View Full Version : (Arcane) The Naked Truth

05-22-2011, 05:55 AM
The Naked Truth By Arcane

It had not been easy but Dean had always liked a challenge. He had
broken into the room in which Tea Leoni would be staying and placed
on of his special devises behind her bed. When the lights in the room
were out and pressure was exerted on the bed for a long enough time,
a gently, sub audio tape would begin to play. Tea would not be able
to hear it but her subconscious mind would, especially when she finally
went to sleep. It was a simple command: the following day she would
go for a jog alone. To her the path chosen would be random but in fact
she would be drawn to a location of his choosing. There the second
phase could begin.

Teas feet pushed against the ground, driving her athletic body forward.
She was enjoying the run, enjoying the ability to get out and control her
own life for once. No cameras, no security guards, just the wilderness of
the park she was jogging through. The more she jogged the less and less
people she actually saw but that was fin for her. She liked being left alone.
Too many people meant that crowds would soon gather. Puffing, Tea sat
down on a smooth rock next to an over bridge. There seemed to be
nothing around, as if it was the same bridge from a hundred years ago.
She used her tee-shirt to mop her brow of sweat. It was a fairly cool day
but her activity had been hard enough to build up such a sweat. She
examined her environment further.
"Is that..?" she said aloud as she stood up and walked over to the bridge.
Embedded in the stone masonry seemed to be a handle of sorts. She
might have over looked it but somehow it caught her attention. Cautiously
she clutched it and then pulled. Amazingly it opened a man sized panel
into the darkness. Tea peered into the depth.
"What have we heeeeaaannnnnggggg!"
She gritted her teeth and tried to pull her hand from the handle she was
gripping. Instead her hand was in spasms, gripping harder. Some sort of
numbing energy flowed through her. She felt her body shutting down,
falling into the darkness. As her body fell into the abyss so did her mind.

Teas bosom rose and fell evenly, still slightly glistening from the sweat
of her exertions. Dean ran over the computer readouts, checking
everything was fine. So far it was. He had collected her from the bridge
after she had been rendered unconscious. From there numerous tunnels
led to his lab. Even if the tape he had planted failed to self-destruct, and
they were able to find the hidden message and the bridge, there was no
way the could find him. The door had been sealed behind him. No one
was going to find Tea now. She was still unconscious. While the effects
of the shock had since worn out Dean was keeping her under for a while
longer. She lay strapped to a table leaning about seventy degrees from
the ground. Her arms were stretched out like a crucifix. Her legs only
slightly parted. She still wore the white cotton panties she had been
running in but Dean had stripped her of her other clothing. Straps at
her wrists, ankles and across her waist, ensured that she would not
slide off the table, or be able to escape once she awoke. Currently a
dome helmet covered her head, a visor down to her nose. Electrodes
pressed against her forehead ensured that she would remain inert
until the time came. Meanwhile Dean was letting his computers,
scanners and cameras take in her details. Her basic vital statistics
had been easy enough to find but now her was monitoring every
detail of her. Exact body prints, retinal scans, respiration rates, every
little detail of her was being catalogued for eventual use. Finally it
was time to talk to her.
Dean tapped a computer command. Inside the visor Teas eyes snapped
open, finding only darkness. She tried to move but found she was
totally helpless.
"Hello?" she called in a frightened voice. "Who's there?"
"Hello Tea." the voice came softly through the speakers of the helmet.
Dean spoke into the microphone to be heard. Teas hearing was
otherwise closed off.
"Who are you? Where am I."
"You may call me Dean. You are in my lab."
"Lab? What is this? Let me go!" her voice started to rise in anger and
she tugged at the bonds. They were a special type of plastic woven
material. She could tug all day and never get any more lose. At the
same time there was no way her wrists would become raw.
"Calm down Tea." his voice was soothing, adapted through the
speakers to be so. "You and me are going to be working together a
lot so it's best if we don't get angry."
"Let me see!" she yelled.
Dean was taken back slightly. Obviously the woman held a fear of
being blinded. He wrote it on his note pad for future reference.
"All right then Tea." he pressed a button and the helmet slowly
disengaged. Tea blinked her eyes and scanned her surroundings.
Dean could see the raw fear in her eyes. She looked down at her
exposed chest.
"You Bastard! Let me go! LET ME GO!"
Normally Dean loved the look of those eyes, piercing and clear but
with so much fear they were distracting. He drew out a remote and
turned a dial slowly. A small, silver patch on Teas neck began to
glow slowly and Tea felt her body relaxing.
"Let me go!" she spoke again, just as indignant but quieter now.
Dean watched her respiration rate slow again as her body calmed
down. Her mind however was just as active. "Where are you?" Her
eyes scanned the room frantically.
Dean himself was hidden behind a massive glass screen. Tea only
saw it as a mirror but Dean could watch her without her knowledge.
He was glad she'd left her hair as the blonde bob that it was, albeit
slightly straggled at the moment. In films like Bad Boys she was
certainly sexy but somehow she just wasn't Tea. Her body was athletic,
muscular but still strongly feminine. She was slightly tanned but
seemed more pale under the lab lights. Her whole body was shining
under the lights from the layers of sweat which covered her. Her
breasts, firm and well formed, rose and fell as she breathed slowly
in and out. Her eyes were scared but now that he looked, Dean
could see that classic beauty in them.
"You can't see me Tea. I can only see you."
"What are you doing to me." her voice wavered in fear.
"Don't worry Tea. You'll be just fine. Time to put the helmet back on."
"No. Please!" she tried shifting her head but the helmet slipped back
down over her eyes and ears. "No!"
Dean punched in various commands to that computers and began
his first program.
"Let me.. what?. What are you doing?"
Inside the helmet Teas vision was cascaded with bright pastel images,
spirals and tunnels spun around and around in front of her eyes,
dancing in thousands of ever changing patterns. Dean knew Teas
would try to close her eyes but the lights were too powerful for that
to help. Given time she would find the images irresistible. At the same
time, sounds were wafting into her ears, soft and peaceful music, relaxing
her slowly. Dean watched her mouth as it hung open slightly, saying
nothing. This was the first step: to slowly break down her mental defences
with the hypnotism of the helmet. The pinks spirals which assailed the
actress bore no commands, they simply drew her in, wearing her down.
Analysing the feedback off his monitors, Dean waited.

