View Full Version : Comforting the Best Friend!!!

07-09-2013, 01:59 AM
I was awoken when I heard a knock at the front door of my apartment. I looked at the clock on my bed side table. It was half past 11, an odd hour for visitors. I arose from bed, adorned only in a tshirt and a pair of boxers and, not bothering to put jeans on, I ran downstairs towards the door. Light knocks turned into hard pounding as I approached. I looked through the peephole and was greeted with the image of what appeared to be cousin It from the Adams family. The corners of my mouth curled upwards as I laughed to myself at the thought. I knew who it was, of course, even though her long, brown hair was soaking wet and clung over her face, hiding it from view. She was wearing a dark gray overcoat which was not designed for heavy rain and was also soaked. Most would not have been able to recognize her in this state, but I was her best friend and it would take more than that for me to not be able to identify her gorgeous form. I unlocked the door, twisted the handle and pulled the door towards me. Before I could say hello, I was nearly tackled to the floor, as my soaking wet visitor rushed at me, quickly wrapping her arms around my shoulders, pulling me towards her and pressing me against her body with more force than I thought she was capable of. I held her close to me, ignoring the fact that her drenched clothes were soaking my underwear and tshirt, and returning the embrace by wrapping my own arms around her waist. As my hands raised to her upper back in a comforting gesture her shoulders began to shake and I felt the front of my shirt grow damp as she began to sob deeply. I rubbed her back, holding her close to me. She cried into my chest for a few minutes before releasing me and stepping away. She appeared to be looking into my eyes, although it was difficult to tell through the thick layer of hair that hid them from view. She gave her head a good shake from side to side, trying to shake her hair out of her face, but it was heavy with water and wouldn't budge. Before she could react, I took her long hair in my hands and smoothly brushed it away from her face, up, over and down her back where it belonged. I smiled as I looked into her pale, blue eyes. Her lips trembled as she looked back at me. It was then that she noticed my wet white tshirt and her face immediately went crimson.

"I'm sorry for getting you all wet", she said, trying to keep her fragile voice from cracking.

"It's ok, Susan. Would you like a cup of tea?", I said with a smile.

"That would be nice, thanks", she replied.

"I should probably put on some jeans, too", I said with a laugh.

"No, it is ok, you don't have to", she replied. She paused, looking at me, and then blushed a deeper red.

"I mean, well......it isn't that I like it, or anything.......well, there is nothing wrong with you the way you are now.......I mean"

I laughed and she went a deeper red out of frustration and embarrassment.

"Damn it, what I am trying to say is I was the one who barged in when you were in bed, like a normal person. You don't have to change for my benefit", she said. She had a straight face as she looked at me, obviously not wanting to blush any more.

"Ok, then", I replied with a smile. "As long as you are comfortable", I replied.

I put on the kettle and returned to her in the living room.

"Let me take your coat", I said as I helped her remove it. As we did so I was instantly struck by the sight of her in a pretty red dress. It was short at the bottom, showing off her gorgeous legs and had a very, very low neckline, displaying the cleavage of what I now saw to be large, full breasts. I had never seen her dressed like this before, and I suppose I had never really noticed her bust before. But now that it was on such eye-popping display I had difficulty looking away. The fact that she was also noticeably braless did not help.

When she noticed where my gaze was pointed, she quickly raised her arms to cover her bust and blushed a deep red.

"I'm sorry, Rich!", she said. "I didn't think about the fact that I was wearing this little thing underneath", she said turning a brighter red.

"I bought it for Brian, but it turns out he has been cheating on me, with more than one girl!", she said, starting to tear up again.

I pulled her to me and hugged her.

"That jerk", I said, holding her close. "No more tears, ok. He isn't worth it. You will find a better guy soon!", I said with a warm smile.

She pulled me into a deeper hug.

"Thanks, Rich. You are the best", she said.

"How about you take a bath upstairs", I said.

"That would be really nice", she said returning my smile.

She walked up to the bathroom. About 15 minutes later the kettle whistled and I remembered that I was going to make her tea. I took the kettle off the stove and ran up to the bathroom door. I knocked and asked her if she still wanted a cup of tea.

"Oh, I am fine without, thanks", she said.

"Alright then", I said and started to walk away.

"Ummm, Rich?", she said.

"Yes", I replied.

"Ummmm, could you come in here for a second?", she asked.

