised him by saying if you like that then I would have thought that with your connections at the hospital you could have found a drug that kept them that way.

We returned to setting the camera to the computer and one file Paul wanted to transfer was already in the camera and we transferred the file without the need to watch it. Suddenly he asked to check that it had transferred correctly; I went to playback mode and pressed start for the film clip. It turned out to be Anita; naked on the bed and Colin laid beside her with his mouth fastened to her right nipple; then as the film ran Paul also appeared in the shot naked and whilst Anita then sucked his cock he held a battery operated breast pump against her left nipple. It seemed that she was to be milked for as long as it took for her to suck Paul off.

No sooner had he shot his load all over her face then the pump was removed from her breast and now held over her clearly open and excited cunt lips. The level of liquid in the capture pot began to increase as obviously cunt juice was being sucked into the pot to add to the breast milk.

After a few more minutes Paul removed the pump and then with obvious delight to be in full view of the camera he opened the canister and drank half the mixture of the breast milk/cunt juice. Then he delighted in scraping up on his fingers some of the cooling spunk from Anita’s face and managed to add this to the remaining fluids, before tipping the whole amount into Anita’s mouth while he scooped up more of his own spunk and sucked his fingers clean.

Paul never even blushed, knowing he had just shown me some very intimate secrets of him and his partner. Just then Anita walked in and offered us another drink; Paul told her that I had transferred yesterday’s film and he was about to ask me the important question. Anita blushed and quickly disappeared to make more coffee’s; as Paul sort of forced a throat clearing cough and said; “Ray you have seen just about all our secrets what with the animal films and our own home movies, but what I would love to know is would you be prepared to film Anita and I for a complete evening?”

I asked him; Are you sure you want me to be hanging around whilst you fuck the living daylights out of Anita; would she not find it too embarrassing having to face me again later?

He smiled and said when she comes back let me ask her?

12-13-2013, 06:22 AM
Chapter two.

When Anita came back; Paul did indeed ask her how she would feel being a slut in front of me and after blushing she smiled and said I would find it exciting to be a porn-star in front of anyone but even more so in front of such a good and personal friend.

I turned to Paul and asked exactly what are you asking me to do?

Just hold the camera and move around finding good angles to be able to see all the action! He replied.

But what would I get out of it? I teased.

Suddenly Anita jumped in; you would be guaranteed a blow job at least; wouldn’t he Paul!

Paul shot he a scorned look and then he smiled as he said Oh definitely you could have a blow job or maybe even some anal action too.

I asked for time to think about it and I was told to take my time. We returned to the matter in hand and I began teaching Paul how to use his computer and camcorder as a webcam or security camera. Anita left the room only to return later with a camcorder tape; Ray please teach me; how to transfer the video footage on this tape.

With that she squeezed herself in between me and Paul, handing me the tape I put it into the camcorder and explained that before attempting to transfer the video images it would be advisable to ensure the quality of the recording was good enough. I explained that you did this by pressing playback on the camera and the small 3.5” screen sprang into life.

Paul cut in saying we know the quality is good because we have watched the tape on the camera before. I continued in that case the next thing to do is rewind to the beginning of the sequence of film and then as soon as you press play you press the capture button on the PC. The computer monitor sprang into life as Anita slowly began undressing on the film; she took her time to display her full firm tits and spent the next few minutes of the footage tweaking and pulling her nipples. Next she shimmied out of her skirt and panties before sitting open legged and began to tease her cunt.

Soon three fingers were buried into her wide open soaking wet cunt and you could actually hear the audible squelch of the wetness. Slowly withdrawing her fingers she raised the hand and slowly and seductively sucked them clean. She then placed the palms of her hands on either side of her cunt lips and slowly pulled them apart, displaying her swollen and erect clit.

Suddenly from out of camera shot stepped Paul, naked and rock hard; he stepped between her legs and turned slightly so the camera could see her slowly swallow the length of his cock, her cheeks hollowed in as she clearly sucked hard against his cock and whilst she continued to suck he began to try to slide his cock out of her mouth. The look on his face told he was enjoying this form of a blowjob; when suddenly a second much younger less endowed male appeared in the frame.

I was expecting Anita to reach out and at least caress this new younger semi hard cock but I was a little taken back when instead it was Paul who took the cock in his hand and began stroking it to full erection. Ok I thought he is just preparing it for Anita to deal with but again I was wrong as suddenly Paul leaned forward and then opened his mouth engulfing the fresh cock. Then almost as if a duplicate of Anita’s actions he sucked his cheeks in and sucked hard on the young man’s cock.

