View Full Version : (MesmerEyes) Charlie's Angels: Angels With Clipped Wings

01-01-2011, 10:21 PM
Charlie's Angels: Angels With Clipped Wings
By MesmerEyes

Being reposted from back in 2005


Kelly, Chris and Sabrina were sat around the office idling away the time until Charlie called. Bosley was a little late having called earlier to say that he had to go to the dentist. The girls had all smiled; Bosley was their light relief and helped them keep their sense of humor intact. The phone rang and Sabrina switched it to the speaker knowing instinctively that it was Charles Townsend their invisible but popular boss.

"Good Morning Angels"

The three girls uttered the same phrase in unison. "Good Morning Charlie."

"Where's Bosley Angels?"

"He had to go to the dentist Charlie, toothache." Sabrina was the spokeswoman, the other two just giggled.

"Never mind. I've got nothing for you at the moment. So I have decided that it's time we all took a vacation, myself included."

"That's great Charlie, where are you thinking of going?"

"I will be off to Europe Angels. I'll be back in three weeks. As usual if anything urgent crops up, I'll contact you through Bosley, so let him know where you're going to OK.

"That's fine Charlie, see you in three weeks. Have a good holiday." Sabrina disconnected the line and turned to the others. "Great, I need a holiday, Hawaii sounds good. How about you Kelly?"

"I think I'll visit the big apple for a while I fancy a change of climate?"

"Well I think I'll give Jill a call and see if we can do something together, it's a long time since we hung out."

"OK then, Hawaii calls, see you in a couple of weeks. Bye Chris, Kelly"


"Bye, say aloha for me."

The girls all laughed again and Kelly and Sabrina left Chris alone to ring her sister. As she was dialing Bosley walked in. "Oh Hi Bos"

"I see you all got Charlie's message"

"Sure did, I'm just about to ring Jill to arrange something."

"Sounds good, is she in town already?"

"No, she's in Vancouver at the moment."

"I see. Coffee?"

"Sure. Oh hello can you give me Jill Monroe's room please."

Chris smiled at Bosley as he turned to pour the coffee. "Hi Jill. Chris, Charlie's gave us three weeks off. Yes, that's what I thought. Great. Tomorrow evening. I'll meet you at the airport. Bye."

Chris put the phone down and sipped her coffee. "She's coming in tomorrow evening."

"That's good, got any plans for the rest of the day?"

"No, I just have to get a few things in for Jill's stay."

"You look tired Chris, maybe you should put coffee on your shopping list." Bosley smiled and watched Chris drain what was left of her drink.

"I'll see you in a couple of weeks Bos."

"Before you go Chris, can I ask where the others are going."

"Kelly is going to New York and....and.." "I feel... weird....Bos...I ca..n...........Bos help me....I ....uuhhh!"

Bosley caught her as she fell and gently laid her down on the couch, a few more seconds and she would have been outside. That would have been embarrassing. His questions had been irrelevant, the bugs in the office would have told him where the girls were going and being the professionals that they were, they would soon check in any way. He checked her pulse, it was slow and even. Bosley knew she would be out for a couple of hours and that would be plenty of time to do what was needed. Jill would be a complication but he could deal with her later.

Bosley locked her car in the garage just in case one of the others dropped by before leaving and then it was time to get back to work. He picked the unconscious Angel up and carried her down to a basement and into a secret room, which only he knew existed, in the room were three chairs similar to those that would be found in any dental surgery. They were back to back in a circle facing towards a blank wall and bolted to the floor. Bosley sat Chris in one of the chairs and began strapping her in.

Bosley looked down at his handiwork, searching for flaws, any escape routes he had missed. Bosley checked the restraints one by one.

"Ankles, check. Knees, check. Waist, check. Chest, check. Neck, check. Wrists, check. Elbows, check."

Bosley was satisfied that Chris was totally immobilized, he reached up and placed clamps at the side of her head that would hold her head immobile, finally he taped her eyes open now he was ready to begin.

