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12-26-2011, 12:26 PM
Kristi's Family
by Adrian Errik

Chapter One

Kristi woke from a sound sleep as she felt the covers being whipped off her warm body.

"D-Daddy?" she whispered as she spied a large shadow hovering over her in the darkness.

Hands grabbed her arms, pulling her upwards and dragging her from her bed as a low, gravelly voice said "Nope, but you're going to see him in a minute."

Kristi stumbled to her feet, the cool air washing over her body. She was wearing panties and her nightie, which came to just below the rounded mounds of her ass. Terror had grabbed her, and she could barely breathe.

"Shit girl, you've got one Hell of a body," the stranger said as he looked at Kristi's body in the moonlight streaming in her window.

On the verge of tears, the pretty High School Cheerleader whimpered, "W-Who ARE you? What d-do you want?"

She felt a large hand pressing against her lower back, pushing her towards the door.

"You'll find out soon enough, kid," the man said gruffly as Kristi stumbled barefoot across her carpet and out into the dimly lit hallway. Down the hallway she hurried. Quickly glancing behind her, Kristi saw the man following. She felt a chill of fear when she saw that his hard eyes were staring hungrily at her behind. She was afraid for herself, but was also becoming concerned for the rest of her family.

Kristi froze in the doorway of the den, the man behind her now pressing against her as his hands tightly gripped her arms. She stood and stared open mouthed at the scene before her. Her older sister Erica was sitting on the couch next to her father, her face red from crying. Erica was also wearing her nightie and panties, and her naked legs were tightly pressed together. Her father had a large red spot on his cheek which was beginning to turn dark as he sat still, his hands opening and closing on the material of the couch. He was only wearing his boxer shorts, the thick hair on his chest very visible.

But what drew her attention was the activities happening on the pool table. Kristi's eyes were wide open as she watched her mother, Erin. Erin was on the table flat on her back. And she was absolutely NAKED!

Her head was whipping back and forth, her hair wildly tossing as she moaned, "Ohhh god, NOOO. Don't...oh please Stop this...don't do this in front of my husband...Oh NOOO, DON'T!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Her mother was mewling, sobbing and screaming because of the two men who were abusing her body. She almost passed out as she saw that one man was holding Erin's legs wide apart and his head was buried between her legs. He was LICKING HER!!

Stunned, Kristi saw that the other man had one of her mother’s breasts in his mouth as he leaned over the table. He was obviously suckling her. Kristi saw his other hand squeezing her other breast, his fingers plucking and tweaking her mother's dark, hardened nipples.

Involuntarily, Kristi tried to take a step backwards. But she only pressed herself against the hard, muscled body of the man behind her. Immediately, she felt the hardness of his cock pressing between her bottom cheeks. She shrieked and tore from his hands, leaping forward and running to her father.

She sat by her father as closely as possible. But he was almost catatonic as he watched the ravishing of his wife.

Besides the man who had awoken Kristi and the two men who were raping her mother, there was one other man in the room. He was a tall black man and he was carrying a gun.

"Well, now that the whole family is here, I guess we can go over the ground rules for our weekend together. Bill and Bob, why don't you let Mrs. Winters have a little rest for a minute while we visit." The man was calm and completely self possessed.

Kristi was numb as she looked at her mother. The man suckling her breasts reluctantly lifted his mouth. Kristi could see light glistening from her mother’s wet nipple. The man who had been sucking her between her legs lifted his head, making a smacking sound with his lips.

"Damn, this slut’s got a sweet tasting cunt. You have to give it a try, Tom!" He said as he stood looking down at Erin's naked body sprawled on the pool table. Kristi turned a bright red hearing the man talk about her mother that way.

Tom chuckled. "Yeah, she looks like a sweet piece of ass. Don't worry; we'll all get our fill of her before the weekend. Or maybe I should say we'll all get to fill her!"

The men all laughed as Kristi and Erica shrank closer to their father, who seemed to be rooted to the spot.

Erin was still shaking and shuddering, taking in huge lungfuls of air as her body attempted to recover. Though she was not a virgin when she married her husband, she had only had two boyfriends before, and since then she had been faithful to Roger. She had been content with their sex life. But having two strangers doing the most horribly obscene things to her body didn't disgust her as she had imagined. Instead, she had found that her body had exploded with sexual heat. "My god," she thought, "I acted like a complete whore!"

Tom continued speaking. "Now that we have sweet cheeks one and two here, we can get ready to party. Kristi and Erica, before we brought you here we had a long talk with your parents. They've agreed to cooperate with us. You might wonder why your dear daddy is just sitting there while Bill and Bob played with your naked mother."

Kristi stole a quick glance at her father, noting the set of his jaw. She knew that he was struggling to maintain his anger.

"Well, let's just say that we've been able to convince him of our way of thinking. Of if you prefer the truth, we told him that if he cooperated with us this weekend, that when we leave on Sunday night, we will leave you alive." Tom spoke so matter of fact that it took a couple of seconds for the import of his words to sink in.

She gasped and heard Erica gasp as well.

"You see, if your father tries to disarm us, if he doesn't do exactly what we say in the way that we want, then we will kill him. Now your old man is brave and it would be worth him to risk his life to try and stop us. But if we have to kill your father, then we will kill you and your mother as well. Simply put, your father has to stay alive in order for you to stay alive. Do you girls understand what I'm saying?" Tom stopped looking at each of the girls.

Kristi numbly nodded her head.

"Let me tell you what is going to happen. As you can see, your mother is naked. What you didn't see is that your father made her that way. He stripped her and then he picked her up and put her on the table for Bill and Bob to go to work on."

Kristi looked at her father and saw the rage and shame portrayed on his face. She knew that it was true, and her heart went out to him. She could imagine how difficult it had been for him.

"In a couple of minutes we're going to let Bill and Bob have round two with Mom. After they do a little fuck and suck with her, then we're going to find out just how sweet you two little bitches are. And guess what? Daddy's going to help us get YOU ready too!"

Erica was sobbing and Kristi could hardly believe this was happening. Again she looked at her father and saw that his face was devoid of emotion. She realized that he was attempting to be brave and strong, and his example gave her just a bit of courage.

Kristi's mother had curled up into a ball on the table, lying on her side as Tom had been speaking. As Kristi watched, Bill and Bob began stripping out of their clothes. She tried not to look, but curiosity overcame her.

She knew that she was blushing as Bob's jeans were pushed down his legs. A tiny gasp escaped her lips as she saw that he wore no underwear. She could see the trim muscles of his ass and legs, realizing that he was very well built.

Kristi was shocked to feel a gradual swelling in her bra as her body began pumping blood to her nipples, causing them to swell and tingle.

Bob was facing them and had bent over, pushing his jeans down his legs. When he stood up, Kristi saw her very first adult male cock. She couldn't help staring, transfixed by the sight! His shaft was fully erect, sticking upwards at a 45 degree angle. The cap of his cock flared out and was a purple color, with a tiny piss slit in the end.

Under the gently bobbing shaft were two dark brown sacks covered with hair. Kristi was almost too terrified to realize that looking at the man's cock and balls was creating a stirring between her legs, a stickiness developing just inside her pussy lips.

Kristi wasn't a virgin, but she was very inexperienced, having only made out in dark cars with a boyfriend who had only fucked her once, barely penetrating her before shooting his boyish cum inside her body. She had not allowed him to do it again.

The two naked men were now stroking their pricks as they approached the pool table and Kristi's naked mother lying there.

"How do you want to ball her?” Bob asked.

"Let's put her on her back. I'll take her mouth and you can fuck her cunt," Bill replied with a grin.

"Fine by me," Bob replied.

Erin whimpered piteously as the two men grabbed her arms and legs, moving her to the end of the table and pushing her onto her back. Erin's head was now hanging off the table, her long blonde hair hanging almost to the floor.

Bill stepped up to Erin's head, taking her hair in his hands and swinging his hips to slap the hot flesh of his cock against her cheek. Again and again, he slapped Erin's face with his cock, grinning sadistically.

"P-please don't...please stop!!" she whimpered.

"Come on, bitch, open your mouth and swallow my prick. I've got a load of cream I'm just dying to shoot down your throat!"

Erin kept her mouth shut, moaning "Noooo!" as she tried to pull her head from his grip. Kristi saw that Bob had climbed on the table and was moving up between her mother’s parted legs, his hands grabbing her knees and separating her legs.

Tom said "Maybe you'd rather we just put a bullet through your daughter's head?" He walked over to the couch and pulled Erica to her feet. Erica was sobbing wildly as the man pulled her towards him, spinning her around to face her mother as he ground his crotch into her ass. Kristi glanced at the fourth man, the one who had rousted her from bed, and saw that he had a shotgun and was covering her father.

The loud sound of a hammer cocking on Tom's pistol caused everyone to freeze for an instant.

"NOOOO," Erin cried out. "Leave her alone. Please don't hurt my baby! I-I'll do it. Just don't hurt her!" She was looking at the man holding her daughter, pleading in her eyes.

Tom was angry. "I'm tired of your shit! You're a whore, you and your slut daughters. You're good for only one thing, and that's being a hole for guys to fuck. So get it through your stupid bitch mind now! You do what you're told and you'll be well fucked but alive on Monday. Question us or resist again, and you'll be well fucked by Sunday night, but you and your bitch daughters and hubby will get a bullet in the head. Now SUCK HIS FUCKING DICK!!!!" The man was shouting as he tightly held on to the quaking teenager.

Nodding her head, Erin reached out and lifted Bill's prick, steering it towards her open mouth. As Kristi looked on with sick eyes, her mother took the head of Bill's cock inside her mouth, her lips closing around the shaft just behind the head.