I watched shocked but fascinated as to where this was going to lead when I saw the young man’s balls tremble and suddenly Paul’s cheeks seemed to billow as I guessed his mouth now flooded with young virile hot spunk. The young man’s cock showed no signs of wilting as he pulled it from Paul’s mouth and the last few spurts shot into Paul’s open mouth.

Anita then released Paul’s cock and dived headlong to engulf the young man’s; then you can she her alternately sucking and blowing over the cock until the man physically stands on his toes and thrusts forward as clearly his second load erupts deep into Anita’s mouth.

Only then did Anita ask me to pause the transfer; then rewind the last five minutes of the film back to the point just before the first spunk eruption from the young man’s cock and then asked if it could be played at a slow speed but recorded at the normal speed. I said I suppose it is possible but I have never tried it. We did try it and it did work to their satisfaction; just like an action replay after a goal in a soccer match, the slow action showed the trembling balls and the immediate billowing of Paul’s cock and the actual spurts as the cock left Paul’s mouth appeared to work fantastically.

Now asked to pause the recording again Anita asked for the rest of the footage to be run at normal speed and recorded the same. By the time we had finished the twenty minute original film had developed into a thirty minute mini classic. I suddenly noticed as Anita was watching the end of us recording the film she had her hand buried between her legs and despite trying not to be noticed she was rubbing her cunt.

Just then Colin woke up and cried out; so Anita dashed off to deal with that and Paul rather embarrassed by what I had just seen suggested we go into the living room and have a final drink before I left. Anita joined us in the living room and with Colin on her lap I suddenly noticed that he was staring down Anita’s neck of her blouse; clearly looking at his mother’s tits. Joking I said, He is a chip off the old block Paul and I can see you are teaching him early!

Some chance! Paul replied, I am not even allowed to look at those lately!

Don’t talk wet! I retorted, you have just asked me to film you proving that statement is a lie! Anita laughed as she teased Paul, she Ray knows I let you get away with too many liberties.

I turned the tables on Anita then and said all in all I reckon you have given me enough hints that you want me to look at your tits!

She feigned a shocked look and then said, how so!

Well what with the photograph entitle open this one now; the fact that most of the non animal clips have you naked and you wanting me to protect them was a cute way of suggesting I look at these. Now with the Film we have just transferred that showed you willing to give someone other than Paul a blowjob and more!
Now Anita blushed and instead of speaking; she sat Colin down on her lap and began undoing her buttons. As the last button became undone; she simply tossed the blouse so the fronted opened wide and announced; well if I was teasing you to look then look all you want and Paul you too can get a good look.

12-13-2013, 01:04 PM
Chapter three.
Now you may call me stupid but despite all these invitations; I still did not make an attempt to touch Anita’s tits for the overriding thing was that she was the partner of a good friend.

Later at home; I decided that I was being silly after all I could still be friends with the pair and besides had not Paul had sexual fun with my wife before we got divorced.

I phoned Paul and told him I would film the session he had suggested on one condition and that condition was that in exchange he had to give me Anita for a complete weekend. Not just as a guest but as my sex partner in any way I saw fit.

Paul later phoned back and said Anita says go for it!

Two weeks later I was at Paul’s house and waiting for him to come home to work on the filming schedule he wanted and Anita was like a cat on a hot tin roof, she just could not sit still and found it difficult to be in the same room as me. Later she explained to Paul that it was weird but she could not help but imagine what I may demand of her during the weekend of sex she expected.

Paul and I made the final arrangements about the filming and I left Paul to get all the little bits and pieces he wanted to make it complete. So it was a month later that I received a call from him to say everything was go for the following Saturday and I should arrive at seven am to set up and prepare.

The house was a hive of activity as Paul and two other men I had not met before moved furniture and adjusted lights putting heavy blinds up to the windows and generally turning a spare bedroom into a makeshift photo studio. Paul passed me a tripod and dolly saying that on this I could move the camera around and it should stay steady; then just as everything was just about ready he introduced the two guys as Robbie and Gareth.

He told me that Gareth was in fact John’s dad and John was the young man I had seen in the other film. Robbie was an old boyfriend of Anita’s and I would soon see why he was here. I suddenly asked Paul, where is Anita hiding, as I have not seen her since I got there?

He told me she was getting ready at Gareth’s house just up the road and would be here in twenty minutes; having showered, shit and shaved as he put it. Now with everything ready Paul asked me to check the lighting effects whilst the men went and got ready. The lighting effects were in fact four lamp standards each with a different coloured bulb in. We could cast a red, blue green or amber hue to the events being filmed.

