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07-24-2012, 06:24 AM
this had me erect and aroused its about brother and sister who fight getting to know each other
by marty08

'I heard if you drink diet cola after you eat a Mentos your stomach would explode.'

'Not something we want to hear at breakfast, Alissa,' mom said nonchalantly.

'You're an idiot,' I said. 'Mythbusters busted that ages ago.'

'Don't call me an idiot.'

'Jake, don't call your sister an idiot,' dad said, slightly muffled from the few bits of muffin that didn't go down in the first swallow.

'If she wants to say stupid things...'

He glanced over at me this time but didn't say anything more. There was no real anger, as though he didn't really care what I said, but I knew what he meant. Just don't piss her off.

'What classes have you got today, hon?' mom asked me.

'Um... journalism and a few psych ones.'

'And are you going to any of those or are you gonna stay home like a loser and watch sports all day?' Alissa said.

'It looks like it's gonna be sunny today... are you gonna spend all day at the beach or will you actually go to school? Maybe a token appearance in the morning?'

Neither mom nor dad said anything, but we were done. That seemed to be the strategy these days: just let us fizzle out rather than interject or attempt to break us up. They knew that one wrong word and either Alissa or I would be down their throats accusing them of taking a side. Or they could play it perfectly and it would still develop into a shouting match between us trying to get our point into whichever of them was brave enough to speak in the first place. Even I found it frustrating.

Alissa was the first to get up. I watched her leave with the usual half-loathing stare I would give her after any argument, to which she reciprocated until she was into the hallway. I guess she was right, though. The chances of me being bothered to get to class this morning were low at best, while this afternoon's classes enjoying my attendance was highly dependent on whether mom was still home. I think my "the professor is overseas so we watch the lectures online" excuse was probably over-used by now, so I would be forced to go if she was still around.

'Jane was telling me the other day,' mom said, pausing to swallow, 'that she might have a job for you if-'

But I'd stopped listening. I could hear footsteps through the floor right above us. My room.

'Bitch!' I muttered only half to myself; standing up so hard the chair fell over and made an unhealthy crack on the hard-wood floor.

'I keep hoping they'll somehow go back to the way they were when they were young,' I heard mom say through a sigh as I left.

'Are you kidding?' Dad said. 'Remember when he was six and he brained her with his whiffle bat for saying his swing didn't look anything like the guys on TV?'

I do. She was a bit meaner about it in my recollection.


Friday nights were family nights. It was possibly our parents' last effort to keep some cohesion in the family, either because Alissa and I were as worse as we had ever been toward each other or because we were getting a little too independent for their liking. Or at least she was. I was more than happy to still live at home and commute to college.

It wasn't so bad, really. We got a movie the majority agreed upon and we watched it together, and no parties or going out afterwards. Alissa hadn't enjoyed getting that news at the inaugural night about two months ago. Losing two hours of time in the party night of the week was bad, although still manageable. Losing the whole night was unacceptable because, after all, she had her vapid reputation to protect.

This Friday night it was my turn to begrudgingly sit in the living room. I was out-voted on the choice of movie, but that alone wasn't killer. My parents' refusal to put cable in my room meant the main TV was the only one to watch the basketball game on, and their accompanying refusal to get Tivo meant I missed it altogether.

Even worse still were the brutal conditions we were sitting in. Due to our dog's annoying habit of using the living room as an extension of the backyard, the carpet was completely stained with piss, which my mother decided to clean today. The cleaning chemicals still hung thick enough in the air to almost taste, helped by the fact the room was also still uncomfortably humid from the amateur effort at steam cleaning afterwards. It was like an ammonia-soaked sauna being fuelled further by the warming spring air. It had given me a headache even before the painful opening sequence of 'Date Movie' was over.

Ironically, Alissa was cheerful. I don't exactly pay attention to her life, but I have to assume something went well that day because she hadn't yet made one badly veiled sarcastic comment like: 'this is sure to be a good use of time'.

At one point in the movie dad had yelled at her to stop shifting herself around every two minutes: just another in her wide repertoire of annoying habits. Surprisingly there was no snappy remark, she got up off the couch and parked herself on the floor, right in between me and the TV. She lay down straight, so that her head was cushioned under her arms up near the TV and her feet down near me. Her moving from the couch had broken what little concentration I'd had in the movie. I watched her move down there but my eyes didn't return to the TV, instead staying on her in a blank, unfocused stare.

She'd been smarter than me in choosing what to wear that night. Instead of the comfortable sweats I hadn't quite let go of for the year yet now that summer was close, she wore a tight fitting green tee-shirt that still had a damp V-mark from where her dirty-blonde hair had been allowed to sit after her shower. Below that was a small blue cotton mini-skirt that had been a summer favorite of hers around the house for years now. Ever since she'd grown the ass to pull it off. It had ridden up a little higher from her continued fidgeting to find a comfortable position, enough to see a hint of something red -wait- red panties?

My eyes snapped back into focus. My eyebrows furrowed when I confirmed I'd seen what I thought I had, and I went to look away. But it wasn't soon enough.

The unit the TV was sitting on had two cabinet doors with mirrors taking up the entire space on the front of them. The left hand door was still a little open from when dad had gotten to the DVD player, ajar enough so that I could see myself in its mirror and so could Alissa. And she was looking straight at me.

My eyes locked onto hers for a moment and I couldn't look away. I expected her to look disgusted and to turn around and either yell at me or scream at dad that I was perving on her. But she didn't. Her blue eyes were slightly squinted and her mouth pursed, like she was only curious as to what I was looking at. It finally sunk in that she'd probably caught me looking up her skirt, as innocent as it was, and I guiltily shot my eyes up to the TV, to which she shook her head and sighed. I shifted uncomfortably on the leather couch, causing it to creak loudly - earning me an angry shooting look from dad – and I cleared my throat.

'I need to go to the bathroom,' I announced.

'I bet you do,' Alissa said with a smile.

I pondered for the rest of the night whether that grin was to mock me or from actual amusement. I assumed the former.


To say that I was shocked Alissa didn't either rip me a new asshole or mock the hell out of me doesn't really say how surprised I was. She didn't change her demeanor, that is to say we still had pointless arguments and baited each other for the smallest things, but my half-glimpse of her panty-covered pussy never once came up. I was confused, because usually any ammunition she gets she will throw at me like a trigger happy criminal, mostly because she has never been quick enough to make witty comebacks, instead choosing to embarrass and belittle very crudely.

