View Full Version : Incest fantasies/favorite stories/Interests in Incest

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07-16-2009, 08:06 AM
I agree .. I am on the pill and this was a big factor for me to let my son cum in me while we have sex ... we have been lovers for the past 7 months now and every time we have sex he wants to cum in me and I do get turned on by this a lot too ..

07-20-2009, 05:38 PM
I have 2 brothers and 1 sister, all older than me. Though the subject of incest interests me, I’ve never been in a situation with any of my family members to see if I could, or would.
So…I cant really say “The pill made me do it”

There are a lot of ppl here that seem to be attracted to the idea of incest. I’m glad that I’m not the only one.

There are also a lot of ppl here who have. Wow

And Dudster, I’m sorry for your sad experiences. Have you tried to get in contact with your cousin again?

07-21-2009, 06:08 AM
And Dudester, I’m sorry for your sad experiences. Have you tried to get in contact with your cousin again?

There was a brief period where she was available. At the time I was in therapy. I was trying to iron out some intense situations in my life-she was one of them. At that moment, because of what happened, I wrote her and asked:

1) Did she hold any residual anger because of how things played out? (I was guilt ridden)(she wasn't).

2) Could we spend some time together to see if we still had something?

The answer was no because she wanted to try to be serious with someone else before giving me a shot. She ended up marrying him.

08-05-2009, 03:52 PM
I have fantasies about getting raped by "my" daddy (mine passed away when I was 2).

08-06-2009, 07:25 PM
I like the idea of a brother and sister in their twenties who are both single and kind of going through a dry spell. Rather than go through the drama of the bar scene, they decide to take care of each other's needs and find that sex with each other is better than with anyone else.

I probably like this idea because I don't have a sister. I've gotten strange looks in the past from friends who had hot sisters because I asked them how they dealt with having such a hottie for a sister. They literally did not see their sisters as girls at all. If I had a hot sister I'd definitely fuck her if she was willing.

I've been fucking my aunt (dad's sister) for years. She was the one who turned me on to incest in the first place. She's wanted to fuck my dad for a long time, but has never tried anything. She and I have a shared fantasy in which we have a full-swap orgy with my parents. She gets to fuck her brother and I get to fuck my mother. But that will never happen because my parents are very conservative and would completely freak out if they knew that we wanted to do that, or found out about us being lovers.

How many people here have incest experiences? Good ones that is, not abusive ones. I know I can't be the only one.

08-08-2009, 08:17 PM
I enjoy reading the stories but no way would I do anything with an immediate family member, maybe some cousins though:icon017:

08-10-2009, 10:25 PM
I enjoy reading the stories but no way would I do anything with an immediate family member, maybe some cousins though:icon017:

Before my aunt turned me on to it, I was even less interested in it. I didn't really even think about it one way or the other. It seemed like this strange thing that didn't make much sense, like S&M. But once I got started with her I came to enjoy it very much. Making love to a member of your family is intense. My aunt has been interested in incest for as long as she can remember. It has always been her number one sexual fantasy. She's not alone either. We've read passages to each other from Nancy Friday's My Secret Garden about women whose sexual fantasies focused on incest. There are lots of people who enjoy it as an idea, and a few who enjoy it in reality.

08-11-2009, 08:06 AM
I am not sure how the pill works with the relationship part, I have sex with my son and it was something that happened out of the blue and he cummed in me and I was into it even though I was not on the pill.

08-11-2009, 06:01 PM

08-18-2009, 07:11 PM
Accidently, on purpose, had sex with step cousin on vacation one time

08-19-2009, 11:36 PM
Step cousins aren't incest, but they're close enough for government work.

08-20-2009, 07:48 PM
Well, i'm pretty certain the pill had nothing to do with it for me, since it was me and my brother...

It started when we were little and we didn't really understand, and continued to our late teens when we started getting some regularly from the ladies.

It was fun for the time, and I look back fondly on it, but, right now my family is lacking in those who I'd find do-able. Well, ok, my wife's sister..... lol

08-23-2009, 04:34 AM
There must be alot of incest happening thats not reported i guess. i let my little brother give me oral and later in my years i licked my sisters pussy. she seemed to enjoy it it. plus she jerked me but i didnt cum. i still think of those days and wish we would went further

12-24-2009, 01:09 AM
Great Thread!

12-24-2009, 02:56 AM
The pill can increase or decrease a woman's sex drive depending on which pill shes on and the levels of hormones that are in it so it could just be in general that they are on a pill that increases their sex drive and makes them want to get with anything that moves :)

12-24-2009, 09:29 AM
Well, my mom was on the pill and she never came to me for sex, so I don't know. But man, did I want to bang my mom, she was smoking. Many, many times I saw her nude. Sometimes I'd open the door to her room or to the bathroom when I knew she was nude, and once, I hid in her closet with my phone so I could get nude pics of her. I ended up deleting them because I was worried she'd find them on my phone.

12-25-2009, 06:28 AM
In the past few months when i had time i vissit a chat room in MIRC where i chat with both male and females who insisted that they had sexual affairs with close relatives.
I chatted with 3 females who had incestuous affairs with there fathers.
Two females who had incestuous affairs with there brothers.
Two males who had affairs with there daughter.
Two males who had affairs with there sisters.
Four who had affairs with female cousins.
Also four who had affairs with female niece.
Finally i was really surprised to find one who had a relationship with his mother.
Personally living in the real world for me mother-son relations are VERY RARE and only a few of those who say that they had an incestuous relationship with there mother say the truth.:wink:

12-26-2009, 06:09 AM
The incest stories are among some of my favourites but i don't find any relation between the pill and incest desires. I was sexually attracted to my uncle even before i went on the pill but the pill made it safer to do it.

12-28-2009, 09:38 PM
The incest stories are among some of my favourites but i don't find any relation between the pill and incest desires. I was sexually attracted to my uncle even before i went on the pill but the pill made it safer to do it.

How far have things gone with him?

12-29-2009, 02:28 PM
the incet isn't a good idea but unfotuntly that happen i know one who have sex with his sester and his a mad man raight now

12-29-2009, 02:29 PM
the incet isn't a good idea but unfotuntly that happen i know one who have sex with his sester and he is a mad man raight now

Brigit Astar
12-30-2009, 02:31 AM
If you met any of my family you would know why incest is the farthest thing from my mind.
With that said, I must say that I enjoy incest stories, and I have written some myself.

12-30-2009, 08:13 AM
I am one who had sex with my mom. It was a great time in my lfe and the best sex i ever had. We stopped when I left for college and have not resumed since I married, but the memories are great.

02-15-2010, 04:58 PM
always found it a turn-on but i dont think i could ever do it

02-16-2010, 11:12 AM
my sister and i fooled around when i was about 12 and she was 15-- lots of kissing and touching and dry humping. she was the fst girl i ever say naked or touched........

