View Full Version : The Bay

02-07-2011, 03:39 AM
Chapter 01

Alex walked through the front door, the smell of his mother cooking in the kitchen drifted down the hallway.

"Mum, I'm home" he called, walking into the dining room and throwing his keys onto the table.

"How was work honey?" She called out.

To him it was just work. It was better than sitting around for the entire holidays until school started up. Even so, driving a forklift all day wasn't exactly the career path he wanted, but the pay was good.

"It was fine mum, work is work" he replied.

His mother laughed, appearing in the dining room. She dried off her hands then threw the cloth down on the table. "You have the same work ethic as your father . . . Oh and your friend James called, I told him you'd call him back."

"Alright, thanks mum. I'm going to take a shower" he said, taking the stairs two at a time until he reached the top. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and found James' number, he hit dial and closed his bedroom door.

"Hey man" James answered. "We're all going down the beach soon, you wanna come?"

"I dunno man, I only just got back from work and I haven't had a shower or anything" said Alex.

"Come on man. All the guys will be there, Kasey and Jess too."

Now that was a reason to go. Seeing Kasey and Jess, his two best friends, well girl friends, in bikinis. That he couldn't miss. He had been trying to get with Jess for weeks now, but he couldn't seem to get any further than copping a feel, it was frustrating.

"Alright, I'll meet you guys at the beach, let me get ready first" he said.

Alex quickly jumped in and had a shower and changed out of his work clothes. He packed his bag, towel, sunscreen and a bottle of bourbon he kept on his desk. He wasn't legally allowed to drink for another 6 months, but his mother didn't mind that much. He was almost 18, and she knew he was responsible so she let him get away with it.

He dressed light, just shorts and a singlet, enough to show off his muscular frame. He worked out every day to keep in top shape. He wasn't vain, but he was proud of his body. Alex knew he was good looking. Tall, muscular, lightly tanned skin, with dark brown hair that always seemed to have that perfectly messy look, even though he never did it. He ran back down the stairs and into the kitchen, straight past the two very attractive women at the table, which he didn't notice. He came to a stop in the kitchen.

"I'm going down the beach with the guys, mum. I'll be back tonight." he said, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. Before his mother could say anything he turned to leave, only to come face to face with the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. Her long blond hair fell down past her shoulder blades, she had a slim, tight body which looked amazing in the clothes she was wearing. A short skirt that showed off her long smooth legs, and a tight white singlet top that could barely hold her tits in. She was gorgeous, and Alex found himself staring up and down her body, unable to look away.

His mother appeared next to him. "I forgot to tell you we were having guests over tonight. You might not remember them, but this is Allison, and her mother Karen. They're old friends and they just moved in next door." His mother gestured to the older, yet still beautiful lady sitting at the table. She had a genuine smile on her face, obviously she was used to the way people stared at her and her daughter. She looked exactly like her daughter, she was older but still had a nice figure, especially her breasts, which were at least a firm D cup. She looked incredible.

"Oh . . . Ummm, I can stay home if you want" he offered.

"Oh don't be silly" Karen cut in. "We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other. Actually, if it's not too much trouble, why don't you take Ally with you. That way you two can get to knew each other while your mother and I catch up, it's been quite a few years since we've seen each other."

"That's a great idea" said Sally. "Ally, honey, why don't you get some stuff together, Alex will wait for you."

A smile consumed Ally's face, it made her look even more beautiful and Alex couldn't look away. "I'll be back in a minute" she said, making her way for the door. On her way past she slid her hand along Alex's hip, and for a split second it felt like she was about to move it down his leg.

Alex spun to watch her walk out the front door. Her tight ass swaying seductively as she walked, causing her skirt to slip up and show some of her unbelievably sexy ass with every step.

Alex waited in the dining room with his mother and Karen. They talked about his work, school, what his plans were after he finished high school. Karen mentioned how much he'd grown up since she last saw him. Apparently the last time they met he was only 9. Karen and her father had come back to town for their high school reunion and stayed at his house, though he couldn't remember ever meeting them, and he definitely didn't remember meeting their daughter.

A few minutes later Ally walked back in, she was wearing the same skirt but had changed her singlet for a black and white bikini top, it had black roses and swirling patterns on it, and once again it was only just stopping her breasts from spilling out. She looked amazing, Alex had never seen anyone so beautiful.

"You look great Ally" his mother complimented.

"Thanks Sally" she replied with a smile. She turned to Alex, spinning around like a ballet dancer. "Do I look okay Alex, I'm not under dressed am I?"

"Ummm . . . No, no you look great, amazing" he answered. He still couldn't remove his gaze from her body, and he realized she was watching him. He blushed and looked away, embarrassed that he had been caught staring. But she didn't seem to mind, she gave him a smile and a wink before skipping over to her mother and kissing her cheek.

After saying goodbye and promising to look after Ally, they left and started walking toward the beach. It was only a 10 minute walk, but I the summer heat, it felt like longer. They talked a little during the walk, mostly about school and work. They would be going to the same school when the holidays finished, they'd both be seniors, and as it turned out, they were both planning on taking the same classes.

"So who's going to be at the beach?" Ally asked.

"Just a few of my friends from school. James and Kyle, their my best friends. Also Jess and Kasey, their nice, you'd probably like them" he said.

"Oh, so are you interested in any of the girls?" she asked. She took his hand in hers and leaned into his arm as they walked.

Until then he'd forgotten about why he was going to the beach. He had been so distracted by the gorgeous blond he'd just met, that he forgot he was going to the beach to try and hook up with Jess. He suddenly found himself with a problem. He couldn't deny he liked Jess, but there was something about Ally that drew him in, made him want to get to know her better. She seemed to be interested in him too, either that or she was just leading him on, but she didn't seem the type for that.

He took his chances and decided to go for her. Things weren't going anywhere with Jess anyway, and he just couldn't explain how Ally made him feel. "Ummm . . . No, not really. Their just friends from school."

"That's good" she smiled. "I won't have to worry about any of the other girls snatching you away."

They got to the beach and spotted the group, they girls were sun baking near an umbrella and the guys were throwing a ball a bit further down. There was a few extra people there not really from their group, just kids from school. As they got closer James spotted them and walked over to meet them at the umbrella. He was giving Alex an odd look, like he was asking a question with his eyes. Which Alex noticed were roaming all over Ally's body, and surprisingly, made Alex a bit angry. Ally wasn't his girlfriend, but he definitely didn't want anyone else making a move on her. Kacey and Jess noticed them as they threw their bags down and their eyes were immediately glued to Ally.

"Hey guys. This is Ally, she just moved in next door. She's an old friend" he added as James started towards them, putting his hand out to Ally.

She took his hand and shook it with a smile."I'm James, it's nice to meet you" he said, trying his best to sound confident.

"Nice to meet you too" she replied, then wrapped her arms around Alex's and leaned in closer. It seemed to Alex like she was telling James that she was already taken, but he couldn't be sure.

Kasey stood up and walked over, not at all intimidated by the new girl. "Hey, I'm Kasey. Welcome to town" she smiled. "That rude bitch over there is Jess, don't mind her, she's like this with everyone."

Alex knew she was lying. Jess was usually really nice to everyone, maybe she was jealous that he brought Ally.

"It's nice to meet you too" said Ally. She unwrapped herself from Alex and took out her towel and sunscreen. "Can I join you guys down there, it's been a while since I've had the chance to get some sun."

"Yeah, bring your stuff over here. We can get to know each other while the boys play" said Kasey.

Ally walked over with Kasey, laying down her towel. She turned and blew a kiss to Alex, which caused him to smile.

"Hey man" James hit him on the arm. "Lets go down there, I wanna talk to you" he said.

He followed James down the beach to where the guys were throwing a football.