It made me extremely careful. Whenever I talked to her I had to restrain myself from pushing her too far, because I couldn't be sure she wasn't holding it back for an almighty rip at me to get out of something stupid or embarrassing she had done herself.

At breakfast a few mornings later mom had made pancakes. A whole stack of them, coated in maple syrup and smelling a special kind of delicious I haven't ever come across in those made by anyone else. Alissa was showing her lack of sleep from a 'study session' the night before: huge bruise-like bags under her eyes and a distinct lack of co-ordination. When the inevitable happened - her spilling an entire pancake she had been too lazy to cut right down her front along with one huge glob of syrup - I said nothing. The words had rushed to my mouth instantly, like a Pavlovian response, and it was almost painful not to shoot them like tiny daggers at her. Good one, dumb ass. She didn't take her eyes off me as she cleaned up, expecting the cheap shot to come just as much as I wanted to give it.

Night-time that same day we were home alone. Our parents were at dinner, Tuesday nights being another of their weekly themed nights, this one date night. So, obviously, we weren't involved. I watched the closing graphic of Sportscenter and sighed. I was out of excuses to procrastinate on my psych assignment any longer. I got up off the couch very slowly, again causing the leather to creak loudly and my knee joints to crack almost painfully. Not the healthiest sign in barely 20 year old legs.

I took my time going up the stairs as well. Every step of my bare foot on the padded carpet made a thump that reverberated around the enclosed staircase and made the wood underneath creak every so often. At the top of the stairs I had to turn and walk by the banister, my room being the only one that side of the stairs, and the bathroom being along that wall.

I could hear the splash of running water stop in the bathroom, with the accompanying groan from the pipes in the wall at the loss in water pressure. Alissa's nightly shower had obviously just finished. I have no idea why, but at that moment I had an overpowering urge to look in at her. I'd never once thought about her sexually. Even when her tits and ass had developed I saw them as just factual parts of her body rather than desiring female attractions. At that moment it still wasn't about some perverted desire to see her naked, just a slight and innocent curiosity as to what her naked body really looked like.

The keyhole in the door wasn't the best viewing option. It was difficult to line her up properly, and even when I managed to do so I only saw parts of her before she moved again and I had to re- adjust. She did look nice. Like I said, I'd never thought of her as hot, or even made the choice as to whether she was or not, but at that point I would have to begrudgingly admit that she was. There was still light coming in from the north-facing window, which, as warm and golden as it was that afternoon, gave a silhouette effect that meant I still couldn't see her front too well. She was faced towards me, her head turned as she watched herself in the full-length mirror while slowly rubbing her hair with the beige towel in her right hand. Every time she turned in a new direction the light would catch in the droplets of water still on her front and bounce around artistically. It would make a good photo.

Her front now in partial light I could better make out her features. Her stomach was flat and tanned, dotted with a few larger freckles that I shared with her as a family trait. Her tits were just as evenly tanned - does she go topless at the beach every day?- the 18 year old beauties sitting perfectly on her chest, jiggling hypnotically as she dried her hair. From my very limited knowledge they looked like a B-cup, but the partially obscured angle of the key-hole and the distance made me unsure. I would need to check that later.

She stopped drying and put the towel down. Her hands on her hips and weight shifted to her right side gave her curves added definition. Shit, they never looked like that before. She had a half smirk as she looked at her self. Admiring the work, I guess, because she certainly didn't waste the money our parents spent on her gym membership.

She moved to the vanity, out of my view, so I shifted a little on the plush carpet to try and re-focus on her. The keyhole angle wouldn't allow me to follow, so I stopped trying and got up. The floor creaked under me as I moved away, which, seeing as it did that all the time, I was only half aware of and didn't give it a conscious thought.


'Did you like what you saw?' Alissa said.

I looked up from my desk to her standing in my doorway, one hand leaning on the frame. Her tone was hard to pick. She sounded casual, as if calmly asking what time to expect the parents back, and looked it as she was still drying her hair absent-mindedly with the towel. She had the same green shirt on from the other night, which, along with thin, gray sweatpants, accentuated her curves and tits to a point that made them blindingly obvious and hard not to look at.

'Yeah... I'm up here,' she said through a smirk.

I hadn't really processed her question. What did I see? Oh. How did she know?

'I know you were spying on me,' she said, now crossing her arms but remaining strangely casual.

'I was just... passing by. I have to to get in here, remember?'

That sounded so bad. I pride myself on being quick on my feet and knowing the right thing to say back at her in an argument, but even I thought that sounded weak.

'Are you really gonna try that excuse? I could see your shadow under the door, and it really didn't look like you were just passing. Looked a lot more like you were spying. You weren't real quiet about it, either.'

I blanked. I couldn't think of a plausible excuse, and the longer I sat there, my face betraying how horrified I was at being caught, the guiltier I looked. I was at the linen closet? No, she'd ask me why. Shit! I had nothing.

Just like the up-skirt incident, Alissa didn't seem to be getting mad. She was smiling, almost the same kind of smile she had always flashed when I did something stupid, but slightly different. More playful?

'I'm sorry, OK? I was only there for a second and I didn't even see anything.'

The smile grew wider. No doubt she was enjoying the reversal of roles to the way these confronting situations had normally gone.

'I think you saw a whole lot. It's really kinda unfair.'

Of course. Here came the blackmail. I wondered if it would be money, or maybe some of her chores. Whatever it was, I was likely to just blurt out an 'OK, fine' and shoo her away to avoid any further embarrassment.

'What do you want?' I asked with a sigh, leaning back in my computer chair.

'You saw me. I wanna see you.'

'OK, f-' I started. 'Wait... what?'

Her smile curved a little. She knew that I knew exactly what I meant.

'What are you, some kind of per-'

No, that line would end in disaster.

'It's fine,' she said. 'Dad'll probably get a laugh out of it, you think?'

I swallowed loudly and looked to the floor. I stole a quick glance at her - still that ambiguous smile - and stood up. I felt naked before I'd even started to undress, so awkward and clumsy. I fiddled on my belt for a second, my now-sweating hands struggling to get a grip on the cool metal buckle. My eyes stayed fixed on the carpet as I let the jeans drop to the floor and step out of them. I almost fell over when my right foot got caught in the folds. She scoffed.

