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02-06-2012, 03:42 AM
Private School Degradation
by Adrian Errik


Ashleigh and Stevie were Juniors at the exclusive Catholic girl's prep school where I taught. They were acquainted with one another but didn't really travel in the same circles. The one thing they shared was that they were both walking wet dreams, beautiful in that 18-year old manner which almost drips sexuality and makes boys and men alike want to sample the ripe wetness between their thighs.

Ashleigh was taller, a dancer and athlete with long, thick dark hear. Her eyes were blue, and her mouth was perfect. She had the more lithe body, somewhat slender but with full tits she oftentimes attempted to hide with tight bras. Her ass drove me crazy as I'd watch her in the halls, for it was beautifully formed, round and just begging to be squeezed and fondled.

Stevie was shorter, having a more voluptuous body. Her blonde hair was honey colored and her dark brown eyes often twinkled as she laughed. She was a cheerleader, and I would attend sporting events oftentimes just to watch her beautiful breasts bouncing up and down under her Cheer sweater. Stevie had muscular legs, and I loved watching the swell of her thighs. I dreamed of licking up and down those thighs, holding them far apart and drinking from between her legs.

Of course, this was all fantasy in my mind. I'd never touched a student inappropriately, although I had enjoyed lots of hugs and received several kisses on the cheek. If my young charges had ever realized the thoughts that went through my mind as I held their young nubile bodies against mine, they would have been shocked and never been alone with me again.

I had only watched the girls over the years, lusting after them, raping them in my mind repeatedly, but never actually doing anything to make those dreams come true. I enjoyed the fantasies of degrading these beautiful hot-assed bitches, but had no intention of going to jail for rape!

And then something happened...an opportunity presented...and I took advantage of it.

Chapter One

Ashleigh was an office aide, and was oftentimes working the copier or helping out with the phones and other tasks. Most evenings, I worked out in the gym or swam laps at the school's pool. Not being married, I had no need to spend nights at home. One evening, I had just left the gym and was walking across campus when I happened to see a quick glimmer of light from the administration building in one of the offices. It was just a quick flash and then extinguished, but it was enough to arouse my curiosity.

Wondering what was going on, I quietly used my keys to enter the building. I made no sound as I slowly moved toward the office area. As I got closer, I could hear soft movements being made by someone. I slowly peeked around the corner and was stunned to see that by the light of the copier, Ashleigh was making copies of something. I wondered why Ashleigh was being so secretive. It was obvious that she wasn't' supposed to be in here alone, and that she was risking getting in serious trouble if caught.
I had enjoyed Ashleigh as a student, although she was a bit melancholy most of the time. But she was a beautiful girl with a dynamite body, so rather than interrupting her, I decided to simply enjoy watching her body as she worked without the knowlege that she was being observed.

As I watched, Ashleigh started a new batch of copying. Walking softly, she went over to the restroom door. When she shut the door, I quickly tip toed over to the running copier and looked at what she was copying. It was the Science Final Test WITH THE ANSWERS! Only the teacher, Mr. Smith, was supposed to have that. I took a copy and went back to my hiding place. Within a minute, Ashleigh came out of the restroom. She completed the copying of the test, and then quietly left the building. I was able to follow her, since she wasn't looking behind her.

Ashleigh returned to her dorm room, and I continued to my car and drove home. I was divorced and lived by myself. I made myself a quick supper and sat down with a beer to think about the situation and what I should do about it. As it became dark, I was lost in thought, not even turning on a lamp, just setting in the dark as a plan began to form. A plan to get what I wanted...and a lot more.

Ashleigh was cheating. Beyond that, it was apparent that she was also involved in helping other girls cheat, for there were a number of copies of the test/answers. I was surprised because Ashleigh was known for being a leader, a 'good' girl who played by the rules and worked hard. Obviously, there were some things about her that others didn't know.

The following morning I checked the schedule, and noted when the science test was scheduled. During that period I sent a note to Ashleigh in class instructing her to report to my office as soon as she completed her science test. It was my planning period, so I was sipping a cup of coffee in my office, trying to relax and appear as cool as possible. I almost spilled my coffee as I jerked when a knock on my door brought me out of my daydreams.

"Come in, Ashleigh" I said loudly.

Ashleigh opened the door and walked in, shutting it behind me. She didn't appear to be in a panic, but she quietly said "Hi Mr. Gee. Uh, you wanted to see me?" She was dressed in the standard outfit, white blouse, dark plaid skirt, and knee high socks. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail, and she looked innocently beautiful.

Not smiling, I looked at her and gravely said "Yes Ashleigh. Please sit down, there is a problem we need to resolve."

I was rewarded by the worried look on her face. She sat in the chair before my desk. Damn, she was good looking. Quickly the thought of what she would look like out of her school uniform made my prick begin hardening. Trying to set aside that image for the time being, I began speaking.

"Ashleigh, one of the values that we teach here is honesty. You are aware of the penalties for cheating on schoolwork, and I called you here today because I believe that you have compromised yourself. Is there anything you want to tell me before I continue?" I asked her, raising my eyebrows but knowing she would try to bluff for the time being. I was right.

"No, Mr. Gee! Cheating is a terrible thing, and I would never think about cheating. And besides, uh...Mr. Gee...its kind of hard to cheat in Choir!" She said in a very convincing tone of voice. It was apparent that she would never think of cheating. Except of course, I knew the little bitch was a big hypocrite. It made it much easier to do what I was going to do to her.

Smiling vaguely, I said "I see. Tell me Ashleigh, where were you at 8:37PM last night?"
Ashleigh's face immediately went white. Stuttering, she softly said "I-I d-don't know w-what you m-mean!"

Opening my desk drawer, I pulled out the copy of the test and answers that I had taken last night. I put it at the front of my desk in front of Ashleigh where she could easily see what it was.

"Last night after swimming laps, I was on my way to my car, when I saw a light on. I investigated, and you can guess what I saw, can't you Ashleigh. Anyway, I'm hoping that you can help me figure out what to do now. Do you have any suggestions?" My voice was low and deliberately severe.

As I looked into Ashleigh's eyes without smiling, I saw huge tears appear in her white face. She realized that she had been caught, and she was plainly terrified.

Nodding my head, I said "Yes, I see that you now understand my dilemma. The right thing to do is to take this to Mr. Leason and inform him what I witnessed last night. Of course, he will notice that you had done so well on the test, and will then understand why. You know that cheating on a test requires suspension. Since this is a major test, I would imagine that the administration will call for an expulsion from school. Your father will of course need to be informed.

Ashleigh gasped, coming out of her trance like state, clearly in a panic. She moved to the front of the chair, leaning forward and imploring me with tears running down her cheeks.
"No, Mr. Gee...PLEASE don't do that. Oh please. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it. Please don' tell Mr. Leason. My Father will KILL me. Oh please, PLEASE don't tell anyone."
I was enjoying hearing her cries, her begging. I noticed the swell of her breasts against her blouse. I couldn't wait to get her out of that blouse. But there was work to be done first.
"Ashleigh, I don't want to see you expelled from school, nor to get in trouble. If you were to agree to...well, to certain conditions; I might be persuaded to keep this between us. Of course, you will need to be punished, but perhaps I can see to your punishment without bringing the administration into it."

I paused, assessing her response.

A bit of color had returned to her face. Her eyes were huge, and though they still glistened with tears, I could tell that she had begun to think again. I could see that she was running through the options of what I meant by 'punishment'. Nervously, she wet her lips, an unconscious gesture that made my prick lurch!

"W-what kind of p-punishment do you mean?" she asked.

Solemnly, I said "Whatever I decide, Ashleigh. In short, you will agree to do anything and everything that I command of you. The option is to go to Mr. Leason right now. Its your decision, but you have 30 seconds to decide. After that time, I'm going to Mr. Leason."
"But...but WHAT will I have to do, Mr. Gee?" the beautiful teen asked.

I decided to put all my chips on the table.

"Ashleigh, if I keep this to myself, I will be taking a risk. As compensation, I expect your cooperation. I will expect you come to my home tonight at 7PM, and I will be finished with you by 10PM...Three hours, Ashleigh, and then it will all be over and no will ever know. I think you know what I will expect of you during those three hours." I smiled grimly.

Ashleigh tried to look shocked, but she knew what I was talking about. She whispered "Y-you mean...s-sex, Mr. Gee?"

I smiled at her. "Yes, Ashleigh, I mean sex. I am sure you aren't a virgin, a beautiful girl your age."

Ashleigh blushed and quickly said "Why yes I am, M-Mr. Gee! I'm a virgin!" She thought that she could fool me. But I'd heard enough around the campus to know which girls were innocent and naive and which girls were or had been sexually active.

"I see...Well, Ashleigh, I don't' really believe you. But this is what I will do. I will wager that you are NOT a virgin. I'll check you here in my office, and if you are a virgin, then I'll forget all about this. But if I discover, as I am sure I will, that you are not a virgin, then you will have to come to my house every night for the next week for a three hour fuckfest!"

I saw Ashleigh recoil from my use of the vulgarity. She wasn't used to her prim and proper teachers talking to her in that way. I could also see the wheels of her mind working. Finally, she dropped her eyes to the floor, her face red as she hung her head and softly said "OK, Mr. Gee. I...I'm not a virgin."

She sat still as I rose from behind my desk. I walked around my desk and stood next to the gorgeous teenager. I put my hand gently on her head and stroked her hair. My prick was rock hard, and she couldn't fail to see it protruding at the front of my slacks. I didn't try to hide the fact that I had a raging hard-on.

Gently, in an almost fatherly tone of voice I said, "Ashleigh, do we have a deal? Three hours of your time, and this will all go away. Now, I expect you not only to obey me and do everything I tell you too, but I expect you to act like you are enjoying it. You see, my fantasy is to have a beautiful girl who is almost desperately horny act slutty for me. I am sure you can do that. And in return, I will give you this test with the answers, and no one will ever know."

Ashleigh lifted her head, tears forming in her eyes. She looked at the bulge in my pants and then averted her eyes looking at the wall of my office, gasping in moritification. Quietly, she said "I really don't have a choice, do I?"

"Sure you do. Expulsion and humiliation, or three hours of being pleasured by me...now, I want to feel your hand on my prick, Ashleigh. Reach out and wrap your hand around it and tell me that you will do anything and everything I tell you to do tonight."

She looked at me imploringly. "Oh please, Mr. Gee. Don't make me do this. It's not right. Can't we please just forget this?" She was quietly sobbing as she looked at me.
I wanted to test the girl. I thought she might argue with me, but it was clear that she realized her situation. So I didn't say a word, just standing there in front of this innocent beauty with my prick throbbing in my slacks. At last, with trembling hand she reached out as she lifted her head. My prick jumped when I felt her fingers feeling its length and then curling around the material.
"I-I will do w-whatever you ask." Ashleigh said to me as a tear ran down her cheek.
Continuing to stroke her hair I said "Good girl, Ashleigh." I waited a few seconds and then pulled away from her. Her hand fell away from my prick as I walked back behind my desk. I had broken her spirit and she sat before me with dull eyes, waiting for my instructions.

I opened my desk drawer and pulled out some paper. I set it before Ashleigh.

"This is a confession that you cheated. It states that you came to me for help, and that I've taken care of your discipline. Please sign it. It’s not legally binding, but in the event that you claim I did anything inappropriate, I want this signed confession to prove that I was only trying to help. Sign it please."

Without a word, the miserable looking girl leaned forward and quickly scribbled her name. I was watching her tits under her blouse pressing tightly against the material. I noticed that even through her bra and blouse, that I could make out the slight presence of her nipples. It appeared that little Miss Ashleigh had become involuntarily aroused when she had held my prick.

I put a blank piece of paper before her. "Very good. Now you will write down the names of those students you gave copies to who cheated along with you. They will never know which of you confessed. I will also query them regarding who cheated, so please don't lie to me."

A feeling of triumph washed over me as the silent girl wordlessly wrote down the names of six other girls. She lay the pen on the desk and sat defeated before me.

I quickly gave her directions to my house and made her repeat them. I told her to wear a blue sun dress that I'd seen her wear before. I instructed her not to wear a slip, but just thong panties and bra, plus sandals.

Standing I walked around the desk, and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. I took a Kleenex and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Don't worry, Ashleigh, it won't be all that horrible. And remember, I expect you to play your part, to act like you are a gorgeous horny girl wanting her teacher to ravage her. Do you understand?"

She was completely devastated as she silently nodded her head. I couldn't resist pulling her into my arms. "And now, a goodbye kiss until tonight" I kissed her as I held her limp body. I knew she could feel the hardness of my prick pressing against her thigh. She didn't respond of course, but I enjoyed testing the fullness of her mouth. I knew that before midnight I would be satiated by her mouth and body.

Turning her around, I patted her gently on the ass as I steered her toward my door.
"Don't forget, Ashleigh. My place at 7:00. Don't be late, or I'll be on the phone to Mr. Leason."

Chapter Two

Returning to my desk, I looked at the list of girls who had cheated along with Ashleigh. Rosa, Alexis, Kristen, Jessica, and Stevie were on the list. I crossed Rosa off the list. She was a dumpy looking Sophomore who was sullen and bad tempered. But the others were, to more or less degree, pretty and cute. During the rest of the day, I worked in interviews with the other four girls. I had them sign confessions, and agree to meet with me at some future date and be my "slave for a day". I made it clear that their slavery would be sexual in nature. Alexis, Kristen, and Jessica quickly signed and agreed. They were known to be sluts, and the thought of a day long romp in the sack with one of their teachers was not particularly upsetting.

And then Stevie was setting before me. Stevie didn't have the classical beauty lines that Ashleigh had, but she was beautiful all around, a witty girl who had a wonderful personality to go with her full body. Her blonde hair was gorgeous, her brown eyes huge, and her mouth full and generous. She was a knockout!

Stevie was one of my very favorite students, and I genuinely liked and cared for her. I was a bit disappointed that she would cheat, and she was dutifully repentant. When I suggested that I would be quiet if she would submit to me, I saw something in her eyes that made my prick lurch. She had a small smile on her face as she looked me in the eyes and said "Yes, Mr. Gee, I'll do whatever you want me to do!"

There was no hesitation in her voice. She knew that I was talking about using her sexually, and I could tell that not only did she not mind that thought, she enjoyed thinking about it.

I told Stevie to be at my house the next night at 7:00PM. I had only made the other girls sign confessions and dismissed them, but Stevie was special, and I was getting quite horny thinking about fucking her and Ashleigh, and any of the other girls I decided to use. I decided to play a bit since school was ending and I would be leaving soon.

I had Stevie stand and come around my desk and stand between my legs. She looked adorable in her school outfit, and her legs revealed the first swell of her incredible thighs. I told her to describe every sexual experience she had ever had, and to do so with great detail. I reached out and put my hands on the backs of her thighs, and rubbed up and down her soft skin, feeling her firm muscles underneath.

Stevie began telling about the time that she was 15 and her Uncle had cornered her in her bedroom. She described how he had pushed her onto her bed and kissed her over and over, how he had put his hands under her dress and rubbed her; how despite her protests, he had stripped her body naked. As she talked, she began to breathe heavier as my hand moved around to the front of her legs, and then as she described how her Uncle had ripped his own clothes off and mounted her, I began dragging a finger up and down her pussy slit which was covered by the nylon of her panties.

I noticed that Stevie's hips began moving against my rubbing fingers as she gripped my shoulders with her hands. She told me how it had hurt for a while when her Uncle had entered her, but that she had felt her body beginning to tingle as her Uncle fucked her.
Falling to the carpet on my knees, I lifted her skirts and pulled aside her panties, slowly slipping a finger inside the tight, hot wetness of the aroused young girl. Stevie put her hands on my head to steady herself as I slowly finger fucked the gorgeous blonde. She was gasping as she told how her Uncle had pinned her there and finally had cum inside of her.

On impulse, I lifted her school skirt, and continuing to hold her panties aside, I pressed my mouth to her wet pussy. Stevie groaned loudly, her hands pulling my head into her crotch as I gave her a deep sucking kiss, making her sway, gasp and moan in the most erotically delightful manner.

Pulling my mouth away, letting her skirt fall, I stood and roughly pulled her into my arms. I pressed my mouth to hers and kissed her passionately, very much aroused.

I expected Stevie to resist me or at least to be limp without responding. But I was surprised and delighted as she wrapped her arms around my neck, and opening her mouth, accepted my tongue inside her mouth, licking and sucking on it. She could feel my hard prick against her belly and she ground herself against me. We stood there kissing and my hands grabbed her fabulous ass cheeks as I kissed the beautiful girl. After several minutes, I finally allowed our mouths to separate. I looked into Stevie's eyes and saw adoration and sexiness combined.

Quietly, the pretty teenager said "I can't wait until tomorrow night, Mr. Gee."

I was almost stunned, and with a grin she turned and left my office. I realized that I was standing staring at the door, my prick pressing my pants out and a huge grin on my face. I considered the two girls I had established "dates" with. Tonight I was going to enjoy Ashleigh, no doubt. Thinking about fucking her incredible young body made me feel randy. And I felt the same thing thinking about Stevie, but I also realized that there was a certain emotional context in thinking about her. I didn't just want to fuck Stevie, I wanted to have more. I was a bit confused. I wasn't in love with a student, of course, that would be ignorant. But I knew that as much as I anticipated fucking the wet hole between Ashleigh's legs, I was looking forward even more to being with Stevie.

I locked my office and drove home, thoughts and emotions running through my mind.

Chapter Three

My house was the last house on a dead end street, surrounded by lots of trees, and very isolated and private. At 6:58PM that night, I was standing in the kitchen sipping a Strawberry Daiquiri. I had on a loose pair of cotton gym shorts, and that was it. As I looked at the clock and watched it turn to 6:59PM the doorbell rang.

When I opened the door, I almost creamed my shorts. Ashleigh looked incredible. Her hair had been brushed and was full as it fell around her face and onto her bare shoulders. The blue sun dress fit her body well, and her tanned beautiful legs were youthfully spectacular. Ashleigh's eyes widened as she saw that I only had on gym shorts.

"Good evening, Ashleigh. Come in please" I said as I held the door for her. She walked by me and I enjoyed the wafting scent of her perfume. Damn, she was a sexy bitch!

I led her into the kitchen. I poured a Daiquiri for her. She tried to fend it off, but I told her to drink it, reminding her that she was to do everything that I told her to do. I tried to make small talk, but the girl was obviously nervous. I had given her an extra measure of rum and after a few minutes, she began to relax a bit.

After she finished her drink, I took her by the hand and led her to the basement stairs. She followed me down into my personal "playpen". There was a King size bed against one wall, a Hot Tub in one corner, and a very nice stereo and TV system against the other wall. I adjusted the lighting a bit, and then walked over and turned on the stereo system. Soft music filled the basement. I pulled Ashleigh into my arms and began dancing with her, gradually pulling her closer to my body as she relaxed. When I dropped her hand and put my arms around her, my hands just above her ass, she put her arms around my neck, her head on my shoulder.

I moved very slowly with Ashleigh. I talked about school, the other students, and she responded to my questions and small talk as we swayed. I could feel the tension leave her body. But when my hand moved slowly up her back to the top of her sun dress, she stopped talking and her body bacame stiffer.

"Relax" I whispered into her ear as I slipped the simple snap and slowly pulled down the zipper, exposing the skin of her back. I slipped a hand inside the back of her dress, and slowly caressed the soft skin of her back, feeling her firm flesh.

Softly, I said "Kiss me, Ashleigh. Give me your mouth."

She pulled back a few inches and lifted her face towards me. I could see a sheen of tears in her eyes, but she obediently lifted her mouth to mine to be kissed. I gently and softly kissed her, feeling her full lips against mine. I used the tip of my tongue to move round and round her lips. As I kissed the beautiful teenager, I slowly and gently pushed the straps of her sun dress off her shoulders, opening up the back as well. Breaking the kiss for an instant, I allowed her sun dress to fall off her arms and then off her hips, to pool on the floor. Immediately, I pulled her semi-naked body back into my arms as I resumed kissing her wet mouth.