02-20-2010, 03:15 PM
I fooled with my cousin, she wanted it, I wanted it, fear kept us apart. She had a killer body too.. nice tits and ass, soft skin, and she was a dirty dirty girl. She's since passed away, so all I have is dirty memories, I do miss her, and yes, I think eventually I would have gone all the way with her.

02-21-2010, 05:00 PM
The subject of incest is a real taboo and rightly so. I think it happens most when one person is years older than the other and takes advantage of the situation. That is terrible. Kids whether they are yours, young relatives, etc., should not be used. Adults and older siblings should protect them.

I do admit that I regret not making love to my mother. I was an adult by the time I realized that many of the things she did were probably signals that I never picked up on at the time. She never made any overt moves and I missed her intent/desires. The one time I really should have understood what she wanted I was 19 and still too damn innocent to understand. She passed away years ago so I will never have the chance to fulfill that missed opportunity.

02-21-2010, 10:39 PM
I'm sorry to hear you missed your chance with her. I'm sure it would have been wonderful.

What happened when you were 19, if you don't mind me asking?

02-22-2010, 07:28 PM
After many many years my little cousin and almost connected again during the family events following my mothers passing 3 weeks ago... but we both have made sure the doors are again open and after many phone calls the probibility is there once all the family matters are settled... this has been an on again off again for almost 40 years....

02-25-2010, 03:31 PM
my cousin and i do some things together, but never have gone all the way,mostly from fear. my true hope is to one day have he pregnant with my kids

02-25-2010, 07:47 PM
i do not know if taking the pill could lead to incest. any more than it would lead to sex period. but it would be intresting to see a study done.

02-27-2010, 07:53 PM
I used to fantasize about my dad and one of his friends have their brutal way with me in front of my mom and my dads friends wife and basically everyone.

02-28-2010, 09:24 PM
I will from time to time flirt my aunt. she is beautiful. shes very touchy shell run her fingers through her hair and walk around the house in a towel. one time she had me grab her thongs from the dryer cuz she was out after her shower and she put it on right in front of me and then said thankyou and proceeded back into her closet shutting the door, she was teasing me and with no reward haha

02-28-2010, 10:17 PM
I will from time to time flirt my aunt. she is beautiful. shes very touchy shell run her fingers through her hair and walk around the house in a towel. one time she had me grab her thongs from the dryer cuz she was out after her shower and she put it on right in front of me and then said thankyou and proceeded back into her closet shutting the door, she was teasing me and with no reward haha

Never mind a tease...that was an invitation!

03-01-2010, 08:00 AM
I enjoy the incest category of sex stories and like to come up with incest scenarios as well as role play. However I never think of my own family when reading or imagining, so I guess it isn't a proper incest fantasy. However the topic is a big turn on.

03-02-2010, 10:39 AM
Incest has truly been one of my top fantasies. It is probably because of the whole taboo/innocent to natural feeling. It's like switching from silent movies to movies with sound. Or a sense of pioneering the unknown frontier. I really find the son/mother relationship the most interesting. The beginning of youth/the preservation of beauty, all wrapped into one.

03-03-2010, 09:11 AM
I started thinking of my older sister sexually when I was about 15. She was going through the whole rebellion stage so she was always dressing slutty. It actually started off by accident, my sister and I passed out in the living room in front of the tv, when i woke up in the middle of the night I was stumbling and really drowsy I couldn't see that well but I went to go shake my sister. I meant to shake her arm but somehow my hand ended up landing on her breast...

anyways long story short that fired me up into the whole incest thing. Normally i wouldn't have ever had the courage to do anything to her if that accident hadn't happened.

Maybe i'll write a story about it (rather a sad story), but for now i like to keep it in my head.

03-03-2010, 03:51 PM
my favorite is aunt and nephew and also cousin........ which would be coming up soon in future post since i am writing about what happened to me in real life..... till this day my aunt is the person that has given the best blow job ever. Then my cousin comes next..... and really don't know who to place third but yea it's a major turn on for me.

03-04-2010, 06:27 PM
I've always been attracted to my brother's pheremones. Even without the pill.i ofen wonder if i was the only person who was into family incest nice to see a girl who feels the same way ever do anything with him?

03-08-2010, 03:42 PM
Incest has always been, and always will be, a huge turn on for me. It could’ve have been, had I not grown up with a sister, a less absorbing topic. However, my sister and I grew up with only a year apart (she was the older) so we were driven by similar hormonal urges; urges that, for me, were like any other teenagers, only augmented by lust for my sister.

We never spoke frankly about the sexual possibilities. I never fully understood the thought process of my sister, and since the ramifications could prove disastrous, I never forced the issue.

However, I oftem tried to be the instigator of innocent come-ons. The person trying to evoke situations (trivial arguments) that would result in touching, tumbling, closeness: things that could be easily explained. There was enough times that my cock was rock-hard and visible through my shorts (despite my attempts to conceal) for her to have realised that my intentions were not innocent. This is what deterred me from going beyond the threshold. My sister would more often that not participate fully without responding to my obvious desperate calls. To me she enjoyed the innocent, playful thrills that I also loved, without wanting more.

And yet, an incident that will live with me for ever may shed a different light. I don’t know whether to be haunted by it or simply grateful for the experience.

It was a few years later. I was waiting in my sister’s bedroom with the expectation of confronting her over some money she stole from me. She opened the door, wet from the shower she was finished having with a towel wrapped around her. I demanded my money in return for leaving the room. She refused resulting in a stand-off.

Suddenly, she removed her towel exposing her wonderful body to a now petrified brother. I was stapled to the chair as I watched my sister dry her soft, smooth body. Her breasts were wonderfully shaped with delicately coloured areolas that I would have begged to lick had I been able to open my mouth. Her pussy was covered by a dark bush that she rubbed delightfully with the edge of the towel. Then, as she finished drying herself, she turned toward the closest. Her heap of round ass, an object of most of my desires, began to shake. Had I been masturbating, my cock would have exploded in seconds.

Then, she quickly dressed herself and left. Not a word was spoken. Had I been able to move, would she have responded to any escalation in events, or was she simply a tease. An exhibitionist who enjoyed the thrill of her brother’s desire but who never wanted to do something she would regret.

Perhaps I had the best of both worlds. I don’t think I am fully committed to the idea of my own incestuous relationship. When I was ‘fooling about’ nothing appealed more, but during the hours, days and weeks in between, my rationale would convince me of the opposite. I saw enough, touched enough and flirted enough to be content. However, in the years to come, if a situation as intense as that ever took place again I wouldn’t be as reluctant…probably.