My probably-too-hairy legs were naked from my boxers to my plain white socks now, but I don't know how she felt about them because I still couldn't look at her. I tried to smoothly take off my white shirt but it got caught coming over my head. I ripped it over in frustration, messing up my brown hair and forcing it inside-out. She scoffed again, and I still couldn't tell if she was mocking me or not.

My chest was bare now. All those times I looked in the mirror and told myself 'I better start working out or else the first time I have sex is going to be embarrassing' caught up to me. I could have at least cut the embarrassing hair around my nipples.

When my eyes came back into focus after the shirt was finally out from in front of them I saw Alissa's face. She was looking at my chest, and she was, surprisingly, not trying to contain any laughter. She pursed her lips and nodded softly. Approval? Enjoyment? I guess I mustn't have been so unfit after all.

I shrugged my shoulders as if to say well, what now?

'I don't think I was wearing underwear when I got outta the shower...'

I pleaded with her using only my expression. She nodded in the direction of the floor.

I should have sat down to take my socks off. I overbalanced on the first one and shot my hand out to my side for support, finding only a cup of water on the desk. It tipped violently, spewing all over my books and only narrowly missing my laptop. This time she did have to hold back a giggle, but this time I could see her face and I could see it wouldn't have been mocking. Was she legitimately enjoying this?

I took the other sock off using the desk as a brace and moved on to my boxers. I paused with my hands on them, feeling the soft yet course cotton on my fingers. Alissa had her arms folded and was leaning fully on the doorframe now. She cocked her head to one side, waiting.

I looked down as I started to slide the boxer shorts down my legs. I did not want to see her face for this. I stepped out of them, thankfully without incident, and stood still, keeping my eyes fixed on the carpet as though I was genuinely interested in the pattern. She didn't say anything.

I just stood there. My shoulders were slouched forward and my fingers drumming nervously on my thigh. After ten seconds I had to look at her, she was forcing me to make the next move. She was looking straight into my eyes, a contented smile stretched across her lips.

'OK, you've seen me,' I said hoarsely.

'Yeah, but showing is different from spying.'

It's worse, I wanted to say.

'You need to do something else.'

'Come on,' I said weakly. I just wanted it to be over.

She looked out the window. The sun was behind the trees on the horizon now, but there was still plenty of golden afternoon light outside.

'Down to the end of the street and back up the other side.' There's no way she said that, I thought. There would be people outside still. I could hear a lawnmower going from a few houses down.

She raised her eyebrows, as if expecting a challenge. I didn't make one. It wouldn't do any good. I walked briskly past her without a word and down the stairs. She watched me from my doorway, keeping that annoying contented grin on her face the entire time.

I opened the front door very slowly, just a little bit, and stuck my head out to scope out my surroundings. Three girls my age had just turned the corner into our street, jogging happily, and lawnmower-guy was three houses down in the same direction. The other way was about three times as long, with plenty more people in their front yards. The short direction it would have to be.

I shouldered the door open hard, cupping my junk in my hands and bolting for all I was worth down the street. My feet started to sting on the hard concrete only a few steps away from our yard, and the spring air wasn't quite warm enough that night to be comfortable in naked. My hairs were sticking up and I had gooseflesh over my entire body. I couldn't be sure where Alissa was watching this, but I didn't dare turn around to check.

Lawnmower-guy shook his head in disapproval as I sprinted past.

'Sorry,' I mumbled to him.

The girls noticed me almost instantly, slowing down to laugh and point. Great.

I reached the end of the street and quickly scanned for cars before crossing the even-more- painful-on-my-feet road. The girls had stopped completely and were staring straight at me. I ran past them with my eyes firmly pointed down, taking jeers and wolf whistles as I did.

I cut a diagonal path across the road back to my house and noticed the front door was closed. She better not have, I thought. I reached it and pulled frantically at the knob, but it was locked. I could hear the girls laughing even harder at me now, but I ignored them and sprinted around the side of the house. Why did we not have a fence?

The two other doors were locked as well. The laundry door always was, and Alissa was standing at the sliding glass door at the back, proudly.

'Let me in, this isn't funny!' I screamed at her.

She was laughing now as well.

'It looks pretty funny to me!'

I danced around impatiently, but she wasn't opening any doors for me any time soon. Stepping back, I noticed our parents' bedroom window was open. Jackpot. She followed my eyes and must have guessed from my smile what I could see because she turned and bolted for the stairs while I hurriedly climbed the lattice to the side of the sliding door. Great big vines were growing intertwined through the lattice holes, limiting my foot and hand holds and whipping me painfully if I moved in the wrong direction.

I reached the top just as Alissa bounded into the room. She rushed for the window to pull it down, but it was stuck. I scrambled the last few feet across the overhanging roof just as she managed to un-stick it and rip it down. But I was there to stop her. Being far stronger, she couldn't pull it down any further, but I couldn't climb in the window easily with her standing in the way. So I barreled through and knocked her to the ground, landing awkwardly on top of her on the floor. I had her pinned, like so many times before, and I relished the turning back of power. She didn't try to struggle, she just kept laughing.

'You're an asshole,' I said, trying myself not to laugh.

I didn't take any notice how I was positioned on her, but maybe I should have. Instead of hovering over her on my hands and knees like usual in this body-lock position, I was lying right on top of her. Her tits were mashed into my chest, and I could subconsciously feel her smooth figure through her clothes onto my naked skin. Her tightly covered thighs felt delicious on my legs, and her faint but powerful perfume reminded me of so many girls I had crushes on in high school. Without knowing, I had become semi-hard.

Alissa did notice. When I finally adjusted myself into the normal hovering position, her eyes traced right down to my crotch, and mine followed. My heart sank again and I let go of her arms, rushing up and out of the room. Her face, though, was burned into my eyes. It wasn't disgust, and it wasn't shock. Almost like a mild surprise, decorated with that half smile I was beginning to really dislike.


I locked myself in my room the rest of the night and over the next few days avoided seeing or talking to Alissa. She loved the situation, and any time I bumped into her in the kitchen or hallway she grinned her mischievous smile at me. I was really starting to hate that smile.

She had even started to leave notes. Getting home from the gym that I had finally been motivated enough to go to, I found a little folded piece of unicorn stationery sitting on top of my books.

Does that happen when you spy on me as well?

I looked around, somehow expecting her to be there. But this was very strange. I'd stopped expecting a ruthless attack on how much of a pervert I am, but this could almost constitute flirting. It had been a couple of days since the incident as well, so she must have had to muster the courage to do this. Or she only just thought it would be another good way to mess with my head. Either way, since I severely lacked the courage to reply, I put it in my drawer and forgot about it.