Ashleigh now had on a bra and thong panties. I enjoyed running my hands up and down her back and then down over the beautifully rounded mounds of her sweet ass. She groaned into my mouth when she felt my hands on her. She pushed her hips forward to escape my hands, but only wound up grinding her crotch against my hardened prick. She was wriggling as I held her body close to mine, enjoying her movements. As I kissed her and ran my hands over her flesh, she slowly relaxed a bit. Though she wouldn't admit it, I could tell that stroking her skin and holding her so close while kissing her was arousing her body.

I released her mouth and holding her close, began dancing with her again. She seemed to relax a bit as we swayed together. I softly told her how beautiful and sexy she was. She may not have wanted to listen, but all women want to feel sexy and beautiful and my words worked on her sexual nature as well.

From time to time I allowed my hands to move onto her asscheeks, squeezing them gently, cupping their fullness, the tips of my fingers moving between her cheeks to graze the thin strip of panty that was wedged deeply between them.

After five minutes, I moved my hands to the back of Ashleigh's strapless bra, releasing the catch and feeling its two halves popping apart. Ashleigh felt the slack and pressed her body to me to keep her bra from falling off of her in front.

She looked at me and I saw the wild look of fear in her eyes, and I was extremely aroused. Her beautiful eyes were pleading, her mouth was open and her wet lips and perfect white teeth called me to kiss her. I crushed my mouth to hers and as I kissed her deeply, ravaging her mouth, I pulled her bra from between us, tossing it aside.

She was attempting to protest, but my kissing didn't allow her to do more than groan in shame.

I could feel the firm flesh of her tit's pressing against my naked chest. She was shaking all over as I kissed her fully on her lips, loving the feeling of her almost naked body pressed against me.

Again, I began swaying slowly to the music, my arms holding her tightly as we resumed dancing. Ashleigh trembled in my arms for several minutes before finally relaxing a little bit. I kissed her from time to time as we swayed. I continued feeling her ass and also stroked the sides of her tits which were pressed against me. I could feel the hardness of her nipples poking against me.

When she had relaxed a bit, I began softly talking to her.

"Ashleigh, In a little while I am going set in that chair over there at the foot of the bed. I want you to act for me. I've always dreamed of a beautiful girl...a girl just like you, Ashleigh...a girl who would lie on a bed and ask me to fuck her, to open her up and make sweet love to her. And I want you to do that, Ashleigh. I want you to act for me! I've seen you do a great job in school plays. Just play the part. Be a horny girl who begs to be made love to. Play with your breasts, too, and after a few minutes, I want you to turn around and kneel and slowly pull your panties down, exposing yourself to me. Then lie on your back and masturbate for me, Ashleigh. If you will do that for me, and then let me fuck you...then I will let you go. You don't' have to stay until 10:00PM if you don't want. Just play the part for me, and it will all be over...that is, if you can do a good enough job. That's the deal. What do you say?"

I gave the trembling girl a minute to think about it. Finally, she looked at me, and I could see resignation in her eyes. "OK, Mr. Gee. I'll do it. You PROMISE that will be all? Just...do it to me...once, right? And then I can go?" I felt a feeling of exultation as I looked into her beautiful eyes.

"Yes Ashleigh, if you play the part of the horny schoolgirl slut for me, and let me fuck you...you'll be finished. You can leave and never worry about it ever again." Damn, talk about acting! I was doing a great job!

Ashleigh looked me in the eye, and finally said "very well...l-let's get this o-over with".
I released her and strolled over to the chair. As Ashleigh watched, I pushed my gym shorts down, exposing my huge, rigid prick to her eyes. She looked at my cock, and then turned her face aside, flushed a bright red. I sat down and leaned slightly back, watching her, my hand wrapped around my thick stalk.

I watched the beautiful teenager slowly walk over to the bed. She was so damn beautiful. Her hair fell in thick strands halfway down her back, and her ass cheeks were so incredible. She stood facing the bed for almost a full minute, not moving. I was about to say something, when Ashleigh turned her head and looked back over her shoulder. She smiled seductively, and in a throaty voice said "Hi Mr. Gee. Do you like what you see so far?" Her hands reached behind her and softly stroked the cheeks of her ass.

My eyes were wide open. Ashleigh had taken on the role, and she was HOT...Damned HOT!!!

I looked at Ashleigh and her eyes seemed to be smiling as she slowly wet her lips. I knew she was acting, but was shocked at how good she was. Slowly, she turned around, exposing her breasts to me.

"Mr. Gee, do you know how often I've dreamed of you. Of having you look at me, of showing you my body?" The gorgeous bitch was stroking her belly in circles, her fingers slowly moving higher and higher towards her breasts.

She cupped each of her tits and lifted them towards me as if offering them to me. "I've wanted you to look at my breasts. Do you like them? I dream of you touching them. Will you touch them for me, Mr. Gee."

The only way I had of knowing that she was acting was the frequent blushing that made her face and upper chest red. She wasn't lost in the experience, but she was certainly doing a masterful job of acting!

I swallowed as I watched Ashleigh's fingers begin circling and rubbing her nipples. I could see them darken and swell, and she began softly moaning. I didn't know if it was all act, but if so, she deserved an Oscar! WOW!

Ashleigh moved back onto the bed, kneeling and moving to the center. She lay on her back, and began squeezing and rubbing her body all over. Her hands were stroking her thighs up to her panty line, then running over her belly and pinching her nipples before returning to rub the front of her panties. She was slowly writhing as she looked at me, her legs softly pumping and her hips squirming. I had to stop stroking my prick, I was getting to hot!

Her knees separated and fell apart.

"Ohhhhhh, Mr. Gee. I need you so bad. I wish it were YOUR hands that were touching me. Won't you touch me Mr. Gee. I-I WANT you to. touch me and...and do ANYTHING you want to me. Oh please...please...F-Fuck m-e! Yes, Mr. Gee, Fuck me!" Ashleigh's head was whipping back and forth as she continued rubbing her panties while moaning.
I was so turned on, I was going crazy. Ashleigh was the very picture of the out of control slut who would do anything to have her little pussy fucked. At least I HOPED that was the picture she was making. The hidden cameras would let me know later.
I was stroking my prick slowly, very slowly since I was afraid of coming to early as I watched the nakedly writhing beautiful girl on the bed.

Ashleigh turned over, and knelt on the bed. She looked back at me over her shoulder, lust contorting her face. I just couldn't believe that she was just acting. I could see that her heavy tits were hanging from her chest, the hard tips brushing the bed spread. My eyes went to her hips, admiring the swell of her ass and the dark creases beneath her almost sheer panties. She moved her knees apart slightly.

"M-Mr. Gee...I-I bet you want to see what's u-under my p-panties, don't you?" Ashleigh was slightly stuttering, whether from fear or arousal I didn't know...nor did I care.

"I w-want you to look at me now. I-I'm going to p-pull down my panties, Mr. Gee. Pull them down JUST FOR YOU. L-Look at me, Mr. Gee. Look between my legs!" I knew that she was nervous. Her acting was still good, but the slutty veneer was slightly cracked and I could see the scared innocent High School girl show through. That just made me enjoy it even more.

She didn't say anything else, but her hand reached back and I watched as she pushed her panties down off her ass. I could see first the growing crevice of her ass. I groaned at the sight as she continued pushing her panties down. Her pussy pouch was revealed, and I could see a wet glistening on the lips of her pussy through the sparse curly pubic hair.
Down her hips and legs Ashleigh pushed her panties. She rolled over on her back, and lifting her legs upwards, pulled them up and off her legs. Looking at me with a lusty look, Ashleigh spread her legs apart, pulling her knees backwards towards her chest, spreading and exposing her pussy and ass, her legs wide apart.

Softly, she said "For you, Mr. Gee. This is for you. Do anything you want."

Apparently, Ashleigh felt that she had completed her act, for she held herself in the same position without saying anything.

I rose from my chair. I had intended on falling on her and fucking her immediately, but first I just had to taste that gorgeous cunt. I knelt at the foot of the bed, putting my hands on the back of Ashleigh's thighs. I lowered my face, and beginning at the top of Ashleigh's ass crack, I slowly licked between her widely spread ass cheeks, pausing to pay homage to the tiny pucker of her anus, making her groan loudly in shame. My wriggling tongue moved over her perineum, licking her softly. I then inserted my tongue in the bottom of her pussy slit and began licking up and down her pussy slit, moving my mouth higher until I found her clit and lashed it over and over with my tongue.

Ashleigh was moaning and groaning as I licked and sucked her pusssy. Soon her hands grabbed my hair and she was pulling my licking sucking mouth into her wetly spasming cunt. I began fucking my tongue deep inside of her, probing and licking the slimy slick walls of Ashleigh's gorgeous pussy.

The girl was lifting her hips, trying to impale more of her hot flesh on my probing tongue.
"Ohhhhhh Mrrrrr. Geeeeeeeee" she wailed, her hair whipping wildly as she threw her head back and forth as I drank from the sweetness of her pussy.

I wasn't prepared for the incredible energy that was released, however, when I let my tongue slip from her cunt and move lower to begin lashing the pucker of her asshole.
Ashleigh screamed loudly and maniacally thrust her hips up, pressing her pucker against my probing tongue.

"UNghhhhhhhhhhhh" she wailed as I licked in and out of her sweet little asshole. I fingered her pussy as I licked her anus, laving up and down her anal crease and then rimming her anus again and again.

Again, Ashleigh screamed, and her body began an uncontrollable quaking as she shuddered through an incredible orgasm. Her mouth was open, her eyes staring up at the ceiling. I reached a hand upwards and pinched one of her hugely distended nipples, increasing her pleasure as waves of orgasm washed over the young teenager's nubile young body.

Finally, Ashleigh collapsed, almost in a semi-swoon. I released her legs and they fell to the side. I climbed up over her body, looking down on her naked flesh. Her pussy lips were swollen and red, and her pussy juice coated her sodden fleshy nether lips.
My prick was trailing a sticky trail of precum on her belly as I leaned over the naked beauty. I lowered my mouth over a dark chocolate nipple, my tongue teasing it as my teeth gently closed around it's length. Ashleigh gasped as I suckled her sweet tit. She shuddered when I put my hand between her leg and cupped her sopping wet cunt. I slipped a finger inside her wet pussy, and she weakly began moving her hips against it.
Her eyelids fluttered and she finally came around. I released her nipple from my mouth, leaving it glistening wetly as I raised my head. Ashleigh looked up into my eyes, a look of confusion and lust on her face.

I moved my body over hers, pushing her legs apart, and letting my prick fall on her belly. I bent over and kissed the gorgeous bitch. Ashleigh paused a second and then slowly kissed me back, her arms snaking around my neck.

I lay my body down on top of hers, feeling her smooth naked flesh against mine. I rolled off her, my arms going around her and pulling her off the bed and on top of my body as I rolled over. Having her smooth naked body on mine made the anticipation of feeling her pussy squeezing my prick take over my mind.

Speaking in a whisper, I said "Ashleigh, I want you to lift up and set down on my prick, and ride me until you cum. And I want to hear you enjoying yourself."

She looked into my eyes in an unfathomable manner. Her hair was in disarray around her face, her eyes somber, her mouth parted and her tits hanging down as she lifted herself up. She was so sexy looking, I couldn't wait to fuck the bitch.

Her cool hand reached between us and lifted my hot prick upwards. I reached up and took her nipples in my fingers as I looked between our bodies and watched as Ashleigh lifted her hips and then slowly lowered her widely spread cunt over the head of my prick. I groaned as I felt her wet flesh surrounding the head. Ashleigh took a deep breath and then let her body slowly lower itself, impaling her sweet pussy on my cock. Inch after inch disappeared inside her hot, wet body. I felt her cunt muscles squeezing up and down my shaft as she took all of my prick inside her, finally setting firmly down on my thighs as she sat up.

I continued to pinch her nipples as I flexed my prick inside her. She gasped and looked at me as I did so. She was HOT, and I squeezed hard as she raised and lowered her hips, smashing the flesh of her nipples between my fingers and making her groan. I could imagine how we looked to someone standing at the foot of the bed, watching Ashleigh's incredible ass lifting up, exposing my wetly glistening prick until just the head is inside her cunt, and then seeing her hips lower and my prick disappear deep up inside her.
Ashleigh began bouncing up and down on my prick, moaning and groaning loudly. "Tell me what you want" I whispered up at her as I released her nipples and grabbed her hips, helping slam her hips down on my prick.

"Ohhhhhh Mr. Gee...Fuck me, fuck me...FUUUUUUCCCCCK MEEEE!" Ashleigh began wailing over and over as she slammed her hips up and down on my spasming prick. She had been acting, but I suspected that she had surrendered to the fuck lust that was flowing through her body. She could always claim to be "acting" later, so she felt free to give in to the incredible cravings that were overpowering her beautiful young body.

I pulled her down on top of me, feeling her sensational tits crushing against my chest as I savagely pulled her mouth to mine and kissed her ravenously. She continued fucking her hips up and down. I knew that she wasn't far from cumming, and I was absolutely sure that I only had a short time before I went off inside her sucking wetness.

My hands captured her rolling ass cheeks and I squeezed them as she continued thrusting up and down. My fingers slowly moved together in the deep crevice between them, and with a finger I searched and found the pucker of her asshole. She gasped and her face flushed a bright crimson.

"Ohhhhhhh Mr. Gee...please don't...don't do that...Ohhh, that's dirty...PLEASE DON"T!!" She was wailing in shame as I toyed with her anus, but she continued slamming her hips frantically up and down my shaft. Not listening to her, I continued to toy with her asshole.
When I pressed against it, the tip of my finger entered her.

I wasn't prepared for the sudden scream as Ashleigh's body contracted, her head thrown back, her spine arched. Immediately she began an uncontrollable spasming inside that threatened to squeeze my cock to mush.

Her cunt muscles began massaging up and down my prick rapidly, squeezing hard. I felt her asshole clamp down on the end of my finger, and Ashleigh began cumming wildly on top of me. She was screaming incoherently but thrusting her hips back at me, impaling her spasming asshole onto my finger. Her head was whipping back and forth, her hair whipping all around as her body exploded.

I slammed my hips upwards, lifting her cumming body into the air, my prick as deep in her as I could go. I thrust my finger to the palm inside her asshole, causing another scream. My balls contracted and with a loud roar I felt sperm rushing through my prick and beginning to hose the insides of Ashleigh's pussy.

Over and over again, I spurted my virile hot cum inside the teenage beauty. I wasn't thinking of her getting pregnant, I wasn't thinking of anything except the joy of fucking the beautiful cunt. She continued writhing on top of me, sobbing out as she continued pushing her hips onto my prick and finger, crying out from the joy of the continuous cum that was wracking her body.

Finally, we both collapsed, gasping for air. I had finally fucked Ashleigh, and it was better than I thought. Her nipples were still hard and I felt them against m chest. My prick was still inside of her and my finger was buried in her rectum. Regaining my strength, I enjoyed feeling her moving, trying to get me to pull my prick and finger from her. I didn't give her the satisfaction right away.

"Wow Ashleigh, you really went wild when I shoved a finger up your sweet little asshole!" I said to the girl. She turned her eyes away but her face flushed a deep shade of red. I stirred my finger inside her rectum, making her groan. I realized that part of my pleasure was in fucking Ashleigh was in degrading the innocent and beautiful girl. I suspected that Ashleigh was a hot assed bitch who denied her sexual heat and thought of herself as a "good little girl".

I slowly pulled my finger out of her while whispering "You have a great little ass, Honey".

Ashleigh rolled off of me, my softened prick slurping from her cunt.

I could hear her softly sobbing as she gathered up her clothes and put them back on. I lay back on the bed, my prick semi hard as I watched her. By the time she had finished dressing, she had stopped crying. Turning to face me, she softly said "So we have a deal. I'm free to go and you won't tell anyone about the test?"

I smiled and said, "Sure Honey, you can go. You were a Great Fuck by the way!" She blushed and I enjoyed degrading her. Something about her made me want to do that.
"Just be sure and stop by my office tomorrow, OK. I have something for you." Ashleigh looked at me with a suspicious look, but then turned and walked up the stairs. I lay on the bed enjoying the afterthrills of the great fuck I'd had. A half an hour later, I got off the bed and walked over to my stereo unit. I opened a well concealed door and pressed a switch. I went upstairs and got the rest of the Daiquiri, and came back down the steps. I walked over and pressed a button and stepped back.

The TV set flashed a picture, and a milisecond later, the sound boomed out. ""Ohhhhhh, Mr. Gee. I need you so bad. I wish it were YOUR hands that were touching me. Won't you touch me Mr. Gee. I-I WANT you to. Touch me and...and do ANYTHING you want to me." The camera was aimed on the bed, and Ashleigh's beautiful body was writhing there as she touched her sweet little pussy. I grinned as I anticipated what her face was going to look like tomorrow in my office when I played this tape for her.

Chapter Four

I saw Stevie the next morning in the Cafeteria sitting by herself. I sat next to her, and gently reminded her that she was to be at my house that evening at 7:00PM. She was a bit nervous, but she smiled at me and said submissively, "Yes, Mr. Gee. I understand." Then I told her that I wanted her to wear her cheerleading uniform. She just looked at me an nodded.

"And Stevie, what color of bikini or thong underwear do you have?" I asked her.
She swallowed nervously, her eyes huge as she looked at me. She stammered, and blushed when she said "I h-have lace which is white and yellow. And I have rose and teal thong, besides white regular panties." I knew that she was humiliated and embarrassed, but I could also see that she was becoming aroused as well.

"Good. I want you to leave your cheer panties in your dorm room. Wear the teal thong. Do you understand, Stevie?" I asked her.

"Y-yes sir, the teal panties. I-I'll wear them, Mr. Gee." She said, her breathing a bit erratic. Enjoying tormenting her, I leaned over and whispered "Stevie, I bet that talking to you about your panties has aroused you...hasn't it."

Stevie sat paralyzed, taking in deep breaths.

"Tell me Stevie, aren't your panties wet?" I said to her.

Stevie gasped and closed her eyes. But then, she whispered, "Yes Sir. Yes, Mr. Gee...my panties are very wet, sir."

My prick was pounding like crazy as I sat in the cafeteria with people all around whispering vulgarities into her ear.

"Look at me Stevie." I said. She turned and looked at me with her beautiful liquid Brown eyes. "Tonight I'm going to fuck your wet little pussy, Stevie. I just want there to be no doubt in your mind. So be ready when you come to my house because I'm going to FUCK you!"

Stevie was gasping as I put my hand quickly on her knee and squeezed it. I then stood and held my briefcase in front of me as if looking for something as I left the cafeteria. I was really hot for Stevie!
Three hours later, Ashleigh knocked on my door. I let her in and as she sat in the chair I locked the door behind her.

Looking at her and smiling friendly, I said "So Ashleigh...did you enjoy our little get together last night? Was it a complete act, or were you really getting into it."

I enjoyed seeing tears come to her eyes as she looked away. "Please Mr. Gee...why are you doing this to me. I did what you wanted. Why do you have to humiliate me?"

I stood and sat on the front of my desk looking down at the beautiful bitch. "I guess because I like to, Ashleigh." Then in a kinder voice, I said "I would like to know what you think about last night. How do you feel today?

She looked up and me, and I saw the misery in her eyes. "I...I just want to put it behind me. It was...it was terrible. I'm not like that, Mr. Gee. I'm a GOOD GIRL!" And with that Ashleigh broke out sobbing. I knelt beside the chair and stroked her hair.

"There there, now Ashleigh, that's OK. I know you're a good girl." I put my hand on her knee. Ashleigh shuddered but didn't' try to move my hand. I gently circled her knee as I soothed her, talking kindly to her.

"Ashleigh, look at me." She looked at me through tear-filled eyes and I said "Ashleigh, you are a woman. A very beautiful sexual woman. I know your upbringing has taught you that sex is bad. But it isn't, Ashleigh. You were made for sex. Do you realize how excited I was last night when I was fucking you?"

Ashleigh shuddered in shame at my words. "Your sweet pussy was squeezing my prick like crazy. Tell me that your tits didn't love it when I sucked on your nipples. And when I was shooting my sperm inside your hot little cunt..." She was responding in shame to my vulgarities, and I was loving it..."can you tell me that you DIDNT enjoy feeling me cumming, that you didn't love my finger buried up your bottom?"

Ashleigh was shaking. "Oh PLEASE, Mr. Gee. Don't talk to me like that. I'm not a whore!!!"