"Dude why didn't you tell me you were bringing that hot piece of ass?" asked James.

"I didn't know she was coming, she just turned up and decided to come." Alex grabbed James' arm. "Hey do me a favor bro, don't try anything with her. Give me a chance first."

James laughed. "I don't think you need to worry about anything bro, the way she was acting, she made it clear she only wants you. If I didn't know better I'd say you were already in" he slapped Alex on the arm.

"Lets hope so" Alex agreed.

They hung out on the beach with the rest of the guys for a while. Every now and then Alex would look up to check on the girls. Ally was propped up on her elbows talking with Kasey, they seemed to be getting along great. Even Kasey couldn't take her eyes off Ally's perfect tits which were being pushed right out, her full cleavage right in her face. Alex and James decided to head back up and hang out with the girls. By then everyone was under the umbrella trying to keep cool. James pulled a bottle of coke out of the cooler and put ice in the cups.

"Hold up" said Alex. He pulled the bottle of bourbon from his bag and passed it to James. "Always come prepared" he joked.

Kasey laughed. "Your like a portable liquor store."

"Someone has to do it, why not me" he laughed.

James poured the drinks, passing them around until he got to Ally. "Oh shit, sorry Ally. I forgot to ask if you drink" he apologized.

"It's fine" she said, taking the cup. "I'm all for under age drinking." Ally smiled, causing everyone to laugh too.

"I like her already" Kasey smiled, bumping her shoulder into Ally.

Everyone talked, laughed and drank for a few hours. Alex was glad everyone seemed to like Ally as much as he did. He was even happier that all of Ally's attention was focused on him and not any of the other guys. The only person who didn't like Ally was Jess, which made Alex think she was pissed off that he had moved on from her. But he couldn't change that, the more time he spent with Ally, the more he fell under her spell and forgot about Jess.

The time seemed to pass too quickly. Before anyone knew it the sky was dark and people were heading home. Ally suggested heading back before their parents started to worry, so they said their goodbyes. Ally and Kasey made plans to meet up tomorrow, even with Jess' subtle protest about not being there if Ally was. They walked home in the moonlight, it was a lot cooler now and after finishing the bottle of bourbon they were both a little tipsy. They walked hand in hand back to the house, talking about their plans for tomorrow.

When they got back to Alex's house sat down and had their dinner, which was left in the oven for them. After they finished Ally decided to go home and told Alex she'd see him in the morning. Alex walked her to the front door to say goodnight.

"So I'll see you in the morning?" he asked.

Ally spun around and wrapped her arm around his neck. She reached up and placed her lips on his, softly at first, then sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and bit it. Alex responded by pulling her close, pressing their bodies together. Her body melted against him, and no doubt she could feel the growing bulge in his pants. They kissed for a few minutes, then pulled apart, both of them gasping for breath.

"I'll see you in the morning" she panted. She reached out and grabbed the bulge in his pants, stroking it a few times. "Mmmmm . . . Nice and big, just the way I like it" she whispered, before turning away and walking back to her house.

Alex stared after her for a few minutes. He couldn't believe this gorgeous girl wanted him, and she lived right next door. He went to bed, hoping tomorrow would be just as good as today was.

02-07-2011, 03:42 AM
Oh sorry there wasn't any actual sex in this chapter. I'm on chapter 2 now, so I'll make sure it has some quality intercourse . . . Or at the very least something good :)
Enjoy . . .

02-07-2011, 06:21 AM
good story so far

02-07-2011, 06:32 AM
Thanks surfguy . . . I'll post again soon.

02-07-2011, 07:03 AM
So far it looks alright. Don't mind a story being slow personally, and building up the characters and setting up the scenes for whats coming further down the line. Good luck with it, I'll have a read when you post more, certainly looks interesting.

02-07-2011, 07:21 AM
Thanks John. I'll try and keep it pretty even. Some people like the story to start slow and build up after the characters and plot have been set. Others just want non stop gangbangs lol. I cant please everyone but I'll try ;)

02-07-2011, 10:09 PM
Chapter 02

Alex woke up to the strangest feeling, like he wasn't alone. It caused him to jump up and pull the sheets around his body. The blinds were blocking out the sunlight but he could still see a little bit in the dim light. Someone was on the bed with him. Her long blond hair was falling over his feet, and her hands were working their way up his legs.

"Did you miss me?" Ally asked. She slid up the bed and straddled his lap, pulling her skirt up and grinding her pussy down on his hard cock, which was straining against his boxers.

"Ally? How did you get in here?" he asked.

Ally laughed, it sounded sweet and innocent, but Alex knew it wasn't. "Your mother let me in. She was going out and wanted me to wake you up for breakfast before she left, but I told her I'd take care of it" she went on, slowly grinding down on his lap causing him to moan slightly. "But I figured if we had the house all to ourselves, why not wake you up like this, it's more fun don't you think?"

Alex looked over at the alarm clock. It was 8:45, his mother would have left for work already. That means they were alone. His cock was rock hard, and straining to break free from his boxers, it was making him uncomfortable so he tried to push Ally back a bit.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her lips forming a sexy pout. "Don't you want me?"

Alex shook his head, trying desperately not to ruin a good situation. "No, it's not that. It's just a little hard to . . . "

"I know it's hard" she teased, as she reached down and took his cock in her hands. She slid back and pulled his manhood from his boxers, which was now fully hard as all 8 inches of his cock were released. Ally began stroking his cock, her eyes never leaving his as she bit her bottom lip nervously.

Alex glanced around his room, the door was wide open for anyone to see in. "Ally are you sure we should be doing this?" he asked.

She leaned in and bit his earlobe, and whispered "It's okay Alex, I want to." Her voice was sexy and seductive, just the sound of it seemed to strip away his inhibitions.

Before Alex knew what was happening her head was in his lap and her lips were wrapping around the tip of his cock. It felt amazing, better than he ever thought it would. She began to suck more of his erection into her mouth, her tongue licking along the underside of his shaft as her hand continued to stroke him. Alex had never felt anything so good, he allowed his head to fall back as Ally worked into a steady rhythm, bobbing her head up and down.

She kept sucking for about 10 minutes, the best 10 minutes of Alex's life. Ally only pulled away to look up and meet his gaze as she continued to stroke his cock. "I want you to cum in my mouth baby, I want to taste it" she moaned. Alex couldn't take much more, and when she swallowed his entire length and started deep throating him, he couldn't hold it in.

"Oh fuck . . . Ally . . I'm gunna cum" he warned. Without even noticing he was doing it he grabbed the back of her head and pushed down harder, but Ally didn't mind. She continued to swallow his full 8 inches until he came, shooting load after load into her throat, and surprisingly, she swallowed every drop. When he had finally finished coming she pulled his cock from her mouth with one last suck, making sure she hadn't missed any.

"You taste good, baby" she said. She looked up and met his gaze, a shy smile pulling her lips up at the sides.

"Ally . . . That was amazing!" He said.

"It was just the beginning" she winked.

After taking a quick shower to wake up properly, not that he needed it after the blow job he'd just received, Alex threw on a pair of shorts and went downstairs. It was already starting to heat up today so he didn't put on a shirt or anything. His head was still spinning after what had happened. He'd got his first blow job from the hottest girl he'd ever met, and according to her, there was still more to come. He took the stairs three at a time, practically jumping down the last couple and came to a stop in the kitchen. Ally was serving out eggs and bacon for breakfast, which he couldn't tell if she'd just cooked, or if his mother had left them in the oven for him.

"Morning sexy" she called. "I hope your hungry"

"Starving" he laughed. It was strange how much the scene playing out reminded him of how a couple would act if the lived together. "Did you cook this?" He asked, as he walked over to her.