Throwing his head back, Bill groaned out, "Oh damn that feels good!" He took Erin's hands and pulled them over her head around his hips, putting them on the tight muscles of his ass.

"Hold on to my ass, you whore! And keep sucking my prick!" he grunted as he began sliding his cock in and out of her mouth.

Kristi watched helplessly as Tom held Erica's head in his hands and crushed his lips to hers. Her sister struggled but he was too strong.

"Mmmmffmfmffffff," she grunted, trying to escape his kiss.

After a second, he pulled his mouth from hers and looked into her eyes. In a menacing voice, he said "Listen you little slut. You're a whore just like your momma and you're going to get fucked. But if you don't start cooperating and pretend to enjoy yourself, I'm going to shoot your old man between the eyes!"

Erica began pleading. "NO, please don't do that. Don't hurt my Daddy!"

Tom smiled sadistically. "OK then, let's do this again. Now put your arms around my neck and kiss me like the hot assed bitch you really are. And if your don't convince me that you can't wait to spread your legs and get a prick shoved up your little pussy, you can say goodbye to Daddy and to any future for your family."

Erica had tears streaming down her face. Quickly, she glanced at her mother who was noisily sucking Bill's cock as Bob knelt watching the interplay between Tom and Erica.

"O-OK" she whispered, her hands moving up to snake around her captor's neck. Lifting her face, she pressed her mouth to his, opening her mouth and allowing the older man's tongue to enter her mouth.

Kristi saw her father glance at Charlie. But Charlie was coolly watching her dad, and they both knew there was nothing they could do.

Her attention was drawn to the pool table. Bob had grabbed her mother by the ankles, lifting her legs and spreading her mother wide apart. Looking down, he steered his prick to nestle in the wet pocket of her pussy. He didn't give her any warning, but simply rammed forward, impaling her mother's pussy with his cock. Erin moaned loudly around the cock that was stuffed in her mouth.

Immediately the two men began buffeting her naked body between them on the table. Each time Bob slammed into Erin, she grunted around Bill's cock, increasing his pleasure. Kristi noticed that her mother was very wet, for the sounds of Bob's cock slapping into her was laced with the liquid squish as her pussy juice flowed freely.

Looking again at Tom and Erica, Kristi saw that Tom had broken the kiss.

"That was pretty good, sweet cheeks. If you all cooperate like that, you're going to make it to Monday morning."

He released Kristi's sister, pushing her back towards the couch and moving over beside Charlie. They all watched as Erin was thoroughly fucked by the two naked men. Her legs were pointing toward the ceiling, her ankles on Bob's shoulder as he shafted her deeply in long, strong thrusts.

Erin had made every attempt to resist the sexual heat that was building inside of her. But her will had crumbled. She had begun moving with the men, thrusting her pussy back at the cock invading her cunt. Bob's cock was significantly longer than her husband and each time he slammed into her, she felt the head of his cock hitting previously untouched parts of her rhythmically spasming pussy.

She was shamed, but couldn't help it. Her hands had gripped Bill's asscheeks, and she found to her shame that she loved feeling the strong ass muscles. Her fingers were unconsciously massaging his ass as she sucked and licked wildly. The sheer wantonness of being fucked in front of her family had begun erasing the shame and resistance from her mind.

When Bill leaned forward and took her nipples in his hands, roughly pinching and tweaking them, it set off an orgasm.

"Shit, you should feel what her cunt is doing!" Bob shouted as Erin's pussy began a series of rippling contractions up and down his cock shaft.

She cried out, but it was muffled by the cock stuffing her mouth. She was sobbing as a powerful orgasm washed over her body. It had been years since she had felt anything so strong. It made her feel all the more shame to know that these two rapists were doing something that her husband hadn't done for a long time. She vaguely wondered if there was something wrong with her.

But the two men continued plundering her body, not caring that she was cumming. Her orgasm continued for a half a minute, leaving her extremely sensitive. It was almost painful, but within another minute, she was again moving with the men, her body tingling and building to another cum. Wet sounds of hard fucking were heard in the family's living room.

Chapter Two

As Erin's rape continued, Tom said "Roger, Charlie is in need of a sweet young thing. Since Erica's so willing to cooperate, I think we'll get her ready for some sweet fucking. Roger, I want you to strip your daughter naked. Then bend her over the arm of the couch and lick her pussy until I tell you to stop. She needs to be nice and wet so Charlie can have a really good fuck. Do it NOW!"

Kristi felt a shudder go through her at the wickedness of Tom's order. They were making her father participate in degrading his family. She wondered what they would make him to do her when they finally got around to it.

Her father reluctantly stood.

Bill, who was fucking her mother's mouth, said "Damn, this bitch gets the 'Hoover Award.' She sure can suck! How's her pussy, Bob?"

"She's pretty tight for an old broad. Her old man either doesn't fuck her much or else he's got a little, tiny Dick!" They laughed.

"Let's switch for a bit, OK?” Bill said.

"OK by me." Bob said, pulling his big cock from the wetness of Erin's pussy with a loud wet squish as her liquid dribbled out the red wet opening of her cunt.

Erin was dazed and confused as Bill pulled from her. Almost reluctantly, she released his ass as she lay, gasping and trying to recover. She opened her mouth when she felt her head being held, and again her mouth was filled with male prick. She barely noticed that this cock was wet and tasted kind of salty. When she realized the two men had switched positions, she groaned in humiliation, knowing that she was tasting her own pussy juice. But her groan deepened as she felt Bill slamming his cock into her. She quickly fell back into rhythm as the two men began to slowly fuck her towards another orgasm as she writhed and squirmed on the table.

Meanwhile, Kristi's Daddy stood in front of her sister.

Erica looked pleadingly at her father. "Oh daddy, please don't do this to me!" she implored in fear.

Almost angrily, her father said "What choice is there, Erica? Do you want us all to die? Do you want them to kill your mother?"

A tear rolled down her cheek and she shook her head no.

Roger's voice softened as he said, "Honey, we have to do what they say. The only thing I can tell you is to just relax and accept it. If you do what they say, they won't hurt you."

And then Kristi watched her father's hand move to her sister's nightie. He pulled the tie at the front, and lifted and pushed Erica's nightie backwards, letting it fall off her shoulders and behind her to pool on the carpet.

Her sister was naked except for the sheer panties that barely covered her pussy.

Kristi couldn't believe it when she saw a slight motion in her father's boxer shorts. Could it be??? Her father was staring at Erica's breasts. Kristi knew Erica had nice boobs, the two girl's having compared and teased one another. Erica had small pink nipples with light brown areoles. Again, Kristi saw movement in her father's boxer shorts and realized that he was getting an erection looking at her sister.

Kristi should be horrified, but seeing her Daddy's prick beginning to swell made her own pussy tingle and begin to pound with heat, making her feel shame. She should be revolted and disgusted...but she wasn't.

Trying to remain in control, her father huskily said, "I-I have to take off your panties now, Erica."

He knelt at her feet, and in doing so, his erection became obvious. Kristi noticed that Erica also saw it, and her sister stood paralyzed as her eyes watched the twitching prick uncoiling in her father’s shorts.

She sobbed and closed her eyes as Roger took her panties in his hands. He pulled her panties down off her hips. Kristi heard him gasp as her pussy mound was exposed. Erica was nakedly bald between her lips.

Kristi knew what her father would find. The two girls had made a pact to shave between their legs last month. It made them feel sexy, and the girls at school had thought it was awesome when they'd parade themselves in the locker room. But now, Kristi was embarrassed for her sister and she was filled with dread as she realized that she would undoubtedly have the same experience of her sister.

Kristi looked at her father who was kneeling at Erica's feet, his hands holding her panties which were dragged halfway down her thighs. He seemed paralyzed as his eyes were confronted with the naked, bald pussy of his eldest daughter.

As she watched her father looking at her sister, Kristi felt an irrational thrill of lust. She knew that she was becoming wet. She should be ashamed, she knew. But the thought of her father looking at her naked sister was turning her on! As she considered the fact that her father would probably be forced to do the very same thing to her, Kristi trembled with a thrill of wickedness.

Exposed to her Daddy's eyes! More than that, the knowledge that her father was hard was making her weak with lust.

Just then, the sounds from the pool table doubled. Bob, who was fucking her mother's mouth began bellowing loudly, his head thrown back, his hands tightly gripping her mother’s hair, his prick thrust down her throat. It was obvious that he was pouring hot cum inside Erin's mouth.

She was thrashing about, unable to breathe, trying desperately to swallow, but unable to break free. She could feel the splatters of his cum splashing down the walls of her throat as blackness began to envelop her.

Before she passed out, however, Bob stepped back, pulling his prick from her mouth, and Kristi's mother began choking and coughing, spittle and cum running out of her mouth as she sucked breath deep into her tortured lungs.

"Hey Roger, your wife sure is a good Cocksucker. Damn, I must have shot a gallon of cum in her belly!" Bob gleefully shouted.

Bill continued pumping Erin as she wearily began moving with him. She had sobbed through two orgasms, and she was close to another when she had almost passed out from the raping of her mouth. But Bill gave her no respite. The man began to rapidly slam in and out of her cunt, drawing moans of pain and pleasure from Erin's cum stained mouth. He was muttering "fuck it, bitch, fuck my prick, you cum hungry whore. Twist your ass, baby and fuck your sweet little pussy. Fuck it, YEAH...FUCK IT, FUCK IT YOU CUNT...FUCK MY PRICK...FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" He shouted as he slammed inside her and held himself still.