Bosley watched the sleeping girl on the CCTV, he flicked a switch and the walls of the room began to dance in complicated patterns of color. He flicked a second switch and heard the room filled with strange music. He shut off the speakers to avoid listening to the strong subliminal messages hidden in the music. Soon she would wake up; she would be dazed and confused while the drug exited from her system. By the time she realized how much trouble she was in she it would be too late to do anything about it and in a short time she would have been totally brainwashed and ready to be reprogrammed as he saw fit. Right now he had other things to do like arranging for Jill to be his next guest. Bosley had hoped to drug all three girls at once but the traffic had screwed that plan up completely. Just as well with only three chairs he would have had to keep Jill quiet until one of the others was ready. Now he could leave Sabrina or Kelly until these two were completely ready. Chris opened her eyes slowly and as the fog began to clear she became aware of the dancing pattern of lights all around her. As soon as she heard the music she remembered the coffee and Bosley and the realization that for some reason he had drugged her. She tried to look around, to find some method of escape, but no matter how hard she tried she could barely move an inch. Chris's frustration grew in leaps and bounds until she was sobbing uncontrollably with indignation at the situation she was in. If only the others could find her and rescue her from her unknown fate. Then the realization dawned that not only was she unaware of where she was but she had no idea if Kelly and Sabrina were even now sharing a similar fate. Once again she struggled to no effect as gradually she began to become irrational.

The light and sound was merciless. Hour after hour they carried on assaulting her senses in unison. The panic had turned to fear and the fear had in turn become puzzlement and finally resignation as she watched listened and waited for what was coming next. Unaware that with each passing hour more and more of her personality and morality was being undermined by the subliminal messages constantly being hammered into her subconscious. Chris was being systematically and efficiently brainwashed.

Bosley was satisfied that Chris was already starting to succumb to his brainwashing. It was only a matter of time before he could begin to introduce new feelings and memories to replace the old ones; he was certain that if he was careful he could retain her personality and character but ensure that she would obey him totally. Bosley smiled and switched off the monitor. He didn't have long to get to the airport to pick up Jill. Bosley had always liked Jill and had been sad when she had left, he was glad that she would become part of his new order.

Jill was looking around trying to pick Chris from the crowd, at first she didn't even notice Bosley waving at her and bouncing from foot to foot. When she did she smiled and walked towards him and threw her arms out in welcome. There was a lump in his throat and for an instant he regretted what he was about to do. But only for an instant.

"Where's Chris?"

"She's at the office waiting for a call from Charlie, something urgent cropped up. We can go straight there."

"Fine, are the others there to?"

"Kelly and Sabrina will be flying in later. It will be just like old times."

They linked arms and walked towards the car. Bosley's free hand checked the tazer that rested in his pocket; he wrapped his hands around it comforted by it's presence and by Jill's obvious pleasure at seeing him again.

Bosley opened the car door and Jill got out.

"Still the gentleman I see Bos"

"As always my dear, as always."

Bosley opened the door and let Jill pass him. Jill called out for Chris surprised that she had not come outside to meet her. She started to turn to speak to Bosley but before she had even turned half way her whole body exploded in shock and pain as Bosley discharged the Tazer bolt into the small of her back. Barely conscious Jill sank to her knees, she reached out for the wall to stop herself falling only to be wrenched around by Bosley who smothered her face with a cloth. Jill recognized the smell of chloroform straight away but in her weakened state all she could do was look up pleadingly at her one time friend as she sank into oblivion.

Chris was doing anything she could to take her mind away from her situation and the continual sensory bombardment that she was being subjected to and strong willed as she was she knew it was only a matter of time before she was reduced to nothing more than a robot. She pushed the thought from her mind and concentrated on chocolate ice cream. Suddenly the light and music stopped. Chris's heart leapt expecting Kelly or Sabrina to release her and tell her it was all over, the door opened and in walked Bosley carrying her drugged sister.

"Hi Chris, sorry I've been neglecting you but I had to drop by the airport and pick up Jill here. I knew you girls wanted to spend some time together so I invited her over. When she's had some rest you can catch up on old times."

Chris began to sob, seeing any chance of rescue disappearing. "Don't cry my dear things will look much better in a couple of days." Bosley continued to strap Jill into a similar position to Chris. "Before I start the music again I'm going to give you both something a little extra to help things along. After all I want you to be ready in time for your big day."