"Yeah. So you better enjoy it" she warned. Ally walked over and ran her hands up his bare chest, then back down over his abs. "I can't wait to get you into bed tonight" she said, her voice barely more than a whisper. Ally hooked her fingers in the waistband of his shorts, tugging them down slightly. She stood up on her toes and kissed him. "Now eat your breakfast!" She ordered, and pushed him toward the kitchen counter.

"Yes Ma'am!" He said, giving her a military salute. Alex sat down, and suddenly had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. What was really going on here? He thought. Are we together, or are we just having fun.

"Ummm . . . Ally, can I ask you something?" She came over and took the seat next to him, placing a hand on his leg. "What's really going on? Why are you doing all this?" asked Alex.

Ally laughed. There wasn't anything forced about it, just a genuine laugh with a smile that consumed her face. "Isn't it obvious?" She laced her fingers through his. "It's because I like you. Your a nice guy, smart, funny, handsome. Most of all your a gentleman, I can tell." Ally smiled and went on. "Your sexy as hell, and you make me feel like . . . Like, nothing else matters in the whole world."

Alex didn't know what to say. He could only stare at the angel sitting next to him, everything seemed so perfect, he didn't want to ruin anything but he had to ask. "So . . Are we together?"

Ally kissed him on the forehead. "I guess so" she mused. "Yeah, of course we are. I'm not going to let anyone else get their hands on this" she grabbed his cock, slowly massaging it. She stood and walked over to the fridge, opening it to get the orange juice. She poured 2 glasses and put one in front of Alex. "Besides, you promised me, or don't you remember?" she asked.

"What are you talking about?" asked Alex. "I don't remember ever meeting you before yesterday."

Ally smiled. "I didn't think you'd remember. When my parents came down for their high school reunion, we were stuck here with a baby sitter. We just played games the whole time. You were a rude little shit" she laughed, brushing her hair from her face and continuing. "You wouldn't even teach me how to play the PlayStation. But even so, I still liked you. I wanted you to be my boyfriend, so I asked you, but you shot me down. You said you wanted to be a bachelor until you were older." Ally walked over and sat down at the counter. "Naturally, I started to cry and you tried to comfort me. That's when you said, and I quote 'I promise Ally, one day we'll be older and I'll be your boyfriend then. I promise I'll even love you and buy you stuff, but you have to wait til we grow up, cause my dad says I can't have girlfriends until I'm 16.'

"I don't remember . . . I'm sorry" Alex admitted.

"It's okay. But what you said stuck with me forever, and when I saw you again, I realized that deep down you were still that little boy, you'd just grown up. Exactly like you said we would. Now we're both all grown up, and I saw you and I fell in love with you all over again, and I . . . I just hope this time you can feel the same about me."

"I think I already feel the same. From the first time I saw you I felt . . I dunno, it's strange, but I've never felt that way about anyone before. I still don't know how I feel, but I know I like you, a lot, and I want to be with you" said Alex.

Ally didn't say anything else, she just planted her lips against his and kissed him.

After breakfast Ally went home to get ready for the day. They were meeting up with James and Kasey at the mall to do some shopping and get lunch together. Alex decided to drive in, it would have taken half an hour to walk and the day was already starting to heat up. They found a place to park and were relieved to get inside the cool air conditioned shopping centre. Alex and James accompanied the girls to dozens of shops while they tried on clothes. Ally would occasionally come out of the dressing rooms to model the sexy outfits she was trying on for him. She'd come out, spin, wait for him to approve, then kiss him and go back in. Alex couldn't wait to get Ally home, he was hoping tonight he might actually get laid. Ally seemed to want it, and he definitely wanted it, so why not make a move. Just the thought of seeing Ally naked, her tight young body open and waiting for him to explore, it made him so hard he wanted to drag her home right now.

"Hellloooo . . . Alexander" Ally sang, trying to get his attention. He looked down at her and realized he'd been day dreaming. "Oh there you are . ." She put on a serious face, as if she was trying to read his mind. "You were thinking about fucking me, weren't you."

"What? No . . . Maybe. It's just, your wearing all of these hot outfits . . . .and I can't help but, want to get you home and . . ." Ally smiled, she liked the fact that she made him act like this, causing him to babble on like an idiot while he tried to explain himself. "I just really want you" he admitted.

"Well I'm done trying on clothes, so lets get some lunch and get home before your mother does, because I don't think I can wait until tonight to get my hands on this again" said Ally as she grabbed his semi hard cock and squeezed it.

They got a quick bite to eat with Kasey and James, Alex could barely speak with Ally's hand stroking him under the table. Kasey seemed to be giving them odd looks, it made him wonder weather she knew what they were doing or not. James of course was oblivious, his eyes never left the redhead sitting 3 tables over, she kept glancing over and checking him out, which was no surprise. James was one of the most popular guys in school, not to mention he had model style good looks, and he knew how to use the tall dark and handsome thing to his advantage. He was with a new girl every week yet he never seemed to get very far with any of them, probably because he didn't put the effort in, if a week went by and he wasn't close to getting sex he'd move on. Kasey and Jess seemed to be the only girls immune to his charm, though Alex had always suspected Jess wanted to be with James.

"So do you have a boyfriend Kase?" Ally asked.

"No" she frowned.

"Girlfriend?" Ally joked, narrowing her gaze.

"What? No way!" said Kasey. She seemed to be offended by Ally asking, but quickly went back to normal and laughed at Ally's joke. "No . . . I have no interest in anyone what so ever" she sang, before taking a drink of her water lowering her gaze.

It never occurred to Alex how hot his friend actually was. Kasey was tall, with black hair, long sleek legs, tanned skin and the most mesmerizing blue eyes. She had a great body, with a tight ass and nice firm tits that were at least a C cup. But still Alex had never really taken notice before, he usually focused more on Jess.

After saying their goodbyes and promising to meet up again soon, the group split up and made their way home. Ally was quiet for most of the drive but eventually spoke up.

"You want to fuck her, don't you?" She asked. She didn't seem upset, more curious than anything, but Alex was still reluctant to answer. "It's okay . . . I wanna fuck her too" she laughed.

"You want to what?" Alex choked.

"I think she's hot." Ally smiled as the thought of the gorgeous brunette. "I've never been with a girl, but it's on my to do list." She reached over and ran her hand down Alex's leg. "And a threesome, so that works out good" she laughed.

"Are you saying you want to have a threesome with me and Kasey" he asked. He could barely believe what he was hearing.

"Well not yet . . . I want you all to myself for a while" said Ally.

By the time they pulled into the driveway Alex was beginning to get nervous. He had never had sex before, what if he wasn't good? For a second he didn't get out of the car, he just sat there, but when he noticed Ally staring from the other side of the windscreen he quickly got out. It was only then he realized his mothers car was in the garage. I guess they wouldn't have the house to themselves after all.

When they walked through the front door they were greeted by Karen and Sally, who were both dressed in extremely revealing dresses. Alex couldn't remember the last time his mother got all dressed up, it must have been before his father passed away. Both him and Ally stood there for a minute, not really knowing what to say. Alex couldn't take his eyes off Karen, her long blond hair was curled, perfectly framing her face, and her black dress was amazing. It clung to the curves of her body perfectly, showing off her amazing tits, and the cut up the side allowed her long legs to show, she looked stunning.

"Mum, you look amazing" he complimented, pulling his eyes away from Karen long enough to meet his mothers gaze.

"Thanks honey. We've been invited to a charity event, it will probably go all night so you kids will have to fend for yourselves." she apologized. Alex could see she didn't like to leave him and Ally alone, but with Karen here his mother had her best friend back, and they deserved to have some time out and about together. He wasn't about to complain, he'd never seen his mother so happy, and with the parents out for the night he would get to spend it with Ally.

Karen came over and kissed Ally on the cheek. "Sally says you can stay here the night if you like, she's put a few blankets and pillows in the guest room." She turned her gaze to Alex, "As long as Alex is a gentleman, of course." she warned.