Smiling, I pulled her to me and whispered, "Oh Ashleigh, don't you know it. You ARE a whore. All women are whores, because all women, if they will be honest, will admit that they love having a man fucking them."

"Now tomorrow evening, I want you to sign out of the dorm. Put down that you will be babysitting for a family that wants you to spend the night. Then come to my house. I have some new things I want to try with you."

Ashleigh pulled away from me in shock, looking into my face.
"W-what? No, Mr. Gee. NO!! You said we had a deal! You promised not to tell anyone about the test!!!"

"Oh Ashleigh, I'm not going to tell anyone about the test!" I said, laughing at her.

Ashleigh looked confused, and I decided to relieve her anxiety.

"Of course you can choose not to come to my house." I said as I stood.

"Then I choose NOT to come to your house, Mr. Gee" Ashleigh said, a hint of attitude creeping into her voice.

Walking over to my VCR and TV set, I said in a manner of fact voice. "I see. Well, it’s your choice. I wonder what people are going to say when I start passing copies of THIS around" I clicked on the screen.

And there in living color was Ashleigh spread out naked on my bed begging me to touch her and fuck her as she writhed on the bed fingering herself. All of the color drained from Ashleigh's face as she watched.

"Y-You...you TAPED me last night!!!" She whispered.

Laughing, I said "Why, yes I did. And it came out well, don't you think?"
Within ten minutes, I had reduced the beautiful teen to a blubbering mess. She was on her knees in front of me. My prick was inside her mouth, and as ordered, she was looking up into my face as she sucked my prick as tears streamed down her cheeks. She didn't really have any choice.

"You're doing a good job, Ashleigh. Now, be sure and lick along the underside all along the shaft. Uhhhh, yes, that's it. Now just cradle my balls, that's good. Ohhhhh, That feels so damn good. Suck me, you bitch!"

I threw my head back, grabbing handfuls of her hair as I began roughly fucking her mouth. The beautiful young teen passively knelt before me as I used her luscious mouth.
"That's right, suck me, you sweet little whore. Damn, I love fucking your mouth. Almost as much as I love fucking your sweet little cunt. Suck me harder now! YEAH...Come on Ashleigh SUCK ME...OH YOU BEAUTIFUL SLUTTTTTTTTT!" I was glad that my office was pretty much soundproofed. Slamming my prick deep inside her mouth I began shooting my hot cum inside her sucking mouth. She gulped, trying to swallow as much as possible as I flooded her mouth with hot, white sticky sperm. I made her continue to suck me until I had gone completely soft. Then I let my prick slither from her wet lips.

I helped her to her feet. Without saying anything, I lifted her skirt and shoved a hand down her panties. As I figured, Ashleigh had a very wet pussy. She put her hands on my arms, closing her eyes and groaning in shame as I slowly fingered her.
"Ashleigh, look at me." The pretty girl opened her eyes. She wasn't crying anymore but she was clearly humiliated.

Smiling, I looked into her eyes and said "I know you enjoyed that. You can figure on swallowing a couple of gallons of my cum before I'm through with you. Now, get your sweet ass out of here, and don't forget to be at my house tomorrow evening." Pulling my finger from her cunt, I roughly kissed her while mauling her ass and then turning her toward the door I smacked her ass and she left my office.

Chapter Five

When I opened my door that evening, I was wearing slacks and a polo shirt. I had showered, put on Cologne, and knew that I looked good. It was a surprise to me as I realized how eager I was to see Stevie. While I was anticipating fucking her, I was also just...well, I was happy knowing that she would be with me. I smiled to myself, realizing how silly I was being.

Stevie smiled at me, standing in my door in her Cheer outfit. I had seen her at many games, jumping and doing routines.

"Come in, Stevie" I said gallantly as I held the door open. Stevie walked past me, and her perfume was lovely. She must have spent a considerable time on her hair and makeup, because she was devastatingly beautiful. Ashleigh had made only minimal effort at making herself attractive, but Stevie was stunning.

I took her hand and led her to my backyard deck. I had steaks grilling. While we waited for the food to be ready, we made small talk. Stevie was an excellent conversationalist and we sipped beers as we sat in the lounge chairs talking. I was amazed at Stevie. I had made it clear what was going to happen to her, but she seemed relaxed and quite happy.
The sun was setting as we sat down to our meal. I was famished and wolfed down the food. I noticed that Stevie had a substantial appetite as well. I got us a couple of beers and we sat talking about school, current events, and a wide variety of topics as the patio lights automatically came on.

I realized that we had been talking for thirty minutes, and I hadn't thought about my plans for Stevie. It had been a long time since I had just TALKED to a woman, although I'm not sure if a 17 year old girl qualified as a 'woman'. However, I realized that Stevie was very smart.

"Stevie, tell me about your life. What it was like growing up, what your good memories were, what your bad memories were." I asked her quietly.

For the next fifteen minutes Stevie explained how her family was very poor when she was young. Her father was abusive, and when Stevie had been 12, he had come home from work one day when her mother was gone. He had raped Stevie. She had kept it to herself for several years. Then her father had been killed in a work related accident. It was the happiest day of her life, Stevie said.

The insurance settlement set Stevie and her mom up in a nice home. Her mother had married a very gentle, kind man who was also obscenely rich. Though she hated what her father had done to her, she missed him. She had kept the memories when he wasn't drunk, when he was good to her and taken her to the park and colored with her. I noticed how her eyes teared up as she talked about him.

"Have you had any sexual experiences since then?" I asked her softly. Her vulnerability touched me greatly. I don't know why I saw Ashleigh as deserving of degradation, but I realized that I wanted to take care of Stevie and make her feel good, while I only felt lust and the desire to degrade Ashleigh as much as possible.

"When I was a Sophomore, I had a boyfriend. He was a virgin, and so when we did it, it wasn't all that great. We broke up after that. That's the only experience I've had."
I watched Stevie look at me and then rise from her lounge chair and step to my chair. She knelt next to it, looking at me in the soft light.

Her hair framed her face wonderfully, her eyes huge and liquid, her full lips parted as she stared at me. She was heartbreakingly beautiful as she stared at me, and I felt my heart racing.

In a low, throaty voice Stevie said "Mr. Gee...I know that you told me to be here tonight because you want to have sex with me. And I know that you probably think that you are blackmailing me into doing it."

Incredibly, I felt my face grow hot. I was embarrassed to listen to her. When she said it, it made me feel so...guilty.

Stevie reached out and put her hand on my arm. "But Mr. Gee...you don't have to force me. You have been my favorite teacher the last two years, and you don't know how much I've enjoyed your classes. I love it when you make everyone laugh, and I enjoy watching you as you work to make the choir sound good."

My heart was racing and I realized that I was hanging on her words.

"Mr. Gee, you don't have to force me to be here because...I WANT to be here. I may not be a virgin...but I've never had someone teach me how good it can be. And Mr. Gee...I can't think of anyone who I'd rather have teach me...then you."

I was stunned. My prick was rock hard, but my heart was swelling and I could barely say anything. Stevie was giving herself to me as a gift. I reached out and put my hand on her soft cheek, touching her amazing skin with my fingertips.
I got off my lounge chair, pulling Stevie gently to her feet and into my arms. Her arms went around my neck, and for ten minutes I sweetly kissed the beautiful girl before me. It was an experience I had never had. Always before, I had been focused upon my own arousal, upon taking and touching as I wanted to. But with Stevie, I was focused upon HER, on kissing her softly and gently, and then responding to HER arousal as she demanded to be kissed more forcefully.

Pulling her with me, I stumbled through the house, kissing her and holding her to me as I stumbled through the house. I picked her up at the bottom of the stairs and carried her up the steps. Though a small girl, 112 pounds is still considerable weight. But I didn't even notice. I was in a magical land. When we got to the bedroom, I gently sat her on the bed. Quickly, Stevie got to her knees. She crossed her arms in front of her, taking the bottom of her Cheer sweater. Looking in my eyes and smiling, Stevie pulled her sweater up, revealing her bare tanned belly, and then a teal bra that snugly held her perfectly formed tits. The sweater went up over her head, and she tossed it to the side of the bed.

Her smile was amazing as I watched her stand up on the bed. She unclasped her cheer skirt and let it drop to the bed. She kicked it off the bed, and then stood for a second in just her bra and panties smiling at me. She had the most incredible body! She was much fuller than Ashleigh, but not chunky at all. Her legs were incredible, and her golden colored thighs were perfect. Her navel was deep-set, and though she didn't have a washboard belly, she was slender of waist. Her breasts were full and ripe. I could see her nipples through her bra, and they were set high on the swell of her tits.

Stevie stepped down off the bed and walked to me. She reached out for me, smiling and almost laughing as she undid my belt and pulled the zipper down on my slacks. My slacks fell to the floor. Stevie knelt, and helped me step out of my slacks and slip out of my sandals. The swell of my prick pushing against my briefs was in front of her. She glanced at it, and then slowly wet her lips as she looked at the white cotton which was stretched so tightly. I didn't know if it was part of an act, or if she was just naturally so sexual in nature.

Stevie rose to her feet and began tugging my polo shirt up my belly. Soon it joined the other clothes on the floor. Stevie reached with her hands and gently touched my chest and shoulders, her fingers lightly brushing as she examined me.

Smiling at me, she said "I really like how soft your skin is, Mr. Gee" She paused for a second and then said "Under the circumstances, it seems kind of silly to call you Mr. Gee. But what would YOU like me to call you?" She looked at me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

"My first name is Tom" I said.

"Tom." She said, seeming to savor the sound of my name. "I like that name, Tom. Now, my Tom, I'm going to take your briefs off, and then you can tell me what you want me to do next. OK?"

I just nodded my head. I realized that our roles were almost reversed. This wonderful girl had me in the palm of her hand. While I knew that I could be in control and order her to do whatever I wanted, I readily abdicated, simply enjoying whatever she wanted to do. Though a sexual novice, she had an inherent sexuality that was all the more arousing for it being so pure and fresh.

I closed my eyes as she knelt in front of me once again. Her hands were on my hips. She moved them to my ass and began slowly and gently pulling her fingernails across my briefs. It was a new sensation for me, one I enjoyed.

I became aware of warmth on my covered prick. Opening my eyes, I looked down at the subserviently kneeling girl and saw that she was gently blowing against the protruding bulge in my briefs. I held my breath as Stevie opened her mouth and moved her head forward. I involuntarily reached out and put my hands on her head, groaning as her mouth surrounded the front of my briefs. Stevie was sucking the head of my prick through my briefs!!

She continued squeezing and teasing my ass as my briefs became quite wet and I could feel her tongue caressing my cockhead through the cotton material. I loudly groaned when Stevies fingers moved under the legbands of my briefs and her nails gently teased my asscheeks.

I was lost in a world of sensual feelings. I stood docile when she pulled her mouth off, and then urgently tugged my briefs down to the floor. I stepped out of them and a second later, Stevie had taken my naked prick into her wetly sucking mouth. One of her hands moved around me and was toying with my ass while her other hand was tickling my hanging balls.

I felt like a teenage boy as Stevie licked and sucked my throbbing prick. My leg muscles became weak, and within a minute I bellowed out "Here is comes!! OHHHH, SUCK ME STEVIE!!!!!" I began erupting in her mouth, and Stevie hungrily swallowed all of my hot sperm, continuing to suck and lick me even as I softened inside her mouth. I had expected her to pull her mouth off my cock, not wanting to taste my sperm. But I was very wrong!
My prick slipped from her mouth, and she held it up against my belly as she leaned forward. The sensation of her warm, wet mouth slurping my balls inside her moist sucking mouth immediately began the process of recovery. I had never had a woman suck my balls. I felt her tongue washing my testicles, pushing them around and around, and within 30 seconds my prick began to swell again.

With a final lick up the underside of my cock, Stevie stood up.
She was looking at me with shining eyes. "Wow Mr. G...uh, Tom! That was great. I can't wait to suck you again! So now, what do you want me to do?" She looked so innocent and eager, and almost with a start I realized that I could make an ass of myself and fall in love with this beautiful teenager. And...I didn't care about making an ass of myself. I truly wanted her!

For the next two hours, I explored the beautiful girl. I used my mouth on her bra covered tits and her panty shielded pussy, wanting to make her come without taking those items off. When Stevie came, I learned that she was a screamer, and I delighted in the sobbing climax that shook her body, making her tits bounce and her gorgeous thighs squeeze against my cheeks as I licked her through those pretty teal panties as she lay on my bed.

I stripped her wet underclothes from her, revealing her naked beauty as she lay on the bed. She spread her legs, opening her glistening wet pussy lips and holding her arms out. I climbed on the bed and fell into her arms. The next hour was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Stevie was extremely sexy, but even though I was hard, it was a different kind of desire from the lust that I felt when with other women. There wasn't the urgency to fuck, nor the almost violent need to thrust my prick inside the squirming woman.

The only word that described it was...tenderness. I explored every part of her body, and she unashamedly explored me as well. It was a giving and taking experience, one I will remember the rest of my life. Halfway through our lovemaking, I realized that I had neglected to turn on the video equipment. I almost giggled as I realized that I not only didn't care, I also didn't need it. There was no need to blackmail this gorgeous girl into my bed. She was an enthusiastic and willing participant.

When I finally entered Stevie, she was very wet, but her pussy was very tight, and I could feel her muscles lovingly massaging my hard shaft. We fucked for a very long time. Every ten minutes or so, Stevie would cry out as she looked into my eyes and I could see the orgasm washing over and over her sweet face. It made me feel very good to see her cum.

Stevie began whimpering my name over and over, and it was enough to make me lengthen my strokes and begin hammering my hips against hers. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around my waist, her arms around me neck and her mouth a wet open and very active place for me to explore.

Stevie began a continuous orgasm, and within a few minutes I responded by beginning to hose my hot cum inside of her sweet body as she whimpered "Oh Tom, Yes...Oh yes, please cum in me...OHHHHHHHH" I don't remember an orgasm ever being as strong or long since that day.

After resting for a while, Stevie called in to the dorm mother, explaining that she was asked to spend the night since the family she was babysitting were going to be very late. The whole time she was talking to the dorm mother, she was on her knees on the bed, the phone pressed to her ear while I slowly fucked her sweet pussy from behind, listening to her answering the questions and trying to maintain her calm.

I heard her say "Oh, I just ran out to pay the Pizza man, that's why I'm out of breath". I almost laughed as I thrust deep inside of her and ground my hips in a circle. Watching the beautiful young teenager grinding her sweet ass back at me while talking to her dorm mother was extremely arousing.

"Ohhhhhh...y-yes, they are just lovely children" Stevie managed to stammer. I decided to give the girl a break. I pulled her hips back so that my prick was completely sheathed inside her cunt. I held it there as I reached under her and tweaked her nipples while leaning over her.

Stevie pulled the phone away from her ear, and I could hear Miss Evans saying "Very well Stevie. You have my number if you need anything. Make sure the doors are locked before you go to bed. You can't be too careful these days."

"Yes, Miss Evans, I understand. Don't worry, I'll be careful. I remember those rape awareness films. They scared me! I know there are men out there who would do terrible things to me if I weren't careful!!!"

My mouth was at her ear, and I whispered "Yeah, like bend you over and fuck your sweet little pussy"

Stevie turned an erupting giggle into a cough. She managed to end the conversation and put the phone back in its cradle. She put her head on her folded arms, and I began fucking her again, cumming inside of her fifteen minutes later.

I was worn out, as was Stevie. Turning off the lights, I pulled her body against mine in spoon fashion and we slept. Somewhere in the middle of the night, I woke up and found Stevie stroking my hardening prick. I rolled on my back and let her ride me until she collapsed on top of me, loudly sobbing out her cum. We quickly drifted off to sleep. My experience with Stevie changed my plans, and as I considered what I was going to do, I delighted in the possibilities.

Chapter Six

The next evening when Ashleigh appeared at my door, I opened it wide and she gasped, her hand covering her mouth. I was completely naked, and though I was grinning, I was sporting a complete hard on. Ashleigh seemed unable to take her eyes off of my softly bobbing erection.

"Hi you gorgeous piece of ass." I greeted her crudely. I looked her up and down. I hadn't told her what to wear, but she had on shorts, sandals and a tee shirt. Sighing, I said "Damn, you wore a bra. Silly bitch, with tits like yours you should NEVER wear a bra. Don't let it happen again, understand?"

Ashleigh hung her head, trying not to look at me, and said "Yes sir, Mr. Gee."

Opening the door wider, I said "OK, get your ass inside, Ashleigh."

She scooted through the doorway and I shut it. I silently walked past her and after a pause she realized that I expected her to follow me. I went to the basement, not even looking to see if she was following me, knowing that she would, humiliated and broken. I led her over by the bed and turned around, my prick lifted slightly and pointing up at her.

"On your knees bitch, there are some rules you need to learn!" I said nastily.

I didn't dislike Ashleigh, I had simply figured her out. She had been raised to be a "good girl", to talk right and not ever do anything wrong. As a result, she had a pressure cooker of repressed sexual desires inside of her. Being forced eased her mind and let her release that sexuality without the restraining guilt. In addition, she had displayed certain tendencies I realized were masochistic in nature. In short, when humiliated or degraded sexually it stoked the fires of her arousal.

"Open your mouth" I said as I stepped forward. She was trembling, but she opened her perfect mouth. Her lips were so full and soft. I put just the head of my prick inside her mouth.

"Now while I tell you the rules, you suck on my cock and use your tongue and wash all around the head. Put your hands behind your back, just use that hot whore mouth of yours"

Ashleigh blushed in shame but dutifully began licking me, which felt pretty damn good.

"From now on, when you come here, you will undress completely in the foyer, unless I tell you differently. After you are naked then you will follow me wherever I take you. Then you will kneel. You will put your hands behind your neck and lace your finger together, set up straight and arch your back so your tits are stuck out. Your legs will be widely spread and you'll set on your heels. Then you will wait to be told what to do without making any noise or saying anything. You will not deviate from this...do you understand?"

Ashleigh was looking up at me, and though she looked miserable, I noticed that she wasn't crying. Her mouth continued nursing on the end of my prick. She nodded her head even as her sweet tongue was rimming round and round my cock head.

I pulled my prick from her mouth, and walked over to the TV unit. Without turning my head, I said "Well then you stupid girl, get out of your clothes! I shouldn't have to ask you." I fiddled with the settings and then looked over my shoulder. Ashley was standing naked, her clothes discarded on the floor, looking at me expectantly.

I had to admit that she was a walking wet dream. Her nipples weren't as large as Stevie's, and they were more button like. She was a naturally athletic girl, and being so active, she had the washboard tummy, the long thighs of a runner, and was really quite beautiful. Between her legs she had sparse untrimmed pubic hair the color of her rich and dark, thick hair.

Looking at her without smiling, I said "I like my pussy bald. The next time you are here, I expect you to have shaved..." Grinning wickedly, I added "I want your pussy as bare as a baby's ass". Ashleigh's eyes were glistening slightly and I could see the shame written on her face.

I hit a switch on the TV and the video of Ashleigh begging to be fucked and then being fucked by me came on. I had looped it so that it would continue playing until stopped. Turning, I walked over to the naked Ashleigh, a severe expression on my face.

I sighed loudly, appearing to be exasperated. "You don't learn well do you, bitch?" I doubt that very few people had ever called her a bitch in her life, and the humiliation she was experiencing was delicious to witness.

Ashleigh appeared confused. I reached out and, putting my hands under her breasts, lifted her tits. She didn't move back or object. I took her nipples between my fingers and began pinching and pulling on them as I said "First, did I give you permission to stand?"

Ashleigh didn't know what to do, because she couldn't kneel while I was holding onto her nipples, and I was pinching them enough to cause her a bit of pain!

"I-Im s-sorry, Mr. G-Gee!" She whimpered.

"Very well, I but guess we'll need to go over the rules again!"

Ashleigh stood submissively as I played with her sweet titties, making her repeat the rules about stripping naked and kneeling with her hands behind her neck. All the time she was repeating the rules, her eyes kept straying to the big TV screen, watching herself playing the whore and being fucked.

"So, tell me again what a good girl you are Ashleigh." I said as I slipped my arms around her naked body and pulled her against me, my prick being pressed tightly between our naked bellies.