Suddenly there was a lump in my throat and I swear I felt like I was suddenly in a sauna.

"Ok", I replied.

I opened the door and entered the bath room, my cheeks flushing as I looked upon my best friend. I had been lucky enough to get a large, round bathtub in this apartment, and when I walked in I saw her head resting against the side.

I tried not to let anything show on my face as I looked at the beautiful, lightly freckled face of my best friend, Susan. She was lying with a relaxed expression on her face, her body concealed under a frothy layer of bubbles, the water level falling at her upper chest, her breasts covered up by a thick layer of bubbles.

"You can come closer", she said, breaking me out of my daze.

I walked up to the side of the tub and kneeled down.

"What can I do for you?", I asked.

"Can you grab the sponge on the counter. I forgot to grab it before I got in the tub", she said, pointing up at the counter. I turned and grabbed it for her and returned to the side of the tub.

"Thanks", she said with a shy smile.

"Can you do another favor for me?", she asked. "No, nevermind", she said, shaking her head. "It would be too weird."

"What is it?", I asked, curious.

"Well, ummmm.....could you wash my back for me. I can't reach it."

"Ok", I said, my voice cracking. I got back down in a kneeling position.

"No. Don't kneel like that. That won't be comfortable. You will hurt your knees on the marble", she said. She furrowed her brow, thinking something over.

"Ummmmm.................you could get in with me", she said, shyly.

"What?", I replied with a surprised look on my face. "Ok, but I will keep my boxers on", I finished.

"Don't be silly. No point in getting your clothes wet. This is a nice big bath tub and I will close my eyes until you are in the water", she said, her lips forming a warm smile.

"Ok", I said gulping.

She looked away and closed her eyes, while I undressed. She turned to face me, her eyes still closed, at the sound of my body slipping into the water.

"Can I open my eyes now?", she asked as I situated myself in the water.

"Sure", I said.

She opened her eyes, saw the uncertain expression on my face and smiled at me.

"There is no reason to feel awkward, Rich. We have gone swimming often enough", she said. "This is not much different from that."

I just smiled back at her, shyly, deciding not to point out the obvious difference: the lack of swimsuits. She turned around so that her back was to me.

"Can you wash my back now?", she asked. "Sure", I replied. I looked over at the sponge and then back at her shoulders. I thought for a second, and then decided to take a risk. I dipped my hands in the soapy water and then moved in, placing my bear hands on her shoulders and rubbing them.

"Ohhhhh!!!", she said in surprise. "I was expecting you to use the sponge, Rich....."

"Oh, I'm sorry, would that be better...", I said.

"Oh, no, it is ok with me if you use your hands", she interrupted. "Just took me by surprise is all."

I placed my hands back on her shoulders. This time she relaxed, lying her head against my chest as I began to rub her shoulders.

"mmmmmmmmmm", she cooed as I rubbed her back, a smile forming on her lips, her eyes closed. I continued to rub her shoulders slowly. She relaxed even more, the tension evaporating from her body.

"That feels really nice, Rich", she said, her eyes still closed.

I had managed to keep myself calm up till this point, but my willpower began to wain as my fingers caressed her skin and my penis began to twitch. I slowly moved the palms of my hands up to the back of her neck, continuing the slow, massaging motion of my fingers. My eyes widened for a second when I looked down at her face. Her face was flushed, her eyes still closed, but what drew my attention was her mouth which was open, her lips forming an o. What I could see of her upper chest was rising and falling in a slow, steady rythym. After a few seconds of rubbing her neck, I moved my hands back down to her shoulders and forward to her collar bone. I closed my eyes as I began to massage the tops of her shoulders and collar bone region, enjoying the feeling of her soft, smooth skin against my finger tips. Suddenly, I felt her shift and she leaned back into me. I opened my eyes, and paused for a second, before continuing the massage on her upper chest. 'Well, I guess that is the end of the back rub', I thought to myself now that her back rested against my chest. I continued the back rub but found myself drifting, my eyelids getting heavy. I'm not sure how long I kept the massage up before my head rolled back and I was overtaken by sleep.