"Of course he will be" Ally agreed.

After Karen and Sally had left and backed out of the driveway Alex went into the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of water for himself and a coke for Ally.

"So . . What are we doing for the afternoon?" he asked.

Ally thought for a second, then a smile pulled at her lips. "I don't know about you but I'm going to take a shower and get out of these clothes . . . Are you coming?" she asked, as she turned to walk away. She got to the stairs and turned back to face Alex, and with a smile on her face she pulled her top off, the turned away again and unclasped her bra. She dropped the bra and beckoned him to follow her as she climbed the stairs to the bathroom.

02-07-2011, 10:45 PM
Extremely entrancing story! Very well written, holds ones attention. :-). Thank you!

02-08-2011, 02:58 AM
Thanks Tigrok :)

02-08-2011, 06:14 AM
good chapter cant wait for more

02-08-2011, 07:55 AM
Good continuation of the story, getting very exciting. Looking forward to the next chapter.

02-08-2011, 04:38 PM
This is a great read Angeal. I'm looking forward to reading your future chapters :)

02-09-2011, 12:33 AM
very good story hope there is more to cum,,,,,,,,,,,thanks

02-09-2011, 01:43 AM
Chapter 03

The water ran down her body, it made her look even more beautiful than usual. Alex could barely hold it together as his hands wandered all over her body. They trailed down her sides, then to her lower back. His lips found Ally's neck causing her to moan. He slid his hands down to her butt and squeezed as she pressed her body up against him, his hard cock pushing against her stomach. All he wanted was to throw her against the wall and start fucking her.

"I want you so bad, baby" Ally moaned. She found his erection and began stroking it, causing Alex to fall back against the wall and moan. She didn't waste any time, she dropped to her knees and swallowed half his cock, sucking as hard as she could while swirling her tongue around his shaft. She loved giving head, and hearing the moans of pleasure coming from Alex turned her on even more. There was something about feeling his huge cock being pushed in and out of her mouth, touching the back of her throat, it made her so horny she couldn't wait to have it inside her. She relaxed her jaw and pushed his cock into her throat, all the way down until her nose was touching his pelvis.

Alex couldn't take it any longer. "Fuck Ally . . I'm gunna come" he groaned. She kept up her pace, bobbing her head and taking him all the way in until he came, shooting his hot seed into her mouth. She swallowed load after load of his sticky cum until he had finally finished, then she pulled it out with one last pop, and looked up at him. The look in her eyes made it clear how horny she was and Alex could relate. Even after the blow job he still wasn't satisfied, he needed to fuck her.

Alex shut off the water and pulled Ally to her feet, she still hadn't let go of his cock, but she did eventually when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. They were both soaking wet and it felt amazing to have her body wrapped around his. Ally stepped out of the shower and he followed, she didn't even grab a towel to dry off, she just walked straight out to the bedroom and crawled up onto Alex's bed. By the time Alex got to the room she was on her back, her fingers slowly stroking her glistening pussy.

Alex crawled up on top of her and kissed her, as their tongues met the kiss intensified and Ally's body pushed up to meet his. When the tip of his cock began to slide along her slit he realized something. Ally had given him 2 blow jobs today, he'd never licked pussy but it seemed right to return the favor. He began kissing down her neck, along her collar bone and down her chest until he found himself hovering over her nipple. He sucked it into his mouth swirled his tongue over it causing Ally to moan and push her chest up, wanting more. He continued to suck for a minute then moved to her other breast, gently sucking and nibbling on the little nub. It was driving Ally crazy. He continued down her body and used his fingers to part her lips, he could smell her arousal, it only made he want to do it more.

"You don't have to do that if you don't want to" said Ally. "My ex boyfriend would never do it, he thought it was gross" she explained.

"Well I want to" said Alex. "Its only fair, you've done it for me twice today."

Ally looked uneasy but agreed, so Alex lowered his head again. Her pussy was neatly shaved except for a tiny patch above her mound, a small landing strip pointing the way down. Alex didn't wait for an invitation, he dove in hungrily and started licking.

As soon as his tongue made contact with her juicy cunt Ally screamed out, "Oh fuck!!" She had never felt anything like it before, it was shooting jolts up through her body causing her to shake with pleasure.

The taste wasn't bad, kind of bitter, yet sweet as well, not at all what he expected but after a minute of tenderly licking up and down her slit, he wanted more. He dove deeper, pushing his tongue into her pussy and probing her tunnel. He continued to lick and suck for a few more minutes, the whole time Ally's moans of pleasure urged him to keep going. He felt her legs wrap around his head as she started to thrust her hips forward and grind her pussy into his mouth. He remembered one thing that James had told him about eating pussy, suck on her clit. Alex assumed the tiny nub at the top was her clit since every time he had touched it Ally would twitch and jerk in pleasure. He moved up and found her clit and after a long lick up her slit he sucked it into his mouth.

"Oh fuck!!" Ally screamed. "Fuuuck . . . I'm cumming . . . Don't stop . . . Ahhh . . Fuck!!" She started convulsing, her body was shaking uncontrollably as her mind exploded, bright lights clouded her vision and an unbelievable feeling of pleasure coursed through her body. She couldn't stop it, her body continued to spasm and shake even after the orgasm subsided, and when Alex crawled up next to her and kissed her neck she almost passed out, she was so exhausted. Her lips met his and she tasted her juices on his tongue, it tasted good. She began kissing him hungrily, trying to savor the taste of her pussy in his mouth. All of her energy seemed to come back and the prospect of having his huge cock filling her pussy was once again driving her crazy.

Ally pushed him on his back and straddled his lap, his fully erect penis was sliding along her slit. She continued to slowly rock back and forth as his thick member brushed along her clit, bringing back the sensations of her last orgasm. Ally lifted herself up and lined his cock up with her entrance.

Alex watched carefully as Ally started to push his cock inside her. The feeling was incredible, and with every inch that disappeared inside her hot pussy the feeling got better. Ally was moaning as she pushed down, it looked painful, but her face was a mask of pure joy as she bit her lip and continued. When his entire length was buried in her she started to lift back up. Her tight pussy felt like a glove clamping down around his shaft, he didn't know how long he'd be able to handle it.

Ally started to work into a slow rhythm until she could feel something building up inside her. She had her head back, her cries of pleasure urging Alex to thrust up into her with more force. She felt him grip her hips and start pulling her down with every thrust until he was hammering into her, causing her body to start going limp.

Alex could see Ally loosing control, she was no longer bouncing up and down on him, it was only his momentum that was keeping her going. He decided to take control and pulled her down so their bodies were pressed together. She was moaning and whimpering in his ear as he rolled her over, not once stopping as he continued to pound into her. He felt like he was going to explode, he couldn't hold on much longer. His shaft became a blur as he picked up his pace, now that be was on top he could move as fast as he wanted and he wasn't planning on slowing down, it felt too good.

Ally was in heaven. Alex was slamming into her so hard it felt like she was going to split in half. Her eyes were closed and she was screaming out in ecstasy. Her hands went to her boobs and she began massaging them, tweaking and pinching her nipples, which only brought her closer to her climax. After another minute of Alex's cock pumping in and out of her the sensations were too much, she heard Alex grunt and moan right before he slammed into her one last time and his seed exploded inside her. The combination of his hot cum filling her cunt and his cock being slammed into her pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm exploded inside her and everything else faded away, where she was, what she was doing, she forgot everything and lost herself in ecstasy.

When Alex had finally finished cumming he rolled off Ally and slid up next to her, pulling her body against his. She was still shaking and convulsing after her orgasm and barely managed to curl up against Alex's chest. Alex held her tight as they both drifted off into sleep, neither of them worrying that they'd left clothes lying around the house and the bedroom door open.