The next morning she was more aggressive about things. I was eating my toast while reading the sports section, quite peacefully, when another piece of unicorn stationery was shoved into my view right on the article I was reading. I looked at her quickly but she had gone back to playing around with her cell phone. So I unfolded the paper, giving a quick glance around to make sure dad was still glued to the morning news and mom was still upstairs.

It wasn't all that unimpressive. But I've seen bigger.

My mind caught on the words for a second. So she thought it was alright? What the hell was she doing, anyway? All along I didn't want to think she was flirting, but I couldn't dismiss it now. Years of taunting had taught me I also shouldn't discount the fact that she could just be messing with me for a bit of fun.

I didn't know how to react to the note itself. If it was indeed flirtatious, I'd never been at all good at reciprocating that to other girls. I just didn't really know what to do. The fact that it was my sister made it especially difficult because, firstly, I wasn't sure if I wanted to be doing that. In the back of my mind I felt a little bit of excitement at the situation, but the front of my mind was screaming at how disgusting incest is. And secondly, would I have to flirt with my sister differently than I would with other girls? Almost definitely.

Of course the fact that she has always been a mean and horrible person to me all these years hadn't escaped my mind. If she was indeed staying true to her character and this was just a cruel mind game, I couldn't call her on it and risk her throwing those two incidents back at my face. Sitting there with my mouth open was probably the worst thing to do. After a few seconds Alissa looked up from her cell phone and shot me a naughty smirk. Probably not messing with me, then. Still, I stood up and walked as fast as I could without seeming strange out of there and up to my room. I didn't dare look at her while doing so.

I closed the door and leaned on it for a second, allowing my mind to slow down and think properly. My rational mind told me to think up a way to smooth the situation out and return things back to normal. I couldn't cope with the mind games, cruel or not. Pissing her off bad enough to force her to abuse me with the incidents seemed like the only way to break it all down, but there was a big risk of having either mom or dad find out. Tuesday night would be best, just after the parents had left so I could allow Alissa enough time to cool down after our argument so that she wasn't running to them as soon as they walked back in the door. Tuesday it would have to be.

But her naked body kept interrupting my train of thought. The swaying of her tits as she dried her hair still mesmerized me just thinking about it, and my fingertips started to sweat at the thought of running them over her soft, bronze skin, tracing patterns in her freckles.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I really needed to get laid. Having to think about your sister's body is probably as good a sign as any that your cock is long overdue for some pussy. But since I lacked a girlfriend, my laptop had to be my date.

I locked the door and moved over to the desk. A tent had well and truly been pitched in my boxers, and I didn't want to risk not jacking it away and keep drifting back to thinking about Alissa's body all day. It wouldn't be good for my sanity. I opened the laptop lid with a smile, thinking about some of the lesbian porno I downloaded the other day and still hadn't had the chance to-

'Holy shit!' I said aloud before I realized what I was doing.

So used to seeing the stylized Mustang picture, I wasn't prepared for Alissa's image to come up, much less a naked one. It was obviously one she had taken herself, in that Myspace style where you hold the camera up with one hand and it catches only really your face and a bit of your chest. She was a master at it, judging by the frequency those types popped up on her own Myspace.

I looked guiltily over at the door, completely forgetting I'd locked it ten seconds before, and back to the screen. Her lips were smacked together in a kiss and her eyes closed. Her free hand cupped her opposite tit, partially obscuring the other, but making the one she held even perkier than it would normally sit. She was sitting at her desk, the only light being her lamp, the effect casting a shadow on the far side of her body, but it didn't hide anything.

I didn't understand when she'd had time to do it. I was on my laptop until late the night before and had gone to bed straight after using it. And I know I woke up before her because I heard her snoring as I walked past for breakfast. The middle of the night - while I slept just a few feet away - was the only possibility. I felt violated, but really excited at the same time. My sister was uploading porn - of herself! - onto my computer.

I had been looking at it too long, I figured. I couldn't keep it and still realistically plan on shutting her down and stopping everything, could I? Right then all I wanted to do was relieve myself, so I bypassed the incredibly erotic picture of my own sister and started the many clicks it took to get to my porn folder. I was proud of how well I managed to hide it, as sad as being proud of something like that is. Deep inside the hidden system folders with a thousand computer-sounding-gibberish folders and files to get lost in if anyone dared to go looking for my stash.

Obviously Alissa had, because upon reaching the folder I found it empty. Over 12 gigabytes of pornography, years worth of surfing, gone, replaced by a single .txt file. It was named Alissa.

Really not stuff you should be looking at, big brother.

She hadn't once called me that in our entire lives. Was the excitement of the situation getting to her? Did incest somehow turn her on?

I leaned back and cupped the back of my head in my hands. This was just another little mind game to go insane over for the next few days. My boner still remained, however, and without some porno to help me along, or the desire to get more this early in the morning, I was left with only one option.

I clicked back to the desktop and sighed. Alissa's tits stared back at me. If I did this, I would be crossing a line I might not be able to un-cross. But I wasn't thinking about that. I was thinking about my now-painful boner and making it go away. I reached for the lotion and tissues, gave one last sigh, and got to work.

It took me about 30 seconds. Imagery wasn't hard, and mental stimulation was plentiful on top of the visual. When I started spewing cum into the tissues it was one of the rare times I'd had to stifle a moan in all the years of pleasuring myself. In fact, the orgasm rated up there with the best of them, even the time I'd gone a month in a resolution to get laid and not jerk off. The feeling consumed my entire body, like a wash of pleasure that tingled along all my nerve endings at once.

But just as soon as it subsided, a new wash, this time of guilt, came over me. I looked at Alissa's picture once more, quivering and softening cock still in my right hand, and decided. No more. I deleted the picture, emptied the recycle bin, and circled the next Tuesday in bright red Sharpie on my calendar.


Tuesday came, without any more developments from Alissa. She was a busy girl, I had finally discovered after only just starting to take notice. She was gone most nights of the week doing something, sometimes back for dinner, but rarely. I became quite familiar with her schedule, not out of any desire to see her or spy on her or anything: so that I could avoid her. I had enough trouble not thinking about her running her hands seductively down her naked front. I caught myself going hard in too many embarrassing places.

I didn't leave my room when I heard Alissa arrive home from school. I stayed in there until I heard my parents' car start up and drive off. But I still didn't really know what to say to Alissa, whether I could even piss her off enough or at all.