Erin had begun another orgasm as she lewdly writhed beneath the man. She could feel his cum shooting up inside her and the pleasure of orgasm made her cry out with joy as her pussy greedily milked the man's cock.

Kristi became aware of moaning behind her. Turning she saw that her naked sister was bent over the arm of the couch. Her father was kneeling on the couch bent over doing something. And then the pretty teenager realized that HER FATHER WAS LICKING HER! Kristi's pussy contracted as she watched her father's face buried between Erica's legs. His hands were holding her legs apart, his head bobbing up and down as his thick tongue penetrated Erica's throbbing pussy lips, licking her pussy juice nosily.

Kristi was surrounded by the most obscene sexual activity. Hearing noise behind her, she turned again and saw that the man named Charlie had stripped his clothes off. Tom was the only one still dressed. He stood with a pistol in his hand as Charlie watched Kristi's father lewdly licking Erica.

She couldn't tear her eyes away as Charlie's hand wrapped around his thick prick. He stood masturbating himself, his balls swinging under his stroking fist.

Tom spoke. "Charlie. Why don't you take Erica to her parent's room and fuck her brains out. When you get tired, find something and tie her to the bed. Make sure she can't get away, and we'll let the other boys have a crack at her cunt."

Nodding his head and smiling, Charlie advanced on Kristi's dad and her lewdly moaning sister.

"OK Daddy, your time is up. The little cunt belongs to me now," Charlie said as he took Roger by his shoulders and pulled him back, knocking him to the floor.

Roger fell on his back. Kristi's eyes were drawn to the tented protrusion in his boxers. She gasped, for she could see one of his testicles hanging out of his shorts.

Erica was dazed as Charlie pulled her to her feet. Slipping an arm around her, one of his huge ham-like hands moved possessively onto Erica's rounded ass. Steering the stumbling beauty, he moved her to the doorway.

"Come on, fuckstuff, let’s go find out how you like having a real man's prick shoved up that sweet little pussy of yours."

And then they were gone.

Bill was sitting in a chair resting. Bob however, had once again pushed his prick into her mother’s mouth. She was weakly sucking the man, her naked body wearily lying on the pool table, sperm leaking from her raw, red cunt, glistening on her thighs.

"Bob, why don't you take Mrs. Winters to the girl’s bedroom and try out her ass. Find some Vaseline or something and go slow. We don't want her torn up for the rest of us. When you finish with her, tie her to the bed, too. We'll figure out some kind of rotation later," Tom said as he kicked off his shoes.

Bob pulled his prick from Erin's mouth. Grabbing her arm, he pulled the weary woman from the table. Grabbing her hand, he wrapped it around his prick.

"Here you go, Mrs. Winters. You just keep hold of my cock, and lead me to your baby girl's bedroom. When we get there, you can kneel on the bed and I'll fuck you up your ass. Won't that be nice?"

Kristi saw the hopeless look on her mother’s face. Her mother slowly left the room, her hand around the man's cock as if she were leading him where SHE wanted to go instead of being the captive.

Chapter Three

Tom looked at Kristi as he tossed the pistol to Bill and began taking his shirt off.

"OK Roger buddy, it's time to unwrap our last little package. Strip Kristi naked and get her ready for some serious fucking!" Tom said, continuing to remove his clothes.

Kristi stood without being told to, facing her father and trembling with fear. She looked up into her father's face as he looked into her eyes. She saw the misery there and her heart went out to him.

"It's OK, Daddy. I know you don't have a choice," she whispered

Nodding his head, her father reached for the tie of her nightie between her breasts. Kristi's heart was pounding as the tie was released. Her father's warm hands pushed her nightie apart and back off her shoulders to fall on the floor, exposing Kristi's naked tits.

"Damn Roger, who'd have thought your youngest would have the best set of tits!" Tom chuckled.

Kristi felt her nipples throbbing as they hardened under the gaze of the three men who were openly admiring her breasts. She felt humiliated to be so lewdly exposed. But she was unable to resist the flush of pride she felt at being so intensely admired. She felt a tingle of lust that the men thought her breasts were prettier than her mother's and Erica's.

Her own father was looking at her in the very same way the other men were, and Kristi responded by feeling her pussy lips fluttering wildly. This was the first time that the beautiful young teenager was naked before a boy or man. It was definitely embarrassing, but Kristi's shamefully admitted that it was also intensely arousing to her. There was no denying the fact that her pussy was beginning to lubricate from the attention of the men.

"Come on Roger, strip her panties off and let's get a look at your daughter’s sweet little pussy," Tom said as he began to push down his underwear, the last piece of clothing he was wearing.

Kristi's father put his hands on her panties, kneeling on the carpet at her feet as he began to push the last piece of her clothing off her hips. The nylon felt sexy as it rubbed her legs while her Daddy stripped her panties off. Kristi saw that Tom was now naked, his hand wrapped around his prick, which was an angry red as he stroked himself while watching the girl's naked body.

Kristi's father lifted first one leg and then the other, pulling her panties away. She was now totally naked in a room of men who all were ogling her luscious body. She looked down, seeing that her father was staring between her legs. She knew that they all could see that she too had shaved and was sporting a bald pussy.

Tom laughed loudly. "Well I'll be Damned! Your baby daughter shaves her pussy too! I bet you didn't know your daughters were such sluts, did you Roger? Hell, maybe they shave for one another! How 'bout it, Kristi? You and sister enjoy a little cunt-licking?" He laughed again as Kristi blushed, embarrassed from his obscene suggestion.

Kristi's father stood, and it became obvious that not only was he the only person still with clothes on, but also that behind his boxers, his cock was straining to escape.

"Turn about is fair play, Kristi. Why don't you help Daddy get rid of those boxers. It looks like you've made his prick pretty damn uncomfortable!"

Licking her lips, Kristi took her father's boxers in hand and began dragging them downwards. Of course, they hung up on his raging erection and Kristi had to pull his shorts outwards to get them over his cock. Her father's cock appeared as she pulled his boxers down.

And then she was looking at the cock that had been so instrumental in creating her. It was very thick, and the head of it was wide. Kristi felt a shudder of lust go through her as she carefully examined her father's prick. She could see the thick vein running along the underside of his tanned shaft. The head was a purple color, and she noticed that there was a smear of liquid on the end around the piss slit.

Tom walked over to stand beside father and daughter. "Don't worry little slut. You'll get a chance to find out what Daddy's prick tastes like. Hell, you're going to know what all of our pricks taste like before the weekend is over. But for now, just get your ass over on that coffee table. Lie down on your back, and get ready for some fun!"

Kristi tore her eyes away from her father, quickly looking at Tom's prick and saw that it wasn't quite as large as her father's. She was confused by her glad feeling that her Daddy's prick was bigger.

Submissively, the naked girl rose and walked over to the coffee table. Turning she sat carefully on the end and then lay back. Tom pushed her father ahead of him and the two men were now standing over her as she looked up. She could see both of their hard pricks bobbing up and down. From this angle she could see their hairy balls hanging.

For a moment, Kristi thought "That's where their sperm is. There is the cream that they are going to put inside of me!" as she stared at the heavy sacks hanging between the men's legs.

"Roger, I think you saved the best for last. Damn, just look at that sweet body!" Tom whispered almost reverently as the two men stood examining Kristi's quaking body.

"Put your legs up in the air, and spread them apart!" Tom ordered.

Kristi was aware that to do so would be to expose her most intimate bodily orifices to the eyes of the men. Yet she had no choice! Taking a deep breath she lifted her legs, closing her eyes to shut out the sight of the two men visually raping her body.

Spreading her legs, the girl trembled as she felt the cool air washing over her naked loins. She could feel her pussy lips reluctantly pulling apart, the sticky wetness very evident.

She opened her eyes as she heard Tom whisper "Shit! What a beautiful cunt!" Kristi tried to hold still and ignore the lascivious impulses in her mind.

Tom knelt behind her head, his hands reaching out and pulling her legs back towards her head, spreading her even more widely and making her lift her hips even more. This made her asscheeks separate and Kristi knew that the two men could see the tight little pucker of her anus.

"Roger, don't just stand there. Get your tongue up her twat and get her ready for fucking!" Tom said. Continuing to hold her legs spread and down beside her head, he leaned over and put his mouth around one of her upstanding breasts.

Kristi had never had her breasts suckled. Only one of her boyfriends had even dared to touch her tits through her Cheerleader sweater. She was shocked by the incredible pleasure that exploded in her nipples, traveling down her belly to make her pussy muscles begin a rhythmic clenching. The rough texture of Tom's tongue was dragging round and round her hardened nipple as his mouth gently suctioned her tit flesh.

"Ohhhh...uhhh...oooooo, d-don't dooooo t-that!" she tried to protest, afraid at the powerful sexual heat that had begun raging in her belly.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHH...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...my god, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO...OHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT!" she cried out long and loudly as her spasming pussy was completely covered by a warm wetness and she felt the probing of a wet muscle beginning to probe up inside her cunt.

Kristi was barely conscious of that fact that it was her own father licking her. The bolts of pleasure were so strong that she was writhing, lifting her hips as much as possible, seeking to drive her Daddy's tongue deeper inside her pussy. Kristi lost the ability to think rationally, her entire concentration now upon the stimulation of the mouths that were sucking and licking her. She moaned and groaned, writhing lewdly on the coffee table.

She heard talking but it didn't make any sense to her numbed brain. She groaned with frustration when the sucking mouth left her tits. Opening her eyes, she was confronted with a most shocking sight. Tom was straddling her head, moving so that his testicles were dangling over her.

"Come on bitch, open your mouth. Give my balls a nice tongue bath. Suck my nuts, baby!" He said.