Karen sat at the bar waiting for Sally to return from the bathroom. The glances she was getting from the men walking passed were starting to make her horny. She knew she could have any of them, all it would take was for her to make the first move. All men had a one track mind, if she was offering it there's no way any guy would say no. She spotted Sally walking back to the bar, her long red dress clung to the curves of her body, accentuating her busty figure. Thinking about her best friends body was making her pussy, and since she wasn't wearing any underwear the cool air sent a chill through her, causing her to shake. She would have to convince Sally to get in bed with her tonight, it had been years since she had fucked the gorgeous brunette and she wouldn't pass up the chance to lick her sweet pussy again.

Sally returned to the bar and sat next to Karen. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts and when Sally placed a hand on her thigh she jumped. "Are you okay?" Sally asked.

Karen brushed her hair from her face. "Yeah I'm fine" she said. "Just wondering what kind of trouble a couple of old widows like us could get into tonight" she laughed.

Sally gave her a knowing look. "I'm sure we'll get to have our fun" she said as she slid her hand up the inside of Karen's leg, gently running her fingers over her wet pussy. Sally couldn't wait to get Karen home, there was nothing like having passionate sex with someone you love, but it had been a long time since she'd felt a hard dick spreading her pussy and tonight she really needed it. "What do you say we find us a nice guy to take home and fuck his brains out?" She whispered.

"Mmmm" Karen murmured. "Its been too long since we did that.

They sat there at the bar scanning the crowd, checking out everyone that passed by. They couldn't seem to decide on anyone. But then someone caught Karen's eye.

"There . . . That one" she pointed. Picking out the only man at the fundraiser that Sally would be reluctant to fuck.

Sally shook her head. "No . . . That's Kasey's father, I'd never be able to look her in the eye again" she explained.

"Come on Sal . ." Karen begged. "I want him"

"He's going through a really bad divorce, it wouldn't be right" she argued.

"That's good. A night of crazy sex is just what the doctor orders when it comes to divorces . . . Come on babe, I know you want that guys cock inside you" Karen teased.

Sally sighed, Karen was right, she'd always found Gary attractive. "Fine"

"Yes, this is going to be fun." Karen kissed Sally on the lips, just a peck, she didn't want anyone to think a respected member of the community was fucking the new lady in town.

Karen stood up and put her hand out for Sally. "Lets go get him" she smiled.

02-09-2011, 03:42 AM
Another good chapter, nice sex scene there. Interesting ending also of the chapter, looking forward to see where you take it next.

02-09-2011, 04:32 PM
Thanks John
I'm on the next chapter now, should be up soon. :)

02-09-2011, 11:55 PM
Chapter 04

Alex woke with a start. Ally had stirred next to him, he wasn't used to sleeping with someone yet. She looked so cute when she slept, her lips did a little pouty thing that made Alex smile. He wondered how he got so lucky, having a girlfriend like Ally wasn't something he'd ever dreamed of. He slid out from underneath her, trying not to wake her by shaking the bed too much. He checked his phone, no missed calls but there were a few messages. James, Kasey and Jess had messaged him. James and Kasey were just letting him know they would be at the beach tomorrow, but Jess' message wasn't the same. She had said 'I cant believe u left me 4 tht fucking slut. I never want to speak 2 u again'. Alex thought it was a little harsh, since he and Jess were never actually together he couldn't really have 'left her' could he?

It was 9:30pm, they'd only slept for a couple of hours. Alex walked downstairs and got a bottle of water, he couldn't believe how exhausted he was, and he still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he'd had sex. If Ally and her mum hadn't moved to town he'd still be trying desperately to hook up with Jess, which was getting more and more frustrating ever day. He grabbed another bottle if water and went back upstairs. Ally was still asleep, curled up on the bed with her juicy ass pointing straight at him. He really wanted to go over and climb back in bed with her but he needed to use the bathroom. He closed the bedroom door half way and crossed the hall to the bathroom.

When Ally woke up the room was dark. The red glow from the alarm clock and light streaming through the door illuminated the room somewhat, but it was still very dim. She climbed out of bed and went to Alex's closet, she picked out a white shirt and slipped it on, leaving the top 3 buttons undone. She stood in front of the mirror for a second, just thinking about the night so far. She'd had sex before, but with Alex it was amazing. She knew he was a virgin, and to be honest she thought the sex would be pretty average the first time, but it was the opposite. She'd had sex before, but she'd never had an orgasm during sex, with her ex it was always too quick. Not to mention when he went down on her, that was amazing, like nothing she'd ever felt before. Maybe it was because of the way they felt about each other, it had only been 2 days but Ally thought that she might actually love him.

She heard water running in the bathroom and went out to check. She could see Alex leaning over the sink, splashing water over his face. She pushed the door open and stood leaning against the wall. Alex looked up and smiled, his dark brown hair was ruffled yet somehow looked perfect, and with his shirt off her always looked hot. Ally wanted fuck him again right now, just thinking about it was starting to make her wet again.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

Ally smiled, a dreamy look on her face. "I feel fine . . . That was amazing, wasn't it?" she asked.

"Ummm . . . Yeah. I mean, I don't really have anything to compare it to but . . ."

Ally laughed. "It was great, Alex. The best sex I've ever had."

"Really?" asked Alex, he didn't think he would be any good the first time.

"Yes . . . You made me cum, twice" she laughed. "I've never even had an orgasm during sex before tonight"

"Oh . . . Well, neither have I" Alex joked.

Ally smiled and walked over to him, she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. They stayed there like that for a few minutes, locked in their embrace. Ally knew she was falling in love with him, but she wasn't ready to actually say it yet, hopefully he knew how she thought about him anyway. When they finally pulled apart they went back to Alex's room to get dressed. Ally decided she needed to go home for some clothes and Alex wanted to take a shower, so Ally quickly ran home to get her clothes.

Ally got to her front door and opened it. The house was dark except the light streaming in from the lounge room, she could hear noises too. Maybe her mother was home? She made her way through the dining room but something caught her eye, there was a bottle of wine and 3 glasses on the table. Who else could be here, she thought. She made her way toward the noises, which were louder now. It sounded like someone was moaning, actually, more than one person, but who. Ally made it to the edge of the lounge room, she kept her self hidden, only poking her head around the corner. She gasped, her breath caught in her throat and she had to stop herself from screaming. It didn't stop her mother from screaming though. As Ally watched, her mother removed her lips from Sally's dripping pussy and cried out, it looked like she was cumming. Ally watched as a man continued to slam his huge cock in and out of her mother's pussy as she convulsed in the throws of an intense orgasm. The guy then picked up her mother around the waist and lifted her off the ground, his cock was still buried deep inside her and she was still cumming. He put her down next to Sally with her ass pointing straight up and continued to fuck her, to Ally it looked like he was tearing her mother apart. She was being driven into the ground with every thrust and her screams were becoming louder. After a few minutes Karen started to go limp, she was basically laying on the ground and her screams were now being muffled by a pillow being pushed in her face. It looked like Karen had passed out, and the guy fucking her noticed it too. He pulled his enormous tool from her pussy and slapped her on the ass with a loud crack. Ally didn't want to admit it, but watching the scene play out was turning her on, she had to go and get Alex, he needed to see this.

Alex gathered up some clothes, it was starting to get cold tonight so he found some jeans and a shirt. He was in the bathroom about to turn the shower on when Ally burst in, she looked frantic. She ran up to him and grabbed his arm, pulling him from the bathroom. He allowed her to lead him downstairs but when they got to the front door he put his foot down and stopped.

"Ally what's wrong? Where are you taking me?" He asked, confused by her somewhat crazy behavior.

"You have to see this" she panted. "Trust me."