"You won't get away with this Bosley, Charlie won't let this happen."

"Chris my dear. Charlie is in Europe for three weeks and neither Kelly or Sabrina has any idea where he is and he has no idea where they are. And the two of you will soon be unable to do anything.... Except what I tell you to.... HA HA HA HA.

Bosley stood in front of Chris still laughing, he jabbed a needle into her neck and emptied the contents of a syringe into her. "Pleasant dreams my dear. HA HA HA HA!"

Bosley walked out and closed the door. Chris tried to make Jill wake up but she couldn't concentrate, the drug was relaxing her dulling her sense of danger. The music started again and then the lights and for the first time Chris heard a little voice from the back of her mind telling her to give in and stop fighting. The thoughts were uncharacteristic but in her present state very difficult to ignore. Chris listened to her thoughts and took the first few steps towards losing her identity. Jill, coming around from the chloroform didn't even begin to fight. The drug had insinuated itself into her body whilst she was still affected by the chloroform and before the beautiful blonde even knew where she was her will power had been sucked away. Leaving her only the ability to listen and watch as her personality and memories were demolished. On the monitors Bosley watched and waited with only a cup of coffee and a massive hard on for company. Bosley picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Can you put me through to Sabrina Duncan's room please. Hi Sabrina, its Bosley. Bad news I'm afraid. Charlie wants us back here as soon as possible. I know but something's come up. You could get a late flight and be here tomorrow afternoon. Yes I'll meet you at the airport. Kelly hasn't left and Chris is already here. Good see you at the airport."

Bosley smiled and took another sip of coffee. These two were coming along nicely. Looking at the computer readout in front of him he could see that Chris would soon be ready for the second stage. He watched her lips repeating the subliminal messages hidden in the music, he switched on the sound link and listened.

"I am nothing, my past life is unimportant, I am nothing, I will remember nothing. I am nothing, my memories are useless. I remember nothing, I must forget everything, I remember nothing, I will forget everything. I remember nothing, I remember nothing. I am nothing."

Chris continued to repeat the words over and over and with each phrase a dial on the computer crept closer and closer to zero and Bosley knew that when the dial hit bottom she would be nothing more than a blank canvas.

Another voice joined in and Bosley smile increased to a laugh as Jill joined her sister. Bosley fingered a tape on the table; he would be using it soon. The tape bore Chris's name and the words Master tape. Across the table were two more tapes labeled Sabrina and Kelly, Bosley glanced at them and knew their turn would come. Bosley was concerned that he had not made a tape for Jill but he knew that once the others were in his possession he would have plenty of time. Bosley checked himself, he had the time now and there was no time like the present. He slipped a cassette into the machine and began to dictate the instructions that would form the basis of the new Jill Monroe.

Sabrina was tired from the flight, she had only managed a few hours in Hawaii before turning around and flying straight back. She couldn't sleep on planes and as a result she was more than a little irritable and the fact that Bosley was late picking her up hadn't helped. Sabrina strode across the terminal heading for the line of waiting Taxi's only to be stopped by a frantically waving Bosley.

"Sorry I'm late Sabrina, Kelly and Chris have just flown to Sacramento."

"Sacramento? I thought Charlie had a job for us?"

"He has, they just left."

"I should be with them."

"No Charlie needs to brief you first at the office."

"Get him on the phone now while I book a ticket."

"NO you have to come back to the office!"

"Bos what's wrong, has something happened."

"I can't tell you here Sabrina, Please come with me."

"Something's not right here Bos, you're acting really strange."



"Get into the car."

Sabrina looked down to see the gun in Bosley's hand. "What the hell is going on."

"NOW!" Sabrina opened the door and got in.

"Put the seatbelt on Sabrina."

Sabrina turned and clipped on the seat belt but as she turned back Bosley struck her firmly with the gun butt knocking her cold. Bosley got into the car and pulled away from the airport glancing at the unconscious Sabrina bouncing around the car beside him.