03-09-2010, 11:20 PM
When I was escorting a guy wanted me to pretend to be his daughter. It was really fun as he took me out to a posh meal and then to a hotel room. All the time I was calling him "daddy".

BBC Barry
05-06-2010, 11:39 AM
So.... my nephew's young wife is coming on to me... big time. What should I do? He's an asshole btw, don't know if that helps.

05-07-2010, 12:43 AM
So.... my nephew's young wife is coming on to me... big time. What should I do? He's an asshole btw, don't know if that helps.

His wife sounds like an asshole too.

BBC Barry
05-08-2010, 11:30 PM
His wife sounds like an asshole too.

Maybe they deserve each other. I should just leave them to it. You're right, she may be asshole enough to try and drop me in the middle of some real embarrassing, family scandal shit. Thanks dude. What was I thinking?

05-10-2010, 09:07 PM
misery loves company

His wife sounds like an asshole too.

12-05-2010, 03:16 AM
I'm a bit drunk, so bear with me. Just wanted to bump this thread since it is interesting to me. I find myself wondering if how rare people like me are.

12-05-2010, 08:08 PM
So.... my nephew's young wife is coming on to me... big time. What should I do? He's an asshole btw, don't know if that helps.

As said, both are probably assholes. So, it just depends on how you stand with the rest of the family and how much it matters to you. If you are OK with the worst case scenerio, then if she is hot to you, nail her. Myself, if I wee single or still married to my second wife, I would even nail her without condom and I would cum deep in her pussy.

12-05-2010, 10:05 PM
lol i really wish i had a sister growing up

12-06-2010, 12:15 PM
Would a stepsib count?

12-07-2010, 02:38 AM
Would a stepsib count?

Close enough for government work.

Not incest as far as blood goes, but if you had a family-type relationship and became lovers, then that's pretty incestuous.

12-08-2010, 06:12 AM
i wish i was lucky enough to have an experiance but it never happend

12-08-2010, 10:30 AM
i love the idea of family sex

12-09-2010, 12:38 AM
As much of a turn on it is to read incest stories, I would never want to actually participate in sex with a relative. Guess "American Taboos" propaganda actually works ;)

12-11-2010, 02:06 AM
Ive had sex with 2 of my younger female cousins. It started with me and one of them getting high together and going foot fetish stuff then evolved. She talked about it to her sister and wow! It was awesome!

01-01-2011, 04:02 AM
I love reading about and often fantasize about joining another family or being caught by my GF daughter and her joining.

03-01-2011, 08:42 PM
My mom used to have me massage her back for her when she got out of the shower. I was 13, she was 47. Picture this; I'm straddling her lower back, she has only a towel around her lower section and no top on. She never rolled over but I could always see "side boob" while I messaged away. To this day I still wish one of us had taken the chance....

03-01-2011, 11:01 PM
I didn't have a sister so I made up for it with three cousins and two aunts. The sister of a friend of my much older brother helped me realize how much more I really liked girls and pussy and tits than the cocks of my brother and his friends. She was the closest thing to a sister I had.

03-04-2011, 08:13 PM
When I read sex stories I do read almost exclusively incest. The fantasy is a big turn on. However I have no attraction to a majority of my own family members (with the exception of a few cousins that I would be more than happy to fuck) and probably wouldn't be willing to take the risk.

03-06-2011, 12:08 PM
hot love it

03-06-2011, 01:24 PM
I am not sure if cousins count, but Becky and I had a sexual fondness for each other at an early age. Even when I was only 10 and she 8 we used to strip for each other a play doctor. Although not very well developed at age 11 she started her period and had pretty reddish pubic hair. As I recall her tits were nothing more than little buds.

Our little rendevous continued whenever we could safely be alone. Each encounter seemed a little more advanced. On one such occasion we decided we would try to fuck. We were both very horny and never once thought about the consequences of unprotected sex. Being the first time for both of us we were rather awkward. When I first put my cock in her pussy I was not very gentle and it obviously hurt her when I popped her cherry. I stopped and was ready to call it quits, but within a few minutes she was ready to try again.

When I put it in her the second time I went all the way in. It felt so good that within seconds I shot my load. Thank God I didn’t knock her up.

03-06-2011, 02:40 PM
Not having siblings I have never had an opportunity to be tempted but knowing me and the group in which I mingled as a young teen I would no doubt have taken any opportunity. I was aware of two brother/sister relationships who openly engaged in sex together. Ironically their affairs ended due to the guilt feelings of the brother.I had relationships with both. One of the girls later became a prostitute with her mother who seemed to do very well as a mother/daughter offering.
I later had a relationship with an uncle of which I had my doubts about the blood line and got caught. I was put into a boarding school as a result I went from bad to worse, but thats another story which compounded my bi-sexual desires and experiences.
I read with some interest ?? the mother/son - father/daughter stories here and wonder how many are imagination or true. I personally would never be able to cohabit with my mother - my father dissapeared at conception. Brother /sister experiences I am well aware of as I mentioned, and know of many more.

03-12-2011, 11:29 PM
Good as a fantasy but wouldn't do in reality.

03-22-2011, 06:05 PM
found it interesting never acted upon it though

03-23-2011, 01:51 AM
At one time in the not to distent past the UN childrens Organisation named Kerry in Ireland as having the highest incedence of Incest in the western world

03-24-2011, 01:05 AM
At one time in the not to distent past the UN childrens Organisation named Kerry in Ireland as having the highest incedence of Incest in the western world

They're clearly talking about the kind of incest where adults abuse kids and not the kind where adults have consensual sex together. While it is truly tragic that any child is abused by the people who should be protecting them, it isn't fair to equate that with sex between consenting adults.

03-24-2011, 12:51 PM
I guess the idea of an older woman taking advantage of a younger male...especially a woman in charge is hot...

but incest really doesn't do it for me;

03-24-2011, 02:32 PM

04-10-2011, 09:29 AM
I used to rub my sister's tits and pussy while she was sleeping. I've used her hand to jerk me off and I've rubbed my dick on her lips while she was sleeping too. I got to finger her a few times, but I never got as far as to put my dick on or in her pussy ever. I was I had...

04-10-2011, 06:46 PM
I have never fully fucked any of my family members which i supposed constitutes full incest but have had many close encounters with family members. When I was 14 my cousin saw my naked in the shower. Later that night she asked me if every guys cock was supposed to be thick because her bf's wasn't as thick as mine. I pulled it out and for a split second it was on, yet we both pulled back. We have yet to talk about it since.

I came home on a sat morning from a friday night of partying to my parents going at it up in their room. their door was open and my mom was howling. I knew my dad was hard, giving it to her good. I crept upstairs and peeked in. She was taking it like a pornstar face in the bed. I loved it yet was so scared all at the same time. I crept back to my room, as my mom my moaning my dick become harder. out of instinct I said 'hello' from down the stairs acting as if I didn't know what was going on. the door shut quick and the moaning stopped and I never asked any questions.