He followed her across the front lawn to her house and stopped at the front door. She put her finger up to her lips warning him to be quiet as she opened the door and slipped inside. He followed her through the house until she came to a stop in the dining room, right next to a wall. There was light coming from the room inside, and Alex could hear noises to. It sounded like a man panting, he could hear moaning too. Ally motioned for him to look so he stuck his head around the corner. What he saw shocked him, he pulled his head back and looked at Ally who was grinning from ear to ear.

His mother was lying on top of a passed out Karen while another guy was fucking her brains out. He looked back around the corner as his mother was being drilled and realized who it was that was fucking her. It was Kasey's dad. Ally poked her head round the corner to watch as well, just as the guy pulled his massive cock from Sally's dripping cunt and grabbed a hand full of her hair, pulling her up to her knees.

"Cum on my face" Sally begged, as Gary pumped his full 9 inches, preparing to shoot his seed straight at her. "Treat me like a fucking whore"

He pulled her hair back causing her to cry out, whether it was in pain or pleasure Alex couldn't tell. He positioning her head right in front of his thick cock, and with a loud grunt he released a torrent of cum. It splashed over her face, through her hair and down onto her breasts. When he had finished cumming he let her go and she fell down next to Karen, panting and gasping for breath. Karen stirred and opened her eyes, looking straight at her friend.

"Mmmm, I hope your going to share baby?" Karen asked, pulling herself up next to Sally's limp body.

Sally nodded and turned her head toward Karen. Alex watched in shock as Karen began licking the cum off his mothers face, then kissing her. Their tongues danced together, sharing the prize they had worked so hard to earn. They continued to kiss and play on the floor while Gary passed out on the lounge.

Alex was mesmerized by the girl on girl, or rather woman on woman, action that was going on. He'd never looked at his mother in a sexual way before but after seeing this, seeing how much of a slut she could be, he could appreciate what was happening. If Ally hadn't of pulled him away and led him toward the door he would have stayed their all night.

They got back Alex's house and sat down at the kitchen counter. He could barely believe what he saw. His mother and Karen had been fucking Kristy's dad. He suddenly realized that they were lucky, if their parents weren't at Ally's house doing that, they would have come home and found him and Ally in bed together.

"I think I might be scarred for life" said Alex, his face was blank as he stared into space.

Ally laughed and wrapped her arms around him. "You'll be fine" she said. "Come on, lets curl up on the lounge and watch a movie. If they come back here its best they don't find out what we were doing while they were out."

While Ally went and started tidying up, making sure nothing was out of place, Alex put some popcorn in the microwave and grabbed a few cans of coke. Ally came back downstairs carrying a few blankets and pillows thrown over her head. Alex laughed, it looked like a pile of blankets floating past the kitchen. They curled up on the lounge and started watching a movie. Ally was wrapped around Alex underneath the blankets, she felt safe and warm and she didn't want to move. Watched the movie in silence, every now and then Alex would kiss the top of her head, and she'd hug him tighter.

They had almost drifted off to sleep when their mothers walked through the door, they had their arms around one another, laughing like schoolgirls. Ally and Alex looked at each other trying not to laugh. Sally walked into the room and noticed then cuddled up together on the couch.

"Whats all this?" She slurred, pointing at the couple on the couch. Obviously they'd had a bit to much do drink, which probably explained the crazy 3 way, but Alex thought all the sex might have sobered them up. Unless the kept drinking afterward.

Alex laughed at how drunk she was. "I don't know . . . Whats all that?" Alex pointed at her, then toward Ally's house before draping his arm over her shoulder again. His subtle yet effective way of telling her he knew seemed to work because a brief look of horror crossed her face. She quickly recovered and brushed it off, laughing as Karen stumbled in.

"Oh its nothing honey, we just had a bit too much to drink is all." She exchanged a look with Karen, silently telling her to leave the room. "You kids have fun . . . Don't do anything we'd do" she said, walking away into to the kitchen.

Alex could have sworn he heard his mother slap Karen's ass, right before more giggling echoed through from the kitchen.

Ally laughed. "Well played Sir" she complimented, kissing him on the cheek and sinking back down against his chest.

"It should keep them off our case for a while" he said.

They fell asleep soon after, not even noticing Karen and Sally leaving to go next door again.

The next day Alex woke up in pain, his back was killing him. They'd fallen asleep on the lounge and Ally had used him as her pillow. He gently moved her off his stomach, and in an attempt to slide out he fell to the floor causing more pain. He couldn't be bothered to move anymore, it was like the way a bad day usually started, the whole wake up on the wrong side of the bed thing. Maybe if he just lay here all day, it wouldn't get any worse.

"Morning baby" Ally chirped. Alex looked up to see her head dangling over the edge, a smile on her lips as her hair fell down around him. "You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, just fine" he mumbled. He closed his eyes, trying to clear his head and think. "Did you sleep okay?" he asked.

"Oh yeah . . I had the best sleep" she said. She got up and jumped over him, then knelled down to kiss him on the cheek. "Your the comfiest pillow ever" she teased, ruffling his hair. Alex slapped her hand away playfully, she put on her pouty face and turned, walking out of the room.

After showering and getting dressed Alex jumped down the stairs and walked into the kitchen to find his mother and Karen talking with Ally while they cooked breakfast.

Alex took a seat next to Karen at the counter. "Morning Karen" he smiled. "Have fun last night?" he asked. It was hard to refrain from laughing, especially when Ally, and even his mother couldn't hold it in. He could hear them snickering on the other side of the kitchen as they started dishing out breakfast.

"Yes . . . I had plenty of fun, thank you for asking, Alexander" she smiled, trying not to seem too suspicious. Karen didn't know exactly how much they'd seen and heard, but she was hoping it wasn't much.

Ally walked over with a plate of bacon and eggs and put it in front of him. She kissed him on the cheek quickly and told everyone she was going to take a quick shower. Alex watched as she walked away swaying her hips seductively before she reached the stairs and ran up. As if on queue Kasey's father walked out from Sally's bedroom, he looked uneasy and he seemed to be waiting just outside of the kitchen, like he wasn't quite comfortable around everyone else in the room.

"Oh, hey Mr Rogers. Come and have some breakfast" Alex offered, getting a harsh look from his mother. He smiled as if to say 'its your fault' then turned back to his friends dad.

"Hello Alexander" said Gary, trying not to meet Alex's gaze. Alex gave him a nod and continued eating.

A few minutes later Ally came down wrapped in a towel, drying her hair with another. She came to a stop when she saw Gary sitting at the counter eating breakfast. She looked around the room, noticing how nervous everyone looked. She was about to go back upstairs when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" she called. She ran over to the front door and swung it open to see James and Kasey standing there. The early morning sun must have gotten to them because Kasey had a thin sheen of sweat covering her body. She looks radiant in the sunlight and Ally couldn't seem to pull her eyes away from Kasey's tits. In the bikini she was wearing it didn't leave much to the imagination.

"Oh hey guys" said Ally. She stepped outside, still in her towel and kissed them on the cheek.

"Ally? We were expecting Alex" said Kasey. Ally noticed Kasey's eyes wandering up and down her body, from her bare legs to her boobs hidden just underneath the towel.

"Yeah, I ended up staying the night" she explained. "Come inside out of the heat."

Ally led them inside and shut the door. They followed her into the kitchen, and what happened next made Ally jump.

"DAD? What the fuck are you doing here?" Kasey screamed.

Gary stood up and turned, knocking his coffee mug off the bench. "Oh Kasey . . . I uhh . . Umm . . . Its hard to explain" he stuttered.

"That's your dad?" Asked Ally, her hand was covering her mouth in shock. Kasey nodded, her eyes were narrowed and she looked furious. "Oops"

02-10-2011, 06:07 AM
oh wow! cant wait till the next chapter

02-11-2011, 04:47 AM
Another great chapter. Keep it up :) Really liking the story, and good story telling with descriptions and that to set the scene.