I was lying on my bed throwing a tennis ball up and down when I heard the pipes in the wall groan and come to life. Water rushed through them noisily, and I could make out the splashing sound of water on tile through the wall. She was in the shower.

My heart started beating faster. I had to seriously fight the temptation to rush to the key-hole and perv on her. After deleting her naked picture from my computer I had been walking around with an urge to see it again, cursing my choice to delete it. I couldn't help it. I had even checked her camera to see if it was still on the memory card. It wasn't.

My self-discipline crumbled. Being as quiet, but as quick, as I could I went to the bathroom door and knelt in position. There she was. The shower cubicle was in the perfect viewing position from the key-hole, with clear glass to boot. She was slightly obscured from the steam fogging up the glass, but not enough to hide any of her best features.

I think she looked better wet. Her skin looked even softer when it was glistening with moisture, and I loved the way the streams of water clung to her curves as it rushed down her body and into the drain. Her hair being wet meant it was out of her face, displaying the perfect proportions even prouder than ever.

My hand went for my pants. I wasn't going to miss the opportunity, and my inhibitions over feeling this way for my sister had a funny way of disappearing in the heat of the moment. But, as if on cue, Alissa reached for the shower head an unhooked it from its clasp. Bringing the head down her body, the flexible pipe wrapped around her figure the way I so wanted to do with my hands. She finally laid the head in her crotch, and her face exploded with pleasure. Her head shot back, mouth opened wide, and she let out a loud moan.

She knew I was watching. There's no way she would be that loud in such a discrete act of masturbation, I thought, knowing from experience. I might have cared if I wasn't so close to cumming. But if she knew, there wasn't much I could do now.

Her free hand went up to cup a tit, almost like in the picture. She caressed it slowly, making her small areole a point of emphasis when she tweaked the nipple. Her moans kept getting louder until her hand shot from her tit and slapped the wall. I guess she was cumming.

It pushed me over the edge, too. I could feel myself reaching that point of no return where there was nothing I could do to stop from cumming. Not wanting to be caught with cum over myself or my clothes, I rushed back into my room and clutched at a tissue. I didn't care that the floor creaked deafeningly as I moved.


I expected her to come in after her shower and amp up the dare from last time. Maybe she might even come to initiate something? But she didn't. I was sort of thankful for that, because I felt a great deal guiltier after that than the first time I jerked off to her.

She kept up the routine of not specifically mentioning anything to my face; in fact she had even returned to baiting me. It wasn't as malicious as it had always been; more playful, if only slightly. I began to be more comfortable around her, but I was now stern in the knowledge that I didn't want to have anything to do with her sexually. Until the next incident.

It was the Friday night after the most recent shower incident. All four of us were at the video store choosing a movie to rent.

'Just someone choose one,' dad said impatiently from a corner. He rarely factored into the choosing, instead wanting to just veto any choice of ours until one he liked came along.

'How about this one?' Alissa said.

She was teasing me. Her tee-shirt was at least a size too small, with a graphic on the front that only attracted the eye to the money region before you noticed how luscious her tits are. Her skirt was also a little skimpy for that night. The weather was clinging to cold before the inevitable warm shift, and that night was chillier than normal.

'What is it?' mom said without looking up from the one she was inspecting.

'Um... it's called Tomcats.'

I looked up sharply. I knew what it was, and I was sure mom and dad didn't.

'It's not a cartoon is it?' dad asked suspiciously.

'No. I've heard about it and apparently it's not bad.'

She held up the cover, but instead of the image of a girl's lower half in boxer shorts that would have instantly betrayed it for the risqué movie it was, it was a generic cover some employee had written 'Tomcats' on in pen.

'That sounds alright I guess,' mom said.

Alissa flashed me a quick grin. She was up to something.

It wasn't long before our parents discovered that wasn't such a good choice.

'I don't think I can watch this with my children,' mom declared only 10 minutes in, and went to the kitchen table to do crosswords.

Dad also fell asleep fairly quickly, leaving only Alissa and I to watch a movie I really wasn't comfortable watching with her. Her intentions were definitely made clear at the start by sitting next to me on the second couch instead of the many other seats. She never did that.

She was quiet most of the way through, though, and still. At one point well into the movie I found myself in the inevitable situation of going hard. It was bound to happen with this kind of movie, but I was focused on not making it obvious.

That failed pretty badly, because thinking about it made my cock go fully hard and produce a characteristic bump in my pants. I shifted my left leg up a bit to hide it in the folds of material, but Alissa had already noticed. She was watching me out of the corner of her eye.

Suddenly her hand snapped out and went straight for my crotch. I sat still, horrified, hoping mom didn't look through the gap between rooms and see us. Alissa obviously didn't care, because she grabbed my cock as best she could through the fabric and started lightly massaging it. She had experience.

'What are you doing?' I hissed quietly at her.

She just looked at me with a smirk and continued. I didn't stop her. I wanted to, but there's something about a guy's make-up that makes us incapable of stopping sexual advancement.

It was the first time I'd ever had another person's hand on my cock. That thought alone excited me, but Alissa's experienced hand did things that felt infinitely better than my own ever had. She knew just the right amount of pressure to apply to the head of the cock, even through two layers of clothes, and her circular motion felt good from the moment she started.

I could feel that point of no return coming again, and I couldn't believe how quick it had been brought on. I prayed to last just a little longer because this felt way too good, despite who was doing it.

My hips bucked upwards and I let out a muffled sound of pleasure. Alissa's hand stopped and moved away, and I could already see a damp patch developing where it had been. She looked over at me with eyebrows furrowed as if to say 'already?' I was breathing heavily but didn't say anything. Mom was still within earshot, and I was thankful she hadn't reacted to the sound I'd already let out. I wasn't going to risk her walking in and seeing what was going on.

I stood up and left the room to clean up. When I got back Alissa was on the floor and didn't even turn and acknowledge me. The mind games continued.


Once again Alissa never commented on what had gone on, and I was way too embarrassed to initiate a conversation about it. It felt out of my control, like only she could make any moves, and I couldn't stand that.

It got down to intimacy, I'd decided. We had never had any of it between us. And that didn't just mean hugs and physical contact, but no emotional closeness or even just pleasantness. I think that's what made it so awkward to think about her like that, the fact that this was new and uncomfortable territory that my mind couldn't get over. The reservations I had about it on the basis that it was 'disgusting incest' were really only lies my subconscious had formed to shy away from the fact that I wasn't used to any kind of closeness to my sister. In the past I'd refused to even use her nickname, Lis, because it sounded too intimate and chummy.