Kristi thrilled to the lewd command and submissively opened her mouth. Tom lowered his hips slightly, and then Kristi felt his sperm sac plopping inside her mouth.

The girl closed her lips around the top of his sack. There was a musky taste that wasn't unpleasant as she gently began to suck on the balls in her mouth. She could feel the hard/soft "eggs" inside the sacks of skin, and she began licking them, pushing them all around in her mouth. Her mouth filled with her warm saliva and Kristi loved hearing the man cursing and groaning as she sucked his balls.

She felt a shock when there was a pressure on her pussy lips. They were forced open, and though she couldn't see, she could feel a large object being inserted between her wetly throbbing pussy lips.

She screamed around the balls in her mouth, making Tom groan loudly with pleasure when she felt her pussy being spread apart. She was being FUCKED. And...it must be HER DADDY!!

Just the thought of being fucked by her father was enough to set her off, and as her father bottomed out inside her pussy, she began to cum, her muscles grabbing his deeply buried cock and squeezing it over and over as she screamed and moaned.

When Tom raised up, his balls slipped from her still sucking mouth, allowing her to breathe. Bending his cock down, he pressed it against her lips. "Here you go, sweet cheeks. Time to suck some prick!"

Kristi obediently opened her mouth and allowed the prick to slip inside her, the head bumping against the back of her throat. Tom pulled her hands behind his hips, making her squeeze and play with his ass as he began fucking her mouth. Kristi's cunt was turned up, spread wide and completely accessible to her Daddy, and she thrilled to feel him begin to fuck her with long hard thrusts. The men were grunting and groaning, moaning as their hard pricks were bathed inside the body of Roger's daughter.

For the next twenty minutes, the three people were oblivious as they concentrated solely on the effort to achieve the maximum pleasure from their thrusting and bucking bodies. Kristi experienced several orgasms, squealing around the prick in her mouth, her pussy massaging her sweet Daddy's prick as it continued to plunge in and out of her.

"Shit, here it comes Baby. SUCK MY SPERM!! DRINK IT DOWN, YOU SWEET WHORE!!!!" Tom screamed as he felt his balls begin to contract and his cum began pumping up his shaft.

Kristi's mouth was suddenly filled with cum. Tom held her head, and she was forced to swallow over and over as he continued pumping his cum inside her hot, wet mouth. She was breathing like a steam engine through her nose as she continued sucking Tom's slowly deflating cock. Her father was groaning as he looked down on the ravished body of his daughter. Tom pulled out his cock, and leaned down, his mouth beside Kristi's ear.

Quietly he whispered, "Beg your daddy to fuck you, Kristi. Tell him to shoot his cum up your cunt. Tell him you want him to sperm you and make a baby in your belly!"

Kristi was so aroused by the obscene words as well as the lewd act of fucking her own father that she simply obeyed.

"Daddy, fuck me. Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck my pussy and shoot your cum inside me. Fuck me daddy...Fuck your cum inside me. Make a baby inside me Daddy. DADDY, CUM IN ME...NOWWWWWWWWWWW!"

And the gorgeous young teen once again was lost in the powerful contractions of an orgasm making her body buck underneath her father. She was slamming her hips upwards towards him, loving the deep penetration of her Daddy's prick as it scrubbed the slick inner walls of her convulsing pussy. He had been trying to make it last as long as possible, lost in the incredible pleasure of fucking his youngest daughter. It was the nastiest and most incredibly dirty thing he had ever done in his life. And the most exciting.


His cum was awesome. He'd never had such an experience. He began shooting stream after stream inside her cunt, feeling her pussy rippling up and down his shaft, milking his prick as he sprayed his daughter with his hot sperm.

For thirty seconds his prick injected his little girl with his man cream, filling up her belly, her pussy canal, and her cunt with his thick white cream, shooting so much inside her that it began to squeeze out around his completely buried prick.

At last, he collapsed on top of his daughter, his head on her shoulder, his chest cushioned on the luxuriantly full softness of her tits, his prick still deep inside her.

As he finally wilted enough to wetly slither from her thoroughly fucked cunt, he looked up into her face.

"I-I'm sorry, Kristi!" he said miserably.

Looking him fully in the face, Kristi said "I'm not Daddy. I love you, and I loved having you make love to me. And I-I hope...I hope that it will happen again!"

She felt like a complete slut admitting such a thing to her father. Roger was stunned! And yet, the thought of again burying his prick inside the hotly wet spasming pussy of his gorgeous daughter was enough to make his cock twitch and slowly begin to recover.

Confused and embarrassed, he merely said "W-We'll see princess." as he rolled off of her body.

Tom stood by the table looking down at the soiled teenager. "That was pretty damn good, girl! Now your old man and I are going to go see how your sister and mom are doing..."

There was no need for them to do that, for the sounds of female moaning and the slap of flesh against flesh could be heard. Kristi knew that her mother and Erica were at the moment being fucked. And the squeals and moans she heard were not of pain or shame. It sounded like what she would imagine a whorehouse sounded like.

"...while we're gone, you go over there and give Bill a lap fuck. It looks like he's ready to go again."

Kristi looked over and saw that Bill was leaning back in the chair, his cock sticking almost straight up. Her pussy tingled as she looked at the naked man's huge erection.

"Come on, bitch, get to it. Go sit on his prick and start fucking him!"

Kristi woodenly got off the table. Her legs were sore, her thighs aching from being spread apart so wide. However, her pussy was throbbing with the expectation of being filled. Her tits were still aroused, her nipples hard and pointing at the naked kidnapper as she slowly approached him, her eyes on the floor. She was ashamed at what was happening in her body, at the arousal and excitement, and she was hoping they wouldn't notice.

When she stood before Bill, he put his legs together. "Straddle my legs and sit that hot little cunt down on my prick, you filthy slut!" he said, making her blush.

Spreading her feet apart, she moved forward, her inner thighs brushing against the outside of his hairy legs as she moved into position. Kristi gasped when his hands reached out and he took her nipples and began tweaking and twirling them.

Speaking softly, he said "So you like fucking, don't you Baby. Or maybe you just like fucking Daddy. Is that it? You like having your old man shove his dick up your pussy? Maybe this wasn't the first time, huh?"

He was trying to intentionally humiliate the teenage girl. While she suspected as much, his words humiliated her. She hurried, hoping to shut him up. When her pussy was over his cock, Kristi fisted it, placing the head against the lewdly gaping lips of her pussy, and began to slowly sink down on to him. Unconsciously, Kristi circled her hips as she impaled the velvet glove of her cunt onto the man's hard prick.

She began moaning as she bounced up and down while the man ravaged her tits.

"Ohhh, that's sweet, you bitch. You're a hot little whore! Now move your ass and fuck!" Bill said as he began thrusting upwards each time Kristi slid down his throbbing cock.

Tom made Roger walk ahead of him, a gun on his back as they left the room. Roger was tormented by the sight and sound of his baby being forced to fuck the profane man. And yet, his prick was hard as the vision of his daughter's beautiful naked body bouncing on Bill's prick fired his lust. Slowly, his sense of shame was fading.

Chapter Four

When they arrived at his bedroom, Roger walked in first. He first noticed that Bob was sitting in his recliner, apparently resting. Looking at the bed, he saw that Erin was kneeling on the bed and holding onto the bars of the headboard. Looking more closely, he realized that she had no choice. Her wrists were tied to the headboard, forcing her to kneel, her tits hanging from her chest grazing the sheet under her.

"Keep those legs spread bitch! I like watching your cute little asshole. We'll be ready for round two in a minute."

Roger was shocked to see that Erin's asshole was gaping open, a thick white liquid dribbling out around the raw reddened flesh.

"Hey boss!" Bob said, noticing the two men. "Man, this chick is one horny bitch. She didn't like having a cock up her ass at first, but once she got warmed up, I thought she was going to squeeze it off. At the end she was cumming like crazy!" Laughing he said "You have GOT to have some of her ass. It's the best I've ever had!"

Tom made Roger sit in a chair at the end of the bed facing Erin's nakedly kneeling body. Giving the gun to Bob, he said nothing as he climbed up on the bed.

Erin hadn't moved since they'd entered the room. She was vaguely aware that there were others there, but her mind had shut down. She had reacted violently to the initial pain, but after her body adjusted she began to be bombarded by waves of cum as the man's prick sawed in and out of her highly sensitive rectum. She sobbed piteously when she felt another body behind her.

Tom leaned over her back, his prick pressing between her thighs as he reached under the kneeling woman and cupped her hanging breasts. He gently squeezed and rolled her nipples between his fingers. Erin couldn't resist making the soft moans as her body immediately responded. It felt so good to have her breasts gently pleasured. She threw back her head and arched her back when the broad head of Tom's cock was lodged between her swollen cuntal lips and began sliding inside her sticky wet pussy.

“Damn, this bitch is hot”, thought Tom as he impaled her on his cock, watching it slide inside the tight furnace of her pussy. He could feel her muscles involuntarily massaging his cock. He continued playing with her tits as he soaked inside her moist cunt. He slowly pulled from her, watching her pussy lips reluctantly surrendering the length of his shaft as she groaned and pushed back, wanting him back inside her pussy.

Lifting his heavy shaft slightly, he pushed against her anus, easily popping in with his wet prick. He fed inch after inch into the incredibly hot dryness of her soft rectum until he bumped into her hips, his cock fully impaled.

"Shit! You're right, she's a hot ass fuck!" he groaned as he began slowly fucking the bound woman.