04-10-2011, 07:53 PM
I've only got brothers, but I've always kind of wished I had an older or twin sister who seduced me. Just a fantasy that I'll have to live out here, I suppose.

04-12-2011, 12:40 PM
I crept back to my room, as my mom my moaning my dick become harder. out of instinct I said 'hello' from down the stairs acting as if I didn't know what was going on. the door shut quick and the moaning stopped and I never asked any questions.

Cock blocked your own father while he was getting pornstar fucking, he must love you loads

04-25-2011, 08:54 AM
Hi, my father started with me when I was 14.. It went on for 3 years untill he left. I think my mom new but we never dicussed it.
I Hated it. But I did get sexual pleasure from him. I tried not to but couldn't help it most of the time.

04-26-2011, 12:25 AM
I'm sorry your father did this to you.

04-26-2011, 01:15 PM
I do like reading about incest but have no real experience with it. I am not sure why I like reading about it. Maybe its that forbidden affair that could destroy all, in some family circles should the act be brought to light. I don't know. But it is fun to read.

I admit, I have a cousin... man I tell you that girl just overflowed with sexuality. And she knew it too. Genetics was very kind to her, in physical attributes. She was truly blessed. And she had a great personality to boot. And we really hit it off together. We actually liked hanging out together and talking. And I don't say this because she is my cousin. To say I was tempted to try for her, I might have been in my mind but I knew better you might say. Very strict family upbringing and all.

We were young when this happened. She was one year older then me. I was sixteen. And we visited that side of the family every summer. My goodness, that girl needed to be leashed, I have never been chased that much by anyone. To say she was suggestive would be an understatement. And I admit, I was tempted to take her out behind the barn and do some nasty stuff with her, but never did. But I really thought she was acting so flippant because she knew I would never do anything with her.

I ran into her many years later at a family funeral. In fact she insisted that I stay at their place instead of renting a motel room. I stayed around a few days because it was nice to visit with all the family there. Her husband went to work following the funeral. And I had a chance to sit with her and talk about the good old days. It was then she confessed that she was so attracted to me when we were young, that she'd of done anything I wanted. I also admitted to her that she was hot as hell and I was really bothered by the feelings I had at the time. We laughed about that. She is still a good looking woman no doubt. And it was a nice visit, but most of all a nice memory. Even though nothing happened.

04-26-2011, 08:22 PM
I do like reading about incest but have no real experience with it. I am not sure why I like reading about it. Maybe its that forbidden affair that could destroy all, in some family circles should the act be brought to light. I don't know. But it is fun to read.

I admit, I have a cousin... man I tell you that girl just overflowed with sexuality. And she knew it too. Genetics was very kind to her, in physical attributes. She was truly blessed. And she had a great personality to boot. And we really hit it off together. We actually liked hanging out together and talking. And I don't say this because she is my cousin. To say I was tempted to try for her, I might have been in my mind but I knew better you might say. Very strict family upbringing and all.

We were young when this happened. She was one year older then me. I was sixteen. And we visited that side of the family every summer. My goodness, that girl needed to be leashed, I have never been chased that much by anyone. To say she was suggestive would be an understatement. And I admit, I was tempted to take her out behind the barn and do some nasty stuff with her, but never did. But I really thought she was acting so flippant because she knew I would never do anything with her.

I ran into her many years later at a family funeral. In fact she insisted that I stay at their place instead of renting a motel room. I stayed around a few days because it was nice to visit with all the family there. Her husband went to work following the funeral. And I had a chance to sit with her and talk about the good old days. It was then she confessed that she was so attracted to me when we were young, that she'd of done anything I wanted. I also admitted to her that she was hot as hell and I was really bothered by the feelings I had at the time. We laughed about that. She is still a good looking woman no doubt. And it was a nice visit, but most of all a nice memory. Even though nothing happened.

Memories and dreams of what might have been are wonderful. It sounds like with this lady if you wanted and were patient you could have anything you want. Who knows, that forbidden fruit might have become even more tasty over the years.

04-30-2011, 01:27 PM
I got two step brothers in early teens. The other very close to my age and a cool guy. We hit it off real well and I guess it was some kind of a fantasy for me back then. One night we were home alone and watched this film on tv and it was really erotic with loads of sex. Neither of us changed the channel, neither of us said anything but were both pretty high strung. As the film ended and we went to bed, the house still empty. I lay in my bed, aroused, thinking he might walk in my room any minute, come to my bed and take me.

He didn't though. Sad, I would have loved to have sex, but better this way because it would have been really complicated later. But damn did I have hots for him for a few years. I looked up the film, it was Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love from 1996. Mmm, perhaps I'll watch it again one of these days for old times sake.

I'm of the opinion that love/sex between stepsiblings isn't incest. There is no shared blood. And in our case not even a shared childhood. Perhaps if one has lived with a stepsibling since the age of two or five it would be quite close to incest even in my opinion.

05-01-2011, 03:21 AM
I got two step brothers in early teens. What I mean is that when I was in early teens I got two new brothers who also were in early teens.

05-03-2011, 08:21 AM
I personally would never try it with my family. But would love to be in a group with another family

05-05-2011, 11:58 AM
Sometimes I feel like the only one on this forum who detests it. Whether I was on the pill or not would make no difference.

05-05-2011, 05:50 PM
Sometimes I feel like the only one on this forum who detests it. Whether I was on the pill or not would make no difference.

Nothing wrong with not liking it. It is a kinky taboo thing that is usually better left as a fantasy anyway.

05-08-2011, 12:57 PM
The science guy in me just has to answer the original question about incest, being on the pill, and pheromones. I know this thread is really old and I didn't get a chance to read through all of the pages so hopefully this isn't a repeat. For anyone who is interested, there were actually studies conducted that show that a woman who is on the pill is more likely to be attracted to guys with pheromones more similar to her own, such as those from family members. Normally when not on the pill, a woman's body will be most attracted to pheromones of guys that are most different from her because evolutionarily this makes most sense in reproduction to make the strongest offspring. Once a woman gets pregnant, she is slightly turned off by the pheromones of those same guys and now is more attracted to those more similar to her own such as those of family members because these provide a more stable environment for her to raise her offspring. When a woman goes on the pill, she is essentially taking hormones that make her body think she is pregnant and therefore is more attracted to pheromones more similar to her own.

This may be one reason that some women are less attracted to their mates when they are pregnant. Or why when a woman goes off the pill she finds herself less attracted to a guy she met while on the pill.

That being said I think incest stories are hot and I love reading all those Brother/Sister stories on this forum!