The fact was, the more I mentally played the image of her in the shower, the more I genuinely wanted to have her. I started noticing things about her personality - the real one, not the facades we both showed to each other - when she was on the phone to her friends or talking to mom or dad thinking I wasn't around. Her laugh was infectious, making me smile stupidly to myself, and her playful nature was endearing and fun to be around. Or so I imagined.

I caught myself, on more than one occasion, just watching her. Watching TV together one afternoon, I watched her twirl her hair in her fingers for more than ten minutes. Or while waiting for the kettle to boil, I leaned on the kitchen counter and watched her doing homework. She bit the top of her pen constantly, and the way her face screwed up when she got frustrated also made me smile stupidly.

Over the days I could feel the reservations gradually ease, to the point where I didn't instinctively reach for the quickest insult when she spoke a word to me. I think she noticed it too, because her jabs at me got less and less enthusiastic, as if she needed me to play off. We were actually growing closer together.

By now I had become quite sure I didn't want to put a stop to any sexual games Alissa was playing with me, but I still needed to confront her about them. It was driving me insane wondering when she would do something, making me check for any of her notes almost by the hour and searching my laptop hoping for any new uploads. But she was staying silent.

Tuesday still seemed the best time to do it, since we could talk without any fear of being overheard. Knowing the time and place I would confront her certainly helped me to prepare what I would say, but it gave me some added nerves as well. In the hour before my parents were supposed to leave I paced my room constantly, turning music on countless times only to turn it off again seconds later because it distracted my nervous train of thought. When the car finally roared to life and chugged out the driveway and up the street my heart was beating hard enough to see it pulsing through a shirt.

I didn't want to procrastinate on this so I shoved the nerves to one side and left my room. The time of day meant Alissa had to be in her room doing homework. Not ideal, because her bedroom was as foreign to me as the girls' toilets. It was her domain.

She looked up, surprised, when I opened the door and entered. She raised her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders as if to say 'what?'

'Why have you been acting the way you have?' I asked, sounding more sure of myself than I felt.

'What do you mean?' she answered. She had to make it difficult.

'You know...' I started, returning to the nervous, unsure demeanor I had spent over an hour trying to suppress.

She smiled naughtily. 'Boredom, really.'

'... boredom?' I said, the words sounding unfamiliar.

She smacked her lips affirmatively and nodded.

'But... why?' I said eloquently.

'What do you mean "why"? I just wanted to mess with you, see what you'd do.'

'What did you think I'd do?'

'I thought you'd at least have the balls to try to get me to fuck you. Instead you ran away.'

Hearing her curse was not new. I had heard that word come from her mouth more times than I could count, but the different context made it sound completely different, and shocking.

'But... I'm your brother...'

'Like you didn't jerk off to me while I was in the shower the other day? Sex is sex.'

While pacing my room earlier I had thought of a hundred different things to say to her, none of which I had remembered to use. I didn't, however, give a single thought as to how she might respond, but I definitely didn't expect what I'd got so far.

'You don't think it's... gross... or anything?'

She shrugged nonchalantly. 'Done worse.'

I didn't even start to imagine what she could have done; all my brain power was being put towards a decent-sounding response.

'So... if...' was all I came up with.

'If you hadn't been too chicken shit to make a move?'

I didn't answer, not trusting myself.

She stood up from her chair, walked a few steps closer, and folded her arms. 'I dunno.'

'So... what would you do if I... tried... now?' I managed, no confidence in my voice.

She looked back at me, that half smirk not wavering.

The impulse flashed into my consciousness. Go! But I was still unsure of myself. If she was still messing with me, and had no intention of doing anything with me, I would look like the biggest idiot if I made a move. Not to mention a pervert. Then the half smirk left her face, and I realized I had to act now or lose the opportunity.

I moved over to her, quicker than was probably needed, and grabbed her shoulders. I moved my face closer to hers, aiming for those red lips.

'Whoah, no kissing!' she cried, leaning her head back and slapping both of my arms away. I stood there frozen, now completely unsure what to do. Was that a rejection? Did she want to nor not?

She waited a few seconds, looking at me and shaking her head, before rolling her eyes. She grabbed the back of my head and led me by it towards her bed, laying down but keeping her legs hanging off the end and feet on the floor. She still had hold of my head, bringing me down with her and directing me towards her crotch. I looked up at her face, to which she raised her eyebrows as if to say 'what are you waiting for?'

I had always assumed the first time I was faced with this situation I would know exactly what to do, as if the countless porno movies had prepared me for what was to come. The truth was that I was horrified. My heart was still beating hard enough that I could feel it in my mouth, and I questioned everything I went to do. I lifted her loose-but-short skirt up over her abdomen carefully to reveal her white, lacy panties. They clung very tightly to her, forming a clear outline of what was underneath. I cautiously moved my right hand towards them, looking up at her as I did so. The last thing I wanted was to make a mistake. She was watching me intently.

I peeled her panties down. She shifted her weight a little and allowed me to pull them down to her knees and then fully off. And now I could see it. It wasn't surprising, for I had seen plenty, at least on film, but it was breathtaking to see nonetheless. She was completely shaven; the outline of where her pubic hair goes only just visible by the tips of the hairs starting to poke back through the skin. The folds of her pussy itself where neat and symmetrical, the pink flesh of her inner labia only just visible.

The first thing I really noticed was that she was quite wet. The skin around her pussy shone with moisture, the smell wafting up to my face only inches away. I had never sniffed my mom's or sister's dirty panties so I was completely unaware of the smell. I had only been told by friends that it was a fishy smell, and I could sort of find the resemblance. I wasn't sure whether I liked it or disliked it, but either way I found it incredibly erotic. I moved my mouth closer in, extending my tongue in anticipation of contact.

Before I touched her, the thought dawned on me that I really had no idea what I was doing and it would surely show. My sister would almost certainly know I was new at this, and probably by that (and my all-around social life) deduce that I was a virgin. Ah, fuck it.

My tongue made contact halfway down her slit. The taste hit me like a hammer, almost making me flinch at its strength, but I licked upwards, trying desperately not to appear clueless. Alissa made a sharp intake of breath, the air hissing on her teeth as it went by. It soothed me.