Ashleigh looked mournfully into my eyes "Mr. Gee, I AM a good girl. Y-You are making me do these horrible nasty things."
I laughed as I squeezed her sweet ass cheeks, my hands holding her perfectly formed cheeks. "Oh you ARE good, no doubt. You're good at sucking my prick, you're good at using your little pussy to drain the hot cum out of my prick. You're good at cumming while getting fucked, and Ashleigh, you are GOOD at being the slut that you obviously are."

Ashleigh didn't say anything to me, her hands on my arms as I enjoyed holding her. She was shame filled and humiliated at being confronted with such obscene images.

"So you really think that you are a GOOD little girl, huh?" I asked her.

She nodded her head, whispering "Yes, I AM!"

"I see. Well, I suppose there is a way to confirm that. You see, good little girls hate being forced by dirty old men, don't they Ashleigh? A good little girl would hate being made to strip naked, wouldn't she, Ashleigh?"

Again, Ashleigh nodded her head, confusion on her face.

"And good little girls would not respond to dirty old men who were holding their naked bodies and planning to fuck them, would they Ashleigh?" I was enjoying myself immensely. Ashleigh nodded mutely.

"And since you claim to be a good little girl, then you would not like any of the things I'm doing to you, would you? You wouldn't like stripping naked for me, or looking at my big prick I'm going to rape you with, or seeing yourself act like a slut on the TV screen. Since you are a good little girl, you hate these thing instead of enjoying them...if that what you are telling me, Ashleigh?"

The poor girl was deluding herself. She nodded her head. "Yes, I'm a GOOD GIRL, Mr. Gee!"

"Well, then if you are a good little girl, then your little pussy will be bone dry from fear. Nasty, dirty girls would be wet as they think about dirty old men playing with their innocent little bodies. So, we'll just settle this once and for all."

I put my hand between her legs, and Ashleigh's face was bright red from shame, for she realized what I was going to do.

Cupping her pussy, I could feel my hand becoming soaked.

"Why Ashleigh, I thought you said you were a GOOD little girl. But you're just a hot and wet CUNT! My hand it getting all wet because your little pussy is just dripping cunt juice." I laughed at her embarrassment.
I slowly turned her and moved her over to the bed. I had of course turned on the video cameras. I wanted to be sure and record all of this beautiful girls degradation. Ashleigh seemed almost listless, for she couldn't deny the logic. She knew that she was sexually aroused, even though it was against her will.

Turning her to face me, my hands moved onto her swollen asscheeks.

"But you know what, Ashleigh? There is ONE thing that proves that you aren't a good little girl. Because only a cock hungry slut would become excited when a man played with her nasty dirty bottom."

My hands pulled her cheeks apart and I began rubbing the pucker of her anus, making Ashleigh gasp.

"Good girls don't get aroused when men play with their bottom holes, do they Ashleigh?" I asked her softly.

The tears were back in her eyes. She resisted slightly, but gave up quickly as I played with the gentle pucker of her asshole.

"But you love being fingered in your asshole, Ashleigh. The other day when I fingered your asshole, you went nuts and came over and over. Oh, you might WANT to be a good girl, Ashleigh. But you aren't. You are a slut, a whore, a walking cunt desperate for a man to finger, suck and fuck your holes. You were MADE to be fucked."

Roughly I entered her asshole with my finger and played with her ass as we watched the video. Ashleigh grunted loudly when she felt my finger moving and probing the hot, moist darkness of her rectum. She was attempting not to respond but I could feel her muscle spasming around my invading digit.

"Look at that, Ashleigh. See how wildly you're cumming. Damn, girl, porno stars don't look any hotter than you do. You can see my finger in your ass while we're fucking. See? You're going nuts!" On the TV screen, Ashleigh's widely spread ass was bouncing up and down, sheathing her pussy on my cock as my finger was buried inside her ass. She was breathing hard and trying to wriggle away, but her eyes were glued to the screen.

When the loop ended and the screen showed a naked Ashleigh walking to the bed again, I pulled her over to the bed. As we passed the TV controls, I turned the volume up. I pushed her down on the bed, and forced her to put her hands on her ass cheeks.

"OK, you gorgeous slut, pull your asscheeks apart and show me your asshole!"

Ashleigh softly was sobbing as she knelt there, her head hanging and sobs wracking he body. I knew she needed some motivation so I slapped her ass cheek, leaving a red mark, making her shriek and jump. I paused, giving her time to respond, and slowly she obeyed me, peeling apart her cheeks and showing me her sweet little anus. I knelt on the floor and began obscenely licking up and down her ass crevice, my tongue laving her flesh, rimming around the pucker of her asshole as well as proving up and down her swollen pussy slit.

I pushed her hands aside, holding her cheeks widely spread and ordering her to finger her pussy. I dived back into her ass, licking and sucking wildly on her anus. Ashleigh was openly crying, but I noticed that she was also circling her hips slowly, and soon was pushing them back at my mouth. Her sobs were not of humiliation or pain anymore, for she was also groaning in a lascivious manner as well.

Stiffening my tongue I forced her anus open and tongue fucked her. She was sobbing and moaning, and her finger was wildly flicking her clit as her hips shook uncontrollably.
As I continued licking all over her ass crease, I put my forefinger on the button of her asshole and slipped it inside. It was tight at first, but she soon relaxed and I began stretching her.

Over the next half house, I continued licking Ashleigh's asshole and pussy. The beautiful bitch came three times but I didn't let up on her. Finally, I had two fingers sawing in and out of her asshole, which I had lubricated well with wetness from my mouth.

Quickly kneeling up behind her, I pressed the head of my prick against her anus. Easily, it popped inside, and with a groan I swept aside her flesh as my shaft slipped along her rectum until my balls slapped against her wet pussy lips and I was completed imbedded in the rectum of the popular, beautiful and self confident Ashleigh. Quickly a picture of all of her teachers watching as she knelt with my prick up her ass flashed through my mind making me smile.

Ashleigh had shrieked at my entrance but then she groaned as she felt inch after inch shoved up her asshole.

I held my prick inside her tight, humid ass, giving her a while to adjust to my size.
Laughing through clenched teeth as her muscles were trying to expel me, gripping me tightly, I said "Yeah right, Ashleigh. You're a good girl, huh? I don't think good girls let men push their pricks inside their assholes, do they? You're just a hot assed slut, Ashleigh. OH DAMN!! You have a great little asshole. Now I'm going to hold still, and YOU are going to start fucking your ass on my boner!"

I slapped her asscheek hard once again leaving an imprint. Groaning, Ashleigh leaned forward. I watched as the shaft of my pick exited her asshole. The friction was sensational as I watched her asshole give up my shaft, her flesh stretching. Then the mewling girl reversed direction and I watched as her hips pushed back, and her anus took my prick back inside her body.

"That's right, you sweet bitch. Fuck me! Fuck my prick with your little asshole...Fuck Me...Fuck Me...Fuck Me...Fuck Me..."

Each time I said it, I slapped her ass cheek as we developed a rhythm. I wasn't beating her or hurting he, but was just lightly slapping her asscheeks as she worked her ass to take my prick in and out of her anus.

Ashleigh was speeding up, and shoving her hips back at me with violent strength. I began thrusting against her as well, possibly tearing her asshole up with my violent thrusts, but not caring. She was a horny wild bitch who had been mounted up the ass, straining for release.

And then she screamed and I felt her insides contracting and gripping my deeply imbedded cock. It was enough to send me over the edge, and I held her hips in a viselike grip as I shoved my prick as far inside her as possible and began hosing her rectum, coating it with my hot sperm and leaving a quantity deposited deep inside her body.

Gasping, I leaned over her sweaty back and whispered, "You are one hellacious fuck, girl. You were made to be hosed by cocks in all of your 'good little girl' holes!" In the background, Ashleigh's voice on tape was screaming out in orgasm.

I held my prick inside her for as long as possible, but having grown soft, Ashleigh squeezed and my prick slipped out of her well stretched rectum.

I rolled her over and knelt by her head. I made her clean my prick with her mouth, delighting at the look of disgust on her face. I called her whore, slut, fuck toy, cunt, and every other thing I could think of to humiliate her. I tweaked her nipples while she sucked on my prick, all to the sounds of her begging me to fuck her and her screaming in orgasm from the speakers.

I was rough with Ashleigh, delighting in embarrassing and humiliating her. I made her sit in a chair and drape her legs over the arms of the chair, which spread her pussy wide open. I made her slouch just a bit, which also opened the dark crevice and revealed her asshole as well. I gave her a porn novel and made her read it while masturbating.

The name of the book on the cover was clear. "Daughter Hot for Daddy" was about a hot teenage bitch who set about seducing her father. I'm sure that Ashleigh had never read anything like it in her life. I was closely watching her response.

I had to keep Ashleigh reading, for at times she stopped in shame. I would make her pick it up at the previous sentence. I had her stop when I heard the tape run out. I popped in a new empty cassette and had her continue.

It was incredibly erotic to watch. This beautiful teen girl reading aloud a dirty novel was making my prick ache. I could see that Ashleigh's pussy was glistening wet as well as she read and slowly fingered her cunt at my order. She tried to hide her arousal, but it was clear that she identified with the girl in the book.

The story was kind of slow, and the girl wasn't successful at getting her daddy to fuck her until the final chapter. But when he stripped his clothes off and approached his daughter, Ashleigh became incredibly aroused. She was fingering her cunt wildly, her voice gasping as she read on. When her Daddy bent the girl double and rammed his prick inside her, Ashleigh suddenly threw her head back, her body arching as she frantically fingered her clit as she came.

I knew that I had the hottest porno flick around if my video equipment hadn't malfunctioned. Watching the out-of-control girl fingering her spasming cunt as she sobbed and cried through her orgasm was enough to make any man pop his cork.
I forced Ashleigh to continue reading through the end of the novel.

When she finished, I rapidly walked over to her, tore the novel from her hand, and pulled her from the chair onto the floor. I took her legs, spreading them apart and falling on her, thrusting my prick inside her and beganning to slam into her in a mad desire to cum. It took less than a minute for Ashleigh to begin cumming as I banged her cunt.

While slamming into her, I lowered my head and bit into one of her nipples making her cry out but redouble her efforts. Her legs were wrapped tightly around my waist.
Almost shouting at her, I said "Tell me what you want, you little bitch. TELL ME!!!!"

Ashleigh began shouting "Fuck me...OH FUCK ME!! Fuck me until I pass out. Slam your cock inside me, Mr. Gee. FUCK ME...Ohhhhh SHIIIIIITTTTTTTTT!!!" Ashleigh was verbally responding as I thrust my finger up her asshole. I knew she was anally responsive, and I wasn't really surprised when she started bucking crazily as I fingered her ass. For the moment, she had abandond rational though and had surrendered to the hot slut nature that she repressed most of the time.

Her orgasm was continuous as I fucked the sweet girl. I crushed my mouth to hers and she wildly sucked on my tongue.

My balls tightened and I began hosing her cunt with my cream, feeling it being forced out around my completely buried prick and run down her ass crevice around my finger. I collapsed on her and she gradually relaxed.

I opened my eyes tiredly and looked at Ashleigh. She looked like she'd been put through the ringer, but there was a sexual glow to her that was beautiful.

Softly, Ashleigh said to me, "Mr. Gee. Why? Why does that happen to me, and why are you so mean to me? I-I like you, Mr. Gee. Why are you doing this to me?"

I smiled gently at her. Pulling my finger from her ass, I rolled to the side, my wet prick lying on Ashleigh's hip. I cupped one of her breast, gently playing with her nipples.

"Honey, you need to realize something about yourself. The first thing is that you need to accept that you are a very sexual person. And you are also a submissive. Do you know what that means?"

Ashleigh slowly shook her head.

"Well, it means that you are fulfilled when you are being dominated and being forced to do things. Its why I force you. And because of your background I confront you with "nasty" things because...well frankly, because those things excite you. Ashleigh, you are naturally a very sexual woman. You have a fantastic body which responds quickly and strongly to sexual stimulation. But you are hung up on being a "good" girl, and you reject your sexuality. I simply force you in order to open up that sexuality."

Ashleigh was thinking as I talked with her. Without even realizing it, she had wrapped her fingers around my prick and was gently squeezing it.

"For instance, Ashleigh, I'm sure that you've been told that your anus is a "nasty" part of your body and that you should never let anyone ever see it much less touch it."
Ashleigh flushed a bright red.

"See, you're embarrassed when I even talk about it. But girl, you are anally oriented. Some women have nerves which spark sexual feelings in their anus. And you are one of them. And there is nothing wrong with that. You are a mature, gorgeous woman. If you can get over your hang-ups, and understand that being held and loved, sucked and fucked by men can bring you incredible pleasure...you'll be just fine."

I kissed her gently on the cheek. Ashleigh looked at me in wonder. "Mr. Gee...you really don't hate me, do you?"

I laughed, pulling her close and hugging her. "Of course not, Ashleigh. I like playing a role with you, of being your master. And if you'd just relax and give in, you'd enjoy having me dominate you."

I could see her mind working as we talked.

"You know, Ashleigh, usually when a girl has your mindset...she secretly desires her father...Ashleigh, tell me about your father."

Now the fact was that I knew a lot about Mr. Schroder. He was incredibly wealthy, and had been widowed for a number of years. Ashleigh was his only child. He was an arrogant, proud man, very controlling and he undoubtedly had contributed consciously or unconsciously to her submissive nature.
Ashleigh quietly told about a man who was somewhat aloof, but whom she adored. She skirted talking about his emotions.

"Ashleigh, has your father ever seen you naked?" I asked while continuing to touch and play with her naked, voluptuous body.

She paused for a few seconds and then said "N-not for a while"

"Tell me about the last time your father saw you naked, Ashleigh, and don't leave out any details!" I told her as I slipped a hand between her silky thighs and began tracing her swollen pussy lips.

Ashleigh told how her father had helped her with her bath as a child. After the divorce, there was no one else to do it, and so her father had bathed her. He had stopped when she was in 3rd-4th grade. Then when she was in 7th grade, she had broken her ankle.

Though embarrassed, she had asked her father to help her getting in and out of her bath. He had quietly agreed. She had turned her back as she undressed. She felt herself falling when she tried to get in the tub, but her father had caught her and helped lower her into the tub. She had been embarrassed at first, but he had knelt by the tub, helping her keep her ankle out of the water, holding it up out of the water. of course, this opened her thighs and he could see her clearly.

Ashleigh confessed that she knew her father could see between her legs. She now admitted to herself that she had felt excitement thinking about her father seeing her pussy. For two weeks, her father had helped her. She had asked him to wash her back after the second day, and he had agreed. The next day she handed him the wash cloth without saying anything and then lay back as her father slowly washed her tender young body. She had said nothing when the washcloth had passed between her legs several times. Each day, her father spent longer washing her body, especially her breasts, her pussy and bottom.

The day came when her cast came off. Ashleigh still limped, however. When it was time for her bath, she asked her father to help her. "But daddy, since I don't have the cast anymore, maybe I can shower, instead. Would you help me in the shower, Daddy?"
Ashleigh remembered how her father had stepped into the shower with her, and her disappointment that he had on swimming trunks. She had complained "Daddy, I don't have any clothes on, and...well, if I'm naked, I think its only fair that YOU should be naked too. Please Daddy?" She had begged him.

Ashleigh had turned her back, hoping her Daddy would take off his shorts. She heard the door close and her father’s hands on her back. He wasn't using the washcloth today. His soapy hands worked on her shoulders, massaging up and down her back. She didn't say anything when she felt his hands move to the back of her thighs as he knelt behind her. Ashleigh remembered shuddering when her father’s soapy hands slipped all over her ass cheeks. She whispered that she had held her breath when she felt her father’s strong hands peel her ass cheeks open and his soapy fingers washing between them, one soapy finger gently circling round and round her anus.

Finally, her father took her by the hips and turned her around to face him as he knelt before her. His hands went to her ankles and moved up the front of her legs, his soapy hands rubbing he vigorously. But Ashleigh didn't say a thing as her fathers large hands caressed her soft, wet flesh. Her attention was focused on her daddy's naked body and the huge prick that was sticking up from between his legs.

She began shuddering involuntarily when her daddy soaped his hands and then gently cupped her almost bald pussy mound. One of his fingers slipped between her swollen lips as he slowly rubbed her. She knew it was wrong, that it was evil and nasty, but she couldn't stop him as he slowly diddled her.

Ashleigh had leaned back against the ceramic tiles of the shower stall, her legs spread and her hips tilted forward to give her father complete access to her pusssy. Her father was looking at her pussy as he fingered it, his eyes glistening from only a couple of inches from her most private, secret part.

Her father stood up, and without thinking Ashleigh put her wet hand on his swollen prick. Her father closed his eyes, his hands moving to her young naked breasts, and he began rubbing the thick nubs of her teenage nipples. Ashleigh held his hot prick and then instinctively, she began to slide her fist up and down its length as they stood feeling one another, their eyes closed and their naked bodies extremly aroused. Ashleigh's hand moved faster as her father began softly groaning.

All of a sudden, she felt it throbbing and as her daddy loudly moaned his prick began spitting her father’s sperm against her belly. She was shocked and paralyzed as she held her father’s shooting prick while he groaned with each spurt. Finally, his cock was just dribbling his white hot sperm on her hand.

He opened his eyes, and her father’s face had a horrible look. Without a word, he turned and ran from the bathroom. For weeks, he was cold and aloof, refusing to enter the bathroom with Ashleigh. Neither of them had ever said a word about the incident. And that was the last time her father had seen her naked.

Ashleigh looked so vulnerable as she told her story, I couldn't resist her. She was still holding my prick, but it had stiffened once again and the pretty young teen was almost absentmindedly stroking my shaft. Rolling over on top of her I smiled into her lovely face.

"Close your eyes, beautiful. I want you to imagine that I'm your daddy." I had heard enough to know that Ashleigh loved her father and desperately desired him sexually. I was sure she would easily slip into the role playing I had in mind. In addition, in confirmed that what I had planned for her in the future had a great chance for success.
Ashleigh closed her pretty eyes as I half lay upon her naked body.

"Ashleigh, it’s your daddy. I've wanted you for so long now. Baby, please put your hand on my prick. It won't hurt you; just put your hand around it."

"Yes Daddy" She whimpered as she reached for my hardened prick.

Ashleigh guided me inside of her sweet pussy, and as I pretended to be her father, she quickly began fucking me wildly. She got into it, calling me "Daddy" and beginning to urge me to fuck her, to shoot my cum inside of her, to do anything I wanted with her because she loved me. I knew she was lost in the fantasy when she whispered "Ohhh Daddy, put your finger in my Hiney. Please Daddy, let me feel your finger in my bottom...PLEASE DADDY!!! ARGHHHHHHH!!!!"

As I fingered her asshole, Ashleigh went nuts as I fucked her hard. I thought she had cum hard before, but it was nothing like this time. As I felt her body quaking under me while I fucked her, I could feel that her orgasm was pushing her over the edge. As she screamed loudly, her body contracted and I couldn't keep from beginning to flood her cunt with bolts of my sticky cum. When she collapsed under me, I was afraid there was something wrong with her for a second, because she was motionless. But then I realized that Ashleigh had simply fainted dead away from the orgasms washing over her.

When her eyes fluttered open a few minutes later, Ashleigh looked up at me and then grinned. "WOW, that was incredible!" She said.

For the rest of the evening I had fun fucking Ashleigh as her "daddy". She seemed so very eager, and I knew that she was well on her way to being the fuck slut I was committed to turning this gorgeous little Catholic schoolgirl into.

Chapter Seven

For the next two weeks, I had Stevie and Ashleigh over every other night. When Stevie came over, I'd fix her dinner, dance with her, and talk with her as we sat on the swing out back or as we relaxed in my Hot Tub. Of course, I also fucked her, but fucking Stevie had more to do with the emotional bond that had developed between us than with a raging lust. I was tender and gentle, and she was becoming in every way my partner.

Stevie was enthusiastic and willing to try anything. She obviously wanted to please me, and I grew to love the sounds she made when she was sexually excited.

One night we had fucked for thirty minutes and were recovering as we lay in my bed. Stevie was turned towards me, her breasts pressed against my side, her head on my shoulder and her hand wrapped around my prick, simply holding it.

