View Full Version : Twisted Games - Non-Erotic

06-19-2009, 02:28 AM
Twisted Game
Decay of the mind
Festering open wound
Spills out to the wind
Searching for the dark hound

Devil hound’s bay staggers the night
Sinister hunt has begun
Flee the hell beast’s fatal bite
Race ’til the morning sun

Hot on your heels
Mind struggles to believe
Feverish wishes that this wasn’t real
Never stop to grieve

One misstep may prove your demise
Just remember you are tonight’s prize

06-19-2009, 07:43 PM
Feel the earth beneath your feat as you run headlong from
those shadow hounds made real.

Those teeth nipping at your heels as do the words to this one
scrape along the edges of your mind.

The words work well to inspire some very telling imagey.

It works for me anyway.

06-23-2009, 01:25 AM
Thank you for your kind comment. I don't show my poetry often because I get accused of being to dark. *eyeroll*

06-23-2009, 04:02 AM
Darkness is always needed to provide the light of tomorrow honey...... I thought it was great more please

07-10-2009, 11:55 AM

He steps out onto the smooth unnatural path. The trail hard on his elegantly long legs. Blinding lights cause him to freeze. The smell of burning rubber assaults his nose as the strange gleaming monster skids towards him. His muscles ache and quiver to jump away. Commanded by the light, he stands there as the screaming beast slides closer and closer. Finally, he gathers his strength and lunges. Crack! Hooves meet cold metal as he lands on top of the monster. The slick hard hide throws him to the ground. A sickening snap as he lands goes unnoticed as he flees for the safety of the forest beyond the trail. Pain, Pain! Dragging the damaged extremity he runs on deeper and deeper into the undergrowth. Pain, Pain! Dark sticky liquid flows around the protruding white. The damage causes him to slow but his heart roars on. Images of the monstrous beast flash through his brain. The paranoid panic overwhelms him. A spurt of adrenaline carries him another few hundred feet. Head hanging low, he tries to control the twitches of pain coursing through his body. Stumbling steps are all he can manage now. A twisted Oak root brings him to his knees and saps his remaining strength. The soft Oak leaves familiar scent offer him little comfort. The torture of his throbbing leg dims as his eyelids drift down. His heart finally slows but the sinister liquid still pours onto the soft forest floor.

07-23-2009, 03:07 PM
I cannot explain what it is about that I just know I liked it thankyou