"Damn her." Bosley reached into his pocket and found what he was looking for, he calmly pulled the car into the side of the road and reached over and grabbed Sabrina's bare arm. He hadn't intended to give her any drugs yet but this would keep her quiet and easy to maneuver when they arrived at the office, he could give her another dose when she was strapped in to one of his special chairs. Sabrina flinched as the needle pierced her skin, Bosley moved into the line of traffic and on towards Sabrina's fate.

Sabrina opened her eyes just as Bosley helped her from the car, he smiled at her, she tried to return the smile but her mouth didn't want to function they stumbled as they mounted the curb. Sabrina's arm hanging limply at her side. Bosley maneuvered her expertly up the path and held her against the wall as he opened the door. Once inside Bosley lifted the drugged angel over his shoulder and carried her towards the basement, Sabrina's mind just couldn't comprehend what was happening. All she could do was wonder why she was upside down; she managed a slight giggle as she realized that nothing much mattered at the moment except the delicious relaxed feeling that she never wanted to end. Bosley entered the secret room and began to strap her in to the chair.

Chris and Jill were still strapped into their chairs. The music had stopped and the girls now wore a set of headphones, which were giving them their new instructions. Bosley finished with Sabrina and stood in front of Jill, The brainwashed woman didn't even acknowledge his existence. Bosley smiled again, something that was becoming a habit. He needed to get to the control room again and see how things were going and to begin Sabrina's treatment. He turned to Sabrina again and emptied another syringe into her arm and then leant over and gently kissed her on the forehead before leaving the room.

Bosley started the process once again, Sabrina full of drugs would prove no match for this, even if she had realized something was wrong at the airport. She had given him a scare for a few minutes and he had been sure that the car would be stopped on the way back to the office. At least here he was pushing all the buttons. Turning to the computer dials he could see that both Jill and Chris were ready for the final stage. Their instruction tapes had finished and now all that remained was to reintroduce their own memories, which would be modified by the tapes behavioral instructions to conform to his controls. Bosley leant back in his seat. In a couple of hours Chris and Jill would be completely under his control and Sabrina would be on her way through stage I, beyond outside help. That just left Kelly in New York.

Two hours had passed and Bosley had been unable to contact Kelly, she was not at her hotel. His messages remained uncollected and he was starting to think something was wrong. A red light began flashing on the console and than a second light followed. Bosley looked at the flashing lights. The sisters were ready. Bosley stood with his arms folded looking them up and down. Chris and Jill just stood their unmoving their clothes in an untidy pile behind them. Bosley circled around them carefully appraising every inch of their lithe athletic bodies. He had seen them in bikinis before but this was something new. Pleased that his first instruction had been obeyed quickly with not even an instant hesitation Bosley was ready to get a little more adventurous.

"Chris, Jill."

"Yes Master"

"Spread your legs and bring yourselves to orgasm with your fingers."

"Yes master."

Bosley was smirking heavily as the two beauties began to play with themselves, for the first time he noticed his own hard on, he would have to do something about that soon after all it was what this whole was about. Bosley was driven from his lecherous thoughts by the phone ringing. Startled he picked it up.


"Bos. It's Kelly."

"Oh Hi Kelly."

"What's the problem?"

Bosley was about to give him the same story as Sabrina but looking at the two girls writhing in front of him an altogether new idea formed. He leered even more. "Oh yes, Chris and Jill wanted me to let you know they are on their way to New York."

"Great, I haven't seen Jill for ages. Did you tell them where I was staying?"

"Yes I'm Just about to book them in now, they should arrive tomorrow, they'll ring you from the airport."

"Thanks' Bos. See you in a couple of weeks."

Bosley put down the phone.

"Chris, you and Jill are going on a little trip to see Kelly and this is what I want you to do."

The two girls watched him intently as he outlined his plan, their juices still leaking in a post orgasm escape.

Chris and Jill rang Kelly from the airport and arranged to meet her at the hotel. Thirty minutes later they were hugging each other in the foyer of the hotel.

"Jill it's great to see you again."

"You too Kelly, Chris thought it would be a great idea for us to meet and catch up on old times."

"It's a shame Sabrina isn't here."

"It is but I guess her minds on other things right now."

Chris and Jill exchanged a conspiratorial glance as they moved towards the check in desk.