When I woke up I immediately felt an ache in my neck and suddenly realized that I was in the bath tub. I raised my body up and it was then that I realized that there was no water in the tub. I had been lying, naked in an empty bath tub. I looked around, through half closed eyes and realized I was alone. 'Huh', I thought to myself. 'What happened', I moaned, my head pounding. I managed to raise my aching body out of the tub and stepped out onto the bathroom floor. Damn, my body hurt. I obviously didn't do my body any good sleeping in a bath tub. I opened the door and walked toward my bedroom. My head continued to pound. I managed to navigate my way to my bed with half closed eyes and went straight under the covers, without bothering to put clothes on. Within a matter of seconds I was sound asleep.


My eyes opened as the bedroom was flooded with morning light. I yawned and stretched my left arm and was made suddenly aware of a pins and needles feeling in my right arm. I tried to move my right arm but it was asleep. I turned my head and I suddenly found myself in a sea of brown hair. 'Huh?', I thought. Then everything came back to me. I was suddenly wide awake.

'Susan is in bed with me!' My eyes widened at the realization. 'And I am naked!' The thought made my dick twitch. 'Is she naked?', I wondered to myself. The thought aroused me slightly. My right arm was pinned underneath her. She had obviously decided that she needed a cuddle budy and now my arm was dead asleep. I softly moved my left arm underneath the covers and touched her. Nope, my fingers came in contact with fabric. She wasn't naked. I began to formulate a plan to withdraw my arm which badly needed a supply of blood. With my left arm I gently pushed up on her side, lifting her body and easing my dead arm from underneath her. Finally, I managed to free my arm and placed it awkwardly at my side. When I had regained sensation in my arm I gently pulled away from Susan. I looked down at her sleeping face and marvelled at her beauty. Before long she began to stretch and her hands grabbed blindly for my body. She turned to face me. Her eyes opened and she smiled. "Hey you", she said. "Hey", I replied. I looked at her, and then my gaze was drawn to her lips. I suddenly had a strong craving to kiss her, but I resisted.

"I need to go to the bathroom", she said and she got up. I watched as she got out of bed, and my eyebrows raised involuntarily as got a pleasant view of her ass in her pink panties. She returned in a few minutes and stood in front of the bed.

"Time to get up, lazybones!!!", she said with a big smile.

I looked her over. The panties she was wearing were covered up by the white undershirt she had borrowed from my dresser. It was big and loose on her, hiding her large breasts, but I thought I saw a hint of nipple. I realized I was staring.

"Time to get up!!!", she repeated. "You better get up! Or else!!!", she said, with a wicked grin.

"Or else what", I said smiling.

I hardly had time to react before she flashed a huge smile, took the covers in her hands and gave a firm yank, pulling the covers off of the bed. I quickly remembered that I was naked, covered my package with my hands and blushed.

"What's wrong?", she said, with a slight smile. She sat on the end of the mattress. A teasing, innocent look was on her face as she slowly crawled towards me. I just lay there, my face red as a Christmas ornament, my hands pressed over my crotch as she approached me on all fours. Damn it, this was so seductive, I thought. And it was having an effect. I was fighting a losing battle with myself as I tried desperately to cover a package that was growing rapidly under my hands.

She arrived at my side and lay down on her side, her face close to mine. She stared deep into my eyes.

"Oh, Richy. So bashful!", she said, smiling. "Do you really think that I didn't get a good long look when I woke up in the bathtub and drained the water."

My face turned a deep crimson as she moved her face towards mine.

"Stop being so damn shy!", she exclaimed. "I liked it!!!", she said as she moved in and kissed me on the lips. There was a spark, and immediately my arms wrapped around her and pulled her on top of me. I pressed my face into hers and returned her kiss. Our bodies pressed together as my hands ran up and down her body, taking in every curve.

07-10-2013, 02:12 AM
There we were. I was laying down face up and she had dropped down onto her hands and knees, her legs stretched with one on either side of my body. My arms explored up and down her back as we kissed eachother passionately. We each pulled away to take some much needed breaths. That was when she looked down. Her pupils grew five sizes when she saw my huge, rigid dick. I was fully hard, my 7 inch long, 5 inch around dick pointing up to the ceiling.

"Your huge!!!", she exclaimed with a huskiness in her voice. Her eyes shot up to gaze into my own as she lowered herself, throwing her arms around my neck as she lay her body over mine. We each moaned in ecstasy, her at the feeling of my hard dick rubbing against her underwear covered pussy and me in reaction to that feeling, as well as the feeling of her large breasts as they pressed and squashed against my chest. I kissed her neck and her eyes appeared to roll back into her head.

She pulled my head up, forcing me to gaze into her eyes.

