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View Full Version : Lift Love

03-17-2009, 04:41 PM
My hands are shaking, will she see,
This red headed lady standing close to me,
I can smell her scent; it’s in the air,
That fragrance is getting everywhere.

The lift’s on the move I need to be quick,
I’m so scared I’m almost sick,
Just speak; I can hear my friends say,
They told me what to do just the other day.

They just don’t seem to understand
She is a Goddess and I’m just a man,
Two floors to go, I’ve left it too late,
How can I ask her for a date?

It’s no good it’s now or never,
If I cant now, I won’t ever!
My heart is breaking. What can I do?
Then with a sudden lurch the lifts stuck between one and two.

“It’s often doing this!” she says with a smile,
“They’ll have it fixed in a little while.”
“They’ve done me a favour, if they only knew”
“I waited so long for the chance to speak with you!”

She smiles and with the move of her head,
And now I’m yours she said
I move close her lips move to meet mine
A kiss like nectar that’s so divine

We’ve got about half an hour if you’re quick
Pulling her blouse out of her skirt and unbuttoning it,
It’s been a dream a sort of fantasy
To make out in a lift, it’s the danger you see

I cannot believe it as my trousers hit the deck
Her hot mouth around it while I’m a nervous wreck
My dicks being sucked just like I sucked my thumb
If she keeps doing this it’ll be too late I’ll cum.

But my nerves have gone as I lift her against the wall
And with a forceful thrust penetrate right to my balls
Oh Yes, Oh Yes, again in and out
I just don’t care who hears her shout.

Then my seed like a volcano does flow
And I realise the damn lift has started to go
Pulling on our coats to hide our state
I laugh as I say “Does this mean you’ll come out on a date?”

03-19-2009, 06:11 PM
very good poem

04-15-2009, 09:10 PM
Great poem

11-29-2009, 05:23 PM

12-06-2009, 09:26 PM
Thank you all very much