I went back to the bottom of her slit and tried to dig my tongue inside her on the second lap. The taste intensified, feeling like it touched and excited every one of my taste buds so that I couldn't escape it. Taking my right hand, I put it at the top of her pussy and tried to find her clit. I was no stranger to the anatomy, so I knew where to look, and after only a short second I found it. It was harder to the touch than I had anticipated, the small ball, but as soon as I touched it Alissa moaned very softly. My heart rose. I must be doing something right.

I kept the same pattern, rubbing her clit with my index finger while lapping up and down at her pussy. Her moans got steadily louder and more frequent. At one stage she gripped the back of my head with both hands and forcefully pushed me in closer to her pussy, mashing my nose into damp skin. Her musk was forced deeper into my senses, invading my nose and embedding itself on the back of my throat, making me feel like I was softly drowning in it. But I didn't change what I was doing, ecstatic that I may have actually lucked into the right method. I must have, because not long after that she came.

I knew it because I suddenly felt the presence of much more moisture on her pussy and my face, along with slight muscular spasms. More obviously, she let out a great long groan and slapped her hands down on the comforter either side of her, making a loud thwack. She tensed up a final time, grabbing a handful of fabric, and sighed.

'Oh, God,' she said, with her head back, spine arched and eyes closed.

Her breathing was heavy and labored as she traced large circles in the comforter with her hands. I had stopped, leaning back on my haunches and admiring her in the deepest of pleasure. A contented smile had formed on her face, as though she was asleep and dreaming of something pleasant. My cock ached when I reminded myself it was me that put that expression on her face. I had made my sister cum.

Without saying anything else Alissa swung her legs around to the other side of the single bed and sat up. She motioned slightly with her head, calling me over. This time I knew exactly what to do without even an apprehensive thought. I stepped around and stood in front of her, my groin directly in line with her face. Instantly her hands went for my belt buckle, unhooking it with supreme dexterity and speed, and undoing the zipper all in one, clean motion. Free of their bind to my waist, Alissa let go of them and my jeans fell to the floor on their own. I didn't step out of them, not willing to make the same idiot of myself as last time. Also free of the heavy and binding denim, my boxer shorts sprung out towards my sister's face, my cock finally free to stick straight out instead of running down my leg.

In another smooth movement my boxers ended up around my ankles with my jeans. She hooked her two index fingers in under the elastic and slid quickly down, making contact with my skin for the first time. It was like an electric shock; my body tensed up all over and my cock jumped a little. As it bounced back up from being pulled down with my boxers, Alissa grabbed my cock with her right hand – the first time someone else had properly touched my cock. Gripping it hard at the base, she sent a second electric chill across my body.

She moved her mouth towards me. I held my breath. The first thing to touch was her tongue, extending out to cup the underside of the tip of my cock before her mouth caught up to close over the whole head. The sudden warm, moist contact to my cock gave me a shudder up my spine. It felt better than anything I had ever done, and it made me so hard I was afraid a blood vessel was about to burst.

She slowly took more and more in until I hit the back of her throat. The sensation of having so much of my cock enveloped inside her warm mouth was unbelievable and indescribable. She started to move back, a little quicker, every now and then accidentally letting a pocket of air slip between lip and cock to make an incredibly erotic slurping noise. She spent most of the time looking up into my eyes, like all the best point-of-view blowjob movies, but so much better. Every time those blue eyes turned upwards to look at me my cock would spasm and I felt a tiny bit of pre-cum ooze out. She would twirl her tongue around the tip and catch it as she licked by.

I started to wonder how long I could go. If I barely lasted a minute with a pseudo handjob, how long could I possibly last in an all-out blowjob? Do I stop her and move on so I don't blow my load during foreplay? Or will she know when to move?

I put my hand on the side of her head to steady myself, but she took it as the signal to finish up. She pulled her mouth off my cock in one short action, again making that slurping sound as her lips found nothing but air to suck. She left a string of saliva snaking from my spit-covered cock to her chin, where she had dribbled slightly. She severed it with a seductive lick of her lips, looking up at me with that naughty smile I had been fantasizing about.

She got up and moved over to her bedside table. I took the opportunity to step out of my jeans and boxers without the pressure of her watching me. She opened the drawer and pulled out a condom.

'Here,' she said bluntly, handing it to me.

My heart froze. I'd never tried to put a condom on before. I'd had two sitting in my wallet since junior high, but I had never once thought of taking one out and having a go. Even to practice. What a stupid thing to do. My fear showed, as Alissa looked at me strangely while I held the condom motionless in my hand, staring at it.

I opened the packet with shaking fingers. It ripped open, almost forcing the condom to fall out and onto the floor. I took it out, my fingers still shaking. I'd never even felt one before, but it wasn't a great departure from what I expected. It was rubbery, with a sticky lubricant that felt strange on my fingers.

I brought it down to my cock and lined up the circle with my head. It shouldn't be so hard, I thought. But every time I tried to roll it down it would snap off my cock, forcing me to re-adjust and try again.

'Are you serious?' Alissa said.

She reached out with one hand and pulled downwards. It rolled down perfectly all the way to the base. I looked at her sheepishly as she shook her head.

She climbed back on to her bed, taking up her position on all fours. Her clothes were still on; taking away some of the effect, but her bare pussy was exposed and stretched slightly open.

'Well?' she said, looking around at me.

I quickly ripped my shirt off over my head and climbed onto the bed behind her. I took my position on my knees, lining it up so that my cock was resting just outside her pussy. That's when the reality of what I was doing really sunk in. Alissa whipped her blonde hair around, getting ready, and it really hit me that I was about to fuck my sister. My sister. In the prior few days I had retained some reservations about it, but right then it was the thing I wanted to do most in this world. I wanted to fuck my sister.

I held my cock steady as I pushed it inside her. Her muscles instantly grabbed hold of my intruder and squeezed a tight grip around me. I threw my head back in utter pleasure. I slid in a little more, feeling the foreskin get pulled back the further I went. It had always kind of made me uncomfortable to pull the skin back, but it didn't bother me one bit now. The exposed and sensitive head of my cock, even under a condom, amplified my pleasure many times over. I had to fight the strong urge to moan.

'Mmmm,' Alissa said softly.

I pulled out and pushed back in again, trying to get a rhythm going. I pumped my hips, watching as my covered cock disappeared and reappeared again out of my sister's hole. Every time I pumped in I was grabbed by her pussy like a lost child who had just found their mother again and didn't want to let go. I tried to emphasize the strokes by grabbing hold of her ass and pulling her onto me with every stroke, causing her to sway in time with me.