05-18-2011, 02:20 PM
Haha, I'm visiting my mom and remembered something that happened three or four years ago. Does a 20 years older stepuncle count as incest?

My stepfathers little brother proposed to me, went as far as to inform his and my stepdad's mother of our upcoming nuptuals. My stepdad is hilarious, when he's present I laugh almost non-stop. His brother is almost as awesome. We flirted like hell, in front of the family no less, and I actually contemplated having sex with him. He's a brute of a guy, really robust and, if he want's to be, stern and gruff. I imagine he could dominate me sooo deliciously. But, again, it's family and the complications would have been more bother than his dick would have been worth. (I wouldn't have liked to see my dad's or brother's face to begin with!) In the end the whole episode died out as a family joke. But even today, when he phones my stepdad while I'm visiting and stepdad mentiones me, he remembers to remind that back then I started "messing with the wrong dick" (Mr E), his being the right one. And yeah, they always talk really dirty and swear a lot, even in front of their mother, who talks the same. It's a particular regional culture in Finland - anyone heard of Duudsonit or Dudesons as I believe they call themselvs abroad?

Besides, his character in other respects isn't the greatest, he's irresponsible, gets into debts, changes jobs thrice a year and so on - quite a turn off. Still, I would have liked a few really rough fucks from him. Sigh. But stepfathers come really handy: Once at a family party I flirted with my stepdad's childhood friend, also 20 years older than me. I was 16 then. He asked my phone number from mom after I'd left, making up some excuse. We went out secretly a couple of times, but when I got to know him more, his character didn't please me either so we never progressed to sex.

05-30-2011, 07:48 PM
I used to rub my pussy on my dads pillow... does that count... prolly not.

05-30-2011, 11:40 PM
I used to rub my pussy on my dads pillow... does that count... prolly not.

Whoa, I think it counts.

05-31-2011, 06:42 PM

05-31-2011, 09:19 PM
I wounder how many early experiences guys and girls have had. I remember a few girl cousins who I would have love to get in their panties when they were preteen.

06-01-2011, 12:56 AM

Well, technically there's no intercourse with a family member, but isn't it very sexual to rub your pussy on daddy's pillow? Or were you so young you did it without a premeditated sexual purpose? Why did you pick daddy's pillow and not your own? Isn't that choice kind of incestuous? I'm curious x)

06-01-2011, 07:07 PM
actually it was up until this year i was doing it. not sure y i do it... i'd do it again if i was homealone.

07-05-2011, 01:42 AM
my grandpa played with when from 8 to 12

07-09-2011, 09:34 PM
Although I never did it, I always wanted to have sex with my Mom

07-13-2011, 09:03 AM
man the idea of incest reaaally turns me on, there was a time when i was ganna bang my half-sister who i rarely see or know but as i was fingering her i felt sooo guilty and i stoped

07-13-2011, 06:42 PM
had my cock sucks a dozen times by my sis. She was also the local BJ queen too lol

07-13-2011, 07:43 PM
never done it but love reading about it :o

07-16-2011, 01:43 PM
my older sister at the time taught me how to finger her and she rubbed my cock

11-05-2011, 07:31 AM
My cousin and I have been intimate for a while now.

11-05-2011, 09:21 AM
I've never had actual fantasies about family members, but it was the stories I've read online that got me interested in the taboo, not with family but my boyfriend does let me call him daddy. Which is a strong turn-on for the both of us.

11-05-2011, 10:26 AM
Had fantasies bout sleeping with my sister, but unfortunately they never came to be. Sigh

12-06-2011, 05:46 PM
My wife, very conservative, seemed to get extremely turned on if I role played being a stranger that wants to explore her body, coming in to "her" bedroom while she is asleep, as soon as I got to her panties, she already orgasmed...

One day she told me about when she was young and her brother, (who she still loves and is very much in touch with), as she was laying in bed, came on top of her, and positioned his hardness against her lil pussy...

which made me believe that when I roleplay that stranger coming into her room checking her out, she is thinking of her brother... how wrong can I be?

12-11-2011, 04:48 PM
Just pointing pt , of all my fantasies and real stories I heard, I dont think it had anything to do with the pill.

12-11-2011, 10:01 PM
my sis wasn't on the pill when things happened with us .. it started really as just curiosity but progressed to more and more intense explorations into sex. There was no pill involved but then it wasn't needed .. she wanted to wear or taste my cum. To the point of asking me to see how much I could fill her up once even ..

I thought she meant her pussy ... but I found out she had different intentions when she gave me head several times in the day but not to completion .. I finally told her she wasn't going to tease me anymore and held her head down on my cock. I think that was not only my most intense up till that time .. it was also the final stroke to my being Dom ... I told her when where and how much from that time forward till i left to go into the military.

12-12-2011, 06:33 AM
I think incest is a pain in the ass if you only have brothers.

Yeah that is if no lube is used ... lol

12-14-2011, 06:03 PM
I told her when where and how much from that time forward till i left to go into the military.

Did this include fucking?

12-16-2011, 03:49 AM
I messed around with one of my cousins when we were younger, I was like 13 she was 12. She then moved to AZ and just visited after 5 yrs and she kinda acted weird but in a good way, she wanted to be around me the most.I have been thinking that she might have a crush on me or something but only time will tell.

12-16-2011, 12:58 PM
I found out a few years after I moved out that my step sister would masturbate to me.. Her GF asked me if we ever fucked and I said I wished..She told me thats what my step sister said.. Had I known ..lol So I made a comment to her soon after about having a great ass..She blew it off :( I wish she would have blew me isntead of off..lol

12-16-2011, 01:21 PM
Incest has been happening a LOT all throughout Human history, so I genuinely doubt the Pill makes much of a difference. It's possible, but it's a pretty difficult study to pull off for a variety of reasons not the least of which is the 'Taboo' of it and most people's unwillingness to discuss it. I would be curious to know where the radio show was citing it's information from.

12-29-2011, 03:20 AM
it is one of my favorite topics to read but so far no family members do it for me and my memories of the past have all faded so I can't recall if I ever experieced incest first hand

12-29-2011, 05:27 AM
When I was about 7 my eldest sister (she would have been 12) came into my room one evening and found me naked. She asked me if I would like her to rub my cock and although not knowing anything about sex at that time I was willing to let her. In a minute or so my little cock was hard and she masturbated me to a dry orgasm. After that we got together about 2 or 3 times a week and she let me finger her and rub her clit while she played with me. When I was 10 I put my cock inside her for the first time but she made me pull out before I came even though at that age my orgasms were still dry. Our sexual relationship has continued throughout our lives even though we both married and had families but we always found opportunities to get together.