Roger said nothing, but his eyes were glued to the man leaning over Erin's body, seeing his balls slapping against her swollen pussy lips, his prick pushing in and out of her tightly stretched asshole. Her skin was stretched tightly around the rampaging cock. Against his will, his cock began to rise as Erin's cries became mewls of supplication as she began thrusting back against the man fucking her up her ass.

Erin had never allowed Roger to fuck her up the ass. He had not pushed it, thinking that it was not normal to want to do such a thing. He wanted to do it, but he went along with her, agreeing that it wasn't right. But Roger's thinking had changed. Seeing his wife's delight at being ass fucked made him realize that he'd been missing out.

He heard Bob laughing. Looking over, he saw that Bob was looking at his erect cock.

"Your wife is a pretty hot fuck, Roger boy. Looks like you'd like a little bit of that ass. What say, you up for some sloppy thirds?"

Roger knew he was probably just trying to humiliate him. However, with a mental change of gears, Roger nodded his head as he looked once again at the mewling woman who was having her ass screwed off. Hell, life was too short. There wasn't anything he could do about it. As he thought about his daughters, he knew that he was going to fuck all three of the females in his household as long as possible. He could blame the kidnappers, but for the time being, he was going to enjoy the delights of their bodies.

Chapter Five

It had been a long afternoon. The women had been fucked repeatedly. Erin had finally been released after each of the men had taken a turn shoving their cocks up her asshole and spewing their hot cum to completely saturate her bowels. She wasn't even aware that Roger had been one of the men who had cum while she moaned and shook with repeated orgasms.

Erica had remained tied spread-eagled to her parent's bed as each of the men took turns fucking her. Tom had "forced" Roger to fuck Erica, although Roger was not resistant to the idea of wanting to fuck his older daughter. He was gentle with her and took a long time, doing everything he could to pleasure her. He slowly wormed his cock inside her softly grasping pussy hole as he sucked on her breasts and then gently kissed her. Finally, after a half an hour, Erica had cried out in orgasm and Roger had filled his older daughter's pussy with his sperm.

Kristi had been forced to suck each of the men. Tom had told the others that they could use her mouth, but nothing else because he had plans for her. Hearing him say that made Kristi shudder in fear. She had almost thrown up when Bill flooded her mouth. The taste of sperm was salty, but she stifled her gag impulse. As Kristi knelt submissively and Charlie pushed his prick into her mouth, she began to relax.

Kristi put her hands on the naked hips of the man she was sucking, closing her eyes and concentrating on the texture of the muscle in her mouth. She ran her tongue around and around the head, and her saliva made the head wet and silky feeling. The man was groaning as she gently sucked on him. Tentatively she reached down and supported his balls in the palm of her hand. She gently played with them, and the man groaned even louder. After five minutes, Charlie held her head tightly, expecting her to try to pull back when he started cumming.

However, Kristi began swallowing, her tongue continuing to tickle the underside of Charlie's shaft. Over and over she swallowed, catching a breath through her nose every few swallows.

After that, the pretty Cheerleader simply sucked the pricks of the other men without feeling repulsed or disgusted. There was something that aroused her at being made to kneel nakedly, sucking on these men. She would thrill when they would groan and moan. Tom had rained down vile names on her, telling her she was a sweet cocksucker, a nasty slut. When he came he was telling her to swallow his cum, to suck it out of his cock. She felt wanton, wicked, and extremely excited.

At last, the men had dressed. They had made Roger put on jeans and a shirt as well, saying that men were entitled to clothes but that females needed to remain naked and ready to fuck and suck when ordered to. The girls and woman were not allowed to put anything on. They were ordered to prepare supper for the four men and Roger. They served the men in the living room and then were ordered to kneel in a row on the carpet, to spread their legs, arch their backs and lift their asses while putting their heads on their folded arms.

The men joked and laughed, making nasty comments about the exposed cunts and assholes, humiliating the kneeling females. Roger said nothing, but his eyes moved from one to the other of the women of his family as he ate. His cock began rising and he made no attempt to hide it.

Setting aside his empty plate Tom said "Well, I've decided on the sleeping arrangements. Charlie and Bob, you're in the King size bed with momma. Do whatever you want, but I want you to make a sandwich at least once."

Seeing the look of confusion on Roger's face, Tom said "A sandwich is when a whore is double fucked. She'll take a prick up her pussy and another one up her ass at the same time."

Roger's face paled as he realized what Erin was in for.

"Bill, you sleep in the girl's room. You get to dip your prick inside Erica." Bill smiled as he looked at Kristi's sister.

"I'll do the first guard duty. Then Charlie, Bob and Bill in that order. When your shift ends you take the place of the guy who is relieving you."

Looking at Roger, he said, "And Roger, you're going to sleep in the spare bedroom, the one with the Queen size bed. Kristi is going to sleep with you. You don't have to do anything to her, of course. However, beginning tomorrow morning, I'm going to ass fuck her, and I'm not going to be gentle. After I'm finished, each of the boys are going to fuck her up her asshole, too. If you want her to be ready, you'll take your time and stretch her asshole tonight and break her into assfucking right. It's your choice!"

Roger closed his eyes. He tried to look miserable and disgusted, but his prick gave him away. Just the thought of bending Kristi over and fucking her up the ass made his cock ache.

The women were ordered to clean up, which they did slowly, not talking or looking at one another. They were all lost in their own private hells. Tom had the men stripped out of their clothes and stood in a line. The three naked women looked on fearfully.

"Before we go beddy bye, we're going to play a little game. Erin, you get to lead off. Kneel in front of Charlie and blow him for one minute. When I call time, you'll move on to Bob and Erica will take over and blow Charlie. When I call time again, you'll move on to Bill, Erica will suck Bob and Kristi will suck Charlie. I'm at the end of the line, and after you've blown me, you'll go back to Charlie and start all over. When you whores make a man cum, he'll fall out of the line. But until all of us cum inside one of your sucking mouths, you'll keep blowing us. Now, get to work, Erin."

It was a game that the men all delighted in. Roger tried to not appear to enjoy it but again his prick told otherwise. By the time Erin got to Roger, Charlie was grunting as Kristi licked and sucked his prick.

Erin looked into her husband’s face. She took his prick into her mouth and watched his face as she sucked him. This wasn't something that they did very often. Erin had not enjoyed it, and Roger hadn't pushed her to do it. So it had always been dark when she'd tried it. However, seeing the look of lust beginning to overcome Roger's face made Erin realize what he had been missing. And the fact was that she didn't mind it all that much. She hated being forced, but the sensation of soft silky skin over a hard prick going in and out of her mouth was arousing.

The girls followed their mother, sucking the men. They watched her mother out of the corner of their eyes, seeing her beginning to toy with the balls hanging underneath the cocks they were sucking. They imitated her. Bob was the first to go, and Erin was the one who drank down his seed. Kristi's mouth was around Tom's cock when he grabbed her head and fucked his sperm inside, making her swallow and choke. Erin took Charlie's cum eagerly, moaning as he poured his rich cream down her throat. She also was the one whose mouth Bill was fucking when he let loose with streams of hot jism. Roger was the only one who hadn't cum yet.

"I think Kristi and Erica should do the honors with Daddy. Erica you get his prick to suck on, and Kristi, you suck his balls."

The two girls didn't hesitate. They both loved their father, and the afternoon of fucking had released whatever inhibitions they had carried around. Roger lasted no more than thirty seconds as his girl's mouths enveloped his prick and scrotum. One of the girls also pressed a finger between his asscheeks, and he began emptying his cock into Erica's mouth as he felt one of his daughters pushing a finger up his asshole.

Chapter Six

Kristi followed her father to the spare bedroom, padding on bare feet and feeling like she was trapped in a dream. Alone with her father, she became very aware of her nakedness. Embarrassment and shame returned and she put a hand between her legs as her father turned to face her.

"Honey, you know that I hate what's happening. You know that I don't want to do these things to you. You know that, don't you?" her father said.

Kristi wanted to believe him, and she knew that he was at least partially sincere. However, his eyes kept glancing to her body, trying to see her breasts behind her arms.

"Y-Yes Daddy. I-I guess you're right," she whispered.

Smiling, he said "Come here, honey. It will be OK." He opened his arms, stepping towards her.

Kristi allowed herself to be enfolded in his arms. She was feeling all kinds of emotions. She knew her Daddy loved her, but she also knew that he had also become aroused being forced to sexually dominate the women in his family. As he held her, she began to relax. And to her shame, she was also feeling the beginnings of arousal stirring between her legs.

"Kristi, maybe it would be easier to do this if you were to pretend that I was someone else. Maybe someone like a boyfriend. Or you could pretend I'm your husband." His hands, which had been stroking up and down her back, gradually moved lower until on his downward stroke, he was caressing the flesh at the top of her bottom.

"Uhh...OK Daddy. If you want!" Kristi softly said.

"I'm just wanting it to be easier for you, Sweetheart," he said. "Now, let’s pretend I'm your lover. Kristi, kiss me!. Kiss me and then...undress me. Take off my clothes and make me naked."

Kristi looked into his eyes and saw the arousal there, the strength of his will. And with shame she felt herself respond to him. "Y-Yes sir." she said quietly.

Her Father loved the feeling of domination as Kristi responded submissively to him. She lifted her face towards his, her beautiful brown eyes closing and the full lips of her sensuous mouth parting, well and inviting his kiss. Roger groaned as he crushed his mouth to hers. As his tongue entered her mouth, his hands moved down over the full rounded moons of her ass. He felt her asscheeks flexing as he squeezed her. He could hardly wait to split those wonderful cheeks and fuck his prick deep up her asshole!

Kristi squirmed in her Daddy's arms as she kissed him deeply, pressing her naked breasts into his chest.