02-11-2011, 08:11 AM
Thanks John
I'm going to be posting in parts from now on. Some might be a bit longer than my usual posts coz each part might have a couple of small chapters in it. So really it'll just be bigger chapters :)

02-11-2011, 10:25 PM
Chapter 05

"Yeeeaah, sooo . . . This is gettin kinda awkward so I'm just gunna head down the beach" James tried to back out of the room but Kasey grabbed his arm holding him in place.

"Your not going anywhere" she hissed, then snapped her head back to her father. "Are you going to explain yourself or just stand there like a frightened child?" Alex had never seen her so angry before. It was like watching a kitten turn into a lion, he mentally reminded himself not to piss her off.

"Breakfast?" asked Alex, trying to lighten the mood by offering some bacon and eggs. The look Kasey gave him was priceless and he couldn't help but laugh. He stood up and walked over to her, lowering his voice so that the adults in the room couldn't hear and said "Hey, your dad was fucking my mum, how do you think I feel. Just let it go for now Kase."

Alex wrapped his arm around Ally and led her upstairs, ignoring the looks he was getting from everyone. They got up to his room and burst into laughter. Neither of them ever thought the day would start out like this.

"I didn't know it was Kasey's dad, I swear." she laughed, her face was pushed into Alex's neck and he was holding her tight.

"I know, I should have told you" he said. "It doesn't matter, It'll all blow over soon anyways."

While they stood there laughing their hands somehow found each others body and began roaming, until they they were locked in an embrace, kissing passionately. They broke apart when they heard screaming from downstairs. They ran downstairs and found Kasey yelling at her father once again.

"Is this why mum left you? Because you were sleeping around?" she asked, her voice was furious.

Gary sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Kasey honey, didn't your mother tell you why we split up?"

"No. All she would say is that you were a fucking asshole" she screamed.

"Oh he loves doing the asshole" Karen mumbled, causing Kasey's glare to flick to her. "Oh sorry dear, continue screaming" she said, taking a sip from her coffee.

Gary fell back into his seat, his hand was covering his face. "I left your mother because she was cheating on me" he said.

Kasey looked at him, her eyes wide in shock. "What?"

Gary stood up again and walked over to his daughter, wrapping his arms around her he said. "I'm sorry, she probably didn't want to tell you, but that's the reason I left."

Everything was quiet for a minute, no one knew how to proceed until James coughed, clearing his throat. "Okay, so, how about that beach, huh?" he laughed nervously, desperately trying to get out of the room.

Kasey pulled away from her father and grabbed James' hand, pulling him toward the door. They left without another word leaving Gary standing in the middle of the dining room with his head down. He seemed out of it, like he didn't know what to do. Finally he lifted his head and sighed, turning toward Karen and Sally, who were still standing in the kitchen.

"Well, I should probably go. Ummm, thanks for last night Sal, I think I needed that." he said. He started to walk out but Sally's voice stopped him.

"Gary" she called. "Why don't you stay for breakfast. It would be nice to have some company" she smiled.

Alex could tell his mother liked Gary, she would never allow another man in his fathers house if she didn't care about him. Gary and Alex's dad used to be good friends and when he passed away Gary always stopped by to make sure Alex and his mum were okay. He was a good friend to her for a long time, and right now she needed him. Probably Karen too. Alex wasn't going to stand in the way of his mother being happy, whether it was with a man or a woman he didn't care, as long as she had someone again. As long as Gary didn't start playing step dad, he was fine with whatever happened.

Gary looked over to Alex, as if asking his permission to stay. Alex gave him a nod and walked over to his mother, kissing her on the cheek and whispering. "As long as your happy mum."


Chapter 06

Alex quickly packed a few things to take to the beach and Ally did the same. He met up with her out the front next to his car and they jumped in. They drove in silence for a minutes until Ally spoke up.

"Fucked up morning, Huh?" she laughed.

Alex laughed, if last night wasn't bad enough the mornings events were even worse. Seeing his mother being fucked by his friends dad was one thing, but watching that scene in the kitchen was hilarious. He just hoped his mother wouldn't rush into anything yet.

"I hope Kasey's okay. She took it pretty hard."

"It's okay, I'll have a talk with her" said Ally. "She needs a girlfriend right now, someone she can talk to, get everything off her chest." Ally unbuckled her seat belt as they pulled into the car park at her beach. "Then she needs to get fucked by a nice big cock, don't ya think?"

"What?' he asked.

"Yeah, she needs to get laid . . . Park in the corner, over there." Ally pointed to a secluded spot underneath a tree. before the car had stopped moving Ally was leaning over his lap and had his dick in her hands. It was still soft but that didn't stop her from sucking it into her mouth. Alex panicked looking around to make sure no one was there. After a few seconds he relaxed, allowing her mouth to work its magic on his now rock hard prick. Her head bobbed up and down, sucking furiously as she fucked him with her mouth. her tongue moved sensuously along the underside of hi shaft and before long he could feel the familiar tingle that meant he was getting ready to cum.

"Fuck . . . Ally I'm gunna cum, keep going" he pleaded. Ally murmured and continued her blow job, pushing his cock deep into her throat. Alex couldn't take any more. He wrapped his hands in her hair and pulled it, causing her to moan around his cock. With out realizing he was doing it he began fucking her mouth, thrusting up into her as he held onto her head. A few seconds later he came, erupting inside her mouth and straight into her throat. She murmured in appreciation and swallowed every mouthful of his hot sticky cum, then continued to suck his shrinking cock until she was sure he was done. She pulled his cock from her mouth a licked it clean, making sure she got every drop.

"I love it when you cum in my mouth baby. You taste good." she moaned.

"Now I want you even more" he complained.

"Don't worry baby, we'll get a chance to fuck. We might even invite someone to join us." Ally jumped out of the car before he realized what she'd said. When it finally hit him he started freaking out.

"What do you mean?" he yelled after her, but she continued down to the beach ignoring his question.

When Alex made it down to the beach he noticed Ally and Kasey with their arms wrapped around each other. Ally was trying to comfort her but she was a mess. James walked over to him, he was carrying his backpack in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. He had a shit eating grin on his face and Alex knew exactly what he was about to say.

"So you finally got all the way, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah. What's it to you?" he laughed.

"Nothin man, I'm proud of ya. She's hot" he said. He was checking out Ally as she rubbed sunscreen into Kacey's back. Even Alex was having trouble looking away so he couldn't really blame James. "Your really into her aren't ya?" he asked, turning back to Alex. His face was serious now, when it came to girls James was a good friend, he'd never make a move on someone his friend was with.

"Yeah man. I think I'm falling in love with her." He admitted as he brushed his hand through his hair.

"That's good bro. Don't let her get away." James slapped his hand on Alex's back and walked back toward the girls.

Alex followed, walking behind James as they both watched the erotic scene in front of them. Ally was sitting on Kasey's butt, massaging her back and shoulders. Kasey was moaning softly as Ally worked out the knots in her back. The boys dropped down on the sand, their eyes glued to the 2 sexy young teens who seemed to be enjoying the massage as much as each other. Alex and James exchanged a look, trying to figure out if the girls were acting like friends or lovers. It was causing both of them to get pretty hard so they turned away from the girls and started talking to each other.

Just before the girls finished their little show, Kyle and Jess walked down the beach. The weirdest thing was, they were holding hands. Kyle was Alex and James' best friend. The three of them had been friends since they were young and no matter how much they fought they always worked it out. They walked straight past the group, not even bothering to say hi, and went down to the water.