At first Tea wrinkled her eyes shut, knowing that the lights were trying
to invade her mind. There was little she could do to block out the
sounds so she tried to concentrate, recalling lines from her shows and
films. Even with her eyes shut, some of the light invaded her. She could
still perceive the flicker and the swirling of images. Every now and then
she found herself slipping, opening her eyes o the wonderful, peaceful
images. She realised that he lapses were becoming more and more regular,
she was becoming addicted to the pretty lights, they were something she
had to see. Finally she only blinked occasionally, watching the lights with
devout attention. As the light began to relax her further she stopped her
lines and the sounds softly crept in too. She couldn't stop watching but
she could feel herself being pulled into the bright tunnels. She knew she
had to keep herself out, to keep fighting, but the lights were never ending.
She felt herself getting weaker and weaker.

Dean looked over the neural responses. She was about as weak as she
needed to be for the second phase. He tapped in the commands.
Suddenly the spirals changed. They started spinning faster, they were
sharper and with stronger colours. Tea let out a gasp of shock. The
sounds were suddenly sharper too, more piercing. Tea still couldn't look
away but now the images were invading her even harder. They were
washing away her resistance like a flood.
"Don't fight it Tea. Just relax. Relax!" Deans voice came through the
helmet softly.
"No!" Tea yelled in defiance. "HA!" she gasped as Dean edged up the
power another notch. Her pulse was rising, as was her respiration. Her
body was beginning to sweat more heavily too, trying to resist the
machines. Dean walked out of his room and into the chamber. As he
walked closer to her he could smell the scent of her body as it fought.
He reached onto the table, inches from her chest, and opened a panel.
From within he drew a thin plastic wire ending in a small, quarter size,
suction cup. He drew out the wire and carefully pressed the attachment
to the outer side of Teas right breast, which rose and fell heavier than
before. He walked around the table and connected a similar device to her
left breast. Tea was probably too wrapped up in the hypnosis to notice
the attachments. That would change.
He returned to the chamber and observed his read outs. Each attachment
gave full access to the nervous system of Teas bosom. Punching in the
commands he began a random stimulation cycle.
"NO!" Tea screamed as she felt her breast suddenly being stimulated. It
was as if millions of tiny fingers were dancing over her sensitive flesh,
massaging her. Electric pulses from the attachments ensured that sensitivity
was heightened to it's fullest. In addition, feed back worked in time with
the machines, learning what touch she liked more and treating her with it.
Tea gasped again as Dean stepped up the hypnotism to it's third level.
"It feels good doesn't it Tea. Don't fight it. Enjoy it."
"You. b.. Bastard." she snarled.
Already her nipples were starting to rise from the sweaty breasts, a single
nub of pink on a smooth, pale tanned landscape.
Dean pushed the breast stimulation up another notch and once again
watched Tea shake. He looked at one of the cameras inside the helmet.
He looked down at her wide eyes, beautiful and lost in the hypnotic haze.
Her mouth was hanging even wider open.
Dean took her up to level four.
"You can't!" Tea howled as the images became almost like strobes, flicking
around and around, boring into her mind. The sounds were becoming
piercing and she knew each time he turned up a level it was harder to resist.
The physical pleasure was hard to. She didn't know what she was receiving
but presently it felt like two tongues, swirling around on her breasts and
teasing her nipples. It was just the treatment she liked, just the way she
fantasised about it. That made it so much harder to resist.