Chuckling quietly, I said "Stevie, you've become quite the little sex addict. I never thought you would wear me out, but you're doing a great job trying!"

Stevie gently squeezed my prick and licked the side of my neck. "MMMMMMM Tom, it’s your fault. You've turned me into a shameless whore. There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you!"

That sent my imagination into overdrive, and I said "Have you ever made love to a girl, Stevie?"

Stevie was quiet for a few seconds. I let the silence continue until finally she said "When I was a freshmen I was taking a shower one day. Do you remember Emi Espizito. She was from Brazil. Anyway, she was a Senior, and so when she opened the shower curtain and stepped inside, I was kind of scared."

The mental image of Stevie and Emi in the shower made my prick begin to swell and lengthen in her hand.

"She took the soap from my hand and made me turn around. She soaped my back for a long time. Then she knelt and soaped the backs of my legs. It made me feel really strange. I was scared at first, but when I relaxed I really enjoyed her soapy hands kneading my muscles. She then ran the soap up and down between my bottom cheeks. I kind of freaked for a second, but then when I relaxed, it began to feel REALLLY good."

Stevie's breathing was more rapid and there was a throaty quality to her voice. She was slowly stroking up and down my shaft, her hand driving me wild.

"And then she stood up and made me turn around. She took my hands and lifted them above my head and made me wrap my fingers around the pipe just above the shower head. She told me not to let go, no matter what. Then she kissed me! I was so shocked that I didn't know what to do. Her lips were very soft, and she was gentle. At first I kept my lips closed, but after a while, I was kind of enjoying it, and I opened my mouth. Emi really knew how to kiss!"

As Stevie slowly stroked my prick, I put a hand between her thighs, which she dutifully opened. I began toying with her pussy lips as she gasped and continued her story.

"Emi started touching me all over while kissing me. When she started playing with my nipples, it made me really hot. And then when she knelt in front of me and spread my legs, I looked down because I couldn't' believe that she was going to do what it looked like she was going to do. But she DID! No one had ever kissed me there before, and I grew really dizzy. It was good that I was holding onto the shower head. She licked me until I came. I collapsed in the shower stall but Emi caught me."

Stevie was quite wet again, and I knew that I was going to have to fuck her soon.

"Emi took me back to her room, and she spent the entire afternoon teaching me about my body. But the next day, she told me that she couldn't be with me anymore. Apparently, Emi had a girlfriend named Jessica who was quite jealous. Anyway, that is the only time that I've been with a girl. But...I did enjoy it!"

I rolled over on my back pulling Stevie with me, and Stevie straddled my hips, grinning at me as she lowered her open pussy onto my prick. She slipped down its length, groaning and throwing her head back, exposing her throat, her tits swaying as she began fucking herself.

As she began doing all the work, I spoke to her. "Stevie, you're going to get another chance at being with a woman. But I want you to play a role for me. You have to pretend that I'm blackmailing you into making love to this girl."

Stevie continued rising and falling on my prick, impaling her squirming body on my throbbing cock. "B-But Tom...you ARE b-blackmailing me." She grinned down at me devilishly.

Laughing, I said "You know that you can stop this at any time. I'd give you your freedom. But for our little scenario, I'm going to tie you down, and you have to play the virginal innocent. Think you can do that?"

Stevie ground her hips down on me, my prick buried deep inside her body. Stopping for a minute she looked at me. Then suddenly a look of terror came to her face, and with a fearful voice she said "Ohhhh Mr. Gee, Please don't do this to me. Don't let this girl lick me between my legs. Oh, that's too nasty, too dirty. How can you DO this to me, Mr. Gee!"

And then Stevie giggled and began resuming her fucking. I was amazed at how good she was at acting, and I knew that we were going to have a good time. And then, meaningful and rational thought gave way as I began fucking this gorgeous girl until I again sprayed my cum inside her sucking pussy.

The next night, Ashleigh was to be at my house at 7PM. I had Stevie come over at 6PM. We went downstairs and set things up. Stevie took her clothes off and lay on the bed. We talked and kissed and played for a while. Shortly before 7PM, I tied her wrists to each of the poles at the head of the bed. She lifted her legs, and I tied her ankles next to her wrists. Stevie was bent double, and was severely spread. Her pussy lips were pulled apart, her little anus was exposed, the large tendons on either side of her crotch were very exposed, and looking at her gave me a hard on.
Smiling mischievously, she said "Wanna fuck me?" I slapped one of her exposed ass cheeks. Then I shoved a finger inside of her widely splayed cunt. "You sure are wet for being terrified!" But Stevie only giggled and then moaned as I fingered her wetness.
"I wish you'd tell me who this woman is. But in case I forget to tell you, I really had a good time tonight!" She grinned at me, and again I was amazed that I could be in love with this teenager.

I leaned over and kissed her sweetly. And then the doorbell rang.

Ashleigh entered as I opened the front door. Immediately, she began stripping out of her clothes. "Hello Daddy!" she said shyly.

"We're playing a different game tonight, Ashleigh" I said to her without any emotion in my voice. I watched as she finally pushed her panties down exposing her fabulous pussy. Then, she knelt before me, her hands laced behind her neck, her legs parted and looking up at me as I'd trained her to do. I squeezed one of her ripe tits.

"I've got a surprise for you tonight, Ashleigh. Lets go downstairs." I gave her tit a final tweak on her rapidly swelling nipple.

Obediently, Ashleigh stood up and walked towards the basement door. I followed her, admiring the bubble mounds of her ass. Damn, she had a fine body.

Ashleigh was halfway down the stair when she froze. I could hear Stevie making a sobbing noise, and then a scream "Ashleigh!" I was proud of Stevie's performance.
Ashleigh was stunned as she looked at her classmate tied down and obscenely exposed on the bed. Putting a hand at Ashleigh's lower back I gently moved her down the stairs, pushing her over to the bed. We both stood looking down at Stevie's nakedly exposed and obscenely spread body.

"I do believe you two know one another. Of course, not as well as you will when this night is over." I chuckled.

Stevie looked at us with horror in her eyes. "Oh Mr. Gee...I'm so ashamed. PLEASE let me go. Don't' do this. Ashleigh, I'm so sorry, so very very sorry." She began sobbing, turning her head away. I noticed that there were no tears and silently applauded the gorgeous blondes performance.

"Tonight Ashleigh, you're going to learn what it is like to service a woman. You're a great piece of ass, and when you're warmed up you really are a hot-assed fuck. But to be a good little slut, you have to learn to enjoy sucking and fucking women as well. Now, get up on the bed."

Ashleigh's face was pale as she turned to me. "No, Mr. Gee, I-I can't do it. Please don't' make me. That's...That's just WRONG. I-I can't do it. Please let Stevie go...If you do...I'll do anything you want. Please, Mr. Gee"

I reached out and harshly pinched her nipples, making her cry out as she put her hands on my wrists in a hopeless attempt to stop my fingers from squeezing. "Look you hot blooded little bitch, you're going to do exactly as I say anyway. Now get your ass up on the bad and kneel. You're going to learn how to lick pussy, and while you do it, I'm going to enjoy fucking your wet little cunt. I bet that Stevie here will be amazed at how much you love having my prick slipping in and out of your hot pussy."

Ashleigh's tears began, but she climbed up on the bed obediently. She was on all fours as I climbed on the bed behind her, sweeping her thighs apart, and holding my prick I began dragging it up and down between her wet pussy lips. Ashleigh wasn't moving, and I could feel the resistance in her body. I knew that though her head was near Stevie's pussy, Ashleigh's eyes were closed as she tried to block it all out.

"Come on Ashleigh, get started. But first, I want you to look at Stevie and tell her how much you are going to enjoy sucking her pussy. Go ahead, don't make me spank you!" I was enjoying the humiliating position that Ashleigh was put in.

Softly, Ashleigh said "I-I'm sorry Stevie...but...I am r-really going to enjoy l-licking your p-pussy." She sounded so dejected, on the brink of crying.

"Oh Ashleigh, you can put more effort into it than that! Say it again, only louder." I said as I slapped her on her right ass cheek, making the pretty girl jump in surprise.

Ashleigh repeated it, and then I said. "OK Ashleigh, start licking Stevie's pussy. Don't forget to pay attention to her little clit!"

Her head lowered closer to Stevie's loins, and I could see Ashleigh's hair fall on the backs of Stevie's thighs as her mouth came nearer to Stevie's throbbing cunt.

All of a sudden Stevie closed her eyes and groaned “AAHHHHHHHHH...OHHHHHHHHH...ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH...Stop , Ashleigh, don't do this to me. Don't lick me there...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and I knew that Ashleigh had started licking the beautiful blonde girl.

I wrapped my hand around my prick and centered it on Ashleigh's widely spread cunt. I slowly pushed my prick inside Ashleigh's quivering pussy, loving the sensation of her female sheath clasping and grabbing my shaft as I slipped my pulsating cock up her beautiful cunt. I slowly fucked her doggie style and soon Ashleigh was waving her ass and moaning even as she licked Stevie's pussy.

At first, Stevie was thrashing and crying out "No, Oh, don't do this, Ashleigh. Oh, that's so nasty. That's where I PEE. Oh Ashleigh, how can you do this to me." However, after a while, Stevie's words were no longer discernible. She was moaning and groaning, sobbing as she thrust her hips up against Ashleigh's mouth and probing tongue as much as possible in her restrained position.

I was fucking Ashleigh hard, slamming my hips against her with loud slaps and very liquid sounds, and I said "Ashleigh, don't forget to lick Stevie's little asshole. You know how much you love it when guys lick your asshole, so make sure you do that for Stevie"
I could tell that Ashleigh was humiliated, a blush spreading across the back of her shoulders. But I also saw that her mouth moved lower, and I knew that she was being obedient.

Ashleigh had abandoned her objections and was really sucking Stevie well. Reaching down beside the bed, I grabbed a battery operated vibrator I'd put there earlier. "Here you go Ashleigh. You need to use this on the Stevie's pussy while you lick her asshole."
Ashleigh lifted her head, and I saw both the excitement and the misery in her eyes. With wet, trembling hands, she took the slender vibrator from me. It buzzed softly as she turned it on and pressed it to Stevie's wet, throbbing flesh.

It was incredible watching Ashleigh fucking Stevie with the vibrator while her mouth was buried between Stevie's ass cheeks. Stevie had an orgasm, and five minutes later had another one. Then two minutes later she erupted again, and after that, Ashleigh kept her at a continuous orgasm for the next ten minutes.

Ashleigh had abandoned herself to the experience. Right and wrong no longer mattered, for the combination of arousing Stevie and feeling me fucking her softly gripping cunt had forced her to focus on sex. Whatever reservationsand shame she had initially had were gone as she rooted between Stevie's gorgeous thighs like a pig as she waved her ass back at me while I fucked her. It was loud in the basement as Stevie's sobbing and moaning competed with the wet, slurping sound of Ashleigh sucking and licking the blonde girls asshole and fucking the vibrator in and out of Stevie's cunt. Added to that was the sound of my cock slamming in and out of the liquid cusp of Ashleigh's wide spread pussy pouch.

I leaned over and reached under Ashleigh, grabbing her tits as I frantically pounded in and out of her body, slapping against the firm mounds of her glorious ass. I could hear her screaming in orgasm even as she kept her face buried in Stevie's pussy. The vision of Ashleigh wildly licking and fucking Stevie as well as her pussy gripping me so tightly caused me to surrender to my own orgasm, and I began pumping bullet after bullet of cum inside of Ashleigh's schoolgirl pussy. We all collapsed on the bed, softly moaning and breathing harshly, the vibrator still deeply buried inside Stevie as Asheigh and I caught our breath.

After a few minutes, I released Stevie, and after stretching, I "forced" her to get behind a kneeling Ashleigh and lick my cum out of Ashleigh's cunt. Ashleigh protested red-faced, and she was extremely humiliated to have another girl eat her out. However, while Stevie licked Ashleigh and ate out her cunt, Ashleigh came several times. I introduced them to kissing, and sent them to the shower area to wash one another. The two girls made a beautiful picture as their soapy hands worked on their naked bodies, going far beyond cleaning one another as they tweaked and played with each other’s tits, pulling on each other’s nipples, and hands moving over and over between one another's legs. They took turns "washing" one another, kneeling and pulling the washcloth back and forth across swollen pussy lips. Both of them also took advantage of the situation and gave deep sucking kisses to one another's pussy's.

After they dried one another, I put Ashleigh on the bed in the same position that Stevie had been in, tying her up spread-eagled. Then Stevie and I went to work on the gorgeous piece of ass. One of us would be licking her clit while the other was tongue fucking her asshole. Both of our fingers were inside her pussy, probing and stretching her.

Ashleigh was sobbing and moaning and groaning as wave after wave of orgasm rolled over her. Her voice became hoarse, but Stevie and I had decided beforehand that she would get no respite. And so our fingers worked her wet flesh, plunging in and out of her sodden cunt while our mouths licked and slurped her poor tender little clit and our tongues and fingers invaded her sensitive rectum.

Ashleigh began begging us to stop between her orgasms as she tried to catch her breath. But we ignored her as we worked her body over, drawing orgasms from the exhausted girl.

After ten minutes of continual orgasm, Ashleigh's body couldn't take anymore and with a hoarse scream she collapsed and stopped screaming. Stevie and I stopped working on her body, looking to see that she had fainted. Stevie turned to me and we grinned at one another. I felt such a warm feeling toward Stevie. It was like...like I had found my soul mate!

Chapter Eight

I gave Ashleigh several days to recover. She had barely been able to walk when we had finally released her. I knew she couldn't drive and since she and Stevie had "arranged" to spend the night, I left her on the bed. I shut off the cameras and the lights and taking Stevie by the hand, gone to my bedroom. We were worn out, so I simply pulled Stevie into my arms and we fell asleep, not even showering to get the dried pussy juice and cum off of our bodies.

The next morning, Stevie showered, and we went and woke Ashleigh and I sent the two girls back to the dorm.
I was very happy to have discovered a soul mate in Stevie. The difference in our ages was apparent, but mentally and emotionally, we were bonded.

I was also very happy with my plan to turn Ashleigh into a whore. She was definitely no longer a 'good girl' in any sense. She had surrendered to the strong sexual impulses in her body on numerous occasions. And on every opportunity, I had reinforced the fact that she was an object of sex and little more. But I formed a plan to demonstrate that fact to her. I needed to finally break down the final shreds of her dignity and belief that she was inherently "good".

Saturday Morning I drove outside of town to an abandoned barn. Climbing into the loft, I retrieved my cameras and video and audio equipment I had put there on Friday morning. I could hardly wait to get home. When I was home, I pulled the equipment out of the trunk and carried it inside. Going down to the basement, I popped the videotape out of the camera. I grabbed a beer and stripping out of my clothes, sat in the easy chair directly in front of the big screen TV. I clicked on the video.

An 8 foot area of the barn floor was revealed. I fast forwarded the tape and after approximately four minutes of tape, two young men appeared dragging a mattress. I recognized them immediately as the two College boys I'd recruited. They were members of the football team, and played on the Defensive line. They were 6'5 and 6'3 with very impressive builds. And they were both black. They worked silently as they centered the mattress, looking up at the camera and grinning.

They exited the camera field, but within a minute they returned. I could hear the sounds of moaning and struggling. They entered the scene carrying a body with a hood over the face and wrists and legs tied with strips of cloth. The body was wearing a uniform of the girls school where I worked, and it was very clearly a female.

They dumped the body on the mattress and then knelt beside the bound girl. I noticed with approval that they did not block the camera's view. They pulled the hood off the girl's head, and I saw Ashleigh's beautiful face reflecting shock and fear.

Immediately, she began whimpering "No, please let me go. Please let me go!!!"

One of the young black men pulled a pair of scissors from his back pocket. "Let you go? Hell no, Sugar. Damn, I can't wait to see your sweet body. Shit girl, we're gonna fuck you till you can't see straight. Let you go? No way!" Putting one hand on her shoulder, he began cutting her white blouse up one sleeve as she ineffectively struggled to escape the scissors.

Ashleigh was clearly terrified, her face pale and her eyes huge as she looked from one boy to the other.

I had told the boys that Ashleigh was a slut who loved to role play, and that her favorite fantasy was being gangbang raped by two black men. I told them that she was a young housewife, and that her fantasy had been to play the role of a Catholic schoolgirl who was kidnapped and raped. Of course, I had known that Ashleigh was going to a banquet Friday evening, and I had the boys outside the restaurant. They were to have grabbed Ashleigh when she got out of her car, lock her car and bring her to this barn.

My eyes were focused on the scene as I slowly stroked my hardening prick. Ashleigh's blouse was soon pulled from her body, leaving her lying in front of the boys with only her bra covering her sweet tits as she gasped and pleaded with them.

"Damn, look at those titties. I can't wait to get a mouthful of those sweet jugs!" The other boy said.

"Come on, dummy, you get her shoes and those knee high socks off! I'm not going to do all the work" The other one said.

I watched as they slowly removed Ashleigh's clothes. Her shoes were easy to remove. Frank and Randy worked slowly but methodically. Randy gave Frank the scissors and he cut off her knee high socks. He ran his hands over Ashleigh's long beautiful legs causing her to try to move her legs away from his exploring hands.

Randy took the scissors and cut the plaid skirt off the gasping struggling girl, leaving her only wearing her panties and bra. Tossing the scissors aside, Randy leaned over the girl and put his mouth on her bra. At the same time, Frank began licking the insides of her thighs and the front of her panties. Ashleigh went wild, crying "No, don't do that. Don't touch me. Ohhhhhhh!" before dissolving into a sobbing shell of a girl.

Lifting his head, Randy said to her "Don't worry, bitch, we aren't going to hurt you...unless you make us. We're just gonna get some of your pussy. If you cooperate you won't be hurt." His mouth retured to bra-packed tit, sucking it inside his mouth.

For several minutes, the young college boys kissed, licked and ran their hands all over Ashleigh's body. I began to recognize the sounds coming from her mouth and knew that her body was being traitorous and that her slutty nature was asserting itself. Instead of quick and sudden movements, she was now stretching and writhing slowly as her body was heated up.

Randy sat up and put his hand around the front of her bra between her cups. Without warning, he violently yanked, and Ashleigh's bra tore from her body, exposing her luscious tits, topped by her dark ruby colored nipples which were hard and almost a half an inch long.

Because her arms were tied behind her, there was nothing Ashleigh could do. I stared at her face as she watched Randy's mouth lower and cover the naked ripeness of one of her tender nipples. She arched her back, pushing her tit into his mouth, and her mouth opened wide as her eyes lost focus and she stared upwards while gasping like a fish out of water. I watched Randy's hand cover her other tit, and his fingers began teasing Ashleigh's nipple.

Frank had been watching Randy, but now looked down at Ashleigh's panty covered hips. Taking the scissors, he moved to her ankles and quickly cut the strips there. Ashleigh's legs parted but she didn't kick or resist, but rather continued writhing. Frank pushed her legs apart, his hands gripping her ankles and lifting. He placed her legs on his chest, her ankles on his shoulders as his hands moved to her hips, taking her skimpy white panties in his large hands.

Ashleigh didn't resist as Frank pulled her panties off her hips and up her legs, tossing them to the side and looking down at the completely naked girl below him.
I watched him bend over Ashleigh, holding her legs widely apart. With a growl he fell between her legs and began licking her wet little pussy.

Of course, Ashleigh went nuts as she felt the boys mouth licking and sucking her tender, wet hole. I could see his tongue fucking in and out of her. She was no longer capable of speaking words, just moaning and sobbing as her body was assailed. Her legs were widely splayed and she made no effort to close them.

After several minutes, Randy let Ashleigh's titties slip from his fingers and his mouth and he stood. Ashleigh had lifted her legs and put them on Frank's back, her knees widely parted as she moved her hips against Frank's sucking mouth. The young man quickly stripped his clothes off, and his large black prick was exposed.

Randy kneeled over Ashleigh's upper chest, and moved slightly forward. His large, hanging balls gently swung against her chin, and she opened her eyes, and I could see that terrible combination of disgust and sexual excitement in her eyes.