"I need you, NOW!!!", she declared. It almost sounded like an order, but I was turned on none the less. I dropped my hands to her waist and took hold of the fabric of her shirt. She smiled, realizing what I was doing without a word and helped me remove her shirt.

As I pulled it off I got my first good look at her amazing tits. They were large. They had to be D cups. They hung from her body enough to show that they were 100% real, but not enough to ruin the moment. Her areolas were of average size, each about the size of a silver dollar, and were a pinkish red color, and they were topped by nipples which were already very erect, each one about the length of my thumb nail.

I reached up my right hand to grab her left breast but she lightly slapped my hand away with a look on her face that said "too late for that, buddy." She pulled her panties off with such a speed that I thought she might rip them and before I knew it she had pounced onto my rigid pole. She gasped as my hands went to her waist, guiding her down onto my erect dick. I looked up into her eyes as if to ask if it felt alright. She didn't answer. Instead she began to raise and lower herself slowly on my hard dick, her brow twisted in lust. Her mouth hung open, her lips forming an O as she moaned. I moaned in response. My hands were at her waist, guiding her and encouraging her as she rode me slowly. After a few minutes she started to increase her speed. Her gorgeous breasts, which before swayed ever so slightly with her movements, now began to bounce. My hands went to her lower back, then her ass. I grabbed it and squeezed it, encouraging her to further increase the pace. Her eyes closed, her face showing a look of pure desire as she moved faster and faster on my dick. She squealed when I surprised her, taking my right hand and pushing my pointer finger into the upper end of her pussy and pressed it against her aroused clit. I began to rub it slowly and then faster and faster, matching my strokes to her vertical movements on my dick. I rubbed faster and faster, and she likewise increased her pace until her breasts were bouncing erratically, making clapping sounds as they slapped against her belly. We were both moaning loudly. She started to squirm and I felt a tightening in my balls.

'Not yet', I thought to myself.

Susan's eyes widened in disbelief when I suddenly pulled my still very erect dick out of her pussy. The expression on her face was one of 'what the fuck are you doing?'

I reacted quickly. I threw my arms around her back and firmly but gently pushed her down onto the bed. With one arm I gently held her in place, while the other went to her other shoulder. I changed positions, squatting at her feet. A pout spread across Susan's lips as she saw my cock soften ever so slightly. I fell to my knees, straddling her body, with one leg on either side of her body. She continued staring at my dick, which continued to soften slowly. She looked up into my eyes as I stuck my tongue out and rubbed the pointer finger of my right hand against it. I moved my hand slowly, level with her face and then down. Susan moaned when my finger came into contact with her upper throat, right underneath her chin. I trailed my finger down her throat, to the side of her neck, to her collar bone. I moved forward and kissed her throat. Then my lips kissed her neck, then her collar bone, down to her upper chest. Her eyes were tightly closed and she squealed with desire as my lips traveled down to her breasts. I brought my face down to the tip of her breast and sucked her nipple into my mouth, rolling it between my lips. She squealed and moaned in delight.

When I brought my face back up to her own she threw her arms around me and pressed my lips to hers with reckless abandon, our noses squashed up against eachother, our tongues dancing in eachothers mouths. We locked in eachothers arms and pulled in as tight as we could, my flaccid penis squashing against her neatly trimmed bush. She squealed as she felt my package rub against her so intimately.

"God YOUR AMAZING, RICH!!!", she cried out, her breasts heaving as she pulled away to catch her breath. "But I can't let you steal the show!!!", she said with a grin. She shoved me off of her and rolled on top of me. She made sure to rub her bush against my package a few times before pulling away. She stared at my flaccid cock as if it were a jewel or thing of beauty. Then she took it in her hand and played with it, before putting it and my balls in her mouth. I moaned as she rolled my cock and balls around in her mouth, teasing me with her tongue. She laughed and I moaned even louder. I began to harden quickly and she fought her gag reflex as long as she could before reluctantly pulling her mouth from my package. She took my moistened, hardening dick in her hand and started to rub up and down its length, further increasing speed with which my dick grew. Within a matter of seconds I was again at full mast and she smiled down at her impressive achievement.

I took the initiative and quickly took control, pushing her onto her back and jamming my pointer and middle fingers into her pussy. She screamed with desire as I rubbed her clit furiously. She bagan to squirm, her breathing getting more and more shallow and quick, her legs shaking. She squealed some more and then just at the moment that I felt she couldn't take any more I withdrew my hand and replaced it with my big, hard dick.