12-29-2011, 08:35 AM
i,v been with my dad

01-18-2012, 09:37 AM
I have to say, why is it that the "INCEST" (Brother/sister, mother/son) related topics get the biggest responses? This thread is 13 pages, there is another one about brother and sister that is like 5 or 6. The incest stories is the only one that has subcategories.

I'll answer my own question and I'm curious what others think....the answer is of course, b/c it's fucken hot! The opposite sex relationship between family members is such a dynamic one, and there are so many stories about seeing touching feeling, it's totally "forbidden!!!!"

01-18-2012, 01:31 PM
My wife’s grandpa popped her cherry when she was 8 years old. He started playing with her at 5 and had taught her how to jack him off and suck his dick before he fucked her. I can get her to talk about her and grandpa sometimes when she has had a little too much to drink. She say even though she knew by society’s standards it was wrong but she couldn’t keep her body from enjoying it. Incest, like bestiality, stories are a huge turn-on for me.

01-18-2012, 10:54 PM
I think the pill is responsible for a lot of incest, but not because of feramones. The pill offers the opportunity to fuck without consequences. Brothers and sister and mothers and sons and daddies and daughters and cousins and the pairs go on have a tremendous inner desire to fuck each other but the mortal fear of getting caught is an extremely powerful deterrent. How do you get caught fucking? The girl gets pregnant. Take that out of the equation and the bedroom doors close and the legs open. When my cousin and I didn't know about pregnancy risks, we fucked like rabbits. When we discovered how easy it was for her to get pregnant, we quit until she was able to get a source of BC pills. Once we took the possibility of her getting pregnant from my sperm out of the picture, we were back to the rabbit hutch. The unbelievably powerful allure of fucking someone you have grown up with, lived with, been close to ever since you can remember is amazing. If the two of you are even slightly inclined to share your bodies with each other, when you take pregnancy out of the equation, it is going to happen. Feeling my cum shooting into the pussies of my aunts and cousins was/is indescribable and never gets old.

01-19-2012, 05:05 PM
Ive never heard that theory. It's one of my favorite erotic story genres, but it'll remain just a fantasy.

01-24-2012, 08:48 AM
Did this include fucking?

it included just about everything BUT fucking in the conventional way. We did a lot of stuff more to get her off and by it get me going ... I love .. absolutely LOVE watching a woman cum. I didn't know it till her but she definately got me going on it. We also had a pretty established system where she and I explored what I now know as the D/s lifestyle .. but at the time I didn't know it had a name.

01-24-2012, 08:49 AM
Incest has been happening a LOT all throughout Human history, so I genuinely doubt the Pill makes much of a difference. It's possible, but it's a pretty difficult study to pull off for a variety of reasons not the least of which is the 'Taboo' of it and most people's unwillingness to discuss it. I would be curious to know where the radio show was citing it's information from.
you're right. It's a LOT more common than people want to outwardly admit.

01-24-2012, 03:11 PM
I dont have siblings so I will never know - but if I did I am sure I would be very interested.

I have knowingly had relations with two brothers involved in incestuous relations with their sisters, and later one of the girls. That was 10 years ago and we used the pull and pray system - we were too young (13) to get the pill then. Now I would say it is possible at even younger years.

I am not aware that it caused any repercusions in later years although one of the girls did become a prostitute.

01-24-2012, 06:45 PM
My mom and I had a complicated relationship that started with me jacking off in front of her on occasion when I was a teen, evolving to her occasionally showing me her tits while I did it, to frequent handjobs. She gave me a blowjob once for my birthday. Now she just sends me a card, lol.

01-25-2012, 02:42 AM
naughtygirl4 Well tell us more did you enjoy it or was it a one off. :)

01-26-2012, 09:32 AM
i,m on the pill after catching my brother jacking off we play together a lot i love feeling him cum in my pussy love it even more when he sucks his cum from my hot pussy

01-26-2012, 05:07 PM
always thought daddy/daughter was kinda naughty, never done it though

02-02-2012, 02:22 AM
haha when I was 16 my dad was drunk and started cuddling me and got an erection and next thing I know I'm blowing him haha.

02-06-2012, 03:51 AM
i bet it was hott

02-06-2012, 11:31 PM
When I was younger I wished I'd had a chance to tap my mom. Now that I'm getting up in the years, I hope that one day many years in the future I'll have a daughter who'll have fun doing the nasty with her dirty old man father.

Ah, but if wishes were horses...

02-07-2012, 10:12 PM
Hey I was one of those daughters!

02-11-2012, 04:51 PM
For all us incest lovers, you have to extend on your stories.

02-11-2012, 05:00 PM
I wouldnt mind it if my younger sis caught me jerking off and wanted to help out

02-11-2012, 07:49 PM
Hey I was one of those daughters!

I hope I have a daughter as good as you!

I'm curious, how do you feel about continuing the tradition?

02-11-2012, 08:21 PM
I hope I have a daughter as good as you!

I'm curious, how do you feel about continuing the tradition?

Agreed i woudlnt be upset if i have a daughter and wanted to play with me.

02-14-2012, 12:03 AM
when my sister was 13 and i was 12 she let me watch her masturbate if i would do her chores for her. she used to squirt more than any girl i've ever seen. i would jack off while i watched, obviously. we never did anything with each other, really, but she let me use her vibrator on her a couple times.

04-15-2012, 12:08 AM
My mother caught me masturbating in bed watching porn I was just 15. I tried to cover up. She said don't stop. I like to watch your dad when he does it. With some hesitation I started stroking again and then it happened. She walked over, sat on the edge of the bed and said "here let me help you" and she stroked and then sucked me till I came in her mouth. Next time we did 69 and sucked each other off. This went on for a few years till I went to college - but she never let me fuck her

04-15-2012, 02:18 AM
My mother caught me masturbating in bed watching porn I was just 15. I tried to cover up. She said don't stop. I like to watch your dad when he does it. With some hesitation I started stroking again and then it happened. She walked over, sat on the edge of the bed and said "here let me help you" and she stroked and then sucked me till I came in her mouth. Next time we did 69 and sucked each other off. This went on for a few years till I went to college - but she never let me fuck her

How hard did you try to fuck her? Ever consider starting things up again now that you're both older?

04-16-2012, 09:23 AM
How hard did you try to fuck her? Ever consider starting things up again now that you're both older?

I tried quite hard but she was ace at making me cum when I started to try get in position to push my cock in her - and her fingers up my ass hole limited my body movements somewhat.
Thought about starting up again but she's moved on and seems very with her new man

04-16-2012, 12:25 PM
I tried quite hard but she was ace at making me cum when I started to try get in position to push my cock in her - and her fingers up my ass hole limited my body movements somewhat.
Thought about starting up again but she's moved on and seems very with her new man

That's too bad. Interesting that she drew the line at fucking. I'd do almost anything to get my cock in my mom. You've come far closer than I ever will.