"Here you go bitch, suck my nuts and get me ready to hose your throat. Now open up!"
Ashleigh paused for only a second, and then I saw her beautiful mouth open, her full luscious lips parts, her perfect white teeth exposed, and with a groan I watched the black boy's balls descend into her warmly sucking mouth. I could only imagine how great that must have felt. Randy immediately threw his head back, gritting his teeth and spitting out "DAMNNNNNN, suck my nuts, you whore! Shit, that's sweet...yeah, use your tongue and wash my balls. DAMMMMMNNNNNNN!!!"

I couldn't see what was happening, but I knew that Ashleigh was obeying the boy and giving his balls a tongue bath. The whole time she was groaning deeply as Frank was licking up and down her swollen pussy furrow. I could imagine that the combination of her sucking and licking plus the vibrations of her groaning and moaning were having quite an impact on Randy.
My thoughts were confirmed as the boy was gasping and grunting out "Oh you sweet bitch...Suck my nuts, you whore. Shiiiiitttt, I love your mouth...Yeah, use that tongue...ARGHHHHH!!!!!!"

Quickly Randy raised up, pulling his balls from Ashleigh's mouth. I could see how wet they were, but leaning forward, he pressed the head of his prick to her lips, and Ashleigh dutifully opened her mouth. Randy began fucking Ashleigh's mouth as he continued calling her names. Within a minute, he was shouting "YEAH Bitch...Get ready...I'm gonna put a load of my cream in your little white girl belly!!! SUCK ME, YOU CUNT!!!!!!"

Ashleigh didn't really have a choice. Even if she didn't want to drink his sperm down her throat, it wouldn't have mattered because Randy was holding her head, both of his hands grasping her hair and he slammed his prick into her mouth. Ashleigh probably couldn't breathe, for she was writing and bucking, but the boy didn't' care. I could see his balls contracting repeatedly as he pumped his white hot sperm into Ashleigh's mouth and throat.

Finally Randy fell to the side, his huge prick slipping from between Ashleigh's lips as she gasped down lungfuls of much needed air. She was unable to think clearly for Frank was still licking her wildly. However, when Randy fell to the side, Frank lifted his mouth from Ashleigh's spasming pussy. He took her ankles and quickly moved forward, bending the gorgeous teenager in half. He pressed her ankles on either side of her head, opening her up. He raised up slightly and then I watched him slam his prick inside the pussy of the pinned down girl, making her loudly groan as his big prick opened up her pussy tube.
Frank's body was covering Ashleigh's body, but I could see her writhing and bucking underneath him as he began fucking her rapidly. He was kissing her and she wasn't pulling her head to the side, but appeared to be kissing him back. Having her hands tied behind her made her back arch and her tits stick up. Frank was bounding on top of Ashleigh, his chest rubbing her hardened nipples.

I watched him arrange her ankles on his shoulders, continuing to pin her, and his hands moved down her sides and captured her flexing ass cheeks. Of course, I had clued the boys in to the fact that Ashleigh was anal sensitive.

Watching the big black prick ram over and over into the white girls pussy, stretching her opening tightly was incredibly arousing. But as I watched one of his fingers search her anal crevice and then find the pucker of her asshole made me hold my breath. He didn't' prepare her, but simply shoved his black finger inside her tiny little anus.

I heard Ashleigh's scream and then watched her go wild as she orgasmed, bucking wildly under the fucking boy. He rode her through two orgasms before finally ripping his mouth from hers and shouting obscenities as he began flooding her pussy with his cum.
Frank rolled off Ashleigh, revealing her naked, ravished body. She looked so incredible lying on the mattress, obscenely spread open with trickles of cum leaking from her wide spread thigh.

Randy rolled her over and cut the bonds holding her wrists. Getting behind her he lifted her to her knees, and moving close behind her, he slowly eased his prick inside her asshole, slowly working its huge girth inside her little opening as she moaned with pain and then with passion. He began a very slow fucking in and out of her ass, using long slow strokes which went deep up inside her and then pulled out until only the head of his prick was still imbedded.

Within a few minutes, Frank had recovered enough to kneel in front of her. He took her hair in his hands, lifting her face, and presenting her with his glistening prick.
Ashleigh knew what to do without being told, opening her mouth and allowing the black prick to slip inside.

I listened as the boys talked about her obscenely, not even recognizing her as a human being. I knew this would be very humiliating to Ashleigh, but also that it was that very humiliation which would feed her red hot sexuality as the two boy's took advantage of her heatedly aroused body.

"Man, this bitch has a tight little asshole. You have GOT to get some of this." Randy said as he plowed in and out of her rectum, his prick warmly gripped by her moist rectal walls.

"Oh I will, Brother. Shit, her mouth is like a vacuum cleaner. Damn but she sucks good. I wish we'd found this white little bitch a long time ago." Frank said while fucking Ashleigh's mouth.

"No kidding! She was made to be fucked. She's a natural for taking cocks in her sweet little holes. I could go on fucking her all night long!" Randy laughed out loud
"Hell, that's the plan, ain't it?" chuckled Frank.

As they buffeted Ashleigh's body between them, I watched her tits hanging from her chest, swinging back and forth, her hardened, protruding nipples pointing to the mattress as her body moved in time with the thrusting pricks.

"Damn, this bitch is too hot. I'm gonna blow my load down her throat if I don't stop." Frank grunted as he fucked Ashleigh's face.

"Not yet. Pull out and I'll keep fucking her asshole. We'll work on the bitch and take turns feeding our pricks inside her wet little holes. Let's see how long we can keep her fucking" Randy said as he continued to methodically stroke in and out of Ashleigh's asshole. Frank pulled away from her mouth, a dribble of spilled hanging between his black cock and her sweet red lips for an instant.
Ashleigh fell forward, and her head was resting on her crossed arms as she kept her hips raised, taking Randy's long strokes inside he warmly clenching asshole. The camera caught the look on her face, and I knew that I would have that still blown up and printed. Her eyes glistened, and a look of pure rapture was on her face. Her mouth was wet and open as she knelt slavishly before the raping prick that was filling her asshole.

"Damn girl, you should work the streets. You're a natural! You got a sweet little asshole. Yeah, that's right, squeeze my prick, you little cunt." I wasn't sure if Randy's words were even registering to the beautiful girl. She was lost in a world of sensuality as her body was used.

After twenty minutes, they changed places, and Frank pushed his prick inside of Ashleigh's widely stretched asshole as Randy knelt beside the girl. He reached under her body and pinched and pulled on her nipples, squeezing her tits and calling her names.
And so for the next hour, the two boys took turns making Ashleigh serve their sexual needs. They fucked her without stopping, changing positions. They took her kneeling, they put her on her back, and they made her ride them, her tits flopping as she tiredly moved her cunt up and down one or the others hardened shafts.

For a finale, Frank lay on his back and they made Ashleigh straddle him, sinking her red and raw pussy down his long shaft, impaling her tired body on the black boy's prick. Randy pushed her forward over his buddy, and as Frank held her to his chest, kissing her mouth, Randy began pushing his prick up her widely spread asshole. He had to go slowly, for Ashleigh was moaning and groaning into Frank's mouth as she felt her back passage being stretched like nothing she'd ever felt.

The boys went slowly, and when both pricks were inside of Ashleigh's moaning body, they waited a couple of minutes to let her twin holes adjust to being filled at the same time.

"You make one hell of a meat for our sandwich" Randy said, and though she had been through so much, I saw her blush. Being used at the same time by two men pushed her humiliation button.

They slowly fucked the naked girl. I watched both of their pricks vying to be inside of her. They fell into a rhythm after a while, one pulling out as the other entered. Her pussy and asshole were widely stretched holes and the whole picture was very obscene as they buffeted her body between them, their hands moving all over her, stroking and pinching her flesh.

Within five minutes, Ashleigh began shaking and screaming out as orgasms began to wash over her repeatedly. The two pricks were doing things to her she'd never experienced. She had long ago abandoned herself to being raped, and she wallowed in the blossoming sensation of sexual ecstasy wracking her body.
The boys were pistoning into her body hard, intent on flooding her with their hot sperm. They changed their rhythm and now both were thrusting into her at the same time as she seemed to raise the noise of her writhing and sobbing to another level. They were all yelling and grunting, screaming and cursing, and in a paroxysm of orgiastic bliss, the boys began spraying Ashleigh's pussy and asshole with their slimy spunk, filling her over and over, their mingled juices dripping out of her to stain the mattress.

Randy pulled his black prick out of Ashleigh's asshole. I watched the huge opening slowly contract and soon only the pucker of her anus was viewable. Franks hands were on Ashleigh's waist, but he wasnt' in a hurry to have her weight off of him.

After a few minutes, they had recovered and Ashleigh had wearily fallen to the side of Frank, his softened prick slithering out of he pussy.

She stood as she watched the boys putting their clothes back on. She picked up the remains of her clothes, knowing that there was no way that her clothes would stay on or cover any of her naked body.

"Baby, you are one HELL of a wild fuck. You can count on us finding you sometime in the future and doing this again. I got to have me more of that cunt and asshole." Randy said before grabbing the silent girl and kissing her. Frank agreed, his hands stroking her ass cheeks.

The boy's grabbed her and began to lead her out of the camera view, telling Ashleigh that they were going to dump her at her car and she'd just have to get back to the dorm naked and hope no one saw. And then they were gone from the camera range.

I sat in my chair, my hand covered with thick white sperm, having shot my cream while I watched the two black boys double raping Ashleigh's body.

Chapter Nine

It was "Activities week" at the school. The rich Catholic girl's parents flew in from all over the globe, and the school put on picnics, movies and other activities during the week with their daughters and their daughter's schoolgirl friends. Most of the parents rented expensive Hotel rooms and the girls were allowed to spend the week at the Hotels if their parents requested.

After the experiences I had put her through, I had confirmed in her mind that Ashleigh was a slut. She was a reluctant slut, but there was no denying that when a male prick was present she became a submissive whore who would do whatever she was told. She still carried a great deal of shame and guilt, but she had learned that her body was capable of the most sublime sensations when she was forced into degrading herself sexually.
Stevie was also a slut, but she was a monogamous slut, having given herself to me. She'd do anything I asked with anyone I specified, but she had surrendered her heart, mind and body to me.

Ashleigh's father had provided a hotel room for her during the week, one which adjoined his by a connecting door. I instructed Ashleigh to make sure her room had a king size bed, and that her father knew that Stevie would be spending the week there as well.
The first afternoon was essentially free, and Dick, who was Ashleigh's father, and the girls decided to spend the afternoon at the Hotel pool. It was the most exclusive Hotel in the city and though a couple of other student's were staying there as well, the private outdoor pool was empty. The girl's and Dick jumped in the pool and swam a bit, then climbed out and lay on lounge chairs by the pool, which was hidden behind a security fence.

Both girls had on bikini's. Stevie's was a string bikini, teal green and did very little to hide her voluptuous figure. I knew because I had bought it for her and she had modeled it for me. Though the pool was hidden very well, there was a third story stairway that had a partial view. That was where I used my cell phone and called the front desk and asked for Ashleigh. While waiting, I watched and within a minute a waiter walked over to the three. I couldn't hear what he said, but knew he was telling Ashleigh she had a phone call. She stood and followed him.

Within seconds, Stevie sat up on her lounge chair. Dick raised his head and looked at her and then sat up himself. Stevie reached into her big floppy beach bag and handed Dick something. She then put the back of the lounge chair down and stretched out on it, lying on her tummy, the poorly covered bubble of her ass showing.

About that time, Ashleigh came on the line. I told her where I was and ordered her to come join me. Shutting off my phone I watched as Dick moved to sit on Stevie's lounge chair and begin to rub her legs with tanning oil. He was taking his time, and though I knew what was happening, I was still a bit surprised to feel a twinge of jealousy.

About that time, Ashleigh arrived and I pulled her in front of me and together we watched her father leaning over Stevie, his hands moving up her calves to the back of her thighs. I pushed my hardened prick against Ashleigh's ass, my hands reaching around her to cup and capture her titties. Slipping my hands under her suit top was ridiculously easy and I rolled her nipples between my fingers as Ashleigh moaned as we watched her dad and Stevie.

I couldn't repress a chuckle when Stevie reached behind her and untied her swim top, stretching her arms above her head. Dick sat for a few seconds and then began rubbing oil on her back after quickly looking around to make sure no one could see anything.

Though we were in a stairwell, we were semi private, and I slowly moved one of my hands down Ashleigh's belly, teasing the deep indentation of her navel and then slipping down into her suit bottom to gently cup her bald cunt. She was very wet, and I enjoyed slipping a finger up and down her swollen pussy lips as I whispered in her ear, "Look at your Daddy. Don't you wish it were YOU he was rubbing and touching, Ashleigh?"

The beautiful girl was very excited as I touched her teenage body, gently exploring he wetness as I licked and kissed her ear.

"Do you know what is going to happen? Stevie is going to let your father fuck her."
Ashleigh moaned "Nooooooo, not daddy!" as I slipped a finger along her pussy canal, feeling her sticky wet cunt sucking on it.

"Yes she is. I'm sending you back down in a minute, and you're going to tell them that you have to go back to the school to finish filling out a final that you didn't complete. Then we're going to wait thirty minutes and go to your room and peek through the door. And I'm betting that you're going to get to watch your daddy's naked body again!"

We had been watching Dick move his hands all over Stevie's back, moving to her sides where he obviously was caressing the sides of her full, swollen breasts. Then Stevie got up on her elbows and looked back at him, smiling. She said something and then reached back and pushed her suit bottoms down off her ass, exposing her bubble cheeks to his eyes. She then lay her head down on her crossed arms and lifted her ass up about six inches.

Dick was staring at Stevie's naked ass cheeks like it was a rattlesnake. Finally, he reached out with trembling hands.

Ashleigh was moving her hips backwards and forwards, masturbating herself on my finger. "Noooo Daddy, don't to it!" She whispered as we watched the older man and the beautiful teenager.

But Dick couldn't hear her and even if he could I'm not sure he would have stopped. His hands grabbed her offered ass and began rubbing all over them. He picked up the bottle of oil, and dribbled a bit onto Stevie's body...RIGHT BETWEEN HER CHEEKS!! We could clearly see that his fingers were rubbing up and down between her ass cheeks. He was looking around guiltily as he felt up Stevie's body.

Stevie lifted up and smiling at Dick, turned over after pulling her bottoms up. Her top was not tied, however, and it had fallen to the side, uncovering her breasts, one of which was completely exposed. Dick didn't hesitate but moved his hands to her tits, squeezing and playing with them. He continued to look around nervously, but he was giving her tits a workout, making Stevie squirm under his warm oily hands.

Ashleigh was hot and moaning as I finger fucked her. I pulled my finger out of her thoroughly wet pussy. I put it to Ashleigh's full lips, and without comment she opened her mouth and licked her juices off my finger.
I squeezed her ass a couple of times and then said to her "Now, go tell them that you'll be gone for a few hours but that you'll come back in time for dinner. Then come back here and we'll wait together.

My prick was hard as I let Ashleigh go and continued watching as Dick played with Stevie's body. Then I saw him jump nervously and Stevie quickly tied her top as they heard Ashleigh coming down the walkway. Ashleigh spoke to them for a minute and then turned to go. She stopped and looked at her father and then went over to him as he stood. He pulled her into his arms and held her for a few minutes, his hands on her lower back but not her ass. He kissed her on the forehead, smiling at her, and then she left.

Dick sat down on the lounge chair staring after Ashleigh. I knew that he was looking at her incredible ass, watching as her mounds rolled together as she walked, her long tanned legs beautiful to watch.

He looked at Stevie as she stood up. She stood directly in front of him and put her hands over her head and then arched herself. She was obviously "Stretching" as she gave a fake yawn. The action made her breasts stick out, and even from where I was I could see her nipples pushing out her nylon suit top.

She walked to the edge of the pool, looking over her shoulder as Dick watched her ass as well. I could see her laughing as she pulled her suit bottom upwards, making the small piece of material covering her ass stretch up into her ass crack, leaving her rubbery mounds of ass flesh exposed to his lecherous eyes. She dove into the water and swam to the other side.

Dick looked around and then stood up and walked to the edge of the pool. There was a very discernible bulge in his trunks. I heard a gasp behind me, and turned to see Ashleigh looking down at her aroused father. Once again I pulled her into my arms and had her stand in front of me. Her perfect body demanded to be touched and caressed. We watched her father swim over to a laughing Stevie and grab her. They began splashing and going after one another in horseplay, moving toward the shallow end until they could stand and face one another. Within a minute, Dick was kissing the young beauty.

"Do you wish your father were kissing you like that, Ashleigh?" I asked.

Ashleigh was transfixed by the sight. "Oh Daddy" she softly moaned, even as she ground her ass back against me.

Even as they kissed, I could tell that their hands were busy under the water as they touched and fondled one another. In ten minutes, Dick began leaving the pool, taking Stevie with him as he held her hand. They picked up their towels and bags, and after looking around, Dick kissed Stevie again. This time we saw him grabbing her ass. Again, a flash of jealousy shot through me. But then I realized that I was fingering his little girl's wet cunt, and knew that I didn't have any reason to be jealous.
Taking Ashleigh's hand I left the stairwell and went exploring. When I found a housecleaning closet, I pulled Ashleigh inside, locking the door. I kissed her deeply as I pulled off her bra top and pushed her trunks off of her. Then I pressed down on her shoulders. I shoved my shorts down, releasing my throbbing prick. Without being instructed, Ashleigh opened her mouth and began sucking my cock, her hands gently caressing my balls.

I slowly fucked her sweet mouth, my hands holding her hair. Visions of Stevie and Dick fucking and sucking filled my mind. I had to stop a few times, because I didn't want to cum just yet. After twenty minutes, I had Ashleigh put her suit back on and we went to her and Stevie's room. I figured rightly that Dick would have Stevie come to his room and fuck her on his bed. As we silently entered the girls room, I could hear the sounds of labored breathing. Putting my arm around Ashleigh I steered her slowly to the doorway between the rooms. I stopped us when I could see what was going on. I looked at Ashleigh and her eyes were wide open, her mouth parted and her hand covering it. I couldn't' blame her.

Stevie was naked, of course. She was lying crosswise on the bed, her head hanging over the edge, her hair falling down to the floor. Dick was standing over her, straddling her head, and we could see that Stevie was taking his prick in and out of her sucking mouth. Dick had leaned over and supported himself with one hand while with the other he was fingering Stevie's cunt. Her knees were widely spread, allowing the man to finger her at will. She was very softly moaning and Dick was breathing rapidly along with her.
I slowly sank to the think carpet, pulling Ashleigh with me. As we watched her father fuck Stevie's face, I pulled the wet suit off the pretty teen girl. I also pushed my shorts off. Ashleigh didn't even seem to notice me as I moved her body forward and made her get on her hands and knees.

In the other room, Dick had pulled his wet prick from Stevie's mouth. He was moving her body on the bed lengthwise as he crawled between her legs. From our vantage point, we could see very clearly as he lifted and parted Stevie's beautiful legs, exposing her pussy and asshole. As he scooted forward and leaned over the nakedly spread girl, Ashleigh and I could see his balls and his prick hanging between his legs. I scooted up behind Ashleigh, and as her father's hand fumbled to steer his big cock towards the tiny pussy mouth of Stevie, I set the head of my prick at Ashleigh's cunt opening.

I could feel Ashleigh shake as we watched her father's prick begin to spread apart Stevie's pussy, slowly entering her cunt. At the same time I slowly began pushing inside of Ashleigh's body. I knew that she was lost in the fantasy that the prick entering her was her father's. She moaned very softly, but there was no danger of being heard, because Stevie was loudly groaning "Ohhhh Mr. Shroder, ohhh that feels sooooooo good!" He was also groaning as he felt Stevie's sweet pussy beginning to ripple up and down the invading shaft of his prick.

I timed my thrusts into Ashleigh with her fathers deep plunges into Stevie. We were both fucking the young girls thoroughly and they were both wet and moaning and acting like the cock hungry High School girl that every older man dreams about. I had been so focused upon watching Dick fucking Stevie and slipping in and out of Ashleigh's hot pussy as she watched her father that I had forgotten what I needed to do. As I continued to fuck Ashleigh, I was able to reach my shorts. I pulled the miniature camera out and as I began thrusting into Ashleigh's heated pussy once again, I silently took pictures of Mr. Shroder fucking Stevie. Though they were somewhat faced away from us, I was able to get several shots showing Stevie's face as well as Mr. Shroder's.

