View Full Version : If I Was The One: Chapeter 1

11-05-2012, 08:21 PM
To all my readers. This is just part one of my series and hopefully will be continue if I get a good review and feedback. It starts off slow so those who want a quick horny story, I'd look elsewhere. Chapters will hopefully come out regularly but be patient if you enjoy the story. I'll be writing more when I can. As well polishing up my writing skills. Thank you all.:icon069:

A few weeks ago I was on my way to visit my friend Becca. She was young 21. She just got out of a few crappy relationships and I was always telling her I’d visit and check up on her and go out and have fun. She is 5’3, tan, smart, amazing all around with a small little waist and to top it all off she was a virgin. She was saving herself but wasn’t naive. She has told me she has been a little wild but never let anyone in her yet.

I won’t lie I’m very attracted to her and the opportunity never really presented itself for us to date and see where things would go. I wasn’t visiting for anything to happen, figure it’s been so long that I ended up in the friend zone.

I took the drive out to visit her at her place. Where she greeted me with a big hug, and kiss on the cheek. I could feel her soft tits pressing against my chest as I squeezed her tight. I’ve never been to her house until now and it was great. She showed me around her place. Just telling me to make myself at home as I planned to visit for about four days. She led me to the guest bedroom which was decorated nicely. A queen size bed with a TV mounted on the wall. It seemed great wouldn’t, take my mind off work and allow me to unwind with a good friend.

We made plans to cook dinner together and then figure out if we would head out to the bars and grab a drink and do some catching up. Around 5pm we started cooking after I relaxed and took a shower from driving. We started making some lemon chicken and pasta with capers and a light sauce to give it some flavor.

We sat there catching up talking about her poor choice of men in the past. Once we finished eating we cleared the plates and went off to get ready to get a drink at the local bars. We took the short ride into the nightlife part of town. We could see tons of people making their way around going in and waiting to enter some clubs.

We made it to one of the bars that was semi packed but not over crowded. We sat in a booth once we grabbed our drinks to catch up. We were smiling and laughing at how our lives were going and more so how things have turned out.

A few moments later one of Becca’s friends shows up and sit next to me. I was unaware a friend would join us. I could smell her sweet smell of perfume as she sat down. I introduced myself and she introduced herself to me as Karen. A young blue eyes bombshell, with short blond hair, and very petite.

We all ended up talking and finding out that Becca has mentioned me to her friend Karen. She was wanting to meet me and she heard that we were coming out via a text Becca sent out to her to come and show up if she wanted too. I figure Becca was trying to pawn me off to one of her friends now, but I wasn’t complaining I enjoyed both of these beautiful woman company.

Becca stood up and head to the ladies room while Karen sat there talking to me and eventually placed her hand on my leg as she asked me questions about me and Becca how long we have known each other. I was getting a bit drunk by this point and wasn’t sure where to go from here. Becca returned and said she was going to dance a little and asked me to join her. I said sure why not. As I got up I could swear I felt Karen smack my ass lightly. We made it to the dance floor were Becca wraps her hands around my neck and was start moving t the music. She begins to grind lightly on my I can feel the heat from her pussy on my thigh. I was starting to get so turned on by her sexy moves.

She then turns away from me and rubs her perfect ass on my groin as she rubs it up and down teasing me. Saying seems like someone is enjoying the show. My mind was blown as I grab her hips and let here feel what effect she is having on me. I feel another body press up against me and see its Karen touching my chest as she gets close. I was in a middle of such a hot site. I felt people were looking at me as if I had won a million dollars, fuck it I felt I have at that moment.

The music got louder as the night went on. The dance floor was alive. I went back to sit and relax and grab another captain and coke. Karen followed me back while Becca stayed out on the dance floor dancing with few guys. I felt a little jealous I wasn’t the one she was dancing with.

The next moments that passed caught me off guard. Karen leans in and plants one of the best kisses I have ever had. Her lips parted as she pressed against my lips. Softest lips that I have felt. I couldn’t push her away at that moment and kissed her back. The thoughts that were running through my head. What have I just done. We broke our kiss and Becca doesn’t seem to have noticed… or eve looked over or she was hanging on a tall muscular man that had his hands on her hips.

Becca returned to us after a few minutes as we continued to talk. She tells us that they young man she was dancing with asked for her number and she ended up giving it to him. I was really not sure what to say or do. I wanted to tell her that I’ve had feelings for her for such a long time , but at the same time I just kissed her friend not more than 10 minutes ago as well would be returning home in a week.

The night was getting late and we decided to head back home to Becca’s. The three of us made it into a cab and headed back to her place where we would all stay the night.

11-05-2012, 08:43 PM
cant wait for more :)

02-06-2013, 12:16 PM
it starts off good dont stop