She moaned deeply as I thrusted deep inside of her. My hands went around her shoulders, holding her firmly as I pumped into her pussy. She squirmed below me, and I grinned down at her as I withdrew my throbbing penis one last time. I kissed her as I maneuvered my hard dick around her vagina. She gasped as I slowly, gently rubbed my glans against her throbbing labia. Her breasts heaved against my chest, her breathing shallow and erratic. She stared into my eyes, her pupils larger than I think they had ever been in her life, and her eyebrows lowered in an expression that threatened me with violence if I did not finish the job. I quickly responded, plunging myself into her and thrusting hard and fast. Minutes later her legs spasmed against my own, her eyes rolling back as she came. I erupted into her simultaneously, filling her with my thick juice. I kissed her on the lips and promptly collapsed by her side. Needless to say we both enjoyed an hour nap before getting on with our day.

07-11-2013, 09:36 AM
very nice I hope there is more to come

07-15-2013, 09:59 AM

07-22-2013, 11:50 AM
Did I say we slept for an hour? Silly me. By the time I woke up in the chilly air of my room and looked at the clock I saw that it was 5 pm already on Sunday night. We had slept through practically the whole day! I rubbed my eyes and stretched and looked over at the sleeping goddess beside me.

She was sound asleep, lying on her back. I moved closer to examine her form. I started at her beautiful face. Her head was layed out ontop of her long, brown hair like a boat within a dark, brown sea. Her closed eyelids covered beautiful blue irises. My gaze stopped at her nose and cheeks, which were decorated with freckles that were scattered about her face. She had never been a fan of her freckles, but I had always found them very cute. When she was a kid her face was covered with the brown flecks, but now that she was in her twenties, they had mostly faded, leaving a few flecks here and there in a more scattered arrangement. Far from taking away from her beauty, I thought that her uncoordinated freckles made her look very cute. My gaze moved down to her long, sexy neck, to her shoulders, to her breasts.

Her large, heavy breasts, which hardly sagged at all, despite their size, when she was upright, now fell to each side of her chest while she was laying down. I always thought that was very attractive in a weird way. My gaze moved down her smooth stomach to her nether region and her long legs.

I moved closer still. I was becoming hard already just by admiring her beauty with my eyes. I longed to reach out and touch her, although I wondered whether I should disrupt her peace.

As I inched my hand towards her body I noticed the goosebumbs that had popped up over her arms and breasts. I smiled as I reached out and touched her left breast. I did so very lightly, barely grazing its surface with my finger. Her breathing stayed the same, continuing in light, steady pace. I reached out again, this time moving my finger smoothly across the surface of her breast. There was a quick turning up of the corner of her lips. I reached out again, this time using my whole hand, grabbing her left breast and leaving my hand there. There was no reaction on her part. Just the same continuous breathing of sleep.

By this time I was fully hard, and my dick ached to do something about it, but I was ambivalent. I was starting to have feelings for her. Her she was so helpless and vulnerable. I curled the fingers which still held onto her left breast and gently fondled her breast. She responded with a light moan, barely audible. I began to play with her breast, gently rubbing it and moving it to the center of her chest and then back again. I started rolling her breast with my hand, gently moving it in a circle.

A louder moan. I took my other hand and did the same with her right breast. By this time her breathing had started to change. It became quicker and more eratic. She was waking up. Within a few seconds her eyes opened wide and she looked over into my own. Her pupils were dilated and she just stared into my face for a few seconds. Then a smile formed on her face.

"Having fun I see!", she said, smiling at me.

"Sorry, babe. I couldn't help it."

"It is fine, I am glad someone is having fun."

At that moment I moved my hands away, scooched over, and rolled over so that I was lying on top of her, facing her. She moaned when she felt my hard dick pressing against her abdomen.

"Rich?", she asked, looking into my eyes.

"Susie." Her expression changed to a more serious confusion. She always knew that something was on my mind when I used her nickname.

"Yes, Rich."

"I think I love you."

07-22-2013, 02:53 PM
Instantly her pupils shrank down to small dots, her jaw dropped and her face flushed. I moved off of her as she sat up. She grabbed the covers and quickly threw them over her naked body, hiding it from view. She looked back at me. This time, though, she ignored my enormous erection.

"You what?", she asked, trailing off.