By this time, Stevie was either deeply into her role or else she had simply abandoned herself to the fuck. She was calling out for the man to fuck her with his big prick.
"Yes Mr. Shroder, fuck my little pussy. You're stretching it SOOOOOOOOOOOOO wide with your BIG Cock! Fuck me, Fuck me Mr. Shroder. OHHH, Ashleigh is so lucky to have you as her Daddy...OHHHHHHHHHHH...I can feel your cock reaching deep inside me. I've never been fucked like this, Mr. Shroder...uhhhhhh...you are SOO BIG!!!!"
I almost laughed, realizing that Stevie was playing her role. She had certainly been fucked like this! By ME! But I had instructed her to plant the seed in his mind of fucking his own daughter.

I shot the complete roll, the camera making no sound, one of the reasons I had bought it.
I dropped the camera and leaned over Ashleigh who was trying her hardest not to make any sound but was slamming her hips back against my invading cock. I reached under her and began tweaking her hanging nipples as Stevie became even louder, beginning to sob out her need for Mr. Shroder to fuck her harder. I was going to cum any second and I pinched Ashleigh's tits very tightly as I slammed deep inside her, holding my cock deeply buried in her. As I began flooding Ashleigh's young teen body with my cum, I continued listening to Stevie.

"Ohhh Mr. Shroder...I wish YOU were my daddy! Oh, I'd made sure that you fucked your little girl every day!! Ughhhhhhh, Oh that is sooo good...w-would you like that Mr. Shroder? I-If I were your l-little girl, w-would you...Oh SHIT...w-would you f-fuck me every d-day? Would you, Mr. S-Shroder...i-if I were your own little g-girl...AHHHHHHHHHRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHH!!!

As I continued hosing Ashleigh's pussy, Stevie began bouncing and bucking as Ashleigh's daddy began slamming inside of her.

His grunts and groans finally gave way to the spewing of obscene words as he fucked Stevie. "You little bitch...Oh you GORGEOUS little cunt!!! If you...OH Shit that feels good...if you were my little girl, you'd NEVER go to...uhhh...to school because I'd be FUCKING you all the time...YOU HEAR...DAMN, I'M GONNA CUM IN YOUR SWEET LITTLE CUNT!!!! HERE IT COMES LITTLE GIRL!!!!
Stevie began screaming out her cum as I pulled my softening prick from Ashleigh's well fucked pussy. She was breathing rapidly and softly moaning, but her eyes were on her father's prick which had disappeared deep inside Stevie.

I whispered in Ashleigh's ear, "Don't worry Honey, before long that will be YOU spread out on a bed with your daddy fucking his prick inside your sweet little cunt."
Ashleigh shuddered as she thought about her father fucking her, and I knew that she was extremely excited by the thought.

I slowly and gently shut the door. Ashleigh and I dressed quietly and let ourselves out of the room. I was looking forward to the final phase of my project to turn Ashleigh into a raging slut.

Chapter Ten

Dick was very pleasant as he asked me about school, how I had come to teach there, etc. In my dining room, there was plenty of room and a very nice view of the sunset out the picture window. I had lit candles, and it had been a very nice supper. Dick was dressed casual as was I in slacks and polo shirt.

Ashleigh was wearing a sleeveless grey jumper. She was striking in appearance, and had used makeup to make herself extremely attractive. Of course, I had instructed her to do so.

"You have a very nice house, Mr. Gee." Dick was making polite conversation. Ashleigh hadn't really said much as we feasted on rice pilaf, teriyaki chicken and steamed veggies. "I appreciate you inviting Ashleigh and I out for supper. Do you try to do that with all of your students and parents?"

I sipped my wine and said "No, only those students who are very special. And of course, Ashleigh is very special!" I said as I looked at her hotly. She really DID look incredible and my prick hovered between rock hard and semi stiff.

Her father looked at her warmly and said "Yes, she is. I'm very proud of her!" and he reached out and put his hand over hers. Ashleigh blushed in pleasure, murmuring "Oh Daddy!" as he patted her hand.

"For our entertainment, lets adjourn to the basement" I said, rising to my feet. Dick rose and followed me to the stairs. He didn't seem to notice the whiteness of Ashleigh's face as she silently rose and followed us. We went downstairs and Dick made a vacuous compliment on my nice "romper room". I invited him to set on the couch which I had strategically placed directly in front of the large screen TV. I told Ashleigh to set next to him. I noticed that her hands were trembling as she sat next to her father.
I wasn't sure what was going through her mind. However, as I looked at her I saw that her legs were pressed together and that she was very slowly and subtlety rubbing her thighs together. I smiled as I also noticed that her nipples were poking the front of her dress and quite visible. Though she was scared, Ashleigh was quite aroused.

Standing before them I smiled. "Mr. Shroder...Dick...I've been planning on tonight's entertainment for quite some time now. I admit that it is primarily for my own enjoyment, but I believe that you are going to receive a great deal of pleasure from what I have planned."

Shroder's smile lessened a bit as he sat by his hot ass daughter. He glanced at her questioningly, but she was just looking at me without moving or saying anything.

"Tonight's entertainment will happen over there" I said, waving towards the large bed against the opposite wall.

Shroder was no longer trying to politely smile. "What the hell are you talking about, Gee?" He said in a harsh voice.

I laughed. "Mr. Shroder, in the event that you don't want to help with tonight's entertainment, I have something which might cause you to reconsider."

He began to stand up, but I yelled loudly "Sit DOWN, Shroder!" I could tell that he was considering standing up and walking out so I continued.

"You see, in this state, Mr. Shroder, it is illegal for an adult male to enter into sexual activity with a female under the age of 18." I could see his face go pale as he quickly glanced at his daughter, undoubtedly afraid that she was going to hear about his little tryst with Stevie.

Turning to Ashleigh, I said "And just how old is Stevie, Ashleigh?"

Ashleigh whispered, "She is 16, Mr. Gee."

Using my remote, I clicked on the TV set. On the screen was a still shot of Shroder on top of Stevie, his hands holding her legs spread and back. But both of their faces very clearly indicated who it was. Shroder's expression was pure lust, and Stevie's face seemed to register fear and terror, though we all knew better.

Shroder moaned and then without looking at her said "Oh Ashleigh, I-I'm sorry you had to see this. I-I don't' know what to say! Gee, you BASTARD!!"

I laughed out loud. "Shroder, you asshole! Ashleigh isn't shocked at this picture of you fucking Stevie. Do you know why?" I said feeling a thrill of sadistic pleasure at her squirming anxiety.
He just shook his head no as his mind was working out the details of the predicament he was in.

"Well, she isn't shocked because after she left you and Stevie at the pool, she didn't' return to the school. Instead she and I went to her room. Dick...next time you're gonna rape an illegal underage girl, you really should shut the door."

Shroder looked over at his daughter. "Ashleigh?" he said, but she wouldn't look at him. Her face was red and her breathing was rapid.

"That's right Dick, Ashleigh and I were watching from the doorway as you raped poor little Stevie!" I said.

He turned to me and snarled "I didn't rape her, she'd been throwing herself at me all day!"

I laughed loudly. "Of course she did. I told her too! And it’s true that you didn't force her. You fucked her very well, Dick. Except of course, in the eyes of the Law, you DID rape her. She isn't old enough to give her consent, therefore you are guilty of statutory rape, and I have the evidence."

Turning to Ashleigh, Shroder had sick eyes as he said "Ashleigh, I-I'm so sorry that you...that you had to see that."

Softly, I said "Yup, she sure did see it. She and I watched the whole thing before slipping away after you hosed Stevie. But we watched from the floor, Dick. Do you know what we were doing while we watched you slamming your prick up that poor defenseless girl?"

I could see the instant that Dick began to put it together. He was completely stunned, and I knew that he was in denial.

"Dick, your little girl was kneeling on the carpet on all fours while she watched her daddy fucking Stevie. And can you guess where her swim suit was? Can you, Dick?" I was having a great time watching the stunned man sitting next to his gorgeous daughter.

"Ashleigh, tell your Daddy where your swim suit was while you were kneeling on the floor watching him fuck your blonde friend!"

We could barely hear her, but Ashleigh said "O-on the f-floor!" as she closed her eyes to shut out the sight of her father looking at her.

"Yup Dick! She wasn't wearing anything. Your little girl was completely naked, and I can tell you that the sight of your daughter naked is enough to drive a man crazy with lust." I stopped and looked at him saying "but of course, you already know about your daughters naked body, don't you...DICK!"
Neither said anything as I ran though the stills of the slides I had taken of Dick fucking the shit out of Stevie. Ashleigh was almost hyperventilating as I finished, and I could see that her nipples were swollen hugely. I knew that her panties were undoubtedly soaked.

"Now Mr. Shroder, I don't want to be unreasonable. I'm willing to destroy all of these slides and pictures. There are two conditions for my cooperation. The first is that I want you to transfer a half a million from one of your offshore accounts into a Swiss numbered account in my name. My latest investigation indicated that you are worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $40 million, so what I'm asking for is very reasonable. Are you in agreement to this first condition, Mr. Shroder?

He was thinking about it. He hadn't become wealthy because he was stupid, and he thought about the cost of this getting out. He figured he'd spend three times that amount on legal fees alone, much less the thought of becoming a social pariah.

Coolly, he said "Very well, Mr. Gee. I agree to your first condition. However, you will have to sign an agreement to never divulge or let be divulged these pictures or tapes. If it gets out, the money returns to me with interest and I'll see that you are prosecuted for extortion. Now, what else do you want."

I could see why he was such a good businessman. Negotiations were his forte. He was in his element and his natural arrogance was asserting itself.

"The second condition is very simple, Dick. For the next four hours, you are going to dominate your daughter sexually. I know you're a domineering kind of bastard and I know that you have a letch for underage girls. I know that you've been aroused by your daughter's naked body. So you are going to degrade her. You will order her to do the most degrading and shameful things sexually. I want you to shoot your cum down her throat, to fuck her sweet little pussy, and I want you to bend her over and fuck her up her tight little ass."

He was stunned. Swallowing, he looked at Ashleigh. "I-I can't do that. I love my daughter, I would never rape her. NO, I won't do it!" He said firmly. I had to admire the bastards balls.

I smiled. "Well actually, I don't think that it would be rape. Perhaps it might be easier to convince you with a video review of some of the activities I've enjoyed with your daughter. You see, while you were porking the sweet defenseless Stevie, your daughter was watching you on all fours, and I was behind her enjoying her body. In short, I was fucking her ass off!"

Shroder snarled "You Bastard"

I laughed out loud. "Oh you don't have to worry about it, I wasn't forcing her. The first few times I fucked her, of course, I had to use a bit of extrinsic motivation. You see, your daughter was a "good girl", as she called it. She resisted as much as possible. But it wasn't long before she accepted the truth. Because Dick, your little girl is a slut. She loves to be fucked by a hard cock, and she loves to suck me off and swallow my hot cum."

Dick started to rise "That's a lie, you son of a bitch!"

"Yeah, that's what I thought you'd say. But, I discovered that your 'good little girl' has a secret fantasy. And I think its time to let you in on the secret."

I clicked on the video switch and the still of Dick fucking Stevie went black. Then in full living color and loud sound a picture of the bed appeared. I was lying on my back, and Ashleigh's naked body was riding my prick. The camera angle was perfect for watching my thick prick disappear up into Ashleigh's bouncing body. It was an intensely erotic sight. But it was the sound that made Dick Shroder freeze to the couch.

Ashleigh was sobbing and moaning, but she was also pleading in an obscene voice, completely lost in her father fucking fantasy.

"Ohhhh Daddy...that feels soooo good...YES, Ohhhh, play with my titties, Daddy. Pinch them hard, Daddy...uhhhhhhhh...I'm sorry for being such a bad...ohhhh...little girl, Daddy. You can do...OHHHHHH, anything you want to me." She was wailing away and Dick's eyes were huge as he watched his beautiful daughter fucking herself shamelessly.

Ashleigh's head was hanging, her feet drawn up to her chest, her arms around her legs, and she was softly sobbing as her father watched the video of her fucking me.

As we watched Ashleigh bucking up and down on my prick, her beautiful long hair whipping about and her tits being pulled by my fingers, she looked like the star in a porno flick. And she definitely sounded like one.

As we watched, I released one of her tits, and we could see my hand move around behind her cupping her flexing ass cheeks.

On the tape Ashleigh shrieked and stammered, "Ohhhh Daddy, are you...are you going to...to put your finger i-in my BOTTOM??? Ohhhh YES Daddy. T-That's so dirty...DO IT, DADDY...put your fin...ARGHHHHHHHHHH" The beautiful young teenager began sobbing and screaming as we watched my finger probing and beginning to worm inside her lewdly exposed asshole, just above where my prick was held inside the tightly stretched lips of her pussy.

It was then that she began convulsing in orgasm. On tape, I began shouting out as I started pumping my cum inside her while my finger was to the palm up in her asshole.

I froze the image. Ashleigh's back was arched, her head thrown back, her eyes screwed shut and her mouth open in a soundless scream. One of her tits was pulled out and I was pinching her nipple, having pulled it away from her chest. My other hand was between her asscheeks, a finger compltely buried inside her rectum. It was a beautifully obscene image of a girl lost in sexual enthrallment.

"You see, Mr. Shroder, Ashleigh has harbored the desire to have her daddy fuck her for a long time now. Tonight's entertainment is as much for her pleasure as mine. She is very ashamed of that fantasy, quite humiliated by it. Of course, she didn't know about any of this, and I am sure that she is mortified...but I'm also betting that she is completely aroused at the thought. Ashleigh, stand up and come here." My voice was calm, but my heart was pounding.

Without looking at her father, the beautiful Ashleigh stood and walked over to me. I turned her to face her father and pulled her back against me.

"Kick off your sandals, Ashleigh" I quietly ordered her as my arms slipped around her waist. I pressed my hips to hers pushing my hardening prick against the sweet swell of her ass.

"Ashleigh, I'm going to take your clothes off. I'm going to make you naked in front of your daddy. Don't close your eyes. Look at him. Look him in the eye as he watches your body being undressed." I kissed her on the side of the neck gently, enjoying her perfume and the sweet caress of her thick hair on the side of my face. I pushed her hair to one side, and unsnapped her dress, pulling her zipper down. I watched Mr. Shroder's white face as he looked his daughter up and down.

I pushed her dress off her shoulders, down her body and worked it over her hips to pool at her feet, leaving the gorgeous girl standing before her father in just bra and panties.
I again wrapped my hands around her waist. This time I moved my hands up and cupped her bra-encased breasts. I could see Dick's eyes watching my hands as I began tweaking and gently pinching the silky nylon covering her swollen nipples. Ashleigh's body was shaking.

"Ashleigh, look between your daddy's legs. See what your body is doing to him?"

Mr. Shroder's face turned red as he tried to cover the growing hard-on in his pants. Ashleigh gasped and her body shuddered. I knew that she was losing control of her body's desire for her father.

"Your daddy has a hard prick for you, Ashleigh. Looking at your body makes him want to fuck you! But that's OK with you, isn't it? Because your body is ready. Your little nipples are all itchy and swollen aren't they, Ashleigh?"

The beautiful girl blushed in shame.

"But the real test will be checking your panties and seeing hot wet you are." Slowly, one hand moved down her belly. I noticed that her father was watching that hand as it slipped under her panties. Ashleigh began softly sobbing and closed her eyes.

I stopped and said "Ashleigh, don't close your eyes. Look at your Daddy. Tonight he is your Master, and you will do whatever he tells you. And you will look in his face at all times." She obediently opened her eyes and with shame all over her face, looked into her father’s eyes.

I pushed my hand into her panties, and teased her pussy lips before plunging one finger inside. Ashleigh was more wet than I could ever remember her being.

I pulled my finger out of her panties and held it up between them. It was very wet from her juices, and it glistened in the light. Smiling I said "I do believe that Ashleigh is horny for her Daddy!" I chuckled for a second.

"Ashleigh, tell your Daddy that you love him." I said to her as I put the wet finger in my mouth, licking her juices.

Ashleigh took a deep breath and shakily said "Daddy...I do love you...very much."
My hands went behind Ashleigh's back and I unsnapped her bra, holding the straps.
"That was good. Now we're going to let your father look at your naked tits. I want you to tell your daddy that you want him to play with your titties, to suck your nipples and do anything that he wants with them. Now, tell him!" I whispered into her ear. She was aroused enough that I knew that she would not resist me.

Ashleigh let out a little sob. "Daddy...I-I want you to t-touch my titties. And Daddy, I want you to lick them and to suck on them...and OH DADDY...I want you to do anything you want with them." Ashleigh was speaking though her sobs. She was deeply humiliated and I knew that the war inside was being lost, that her sexual nature was consuming her.
I released her bra and it fell to the floor at her feet. Dick's eyes immediately went to his daughters naked tits. I cupped and squeezed them as he watched.

"Damn Dick, your daughter sure had nice little titties. Of course, I've been sucking and playing with them all semester, but I just don't get tired of playing with them." I saw a glint of anger in his eyes for just a second, but it quickly passed.
He wasn't really listening to me, he was focused on the sight of his daughter being molested as he watched.

"Well, I'm just afraid you're going to catch your death of cold unless I get you out of those wet panties." I knelt behind her and slowly pulled her panties down. I was looking at the beautiful flesh of her ass. Damn, she was gorgeous. I knew that her father was watching her pussy, and knew he was shocked that she was clean shaven with a bald pussy.
"Baby, I want you to lean forward and let your sweet titties hang for your daddy. Put your hands on your knees and move your legs apart."
Ashleigh had been conditioned to obedience, and slowly, she leaned forward and put her hands on her knees, arching her back.

"And don't forget to look in your fathers eyes Ashleigh." I said as I put my hands on the backs of her thighs. I hadn't planned on doing anything to the girl, but she was so damn gorgeous, and her ass was in front of me like a spread feast. I couldn't resist.

With joy in my heart, I buried my face between Ashleigh's spread cheeks licking through her wet pussy lips and rimming out her anus.

She couldn't suppress the moan of joy as I licked her intimate flesh over and over.

"Damn you, stop doing that to my daughter!" I heard Dick growl.

Pulling my mouth from her sensitive flesh, I laughed "What's wrong Daddy, are you jealous?" I quickly licked up and down her pussy and anal crease and then stood up. Seeing her father watching, I placed my hand between her ass cheeks and slipped a finger inside of her pussy, beginning to finger fuck her. I knew that Ashleigh was trying not to respond or make any noise.

"Dick, your daughter is a good girl. Now she's a slut, and I intend to continue using her, but she is good of heart, and she loves you." Dick was watching my hand moving rhythmically behind his daughters ass which was beginning to move. He looked at her firm, heavy tits which were slowly swinging.

"So, I'm turning her over to you. You tell her what to do, because that's her fantasy. If you're smart, you'll treat her like the special girl she is and fuck her until she passes out. That's what she wants, and despite your own pretensions, I'm confident that is your wish as well." I then made Ashleigh stand. I turned her, taking her in my arms and kissing her deeply as her father watched. She looked into my eyes and I could see that she felt affection and gratitude.

Releasing her, I said "Ashleigh, for the next four hours, I will not be your Master. You are the property of your father. You will do anything he wants. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes Sir, I understand" she said submissively.

"Very well, now I want you to go and kneel before him and wait on him to tell you what to do."

Ashleigh turned and walked to her father. She knelt with her knees wide spread so that her pussy was spread and accessible. Looking into her father’s eyes, she lifted her arms and laced her fingers behind her back, arching her back, making her tits stand up proudly.
I walked over to a stuffed chair and sat down to watch the fun.
Ashleigh and her father were whispering back and forth. Dick looked at me a couple of times as they talked. Ashleigh didn't move, but remained in the submissive position, widespread and open to whatever her father wanted to do to her. And then there was no more talking. They were looking at one another. I saw Ashleigh's mouth move as she whispered something to her father.

He reached his hand out and stroked her cheek. Ashleigh continued looking at him but she moved her mouth to capture one of his fingers. He let her do so and she suckled his finger as she submissively knelt before him, her ripe young body spread and exposed to her father's hot eyes.