Dean noted the stimulation she was receiving, thinking it might be useful
for future reference. He switched her up to level five.
Tea screamed again, tugging frantically at her bonds.
"Now Tea. It's time. I know you love your husband but when you're
around me you must forget him and love me that way."
"NO!" she resisted but she could feel the desire inside her to submit.
"You can still love him. But when you're with me you will forget him."
"You will forget him and love me!"
"No! I.. AU!" she moaned as Dean increased her breast stimulation even
further. Now twin mouths suckled her, licking her breasts and sucking
hungrily on her erect nipples.
"You will forget your husband and love me!"
"I.. No."
"Around me you will love only me!"
Within the whirls of light Dean now began to place images of his face.
They were fast enough for Tea to see them but that didn't mean she
could fight them off.
"No.. ha.. no. no!"
"You will forget your husband!"
"You will forget your husband!"
"DAVID!" she screamed and began to buckle and twist furiously in her
bonds. Dean didn't like this. He didn't want to see her in pain but she was
tougher than he'd expected. Her loyalty to he spouse was remarkable but
had to be broken. He'd invested too much to pull back at this stage an the
treatment was too far advanced. There was no turning back. He returned
back into the chamber, this time hit by and even stronger scent, her
sweat oozing through her pores. She was still fighting her bonds but to
no avail. She was still firmly strapped to the table. Carefully and somewhat
reluctantly, Dean reached up and peeled Teas panties down to her knees.
From between her legs he open a panel and slid out another thin wire,
ending in a soft, malleable marble sized ball. Carefully he slipped it into
Teas genitals which were already wet from sweat and the stimulation of
her breasts. She made no sign of noticing the entry. Once it was firmly in
place, Dean returned to his control room. Synchronising his computers
he activated the next level. Instantly the ball began to vibrate. It to
processed feed back so it worked over just the right places in just the
right way. It pressed against Teas clitoris and massaged her. At the
same time the breast stimulation rose a level, tongue still flicking her
nipple and hands kneading her breasts firmly. So to did the images go
to level six.
Tea let out a massive groan, her body bucking several times in a spasm.
Then her motion began to regulate, pumping itself in time with the genital
probe. Her breathing and pulse rates both shot up, now at the height of
sexual activity. Images assailed Tea. Computer generated images of her
and Dean making love over and over. She could no longer block out his
face, linking it to the pleasure she was receiving. She couldn't fight
anymore, the pleasure and hypnotism was too much for her.
"DEAN!" she howled in ecstasy as an orgasmic spasm ripped through
her tormented body. As she came her mind and body felt tremendous
release. Pain and fear were gone. All that remained was pleasure and love.
Dean let the remnants of the orgasm subside as the machines programmed
the last of her commands in.
he walked out into the chamber and detached the breast stimulators and
masturbator, pulling her panties back up. Gently he remove the helmet,
revealing a flushed but smiling face. Her eyes were tired but bright with
love and passion, hair plastered against her skin but still lovely. She
smiled at him.
"Hi Dean."
"Hello Tea."
He unlocked her bonds by remote and she wrapped her sweat arms around
him, pressing her bosom close to his and wetting his shirt. She kissed
his lips tightly.

"I love you Dean." she smiled, amazingly beautiful despite her sweaty,
flushed appearance.
"Is that the truth?"
"The Naked Truth." she giggled and kissed him again, the second
of many more to come...

The End

06-14-2011, 08:45 PM
its a good read. keep up the good work

07-08-2011, 01:43 PM

07-13-2011, 11:09 AM
i want more!!