I panicked. "Sorry, I mean, you know..."

"I'm flattered, Rich, I really am. It is just so sudden. Are you sure it is not just your hormones? I mean, the sex this morning was incredible for me too, but I thought it was just like a hook up or something", she said avoiding eye contact. "I didn't think you would....."

"Susan, I have loved you ever since our teens, I just never worked up the courage to tell you", I said. She looked up into my eyes.

"You have?"

I nodded

"Well, I always thought about what it would be like to date you too, but I thought you weren't interested."

I laughed, nervously.

A smile came across her face. "Come here, cuddle bug", she said as grabbed me through the covers and pulled me towards her before pulling both of us into an embrace on our sides.

She continued. "Now, maybe if you ask me nicely you will get your wish", she said, smiling at me cheesily.

I blushed and looked down.

"Here. I will pretend that I am still asleep to help you out", she said winking at me. She relaxed into the comforter, feigning sleep.

I gently shook her awake.

"Hey, dude", she said mockingly as she looked at me.

"Susan, will you go out with me?", I asked, still somewhat bashful.

"Absolutely", she replied, tossing the covers aside and taking me into a warm embrace. My eyes widened in surprise and appreciation of the feeling of her large breasts squashed against my chest. After a few seconds she pulled back.

"Now, I want you to know that I am a lady and I don't have sex on the first four dates. So, what yourself, buster", she said, pointing her finger at me with a smile.

I just smiled and pulled her to me.

She looked down at my erection. "Well, since you are already hard, I guess I could make an exception just this once", she said with a smile.

07-25-2013, 03:35 PM
Little did I know how much fun Susan would have at my expense on those first few dates. Next Saturday night, as I was getting ready for that night's date, I got a message on Aim. It was from Susan. It read:

"Looking forward to our date tonight, babe. But remember, there will be no sex or inappropriate touching for these first few dates. We are going to act as if we really are getting to know eachother for the first time, so be prepared. :D"

I laughed. She couldn't be serious, could she? We were just going to pretend that the other day didn't happen?

I got into my car and drove down to the street where Susan lived. I had decided to go for a simple, yet stylish look. With a pair of jeans and a stylish collared shirt that was blue and red with stripes. I checked myself one last time in the rearview mirror before opening my door and walking to the front door.

I pressed the doorbell and the door opened a few minutes later. Out walked a stunning image. Susan had her long, brown hair worn down and free, but she had curled it slightly. Her blue eyes gazed into mine. Her face was beautiful, with just the slightest amount of make up. Her freckles were still visible, though slightly faded underneath. My gaze went down to her neck which was bare. She was wearing a button up v neck that was a light orange color, that would have been quite presentable, had the buttons not been undone except for the last two, showing a huge amount of cleavage. Two prominent small bumps showed that she had on no bra underneath. Her outfit was finished off by a pair of tight blue jeans.

Her breasts jiggled as she approached me, a huge smile on her face as she took me in her arms, pulling me close. She gave me a kiss on the cheek as she pulled away. "Hope you weren't waiting long. It took me a while to pick the right outfit", she said as we walked out toward the car.

I opened the passenger side door for her, and she smiled and thanked me. I sat down in the drivers seat.

"You drive a stick shift! How impressive!!!", Susan said as she grasped the stick in her hands. Her hand slipped up and down the shaft a few times.

"It is quite big. Reminds me of something special", she continued, as her eyes made contact with my own. Then she stopped and her arms went back to her arm rests.

"So, what have you got planned for us tonight, big boy?", she asked, as I pulled out of the driveway and started down the street.

"I thought it would be nice to do something simple. How does dinner and a movie sound?", I asked, looking over at her.

"Sounds good to me", she replied.

We made small talk, learning things that we both already knew, but we talked about them anyway. Then there was a short period of silence. It wasn't awkward, almost a period of relaxation. I looked over at Susan, who was looking out her window. I gazed at her sexy, long neck, and noticed her breasts bounce whenever we went over a rough piece of road. My eyes went back to the road just in time to swerve back onto my side. Fortunately, Susie was in her own world.

We arrived at the mall. I again opened her door for her, and as I pressed the button to lock the car, she quickly took my right hand in hers. I smiled at her as I gripped her hand in mine, and we walked towards the doors.

Baby doll
11-24-2013, 02:57 AM
Xotil.I like it.

12-03-2013, 01:33 AM
so nice story,