He pulled his finger from her mouth and slowly dragged it down her chin and down her neck over her throat. And then Ashleigh's father was cupping one of her firm tits in his hand as she remained kneeling before him. Her lips parted and she gasped as his fingers began working her teen flesh. His eyes were on her tit as Ashleigh softly gasped and whimpered from the touch of her father’s hand. He reached with his other hand and cupped her other tit. Ashleigh whimpered a bit louder as he worked on his daughter's naked flesh.

Releasing his daughter's bouncy tits, Dick leaned forward and took her face in his hands. He pressed his mouth to hers. He was gentle and Ashleigh closed her eyes, returning her father’s kiss. As he kissed her, her father's hands moved off her cheeks again, one playing with a tit and the other moving down her belly.

Ashleigh groaned loudly as her father's hand slipped between her widespread thighs and cupped her sopping wet pussy. She continued to kiss him, even as she ground her hips against his hand. I knew that her father was fingering her sweet little cunt. Finally, he broke the kiss. Ashleigh was sobbing and groaning and her father loudly whispered "DAMNNNNNN!"

He stood up, pulling Ashleigh to her feet. She slipped her arms around him as he kissed her again. I watched his hands moving to cup and squeeze her ass. Ashleigh was squirming and wiggling against her father with her naked body. I don't remember her being so horny before.

Her father suddenly stopped kissing her. Bending down, he slipped his arms behind her back and thighs and swept her young naked body up in his arms. Ashleigh shrieked in surprise, but then cried out "Oh Daddy" contentedly as he carried her naked body to the bed, depositing her on the firm mattress.

He reached up to start unbuttoning his shirt, but then stopped, grinning as he looked at her. I was almost amused at the lust on his face. He had accepted the situation, recognized that Ashleigh had indeed wanted him sexually, and had made a quick decision.

"Little Ashleigh slut, you need to undress your daddy. Make me naked just like you, Ashleigh!" And he stood smiling at her expectantly.

Ashleigh flushed, but she quickly climbed from the bed. Her hands went to her daddy's shirt and she quickly unbuttoned it, pulling it from his slacks. She pushed it off his shoulders, revealing his chest which had some light grey hair. He kicked his loafers off, and Ashleigh knelt slavishly to pull off his socks.

With relish, she attacked his slacks, undoing his belt, snap and zipper, pulling his slacks down and helping him step out of them.

Her father's briefs were tented quite impressively. Ashleigh had learned how to treat a male cock and with a groan she leaned forward, opening her mouth and surrounding the brief covered protrusion of his prick. Dick gasped and groaned as he felt his daughters mouth beginning to suck and wet the material that was holding his prick. I watched one of her hands move up his inner thigh, and her fingers slipped under the legband of his briefs.
Dick gritted his teeth "Ohhh DAMNNNNNN" as Ashleigh's fingers found her fathers balls and began gently dragging her nails over the surface of them.

I was watching Ashleigh's sweet ass as she worked on her daddy. From time to time I got a peek at her cute little asshole nestled between her gorgeous buns as well as a nice view of her moist pussy slit. I was getting horny, and I began peeling off my clothes as I sat in the chair.

After several minutes of orally making love to her father’s covered prick, Ashleigh sat back on her heels, looking up at her father. "What do you want to do to me first, Daddy?" she asked in a husky, incredibly sexy voice.

Dick was pretty aroused, and he said "Up on the bed on all fours, Ashleigh. Daddy's gonna fuck your sweet ass!"

I smiled, knowing that I would have chosen her asshole myself. Ashleigh had developed into quite a little anal slut, and she had learned to squeeze certain muscles to make her rectum tightly ripple up and down an invading prick.

I was now naked and sitting in the chair. I selected a button on the remote and clicked it. Ashleigh's voice came from the speakers encouraging her "daddy" to fuck her. I had made a video of highlights from Ashleigh's fucking sessions, and had set them up to loop. I looked at the bed, and Dick had turned his daughter to face the screen. He was watching it intently, but his mouth was buried behind his nakedly kneeling daughter, licking her cunt and asshole.

Ashleigh's eyes were heavy lidded as she watched the video of her fucking while she slowly moaned from having her pussy and ass licked. At last, she closed her eyes and buried her head in her arms, her hair fanned out on the bed. She was sobbing and groaning as her daddy licked her. I watched him stand, shoving his briefs down and move up behind the gorgeously sensual girl, his hand wrapped around his thickly erect prick.
Ashleigh squealed but shoved back as her father pressed his shaft against the rosette of her asshole. It didn't take a long time for him to bury his prick inside of her rectum.

Sobbing, Ashleigh bleated "Ohhhh Dadddyyy, that feels so good. UGGGHHHHHH, you're so big, Daddy!" and then she could no longer make words. She surrendered herself and became the servile female who was kneeling widely spread, completely exposed and mounted by a male. And though the sheer physical pleasure of fucking was enough to lead her to orgasm, it was the taboo thought that it was her own father who was mounted upon her that gave her such wickedly delicious sensations.

Dick was watching the video, listening to Ashleigh's voice pleading voice over the speakers as I pretended to be her daddy. His hips were moving slowly, pulling almost out of his young daughter, and then slowly sliding inside her obscenely offered anus. His hands were tightly clasping her naked hips.

I was watching his face when the video changed to show Stevie tied up on the bed. As he watched his daughter's naked body come into the scene, his fucking stopped for a second, his prick soaking in the heated depths of her rectum. Ashleigh slowly raised her head and looked at the scene, so into being fucked by her father that she had the appearance of a drunk trying to focus on something.

Whimpering in shame, Ashleigh cried out "Ohhhhh Daddy, d-don't' look.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" And as they watched Ashleigh wildly licking the bound and exposed Stevie on the video, Ashleigh's father began fucking his daughter again. Only he was moving faster and slamming harder into her open asshole, the sound of flesh slapping on flesh loud in my basement.

On the video, I had kneeled behind Ashleigh and was fucking her as she kept her mouth buried in Stevie's pussy, licking madly.

If Ashleigh was afraid that her father would be grossed out, she had nothing to fear. The sight of his daughter eating out Stevie while I fucked her was obviously quite stimulating to the older man. He was loudly grunting each time he slammed his thick shaft in and out of his daughter. Ashleigh could tell that he was excited as well, and the level of noise between the two of them had intensified.

I realized I was holding my breath, and I relaxed at the very moment that Dick slammed inside of Ashleigh's ass, and holding himself tight against her ass cheeks, he threw his head back and shouted out as his balls began sending his sperm up through his fuck tube to explode inside the anal chute of his little girl.

Feeling her Daddy's hot cream blasting inside her rectum made Ashleigh cum as well, and I loved the sound of father and daughter enjoying a mutual orgasm.

Dick, still holding Ashleigh's hips, collapsed onto the bed, turning them on their sides. Ashleigh pulled his arm around her, putting his hand on her breast as they watched the video while recovering. I heard Dick gasp when Stevie and Ashleigh traded places.
I was about to get things moving by ordering them to fuck when Ashleigh turned to face her father.

"D-Daddy, do you want me to clean your...your penis?" She asked as she blushed. Though he had just fucked her, she was still not used to using sexually explicit language with her dad.

Dick didn't say anything, but rolled onto his back, looking at his daughter expectantly.
Ashleigh knelt beside her father, taking his prick in her hand. She leaned over and took his prick into her wet mouth, though it had just come out of her rectum. Dick was obviously stunned, but he closed his eyes and groaned as Ashleigh began sucking her father's semi-hard prick.

As I watched, Dick's hand reached behind his daughter. She moved her legs apart as his hand slid up the back of her thighs. I had a great view as I watched Ashleigh's father cover her pussy with his hand, one of his fingers pressing between her sopping wet pussy lips to slide deep inside his daughter's cunt.

Ashleigh moaned, and then Dick moaned. For five minutes they groaned and moaned as Ashleigh's daddy fingered her sweet little pussy and she began stroking his hardening prick as she licked and sucked it.

I enjoyed watching Ashleigh. She was living her dream, finally able to satisfy her father in a way that also gave her much physical and emotional pleasure. She was greedily slurping his prick head as her hand whipped up and down her father's prick.

Dick pulled his hand from between her legs and put his hands on her head. He took handfuls of her hair and was helping her by pulling and pushing her head up and down over his prick, her mouth a hot, moist vacuum. He began bellowing, and thrust his hips up while pulling Ashleigh's head down. She didn't struggle, having learned to take a mans prick into her throat.

Dick began sending spurt after spurt of his cum inside his daughter's sucking mouth, and Ashleigh swallowed all of his cum as his spurts became just weak dribbles, and finally stopped.

Ashleigh continued licking and sucking her father for another five minutes, kneeling naked and slavishly suckling his shaft. He lay still for several minutes, but then I could tell that he was beginning to recover.
Ashleigh pulled her mouth off of her father's erect prick, sitting back on her heels as she felt up and down its length. She lifted her leg and straddled her father's thighs, her heavy breasts swinging over him as she sat on his upper thighs, her hand wrapped around his prick.

"Daddy, let me do all the work. You just lie back and relax" Ashleigh said, a smile on her face. She was obviously in heaven, finally having the experience of fucking her daddy.

"Wait, Ashleigh, uh...do you have...well, I mean...what about protection?"

The smile left Ashleigh's face. She looked down at her father and said "Daddy, men and boys have been fucking me all semester and...well, none of them have made me pregnant. But Daddy, if anyone is going to make a baby inside of me...I want it to be you, Daddy! If your cum make a baby inside of me, then that's fine with me.”

Just then, the video switched again. Dick's eyes opened widely as Frank and Randy carried a bound Ashleigh into view. Of course, there was a hood over her head, but that was quickly removed.

Ashleigh smiled and said "It's OK Daddy. They were...friends." Ashleigh glanced at me and I smiled. She wanted to protect her father from the truth.

Ashleigh leaned forward, her tits hanging down until they brushed her fathers chest. Dick closed his eyes but put his hands on his daughter's shoulders. Her hand lifted his thick swollen shaft upwards and she moved her spread hips over it. I had a perfect view and watched as his prick head made contact with her thickly swollen pussy lips, pushing them aside and disappearing inside the cunt of his beautiful daughter. They both groaned as inch after inch of her father's prick probed the wet interior of his daughter's cunt for the very first time.

Ashleigh seemed to collapse as she sobbed loudly, impaling herself on the last inch of her father's cock groaning out, "Daddeeeee". It was deep inside her body now, and Ashleigh was quietly shaking and sobbing as she held herself like a sacrificial offering, stuck on her own father's big prick.

"I love you, baby!" I heard Dick say to his teenage daughter.

"Ohhh Daddy, I love you to!!' She cried out.

Ashleigh slowly lifted her hips, arching her back as Dick's prick reappeared, this time coated with his daughter's pussy juice. When she shoved her hips down again, the loud wet, liquid sound was very discernible. Dick's eyes were open as he watched the video as two college back men manhandled his daughter. His hands moved between them and he began squeezing her ripe breasts as she continued to slowly fuck him.
I stood from the chair and slowly walked to the bed. Dick looked at me but continued to thrust up into his daughter as she rode him, her knees on each side of his hips. Using the remote I fast forwarded to the part where Ashleigh had been placed on top of Frank just like she was with her Father. Dick looked at the TV as Randy climbed behind Ashleigh and began feeding his prick into her asshole. The two boys began double fucking the beautifully writhing girl.

I smiled as I climbed on the bed between their legs, my hands moving to Ashleigh's ass.
Ashleigh's fantasy had come true, she was being fucked by her Daddy. But my fantasy was now going to come true. In the beginning I had dreamed of turning this "good little girl" into my fuck slut, and the ultimate slutty act would be for her to commit incest with her father while having her ass fucked by someone else...me!

I held Ashleigh's hips as my throbbing prick slipped between her ass cheeks.

Ashleigh had been blissfully unaware of anything but the sheer pleasure of fucking her father. She stopped for a second as she felt my hands on her hips, looking around at me.
And it was in that instant that I felt the greatest pleasure. Ashleigh's eyes were clouded with passion, her mouth half open as she wet her lips. Her hair was somewhat disheveled, and she was the very epitome of the cock crazed whore that I had wanted her to become.
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she cried out as I began worming my prick up her asshole.

"Ohh Dadddddddyyyyyy" she wailed. "He's...uhhhh, he's fucking my bottom! Oh DADDDDDDDDDDDDYYYYYY" she screamed as I buried myself inside her asshole.

"Shhhh Baby, it will be all right" Dick said as Ashleigh collapsed on his chest, doubly impaled by two large pricks. Dick kissed his daughters wet mouth as we waited for her body to adjust to the pressure of two adult male pricks impacted inside her wet flesh.
After a minute, I slowly pulled out and then shoved back in. Ashleigh was groaning and grunting, but her sounds of discomfort rapidly turned to sounds of arousal as her father too began thrusting his cock deep up inside her body as we buffeted the beautiful young girl between us.

The sounds of her being doubly fucked on the video by the two black men were replicated in the basement. Ashleigh was extremely wet as she began a series of orgasms that wracked her body, making her scream unintelligible sounds as her father and I enjoyed her tender young body.

"Come on Dick, let's hose your daughter! Fuck your daughter, Daddy!" I hoarsely shouted.

It was loud in the basement from the video and all of the groaning and screaming coming from the bed.

Ashleigh's asshole was rippling up and down my pistoning prick shaft as I fucked her as hard as I ever had. I could feel her father's prick also wildly thrusting up into her cunt, our prick's separated by the thin sheet of tissue that separated her rectum from her pussy canal.

It became a pride thing between us. I didn't want to cum before Dick did. So we both worked at being the last to hose Ashleigh's body. Which only meant that the beautiful girl continued being overwhelmed by massive orgasms. I knew she would have bruises later, but I didn't care at the moment, and I suspect her father didn't either.

With a hoarse cry, Dick began cumming. I could feel his prick spasming as he began pumping his cream inside his daughter's cunt. Ashleigh went crazy, almost bucking me off as she screamed wildly. That pushed me over the edge and as her father was spraying white hot sperm up her pussy, I erupted inside her asshole and we flooded the sweet assed bitch even as her screams died and I felt her body relaxing under me. I smiled as I realized that we had fucked her senseless, making the girl pass out.

Wearily, I climbed off Ashleigh's worn out body. I slowly walked over to the shower and quickly rinsed off. By the time I finished and was drying off, I could see that Ashleigh had regained consciousness. She and her father were kissing deeply, their naked bodies still plastered against one another. Her father's hands were on her ass, squeezing and toying with her naked flesh.

I checked that the video equipment that had been recording this evening events was still running, and went back upstairs for a snack. If they wanted to spend the night, that was fine with me, but I was hungry and worn out.


For the next two nights, Ashleigh and her father came to my house for dinner. Each evening, Stevie came with them. Since everything was pretty well out in the open, I decided to indulge myself. When they arrived, I ordered the girl's to strip naked, and made them stay that way all evening. Dick and I kept our clothes on throughout dinner.
It was somewhat distracting having these two gorgeous teenage schoolgirls serving us dinner in the nude. My dining room table was glass, and as we ate dinner, the girl's bodies were on display. We quickly fell into a Master/Slave kind of role playing and the two of us ordered the young girls around.

We also took liberty with their naked bodies. Of course, we kissed them oftentimes. But we also played with their titties, softly pinching their hard nipples, sometimes feasting on their tits, biting and licking their hardened nubs. As they would fill our glasses or give us one of the meal's courses, we'd also slip our hands behind them, caressing their ass or fingering their wet little pussies.

After dinner, I had them clear the table. Then we carefully arranged the naked girls on the table in the classic 69 position. The table length was just right as the two girls began to lick and suck one another's pussy's. Dick and I slowly removed our clothes as the girls lost themselves in licking and being licked. At the same time, Dick and I stepped up to the table and presented our pricks to the mouths and cunts in front of us. The girl's licked our pricks, making us very wet, and then at the same time, guided our cocks into the other girl's pussy in front of their faces.

Dick fucked Stevie each evening, but not for very long. It was obvious that he was addicted to his daughter's pussy, wanting to finger it, lick it, or fuck it. Stevie and I didn't mind, for my sweet Stevie wanted me all to herself. She whispered in my ear that Ashleigh wasn't spending the night in her room, but had spent it in her daddy's room. Stevie told me that Ashleigh and her daddy had been very loud!

When Dick had to leave on Friday, he looked me up at the school, coming in and closing my office door. He grinned and said "Gee, you're a miserable son of a bitch and a complete pervert!"

I laughed and said "Dick, you daughter-fucking asshole, it's like looking in a mirror!"
He chuckled. "I've wired the money into the account you gave me. I hate being blackmailed, you SOB, but...in this case, I'm thinking its more like payment for services rendered. I never would have tried to do anything with Ashleigh, but its obvious that she wants me, and I admit that its the best sex I've ever had."

"Well Dick, I'm glad for you. I hope that you and Ashleigh will be happy." I stood and held out my hand. He shook it and left my office.

I sat at my desk thinking about all that had happened. I thought about the experiences I'd enjoyed, of the tremendous sex I'd had. But I also realized that the greatest joy I'd had was in the degrading of Ashleigh. Turning her for a somewhat sanctimonious "good little girl" into a whore who would spread her legs for any male was very satisfying, and forcing her into an incestual relationship with her father had been very enjoyable.

As I sat in my office, I decided that I'd work on Stevie's parents. I knew that I'd find some way to get control of them. I wouldn't tell them anything about our sexual relationship. I'd just convince them that becoming my wife would be the best thing for Stevie. That's what I wanted, for she was indeed my soul mate.

But I also decided that I was going to continue my "hobby" of degrading choice young women. There were still three girls I had a hold over who had cheated on the test. That was a starting place. And of course, having Ashleigh in my power helped. She and Stevie could find out information on their classmate or even get them in compromising situations for me to videotape. I knew that in the years ahead, I'd have my sweet Stevie at my side. And I also knew that there was going to be an unending stream of sweet, innocent "good girls" who were going to taste the forbidden fruit of sexual excess.
In addition, once these girls were completely broken down, I'd find uses for their new talent. I was sure that two of the five school board members were lechers. Having a gorgeous teen girl offer the use of their bodies was going to be more than they could resist. I knew that I was developing a taste for power, but I didn't care. I'd use my girls bodies to blackmail civic leaders, school administrators, and anyone else who would be able to give me power and wealth.

Deciding that I needed a bit of afternoon delight, I called the office and instructed them to send Stevie to my office immediately. As I waited I dreamed of things that had come to pass, and things to be.

The End

02-07-2012, 03:34 AM
Different, but interesting

02-11-2012, 05:41 PM
Very very hot. You should try and find more stories like these.

02-12-2012, 03:37 AM
I have 4 more by this author.

02-22-2012, 12:16 AM

02-29-2012, 07:27 AM
Wonderful story.

03-02-2012, 06:50 PM
Most interesting.... going to read the other

03-06-2012, 11:47 PM
Very very hot. You should try and find more stories like these.

Besides this story, Private School Degradation, there are several others here by the same author.


Shannon gets Shafted

Take off your dress

Pillar's Descent

and my favorite

Kristi's Family

Adrian Errik also wrote 2 other stories under the name of Adrian Errickson: "The Preachers Wife" and "Lois". This may have been his real name. Going to post these today.

I also beleive he later wrote four other stories under another name, TomGee. I beleive this because this name is the same as the Mr. Gee that is a character in some of his stories above and who appears in two of these stories. But mainly the themes and the writing is in my mind virtually the same. These are: "Crystals Realization", "Chrystinas Revalation", "Della" and "Wifely Secret".

I will be posting these 4 stories over the next few weeks so you, can decide for yourselves if its the same guy. Id be interested in your opinion if its the same author.

09-19-2013, 12:53 PM
TomGee, who may also be an alt of Adrian Errik, wrote these 4 stories also, posted on this site here in the stories from the Net site.

Della - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31595-Della?p=467335&highlight=#post467335

Chrystinas Revalation - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31594-Chrystina-s-Revelation

Crystals Realization - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31440-Crystal-s-Realization

Wifely Secret - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31778-Wifely-Secret?p=469066&highlight=#post469066

11-17-2013, 10:24 AM
is the best that has been written

11-19-2013, 05:14 AM
Fantastic Good story

11-19-2013, 05:17 AM

10-22-2015, 02:16 PM
Great story, very hot! Bumped for more readers, this is good stuff!