I found, though, that it was tough to keep the co-ordination going. I would pump hard for a few seconds before inexplicably being unable to keep in time anymore and slowing down. After the third time, Alissa turned her head and shot me a frustrated look.

She suddenly moved away from me, getting up on her knees and turning to face me. She grabbed hold of my shoulders and pushed my backwards until I was lying down. I became excited at the thought that she would ride me. It had always been my favorite position to watch. She clambered on top me and sat on my pelvis, my cock pointing straight up in right in front of her. I expected her to be heavy, and have it be painful for her to sit like that, but she was surprisingly light. It was even kind of comfortable.

She reached down and squeezed my cock into her. It felt quite different being inside her at that angle, as my cock pushed against the edge of the inside of her pussy. She started to gyrate her hips around my cock, not rising off it at all, and holding her hands on my chest for support. It seemed like a well practiced maneuver; just like the method she jerked me off with that Friday night, and it somehow managed to give me maximum pleasure. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing deeply, concentrating hard on her technique and speed with which she moved.

The position allowed me to look at her fully. Her long blonde hair hung around her covered tits, which I took the chance to finally touch. I grabbed at them clumsily with both hands, causing her to look down at me with a strange look on her face. I fondled them slowly, trying to take in every sensation the soft, bra-less breasts gave my hands. And I kept looking at her. I was overcome with a sudden powerful feeling of eroticism seeing how my sister rode my cock with such a professional style. She started to look so out of place to me in a sexual environment as I thought about all the times I'd looked at her face in a completely different context. It made it even hotter that she was in a sexual environment, like an added reminder that this is not the way I am supposed to be interacting with her. It pushed me over the edge.

I grabbed hold of her hips and held her down. Her eyes snapped open. I bucked my hips upward, trying to get that last little bit of penetration, and I exploded. I lost control of what was coming out of my mouth, letting out an entire chorus of groans and moans while my cock squirted what felt like my biggest load ever into the condom. That in itself was a strange feeling, as the small bulb of air left in the top filled up quickly with cum, leaving nowhere for the rest of the load to go but squeeze down the sides.

With a last little lunge of my hips up into my sister, I collapsed on the bed with a sigh. She looked at me with that naughty smile again, her hands still resting on my chest.

'Wow,' I said.

She snorted with laughter.

'That's such a lame thing to say.'

She was smiling fully now, not the naughty, mischievous grin she had flashed me so many times recently, but the heart-warming beam that was so infectious.

'You realize I own you now,' she purred in my ear.

'Sure. You can fuck me anytime you want,' I replied with a smile. She returned it.

'I'm gonna go have a shower before mom and dad get back,' she said, tracing a line with her finger from my chin down my chest.

I put my hands behind my head and reveled in the post-coitus bliss. I still couldn't believe that my virginity had gone to my little sister. My much more experienced little sister.

'Just, next time,' she said, sticking her head back through the door, 'try to go a little longer than two minutes.'

So there would be a next time? I started to become giddy at the idea of this being a regular thing.

It was then that I felt that the dynamic between us had suddenly shifted. It was like the sibling rivalry had disappeared along with my virginity. We weren't out to contradict whatever the other said or just pick an argument because we can't appear weak or complacent. I guess we'd finally grown up.

Mom and dad got back while Alissa was still in the shower, so I didn't have a chance to talk to her any more about us. But for the rest of the night we flashed each other grins whenever we saw one another around the house. It took all my effort not to go up to her and run my hands over her body again. But it was too dangerous.

The next morning I gave in. Being a Saturday, dad was home for the day, making it even more dangerous. When I emerged from the stairs and found him watching the morning news as always, I figured he wouldn't move from there in a while.

I knew Alissa was in the kitchen. I rounded the corner and found her there, standing by the microwave waiting for her breakfast to finish cooking. She was wearing her usual summer sleeping clothes consisting of a shirt that was at least two sizes too small, and cotton shorts that barely even qualified as such, given how little of them there was. It left little of her feminine curves to the imagination.

She didn't notice me enter the kitchen. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around, one hand reaching for her pussy, the other grazing her tits.

'I still need to see all this up close,' I whispered in her ear while lightly kissing her neck.

She pawed at my head with her left hand, her other grabbing my thigh.

'Jake,' I suddenly heard from behind.

I let go of Alissa instantly and whirled around. The low growl had come from dad, who had apparently used the ad break in the news to come and fill up his coffee. My heart sank to my feet. I stood there, frozen in fear, afraid to do or say anything.

I had never seen him so angry. His upper lip was quivering in his glare, his fists clenched tightly, making his knuckles white. He repeatedly took a breath to say something, but stopped short to re- compose himself.

'What... do you think you're doing?' he finally managed, slow and loaded with fury.


I sat on a box in my new apartment, because I didn't have any furniture, and looked around. Unimpressive and small, because that's all I could afford. The cream paint was peeling in many places, and it absolutely reeked of both cigarettes and dogs.

It hadn't all gone down as explosively as I thought it would. Dad never assumed we'd had sex. He thought he'd walked in on me just trying to cop a feel, and he mistook Alissa's hand actions as attempts to get away, instead of the affectionate encouragements that they were. I probably wouldn't have expected him to see it for what it was, though, since he likely hadn't seen us do one nice thing to each other in our lives.

Alissa tried to get a word in, but he wouldn't let her. He rather forcefully suggested I move out, and he gave me ten minutes to pack whatever I needed. I spent four days overstaying my welcome at a friend's house before finally landing in the dump I had. Just then I heard something move inside the wall.

He didn't let Alissa anywhere near me as I packed. I only caught a glimpse of her through her window as I left. I hoped she would come and see me, however embarrassing having her see my new place would be. I hadn't stopped thinking about her; the silky feel of her skin, or the way she sucked my cock with so much passion.

It could all work out for the best, though, I thought. Maybe this would be the push to get my adult life finally started. I felt like fucking my sister in some way made me a little more mature and definitely more confident in myself. Perhaps dad catching me feeling up my sister would prove to be a good thing?

It didn't feel like it yet.

I liked this story but the author fucked up the ending and didn't have the decency to continue it but its still a good story I am thinking of writing a sequel or giving it an alternative ending maybe making its bad ending a dream sequence

07-24-2012, 09:03 AM
Yet again, thanks for sharing.