04-22-2012, 03:24 PM
Me and my cousin use to mess around and do it when we were younger, but she's married now so that stopped a while back. It was pretty fun from what i remember.

04-22-2012, 04:41 PM
When I was a teen I had sex relations with a family member for a few years.
Now as an adult I enjoy reading and having some online fantasy play.
But I am not on the pill and was not on the pill for two of the three years I had
relations with my older family member.

05-01-2012, 03:17 AM
My Mother and I started our relationship some forty years ago when I was in my late twenties. I'd had a vasectomy during my marriage (later divorced) so the pill was not needed. Sex with mother was awsome but now it has ended after several decades do to her ill health. I'm now remarried but find it difficult to have sex with my wife due to comparing it with what I had with Mother. I still masturbate over memories of what we did and get great satisfaction that way.
There is nothing to compare being in your birth canal making love.

06-05-2012, 03:09 PM
i need to fuck my sister lol

08-31-2012, 05:07 PM
I have a thing for incest stories, but I wouldnt want to fuck my mom or sister. I satisfy my fantasy by having my girl call me daddy sometimes when we're having sex

09-01-2012, 04:51 AM
Hey I was one of those daughters!
I wanted my dad so bad when I was a teen I dreamed about it often. He was not having it even though he could've had me day, noon and night whenever he wanted. hehe

09-01-2012, 04:57 PM
I wanted my dad so bad when I was a teen I dreamed about it often. He was not having it even though he could've had me day, noon and night whenever he wanted. hehe

wow if I were him and single I would of taken you up on that til your hearts content

09-21-2012, 07:43 AM
This has nothing to do with the pill, but I love the idea of incest. The stories turn me on. The fact I have had sex with my daughter even hightens the feelings while reading stories about it.

09-21-2012, 11:51 AM
This has nothing to do with the pill, but I love the idea of incest. The stories turn me on. The fact I have had sex with my daughter even hightens the feelings while reading stories about it.

How did you two get together?

09-27-2012, 07:33 AM
Would love to hear more about u and daughter

05-05-2013, 05:52 AM
fucked my sister in law once. She was tight. Would love to get between my daughter's legs, but don't think that will ever happen.

05-15-2013, 01:10 PM
While I find the idea incredibly hot, I would never act on it even if given the opportunity. I do fantasize about my sister, though... I would imagine catching her masturbating and watching porn, and we would both be turned on. I would help her finish... A hot thought, but nothing I would do in reality. Family is too sacred for that, IMHO

05-15-2013, 07:04 PM
I have no siblings unfortunately so I havent had the opportunity to test the theory.
I have however had sex with the brother of two couples - brother and sister who engaged in incest. We were all around 12/14 y.o.
I have no idea if the pill had anything to do with their attraction to each other but it was purely the sex they enjoyed together as I did with him. We were all aware of the relationship and they appeared to have no concerns about the fact we all knew.

02-27-2014, 10:41 PM
You can usually tell when someone is making up fantasy stuff about how their incest relationship started. When they start talking about how sexy she was, or how she saw my cock and knew she had to have etc etc etc i tend to smile and stifle a giggle, because it is not real. I can tell you from experience the first time we felt like we had found a loaded gun. Or the first time i saw a dead body in the woods. Or got picked by the cops for ditching school in the third grade. Nothing felt sexy about it until a few days had past and we wanted to feel some of those physical highs again. Not that we wanted to be with each other anymore than we did on the playground. And i just shake my head when i read cum inside me brother, son, daddy, etc; i want you to make me pregnant.

03-18-2015, 06:36 AM
When my sister and I were in our early teens we fooled around. I went down on her and she gave me blow jobs where we both came. we also watched each other masturbate regularly but never had full sex

09-19-2015, 07:18 AM
Mid teens, my sister 2 years older, fingered her many times over one summer, got blow job a couple times from her

09-19-2015, 06:39 PM
Here is a story of a sort of incest coming to real life. I was about 13 and I was riding in the back seat of the car with my mom, my aunt, and my cousin. My cousin Connie is my age and she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. She has brown hair, dark skin and a real cutie. For some reason I started to touch her thigh. And I started rubbing her leg with my fingers. Her skin was real soft and warm. I was loving the feeling of her soft skin. I had a huge hard on doing this. I could hear her breathing as she watched me doing this. And she didn't try to stop me.

11-09-2015, 10:51 PM
I have two half-sisters I just discovered from one of my dad's dalliances. And they're pretty hot. I met them once. At least one of them is curious about me and just friended me on Facebook last month. Stay tuned...

11-12-2015, 10:49 AM
I agree .. I am on the pill and this was a big factor for me to let my son cum in me while we have sex ... we have been lovers for the past 7 months now and every time we have sex he wants to cum in me and I do get turned on by this a lot too ..

I was lying on the bed masturbating on afternoon and was carried away having a heavy cum off when my son walked in quite by accident and he just stood smiling I had no clothes on so I could not cover up and eventually he just took his cock out and took his his pants down and lay by my side It was a huge cock and I had never seen it hard before. He began letting it sway around my thighs and at a sudden rush of excitement I took it and placed it near my cunt lips and he pushed it into me he fucked me hard and I liked it very much. I told him not to cum inside me as I was not any precautions at that time so he just pulled out and shot it al over my tits. I found that for later fucks I was better to take the pill and let him cum inside me. We have been fucking for several years now.

11-12-2015, 10:55 AM
Although I never did it, I always wanted to have sex with my Mom

Try it Geno you may be surprised at what happens she may just want it.

11-12-2015, 12:15 PM
I was very close with a cousin growing up, she and I "helped" each other learn things during the curious teenage years....14ish to around 17 or so. We did everything under the sun. She even taught her best friend how to give a blowjob with my very willing participation. SOOO many good memories!!!

A bit different, but kind of similar....my stepmom at the time, she'd let me jerk off while watching her take a bath, she seemed to really enjoy me cumming on her tits while she was still in the bathtub. Ahhhh...the good ole days!!!

11-21-2015, 11:31 AM
I don't know about the link with the pill but when I was 14 I had sex with my 18 year old female cousin and the sex was average.

04-06-2016, 09:21 PM
I've read all these posts and have to say that I've never fantasized even once about having sex with my mother, father, sisters, daughters, or sons . . EVER !! Not even remotely. Even when I changed their diapers I never once looked at their genitals with any kind of sexual thoughts or ideas. Later in life as they grew older I never once thought of trying to see them nude or underwear nor did I have a desire to do so. Sure it happened a couple times accidentally when they forgot to close a door but that was it, an accident and it didn't turn me on or even remotely interest me; although, it did embarrass me.