"She's taking it a bit far, don't ya think?" asked James. He kept his voice low so the girls couldn't hear. Alex pulled his phone from his pocket and brought up the message from Jess. He passed it over to James so he could read it. James looked thoughtful for a second, then burst into laughter. "Forget about it bro. She'll be over it in a week or two. She'll probably fuck around with Kyle for a bit, then he'll realize she's just leading him on and he'll break it off."

Alex nodded. He knew James was right, but he was still worried about what Jess might do before that happened. "I'd prefer it if she hadn't involved Kyle though. He's been into her for ages but she never paid any attention to him. It's just a way to get back at me, I know it."

Alex hoped it would work itself out soon. He didn't want to hurt Jess but the truth was that they weren't even together to begin with, if she wanted him she should have told him. Besides, he never felt anything for Jess, and it was never anything compared to what he had with Ally. He looked over to see Ally smiling at him, she was knelling down in front of her bag getting her towel. She had her back to him and he could see her perfect ass stretching the fabric of her bikini bottoms, her tight juicy pussy just visible through the folds of the fabric. He wanted nothing more than to rip what little clothing she had on off and fuck her right there.

He caught James staring at Ally so he kicked some sand at him. James laughed and jumped up. "I'm going up to the shop, anybody want anything?"

Kasey looked up and squinted against the sun. "Yeah, be a dear and get me a bottle of water, aye love . . . Cheerio then." She waved him off, her fake British accent was spot on and everyone laughed.

James picked up his bag and started toward the shops, then whirled around to face her. "You know you sound like Sean Connery when you do that, it fucking atrocious" he called.

"Just get my fucking water!" she screamed.

James put his hands up in defense and backed away. "Alright . . Alright." He turned and continued up the beach until he was out of sight.

Alex fell back in the sand using his bag as a pillow, he tried to relax and forget about everything that was happening. He could hear Ally and Kasey talking, and surprisingly Ally had her talking about sex.

"You've never done it?" Ally asked. She wasn't being judgmental, she sounded curious. Alex never really listened in on girl talk but he supposed this was as good a time as any to start.

"No" Kasey sighed. "I just . . Everyone always said it hurt and that they regretted doing it, so I wanted to wait til I was older, at college or something."

"You just have to find the right person. I don't regret doing it the first time, if I hadn't had a few crappy experiences I never would have realized how amazing Alex is." Ally had a dreamy smile on her face as she thought about Alex, she really was falling for him.

"You and Alex had sex?" whispered Kasey. She looked shocked, as if the mere thought of Alex having sex was unimaginable to her. She had never looked at him as more than a friend before.

"Yeah" Ally smiled. "It was amazing. He made me cum twice, I even passed out." Ally checked to make sure Alex wasn't looking and leaned in closer, she gestured with her hands about 8 inch's apart. "I couldn't believe how big he was when I first saw it."

Kasey looked like she'd seen a ghost. "How did you fit it in?" She asked, her voice was barely a whisper.

Ally laughed. "If it couldn't fit in and it didn't feel good then people wouldn't do it, would they?" she said. Ally moved closer, placing her hand on Kasey's knee. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah . . . Sure. " Kasey looked nervous with Ally being so close but she didn't pull away.

"Have you ever thought about being with a girl?"

"Ummm . . . What? Why?" Kasey stuttered, brushing her long black hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear. Ally noticed that she did that a lot when she was nervous.

Ally shuffled around a bit, trying to find the right way to go about it. "Well lately I've been kinda, thinking about girls, and finding girls attractive. I don't know why, I'm not a lesbian, obviously, but I just don't know how to explain it."

Ally put her face in her hands, her long blonde hair fell over her face like curtains, covering her shame. Or at least what Kasey thought was shame. Kasey felt sorry for Ally, she was going through the same thing, for the past few months she'd be seeing girls in a whole new way. Every time she saw a hot girl walk past she couldn't pull her eyes away from their perfect ass, the way it bounced and swayed with every step. She found herself checking out other girls tits too, she'd even compare her breasts to theirs and wonder how it would feel to have them in her hands, kneading the soft flesh.

Kasey looked over to Ally and started to examine her compact, sexy body. She was gorgeous, with perfect firm tits and long shapely legs. Her ass looked so good in that bikini that Kasey found herself wanting to reach over a slap it. Her mind started to wander as she thought about Ally, maybe she'd have a chance to explore her sexuality with her. Kasey decided to take a shot and see if Ally was interested too.

"I . . I cant stop thinking about girls" Kasey admitted. She leaned in pressing her cheek against Ally's. "I cant stop thinking about you" she whispered.

Ally was still covering her face, which was lucky because she was smiling from ear to ear and she didn't want Kasey to know why she was so happy. She had been planning this from the moment she saw Kasey this morning and she wasn't about to ruin it now.

"Oh so now your fucking her too" said a familiar voice. Ally and Kasey turned to see Jess standing with her hands on her hips, her eyes shooting daggers at Ally. "I can understand Alex leaving me for that slut, but you Kasey? Seriously, your all as fucked up as each other" she sneered.

Alex wasn't about to listen to Jess call his girlfriend a slut or take it out on Kasey either. "Shut the fuck up Jess. Why don't you stop acting like a child and go home."

"Hey don't talk to her like that bro, your the one who left her" said Kyle. Obviously Jess didn't tell him the whole story, and since Kyle had been away for a few weeks he wouldn't know any better.

Alex sat up, his eyes narrowed at Jess and kyle. Since when did his best friend side with someone else over him. "You don't know what your talking about Kyle. I know how much you like her, but I cant believe you'd actually let her manipulate you like this."

Kyle looked furious. "She's not manipulating me" he yelled. "You know what, I'm actually glad you decided to be with that cunt, because now I've got everything I've ever wanted and I'm . . ."

Ally couldn't really see what happened next. Before she had the chance to blink Alex was off the ground and right in front of Kyle. He pushed him so hard he went flying back a few metres and crashed into the sand, sending it spraying around him.

"Call her that again and you'll get a lot more than that" Alex warned. Kyle got to his feet, brushing the sand off himself. He was always the smallest of the 3 yet he had a pretty muscular build, he knew how to fight too, but he was never a strong as Alex or James. He seemed to know that he wouldn't win in a fight but he wasn't about to back down.

Alex turned to walk over to Ally, he wasn't expecting what happened next. Before he'd made it half way to where the girls were sitting Kyle lunged at him, Alex didn't have time to turn, but surprisingly, when he did Kyle was back on the ground. He turned to see James standing next to him, his face was expressionless as looked down at Kyle.

"Look at what this bitch is making you do" said James, he was pointing at Jess. "I know you like her bro, but attacking your best friend while his back is turned just because he pissed of your little girlfriend is pretty fucked up." James gave Alex a pat on the back and walked over to the girls, he gave Kasey her water and stood there, his eyes glued to Kyle. "Take her and go home dude, it'll be better for you, trust me" he warned, his voice was cold. Alex could tell it was hard for James to take sides, but he knew he was doing the right thing.

"Lets go Kyle, we're not welcome here" sneered Jess, as she walked off kicking sand over all their bags. Kyle stood and followed, his eyes never left the ground.

Alex walked over to Ally, she was sitting on her towel with her arms wrapped around her knees. She looked up at him, she looked frightened, but her voice was harsh when she said. "You were with her?"

Everyone was silent, they sat in a small circle. Alex was drawing patterns in the sand in front of Ally, trying not to meet her gaze. She grabbed his hand, causing him to look up and meet her eyes.

"Tell me the truth, Alex"

02-13-2011, 01:25 AM
wow cant wait for the next chapter. amazing :)

02-13-2011, 02:43 PM
Thaks Surfguy it'll be up soon

03-19-2011, 06:47 PM
Excellent story

05-01-2011, 08:20 AM
Great story thank you

05-05-2011, 08:51 AM
great story, can't wait for the next chapter :)