"Hey what gives, you're in a suite?" "Thought we'd push the boat out, catch up in luxury."

"Great I'll follow you up"

The three girls and the bellboy stepped into the lift.

"How's Charlie these days Kelly?"

"Oh as invisible as ever."

All three girls laughed. The lift stopped and they followed the bellboy to the suite, tipping him as he left.

"This is gonna be great Jill."

"Sure is Chris."

The sisters laughed and Kelly looked at them puzzled. "What's the joke, did I miss something?"

"Oh nothing, Just pleased to be here."

Kelly looked around the room and saw Jill pick up the phone. "Hello room service. Can you send up some champagne to suite six please? Thank you."

"Champagne, Hell you are pushing the boat out."

"It's a celebration Kelly we've got a surprise for you."

"What sort of surprise?"

"Champagne first, surprises second."

Kelly frowned and then smiled broadly. "OK you win. We wait for the champagne."

They didn't have to wait long and soon Chris was popping the cork. She passed two glasses to Jill and poured a third for herself. Jill turned away to hand Kelly her drink and as she did dropped a tablet into the glass knowing that the bubbles would hide it as it dissolved. Kelly took her glass just as Chris proposed a toast.

"Charlie's Angels."

All three girls sipped their champagne.

"OK we've had the champagne. Now the surprise."

Jill proposed another toast.

"To old friends and new relationships"

They all took another drink. Kelly was about to speak when Chris interrupted.

"Your turn Kelly."

Kelly gave in and thought for a moment."

"To us."

They all raised their glasses and drank again.

"Now what's this surprise."

Kelly looked from Chris to Jill and back again they were both smiling and they were getting a little fuzzy around the edges, Kelly tried to speak but all she could do was watch as the half empty glass slipped from her fingers. She tried to stand but she just fell sideways, she saw Jill bend down and look her straight in the eyes.

"Sweet dreams Kelly, Welcome to your new life."

Kelly was out cold before Chris had finished the sentence. She had not even had time to grasp the fact that she had been drugged. Chris and Jill scooped her up and carried her over to the bed. Slowly and lovingly they removed her clothes until she was naked. One by one they took an arm or leg and tied it so Kelly was spread-eagle face up on the bed. Chris withdrew a ball gag from her case and jammed it in Kelly's moth tying it securely in place. Chris and Jill then slowly and deliberately undressed each other and if Bosley had of been watching he would probably have ended up having a heart attack. Ignoring the drugged Kelly Chris and Jill began to explore each other's bodies, reveling in their new-found feelings, feelings that had been implanted during their stay in Bosley's secret room. To Bosley the fact that they were sisters was unimportant, he loved to watch beautiful women making out and these two were definitely no exception.

When Kelly came to she could hear moaning and skin rubbing against hers; she turned to see her two friends in the throes of lesbian lust. Kelly tried to call out but her gag let out no more than a muffled groan. The moan did attract the attention of the two lovers who seeing that Kelly had awoken decided to let her join in the fun. Taking one nipple each they began to suck and tease her as she tried in vain to throw them off. All that Kelly's violent movements did was to drive the sisters into a sexual frenzy as they tired everything to make her orgasm. It took a while but Kelly still weakened from the drug gradually became more and more aroused until a flood of juices flooded from between her legs. Ecstatic with their initial success Chris and Jill began to play with her in turn each one trying to outdo the other one and make Kelly come again and again. Orgasm after orgasm wracked her body and Kelly lost count of the times that she had climaxed until her mind unable to comprehend this betrayal shut down completely and she passed out.

Chris and Jill sat looking at their captive knowing that they could not allow her to sleep yet as they had work to do. Chris gave her an injection while Jill brought back a pendant from her jacket and suspended it just above Kelly's face. Chris slapped her gently knowing that the effects of the drug would soon bring her round. Kelly opened her eyes and looked directly at the pendant, which Jill began to move from side to side. Chris started to talk to her gently and calmly just as Bosley had told her to.

"Watch the pendant Kelly, follow it from side to side. See how pretty it is and how you need to look at it. Look at it closely Kelly. Look at it closely and listen to the sound of my voice. Watch the pendant; look at the swirling colors deep inside, watch them closely as they help you to relax. Watch and follow Kelly follow and watch. Listen and look Kelly listen and look."