The centre of the spare bedroom was a single divan minus the headboard and covered in a faux mink blanket of plain brown colour. This allowed plenty of room to push the dolly around, (A dolly is a three spoke set of wheels which puts a caster under each leg of the camera tripod.), although I doubted that there would be much room on the actual bed for four large figures; but we would see.

Suddenly there was a commotion just outside the bedroom door; Laughing and joking Paul stumbled into the room naked followed by Gareth also naked. Then as if playing up to the camera (which was not even running yet!) he hummed out a ta-dah and in stepped Robbie, naked as a jaybird but even I did a double take as his cock almost touched his knee. I have heard of and seen large images of large cocks but they would be mainly black men’s cocks yet here was a white guy that could give the best of the black mambas a run for their money.

I continued to look around for Anita but so far she was nowhere to be seen. Paul playfully pushed Gareth and he fell towards Robbie and landed on his knees; Paul signalled me to start filming and as I turned the camera towards the other pair I saw Gareth take hold of Robbie’s cock and slowly lick from his balls to the tip of its head. The cock seemed to jiggle and seemed to grow another inch, I could not help but think, wow I wonder what fucking length it finally reaches when fully erect.

Now Paul knelt behind Gareth and began to stroke Gareth’s cock as Gareth now seemed determined to swallow whole the full length of Robbie’s still growing cock. I zoomed in on to Gareth’s mouth and watched as inch after inch of Robbie’s cock pushed passed Gareth’s stretched lips. I thought god that must already be past his voice box let alone the back of Gareth’s throat. Still Gareth did not baulk or struggle to accept the final few inches and Paul’s face suddenly came into camera shot as he mouthed the word WOW.

Paul shot me a look as if to say point the camera down here and as I did so Paul began to push his smaller cock against Gareth’s anal ring and slowly sank his cock up the man’s arse. I suddenly had a rather hilarious thought, I wonder if the two cocks are touching each other inside Gareth. Then Paul and Robbie began rocking their hips and the seesaw action showed them fucking Gareth in unison.

Paul suddenly lunged forward and held it in place just as Robbie did the same, it was quite clear that both cocks were spewing forth its seminal loads. Robbie now began to slowly begin fucking Gareth’s mouth again only this time it was like he was pulling his cock out in stages. Paul simply whipped his cock out of Gareth’s arse and he began stroking his sticky cock trying to maintain his hard on.

Just then everyone’s attention was drawn to the bedroom door as Anita stepped inside she was covered in sparkly sequins and nothing else; See the party had started without her she feigned indignation and demanded to suck all three cocks before they found a hole each in her. First she took Gareth’s straining cock into her mouth and after a short sucking spell she told him that cock could fit her cunt. As if prearranged Gareth went and laid on the bed spreading his legs as wide as he could; next Robbie’s lethal looking cock was devoured like she had not eaten for months by Anita and she dreamily breathed that was fit for her arse. Finally Paul stuck his still sticky cock in her mouth and she delighted in smacking her lips as if to say; great anal juices just what I want. She declared that He could fuck her mouth and be happy with that.

Anita climbed on top of Gareth and eased his cock up her cunt; then Robbie stood at the bottom of the divan and eased the head of his cock into Anita’s eager anal ring. As Paul finally climbed on to the opposite end of the bed and slipped is cock into his wife’s mouth; Robbie climbed up on to the bottom of the bed and walked slowly forward as his cock slid deeply into Anita’s well stretched sphincter muscle.

Anita was now making gurgling sounds best described as the mewing sounds of the cat that not only got the cream but loved devouring that cream. Even so she managed somehow to stare one eye in my direction and tried to smile around Paul’s cock as she winked.

For the next forty minutes the guys pounded her holes in turn and it was clear that Anita enjoyed numerous orgasms before the cocks began spurting their loads. Firstly Gareth flooded her cunt with his juices as he wailed he was coming; next to come was Robbie and he was just as vocal as he cursed Gareth for he claimed to have felt every ripple of his cock through the membrane between cunt and arse. Finally almost with a clear sense of pride Paul began spurting his load but pulled out as the first spurt shot from his cockhead; the consequent spurts landed on Anita’s chin and tits as his weakening spunk splashes.

Immediately Paul leaned forward and scooped up the splashes of spunk on to his tongue and then leaned further forward and shared the stash with Robbie.

By the time it was 9 pm Anita had taken several yards of cock in every hole and even Paul had taken Robbie and Gareth’s cocks up his arse. The men were now starting to flag and found it harder and harder to sport erections so reluctantly they decided to call it a day. I packed up the camera and promised to come over tomorrow to transfer the footage, but Anita jumped at the chance to beg me to stay on that very divan and she would provide me with every amenity and a good breakfast too.