Breaking the kiss, Roger looked at her with wild eyes. "Take my shirt off. Do it NOW!" he said almost savagely.

Kristi felt a thrill of wickedness as she reached for her father’s chest with trembling hands. She didn't understand that her naturally submissive nature was reveling in being ordered by the one man who had the greatest authority over her life.

She quickly unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off her shoulders. She stood before him instinctively waiting for him to tell her what to do next. She gasped when her father reached out and hefted her breasts in his hands, looking down at the hardened nipples.

"You have beautiful breasts, Kristi." her father said, making the young girl rub her thighs together as she tried to satisfy the incredible need of her pussy to be touched.

"You know, Kristi, we're going to survive this weekend. And afterwards..." He paused as he took her nipples in his hands, softly rolling them and softly pinching them, making the girl moan. Almost whispering, Roger said "...I don't know if things can go back to the way that they were. Now that I've..." He looked at her naked body and then again into her eyes. "...now that I know how beautiful and sexy you are, I don't know how I'm going to keep myself from...from wanting you."

Kristi's body was on fire. Her tits felt like they were HUGE as her father played with them. She felt like a complete slut because all she wanted to do was to lay back on the bed and let her Daddy fuck her silly. Her voice trembling, Kristi whispered back, "I-I guess we'll just...figure out what to do then."

Looking at her for a long minute, her father finally smiled. With complete assurance in his voice, he said "Right...Now kneel before me, take off my jeans and then I want to feel your sweet lips wrapped around my prick."

Kristi couldn't stop the smile as her father talked to her in such a lewd manner. Her mouth was already salivating as she knelt. She quickly unsnapped his jeans, pulling them down his legs, exposing her father's completely erect and throbbing prick. She leaned forward, grabbed the hot flesh of his shaft and opened her mouth, closing it around the head. Sucking, she took several inches inside her mouth as she wildly licked her father's cock.

Roger groaned, his hands grabbing Kristi's hair and beginning to pull her head back and forth as his daughter sucked his cock. Her tongue was going wild lashing his shaft and he quickly built towards a mind-numbing orgasm. Pulling his cock from her mouth, he gruffly said, "Up on the bed. Kneel on the bed. I'm going to fuck you from behind!"

Kristi almost squealed in anticipation. Quickly turning, the pretty girl climbed on the bed, her tits hanging down and dragging across the bed as she lifted her hips up as high as possible, offering her father her body, knowing that he wanted to bury his huge boner up her tender teenage cunt.

Indeed, Roger felt like a stallion in heat. His eyes feasted on the sight of his gorgeous naked daughter kneeling on the bed. His eyes caressed the swollen, puffy lips of her exposed pussy. Her knees were wide spread and he could see the raised pucker of her dark anus as well. He knew that before the night was out, he would be fucking Kristi in that impossibly small hole. But for the moment, he wanted to split the ripe hanging fruit of Kristi's pussy, spread her pussy lips apart and drive his cock deep inside her body, knowing he would soon be buried inside an incredibly wet, clasping passage.

Snorting like a bull in heat, he stepped over to the bed. He put his hands on Kristi's ass, firmly holding her hips. He lined his cock up and rested the large head against her quivering cuntal lips. And then he stopped. Feeling nasty, he said "Tell me Kristi...Tell me what you want me to do. I…I want to hear you say it!"

He paused for a moment.

And then, his prick lurched as he heard his sweet little girl say "Oh Daddy, FUCK ME. Please, fuck me with your big Daddy Prick." Her voice had risen and she shouted "FUCK ME!!!!!" not caring that everyone else in the house probably could hear her.

Roger slammed forward as hard as possible, pulling Kristi's hips back as his prick forced its way deep inside Kristi's pussy. Kristi began to scream and then was cut off, only able to moan as the quick slam of the huge prick inside her took her breath.

"Shiiiiit, Sweet, sweet pussy!" Her father said as he held his cock deep inside her, flexing as her body tried to adjust to the incredible impalement. He began fucking the girl, making her mewl with pleasure as they found a rhythm to their fuck, his balls slapping against her clit as he looked down and watched his wet cock slip in and out of her.

Thinking that he might as well get started on his project for the night, Roger slipped a finger in beside his prick, then wiped his wet finger round and round his daughter's anus. As he fucked her, he continued to wipe her juices on the swollen pucker of her asshole, gently pushing and probing as he went.

Kristi's mind was in a fuck haze, focused on riding the big, long prick that was so delightfully causing her pussy to spasm and clench. She was aware that her Daddy was also playing with her asshole. It was a nasty, wicked and dirty thing to do to her, but its very wickedness made her want him to do it. When the tip of his finger popped inside her sphincter, she groaned. It didn't hurt, but it DID feel like it was huge. Over and over he pushed and prodded her rubbery flesh. Kristi didn't really care anymore, for she was on the verge of cumming.

When Roger felt his daughter's cunt grip the length of his thrusting cock he kept a steady pressure on his finger, feeling it slowly worm along the hot, dry ass canal of the cumming girl as she wailed and shuddered through her orgasm.

Kristi slowly regained awareness and realized that her father's finger was now deeply embedded in her rectum. There was a bit of discomfort, but it still didn't hurt. His prick continued to churn her pussy, stirring her guts and making her anticipate another cum. After another few minutes, Kristi groaned from the sensation of having her Daddy's finger pulled from her asshole. She flushed, knowing that he was looking at her and could see the gaping hole of her anus which was slowly beginning to close.

Roger quickly got more pussy juice and began pushing it inside his daughter's ass. After another few minutes he could feel her asshole becoming moist. He wasn't going to be able to keep this up a whole lot longer. He started sawing his finger in and out of her rectum as he fucked her gloriously wet pussy. He didn't say a word to her as he pulled his prick, wet and slick from her pussy juices, slowly out of the long length of her pussy tunnel. Pulling his finger from her rectum, he immediately guided the head of his cock to her anus, and pushed his hardened shaft forward.

Kristi was caught between the joy of her still grasping pussy and the impossible stretching of her asshole. The head of her father's prick popped inside and she instinctively squeezed making him moan. Though it ached, Kristi shuddered at the sound of her father, knowing that she was pleasing him. She tentatively pushed back and her father very slowly pushed his cock inside the virgin territory of Kristi's tight rectum.

The pretty young cheerleader knelt submissively, moaning at the unnatural invasion of her body. Opening her bleary eyes Kristi could see their reflection in the mirror on her dresser. She looked like the vilest whore, kneeling with her ass cocked up high in the air, and her sweet Daddy looking down at her bottom where he was dicking her as deeply as possible.

There was a dull painful ache when her father pulled his cock from her heated depths. He began to slowly fuck her ass. Kristi reached between her legs, rubbing her clit. She wanted to be distracted, and within a few seconds, she was working her wet clit as Daddy continued to increase the depth and pace of his fucking.

"Ohhhhhhh Daddy!" she cried out.

Roger only snorted and began fucking her harder. He took her hips in his hands and began slamming his cock inside her rectum. Kristi was shocked at the violence of his fucking, but she quickly responded, sobbing out as her Daddy filled her over and over.

"Gonna Cum...GONNA CUM IN YOU, KRISTI!!! I'm gonna CUM UP YOUR SWEET ASS!!!" Roger loudly bellowed as he felt his balls begin to contract.

Kristi was sobbing, saying "Yes Daddy. Yes, do it to me. Oh Fuck me Daddy. Fuck my ass!!!" as she shook her hips, driving them back to get her Father's prick deep up inside her.


Kristi could actually feel the wetness of his cum beginning to hose the interior of her rectum. It was warm, and it set off an orgasm in her pussy as she quickly began plucking her clit while moaning her cum. Joined together, father and daughter began flexing and clenching their internal muscles as his white hot sperm flooded the greedily sucking flesh of her ass, pumping his little girl full of his man cum.

Chapter Seven

Three more times that night, Roger fucked Kristi. Each time, he would put Vaseline on and inside her raw rectum which he had found under the sink in the bathroom. Kristi didn't object, kneeling submissively as her father's fingers toyed with the most intimate opening of her body.

She was sore, but she had cum several times, and she knew that she would be prepared for whatever the men did to her the next day. Finally, about 2 am, father and daughter fell asleep. Kristi's hand was wrapped around her father's prick and he was holding her, his hand cupping one of her naked tits.

When they awoke, Kristi's father told her to go turn the shower on and to get it nice and warm because they were going to shower together. Kristi happily did what her father told her, easily falling into the new relationship. She didn't resent him ordering what to do. She wanted to please him!

After they showered, her father put her on the bed. She thought he would fuck her again, and she dutifully lifted her hips, putting her head on her arms, closing her eyes and waiting for the hot thrust of his cock. She jumped when she felt a warm wetness, and she mewled happily when she felt her father begin to lick between her asscheeks. He pulled her mounds apart and the tip of his tongue started rimming her asshole.

For almost a half hour, her father knelt behind her licking and laving her anus, sticking his tongue inside and relaxing the girl. She barely noticed when he began pushing Vaseline inside her asshole. When he finally stopped, Kristi got off the bed. She felt very very wet, and knew that whoever would fuck her ass first would be in for a surprise at how hot and moist it would be.

Roger slipped his clothes back on and he and Kristi kissed deeply before leaving the bedroom.

They arrived at the living room to see that everyone was already there. Erica and Erin were, of course, naked. They were kneeling before the couch, giving Bob and Bill blowjobs. Tom and Charlie were sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Well look who finally got up. Damn Roger, you had the little bitch screaming all night long! I think she must love having her ass fucked!" Tom said, laughing and looking at the naked Kristi. Roger just blushed. Erin looked at him, but didn't say a thing, turning and taking Bob's cock back in her mouth.

