View Full Version : 3 New Poems

09-26-2011, 06:26 AM
Wrote some new poems. I'll start with the nice ones I guess lol

Love Her...?

I longed to hold you in my arms...
To touch your skin and feel your heartbeat like mine...
Someone to love me, to hug me so tight...
As we lay awake, throughout the whole night...
Our fingertips caressing, each other's soft touch...
As I can turn to her, and tell her I love her so much...

Two Heartbeats!

What is Love, it's something we don't understand...
It's a feeling deep inside, our heartbeats combined...
That sense of missing one another, when we are apart...
A feeling of loneliness, inside each other's hearts...
That long for one another, to cuddle and kiss...
To be holding each other, for the moments we miss...
Watching you smile brings a warmth, a butterfly floating inside...
And those nights you weren't here, and I just cried...
Being apart from you, tears my heart into two...
Please don't ever leave me, and make me feel blue...

Okay, and now this one is a little personal, and quite dark in it's setting and mood, so be warned. Not exactly about love, but personal issues, letting go, hatred in a way I guess.

Going Insane!

When I look in the mirror what do I see...
A face of ugliness, a freak staring back at me...
I ain't pretty, or handsome, or anything special to look at...
I hide away my face, my body, because I look fat...

When I look at myself, I see what you all see...
A freak of nature, unlike perfection I could have be...
God made me different, for people to laugh and stare...
As some look at me, as a monster who will scare...

The goodness inside of me, people never see...
It's the disability outside, that freaks you and me...
I look different from others, I can't help how I look...
Is it my fault, God created me, from a fairy tale book...

I still feel pain, shame and a sense of finding true love...
Not to be ridiculed, and made fun of...
A woman's hand to caress my face, to kiss those soft lips...
To have her touch me, and of her soft fingertips...

To hold me in her arms, and tell me not to be afraid...
Not to listen to God's angry tirade...
But that time will come, and I only know when...
It will be the time of my demise, that's when it will begin...

That's when my peace will be free, as she finally comes to see...
An Angel of Mercy, to come and free me...
To hold me in her arms, to hug me so tight...
To tell me no more pain, now everything will be alright...

But God's tirade, will blast down from above...
Telling my Angel to show me no love...
For creatures like me, don't deserve to be happy...
He created ones like me, for people to revile...

She is dragged away from my arms, as I reach out and scream...
Looking on in a sense of shame, as the tears begin to stream...
God's words inform me, I will never be allowed up there...
It's Hell for me, as I must be prepared...

So I fall down, into the bowels of Hell deep down below...
And I take pain and suffering, with each thrashing and blow...
As I sit in my cell, of Hell I shall remain...
Of seeing my Angel's face of past, that stops me from going insane...