Kelly's eyes were following the pendant closely and her breathing had become slow and even. Chris stopped talking for a little while allowing Kelly to become totally fixed on the sparkling pendant."

"You are in a deep sleep Kelly, nothing matters except the pendant and the sound of my voice. You must obey me Kelly; you must do exactly as I say. The pendant wills it. You must obey."

There was still a tiny voice in the back of her head telling her to fight but every time it spoke Kelly heard Chris's voice telling her to obey. Kelly new that Chris was her friend and only wanted the best for her. She heard the tiny voice for the last time before pushing it away and focusing on Chris and the swinging pendant and as Kelly's willpower went in another city Sabrina came.

Bosley rolled off of her and smiled he had wanted a piece of Sabrina's ass as soon as he had met her but the haughty bitch had thought he was a clown and only suitable as a friend and colleague. Well all that had changed now. He pointed to his dick and said. "Sabrina, take it in your mouth and bring me off. Oh and swallow everything."

"Yes master." Sabrina did as she was told and soon his cock was buried in her mouth, he closed his eyes as he felt himself harden. Sabrina continued to work her magic and he shuddered as he shot his load into her mouth. As per his instructions nothing escaped. Only a slight dribble was visible around her lips and Bosley watched in awe as her tongue arched out seductively and captured the escaping liquid. Sabrina looked at him. "Again master?"

"No Sabrina, Get dressed and fix me some breakfast."

"Yes Master"


"Yes Master"

"Forget getting dressed."

"Yes master." Sabrina bounded out of the bedroom her pert behind bouncing as she hurried to obey him. Breakfast had never looked so good. The phone rang and Bosley answered it.

"Hi Chris I've been expecting your call. How did it go? Good. Get the next flight back Sabrina is dying to see you all."

Bosley put the phone down and leapt from the bed. Life was wonderful and he could feel himself hardening again. Breakfast could wait; he followed Sabrina into the kitchen and grabbed her breasts from behind. Bosley bent her over the table and thrust himself into her rear end, Sabrina gasped and pushed herself towards him, the erotic part of her programming taking over, she screamed as he thrust in and out and soon neither of them was aware of anything but their own passion.

Bosley was relaxing in an easy chair, sipping a Martini. Sabrina still naked was gently massaging his shoulders. Bosley was pleased before him stood Kelly, Chris and Jill. Kelly's eyes were blank and glazed, she stood still staring into space whilst the two sisters jealously surveyed Sabrina who had the honor of serving their Master. Bosley saw the exchanged looks.

"Girls, Girls, there's no need to worry. I can assure you your turn will come as will Kelly's. In the meantime take her down to the basement and introduce her to the program."

"Yes master."

Chris and Jill pulled the hypnotized Kelly to her feet and marched her towards the basement. Bosley took another sip from his Martini and then closed his eyes. He felt his trouser zip being lowered so he put down his drink. After all it wouldn't do to spill any.


Sabrina, Kelly and Chris were sat around the office waiting for Charlie's call; Bosley was stood by the phone his arm around Jill, fondling her exposed breast. The phone rang and Bosley reached over and switched on the speaker.

"Hi, Angels."

"Hi Charlie."

"Did you have a good holiday?"

"Yes thank you Charlie."

"Good, now we're all back I have a job for you."

All the girls looked at Bosley. He nodded his head. It was Sabrina who spoke. "What would you like us to do Charlie?"

Bosley looked around the room at the girls. They could still work for Charlie; he had no objection to that. He smiled as Jill seductively nibbled at his ear. But from now on they would really be Bosley's Angels, Charlie could borrow them now and again, whenever a job cropped up. At that moment something else cropped up, Bosley looked at Kelly.

"I'm in need of a blowjob Kelly and I think it's your turn."

"Yes master." Kelly stood up and ran towards him afraid that he would choose someone else, as she ran her breasts bounced invitingly. Kelly was naked. They were all naked. That thought Bosley was how God intended angels to be.

01-02-2011, 01:14 AM
thanks for the find