"Charlie, why don't you take sweet cheeks here and try out her asshole. Roger and I have an appointment with the bank this morning!" Tom said.

Charlie walked over to the petite teenager and picked her up, putting her over his shoulder, making her squeal. Slapping her on her naked ass, Charlie said "Shut the hell up, bitch. Thanks Tom, I think I'm going to sit in this chair and have the little slut ride up and down my prick using her asshole.”

Charlie was naked in seconds, pulling Kristi into the recliner with him. She was pulled back against his chest as he swept her thighs apart, pulling her up and peeling her cheeks apart. The whole room stopped and watched as Kristi's asshole was pushed down on Charlie's cock. Slowly the girl slid down Charlie's long shaft. She was moaning, but it was obvious that it was the moan of pleasure.

"Shit, you should feel this, boss!" Charlie said to Tom. "She's all oiled up or something. And it’s like a furnace!! DAMN, what a luscious Fuck!!!" He said as he began lifting the girl up and down over his cock, using her body to masturbate, his prick slipping in and out of her ass.

"Let's go!" Tom said.

It took two hours for Roger to withdraw $25,000 from his savings. He had to pretend that Tom was his friend and he was lending him the money. The whole time, Roger kept thinking about his family and what was being done to them.

Roger thought about alerting someone or trying to overpower Tom. But he knew that would be a mistake. He wasn't willing to risk the death of his family. And deep inside, he also knew that when this was over, that things were going to be very different around his house.

When the two men walked in the door, they were met by the sight of all three women kneeling on the pool table on all fours facing them. They were shaking and shuddering, waving their hips as their breasts swung back and forth, crying and sobbing out in pleasure. The three men were behind them fucking them and making obscene comments about what whores and sluts the women were. It was like walking into a Bordello, Roger thought.

The phone rang. Everyone froze.

After a heartbeat, Tom grabbed Roger. "You know what to do. Make it good." He lifted the phone and placed it between the two men so he could hear.

"Hello, Winters residence," Roger said in a normal tone of voice.

"Hi Mr. Winters. This is Nicole. Is Kristi around?" Tom heard a teenage girl say.

"Sure, just a minute." Roger said.

Tom pointed at Kristi. "Come here bitch, and if you make ONE mistake, I blow the fucking head off of your old man, you got it?" he said viciously.

Nodding and white faced, Kristi nodded. She walked over and Tom held her, both their ears pressed against the receiver.

"Hello?" Kristi said.

"Hi Kristi! Shannon and I are bored to death! Is it OK if we come over and hang with you this afternoon?" Nicole said into the phone.

Covering the receiver, Tom paused and then said "Tell them it’s OK, that you'll be waiting for them."

"NO, I can't do that. I-I KNOW what you'll do to them!" Kristi whispered in horror.

"Listen you stupid cunt. You tell them right now or I kill everyone in your family! Now tell them!"

He uncovered the phone. Kristi had tears in her eyes. "Sure...come on over," she said.

"Kewl! We'll be there in about 20 minutes. Later, girl," and the phone clicked.

Releasing her, Tom said, "OK Boys, it looks like we're going to have some fresh pussy. Let's get Mrs. Winters and Erica into the Master bedroom. Tie them up and gag them. I don't want any sounds made."

The men quickly obeyed. Tom had everyone put on clothes. He made Kristi put on jeans and a tee shirt. "But no underwear. It will just get in the way later." Kristi had a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach. She loved Nicole and Shannon. But what could she do?

Kristi met the girls at the door, smiling as she led them inside. They stopped as she saw that there were a group of men sitting in the living room. They relaxed somewhat when they saw Mr. Winters.

Tom crossed to the girls. Speaking to them, he said, "Hi girls. Which one of you drove?"

Nicole and Shannon looked at one another as if to say "what's up with THIS guy!" But they were polite.

"I drove," Nicole said.

"Very good. Please give me your car keys now!" Tom said, holding out his hand.

Nicole said, "Now just a minute. What's going on here. Kristi?" She and Shannon turned to face their friend. They were shocked to see tears filling Kristi's eyes.

"Oh Nicole, I'm so sorry. Please do what he says. Give him your keys!" she cried miserably.

The two girls were rapidly becoming terrified.

"What's going on???" Nicole said backing away.

"Give me your fucking keys, you stupid bitch!!!!!" Tom shouted.

Nicole trembled as she pulled a set of keys from her pocket and handed it to the big intimidating man standing in front of her. Taking the keys, he tossed them to Charlie. "Charlie, move their car around behind the tool shed by the van."

Timidly, Nicole said "B-But that's my car!"

Smiling, Tom said, "Well girl, I'm taking your car. In fact I'm going to take any damn thing I want. And I think we'll start with that cute tee shirt you are wearing. Take it off and give it to me!"

Nicole couldn't believe her ears. She took a step back, almost stumbling. "W-What? W-What did you say???"

Tom smiled and followed her slowly. "I said take off your fucking tee shirt, you stupid bitch, and give it to me." His voice was smooth but very menacingly.

Looking at her friend, Nicole said to Kristi, "Kristi? What's HAPPENING!!!!"

Kristi was openly crying. "Nicole, I'm sorry. They've kidnapped my family, and...and we have to do what they say. Oh Nicole I'm sorry. But if you don't do what he says...he'll kill you!"

Trembling, Nicole looked at Tom as he pulled a gun from behind his back where it was tucked. Chambering a round, he said, "Maybe we need a little demonstration."

Shannon started screaming as Nicole began babbling "No, NOOO oh god NOOO Don't shoot me, Please!!!"

Frantically, Nicole pulled her tee shirt up and over her head, holding it out to Tom as he pointed the gun at her head. Almost without looking, he backhanded Shannon, crying out "Shut up, Bitch."

Shannon was shocked. She had never been hit before. But it was effective, for she simply stared at the man, gently rubbing her reddened cheek.

"Now listen up. I'll say this one time...You will obey us, and do everything you're told or you will die. And if I have to kill one of you...then I'll kill ALL of you. Like I told the Winters, you cooperate, and you'll live to see Monday. If you don't, then you're as good as dead." He tore the shirt from Nicole's hand and tossed it to the side.

"Now both of you, get out of those jeans and tee shirts. You can keep your bras and panties for the moment. But get it done NOW!" He smiled as the two girls hurriedly began stripping their jeans and tee shirts off.

He made them sit on the couch. They tried to hide their semi-naked bodies, flushing with embarrassment and crying. Tom told them to shut up as he turned to Charlie and Bob.

"I'm thinking that maybe a demonstration is in order. Charlie, you and Bob use Kristi and show the girls what they have in store for them. Kristi, get out of those fucking clothes and get up on the pool table on all fours." Tom smiled as he walked over and sat on a bar stool.

Kristi was mortified. She couldn't believe that she was going to be humiliated like this in front of her friends. Enough had happened to her that she wasn't upset at what the men would do to her. But doing it in front of her best friends was intensely humiliating.

A look from Tom made Kristi tremble and slowly walk across to the room. She closed her eyes as she pulled her tee shirt up and over her head. Of course, she had no bra on. She unsnapped her jeans, pushing them down her legs, showing that she also had no panties on. Tears were dripping from her cheeks as she climbed up onto the pool table, kneeling on all fours cross wise, assuming the position she knew they wanted her in.

She glanced over to Nicole and Shannon as Charlie and Bob quickly shed their clothes. Her two friends looked shocked to the core as they stared at the two men's naked pricks swinging between their legs.

Bob walked over and pulled Kristi to the edge of the pool table. "Open your mouth bitch, I've got a load of cum for your sweet mouth." Kristi obediently opened her mouth, taking Bob's cock inside. She was still sobbing from humiliation as she began sucking his cock. She heard Charlie climbing up behind her.

"Hmmm, let's see, do I fuck her pussy or her asshole. You know, I think I fucked her up the ass last time. I think I'll get some of her cunt this time!" he said, smiling nastily and looking at Kristi's' two friends who were white faced.

Within several minutes Kristi was in a battle with her body. She had intended to be as unresponsive as possible. But the silky texture of Bob's prick fucking in and out of her mouth and the huge log of Charlie ramming in and out of her cunt was driving her towards orgasm. She realized that she was moaning. She willed herself to stop moaning, to stop pushing her hips back at Charlie. But her resolve failed as she fucked her young body on the two male pricks invading her wet orifices.

She was unaware that her friends had stopped crying. They were watching intently. They could hardly believe that it was their best friend who was fucking on the table. They tried to imagine that it was themselves, but they simply couldn't relate. They watched as Kristi began madly humping and bucking.

Charlie cried out "Damn, the bitch is cumming around my prick again. I can't wait. TAKE MY CUM, BITCH!!! YESSSSSSSS!!!" and he began grunting and huffing as he filled Kristi's pussy with his hot sperm.

Within seconds, Bob began bellowing. The girls watched Kristi's throat contract over and over. They realized that she was swallowing and knew that Bob was cumming in her mouth. Kristi weakly collapsed onto the table, the wet pricks slithering from her holes.

Tom began clapping his hands and laughing. "Well done, boys! I think you've fucked her out. Bill, I think that you and I now get a turn. Kristi's all fucked out, so I think it’s time for our guests to have a bit of fun as well. So Bill, you and I will fuck the Brunette. You get on your back on the table and we'll have her fuck you while sitting on your prick. I'll get behind and have a go at her asshole." Bill was grinning and Shannon felt on the verge of fainting. She knew what a prisoner must feel when sentenced to death.