As someone said, I've created a story-line in my head where a sister or daughter and I were having sex, that is I was tempted or training her, and we had the most amazing sex ever. The sister or daughter in the story were not my relatives nor really any one I knew but merely an image created in my head and became the most awesome sex partner. It was always consensual and quite exhilarating. Being an oral preferred sex act person, I always give them more climaxes than they can handle.

I must say however, that I had few female cousins that given the opportunity, I'm not sure we would have engaged in sex, but certainly some heavy kissing and who knows after that. Each I was attracted to and they to me and that's all I know about how I/they felt. I do know that were I too see them naked, my natural reaction would have been to turn my head but if I thought quick enough I would have remained staring. How far would I go with that? IDK. Sex? Hmmmmm, maybe but again IDK. :-)

07-02-2016, 09:54 PM
I recently found out that my best buddy has secretly been fucking his cousin and got her pregnant last year and expecting a baby in August. He told me over some drinks the other night when we were celebrating our sports team's victory. He's very worried what the child will look like but on the plus side, they discovered they're having a baby girl so they're hoping it looks more like her since girls often resemble their mothers.

And yes, she was on the pill when she got pregnant.

07-08-2016, 11:30 PM
I recently found out that my best buddy has secretly been fucking his cousin and got her pregnant last year and expecting a baby in August. He told me over some drinks the other night when we were celebrating our sports team's victory. He's very worried what the child will look like but on the plus side, they discovered they're having a baby girl so they're hoping it looks more like her since girls often resemble their mothers.

And yes, she was on the pill when she got pregnant.

So was my cousin when I got her pregnant.

07-08-2016, 11:57 PM
You can usually tell when someone is making up fantasy stuff about how their incest relationship started. When they start talking about how sexy she was, or how she saw my cock and knew she had to have etc etc etc i tend to smile and stifle a giggle, because it is not real. I can tell you from experience the first time we felt like we had found a loaded gun. Or the first time i saw a dead body in the woods. Or got picked by the cops for ditching school in the third grade. Nothing felt sexy about it until a few days had past and we wanted to feel some of those physical highs again. Not that we wanted to be with each other anymore than we did on the playground. And i just shake my head when i read cum inside me brother, son, daddy, etc; i want you to make me pregnant.

Well said. The pleasure and excitement overcums the intense fear of getting caught. (Even after all these years.)

03-11-2017, 04:14 PM
when i was dating my girlfriend who became my wife, i used to stay around her place, she was 16 i was 19, her mum and dad allowed me to sleep on the sofa downstairs, whilst my girlfriend slept upstairs. her younger sister slept downstairs, she was pretty and had a big pair of tits for her age. she used to come around with us and when her sister and me wanted sex, normally in a field, bushes, playground, she would wait for us . joked about watching us and hearing us. after a time when we was out, we tried to have sex but kept getting disturbed so gave up and went home, i was horny as hell and hadnt cum for nearly a week, my balls was full, her sister was taking the micky saying my balls will burst. anyway when everyone was in bed i was laid there with a cock that wouldnt go down, i needed to empty my ball. i had to try my luck with the younger sister, so i sneaked into her room, she was awake and said its taken a long time for me to come in, it seems she was waiting. i ask could she help me, i know its wrong but i would love her to help. yes she said. my cock shot up to full stiffness, she said take my bottoms off so she could see it, i dropped them and she stared at my cock. she said, please be quite, so i got closer thinking i was in for a wank and she pulled the blankets back, she was naked, jump in she said, so i did, she had such a tight body, and she wasnt a virgin, come on , let me help you she said, so i climbed on her, we kissed fondled, my fingers entered her pussy, i even went for her bumhole but was told, no, please put it in me she said, so i slowly slid it in her, my god she was so tight and so wet, please dont tell my sister she said, i wont i said, i humped her tight pussy, i couldnt last its been to long since last cum, i going to cum i said, i dug my head in her shoulder and pumped my cum in her young hole, it was heaven, she came as well, her bed was soaked with our cum. you better go. so i did back to my sofa, my balls emptied in her young sister. we messed about a few times after, over a few years , she was hot

04-01-2017, 09:21 AM
I was lying on the bed masturbating on afternoon and was carried away having a heavy cum off when my son walked in quite by accident and he just stood smiling I had no clothes on so I could not cover up and eventually he just took his cock out and took his his pants down and lay by my side It was a huge cock and I had never seen it hard before. He began letting it sway around my thighs and at a sudden rush of excitement I took it and placed it near my cunt lips and he pushed it into me he fucked me hard and I liked it very much. I told him not to cum inside me as I was not any precautions at that time so he just pulled out and shot it al over my tits. I found that for later fucks I was better to take the pill and let him cum inside me. We have been fucking for several years now.

Having had a relationship with my brother and having sex with him for over several years and found nothing wrong with doing this I have to say like you sally I have just started to be fucked by my son. It all seemed to happen quite natural and I like you am enjoying doing it. I thought at first that I would feel a little guilty with my son but I enjoy it like you do. As I have been having a relationship with my brother all those years I am already on the pill so In did not have to worry about my son letting his cum go inside me. In fact I love him to spunk right inside me it feels great. I find my sex life so gratifying as I am a mature lady and like getting as much sex as I can. Send me a PM sally so I can tell you more about it.

08-14-2018, 11:04 AM
Glad you like doing it dodger keep it up nothing wrong doing it

08-15-2018, 07:09 AM
When I was 35 and she was 37, my female cousin and her family, who lived over in Europe, came to visit. I'd only met her in person 15 years earlier. At 37 she was very hot, she didn't try to "dress for sexcess", but her heat showed through whatever she wore. One afternoon, she'd stayed behind at my parents house, while her husband and her two daughters were out touring the trendy shopping mecca in our city. We started talking, my parents were out, and she lured me upstairs and into bed. I had absolutely no qualms, when she shimmied out of her clothes, we were quickly in bed, and we fucked up a storm, she was a screamer, she really vocalized her pleasure, bringing me to a gushing release, as I blew my nut into her. We did it again, and we were out of bed, dressed as if nothing had happened, when her family returned. I thought that was the end of it, but 3 more times, she was able to get away, and each time we got together, fucking furiously, she wanted it hard, fast and more than once on every occasion. My cock was happy to oblige. Such a great memory.

05-23-2019, 10:35 PM
haha when I was 16 my dad was drunk and started cuddling me and got an erection and next thing I know I'm blowing him haha.

I can only hope that when my daughter gets older she will be like that.

Bridgit Astar
05-24-2019, 09:39 AM
I can only hope that when my daughter gets older she will be like that.

oooh--that is so hot

07-07-2019, 12:58 PM
Ill keep my fingers crossed. Until then its only fantasy