Turning to Roger, Tom said "And Roger, you're going to fuck the Blonde!" Roger's eyes opened widely and he looked at Nicole. She had a shocked look on her face.

"N-No, I can't do that!" He choked out.

"Damn, Roger. Do we have to go through this again? You don't have a choice." Tom said. They both watched as Charlie and a now naked Bill approached the couch. Shannon was whimpering as they grabbed her arms and pulled her up off the couch. She started openly crying as they pulled her over beside the pool table.

"Let's do her on the floor," Bill said, and the two men pulled the pretty Brunette down to the carpet. She struggled and screamed but they ignored her, ripping her bra and panties off. Soon she was writhing and sobbing, her hands pinned over her head. Bob was sucking her fat titties, biting her nipples and enjoying her squeals of pain. Tom was half lying on her legs, pinning her legs wide and lewdly licking up and down the girl's cunt.

Charlie said "Come on, asshole. Tom said to fuck the bitch, now get to it!" He was grinning evilly.

Roger looked down at Nicole. He'd had a number of fantasies about his daughter's friend but had never dreamed that he would make any of them come true. "Nicole, I-I'm sorry," he said.

Nicole looked at him and then at Shannon. Shannon wasn't screaming any longer, but was writhing and moaning. It was hard to tell if she was resisting or becoming aroused. She stood up. "O-OK Mr. Winters. I-I know you don't have a choice. Just be...be gentle."

Roger felt his prick begin to swell in his pants. He led the girl to the corner. "I promise I'll be gentle," he said. He leaned down and kissed her. She was trembling, making him want her even more. She didn't resist as he began undressing her.

Ten minutes later, Shannon was busily fucking her pussy on top of Bill, who was lying on the floor on his back. She was in shock for she had just had an orgasm. Bill was sucking on her swinging tits, capturing one nipple and then the other to suckle and bite it. She had screamed and tried to escape when Tom had fingered her asshole. When he had actually fucked her asshole, she had lay between the two men, feeling incredibly stuffed, aching at the twin penetrations. They had begun fucking her and within minutes she began moving with them, pushing her hips down to fuck Bill and then back and upwards to drive Tom's cock up her asshole. Shannon had never thought that she could feel such things. She felt like the most desirable woman in the world.

Roger was on top of Nicole. He had lifted her legs and her ankles were on his shoulder. He was slamming deeply inside her as she moaned and groaned. The two girls were being thoroughly fucked. Roger felt his balls contracting and he looked deep into Nicole's eyes. Gritting his teeth, he said "I'm cumming, Nicole. I'm Cumming!!!!!”

Nicole looked up into his face. She felt his cock beginning to pump sperm inside her. She had been having a crush on this man for years, and now he was filling her young pussy up with his lewdly spurting sperm. She shuddered as the most intense orgasm she'd ever had began wracking her body. Seeing her cum so powerfully made Roger kiss her brutally. Nicole thrust her tongue inside his mouth as her pussy went wild over his cock.

For the rest of the afternoon, the two girls were fucked over and over. Kristi was also fucked once again. After releasing Erica and Erin, all five naked women were ordered to service the men in various ways. They were required to make supper.

After supper, Tom made all the girls kneel as the men stood, dressed. All except Roger. Charlie and Bill put Roger on the floor, hogtying him.

"We're going to leave now. We've had a fucking good time. You can call the police later. However, I have to tell you that we are not from this part of the country, that we selected the Winters entirely at random, and that you will never see us again. If you call the police, you will all be interrogated. Each of you will have to endure being examined by a doctor with a rape kit. Everyone will know what went on. And you will be humiliated in this community. I'd suggest that you simply chalk it up to life's unfair events."

The men tied the women up, laying them gently on the floor as well.

"Sooner or later one of you will figure out how to get out of the ropes. Then you can let the others go. Thanks for a great weekend!"

And then the men walked out, closing the door behind them.

They all struggled against their bonds. Though tied the most thoroughly, it was Roger who got his ropes off first. Quickly, he went and got tee shirts and jeans for his wife, daughters and friends. He gently untied his wife, and then the girls. They all dressed and then Shannon tearfully said "W-What are we going to do?"

They all looked at one another. They had a decision to make.


Three weeks later on a Friday, Roger got home from work. Life had returned to normal. The fears and insecurities he had felt had slowly abated. They had all decided to not go through the humiliation of reporting the rapes. The women had all been checked surreptitiously.

Miraculously, none of them were pregnant. The Winters family had made every attempt to return to normal. Kristi didn't hang with Nicole or Shannon anymore. They were simply too embarrassed to get over having seen one another rut while being brutally fucked for them to put their friendship back together. They weren't angry, they just couldn't get past it enough to spend time together.

Roger was going crazy. The images and memories of that weekend floated around his head. He avoided looking at his wife and daughters whenever possible. He was constantly blushing. Erin had seemed to take everything in stride. After several days, she had stopped sleeping on the edge of the other side of the bed. They had both cried when his arms went around her and they cuddled, holding on to one another. They had made love tenderly. Things seemed fine with them. Erica and Kristi also seemed fine. They had acted with enforced cheerfulness for a few days, but had relaxed since then.

Roger was in the house by himself. He had grabbed a beer and after changing into gym shorts and a tee shirt, he was sitting in his recliner. He closed his eyes and remembered how it had felt fucking Kristi. Soon his hand was in his shorts, wrapped around his erect cock, slowly stroking himself. He could almost see the passion in her eyes and the look on her lust contorted face as he had fucked her.

Roger froze when he felt his shorts being pulled down over his hand and cock. "Let me do that Daddy!" he heard as he opened his eyes to see his beautiful daughter kneeling at his feet in her Cheerleading outfit. Pushing his hand away, Kristi wrapped her cool fingers around his cock. Leaning down she kissed the head, taking it into her mouth as with her other hands she began working her clothes off.

"K-Kristi...are you sure?" Roger asked as his suddenly naked daughter straddled his hips lifting up and steering his prick to her wetly gaping pussy.

As she lowered herself on top of his hard prick shaft, she half groaned as she said "Yesssss Daddy. That feel's SOOOO good. I-I've wanted to do that for three damn weeks. Daddy, I need you to fuck me. Fuck me now. Fuck me tomorrow. Fuck me whenever you want to. I LOVE you Daddy. OHHHHHH. Yes...YOUR FINGER!!!!!!"

The girls rounded asscheeks were squirming wildly as Roger shoved a finger inside her asshole as she pounded up and down on his cock. Her mouth was locked to her daddy's and as she screamed into his hot, wet mouth. She felt his cock begin to shoot up inside the wet cauldron of her cunt, his sperm bubbling lewdly to pool deep inside her body. She didn't know what the future held, but she did know that she belonged to this man and that she would do anything that he wanted.

The End

12-29-2011, 05:24 PM
Thanks for adding this

12-31-2011, 04:42 AM
Hope people enjoy this. I have a few more by the same guy that I would like to post. I enjoyed them.

01-01-2012, 05:27 PM
Very nice story, and very nice ending

01-14-2012, 12:35 PM
Great find

01-17-2012, 04:48 PM
Outstanding writing. Thanks for posting!

02-01-2012, 09:49 AM
Wild! Good Add!

03-06-2012, 11:58 PM
Besides this story, Kristi's Family, (my favorite), there are several others here by the same author.


Shannon gets Shafted

Take off your dress

Pillar's Descent


Private School Degradation

Adrian Errik also wrote 2 other stories under the name of Adrian Errickson: "The Preachers Wife" and "Lois". This may have been his real name. Going to post these today.

I also beleive he later wrote four other stories under another name, TomGee. I beleive this because this name is the same as the Mr. Gee that is a character in some of his stories above and who appears in two of these stories. But mainly the themes and the writing is in my mind virtually the same. These are: "Crystals Realization", "Chrystinas Revalation", "Della" and "Wifely Secret".

I will be posting these 4 stories over the next few weeks so you, can decide for yourselves if its the same guy. Id be interested in your opinion if its the same author.

05-14-2012, 11:58 AM
sooooo dirty...I loved it

05-19-2012, 03:46 AM
Very nice and exciting story. It would have much better if incest activities were made a little more pleasurable to the girls and the father as also, a son had been added to fuck the mother and sisters. And the end should also had been that the whole rape and all was masterminded by the father himself as he desperately desired to fuck his lovely daughters and her friends.

05-21-2012, 09:11 PM
wonderfully done....please feel free to post more

05-21-2012, 10:08 PM
i always enjoy adrian's stories. always good, thanks again for sharing!

05-25-2012, 01:00 AM
great find

09-19-2013, 12:49 PM
TomGee, who may also be an alt of Adrian Errik, wrote these 4 stories also, posted on this site here in the stories from the Net site.

Della - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31595-Della?p=467335&highlight=#post467335

Chrystinas Revalation - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31594-Chrystina-s-Revelation

Crystals Realization - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31440-Crystal-s-Realization

Wifely Secret - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31778-Wifely-Secret?p=469066&highlight=#post469066

11-19-2013, 05:24 AM

11-10-2015, 01:03 AM
Adrian sure knows how to crank up the heat. His stories are chock full of hot, nasty, and very satisfying stuff! Another winner!! Thank you Adrian, and thank you Asiaticus, for posting the links to these hot gems!

11-11-2015, 12:19 PM
Glad you enjoyed them. That is why I put them here. Did not want them lost from the net.

11-11-2015, 02:45 PM
Oh yeah, stories this hot and satisfying need to be kept alive!

12-08-2015, 11:29 PM
WOW... That Was Intense and Hot... Thanks for posting...

02-05-2016, 05:23 AM
So Hot.
Different but HOT!